6G e Beyond - The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

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6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

Article  in  IEEE Access · July 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010896


231 6,793

3 authors, including:

Ahan Kak Shuai Nie

Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology


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Received June 23, 2020, accepted July 6, 2020, date of publication July 21, 2020, date of current version July 31, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010896

6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless

Communications Systems
Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
Corresponding author: Ahan Kak (ahan@ece.gatech.edu)
This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant ECCS-1608579 and Grant CNS-1547353,
and in part by the U.S. Army Research Office under Grant W911NF-19-1-0043.

ABSTRACT 6G and beyond will fulfill the requirements of a fully connected world and provide ubiquitous
wireless connectivity for all. Transformative solutions are expected to drive the surge for accommodating a
rapidly growing number of intelligent devices and services. Major technological breakthroughs to achieve
connectivity goals within 6G include: (i) a network operating at the THz band with much wider spectrum
resources, (ii) intelligent communication environments that enable a wireless propagation environment
with active signal transmission and reception, (iii) pervasive artificial intelligence, (iv) large-scale net-
work automation, (v) an all-spectrum reconfigurable front-end for dynamic spectrum access, (vi) ambient
backscatter communications for energy savings, (vii) the Internet of Space Things enabled by CubeSats
and UAVs, and (viii) cell-free massive MIMO communication networks. In this roadmap paper, use
cases for these enabling techniques as well as recent advancements on related topics are highlighted, and
open problems with possible solutions are discussed, followed by a development timeline outlining the
worldwide efforts in the realization of 6G. Going beyond 6G, promising early-stage technologies such
as the Internet of NanoThings, the Internet of BioNanoThings, and quantum communications, which are
expected to have a far-reaching impact on wireless communications, have also been discussed at length in this

INDEX TERMS 6G, wireless communications, terahertz band, intelligent communication environments,
pervasive artificial intelligence, network automation, all-spectrum reconfigurable transceivers, ambient
backscatter communications, cell-free massive MIMO, Internet of NanoThings, Internet of BioNanoThings,
quantum communications.

I. INTRODUCTION continues to evolve and adapt to a wide variety of emerging

Wireless communication systems have experienced substan- use cases.
tial revolutionary progress over the past few years. Various However, as societal needs continue to evolve, there has
stakeholders, including commercial solutions providers, aca- been a marked rise in a plethora of emerging use cases that
demic research groups, standards bodies, and end-users, have cannot be served satisfactorily with 5G. For example, the next
all greatly benefited from the radical changes led by the most generation of VAR, i.e., holographic teleportation, requires
recent 5G developments, which include paradigm-defining Tbps-level data rates and microsecond-level latency, which
techniques such as network softwarization and virtualization, cannot be achieved with even the millimeter wave (mmWave)
massive MIMO, ultra-densification, and the introduction of frequency bands within 5G. Further, increasing industrial
new frequency bands. Numerous burgeoning applications and automation and the move from Industry 4.0 to the upcoming
verticals, including virtual and augmented reality (VAR), Industry X.0 paradigm will push connectivity density well
e-commerce, contactless payment, machine-to-machine beyond the 106 km2 metric that 5G is designed for, in addition
communications, and enhanced mobile broadband, among to requiring an overhaul of existing network management
others, have demonstrated the vast potential of 5G, which practices. Further, an increase in the connection density will
also result in demands for improved energy efficiency, which
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and 5G is not designed for. Consequently, the research community
approving it for publication was Haipeng Yao . has gravitated towards addressing the aforementioned major

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 8, 2020 133995
I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

TABLE 1. The evolution from 5G to 6G wireless systems [1]. values that should be guaranteed to 95% of all user
locations [1].
• System Latency: This class of KPIs includes the end-
to-end latency metric, along with delay jitter. We note
that jitter is a new KPI for 6G that quantifies the latency
variations in the system, and is absent from 5G.
• System Management: This class of KPIs primarily
deals with metrics related to the management and
orchestration of networks such as energy efficiency,
reliability, and mobility. Here too we note that while
5G does not specify a target KPI for the energy effi-
ciency metric, 6G introduces a target energy efficiency
of 1 Tb/J.
Achieving the KPIs highlighted in Table 1 will require
revolutionary breakthroughs across all domains of wireless
communications. In particular, we identify the following
major thrusts:
• New Spectrum Usage and Radio Design Paradigms:
While 5G ensured the mainstream adoption of mmWave
spectrum, the need for higher data rates and conse-
challenges, and we posit that ongoing research in the domains quently larger channel bandwidths will necessitate the
of terahertz band communications, intelligent surfaces and incorporation of terahertz (THz) and sub-THz spectrum
environments, and network automation, for example, may within 6G. At the same time, the opening up of new
very well hold the key to the future of wireless. spectrum bands will also require novel radio designs
To this end, an amalgamation of societal needs and techno- that can simultaneously sense and communicate over the
logical breakthroughs that serve to enable those needs are the entire EM spectrum.
key drivers for a generational leap beyond existing wireless • Novel Network Architectures: The classical cell-based
systems. Together, these factors make a strong case for a architecture of wireless networks cannot scale to meet
focused discourse on the next frontier in wireless communi- the area traffic capacity and connection density require-
cations, i.e., 6G systems. We envision that 6G will not only ments put forth by 6G. Instead, 6G will need to incorpo-
enable a pervasively intelligent, reliable, scalable, and secure rate communications infrastructure into the very fabric
terrestrial wireless network, but will also incorporate space of the environment.
communications to form an omnipresent wireless network, • Increasing Intelligence and Automation: The strict
in keeping with the need for true wireless ubiquity. This spectral efficiency, reliability, and latency requirements
paper details our vision for the future of wireless commu- associated with 6G imply that manual configuration of
nications, highlighting emerging use cases and detailing the the network will no longer be possible. Rather, network
key enabling technologies that are essential to the realization intelligence and automation will occupy centre stage,
of 6G. helping build an increasingly autonomous network.
We begin our discussion on 6G by formally introducing the • Enhancing Network Coverage Beyond the Terres-
key performance indicators (KPIs) that are expected to guide trial Domain: In order to achieve true wireless ubiquity,
the design of 6G systems. While the ITU Telecommunication 6G will need to expand beyond terrestrial networks,
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is working on a set of official incorporating both near-Earth as well as deep-space
recommendations for the KPI metrics, the tentative values connectivity.
have appeared in the public domain recently [1]. Table 1 Towards the fulfillment of this grand vision, we note that
presents these values and contrasts them against the metrics several enabling solutions have been conceived and are being
associated with 5G. These KPIs serve as the fundamental actively studied. As shown in Figure 1, these technologies
metrics to evaluate system performance. In particular, from include: (i) a network operating at the THz band with abun-
the table, we note the following classes of KPIs: dant spectrum resources, (ii) intelligent communication envi-
• System Capacity: This class of KPIs primarily deals ronments that enable a wireless propagation environment
with metrics that are associated with system throughput. with active signal transmission and reception, (iii) pervasive
These include peak data rate, experienced data rate, artificial intelligence, (iv) large-scale network automation,
peak spectral efficiency, experienced spectral efficiency, (v) an all-spectrum reconfigurable front-end for dynamic
maximum channel bandwidth, area traffic capacity, and spectrum access, (vi) ambient backscatter communications
connection density. Within this context, the experienced for energy savings, (vii) the Internet of Space Things enabled
data rate and spectral efficiency metrics refer to the by CubeSats and UAVs, and (viii) cell-free massive MIMO

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FIGURE 1. The envisioned key enabling technologies for 6G and beyond wireless communications systems.

communication networks. We also make note of three very 6G. Further, Sections III – VI present details concerning key
promising technologies that are expected to shape the future technologies that are critical to the success of 6G, along with
of communications, yet will not be sufficiently mature for 6G. a discussion on the major challenges faced by each. Then,
These include: (i) the Internet of NanoThings, (ii) the Inter- in Section XI, we discuss promising enablers for beyond 6G
net of BioNanoThings, and (iii) quantum communications. systems, followed by a timeline for the evolution of 6G in
Further, in addition to the aforementioned key technologies, Section XII. Finally, in Section XIII, we conclude this paper.
holistic security solutions will also be vital to the success
of 6G. However, these fall outside the purview of this paper. II. USE CASES
Further, we posit that while prior art concerning 6G wire- The lessons learned from the continued evolution of 5G
less systems has been become increasingly commonplace systems will serve as the backdrop for use cases that will be
over the past year [2]–[7], a majority of the past publications best served by 6G. 5G first introduced the targeted use cases
in this domain focus on a select few topics, potentially ham- of enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low-
pering a comprehensive overview in terms of key aspects that latency communication (URLLC), and massive machine type
are expected to shape the future of wireless communications. communications (mMTC), intended to serve a wide variety
In addition, discussion concerning beyond 6G systems such of applications. However, as noted in Section I, there exist a
as the Internet of NanoThings, the Internet of BioNanoTh- plethora of applications for which the 5G KPIs are not strict
ings, and quantum communications is equally critical but enough. As we come to realize the performance trade-offs in
largely absent from existing publications. terms of throughput, latency, coverage, energy efficiency, and
As research on 6G wireless systems continues to evolve reliability, associated with 5G systems, we can better posit the
and break new ground, this paper is intended to equip readers applications that would benefit the most from 6G. As shown
with a targeted insight into the next generation of wire- in Figure 2, in the following, we present a variety of critical
less communications. More specifically, through this paper, use cases that will be enabled by 6G.
we aim to deliver a holistic roadmap for 6G and beyond
wireless systems, replete with a detailed discussion surround- A. MULTI-SENSORY HOLOGRAPHIC TELEPORTATION
ing the use cases and key enabling technologies. The larger While virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
goal here is to encourage the scientific community to work have immensely benefited from eMBB and URLLC
together towards tackling the critical research challenges introduced as part of 5G, there are many applications such as
associated with the realization of the 6G systems. advanced healthcare including remote diagnosis and surgery,
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, high-resolution sensing for remote exploration, and near-real
we present a wide variety of use cases that will be enabled by person video conferencing that cannot be adequately served

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FIGURE 2. Use cases best served by 6G systems.

by a combination of AR and VR. To this end, holographic the constituent nodes, i.e., both vehicles and UAVs, relating
teleportation has been recognized as the natural successor to high-resolution real-time mapping of the terrain, route
to AR and VR-based solutions. Unlike existing solutions, optimization, and traffic and safety information. While the
holographic teleportation operates in a true three-dimensional resulting large volumes of data must be delivered within
space and leverages all five senses– sight, hearing, touch, strict deadlines in an error-free manner, it also impera-
smell, and taste, to provide a truly immersive experience. tive to note that these nodes typically operate at speeds
At the same time, we note that holographic teleportation in excess of 100 km/h. Therefore in addition to providing
requires data rates close to 5 Tbps and an end-to-end latency sub-millisecond latency and very high reliability, the con-
of less than 1 ms [8], both of which are impossible to achieve nectivity solution that enables autonomous cyber-physical
with 5G systems. Thus, 6G, with its expected Tbps-level systems must also offer robust operation at very high speeds,
throughput and sub-millisecond latencies, will play a vital which is not possible with existing 5G systems [12].
role in building upon the groundwork established by eMBB
and URLLC.
Over the past few years, Industry 4.0 [13] has been the
B. REAL-TIME REMOTE HEALTHCARE driving force behind industrial automation based on the
The success of remote healthcare solutions primarily depends concepts of supply chain optimization, autonomous equip-
on both the quality as well as the availability of connectiv- ment, additive manufacturing, data analytics, and the Inter-
ity [9]. Concerning the former, we note that through its use of net of Things (IoT). Yet, these concepts are treated as silos
key enabling technologies such as THz band communications working in isolation, limiting the true potential of indus-
and network automation solutions, 6G will usher in the high- trial automation. On the other hand, the upcoming Industry
est possible wireless communications quality focusing on X.0 paradigm [14] seeks to realize synergies between the
very-high throughput augmented with ultra-low latency. Con- various nuances of industrial automation through its use of
cerning the latter, the Internet of Space Things will play a vital artificial intelligence. Vital to this vision are networked fac-
role in providing pervasive connectivity, thus enhancing the tories that serve as critical sources of big data that helps
availability of rural healthcare solutions. Further, we expect inform decision making. To this end, the modern industrial
that within the domain of healthcare, advances in 6G and floor is expected to require reliable high-throughput connec-
beyond will not only serve as a connectivity solution, but will tivity across thousands of devices often with sub-millisecond
also play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases response times, making it the perfect use case for the next
as detailed in Section XI-B. frontier in wireless communications.
Autonomous vehicles and UAVs are some of the most promis- Within the broader domain of precision agriculture, soil mois-
ing cyber-physical systems in existence today [10], [11]. ture measurements have been a mainstay in irrigation deci-
The operation of these autonomous systems is character- sions for decades now. However, real-time measurements and
ized by the exchange of large amounts of data between irrigation automation solutions still face challenges stemming

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FIGURE 3. The THz band offers hundreds of GHz usable spectrum resources for wireless communication
links in long, medium, short, indoor, and near-field range.

from a lack of robust wireless coverage. Going beyond simple been accompanied by the demand for higher data rates and
automated irrigation solutions, high-performance precision better coverage [15]. Among emerging research and devel-
agriculture is largely centered around delivering data-driven opment trends in wireless communications, terahertz band
insights to address the specific needs of customers, farms, (0.1 − 10 THz) communications has been envisioned as one
crop, and soil. At the same time, scalable and timely access of the key enabling technologies for the next decade. Buoyed
to such data is a major challenge owing to gaps in rural by the availability of ultra-wide spectrum resources, the THz
connectivity. Therefore, we expect that 6G, with its focus on band can provide terabits per second (Tbps) links for a
ubiquitous wireless access, will play a major role in enhanc- plethora of applications, ranging from ultra-fast massive data
ing the adoption of technology in agricultural production. transfer among nearby devices in Terabit Wireless Personal
and Local Area Networks to high-definition videoconferenc-
F. SPACE CONNECTIVITY ing among mobile devices in small cells.
While near-Earth and deep-space connectivity are still Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
nascent within 5G, there are a wide variety of use cases has released the frequency bands above 95 GHz for research
ranging from radio astronomy and remote sensing to nav- purposes [16]. While a handful of cellular operators have
igation and backhauling that would stand to benefit from adopted low millimeter wave frequencies for their 5G ser-
the pervasive connectivity offered by 6G. More specifically, vices with the intention of achieving a maximum data rate of
such applications include freight tracking, terrestrial cellular 100 Gbps, the test results thus far leave much to be desired,
offloading, environmental monitoring, and long-range UAV showing a peak data rate of around 1 Gbps.1 This gap between
coordination, to name a few. To this end, the Internet of the targeted and practically achievable data rates is influenced
Space Things as described in Section IX, will serve as the by multiple factors, including a high complexity in realistic
key enabling technology for beyond-Earth connectivity, fur- communication channels, imperfections in circuitry design,
thering the reach of 6G systems. and interference from other systems operating in adjacent
frequency bands, among others. Nevertheless, even though
G. SMART INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTS the THz bands have been applied in imaging and object detec-
The use cases discussed thus far primarily deal with the use of tion, as well as for THz radiation spectroscopy in astronom-
third-party systems that seek to leverage advanced telecom- ical research, their use cases in wireless communications are
munications infrastructure. Simultaneously, the evolution of still under investigation. Lying between the mmWave spec-
such infrastructure itself is an important use case. Going trum and infrared light spectrum, as shown in Figure 3, THz
beyond network optimization strategies, there is also a need bands, with their abundant spectrum resources, have been
for exercising control over the propagation of wireless sig- previously deemed as a ‘‘no-man’s land’’. However, major
nals. To this end, we note that in 5G and its predecessor sys- progress in the domains of transceiver and antenna design
tems, the wireless communication environment has always has seen THz links become a promising option for realizing
played a passive role. However, with the ever increasing indoor communications networks. More recently, there has
demand for data, as evidenced by the applications presented been significant progress on realizing wireless network on
herein, control over the manner in which electromagnetic chip (WNoC) using THz bands [17].
waves interact with the indoor and outdoor environment will
be critical to the success of 6G. In this direction, we posit A. USE CASES OF THz BAND COMMUNICATIONS
that the intelligent communication environments described Different from wireless networks at lower frequencies,
in Section IV will play a leading role in the ubiquity and THz-band wireless communications has several unconven-
pervasiveness of the next generation of wireless systems. tional application scenarios, owing to the distinct electro-
magnetic and photonics characteristics of this tremendously
high frequency band. In addition to the promised Tbps-level
Recent years have witnessed a dramatic rise in wireless
data traffic brought forth by numerous exciting technologies 1 https://www.verizon.com/about/our-company/5g/5g-speed-how-fast-is-
in wireless communications. This exponential growth has 5g

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

links for cellular systems, THz-band spectrum can also be In the photonics-based approach, many III-V semicon-
leveraged for the following scenarios: ductors, including gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium
• Local Area Networks: Several spectrum windows are phosphide (InP), which provide high electron mobility, are
feasible for short-range links within ten meters, includ- excellent candidates especially for high frequency (i.e., above
ing 625 − 725 GHz and 780 − 910 GHz [18]. THz band 100 GHz) applications. Such photonics-based techniques
communications is expected to form the THz-optics generate time-domain pulses with lengths of femto-seconds
bridge to enable seamless transition between fiber-optics (10−15 s) and experimental works have demonstrated
and THz-band links with zero latency. 50 Gbps data links in an indoor scenario at 300 GHz using the
• Personal Area Networks: THz band communications uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) technique [19].
can provide ‘‘fiber-like’’ data rate without the need of The UTC-PDs and modified UTC-PD structures, an effective
wires, between multiple devices at a distance of a few photomixing solution which allows wider spectrum tuning
meters. Such communication scenarios can be found in and simpler construction compared to laser pulse generators,
indoor offices and multimedia kiosks. has pushed the output signal range from 300 GHz to 2.5 THz,
• Data Center Networks: Conventional data centers man- with output powers of 10 µW at 300 GHz and 1 µW at
age and maintain connectivity in wired networks using 1 THz [20]. Additionally, a design based on slot-antenna-
cables, resulting in high costs in terms of both installa- integrated UTC-PDs has shown superior performance in gen-
tion and reconfiguration. On the other hand, THz links erated THz band signal strengths at 350 − 850 GHz and
provide promising prospects for seamless connectivity 900 GHz − 1.6 THz, compared to that of the bowtie-antenna
at ultra-high-speeds in fixed networks and adaptability integrated UTC-PD [21]. Similar photonics-based THz signal
for hardware reconfiguration. generation at above 1 THz can be realized using quantum cas-
• Wireless Network on Chip: As the trend in transceiver cade lasers (QCLs) and other solid state lasers [22]. However,
hardware development motivates a higher level of the operations of such devices are limited at room temper-
integration and miniaturization as well as weight reduc- atures, requiring liquid helium cooling, which affects their
tion, the THz band links can serve as a promising deployment in local area networks with space restrictions.
candidate to establish wireless connections among dif- Furthermore, photoconductive antennas (PCAs) have been
ferent modules within the transceiver chassis, in order utilized widely for both pulse and continuous-wave signal
to replace the wired connections commonly found in generation at THz band [23], demonstrating a wide spectrum
existing transceiver hardware products. (up to 4.5 THz) with a remarkable dynamic range of up to
• Nano-networks: With its wavelength falling into the 100 dB [24].
nanometer (10−9 m) range, the THz band can oper- In parallel to the photonics-based approach for THz band
ate better than any other frequencies in nano-networks. device design which down-converts the optical frequencies,
Within this context, a nano-network is a set of intercon- the electronic-based THz band signal generation relies on
nected nano-devices or nano-machines for information frequency up-conversion using multipliers [25], including
exchange, storage, and computation. A more detailed frequency doublers and triplers, as well as backward wave
overview can be found in Section XI-A. oscillators [26]. A recent experiment has demonstrated an all-
• Inter-satellite Communications: Lying largely outside electronics-based wireless link at 240 GHz with a throughput
the Earth’s atmosphere, inter-satellite links are not of 50 Gbps and a maximum 29% error vector magnitude
constrained by atmospheric attenuation, which makes using QPSK modulation [27]. The backward wave oscillator,
the THz band a favorable candidate for such communi- which is a compact design to generate THz band signals based
cation links. Compared to existing spectrum resources on the mechanism of energy transfer from an electron beam
allocated for inter-satellite links, the THz band has a to an electromagnetic wave through a vacuum tube, has been
much wider bandwidth which can accommodate more used to generate signals at 300 GHz with an output power of
satellites and achieve higher link performance. Unlike 1 W in plasma diagnostics [26].
the widely used optical links, the THz band does Among the two commonly used approaches, the photonics-
not impose stringent requirements on beam alignment, based design benefits from a relatively simpler transceiver
which can help maintain a high level of link stability as architecture based on the photomixing technique, while
satellites drift out of their orbits. the electronics-based solution relies on cascaded frequency
up-conversion of RF signals, which sets stringent require-
ments on linear-range operation and potentially limits the
B. DEVICES IN THE THz BAND terahertz bandwidth. On the other hand, the electronics-based
The need for higher output power, lower phase noise, and approach is less sensitive to environmental conditions, such
better receiving sensitivity in THz band transceivers has as temperature, humidity, among others, which makes it more
driven advances in corresponding device development. Cur- favorable for outdoor operations, whereas the link reliability
rently, three main directions are deployed in THz band signal from its photonics-based counterpart is affected by scattered
generation: photonics-based, electronic-based, and emerging particles in the channel, making the THz band link less
material-based, respectively. robust.

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Besides these classical approaches for THz band device challenging task of synchronization in the receiver design.
development, new materials, including graphene, carbon nan- Existing pulse-based modulation schemes permit the use
otubes, and graphene nanoribbons, are gaining more attention of low-complexity non-coherent analogue detectors, e.g.,
due to their extremely high electron mobility in the order of energy detector and auto-correlation receiver, which involve
8, 000 − 10, 000 cm2 /(V · s) at room temperature, as com- the multiplication of the received signal with itself, followed
pared to 1, 400 cm2 /(V · s) of silicon, and 8, 500 cm2 /(V · s) by an integrator. However, a more advanced non-coherent
of GaAs, which means that the link throughput can be poten- receiver architecture in [38] based on a continuous time
tially up to ten times higher than is currently achievable moving average symbol detection scheme demonstrates bet-
with most semiconductors [28]. The graphene-based devices, ter performance compared to previous detection schemes
offering outstanding mechanical, electrical, and optical prop- for pulse-based modulations in terms of the symbol error
erties, have been utilized in the development of power detec- rate. In addition, robust frequency and timing synchroniza-
tors at 600 GHz [29] and 200 GHz [30], as well as plasmonic tion for multi-carrier communication in the THz band is
antenna arrays and transceivers [31], [32]. Graphene-based desirable to decode multiple incoming signal streams. The
devices have the potential to break new ground in reaching work presented in [39] realizes both a low-rate sampling
the desired level of performance at much higher frequencies scheme for channels with high SNR values and a maximum
above 1 THz. likelihood-based algorithm for low SNR channels with sat-
isfying bit-error-rate performance. More recently, a synchro-
C. PHYSICAL LAYER MODELING AT THE THz BAND nization scheme based on medium access control protocols
The realization of wireless communications at THz frequen- is reported in [40], which shows good performance in both a
cies requires the development of accurate channel models to macro-scale scenario to overcome the distance limitation at
capture the impact of both channel peculiarities including the the THz band and a nano-scale scenario for nano-devices for
high atmospheric attenuation and molecular absorption rates energy harvesting.
at various transmission windows, as well as the propagation Similarly, given the peculiar ultra-wideband nature and
effects including reflection, scattering, and diffraction, with frequency selectivity of THz band communications, equal-
respect to different materials. Current research has reported ization solutions pose another relevant challenge [15], [41].
several efforts to provide fundamental understanding of such In [42], three equalization solutions, including the Tomlinson-
channels. For example, an early work in [33] demonstrates Harashima precoding, a waveform with interference manage-
the remarkable capacity the THz band channel can support ment for time-reversal systems, and an iterative algorithm
for short transmission distances. The model provides a detail with adaptive soft feedback, are reviewed and compared for
analysis on the effect of attenuation caused by the molecular an indoor channel. Results show that the iterative algorithm
absorption and spreading loss, on which the performance with adaptive soft feedback yields the most promising BER
of channel throughput is heavily dependent. One step fur- performance [42].
ther, in order to extend the transmission distance at THz
bands, an idea dubbed as the ultra-massive multiple-input D. MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL IN THz BAND
multiple-output (UM MIMO) communications, enabled by COMMUNICATIONS
an element array size of 1024 × 1024 with plasmonic nano- On top of physical layer channel models, the medium access
antennas, can drastically boost the signal strength by steering control (MAC) schemes in THz band communications should
and focusing the transmitted beams in both space and fre- adopt certain spatial and spectral features in order to pro-
quency [34]. Correspondingly, a UM MIMO channel model vide solutions in resolving issues such as the deafness prob-
has been developed in [35] which takes into account the role lem and LoS blockage, among others [43], [44]. Different
of such arrays. from commonly used MAC solutions in RF systems that
Additionally, a stochastic channel model for indoor THz utilize omnidirectional antennas, such as carrier sense mul-
band communications at 300 GHz has been reported in [36] tiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), the MAC
which characterizes both spatial and temporal domain chan- protocols designed for THz band rely on handshakes between
nel information. More recently, based on the aforemen- transceivers with highly directional beams. These razor-sharp
tioned applicable scenarios in the THz band, a stochastic beams can provide higher power radiation gain and prolong
channel model for kiosk applications has been reported the transmission distance, but when misalignment happens,
in [37] which ranges from 200 − 340 GHz. The main take- the deafness problem arises. As such, the deafness avoidance
away from current models validated using either mea- approach is required in MAC scheme design. Existing solu-
surements or the ray-tracing technique is that the direct tions utilized in IEEE 802.15.3c [45] and others employ a
path between the transmitter and the receiver and the beam-training phase to estimate and steer beams towards des-
single-bounce reflected paths dominate the received power, tined devices. Recent works also propose methods based on
while other channel effects, including diffraction and scatter- angular division multiplexing [46] and a priori aided channel
ing, attenuate power significantly along propagation. tracking schemes [47]. The results in such proposed solutions
On the basis of the ultra-wideband channel character- suggest that with good beam alignment strategies the channel
ization, THz band communications faces a critical and throughput can be improved significantly.

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

Moreover, the MAC protocols can also resolve the issue IV. INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS
of LoS blockage where the received power of a user device Along with the rapid growth in the number of wireless
may undergo deep fading due to the device being held in devices, services, and applications, a corresponding demand
a manner that blocks the LoS path. Studies have shown for higher speed wireless communications has burgeoned in
that such attenuation by the human body can be as high as recent years. Nevertheless, the major challenge at mmWave
20 dB at 60 GHz and up [49], [50]. To mitigate the blockage and THz-band frequencies is the limited communication dis-
problem, researchers have proposed a multi-hop scheme at tance because of the remarkably high path loss inherent to
the mmWave and THz bands to form alternative routes [51], small wavelengths and the limited transmission power of
[52]. A careful link-level scheduling and neighbor discovery mmWave and THz-band transceivers [56]. Current solutions
process is necessary to achieve high throughput while main- primarily focus on the advancement of wireless transceiver
taining low interference. hardware and software, as well as network optimization
strategies. However, the wireless propagation medium has
E. OPEN PROBLEMS IN THz BAND COMMUNICATIONS been largely neglected. The wireless communication environ-
Currently, the fabrication and testing of THz band antenna ments, for both indoor and outdoor scenarios, can be actively
arrays remains a relevant challenge. Some techniques based utilized in order to become controllable for signal propaga-
on photolithography, electro-beam lithography, among oth- tion. To control signal propagation in environments is essen-
ers, are able to produce the front-end with hundreds of plas- tially to control how electromagnetic waves interact with
monic antenna elements. The utilization of large antenna scatterers, which include indoor furniture and outdoor build-
arrays can extend the signal coverage by forming array radi- ings as well as other infrastructure. Typically, the control-
ation patterns with main lobes of high directivity, thus focus- lable behaviors of electromagnetic waves include controlled
ing energy towards desired directions. However, such highly reflection, absorption, wave collimation, signal waveguiding,
directional beams limit coverage in the angular domain, caus- and polarization tuning, as illustrated in Figure 4. The notion
ing low energy efficiency at the transmitter to serve each user. of ‘‘Intelligent Communication Environments’’ resides in the
A recent solution named ‘‘THzPrism’’ has been proposed control algorithms where deep learning and reinforcement
to form multiple beams with slight frequency shifts towards learning are to be exploited to dynamically configure the
different directions while maintaining good distance cover- environments. In the following subsections, we elaborate on
age [53] in addition to other proposed solutions discussed these controllable wave behaviors, current research efforts,
in Section III-C to solve the transmission distance problem. as well as corresponding open issues.
This design employs true time delays for RF chains before
phase-shifters to obtain a prism-like effect, which spreads the A. BASICS OF INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATION
original beam into several beams, each with a slight frequency ENVIRONMENTS
shift with respect to the center frequency. The intelligent environments can be seen as a three-
In parallel to the quest for more novel solutions in antenna dimensional structure with several layers, each with differ-
design, other remaining challenges reside in the control ent functionalities. Recent research under the EU Research
and signal processing schemes associated with transceiver Project ‘‘VisorSurf’’ has demonstrated a structure with five
designs in the THz band. On the one hand, real-time con- main layers, which are (from top to bottom) the EM behavior
trol algorithms are needed. On the other hand, communi- layer, the actuation and sensing layer, the shielding layer,
cation protocols for coordination between the transmitter, the computing layer, and the communication layer, respec-
receiver, and reflectarrays are needed. Among others, in [54], tively [57]. Specifically, the EM behavior layer is composed
researchers reported a smart reflectarray-assisted mmWave of metasurfaces, a two-dimensional representation of meta-
system compatible with IEEE 802.11ad. Besides the design materials, and has a tunable impedance to control direc-
of the reflectarray and a study on deployment strategies, tions of reflection of the EM waves. Some other works use
a three-way beam-searching protocol is developed, in which reflectarray antennas as the top surface [58], [59]. The actu-
the reflectarray coordinates with the transmitter through a ation and sensing layer consists of circuits for phase shift-
2.4 GHz control channel in order to discover the best joint ing and sensors for impinging signal sensing. Some options
transmit and reflect sectors for which the signal at the receiver for actuation include PIN diodes with controllable biasing
is maximized. However, this work does not capture the voltage as switches in reflectarray antennas, and complemen-
extended functionalities of plasmonic reflectarrays. Further- tary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) transistors as well
more, when highly directional beams are utilized at mobile as micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) switches for metasur-
transceivers, a relevant challenge arises from the limited faces. The shielding layer isolates the upper and lower parts of
field-of-view of antenna arrays for each transceiver to locate the layered structure so as to minimize the possible interfer-
the next hop to forward its data; thus, new routing solutions ence. The computing layer serves to control the phase shifts
are necessary for THz band communications to efficiently and process sensed impinging waves. To this end, another
discover and establish links. A study in [55] reports a solution reported solution makes use of field-programmable gated
in link discovery at THz band using a leaky-wave antenna to arrays (FPGAs) to fulfill such functions on metasurfaces [60].
sense the angular information of a user. Finally, the communication layer connects all upper layers

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 4. Conceptual design of a plasmonic reflectarray able to unconventionally manipulate EM

waves [48].

and serves as the gateway towards the central controller which as shown in Figure 4 [34]. Therefore, by incorporating the
processes all connection requests, forwards and receives graphene-based plasmonic antenna arrays at THz bands and
signals, and conducts the aforementioned controlled wave metasurfaces operating at mmWave bands, we can expand the
functions. operational spectrum of intelligent environments and utilize
Compared to existing relays with multiple antennas which them in transmission and reception in a controllable manner.
are widely deployed in wireless networks, Intelligent Com-
munication Environments offer the following advantages: C. LAYERED STRUCTURE OF INTELLIGENT
(i) a higher spatial diversity due to the wide coverage COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTS
of the intelligent surface with controllable antenna arrays, Based on the operating principles of the aforementioned
(ii) a reduced processing time given that the computing and Intelligent Communication Environments, in this subsection,
communication layers are directly underneath the surface we anatomize the layered structure and detail each layer’s
layer, and (iii) a higher flexibility in network routing when functionality.
impinging signals come from different directions and the
intelligent surfaces are able to collimate waves and reflect
them towards desired directions. 1) METAMATERIAL PLANE
The metamaterial plane is also the surface plane, as shown
B. FUNCTIONALITIES OF INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS in Figure 4. In designs based on reflectarrays, phase shifts
Bolstered by the layered structure, intelligent surfaces can are applied to each element to improve useful signals while
enable controlled EM wave operations. At micro- and canceling interference [58], [61]. The metasurface element
mmWave frequencies, metasurfaces are considered as a good proposed in [62] with millimeter-scale dimensions is con-
candidate. While at THz bands, graphene-based plasmonic nected to a PIN diode with a bias voltage to control operation
antenna arrays are desirable. In metasurfaces, a meta-atom is modes, such as altering polarizations.
the smallest unit, which is a conductor with a size smaller In general, this layer comprises the supported EM function
than half the wavelength of the signal. Metasurfaces can thus of the tile as well as its operation principle. In particular,
control the impinging EM waves with a very fine granularity. reflectarray employ modifiable phase shifts applied over their
The meta-atoms are interconnected by a set of miniaturized surface. In the far field of radiation, reflected rays can be con-
controllers that connect the switches of the metasurfaces in sidered co-directional, and their superposition–constructive
the computing layer, while a gateway serves as the connectiv- or destructive–is controlled by the applied phase shifts [63].
ity unit in the communication layer to provide inter-element Hence, wave scattering or controlled reflecting functions can
and external control. At THz bands, when the metasurfaces be attained. Metamaterial tiles, however, operate as surfaces
do not yield optimal performance, the graphene-based plas- with tunable local impedance [64]. Impinging waves create
monic antenna arrays serve as a promising alternative. inductive surface currents over the tile, which can be routed
Compared to metallic antenna arrays, the plasmonic by tuning the local impedance across the tile. Notice that the
antenna arrays can have much denser element layout and Huygens Principle dictates that any EM wavefront can be
go beyond the conventional λ/2 sampling of space towards traced back to a current distribution over a surface [65]. As a
more precise space and frequency beamforming, owing to the result, in principle, metamaterials can produce any custom
physics of plasmonics. In our previous work, we have demon- EM function as a response to an impinging wave. Common
strated that, graphene can be used to build nano-transceivers functions include wave steering, focusing, collimating (i.e.,
and nano-antennas with a maximum dimension of λ/20 producing a planar wavefront as a response to an impinging
at THz frequencies, allowing them to be densely integrated wave), polarizing, phase altering, full or partial absorption,
in very small footprints (1024 elements in less than 1 mm2 ), frequency selective filtering and even modulation [60], [64].

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

2) SENSING AND ACTUATION PLANE among planes to realize various EM wave control functions.
In order to control the EM waves per actual channel con- The command signals normally operate at much lower fre-
ditions, the programmable surfaces are expected to sense quencies compared to the ones emitted from programmable
the propagation environment and actuate the upper surface surfaces; such signals prove to be more efficient in tuning the
plane accordingly. Such layer contains hardware elements bias voltage of the PIN diodes [60].
that can be controlled to achieve a phase shift or impedance This layer comprises the communication stack and con-
distribution across a tile. nects actuation and sensing layer as well as computing layer
Commonly, the layer comprises arrays of planar with tile-external devices such as controllers. In the sim-
antennas–such as copper patches–and multi-state switches plest case, this layer is implemented within the computing
between them. Reflectarray tiles usually employ PIN diodes hardware, acting as a gateway to the external world using
with controllable biasing voltage as switches [62]. Meta- any common protocol such as the Ethernet. HyperSurface
materials have employed a wider range of choices, both tiles with embedded distributed computing elements addi-
in the shape and geometry of the planar antennas and tionally require inter-tile communication schemes, to handle
in the nature of switches. CMOS transistors, PIN diodes, the information exchange between smart meta-atoms. Both
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Switches (MEMS), micro-fluidic wired and wireless intra-tile communication is possible [69],
switches, magnetic and thermal switches are but a few of [70]. In both cases, the ASIC hardware employs custom and
the considered options in the literature [66]. Notably, some nonstandard protocols.
options–such as micro-fluid switches–are state-preserving
in the sense that they require power only to change state D. USE CASES OF INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS
but not to maintain it (i.e., contrary to biased PIN diodes). With the utilization of well-coordinated tiles in the Intelligent
Sensing impinging waves are also necessary for exerting Environments, the wireless system can be greatly improved in
efficient control over them. While this information can be terms of communication efficacy.
provided by external systems [67], with dynamic channels
and mobile end-users, tiles capable of incorporating sensing 1) ON SIGNAL PROPAGATION ENHANCEMENTS
capabilities can be immune from the channel aging prob- From the perspective of multiple users and moving users,
lem [68]. The sensing can be direct, employing special- the Intelligent Environments system is envisioned to serve
ized sensors, or indirect, e.g., via deducing some imping- a large number of users with more realistic user patterns,
ing wave attributes from currents or voltages between tile including mobile users and users in a cluster. Addition-
elements. ally, the Intelligent Environments system should ensure
physical layer security against jamming and eavesdropping,
3) COMPUTING PLANE an increasingly important problem that remains to be solved.
The computing functionality serves the processing function- • Transmission Distance: For users in the NLoS areas
ality in the controllable surface system. In the metasurface relative to the transmitter, the Intelligent Environments
designs in [60] and [62], FPGA-based controllers are con- system is expected to extend the transmission distance
nected to the metasurfaces to implement the computing func- and reach previously uncovered areas through waveg-
tions. This layer comprises the computing hardware that uiding or reflection. Simulation results in [67] demon-
controls the actuation and sensing elements. Its minimum strate that at 60 GHz the coverage can be extended to an
computing duties include the mapping of local phase or entire NLoS area.
impedance values to corresponding actuator states. Reflec- • Interference Mitigation: Due to the scenario with mul-
tarray tiles commonly implement this layer using FPGAs and tiple users, there is inevitably concern of interference.
shift registers [62]. As in the envisioned scheme, each Intelligent Envi-
Metasurfaces, and specifically HyperSurfaces, can alter- ronment unit is dedicated to an individual user, thus
natively employ standard IoT devices for the same purpose. the majority of interference will reside in the wireless
Moreover, they can optionally include computing hardware section of the end-to-end link.
elements (ASICs) distributed over the tile meta-atoms [69], • Reliability: The primary efforts in terms of physical
[70]. This can enable autonomous and cognitive tiles, where layer reliability include using highly directional anten-
meta-atoms detect the presence and state of one another, and nas to nullify jamming, forming exclusion areas, assign-
take local actuation decisions to meet a general functionality ing secret keys to legitimate users, and so on. From the
objective. Nonetheless, these advanced capabilities are not perspective of fundamental propagation channels with
required for programmable wireless environments. Intelligent Environments, good reliability is achieved
when the eavesdroppers do not have the knowledge of
4) COMMUNICATION PLANE the frequencies where packages are transmitted, or the
The communication plane passes the signals from the pro- eavesdroppers are in the same frequency channel but
cessing layer to corresponding metasurface layer and collects with much higher noise which makes the intercepted
signals from the sensing and actuation plane. In compli- data impossible to decode [71]. Therefore, the dedicated
cated programmable surface systems, communication occurs links in Intelligent Environments are inherently secure.

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2) ON THE PHYSICAL LAYER SECURITY to balance the overall dimension and energy consump-
The more frequent data exchange between users and ser- tion while serving users to its desired performance is a
vice providers exposes a higher risk of personal and pri- nontrivial issue.
vate data leakage. The 6G wireless network should not • Compatibility With Existing Solutions: Current Wi-Fi
only inherit existing network secrecy measures, but also access points have a mature protocol stack to sense
provide enhanced physical layer security associated with the channel and establish links with users. In order for
new enabling techniques. In current 5G networks, highly the Intelligent Environments to assist with improving
directional beams are used for mmWave communications indoor signal coverage, it needs to be compatible with
in spatial domain to prevent signals from being intercepted. the IEEE 802.11 series standard. For now this is still
However, a recent study has shown that such pencil-sharp under research and serves as a worthy problem for novel
beams are still vulnerable to agile eavesdropping [72]. Other solutions.
physical layer encryption algorithms, including source cod- • Standardization: With many candidate approaches
ing approaches such as the low-density parity-check (LDPC) being investigated in reflectarrays, metasurfaces, fre-
code, are demonstrated with optimal performance under spe- quency selective surfaces, among others, there has not
cific conditions [73]. Furthermore, existing solutions in the been a consensus on how to standardize the device archi-
reconfigurable intelligence surface apply reflectarrays, which tecture, maximum emitted power, and communication
do not have the capability to effectively distinguish target protocols. As more ideas evolve, a standardization effort
users from malicious attackers. Hence, a solution based on within a work group is necessary towards a solidary
the Intelligent Environments serves the purpose of identifying framework.
unintended recipients, creating null areas, and improving link • Inclusion of advanced application scenarios: as a
secrecy rate. promising solution for future generation of wireless
Essentially, the envisioned Intelligent Environments have systems, the Intelligent Communication Environments
the capability to sense user locations and exchange such infor- should be designed to fit to more advanced scenarios,
mation with a system controller to verify the user’s authentic- for example, in use cases with a very large quantity of
ity. Only affirmative users shall be served with signal streams devices as in the Internet of Things, under high demands
from the sender. On the other hand, connection requests from of real-time video streaming, with devices of high mobil-
unauthorized users (i.e., eavesdroppers) will be nullified from ity, among others.
attempting to access secure information or even trying to • Smart resource allocation solutions: resources in the
establish links with the sender. spatial, temporal, and spectral domains should be allo-
In practice, the Intelligent Environments can be configured cated in an optimal manner to satisfy per-user demand.
to tune the phases of multipath components in the channel, • AI-driven design and optimization: in complicated
such that those arrived at intended users can be coherently scenarios under which no closed-form solutions can
combined with boosted received signal strengths, whereas be found using conventional optimization approaches,
those intercepted by eavesdroppers will be scrambled or advanced algorithms in artificial intelligence can assist
even cancelled due to non-coherent combining [74]. Simula- in the deployment of Intelligent Communication Envi-
tion results demonstrate a 6-dB attenuation observed at the ronments, especially when complex surface layout or
received signal strength from the eavesdropper, validating structures are in presence.
the proposed physical layer security solution [74]. Hence,
the good channel secrecy is achieved when such unintended V. PERVASIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
users do not own the knowledge of equalizer to recover the In the past few years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI)
transmitted signals from noise. has witnessed immense growth, leading to its application in
a wide variety of fields across both academia and indus-
E. OPEN PROBLEMS IN INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS try. In the realm of communications and signal processing,
A number of open problems need to be addressed in order AI can be readily applied to cognitive radios, remote sensing,
to facilitate the Intelligent Environments in becoming a computer vision, and network management. More specifi-
market-ready solution. cally, in the domain of wireless communications, AI and
• Trade-off Between Dimensions and Energy Con- its associated algorithms are also gradually proving their
sumption: In terms of real-world applications, the utility in various emerging techniques such as massive MIMO
Intelligent Environments are expected to be coated onto communications which requires efficient channel estimation
surfaces of interior walls and/or ceilings, and building and symbol detection. Such tasks often do not yield low
facades, which require dimensions that can both fit complexity optimal solutions in complex channels [75], and
specific installation areas and satisfy link requirements. thus parallel processing inherent in machine learning can be
Meanwhile, with more reflectarray elements and RF favorably leveraged to enhance computational capacity.
chains built into the system, the energy consumption will Admittedly, even though current wireless communication
also increase, due to the advanced signal processing cir- networks follow a layered structure, in which each layer
cuitry. Therefore, how to achieve an economic solution primarily serves several functions, applications of AI and

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 5. Applications of artificial intelligence at different layers of wireless systems.

relevant algorithms are gradually bridging the gap across useful when theoretical analysis is intractable or when a
layers in a way that can globally optimize the performance closed-form solution is difficult to obtain. For example,
in the entire wireless network. However, in order to provide in diffusion-based channels commonly found in molecular
a marked trail to navigate through a plethora of pervasive communication, the channel characteristics depend largely on
AI applications, this section is organized based on the exist- the environment, making them challenging to model theoreti-
ing layers. It is worth noting that AI is a broad concept, cally [77]. In such cases, some data is used for training, which
under which reside several branches covering interleaved can help establish a model, while other data is used for testing
research topics, such as robotics, natural language process- in order to validate the model.
ing, machine learning (ML), computer vision, among others. To date, artificial intelligence has demonstrated its use-
In this section, we focus specifically on the ML algorithms fulness in various physical layer techniques. For example,
and their applications in wireless communications under the in channel estimation and symbol detection, deep learn-
AI umbrella. These two terms are thus used interchangeably ing approaches reported in [78], [79] have shown that the
in this section. As shown in Figure 5, artificial intelligence proposed deep learning-based symbol detection algorithms
can be applied to each layer of the wireless network. At the can provide robust and accurate results with reduced com-
network layer, machine learning (ML) algorithms can be used plexity. Furthermore, a deep learning method based on
for traffic clustering to further adapt the network resources to the deep neural network architecture also demonstrates an
various scenarios [76]. At the physical and MAC layers, deep improved channel estimation accuracy under the effects of
learning can optimize resource allocation strategies for power non-linearities of power amplifiers, I/Q imbalance, and quan-
distribution, and modulation and coding schemes, among tization errors induced by hardware impairments [80]. An
others. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can also autoencoder-based communication system is proposed to
assist with channel estimation and multi-user detection. reconstruct the transmitted signals from channel impairment
based on trained deep neural networks in an end-to-end man-
ner [81]. Furthermore, self-supervised learning is becoming a
Traditionally, physical layer modeling has been model- trend for user localization since it has been demonstrated that
oriented—a practice in which mathematical models follow- relevant methods can significantly reduce the size of labeled
ing a certain framework are proposed and optimized under dataset for efficient processing [82]
constraints to satisfy a series of pre-determined performance
requirements. For example, in order to conduct channel B. AI IN WIRELESS NETWORKS
estimation, a channel model is assumed along with other
In other essential layers of a wireless network, the exis-
parametric configurations. These model-based solutions usu-
tence of rich datasets lends itself to the applicability of
ally perform well if the derivation of mathematical models
machine learning-based solutions. In routing protocol design
is relatively straightforward or there exists a closed-form
for wireless sensor networks, researchers have successfully
solution. The models can then be validated by field mea-
utilized reinforcement learning methods to achieve a more
surements or numerical simulations. However, in real-world
energy-efficient routing scheme for underwater sensor net-
scenarios, the applicability of such model-based solutions
works [83]. In the vehicular industry, autonomous driving
falls short in complicated environments, due to factors such
has already been studied and become a reality in some cities
as non-linearity inside systems and uncontrollable interfer-
in Arizona, US.2 With respect to vehicular communication
ence, among others. On the other hand, another approach,
which is based on statistics, or data sets, builds the model 2 https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmarkman/2019/11/23/real-
through learning from the data. This method is particularly autonomous-cars-hit-the-road-in-arizona/#3236f06f32c6

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networks, due to the constant movement of vehicles, a pre- engineering, the latter involves predicting the resource
dictive model based on real-time data has superiority over requirements associated with different network slices
traditional theoretical models in terms of accuracy. Artificial based on the anticipated traffic load.
intelligence and its plethora of algorithms can be applied in • Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning typ-
varied ways in such networks: autoencoders for predicting ically finds use in problems associated with resource
traffic flow [84], k-means clustering for traffic congestion management [97], [98]. For example, the popular vir-
control [85], and Q-learning for intelligent resource man- tual network embedding problem wherein the network
agement [86], among others [87]. In the Internet of Space orchestrator performs optimal placement of virtual net-
Things, with our envisioned multi-band communication capa- work functions onto the underlying physical substrate,
bilities in both inter-satellite and ground-to-satellite links, is highly amenable to reinforcement learning [99]. Other
we have proposed a deep neural network-based resource applications include elastic scaling of network infras-
allocation strategy to enable a flexible scheme for Cube- tructure [100], failure prevention, and configuration
Sats to stay connected without human intervention from the rollback [101].
ground [88]. • Unsupervised Learning: While both supervised learn-
Apart from advancements in algorithm development, ing and reinforcement learning have shown significant
a potential issue dwells on the location of data storage and promise in the network management domain, we note
processing, which has largely happened in central data cen- that there exist certain use cases such as those relat-
ters in the cloud. For devices distributed in a wide geographic ing to optimizing the end-users’ Quality of Experi-
range, this undoubtedly adds significant delays in performing ence (QoE) [102] and network security [103] where:
tasks which require real-time operation. Moreover, a cen- (i) labeled data for training is simply not present and
tralized computing manner is not desired from perspectives (ii) the real-time nature of the application makes it
of data security and constraint in processing capacity [89]. impractical to wait for feedback. In such cases, unsu-
In order to relieve such challenges, edge AI pushes local pervised learning can prove to be an indispensable
devices to fulfil operation and management tasks. Admit- tool. For example, intrusion detection systems based on
tedly, this could lead to possible overburden in local devices, autoencoders have been shown to outperform supervised
since they are not equipped with as powerful processing units learning-based systems [104].
as the cloud processing center, however, research efforts in
this direction are dedicated to: (i) acceleration in boosting D. OPEN PROBLEMS FOR PERVASIVE AI
the hardware’s processing capability, and (ii) leveraging the During early years of 5G standardization, researchers have
coordination between local and central processing units to discussed potentials of AI in achieving high time and
optimization task distribution. spectrum efficiency once incorporated in 5G. Specifically,
AI algorithms can help facilitate the following tasks which
C. AI IN NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND ORCHESTRATION would yield low efficiency with conventional solutions: iden-
AI, or more specifically ML, has an integral role to play tify network anomalies, allocate network resources, perform
in the management of networks [90]–[92]. In fact, Clark network management, among others [106]. However, so far
et al. introduced the concept of the Knowledge Plane [93] these solutions have not been officially adopted in 5G stan-
back in 2003, describing it as a pervasive ML-based system dards worldwide. In June 2020, the ITU has initiated an
within the network that is geared towards providing services AI/ML in 5G challenge to motivate researchers to identify
and advice to other elements of the network. More recently, and solve real-world problems using AI/ML solutions in
with sofware-defined networking (SDN) and network func- relevant 5G directions.3 As such, it is envisioned that such
tion virtualization (NFV) becoming mainstream, large-scale efforts would be factored in later 5G development but will
data acquisition has become easier than ever before, mak- be materialized in a more concrete and pervasive manner
ing a strong case for ML-based management and orchestra- in 6G.
tion primitives within 6G, ultimately leading to full network While pervasive artificial intelligence in wireless commu-
automation as discussed in the next section. nication networks will undoubtedly bring a paradigm shift
In particular, the domain of network management presents towards data-oriented approaches, there are still open prob-
a wide variety of problems that can be broadly categorized lems to be resolved. First, thus far no agreement has ever been
into: [91] reached on which algorithms work the best to solve a gen-
eralized problem in wireless networks, such as modulation
• Supervised Learning: Supervised learning is typically and coding scheme design, channel estimation, and resource
applied to problems relating to traffic prediction [94] allocation, among others. Almost all published works claim
and classification [95], as well as slice resource pre- significant accuracy or reduced complexity with either ana-
diction [96]. While the former primarily involves pre- lytical theories or practical data sets [107]. Additionally,
emptively determining the network traffic load, as well we note the absence of an effective method to draw a fair
as determining the applications, protocols and QoS
classes the traffic belongs to, for fine-grained traffic 3 https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/challenge/2020/Pages/default.aspx

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

comparison among all proposed solutions, due to variations grail of network automation, requiring absolutely no manual
in selected data sets, assumptions, evaluation criteria, and intervention.
so on. However, when it comes to realistic deployments,
a careful gleaning process should be performed in order to A. SOFTWARE-DEFINED PROGRAMMABLE DATA PLANES
identify algorithms without loss of general applicability. Sec- Being the most popular Southbound API, OpenFlow [115]
ond, the limited availability of quality datasets is detrimental is synonymous with SDN and has been featured widely
to the testing and validation of proposed classification or in 5G networks. Yet, the stateless match-action abstraction
regression algorithms. implemented by OpenFlow precludes true data plane pro-
grammability since it relies largely on static header field
VI. NETWORK AUTOMATION matching. Within the context of this paper, we define data
SDN and NFV have been widely recognized as the major plane programmability as a feature that allows data plane
paradigm shifts that occurred with the advent of 5G [108]. devices, such as switches, to expose their packet-processing
In particular, SDN has paved the way for the separation of logic to the control plane in order for it be completely recon-
the data and control planes, while NFV has been instrumental figured if required. For example, the controller should be
in decoupling the software from the hardware. Consequently, seamlessly able to modify the packet parsing and processing
both wired and wireless networks have witnessed signifi- pipeline as required, add support for new protocols, and
cant benefits from the adoption of SDN and NFV, including modify existing ones. To this end, P4 [116] is being increas-
but not limited to simplified network management and ser- ingly recognized as ‘‘the programming language for the data
vice deployment, availability of advanced traffic engineering plane’’. P4 supports a wide variety of hardware ranging
solutions and fine-grained network slicing techniques, and from ASICs to commodity CPUs, and allows the controller
reduced CAPEX and OPEX. A major contribution of network to specify: (i) a packet parser for extracting header fields,
softwarization has also been the commoditization of key and (ii) a collection of match-action tables that process these
network components such as switches [109] and base sta- headers.
tions [110], [111], allowing for their implementation on com- Further, we note that the operation of many applications
mercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. In addition, the large depends upon the real-time state of the system, and relying
open-source community supporting these projects has played on the controller to update the forwarding state each time
a pivotal role in engaging a wider set of stakeholders than was introduces a significant latency burden. Consequently, there
previously possible. has been a growing body of research that seeks to develop
As networks evolve further, the traditional network oper- stateful data planes, wherein some of the stateful packet
ations routine, rooted in manual configuration and static processing and control tasks are offloaded to the data plane
script-based primitives, cannot keep up with the increasing switches [117]–[119]. For example, a stateful data plane
complexity. Instead, we posit that automation will serve as the device may store some form of packet metadata, using it
major driving force behind building upon the improvements to process new packets belonging to the same flow. The
brought forth by SDN and NFV. More specifically, network general packet forwarding rules are still set by the controller,
automation is defined as the process of automating the config- however, the presence of state information provides context
uration, management, testing, deployment, and operations of for rule selection at the switch level.
physical and virtual devices within a network [112]. Network Programmable stateful data planes present a variety of
automation is intended to speed up the delivery of network inter-related research challenges. First, there is a need for a
services while adhering to dynamic and robust service-level generic broad-based definition of state, along with abstrac-
agreements (SLAs), and reducing the potential for errors tions that expose this state. Second, since packet-level state
through minimization of manual intervention. maintenance will be done by distributed switching devices,
Standardization efforts in this domain have led to the intro- there is a need for a state consistency mechanism. A mech-
duction of the Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) anism of this kind could potentially be enforced through the
in the control plane and the Management Data Analytics controller, to prevent conflicting forwarding actions. Third,
Service (MDAS) in the management plane, for enhanced security considerations present another important challenge.
data collection and analytics functionalities within 3GPP If the data plane switches are going to perform actions based
Releases 15 and 16 [113], [114]. Both these functions form on packet metadata, a malicious actor could easily use mal-
a critical segment of the Service-Based Architecture (SBA) formed packets to trigger state transitions for example. In this
within 5G, highlighting the growing importance of net- case, ultra-lightweight mechanisms will be needed to verify
work automation. To this end, we explore three key tenets packet integrity.
of network automation in this section– software-defined
programmable data planes, automated service decomposi- B. AUTOMATED SERVICE DECOMPOSITION AND
tion and orchestration, and self-driving networks. While the ORCHESTRATION
first two are primarily concerned with automating specific Network slicing allows for the provisioning of differenti-
aspects of the network, i.e., the data plane and the net- ated services over the same physical infrastructure [120],
work slicing procedure, self-driving networks are the holy and has been a major research focus in the cellular

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

relating to latency, throughput, reliability, etc., along the lines

of the emerging intent-based networking paradigm [125].
Next, the CSC automatically decomposes the request into a
constituent VNF-forwarding graph (VNF-FG). It is impor-
tant to note here that the service to VNF-FG mapping is
not a based on a template, but instead makes use of deep
learning models to extract service requirements and construct
the corresponding VNF-FG. The resulting service-specific
VNF-FG also contains the resource requirements for the
constituent VNFs, allowing for seamless deployment onto
the underlying infrastructure. Once the service has been
deployed, continuous monitoring and real-time telemetry are
used to ensure operational optimality.

For decades, the network operator has served as the
centerpiece of network operations. However, the increasing
complexity of communications networks coupled with the
constant state of flux brought forth by an ever-increasing
number of connected devices has made the task of real-time
network management nearly impossible for human opera-
tors. Therefore, there is a strong case for transitioning from
operator-driven networks to self-driving networks. More
specifically, self-driving networks are expected to allow for
elastic utilization of resources, error-free operation, prompt
and targeted responses to security incidents, and proactive
FIGURE 6. Automated network slicing framework.
rather than reactive service handling [126, §2].
Seeking complete automation of network management,
domain [121]–[124]. However, the slice instantiation and a self-driving network is defined as a network where: (i) net-
deployment process is largely template-driven and requires work measurements are task-driven and tightly integrated
manual configuration. For example, current 3GPP network with the control of the network, and (ii) large-scale data
slicing specification [120] is primarily based on the con- analytics and machine learning models are used for network
cept of network slice templates (NSTs). An NST explicitly control, as opposed to closed-form models of individual pro-
defines the virtual network functions (VNFs) and associ- tocols [127]. In a nutshell, self-driving networks should be
ated service function chain that comprise a network ser- capable of measuring, analyzing, and controlling themselves
vice. Consequently, such network slicing primitives allow in an automated manner [128]. At the outset, a self-driving
for the deployment of a limited set of network services, network should take a high-level goal or intent as input.
i.e., only those services for which a template has already Expanding upon the concept of intents, we note that there
been defined. Clearly, an approach of this kind is not are broadly two types of intents– imperative and declarative.
scalable because: (i) it does not provide a mechanism to While the former describes in explicit detail how a particular
deal with new kinds of network services, and (ii) as net- procedure should be carried out, the latter just describes the
work services increase in complexity, the effort required to end-goal without specifying how the stated goal should be
create and maintain templates will become an operational achieved. For example, ‘‘reduce network congestion by shift-
burden. ing incoming traffic originating at ingress node 1 from load
Going beyond the traditional template-driven model, balancer 2 to load balancer 3’’ is an imperative intent since
we propose the concept of automated service decomposition it explicitly defines the steps that network must undertake in
and orchestration for network slice automation, as shown order to relieve congestion.
in Figure 6. To this end, and in line with 3GPP termi- On the other hand, ‘‘optimize network operations’’ is a
nology, we identify three major stakeholders– the com- declarative intent. However, a truly declarative intent of the
munication service customers (CSCs), the communication kind described here would be extremely difficult to imple-
service providers (CSPs), and the virtual infrastructure ment in the near future. Instead, semi-declarative intents
service providers (VISPs). The CSCs request communica- that define more concrete goals would be far more helpful.
tions services from CSPs, who instantiate network slices and ‘‘Minimize network congestion’’, is one example of such an
deploy them over infrastructure owned by VISPs to deliver intent since it tasks the network with optimizing its oper-
the requested services. As part of the slice automation work- ation by focusing on a specific objective, i.e., minimizing
flow, the CSCs provide high-level requirements such as those congestion. Based on the intent, the network is expected to

VOLUME 8, 2020 134009

I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 7. High-level architecture for self-driving networks.

determine: (i) the measurements that need to be performed, to improve the quality of data that is input to the
(ii) the corresponding inferences and learning that is required, designed control algorithms [127]. Within the domain of
and (iii) the actions that must be undertaken in response to the self-driving networks, it is widely accepted that quality
input intent. While a formal representation for self-driving of data (QoD) is a pre-requisite for quality of service
networks is yet to be realized, a high-level architecture has (QoS) [127].
been presented in Figure 7, highlighting the importance of • In-band Telemetry: Research into in-band teleme-
large-scale data acquisition, real-time analytics and inference, try (INT) has been largely driven by the need for high
and programmable data planes. quality network monitoring data, without introducing
However, the realization of self-driving networks brings additional overhead. The INT approach makes use of
forth several research challenges as described next. programmable data planes to encapsulate additional
metadata within the data packets themselves [129].
• Accurate Intent Definitions: As discussed previously, Examples of such metadata include switch processing
good intent definitions must toe the line between impera- times, buffer occupancy levels, and even specific policy
tive and declarative. If the intent is primarily imperative, rules. As packets traverses the network, they keep accu-
it defeats the point of automation. On the other hand, mulating additional metadata, which can be extracted
if the intent is purely declarative, the automation proce- as desired, thus providing highly-detailed accurate sets
dure becomes unnecessarily complex. Therefore, there of network data. To this end, there is a need to quan-
is a pressing need for formal guidelines that put forward tify the impact of INT on network performance [130].
a clear framework for intent definitions. For example, In particular, metrics such as the relationship between
a framework of this kind could take into account cus- the amount of metadata and packet size, the additional
tomer expectations in terms of throughput and latency, processing burden introduced, and the accuracy of the
network-wide resource optimization goals, along with measurements obtained are all important parameters that
other application-specific functions and services that are merit careful consideration.
required from the network.
• Automated Real-time Inference: Machine learning
is vital to the automated decision making process in VII. 6G RADIO: RECONFIGURABLE TRANSCEIVER
self-driving networks. However, previous work in this FRONT-ENDS
domain has largely focused on applying pre-existing The massive increase in the number of wirelessly intercon-
learning techniques for network control, which are not nected devices, combined with the ever-growing demand
well-suited for network data, given its high-volume, for higher wireless data rates, is leading to an overcrowded
distributed nature, and rapid evolution. The major chal- electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. To overcome the spectrum
lenge here is the native integration of inference and scarcity problem and increase the capacity of wireless net-
control algorithms with the network’s decision and con- works, communication at frequencies beyond RF (i.e., from
trol fabric. In addition, network design needs to evolve the mmWave to the THz bands) is required. To meet the

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

data-rate, reliability, and scalability requirements from RF ference. The techniques developed should wholly exploit
to THz, transformative solutions are needed which include the capabilities of the hybrid front-ends, which include a
the design, implementation, and optimization of frequency- multi-band transceiver design and solutions for resource man-
agile, ultra-broadband reconfigurable systems. A system of agement.
this kind is able to simultaneously sense and communicate
over the full EM spectrum (1 GHz to 10 THz), and serves B. MULTI-BAND TRANSCEIVER DESIGN
as a major contributor towards the infrastructure needed for The optimal selection of materials and devices needed to
the next generation of wireless communications. To realize enable all-spectrum communications is vital to the suc-
this vision, pioneering contributions are required in terms cess of any multi-band transceiver design. Existing solutions
of: (i) new devices that surpass the limits of CMOS tech- mostly rely on CMOS for multi-band operations, but such
nology by leveraging the state-of-the-art in materials science an approach only works well in narrowbands. Moreover,
and nanoscale physics, (ii) heterogeneous integration of such solutions based on software-defined radios (SDRs) have high
devices which is compatible with the electrical, thermal, and energy consumption and carbon footprint, consuming several
EMI requirements for reconfigurability and manufacturing Watts in operation [131], [132]. Instead, novel approaches
scalability, and (iii) novel all-spectrum dynamic sensing and based on metamaterials, MEMS switches, and even nanoelec-
communication algorithms, which maximize the achievable tromechanical systems (NEMS) switches should be sought
network capacity. to implement hybrid front-ends (Figure 8), which are able
The primary goal for 6G radio is to establish dynamic to simultaneously sense the EM spectrum, identify the best
all-spectrum sensing and communication from RF to THz available band, and communicate over it, at frequencies any-
bands, therefore, transforming the way in which wireless where from 1 GHz to 10 THz. Furthermore, fast-evolving
devices sense, access, and share the EM spectrum. To achieve deep learning algorithms serve as an efficient solution for
such a goal, key steps include: (i) intelligent all-spectrum identifying available spectrum, tuning channels, and adjust-
sensing solutions, (ii) transceiver hardware design and imple- ing RF power levels.
mentation, and (iii) spectral and energy efficiency optimiza- To realize this vision, new techniques in materials and
tion as well as resource management. It is worth noting devices, integration and packaging, and spectrum sensing
that currently reported works are fulfilling part of this grand and communication are necessary. At the RF and microwave
goal by achieving dynamic spectrum sensing or multi-band frequency bands, a combination of low-risk mature CMOS
communications over several frequency bands. It is our hope technology, with less-mature, potentially transformative tech-
to motivate advanced solutions to realize all-spectrum com- nologies, including quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and
munications through this section. new plasmonic technologies based on graphene and other
2D materials will be able to provide optimal tunabili-
A. DYNAMIC ALL-SPECTRUM SENSING AND ACCESS ties as well as a high quality factor (i.e., the Q-factor).
In recent times, a concentrated research effort at the physical The heterogeneous integration of discrete devices into a
and link layers has driven exciting progress at RF frequencies fully functional front-end will require innovation to satisfy
for individual cognitive radios (CRs). For example, a recently material compatibility, EMI shielding, thermal dissipation,
awarded research project by the Research and Innovation and scalability requirements. On the other hand, meta-
Program in the United Kingdom named ‘‘6G Mitola Radio’’ material and nano-materials will be deployed at sub-THz
aims to establish self-regulating societies for wireless com- and THz bands, based on recent advances in nano-tubes
munications with fairness and high efficiency.4 This research and graphene, as well as other single-atom-thin semicon-
will facilitate seamless convergence across heterogeneous ductors. Space-time-frequency coding in metasurfaces will
wireless networks with intelligent decisions made by radios also allow programmable and fine-tunable radio access at
to maximize the quality of experience for end-users. mmWaves. Optimal control of the front-ends requires innova-
One step further, a major challenge is to develop innova- tive all-spectrum sensing, utilization and sharing techniques,
tive spectrum sensing and sensing-informed communication new waveform and hierarchical modulation designs to max-
and network optimization techniques for dynamic access to imize the capacity and distance in ultra-broadband systems,
all-spectral resources. Within this context, the targeted break- and scalable networking solutions which are able to support
through would be the development of wireless network-aware the envisioned node density in future cyber-physical systems.
state inference using all-spectrum cartography for cognition The combination of several cutting-edge techniques can
over the swath of frequencies from RF to the THz bands, help maximize: (i) spectrum utilization (toward all-spectrum
along with cartography-constrained algorithms for the phys- utilization), (ii) data-rates (toward terabit-per-second links)
ical and cross-layer control protocols. Artificial intelligence and, (iii) network user capacity (billions of interconnected
and associated learning algorithms should be investigated for wireless devices). The proposed technology will enable a
dynamic spectrum sharing with a minimum cost in inter- plethora of applications in the consumer, military, indus-
trial and medical fields, including transformative networking
4 https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/ architectures designed to meet the scalability demands in
T015985/1 future cyber-physical systems.

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 8. Conceptual design of a hybrid front-end for dynamic all-spectrum sensing and communication in 6G.

C. RECONFIGURABLE FRONT-END SCHEME meters. Meeting this multidisciplinary challenge requires us

Accompanying the dynamic all-spectrum sensing and to: (i) close the THz gap by developing new device tech-
multi-band operation, agile front-ends should also be nologies, (ii) design and integrate re-programmable circuitry,
equipped with reconfigurability. In terms of hardware design, interconnects and antennas that can support all-spectrum
the plasmonic reflectarrays can be deployed in the 3D operation, (iii) develop new material integration and pack-
environment, with a size ranging from 1 mm2 to 100 mm2 aging techniques to satisfy the electrical, thermal and EMI
depending on the operating frequency (mmWave/THz- requirements of disparate bands, and, (iv) develop scalable
band). Owing to the sub-wavelength size of their elements, all-spectrum communication using the front-ends.
the plasmonic reflectarrays are able to reflect signals in
non-conventional ways, which include controlled reflections VIII. AMBIENT BACKSCATTER COMMUNICATIONS
in non-specular directions as well as reflections with polar- In the realm of IoT, sensors are expected to function in various
ization conversion [133]. In order to adapt to dynamic fre- environments with long-lasting battery life. Solutions such as
quency operation, achieve various levels of directivity, and radio frequency identification (RFID) utilize the backscat-
allocate multiple beams, the aperture of plasmonic reflec- ter technique to modulate and reflect RF signals instead
tarray antenna can be controlled mechanically through fold- of generating them, which can achieve a significant degree
ing, splitting, or combining in a 3D space. Existing prior of energy saving. However, existing modulated backscatter
art using origami antennas works well in systems using a solutions have stringent requirements in terms of the proxim-
single metal antenna, as reported in [134], [135]. However, ity between the backscatter transmitter and the RF source, due
to achieve reconfigurable continuous aperture antenna arrays, to the attenuation of the signal over long distances. Besides,
plasmonic reflectarrays offer a higher degree of freedom with the modulated backscatter transmitters are passive, which
the compactness of unit element distribution. means that they cannot transmit data without requests initi-
On the other hand, electronically-controlled reconfigurable ated by backscatter receivers [138]. Furthermore, the issue
antenna arrays are envisioned by leveraging the tunability of of self-interference may arise when the backscatter receiver
plasmonic antennas. In particular, one of the relevant proper- and RF sources are co-located. Hence, in order to achieve
ties of graphene-based plasmonic nano-antennas is the possi- better energy efficiency with a higher degree of flexibility
bility to change their resonant frequency by utilizing a small and scalability, new solutions are required in the 6G IoT
voltage to modify their Fermi energy [136]. The possibility to network.
tune an antenna (or group of antennas) at different frequencies Currently, with more small cells being deployed in out-
without any mechanical modification (as opposed to other door and more access points in indoor environments, the RF
multi-band antenna arrays that utilize MEMS or NEMS to signals are covering a wide range of surroundings, and can
create origami type structures [137]) enables beamforming be considered as a resource to be utilized by secondary
not only across space but also across frequencies. radio links without requiring extra power. The system that
employs such a technique is called an ‘‘ambient backscatter
D. OPEN PROBLEMS communication system’’. In an ambient backscatter commu-
The biggest hurdle to be overcome lies in the implementa- nication system, transmitters can harvest the surrounding and
tion of an integrated ultra-broadband hybrid front-end that continuous electromagnetic waves radiated by TV towers,
is capable of sensing and communication from the RF to base stations, as well as access points, use simple circuits
the THz bands, over a target distance of a few hundred for modulation, and reflect them towards receivers. There

134012 VOLUME 8, 2020

I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 9. Illustration of backscatter communication systems.

is no need for dedicated spectrum bands for such ambient networks, since they require RF sources and transmitters to be
backscatter transceivers to operate, nor complex electronic well-placed so as to achieve desired performance, and most of
components (e.g., analog-to-digital converters) to process the times this condition can be difficult to satisfy, especially in
signals. a sophisticated network environment, such as an indoor office
or dense urban scenarios.
In general, as the name suggests, backscatter communication COMMUNICATIONS
systems reflect signals impinged on a backscatter transmitter Different from the monostatic backscatter device where
in the direction of the signals’ origin, and since it is not a the transmitting and receiving components are separately
perfect specular reflection, the signals are scattered within located and the RF source is co-located with the receiver,
a certain angular range of the environment. A backscatter devices of ambient backscatter communication systems con-
communication receiver within the range can thus pick up the sist of both the transmitter and receiver. Additionally, distinct
signals. In particular, backscatter communications have three from bistatic backscatter communications, ambient backscat-
variations in terms of architecture, which are monostatic, ter communications do not require dedicated RF sources
bistatic, and ambient backscatter communications, respec- to provide exclusive services, which can reduce infrastruc-
tively. Here we briefly explain the first two types and then ture and maintenance expenditure significantly. Therefore,
focus on the last one. the ambient backscatter communications provide the most
As the most commonly adopted backscatter communica- energy-efficient solution for sensors in the IoT network in 6G.
tion approach with widely-used RFID applications, monos- Specifically, in one proof-of-concept study for utilizing the
tatic backscatter communication systems have the simplest always-on radio signals for ambient backscatter communica-
setup, which consists of a backscatter transmitter and a reader. tions reported in [139], TV signals serve as the RF source,
The reader has both an RF signal source and a backscat- which can be amplitude and sometimes frequency-division
ter receiver embedded with a switch to change the opera- modulated.
tion mode. Once the receiver sends out a request, the RF In the ambient backscatter transmitter design, a simple
source activates the backscatter transmitter, which then mod- switch consisting of a transistor and connected to the antenna
ulates and reflects the EM waves impinged on it back to can be used to modulate the impedance of the antenna: a
the receiver, as shown in Figure 9. Such a design is mainly mismatch of impedance indicates a reflection mode of the
used for short-range RFID applications [138]. Nonetheless, impinging signals, whereas a matched impedance allows for
two drawbacks of the monostatic backscatter communication the signal being absorbed by the antenna [139]. The power
architecture are (i) the reader cannot perform full duplex consumption of such 1-bit modulation of signals is minimal.
communication due to the switch mechanism, and (ii) the At the receiver side, by demodulating the received sequence
signals experience round-trip path loss being sent from of ‘‘1’’ and ‘‘0’’, signals can be successfully recovered.
the reader to the transmitter and then reflected back to the However, it is worth noting that since the reflected sig-
reader. nals from the ambient environment already contain encoded
On the contrary, in the bistatic backscatter communi- information from the RF source system (e.g., cellular or
cation architecture, the RF source and receiver are sepa- TV networks), the receiver design should take into consid-
rated, as shown in Figure 9, which provides higher flexi- eration how to extract the backscattered signals from the
bility in the spatial domain. With multiple RF sources and mixture.
backscatter transmitters well placed, the serving range can be Besides the simplicity in transceiver implementation,
remarkably extended compared to the monostatic backscatter ambient backscatter communications are not restricted to
scenario. Despite this improvement, it is more costly for a single-band operation. In fact, the ambient backscatter
bistatic backscatter communication systems to operate in real transceivers can operate in the wide range of super high

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 10. Illustration of the IoST [140].

frequency (SHF) bands, covering Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and other relies heavily on existing infrastructure and hence lacks flex-
bands [138]. ibility as well as scalability, (ii) global coverage is impossible
C. OPEN PROBLEMS IN AMBIENT BACKSCATTER using traditional IoT solutions, especially in remote areas
COMMUNICATIONS including the North and South Poles, due to the imbalance
of construction expenditure and service revenue, and (iii)
• Spectral and Energy Efficiency: Currently, the research
limited heterogeneity and spectrum resources in the IoT
and development of ambient backscatter communica-
tions is still in its infancy. As mentioned before, careful
To this end, IoST is envisioned as a ubiquitous
planning of backscatter devices is crucial for achieving
cyber-physical system spanning ground, air, and space, with
good performance. Due to the randomness in IoT device
applications in monitoring and reconnaissance, in-space
deployment, current solutions fall behind in terms of the
backhauling, and holistic data integration [140]. More specif-
targeted spectral efficiency. Specifically, the randomly-
ically, as shown in Figure 10, IoST consists of the ground
located IoT devices should utilize ambient backscatter
station, customer premises, and on-Earth sensing devices
links to achieve a satisfying throughput while main-
which form the ground segment, and the CubeSats, UAVs,
taining an extended transmission distance. Addition-
and near-Earth sensing devices that form the space seg-
ally, even though individual backscatter communication
ment. The ground-to-satellite links (GSLs) connect the IoST
devices demonstrate good energy performance, an IoT
Hubs with CubeSats to exchange requests and data, and the
network comprising hundreds or even thousands of
inter-satellite links (ISLs) relay information to neighboring
such devices might still require optimization of energy
CubeSats, in both the same orbit as well as adjacent orbits.
efficiency on a system level.
Further, the UAVs establish links with each other, as well as
• Protocol Design: Existing ambient backscatter com-
sensors and CubeSats to form a localized data aggregation
munication systems are mostly used for dedicated
layer. To this end, we note that UAVs are expected to feature
application-specific purposes, and thus lack good com-
heavily in the upcoming 3GPP Releases 16 and 17 [142].
patibility with other wireless communication systems.
Further, since the space segment forms a vital component
Standardization and protocol design are necessary to
of the system, research relating to the development of small
formalize the key operation and management aspects
satellites, or CubeSats [143], for use within IoST is of critical
of ambient backscatter communications, such as packet
importance [140].
size, routing protocols, among others.
CubeSats are a set of miniaturized satellites with sizes
IX. INTERNET OF SPACE THINGS WITH CubeSats AND ranging from 1U to 6U (a ‘‘U’’ is 10 × 10 × 10 cm3 ).
UAVs Currently, CubeSats are being deployed for a variety of
The Internet of Space Things (IoST) is a spatial expansion applications including Earth sensing [144], positioning, and
of the Internet of Things which primarily focuses on ter- IoT and machine-to-machine communications. Compared
restrial use cases. For future communication networks, this to traditional LEO satellites, CubeSats present a num-
expansion is necessary for the following reasons: (i) the IoT ber of advantages relating to (i) lower costs and shorter

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

More specifically, as part of the multi-band communica-

tions subsystem, we have developed both multi-frequency
transceivers as well as antenna systems, as described next.
As shown in Figure 12, in our proposed multi-band
transceiver, we use two complementary approaches, namely,
an electronic frequency up-converting chain and an opti-
cal frequency down-converting chain, to generate signals at
different frequencies. With regard to the electronics-based
approach, the primary idea is to use frequency splitters in
order to extract the intermediate frequencies for outputs. For
example, as shown in Figure 12, the signal at frequency f1 is
considered as the intermediate output when producing signals
at a higher frequency f2 .
On the other hand, the photonics-based approach
involves the down-conversion of optical signals. As shown
FIGURE 11. Conceptual design of a next-generation CubeSat [141]. in Figure 12, multi-band signals are generated by hetero-
dyning two input signals with a Mach-Zehnder modula-
tor. The resulting RF signal has a frequency equal to the
development cycles and (ii) higher flexibility and scalabil- difference between the two inputs. The generated signal,
ity [141]. Normally the development cycles range from three along with the two input signals, serves as the final out-
to seven years for traditional LEO and GEO satellites and put. Distinct from the commonly used up-conversion and
the costs are extremely high. Also, since the payloads are down-conversion techniques where intermediate frequency
pre-determined in the LEO and GEO satellites from the products are abandoned, our approach harvests them and
period of development until deployment, it is difficult to utilizes them as part of the multi-band communication sys-
reconfigure any component in the middle of the process. tem. These multi-band frequencies can be assigned to the
However, CubeSats’ development can be done in a remark- GSLs and ISLs dynamically to accommodate various service
ably shorter time using COTS components with much lower requirements. To this end, within IoST, the GSLs make use of
costs. This also guarantees that CubeSats are easily reconfig- the more robust microwave and mmWave frequencies, while
urable. high-capacity THz links form the ISLs.
To this end, we have recently proposed a new In addition to multi-band transceivers, CubeSats in the
next-generation CubeSat hardware concept as shown IoST are also equipped with multi-frequency antenna sys-
in Figure 11 [141]. The proposed CubeSat design includes an tems. In particular, as discussed in Section III, the use of THz
all-new communications subsystem for seamless operation links allows for very large antenna arrays that serve as the
in a wide variety of frequency bands. More specifically, basis for massive MIMO and UM MIMO communication
the novelty of our design concept is characterized by the schemes. More specifically, we note that there exist multiple
presence of multi-band transceivers and antennas that are able options when it comes to the design of multi-band antenna
to support wireless communications at microwave, mmWave, arrays. The first approach involves the use of NEMS, MEMS,
and THz frequencies as detailed in the following section. and origami structures to create physically re-configurable
Through this unique CubeSat design, we can potentially antennas, wherein the size of the radiating elements can be
achieve data rates in excess of 100 Gbps [141]. changed physically with a view to adjust their resonant fre-
quency. On the other hand, the second approach proposes the
A. MULTI-BAND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM use of materials such as graphene to create electronically tun-
The primary motivation for a multi-band communications able nano-antenna arrays [147], [148]. In this case, the reso-
subsystem comes from the fact that existing CubeSats nant frequency can be controlled by modulating the graphene
have limited communications capabilities, largely relying Fermi energy or chemical potential. This allows for tuning
on spectrum ranging from the L- (1–2 GHz) till the Ka- of the antenna to resonate at different frequencies without
(26.5–40 GHz) band. There are two major drawbacks asso- physically changing its size, in contrast to the MEMS-based
ciated with this approach. First, the traditional frequency approach.
bands are becoming increasingly prone to congestion [145].
Second, the Tbps-level throughput required by IoST cannot B. SYSTEM CONSTELLATION DESIGN
be achieved with existing frequency bands. To overcome Within the context of IoST, an ideal constellation design
the spectrum scarcity and capacity limitations in current is crucial to achieve true global coverage and satisfactory
satellite networks, we have proposed the use of multiple link performance. However, conventional LEO constellations
frequency bands from RF to THz spectrum, in IoST [141]. are typically characterized by the presence of fewer than
The use of such frequencies has been made possible by a hundred satellites, for example, the CubeSat-based IoT
advances in high-frequency device development [26], [146]. system, Astrocast, has a maximum of 64 satellites [149].

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 12. The proposed all-spectrum signal front-end designs [141].

At the outset, the coverage and connectivity offered by such In particular, we have demonstrated that through the use of
systems leaves much to be desired. Motivated by the need SDN, it is possible to achieve sub-second end-to-end laten-
for improved coverage, reliable connectivity, and increased cies.
redundancy, mega-constellations of several hundred satellites More specifically with the domain of network man-
have gained significant traction over the past year [150]. agement, IoST introduces the novel concepts of virtual
Mega-constellations provide several advantages over tradi- CSI (vCSI) for joint optimal physical-link layer resource allo-
tional constellations including but not limited to increased cation, and stateful segment routing (SSR) for overcoming
coverage density, improved connectivity, and higher redun- challenges associated with the high latency space segment.
dancy. In particular, concerning the latter, IoST extends the tradi-
More specifically, constellation design typically involves tional SDN paradigm by including support for state-based
solving for several inter-related parameters such as: (i) the packet forwarding that takes into account the topological
apogee and perigee radii, (ii) the orbital eccentricity, (iii) the configuration of the network at any given instance of time,
number of CubeSats per orbital plane, (iv) the number of while the use of segment routing helps in the minimization
orbital planes, and (v) the initial longitude of the ascending of control traffic, in addition to a higher level of demand
node, argument of perigee, and true anomaly of the CubeSats. satisfaction and load balancing as demonstrated in [152]. Fur-
While a fairly challenging problem in itself, the presence of ther, IoST also employs predictive algorithms to preemptively
an extremely large number of satellites further serves to com- detect GSL outage events, which when coupled with gateway
plicate the system design. Consequently, the existing state- diversity result in the realization of proactive handovers that
of-the-art constellation design frameworks are largely geared minimize handover interruption time. In addition, IoST pro-
towards the design of systems with a few dozen satellites poses the use of containzeration [153] in CubeSats for achiev-
at best. To this end, we have proposed a highly-scalable ing lightweight hardware virtualization without significant
and customizable constellation design framework that takes overhead. Going forward, we note that the aforementioned
into consideration both coverage and connectivity parame- techniques will play a vital role in the realization of pervasive
ters [151]. Through the use of novel metrics such as spher- cyber-physical systems of this kind.
ical Voronoi tessellation based coverage characterization and
ISL feasibility-based connectivity parameters, we are able to X. CELL-FREE MASSIVE MIMO COMMUNICATIONS
demonstrate that the resulting IoST constellation achieves a In 5G wireless networks, massive MIMO communications
performance level that is similar to existing state-of-the-art have been tested and deployed at base stations (BSs) which
mega-constellations such as Starlink, while requiring only a are equipped with more than one hundred antenna elements
quarter, i.e., less than 500, of the satellites [151]. to increase the antenna array gain and take advantage of the
diversity gain. A related concept is network MIMO, which,
C. NETWORK MANAGEMENT instead of packing more than one hundred antenna elements
IoST encompasses a vast infrastructure spanning both the at a single BS, forms a coordinated framework consisting of
Earth as well as space. A complex network of this kind has multiple BSs, each with multiple antennas. A coordination
much to benefit from fine-grained real-time control that is scheme of this kind can achieve spatial diversity by allowing a
well suited for tackling the peculiarities of the space environ- single user to be served by more than one BS at the same time,
ment, namely temporal topological variation and long delays. overcoming the disadvantage of bad channel conditions if
Going beyond the traditional bent pipe nature of satellite only one BS is connected to the user, and eliminates inter-cell
communications systems, IoST makes extensive use of SDN interference [154]. However, a detailed comparative study has
and NFV to significantly improve network resource utiliza- shown that massive MIMO communication schemes outper-
tion, simplify network management, and reduce operating form network MIMO with respect to end-user received signal
costs [140]. In a manner similar to the infrastructure-as-a- strength and overall costs in configuration [155].
service (IaaS) paradigm, IoST intends to deliver CubeSats- Going one step further, in order to effectively elimi-
as-a-service, with promising results as shown in [140]. nate inter-cell interference caused by users located at cell

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FIGURE 13. Cell-free massive MIMO in comparison with classic massive MIMO.

boundaries, based on the ideas of distributed MIMO com- point. A reported study in [158] has demonstrated that
munications and coordinated multi-point (CoMP) communi- the cell-free massive MIMO scheme improves 95%-likely
cations, researchers have proposed the concept of cell-free per-user throughput by five times and by ten times under
massive MIMO communication. In a scheme of this kind, correlated shadow fading, with respect to the small-cell solu-
the originally densely-packed antenna array set with a few tion. More specifically, the same study has reported that
hundred elements at the BS is distributed in a fairly large when considering realistic channel conditions, including pilot
area in the form of smaller sets with fewer than 10 antenna contamination and imperfect CSI, cell-free massive MIMO
elements, while still serving a similar number of users in the systems demonstrate much higher throughput compared to
same area [156]. As shown in Figure 13, the main difference small cells and, more importantly, are more robust to impacts
between cell-free and classic massive MIMO communication such as shadow fading, non-coherence interference, as well as
systems is that instead of associating each user terminal to noise [158].
a cell with a BS equipped with a large number of antenna However, we also note the following challenges: (i) due to
elements, it relaxes the restriction of cell boundaries, which the issue of aliasing, channel estimation for signals received
can significantly reduce or even eliminate the inter-cell inter- by different antenna elements is more complicated com-
ference. Without cell boundaries, all BSs, or a subset of pared to that of ordinary massive MIMO communications,
BSs, can serve users simultaneously in a coordinated manner. (ii) with the significantly increased synthesized aperture
In coordination, the cell-free massive MIMO BSs can share size, the range of near-field propagation grows larger, hence
with each other the data to be sent to users through fronthaul requiring a different channel model for characterizing the
links. large- and small-scale channel parameters.
It has been shown that the BSs can use their local channel
state information (CSI) to achieve satisfactory performance A. CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS OF CELL-FREE MASSIVE
and avoid the excessive computation complexity associated MIMO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
with sharing global channel conditions with all BSs [157]. It has been theoretically proven that as the number of antenna
The local CSI can be estimated in the uplink channel in elements approaches infinity, adversarial channel effects,
a time division duplex (TDD) mode. Then, precoding is including inter-cell interference, small-scale fading, and oth-
performed based on the obtained channel information at ers, will disappear [159]. In cell-free massive MIMO com-
the BSs, before data transmission in the downlink chan- munications, such effects will also have a negligible impact
nel. The transmit power and precoding vector can be deter- on propagation channels. Specifically, channels under a coor-
mined based on the geographic proximity of users to the dinated scheme of this kind will satisfy the conditions of
BSs. favorable propagation [160]. Favorable propagation condi-
Compared to the small-cell architecture in 5G, which tions imply that the channel vectors between the BSs and UEs
consists of non-cooperative base stations that can serve up are orthogonal, so that the sum-rate can be maximized. This
to 100 users per cell with a smaller area (e.g., up to a characteristic is most prominent in classic massive MIMO
200-meter cell radius) and reduced power in signal trans- communications [161]. In cell-free massive MIMO systems,
mission (e.g., up to 10 Watts), a cell-free massive MIMO it has been shown that favorable propagation conditions can
communication system achieves significantly better perfor- be achieved given that the number of APs is fairly large (with
mance, since each user can be served by a dedicated access an approximate density of 1000/km2 ).

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B. OPEN PROBLEMS IN CELL-FREE MASSIVE MIMO limitations, such as in high-salinity water or intravascular
COMMUNICATIONS channels where the transmission range can be extremely
As the domain of cell-free massive MIMO communications short. In the aforementioned application scenarios for THz
is relatively new, there are several open problems that merit band communications, as the frequencies of operation
further investigation. Among them, we posit that coordination increase, the wavelengths of signals fall into the nanometer
and optimization challenges will critically affect the entire range (i.e., 10−9 to 10−7 meter in size), thereby motivat-
system performance and future deployments. ing studies on nano-network communications [165], [166].
Different from those operating at lower frequencies in the
• User Scheduling: Extensive studies have been
microwave range, the devices and transceivers used in the
conducted on channel characterization and capacity
Internet of NanoThings (IoNT) are in the scale of nanometers,
analysis. However, the prior art does not take into
and thus behave differently from classical wireless commu-
consideration scenarios involving networks with a large
nication systems.
number of users to serve. In such cases, there might
Given the much smaller size, each nano-thing consumes
be an upper bound for the number of APs to serve a
much less energy and is envisioned to be self-powered (e.g.,
user in order to maintain an acceptable-level of average
via vibrational energy harvesting using piezoelectric nano-
throughput. Current works assume that all users will
generators [167]). Besides conducting signal transmission
be served simultaneously under the same frequency
tasks, the nano-things can also perform basic processing and
resource block. However, when the number of users
data storage, as well as enabling new nano-sensing capabil-
grows to a threshold where they can no longer be served
ities with higher sensitivity. Current advancements in nan-
at the same time, a scheduling scheme that achieves
otechnologies provide several promising candidate materials
fairness should be considered.
with various dimensions for creating such nano-machines,
• Location Optimization of APs: Existing works in cel-
including a thin strip of graphene named graphene nanorib-
lular networks draw heavily upon stochastic geometry
bons, graphene in form of a three-dimensional (3D) roll
where cell structures follow 2D Voronoi tessellation
named carbon nanotubes, and graphene spheres.
and geographically separated BSs that serve cell-edge
Communications in the paradigm of nano-networks mainly
users under the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) scheme
falls under two categories, which are (i) encoded sig-
to improve overall system efficiency and overcome
nal bits being carried with molecules, which follows a
inter-cell interference through scheduling [162], [163].
diffusion-based mechanism elaborated in Section XI-B1
It is therefore crucial to optimize the placement of BSs
and (ii) plasmonic radiation on metamaterial-based anten-
under practical link-level constraints such as signal-
nas including graphene and carbon nano-tubes operating in
to-interference ratio as well as success probability for
the THz band. These plasmonic antennas [136], [168]–[170]
individual links to enhance network fairness [164].
leverage the physics of Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP)
In cell-free massive MIMO, since no cell boundaries
waves, i.e., confined EM waves resulting from the global
are assumed, system-level performance pertaining to
oscillations of electrons at the interface of a conductor mate-
locations of APs, random scatterers, as well as users
rial and a dielectric material, to efficiently radiate at the
should be thoroughly investigated and optimized.
target resonant frequency while being much smaller than the
corresponding wavelength. This property allows them to be
XI. TECHNOLOGIES FOR BEYOND 6G integrated in very dense arrays, beyond traditional antenna
Thus far, we have presented in great detail the key drivers that arrays. The ratio between the free-space wavelength λ and the
are expected to play an integral role in the next-generation of SPP wavelength λSPP is known as the plasmonic confinement
wireless networks. However, in addition to these, we also note factor, and depends on the plasmonic material properties and
the presence of several promising early-stage technologies the operation frequency. The higher the confinement factor,
that are tipped to revolutionize how we perceive data commu- the smaller the antennas and the higher the density in which
nications in the near future. To this end, in this section, we dis- they can be integrated.
cuss three such promising paradigms, namely, the Internet
of NanoThings, Internet of BioNanoThings, and quantum
Similar to traditional communication networks, several key
components are seen in IoNT [171]:
In addition to the need for more spectrum resources to accom- • Nano-nodes are the basic functional units in the
modate a plethora of wireless devices and services, a variety nano-network, and have sizes ranging from 1 to
of transformative wireless communications scenarios are also 100 nanometers, and can form a cluster to forward
envisioned to become a reality in the near future. In particu- and receive signals. A typical nano-node with full
lar, with the advent of wireless ubiquity, we note the exis- transceiving capability contains the following elements:
tence of situations where electromagnetic waves do not yield a nano-antenna and a plasmonic nano-tranceiver based
acceptable performance or lack reachability due to hardware on graphene advancements to propagate SPP waves,

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a nano-processer with operating frequency close to

1 THz, nano-actuators, nano-sensors which can sense
external force, gas molecules, and biological objects
such as antigens and antibodies, a nano-memory which
allows storage of a bit signal in a single atom, a nano-
battery, and an energy nano-harvester which transfers
energy to power other elements [172]. Limited by the
computation capabilities and battery life, the signals are
mostly pulse-based for the easiness of detection and
• Nano-routers control the behavioral patterns of the
nano-nodes, aggregate information, and determine
the optimal paths for signals to be forwarded. The
nano-routers are equipped with higher energy and com-
putational resources. When a specific query is created
from the command center, nano-routers need to select
the optimal routes that can reach the nano-nodes to
collect their data and report back. Due to the limited
transmission range, a pulse-based signaling is preferred
to assess the reachable range of nano-nodes in order to
minimize outage probability and establish the desired FIGURE 14. Application scenarios of molecular communications in IoNT
and IoBNT.
• Gateways serve as the remote controller of the IoNT
and connect over the internet to service providers. The applied to a wide range of scenarios including but not
gateways can be common smart devices such as smart- limited to intravascular imaging and fracture detection
phones and tablets, among others. In order to achieve in oil pipelines [171].
a manageable network with hundred or even thousands • On-Chip Networks: With microchips getting more
of nano-nodes dissipated in sophisticated communica- compact in dimension while the complexity of function-
tion environments, gateways should devise a holistic ality grows, on-chip signal transmission has become sig-
approach in disseminating commands and queries, coor- nificantly more challenging. Currently, issues relating to
dinating between possible collisions, and processing CPU scalability and efficient memory synchronization
noisy data, which requires a drastically different network have driven research trends towards wireless network-
framework than the conventional network architecture. on-chip (WNoC) solutions, which can replace wired
Based on the arbitrary pattern of the nano-nodes, poten- connections on conventional chips and take advantage
tial solutions can be found with the assistance of artifi- of short-range communication in the nano-network at
cial intelligence, which does not require pre-established THz-band frequencies [173].
model for prediction. • Nano-robots for IoNT: The nano-robots in nano-
networks can be deployed in environments such as
It is worth noting that major device technology in the IoNT nuclear power plants and oil pipelines which might be
is still under design and development. Although a few types hazardous for humans to perform tasks but require high
of individual components, such as nano-sensors, have been precision and do not allow massive drilling or digging
made available, it is estimated that a major paradigm shift for over existing infrastructure. Under these circumstances,
the IoNT is expected to occur in the second half of the 2020s. nano-robots can be dissipated to sense and collect data
relating to chemical concentration, and fluid speed,
2) APPLICATIONS OF THE IoNT among others. By forming ad-hoc networks, the nano-
In the realm of IoNT, applications can be primarily found in robots can aggregate and forward data packets to gate-
body area networks and short-distance local environments. ways in the IoNT. Nano-robots are also being widely
Three typical application scenarios are described as follows researched in biomedical engineering fields. To this end,
(also illustrated in Figure 14): Section XI-B will delve into nano-robots for healthcare
• Nano-Cameras: The nano-cameras are based on applications.
nano-photosensing and nanotechnology to sense, com-
bine, and process light signals before transform- 3) OPEN PROBLEMS IN THE IoNT
ing them into electric signals. This system includes The significant size shrinkage brings three major challenges.
nano-photodectors, nano-lens, nano-batteries, and The first one is power efficiency optimization. Even though
nano-memories in order to achieve fine-resolution imag- nano-devices consume power at the level of microwatts when
ing and signal processing. The nano-cameras can be transmitting femtosecond long pulses, in order to cover an

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area of a few square meters such as an office or a meeting healthcare solutions that are to be realized in such compli-
room, the energy consumption factors in as a major constraint cated biological and molecular environments should be built
in maintaining a satisfying overall network performance. upon a solid understanding of the physics behind molecu-
New designs on duty cycles for nano-transceivers should be lar communication and advanced statistical analysis tools in
proposed and evaluated, as well as new clustering algorithms order to unveil the principles behind the seemingly random
in order to group nano-transceivers in close proximity for molecular movement.
adaptive operations.
The second open issue is interference control, which has 1) ESSENTIAL COMMUNICATION MODELS IN IoBNT
been extensively studied in classic wireless network scenar- Different from classic wireless communication channels
ios. However, the conventional approaches cannot be directly based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, molec-
applied to the IoNT realm, due to the higher density of ular communication (MC) channels rely on the mechanism
nano-transceivers in space and pulse-based signal transmis- of molecular movement to transmit information. The main
sion schemes. Self-interference becomes the most promi- difference between an MC channel and the classical wireless
nent issue for nano-transceivers when full duplex mode is channel is that the transmission medium presents different
deployed and hence requires novel scheduling algorithms to forms, such as fluids of several chemical compositions in
mitigate this adversarial effect. Additionally, new modulation blood vessels, plasma membranes of neurons, and so on.
and coding schemes should be developed to fit the need of Based on the motion of molecules in such diverse medi-
nano-devices on spectral and power efficiency while main- ums, end-to-end channel models have been developed to
taining a low probability of crosstalk among links. characterize the capacity, noise, and interference in various
The third challenge resides in the network protocols. Since communication scenarios [176]–[178]. Particularly, in the
the IoNT will foreseeably function in a manner that is dras- diffusion-based MC model, information is encoded in various
tically different from the IoT due to differences in channel forms, for example, based on different concentration intensi-
conditions, limited scale of operation, as well as miniaturized ties and distinct release times of molecules.
devices, the protocol stack design still remains an open field The nano-device acting as a transmitter emits such encoded
for exploration. molecules to the wireless molecular channel. At the receiver
side, another nano-device decodes the signals based on the
B. INTERNET OF BioNanoThings FOR HEALTH quantified received intensities or times of arrival, given that
APPLICATIONS the channel remains stationary for the duration of transmis-
Highly relevant to IoNT, with its unique characteristics and sion. In such transmissions, some molecules will get dis-
applications, is the concept of the Internet of BioNanoThings persed in the channel and will not be received by the target
(IoBNT). First introduced in 2015, the IoBNT has garnered nano-devices, they are hence treated as noise, and channels
significant traction in its efforts to synergistically combine with such residual molecules are characterized as channels
telecommunications with healthcare solutions [174]. The with memory. For such channels, the theories of Fick’s dif-
IoBNT is a network of molecules which can communicate fusion and particle location displacement are used to char-
with each other. The types of molecular communications acterize the channel capacity as a function of a collection of
include artificial cells which act as gateways to translate parameters, including the diffusion coefficient of the channel,
between different molecule types, or a bio-cyber interface the temperature, the distance between end-transceivers, and
which can convert molecular signals to electrical ones and the bandwidth of the transmitted signal [178].
transmit to external devices for further processing [175].
In applications relating to human healthcare, the IoBNT 2) IoBNT IN PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICATIONS
harbors many unique challenges and opportunities. First, Late 2019 and 2020 have seen the novel coronavirus disease
the interdisciplinary research on both communications and named COVID-19 spread worldwide, causing high fatalities
data analytics can greatly facilitate the modeling of biological and a plethora of other public health issues. More gener-
processes, including cancer cell formations and Alzheimer’s ally, such outbreaks, including the severe acute respiratory
disease, and further design effective control measures for syndrome (SARS) in 2002, the middle east respiratory syn-
such diseases. Second, even though expressions of genetic drome (MERS) in 2012, the Ebola virus disease in 2014, and
codes at the cell- and organ-level can vary remarkably, in a the seasonal influenza, raise questions about the manner in
manner analogous to various types of data applications in which public health systems should react to such epidemics
wireless networks, communication models can be developed and pandemics. The widespread havoc caused by pandemics
and exploited to conceive a generally applicable health infor- calls for effective means to identify new viruses, understand
mation framework. Third, the holistic network architecture their mechanisms of viral infection, and devise efficient tools
envisioned in the IoBNT will integrate components at het- for treatment and vaccination.
erogeneous levels including within cells and among tissues, In order to facilitate the development of antiviral and
organs, as well as systems, before eventually connecting to preventive solutions, researchers have looked into creating
the outside Internet for physicians to perform metric eval- biosensors that can monitor the cleavage of proteases within
uations and propose treatment plans accordingly. However, infected cells [179]. Proteases are generated as a result of the

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cell being infected by the genome of coronavirus, which is the time required to propagate information-carrying electro-
a type of RNA virus. Other byproducts include synthesized chemical stimuli through neurons depends on the connectiv-
polyproteins which can replicate and transcript to generate ity of synapses. In order to estimate the error rate and capacity,
more RNAs, and structural proteins that can construct new the existing diffusion-based MC model normally requires
virions [180]. Two types of proteases found in the coron- several channel parameters to formulate the model for com-
aviruses that cause SARS and MERS (i.e., SARS-Cov and putation. The generic modeling approach provides initial
MERS-Cov) are papain-like protease and 3C-like protease. insights into the behavior of molecular signal transmission,
The biosensor, which is based on luciferase, is used to identify however, recent advances in statistical learning, that utilize
potential broad-spectrum coronavirus papain-like or 3C-like artificial intelligence, provide increasingly refined solutions
protease inhibitors. for modeling sophisticated molecular information exchange
The SARS-CoV-2 virions that cause the COVID-19 dis- processes. For example, in [77], a signal detection algorithm
ease have a diameter of 50–200 nanometers approxi- based on neural networks has been shown to achieve good
mately [181], and infect the human respiratory system performance without prior knowledge of the molecular chan-
via human-to-human spread, in the form of droplets dis- nel, thus lending support to the use of statistical inference
charged when an infected person coughs or sneezes [182]. for characterizing molecular communication channels. Fur-
COVID-19 has thus far posed unprecedented challenges thermore, a neural network-based nano-receiver design has
worldwide in testing, treatment, and vaccine development. been proposed in [185] which shows good bit error rate
The IoBNT is envisioned to have immense potential in the performance under the effect of inter-symbol interference.
molecular diagnosis of emerging viruses of this kind. The
nanosensors, which can be firefly luciferase-based or other 4) OPEN PROBLEMS FOR IoBNT
reporter genes, can be used to examine the reverse transcrip- Currently, IoBNT primarily focuses on studies in the domains
tion polymerase chain reaction in collected samples. Other of physical layer channel modeling, capacity analysis, mod-
tests include using bio-nano-sensors to identify antibodies ulation and coding schemes, and nano-transceiver design.
from blood samples to examine if the person is infected. However, research gaps relating to the following aspects need
In terms of treatment, although no antiviral drugs are to be overcome:
available for COVID-19 yet, studies on influenza treatment
can shed light on how the IoBNT could assist in future • Experimental Validation: The theoretical models of
solution development. A critical step for treatment is the molecular communications should be validated under
antiviral intervention, which blocks the intracellular signal- realistic channel environments, which include experi-
ing pathways to prevent influenza viruses from replication. mental testing. Traditionally, these experimental tests
A reported solution preventing the virus from replication is have posed high requirements on lab equipment and the
to use engineered bacteria (i.e., Escherichia coli) to trap the nurturing process of cells and bacteria. While the proce-
Ebola virus [183]. In the reported work, the blood of a patient dures for such experiments should be strictly followed
with the Ebola virus infection is transmitted to a microfluidic and executed, at times the cost for testing can be remark-
chamber tube outside the body which contains the engineered ably high. In such situations, simulations based on real-
bacteria. The scattered bacteria can then achieve protein istic assumptions serve as an alternative means, which
binding with the Ebola virus using chemical bind force and have been commonly adopted in research. The conver-
synthetic protein binding receptors [183]. gence between analytical and experimental approaches
More importantly, the IoBNT serves a unique role as a should be a joint effors by researchers across fields in
holistic solution to not only monitor limited types of cells telecommunications, biomedical engineering, and signal
(e.g., squamous epithelial cells from nasopharyngeal swabs processing.
for COVID-19 tests), but also across different tissues and • Data Storage and Management: The large data sets
systems. It is found that such coronaviruses can also cause obtained from experiments or simulations can have
damage to digestive and neurological systems [181], [184]. many control variables which require efforts to manage
Hence, a series of connected bio-nano-things consisting of and update. Open databases have become a popular
various types of engineered bacteria can operate simultane- trend for sharing raw data to benefit the entire research
ously to improve test reliability and treatment efficiency. community for collaboration, and can be a foreseeable
direction for research in the IoBNT.
In the IoBNT network, different systems demonstrate a wide As networks continue to evolve beyond 6G, they are expected
variation in characteristics, thereby requiring varied analyt- to incorporate more spectrum, a larger variety of transceiver
ical approaches. For example, in cardiovascular systems, front-ends, higher complexity in processed signals, and
the speed of molecular transmission is determined by the stricter requirement on reliability, and therefore, it is expected
speed of blood flow and heart rate, among other factors, that the computational requirements of wireless systems will
which may vary per person; whereas in the nervous system, also increase [186]. To this end, quantum computing has

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been widely recognized as a key enabling technology for register states simultaneously, thus achieving a signifi-
realizing computationally complex systems [187]. Quantum cant reduction in the time required for computation.
systems are particularly useful for solving complex optimiza- • Postulate 4 - The Q/C Conversion: Since it is far easier
tion problems. For example, in the optimal routing problem to perceive information in terms of 0s and 1s, i.e., clas-
with multiple objectives, traditional methods, including the sical information, it becomes imperative to interpret the
geographic routing algorithm, demonstrate significant com- results of any quantum operation in the classical domain.
plexities to yield optimal solutions, and less complex ones To this end, the classical interpretation of (1) implies
often sacrifice optimality [188]. It has been demonstrated that that, if we were to measure such a qubit, we would
using quantum computing for such problems can efficiently receive value 0 with probability p0 = |a0 |2 and value
reduce complexity while achieving optimality [189]. 1 with p1 = |a1 |2 .
However, such computationally intensive tasks often Closely related to the four postulates is the concept of
require several hundreds of thousands or millions of inter- entanglement [191]. Entanglement is a phenomenon in which
connected quantum bits, and therefore cannot be performed the quantum states of two or more particles are described with
on a single quantum chip. The need for interconnecting reference to each other. Within this context, these particles
several chips of this kind has given rise to the concept of exist in a shared state, and are referred to as entangled pairs.
quantum communications. Quantum communications is thus Any action on a particle within the entangled pair immedi-
indispensable for operating quantum systems at scale [190]. ately affects all other particles within that pair, irrespective
More specifically, quantum communications is defined as the of the physical separation between them. For example, if a
exchange of information that adheres to the laws of quantum photon traveling through an optical fiber is entangled with
mechanics, and offers several key advantages: (i) the capa- another photon outside the fiber, the photon inside the fiber
bility of large-scale parallel computation, (ii) the ability to will experience the same effects as those experienced by the
transfer data in a tamper-proof manner, and (iii) the poten- photon on the outside. In this case, entanglement serves as a
tial to encode and transmit a large number of multiple data source of noise in the quantum channel.
streams simultaneously. Continuing our discussion of quantum channels, we note
We begin our discussion of quantum communications by that classical information theory does not apply to these chan-
describing the following four postulates or rules that govern nels. Unlike traditional wireless communication channels
the operation of such systems [191]: where the large- and small-scale parameters are deterministic
• Postulate 1 - The Quantum Bit: Within the context of or can be stochastically characterized, the capacity of qubit
classical communications, a binary value of either 0 or carrying quantum channels is defined as the rate at which
1 per bit is used to represent data. On the other hand, classical or quantum information increases with each use of
in quantum communications, the quantum bit, or qubit, the quantum channel [192].
contains the superposition of both logical values at the Moreover, there exist several different types of capacities
same time, of the form for quantum channels, including but not limited to the clas-
sical capacity, the quantum capacity, the private capacity,
|8i = a0 |0i + a1 |1i , (1) the entanglement assisted capacity, and the zero-error capac-
ity. The classical and quantum capacities are the two most
where |8i represents a two-dimensional vector, with the commonly used definitions. In particular, while the classical
coefficients a0 and a1 being complex numbers, and 0 and capacity measures classical information transmission over
1 being the two logical values. a noisy quantum channel, the quantum capacity represents
• Postulate 2 - The Quantum Register: Just like comput- the amount of quantum information, i.e., qubits, that can be
ing registers that are used to store multiple bits, quantum transmitted through a noisy quantum channel. We refer the
registers are used for storing qubits. However, unlike interested reader to [192] for additional insight into each of
classical registers that are deterministic, the output of a these channel capacity types. In the following, we discuss the
quantum register is probabilistic, i.e., when reading or different types of channels, data routing, and open problems
measuring the quantum register, a different value may within the domain of quantum communications.
be returned each time, thus presenting a major challenge
in the implementation of quantum information exchange
• Postulate 3 - Exponential Speed-up: Exponential Within the broader domain of quantum communica-
speed-up is a key property of quantum information pro- tions, we take into consideration the following types
cessing systems. We know that classical systems employ of channel, the dephasing channel and the depolarizing
parallelization wherein multiple computing units pro- channel [193], [194].
cess parallel streams of data simultaneously. On the • The Dephasing Channel: The dephasing channel, also
other hand, in quantum systems, the entire input infor- known as the phase damping or phase flip channel,
mation is placed in a single quantum register, and a applies a bit flip in the conjugate basis. The impact of the
single quantum computing unit can process multiple dephasing channel can be best described as equivalent

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

of quantum repeaters. The routing problem then involves the

selection of the optimal path from the source to the destina-
tion traversing one or more quantum repeaters resulting in a
high-quality entanglement distribution. Further, the routing
framework must also take cognizance of the fact that the
FIGURE 15. Physical entities associated with quantum networks [190]. physical mechanisms underlying quantum entanglement are
stochastic, and that the passage of time leads to loss of
to measuring the qubit in the computational basis and entanglement between the entangled pair [198]. Expanding
then forgetting the result of the measurement. A more upon this, in the following section, we delve into some of the
detailed treatment of the nuances of the dephasing chan- major challenges faced by quantum networks today.
nel can be found in [193, §4].
• The Depolarizing Channel: The depolarizing chan-
nel is often referred to the ‘‘worst-case scenario’’ and Given the vast differences between the classical and quantum
describes the fact that the qubit may be left unchanged domains, there are several fundamental research challenges,
with a probability 1 − p, with p ∈ [0, 1], or that that are vital to the success of quantum networks, as detailed
an error may occur with probability p. In this case, next.
the error could be one of three types, with each being • Quantum Error Correction: There are three major

equally likely– the bit flip error, the phase flip error, challenges faced by error correction techniques for
or both. In the event of an error, it is assumed that the qubits [199]. First, while classical error correction codes
channel replaces the lost qubit with a maximally mixed assume that data can be duplicated freely, the no-cloning
state [194, §2], i.e, all states become equally likely. For theorem precludes the arbitrary duplication of quan-
example, the maximally mixed state with reference to (1) tum states. Second, since qubits are susceptible to both
implies that a0 = a1 . bit-flip and phase-flip errors, quantum error correction
techniques need to be able to detect both error types
2) QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS simultaneously, unlike classical techniques that take
Quantum networks are key to the success of distributed only bit-flips into consideration. Third, there exists the
quantum computing, and in turn rely on the ability to share possibility of wavefunction collapse [200] due to mea-
quantum states between different quantum devices. However, surements on the qubits performed as part of the error
unlike conventional networks that are based on the store- correction procedure.
and-forward paradigm, quantum networks must adhere to • Entanglement Distribution: Long distance entangle-
the no-cloning theorem which prohibits making copies of ment distribution is a key challenge in the realization
an arbitrary quantum state [195]. In order to overcome this of quantum networks, impacting the physical, link, and
restriction, quantum networks rely on the concept of entan- network layers [196]. More specifically, at the physi-
glement [196] described earlier, along with quantum telepor- cal layer, there is a need for quantum error correction
tation. The process of quantum teleportation [197] leverages techniques, while the no-cloning theorem necessitates a
entanglement to transmit unknown quantum states between re-design of the link layer. At the network layer, novel
remote quantum devices, through remote entanglement dis- quantum routing metrics are required to ensure optimal
tribution [198]. path selection.
Further, as shown in Figure 15, we note the following • Deployment Challenges: Quantum computing devices
physical entities that constitute quantum networks [190]: require highly specialized data centers equipped with
• Quantum Nodes: These are the quantum devices that ultra-high vacuum systems and ultra-low temperature
are interconnected to each other. cryostats. Further, while quantum teleportation has been
• Communication Links: These include both classical as proposed as a means to realize quantum networks,
well quantum links that interconnect the quantum nodes it requires the integration of classical and quantum com-
in the network. munication resources, which is a fairly complex problem
• Entanglement Generator: This device is responsible in itself.
for generating the entangled pairs that are distributed XII. TENTATIVE TIMELINE FOR 6G
between the quantum nodes. Thus far, we have described the manner in which the evo-
• Quantum Memories: These are primarily used for stor- lution of societal needs will guide the transition from 5G
ing quantum states for the purpose of communication. to 6G, along with a plethora of new and upcoming use
• Quantum Measurement Devices: Their primary func- cases that will be best served by 6G. We have also dis-
tion is the assessment of the generated entangled states. cussed the tentative KPIs associated with 6G and the key
While the aforementioned entities play a vital role enabling technologies that will play a vital role in achiev-
in enabling quantum networks, the process of quantum ing these next-generation KPIs, as summarized in Table 2.
teleportation is affected by the exponential decay of commu- As shown in Figure 16, the increasing technological readi-
nication rate with distance, which in turn is offset by the use ness and worldwide deployments of 5G systems have set the

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

TABLE 2. A brief summary of the KPI impacts and open problems associated with each key enabling technology for 6G and beyond.

stage for a thoughtful discussion on the future of wireless with 5G, the ITU has recently convened the Focus Group
communications. on Technologies for Network 2030 (FG NET-2030) [201],
While 3GPP standards over the next few years, up to and to study the capabilities of networks for the year 2030 and
including Release 18 in 2024, are expected to primarily deal beyond. More generally, as we have seen in the preceding

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I. F. Akyildiz et al.: 6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems

FIGURE 16. Projected timeline for 6G and beyond systems.

sections, each of the presented key technologies has wit- both the operational nuances and open challenges associated
nessed significant traction in terms of research and devel- with each, we not only hope to provide a detailed insight
opment, laying the groundwork for the next generation of into the next frontier in wireless communications, but also
wireless communications. Both the National Science Foun- encourage readers to play their part in the realization of the
dation (NSF) through its Platforms for Advanced Wireless envisioned ubiquitous wireless future.
Research (PAWR) initiative [202] and the European Commis-
sion [203] are expected to play a major role in the develop- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ment of 6G. The authors would like to thank B. D. Unluturk, C. Han,
At the same time, going beyond academia, we expect a D. M. Gutierrez-Estevez, E. C. Reyes, E. Khorov, and
significant rise in industry involvement in the development of X. Wang for their valuable insights and suggestions that have
these technologies over the next few years, culminating in key played a critical role in improving the quality of this paper.
hardware and software technology demos by 2025, followed
by full-scale 6G testbeds in 2026 and beyond. We envision REFERENCES
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pp. 1–20. layer modeling and wireless system design in mil-
[201] ITU-T Study Group 13. (2018). Focus Group on Technologies limeter wave, and terahertz band communications
for Network 2030. [Online]. Available: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/ for 5G and beyond.

134030 VOLUME 8, 2020

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