Cristian Ricardo Rincón Jiménez
Integración de Contenidos Digitales
Andrea Gutiérrez
JAIME was Émerson de Francisco, a very
original news anchor next to Elvia
Lucía Dávila (he was on the program
between 1991 and 1993).
Between 1995 and 1997, he worked
on the realization of ¡Quac! The R.T.I.
Noticero With Garzón debuted
characters such as Néstor Elí, the
watchman of a building called
"Colombia" that was the simile of the
national reality and its political actors;
GARZON Inti de la Hoz, a frivolous and modern
girl; a left-wing student named
was the third of four children, lived in
'comrade' John Lenin; the 'reporter'
the downtown neighborhood of
William Garra, inspired by the
Bogotá, San Diego, on 29th Street
journalist William Parra, famous
with a 5th grade as a child studied in
reporter of the 80s and the lawyer and
a seminary where he showed enough
ultraconservative politician Godofredo
impertinence and little respect for the
Cínico Caspa. In this program he
made satires and mockery of the
Garzón after some previous studies political crisis of then President
that he did not finish, studied law at Ernesto Samper Pizano and the 8000
the National University of Colombia process.
and political science at the Pontificia
After the newscast Quac! was closed
Universidad Javeriana, but committed
in 1997, Garzón joined the program
first to political activism and then to
Lechuza, the Radionet station and the
television, he did not manage to finish
CM&17 newscast with his latest and
the degree and received the
most popular character, Heriberto de
posthumous degree in 1999 and later
la Calle, a shoeshine who interviewed
honoris causa in education by the
various famous people and who
National Pedagogical University of
played until his death in 1999 and
Colombia. Officially, Jaime Garzón's
curiously created from the almost total
first appearance in the media came
extraction of his teeth due to his poor
when he was interviewed by the
oral hygiene, which had caused
Noticiero Nacional as one of the
periodontitis. On August 13 of that
witnesses in the kidnapping of Andrés
year he was on his way to Radionet
studios to work, when he was
His first program was Zoociedad murdered.37
(1990 - 1993), The central character