Tadabbur Reflecting Upon The Quran by Life With Allah
Tadabbur Reflecting Upon The Quran by Life With Allah
Tadabbur Reflecting Upon The Quran by Life With Allah
Reflecting Upon the Qur’an
The Importance of Tadabbur
Tips For Reflecting Upon the Qur’an
Tadabbur and ‘Living’ the Qur’an
Recite the Qur’an Slowly and Beautifully
َّ َّ ّ ٌ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ ٌ َ
ُ َ
ِكتاب أنزلاه ِإلك مبارك ِلدبروا َ
َْ َ ْ ُ ُ َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ
ِ آياتِ ِه و ِلتذكر أولو الل
“This is a blessed Book which We revealed to you, that
they may reflect upon its verses, and those with
understanding may take heed.” (38:29)
The Qur’ān is the eternal book of guidance. It is a cure for every
disease - be it spiritual or physical. It is a light which illuminates
the path of truth amidst the darknesses of falsehood. The Qur’ān
contains legal rulings for a human to live on Allah’s earth, as His
subservient slaves. It is a book of blessings and eternal wisdom; a
warner and a giver of good news.
Reflection Recitation
Calling to it Memorisation
Becoming of its
‘special people’
Allah says, “Do they not, then, ponder upon the Qur‘ān? Had it
been from someone other than Allah, they would have found in
it a great deal of discrepancy” (4:82); and “This is a blessed Book
which We revealed to you, so that they reflect upon its verses,
and those with understanding may take heed” (38:29).
Imām al-Qurtubī r writes, “And this āyah contains the proof for
the obligation of knowing the Qur’ān’s meanings; and a proof
that reciting slowly is better than reciting fast, as tadabbur cannot
be performed correctly with fast recitation.”
Al-Saʿdī r explained, “Allah has commanded His servants to
reflect on His Book, to ponder on its meanings, and to ponder
deeply on its principles and lessons, along with pursuing whatever
is necessary to achieve this noble aim. Reflecting on the book of
Allah is the key to knowledge and all sciences. It is the source of
all good and the fountain of all the sciences. It increases the īmān
in one’s heart and makes it firmly rooted in it.
The Qur’ān gives the slave the maʿrifah (knowledge and deep
awareness) of his Lord; how all attributes of perfection belong to
Him, and how He is pure from all deficiencies and shortcomings. It
sets out the path that leads to Him, describes the characteristics
of the people who are treading this path and what they will attain
when they come to Him in the hereafter.
It informs about the real enemy, the path which will lead to
punishment, the characteristics of the people who are treading
this path, and how they will be justly punished. The more the
slave ponders upon the Qur’ān, the more he will increase in
knowledge, good deeds and insight.
Reflect: The Qur’ān and You
From the greatest of voluntary acts through which Allah’s
Love is earned, is reciting and pondering upon the Qur’ān.”
(Ibn Rajab r)
Why Your Heart Needs Tadabbur
Ibn al-Qayyim r wrote, “There is nothing more beneficial for
the heart than reading the Qur’ān with contemplation and
reflection. This is what inspires love and longing for Allah. It
generates fear of Him and hope in Him. It makes one turn in
repentance to Him and rely on Him. It causes one to fully submit to
him, leave matters in His Hands and be pleased with His Decree.
It inspires patience and gratitude and is a means of acquiring all
of the characteristics which give life to and perfect the heart.
This is more beneficial for the heart, more likely to increase one’s
īmān and leads one to taste the sweetness of īmān and the
Qur’ān. This was the habit of the early predecessors, whereby one
of them would repeat the same āyah throughout the night until
morning came. Likewise, it has been reported that the Messenger
of Allah g stood repeating one āyah till morning came.”
Do not scatter the Qur’ān (i.e. read it hurriedly) like poor-
quality dates are scattered, and do not recite it quickly like
poetry is recited. Take a pause at its wonders, move the
hearts with it, and do not let your concern be to (merely)
reach the end of the sūrah.” (ʿAbdullāh b. Masʿūd h)
As for the one who does not reflect, ponder and is not
blessed with Allah’s help in this regard, he will remain
ignorant of the amazing secrets mentioned in this
Magnificent Qur’ān.” (Imām al-Rāzī r)
I have not seen anything that nourishes the mind and
soul, protects the body, and guarantees success more
than constantly engaging with the Book of Allah.
(Ibn Taymiyyah r)
Tips for Reflecting Upon the Qur’an
Practical Tips for Tadabbur
a Think of Who is talking to you
Ibn al-Qayyim r said, “If you want to benefit from the Qur’ān,
gather your heart when it is recited, focus your hearing, and act
like you are being directly addressed by Allah, as it is an address
from Him to you upon the tongue of His Messenger g. Allah said,
‘Indeed there is a reminder in that for whoever has a heart or
whoever listens attentively with his heart present’ (50:37).”
Try to personalise the Qur’ān to your situation whilst reciting it.
Relate it to your own life and your own experiences. Ask yourself:
What is Allah telling me? What is Allah asking me to do? How
can I apply it to my life?
c Visualise
Think deeply about the words you are reciting and try to visualise
the meaning they are conveying. For instance, when reading
about the descriptions of Hell-fire in Juz ʿAmma, make the
imagery come alive in your mind. To achieve this, repeat the āyāt
wherever necessary.
The Qur’ān was sent down for us to derive guidance from it and to
increase our īmān in Allah, the Prophet g and the hereafter. Allah
says, “And when His āyāt are recited to them, it increases them in
īmān” (8:2).
On feeling this effect, keep repeating the āyah. Let it move you to
the point of crying over it. Similarly, when reading an āyah about
the greatness of Allah, feel shyness and awe before Him. Keep
repeating this āyah until you feel the effect of it in your heart.
Try to recall the last time you heard Sūrah Yusuf in tarāwīḥ. Did
you hear sniffling and people rummaging in their pockets for
tissues when the imām recited the latter āyāt of the story? Even
though our īmān is weak and we find it easier to cry at the stories
which tug at our hearts, the principle is the same.
“Son of Ādam, how will your heart soften when your only
concern is to reach the end of the sūrah?”
(al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī r)
Mālik b. Dīnār r used to recite the āyah
َٰ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ٰ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ
لو أنزلا هـ َذا اٱلقرءان ع
ًَجبَل ل َّ َرأ ْيتَ ُهۥ َخ ٰـشعا
ِ ٍ
َ ْ َ ْ ّ ً ّ َ َ ُّ
ِ متص ِدع ِمن خشي ِة ٱا
‘Had We sent down this Qur’ān to a mountain, you would
have seen it humbled, burst apart from the awe for
Allah…’ (59:21),
e Interact with the āyāt.
of your Lord will certainly take place— none will avert it” (52-
7:8). He said, “By the Lord of the Kaʿbah, this oath is the truth!”
He stepped down from his donkey and leaned on the wall. He
remained there for a short time, and then returned home. For the
next month, he remained ill. People would visit him, and not know
the cause of his illness.
f Study the Qur’ān.
To achieve the above (points a-e), you will have to make an effort
to study and understand the meanings and message of the
Qur’ān. Some ways you can do this are:
But I am not a scholar…?
There is a misconception amongst some people that tadabbur
is limited to scholars. This is not true. The disbelievers were
condemned in the Qur’ān for not doing tadabbur.
Allah said, “Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’ān, or are there
locks upon (their) hearts” (47:24)?
Tadabbur and ‘Living’ the Qur’ān
Tadabbur is not merely about extracting amazing gems from
the Qur’ān. Rather, it should directly lead us to implementing the
commandments of Allah and the sunnah of His beloved g.
Do whatever you wish to get close to Allah b, but know
you will never get closer to Him with anything more
beloved to Him than His own words (i.e. the Qur’ān).
(Khabbāb )
Recite the Qur’ān Slowly and Beautifully
Sometimes we recite very fast to complete a sūrah. Similarly, we
may witness ‘super high speeds’ in the tarāwīḥ prayers during
Ramaḍān. However, this is contrary to the sunnah and does not
help us attain the objectives of the Qur’ān. Slow recitation is vital
for absorbing the message of the Qur’ān and for reflecting on
what Allah bbbb is saying. Repeating certain āyāt is critical if you
want to strengthen your īmān through the Qur’ān. This, however,
is impossible if your aim is just to reach the end of a sūrah, juz or
even the whole of the Qur’ān.
Beautify your voice
the best voice is the one who, when you hear him recite, you
think that he fears Allah” (Ibn Mājah).
When reciting the Qur’ān, try to cry as this was the practice of the
pious people of the past. Allah b says, “When the āyāṭ of the
Most Merciful were recited before them, they used to fall down in
prostration, weeping” (19:58).
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