© EPCOS AG 2018. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the
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1 Introduction
Resistance values at intermediate temperatures within the range of the subsequent temperature
interval can be calculated by means of the temperature coefficient α.
(formula 2)
RT Resistance value at temperature T
RTx Resistance value at the beginning of the relevant temperature interval
Tx Temperature in °C at the beginning of the relevant temperature interval
T Temperature of interest in °C (Tx <T <Tx+1)
αx Temperature coefficient at temperature Tx
Given: Curve 1006
R25 = 4.7 kΩ
α5 = 4.4
Unknown: Resistance at 7 °C (R7)
Calculation of the resistance value at the beginning of the relevant temperature interval
(Tx = 5 °C):
Given: NTC B57861S0103F045
Curve 8016
B25/100 = 3988 K
B value tolerance ∆B/B = 0.3%
Rated temperature TR = 25 °C
Rated resistance RR = R25 = 10 kΩ
Resistance tolerance at 25 °C ∆RR/RR = ∆R25/R25 = 1%
Unknown: Resistance value at 60 °C
Resistance tolerance at 60 °C (∆RT/RT = ∆R60/R60)
If the R/T characteristics are saved in memory, the resistance tolerances for all temperatures can
be easily determined by an appropriate calculation program.
Important properties of the resistance tolerance characteristics and the temperature tolerance
characteristics are illustrated by in-depth examples in this section.
Assuming that the rated restistance is RR = R60 = 2488 Ω and the spread of the rated resistance is
∆R60/R60 = 1% the calculations above yield the following results.
R25 = 10000 Ω
(formula 5)
Figure 1 Figure 2
Resistance tolerance for TR = 25 °C and Temperature tolerance for TR = 25 °C and
TR = 60 °C TR = 60 °C
Figure 1 illustrates the numerically calculated resistance tolerance characteristic for two different
rated temperatures TR = 25 °C and TR = 60 °C. Figure 2 shows the same for temperature toler-
ance. The minimum of each tolerance is at the corresponding rated temperature.
Figure 3 Figure 4
Resistance tolerance for ∆RR/RR = 1%, Temperature tolerance for ∆RR/RR = 1%,
∆RR/RR = 3% and ∆RR/RR = 5% ∆RR/RR = 3% and ∆RR/RR = 5%
The resistance tolerance characteristics for different rated tolerances of resistance ∆RR/RR is
shown in figure 3. The curves are displaced by a constant value (see formula 1). The temperature
tolerance behaves similarly to the resistance tolerance. The major difference is that the curves
are not just displaced, since the temperature tolerance is defined as the resistance tolerance mul-
tiplied by the reciprocal value of the temperature-dependent temperature coefficient α (see formu-
la 2). Figures 3 and 4 are based on NTC B57861S0103+040. The symbol + is a wildcard for dif-
ferent rated resistance tolerances.
Figure 6 shows the influence of different rated B value tolerances on the resistance tolerance
characteristics. A higher B means a higher slope of the resistance tolerance curve. This can also
be directly verified from (formula 1). Figure 5 shows the same situation for temperature tolerance.
Both figures compare NTC B57861S0103F045 (B value tolerance = 0.3%) with NTC
B57861S0103F040 (B value tolerance = 1%).
Figure 6 Figure 5
Resistance tolerance for ∆B/B = 0.3% and Temperature tolerance for ∆B/B = 0.3% and
∆B/B = 1% ∆B/B = 1%
The tool allows calculation of the resistance/temperature characteristics of NTC thermistors. R/T
curves can comfortably be calculated by selecting temperature range and resistance tolerance.
The results can either be printed out or the print preview can be copied to MS Excel.