Sunday School On Diligence
Sunday School On Diligence
Sunday School On Diligence
The outline is focused on Diligence. It is a 4 parts series. Part 1 explains what diligence means, the
reason we need to study the subject, and sheds light on some areas in which we can apply diligence.
Part 2 sheds light on different scriptures on diligence. Part 3 explains the benefits of diligence and shows
us an example of diligence from the life of Jesus; while Part 4 sheds light on areas we should be diligent
in, and teaches us the advantages of diligence and consequences of indulgence. Please don’t miss any of
the series.
Diligence is conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task, giving the degree of care required in
a particular situation.
It can also be defined as the exercise of carefulness, persistence and determination in any endeavour to
achieve a determined goal.
Laziness, Slothfulness
As we study the Bible, we observe that there are some key words that God uses to express His thoughts.
When God uses these words, especially in key areas of life, we should want to know what He is saying
and study the subject matter. Diligence is one of such important words.
We will take a look at two scriptures to understand why we should study on diligence:
V7 and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in
thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou riseth up.
God instructed the children of Israel to teach their children the commandments diligently. He used the
word ‘diligent’ in connection with the teaching of His Word. This tells us the importance of the word:
‘diligent’. God was not only referring to what He wanted the children of Israel to do, He also told them
how He wanted them to do it; He wanted them to do it ‘diligently’. Not only were the children of Israel
to teach their children the commandments, God’s instruction to them was for them to teach their
children ‘diligently’. In relating with the things of God, it matters if we are doing what He told us to do in
accordance with His will. God cares if we are doing something He has told us to do diligently. It is
therefore important to understand what diligence means.
Deuteronomy 6 v 1 7 (KJV)
V 17 Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and his testimonies, and his
statutes, which he hath commanded thee.
God was not just telling them to keep the commandments, He told them to diligently keep the
commandments. In the light of our definition of diligence, it means that in keeping God’s
commandment, we must be careful, persistent and determined. We must keep the commandments of
God assiduously and pay painstaking attention to doing so.
The Word of God gives us instruction and guidance regarding diligence, and we are to apply diligence in:
God measures progress and wants us to be progressive so he tells us what to do to make such progress.
Sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much
more diligent, upon the great confidence which (I have) in you.
Paul said that the brother was diligent in many things. He didn’t say he had been diligent in all things but
in many things.
1 Peter 5 v 2 (Msg)
V2: Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd…
2 Peter 1 v 5:
V5: And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue and to virtue, knowledge…
2 Corinthians 8 v 7:
V7 Therefore, as ye abound in every [thing, in] faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and [in] all
diligence, and [in] your love to us, [see] that you abound in this grace also.
Though the Apostle Paul was driving at the grace of giving in this Scripture, we can learn that the people
were diligent in everything they knew about as far as the Apostle Paul was concerned and so he was
bringing them a new teaching.
God wants us to be diligent, He wants us to put some care, attention, persistence and determination in
the things that He tells us to do; in things that make progress.
In the world today, there are those who are successful in the things they do and those who are not, but
success is not an accident. It’s easy to be successful because there are principles for success and we
have been told the things to do to be successful.
For example as a student, you’re told that if you would attend the classes, follow the lectures, do your
studies and carry out your assignments, you are far more likely to be successful than not. There would
have to be some other problems for you to fail.
God tells us what to do, in His Word, to be successful. He shows us the choices to make and never leaves
us in doubt regarding what to do.
The lack of knowledge in the Scripture above is ignorance. The context shows that the people rejected
knowledge; they turned away their ears. That’s what happens to a lot of people; they harden their heart
and are not listening yet they could be very successful in any endeavour.
God always wants us to be successful; He is successful in everything and wants us to be that way.
Discussion question:
Yes, there is a difference between faithfulness and diligence. Diligence is one of the qualifications of a
faithful person though it’s not all that is required in faithfulness. Faithfulness is more encompassing and
is a more general subject. However, anyone who is truly faithful must be diligent because a faithful
person will exercise diligence. Before a person can be said to be faithful, he must have been diligent
which means that diligence would have been part of his faithfulness. If a person is not diligent, he
cannot be said to be faithful.