3rd Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in Lipa City

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Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in Lipa City

A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Accountancy, Business and Economics
Batangas State University
Lipa City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting

Decena, Kristel Joy P.
Jaen, Krystel Mae S.
Ramirez, Maria Cristina L.

March 2022
IN LIPA CITY prepared and submitted Kristel Joy P. Decena, Krystel Mae S.
Jaen, and Maria Cristrina L. Ramirez in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting has been
examined and recommended for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of_






Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting.


College Dean


The researchers are profoundly beholden to the compassionate people

who really gave their support, advised and shared what they could afford to offer

in the completion of this study. They would like to recognize the involvement and

support of the following:

To Batangas State University, for giving the researchers the opportunity to

learn through the quality education it provides.

To their adviser, Mr. Rey Anthony N. Abing, for giving fruitful ideas, advice

and support that lead the researcher to work hard for this study and also his full

support being their adviser, providing supervision, guidance and patience in the

study that enabled the researchers to come up with a through and accurate


To the panel of examiners, Dr. Monette Soquiat, Ms. Nelsie Malibiran and

Mr. Ronie A. Mendoza for the time they spent in checking this work and giving

their suggestions to further improve this study.

To the experts, Mr. Arnold Malaluan and Ms. Janet Cometa, for sharing

their expertise on the field of taxation and giving us advice to help us in preparing

for the questionnaire.

To Mr. Perry Taborda, for helping the researchers in the statistics of this


To the freelance workers in Lipa City, for providing the data and for

serving as the subject of the study.

To all members of the group who stood still until the end and exerted their

prodigious time, effort and strength to accomplish this task.

To their beloved parents, who bestowed them the love, kindness, unfailing

support and courage in every step in their lives, and who patiently reminded and

guided them to the right things for their benefits.

Above all, to the God Almighty, who made everything possible and who

provide them strength of not giving up. All honor, gratitude and glory go back to


With much gratitude from all the researchers’ heart!

Kristel Joy

Krystel Mae

Maria Cristina


TITLE PAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
APPROVAL SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
. LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
. ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Theoretical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Conceptual Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Research Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Scope and Limitation of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Conceptual Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Research Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Other Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Research Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Sampling Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Respondents of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Data Gathering Intrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Data Gathering Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Statistical Treatment of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Demographic Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Tax Compliance of the Respondents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Significant Difference on Tax Compliance of the Respondents
when Grouped According to Profile Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Proposed Extension Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Findings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80


A. Survey Questionnaire



Table Title Page

4.1.1 Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Age. . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1.2 Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Sex. . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1.3 Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Type of Work. . . . . . . 48
4.1.4 Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Number of Years as
Freelance Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2.1 Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms
of Tax Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2.2 Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms
of Tax Awareness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2.3 Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms
of Tax Morale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.4 Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms
of Tax Penalty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2.5 Summary of Weighted Mean of Different Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3.1 Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Knowledge When
Grouped According to their Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3.2 Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Awareness When
Grouped According to their Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.3 Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Morale When Grouped
According to their Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3.4 Significant Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance of the
Respondents as to Tax Penalty When Grouped According to their
Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.3.5 Summary of Tax Compliance of the Respondents with Regards to 70

Variables when Grouped According to their Profile
4 Proposed Extension Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Figure Title Page

Figure 1 Theory of Planned Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Figure 2 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


This study was designed to determine the tax compliance of freelance

workers in Lipa City. It assessed the profile of the respondents in terms of age,

sex, type of work and years as freelance worker. This study discussed if there is

any significant difference between the tax compliance when grouped according

to respondents’ profile.

Descriptive type of research method was utilized in the study. The primary

data were gathered from several freelance workers in Lipa City. The secondary

data come from the books, journals, internet, and other related studies. Using

the simple random sampling method, the researchers had 100 respondents

which provided the data needed. The researchers used a scaled questionnaire.

This utilized as a major instrument in gathering adequate and necessary data.

The questionnaire had two parts. The first part is the respondent’s profile like

age, sex, type of work and years as freelance worker and the second part is

about the tax compliance. The statistical tools used were percentage, weighted

mean and anova.

The result showed that mostly of the respondents are under the age of 18-

35 and is male. Most of them are in the field of customer service for less than 1

year in service.

Meanwhile, the variables such as tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax

morale and tax penalty were used to assess tax compliance of the respondents.

All the items in each variable were verbally interpreted as used quite a bit.

On the other hand, the study revealed that there is no significant

difference on such tax compliance when the respondents are grouped based on

their age, sex, type of work and years as freelance worker except for the tax

knowledge in which there is a significant difference when grouped according to


The researchers suggest establishing an extension program about a

webinar regarding Philippine taxation, educating the workers about it, and

spending time to study and understand what taxation is all about.

Further, the researchers also recommend that future researchers may

conduct a similar study or related to the present study in business and

management area. They may use this study as a reference.

KEY WORDS: Tax Knowledge, Freelance Workers, Tax Knowledge, Tax

Awareness, Tax Morale, Tax Penalty

Chapter I
This chapter consists of a brief discussion of the problem and its

background, theoretical and conceptual framework, research hypothesis,

significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of terms.


At the present time, the number of people who are entering the field of

freelancing has been increasing. Coronavirus pandemic has caused a great

damage to the global market that left people unemployed, but this pandemic

opened the freelance market. According to Maurer’s poll (2020), 34% freelancers

started their freelance jobs on March when the pandemic hit. Although the

income in freelancing is not fixed, they are still obliged to pay freelance tax. The

question is, are freelance workers a tax compliant?

Freelance workers are self-employed people who are not generally

dependent on a single employer on a long-term basis (Investopedia, 2020).

Freelance workers are typically considered independent contractors and can

work on contractual full-time or as a second job to complement full-time jobs as

time allows. A freelance worker typically works in the artistic, professional, or

service industries, such as filmmaking, painting, architecture, publishing,

copywriting, media, marketing, music, acting, journalism, etc. A web designer or

software developer who performs one-time work with a client and then goes on

to another client is an example of a freelance job.

Tax is a vital tool for a country's economic development and long-term

sustainability. Taxation and individual tax compliance study is beneficial to

citizens, policymakers, academics, and the government on economic, political,

and social levels. A tax is a mandatory levy imposed by a constituted authority on

an individual's income or the profits of a business company. It is a method for

citizens to contribute to and supplement the expense of governance (Adekoya,

Olaoye, & Lawal, 2020). Tax is the connection between people and the

government. It is a give and take relationship wherein people contribute a portion

of their income to the government in exchange of projects like building of

infrastructure and/or financial support to their people.

Workers who are considered self-employed must pay the self-employment

tax. Sole proprietors, freelancers, and independent contractors who operate a

trade or business fall under this category. The Internal Revenue Service may

regard a member of a partnership who engages in a trade or company to be

self- employed. Self-employed people must pay self-employment tax in order to

get Social Security benefits after they retire (Investopedia, 2020). Every worker

is subject to the same tax rules, and they are compelled to pay taxes for

everyone's benefit. Governments perform their responsibilities for the benefit of

all citizens in exchange for their contribution to the country's economy.

As freelance working field increases, there is also a possibility that the

country’s economy will grow. With this, researchers conducted this study to

provide a clearer and deeper understanding about tax compliance to help

freelance workers. Many freelance workers may have a hard time to understand

what tax is and how to comply with tax laws but after this study, they will be

informed on what they have to do to properly handle and manage their tax


Background of the Study

Entering the field of freelancing doesn’t exempt you in paying taxes.

In fact, in comparison to workers, freelancers have complete discretion over

their tax circumstances. However, there is a cost to freedom. Freelancers are

subject to a higher tax burden and are responsible for more record-keeping than

employees (Perez, 2021).

Freelance taxes, like employee taxes, are mandated by statute and

contribute to local and national growth (Valdez, 2020). However, according to

FullSuite Team, most freelancers have been enjoying a tax-free income while the

employed Filipino has no option but to pay taxes, because they are unaware that

they are obligated to pay taxes, or because they are aware but want to avoid

doing so. This will affect not only the government sector but also everyone. We

are all aware that the government funding comes from the taxes paid by

businessmen, and workers. There will be no budget for education, public health,

infrastructure, and other projects if there will be no taxes paid.

According to an online survey conducted by PaYoneer blog to freelancers,

32% of the respondents said that demand for freelance services from companies

have decreased while 23% shared that their businesses were not affected


that 17% saw an increase in the demand for their services. Due to this, there

were more windows of opportunities for current and prospective freelancers.

Finding a calling especially during the pandemic has always been an

impending feat for everyone who is trying to build their career. This goes from

sending out resumes to established companies to working on various projects to

gain more experience. Despite this norm, some would opt to choose the path of

self-employment or freelancing in order to have more control over their craft.

With an ever-changing atmosphere in the job market, freelance work can be

very broad and diverse. Anyone can start as a freelancer through practice,

training, and even support from friends, family, and communities. It is also

important to be ready to try new and learn new things to improve one’s craft.

However, one must be prepared to take on risks and challenges that come with

one’s passion. Lipa City is known as one of the progressive and fast emerging

City, reason why it is easy for the citizen here to make their own career in

business world.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the compliance of

freelance workers in Lipa City about tax. The study is timely since the rate of

people entering in the field of freelancing is increasing. In this study, the

researchers want to develop the importance of the tax compliance to freelance

workers with the result of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the tax compliance of freelance workers in

Lipa City.

Specifically, the study desired to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. type of work; and

1.4. years as freelance worker

2. How do respondents determine their compliance in terms of:

2.1. tax knowledge;

2.2. tax awareness;

2.3. tax morale; and

2.4. tax penalty?

3. Is there any significant difference on the tax compliance of the respondents

when grouped according to their profile variables?

4. Based on the result, what course of action may be proposed by

the researchers?

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. Theory of Planned Behavior (Azmil et al., 2020)

The researchers used the theory from the study about Tax Compliance

Motives among Grab Car Drivers in Malaysia (2020) entitled Theory of Planned

Behavior by to explain the problem under study. The framework consists of four

variables, tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and tax penalty.

According to the study, tax knowledge can determine the tax compliance

behavior of an individual. It is said that having such knowledge will greatly affect

their tax compliance as they would understand how tax system works and the

requirements on filling the tax form. As stated in the study of Saad (2014), the

absence of tax knowledge may lead to noncompliance behavior among

taxpayers, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Tax awareness refers to knowing what tax laws and principles apply to

you or could apply to you (Vittoratos, 2016). Tax awareness encompasses a

wide variety of topics, from the mechanics of filing a tax return to an

understanding of the relationship between taxes and government spending. It

also entails understanding of various tax forms, how they are paid, taxpayer

rights, and how to handle the appeals process (Mascagni, 2020).

Tax enforcement, as well as transparency and responsibility, are all

hampered by a lack of taxpayer’s awareness. There is now solid proof that low

levels of tax compliance are caused by a lack of taxpayer awareness. When

taxpayers don't understand the tax code, they're more likely to get perplexed,

waste more time trying to figure out their responsibilities, and make errors that

might result in penalties. The costs of enforcement (the emotional, time, and

financial costs that taxpayers incur when they try to learn and comply with the

system) have been seen to be substantial and regressive. The strain is borne

mostly by small taxpayers. Enforcement expenses may also result in taxpayers

paying more tax than they should. This leads to feelings of resentment and

unfairness, which has a negative impact on enforcement. Taxpayers could be

unable to participate in tax discussions due to a lack of expertise. This reduces

the importance of taxes in enhancing transparency and governance. Taxpayers

would be less vulnerable to abuse and inappropriate behavior by tax authorities

if they learned more about their tax commitments, according to forthcoming data

from Ghana and Sierra Leone. Only the most basic facets of taxpayer awareness

may help to minimize corruption, build confidence, and increase transparency

(Mascagni, 2020).

OECD (2018) defines tax morale as taxpayer’s perceptions and attitudes

towards paying and evading taxes. Our work on tax morale outlines several

factors that may influence people’s willingness to pay taxes and highlights

several policy considerations. This is also defined as the totality of non-pecuniary

motivations and factors for tax compliance which fall outside the expected utility

maximization by Luttmer and Singhal (2014).

According to the study of Doran (2019), a penalty promotes compliance.

Tax penalties appear to be justified based on what encourages people to comply

with their tax responsibilities. In most nations, tax penalties, tax audits, and tax

rates are employed to deter noncompliance by taxpayers. These three threats of

penalty may persuade people to pay their taxes. Most previous research


found a favorable relationship between audit probability and compliance (Azmil et

al., 2020).

Conceptual Framework

Concepts in relation to the study at hand were considered to give direction

to the researcher. This provides a clear picture on how the study was

undertaken and shows the framework that served as the backbone of the study.

Input Process Output

Profile of the Development of a

Respondents: Survey
● Age
● Sex Extension
Distribution of
● Type of work Program about a
Questionnaires Webinar
● Years as Regarding Tax
freelance worker System
Tax Literacy Data analysis Knowledge for
● Tax knowledge Freelance
● Tax awareness Presentation
● Tax Morale and
Interpretation of
● Tax Penalty Data Treated

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study of Tax

Compliance of Freelance Workers in Lipa City. First, the researchers determined

the respondent’s profile such as age, sex, type of work, and years as freelance

worker. It also determined the tax compliance of freelance workers using the

“Theory of Planned Behavior” developed by Azmil, et al. in terms of

knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and tax penalty. The profile variables and

tax compliance were included as the inputs since the study wanted to

determine if there is a significant difference on the compliance of the freelance

workers with regards to tax when grouped according to their profile variables.

The second part was the process through the use of the survey

questionnaire to gather the needed and relevant information for the study. By

using the survey questionnaire, the researchers can determine the tax

compliance of the respondents. Finally, the output of the study derived from the

information gathered after a thorough analysis of the results was an

extension program regarding the webinar for freelance workers about tax


Research Hypothesis

To determine the tax compliance of freelance workers, the following

hypothesis was tested.

There is no significant difference on the compliance of the freelance

workers with regards to tax when grouped according to their profile variables.

Significance of the Study

The focus of this study was to determine tax literacy of the freelance

workers in Lipa City. The researchers believed that this will be beneficial to the


To freelance workers, this study will provide them the information about

tax. This will help the taxpayers enlighten about the importance of tax


To Bureau of Internal Revenue, the study will provide them the

information about the tax compliance of freelance workers, and this study also

help them to formulate a strategy to mandate and monitor all the tax payers fairly

on their responsibilities paying their taxes.

To Batangas State University, this study would serve as a reference

material to other students who will conduct research with a similar topic. Through

this study, the school may conduct seminars to the professors and students

about tax.

To the College of Accountancy, Business and Economics, this study

will serve as a reference material in future related studies. Through this study,

CABE department may provide resources to the students for them to know the

importance of tax compliance while they’re still studying.

To the researchers, this study will serve as reference for them in

imparting the knowledge about the tax compliance. The information conducted

by the researcher will help them to understand the responsibilities and

importance of paying taxes.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as basis and guide that

could give them relevant information in relation to their study. This will help them

to be aware and to improve their study with the existing information.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study primarily focused on tax compliance of freelance workers here

in Lipa City. The tax compliance is determined through the use of questionnaire

as the primary tool in collecting necessary data and information. The study only

covered profile such as age, sex, type of work, and years as freelance

worker. Tax compliance of the respondents were measured using “Theory of

Planned Behavior” by Azmil, et al. in terms of tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax

morale, and tax penalty. The freelance workers of Lipa City were chosen as the

respondents of the researchers because it was proven that the rate of freelance

workers is increasing and since Lipa City is one of the developing cities outside

Manila that has a booming freelance job.

This study was only limited on the assessment of the respondents who

were working in Lipa and had nothing to do with other jobs and industries. The

number of respondents was also limited to 100 because most of the freelance

workers were not regularly seen in one place for they were working in the field

looking for prospects.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this

study have been defined.

The following terms are:

Tax Compliance. This refers to taxpayers have fulfilled their legal

obligations under the law, which include submitting all tax returns and

paying all tax

payments (Ndlovu & Phiri, 2020). In this study, tax compliance is used as the

main topic of the research. The freelance workers are being assessed by

determining if they are complying with tax.

Freelance Workers. This refers to self-employed individual that does not have

their taxes deducted from the company in whom they conduct business. As a

result, the freelance worker is solely responsible for paying income taxes

(Downey, 2020). In this study, it is the respondents who worked from different

industries in Lipa City that is involved in providing services.

Tax Awareness. This refers to the concept of being informed of what tax

laws and principles apply to you or could apply to you ( Vittoratos, 2016). In this

study, tax awareness is one of the terms used as part of the assessment of tax

literacy under statement of the problem as one of the variables.

Tax Knowledge. This refers to grasp of the most important tax policy principles

used in a country It's a crucial component of a voluntary compliance tax system,

especially when it comes to calculating an appropriate tax liability. (Newman et

al., 2018). In this study, tax knowledge is one of the variables under the

theoretical framework of the research. It is used to help researchers to assess

the freelance workers.

Tax Morale. This refers to the inherent drive to pay taxes resulting from a moral

obligation to pay taxes or the notion that paying taxes contributes to society

(Armitage & Chaunga, 2014). In this study, tax morale is used as one of the

variables to assess the freelance workers in accordance to their tax compliance.

Tax Penalty. This refers to an economic approach for preventing non-tax

compliance and encouraging tax compliance among the general populace in a

country (Azmi et al., 2020). It is used as one of the variables to assess the

freelance workers in accordance to their tax compliance.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in

- depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of

the conceptual literature and related literature to fully understand the research to be

done for better comprehension of the study.

Conceptual Literature

This chapter presents necessary literature that deals with the

discussion of tax compliance challenges and the variables; tax awareness, tax

knowledge, and meaning making or informed decision making, which are

relevant to the study. The researchers gather the information from various


Tax. As for tax being the main source of income of the government,

taxation is said to be the system by which the government collect money from

people and finance such government activities with the collected money. In an

article, Taxation by Roser & Ospina (2016), tax revealed such differences from

developing countries and developed countries. Developed countries’ status today

about collection of taxes are much larger than usual and they tend to reply much

on the income taxation for their development. Developing countries, on the other

hand, tend to reply more on trade taxes rather than income taxes.

Given the current situation, the process on filing tax return is complicated

and difficult to some people, especially to self- employed individuals. It is

according to Bongat (2020), The main reasons why taxpayers are failing to

comply are difficulty in understanding the tax structure, inefficient filing process,
not accessible online platform, and multiple tax requirements for self- employed

individuals. Also, the tax system of the Philippines ranks behind Iraq and

Afghanistan knowing that they plagued in war and political conflicts. Meaning the

Philippines is having issues with regards to tax system.

On the other hand, the pandemic had affected massively the Philippines

when it comes to the status of the economy and the financial state of the

government. Also, it lessened the economic activity far worse than anything on

record in the Philippines. According to an article from International Monetary

Fund by Gaspar, (2020), It has affected as well the Taxation of the Philippines. It

will affect first the capability of the government to support such basic needs of

the Filipinos with the use of taxes. The reason why it is relevant to the

government today. It will help the government to even out and give back the

balance to the society/economy. Thus, the progressive taxation will make an

argument between the government and the taxpayers.

Due to its importance, the development of the country relies on having

large collection of taxes from taxpayers. It is to have more government projects

and support health assistance, local services, and finance of the country.

Parallag (2020), to have focus on the respondents, the registered freelance

workers, an individual who is a self-employed professional is subject to the

income tax settlement, meaning it is a must to have tax compliance from

freelance workers. It is to support the government activities and development of

the country.

The relationship between the government and the taxpayer is clearly a

situation wherein when the government provide more services then taxpayers

have to pay more for them. According to an article by Perez (2021), clearly

saying that the purpose of taxation is to support government activities. Taxing

individuals is one of the few ways the government can generate the funds

needed to meet its social and civic obligations. In other words, taxpayers has

a big contribution to the government growth and the society.

Tax Compliance. According to Mama (2019), tax compliance is the

willingness or voluntary act of an individual to act in accordance to the tax law

itself without any enforcement activity. Tax compliance is an optimistic result of

individual’s decision in compliance of paying taxes to the government. Also, filing

all required tax returns at the appropriate or before deadline is one of the

definition, as well, of the tax compliance. The tax compliance of an individual may

depend on the tax system of the government and the situation they have on their

own. In accordance to the empirical findings of Freire-Serén & Panadés (2013),

tax rates reduction may cause taxpayers to become more compliant in paying

taxes. Vice versa, the high tax rates and the low income of the taxpayer makes

the tax compliance less attractive.

On the other hand, the effect of the pandemic made the Philippine

economy meets its greatest problem. The implementation of lockdown to various

cities in the Philippines affecting as well the tax compliance of the Filipinos. In an

article by Laforteza & Lapitan (2020) cited, the ECQ was implemented to help

minimize the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ECQ, on the other


has had a negative effect on the Philippine tax system by prompting the

government, through its numerous agencies, to release issuance s and steps to

prolong tax deadlines and, where possible, offer tax relief. Since the Philippine

tax filing and payment system is still in the process of transitioning to a

completely electronic one, some of the measures involved in filing tax returns

and paying taxes still include filing hard copies of records and taxpayers'

physical appearance at the tax authority's offices, the Bureau of Internal

Revenue (BIR), and at the BIR's approved agent banks (AAB). The ECQ has

restricted taxpayers from leaving their homes to complete these tasks.

The increasing number of self- employed individuals during pandemic has an

effect with regards to the economic growth of the Philippines. Since there is an

increase with people who are entering freelancing, the questions that most of the

people are asking; “are they paying their taxes?” and “are they required to pay

tax?”. In an article by Zoleta (2020), the fact that the National Internal Revenue

Code does not specifically address “freelance workers” adds to the uncertainty

regarding whether freelancers can pay income tax or not. Regardless,

depending on the type of the job or company, freelancers may be categorized as

self- employed individuals or mixed-income earners.

Not just about the requirement of paying tax for freelance workers but the

effect of the tax compliance challenges are also important to consider. Their

decision about tax compliance may affect the government since self- employed

professionals are increasing. In an article, The Importance of Tax Literacy, the

fact that people are more advance in understanding tax implications, the

engagement of them to Government Budget updates will increase. Having low

tax awareness/literacy can lead to poor tax compliance and will damaging the

growth of the economy or the society. Vice versa, the taxpayers’ tax compliance

will be a great help in order to fight evasion and corruption, which will result in

creation of greater democracy, accountability and responsiveness.

Freelance Work. A work where there is no employer, just an individual

working for him/herself is called freelance work. People who are working for the

themselves are called “freelance workers or self-employed individuals”.

According to Bianchi (2021), there are tons of freelance works for those aspiring

individuals. One of those is the contract work wherein an individual is bind in a

contract for a period of time and consider that individual as a temporary worker

rather than a permanent employee with contract. Freelance work is being defined

as a job for your own.

The advantages of being a freelance worker and having freelance work

are clearly much better than being an employee. The freedom of having all the

free times and choosing a desire work is embedded in freelance work. In an

article from Jalan (2018), employees are being frustrated on having such

massive workloads and having no free time and enough freedom for them to

enjoy. In India, the statistics of freelance professionals are high. They have the

second highest number of freelance workers in the world. Fairly to say

that Indians are world-widely known to have much skills and knowledge

when it comes to work.

Due to pandemic, the Philippines’ economic activities reduces. It is

because of the hesitation to people brought by the COVID- 19. People tend to

quit their jobs and start to do freelancing since some companies are not to adapt

work-from-home (WFH) strategy. According to Abad (2020), Payoneer's


Global Gig-Economy Index cited that the Philippines is ranked sixth in the world

and is the fastest-growing market for the freelancing industry, with a 35%

increase in freelancing revenue year on year. Given the fact that it is a statistic

from 2019, expect that due to the people’s demand and the pandemic situation, it

will expand further.

On the other hand, there are also implications on the side of freelance

workers. Due to clients’ vague requests, expect that the work will not be easy.

Sometimes the work will just be paid in low price because of the unsatisfactory

from the clients. Maguire (2019), freelance workers are sometimes getting no

payment and offered less than their work. They are also struggling with having

enough budget for the next project they will get but because a freelance worker

has the skills and all, it is impossible for them to get the payment they deserve,

especially to those professional freelance workers. It is also impossible for them

to not comply with paying taxes.

Freelancing became such significant career as of today because of its

flexible features. It is not just for professionals, but to those young and soon-to-

be-professional students as well. According to Goyal (2018), this generation will

bring more young freelance workers even though they are working in the

corporate world. The reason is, it is easy to search for a freelance work in an

online platform. The ease of using technology has a massive effect to the young

freelance workers. Lastly, they are also eager to have more freedom and earning

at the same time as they grow older.

A Framework for Tax Literacy

Tax Knowledge. Knowing tax law and the procedure on how to pay taxes

are part of having tax awareness. Also, it is best known as having tax knowledge

for knowing both the tax law and procedure in filing to BIR. In accordance to

Pham et al., (2020), tax knowledge is described as an understanding of both tax

law and the procedure by which taxpayers engage with tax authorities. Tax

knowledge has been identified having two elements the procedural knowledge

and the legal knowledge.

There is a difference between procedural knowledge and legal knowledge

as being the two elements of tax knowledge. According to Tallaha et al. (2014),

it was discovered that there is a distinction between procedural knowledge

and legal knowledge in tax. To best know the procedural knowledge in simple

definition, it is the knowledge of knowing procedures in filing and paying taxes.

While, legal knowledge is the understanding of the tax laws in order to determine

legalities about paying taxes.

Saad (2014), cited that the higher compliance rates will gain from tax

awareness of taxpayers. Similarly, a lack of tax knowledge about taxation can

contribute to non-compliance actions among taxpayers, whether deliberate or

unintentional. Furthermore, small business taxpayers are mostly unaware of their

lack of tax awareness, which may lead to unintended non-compliance. Literally

saying, without tax knowledge about taxation, it may lead to non-compliance

whether intentional or unintentional.

Freelance workers will be subject to business taxes whether they are

regularly engaged in trade, business, or the practice of their occupation. In an

article, Tax Compliance of Freelancers in the Philippines by Pagaspas, a self-

employed individual pays business tax because he or she works as a freelancer,

and it makes no difference whether or not he or she earns money after deducting

business expenses as long as you have gross receipts from your freelancing

business. Some people have the misconception that they should not have to pay

because their income is smaller than their expenses. Knowing the tax knowledge

about taxation could help freelance workers to understand the importance of

paying tax.

In procedural knowledge being one of the elements of tax knowledge, it is

important to know the procedures. According to Mateo, (2017), Filipinos are

entitled to due process in general. In tax assessment, there is also a due

process. Also, the corresponding evaluation notice must be appropriately served

and received by the taxpayer for an assessment to be legitimate in accordance

with Section 228 of the National Internal Revenue Code. Knowing this

information is part of knowing the rights of the taxpayers as well.

Tax Awareness. Tax Awareness is one of the most important factors

influencing taxpayers' willingness to comply. Aside from taxpayers’ favorable

perceptions of the tax system and tax authorities, taxpayers' voluntary

enforcement behavior improves. Furthermore, the tax system should be equal,

and everyone should pay their fair share to ensure long-term mutual tax

enforcement. In an article from the Department of Education in Affirming the

Importance of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) by Briones,

taxpayers all need to know and understand the fact that the main source of funds

in order to finance public goods and services is taxes. Also, the fact that the

people’s demand in public goods and services increases but also believes that

tax is a burden.

Having tax awareness is not just significant to have but also a must to

know. Being a taxpayer is somehow a requirement as well and a duty to fulfill for

the betterment of the economic state. According to Hastuti (2014), states that

taxation is likely to be a responsibility of a resident, that is why, paying the tax is

a prior investment, and any relevant details must be given honestly. Also, there’s

no excuse in not learning tax since stated as well in the study that tax

knowledge ca be learned by self-studying and formal and informal education.

The government also established such actions in order to socialize tax rules and

policies for the learning of taxpayers.

Filipinos have various issues about the tax rates of the Philippines. They

believe that paying taxes are burdensome and not a requirement to those who

have small businesses. In an article from Accounting System Philippines (2016),

the Philippine Tax Payment System is widely known as one of the most

burdensome in the world. The Philippines has the highest income tax rates in

the entire South East Asian region. That is why there is no surprise that


complain about paying too much in taxes. The problem does not stop there,

employers or company owners, including investors, are also affected. It points

out that paying taxes is cheaper in Iraq and Afghanistan than in the Philippines.

On the other hand, being a self-employed individual also have a duty to

fulfill in the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Stated above in the tax compliance all

about, the word “freelance worker” is not present on the National Internal

Revenue Code regarding whether freelancers can pay income tax or not,

freelance workers may be categorized as self-employed individuals or mixed-

income earners that must pay tax. Also, in an article from Pant (2021), stated that

being self-employed entails different tax duties, such as budgeting for the money

that the self-employed individual will owe to the Internal Revenue Service at the

end of the year. Given the fact that the freelance workers do not have

employers to deduct taxes from their paycheck, they must calculate their

tax burden over the year and put up enough money to cover their payments.

Being tax aware is not only knowing the tax rates and know how the

procedures on paying taxes but also the tax laws. Tax knowledge helps to have

high probability in tax compliance decision of taxpayer. It is important since

knowing tax, in general, may help an individual to create decisions for his/her

future business expenditure/s. According to Rahayu et al., (2017), taxpayers

have awareness when they know the nature of taxation laws and provisions,

aware of the role of paying taxes to the state, aware of the rights and duties to be

applied, list, pay, and report taxes willingly, and finally, measure, pay, and report

taxes correctly. Knowing tax role, understanding taxpayer rights and duties,

being able to compute taxation, collect taxes, and record taxes are all signs

of taxpayer awareness.

Tax Morale. Tax morale define as an individual’s willingness to pay taxes and

consider it as an obligation and part of the responsibility of an employee/citizen of the

Philippines or other country. In a book, Tax Morale: What Drives People and Businesses

to Pay Tax? (2019), an analysis of global, explains that an individual’s tax morale - the

more an individual’s educated, he/she has more positive attitude towards paying taxes;

women has higher tax morale than men; and adults are less prone than younger pe

ople to rationalize tax evasion. People are considered to have tax morale when

they are paying taxes and are not affecting their tax compliance due to changes in

tax system, and not doing tax evasion. According to Luttmer & Singhal (2014), the

answer to the tax morale’s importance to the tax compliance of an individual is clearly

stated and studied that thus tax evasion is visible nowadays and should not be

doing by the taxpayers. Thus, tax morale is significant to be assessed in order to

prevent tax evasion, etc.

On the other hand, Park & Yoon (2017), in accordance to the study they held

among the four countries: Japan, China, Korea, and the Philippines, revealed that self

- employed and employed individuals have low tax morale due to their distrust to the

government. In addition, Japan and China has higher tax morale than Korea and

Philippines having low tax morale. The importance of tax morale in the Philippines is

transparent that the government is concern with the compliance of every Filipino citizen

Thus, in a news article from GMA News by Colcol (2021), tax morale need to improve

and that they emphasis the root of the low tax morale of Filipinos are from lack of

competitiveness. Filipinos are not eager to pay tax even though it is mandatory/an

obligation because the process is tiresome, and vulnerable to exploitation. Pacaldo &

Ferrer (2020), there are several descriptive definition of tax morale. Tax morale is best

described as an individual’s attitude about paying taxes in light of moral ideals and

values. Furthermore, tax morale decreases tax evasion as a moral penalty of illicit


Tax Penalty. Tax penalty is an economic model that is use to have prevention in

terms of non-compliance of other taxpayers in paying taxes. It serves as the

consequence of non-tax compliance. It helps the government to have firmness in tax

compliance of the Filipino citizens. It is visible in other business-minded people the fear

to be penalized and have consequences for their action of non-tax compliance. Tax

penalty serves as the booster of the government to have more taxpayers (Azmi, et al.,

2020). According to Bureau of Internal Revenue, an individual is being penalize; if they

failed to file any tax return as required under the provisions of the Code, failure to pay

the shortfall tax within the time frame specified in the assessment notice, and failure to

pay the entire or a portion of the tax due on any return required to be submitted under

the terms of the Code or its rules and regulations. Thus, required to be pen alize as

the penalty is equivalent to twenty-five percent of amount due.

According to Remali et al., (2018), tax penalty can be characterized as a

disciplinary effort imposed by the tax legislation for any act of activity that is forbidden or

for the failure to do an obligatory act, such as failing to file a return on time or putting in

incorrect or understated returns. A late filing penalty may be assessed if a taxpayer is

obligated to file an income or excise tax return but is unable to do so before the

deadline. Moreover, according to a study, there is a findings that tax penalties and tax

compliance has a significant relationship by income taxpayers. Furthermore, their study

revealed that tax penalty has no optimistic significant influence with tax compliance

and it has encouraged taxpayers to be more rebellious on non-tax compliance to the

government (Oghuma, 2018). Lastly, according to Macatumpag, (2015), Filipinos should

be aware to the imposed tax penalties in the government of the Philippines to prevent

being penalized with huge amount. There is right information in any perspective

platforms of the government that may help individuals to be aware to avoid unnecessary

expenses due to irresponsibility.

Research Literature

This section of the literature contains a thorough review of the past

studies gathered by the researchers. It is a detailed summary that can help the

researchers to familiarize with relevant and similar facts to the current study.

According to the study of Mohd Rizal Palil (2010) entitled “Tax knowledge and

Tax compliance Determinants in Self-Assessment System in Malaysia” this study aims

to examine how facilitating elements interact in the creation of a suitable self

- assessment study (SAS), with a special focus on the function of tax knowledge.

Furthermore, the focus respondents of study are the individual Malaysian taxpayers that

aim to determine on how tax knowledge level can influence tax compliance behavior in

self- assessment system. Respondents of 1.073 participated in the study and

was carried out using a countrywide mail survey that took place between June and


2007. All gathered data from the respondents are collected through a large scale

national postal survey with five stages to facilitate the study using t-test and ANOVA

method. On the other hand, the surveys they construct are divided into four sections:

Section A – hypothetical questions on tax compliance determinants; Section B – tax

knowledge; Section C – direct questions about tax compliance determinants; and

Section D – respondent background. By examining the fundamental flaws in the current

enforcement system and providing some evidence on the holistic model of Malaysian

individual taxpayer behavior, and the findings of this study propose empirical evidence
and provide suggested improvement options for the tax authorities. With a thorough

investigation of the study, it revealed that tax knowledge has a significant impact on tax

compliance even though the level of tax knowledge varies significantly among

respondents, additionally, the result of the study also show that tax compliance is

influenced specifically by probability of being audited, perceptions of government

spending, penalties, personal financial constraints and even the influence of referent

groups. The findings of this study will contribute to the tax literature not only in Malaysia

but also internationally, allowing for comparisons of the Malaysian system with

other more established self-assessment systems as well as suggestions for improving

tax compliance in any developing country that uses such tax administration systems.

While on the study of Amanjeet Kaur (2018), entitled “A study on tax literacy

level among taxpayers (A case study of Derabassi City), that aims to explain their

objectives in the study such us: (1) To study the tax planning measures of an assesses.

(2) To find out the general tax awareness of taxpayers about tax. (3) To study the

influence of tax awareness on voluntary tax compliance decision of taxpayers, for them

to elaborate properly the study they use descriptive research design with a sample of 60

individual taxpayers that are randomly taken from the city. Moreover, researcher not just

used primary data but also a secondary data sources to collect data and were analyzed

using frequency and percentages, all the data gathered, and findings are interpreted

properly. Those primary data was collected by using questionnaire technique where the

questionnaire was administered on 60 respondents belonging to the Derabassi City. In

addition, respondents used in the study was selected by using a simple random

sampling techniques from the population belonging to different age groups and different

income and education level. On the other hand, the secondary data was collected

through internet, websites, research journals and published books. In this study,

revealed that most of the taxpayers have basic knowledge about income tax provisions

and concept. With this, TRA should champion its literacy campaigns to enhance the

taxpayer’s ability to understand tax laws rates of tax, ang also filing and paying dates

among others. Moreover, TRA should also make taxpayers feels that they part of the

tax system and make them to understand that they are not paying unfair share of taxes.

Additionally, taxpayers should work on how to improve peer attitude that anyone can

belief that neighbors are reporting and paying tax honestly and rewarding taxpayers for

compliance by giving trophies for outstanding tax payment.

According to the study "Tax Knowledge, Tax Complexity, and Tax Compliance:

Taxpayers' View" by Natra Saad (2014), the study aims to examine taxpayers' views on

their level of tax knowledge and perceived complexity of income tax systems.

Furthermore, this study attempts to delve into the underlying causes of noncompliance.

To make this research successful, they used a qualitative approach that aimed to reveal

taxpayers' perceptions of their knowledge and complexity of their country's income tax

system, which is why they invited a total of 2,267 potential participants, but only 30 were

eventually interviewed via phone, consisting of 18 males and 12 females from eight

different regions in New Zealand. The interviews consist of a series of general questions

about tax knowledge, tax complexity, and compliance behavior, which are then recorded

and transcribed. After a detailed investigation, this study discovered that taxpayers

appeared to have insufficient knowledge of the technical aspects of the income tax

system. In terms of tax compliance behavior, this study discovered that most participants

believed that attitude, perceived behavioral control, complexity, and fairness perceptions

had all contributed to taxpayer noncompliance.

According to Diana Onu and Lynne Oats' (2018) study, Tax Talk: An Exploration

of Online Discussion Among Taxpayers, the goal is to educate the world about tax

compliance obligations through an online discussion forum. To ensure the success of

this research, they collected data from 400 respondents who are user comments about

tax forums for self-employed professionals in the UK, where they observed naturally

occurring behavior and interaction but in an online environment. They also use the

qualitative method and a virtual ethnographic approach, which allows them to collect

data that was not generated by the researcher and reflects people's naturally occurring

concerns. Furthermore, this approach provides insights into taxpayer attitudes and

opinions, and they generally believe that online communication allows for greater

freedom of expression than traditional research settings. As a result of this research, it

was discovered that one of the primary concerns of taxpayers interacting on online

forums was to make sense of laws and regulations, receive straightforward

explanations from other forum users, and understand which rules apply to their

situation. To summarize, data collected revealed two distinct approaches by taxpayers

to laws and regulations. First, make logical sense of the rules which already exist.

Finally, they must navigate the legal landscape by determining which rules apply to their

situation and how to apply those rules in their favor.

Ainisa Putri Sirait (2018) conducted a study titled "The Influence of Expediency

Taxpayer ID Number, Tax Officers Service Quality, and Modernization Tax

Administration System on Tax Compliance of Freelancer Taxpayers in Tanah Abang

Satu." The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that can influence taxpayers'

compliance with their tax obligations.. To successfully assess this research, the

researchers used a quantitative analysis approach that can describe this study as realist

and positivist, with the assistance of the participation of freelancers in Jakarta as

taxpayers in the Tanah Abang Satu tax office, which reached a total of 1,059 as of

2017. Because there are a large number of respondents, the researcher uses the

Formula to determine the total sample that can be used for the questionnaire, with 91

being the minimal sample. The researcher handed out 110 questionnaires, but only 102

were returned. They use a sampling method to collect data by distributing

questionnaires to registered freelance taxpayers in this country. In gathering

information, the researcher used a questionnaire with a likert scale that was

distributed manually, as well as an online questionnaire created with Google Forms.

As a result of a thorough investigation in this study, the results explain that first,

taxpayers who perceive the convenience of a tax id number are more likely to fulfill their

tax obligations based on general provisions and tax procedures. Second, the tax

administration system has a positive but not significant influence on tax

compliance, which means that freelance taxpayers believe the service quality has no

effect on their willingness to pay the tax. Finally, taxpayers believe that modernizing the

tax administration system is beneficial to their tax.

The study by Suparna Wijaya, Laras Salsabila Yunanda, and Waidatin Nur

Azizah(2020), titled "Study of Discount Tax Requirements for Personal Taxpayers for

Increasing Tax Compliance in Indonesia," aims to assess whether the policy is truly

enforced in Indonesia and to determine the potential effects that may occur when the

policy is implemented. In order to collect data for this study, the researcher chose

individual taxpayers from across the country to take part in the study. Furthermore, the

researcher chose a descriptive qualitative approach, which allowed them to collect

concrete data for the study. Following a thorough investigation of this study, the

researchers conclude that discounted tax rates are given to compliant personal

taxpayers in order to increase compliance of individual taxpayers in paying tax payable

and submitting Annual Tax Returns. On the other hand, taxpayers who do not fall into

the category of compliance will receive a refund without the need for inspection every

time there is an overpayment. Finally, individual taxpayers can be constantly

spoiled when they are given tax breaks in the form of discounted tax rates.

Sussanne Leder and Lucia Mannetti et al. (2010) conducted research titled

"Regulatory Fit effects on perceived fiscal exchange and tax compliance," which is a

study with two objectives. First, investigate how the fit between information framing and

taxpayer regulatory focus affects perceived fiscal exchange and tax compliance. Lastly,

understand the significance of taxes, strengthen their perception of fiscal exchange, and,

as a result, increase tax compliance. To ensure the success of this study, eighty working

students, comprised of 46 men and 34 women, volunteered to take part. All data were

collected at the Sapienza University of Rome, specifically at the faculty of political

sciences, with a sample of 65 employees and 14 freelance professionals. This study

employs a two-by-two design for data collection, with experimentally induced regulatory

and goal framing as independent variables. The first study concluded, after a thorough

investigation, that participants estimated the percentage of tax payments returned

to them in the form of public goods and services as a higher under regulatory fit.

Furthermore, it was discovered that a stronger intrinsic willingness to pay tax was

associated with a higher perception of fiscal exchange. While the design used for the

second objective is the same as for the first, the number of respondents is different:

eighty-three taxpayers, 46 men and 37 women, participated, and a sample of 80

employees, three of whom are freelance professionals. This study found that the

compatibility of regulatory focus and framing affects tax compliance, so the two

objectives for this study were interaction effects between regulatory focus and goal-

framing on perceived fiscal exchange and willingness to pay tax.

The study "The Determinants of Tax Compliance: Loving or Fearing" by Arung

Gihna Mayapada et al (2021) aims to analyze the internal and external determinants of

tax compliance. According to this study, the internal determinant is the feeling of love for

the motherland, which is manifested through the soul of patriotism and nationalism,

whereas the external determinant is tax sanctions, which cause taxpayers fear.

To complete this study, they used a quantitative method with a survey approach to

collect all informative data by distributing questionnaires to 100 individual taxpayers

registered at the Tax Office of Palu, who served as the study's main respondents. At

the same time, the sampling method used to collect a total of 94 respondents is

a random sampling method calculated using the slovin formula. As a result, this study

discovered that nationalist taxpayers are more obedient in carrying out tax

obligations than non - nationalist taxpayers, and that tax sanctions cannot guarantee

tax compliance. These findings confirm that patriotism and nationalism are two distinct

ways of loving one's country.

On the other hand, K.G Asela Gamini Bandara and W.M.R.B Weerasooriya's

(2019) research titled "A conceptual Research Paper on Tax Compliance and It's

Relationships" aims to elaborate the various views held by various scholars in

connection with tax compliance and its relationships with other variables in order to

identify the different concepts and their importance in the current context in Sri Lanka.

This study focuses on the conceptual ideas held by various researchers in relation to the

specific area. They examined 250 research articles, previous literature published by

various organizations and authors, and finally discovered 100 articles that were relevant

concepts and validity to the current context of the study. After evaluation, this study

successfully illustrates the various views held by various scholars in connection with tax

compliance and its relationships with other variables, with the goal of gaining new

knowledge as well as broadening the knowledge base on this specific subject area,

which is important for any future researchers to identify the different concepts and

their relative importance to the current context in Sri Lanka.

Similarly, Suhaila Abdul Hamid's (2013) study, "Tax Compliance Behavior of Tax

Agents: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and New Zealand," seeks to comprehend tax

compliance behavior of tax agents in Malaysia and New Zealand by examining some

selected factors that contribute to their ethical decision making while performing their

professional roles. To obtain responses from tax agents in Malaysia and New Zealand,

they used a quantitative method (survey) and a qualitative method (telephone interview)

to collect data for the study. In a single study, the researcher used a combination of

quantitative and qualitative approaches, with tax agents in public practice serving as

samples to reflect the reality of tax compliance behavior of tax agents while performing

their engagement roles. The researcher compiled a list of 500 tax agents from the

Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (MIRB) website using a systematic random sampling

approach. However, to obtain a more robust sample, the researcher used a snowballing

approach by requesting that those tax agents who were chosen from the website

distribute another two sets of the questionnaire survey that is divided into three sections.

The study revealed that both Malaysian and New Zealand interview participants have

similar understandings of tax compliance. Interview participants from Malaysia and New

Zealand understand tax compliance as complying with the tax act, rules, regulations,

and the tax authorities' requirements. In general, interviewees in both countries agreed

that their attitude could influence their tax compliance behavior.

Other Literature

Demographic Profile. The first part of the research instrument was the

demographic profile of the respondents. This consist of age, sex, type of work and years

as freelance worker.

Age. As derived on the study of Petry (2002), the age of the respondents were

categorized into young adults with ages of 18 – 35 years, middle age adults with ages


36 – 55 years, and older adults with age older than 55.

Sex. According to Council of Europe, The biological and physiological traits that

distinguish humans as female or male are referred to as sex. These biological features

are not mutually exclusive, as some people have both, but they do tend to distinguish

humans as females or males.

Type of Work. The field that hire the most freelancers include accounting and

finance, administrative, writing, customer service, computer and IT, medical and health,

editing, HR and recruiting, and education and training (FlexJobs, 2021)

Years as Freelance Worker. The years as freelance worker was categorized into

less than one year, one to three years, four to six years, seven to ten years, and more

than ten years as derived on a survey than in United States.


The parallels and differences between the previous related literature and the

current study were discussed in the research. This is done to determine the study's

relevance. This section will solely summarize the selected related literature to highlight

the most relevant literature to the current study.

The study of Mohd Rizal Palil (2010) aims to examine how facilitating elements

interact in the creation of a suitable self-assessment study (SAS), which is similar

from the current study since it seeks to measure the tax compliance among freelance

workers in Lipa City. They are similar in using questionnaires to grasp the necessary

information needed in the study. Also, the research design used by both study is the

same which is the descriptive research method design. The current study’s parts of

questionna ire differ from the past study as it only includes the profile of the

respondents and specific questions that will involve tax knowledge, tax awareness,

tax morale and tax penalty. Just like Moreno’s study, the current study’s findings will

contribute to the tax literature not only in Philippines but also internationally.

The objective of the study elaborated by Amanjeet kaur (2018), just like the goal

of the current study, aims to find out the general tax awareness of taxpayers. Both

studies used primary and secondary data in gathering all the information needed for the

study. The studies used descriptive research design. In determining the sample, the

previous study used random sampling while the present study used snowball

sampling. In getting the primary data, both studies used questionnaires while their

secondary data was collected through internet, websites, research journals and

published books.

In terms of determining the level of tax compliance and the reasons for taxpayer

noncompliance, the researcher's current study is likely similar to that of Natra Saad

(2014). However, the approach used in the previous study differs from the current study

in which current study uses a descriptive method to collect data that can be used in the

study. Also, the previous study collected data via telephone, whereas the current study

collected data using questionnaires through Google Forms. The number of

respondents in the previous study is bigger than the number of participants in the

current study. In terms of the content of the questionnaires, both study had

questions about tax

knowledge, however the current study also included questions about tax awareness, tax

morale, and tax penalty whereas the previous study tax complexity and tax compliance

behaviour. Regardless of the differences and similarities between the two studies, what

matters most is that they both aim to provide students with sufficient knowledge of tax


Diana Onu and Lynne Oats' (2018) study titled "Tax Talk: An Exploration of

Online Discussion among Taxpayers" has a similar goal to the current study wherein it

aims to educate taxpayers about tax compliance and their obligations. The number of

respondents in this study is 400, while the current study has a total of 100 participants.

The respondents in the current study are freelancers in Lipa City, whereas the

respondents in the previous study are self-employed professionals in the United

Kingdom. Both studies use the same data collection method, which is a virtual

approach. In contrast to the previous study, which included information about tax

knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and tax penalties, this study revealed taxpayers'

attitudes toward laws and regulations.

On the other hand, the respondents in the current study and Ainisa Putri's study

are similar with regards to the respondents of the study, the freelancers. In addition, for

the study's data collection, the previous study used paper questionnaire which was

distributed in actual while the current study used an online questionnaire through

Google forms which was distributed via email and social media accounts. However,

unlike the previous study, which had a total of 110 respondents, the current study only

has 100 participants. They are also similar in terms of the sampling design that they

employ in their studies. The previous study used a quantitative approach to data

collection, which is similar to the method used in the current study to determine the

relationship to the overall response. Lastly, the current study used snowball sampling

as their sampling

method and simple random sampling on getting the total number of respondents while

the previous study used the Slovin formula on determining the total sample. To

summarize, both studies collected necessary data through sampling.

The study of Suparna Wijaya, Laras Salsabila Yunanda, and Waidatin Nur

Azizah(2021) "Study of Discount Tax Requirement for Personal Taxpayers for

Increasing Tax Compliance in Indonesia" seeks to determine whether Indonesia's tax

compliance policies are truly enforced, whereas the current study seeks to assess tax

compliance among freelancers. Both studies do not use the same data collection

process; the current study uses a descriptive quantitative approach, while the previous

study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, but they are similar in terms of selecting

respondents wherein they both chose freelancers to participate in the study. The

number of freelancers as a respondent is not stated in the previous study, whereas

the current study clearly states that the number of respondents consist of 100


"Regulatory Fit Effects on Perceived Fiscal Exchange and Tax Compliance," a

study conducted by Susanne Leder and Lucia Manneti et al (2010), differs from the

current study in that it focuses on one study that seeks to measure tax compliance

among freelancers, whereas this study is a combined study. The respondents in

this study are individual freelancers, whereas the respondents in the previous study

are a mix of working students, employees, and freelance workers. Both studies use

questionnaires and surveys to collect data, and the current study employs a sampling

design, whereas the previous study employs a two-by-two design with experimentally

induced regulatory and goal framing as independent variables.

The study of Arung Gihna Mayapada et.al. (2021) entitled "The Determinants of

Tax Compliance: Loving or Fearing" is similar to the current study in terms of the total
number of respondents, 100 individual taxpayer participants. Just like the prev

ious study, the current study used random sampling in getting the total number

of respondents. Furthermore, both studies used the same instrument in gathering data

to the respondents which is the questionnaire.

The current study differs from the study entitled "A Conceptual Research

Paper on Tax Compliance and its Relationships". This study gathered data from

research articles, previous research related to the study's focus, published books, and

research while the current study gathered information from books, journals, and internet

articles. The previous study examined 250 research articles and previous literature

published by various organizations and authors, eventually identifying 100 articles with

relevant concepts and validity to the current context of the study. Both studies seek if

there is a relationship between the tax compliance and other variables. In addition,

both studies are relevant to the future researchers and served as source of

information to other related researches.

The present study is different from the previous study entitled “Tax Compliance

Behavior of Tax Agents: A Comparative study of Malaysia and New Zealand”. This

previous study makes a comparison of two country to comprehend their tax behavior

unlike the present study that focus in one city only. the approaches used in this previous

study is different to the present study. The researcher in this previous study used a

combination of quantitative and qualitative approach to collect data while the present

study sticks to one approach to gather information. This previous study included 500 tax

agents as respondents, whereas the current study revealed a total of 100 individual

freelance workers. The study used different method in getting the total number of

respondents whereas the previous study used a systematic random sampling while the

current study used a simple random sampling.

Chapter III

This chapter deals with the methods and procedures that the researchers

considered in order to gather the necessary data such as research design,

respondents of the study, sampling design, data gathering instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive research design to gather all the

necessary information.

The researchers believed that this approach is the best method for

measuring the tax compliance of freelance workers in Lipa City. The method

focuses on the description of individual variables rather than the relationships

between variables. Moreover, this method ensures that it reliably and

systematically described the population and the condition being studied.

According to McCombes (2020), descriptive research attempts to

characterize a group, condition, or phenomena in a systematic and precise

manner. It will answer the questions of what, where, why, and how, but not why.

To analyze one or more factors, a descriptive research design may use a range

of research techniques.

Sampling Design

The researchers used snowball sampling in the selection of the

respondents in Lipa City. As stated by Bhat (2019), snowball sampling, also

known as chain-referral sampling, is a non-probability sampling method in which

the samples include characteristics that are uncommon to detect. This is a

sampling method in which current subjects refer new subjects to a test report.

The researchers preferred this sampling method because it would be easier for

them to find possible respondents as referrals allow finding subjects simple and

quick since they come from reputable sources.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the freelance workers in Lipa City. The

researchers used the simple random sampling in getting the total population of

respondents. Simple random sampling is one of the simplest forms of collecting

data from the total population. Under simple random sampling, each member of

the subset carries an equal opportunity of being chosen as a part of the

sampling process (The Economic Times, 2021). With this, the researchers

decided to have a total respondent of one hundred (100) persons.

Data Gathering Instrument

The goal of the study is to assess the tax compliance of freelance workers

in Lipa City by using a scaled questionnaire. Questionnaires had been always the

main tool to gather information from the respondents. The questionnaire was

divided into two parts. The first section would provide information about the

respondent's demographic profile such as age, gender, type of work, and years

as a freelancer. The second section focused on the tax compliance of freelance

workers in terms of tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale and tax penalty.

The researchers made use of the questionnaires on the other related studies

and reconstructed it in a manner that best fits on the study’s main subject.

The data gathering instrument went through a validation process through

the adviser, chairman and members of panel, and two industry experts who are

working as a professor of taxation course. The validation process took more than

one week because some questionnaires needed to be aligned with the study’s

main subject. When it was validated, the researchers created Google forms

consisting of the letter asking the respondents for their full participation in the

study and the questionnaire. After this, the researchers conducted a dry run on

the freelance workers in Padre Garcia, Batangas by posting the link of the

Google Form on their Facebook accounts. The researchers collected the

necessary information within 10 days and had twenty responses. The

researchers believed that this would be enough to test the reliability of the

questionnaires. The result of the dry run was sent to the statistician and was

validated within a day. The statistician concluded that the questionnaire was

reliable having a Croncbach’s alpha of 0.959.

When passed the reliable test, the researchers immediately distributed the

questionnaires to the freelance workers in Lipa City. The researchers posted on

their Facebook account about the searching of possible respondents for the

study. They also asked some of freelance workers whom they know to participate

in the study and asked for referrals. This was done through the use of Google


Likert Scale. To determine the tax compliance of freelance workers in Lipa

City, the following scoring was used:

The highest rate is four (4) for strongly agree and (1) for strongly disagree.

Scoring of Interpretation
Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree/Great Extent

3 2.50 – 3.49 Agree/Moderate Extent

2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree/Slight Extent

1 0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree/Least Extent

Figure 3. Likert Scale

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used different reference materials to collect information

that are related to the study.

The research procedure started with searching information to formulate a

topic. Different topics were presented to the research adviser, Upon the approval

of the research title, the researchers started searching for information related to

the study. Due to the pandemic, the researchers made use of journals, book,

articles in the internet, etc which is easily accessible in gathering such data.

After the defense of Chapter I to Chapter III of the study, the researchers

constructed a scaled questionnaire regarding the topic. It underwent validation

process from the chairman and all the members of panels as well as two

industrial experts in the field of taxation. The two industrial experts were

consulted to ensure that all the questions are in line or relevant to the study.

After the approval of the questionnaires, the researchers started to have their

dry run in Padre Garcia. The researchers posted in social media particularly in

Facebook to look for a possible respondent. They also messaged some people

who lives in the area to ask for referrals. They sent the link of Google form to

the selected
freelance workers wherein it includes the letters to the respondents asking for

their full participation in the study. The link also includes the questionnaire which

was sent through emails and social media accounts. The dry run took ten days

from November 1 to November 10, 2021. The researchers then sent the result to

their statistician for validation. The result of validation was received by the

researchers on the same date. On the 11th day of November 2021, the

researchers started their survey in Lipa City. They did the process on how they

gather information on their dry run. Surveying one hundred freelance workers

took ten days from 12th day of November to 21st day of the same month. As the

respondents gave their response/answers to the questions, the researchers

tallied the data then sent it to the statistician. After having the result of validation,

the researchers analyzed and interpreted the data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered from the survey were sum up, classified, tally, analyzed

and interpreted. The data was used to know the tax compliance of freelance

workers in Lipa City. The researchers used the following statistical tools.

Percentage. It is use in presenting the profile of the respondents with

respect to age, sex, type of work, and years as freelance worker. This will

be used to determine the quantitative relation to the whole response. The

process of gathering the percentage was dividing the frequency (sum of

responses) by the total number of responses. To compute for the percentage (P),

the formula is:

P = (f/n)*100

P = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of respondents

The above formula is applied to the profile of the respondents.

Weighted Mean. This is synonymous to average. It is summing of all the

value of the item divided by the number of items. This will be used to find out and

interpret the data with regard to the tax compliance of the respondents.

Anova Test - It will be used to determine the significant difference on the

tax compliance of the respondents when grouped according to their age, sex,

type of work, and years as freelance worker.

Chapter IV
This chapter reflects the statistical analysis and tables that highlight the

result of the study. Likewise, it includes the interpretation and discussion of the

results. The data gathered from their respondents were tallied, analyzed and

presented in a tabulated form to be able to respond to the specific

question posted in the statement of the problem and to facilitate interpretation.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

This section presents the distribution of the respondents’ profile variables

namely: age, sex, type of work, and years as freelance worker with their

corresponding frequency and percentage.

1.1 Age

Table 4.1.1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of


Table 4.1.1
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Age
Age Frequency Percentage (%)

18-35 years old 79 79

36-55 years old 18 18

56 years old and above 3 3

Total 100 100

The table shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents in terms of age. It can be seen in the above data that the age of

35 years old got the highest frequency of seventy-nine (79) or 79 percent. On

the other hand, there are eighteen (18) respondents who are in the age

bracket of

36-55 years old which is equal to 18 percent. Age of 56 years old and above

got the lowest frequency of three (3) or 3 percent.

According to the researchers' view, most Lipa City respondents are

between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. This suggests that young individuals

begin working as soon as they reach the legal age. This also indicates that

young people aim to be successful in their fields as early as they can. The

statistics, on the other hand, suggest that the age group of 55 and up has

the lowest frequency, implying that there are old people who still works at their

old age and freelancing doesn’t have an age limit compared to those who are

employed wherein once they reach the age of 65 they are required to retire.

The result was supported by ABS CBN News (2020) which states that the

report of Payoneer's Freelancer Income Report in the Philippines shows

freelancers under 35 years old received the greatest proportion of 67 percent.

Furthermore, Paypal polled over 500 Filipino full- and part-time computer-based

freelancers, as well as "considerers," or those planning to go freelance in

the next six months. The survey discovered that both categories are made up of

young people—half of freelancers were under 30, while considerers were

between the ages of 25 and 39 (Juego, 2018).

According to Shenker (2020), 37% of the freelancers are in the age of 55

years old and above. Finding work after 50 has proven more complicated

in recent years. In part, this may be due to the sheer number of people


freelance work and the willingness of younger people to accept lower fees to

gain experience. Older people are under more pressure than ever to remain

relevant and prove to hiring managers (who are often younger) that they are not

past their prime. Thus, one of the reasons why they enter the field of freelancing.

1.2 Sex

Table 4.1.2 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of sex.

Table 4.1.2
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of their Sex
Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 52 52

Female 48 48

Total 100 100

Table 4.1.2 shows that male got the highest percentage of the

respondents with a frequency of fifty-two (52) or 52 percent and the

lowest percentage are female with a frequency of forty-eight (48) or 48 percent.

Based on the analysis of the researchers, most of the respondents are

male. This implies that males prefer to work on their own rather than having a

boss around them. Males are known to be a strong and independent when it

comes to work. They have a pride that they care about. Since you are the boss

of yourself in freelancing, they tend to enter this field. In addition, men are the

one who provides for their family and they can do this through freelancing since

it is easy to make money on this job.

The findings were supported by the survey result provided by Philippine

Statistics Authority (2020), employment rate was higher among men compared to

women. In January 2020, more than sixty percent (60.8%) of the estimated 42.5

million employed persons were males while employed females were reported at

39.2 percent. This indicates that most men are into working and is believed to be

responsible in providing for the family according to United Nations (2011).

1.3 Type of Work

Table 4.1.3 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

type of work.

Table 4.1.3
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Type of Work
Type of Work Frequency Percentage (%)
Accounting and Finance 12 12

Administrative 6 6

Writing 6 6

Customer Service 26 26

Computer and IT 19 19

Medical and Health 4 4

Editing 12 12

HR and recruiting 6 6

Education and Training 9 9

Total 100 100

According to Table 4.1.3, respondents in the customer service category

had the highest frequency of twenty-six or 26 percent, then followed by computer

& IT category with a frequency of nineteen (19) or 19 percent. In addition, both

accounting and finance category, and editing category got a frequency of twelve

(12) or 12 percent. This is followed by education and training category with a

frequency of nine or 9%, administrative category, writing category, and HR and

recruitment category with a frequency of 6 or 6%, and medical and health

category with a frequency of 4 or 4%.

Based on the researchers’ interpretation, it can be said that most of the

freelance workers in Lipa City, Batangas falls under the category of customer

service since this is one of the easiest freelance jobs according to Padilha

(2021). In addition, Filipinos are known to be fond of giving service that

showcases their skills and talents. On the other hand, medical and health

category got the lowest frequency which indicates that only few medical and

health workers enter freelancing.

Customer service is a huge and rapidly-growing profession, according to

the findings of the Indeed Editorial Team (2021). A position in customer service

allows you to create skills that you can transfer to practically any business, with

roles available at all levels of expertise and lots of opportunities for promotion.

This indicates that customer service is a simple field to enter as many companies

need them. In addition, most of the medical and health professionals migrate to

abroad for better opportunities said in the report of Asia Pacific (2021). This

explains why there is a decline in number of respondents in the field of medical

and health.

1.4 Years as Freelance Worker

This variable pertains how long or how many years the respondent had

been working. Table 4.1.4 shows the frequency and distribution of the business

according to number of years as freelance worker.

Table 4.1.4
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Number of Years as Freelance
Years as Freelance Worker Frequency Percent
Less than a year 42 42

1 – 3 years 35 35

4 – 6 years 17 17

7 – 10 years 2 2

More than 10 years 4 4

Total 100 100

Table 4.1.4 shows the distribution of the respondents’ profile in terms of

years as freelance worker. It can be gleaned that a frequency of forty-two (42)


42 percent have been freelancing for less than a year, followed by 35

respondents or equivalent to 35 percent who have been freelancing for 1-3

years, and a frequency of seventeen or 17 percent who have been

freelancing for 4-6 years. Four respondents, or 4 percent of the total have been

freelancing for more than ten years, whereas just two respondents, or 2 percent

have been freelancing for seven to ten years.

Upon analyzing the survey result, the researchers found out that

the majority of freelance employees in Lipa City, Batangas, have been


independently for less than a year. This might be because of the coronavirus

pandemic that causes many employees to lose their jobs, prompting many to

turn to freelancing. On the other hand, there are just a few freelancers who have

been working for 7-10 years, implying that freelancing existed before the

epidemic and is now booming.

This is supported by the statement of Maurer (2020) saying that at the

start of the coronavirus epidemic, a major portion of the work force began

freelancing for the first time. Meanwhile, according to an annual assessment of

the freelance economy, social distancing tactics caused typical gig workers to

cut back on labor. According to Nagamora (2020), to augment employees’ loss of

income due to the “no work, no pay” scheme, they were left with no other option

but to consider the only industry spared by the virus – the Gig Economy or


2. Tax Compliance of Freelance


2.1 Tax Knowledge

Table 4.2.1 shows that tax compliance of freelance workers in terms of

tax knowledge.

Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms of
Statement Interpretation
1. I can understand and interpret the tax rules. 3.25 Compliant
2. I know how the procedure for paying taxes. 3.11 Compliant
3. I know the function and benefits of the Tax
3.27 Compliant
Identification Number.
4. I know the tax collection, the basis of tax
collection and may or not the taxpayer pays it in 3.28 Compliant
5. I know the basic of accountancy and recording,
3.07 Compliant
which must be done by taxpayers in general.
Composite Mean 3.20 Compliant

Table 4.2.1 presents the tax compliance of the respondents in terms of tax

knowledge. It can be seen that there is a composite mean of 3.20 with verbal

interpretation of compliant. Item number 4 got the highest weighted mean of

3.28 with a verbal interpretation of compliant stating “I know the tax collection

and may or not the taxpayer pays it in installments”. On the other hand, item

number 5 which states “I know the basic of accountancy and recording,

which must be done by taxpayers in general” got the lowest weighted mean of

3.07 and verbal interpretation of compliant.

The result could mean that freelance workers from Lipa City are modestly

knowledgeable on tax . They understand tax collection, the basis of tax

collection and may or not the taxpayer pay it in installments. As a taxpayer,

having such knowledge is essential to understand the concept of taxation. This

could be brought by their involvement in tax report preparations but since their

knowledge is still on the average, this implies a room for greater promotion of

taxpayers’ compliance.

This is supported by Saad (2014) contention that tax knowledge is an

essential element to have voluntary tax compliance from taxpayers. Thus, the

result of having knowledge about tax leads to higher probability in tax

compliance. Knowing procedures and tax laws are more likely to help the

government to have an ease in supporting and convincing citizens, specifically

freelance workers, to pay their taxes.

In an article, Tax Compliance of Freelancers in the Philippines by

Pagaspas, some people have the misconception that they should not have to

pay because their income is smaller than their expenses. Knowing the tax

knowledge about taxation could help freelance workers to understand the

importance of paying tax. Moreover, the importance of knowing basic accounting

and tax accounting is visibly helpful for an individual.

Honea (2020) said that it is true that freelance workers don’t need a

degree in accounting to their career. However, having some accounting

knowledge can help them keep an eye on your money, maintain tax compliance,

and communicate with their bookkeeper or accountant (if you want to go that

way), among other benefits.

2.2 Tax Awareness

Table 4.2.2 shows that tax compliance of freelance workers in terms of

tax awareness.

Table 4.2.2
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms of Tax
Statement Interpretation
1. I am transparent to my income. 2.99 Compliant
2. I file income tax for self-employed professional/
2.82 Compliant
freelance workers.
3. I pay income tax even though tax rates changes. 2.94 Compliant
4. I pay tax even though I am not tax aware. 2.85 Compliant
5. I pay income tax as freelance worker and
2.68 Compliant
considered it as responsibility.
Composite Mean 2.86 Compliant
Table 4.2.2 shows that tax compliance of respondents in terms of tax

awareness. It showed a composite mean of 2.86 with verbal interpretation of

compliant. Item number 1 which is about being transparent to his/her income had

the highest weighted mean of 2.99 and verbal interpretation of compliant while

item number 5 stating “I pay income tax as freelance worker and considered it

as responsibility” had the lowest weighted mean of 2.68 and verbal interpretation

of compliant.

Based on the researchers’ observation freelance workers are compliant in

terms of tax awareness. It shows that the freelance workers are transparent in

declaring their income. They are not hesitant in declaring the exact and with

fairness income. However, few of the freelance workers pay their income tax


freelance worker and consider it as responsibility. This implies that most

freelance worker view paying tax as an obligation rather than a responsibility.

Hastuti (2014) said that according to the law, taxation is likely to be a

resident's obligation; as a result, paying the tax is a prior investment, and any

necessary information must be presented honestly. Furthermore, there is no

excuse for not understanding tax, as indicated in the study, tax knowledge

may be gained through self-study, formal and informal education. The

government also took such steps in order to socialize tax regulations and policies

so that taxpayers could learn them.

In accordance with Rahayu et al., (2017), taxpayers are aware of the

nature of taxation laws and provisions when they are aware of the role of paying

taxes to the state, aware of the rights and duties that must be applied, freely list,

pay, and report taxes, and finally, correctly measure, pay, and report taxes. Tax

awareness includes knowing one's role in the tax system, understanding one's

rights and responsibilities as a taxpayer, and being able to compute, collect, and

record taxes.

2.3 Tax Morale

Table 4.2.3 shows that tax compliance of freelance workers in terms of

tax morale.

Table 4.2.3
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms of Tax
Statement Interpretation
1. I honestly declare earnings in my tax returns. 2.76 Compliant
2. Evading tax have never come into my mind. 2.77 Compliant
3. Tax compliance is a social norm. 2.89 Compliant
4. My credentials and personal connections don’t
2.77 Compliant
give me the right to evade tax.
5. False income declaration will generate anxiety,
guilt and shame to me. 2.77 Compliant

Composite Mean 2.79 Compliant

Table 4.2.3 shows the tax compliance of the respondents in terms of tax

morale. It showed a composite mean of 2.79 with verbal interpretation of

compliant. The item number 3 which says that tax compliance is a social norm

had the highest weighted mean of 2.89 and verbal interpretation of compliant

while item number 1 which is about being honest declaring earnings in his/her

tax returns had the lowest weighted mean of 2.76 and verbal interpretation of


Based on the researchers’ observation freelance workers are compliant in

terms of tax morale. It marks that the freelance workers are considering tax

compliance as social norm. They see tax compliance as a social practice brought

by the government. On the other hand, the lowest mean is about declaring

earnings in tax returns honestly. In this way, freelance workers can avoid tax


According to Colcol (2021), tax morale must improve, and they emphasize

that the core of Filipinos' low tax morale is a lack of competition. Filipinos are

apprehensive about paying taxes, despite the fact that it is a legal requirement,

because the process is time-consuming and prone to manipulation.

Moreover, tax compliance can be easily manipulated by the society since it is

considered as just a practice to some.

In a book, Tax Morale: What Drives People and Businesses to Pay Tax?

(2019), an examination of global tax morale reveals that the more educated a

person is, the more favorable attitude he or she has toward paying taxes; women

have better tax morale than men; and adults are less likely than younger

individuals to rationalize tax evasion. People are said to have tax morale if they

pay their taxes on time and do not deviate from their tax compliance owing to

changes in the tax system. They are also not engaging in tax evasion.

HDC Life (2016) states that many people appear to believe that submitting

tax returns is optional, and hence reject it as unneeded and onerous. As we'll

see, this isn't a very healthy tax-filing mindset. Filing tax returns is a yearly

action that every responsible citizen of the country is expected to do. It serves as

a foundation for the government to evaluate the quantity and means of

expenditure of people, as well as a platform for assesses to request refunds

and other types of assistance as needed. Thus, it is important to be honest in

declaring you tax returns as it will also benefit you.

2.4 Tax Penalty

Table 4.2.4 shows that tax compliance of freelance workers in terms of

tax penalty.

Table 4.2.4
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in terms of Tax
Statement Interpretation
1. I am paying income tax on time to prevent tax
2.84 Compliant
2. I pay the shortfall tax within the time frame Compliant
specified in the notice.
3. I am aware to the imposed tax penalties of the Compliant
tax system of the Philippines.
4. Tax penalties affects my tax compliance due to Compliant
the penalty rate.
5. I am paying income tax to lessen the hassle of Compliant
paying tax penalty.
Composite Mean 2.84 Compliant
Table 4.2.4 illustrates the tax compliance of the respondents in terms of

tax penalty. It showed a composite mean of 2.84 with verbal interpretation of

compliant. The item number 5 which is about paying income tax to lessen the

hassle of paying tax penalty had the highest weighted mean of 2.91 and verbal

interpretation of compliant while the item number 2 which is about paying the

shortfall tax within the time frame specified in the notice had the lowest weighted

mean of 2.77 and verbal interpretation of compliant.

Based on the researchers’ observation freelance workers are compliant in

terms of tax penalty. It marks that the freelance workers are paying income tax

to lessen the hassle of paying tax penalty. They are aware in the

and hardships they will face if they did not comply on paying their tax. Some

freelance workers sometimes pay their shortfall tax within the time frame

specified in the notice because it will result to paying tax penalty if they did not.

According to Remali et al., (2018), tax penalty can be characterized as a

disciplinary effort imposed by the tax legislation for any act of activity that is

forbidden or for the failure to do an obligatory act, such as failing to file a

return on time or putting in incorrect or understated returns. A late filing penalty

may be assessed if a taxpayer is obligated to file an income or excise tax return

but is unable to do so before the deadline.

According to Bureau of Internal Revenue, an individual is being penalize; if

they failed to file any tax return as required under the provisions of the Code,

failure to pay the shortfall tax within the time frame specified in the assessment

notice, and failure to pay the entire or a portion of the tax due on any return

required to be submitted under the terms of the Code or its rules and

regulations. Thus, required to be penalize as the penalty is equivalent to

twenty-five percent of amount due.

2.5 Summary of the Weighted Mean of Different Variables

Table 4.2.5 shows the summary of the weighted mean of different

variables such tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale and tax penalty.

Table 4.2.5
Summary of Weighted Mean of Different Variables
Variable Weighted Mean Interpretation
1. Tax Knowledge 3.20 Compliant
2. Tax Awareness 2.86 Compliant

3. Tax Morale 2.79 Compliant

4. Tax Penalty 2.84 Compliant

Table 4.2.5 shows that tax compliance of the respondents in terms of tax

knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and tax penalty is compliant. Tax

knowledge got the highest weighted mean of 3.20 while tax morale got the

lowest weighted mean of 2.79.

Based on the researchers’ observation, freelance workers have an

adequate knowledge to comply with tax. They understand why and how taxation

system works. In addition, they are also a good citizen because they contribute a

portion of their income to the country and most of them doesn’t evade tax

According to research done by Kassa (2021), tax knowledge has a

beneficial impact on taxpayers' willingness to participate in tax evasion. It is

generally recognized that taxpayers would be pushed to engage in tax evasion if

they are not sufficiently informed about the necessity of tax for country

growth and the destructive consequences of tax evasion.

3. Significant Difference on Tax Compliance of the Respondents When

Grouped According their Profile Variables

The following tables show the significant differences of tax compliance of

the respondents as to tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale and tax penalty

when grouped according to profile variables.

3.1 Tax Knowledge

Table 4.3.1 illustrates the comparison of the tax compliance of

respondents as to tax knowledge when grouped according to profile variables.

Table 4.3.1
Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Knowledge When
Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to Not
Age 0.323 1.144 Reject H0 Significant
Sex 0.004 1.591 Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Type of Work 0.690 0.701
Reject H0 Significant
Number of Years as Freelance Failed to Not
Worker 0.201 1.524
Reject H0 Significant
Table 4.3.1 presents the summary of computations when testing was done

on the difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax

compliance of the respondents as to tax knowledge when grouped according to

profile. It can be gleaned that when testing was done on the data concerning the

age, type of work, and number of years as freelancer, the researchers

p-values that are greater than alpha value of 0.05. The findings means that the

researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis and must conclude that there is

no significant difference between the assessment of the respondents on the

aforementioned parameter when group according to the stated profiling

variables. On the other hand when the test was conducted on the data

concerning the sex of the respondents the result goes the other way around,

thus significant difference was found.

After considering the overall assessment on the tax compliance of the

respondents in terms of tax knowledge when grouped according to profile

variable, the computed value is 4.96 and p-value of 1.22. Furthermore, age, sex,

type of work, and years as freelance worker obtained a p-value of 0.323,


0.690 and 0.201 respectively. Since age, type of work and number of years as

freelance worker gained a p-value of greater than 5 percent or 0.05 we have

failed to reject the null hypothesis while sex gained a p-value of less than 5

percent which means that we have rejected the null hypothesis. Therefore, there

is no significant difference in the tax compliance of respondents with regards

to tax knowledge in terms of age, type of work and number of years as freelance

worker, while there is a significant difference in terms of sex.

Jackson and Milliron (1986) state that age, gender, and education, as

major demographic factors, have evidence on their relationship with tax

compliance. They also assert that the age of taxpayers is a common

demographic variable. On the other hand, according to Fischer et al. (1992),

demographic variables have an indirect impact on taxpayer compliance


their effects on noncompliance opportunities and attitudes. However,

some studies have found no link between age and taxpayer compliance.

Furthermore, research by (Preager & Torgler, 2007) and (Mohani, 2001)

discovered that older people are more compliant than young people. Similarly,

studies on the impact of gender on taxpayer compliance yield contradictory

results. According to (Amina & Sniy, 2015) and (Niway, 2016), gender has no

significant impact on taxpayer compliance attitude. It is clear that regardless of

your age, gender, type of work, or number of years working as a freelancer, you

do not have a valid reason to not pay taxes.

3.2 Tax Awareness

Table 4.3.2 illustrates the comparison of the tax compliance of

respondents as to tax awareness when grouped according to profile variables.

Table 4.3.2
Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Awareness When
Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to Not
Age 0.275 1.309 Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Sex 0.458 0.873 Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Type of Work 0.550 0.864
Reject H0 Significant
Number of Years as Freelance Failed to Not
Worker 0.269 1.317
Reject H0 Significant

Table 4.3.2 presents the summary of computations when testing was done

on the difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax

compliance of the respondents as to tax awareness when grouped according to

profile. It can be gleaned that when testing was done across all profiling

variables, the researchers generated p-values that are greater than alpha

value of 0.05. The findings means that the researchers failed to reject the null

hypothesis and must conclude that there is no significant difference between the

assessments of the respondents on the aforementioned parameter when group

according to the stated profiling variables.

After the overall assessment of the tax compliance of the respondents with

regards to tax awareness when grouped according to profile variable was

analysed, the obtained or computed value is 4.363 and p-value of 1.549 which

implies that the null hypothesis was rejected. The age, sex, type of work and

number of years as freelance worker gained a p-value of 0.275, 0.458, 0.550


0.269 respectively. Since all the profile variables gained a p-value of greater

5 percent or 0.05 we have failed to reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is

no significant difference in the tax compliance of respondents with regards to tax

knowledge when grouped to profile variables.

Jatmiko (2006) and Arum (2012) stated that the taxpayer's level of

awareness was a condition in which the taxpayer knew, understood, and

willingly applied the provisions of taxation. The taxpayer's awareness

demonstrated his or her understanding of taxation. In contrast, the findings do

not support Wilda's

(2015) study, which found that taxpayer awareness was still low, which did not

encourage tax compliance.

On the other hand, Nugroho and Zulaikha (2012) investigated the factors

that influence willingness to pay taxes, with tax awareness as an intervening

variable. The findings revealed that the variables knowledge and

understanding of tax regulations, quality tax services, and perceptions of taxation

effectiveness all have a significant impact on tax awareness.

Moreover, Munari (2005) stated that taxpayers experience awareness

when they: are aware of the existence of tax laws and provisions; are aware

of the function of paying taxes to the state; are aware of the rights and

obligations to be implemented; count, pay, and report voluntarily; and

correctly calculate, pay, and report taxes.

3.3 Tax Morale

Table 4.3.3 illustrates the comparison of the tax compliance of

respondents as to tax morale when grouped according to profile variables.

Table 4.3.3
Significant Difference on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax
Compliance of the Respondents as to Tax Morale When
Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to Not
Age 0.739 0.303
Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Sex 0.829 0.596
Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Type of Work 0.292 1.227 Reject H0 Significant
Number of Years as Freelance Failed to Not
Worker 0.129 1.833
Reject H0 Significant
Table 4.3.3 presents the summary of computations when testing was done

on the difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax

compliance of the respondents as to tax morale when grouped according to

profile. It can be gleaned that when testing was done across all profiling

variables, the researchers generated p-values that are greater than alpha

value of 0.05. The researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis meaning there

is no significant differences on the tax compliance of the respondents in terms of

tax morale when grouped according to profile variables.

When the overall of computations was taken into consideration, the

computed value is 3.959 and p-value is 1.989 with an interpretation of not

significant. After the assessment, the researchers found out that sex has the

higher p-value of 0.829 followed by age with 0.739 p-value, then type of

work with p-value of 0.292 and numbers of years as freelance worker has the

lowest p-value of 0.129. Therefore, the researchers conclude that there is no

difference between the assessments of the respondents on the tax morale

when group according to the stated profiling variables.

According to the researchers' observations, having a good profile does

not exempt you from tax avoidance or from having a tax morale. Improving

tax morale starts with gaining a better understanding of the factors that influence

taxpayers' perceptions of the tax system and willingness to pay taxes.

Individuals, regardless of their profiles, can be tax morale if they so desire.

However, to improve taxpayer profiles and taxpayer education programs,

as well as to highlight the need for future investigations, particularly on gender

differences in tax morale. People gain more experience with their businesses,

taxes, and tax authorities as they get older, according to Nordblom and amac


Furthermore, Alm and Torgler (2006) defined tax morale as 'the intrinsic

motivation to pay taxes.' Tax morale measures an individual's willingness to pay

taxes, that is, 'the moral obligation to pay taxes' or 'the belief that paying taxes

contributes to society' (Torgler, 2007). A moral obligation is a personal norm that

belongs to someone but may not be owned by anyone else. Individuals usually

pay attention to values they believe in when taking action (Dewi, 2016).

3.4 Tax Penalty.

Table 4.3.4 illustrates the comparison of the tax compliance of

respondents as to tax penalty when grouped according to profile variables.

Table 4.3.4
Significant Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance of the Respondents
as to Tax Penalty When Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to Not
Age 0.665 0.410
Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Sex 0.287 0.809 Reject H0 Significant
Failed to Not
Type of Work 0.267 1.273
Reject H0 Significant
Number of Years as Freelance Failed to Not
Worker 0.308 1.220
Reject H0 Significant
Table 4.3.4 presents the summary of computations when testing was done

on the difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax

compliance of the respondents as to tax penalty when grouped according to

profile. It can be gleaned that when testing was done across all profiling

variables, the researchers generated p-values that are greater than alpha

value of 0.05.

The accumulated value is 3.712 and p-value is 1.527 after analyzing the

summary of the tax compliance of respondents in terms of tax penalty. Based on

the researchers’ observations assessment of the respondents on tax compliance

of the respondents as to tax penalty when grouped according to profile, age has

the highest p-value of 0.665, followed by number of years as freelance workers

with p-value of 0.308, then sex with 0.287 p-value and type of work has the

lowest p-value of 0.267. The findings means that the researchers failed to reject

the null hypothesis and must conclude that there is no significant difference

between the assessment of the respondents on the tax penalty when

group according to the stated profiling variables.

Furthermore, a tax penalty is a punitive measure imposed by the tax

law for the performance of a prohibited act or the failure to perform a required

act, such as failing to timely file a return or filing incorrect or undervalued returns,

among other things. A late filing penalty may be imposed if a taxpayer is

required to file an income or excise tax return and fails to do so on time. The

penalty is 5% of the unpaid tax for each month (or partial month) the return is

late, up to a maximum of 25%. (Legal Dictionary). Taxpayers, on the other hand,

are not always willing or able to comply with the legal obligations that

have been imposed on them.

3.5 Summary of Differences

Table 4.3.5 shows the summary of the significant differences of the

respondents’ tax compliance in terms of tax knowledge, tax awareness,

tax morale and tax penalty when grouped according to profile variable.

Table 4.3.5
Summary of Significant Differences of the Tax Compliance of
Respondents when Grouped According to their Profile
Years as
Demographic Profile/ Type of
Variable Age Sex Freelance
Tax Knowledge NS S NS NS

Tax Awareness NS NS NS NS

Tax Morale NS NS NS NS

Tax Penalty NS NS NS NS

Table 4.3.5 show that there is no significant differences between the tax

compliance of the respondents in terms of its variables when grouped

according to their profile except the tax knowledge in terms of sex. There is a

significant difference between the tax knowledge and respondents’ sex profile.

4. Proposed Extension Program

The researchers conducted the study of the tax compliance of freelance

workers in Lipa City. The researchers came up with results that may be helpful to

the freelance workers in Lipa City after going through the entire process, from

developing the questionnaire to conducting surveys, drawing conclusions,

analyzing and interpreting the acquired data, and providing recommendations.

Reference No.: BatStateU- Effectivity Date: Revision No.: 00


I. Title of the Project:

“Tax System Knowledge for Freelance Workers: Webinar”

II. Location/ Venue: Batangas State University – Lipa via Zoom App

III. Duration: April 21-22, 2022

IV. Type of Extension Activity:

Tax System Awareness for Freelance Workers Webinar Program

V. Department Involved:

College of Accountancy, Business and Economics, CABE Project

Leader and Coordinators

VI. Cooperating Agencies:

Batangas State University - Lipa Campus

Bureau of Internal Revenue

VII. Beneficiaries: Freelance Workers (e.g. Make-up Artists, IT Specialists,

Freelance Bookkeeper, etc.)

VIII. Total Cost of the Project and Sources of Funds:

The estimated budget needed for this project is Php 14,000. This

includes resource speakers’ honorarium and budget for prizes for

games won by the participants. The budget will be charged to the

possible sponsors.

IX. Rationale of the Project:

We are all aware that the main source of income and fund of the

government is from the tax. Despite of the event we are facing as our

economy is at its downfall due to the over demand of Filipinos because

of the pandemic, the rate of people entering freelancing is increasing.

It is concerning to know that most freelance workers are not tax

complying due to some reasons; lack of knowledge with regards to tax

system of the Philippines, low tax morale, and not paying taxes by

choice. With this, the researchers would like to offer webinar program

specifically about tax system of the Philippines and tax laws for self-

employed professionals that will help the beneficiaries to improve their

tax knowledge and tax compliance.

X. Objectives:

The webinar will present information on tax system and its benefits

for the economy and its importance, which will assist the

beneficiaries in tax compliance to BIR and filing their income

tax returns. The participants will gain or extend their tax knowledge

and tax morale. Specifically, the webinar’s objectives are for


1. To gain knowledge about tax system of the Philippines.

2. To increase the tax morale of the participants with regards to

paying taxes.

3. To understand the significance of tax compliance to all of us.

XI. Description of the Project, Strategies and Methods:

This is a joint undertaking of BatStateU-Lipa (CABE) and Bureau of

Internal Revenue. It is relevant to have knowledge on the Philippine

taxation system especially to the tax rules for freelance workers. It is

important to allot time on learning about the basics of taxation and also

the ways on how to be a registered freelance worker. This will not only

benefit the government but also the citizen of the Philippibes. The

program’s main goal is to spread awareness to participants about the

taxation system here in the Philippines, the freelance tax, and the

importance of considering tax compliance as their responsibility. The

CABE will host a webinar in accordance to the study's objectives.

In order to establish and implement the program, the following activities

involved are:

1. Conceptualization of the Project

2. Meeting with the project leaders and proponents

3. Identification of participants and resource speakers

4. Promote the project through social media info-graphics

5. Preparation of venue via zoom app. Have alternative back-up

plan for possible technical issues

6. Monitoring and Documentation

7. Impact Assessment

Flow of the Webinar Program

Webinar Program
9:00 – 9:10 AM Invocation/ Prayer AVP
9:10 – 9:20 AM National Anthem AVP
BatState-U Lipa Hymn &
9:20 – 9:30 AM AVP
Lipa Hymn
Dr. Monetter M. Soquiat
9:30 – 9:45 AM Opening Remarks
(CABE, College Dean)
9:45 – 10:15 AM Atty. Alvin De Silva
Inspirational Message (Chancellor)
10:15 – 10:30 AM Introduction of Speakers Ms. Krystel Mae S. Jaen
Philippine Taxation (Tax
10:30 – 11:30 AM system, Tax rate, First Speaker
Importance, etc)
11:30 AM – Games/ Activities with
prizes Participants/Speaker
12:00 PM
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch Break
Freelance Tax (Meaning,
1:00 – 1:30 PM Purpose, Importance, Second Speaker
Benefits, etc)
1:30 – 2:00 PM Games/ Activities with Participants/ Speaker
2:00 – 2:30 PM Tax Compliance (Ways on Third Speaker
how to comply with tax
rules, Importance,
Benefits, etc)
2:30 – 3:00 PM Games/ Activities with Participants/ Speaker
3:00 – 3:45 PM Awarding of Certification Dr. Monette M. Soquiat
for the Speakers and Mr. Rey Anthony N.
giving prizes for the winner Abing
of the games. Ms. Nelsie P. Malibiran
3:45 – 4:00 PM Closing Remarks Mr. Rey Anthony N.

XII. Financial Plan:

Particulars Quantity Unit Amount Total

Resource Speaker 3 3,000.00 9,000.00


Prizes 25 pcs. 200.00 5,000.00

Total 14,000.00

XIII. Functional Relationship with the Collaborating Agencies:

The BatStateU Lipa Extension Service Office will work with the Bureau

of Internal Revenue to provide for resource speakers to deliver lectures

to the participants.

XIV. Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanics / Plan:

To monitor the effectiveness of the project, the BatStateU-Lipa


should have the following:

1. Registration Copy/Attendance Sheet

2. Accomplished training assessment/evaluation survey

3. Narrative Reports and Photo Documentations

XV. Plans for Ensuring the sustainability of the Project:

To monitor the webinar program sustainability, specified below must be


1. Clear communication between the researchers and the

beneficiaries must be ensured.

2. Concerns of the participants must be redirected to collaborating

agencies for guaranteed valuable response.

3. Have a variety of financing sources so that the project can

continue with different speakers who have specific experience in

the Philippines' tax system..

Prepared By: Reviewed By:

Recommending Approval: Approved:

Required Attachment: If Extension Service / Training is requested by clients,

attach the letter of request with endorsement from the University
President. Cc: (1) College Dean

Chapter V

This chapter presents the summary of the study; findings, conclusions

and recommendation which were drawn after the researchers obtain the result

based on the gathered data.


The purpose of the study was to assess the tax compliance among

freelance workers in Lipa City. It specifically covered the profile of the

respondents in terms of age, sex, type of work and years as freelance

worker and the tax compliance in terms of tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax

morale and tax penalty. This study aimed to find out if there is any significant

difference between the tax compliance of the respondents when grouped

according to profile variables so as the proposed program.

The researchers used the descriptive type of research method in

assessing the tax compliance among freelance workers. This type of research

was very applicable to use because its design gives better understanding

regarding the occurrence of the study. Scaled questionnaire was used to gather

important data needed. It was given to some selected freelance worker of the

researchers. Every response was tallied and classified accordingly; percentage,

weighted mean and ANOVA test were used.


After the careful analysis and interpretation of data, the following findings

were revealed.

1. Demographic profile of the freelance workers was identified and that most

of the freelance worker in Lipa City were under the age of 18-35 years old

which was 79 percent of the total respondents. In addition,

freelancers were mostly male with the biggest percentage of 52. Most of

the respondents are in the customer service field that contribute to 26

percent Result also revealed that freelancers works for less than 1 year

which is

42 percent of the total.

2. The variables such as tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and tax

penalty were used to assess the tax compliance of freelance workers.

Almost all the items in each variable were verbally interpreted as agree or

compliant. Tax Knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale and tax penalty

obtained composite mean of 3.20, 2.86, 2.79 and 2.84 respectively.

3. The comparison of respondent’s tax compliance when freelance workers’

tax knowledge are grouped according to profile, type of work got the

highest p-value of 0.690. When freelance workers’ tax awareness are

grouped according to profile, type of work got the highest p-value of 0.550.

When freelance workers’ tax morale are grouped according to profile, sex

got the highest p-value of 0.829. When freelance workers’ tax penalty are

grouped according to profile, age got the highest p-value of 0.665.

4. Based on the result of the study, the researchers proposed a tax

compliance extension program for freelance workers to be more compliant

and for them be more knowledgeable.

This department of college may conduct an extension program

regarding webinar that discusses the purpose and importance of taxation.

The webinar will highlight the Philippine taxation systems that will raise

awareness to freelance workers for them to be strongly aware and highly



Based on the findings the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Majority of the respondents are male who are in the age of 18 to 35 years,

working as a customer service for less than 1 year.

2. In terms of the variables of tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax morale, and

finally, tax penalty, the assessment of tax compliance of freelancing

workers was found to be compliant.

3. Researchers found out that the comparison of respondent’s tax

compliance when the tax knowledge of freelance workers in Lipa City are

grouped according to profile, age, type of work and number of years as

freelance workers is not significant while sex is significant. When freelance

workers’ tax awareness are grouped according to profile, age, sex, type of

work and number of years as freelance workers is not significant. When

freelance workers’ tax morale are grouped according to profile, age, sex,

type of work and number of years as freelance workers is not significant.

When freelance workers’ tax penalty are grouped according to profile,

age, sex, type of work and number of years as freelance workers is not


4. Based on the results of the study, one feasible course of action is to

implement tax compliance extension programs in Lipa City regarding

webinar about taxation to help freelancers become highly compliant and

highly aware.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations

are hereby given:

1. The researchers recommend all freelance workers have a basic

understanding of tax accounting because it is vital for freelancing jobs or

freelance firms, to reduce the cost of hiring tax professionals. Learning

basic accounting and filing tax returns is also important because

freelancing workers must understand their revenue and finances. In

general, having tax expertise in both areas is necessary for rendering

services or running a firm.

2. Freelance workers should think of paying taxes as a responsibility rather

than an obligation, according to the researchers. The result can also be

used as background information to remind people that there are tax

laws in place and that they should be familiar with tax procedures in order

to reduce the rate of non-compliance with tax obligations.

3. The researchers encourage the unregistered freelance workers especially

those whose earnings are taxable to register in the Bureau of Internal

Revenue to increase the tax compliance and to help increase the

economy of the Philippines.

4. The researchers suggest to themselves that they put on a public

program to share the study's findings. Its purpose is to educate people

about the importance of tax compliance in supporting the economy.

5. The researchers suggest that future studies investigate tax compliance

among freelance workers by creating questionnaires based on various

claims or theories. In addition, the researchers suggest that freelance

workers be evaluated using a variety of variables. Other theoretical

frameworks can be used to do this. Another technique to analyze a

freelancer's tax compliance is to conduct an actual interview as a method

of data collection. The concepts offered could be used as a helpful source

of information for future research. The study's conclusions and findings

would give them with extra information and an overview of the subject.


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Republic of the Philippines
Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. No. (043)980-0385/87 || E-mail cabe.lipa@g.batstate-u.edu.ph

October 27, 2021

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

Greetings of Peace and Benevolence!

We, the 4 th year Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting, students of Batangas

State University Lipa, are currently conducting our thesis study entitled “Tax Compliance
of Freelance Workers in Lipa City” as part of the requirements for our degree.

In line with this, we are humbly asking for your time to answer our survey questionnaire.
Your comprehensive response will be of great help in achieving the goal of our study.
Rest assured that all information that you have entrusted to us will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes alone.

We are looking forward to your kind consideration upon this humble request. Thank you!

In spirit of excellence,

Kristel Joy P. Dece

tel Mae S. Jae
Krys n

Ma. Cristina L. Ramirez

Noted by,

Mr. Rey Anthony Abing

Research Adviser
Republic of the Philippines
Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. No. (043)980-0385/87 || E-mail cabe.lipa@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
Name (Optional):

I. Profile of the Respondents. Please check the appropriate choice to reflect your
personal profile.

Age Sex
[ ] 18 – 35 years old [ ] Male
[ ] 36 – 55 years old [ ] Female
[ ] 56 years old and above

Type of Work Years as Freelance Worker

[ ] Accounting & Finance [ ] less than 1 year
[ ] Administrative [ ] 1 – 3 years
[ ] Writing [ ] 4 – 6 years
[ ] Customer Service [ ] 7 – 10 years
[ ] Computer & IT [ ] 11 years or more
[ ] Medical & Health
[ ] Editing
[ ] HR & Recruiting
[ ] Education & Training

II. Tax Compliance. Please read the following statements about tax and put a check
on the choice that applies most closely to you. Use the rating scale to give your


Tax Knowledge – this refers to the understanding of how

the tax system works and the requirements for filing the tax 4 3 2 1
1. I understand tax rules.
2. I know the procedures on how to pay tax.
3. I recognize the purpose and implication of tax.
4. I understand the meaning and basis of the Philippine tax
5. I am familiar with the basics of accounting and taxation.

Republic of the Philippines

Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. No. (043)980-0385/87 || E-mail cabe.lipa@g.batstate-u.edu.ph

Tax Awareness – refers to your understanding of

various tax forms, how they are paid, taxpayer rights, 4 3 2 1
and how to handle the appeals process
6. I am aware that all my income is taxable.
7. I file my income tax for self-employed
professional/ freelance workers.
8. I am mindful of my rights as a taxpayer.
9. I am aware of tax rates that can be applied to my
10. I compute my own tax.

Tax Morale – refers to the taxpayer’s perceptions

4 3 2 1
and attitudes towards paying and evading taxes
11. I honestly declare my earnings for tax return.
12. I detest tax evasion.
13. I am transparent about my income.
14. I pay income tax even if the tax rate is high.
15. I am anxious about declaring false income.

Tax Penalty – refers to a punitive measure that the

law imposes for the performance of an act that is
prescribed, or for the failure to perform a required 4 3 2 1
16. I am paying income tax on time to prevent the
tax penalty.
17. I recognize the need to settle tax deficiencies
within the specified time.
18. I am aware of the imposed tax penalties of the
tax system in the Philippines.
19. I comply with all requirements to avoid tax
20. I know the tax penalties that can be applied to
Republic of the Philippines

Batangas State University – lipa city

Barangay Marawoy, Lipa City


Minutes of the Defense

Date: June 3, 2021

Time: 8:00 am

Place: Virtual Set- Up

Attendees: Dr. Monette M. Soquiat- Panel Chairperson

Mr. Ronie A. Mendoza– Panel Member

Ms. Nelsie Malibiran– Panel Member

Sir Rey Anthony N. Abing – Thesis Adviser

Ms. Krystel Mae S. Jaen– Researcher

Ms. Maria Cristina Ramirez– Researcher

Ms. Kristel Joy P. Decena– Researcher

▪ The defense immediately started at 8:00 and ended at 9:00 AM

▪ The researchers presented their proposed topic.

▪ The panel asked the researchers why they choose their topic.

▪ Here are some comments and suggestions made by the panel:


• Change the title to tax compliance of freelance workers at Lipa City

• Change the theoretical framework


• Simple Random Sampling will be use as a statistical data to gather number of


• The number of respondents would be 100

Prepared by:


Group Representative

Noted by:



Zone 5, Carnelian Street, Pangao, Lipa City, Batangas 4217
 krystelmae.jaen@gmail.com
 +63948-811-0866


To secure a challenging and rewarding Date of Birth : December 21,1999
position within the private sector where prior Gender : Female
experience, personal ability, and a commitment Age : 21 years old
to professionalism would be of value. Position Citizenship : Filipino
should allow for continued personal and Civil Status : Single
professional growth commensurate with Religion : Roman Catholic
achievements. Nationlality : Filipino


Secondary Career and Employment Coaching Seminar
Senior High School AMA Computer College – Lipa Campus
AMA Computer College Lipa Senior High October 11, 2017
Ayala Highway Balintawak, Lipa City SKILLS:
Accountancy, Business and Management • Well-developed oral and written
S.Y. 2017-2018 communication skills
• Has a high level of creativity and
Junior High School resourcefulness, combined with strong
Lodlod National High School planning and organization and prioritization
Lodlod, Lipa City skills
S.Y. 2015-2016 • Has good leadership skills
Primary • Proficient in using Computer Application
Pangao Elementary School such as: Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher
Pangao, Lipa City and Power point
S.Y. 2011-2012 • Tolerant and flexible, adjusts to different
Passer - National Certification III in CHARACTER REFERENCE:
Bookkeeping - December 17, 2019 - Diane Mari Silang
December 16, 2024
 +63915-722-2481
I hereby certify that the above
information is true and correct to the best of Arlene Maigue
my knowledge and belief. Councilor
 +63918-216-0504

KRYSTEL MAE S. JAEN Mrs. Gemma R. Tada

Applicant’s Signature
Business Woman
 +63921-778-6907
#200 Paninsingin Tambo, Lipa City
 mcramirez0328@gmail.com
 +639454626641
Age: 21
A successful-driven and goal-
Civil Status: Single
oriented person who aims to obtain a
Date Of Birth: March 28,2000
position that will enhance my skills and
Gender: Female
knowledge, professionally. Build the
Religion: Roman Catholic
success of the company/firm by working
Nationality: Filipino
diligently and experience self-growth at the
same time.
• Time management
• Speaking and writing in English and
Batangas State University Filipino
Marauoy, Lipa City • Critical Thinking
BS Management Accounting • Complex problem solving
Secondary Activities
2018 Year
High school graduate, THE LIPA GRACE • Self- Esteem: An Asset to Success
ACADEMY Certification - Seminar – 2016
Grade 7 – Achiever • Student – Leaders of Grace: Lead Like
Best in Visual Arts Jesus – Team Building - 2016
• 1st Lipa Performing Arts Convention Arts
3rd Place – Science Quiz Bee and Artists in Contemporary Society –
Board Member – Commission on Elections Seminar - 2017
Grade 12 – With High Honor • Embracing Leadership through Unity –
Team Building – 2019
CERTIFICATION • Nexus MMXIX: Together Towards
Tomorrow – Team Building – 2019
Passer - National Certification III in
Bookkeeping - December 17, 2019 - CHARACTER REFERENCE:
December 16, 2024

I hereby certify that the above MR. ARNOLD Q. MALALUAN

information is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief. Professor, CABE Department
Batangas State University Lipa Campus
Ma. Cristina Ramirez
Applicant’s Signature
Brgy kayumanggi Lipa City
Age: 23
To build a career in a growing
Civil Status: Single
organization when I can get the opportunities
to prove my abilities by accepting challenges, Date Of Birth: November 05,1998
fulfilling the organizational good and climb Gender: Female
the career ladder to continuous learning and Religion: Roman Catholic
commitment. Nationality: Filipino
College SKILLS:
Batangas State University • Computer Literate
Marauoy, Lipa City • Decision making
BS Management Accounting • Time Management
Undergraduate • Cooperation
• Stocks and Inventory Management
• Interpersonal Skills
Senior Highschool: • Mentorship
Royal British College • Conflict Resolution
Accounting And Business Management
Junior Highschool: Activities
Lipa City National High School
B. Morada Avenue , Lipa City • Embracing Leadership through Unity –
2015-2016 Team Building – 2019
Primary : • Nexus MMXIX: Together Towards
Tomorrow – Team Building – 2019
Kayumanggi Elementary School
Passer - National Certification III in Professor, CABE Department
Bookkeeping - December 17, 2019 - Batangas State University Lipa Campus
December 16, 2024 +63(43)4257158

I hereby certify that the above information Aileen A. Melo

is true and correct to the best of my OIC, Greenwich Recto LIpa
knowledge and belief. Pag-olingin Lipa City
Kristel Joy P. Decena
Applicant’s Signature
“Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers in Lipa City”
Research Instrument
In the constructed questionnaire, the respondents were requested to rate each item
on a four (4) point rating scale with their designated verbal interpretation.
Numerical Rating Value Verbal Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
To interpret the weighted mean and composite mean of the assessment on the tax
compliance of freelance workers in Lipa City, the following numerical values and their
corresponding verbal interpretation were used:
Mean Ranges Verbal Interpretation
3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree / Highly Compliant
2.50 – 3.49 Agree / Compliant
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree / Moderately Compliant
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree / Not Compliant

Statistical Treatment
• Frequency and Percentage – used to describe the profile of the respondents.
• Weighted Mean – used to determine the respondents’ assessment on tax compliance of
freelance workers in Lipa City.
• T-test / Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - used to test the difference between the
assessed tax compliance of freelance workers in Lipa City when grouped according to
their profile.

1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
1.3 type of work; and
1.4 years as freelance worker

Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18 – 35 years old 79 79
36 – 55 years old 18 18
55 years old and above 3 3
TOTAL 100 100

Table 2
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Sex
Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 52 52
Female 48 48
TOTAL 100 100

Table 3
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Type of Work

Type of Work Frequency Percentage

Accounting and Finance 12 12

Administrative Writing 6 6
Customer Service 6 6
Computer and IT 26 26
Medical and Health 19 19
Editing 4 4
HR and recruiting 12 12
Education and Training 6 6
Others 9 9
0 0
TOTAL 100 100
Table 4
Distribution of the Respondents in terms of
Number of Years as a Freelance Worker

Number of Years as a Frequency Percentage

Freelance Worker
Less than a year 42 42
1 – 3 years 35 35
4 – 6 years 17 17
7 – 10 years 2 2
More than 10 years 4 4
TOTAL 100 100

2. How do respondents determine their compliance in terms of:

2.1 tax knowledge;
2.2 tax awareness
2.3 tax morale; and
2.4 tax penalty?

Table 5
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers
in terms of Tax Knowledge

STATEMENT Interpretation
1. I can understand and interpret the tax rules. 3.25 Agree
2. I know how the procedure for paying taxes. 3.11 Agree
3. I know the function and benefits of the Tax
3.27 Agree
Identification Number.
4. I know the tax collection, the basis of tax
collection and may or not the taxpayer pay it in 3.28 Agree
5. I know the basic of accountancy and recording,
3.07 Agree
which must be done by taxpayers in general.
Composite Mean 3.20 Compliant

Table 6
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers
in terms of Tax Awareness

STATEMENT Interpretation
1. I am transparent to my income. 2.99 Agree
2. I file income tax for self-employed professional/
2.82 Agree
freelance workers.
3. I pay income tax even though tax rates changes. 2.94 Agree
4. I pay tax even though I am not tax aware. 2.85 Agree
5. I pay income tax as freelance worker and
2.68 Agree
considered it as responsibility.
Composite Mean 2.86 Compliant

Table 7
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers
in terms of Tax Morale

STATEMENT Interpretation
1. I honestly declare earnings in my tax returns. 2.76 Agree
2. Evading tax have never come into my mind. 2.77 Agree
3. Tax compliance is a social norm. 2.89 Agree
4. My credentials and personal connections don’t
2.77 Agree
give me the right to evade tax.
5. False income declaration will generate anxiety,
2.77 Agree
guilt and shame to me.
Composite Mean 2.79 Compliant

Table 8
Assessment on Tax Compliance of Freelance Workers
in terms of Tax Penalty

STATEMENT Interpretation
1. I am paying income tax on time to prevent tax
2.84 Agree
2. I pay the shortfall tax within the time frame
2.77 Agree
specified in the notice.
3. I am aware to the imposed tax penalties of the tax
2.88 Agree
system of the Philippines.
4. Tax penalties affects my tax compliance due to
2.82 Agree
the penalty rate.
5. I am paying income tax to lessen the hassle of
2.91 Agree
paying tax penalty.
Composite Mean 2.84 Compliant

3. Is there any significant difference on the tax compliance of the respondents when
grouped according to their profile variables?

Table 9

Summary of Computations on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance

of the Respondents as to Tax Knowledge When Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to
Age 0.323 1.144 Not Significant
Reject H0

Sex 0.004 1.591 Reject H0 Significant

Failed to
Type of Work 0.690 0.701 Not Significant
Reject H0
Number of Years as Failed to
0.201 1.524 Not Significant
Freelance Worker Reject H0
Note: Reject H0 if p-value is lesser than alpha α =

Table 9 presents the summary of computations when testing was done on the
difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax compliance of the
respondents as to tax knowledge when grouped according to profile. It can be gleaned
that when testing was done on the data concerning the age, type of work, and number of
years as freelancer, the researchers generated p-values that are greater than alpha value of
0.05. The findings means that the researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis and must
conclude that there is no significant difference between the assessment of the respondents
on the aforementioned parameter when group according to the stated profiling variables.
On the other hand when the test was conducted on the data concerning the sex of the
respondents the result goes the other way around, thus significant difference was found.

Table 10

Summary of Computations on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance

of the Respondents as to Tax Awareness When Grouped According to their Profile
Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to
Age 0.275 1.309 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Sex 0.458 0.873 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Type of Work 0.550 0.864 Not Significant
Reject H0
Number of Years as Failed to
0.269 1.317 Not Significant
Freelance Worker Reject H0
Note: Reject H0 if p-value is lesser than alpha α = 0.05.

Table 10 presents the summary of computations when testing was done on the
difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax compliance of the
respondents as to tax awareness when grouped according to profile. It can be gleaned that
when testing was done across all profiling variables, the researchers generated p-values
that are greater than alpha value of 0.05. The findings means that the researchers failed to
reject the null hypothesis and must conclude that there is no significant difference
between the assessment of the respondents on the aforementioned parameter when group
according to the stated profiling variables.

Table 11

Summary of Computations on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance

of the Respondents as to Tax Morale When Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to
Age 0.739 0.303 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Sex 0.829 0.596 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Type of Work 0.292 1.227 Not Significant
Reject H0
Number of Years as Failed to
0.129 1.833 Not Significant
Freelance Worker Reject H0
Note: Reject H0 if p-value is lesser than alpha α = 0.05.

Table 11 presents the summary of computations when testing was done on the
difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax compliance of the
respondents as to tax morale when grouped according to profile. It can be gleaned that
when testing was done across all profiling variables, the researchers generated p-values
that are greater than alpha value of 0.05. The findings means that the researchers failed to
reject the null hypothesis and must conclude that there is no significant difference
between the assessment of the respondents on the aforementioned parameter when group
according to the stated profiling variables.

Table 12

Summary of Computations on the Test of Difference on Assessed Tax Compliance

of the Respondents as to Tax Penalty When Grouped According to their Profile

Profile p-value Decision Conclusion
Failed to
Age 0.665 0.410 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Sex 0.287 0.809 Not Significant
Reject H0
Failed to
Type of Work 0.267 1.273 Not Significant
Reject H0
Number of Years as Failed to
0.308 1.220 Not Significant
Freelance Worker Reject H0
Note: Reject H0 if p-value is lesser than alpha α = 0.05.

Table 12 presents the summary of computations when testing was done on the
difference that exists between the assessment of the respondents on tax compliance of the
respondents as to tax penalty when grouped according to profile. It can be gleaned that
when testing was done across all profiling variables, the researchers generated p-values
that are greater than alpha value of 0.05. The findings means that the researchers failed to
reject the null hypothesis and must conclude that there is no significant difference
between the assessment of the respondents on the aforementioned parameter when group
according to the stated profiling variables.

Summary of Responses on Tax Knowledge

Total Weighte
Question d Mean Verbal
x1 x2 X3 X4 Response
No. Interpretation
1 9 9 30 52 100 3.25 Agree
2 8 15 35 42 100 3.11 Agree
3 7 7 38 48 100 3.27 Agree
4 7 5 41 47 100 3.28 Agree
5 10 16 31 43 100 3.07 Agree
Composite Mean 3.20 Compliant

Summary of Responses on Tax Awareness

Total Weighte
Question d Mean Verbal
x1 x2 X3 X4 Response
No. Interpretation
1 12 11 43 34 100 2.99 Agree
2 18 9 46 27 100 2.82 Agree
3 14 7 50 29 100 2.94 Agree
4 13 14 48 25 100 2.85 Agree
5 19 16 43 22 100 2.68 Agree
Composite Mean 2.86 Compliant

Summary of Responses on Tax Morale

Total Weighte
Question d Mean Verbal
x1 x2 X3 X4 Response
No. Interpretation
1 18 9 52 21 100 2.76 Agree
2 19 8 50 23 100 2.77 Agree
3 16 6 51 27 100 2.89 Agree
4 19 7 52 22 100 2.77 Agree
5 17 13 46 24 100 2.77 Agree
Composite Mean 2.79 Compliant

Summary of Responses on Tax Penalty

Total Weighte
Question d Mean Verbal
x1 x2 X3 X4 Response
No. Interpretation
1 18 7 48 27 100 2.84 Agree
2 17 11 50 22 100 2.77 Agree
3 14 8 54 24 100 2.88 Agree
4 17 10 47 26 100 2.82 Agree
5 14 8 51 27 100 2.91 Agree
Composite Mean 2.84 Compliant

Oneway (AGE)

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
KNOWLEDGE Between Groups 1.700 2 .850 1.144 .323
Within Groups 72.059 97 .743
Total 73.758 99
AWARENESS Between Groups 2.060 2 1.030 1.309 .275
Within Groups 76.346 97 .787
Total 78.406 99
MORALE Between Groups .547 2 .273 .303 .739
Within Groups 87.447 97 .902
Total 87.994 99
PENALTY Between Groups .697 2 .349 .410 .665
Within Groups 82.469 97 .850
Total 83.166 99
T-Test (SEX)
Independent Samples Test
Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Std. Confidence
Sig. Mean Error Interval of the
(2- Differen Differen Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) ce ce Lower Upper
KNOWLEDG Equal variances 8.471 .004 1.591 98 .115 .27276 .17145 - .61299
E assumed .06748
Equal variances 1.562 76.84 .122 .27276 .17461 - .62046
not assumed 2 .07495
AWARENES Equal variances .556 .458 .873 98 .385 .15577 .17834 - .50969
S assumed .19815
Equal variances .871 95.81 .386 .15577 .17885 - .51079
not assumed 8 .19925
MORALE Equal variances .047 .829 .596 98 .553 .11282 .18932 - .48853
assumed .26289
Equal variances .596 97.18 .553 .11282 .18940 - .48873
not assumed 9 .26308

PENALTY Equal variances 1.145 .287 .809 98 .420 .14872 .18378 - .51342
assumed .21598
Equal variances .806 94.82 .422 .14872 .18454 - .51509
not assumed 8 .21765

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
KNOWLEDGE Between Groups 4.281 8 .535 .701 .690
Within Groups 69.478 91 .763
Total 73.758 99
AWARENESS Between Groups 5.534 8 .692 .864 .550
Within Groups 72.873 91 .801
Total 78.406 99
MORALE Between Groups 8.569 8 1.071 1.227 .292
Within Groups 79.424 91 .873
Total 87.994 99
PENALTY Between Groups 8.373 8 1.047 1.273 .267
Within Groups 74.793 91 .822
Total 83.166 99


Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
KNOWLEDGE Between Groups 4.448 4 1.112 1.524 .201
Within Groups 69.311 95 .730
Total 73.758 99
AWARENESS Between Groups 4.120 4 1.030 1.317 .269
Within Groups 74.286 95 .782
Total 78.406 99
MORALE Between Groups 6.305 4 1.576 1.833 .129
Within Groups 81.688 95 .860
Total 87.994 99
PENALTY Between Groups 4.063 4 1.016 1.220 .308
Within Groups 79.104 95 .833
Total 83.166 99

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