Fao 196 - 196-A
Fao 196 - 196-A
Fao 196 - 196-A
Office of the Secretary
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Series of 2000
SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Creation and Implementation of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Council (FARMCs)
In line with the fisherfolk empowerment program of the government and to achieve sustainable
development of fisheries and aquatic resources, attain food security and eradicate poverty among the
coastal and inland fishing communities and pursuant to the provisions of Sections 68-79 and other
related provisions of Republic Act No. 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998,
the following rules and regulations are hereby promulgated:
SECTION 1. Definitions. - As used in this Order, the following words and phrases shall mean:
a. Aquaculture - fishery operations involving all forms of raising and culturing fish and other fishery
species in fresh, brackish and marine areas.
c. Catch Ceilings - refer to the annual catch limits allowed to be taken, gathered or harvested from any
fishing area in consideration of the need to prevent overfishing and harmful depletion of breeding
stocks of aquatic organisms.
d. Closed Season - the period during which the taking of specified fishery species by a specified fishing
gear is prohibited in a specified area or areas in Philippine waters.
e. Commercial fishing - the taking of fishery species by passive or active gear for trade, business or
profit beyond subsistence or sports fishing, to be further classified as:
1. Small scale commercial fishing - fishing with passive or active gear utilizing fishing vessels 3.1 gross
tons (GT) up to twenty (20) GT;
2. Medium scale commercial fishing - fishing utilizing active gears and vessels of 20.1 GT up to one
hundred fifty (150) GT; and
3. Large scale commercial fishing - fishing utilizing active gears and vessels of more than one hundred
fifty (150) GT.
i. Fish cage - refers to an enclosure which is either stationary or floating made up of nets or screens
sewn or fastened together and installed in the water with opening at the surface or covered and held
in a place by wooden/bamboo posts or various types of anchors and floats.
j. Fisheries - refers to all activities relating to the act or business of fishing, culturing, preserving,
processing, marketing, developing, conserving and managing aquatic resources and the fishery areas,
including the privilege to fish or take aquatic resources thereof.
k. Fish pen - an artificial enclosure constructed within a body of water for the culture of fish and
fisheries/aquatic resources. It is made up of poles closely arranged in an enclosure with wooden
materials, screen or nylon netting to prevent escape of fish.
l. Fish refuge and sanctuary - a designated area where fishing or other forms of activities which may
damage the ecosystem of the area is prohibited and human access may be restricted.
m. Fishworker - a person regularly or not regularly employed in commercial fishing and related
industries, whose income is either in wage, profit-sharing or stratified sharing basis, including those
working in fish pens, fish cages, fish corrals, traps, fishponds, prawn farms, sea farms, salt beds, fish
ports, fishing boat or trawlers, or fish processing and/or packing plants. Excluded from this category
are administrators, security guards and overseers.
n. Fisherfolk - people directly or personally and physically engaged in taking and/or culture and
processing fishery and/or aquatic resources.
o. Fisherfolk cooperative - a duly registered association of fisherfolk with a common bond of interest,
who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful common social or economic end, making
equitable contribution to the capital requirement and accepting a fair share of the risks and benefits
of the undertakings in accordance with universally accepted cooperative principles.
q. Fishery reserve - a designated area where activities are regulated and set aside for educational and
research purposes.
r. Lake - an inland body of water, an expanded part of a river, a reservoir formed by a dam, or a lake
basin intermittently or formerly covered by water.
t. Municipal fisherfolk - persons who are directly or indirectly engaged in municipal fishing and other
related fishing activities.
u. Municipal fishing - refers to fishing within municipal waters using fishing vessels of three (3) gross
tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessels.
v. Municipal waters - include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of water and tidal waters within
the municipality which are not included within the protected areas as defined under Republic Act No.
7586 (The NIPAS Law), public forest, timber lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine
water included between two (2) lines drawn perpendicular to the general coastline from points where
the boundary lines of the municipality touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the
general coastline including offshore islands and fifteen (15) kilometers from such coastline. Where
two (2) municipalities are so situated on opposite shores that there is less than thirty (30) kilometers
of marine waters between them, the third line shall be equally distant from the opposite shores of the
respective municipalities.
w. NGO - an agency, institution, a foundation or a group of persons whose purpose is to assist people?
s organizations/associations in various ways including, but not limited to, organizing, education,
training, research and/or accessing resources.
x. People's Organization - a bona fide association of citizens with demonstrated capacity to promote
the public interest and with identifiable leadership, membership and structure. Its members belong to
a sector/s who voluntarily band themselves together to work for and by themselves for their own
upliftment, development and greater good.
SEC. 2. Development of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in Municipal Waters and Bays. - Fisherfolk
and their organizations residing within the geographical jurisdiction of the barangays, municipalities
or cities with the concerned LGUs shall develop the fishery/aquatic resources in municipal waters and
SEC. 4. Creation and Composition of the National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
Council (NFARMC). - There is hereby created a National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
Council (NFARMC) as an advisory/recommendatory body to the Department. The NFARMC shall be
composed of fifteen (15) members consisting of:
b. The Undersecretary for Local Government of the Department of Interior and Local Government.
1. The members representing the fisherfolk and fishworkers shall be nominated among the sector in a
process that shall be facilitated by BFAR.
2. Those that are qualified in the selection process are all Regional Fisherfolk Representatives, duly
endorsed by their respective BFAR Regional Directors as having been elected by the fisherfolk
organizations in their respective regions through a process conducted by the BFAR; and heads of
national fisherfolk organizations or their duly authorized representative. National fisherfolk
organizations are those organizations of fisherfolk whose activities and membership are national in
scope and recognized as such by the BFAR.
d. Five (5) members representing the commercial fishing, aquaculture operators and the processing
1. The five members representing the commercial fishing, aquaculture operators and the processing
sectors shall be nominated among the sector in a process that shall be facilitated by BFAR.
2. Representatives from the commercial fishing sector shall be comprised of the large-scale, medium-
scale and small-scale commercial fishing sectors as defined in this Order.
1. The two members from the academe shall be nominated by the academe community involved in
f. One (1) representative of NGOs involved in fisheries.
1. The NGO representative shall be recommended by fisherfolk organizations and shall be nominated
among the NGOs inn a process that shall be facilitated by BFAR.
The members of the NFARMC, except for the Undersecretary of Agriculture and the Undersecretary of
the Interior and Local and Local Government, shall be appointed by the President upon the
nomination of their respective organizations.
SEC. 5. Terms of Office of the members of the NFARMC. - Except for the Undersecretary of Agriculture
and the Undersecretary of the Interior and Local Government, the members of the NFARMC shall
serve for a term of three (3) years without reappointment.
SEC. 6. Functions of the NFARMC. - The NFARMC shall have the following functions:
a. Assist in the formulation of national policies for the protection, sustainable development and
management of fisheries and aquatic resources for the approval of the Secretary.
b. Assist the Department in the preparation of the National Fisheries and Industry Development Plan;
c. Be coordinated with the Department, through BFAR, in assisting the LGUs develop a standard
registration form for municipal fishing vessels, gears and fisherfolk.
d. Be consulted by the BFAR in the settlement of conflicts in resource use and allocation.
e. Serve as a member of an Inter-Agency Committee, together with the NAMRIA, Philippine Navy,
Philippine Coast Guard, MARINA and other concerned agencies to facilitate the designation and
charting of navigational lanes.
f. Serve as a member of an Inter-Agency Committee to implement Sec. 126 (Foreign Grants and Aids)
of RA 8550, together with representatives from the National Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA), Board of Investments (BOI), Department of Finance (DOF), DOST, DTI, DFA and DA.
SEC. 7. The Municipal/City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (M/CFARMCs). -
The M/CFARMCs shall be created in each of the municipalities/cities abutting municipal waters.
However, the LGU may create the Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils
(BFARMCs) and the Lakewide Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (LFARMCs)
whenever necessary.
a. The Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources shall conduct massive information and education
campaign on the formation of FARMCs and come up with an implementation strategy and action plan
to ensure that FARMCs are formed according to the true spirit of fisherfolk empowerment.
b. Trainors? Training shall be given to key BFAR implementing personnel, fisherfolk leaders, NGOs and
c. Fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives, and NGOs who shall organize the FARMCs in the locality are
those that are duly accredited by their respective LGUs.
d. The LGU shall maintain a list of all existing fisherfolk organizations in the municipality/city. This list
shall be a reference for the consultation and formation of FARMCs.
e. Before the FARMC is organized, the LGU shall ensure that at least 90% of the fisherfolk/fishworkers
in the municipality/city have been consulted and informed.
f. Government entities who shall assist in the formation of FARMCs are the following: Departments of
the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Environment (DENR), Social Work and Development
(DSWD), Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), Justice (DOJ), Commission on Human Rights (CHR),
League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) and other concerned special agencies.
SEC. 9. Functions of the M/CFARMCs. - The M/CFARMCs shall have the following functions:
a. Assist in the preparation of the municipal fisheries development plan and submit such plan to the
Municipal Development Council. The MCFARMCs shall also evaluate implementation of the plan and
submit recommendations for effective implementation.
c. Assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in municipal waters.
d. Advise the sangguniang bayan/panlungsod on fishery matters through its Committee on Fisheries, if
such has been organized.
e. Perform such other functions which may be assigned by the sangguniang bayan/ panlungsod.
1. the management, conservation, development, protection, utilization and disposition of all fish and
fishery/aquatic resources within their respective municipal waters;
3. the determination of license fees of fishery activities in municipal waters. The FARMCs may also
recommend the appropriate license fees that will be imposed;
4. the establishment of catch ceiling limitations in municipal waters for conservation and ecological
5. the establishment of closed seasons in municipal waters. The FARMCs may also recommend the
establishment of closed seasons in fisheries management areas and other areas reserved for the use
of municipal fisherfolk;
6. authorizing or permitting small and medium commercial fishing vessels to operate within the ten
point one (10.1) to fifteen (15) kilometer area from the shoreline in municipal waters, through a
public hearing;
7. the formulation of necessary mechanisms for inclusion or exclusion procedures in limiting entry
into the municipal waters that shall be most beneficial to the resident municipal fisherfolk. The
FARMCs may likewise recommend such mechanisms;
8. the designation/establishment of zones for the construction of fish pens, fish cages, fish traps and
other structures for the culture of fish and other fishery products.
11. recommending to the Department that portion of the municipal waters for declaration as fishery
reserves for special or limited use, for educational, research and/or special management purposes;
12. the establishment and designation of areas for fishery refuges and sanctuaries.
g. Submit to the LGU the list of priorities for consideration in determining priorities among those who
will be allowed to fish in municipal waters.
h. Assist the LGU in maintaining a registry of municipal fishing vessels by type of gear and other boat
i. Be coordinated with by the BFAR in the development, conservation, protection, utilization and
management of fisheries and aquatic resources. The FARMCs shall also be coordinated with by the
BFAR in:
k. The FARMCs, through the NFARMC, shall also be consulted by the BFAR in the promulgation of
Fisheries Administrative Orders (FAOs) or regulations for the conservation, preservation, management
and sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources. These include, but not limited to:
issuance of FAO regarding Non-Obstruction to Navigation, Non-Obstruction of Defined Migration
Paths, in the drafting of the Code of Practice for Aquaculture, in certifying the necessity of importing
fishery products, and in the promulgation of rules and regulations on the importation and exportation
of fish and fishery/aquatic resources. Consultations with FARMCs regarding the promulgation of FAOs
shall be facilitated by BFAR.
l. The FARMC may recommend to the Department that portion of the municipal waters to be declared
as fishery reserves for special or limited use, for education, research and/or special management
SEC. 10. Composition of the M/CFARMCs. - The regular members of the M/CFARMCs shall be
composed of:
The Council shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to govern its proceedings and election.
SEC. 11. Selection Criteria for Regular Members of M/CFARMCs. - Regular members of M/CFARMCs
shall be selected in accordance with the following:
a. For fisherfolk/fishworker members: The fisherfolk/fishworker members shall include the youth and
women sectors. They shall belong to a fisherfolk organization/cooperative/ association duly
accredited by the LGU; they must carry an endorsement from their respective
organizations/cooperative/association that they are their duly designated representative to the
FARMC; residents of the barangay/municipality/city for at least one (1) year; engaged in fishing or fish
culture/processing as their main source of livelihood; and with good moral character and reputation
in the community.
b. Representatives from the youth and women sectors must come from fisherfolk youth and women
organizations duly accredited by the LGU.
c. For representatives from NGOs and the private sector, they shall be endorsed/ recommended by
fisherfolk organizations based on their involvement, expertise in fisheries and track record in helping
municipal fisherfolk and in protecting the fisheries and aquatic resources.
d. Commercial fishing operators who shall be members of the FARMC shall be nominated by a duly
recognized association of the Commercial Fishing Sector. If there are no resident commercial fishers
in the city/municipality, associations of commercial fishing operators from a neighboring
city/municipality may nominate a representative. If after three consultations/meetings of the FARMC
and the commercial fishing sector fails to send their representative, the slot shall be given to
fisherfolk members.
e. Where the membership of FARMCs exceed the above allocated minimum, the proportion of
fisherfolk members vis-à-vis that of the commercial fishing members shall be maintained.
SEC. 12. Officers of the M/CFARMCs. - The M/CFARMCs shall constitute the following officers that
shall come from among the Council?s regular fisherfolk members: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson,
Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Press Relations Officer and Sergeant-at-Arms.
SEC. 13. Structural Framework. - For a more effective Council, the FARMCs may adopt the following
framework: First Level ? the Council to be assisted by an advisory body; and Second Level - task
forces/committees/services (Figure 1). The advisory body shall be selected from the academe and
research institutions, national government agencies, local government units, NGOs and Pos based on
their involvement, expertise in fisheries and track record in helping the fisherfolk. The FARMCs may
be assisted and supported by a Secretariat to be appointed by the Council.
The task forces/committees/services that will be created in support to the operational activities of the
FARMCs may include, but not limited to the following: law enforcement (or bantay
dagat/lawa/kalikasan) and prosecution, rehabilitation and conservation, livelihood, research,
education and training, legislative, pollution control, land and water use/zonation and resettlement.
SEC. 14. Creation of BFARMs/LFARMCs. - Whenever necessary, the LGUs may create Barangay
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (BFARMCs) and Lakewide Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources Management Councils (LFARMCs). The BFARMCs and LFARMCs shall serve in an
advisory capacity to the LGU.
SEC. 15. Functions of the BFARMCs/LFARMCs. - The BFARMCs/LFARMCs shall have the following
a. Assist in the preparation of the Barangay/Municipal Development Plan and submit such plan to the
Barangay/Municipal Development Council;
c. Assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in municipal waters; and
d. Advise the Sangguniang Barangay/Bayan on fishery matters through its Committee on Fisheries.
SEC. 16. Composition of the BFARMCs and LFARMCs. - The regular members of the BFARMC/LFARMC
shall be composed of:
e. At least eight (8) representatives of the fisherfolk/fishworkers including the youth and women
SEC. 17. The Integrated Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (IFARMCs). -
Integrated Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils shall be created in bays, gulfs,
lakes, rivers and dams bounded by two (2) or more municipalities/ cities. The IFARMCs shall serve as
the venues for close collaboration among LGUs in the management of contiguous resources to
achieve the objectives of integrated fishery resource management.
a. Only one (1) Integrated FARMC shall be formed within a body of water (bays, gulfs, lakes, rivers,
b. Other Fisheries Management or Development Councils that may be organized in gulfs, bays, rivers
and dams shall adopt the composition and structure of the IFARMC.
SEC. 18. Functions of the IFARMCs. The IFARMCs shall have the following functions:
a. Assist in the preparation of the Integrated Fishery Development Plan and submit such plan to the
concerned Municipal Development Councils.
c. Assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in concerned municipal waters.
d. Advise the concerned sangguniang bayan/panlungsod on fishery matters through its Committee on
Fisheries, if such has been organized.
e. Perform such other functions which may be assigned by the concerned sangguniang
SEC. 19. Composition of the IFARMCs. - The regular members of the IFARMCs shall be composed of
the following:
a. The chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture/Fisheries of the concerned sangguniang
1. In areas covering two or more provinces, each province shall nominate a representative to the
IFARMC. Such representative shall be nominated among the chairpersons of the Committee on
Agriculture/Fisheries of the province.
2. In areas covering two or more provinces, each province shall nominate a representative to the
IFARMC. Such representative shall be nominated from among the Fisheries Officers/MAOs or City
Agricultural Officers of the province.
1. In areas covering two or more provinces, each province shall nominate a representative to the
IFARMC. Such representative shall be nominated from among the Municipal/City Development
Officers of the province.
2. In areas covering two or more provinces, each province shall send one NGO representative. From
among them, the fisherfolk members of the IFARMC shall elect the NGO representative to the
2. In areas covering two or more provinces, each province shall send one private sector
representative. From among them, the fisherfolk members of the IFARMC shall elect the private
sector representative to the IFARMC.
f. At least nine (9) representatives from the fisherfolk sector which include representatives from the
youth and women sector.
1. At least one fisherfolk representative shall come from every municipality covered by the IFARMC,
preferably the Chairperson of the M/CFARMC or his duly designated representative.
2. Youth and Women sector representatives should come from a duly accredited youth/women?s
organizations and are members of the M/CFARMC.
3. The number of youth and women sector representatives and the manner of their inclusion to
IFARMC shall be determined by the regular fisherfolk members of the IFARMC.
The Council shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to govern its proceedings and election.
SEC. 20. Existing Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMCs). - Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources Management Councils already existing and organized before the approval of this
Order shall be duly recognized as FARMCS: Provided, however, that such councils shall be
reconstituted/reorganized according to the provisions of this Order.
SEC. 21. Registry of Municipal Fisherfolk. - In close coordination with the LGUs, FARMCs shall also
maintain a registry of barangay/municipal fisherfolk and fisherfolk organizations/ cooperatives.
SEC. 22. Technical Assistance. - The Departments of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources,
Interior and Local Government, Justice, Transportation and Communication, the Commission on
Human Rights, the Philippine Coast Guard and the MARICOM, including other government agencies
concerned with the management, protection, conservation and development of fisheries and aquatic
resources shall provide continuous technical assistance to FARMCs and fisherfolk
organizations/cooperatives. The assistance shall include, but not limited to organizational
strengthening, project planning and development, monitoring and evaluation, training, research, law
enforcement, legal and human rights assistance, post-harvest and marketing facilities, fund sourcing,
access to credits, fisherfolk settlement, medical, education and other services. BFAR shall monitor the
assistance extended to FARMCs at all levels.
SEC. 23. Government Agencies. - Government agencies or offices such as DENR, DA/BFAR, LGUs, LLDA
and other special agencies having jurisdiction over municipal waters by virtue of special laws shall
integrate the plans and policies formulated by FARMCs into their agency/corporate policies and plans
of operation for implementation.
SEC. 24. Source of funds of the FARMCs. - A separate fund for the NFARMC, IFARMCs and M/CFARMCs
shall be established and administered by the Department/ BFAR from the regular annual budgetary
SEC. 25. Repealing Clause. - All orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the
provisions of this Fisheries Administrative Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SEC. 26. Effectivity. - This Order takes effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official
Gazette and/or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Undersecretary for Fisheries and concurrently
Chairman, NFARMC
ORDER NO. 196-1
Series of 2004
SECTION 1. Section 4 (c, d, e & f) of Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196, s. 2000, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 4. x x x
a. x x x
b. x x x
2) Nomination of the candidates shall precede the election. There shall be no proxy voting and
votation shall be by secret balloting.
The BFAR Regional Director, through the Regional FARMC Program Management Center, shall
facilitate the selection process at the provincial and regional levels.
3) The fisherfolk from Luzon shall vote for the Luzon representatives, the same as with those from the
Visayas and Mindanao for their own island groupings.
4) The allocation of the five (5) members for the fisherfolk sector shall be as follows:
5) Another round of votation shall be held, but only for the candidates who tied.
6) The fisherfolk shall also have a shortlist for the following nominees:
d. Five (5) members representing the commercial fishing, aquaculture and processing sectors, to be
allocated as follows:
1) Three (3) representatives for the commercial fishing sector, one each for the small scale, medium-
scale and large-scale commercial fishing boat operators, to be chosen from within their respective
2) One (1) representative for the aquaculture sector, to be chosen from among the aquaculture sector
organizations; and
3) One (1) representative for the processing sector, to be chosen from among those solely engaged in
the processing of fishery products.
The selection process for all the foregoing shall be facilitated by the BFAR NFARMC PMC.
e. Two (2) from the academe to be chosen from among the fishery experts of fisheries learning
institutions, the selection process for which also be facilitated by the BFAR NFARMC PMC.
f) One (1) representative from the NGOs having national coverage involved in fisheries with proven
and documented record of involvement for five (5) years on a wide range of issues and concerns on
fisheries particularly on the small fisherfolk and development programs on resource management,
active involvement in local and national fisheries and fishery-related policy advocacy, besides being a
member of an NGO or a coalition of NGOs to be certified by the local FARMCs, the selection process
for which shall also be facilitated by the BFAR NFARMC PMC.
SEC. 3. Effectivity. - This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official
Gazette and/or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation and fifteen (15) days after its registration
with the Office of the National Administrative Register.
ISSUED this 30th day of April, 2004 at Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Undersecretary for Fisheries
Chairman, NFARMC
Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources