Instrument: STREP
Period covered: from January 1st 2004 to December 31st 2006 Date of preparation:
February12th, 2006
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 1 of 22
Table of contents
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 2 of 22
1 Project Execution
Project goal – Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) had as its aim an exploration of the
potential that electromagnetic surface waves known as surface plasmons may have in building
both photonic elements and a new photonics technology based on nanostructured metals.
Consortium Overview
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 3 of 22
1.3 Co-ordinator contact details
The coordinator of the project,
The advantages.
• The concentrated optical field means that if light is first coupled to a surface plasmon, any
further interaction, for example with adjacent molecules, or a non-linear material, will be
much more effective. An example of how we harnessed this effect is in demonstrating
enhanced optical non-linear effects by using surface plasmons (deliverable 10).
• The concentrated optical field can also be exploited to confine light to sub-wavelength
spaces, well below the usual diffraction limit. Surface plasmons thus offer a unique
attribute for nanotechnology and nanophotonics in particular – they allow us to bridge the
gap between the nano world and the optical world, thereby allowing the power of optics to
be put to use more fully in nano-science and technology (deliverable 15&17).
These advantages are very appealing – but there is a serious problem that if it could not be
overcome would have prevented any chance of exploiting the advantages that surface
plasmons have to offer.
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The same light-matter interaction that leads to the optical field being concentrated in the
vicinity of the metal also leads to a concentration of field inside the surface of the metal.
Despite their every-day reflective appearance, metals do absorb some light – this absorptive
character metal means that surface plasmons therefore have an associated loss. It was this
loss that threatened to hold back the full exploration of plasmons in photonics. Based on our
previous work we thought this problem could be overcome. We wanted to show that one
could use nanofabrication techniques to provide sufficient control over the structure of the
metal at the nanometre scale so that functionality could be achieved before the energy in the
surface plasmon was dissipated.
We are pleased to report that we were successful in our aim, and that surface plasmon-based
photonics is viable, indeed, so attractive are the possibilities that it is already being actively
pursued by researchers and technologists around the world. Furthermore, it is clear that this
topic, which is now known as plasmonics, has emerged as an important new topic in science
and technology with the potential to have a strong impact in fields as diverse as data storage
and health care. It is also clear that the SPP-STREP project has been an important part of this
development, and has helped Europe to stay at the forefront of this fast moving area.
Figure 1 The three key stages in being able to make use of surface plasmons, coupling light into surface
plasmons, manipulating surface plasmons, and coupling surface plasmons back to light.
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 6 of 22
As with many of the aspects of surface plasmon photonics that we investigated, there are
many subtleties that require careful control of the details if best advantage is to be gained.
Here an intense narrow beam of SPs is produced if the hole array is arranged along the
diagonal rather than the normal axis with respect to the launching direction. This is shown
below in figure 2, both in the simulation (left) and in the experimental data (right) from the
experiment. The experimental near-field image was recorded using scanning probe optical
Figure 2. Left: a simple Huygens-Fresnel based simulation of the SP beam shape produced by a small hole-
array grating coupler, assuming each hole is a point source. Right: the corresponding experimental near-field
image recorded with an input wavelength of 800 nm from the real structure milled in 160 nm thick Au film. The
array period is 760 nm, and the hole diameter is 220 nm. (Each image is approx. 50 µm in width.)
Our second example makes use if a new computational model we developed during the
project specifically to model surface plasmon photonic structures. We used this model to
compute the efficiency with a miniature grating couples SPs to light. Figure 3 shows the
calculated scattering efficiency (emittance) as a function of ridge height and the ridge period
of the structure, shown in the left panel, whist the dependence on ridge width (a) is shown in
the right panel.
Emittance at λ = 800 nm for N = 3; a = 200 nm
400 0 Emittance maximum at λ = 800 nm for N = 3; d = 575 nm; h = 110 nm
0.1000 1.0
350 0.2000
0.3500 0.9
300 0.5000
0.6000 0.8
Scattering efficiency
Ridge height (nm)
250 0.8000
0.9000 0.7
Figure 3. SP-light coupling efficiency (emittance) as a function of ridge height and ridge period (left), and as a
function of ridge width (right). The system considered was a grating made of gold and comprising three ridges.
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 7 of 22
The power of this computational model as a design tool is apparent when we use it to look at
how the efficiency of the coupler depends on design parameters. For the 3 ridge grating
coupler considered above, we found the following tolerances, these tolerances are all within
the capabilities of existing nanofabrication techniques.
Table 1. SP-light coupling efficiency. Tolerance on design parameters indicate the percentage change that can
be made in a given parameter without sacrificing more than a 5% reduction in performance.
We have since developed (in a collaboration with other researchers in the NoE
PlasmoNanoDevices), a proof-in-principle surface plasmon circuit, so as to show that
different SP components can be successfully integrated. Figure 5 shows a plasmonic
waveguide ring resonator based on channel SP guides. The channel structures were again cut
by focussed ion-beam milling, and plasmons were launched by end-fire coupling from an
optical fibre, they were imaged using a scanning near-field technique [2].
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 8 of 22
Figure 5 Plasmonic waveguide–ring
(WR) resonator. A schematic of the
circuit is shown top-left. (a) SEM
image, along with (b) topographical
and (c) near-field optical (wavelength
1.525 µm) SNOM images of the WR
Our second example from this workpackage is again one based on computational modelling,
this time showing that optical non-linear behaviour, such as bistability, is possible with
surface plasmons. This was accomplished by calculating the response of an array of slits in a
metallic film in which a non-linear (Kerr effect) material fills the slits [3].
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 9 of 22
1.6.3 WP3 - Surface Plasmon Devices.
One of the devices that has become the subject of a multinational/multimillion euro project of
its own is the light-emitting diode. Within the SPP project we pursued organic light-emitting
diode with a view to exploiting surface plasmons. These devices are of increasing
commercial importance. We established that one of the limiting factors in their efficiency is
the loss of power to surface plasmon modes [4]. We have shown that this lost power can be
recovered in devices that are fabricated with the addition periodic nanostructure that enables
the SP modes to be coupled to light, provided the design of the nanostructure is appropriately
chosen [5]. Samples were fabricated using a combination of focussed ion-beam milling and
air 400 nm
organic Figure 7. Schematic of two light-emitting
structures (left). SEM pictures of the samples
silica a) used in the experiment (right). The upper
panels (a) show the structure that has a metallic
film with a grating profile on both top and
air bottom metal surfaces. The lower panel (b)
shows the structure for which only the top
metal surface of the metal is textured. We found that
structure (a) is an order of magnitude more
organic efficient in coupling surface plasmons to light,
and have been able to explain the origin of this
silica b) surprising finding.
Our second example from WP3 is a wavelength division multiplexer. This time we used
electron-beam lithography to produce the structures. This technique is complimentary to
focussed ion-beam milling and better suited to nano-sized structures that are made of metal
rather than formed by the removal of metal. The structure we used was based around the
concept of a plasmon crystal, and comprises an array of metallic dots whose collective effect
is to Bragg scatter surface plasmons in different directions according to their wavelength.
Figure 8 shows a scanning electron microscope picture of the structure.
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 10 of 22
Figure 8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
images of a multiplexer designed for SP
wavelengths λ1=885 nm (laser vacuum
wavelength λ 0=900 nm) and λ 2 =730 nm (λ
0=750 nm) respectively, corresponding to d1=516
nm and d2=626 nm. The protrusion diameter is
200 nm. The ridge (200 nm width) on bottom of
the large SEM image is used to launch a SP
beam by focussing the laser beam onto it [6].
Surface plasmons launched along the surface at such a structure are deflected in different
directions according to their frequency (wavelength). This is clearly shown in the pictures
below, figure 9, obtained using our leakage radiation technique. Note that the entire structure
is only a few µm in size.
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 11 of 22
understanding of the underlying science has enabled us to demonstrate levels of functionality
that had not been seen before the project commenced. Based on the work we undertook
during the project, and our assessment of the work carried out by others, we are able to
conclude with confidence in that report that surface plasmon photonics is a scientifically
viable technology, indeed, it is already being pursued by many commercial organisations
world-wide. Further evidence of this came from our ‘Open to Industry’ workshop which
helped disseminate the results of our project to a number of key commercial organisations in
Europe. We should not finish this section without mentioning that one of the prime
responsibilities of project management has been to ensure that our results are published and
communicated to as wide a relevant audience as possible – this we have succeeded in doing.
How well were the objectives met? Recall that these objectives were,
On both counts we are pleased to say we were very successful. A large fraction of the
achievements of this project have set the state-of-the-art, this can be seen from the high
impact factor journals many of the results have been published in (6 in Science, 2 in Nature, 8
in Physical Review Letters, 2 in Advanced Materials etc.. (see deliverable 20)). In terms of
lasting impact, it is clear that this project has helped act as a major spur to others and has
during its course provided a strong, clear message as to the importance that Europe places on
this topic area, and the leading role that its researchers can take. The whole field is in a state
of rapid growth, see both the state-of-the-art interim report (deliverable 25) and the critical
assessment (deliverable 19). This project has been an important part of both the growth, and
the reasons for the growth, discussions we have had indicate that much of the activity in the
US and Japan has been triggered by the existence of this project.
A very considerable amount of know knowledge has been gained directly as a result of the
project. Given the basic research nature of the programme the vast bulk of this knowledge
has been disseminated in the most appropriate way for such information, through publication
in peer-reviewed journals and through presentation at international conferences. Details of
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 12 of 22
such dissemination activity is given below. We should add at this point that the visibility of
these results has been heightened, and thus made of greater lasting value, by being under the
STREP umbrella – the coherency of the project that was made possible by EU finding has
enabled greater value to be achieved than if the same finds were simply spent on several
independent projects that accomplished the same science.
The exploitable knowledge from this project is our published work, most of which is now
available in the open literature (see section 1.2). Concerning intellectual property (patents),
we have nothing to report during project in this category. The lack of IP arising from the
project has twice been discussed extensively with the project officer. This lack is primarily
because the participants in the project had already taken out IP before the project commenced,
and because of the difficulty of filing patents at the European level.
Overview table
Planned/ Partner
Size of
actual Type Type of audience Countries responsible
Dates addressed /involved
May 2005 Conference Research All ~200 UNEXE/
2004-06 73 Publications Research All Unknown All
2004-06 Project web-site All All Unknown UNEXE
2006 Open to industry Research/funding EU ~20 All
workshop agencies/journalists
2004-06 81 Conference Research All Variable All
2006 Meeting with Japanese Invited Japan n/a UNEXE
R&D consortium to
discuss EU funded
research in plasmonics
2006 Seminar French R&D France ~20 UNEXE
• The primary output of the project has been published articles in the international, peer
reviewed, scientific press.
• Contact with Industry. In addition to considerable informal contact between the project
participants, an important part of our dissemination activities was the ‘Open to Industry’
meeting we held in London in November 2006. Representatives from many companies
attended including, Qinetiq, Osram, DSTL, Sagem, Seagate, Sharp and Philips.
Follow on projects
A number of projects among the participants have arisen wholly or in part as a result of this
SPP STREP project, they are,
In addition we anticipate that the results from the project will be important for future research
projects undertaken by the partners. In addition, we understand from a variety of discussions
with interested parties, and also anticipate, that others will make use of the knowledge we
have gained in future R&D projects.
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 14 of 22
2.3.1 Publications produced wholly or in part through support from SPP funding,
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 120, 7141-7146,
J. Bravo-Abad, F. J. García-Vidal and L. Martín- (2004).
'Resonant transmission of light through finite
chains of subwavelength holes', A. Giannattasio, I. R. Hooper and W. L. Barnes
Physical Review Letters, 93, 227401, (2004). 'Transmission of light through thin silver films via
surface plasmon-polaritons',
A. Degiron and T. W. Ebbesen Optics Express, 12, 5881-5886, (2004).
'Analysis of the transmission process through single
apertures surrounded by periodic corrugations', J. R. Krenn and J.-C. Weeber
Optics Express, 12, 3694-3700, (2004). 'Surface plasmon polaritons in metal stripes and
A. Degiron, H. J. Lezec, N. Yamamato and T. W. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
Ebbesen London, A., 326, 739, (2004).
'Optical transmission properties of a single
subwavelength aperture in a real metal', E. Moreno, F. J. García-Vidal, D. Erni, J. I. Cirac
Optics Communications, 239, 61-66, (2004). and L. Martin-Moreno
'Theory of plasmon-assisted transmission of
H. Ditlbacher, J. R. Krenn, A. Leitner and F. R. entangled photons',
Aussenegg Physical Review Letters, 92, 236801, (2004).
'Surface plasmon polariton-based optical beam
profiler', J. B. Pendry, L. Martín-Moreno and F. J. García-
Optics Letters, 29, 1408-1410, (2004). Vidal
'Mimicking surface plasmons with structured
P. Andrew and W. L. Barnes surfaces',
'Energy Transfer Across a Metal Film Mediated by Science, 305, 847-848, (2004).
Surface Plasmon Polaritons',
Science, 306, 1002-1005, (2004). J. B. Pendry and D. R. Smith
'Reversing light with negative refraction',
W. L. Barnes, A. W. Murray, J. Dintinger, E. Physics Today, 2004, 37-43, (2004).
Devaux, H. J. Lezec and T. W. Ebbesen
'Surface plasmon polaritons and their rôle in the J. A. Porto, L. Martín-Moreno and F. J. García-
enhanced transmission of light through periodic Vidal
arrays of sub-wavelength holes in a metal film', 'Optical bistability in subwavelength slit apertures
Physical Review Letters, 92, 107401, (2004). containing nonlinear media',
Physical Review B, 70, 081402, (2004).
W. L. Barnes and J. R. Sambles
'PHYSICS: Only Skin Deep', R. Ruppin
Science, 305, 785-786, (2004). 'Comment on 'Focusing light using negative
W. L. Barnes Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 16, 8807-
'Turning the tables on surface plasmons', 8809, (2004).
Nature Materials, 3, 588-589, (2004).
D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry and M. C. K. Wiltshire
M. Beruete, M. Sorolla, I. Campillo, J. S. Dolado, 'Metamaterials and Negative Refractive Index',
L. Martín-Moreno, J. Bravo-Abad and F. J. García- Science, 305, 788-792, (2004).
'Enhanced millimiter wave trasnmission through S. Wedge and W. L. Barnes
subwavelength hole arrays', 'Surface plasmon-polariton mediated light emission
Optics Letters, 29, 2500-2502, (2004). through thin metal films',
Optics Express, 12, 3673-3685, (2004).
N. Félidj, S. L. Truong, J. Aubard, G. Levi, J. R.
Krenn, A. Hohenau, A. Leitner and F. R. T. J. Yen, W. J. Padilla, N. Fang, D. C. Vier, D. R.
Aussenegg Smith, J. B. Pendry, D. N. Basov and X. Zhang
'Gold particle interaction in regular arrays probed 'Terahertz Magnetic Response from Artificial
by surface enhanced Raman scattering', Materials',
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 15 of 22
Science, 303, 1494-1496, (2004). F. Lopez-Tejeira, F. J. Garcia-Vidal and L. Martin-
S. I. Bozhevolnyi, V. S. Volkov, E. Devaux and T. 'Scattering of surface plasmons by one-dimensional
W. Ebbesen periodic nanoindented surfaces',
'Channel Plasmon-Polariton Guiding by Physical Review B, 72, 161405, (2005).
Subwavelength Metal Grooves',
Physical Review Letters, 95, 046802, (2005). E. Moreno, A. I. Fernandez-Dominguez, J. I. Cirac,
F. J. Garcia-Vidal and L. Martin-Moreno
A. Degiron and T. W. Ebbesen 'Resonant transmission of cold atoms through
'The role of localized surface plasmon modes on the subwavelength apertures',
enhanced transmission of periodic subwavelength Physical Review Letters, 95, 170406, (2005).
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 7, R. Ruppin
S90-S96, (2005). 'Effect of non-locality on nanofocusing of surface
plasmon field intensity in a conical tip',
J. Dintinger, S. Klein, F. Bustos, W. L. Barnes and Physics Letters A, 340, 299-302, (2005).
T. W. Ebbesen
'Strong coupling between surface plasmon- R. Ruppin
polaritons and organic molecules in subwavelength 'Non-local optics of the near field lens',
hole arrays', Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 17, 1803-
Physical Review B, 71, 035424, (2005). 1810, (2005).
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 16 of 22
'Molecule-surface plasmon interactions in hole 'Solid-state physics: Light at the end of the
arrays: enhanced absorption refractive index channel',
changes and all optical switching', Nature, 440, 431-433, (2006).
Advanced Materials, 18, 1267-1270, (2006).
A. Giannattasio, S. Wedge and W. L. Barnes
J. Dintinger, I. Robel, P. V. Kamat, C. Genet and T. 'Dependence on surface profile in grating-assisted
W. Ebbesen coupling of light to surface plasmon-polaritons',
'Terahertz All-Optical Molecule-Plasmon Optics Communications, 261, 291-295, (2006).
Modulation', A. Giannattasio and W. L. Barnes
Advanced Materials, 18, 1645-1648, (2006). 'Role of mark to space ratio of miniature gratings
for coupling light to surface plasmon-polaritons',
A. Drezet, A. Hohenau, A. L. Stepanov, H. Journal of Modern Optics, 53, 429-436, (2006).
Ditlbacher, B. Steinberger, F. R. Aussenegg, A.
Leitner and J. R. Krenn M. U. Gonzalez, J.-C. Weeber, A.-L. Baudrion, A.
'Surface Plasmon Polariton Mach-Zehnder Dereux, A. L. Stepanov, J. R. Krenn, E. Devaux
Interferometer and Oscillation Fringes', and T. W. Ebbesen
Plasmonics, 1, 141-145, (2006). 'Design, near-field characterization, and modeling
of 45[degree] surface-plasmon Bragg mirrors',
A. Drezet, A. L. Stepanov, A. Hohenau, B. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and
Steinberger, N. Galler, H. Ditlbacher, A. Leitner, F. Materials Physics), 73, 155416, (2006).
R. Aussenegg, J. R. Krenn, M. U. Gonzalez and J.
C. Weeber A. P. Hibbins, W. A. Murray, J. Tyler, S. Wedge,
'Surface plasmon interference fringes in back- W. L. Barnes and J. R. Sambles
reflection', 'Resonant absorption of electromagnetic fields by
Europhysics Letters, 74, 693-698, (2006). surface plasmons buried in a multilayered
plasmonic nanostructure',
A. Drezet, A. Hohenau, A. L. Stepanov, H. Physical Review B, 74, 073408, (2006).
Ditlbacher, B. Steinberger, N. Galler, F. R.
Aussenegg, A. Leitner and J. R. Krenn A. Hohenau, J. R. Krenn, J. Beermann, S. I.
'How to erase surface plasmon fringes', Bozhevolnyi, S. G. Rodrigo, L. Martin-Moreno and
Applied Physics Letters, 89, 091117, (2006). F. Garcia-Vidal
'Spectroscopy and nonlinear microscopy of Au
A. B. Evlyukhin, S. I. Bozhevolnyi, A. L. Stepanov nanoparticle arrays: Experiment and theory',
and J. R. Krenn Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and
'Splitting of a surface plasmon polariton beam by Materials Physics), 73, 155404, (2006).
chains of nanoparticles',
Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 84, 29-34, S. A. Maier, S. R. Andrews, L. Martin-Moreno and
(2006). F. J. Garcia-Vidal
'Terahertz Surface Plasmon-Polariton Propagation
A. I. Fernández-Domínguez, E. Moreno, L. Martín- and Focusing on Periodically Corrugated Metal
Moreno and F. J. García-Vidal Wires',
'Beaming matter waves from a subwavelength Physical Review Letters, 97, 176805, (2006).
Physical Review A, 74, 021601, (2006). E. Moreno, L. Martin-Moreno and F. J. Garcia-
F. J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno, E. Moreno, 'Extraordinary optical transmission without
L. K. S. Kumar and R. Gordon plasmons: the s-polarization case',
'Transmission of light through a single rectangular Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics, 8,
hole in a real metal', S94-S97, (2006).
Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics), 74, 153411, (2006). E. Moreno, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, S. G. Rodrigo, L.
Martin-Moreno and S. I. Bozhevolnyi
F. J. Garcia-Vidal, S. G. Rodrigo and L. Martin- 'Channel plasmon-polaritons: modal shape,
Moreno dispersion, and losses',
'Foundations of the composite diffracted evanescent Optics Letters, 31, 3447-3449, (2006).
wave model',
Nature Physics, 2, 790-790, (2006). A. W. Murray, J. R. Suckling and W. L. Barnes
'Overlayers on Silver Nanotriangles: Field
F. J. García-Vidal Confinement and Spectral Position of Localized
Surface Plasmon Resonances',
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 17 of 22
Nano Letters, 6, 1772-1777, (2006). V. S. Volkov, S. I. Bozhevolnyi, E. S. Devaux and
T. W. Ebbesen
J. B. Pendry and D. R. Smith 'Compact gradual bends for channel plasmon
'The quest for the superlens', polaritons',
Scientific American, 295, 60-67, (2006). Optics Express, 14, 4494-4503, (2006).
2.3.2 Conference and workshop presentations enabled wholly or in part through support
from SPP funding
The importance of the work carried out on the project can also be seen from the large
proportion of invited and plenary talks the participants have given.
"Surface plasmon polariton based optical beam
A. Degiron, H. J. Lezec, N. Yamamoto and T. W. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society,
Ebbesen Linz, Austria, September 29, (2004).
"Optical transmission of isolated subwavelength
apertures in real metrals" H. Ditlbacher
E-MRS, Strasbourg, France, May 27, (2004). "Surface plasmon polariton based optical beam
E. Devaux, T. W. Ebbesen, J.-C. Weeber and A. Graz-Mainz Joint Seminar on Plasmonics, Mainz,
Dereux Germany, November 19, (2004).
"Launcing and decoupling durface plasmons via
microgratings" A. Hohenau
E-MRS, Strasbourg, France, May 27, (2004). "Dielectric optical elements for surface plasmons"
PND-2nd Research Workshop, Belfast, UK,
H. Ditlbacher December 14, (2004).
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 18 of 22
A. Hohenau G. Winter and W. L. Barnes
"Multipolar particle plasmons" "Surface plasmon-polariton mediated transmission
Graz-Mainz Joint Seminar on Plasmonics, Mainz, of
Germany, November 19, (2004). light through thin metal films"
Nanophotonics Summer School, Corsica, France,
A. Hohenau April 21, (2004).
"Optical near fields of multipolar particle
plasmons" W. L. Barnes
E-MRS 2004, Strasbourg, France, May 25, (2004). "Surface plasmon mediated fluorescence"
Molecular Plasmonics, Jena, Germany, May 21,
A. Hohenau (2005).
"Optical near fields of multipolar particle
plasmons" W. L. Barnes, A. Giannattasio, G. Winter, I.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Hooper and S. Wedge
Linz, Austria, September 29, (2004). "Where did the plasmon go? (invited)"
SPP2, Graz, Austria, May 22, (2005).
J. R. Krenn
"Nano-components for plasmonics" W. L. Barnes
Graz-Mainz Joint Seminar in Plasmonics, Mainz, "The emission of light through thin metal films via
Germany, November 19, (2004). surface plasmon-polaritons (invited)"
Microtechnologies for the new milenium 2005,
A. Leitner Seville, Spain, May 10, (2005).
"Optical properties of tailor-made 1D and 2D
noble metal particle arrays" W. L. Barnes
SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, USA, January 27, "Surface plasmons and light matter interactions
(2004). (Invited)"
Einstein Physics IOP 2005, Warwick, UK, April
B. Steinberger 12, 2005, (2005).
"Fluorescent lifetimes of molecules on regular 2D
metal nanoparticle arrays" W. L. Barnes
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, "Fluorescence in the presence of metallic interfaces
Linz, Austria, September 29, (2004). (Invited)"
New Horizons in Biological Imaging – Emerging
B. Steinberger Imaging, Sensing, Oxford, UK, April 8, 2005,
"The near-field of propagating surface plasmons" (2005).
PND-2nd Workshop, Belfast, UK, December 14,
(2004). H. Ditlbacher, B. Lamprecht, A. Hohenau, J. R.
Krenn, A. Leitner and F. R. Aussenegg
B. Steinberger "High Resolution e-beam Lithography - a Helpful
"The near-field of propagating surface plasmons" Tool for Nanooptics"
Graz-Mainz Joint Seminar on Plasmonics, Mainz, MNE 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 19-22,
Germany, November 19, (2004). (2005).
A. Stepanov T. W. Ebbesen
"Manipulating optical plasmon polaritons with "Extraordinary Optical Transmission: Phenomena
surface nanostructures" and Mechanism"
E-MRS 2004, Strasbourg, France, May 25, (2004). SPP2, Graz, Austria, May, (2005).
A. Stepanov T. W. Ebbesen
"Interaction of plasmon polaritons with surface "The potential of nanostructured materials for the
nanostructures" future of ICT"
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Studiemotet Elektronikk og Data, Sundvold,
Linz, Austria, September 29, (2004). Norway, June 16, (2005).
A. Stepanov T. W. Ebbesen
"Leakage radiation imaging of surface plasmon "Surface Plasmon Photonics: Squeezing light
polaritons" through tiny holes"
Graz-Mainz Joint Seminar on Plasmonics, Mainz, European Conference on Molecular Electronics 8,
Germany, November 19, (2004). Bologna, Italy, June/July, (2005).
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 19 of 22
F. J. Garcia-Vidal L. Martín-Moreno
"Metallic surfaces with holes in them" "Fotonica con Plasmones superficiales"
SPP2, Graz, Austria, May, (2005). Congreso Nacional Instituto de Biocomputaciones
y Fisica de Sistemas Complejos, Zaragoza, Spain,
F. J. Garcia-Vidal February 11, (2005).
"Extraordinary optical properties of
nanostructured metals" J. B. Pendry
ICONO-2005, St Petersburg, Russia, May, (2005). "Sub wavelength focussing using silver nanolayers"
SPP2, Graz, Austria, May, (2005).
F. J. Garcia-Vidal
"Metal surfaces with holes in them: new plasmonic S. Wedge and W. L. Barnes
metamaterials" "Surface plasmon-polariton mediated emission of
PECS-VI, Crete, Greece, June, (2005). light through thin metal films (Invited)"
Society for Information Displays, Knebworth, UK,
M. U. Gonzalez, J.-C. Weeber, A.-L. Baudrion, A. April 7 2005, (2005).
Dereux, E. Devaux, T. W. Ebbesen, A. Stepanov
and J. R. Krenn W. L. Barnes
"Design and Characterization of surface plasmon "Surface Plasmons (invited)"
mirrors" OMNT - Industry/academia meeting, Paris, France,
SPP2, Graz, Austria, May, (2005). March 16, (2006).
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 20 of 22
"Molecule-surface plasmon interactions in "Surface plasmon waveguides and resonators
subwavelength aperture" (invited)"
EOS Topical Meeting, Molecular Plasmonics, EOS Topical meeting, Engelberg, Switzerland,
Engelberg, Switzerland, April, (2006). April 29, (2006).
T. W. Ebbesen J. R. Krenn
"FIB for surface plasmon photonics" "Plasmonics - Nanooptics with metals"
MRS 2006, Boston, USA, November, (2006). Workshop of the Centre for Nanostructure
Research and analysis, Graz, Austria, June 9,
N. Galler (2006).
"Piezoelectric and electrostrictive polymers and
nano-foams for transducers and active optical J. R. Krenn
devices" "Surface Plasmon waveguides and resonators"
ISOTEC, Graz, Austria, July 6, (2006). Workshop on Plasmonics, Singapore, December 5,
F. J. Garcia-Vidal
"Extraordinary optical properties of J. R. Krenn
nanostructured metals" "Organic diodes as surface plasmon detectors"
Conference on Nanoscience, Choroni, Venezuela, NFO9, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11,
(2006). (2006).
F. J. Garcia-Vidal A. Leitner
"How light emerges from an illuminated array of "Surface plasmon assisted magneto-optics
subwavelength holes" (invited)"
Gordon Conference on Plasmonics, Keene, USA, Nano and Photonics, Mauterndorf, Austria, March
July, (2006). 15, (2006).
F. J. Garcia-Vidal A. Leitner
"Extraordinary optical properties of structured "Optical nanosensors"
metals" Workshop of the Centre for Nanostructure
MESODIS-2006, Kanpur, India, (2006). Research and analysis, Graz, Austria, June 6,
F. J. Garcia-Vidal
"How light emerges from an illuminated array of A. Leitner
subwavelength holes" "Plasmon-based magneto-optics"
International Workshop on Plasmonics, Singapore, Nano and Photonics 1, Materndorf, Austria, March
(2006). 15, (2006).
C. Genet A. Leitner
"Enhanced optical transmission through "Localized surface plasmons in metal
subwavelength apertures" nanostructures"
SPIE Plasmonic nano-imaging and nanofabrication Ann Met Aust Phys Soc, Graz, Austria, September
2006, San Diego, USA, August, (2006). 18, (2006).
A. Hohenau A. Leitner
"Plasmon Nano-Optics" "Localized surface plasmons in metal
Nano and Photonics, Mauterdorf, Austria, March nanostructures"
15, (2006). SFB 616, Schloss Eichloss, Germany, September
24, (2006).
A. Hohenau
"Plasmon nano-optics" L. Martín-Moreno
Nano and Photonics 1, Mauterndorf, Austria, "Enhanced transmission of waves"
March 15, (2006). Linz, Austria, June 26, (2006).
J. R. Krenn L. Martín-Moreno
"Surface plasmon waveguides and resonators" "Transmision Extraordinaria de ondas de materia"
Photon06, Manchester. UK, September 6, (2006). Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido,
Alicante, Spain, February 2, (2006).
J. R. Krenn
L. Martín-Moreno
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 21 of 22
"Optical scattering by finite arrays of indentations J. B. Pendry
in a metal film" "Invited"
NFO-9, Lusanne, Switzerland, September 14, ETOPIM7, Sydney, Australia, July, (2006).
J. B. Pendry
L. Martín-Moreno "Invited"
"Optical Scattering by finite arrays of indentations RANK Meeting, Windermere, UK, August, (2006).
in a metal film"
International Workshop on Plasmonics, Singapore, J. B. Pendry
December 7, (2006). "Invited"
PHOTON06, Manchester, UK, September, (2006).
J. B. Pendry
"Invited" F. Reil
CMMP 2006, Exeter, UK, April, (2006). "Fluorescing molecules and metal nanorods: de-
excitation engineering"
J. B. Pendry EOS Topical Meeting on molecular plasmonic
"Invited" devices, Engelberg, Switzerland, April 24, (2006).
OSA Bahamas meeting, Bahamas, June, (2006).
F. Reil
J. B. Pendry "Fluorescing molecules and metal nano-rods:
"Invited" molecular de-excitation engineering"
EUMETA, Brussels, June, (2006). EOS Topical meeting, Molecular Plasmonic
Devices, Engelberg, Switzerland, April 27, (2006).
3 References
Final Activity Report Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP) NMP-CT-2003-505699 Page 22 of 22