Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems: Joseph Schumpeter Lecture
Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems: Joseph Schumpeter Lecture
Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems: Joseph Schumpeter Lecture
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672 R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697
their perceptions of how the voters will behave in the next electoral game. But to
keep things tractable, game-theoretic models of politics usually emphasize one
or the other of these two levels. So we have governmental models that focus on
the conflict and cooperation among a given set of elected officials, who use their
constitutional powers to try to move government policy in their preferred
direction. And we have electoral models that focus both on the campaign
decisions of candidates who want to win elected offices, and on the voting
decisions of voters who want to elect candidates who will implement the voters’
preferred policies. Such electoral models necessarily make simplistic assump-
tions about how the government policies that voters care about will depend on
who wins the election.
In this paper, I will focus mostly on analysis for the electoral level. My goal is
to introduce the elements of an economic theory of electoral systems and their
effect on competitive political behavior. In Section 2, I begin by outlining some
of the variety of electoral systems that exist. In Section 3, a simple formula is
introduced to measure the tendency of a voting rule to encourage candidates to
concentrate separately on special minority interests, or to make similar broad
appeals to all voters. This formula assumes a given number of candidates whom
the voters consider to be equally serious contenders in the election. This
assumption is dropped in Section 4, which introduces Duverger’s law and its
generalizations, which make predictions about the number of serious candidates
under different voting rules. But Duverger’s law can be interpreted as a state-
ment about the relative barriers to entry under different electoral systems, and
standard economic reasoning suggests that barriers can affect long-run profit-
taking in competitive systems. So in Section 5, a simple model of corrupt
profit-taking is introduced to compare the effectiveness of different electoral
systems for deterring such corrupt profit-taking by competitive political parties.
This question of how constitutional design can affect competitive incentives
against political corruption is discussed more broadly in Section 6. Then Sec-
tion 7 addresses the question of how post-election bargaining in the legislature, in
parliamentary and presidential systems, can affect the relative advantages of large
national parties versus small or regional political groups. Section 8 concludes
with some thoughts about the role of economic analysis in questions of constitu-
tional design. (For related surveys of this field, see also Myerson (1995a, 1997a)).
a vector that specifies some number of points that this voter is giving to each of
the candidates (or parties) that are competing in the election. These vote-vectors
are summed over all voters, to determine who wins the election.
Elections can determine the winners in different ways. In single-winner elec-
tions, the winner of the election will be the candidate with the highest total point
score. But the number of winners, denoted by M, can be greater than one in
elections to allocate seats in a council or legislature. In such M-winner elections
where candidates run as individuals, the winners will be the candidates who get
the M highest total point scores. In proportional representation, the alternatives
on the ballot are party lists, rather than individual candidates, and the number
of seats won by a party is proportional to its total point score (up to some
rounding formula; see Balinski and Young (1982)). Other common variations
include quota-runoff requirements in which the high scorer wins the election if
her point score is above some quota (usually 50% of the votes), and otherwise
a new election is held among some subset of the candidates.
The set of permissible ballots also differs across different scoring rules. Let
K denote the number of candidates (or parties, if the alternatives in the election
are party lists) in the election. Given any number K of candidates in the election,
a rank-scoring rule is characterized by some list of numbers s ,2, s such that
1"s 5s 525s 5s " 0,
)\ )
and a vote-vector is permissible if and only if it is some permutation of the vector
That is, in single-positive voting each voter must choose one candidate, to whom
the voter gives one point, and he gives 0 points to all other candidates.
Single-positive voting in a single winner election is called plurality voting or first
past the post. Single-positive voting in M-winner elections, where the alterna-
tives on the ballot are individual candidates, is often called SNTV (for single
Our goal now is to develop game models in which candidates determine their
campaign strategies and voters vote according to the rules of the electoral
system, so that we can see how rational competitive behavior of candidates may
be different under different voting rules.
There is an enormous literature on multi-candidate electoral competition, in
which papers differ by making different assumptions about the set of alternative
policy positions that candidates can promise in their campaigns, and about
when candidates can choose their policy positions. Most of this literature,
following Hotelling (1929), assumes that there is some given policy space which
represents the set of possible government policies. Voters have given utility
functions over these policies, and candidates choose their policy positions at the
beginning of the electoral campaign. In a simple model of a single-winner
election, we generally assume that the winning candidate’s policy position will
be implemented as government policy after the election. So in the election, each
voter should choose his vote rationally to maximize his expected utility payoff
from future government policy. It is commonly assumed that each candidate’s
objective, in choosing her policy position, is to maximize her probability of
winning the election.
Since Hotelling, a basic question in the literature on spatial competition has
been about the incentives for product differentiation. In this political context,
this question is: will the candidates cluster together, advocating identical or
similar policy positions, or will they adopt diverse positions that appeal to
different groups of voters? When we think about this question, we should note
that the welfare implications of candidate diversity are not isomorphic to
product differentiation in markets. In Hotelling’s oligopoly game between shops
on Main Street, separating the two shops could decrease the total of consumers’
transportation costs, because each consumer’s transportation cost depends on
the location of the shop that he patronizes. But when we re-interpret Hotelling’s
model as being about a single-winner political election, we should recognize that
each voter’s welfare depends on the policies of the candidate who wins the
election, not the candidate to whom he gives his vote. So in a single-winner
election, there is no aggregate welfare benefit from separating the two candi-
dates. Thus the negative connotation that Hotelling gave to ‘excessive sameness’
may be inappropriate in political competition, even if it has some merit in
oligopolistic competition.
A basic theme of this paper is the importance of explicitly comparing different
electoral systems in our analytical models. But most of the literature on com-
petitive determinants of political policy positions has focused on just one
electoral system: plurality voting. Cox (1987a, 1990) gave us the first model that
systematically considered different electoral systems, and he showed that incen-
tives for diversity may differ systematically across voting rules.
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 677
Cox (1987a, 1990) showed that political incentives for diversity depend on the
extent to which the voting rule is best-rewarding or worst-punishing. To under-
stand this distinction, notice first that each voter wants his ballot to increase the
probability that the winner of the election will be a candidate whose policy
position is better for him. To simplify matters (for now), we assume throughout
this section that the voters consider all candidates to be equally viable as serious
contenders in the election. Under this assumption, a voter should give more
points on his ballot to the candidates that he prefers more. Now consider what
happens if candidate changes her policy position in a way that made her more
appealing to a particular voter, so that he now prefers her to one more other
candidate than before. In a rank scoring rule, if the voter would have given this
candidate s points before, now he will give her s , and so the candidate has
( (\
gained s !s points. The size of this point gain depends on the place J that
(\ (
the candidate had in the voter’s rank-ordering. So we can ask, would a candidate
gain more from moving up in the ranking of voters who currently rank her
near the top of their preference ordering or at the bottom? The answer
depends critically on the electoral system. In a best-rewarding system, the
candidate gains more from moving up in the preferences of voters who currently
rank her near the top. In a worst-punishing system, the candidate gains more
from moving up in the preferences of voters who currently rank her at the
In single-positive voting, a candidate gains nothing by moving from worst
to second-worst or from third-best to second-best in a voter’s ranking,
because a candidate’s score depends only on how many voters rank her best.
So single-positive voting is a pure best-rewarding voting rule. In single-
negative voting, however, a candidate gains nothing by moving from second-
best to best or from third-worst to second-worst in a voter’s ranking,
because a candidate’s score depends only on how many voters rank her worst.
So single-negative voting is a pure worst-punishing voting rule. Other rank-
scoring rules mix best-rewarding and worst-punishing aspects to varying de-
grees, and they are exactly balanced in Borda voting, which gives an extra
1/(K!1) points to a candidate whenever she moves up one level in a voter’s
Cox’s main result is that best-rewarding voting rules encourage candidates to
diversify from each other, whereas worst-punishing voting rules encourage
candidates to adopt similar policy positions. This result can be made quantitat-
ively precise by defining Cox’s threshold of diversity. To define this threshold
(applying the formulation of Myerson (1993a)), let us consider a very simple
policy space consisting of just two alternatives, which we may arbitrarily label
‘Left’ and ‘Right’. Let Q denote the fraction of voters who prefers the Left
alternative, and so 1!Q is the fraction of the voters who prefer the Right
alternative. Cox (1987a, 1990) considered equilibria of the voting game that are
symmetric in the sense that candidates who adopt the same policy position will
678 R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697
1 )
Q*" s .
Best-rewarding rules have small values of (s ,2, s ) and so have small Q*
thresholds, but worst-punishing rules have large values (s ,2, s ) and so
have larger Q* thresholds.
To prove this formula for, Q*, consider a single candidate who deviates to Left
while the other K!1 candidates all advocate Right. The deviator will get
1 point from each voter in the leftist bloc of size Q and 0 points from the other
rightist voters, which gives him an average of Q points per voter. But the average
over all candidates of these average-points-per-voter must be ) s /K and the
symmetry assumption implies that other K!1 candidates all expect the same
point score. If Q( ) s /K then the lone deviator must be below the other
candidates’ average point score and so should expect to lose the election, which
is the result that we need to sustain an equilibrium in which the K candidates all
neglect Q bloc of voters.
For single-positive voting with K candidates, Cox’s formula tells us that the
threshold of diversity is Q*"1/K, which goes to zero as K becomes large. So
when there are many serious candidates under plurality voting, we may expect
to find candidates who advocate small minority positions and have a positive
probability of winning the election. But in a single-winner election, having
serious candidates who advocate minority-preferred policies means that there is
a positive probability that the winner may be a candidate who does not
advocate the policy preferred by the majority. Such defeats of clear majority
interests can occur whenever Q* is less than 1/2.
Under single-negative voting, Cox’s threshold is Q*"(K!1)/K, which goes
to 1 as K becomes large. This result may seem very strange, because it allows an
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 679
result has been called Duverger’s law by Riker (1982a), who believed that
political scientists had not yet discovered any other empirical regularity that was
worthy of being called a ‘law’. When Duverger’s law holds, if a third candidate
tries to enter ther race, she finds that the voters tend to ignore her. Even if the
third candidate adopts similar policy positions to one of the two established
candidates, there can be a self-fulfilling prophecy that a vote for the
third candidate would be a wasted vote, so that each voter should vote for
his preferred among the two established candidates. To explain and extend
Duverger’s law and the wasted-vote effect in voters’ decision-making, we need
a theory of nonsymmetric equilibria of voting games.
We assume here that voters’ payoffs after the election are determined by
government policies, which are determined in turn by the winners of elected
offices. The voters are assumed to care about voting only because they care
about future government policies which will depend on who wins the election.
After the votes are counted, we may say that a candidate is in a close race if
a change in a small number of votes could have changed this candidate from
a winner to a loser or from a loser to a winner. A rational voter knows that his
vote can matter only in the event of that a close race exists between some pair of
candidates. So a rational voter should vote to maximize his expected payoff
conditional on the event of a close race existing.
So a rational voter’s decision-making must take account of how likely each
candidate is to be in a close race with another candidate. In comparative statics
analysis, we may say that a candidate becomes a relatively more serious con-
tender when the probability of this candidate being in a close race becomes
relatively greater in comparison with other candidates. In absolute terms, we
should say that a candidate is not a serious contender if, conditional on the event
that a close race exists, the conditional probability of this candidate being in the
close race would still be considered vanishingly small by the voters in the
Each candidate cares about her overall probability of winning. We may say
that a candidate is stronger or weaker depending on whether the candidate is
more or less likely to win the election. So in our terminology, the ‘strength’ of
a candidate depends on her probability of winning, while the ‘seriousness’ of
a candidate depends on her probability of being in a close race.
If candidates A and B are both perceived as likely to lose, but candidate A is
relatively stronger than candidate B, then candidate B should be considered as
a less serious contender than candidate A, because if one of these likely losers is
in a close race then it is much more likely to be the stronger candidate A. So
among the likely losers, a weaker candidate is a less serious contender.
In elections with multiple winners, a candidate could also become a less
serious contender by being perceived as one of the strongest among the likely
winners. For example, consider a legislative election in a district with 5 seats by
single nontransferable vote (SNTV), where the candidates run as individuals and
682 R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697
the 5 seats will go to the 5 top scorers. If the expected score for one candidate in
this district was much larger than any other candidate’s expected score, then the
voters might also perceive that this candidate is so strong that she is not
a serious contender. Thus, in multiple-winner elections, the serious contenders
should include the strongest among the likely losers and the weakest among the
likely losers.
A rational voter who wants to maximize the expected benefit of his vote in
a scoring rule should give the most points to the serious contenders whom he
prefers, and he should give the least points to the serious contenders whom he
dislikes, subject to the ballot constraints defined by the scoring rule. Other
candidates who are not serious contenders should be placed in the middle of
a rational voter’s rank-scoring ballot, even if they would be at the top or bottom
of the voter’s sincere preference ordering.
Thus, in a best-rewarding scoring rule, a candidate would be weakened by
a perception that she is not a serious contender, because the voters who would
like her most may rationally vote instead for a candidate whom they like among
the serious contenders. But in a worst-punishing scoring rule, a candidate
should be strengthened by a perception that she is not a serious contender,
because the voters who dislike her most may rationally vote instead against
a candidate whom they dislike among the serious contenders. These two
fundamental principles tell us how the tendencies to nonsymmetric equilibria, in
which some candidates are not considered serious contenders, may differ under
different electoral systems.
Consider for example an M-winner election with single-positive voting. Sup-
pose that, early in the campaign, polls and endorsements lead to predictions of
different predicted vote totals for the K candidates, and as a result the voters
perceive an ordering of the candidates from strongest (with highest predicted
score) to weakest (with the lowest predicted score). These predictions should
lead the voters to believe that the candidates ranked M and M#1 in order of
predicted strength are the most serious contenders. But this perception should
cause some voters to switch to voting for their preferred candidate among these
two serious contenders. As a result of this loss of support, the candidates who
were weaker than candidate M#1 in the initial poll’s ranking could become
even less serious contenders, causing further loss of support until they are
expected to get virtually no votes. On the other hand, the initial loss of support
for candidates who were stronger than candidate M in the initial poll’s ranking
should make them more serious contenders. This tatonnement argument is
admittedly not a rigorous equilibrium analysis, and it needs to be supported by
more careful game-theoretic methodology, but is strongly suggests that we may
expect to find M#1 serious contenders getting most of the votes in the election.
Evidence for this ‘M#1 law’ has been found by Reed (1991) and Cox (1994)
in data from Japan, where until recently legislative elections were run under this
SNTV system, with candidates competing as individuals in multi-seat districts
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 683
system can vary over a wide range, has been called Duverger’s hypothesis by
Riker (1982a).
The equilibrium analysis in this section has been at an informal level, to
sketch broad insights and hypotheses about comparative electoral systems.
Scrutinizing the logic of these hypotheses rigorously requires much more work
at the level of formal modeling. To formalize the ideas about serious candidates,
we need probabilistic models of voting in which the relative probabilities of
different close races can be computed. For an introduction to this literature, see
Palfrey (1989), Cox (1997), Myerson and Weber (1993) and Myerson (1998,
1999). The tatonnement arguments that have been used here to categorize
equilibria as stable or unstable have not been identified as special cases of any
rigorous theory of stable equilibria in general games, and more work is needed
to try to establish such a foundation for these arguments (see Myerson,
Duverger’s law and its extensions are statements about bounds on the
number of serious competitors in political competition. When these upper
bounds are achieved, the electoral system is creating a barrier to entry against
new parties. This interpretation is very inportant, because economic theory
teaches us that barriers to entry can be the most important determinants of
long-term profits in a competitive market.
The ability of political organizations to exploit their institutional role and
take profits from the broader public should be a central question in political
economics, just as the analogous question about oligopolistic producers is
a central question in industrial organization. There is no reason why we should
expect politicians to be exceptions from Adam Smith’s (1776) general observa-
tion that ‘People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment
and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the publick’.
When elected leaders use political power for their own profit, we call it corrup-
tion or abuse of power or, in its most extreme form, tyranny. One of the basic
motivations for democracy is the hope that electoral competition should reduce
such political abuse of power below what would occur under an authoritarian
system, just as market competition reduces oligopolistic profits below monopoly
levels. (This is a liberal view of democracy, in the sense of Riker (1982b). See also
Schumpeter (1950, Part IV).) But if such deterrence against corruption is what
we want from democracy, then it should be a criterion for comparing the
effectiveness of democratic structures. That is, we should ask what democratic
structures, if any, are likely to be most effective in deterring political leaders from
abuse of power. Duverger’s law and its extensions suggest that different electoral
systems may indeed differ in this regard.
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 685
and R2 advocate the Right policy alternative. Parties L1 and R1 (the older
parties) are known to be corrupt, with the same positive corruption level, while
parties L2 and R2 (the newer parties) are known to be noncorrupt or clean.
Suppose that we expect about half of the voters to be leftists who prefer the Left
policy, and half to be rightists who prefer the Right policy.
With these four parties, consider first a single-winner single-positive-vote
plurality election in a single national district. In this situation, plurality voting
admits an equilibrium in which the leftist voters all plan to vote for party L1 and
the rightist voters all plan to vote for party R1, and so one of these corrupt
parties will win the election. In this equilibrium, the vote totals for the corrupt
parties are random variables with the similar large expected values, while the
vote totals for the noncorrupt parties are expected to be zero. So each voter
should perceive that a close race between the corrupt parties L1 and R1 is much
more likely than a close race between a corrupt party and a noncorrupt party.
Even if a voter cares more strongly about the costs of corruption than about the
difference between the Left and Right policy alternatives, he should recognize
that the probability that his vote could change the level of corruption in the
government is infinitesimally smaller than the probability that his vote could
change the policy position adopted by the government. So each voter should
rationally vote for the corrupt party whose policy he prefers, to maximize the
probability that his preferred policy position will be adopted. Thus, the forces
that give us Duverger’s law for plurality voting can create a barrier that sustains
the corrupt politicians against their noncorrupt rivals in this example.
Of course there is another equilibrium of this game in which nobody votes for
the corrupt parties. We might hope that the voters would focus on this equilib-
rium, which is better for all of them. But suppose that the noncorrupt parties L2
and R2 are new parties, and so history operates as a countervailing focal factor
in favor of the corrupt equilibrium. Then the perception that this election is
likely to be a close race between parties L1 and R1, as in past elections, can
become a self-fulfilling prophecy. (See Schelling, 1960.)
The problem is that getting the voters to coordinate their expectations on the
equilibrium that they prefer may require some coordinating leadership, and they
already have leaders in parties L1 and R1 who prefer to maintain the old
equilibrium. The need for coordinating leadership to guide blocs of like-minded
voters in plurality elections seems particularly problematical when we recognize
that the whole point of democratic elections is to select our leaders. In effect, the
corrupt leaders of the L1 and R1 parties retain their political support by holding
their respective side of the Left/Right policy question as a hostage. In this sense,
it is each bloc’s need for coordination in plurality elections that can create
barriers to entry and sustain corruption.
If we change electoral systems, then the analysis of this example becomes very
different. Under approval voting, it can be shown (see Myerson, 1993b) that, in
a wide class of game situations which includes this four-party example, the
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 687
corrupt parties cannot have any positive probability of winning any legislative
seats. To see why, consider again a scenario in which every voter is expected to
vote for party L1 and R1. It can be easily shown that a voter might gain, and
could not possibly harm his interests, by adding a second approval vote for his
most-preferred noncorrupt party, L2 and R2. But no one needs to vote for
a corrupt party when all like-minded voters are voting for the most-preferred
noncorrupt party. The crucial difference under approval voting is that adding
a vote for party L2 or R2 does not reduce a voter’s ability to affect the electoral
outcome in the case of a close race between parties L1 and R1. Thus, under
approval voting, a perception that a close race between parties L1 and R1 is
most likely cannot so easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Pure proportional-representation systems also yield good sets of equilibria
in these games (see Myerson, 1993b). In our simple example, proportional
representation in its ideal sense (infinite district magnitude) would mean
that each voter can allocate an equal fraction of the legislative seats. Recall
that the realized government policy is assumed to depend on whether a majority
of the seats are allocated to parties favoring the Left or Right policy. So even if
a leftist voter expected all other leftist voters to vote for the corrupt party L1,
he would still prefer to vote for the clean leftist party L2, because doing so
would reduce the corruption cost (by slightly reducing the number of seats won
by legislators who take corrupt profits) without affecting the Left/Right
policy balance in the legislature. So for list PR with a large magnitude of M
seats in each district, our model predicts that voting for a noncorrupt party
that advocates the policy which the voter prefers is a dominant strategy for the
The results are very different when we consider M-winner elections with
single-positive voting for candidates (SNTV) rather than for party lists. In this
system, we have seen that the number of serious candidates is driven strongly
towards M#1 when there are M seats available. If we assume that incumbents
are viewed as serious candidates when they run for re-election, then not more
than one incumbent out of M can be expected to lose in the next election. The
great difference from the list system is due to the fact that one extra ((M#1)th)
candidate can only threaten to win one individual seat in SNTV, whereas one
extra party could threaten to win all seats in list PR. This SNTV system also
encourages severe party discipline in blocs of voters who want to maximize the
number of seats won by like-minded politicians, because the number of seats
that they win can be reduced if the voters concentrate their votes on too
few candidates or distribute their votes among too many candidates. So it
seems reasonable to blame this SNTV system for a political rigidity that
protected corrupt political leaders in Japanese politics before the recent electoral
For theoretical completeness, consider now what would happen under a sys-
tem of single-negative voting, say in a single-winner election. With such negative
688 R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697
voting, we do not get barriers to entry against new parties. In fact there is
a strong incentive for blocs of like-minded voters to get a large number
of identical parties on the ballot, to split the negative votes of opposing
voters. But negative voting instead creates a kind of barrier to exit which
also protects corrupt parties. Consider what would happen if our four parties
competed in a single-winner election under negative-plurality voting. If
the voters were sure that the winner was bound to be the candidate of one
of the clean parties, L2 or R2, then the corrupt parties L1 and R1 would
not be treated as serious contenders, and so all leftist voters would vote
against R2, and all rightist voters would vote against L1; and thus the
winner would be a corrupt candidate from L1 or R1 (having no negative
So in single-winner elections, a worst-punishing voting rule can create a bar-
rier against the exit of corrupt parties from the ranks of serious competitors,
because being perceived as not a serious contender actually makes a candidate
stronger under a worst-punishing system. In contrast, plurality voting could
create a barrier against the entry of clean parties into the set of serious
competitors, because being perceived as not a serious contender would weaken
a candidate under such a best-rewarding system, and so could become a self-
fulfilling prophecy.
Borda voting has both best-rewarding and worst-punishing aspects, but for
our four-party example it appears dysfunctional in the same way as single-
negative voting (see Myerson, 1993b). Consider what would happen if our four
parties competed in a single-winner election under Borda voting. If the voters
were sure that the winner was bound to be the candidate of one of the clean
parties (L2 or R2) then the candidates from the corrupt parties (L1 and R1)
would not be treated as serious contenders. Each voter, to maximize the impact
of his vote on the race between the two serious contenders, would move the
candidates of the clean parties to the top and bottom of his Borda ballot, putting
on top the party that advocates his preferred policy position. But when all voters
do so, they must give the same total points to the two clean parties as they give
to the two corrupt parties, because 1#0"2/3#1/3, and so there cannot be
a close race among the clean candidates without a corrupt candidate also going
a close contender to win. So the worst-punishing aspect of Borda voting
essentially creates a barrier to exit that sustains the corrupt candidates as serious
Such perverse ‘barriers to exit’ under worst-punishing voting rules imply
that any new political movement that gets on the ballot, clean or corrupt,
must be treated as a serious contender by the voters. So worst-punishing
voting rules encourage a proliferation of candidates that would hurt politicians
as a class, without any necessary benefit for the voters. Thus we can see clearly
why worst-punishing voting rules like negative voting are not used in real
political systems. But established politicians as a class should be more favorable
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 689
towards political systems that erect barriers to entry against new political
In defense of my past work, I want to suggest that my model should still be considered valuable,
even if you disagree with its applied conclusions, precisely because it sharpens the question for us.
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 691
if, conditional on the event that some pair in of alternatives in this set is in a close
race, the event that the close race involves this particular pair has a substantial
positive conditional probability (which would not go to zero as the population
size becomes large, when expected voting strategies are held fixed).
A rational voter should recognize that his vote can only matter in the event
that a close question exists between two alternatives that affect him. So a voter
should choose his vote to maximize his conditional expected payoff given the
event that there is such a close question in the payoff-relevant outcome space.
Thus, a calculus of rational voting must depend critically on what policy
questions in this space are considered serious in the election. (To offer a rigorous
quantitative framework in which these ideas can be formulated, Myerson (1999)
develops a calculus of limits of probability ratios in large games when the
expected population size goes to infinity.)
We are assuming here that the payoff-relevant outcome space includes both
a corruption dimension and some other government policy dimensions that
voters care about. So the effectiveness of democracy against corruption depends
on whether political leaders can gain by making differences in corruption
a serious question in the election.
From this perspective, we can see some advantage for a political system that is
dominated by two coherent parties that are large enough so that a governing
coalition must include at least one of them. Once the serious political question
has become which of these two parties will lead the governing coalition, either
party could realize some competitive advantage from a better reputation for
reducing corruption. Viewing corruption as political profit, we must be con-
cerned that the leaders of two established parties might collude and agree not to
compete on this corruption dimension (which is why we have been concerned
about barriers against new parties). But to the extent that such interparty
collusion is difficult, we can now recognize the greater competitive effectiveness
of a system with two dominant parties.
A similar argument can be made for presidentialism. The key to this argument
is the assumption that anyone who wins a presidential election will have enough
power to reduce corruption, if she is committed to do so. So in a world where most
elected officials are corrupt, an individual presidential candidate can make reduc-
ing corruption a serious question, in a way that an individual candidate for a seat
in the legislature cannot. The only individuals in a parliamentary system who can
be like presidential candidates in this regard are the leaders of large parties that
are considered to have a serious chance of getting a majority of the parliament.
to win rather than another, but also the probability that helping a particular
candidate to win would actually affect government policies in a way that benefits
the voter. So the characteristics of voting equilibria cannot be fully analyzed
without taking account of the constitutional structure of the government, which
defines the post-election games that elected officials will play to determine
government policy.
To complete our analysis in this way, we need tractable analytical models that
cover pre-election campaigning, voting on election day, and post-election bar-
gaining among elected officials. Such models are hard to develop, and much
more work in this direction is needed. In particular, we need such models to
explain why legislative politics can be so different in presidential and parliamen-
tary systems.
Austen-Smith and Banks (1988) have given us an excellent example of
what we can learn from such integrated models. They consider a list-PR
parliamentary election in a nation where the constitutional rules stipulate that
the largest single party will get the first opportunity to form a governing
coalition. Because this first bargaining move is expected to be successful, the
voters care greatly about which single party is the largest. As a result, a party can
be strengthened by being perceived as a serious contender to be the largest
party. In the equilibrium analyzed by Austen-Smith and Banks (1988), there is
one large party on the extreme left, one large party on the extreme right, and one
small party in the center. Because the question of whether the leftist party of
rightist party will be largest becomes a serious question for the voters, even
moderate voters who like the centrist party’s policy position best may rationally
give their votes instead to the party that they prefer among these two large
parties. This defection from the center is halted only when the small centrist
party becomes so small that there can be a serious question of it disappearing
from the legislature altogether, in which case the government would be formed
by one extreme party alone without the moderating influence of a centrist
coalition partner.
Now consider what happens when the constitution is changed so that there is
no longer any special significance for the largest party in determining the
leadership of the government. So a change in which party is largest may no
longer be a serious question for the voters, because the identity of the largest
single party is no longer something that voters should care about. Instead, the
composition of the governing coalition may depend in complex ways on the sets
of parties that together have enough seats to form a majority. So voters may be
motivated by the possibility of affecting government policy though an effect on
the number of seats won by a party of any expected size (not just a party that is
in a close race for largest, or that is so small that its extinction is a close
question). In such a situation, a voter may be more willing to vote for party
whose legislative position he most prefers. Thus, the two formerly largest parties
may be expected to lose much of their electoral support. Such an effect has
R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697 693
indeed been attributed to the recent constitutional reform in Israel that created
a directly elected prime minister.
People who consider the resulting increase in the number of small special-
interest parties to be undesirable might then argue that this constitutional
reform should be repealed. But we should be careful to think more broadly
about constitutional structures before we accept such an argument. Systemati-
cally studying the political effects of constitutional structures should make us
aware of the great variety of structural parameters that may tend to have
particular political effects. If one wishes to discourage a proliferation of small
parties, this effect could also be accomplished by subdividing the country into
districts with fewer legislative seats per district, so that the M#1 law imposes
a tighter bound on the number of parties.
Of course, subdividing a country into small legislative districts could replace
ideological specialization with geographical specialization instead. For example,
if the members of the legislature are elected by list PR in small 3-seat districts,
then the M#1 law predicts that there will be at most 4 serious parties in each
district. But will we have a different set of four parties in each district, each of
which specializes in advocating the local districts concerns, or will we have four
national parties running lists in each district?
To encourage integration of local political organizations into national parties,
many nations offer additional bonus seats to parties that win seats in multiple
districts (see Cox, 1997). But to qualify for these national bonus seats, local
political organizations from different regions could register jointly as a under
common national electoral label, as a kind of marriage of convenience, without
any constraint to actually vote together in the legislature. So it is not clear that
these national bonus seats should actually have the desired effect of creating
major national parties with coherent national programs.
A comparison of British and American legislative politics makes it clear that
the difference between presidential and parliamentary constitutional structures
can affect the incentives for local legislative candidates to accept national party
discipline. Britain and America use essentially the same legislative electoral
system (plurality voting in single-seat districts), and legislative politics is domin-
ated by two big parties in both countries. But candidates for the British
parliament are more willing to campaign as loyal party members on the basis of
their national party manifesto, while candidates for the American congress feel
compelled to present themselves more as independent advocates of local inter-
ests. It seems clear that these differences in legislative electoral politics are to be
explained by the differences between the British and American legislatures’
constitutional roles in the national government. But we need a theory to tell us
what aspects of the constitutional differences may be responsible for these
different incentives for national political integration.
The critical factor may be the relative political rewards that can be achieved
by a set of legislators who happen to include a majority of the legislative
694 R.B. Myerson / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 671—697
As Shugart and Carey (1992) have emphasized, there is great variety in the
constitutional powers of presidents in different countries. Since the establish-
ment of the French Fifth Republic, there has been great interest in the possibility
of new semi-presidential systems that might combine the best features of presi-
dential and parliamentary systems. But without a theory of political institutions,
we cannot say whether a new semi-presidential constitution might combine the
best features of both, or the worst features of both. As Austen-Smith and Banks
(1988) have shown, a critical focus of this analysis must be on how changes in the
constitutional allocation of powers may transform way that serious political
questions are identified by the voters in elections.
8. Conclusions
in this game may change when the rules are changed. For our analysis to address
the enormous variety of constitutional structures that have been used or pro-
posed, the structure of these game models must include some parameters that
can be varied to represent more of this variety. Because of welfare-relevant
consequences of political behavior are complex and multi-dimensional, we need
to develop different game-theoretic models of government, which make different
simplifying assumptions about the set of government policy alternatives and
about voters’ preferences, to focus on different welfare-relevant aspects of
political behavior. To improve the reliability of our analysis, we must also
compare the results of game models which make different assumptions about
the underlying framework of government policy alternatives, and about the
basic preferences of voters and politicians. With the passage of time and the
spread of democracy, more data about government performance under different
democratic institutions is becoming available, and this data needs to be studied
in a dialogue with theoretical analysis.
We must recognize that theoretical analysis cannot definitively prove the
practical superiority of new proposals in any area of engineering, and the stakes
in constitutional engineering are especially high. But when objective academic
expertise is lacking, the principal voices in constitutional debates are likely to be
those of professional politicians, whose constitutional preferences may depend
mostly on their short-term perceptions of how the political game might be best
restructured to their own immediate advantage. An analogy can be made to
classic tariff debates in international trade, where economic analysis has served,
not to definitively prove the superiority of free trade, but to assure that the
welfare consequences of tariff policies for broad groups of unfocused citizens
should be considered along with the concerns of active special interest groups.
So economic analysis of constitutional structures should serve to expand the
scope of public constitutional debates, by offering more perspectives on how
a change in the rules of the political game may affect rational political behavior
and the resulting performance of democratic government for the welfare of its
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