Item Analysis

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Item Analysis is an integral part of test development. It is often needed when test and scales
are modified for use in new research setting or with different population of subjects.

A single question on a test or questionnaire or a single statement on a scale.

The procedure used to judge the quality of an item is called “Item Analysis”.
Item analysis is the process of assessing the degree to which each item is contributing to
questions power to make discriminations.
Item analysis is the process of analyzing the performance of an item or question.
Item analysis is a process of analyzing the performance of a multiple choice question. The
main purpose of the item analysis lies in creating question banks consisting of several
hundred or thousand items of known, difficulty and discriminating.


 To identify the difficulty of the item
 To know the effectiveness of distracters.
 To identify how well the item discriminates between high and low achievers.
 Item analysis will expose the technical defects in constructing the questions.
 It helps to identify poor quality questions as well as questions that were too difficult
for the students/ samples.
 It provides a remedial work as it helps to identify general areas to weakness of
samples requiring more extended attention.
 It helps the researcher to improve his/ her skill in test construction by repeated
 To ascertain whether the questions/items do their job. A detailed test and item
analysis has to be done before a meaningful and scientific inference about the test can
be made in terms of its validity, reliability, objectivity and usability.


1. Ranking in order of merit:

This step consists of ranking students in order of merit from highest score to lowest
score. This questionnaire is applied on B. Sc nursing 4thyear. Their strength is 13.
Then all the students are ranked in order of merit score from highest score (20) to
lowest score (6).

2. Identification of high and low group:

The high and low group comprises of only 27% of high group and 27% of low
group in order of merit. The scorer of high group indicates they are highly superior to
those are low group.
The 27% of 13 students are 3.51which is almost equal to 4. Then 4 students
are selected from highest score in order of merit to make high group and also 4
students are selected from lowest score in order of merit to make low group.

3. Calculation of difficulty index of items:

Difficulty index is an index measuring the easiness or difficulty of a test

question. It is the percentage of students who have correctly answer the questions. It
can vary from 0 to 100 %.

Difficulty index = (H+L) / N x 100

Where, H = score in high group

L = score in low group

N = number of scorers
4. Calculation of discrimination index:

It is an indicator which shows how significantly question discriminate between

high and low score. It varies from -1 to +1.
Discrimination index = 2 x (H-L) / N.

5. Critical evaluation of question:

It is based on the indexes obtained in difficulty index and discrimination index.

 Difficulty index: The higher the index the easier the question.
 Between 30% and 70% - good item (Acceptable).
 Below 20% is too hard and above 80% is too easy-items
to be discarded.
 Between 70% to 80% and 20% to 30% items need
improvement or modification.
 Discrimination index: The higher the index the more a question will be
distinguished between high and low students. Range is –
 Below 0.14 or negative – item to be discarded.
 Between 0.14 to 0.28 – item need improvement or modification.
 Above 0.28 – item is good (Acceptable).
The investigator will not do item analysis every time. If he/ she want to standardize the tool,
only then he/she will do this process.
 It helps to judge the worth or quality of the test.
 Aids for subsequent test revision.
 Helps to obtain better skill in item construction.
 Provides a basis for discussing test results.
 Helps in revising test or test item.


1. If a group of student is particularly brilliant, the utilization of item analysis will lead to
some of them being failed although their level of performance may be satisfactory from
the absolute view point.
2. If a given group of students has on the whole a low performance level because the
appropriate instruction has not been given or has poorly given or for some other
reason, the item analysis may allow "poor" students to pass if they are average of their

Item analysis is one of the most frequently employed for examination purposed.
Unfortunately, its disadvantages greatly outnumber its advantages but situation arises in
which a certain number of persons have to be selected for admission to a given course of
study it becomes necessary to compare their performances.

I, the student of first year M.Sc. Nursing have arranged one test on 05.04.2022 on the
students of 4thYear B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing. The subject of the test was Midwifery &
Obstetrics Nursing. The test has been conducted on the unit of nursing management of
patient with Cord prolapse. The function of the test was to assess the level of competency
of the students.

1. To test the performance of the students.
2. To rank the student according to scoring.
3. To test the internal consistency of the questions.
4. To test the sensitivity of the questions.

Planning of Test:
I.First Step: Before the test planning is carried out, planning involves answering following
question in first step of planning:
1. What content has been covered by the test?
2. What objectives to be achieved by the teachers in content?
3. What type of test exercises to given to achieve the objectives?
4. How much emphasis is given to each topic?

General Objectives:

The general objectives of the test were formulated as follows: Students will be able to

1) Gain basic knowledge about with cord prolapse.

2) Develop positive attitude towards the patient cord prolapse.

3) Apply skill in the management of the patient with cord prolapse.

Specific Objective:

The following specific or behavioural objectives were defined as Students will be able to

1. Define various types of cord prolapse.

2. List down the clinical features of cord prolapse.
3. Explain the etiology of cord prolapse.
4. Describe the management of cord prolapse.
II. Second step: After formulating objectives, the second step of planning is selection of
content. Content has been selected by me.

I. Third Step: Checking the Content. The step is checking the content, whether the
content is applicable for 4th year students or not.

It is an important part of preparing test. It provides a complete framework for the development of
test. A blue print shows the relative emphasis on the content area and how it is related to the
formulated objectives.


Subject : Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing

Topic .Maternal pelvis,fetal skull,physiological changes of pregnancy,Diagnosis of pregnancy
Total Questions : 20
Total Time :20 minutes.

Number and types of questions Total

Content Knowledge Understanding Application
Maternal Q.A:2,4,6,7,9,10 Q.A:1,3,5,8 Q.B:7. 10.
Q.B: 1,2,4,6,8,9 Q.B: 3, 5
changes during 12 6 2 20
of pregnanacy

Types of Test and Items:

The proposed test was decided on objective type of test and the types of questions are
planned as-
a. Fill in the blanks: 10
b. Multiple choice types: 10
Pilot Study:
A pilot study should be done to see the validity of the formulated questions. But in this case
pilot study is not done.
Test Implementation
The test has been conducted on 13 student of 4th year B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing on 06.04.2022.
Scoring of the test has been done according to key answer sheet, which is set while
constructing the items for test.
Analysis of Results: After scoring the answer papers are graded. It varies from 1/3 (27%)
from higher grade level and 1/3 (27%) of the lower grade level have been taken. 4 students
belong in each group. Total 13 students are taken. All the response of each question has been
added and the total marks have been written at the bottom.
From this the difficulty value and discriminating value of each item have been found
according to formula. The formula is given below: -
Difficulty value of item = (H+L) / N x 100

Discriminating value of item = 2 x (H-L) / N.

Here, N = Total number of students in two group.

H = Total number of correct answers in higher-level group.
L = Total number of correct answers in lower-level group.
For better comparison the ideal difficulty value and discriminating value have been given
Difficulty value:
If case of difficulty value of each item, if the items:
1. Between 30% and 70% - good item (Acceptable).
2. Below 20% and above 80% - items to be discarded.
3. Between 70% to 80% and 20% to 30% items need improvement or modification.
Discrimination value:
In case of discriminating value of each item, if the item is:
1. Below 0.14 or negative – item to be discarded.
2. Between 0.14 to 0.28 – item need improvement or modification.
3. Above 0.28 – item is good (Acceptable).
Item 1.
Difficulty value 50%
Discriminating value 0.5%
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value is within normal range.

Item 2.
Difficulty value 37.5%
Discriminating value 0.75
This item is good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value is within normal range.

Item 3.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.25.
Difficulty value is with in normal range & discriminating value is needed to improvement or
Item 4.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75
This item is a good item. Difficulty value is with in normal range and Discriminating value is
within the acceptable range.

Item 5.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.25
This item is a good item. Difficulty value is with in normal range & discriminating value is
needed to improvement or modification.

Item 6.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75%.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value & discriminating value are with in normal range.
Item 7.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value & discriminating value are with in normal range.

Item 8.
Difficulty value 75%
Discriminating value 0.5%
This item is good. Difficulty value is needed to modification but Discriminating
value is with in normal range.

Item 9. Difficulty value 62.5%

Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.

Item 10.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.25.
This item is to be a good item as Difficulty value is accepted but and according to
Discriminating value it is needed to modification.

Item 11.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.

Item 12.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.
Item 13.
Difficulty value 75%
Discriminating value 0.5%. This item is good. Difficulty value is needed to modification but
Discriminating value is with in normal range.

Item 14.
Difficulty value 75%
Discriminating value 0.5%. This item is good. Difficulty value is needed to modification but
Discriminating value is with in normal range.

Item 15.
Difficulty value 75%
Discriminating value 0.5%. This item is good. Difficulty value is needed to modification but
Discriminating value is with in normal range.

Item 16.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.

Item 17.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.

Item 18
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.75.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the
acceptable range.

Item 19
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.5.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the acceptable
Item 20.
Difficulty value 62.5%
Discriminating value 0.5.
This item is a good item. Difficulty value and Discriminating value are within the acceptable

 The test as a whole is a test for the group because the most of the item have been
answered correctly by most of the students.
 The item analysis of the test gives an idea about the Knowledge, understanding and
practice level of the students. It seems that all of the students have gained knowledge and
understood the topic.
 All the responses of each questions have been put in the master plan and all correct
answer of each group have been added and the total marks have been written at the

Name of Item A Item B Item C Total

27% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
from 0
Roll no- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 20
Roll no- √ x √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 19
Roll no- √ √ x √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 19
Roll no-7 x √ √ √ x √ √ √ √ x √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 17

Roll no- √ x x X √ x x √ x √ x x x √ √ √ x x x √ 8
Roll no- x x x X x x x x x √ √ x √ √ x x √ x √ √ 7
Roll no- x x √ X x √ x x √ x x √ x x √ x x √ x x 7
Roll no- x x √ √ √ x √ √ x x x x √ x x x x x x x 6

In this item analysis we can know the weak points of the students as well as the points need
importance. It also helps in improvement of the teaching learning activities and also teacher
can improve himself/herself.
Item analysis

Submitted to Submitted by
Madam Sipra Modak Nabanita Dinda
Reader 1st Year Student M. Sc.
W.B. Govt. C.O.N. W.B. Govt. C.O.N.

1.Sharma,Suresh K,Communication & Educational Technology, ELSEVIER,2nd

Edition,Assessment,Page no377-380.

2.Sodhi,JK. Comprehensive Textbook of Nursing Education, 2nd Edition,Standarized & Non

Standerized Test,Page no 212-214


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