What Citizens Want From E-Government: Current Practice Research
What Citizens Want From E-Government: Current Practice Research
What Citizens Want From E-Government: Current Practice Research
Meghan E. Cook
October 2000
Governments in the US are using a variety of methods to find out what citizens want from e-
government services. Different methods generate different kinds of results, with different
levels of reliability.
The Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany is conducting current
practice research into several areas of e-government. One practice that we are investigating is
how governments solicit input from citizens. This first report from our study relies mostly on
responses to an e-mail posting to the member listserv of the National Association of State
Information Resource Executives (NASIRE). NASIRE represents state chief information
officers and information resource executives and managers from the 50 states, six U. S.
territories, and the District of Columbia. We supplemented this source by contacting other
states directly. In both cases we asked, “Who is asking citizens what services government
should provide electronically?” and “What do citizens say they want?”
Overall, we received information from 14 states, four nonprofit organizations, and three
private sector companies. The responses included information about particular e-government
initiatives and references to various articles, reports and surveys, as well as general
knowledge about these questions. Three states said they are in the process of conducting
surveys or analyzing results and promised to share them as soon as they are available.
These efforts are being conducted in a variety of ways, with different levels of formality and
statistical reliability. A few are professionally designed public opinion surveys with random
selection of respondents and formal statistical analyses. Others are informal efforts that ask
citizens who visit state Web sites what they think about e-government services. Another kind
of effort invites people to attend events where they discuss their needs and opinions.
The professional and informal surveys tend to offer respondents a fixed list of potential e-
government services, and the same choices tend to be included from place to place. In
response to these surveys, driver’s licenses and voter registration usually top the list of desired
e-services. The discussion method offers greater opportunity to explore ideas from different
points of view and in more depth and therefore tend to generate longer lists of potential e-
services that are tied to life events or areas of economic activity.
A report from the Momentum Research Group, sponsored by the National Information
Consortium (NIC) which operates portals in several states, details the e-government needs,
opinions, and preferences of 303 people and 103 businesses throughout the United States. In
telephone interviews these two groups were asked many questions related to the use of
government services, including their opinions about quality of service, confidence in results,
funding for e-government, security of information, and whether they would like to find these
services on state or local government Web sites. This input from citizens was gathered in
several ways. A few open-ended questions asked, “What government services would you use
electronically?” Most questions presented a list of services and asked the citizen to pick the
one they would be most willing to use. Some questions focused on how the citizen would like
to access the government service and asked what people thought about advantages and
disadvantages of e-government.
A study conducted by the research firm of Peter D. Hart and Robert M. Teeter for the Council
for Excellence in Government investigated experiences and expectations of e-government.
They surveyed 1,003 citizens, 150 government officials in federal, state, and local
government, and 155 institutional customers of government in the business and non-profit
sectors about many areas including potential use of e-government services, benefits of e-
government, how quickly e-government should develop, and what concerns them about the
digital divide. The findings are compared across the three groups, although they are
statistically significant only for the citizen group.
Of the states that have reached out to citizens, California’s Life Event and Affinity Design
(L.E.A.D.) effort, spearheaded by the Governor’s Office of Innovation in Government, is one
where citizens and business are being asked to attend focus group-like activities. The first of
three regional conferences was held recently where 120 people gathered to discuss and
document the government services needed at specific stages in life. People were grouped into
seven age categories and three miscellaneous categories (starting a business, non-age-related
events, and professional licensing). Each group was then asked to think about information
they would need or business they would transact with a government agency from their
particular stage of life or perspective. The results from the three conferences will be analyzed
to produce recommendations for California’s Web portal and e-government services.
The nonprofit Telecommunications and Policy Institute conducted a survey of 1,002 citizens
for the state of Texas. In this random telephone survey, citizens were asked about their current
and potential use of electronic government services. They were asked about services they
currently use, services they would use in the future, concerns about privacy and security,
funding options for e-government and several other issues. This study also documented
aspects of the digital divide in Texas, identifying different levels of computer and Internet use
by income, education, and ethnic group. These results will be used to inform the development
of Texas’ online government services.
A number of less formal efforts were also reported. Some states embarked on e-government
by developing one or two online transactions and then monitored them for frequency of use.
In Indiana, the AccessIndiana portal was developed and implemented and, after citizens had
some experience with it, the portal began to ask citizens “What other government services
would you like provided through this portal?” The Government Information Technology
Agency (GITA) in Arizona developed a survey listing government services that could be or
will be provided electronically. Citizens then indicated, via a Web or paper ballot, which
ones they would most likely use. In Utah, the state asked businesses what government
information and services they would like to access online and what the government should
provide electronically to citizens.
Renewing a driver’s license was the typically the first choice. It was followed most often by
voter registration, obtaining state park information and making park reservations. Another
common theme is the notion of one-stop shopping for government services, or the ability to
access specific government information, such as medical or health care data.
The California L.E.A.D. project brings together citizens and businesses to generate lists of
government services that an individual would need throughout a typical life span. One group
generated a list for the 21-30 age range. It included such needs and interests as marriage,
divorce, school systems, purchasing a house, name changes, and professional certificates.
In the research report sponsored by NIC, citizens were asked which activities on a standard
list they would like to perform online. Of the listed services, renewing a driver’s license,
voting on the Internet, having access to one-stop shopping, filing state taxes, and obtaining
state park information were the most popular. Additional services, chosen by less than 30
percent of the respondents, were reviewing state police reports, paying parking violations,
reviewing real estate records, and paying taxes by credit card. When asked if they had
already used government services online, citizens most often reported that they had contacted
the IRS and paid taxes electronically. When asked about funding for e-government services,
both citizens and business preferred a fee for online transactions rather than have it reflected
in tax increases.
A different perspective on what citizens want is shown in the Hart-Teeter study done for the
Council for Excellence in Government. This report shows that of the 1,003 citizens surveyed,
only 53 percent were either very or fairly favorable of renewing driver’s licenses online. The
most favored examples of e-government were access to medical information from the
National Institute of Health (80%), and access to a candidate’s voting record (77%). Cost
savings for government, and a legislation comment site followed closely with 71 percent each.
Citizens were also asked about the benefits of e-government. According to this report,
citizens see the biggest benefits as increased government accountability to citizens (36%),
greater public access to information (23%), and more efficient/cost-effective government
(21%). Finally, 65 percent of the public felt that government should proceed slowly in
developing communication between citizens and government. This was due in large part to
issues with security and privacy of information. Government managers, by contract, believed
the effort should proceed quickly.
Arizona’s GITA asked citizens what activities government should do online. State employees
were informally polled first; then survey was web enabled to gather responses from the
general public. The top four responses-- renewing a driver’s license; ordering birth,
marriage, or death certificates; Internet voting; and making state park reservations -- all fall in
the most common responses generated by other studies. Additional e-government services
identified by the Arizona effort include filling out a single change of address for government
and business, looking up a child’s grades and homework assignments, and enrolling in benefit
In the state of Utah, business were asked if they would favor or oppose providing e-
government services to citizens. Of the services presented, only one caused the respondents
to be divided in their opinions. Slightly more than half of the businesses (54%) favored
providing the ability to apply for unemployment insurance, welfare, and health benefits
online. Of the 43 percent who oppose providing these benefit programs electronically, 27
percent strongly oppose it. The remaining e-government services were strongly favored
including renewal of driver’s licenses, voter registration, and hunting and fishing licenses.
When Minnesota citizens were asked if they had done business online with the state
government, 87 percent said that they had not. And when asked if they would use it if it were
available, 61 percent said they were either very likely or somewhat likely to do so. Arkansas
completed a statewide survey to ask citizens about e-government services. This report is still
in preparation.
Several other states have plans to gather citizen input. New York’s Office for Technology is
planning a series of citizen focus groups, as well as a round of regional meetings with local
governments, to identify the services that are most wanted and ways that the state and local
governments can cooperate to provide them. The e-government working group in
Miami–Dade County in Florida plans to develop a survey to assess the needs of the public.
This effort, along with the development of a countywide customer service program, will
identify services that can be provided electronically by the local government. The state of
New Jersey is working with the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University to
investigate e-government services to citizens. This investigation is near completion and the
results will be available in the coming months. Several focus groups will also be held with
businesses and citizens to get feedback on New Jersey’s Web portal. Wyoming is beginning
an effort to enhance public access to court records and services. Citizens and business will be
polled to find out exactly what information and services they would like to access from the
courts system.
The movement to e-government, at its heart, is about changing the way people and businesses
interact with government. It only makes sense to find out what they want, expect, don’t want,
and worry about. The efforts described above vary considerably in their methods and in the
range and reliability of their results. A quick informal questionnaire distributed in a mall, or
posted on a web site invites only those who “come there” to express their opinions –but it is a
low-cost and low-effort way to get some sense of what the people think. The formal research
study that generates statistically significant results or engages carefully selected focus groups
tells you more reliably what the public thinks. It also costs a lot more. And all methods are
limited by the way the questions are constructed and asked. All these approaches are worth
considering. Just be sure to view the results with a discriminating eye and draw only the
conclusions that can be supported by the data.
Referenced Reports
For more information about the referenced e-government reports and initiatives visit:
Arizona @ your service
Life Events and Affinity Design (L.E.A.D.) Program
E-Government: Serving the Public through Technology Miami-Dade County Working Group
Report of Findings
Access Indiana Web portal
E-Government Services and Computer and Internet use in Texas
SmartUTAH Survey of Internet Usage and Attitudes of Utah's Small Businesses (New -
Conducted June 1999)
Benchmarking the E-Government Revolution: Year 2000 Report on Citizen and Business