The UKRAINE WAR 2022 - A Masterpiece of Deception
The UKRAINE WAR 2022 - A Masterpiece of Deception
The UKRAINE WAR 2022 - A Masterpiece of Deception
Ti: The Ukraine War 2022 – A Masterpiece of Political and Media Deception
1st Edition April 18, 2022
Published by: Silk Road Virtual University Press
Opinions expressed in this book are those of the author only and do not represent any of
the individuals, organizations or nations named herein.
This book was written and published for educational purposes only. No money is paid to
the author. This is a not-for-profit book.
Front cover: Lustitia1 (‘Lady Justice’) is a symbolic personification of the coercive
power of a tribunal: a sword symbolizing authority, scales representing balance
and objectivity and a blindfold indicating that justice is impartial.
Please note: The title of this book is a misnomer. The current conflict in Ukraine should
more accurately be called the “US – Russia War,” with Ukraine being a proxy state of the
US sitting uncomfortably in the middle led by an American appointed ruler in a fake
democracy and NATO acting as a mercenary army of the US. But that wouldn’t fit nicely
onto a front cover, so for simplicity this book was given the illusory name: “Ukraine War
2022,” even though the American driven civil war phase of this conflict in Ukraine really
started in 2014.
And so, it has come to pass in the year 2022 the future of humanity – if there is to be one
– hangs in the balance of a single case that weighs the relative innocence and guilt of
United States President Jospeh Biden vs. that of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The
cards are stacked heavily against Russian President Putin, as Americans have near total
power over the world’s media and a hundred years of anti-Russian propaganda weighing
in their favor, but Lady Justice was, is and will always remain impartial and impervious to
even the most perfectly orchestrated and choreographed media campaign in world media
The defendant, President Putin currently sits bound and gagged (at least in the western
media), rather like the victim of a lynch mob, and is therefore very unlikely to get a fair
trial. Thus, this book was written to clarify issues , weigh the broadest range of
information available dispassionately and present it to the world.
Never before in human history have so many people been so totally hoodwinked as this
buildup to the American driven war against Russia. It represents the perfect fusion of
Hollywood “magic” and “news” production. In the buildups to the Afghan and Iraqi Wars,
I wanted to believe, to join the herd in hate of those absolute evils, but I couldn’t and
didn’t because I knew one thing for sure: the US government lies, constantly.
© 2022 by Gregory Brundage
Sang Hyun Cho, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Is that “liberal democracy” in “peaceful Ukraine?” In any case it was a US funded and
orchestrated violent overthrow of a democratically elected president in 2014. If it looks
like a war, smells like a war and kills like a war, it’s probably a war and the war in Ukraine
started in 2014 even if western mainstream media (MSM) “news” does not wish to report
it - to conceal its own ongoing complicity in it.
There is still time to back off before it’s too late. Maybe.
For the vast majority of Americans, a foreign war is something very far away that can be
enjoyed in the living room in front of the television while eating junk food and/or having
a beer, or two.
Now, in 2022, the US is provoking a war against an “adversary” that was a friend only a
few years ago, and still wants to be friends, but the US won’t allow it. That is a normal
thing for the US. What’s different about this war is for the first time in US history the US
is demonizing, provoking, threatening and attacking via proxy, a contrived enemy that can
hit back just as hard or harder. Gone soon, may be the living room, the television, junk
food, beer, and most of what’s left of Western civilization. These are the stakes DC is
playing with. The slide from proxy war to conventional war to nuclear war can happen in
days or even hours. It’s a suicidal game with no winner, only losers. But the only thing
that matters to the corporate chiefs that orchestrated this scenario is quarterly dividends.
That they may not be alive to enjoy those dividends appears to have eluded them.
President Biden, CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC, newspapers and
broadcast news around the western world are all chanting in harmony: DESTROY PUTIN!
“He is the personification of all that is evil in the world!”
Daily “proofs” of his absolute evil are paraded before the media zombies of the world.
More media addicted than ever, frustrated and bored after the long COVID-19 lockdowns,
bad economy, fears and helplessness, Americans and western Europeans need someone
to lash out at and vent their anger in righteous extreme violence. In an act of charity
perhaps, the US corporate driven media has served up a human sacrifice on a silver platter
for the pleasure of the frustrated and bored mob, the star attraction, the personification
of all that is evil, the RUSSIAN PRESIDENT!
The drumbeat of war quickens the pulse, sharpens the senses, and gives some meaning
to an otherwise tepid and meaningless existence. Why wake up in the morning? Ah! What
has that horrible fiend done now? And there are the US backed neo-Nazis running false-
flag operations,2 pinning their own atrocities on Russians to give western audiences what
they want, what they need and crave, a Great American President fighting a known threat
to all that is good, kind and gentle in the world, like peaceful Ukraine!
And so, the tender-hearted cry, watching the horrid atrocities attributed to President
Putin on CNN and BBC. This build-up to a war against Russia was long in the making,
pervasive, perfect, and stunning beyond belief. There is no questioning the videos, the
photos, the heart-rending personal testimonials and the relentless 24/7 in-your-face
“news.” There isn’t any question of innocence or guilt in the minds of western “news”
consumers. President Putin is a war criminal, a monster, the personification of all that is
or ever was, evil. Daily, new atrocities are paraded before the western audiences feeding
their hunger for more, for blood, for punishment of the demon in human form, Putin.
But how many of them stopped satiating their need to Make America Great Again, to
consider the possibility that it’s all fake(?) just like the last war, and the one before that
and the one before that and the one before that? Who cares!!?! America needs a hero, a
Knight in Shining Armor like President Biden(!) to rescue them from the doldrums of all
the problems in their ordinary lives.
In the Introduction of a book titled: The War Against Putin - What the Government-Media
Complex isn't Telling You about Russia by M. S. King, it starts:
A false flag operation is when one side in a conflict, covertly attacks and usually kills some or many of their
own people and blames it on the opposing side in that conflict. It is a common strategy often used by
colonial powers including the USA.
As of the date of this publication (April 2014) a Google Search for
the term: "Putin thug" yields an astonishing 850,000 results; about
the same as for “Putin murderer.” Coming in at about 500,000
results is "Putin tyrant." Even the whimsical "Putin the Terrible” is
pushing 100,000. Most of these negative results source back to
some bloviating American politician, commentator, editorial writer
or journalist for a major American publication. Others trace back to
European parliamentarians or periodicals...
A steady diet of anti-Putin hatred & ridicule in the west, but in
Russia itself, the perception is vastly different. Ever since his rise to
power, Putin's approval rating among the Russian people has
hovered between 70--80%; far higher than that of any American
President or European Prime Minister. Indeed, many Russians
regard him as the savior of Mother Russia; with some referring to
him as “Putin the Great…”
As of the writing of this book, April, 2022, a Google search for the term: “Putin thug”
reveals 4,530,000 results; with “Putin murderer” yielding 4,810,000 results, about the
same again, and as for “Putin the terrible” one finds a whopping 24,500,000 results! How
is that possible? That - is the magic of western media.
Did the reader ever cry watching a movie, or at least feel tears welling up, even while
knowing it was pure fiction? That also is the magic of modern media. In fact, the entire
“lynch Putin mob” is a byproduct of that very same magic.
Fortunately, Lady Justice, and the writer of this book are not fooled quite so easily.
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 20
Legal Analysis .................................................................................................................... 21
In Requiem of our beloved innocents who have passed – may the light of their lives
forever shine in the hearts, minds and spirits of humankind ........................................... 23
Prelude .............................................................................................................................. 30
The “Situation” in Ukraine ................................................................................................ 35
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 43
Documented proof of broken US & European agreements and extreme provocation ... 44
Then Senator Biden’s key role in starting the Iraq War ................................................... 47
This crime report is respectfully submitted to the following crime prevention and criminal
justice organizations ......................................................................................................... 47
Referring party in this proposed case ............................................................................... 48
Victims of crimes reported in this Referral ....................................................................... 48
Perpetrators of crimes alleged in this request for criminal investigation ........................ 48
American public officials and private citizens .............................................................. 48
American intelligence ................................................................................................... 49
Foreign leaders implicated as co-conspirators in this report ....................................... 49
Questions for President Biden .......................................................................................... 50
Iraq War ........................................................................................................................ 50
1. Did You, Mr. President play a key role in starting the Iraq War? ................... 50
2. Given the following information, does your role in the attack on Iraq
potentially implicate You, Mr. President as a war criminal, or at minimum culpable
in war crimes? ........................................................................................................... 50
A short list of US indisputable War Crimes since WWII................................................ 50
3. In addition to your key role in starting the criminal Iraq War, have You, Mr.
President also advocated for US military invasions and occupations of other
countries as well? ..................................................................................................... 51
Biden family relations with Ukrainian Burisma Gas Company ..................................... 52
4. Did You, Mr. President and/or your son Hunter have business relations with
Burisma the Ukrainian Gas Company? ..................................................................... 52
5. Did You, Mr. President and/or your son profit from that relationship? ........ 52
6. What year did that relationship begin? [2013] .............................................. 52
7. Are You, Mr. President aware that your son Hunter Biden DID help secure
millions of dollars in funding for a US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly
pathogen research? .................................................................................................. 53
8. Did any US government funded or affiliated organization including NED and
USAID give any form of material or logistic support including money, to the
November 2013 “wave of large-scale protests” called “Euromaidan,” by some and a
“color revolution” by others, resulting in the overthrow of former President Viktor
Yanukovych? ............................................................................................................. 54
9. Is interfering in the domestic affairs of a foreign nation a violation of
international law as enshrined in the UN Charter? .................................................. 54
10. Did conditions of the EU loan former President Viktor Yanukovych refused to
accept contain “austerity” measures that would have been extremely unpopular
with the people of Ukraine? ..................................................................................... 54
11. Did the loan from Russia former President Viktor Yanukovych later accepted
contain equally draconian austerity measures? ....................................................... 54
12. Does Ukrainian Burisma Gas compete with Russian energy exports?........... 54
13. Have You, Mr. President, or any of your family members or close friends
attempted to undermine Russia’s energy exports in any other way? ..................... 54
14. Would completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project compete with
American fracking oil exports and benefit Russian-EU relations?............................ 54
15. Do, or did You, Mr. President or either Hunter or James Biden have business
dealing with JP Morgan? ........................................................................................... 55
16. Is JP Morgan also the largest investor in fracking gas in the USA? ................ 55
Laptop and denial during Trump Debate ...................................................................... 55
17. Is it true that You, Mr. President ‘lied to the American people’ about your son
Hunter’s emails? ....................................................................................................... 55
18. Given overwhelming evidence that You, Mr. President did lie to then President
of the United States Donald Trump, and the American public during the October 22,
2020 Presidential Debate and tried to corruptly pin the source of that lie on Russians,
why should anyone believe anything You, Mr. President, or anyone in your
administration say about Russians now? ................................................................. 55
Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine Government ......................................................................... 56
19. Does the US Department of State have undue influence within the
government of Ukraine, while lacing the government neo-Nazis? .......................... 56
“News” reports about Russians attacking hospitals and schools ................................. 60
20. Are You, Mr. President aware that US trained and funded neo-Nazi brigades,
such as Right Sector and the Azov Battalion used hospitals, and schools as human
shields?...................................................................................................................... 60
Censorship of news from foreign and domestic news sources challenging government
dictums on the Ukraine War ......................................................................................... 61
21. When You, Mr. President were sworn in to become the President of the United
States, did you swear an oath to uphold the US Constitution? ............................... 61
22. Did You, Mr. President ever hear of First Amendment rights? ...................... 61
23. Are You, Mr. President aware the United States government has a vast
labyrinth of censorship mechanisms designed to suppress viewpoints alternative to
US government “information” (dicta, AKA propaganda) in violation of 1 st
Amendment rights? .................................................................................................. 61
American (and British) news censorship and laws prohibiting it ................................. 61
US high and low tech very well funded mechanisms of censorship and laws prohibiting
them .............................................................................................................................. 65
US long history of censoring anti-war voices................................................................ 66
Freedom of Opinion and Expression International standards...................................... 69
Regional Standards ....................................................................................................... 69
Censored War in Donbass starting in 2014 .................................................................. 70
Outrageous lies told by US officials, Zelensky and other minions about the Ukraine
conflict reframed as “information war” ....................................................................... 74
24. Is the US government during this Ukrainian conflict telling even bolder and
more outrageous lies than in previous wars in order to generate hatred of Russians
and rationalize ever greater aggression against Russians, and send ever increasing
amounts of weapons and money to Ukraine? ......................................................... 74
25. You, Mr. President “predicted” President Putin’s armed intervention in
Ukraine many times, however reports from the OSCE suggest he was provoked into
that humanitarian intervention at that time by a rapid escalation of killing of
innocents (which included 4,093 explosions in only four days) in Donetsk (DPR) and
Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics by Ukrainian forces. Did You, Mr. President or
anyone in your administration or military suggest, or encourage that rapid violent
and deadly increase in killing of innocents in Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR)
People’s Republics in the days leading up to President Putin’s humanitarian
intervention?............................................................................................................. 79
26. The above report states that those murderous attacks upon the Donetsk and
Luhansk People’s Republics were called false flag incidents by U.S. and British
officials, and that such claims were not credible. Was that claim another lie to cover
Ukrainian intentional provocation designed to intentionally lure Russia into the
humanitarian intervention it finally pursued?.......................................................... 80
Deadly pathogens, biological weapons and law ........................................................... 80
27. US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified under
oath March 8, 2022 that there were “biological research facilities in Ukraine,” and
that the US was assisting Kiev in destroying research materials “so they would not
get into Russia’s hands.” Was destroying evidence another motivation? ............... 80
FACT CHECK ON SPUTNIK NEWS ARTICLE Re. US WMD in Ukraine ................................. 90
Robert Pope’s Admission of US violation of BWC in Ukraine ....................................... 90
28. Do You, Mr. President think death from biological weapons is pleasant? .... 91
29. Did it ever occur to You, Mr. President that provoking a war in a nation with
30+ US biological “research” labs could lead to release of biological pathogens that
could lead to a pandemic far worse than COVID-19?............................................... 96
30. Are there ever or often leaks from those BSL-3 & 4 labs? ............................. 96
Ms. Wintrol’s published confession quoted above makes two of the top three US
officials admitting to and confirming Russian allegations about Ukraine having
biological pathogens that could be weaponized. ......................................................... 97
31. Evidence of US funded (DTRA) and operated (Black & Veatch Special Projects
Corp.) biological research in Ukraine from US Federal Contractor Registration...... 98
Probable cause is proven by laptop details, US officials’ statements and US government
records .............................................................................................................................. 99
Admissions by former high-ranking US officials of extreme intentional deceptions by US
officials causing other wars in other nations ................................................................ 99
32. Credibility issues regarding Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW) ................................................................................................... 104
33. Political and Judicial corruption and US failure to comply with Biological
Weapons Convention (BWC) .................................................................................. 106
A thumbnail sketch of American political corruption and the latest revelations ...... 106
Most recent damning evidence of contemporary, previously secret political corruption
in the USA.................................................................................................................... 107
Judicial corruption in the US ....................................................................................... 111
34. If Russia had biological research facilities on the border of the US in Mexico or
Canada, producing, storing and/or researching deadly pathogens that could be used
as biological weapons, would the US a) passively tolerate that, or b) potentially go to
war to take control of them? .................................................................................. 112
35. Are potentially “dual-use” biological pathogens any less or potentially more
dangerous than nuclear weapons?......................................................................... 112
Unprovoked?................................................................................................................... 112
36. Would You, Mr. President like to see President Putin removed from power?
A timeline on the current phase of the Ukraine War ................................................. 113
A childish deception .................................................................................................... 116
It is safe to assume the Democrats must escalate the conflict in Ukraine to a multi-
national war before the November elections ............................................................ 117
Regime Change – Categorically illegal attempts to overthrow foreign governments 118
May 2019 Rand Corporation document ..................................................................... 118
UN Charter and subsequent resolutions on inadmissibility of intervention in domestic
affairs of states............................................................................................................ 120
President Biden’s repeated statements proving intent to (illegally) overthrow the
government of Russia ................................................................................................. 121
US politicians, movie stars and media complicity in attempting to overthrow the
government of Russia ................................................................................................. 124
American news is the most censored on earth – not Russia’s or China’s .................. 126
List of 67 foreign governments the US tried to overthrow just since WWII. ............. 126
37. To your knowledge does the US have a long and proven habit of overthrowing
other governments? ............................................................................................... 128
Reference list for American role in Ukraine’s neo-Nazi “problem” ........................... 129
The Doomed Minsk Accords ....................................................................................... 133
38. Did the US State Department, or any US government body or agency, or You,
Mr. President yourself personally and genuinely encourage the (American imposed)
leadership in Ukraine to follow the terms and conditions of the Minsk Accords? 133
39. Is it true that the history, people, culture and industries of Donbass in general,
have a history largely different from the rest of Ukraine and Russia?................... 137
40. Is it true that many people in Ukraine, including a majority of people in
Donbass region, particularly in Donetsk and Luhansk believed the 2014 overthrow of
democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovich to be a foreign coordinated coup?
41. Is it true that: “More than 13,000 people in Donetsk and Luhansk were killed
in this conflict between 2014 and 2020, according to the UN”? ........................... 140
42. Would any reasonable person consider the indiscriminate killing of 13,000
humans, one’s neighbors, friends and blood relatives, to be provocative? .......... 140
US/Ukrainian driven genocide in Donbass ................................................................. 141
43. Is it true that the people of Donetsk and Luhansk were subjected to a genocide
by Kiev, and there are children there who have had to live their entire lives
underground to prevent being maimed or killed by American-made missile and
bomb attacks from Ukraine? Was CNN or other mainstream media covering their
tragic plight? Does that sound like a war of aggression? ....................................... 141
44. Many American and European broadcast “news” providers are referring to
Ukraine as “peaceful Ukraine.” Do You, Mr. President consider the killing of 13,000
human beings, women, men, girls and boys in (Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbass
region of Ukraine between 2014 and 2020) “peaceful?” ....................................... 141
The tragic fact is in 2020 American citizens elected one of the world’s most egregious,
unrepentant and proven child abusers in history to be president, led on by the
corporate owned “news” media................................................................................. 142
45. Would You, Mr. President consider forcing the children of entire cities
(Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbass region of Ukraine) to live their entire lives
underground to avoid being bombed or hit by American made missiles, rockets and
mortar fire ordered by Kiev, child abuse? .............................................................. 143
46. Is being forced to spend eight years living underground “provocative?” ... 143
47. Is it true that a majority of people in Donetsk and Luhansk voted to separate
from Ukraine? ......................................................................................................... 144
Killing voters before they have a chance to vote is not a free or fair event .............. 145
48. Do You, Mr. President consider shooting and killing voters in a referendum a
free and/or fair event?............................................................................................ 145
49. Is shooting voters provocative?.................................................................... 145
50. Is, the source of the above May 12, 2014 quote from eastern
Ukraine in regards to Ukrainian forces shooting voters, generally considered to be a
reliable western source of news? ........................................................................... 145
NATO – An army without a (legitimate) cause ........................................................... 146
51. Is it true that declassified documents show security assurances against NATO
expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand,
Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner? ................................................................... 148
52. Do You, Mr. President personally think collective punishment is a good thing(?)
and are You, Mr. President aware of the full extent of collective punishments meted
out around the world by the US, and now most recently against Russia? ............ 149
Collective punishments: Illegal economic sanctions and hate ................................... 149
53. [Collective Punishment] Given that President Trump generated a great deal of
hate towards Chinese and Asians in general with his unproven and malicious “China
Virus” lie, did You, Mr. President then transfer at least some of that hate and
savagery to Russians in the time-honored American tradition of transferring savagery
from one group to another as part of America’s expansionist drive going back to the
founding of the USA? .............................................................................................. 152
The American habit of “the transfer of savagery”...................................................... 153
Creating a lynch mob, collective punishment, blowback and racism ........................ 154
54. Have You, Mr. President, in your feverish attempts to overthrow the
government of Russia and further enrich your friends and political donors mainly in
the weapons and related industries, simultaneously launched America’s latest lynch
mob? Have You, Mr. President considered the economic blowback from cutting
world trade so effectively and the fact that You, Mr. President are collectively
punishing Americans, Western Europeans and the entire world economy with this
unwarranted aggression? ....................................................................................... 154
US broadcasts innumerable unproven allegations as facts now including rape ........ 154
55. Are You, Mr. President racist? Did you vote against bussing? ..................... 158
56. [Racism/collective punishment] Have You, Mr. President considered that the
corporate/military, economic, and media lynch mobs You, Mr. President have
assembled to attack Russia are also highly racist, as are the neo-Nazis the US trained
and integrated into the Ukrainian government and military? ............................... 158
Monopolist social media advocating hate speech ..................................................... 164
Euro-American Displacement and the Hate China and Russia Syndromes ................ 165
57. Why were documents showing western security assurances given by the US to
Soviet leaders against NATO eastward expansion classified in the first place? ..... 166
Actual and imminent threat........................................................................................ 166
58. How many times has the US invoked “Imminent Threat” without proof to
justify invasions of other countries, and what some call “extra-judicial executions”
and others call murder? .......................................................................................... 166
59. Is it true all those agreements (stating NATO would not expand east) were
broken, and NATO’s eastward movement right up to the borders of Russia, e.g., in
Poland is a matter of public record? ....................................................................... 167
60. Would most people, if they were in the position of President Putin, consider
NATOs proven eastward expansion in violation of numerous agreements that such
actions would not occur, consider the egregious violation of those agreements to be
extremely provocative? .......................................................................................... 169
61. Would You, Mr. President consider having a string of highly secretive foreign
BSL-3 and BSL-4 “research” laboratories on your border provocative? ................ 169
62. Are You, Mr. President aware that soliciting the cooperation of, and inciting
other nations to join in your attacks upon Russia, in an illegal attempt to totally
isolate Russia economically, and threatening other nations to join a “western alliance”
(essentially a transnational profit motivated crime syndicate) in what is very likely to
turn into another World War, is most assuredly “interfering in the domestic affairs
of (many) other nations” in violation of the UN Charter and numerous subsequent
declarations? ........................................................................................................... 169
Solicitation can be a serious criminal offense ............................................................ 169
63. Given the reasonable possibility that You, Mr. President did not cook up the
plan for this international crime syndicate yourself, please be so kind as to share the
name(s) of the individuals and/or group(s) that proposed this scheme to you. ... 170
64. Are the claims published in The Grayzone article written by Alexander
Rubinstein and published March 20, 20, 2022 asserting US weapons have been
delivered to US trained and funded neo-Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine true? ...... 170
Media complicity: consolidation, monopolies and American public support for US
interference in the domestic affairs in Ukraine via sending military trainers, weapons
and money .................................................................................................................. 171
65. Have You, Mr. President ever heard of “media consolidation?” ................. 171
66. Do Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter hold what many consider to be
monopoly status in their media domains? ............................................................. 171
67. Is that illegal according to American law and human rights law? ................ 172
68. Do having large media monopolies make it vastly easier to sell lies to American
and world audiences? ............................................................................................. 172
For some heart-rending photos and videos from Ukraine that are not deceptive or
fabricated, please view the following links..................................................................... 180
69. Is it possible that due to US corporate and government’s overwhelming
influence in American monopolist mainstream “news,” led by CNN, has merged with
Hollywood movie production methods in creating “tear-jerker” partly and in some
cases completely fictional, highly fragmented and biased news about the war in
Ukraine little different from Hollywood movies? ................................................... 180
70. How many more innocent Ukrainians, innocent people of Donbass, and
innocent Russian soldiers must die before the US begins to negotiate with Russia
regarding his list of demands issued before the invasion of Ukraine, for NATO to back
off his borders, as per the Walter Cronkite report “immortalized as ‘We Are Mired in
Stalemate,’” aired on February 27, 1968? .............................................................. 181
71. Do You, Mr. President honestly believe there is any life, liberty and/or pursuit
of happiness (14th Amendment) when the American public is deceived and lassoed
into supporting an unjust war that can oh-so-easily devolve into thermonuclear war
in a matter of hours or even minutes, triggered by a false flag operation on any side
of this conflict or even a 3rd party? ......................................................................... 181
72. Given You, Mr. President did play a key role in initiating the criminal Iraq War,
and appear to be working very hard at starting WWIII (for the purpose of further
enriching your already very rich corporate friends and political donors), with the very
real potential for thermonuclear war (thereby robbing most Americans of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness), and considering You, Mr. President must be aware of
American government funded illegal censorship as described in detail in the article
titled: A brief review of American censorship mechanisms and laws prohibiting it,
would you consider provoking President Putin into his humanitarian and self-defense
operations in Ukraine and robbing Americans of balanced news regarding your role
in provoking those operations, violations of the 1st and 14th Amendments and Oath
of Office You, Mr. President swore on January 20, 2021? ..................................... 181
73. What do You, Mr. President think is the probability the American role, your
role, in provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be considered a “mistake,”
(by refusing to negotiate with Russia regarding NATO backing off its borders as per
numerous American agreements) like the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghan Wars? ........ 181
Contributing to global starvation and death .............................................................. 182
74. How do You, Mr. President feel about the fact that starvation around the
world is increasing with hyper-rapidity, partly due to climate change, largely due to
armed conflicts perpetuated by illegal American “interventions” in their countries
and illegal American imposed economic sanctions, the still-ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, in addition to now, the sudden worldwide increase in food prices and
Russia being sanctioned and largely cut from the SWIFT payment system? Do You,
Mr. President care?................................................................................................. 184
75. How do You, Mr. President feel about the fact that your kill record in Iraq and
Ukraine pales before the number of people starving to death due now, today,
because of food price increases directly caused by (economic sanctions and) war(s)
You, Mr. President and your corporate and political “associates” (co-conspirators)
intentionally launched in (Iraq and) Ukraine to increase their personal profits? .. 184
76. How does it make You, Mr. President feel knowing the additional thousands
of people starving to death every day due to food price increases are mostly people
of color? .................................................................................................................. 184
77. Was it the Democratic Party that supported the Confederacy and slavery
during the American Civil War and Wall Street the location of New York’s largest
slave market? .......................................................................................................... 185
78. Does the fact that it is mostly people of color starving to death due to your
government’s illegal conflicts, illegal sanctions, and most recently intentionally and
illegally provoking President Putin into his morally and legally justified self-defense
operations in Ukraine, bother You, Mr. President at all, or is it justified the same as
Democrats used “state rights” as justification for fighting in support of slavery during
the American Civil War? ......................................................................................... 185
79. Was another motivation for the American orchestrated 2014 coup in Ukraine
to lure Russia into another Afghanistan style war with the bonus of “justifying” the
new American Iron Curtain around Asia as per an extension of Hillary Clinton’s 2011
article “America’s Pacific Century?” ....................................................................... 185
Who is the trapper(?) and who is the trapped? ......................................................... 185
80. Has it occurred to You, Mr. President that instead of President Putin falling
into your trap, You, Mr. President have fallen into his, and/or someone else you
know? ...................................................................................................................... 185
Institutionalized paranoia leading to self-fulfilling prophesies .................................. 189
81. Is it true Russia and China combined could oh-so-very-easily have crashed
both American and European economies overnight by halting energy and rare earth
metal exports at any time in recent years? ............................................................ 189
Racism and Nazism ..................................................................................................... 189
82. If Ukrainians were Black, Asian or Middle Eastern, would anyone care about
an invasion? Would their refugees be welcomed all around the world? .............. 189
83. If the attacker in Ukraine was seen as the US, would western audiences be
crying over the loss of life, suffering, and destruction of another nation? ............ 189
84. Is virtually the entire continent of Africa one huge American/British/French
colony? And who is crying about it (except those voiceless millions starving to death
and their families)? ................................................................................................. 190
85. Would You, Mr. President say that the provocations of Russia and President
Putin coming from your administration in particular are primarily geared toward
American geo-strategic positioning, a desire to overthrow the government of
President Putin, profit motivated, or with intent to ensure every witness to allegedly
corrupt activities by your family in Ukraine are killed? .......................................... 193
86. Are You, Mr. President aware of the racism inherent in Nazism? ............... 194
President Biden’s approval ratings in the US plummet to new record lows .............. 194
87. Are You, Mr. President aware that as of this writing your approval ratings in
the US have fallen to new record lows, and this will probably get worse as economic
blowback from the savagely violent military conflict You, Mr. President and your
friends intentionally provoked in Ukraine, and the savage economic measures you
and your corporate pals have inflicted upon Russia and Russians around the world in
your illegal attempt to overthrow that government? ............................................ 194
Public opinion surveys reveal American citizens strong distrust of the American
mainstream news............................................................................................................ 196
88. Do You, Mr. President think that your “strategic misinformation” AKA
“information war” (complete fabrications, e.g., that Russia has chemical weapons
prepared for Ukraine as reported by NBC news), once more publicly revealed as lies,
will further escalate US citizens’ already huge distrust of mainstream news? ...... 196
Distortions and delusions from America’s top politicians .............................................. 197
Do Americans trust the US government? ................................................................... 199
89. Do You Mr. President, think Americans trust you or your government? .... 199
Do Chinese trust the Chinese government? ............................................................... 200
Government funded American entertainment media – Programming to kill ................ 201
False flag Operations ...................................................................................................... 204
A) The Mariupol Theater Bombing ............................................................................. 204
Fact Check on Sputnik news article ............................................................................ 222
B. Bucha massacre ...................................................................................................... 228
C. Kramatorsk Train Station ........................................................................................ 236
False flag operations by the US - A long dishonorable tradition ................................ 238
90. Was the Vietnam War launched with a false flag operation?...................... 238
91. Have American false flag operations been used as fake evidence against
Syriam President al-Assad? ..................................................................................... 239
92. Have “false flag” operations been used against Iran and Iraq? ................... 240
President Putin is guilty until proven innocent – The daily experience of minorities in
the USA ....................................................................................................................... 242
Highly sophisticated Hollywood style media bias – a mockery of real investigative
journalism ....................................................................................................................... 243
93. Why do Ukrainian sources of “information” on the war there consist primarily
of “human interest” tragically sad stories and no experts? ................................... 243
94. Does your administration have a policy of provoke and escalate, provoke and
escalate, provoke and escalate in Ukraine? ........................................................... 245
All international laws and treaties have been rubbished by the combined Clinton/W.
Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden administrations. ............................................................. 247
Ukraine forcibly holding thousands of hostages - Permitting TASS a voice ................... 247
Motivation....................................................................................................................... 249
Section summary ............................................................................................................ 250
95. Do You, Mr. President think that President Putin has seen the video of the rape
of former Libyan President Gaddafi on YouTube? ................................................. 252
96. Do You know, Mr. President, how many foreign leaders the US has killed or
had their proxies kill? .............................................................................................. 252
97. Do You, Mr. President think that President Putin will hesitate for one nano-
second before launching thermonuclear missiles at the US and all its ally countries
with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia if and when he feels it is warranted in self
defense against the relentless American aggression directed at him personally, his
nation, and all Russian people in the world? .......................................................... 253
98. Do you Mr. President have any idea of the kind of sociopathic personalities
you work with and rely upon for information? ...................................................... 253
99. Given that thermonuclear war will virtually guarantee the release of highly
contagious deadly biological pathogens in the 300+ American BSL labs around the
world are You Mr. President willing to take that chance and continue the incitement
of unjust and illegal disinformation and relentless provocations and escalations
against President Putin, Russia and all Russians around the world? ..................... 253
100. The final and most important question .................................................... 254
Objectives of this Referral for Criminal Investigation ..................................................... 256
Relevant US and international laws and policies allegedly violated by above named US
officials ........................................................................................................................ 258
Summary of Case Referral .............................................................................................. 259
The war in Ukraine did not begin February 24, 2022 as western media makes it appear.
It began eight years ago. ............................................................................................. 259
Motivation and Intent of Democratic Presidents Obama and Biden to start a war in
Ukraine ............................................................................................................................ 262
President Obama’s possible motivations for launching the Ukrainian war against the
citizens of Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014 .................................................................... 262
Former President Trump’s lack of assistance to Ukraine’s aggression against Donetsk
and Lugansk ................................................................................................................ 263
Multiple motivations and clear intent for President Biden to commit crimes against
humanity in Ukraine ................................................................................................... 263
Proof of profit motive: Euro-American Defense related corporate shareholders &
boards of directors ...................................................................................................... 265
What motivation does President Putin have to accelerate a war in Ukraine? .............. 267
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 269
An international moratorium on weapons shipments to Ukraine is the only way to end
the war, save lives on all sides, secure self-determination and national security for all
parties and significantly reduce the probability of thermonuclear war..................... 270
Appendix 1 – Reprints of some Russian source news .................................................... 272
America’s love of Nazis and how the US helped create them .................................... 277
German very active participation in biological pathogen research in Ukraine .......... 279
The roots of today’s American extreme (and extremely illegal) government censorship
are found in Nazi Germany’s Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
..................................................................................................................................... 283
America’s allies in this current asymmetric war on Russia (and all Russian people
everywhere) are being extremely foolish ................................................................... 283
Appendix 2 Crime Referral Submission for Investigation to United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC) ........................................................................................................ 286
Interfering in the Internal Affairs of Other Nations and Organized Crime ................. 287
Soliciting and Incitement ............................................................................................ 288
Political and judicial corruption .................................................................................. 288
Weapons trafficking .................................................................................................... 289
Terrorist financing and training (neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine) .................................. 290
Collective Punishment ................................................................................................ 291
US abrogation of “The Right to Freedom of Expression Under International Law” ... 292
Freedom of Expression Under International Law ....................................................... 292
Appendix 3 – Reliable alt-news publications .................................................................. 295
Appendix 4 How we the educated world-wide are partly and/or largely to blame for
American duplicitous treachery and bringing about WWIII ........................................... 297
What about the bright side? (Time for a cognitive shift?) ......................................... 299
How many wars is the US fighting right now? ............................................................ 299
The psychology of “defense mechanisms” ................................................................. 305
Top 8 most common defense mechanisms ................................................................ 305
When ego defenses don’t work, there’s always alcohol and drugs ........................... 306
The tyranny of ego ...................................................................................................... 307
Unrestrained capitalism, ego, cultural shift and Gen X .............................................. 308
The cost of transgender operations and ongoing treatments ................................... 308
The cost of supporting a starving child in Africa......................................................... 310
The “problem” of President Putin .............................................................................. 311
Is it possible for Americans to climb down off its high horse before too late? .......... 311
What is different about the US deciding to make war on Russia as compared to all those
other countries?.......................................................................................................... 312
Who has trapped whom? ........................................................................................... 314
Appendix 5 The Invisible Government AKA The Deep State .......................................... 319
Appendix 6 Educated Guesses concerning the CIA’s next moves .................................. 320
Most probable outcomes of the Ukraine War................................................................ 330
Rational for statistical breakdown in the Outcomes pie chart above ....................... 330
Conclusions on probable outcomes of Ukraine War .................................................. 330
Acknowledgements......................................................................................................... 331
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................ 333
A personal note ............................................................................................................... 333
Epilogue........................................................................................................................... 335
Endnotes: Detailed evidence of President Biden’s top cabinet members appearance of
corruption further substantiating this Request for Criminal Investigation .................... 337
This breakthrough book contains 100 questions for President Biden and
well referenced very strong evidence constituting proof from mostly
western sources that the Euro-American voting and tax-paying publics
have been duped again by the American military-industrial-media
complex into supporting another unjust war financially, with advanced
weaponry and a newly heightened mass media blitzkrieg of seamlessly
sculpted disinformation. Though on one hand it should seem astonishing
that Euro-American voters and tax-payers could be deceived into
supporting another American provoked war so soon after the American
humiliating defeat and withdrawal from the 20-year soul-destroying $8
trillion war in Afghanistan, it is not so astonishing given that for this
Ukrainian war the US has unleashed a Hollywood style highly-scripted
and psychologically manicured “information war” consisting of daily
outright lies and deletions of critically important historical facts via
mainstream media (MSM) “news” led primarily by flagship CNN.
Another inconvenient fact that makes this war very different from the
67 other US attempts to overthrow foreign governments since WWII, is
that Russia can and will fight back effectively. The author of this book
argues that President Putin will not hesitate for an instant to do
whatever is necessary to prevent this latest US attempt at so-called
“regime change.”
The author also argues convincingly that this Ukrainian war began with
a US financed and orchestrated coup in Ukraine in 2014, and in the
February 2022 phase of this war President Putin was intentionally
provoked in a legion of extreme and deadly ways with the specific goal
of eliciting a military response.
The two biggest and most often repeated DC lies about this war are:
“Peaceful Ukraine!” and “Unprovoked attack!” This book proves beyond
any shadow of a doubt those two buzz-phrases are dead wrong. Finally,
this book argues if the US and NATO do not back off very quickly this war
will probably lead to thermonuclear war and containment breeches at
most or all 300+ US BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories around the world quite
possibly leading to the final extinction of humankind.
Legal Analysis
Referral for Criminal Investigation & Questions European leaders need to ask President
Biden before sending any more weapons to Ukraine
Most Americans are not aware that due to US abrogation of “The Right to Freedom of
Expression Under International Law” and First Amendment Free Speech Rights, most
western voters do not know planning for the (highly illegal) US backed coup in Ukraine
began in 2011, and implementation began March 1, 2013. The armed conflict in Ukraine
really began in February 2014 with an American orchestrated coup that between 2014
and 2020 resulted in the killing of more than 13,000 innocent people in the Donbass
region of Ukraine by the Ukrainian military supplemented by American funded and
trained neo-Nazi forces. So-called “Peaceful Ukraine,” was anything but peaceful in that
region, because the citizenry did not accept the American appointed presidents following
the American orchestrated (illegal) coup overthrowing former President Viktor
Yanukovych. This article contains a list of 100 referenced questions for President Biden,
and is a call for a criminal investigation for collective action against United States’ 1)
Corruption3 (many of President Biden’s top cabinet members are named in this document
along with very specific details of their “appearance of conflict of interest,” in addition to
his son Hunter Biden 4 (whose emails prove his own corrupt role in forcing President
Putin’s armed intervention in Ukraine, via massively increased investments in BSL-3 and
BSL-4 biological research labs in Ukraine), details and names of US Senators with the
appearance of “revolving door conflicts of interest” between defense industry and official
government duties), 2) Crimes Against Humanity, (as American NED and USAID money,
in addition to American politicians including former Senator John McCain and the Biden
family’s corrupt business practices in Ukraine began before, and helped finance and
motivate the Maidan protests leading to the 2014 coup, and subsequent indiscriminate
killing of 13,000 innocent human beings in Donbass region starting in 2014) 3) Arms
Trafficking (WMD including but not limited to “dual-use” biological pathogens/potential
weapons as admitted by US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland
March 8, 2022, and Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction
Program in Ukraine reported February 25, 2022, flooding Ukraine with other weapons of
mass destruction, and radicalized neo-Nazi extremists trained to use those weapons,
financed by the US, forcing Russia’s legitimate efforts to secure its borders from WMD
and what can arguably be called terrorists) 4) Terrorist Financing (saturation level Neo-
Nazis in Ukraine’s government and militias, trained, radicalized, financed and foisted
Also see: &
upon them by the US), and 5) Illegal Collective Punishment by the US via economic
sanctions (extrajudicial – not approved by UNSC, ICJ or ICC - economic strangulation of
Russia based on allegations not founded on law or provable facts) and a wide matrix of
other blacklists of Russian civilians (sports people, artists, musicians etc.) and anyone who
attempts to question the US role in the Ukraine conflict (e.g. journalists). In a legal analysis
published 2022.03.09 titled “The Legality of War,” by Christopher Black, he reported:
“According to Article 2(4) of the Charter all member states are obliged to refrain from the
threat or use of force against the territorial or political integrity of any state. There are
two important exceptions to this obligation, the first being the right of individual or
collective self-defence under Article 51 and the collective enforcement by the Security
Council on the basis of Chapter VII of the Charter which deals with threats to the peace,
breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. The inherent right of self-defence,
individually or collectively, with the support of other states, exists so long as the Security
Council has not taken measures to “maintain international peace and security,” and thus
President Putin’s armed intervention in Ukraine is protected by international law.
The only way to stop that armed intervention now is for western nations to place a
moratorium on weapons to Ukraine to provide a face-saving reason for Presidents
Zelensky and Biden to begin to negotiate with President Putin on a level playing field,
and for NATO to back off Russian borders to pre-1991 positions.
Likewise, all sanctions should be dropped against Russia (and all other nations) as a
Confidence Building Measure (CBM) to help return friendly relations between nations as
stated in the original UN Charter. This is unlikely to happen due to global extreme news
censorship imposed primarily by the US and allied western nations, the unlimited greed
of western defense industries as well as US DoD 5 and NATO, and saturation level
corruption in Euro-American politics, however this is the only way to secure peace with
self-determination and dignity for the region and world. Alternative scenarios all end with
catastrophic results up to and including thermonuclear war and containment breeches at
most or all of the 300 US BSL laboratories around the world. This – not incidentally - is the
second illegal war in which Joseph Biden played a key role in igniting, with the first being
the Iraq War. This case is substantially different because of the threat of nuclear war and
potential containment breeches in the 30+ American BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories located
in Ukraine. “It is now also clear why the US has, for four decades, tried to prevent the
Biological Weapons Convention from establishing a checking mechanism. Of the 182
signatories to the convention, the US is the only one that pulled out of negotiations for
such a mechanism in 2001. It is clear that by doing so the US wants to protect the secrets
of its 336 biological labs worldwide.”
The FY 2023 DoD Budget request of $773.0 billion is a $30.7 billion, or 4.1% increase, from the FY 2022
enacted amount.
In Requiem of our beloved innocents who have passed – may the light of
their lives forever shine in the hearts, minds and spirits of humankind
© Sputnik / Igor Maslov - May 5, 2015, the Alley of Angels, a memorial to those children killed during the
war in Donbass - opened in Lenin Komsomol Park in Donetsk. Since 2015 the number of Angels has
increased hugely and in the four days before President Putin’s humanitarian intervention, even more.
How the U.S. Started a Cold War with Russia
and Left Ukraine to Fight It - By Medea
Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, Global
Research, February 28, 2022 / President Biden
has called the Russian invasion “unprovoked,”
but that is far from the truth. In the four days
leading up to the invasion, ceasefire monitors
from the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) documented a
dangerous increase in ceasefire violations in
Eastern Ukraine, with 5,667 violations and
4,093 explosions. / Most were inside the de
facto borders of the Donetsk (DPR) and
Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics, consistent
with incoming shell-fire by Ukraine
government forces. With nearly 700 OSCE
ceasefire monitors on the ground, it is not
credible that these were all “false flag”
incidents staged by separatist forces, as U.S.
and British officials claimed.
“Provocation” as illustrated by Netflix TV series “The Last Kingdom”
Substitute the name “Donbass” for “Mercia” and “President Putin” for “Edward…”
…and understand President Putin and most people in Russia and Ukraine are
Orthodox Christian…
(Public domain photo) King Edward the Elder, King of the Anglo-Saxons dominating an
ever-expanding territory at the same time as fighting off Viking threats. His military record
and ability to maintain central authority for twenty-five years (October 26, 899 – July 17,
924) was exemplary even though he was autocratic, old fashioned and stodgy in many
ways. He essentially founded what was at that time (a very long ago), a noble, pluralist,
unified England.
Once again, legitimizing President Putin’s armed intervention in Ukraine. Is it any
wonder racism is still a plague upon the US given how openly the US embraces Nazism
at home and abroad? Are the above quotes not justification for President Putin to clear
them off his borders in justifiable self-defense, especially given Russia’s previous
experiences with Nazism (twenty-four million Russians killed in WWII)?
Like most people in the civilized world, I was shocked when President Putin ordered his
army into Ukraine February 24, 2022. President Biden had predicted he would, President
Putin had said he would not, and consequently like most people I was very surprised and
disappointed when President Putin did in fact order an invasion of Ukraine.
That’s when I decided to study the situation a lot more closely than I previously had to
figure out what was really going on there. I knew checking regular American mainstream
media (MSM) news like CNN, NYT and so on would not offer any real explanations for
President Putin’s motivation to launch that invasion.
Did he go crazy? Is he really hungry after territorial expansion, or just wished to pick a
fight with the US?
So, I turned to alternative news sources, commonly referred to as “alt-news.” (A link-list
of good alt-news sources can be found in Appendix 3 of this document.)
Very quickly I realized there is a lot about the roots of the conflict in Ukraine, American
mainstream news conveniently “forgot” to mention. Likewise, a great deal of relevant
detail about President Putin’s motivation to launch that invasion has never been explored
by western “news” media.
After more in-depth research I realized that invasion was a) a real humanitarian
intervention to rescue innocents in Donbass region of Ukraine from Kiev’s genocide in that
region, and b) legitimate, legal measure (as per Article 51 of the UN Charter) to protect
his own nation from very real threats to his nation stemming from biological pathogens
right on his border as well as thousands of neo-Nazis trained and funded by the USA.
Those facts edged me closer to understanding President Putin’s motivation to invade
Then I learned how the US had funded and organized the overthrow of the legitimately
and democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014, and imposed a US selected
“president,” and I started to change my mind about President Putin.
When I saw videos of the devastation Kiev had caused in Donbass region of Ukraine
starting in 2014, and a monument to the child victims of Kiev’s eight-year war (that could
arguably be called a genocide according to the legal definition of that term) against that
region for the ‘crime’ of not accepting an American imposed puppet president, I came to
realize MSM was not communicating a half, quarter or even 1% of the real story.
MSM “news” was and is instead only acting as a mouthpiece for US government
expansionism, and the US intentionally provoked President with a massive eight year
killing spree in Donbass, that hugely (by a factor of 100) accelerated in the four days
leading up to President Putin’s intervention.
In the simplest possible terms, it wasn’t President Putin that was crazy, it was and is the
CIA and the presidents they control, with President Biden at the top of the list, as there is
extensive evidence, he and his son Hunter Biden were up to their eyeballs in corrupt
business in Ukraine as well, including a huge expansion of biological “research” labs.
Thus, my study started with an examination of President Putin’s motivation for that
invasion, and that quickly turned into a list of 100 (referenced) questions for President
• US MSM “news” keeps repeating the phrase “peaceful Ukraine” when it was not
peaceful at all.
• US MSM “news” keeps repeating “unprovoked attack” on Ukraine when in fact it
was intensely provoked in a large number of very bloody, deadly and dangerous
attacks upon innocents.
In other words, American mainstream news not only doesn’t report most of the facts, but
also tells a large number lies, again, and again, and again.
That is chronology of how this book came to be written.
I’m a fast reader and professional researcher. My current occupation is I edit mostly
medical research articles for doctors and medical professors in some of the Asia’s top
hospitals and medical universities. But, I do more than edit. I also check their references,
organization, the quality of their summaries of other research, the kinds of statistics they
use, and analyze how well they integrate their results within the larger body of medical
research relating to their topic of study.
In other words, I edit and assess the quality of research studies and how well they
interpret the data. Similarly, when I approached the situation in Ukraine, I assessed news
from both MSM and alt-news dispassionately, came to my own conclusions as to what
probably really happened, and the probable consequences of those actions for all parties
One conclusion I came to very quickly is that MSM is not relaying most of the relevant
details leading to President Putin’s decision to launch an invasion of Ukraine to news
consumers in western nations and the world, and, alt-news has been, and continues to
do vastly more authentic investigative journalism in regards to the causes (etiology) of
this war and probable (prognostic) outcomes.
Flow chart: Some of the things MSM “news” does not tell American voters and tax
If Number 1 above does not scare readers, it should. Who gave the US permission or any
moral or legal right to assert and maintain “Full Spectrum Dominance” over the entire
world forever? Number 1 above alone shreds the entire UN Charter and all international
laws. What kind of “friendly relations between nations” is going to exist when one nation
believes it has a right to “Full Spectrum Dominance” over all other nations?
Number 1 above however is the US’ internal excuse for waging one predatory war after
another in open defiance of the UN Charter. Number 1 above is the foundation reason
WWIII may start in the near future. Students of US history will recognize Number 1 above
as a natural extension of the American principle of “Manifest Destiny,” which is believed
to be, by true American zealots, a divinely ordained right of the US to rule other nations.
That deluded belief is solid evidence of psychopathology on the part of American
leadership going back to 1845. Mark Twain and Henry David Thoreau didn’t like it, neither
does this writer and obviously neither did or do the surviving victims of American foreign
aggression in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Latin America, most African nations, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Ukraine.
The flow chart above does not mention a lot too, for example US biological research labs
in Ukraine which were hugely expanded by President Biden’s son Hunter Biden and that
some of those labs do contain bioweapons as admitted by Robert Pope, the director of
the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine reported February 25, 2022. Since
then, various US officials have stated they are now destroying those pathogens, in, one
can presume an effort to hide the evidence.
All wars are crimes in this writer’s opinion, and in the case of the Ukraine War, the CIA
that ultimately guides US foreign policies and politicians that profit from war in the US
government are the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity leading to this very
rapidly escalating crisis in Ukraine.
As mentioned above I approached this quagmire as I would any medical pathology, and
war is, in my opinion a pathological twist in human nature, as I consider human nature to
be basically good.
While researching this article (that accidentally turned into a book), I developed a large
amount of respect for President Putin as he has proven himself courageous enough to put
his country’s future and his own life on the line to save and protect innocents in his
neighboring state of Donbass, with the added perk of helping defend his own nation from
attack by the US funded Ukraine military that is loaded with US weapons and US trained
and funded neo-Nazis, in addition to dual-use biological pathogens.
The psychological pathologies here in my opinion stem from Wall Street’s large
corporations’ leadership, CIA headquarters in Langly Virginia, Washington DC where
politicians serve primarily corporate and CIA interests, not American voters or tax payers’
interests, for ultimately it is corporate and CIA leaders that decide who the faces of
American leadership shall be. Those same corporate bosses own Mainstream Media so-
called news that sells all these wars to the tax paying voting public that only years later
finds out all those wars were all based on lies and deceptions. In the case of the Ukraine
proxy war, there may be no “years later” because of the very real danger of WWIII and
thermonuclear war, with the add-on of the electricity going out in many countries and
the freezers storing deadly biological pathogens in the US’ 300 biological laboratories
scattered around the world – suddenly thawing and releasing all those deadly pathologies,
including Anthrax, the plague, Dengue Fever and a very long list of others.
That is a perversion of democracy. The only recourse for American voters and tax payers
now is to vote the bums out, and elect some fresh, clean politicians if that is possible, and
if the Democrats don’t manage to start WWIII before the next election in November 2022,
which I believe they probably will (≥.51).
Finding a neutral safe country to move to might be difficult. Formerly neutral Switzerland
for example has decided to throw their country’s destiny in with the US (believing they
can abscond with Russian citizens’ money in their banks).
At the time of this writing (April 15, 2022) Finland and Sweden which have been neutral
countries, are deciding if they too want to throw their country’s future in with the US as
That might be problematic as there is little doubt all those who align with the US may
justifiably become targets for Russia’s thermonuclear arsenal, and the US certainly
appears willing to start a thermonuclear war in order to hang on to its Narcissistic fantasy
of being the sole global superpower for the rest of time. Hubris has never worked out
well for those afflicted and it never will.
The US isn’t the first nation to think they can conquer the entire world, and all former
nations that have attempted such sick endeavors failed in horrifically spectacular and
bloody ways.
Possibly unbeknownst to most readers Russia’s leadership from the beginning of the last
Cold War knew perfectly well this day would come, and have no doubt built underground
cities to survive a thermonuclear war. It is highly unlikely the US or Western Europe is in
any way prepared for the apocalypse they are about to bring down upon themselves.
Tragically, given the mass and momentum of the US push for launching WWIII to assert
its “hegemony in perpetuity” by initiating and relentlessly escalating a war with Russia, it
does not appear there is any way to prevent it.
Thus, this writer’s advice: If the reader of this book is living in the US, Western Europe or
other nation aligned with the US, you might be wise to look for a neutral country – if you
can find one - and move.
I did not enjoy researching and writing this book (as there are many other things I’d rather
have been doing). Likewise, I don’t especially like reading and researching medical
On the other hand, I have always enjoyed investigative work and knowing my work can
possibly help protect life and prevent some really bad things from happening to mostly
good people does keep me motivated.
I most sincerely hope people have the opportunity to read this book in its entirety and
make mass efforts to inform President Biden and their own leaders if living in a US
aligned nation, in no uncertain terms:
There still is time to back off this madness now,
before it’s too late - but time is running out very,
very quickly.
And thus, to describe the role of the US in the current escalated military violence in
Ukraine as “duplicitous treachery” is not an overstatement at all, but rather the shortest,
simplest and most accurate description possible.
Deposing “dad,” the former president of Ukraine fits a long-established pattern of US
interference in the domestic affairs of foreign countries, such that, that process has a
name: “color revolution.” Though “color revolution” might sound, well colorful, in fact it
has always proven to be devastating and destructive to the nations that suffer them as
the cases of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain prove, “where either the
ruler was deposed (Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, and Ali
Abdullah Saleh) or major uprisings and social violence occurred including riots, civil wars,
or insurgencies.” And thus, the US has a great deal of experience at setting up these
bloody and destructive “color revolutions,” which in all cases are profitable only to Euro-
American “defense” industries with the added perk that the US then determines who will
be the next leaders of those countries. Goodbye dad, welcome American puppet
president, and increased “austerity” – which means poverty, degradation and brutal
suppression of any dissent.
So, while dad is off in another country nursing his broken heart and wounds, the American
puppet president is then free to play “foot-loose and fancy free” with the local citizenry,
while murdering off any and all who object to this sickening scenario. In the case of
Ukraine, those objecting were and still are scattered around the country, but primarily
concentrated in the Donbass region, Donetsk and Luhansk where this current escalated
phase of the violent military conflict really began back in 2014. According to the UN, at
least 13,000 people were murdered by the Ukrainian armed forces and neo-Nazi militias
working for the American puppet presidents in Ukraine, and for virtually all western
media to endlessly repeat: Russia attacked “peaceful Ukraine” is as far from the truth as
“far from the truth” can possibly be because thirteen thousand men, women and children
is a lot of people to kill.
The beleaguered and abandoned people of the Donbass region pleaded and begged
Russia for help, and for eight long bloody years Russia said: “Sorry, can’t help you.” Many
are the children in Donbass, Donetsk and Luhansk towns especially who grew up entirely
living in underground bomb shelters because nobody knew when or where the next
missiles and bombs would hit. They were the “lucky” ones as they survived though many
or most are refugees now.
During those years US corporate controlled “news” covered almost none of that, and
when some tiny mention was made always referred to that region as a “break-away state,”
implying a certain treachery on their part for abandoning their “beloved” nation of
Ukraine, even though the reality is they just couldn’t accept a foreign appointed and
controlled puppet president. The Afghan and Yemeni wars were much the same.
Also, during those eight horrifically long and bloody years – at least for those who didn’t
appreciate having American puppet presidents who were up to their eyeballs in
corruption and abuse of power – the US went about vastly expanding its biological
“research” centers in Ukraine, some of which contained some of the world’s deadliest
pathogens including Anthrax and plague. Hunter and then Vice President Biden were big
deal makers and investors, networking very effectively to hugely expand those “research
It might seem an odd thing for US biological “research” centers to be located in a place
like Ukraine (and dozens of other “developing countries” all around the world), but much
of that work is so dangerous due to the possibility of leaks the US didn’t want it done at
home but rather some far away, “ally” country. (“Here ya go friend! Some deadly
biological pathogens for you!”). In the case of Ukraine, greatly expanding that biological
research had the added perk of really annoying, even terrifying the Russians who
absolutely did not want large quantities of the world’s deadliest pathogens right across
its border in Ukraine especially given they can pass through any border undetected
making them as or more dangerous as a nuclear bomb, or many nuclear bombs.
Interestingly “Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland confirmed this “discredited story”
(Washington DC March 8, 2022) that there are “biological research facilities” in Ukraine
and the US “is concerned” Russian forces might seize them. She made the comments
when asked by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) if Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons.
Ms. Nuland wasn’t the only US official to admit the US had, and probably still has deadly,
highly infectious pathogens that could be used as biological weapons.
A further confirmation of biological pathogens and
specifically biological weapons in Ukraine’s biolabs was
made by Robert Pope, deputy director of operations,
readiness and exercises at the DTRA from 2017 until 2020
as reported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (founded
by Albert Einstein).
Please note:
The Bulletin’s (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists) Board of Sponsors was
established in December 1948 by Albert Einstein, with J. Robert
Oppenheimer as its first chair. Members of the Board of Sponsors
are recruited by their peers from the world’s most accomplished
science and security leaders to reinforce the importance of the
Bulletin’s activities and publications. The Board grew out of the
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, which Einstein wrote,
“was organized in August 1946 to support the educational activities
undertaken by the various groups of atomic scientists.”
And thus, the above is probably not “Russian propaganda,” as CNN and BBC keep
asserting in response to claims regarding potential biological weapons on Russia’s border.
The Russian military claims to have identified 30 such facilities, and that does seem like
rather a lot one must admit. However, it wouldn’t be surprising given Hunter Biden did
help secure millions of dollars in funding for US contractors in Ukraine specializing in
deadly pathogen research, his laptop emails revealed, raising more questions about the
disgraced son of then Vice President Biden.
In a morbidly amusing tweeter message by Glenn Edward Greenwald - an American
journalist, author and lawyer – he noted: “‘Ukraine has ‘biological research facilities,’ says
Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has
biological or chemical weapons, and says she's worried Russia may get them. But she says
she's 100% sure if there’s a biological attack, it's Russia.” Also interesting is that it was the
US and US alone that stonewalled inspection requirements for the Biological Weapons
“The devil is in the details,” they say, and that is exactly what one finds looking into the
antecedent details of the current phase of the Ukraine War.
One of the critically important and intentionally better obscured facts regarding US
provocations leading to the current escalated state of the war in Ukraine regards Victoria
Nuland’s role in 2014 American coup:
Clearly, Victoria Nuland, U.S. President Barack Obama’s central
agent overseeing the coup, at least during the month of February
2014 when it climaxed, was crucial not only in overthrowing the
existing Ukrainian Government, but in selecting and installing its
rabidly anti-Russian replacement. The 27 January 2014 phone-
conversation between her and America’s Ambassador in Ukraine,
Jeffrey Pyatt was a particularly seminal event, and it was uploaded
to YouTube on 4 February 2014. I have discussed elsewhere that
call and its significance. Nuland there and then abandoned the EU’s
hope for a still democratic but less corrupt future government for
Ukraine, and Nuland famously said, on that call “Fuck the EU,” and
she instructed Pyatt to choose instead the rabidly anti-Russian, and
far-right, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This key event occurred 24 days
before Ukraine’s President Victor Yanukovych was overthrown on
February 20th, and 30 days before the new person to head
Ukraine’s Government, Yatsenyuk, became officially appointed to
rule the now clearly fascist country. He won that official
designation on February 26th. However, this was only a formality:
Obama’s agent had already chosen him, on January 27th.
The above article continues:
“The second landmark item of evidence that it had been a coup and
nothing at all democratic or a ‘revolution’, was the 26 February
2014 phone-conversation between the EU’s Foreign Minister
Catherine Ashton and her agent in Ukraine investigating whether
the overthrow had been a revolution or instead a coup; he was
Estonia’s Foreign Minister, Urmas Paet, and he told her that he
found that it had been a coup, and that “somebody from the new
coalition” had engineered it — but he didn’t know whom that
“somebody” was. Both Ashton and Paet were shocked at this
finding, but they proceeded immediately to ignore that matter, and
to discuss only the prospects for Europe’s investors in Ukraine, to
be able to get their money back — their obsession was Ukraine’s
corruption. Ashton told Paet that she had herself told the Maidan
demonstrators, “you need to find ways in which you can establish
a process that will have anti-corruption at its heart.” So, though the
EU was unhappy that this had been a coup, they were far more
concerned to protect their investors. In any case, the EU clearly
wasn’t behind Ukraine’s coup. Equally clearly, they didn’t much
care whether it was a coup or instead what the U.S. Government
said, a ‘revolution’.
“The network behind this coup had actually started planning for
the coup back in 2011. That’s when Eric Schmidt of Google, and
Jared Cohen, also now of Google but still continuing though
unofficially as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief person
tasked to plan ‘popular movements’ to overthrow both
Yanukovych in Ukraine, and Assad in Syria.
Ukraine’s democratically elected President started, on 20
November 2013.
“Although Hahn’s book barely cites the first and most detailed
academic study of the climactic coup period of late February, Ivan
Katchanovski’s poorly written “The ‘Snipers’ Massacre’ on the
Maidan in Ukraine”, which was issued on 5 September 2015,
Hahn’s is consistent with that: both works conclude that the
available evidence, as Katchanovski puts it, shows that:
organizations, specifically the Right Sector and Svoboda, and
oligarchic parties, such as Fatherland. Concealed shooters and
spotters were located in at least 20 Maidan-controlled buildings or
“Hahn downplays U.S. heading of the coup. But shortly before the
coup, the CIA secretly trained in Poland the Right Sector
founder/leader Dmitriy Yarosh (“Dmytro Jarosz”), who headed
Ukraine’s snipers. So, even the Ukrainian ones were working for the
and seem to be firing from Yanukovych’s side. Gordon Hahn hasn’t
been able to verify any firing in February 2014 by the Yanukovych
government. Moreover: “they were the same snipers, killing
people from both sides.”
at the U.N. who vote (and repeatedly) to back fascism, nazism and
Holocaust-denial. The anti-Russia nazis took over America’s
Government, which has taken over Ukraine’s. All of this goes back
to the key U.S. decision, which was made on 24 February 1990.”
This more complex and ultimately self-serving pattern of the US presenting itself as a
friend to a nation, and using the vast resources of the US to undermine that nation’s, and
that friend’s relationship with its neighbor, is nothing new as the ancient Roman generals
even had a common expression for it: “divide et impera,” which means “divide and rule,”
and thus we have nation turned against nation, son turned against father, brother against
brother and so on. These are certainly “tryin’ times,” as noted by bluesy R&B singer
Roberta Flack.
With that as an introduction to the eight-year American duplicitous treachery involved in
the horrifically bloody conflict in Ukraine, the reader is invited to read the rest of this
document and appreciate the cleverness, deadliness and ultimate selfishness of US
foreign policy, without being suckered into the grandiose overly simplistic illusions
corporate owned mainstream “news” media has created to hoodwink western audiences
into paying for and supporting another in a long, long, long line of cruel, unjust and wildly
illegal American orchestrated wars.
Ukraine has an ancient and unique culture. As a nation it deserves recognition by other
states, self-determination and security including safe borders. The same is true for Russia,
and based on its historical uniqueness and current political situation, Donbass as well.
Article 2 Paragraph 4 of the UN Charter states:
“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use
of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”
Simultaneously there is no doubt NATO’s eastward expansion in violation of a number of
agreements was and is viewed as a threat of force against the territorial and political
independence of Russia.
Documented proof of broken US & European agreements and extreme
Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO
expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl,
Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner
Furthermore, the rapid buildup of American financed, trained, and armed special forces
military, paramilitary and so-called neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine, along with its relentless
efforts to join NATO, and most especially it’s largely secretive BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories
very close to the Russian border posed and still pose a clear, immediate and potentially
unstoppable threat to the territorial integrity and political independence of Russia.
In spite of all that, if one goes to Google and types in: “Unprovoked + Ukraine" one will
find 5,430,000 results; articles all authoritatively asserting Russia’s armed intervention in
Ukraine was totally unprovoked with the first one posted on the USAID internet site, a US
Department of State – “Foreign Operations and Related Programs” organization
notorious internationally for promoting violent revolutions and which played a decisive
role in the overthrow of Russia’s democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych.
There is extensive verified published evidence in this document from primarily western
news and government sources proving beyond any doubt President Putin’s armed
invasion was provoked “in extremis,” and furthermore acted in both justifiable and legal
self-defense, consistent with the goals and objectives of a humanitarian intervention to
protect those people all around Ukraine, and especially in Lugansk and Donetsk who
disapproved of the illegal overthrow of Ukraine’s elected President by forces that were
funded and organized by the US including NED and USAID and openly supported by
American politicians such as Senator John McCain who met with and encouraged
opposition leaders in December 2013, proof of interference in the internal affairs of a
foreign country.
National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding
Projects in Ukraine - Jeremy Kuzmarov - March 7, 2022
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—a CIA offshoot
founded in the early 1980s to advance “democracy promotion”
initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding
projects in Ukraine from their searchable “Awarded Grants Search”
The archived webpage captured February 25, 2022 from 14:53
shows that NED granted $22,394,281 in the form of 334 awards to
Ukraine between 2014 to the present. The capture at 23:10 the
same day shows “No results found” for Ukraine. As of right now,
there are still “No results found” for Ukraine.
Searching using “Ukraine” as a keyword (as opposed to a “Project
Country” in the original captures) yields “No results found.”
Searching for the titles of the funded projects listed in the last
“intact” web capture yields no results.
Additionally, the current database search criteria have been
restricted, previously funding from 2014 to present could be
searched, currently only 2017 to present is searchable per the
drop-down menus. There are multiple news reports before
February 25 corroborating this $22,394,281 amount…
That Ukraine got stuck in the middle of this is an artifact of American political
machinations pure and simple (tragically aided by President Zelensky’s desire to please
the US greater than his desire to protect the rights of his own citizens to life). Driven by
Euro-American profit-driven corporations, and the politicians they can so easily put into
office via unlimited anonymous political “donations” Ukrainian lives and deaths only
matter to the extent they can be used to further divide the world - “Divide et impera!” -
as the Romans used to say and profit those invested in western European and American
so-called “defense industries,” that are anything but defensive in nature in eerie
fulfillment of President Eisenhower’s dire warnings about the unwarranted power of the
military industrial complex which these days might be more accurately described as the
(MICIMATT) or more simply as the “Blob.”
The questions that follow in this document substantiate those beliefs and also prove
motive, intent, methods, and opportunities for President Biden to essentially start
another war (given his key role in starting the Iraq War, as is evidenced in this document),
this time in Ukraine.
Before European leaders hitch their wagons to the perpetrators of what is already an
eight-year war – a series of Crimes Against Humanity against the innocent people of
Lugansk and Donetsk perpetuated by Kiev and motivated, aided and abetted primarily by
Presidents Obama, Biden and NATO, they are invited to consider the questions for
President Biden listed on this document, the referenced evidence supporting the
relevance of those questions, and President Biden’s answers, should he have the courage
to try to answer any of them. Even while the people of Lugansk and Donetsk were voting
in the 2014 referendum, Ukrainian national guardsmen reportedly fired their weapons as
they tried to close a polling station in Krasnoarmeisk, killing an unspecified number of
people… according to American news sources at that time.
Whether or not Euro-American authorities, media or publics wish to recognize it, the
people of Lugansk and Donetsk were on the losing side of a civil war initiated by Kiev
because they (the people of Lugansk and Donetsk) strongly objected to an American
backed coup against Ukraine’s former President Viktor Yanukovych.
This list of questions (and collection of evidence supporting the relevancy of those
questions), concludes 1) Russia is not Palestine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, or
Yemen, and though President Biden’s blitzkrieg pervasive, saturation-level media
censorship and propaganda campaign has met with initial western (US and Western
European) support, that news media is not being honest about the date of the origin of
this armed conflict, the true motivations for this armed conflict, the actual progress of
this armed conflict, and the very real potential for thermonuclear war and 2) An
international moratorium on weapons shipments to Ukraine is the only way to end the
war by giving President Zelensky a face-saving excuse to negotiate peace with Russia, save
lives on all sides, secure self-determination and national security for all parties on a level
playing field, and significantly reduce the probability of thermonuclear war. But, alas, this
will probably never happen because war is so profitable for the US and western Europe’s
ultra-rich corporate capitalists and the politicians they can so easily afford to put in office.
Given that moratorium will probably not happen until a few million Ukrainians are dead,
it might be more expedient if US and relevant international prosecutors start the process
to prosecute the real progenitors of this war, NATO, Former President Obama, President
Biden, and other politicians that vote to prolong the war by adding fuel to the fire,
specifically encouraging and funding Ukrainians to fight to the bitter end.
Alternatively, NATO can start 1) trying to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine, and/or 2)
sending its regular armies into Ukraine in which case the inevitability of thermonuclear
war becomes a foregone conclusion.
Also see:
Referring party in this proposed case
This initial referral for criminal investigation (case file) prepared by:
Gregory Brundage (US Citizen)
More and more evidence of Hunter Biden and his father’s multi-faceted forms of collusive corruption keep
pouring out of his “laptop from hell”:
See Endnotes for very specific details of the “appearance of corruption” by Blinken, Haines and Burns.
Burns, in addition to US Senators and Congressional Representatives, some of
whom are named in this document who give the appearance of “conflict of
interest” between “defense industries” and the duties and obligations of their
public office.
The role of the US in starting the armed conflict in Ukraine War 2014 is largely unknown
to US citizens due to 1) false, fragmented, and highly misleading information regarding
the origins of the current conflict, and 2) very high-level advanced, secretive, illegal (by
both American, and international law) and well funded media censorship in the US.8
American intelligence
American “intelligence” has become only another adjunct, an echo chamber in the US so-
called Defense Department and presidents, that bounces back and forth between
Democrat and Republican priorities as to who to hate most and make war upon at any
one time.9
Please read the link provided on 2) above in full before continuing to read this document. The vast majority
of Americans and people worldwide have no idea whatsoever how much their news is illegally censored by
the US government, and downstream government funded related organizations.
President Trump for example sold the “China virus” lie, and now President Biden has sold “the war that
Russia started in Ukraine” lie.
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which the OSS (forerunner of
the CIA), using the Catholic Church brought more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists with many
specializing in biological warfare, to the U.S. for research work in the CIA. Many of these personnel were
former members and leaders of the Nazi Party. In other words, the Nazi research on biological weapons
never stopped and evidence is accumulating they were furthering that research in Ukraine (and Georgia).
Also see: (has link-lists to relevant
Questions for President Biden
Should these questions ever be posed to President Biden, this writer humbly suggests
alternative news (alt-news) investigative journalists including Professor Michel
Chossudovsky, Jeremy Kuzmarov, Scott Ritter, Aaron Maté and Max Blumenthal be
invited for cross examination, as they have been the leading real investigators uncovering
the truths behind the facade of American largess throughout the Ukraine conflict,
something the US Justice Department, ICJ, ICC and so-called UN should have been doing
from before the beginning of what is now a war in Ukraine.
Iraq War
1. Did You, Mr. President play a key role in starting the Iraq War?
Is the information in the article quoted above titled: Joe Biden championed the
Iraq War - Will that come back to haunt him now?” by Mark Weisbrot and
published in The Guardian, February 17, 2020 regarding your role in starting the
Iraq War, correct? Did You, Mr. President play a key role in starting the Iraq War?
2. Given the following information, does your role in the attack on Iraq potentially
implicate You, Mr. President as a war criminal, or at minimum culpable in war
“The invasion of Iraq was neither in self-defense against armed attack nor
sanctioned by UN Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force by
member states and thus constituted the crime of war of aggression, according to
the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Geneva.”
Bombing of Kunduz Hospital, October 2015
Bombing of al-Aghawat al-Jadidah, March 2017
Siege of Raqqa, June - October 2017
The above is referred to as a “short list” because it doesn’t include the entire Afghan, Iraqi,
Syrian and Somali Wars, as War Crimes because they surely were from the beginning and
continue to be.
And the above makes no mention of US sponsored and armed proxy wars with the Yemen
War leaping first to mind, but there were and continue to be many more of them.
The above Sputnik news article contains grisly details of that short list with references
from international sources. It is instructive reading in regards to the absolute treachery
of American foreign policies and debunks any claims to the US holding the moral high
ground in any disputes regarding international conflicts.
Were WMD found in Iraq? No. Have US officials admitted there were “dual use” biological
pathogens in Ukraine that could most certainly be used as WMD against Russia? Yes. Who
Mr. President, is the war criminal?
3. In addition to your key role in starting the criminal Iraq War, have You, Mr.
President also advocated for US military invasions and occupations of other
countries as well?
“Thursday marks the 23rd anniversary of the start of the 1999
NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia. In 78 days, NATO jets
conducted 2,300 sorties, dropping 420,000 missiles and bombs,
including cluster munitions and depleted uranium rounds. Up
to 5,700 people were killed, with tens of thousands more
diagnosed with cancers in the years that followed… / The
definition of victory was all the troops out of Kosovo, the
Albanians back in Kosovo and a NATO-led force in Kosovo.
That’s not total victory. That’s not the victory I want, that’s not
the victory John wants. I’ve been saying we should go in on the
ground, we should announce there’s gonna be American
casualties. We should go to Belgrade and we should have a
Japanese/German-style occupation of that country and we
should have public trials in order to strike away this mask of
Serbian victimization,” Biden said.
Is the above an accurate summary of facts?
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary II. Introduction III. Conflicts
7. Are You, Mr. President aware that your son Hunter Biden DID help secure millions
of dollars in funding for a US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen
Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US
contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen
research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions
about the disgraced son of then vice president - By Josh
Boswell, 25 March 2022
Hunter Biden helped secure millions of dollars of funding
for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor
specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases,
introduce Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas
firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high
biosecurity level labs in Ukraine, along with colleagues
invest $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont
Seneca Technology Partners, raise several million dollars of
funding for the company from investment giants including
Goldman Sachs?
military-biotech-research-program-Ukraine.html (Based on
emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.)
8. Did any US government funded or affiliated organization including NED and
USAID 11 give any form of material or logistic support including money, to the
November 2013 “wave of large-scale protests” called “Euromaidan,” by some
and a “color revolution” by others, resulting in the overthrow of former President
Viktor Yanukovych?
[Yes] [A clear violation of Article 2.4 of the UN Charter.]
9. Is interfering in the domestic affairs of a foreign nation a violation of international
law as enshrined in the UN Charter?
10. Did conditions of the EU loan former President Viktor Yanukovych refused to
accept contain “austerity” measures that would have been extremely unpopular
with the people of Ukraine?
11. Did the loan from Russia former President Viktor Yanukovych later accepted
contain equally draconian austerity measures?
12. Does Ukrainian Burisma Gas compete with Russian energy exports?
13. Have You, Mr. President, or any of your family members or close friends
attempted to undermine Russia’s energy exports in any other way?
14. Would completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project compete with
American fracking oil exports and benefit Russian-EU relations?
11 (This link has
since been removed. On might consider this concealing or destroying evidence, a form of obstruction of
justice. DARPA did much the same thing relating to its coronavirus research after COVID-19 became a global
15. Do, or did You, Mr. President or either Hunter or James Biden have business
dealing with JP Morgan?
16. Is JP Morgan also the largest investor in fracking gas in the USA?
Also see: Hunter Biden's infamous laptop confirmed in New York Times report
( &
Part 3 of:
18. Given overwhelming evidence that You, Mr. President did lie to then President
of the United States Donald Trump, and the American public during the October
22, 2020 Presidential Debate and tried to corruptly pin the source of that lie on
Russians, why should anyone believe anything You, Mr. President, or anyone in
your administration say about Russians now?
Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine Government
19. Does the US Department of State have undue influence within the government
of Ukraine, while lacing the government neo-Nazis?
Eight Years Ago: US-NATO Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in
Ukraine by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 23, 2022, First published Global Research
6 March 2014
This article first published by Global Research on March 6, 2014 at
the very outset of the Ukraine crisis explains the nature of the Kiev
proxy regime. / It is of utmost relevance to an understanding of
recent events. / What is happening in Ukraine has serious
geopolitical implications and could potentially lead to a World War
III scenario. / It is important that a peace process be initiated with
a view to preventing escalation. / Global Research does not support
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. / We are dealing with a coalition
government (integrated by two neo-Nazi parties) which is
supported by “Western democracy” and the “international
community”. / According to the New York Times,
“The United States and the European Union have embraced
the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a
blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former
Soviet space.” ( After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face
Battle for Credibility,, March 1, 2014,
emphasis added)
“ Flowering Democracy, Revolution”? The grim realities are
otherwise. What is a stake is a US-EU-NATO sponsored coup d’etat
in blatant violation of international law.
The forbidden truth is that the West has engineered – through a
carefully staged covert operation– the formation of a proxy regime
integrated by Neo-Nazis. / Confirmed by Assistant Secretary of
State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including
the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by
Washington: “We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help
Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to
promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.” / The Western media
has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological
underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi”
is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream
media commentary. It will not appear in the pages of the New York
Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have
been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate
Svoboda and the Right Sector.
Composition of the Coalition Government
We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-
Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by
the Fatherland party. / The Cabinet is not only integrated by the
Svoboda and Right Sector (not to mention former members of
defunct fascist UNA-UNSO), the two main Neo-Nazi entities have
been entrusted with key positions which grant them de facto
control over the Armed Forces, Police, Justice and National Security.
Image left: John McCain meets Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok
While Yatsenuyk’s Fatherland Party controls the majority of
portfolios and Svoboda Neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok was not
granted a major cabinet post (apparently at the request of assistant
Secretary of State Victoria Nuland), members of Svoboda and the
Right Sector occupy key positions in the areas of Defense, Law
Enforcement, Education and Economic Affairs. / Andriy Parubiy
(image right) co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of
Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) was appointed Secretary
of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU).
(Рада національної безпеки і оборони України), a key position
which overseas the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law
Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. The RNBOU is
central decision-making body. While it is formally headed by the
president, it is run by the Secretariat with a staff of 180 people
including defense, intelligence and national security experts. /
Parubiy was one of the main leaders behind the Orange Revolution
in 2004. His organization was funded by the West. He is referred to
by the Western media as the “kommandant” of the EuroMaidan
movement. / Andriy Parubiy together with party leader Oleh
Tyahnybok is a follower of Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandera, who
collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during World
War II.
Neo-Nazi march honoring Stepan Bandera
In turn, Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the Right Sector delegation in the
parliament, has been appointed Parubiy’s deputy Secretary of the
RNBOU. / Yarosh was the leader of the Brown Shirt Neo-Nazi
paramilitary during the EuroMaidan “protest” movement. He has
called for disbanding the Party of the regions and the Communist
Party. / The Neo Nazi party also controls the judicial process with
the appointment of Oleh Makhnitsky of the Svoboda party to the
position of prosecutor-general of Ukraine. What kind of justice will
prevail with a renown Neo-Nazi in charge of the Prosecutor’s Office
of Ukraine? / Cabinet positions were also allocated to former
members of the Neo-Nazi fringe organization Ukrainian National
Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defense (UNA-UNSO): /
“Tetyana Chernovol, portrayed in the Western press as a crusading
investigative journalist without reference to her past involvement
in the anti-Semitic UNA-UNSO, was named chair of the
government’s anti-corruption committee. Dmytro Bulatov, known
for his alleged kidnapping by police, but also with UNA-UNSO
connections, was appointed minister of youth and sports. / Yegor
Sobolev, leader of a civic group in Independence Maidan and
politically close to Yatsenyuk, was appointed chair of the Lustration
Committee, charged with purging followers of President
Yanukovych from government and public life. (See Ukraine
Transition Government: Neo-Nazis in Control of Armed Forces,
National Security, Economy, Justice and Education, Global
Research, March 02, 2014 / The Lustration Committee is to
organize the Neo-Nazi witch-hunt against all opponents of the new
Neo-Nazi regime. The targets of the lustration campaign are people
in positions of authority within the civil service, regional and
municipal governments, education, research, etc. / The term
lustration refers to the “mass disqualification” of people associated
with the former government. It also has racial overtones. It will in
all likelihood be directed against Communists, Russians and
members of the Jewish community. / It is important to reflect on
the fact that the West, formally committed to democratic values,
has not only spearheaded the demise of an elected president, it has
instated a political regime integrated by Neo-Nazis. / This is a proxy
government which enables the US, NATO and the EU to interfere in
Ukraine’s internal affairs and dismantle its bilateral relations with
the Russian Federation. It should be understood, however, that the
Neo-Nazis do not ultimately call the shots. The composition of the
Cabinet broadly coincides with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Victoria Nuland “recommendations” contained in the leaked
telephone call to the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. / Washington has
chosen to spearhead Neo-Nazis into positions of authority. Under
a “regime of indirect rule”, however, they take their orders on
crucial military and foreign policy issues – including the deployment
of troops directed against the Russian federation– from the US
State Department, the Pentagon and NATO. / The World is at a
dangerous crossroads: The structures and composition of this
proxy government installed by the West do not favor dialogue with
the Russian government and military...
United Nations - Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
…By a recorded vote of 130 in favor to 2 against (Ukraine, United
States), with 49 abstentions, the Assembly then adopted draft
resolution I, “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo‑Nazism and
other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.
/ By its terms, the Assembly expressed deep concern about the
glorification of the Nazi movement, neo ‑ Nazism and former
members of the Waffen SS organization, including by erecting
monuments and memorials, holding public demonstrations in the
name of the glorification of the Nazi past, the Nazi movement and
neo‑Nazism, and declaring or attempting to declare such members
and those who fought against the anti ‑ Hitler coalition,
collaborated with the Nazi movement and committed war crimes
and crimes against humanity “participants in national liberation
movements”. / Further, the Assembly urged States to eliminate all
forms of racial discrimination by all appropriate means, including
through legislation, urging them to address new and emerging
threats posed by the rise in terrorist attacks incited by racism,
xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, or in the name of
religion or belief. It would call on States to ensure that education
systems develop the necessary content to provide accurate
accounts of history, as well as promote tolerance and other
international human rights principles. It likewise would condemn
without reservation any denial of or attempt to deny the Holocaust,
as well as any manifestation of religious intolerance, incitement,
harassment or violence against persons or communities on the
basis of ethnic origin or religious belief.
And that, that was done for the dual purpose of 1) hiding behind innocents,
and 2) using Russian attacks on their locations as further disinformation
(beyond your own proven disinformation regarding the source of incriminating
evidence of influence peddling and tax evasion and other forms of corruption13
as evidenced by emails found on your son Hunter Biden’s notebook computer)
against Russia?
large, and unfortunately, it is impossible to check everything for
'surprises'," the correspondent said.
It would have been far safer for the Russian military to simply bomb that health center,
but instead risk loss of their own soldiers to clear that ammo dump. Bait? Who knows. In
any case it’s using a health center as a human shield.
22. Did You, Mr. President ever hear of First Amendment rights?
23. Are You, Mr. President aware the United States government has a vast labyrinth
of censorship mechanisms designed to suppress viewpoints alternative to US
government “information” (dicta, AKA propaganda) in violation of 1 st
Amendment rights?
announced a ban on these outlets. Multiple tech platforms have
complied with the E.U.’s media ban and deplatformed,
demonetized, or blocked RT and Sputnik from their services. On
Thursday, March 3, CNN Business reported that RT America — the
U.S. cable branch of the Russia-owned news network — is
effectively shutting down. Its production company’s general
manager, Misha Solodovnikov, told staff in a memo that RT
America is ceasing production at its New York, L.A., Miami, and D.C.
locations “as a result of unforeseen business interruption events.”
RT America will be letting go of its U.S. staff, with Solodovnikov
stating, “we anticipate this layoff will be permanent.”
YouTube blocks Russian state-funded media, including RT and
Sputnik, around the world, 12/03/2022
YouTube is immediately blocking access around the world to
channels associated with Russian state-funded media, it said on
Friday, citing a policy barring content that denies, minimizes or
trivializes well-documented violent events.
One must presume YouTube is also blocking all references to the Vietnam, Afghan, and
Iraqi Wars as well, not to mention Palestinian, Somali wars, and so on, for surely Euro-
American news minimizes the criminal intent and profit-seeing motives behind those
devastating wars as well. N'est -ce pas? (Is that no so?)
Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms - By Edward Curtin, Global
Research, February 28, 2021, 15 February 2021
“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,”
wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As
Organized Crime. This is true. The corporate mainstream media
are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing
psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as
they have done the same for an international audience. / We have
long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose
is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify
them into victims of their own complicity, just as it was practiced
long ago by the CIA in Vietnam and by The New York Times, CBS,
etc. on the American people then and over the years as the
American warfare state waged endless wars, coups, false flag
operations, and assassinations at home and abroad. / Another way
of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to
matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the
CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished.
/ For those who read and study history, it has long been known that
the CIA has placed their operatives throughout every agency of the
U.S. government, as explained by Fletcher Prouty in The Secret
Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the
World; that CIA officers Cord Myer and Frank Wisner operated
secret programs to get some of the most vocal exponents of
intellectual freedom among intellectuals, journalists, and writers to
be their voices for unfreedom and censorship, as explained by
Frances Stonor Saunders in The Cultural Cold War and Joel Whitney
in Finks, among others; that Cord Myer was especially focused on
and successful in “courting the Compatible Left” since right wingers
were already in the Agency’s pocket. / All this is documented and
not disputed. It is shocking only to those who don’t do their
homework and see what is happening today outside a broad
historical context. / With the rise of alternate media and a wide
array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt
threatened and went on the defensive. It therefore should come
as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now
leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free
speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars,
rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies
of the corporate media themselves. Having already banned critics
from writing in their pages and or talking on their screens, these
media giants want to make the quieting of dissenting voices
complete. / Just the other day The New York Times had this
headline: / Robert Kennedy Jr. Barred From Instagram Over False
Virus Claims. Notice the lack of the word alleged before “false virus
claims.” This is guilt by headline. It is a perfect piece of propaganda
posing as reporting, since it accuses Kennedy, a brilliant and
honorable man, of falsity and stupidity, thus justifying Instagram’s
ban, and it is an inducement to further censorship of Mr. Kennedy
by Facebook that owns Instagram. / That ban should follow soon,
as the Times’ reporter Jennifer Jett hopes, since she accusingly
writes that RFK, Jr. “makes many of the same baseless claims to
more than 300,000 followers” at Facebook. Jett made sure her
report also went to and The Boston Globe. / This is one
example of the censorship underway with much, much more to
follow. What was once done under the cover of omission is now
done openly and brazenly, cheered on by those who, in an act of
bad faith, claim to be upholders of the First Amendment and the
importance of free debate in a democracy. We are quickly slipping
into an unreal totalitarian social order. / Which brings me to the
recent work of Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, both of whom
have strongly and rightly decried this censorship. As I understand
their arguments, they go like this. / First, the corporate media have
today divided up the territory and speak only to their own
audiences in echo chambers: liberal to liberals (read: the “allegedly”
liberal Democratic Party), such as The New York Times, NBC, etc.,
and conservative to conservatives (read” the “allegedly”
conservative Donald Trump), such as Fox News, Breitbart, etc. /
They have abandoned old school journalism that, despite its
shortcomings, involved objectivity and the reporting of disparate
facts and perspectives, but within limits. Since the digitization of
news, their new business models are geared to these separate
audiences since they are highly lucrative choices. Its business
driven since electronic media have replaced paper as advertising
revenues have shifted and people’s ability to focus on complicated
issues has diminished drastically. Old school journalism is suffering
as a result and thus writers such as Greenwald and Taibbi and Chris
Hedges (who interviewed Taibbi and concurs: part one here) have
taken their work to the internet to escape such restrictive
categories and the accompanying censorship. / Secondly, the great
call for censorship is not something the Silicon Valley companies
want because they want more people using their media since it
means more money for them, but they are being pressured to do it
by the traditional old school media, such as The New York Times,
who now employ “tattletales and censors,” people who are power
hungry jerks, to sniff out dissenting voices that they can
recommend should be banned. Greenwald says: / They do it in part
for power: to ensure nobody but they can control the flow of
information. / They do it partly for ideology and out of hubris: the
belief that their worldview is so indisputably right that all dissent
is inherently dangerous ‘disinformation.’ / Thus, the old school
print and television media are not on the same page as Facebook,
Twitter, etc. but have opposing agendas. / In short, these shifts and
the censorship are about money and power within the media world
as the business has been transformed by the digital revolution. / I
think this is a half-truth that conceals a larger issue. The censorship
is not being driven by power hungry reporters at the Times or CNN
or any media outlet. All these media and their employees are but
the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent
and people controlled. / These companies and their employees do
what they are told, whether explicitly or implicitly, for they know it
is in their financial interest to do so. If they do not play their part
in this twisted and intricate propaganda game, they will suffer.
They will be eliminated, as are pesky individuals who dare peel the
onion to its core. For each media company is one part of a large
interconnected intelligence apparatus – a system, a complex –
whose purpose is power, wealth, and domination for the very few
at the expense of the many. The CIA and media as parts of the
same criminal conspiracy. / To argue that the Silicon Valley
companies do not want to censor but are being pressured by the
legacy corporate media does not make sense. These companies
are deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies, as are the
NYTimes, CNN, NBC, etc. They too are part of what was once called
Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s program to control, use, and
infiltrate the media. Only the most naïve would think that such a
program does not exist today…
US high and low tech very well funded mechanisms of censorship and laws
prohibiting them
The writer of this Referral for Criminal Investigation collected a referenced list with
descriptions of American censorship mechanisms and laws and court decisions including
US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions prohibiting such actions, and posted it here:
A downloadable PDF version can be found here:
That verifiable referenced list, compiled from American sources is proof of a longstanding
extreme level of egregious illegal news censorship by the US government.
In addition, Google and other search engines have silenced virtually all facts and opinions
contrary to US government narrative regarding the 2014 American backed coup in
Ukraine, and February 2022 acceleration of the Ukraine War. (This researcher would not
have been able to research this Request for Criminal Investigation if I didn’t already have
databases of reliable alt-news sources, as they do not appear in ordinary Google searches.)
Meanwhile, the Ukraine War and body count escalates daily, and the US and EU continues
to agitate and advocates sending more and more weapons of mass destruction to Ukraine.
Even the ordinarily very diplomatic UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has warned
this conflict can end in nuclear war.
“Damn, bind and gag the defendants!” the prosecutors roar. There’s money to be made
here and no seditious traitor is going to stop us!” In the case of the Russian self-defense
motivated intervention in Ukraine: “We have weapons stocks we have to move! Bomb
those Russkies! It’s the economy, stupid! And now, let’s bow our heads in silent worship
of quarterly dividends from blessed Lockheed Martin, holy Raytheon Technologies, saintly
Boeing, angelic Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics, the anointed one… Amen.”
Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing from MSNBC, When Liberal
Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices, March 21, 2013
In 2003, the legendary television host Phil Donahue was fired from
his prime-time MSNBC talk show during the run-up to the U.S.
invasion of Iraq. The problem was not Donahue’s ratings, but rather
his views: An internal MSNBC memo warned Donahue was a
“difficult public face for NBC in a time of war,” providing “a home
for the liberal antiwar agenda at the same time that our
competitors are waving the flag at every opportunity.” Donahue
joins us to look back on his firing 10 years later. “They were terrified
of the antiwar voice,” Donahue says.
Despite the US’ quick “victory” in Iraq, in reality the war lingers on 20 years later. The US
occupation there now is illegal as the Iraqi government has asked them to leave, but they
won’t. In any case, the pretext for that war turned out to have been based on false
information: No weapons of mass destruction were found, and the whole thing casually
dismissed as a mistake. Phil Donahue was never “rehabilitated” for disagreeing with the
US government’s decision to start the war in Iraq. Silencing anti-war voices is a form of
“The de facto censorship which leaves so many Americans
functionally illiterate about the history of US foreign affairs may be
all the more effective because it is not so much official, heavy-
handed or conspiratorial, as it is woven artlessly into the fabric of
education and media. No conspiracy is needed. The editors of
Reader’s digest and U.S. News and World Report do not need to
meet covertly with the representatives from NBC in an FBI safe-
house to plan next month’s stories and programs; for the simple
truth is that these individuals would not have reached the positions
they occupy if they themselves had not all been guided through the
same tunnel of camouflaged history and emerged with the same
selective memory and conventional wisdom.”
William Blum, Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since
World War II, p. 15 [Permission to quote granted by William Blum
via email March 15, 2018]
American censorship has gotten much more extreme than when Bill Blum wrote the
above referenced book.
The British are no better.
UN Slams UK Sanctions on Russian Media; Avers ‘journalists Have
Right to Work Everywhere’ - The United Nations has condemned
UK's decision to sanction Russian media stating that journalists
have the right to do their work everywhere, by Rohit Ranjan 1st
April, 2022
... UK govt claimed that RT has propagated pro-Kremlin narrative -
The British government claimed that RT has propagated pro-
Kremlin narratives around the invasion of Ukraine, including the
neo-Nazis and that Ukrainian soldiers have committed war crimes,
according to UK Foreign Ministry. On Thursday, 14 people and
entities were sanctioned, including a senior Russian military
planner, and Sergey Brilev, a well-known Russian TV anchor on the
state-owned channel Rossiya. / Truss' latest measures come after
Britain's media regulator, Ofcom, revoked Russian media outlets'
broadcasting licenses, stating they were unable to report the
Ukraine conflict. These sanctions would restrict firms and
individuals operating in the UK from doing business with Russian
state media like RT and Sputnik, as well as senior figures in those
US and UK censorship of Russian news is transparently duplicitous and self-defeating. “In
the name of freedom, we censor you!” And “In the name of democracy we overthrow
your democratically elected government!” It’s astonishing American and British voters
keep re-electing the same bunch of scoundrels, though perhaps those voters think: “The
devil we know is better than the devil we don’t know.” One might wonder if that is true
right now given those elected “representatives” have brought those “liberal democracies”
(while dragging the rest of the world with them) to the brink of thermonuclear (and
chemical and biological) war. “In the name of FREEDOM, we will extinguish all advanced
life on earth!” Censorship is not helping, and probably the primary reason those
scoundrels keep getting reelected.
RT was banned in Ukraine in 2014 after Russia's annexation of Crimea; Latvia and
Lithuania implemented similar bans in 2020. Germany banned RT DE in February 2022.
Regional Standards
• American Convention on Human Rights “Pact of San José. Costa Rica” (OAS)
• Declaration on principles of freedom of expression (OAS)
• African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (article 9)
• Declaration of principles on freedom of expression in Africa
• Amsterdam Recommendations. Freedom of the Media and the Internet.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
• Bishkek Declaration. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
2022.02.27 How Western Press Has Kept Silent for Years on War
in Donbass & Neo-Nazism in Ukraine
The "Russia invasion" narrative wasn't the West's "prophecy" but
rather a cover-up for a new attempt to return the breakaway
Donetsk and Lugansk republics by force to Ukraine, according to
George Eliason, an American investigative journalist who lives and
works in Donbass. Bringing back Donbass would have paved the
way for Ukraine's NATO membership: in accordance with the
alliance's rules, a country having territorial disputes cannot be
admitted to the bloc.
"First of all, Zelensky ordered the attack during a speech a few
weeks ago," Eliason says. "He made it very clear Ukraine's buildup
was for that purpose."
By December 2021, the Kiev government had amassed up to
125,000 troops along the contact line with the Donbass republics.
At the same time, OSCE reported more frequent use of heavy
weapons, prohibited under the Minsk Agreements, by the
Ukrainian Armed Forces against the breakaway regions.
The Western smoke-and-mirrors media campaign speculating
about Russia's ‘imminent invasion’ began in spring 2021, according
to the investigative journalist. The mainstream press claimed that
Russia was about to invade Ukraine.
"This is a huge breach in what constitutes a fact in the media.
Published satellite images of Russian army positions accompanying
these news reports showed the Russian army on bases over a day's
travel away. In real terms this translated into 160 miles to 460 miles
from the border," says Eliason, stressing that the Russian army
could hardly launch a surprise land attack from these positions.
13,000 have been killed in the region since the Maidan coup d'etat
of February 2014.
"The barrage has been a constant feature in both republics for the
last eight years," says Eliason. "The primary targets have always
been civilian housing and infrastructure."
Over the past several weeks the Ukrainian military had intensified
bombardment of the Donbass region, prompting the leadership of
the DPR and LPR to launch an evacuation of children and elderly
people to Russia. However, ‘Ukrainian spec ops groups have been
targeting evacuees leaving to Russia with mines and shells,’ says
Eliason. The US openly dismissed Russia's warnings about the
ongoing genocide of Russian-speakers and crimes against humanity
in Eastern Ukraine. For his part, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
claimed at the annual Munich Security Conference on 19 February
that it is "really ridiculous" to say that "there is something like
genocide" in Donbass.
Coming this from the German chancellor is "scandalous but
expected," says Eliason. By turning a blind eye to crimes
committed by Ukrainian military and neo-Nazi militias in Eastern
Ukraine, the Scholz-led coalition is indirectly supporting "what
amounts to second generation 1930s-40s political Nazi thought"
in Ukraine, according to the investigative journalist.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on Thursday that Russia
started a military operation to protect Donbass in order to clear the
country of Nazis. "Ideally, it is necessary to liberate Ukraine, clear
it of Nazis, as well as pro-Nazi people and ideology," Peskov told
In the wake of the 2014 Maidan coup, a number of corporate media
sources questioned the role of Ukraine neo-Nazi groups in the
nation's political life but very then it was largely scratched from the
Western mainstream narrative.
In May 2018, Stephen F. Cohen, an influential American historian
on Russia, warned in his op-ed for The Nation that ‘neo-fascists play
an important official or tolerated role in the US-backed Ukraine.’
He bemoaned the fact that many Americans are unaware of 2
May 2014 ‘pogrom’ in Odessa where roughly 50 people were
burnt alive in the Trade Unions House by Ukrainian radical
nationalists and neo-Nazis.
The professor continued that the mainstream media has similarly
overlooked the fact that the Azov Battalion, which is an official
component of Kiev’s armed forces, has a pro-Nazi ideology. Back in
2017, the Hill quoted Azov's commander, Andriy Biletsky, as saying
that the mission of Ukraine is to “lead the White Races of the world
in a final crusade for their survival … against the Semite-led
What’s more, the rehabilitation of neo-Nazism in Ukraine has been
tolerated by successive American administrations since the time of
the 2005 "Orange Revolution" and continued to thrive, under
George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, according to
The administration of Joseph Biden, who used to be Obama’s
appointee in Ukraine, went even further, by providing tonnes of
weapons and training to the Ukrainian military as the latter
concentrated along the line of contact with Donbass. On 16
December 2021, the UN General Assembly discussed a resolution
that called for combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism
and other practices fuelling racism and xenophobia. The only two
countries that voted against it were the US and Ukraine.
1093401313.html (One of the ‘forbidden’ newspapers, mea culpa.)
Citing: -
which cites:
The question is, how could all of this extreme violence – largely perpetrated by Nazis, neo-
or otherwise have not been reported in west? There can only be one answer: Censorship.
“The main problem with the media today, as earlier, is what is left
out of articles dealing with controversial issues. For example, the
very common practice during the first Cold War of condemning the
Soviet Union for taking over much of Eastern Europe after the
Second World War. This takeover is certainly based on fact. But the
condemnation is very much misapplied if no mention is made of
the fact that Eastern Europe became communist because Hitler,
with the approval of the West, used it as a highway to reach the
Soviet Union to wipe out Bolshevism once and for all; the Russians
in World Wars I and II lost about 40 million people because the
West had twice used this highway to invade Russia. It should not
be surprising that after World War II the Soviets were determined
to close down the highway. It was not simply “communist
expansion”. “Or the case of Moammar Gaddafi. In the Western
media he is invariably referred to as “the Libyan dictator.” Period.
And he certainly was a dictator. But he also did many marvelous
things for the people of Libya (like the highest standard of living in
Africa) and for the continent of Africa (like creating the African
Union).” [Permission to quote granted by William Blum via
email March 15, 2018]
This censorship is pervasive.
“Hollywood is Full of CIA Agents,” Says Ben Affleck - By Jeremy
Kuzmarov - March 27, 2022 / For decades, the Pentagon and CIA
have rewritten scripts and censored Hollywood films—with dire
consequences for humanity. / With the CIA reviewing the script,
Argo “took many liberties with the truth,” according to The Atlantic
magazine, “all geared to make Langley more heroic.” / Left out was
any hint that the CIA had created the crisis in Iran by backing a coup
in 1953 that overthrew Iran’s democracy…
This reaffirms the quote above by Wiliam Blum that states: “The main problem with the
media today, as earlier, is what is left out of articles dealing with controversial issues.” In
the case of Ukraine mainstream news has “left out” critically important facts like how the
US overthrew the government, the war really started in 2014 as the result of that, that
Ukraine has not been peaceful ever since, and the US has loaded it with Nazis, and
weapons of mass destruction up to and including biological pathogens that could be used
for biological warfare. Those are essential for understanding the basis for Russia’s need
to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine.
Outrageous lies told by US officials, Zelensky and other minions about the
Ukraine conflict reframed as “information war”
24. Is the US government during this Ukrainian conflict telling even bolder and more
outrageous lies than in previous wars in order to generate hatred of Russians and
rationalize ever greater aggression against Russians, and send ever increasing
amounts of weapons and money to Ukraine?
In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war
with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid, by Ken
Dilanian, Courtney Kube, Carol E. Lee and Dan De Luce, April 6,
“It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,” one U.S. official said.
“It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians],
Putin specifically, before they do something."
President Joe Biden later said it publicly. But three U.S. officials
told NBC News this week there is no evidence Russia has
brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine. They said the U.S.
released the information to deter Russia from using the banned
If one types “chemical weapons used by Russia in Ukraine” into Google a mind-numbing
65,600,000 links emerge, even though there is not a shred, not an atom of evidence to
back up those scurrilous accusations.
evidence, a European official and two U.S. officials said. / The U.S.
officials said there are no indications China is considering
providing weapons to Russia. The Biden administration put that
out as a warning to China not to do so, they said. / On the empire's
claim last week that Putin is being misled by his advisors because
they are afraid of telling him the truth, NBC reports that this
assessment "wasn’t conclusive — based more on analysis than
hard evidence." / Other US government lies discussed in the NBC
report were less cute: / In another disclosure, U.S. officials said one
reason not to provide Ukraine with MiG fighter jets is that
intelligence showed Russia would view the move as escalatory. /
That was true, but it was also true of Stinger missiles, which the
Biden administration did provide, two U.S. officials said, adding
that the administration declassified the MiG information to bolster
the argument not to provide them to Ukraine. / So, the Biden
administration knew it was sending weapons to Ukraine that would
be perceived by a nuclear superpower as a provocative escalation,
sent them anyway, and then lied about it… / This NBC report
confirms rumors we've been hearing for months. Professional war
slut Max Boot said via The Council on Foreign Relations think
tank in February that the Biden administration had ushered in "a
new era of info ops" with intelligence releases designed not to tell
the truth but to influence Putin's decisions. Former MI6 chief John
Sawers told The Atlantic Council think tank in February that the
Biden administration's "intelligence" releases were based more on
a general vibe than actual intelligence, and were designed to
manipulate rather than to inform. / And in case you were
wondering, no, NBC did not just publish a major leak by
whistleblowers within the US government who are bravely
exposing the lies of the powerful with the help of the free press.
One of the article's authors is Ken Dilanian, who in 2014 was
revealed to have worked as a literal CIA asset while writing for The
LA Times. If you see Dilanian's name in a byline, you may be certain
that you are reading exactly what the managers of the US empire
want you to read. / So why are they telling us all this now? Is the
US government not worried that it will lose the trust of the public
by admitting that it is continuously lying about its most high-profile
international conflict? And if this is an "information war" designed
to "get inside Putin’s head" as NBC's sources claim, wouldn't openly
reporting it through the mainstream press completely defeat the
purpose? / Well, the answer to those questions is where it gets
really creepy. I welcome everyone's feedback and theories on the
matter, but as near as I can figure the only reason the US
government would release this story to the public is because they
want the general public to know about it. And the only plausible
reason I can think of that they would want the public to know about
it is that they are confident the public will consent to being lied to.
/ To get a better sense of what I'm getting at, it helps to watch
the televised version of this report in which Dilanian and NBC
anchor Alison Morris enthuse about how brilliant and wonderful it
is that the Biden administration is employing these psychological
warfare tactics to mess with Putin's mind:
_imp_woyt …
In other words, it appears the CIA is teaching US citizens to not only accept lies from the
government but to relish those lies from the government to hype up its wars based on a
contrived hatred of President Putin which is based on another platform of lies, distortions
and intentional deletions of critically important facts (like the US funded the revolution
that overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine – e.g., via US
government funded NED and USAID).
US government manufactured consent is reaching new heights in the USA and world.
UNICEF responds to Ukrainian child abduction claims - UN agency
has stated it has no evidence to support Kiev's claims, as Russia
denies it forcibly relocated any refugees , April 12, 2022
Moscow has denied accusations that it has forcibly sent Ukrainian
refugees to Russia, while UNICEF has stated that it possesses no
evidence to suggest that Russia has been abducting children, in
response to claims from Kiev.
Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova
reported on Tuesday that over 500,000 civilians from the Donetsk
People’s Republic (DPR), Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and
Ukraine have willingly relocated to Russia since the start of the
military conflict.
“ I responsibly declare that there has never been any forceful
relocation of refugees to Russia, these are all lies,” said the
ombudswoman, referring to Kiev’s accusation that Moscow has
forcibly sent over 500,000 civilians to Russia to “use them as
hostages” to pressure Ukraine to surrender.
Moskalkova says she personally spoke with several refugees, all of
whom claimed they specifically wanted to seek refuge in Russia.
The ombudswoman claims all refugees are being provided with the
necessary food, clothes and medication.
She went on to insist that officials from The Global Alliance of
National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) should come visit the
temporary accommodation points in Russia to confirm the
wellbeing of the asylum seekers for themselves.
Earlier, Moskalkova said that Karim Atassi, the acting head of the
office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) in Russia, visited a temporary accommodation center in
the Rostov region, which is near the DPR, and gave a very positive
assessment of Russia’s efforts in aiding refugees.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian human rights commissioner Lyudmila
Denisova has been calling on international organizations such as
the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
(UNICEF) to intervene in what she claims to be the forceful
abduction of children from Ukraine by Russia.
Denisova claims that over 121,000 children, including orphans and
children with parents, have been forcefully sent to Russia and that
the Kremlin is planning to simplify adoption procedures for these
However, UNICEF’s emergency programs director Manuel Fontaine,
who recently returned from Ukraine, stated during a press
conference on Tuesday that, while the organization has heard
similar reports, it does not currently possess any evidence to
support Kiev’s claims, but is “willing to look into it.”
UNICEF provided some alarming numbers on the number of
children affected by the military conflict. According to the
organization, over two thirds – 4.8 million out of 7.5 million –
Ukrainian children have been displaced since the start of the
hostilities, while some 142 have reportedly been killed and 229
“We know these numbers are likely much higher – and many of
them were caused by crossfire or the use of explosive weapons in
populated areas,” Fontaine said.
The organization also warns that half of the 3.2 million children that
remain in Ukraine “may be at risk of not having enough food,” with
those in besieged cities like Mariupol facing the most dire situation.
UNICEF has previously claimed that over 4.5 million people have
fled Ukraine since the start of the military conflict while 7.1 million
are now internally displaced. The organization states that over 90
per cent of the refugees are women and children.
They didn’t mention President Biden’s family corruption and corporate America are
responsible. So, sad.
NED Finances Key Ukrainian Propaganda Organ, the Kyiv
Independent - By Evan Reif, April 13, 2022
One NED-sponsored journalist even fights with the neo-Nazi Azov
Battalion and openly advocates for the commission of war crimes.
Throughout this war, one of the most prolific voices has been the
Kyiv Independent. Through both its website and its Twitter account,
it has been posting a nearly endless stream of unconfirmed and
often fantastical pro-Ukrainian propaganda along with unverified,
and often unattributed tales of the latest Russian atrocities.
Despite never offering even a scrap of evidence, however, it
exploded from a few thousand followers before the war to several
million now, with millions more following its individual reporters. It
is routinely promoted by some of the biggest names in media, such
as CNN and Fox News.
Let’s take a look at one tweet in particular, as an example of this.
On March 30, the Kyiv Independent tweeted this:
We can see here a blending between truth and lies. While strikes
would hit the warehouse, and the Red Cross would confirm that
(and also, that it had been abandoned for more than two weeks by
that time and all aid was distributed), no evidence was given that
the strikes were Russian and the Red Cross did not comment on it.
The only source for the claim that the attacks were Russian is the
Azov Battalion, putting the credibility of the statement into serious
doubt. Kyiv Independent does not tell you this…
It is illegal to report on Ukrainian military casualties. This means
that all you will see is dead Russians, burning Russian tanks and the
wreckage of Russian aircraft. This creates an image of an invincible
Ukrainian Army, killing Russians by the thousands with no losses of
their own.
25. You, Mr. President “predicted” President Putin’s armed intervention in Ukraine
many times, however reports from the OSCE suggest he was provoked into that
humanitarian intervention at that time by a rapid escalation of killing of
innocents (which included 4,093 explosions in only four days) in Donetsk (DPR)
and Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics by Ukrainian forces. Did You, Mr. President
or anyone in your administration or military suggest, or encourage that rapid
violent and deadly increase in killing of innocents in Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk
(LPR) People’s Republics in the days leading up to President Putin’s humanitarian
In the four days leading up to the invasion, ceasefire monitors from
the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
documented a dangerous increase in ceasefire violations in Eastern
Ukraine, with 5,667 violations and 4,093 explosions. / Most were
inside the de facto borders of the Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR)
People’s Republics, consistent with incoming shell-fire by Ukraine
government forces. With nearly 700 OSCE ceasefire monitors on the
ground, it is not credible that these were all “false flag” incidents
staged by separatist forces, as U.S. and British officials claimed.
26. The above report states that those murderous attacks upon the Donetsk and
Luhansk People’s Republics were called false flag incidents by U.S. and British
officials, and that such claims were not credible. Was that claim another lie to
cover Ukrainian intentional provocation designed to intentionally lure Russia into
the humanitarian intervention it finally pursued?
Hunter Biden laptop cover-up lasted for over two years. If the
Ukrainian biolabs are destroyed or cleaned up without incident, I
expect this story will be memory-holed for longer than that". / The
fact that the US was developing components of biological weapons
in Ukraine has been largely ignored by international watchdogs,
while Washington vehemently denied any involvement
whatsoever in the programme, branding it a "Russian conspiracy
theory". However, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Victoria Nuland on 8 March told US senators that "bioresearch
facilities" in Ukraine actually exist, while a 2010 BioPrepWatch
article preserved in web archives and the US Armed Forces'
Counterproliferation Centre confirmed that America had
maintained bioresearch cooperation with Kiev since 2005. / The
Russian Ministry of Defence has held a number of presentations
revealing the depth of the US bioweapons programme in Ukraine
run by the Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency. At least
31 laboratories across 14 settlements are suspected of being
involved in US-funded military biological activities. The Rosemont
Seneca investment fund, co-founded by Hunter Biden, participated
in the funding of Ukrainian biolabs in cooperation with Metabiota,
a subcontractor to the Pentagon's principal contactor Black &
Veatch, according to the Russian MoD. Metabiota and Black &
Veatch are known as major supplies of equipment for Pentagon
biolaboratories around the world, the MoD specifies.
Russian Defence Ministry presentation detailing coordination between Ukraine-
based labs and US agencies and companies, including Hunter Biden and George
Soros (far left), the US State Department, USAID, Gilead Sciences, SkyMount
Medical, Metabiota, Black&Veatch, CH2M Hill, the US Embassy in Ukraine
(center) and the CDC, the National Laboratory at Los Alamos and the universities
of Tennessee, Alaska, Florida, New Mexico and Virginia (right). Below, ties are
shown to the Lugar Center in Georgia, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and
associated centers and institutes, and the Ukrainian Defence Ministry's
epidemiological departments. © Photo : Russian Defence Ministry
University of Illinois College of Law who drafted the law in
question. / "There's no alternative for them but to lie because
under my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act they all face life
imprisonment for setting up these laboratories and funding them
in Ukraine", Boyle says. "Under my law the punishment is life
imprisonment for any US citizen or resident to get involved in
research, testing defence, stockpiling biological weapons
anywhere in the world". / Boyle expresses skepticism about the
possibility of the Pentagon being held accountable. He recalled
that he was the first one to blow the whistle that the anthrax
attacks of October 2001 came out of the US Biological Warfare
Weapons Lab and programme. / "I did that at a conference at
Harvard Divinity School on November 1, 2001, and I gave a couple
of interviews and an order was given", he says. "And I was never
interviewed again by any Western news media source, and the
United States government is still lying about the origins of that
attack. And they've covered up and they've gotten away with it".
/ … /
The emails revealed the names of several American figures central
to the biological research projects from the firms Metabiota and
Black & Veatch, as well as officials from the US Defense Threat
Reduction Agency (DTRA). Those named include:
A. Robert Pope
Pope was deputy director of operations, readiness and exercises at
the DTRA from 2017 until 2020. He previously held various
positions at US Air Force European Command (USAFE), US Central
Command (USCC), and the Pentagon. Pope participated in the
development of radiochemical procedures for monitoring
international treaties in the field of nuclear weapons (Air Force
Technical Application Center).
The published emails revealed a correspondence between Pope
and Ukraine’s acting health minister between 2016 and 2019,
American-born Ulana Suprun, who went to Ukraine to participate
in the US-backed coup in 2014.
B. Rhys M. Williams
Williams took over for Pope as acting DTRA director in 2020, having
previously been the agency’s director of development, test and
evaluation. He led the Department of Defense’s program to
develop capabilities to detect, locate and neutralize foreign WMD
and improvised explosive devices. Williams also served as Assistant
Deputy Administrator for Nonproliferation at the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) of the US Department of Energy,
the organization responsible for the country’s nuclear weapons
C. Joanna Wintrol
Wintrol headed DTRA projects in Ukraine until 2021 at the US
Embassy in Kiev’s Defense Threat Reduction Office.
Emails published by the MoD revealed she directly supervised
experiments with deadly pathogens, including the UP-2 Project for
“mapping highly infectious diseases in Ukraine,” including anthrax;
the UP-4 Project, described as a “risk assessment of particularly
dangerous pathogens transmitted by birds in Ukraine during
migration”; the UP-8 Project studying “spread of Crimean-Congo
hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine and the
potential need for differential diagnosis of patients with suspected
leptospirosis. Previously released documents showed she also
oversaw Project P-782, conducting research into the transmission
of diseases through bats.
Wintrol moved to Chemical Security and Elimination (CSE) in early
2021. According to a DTRA publication, CSE was formerly known as
the Chemical Weapons Elimination (CWE) program and the
Chemical Weapons Destruction (CWD) program. The effort
“started in 1992 to build the capacity of the states of the Former
Soviet Union (FSU) to reduce the threat from chemical weapons
(CW) by securing and eliminating CW stockpiles, chemical research
capabilities, and production facilities, while also redirecting
scientists to peaceful purposes,” the agency said.
D. Steven L. Edwards
Since 2013, Edwards has been the CEO of American engineering
firm Black & Veatch, a longtime contractor for the Pentagon used
for a variety of construction tasks. He has been with the company
since 1978 and was formerly its Chief Operating Officer.
Black & Veatch was long known to be working on Pentagon projects
in Ukraine, but the documents seized by Russian forces earlier this
month revealed the firm’s job in overseeing biological programs
there, including the UP-8 project previously mentioned, studying
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis and hantaviruses.
E. Lance Lippencott
He has been the project manager in Ukraine for Black & Veatch
since 2011 and its biological project coordinator. In August 2021,
he told the Kansas City Business Journal that his work on airborne
biological agents in Ukraine had helped Black & Veatch to develop
a device for purifying air of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, the virus
that causes COVID-19. Lippencott is a graduate of the US Army
Military Academy at West Point.
In one of the documents published by the MoD, a report from the
Security Service of Ukraine’s Kherson region referred to “a
potential threat to the epidemiological and epizootic situation in
our country that has recently come to light as a result of DTRA’s
intentions through Black & Veatch to establish control over the
functioning of Ukrainian microbiological laboratories that
conduct research into particularly dangerous pathogens that can
be used to create or upgrade new types of biological weapons.”
Another document from Lippencott to the Ukrainian Ministry of
Defense concerns the extension of the UP-8 project mentioned
F. David Mustra
"Issues of biomonitoring and transfer of information were
supervised by David Mustra, who is closely associated with another
Pentagon contractor, Metabiota,” Konashenkov said. “Previously,
he led military bio-projects in Ukraine and Eastern Europe as part
of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program.”
Mustra was the company’s biosafety recruitment manager in
Ukraine, its biosurveillance and control managers, and the head of
Metabiota’s research and development.
G. Mary Guttieri
With a doctorate in microbiology from UMass Amherst, Guttieri
was the Executive Vice President at Metabiota from 2014 until
2019, and was previously the vice president of its Science &
Technology Administration. She is now the lead scientist at
Labyrinth Global Health.
In Ukraine, Guttieri was the integrator of research projects for the
US biology program and supervised the execution of biological
projects related to the research of animals as vectors of disease.
H. Nita Madhav
Madhav has been the CEO of Metabiota since 2019. She specializes
in epidemiology and pandemics and has a PhD in Public Health.
However, according to the Russian MoD, there was no information
in the documents about her supervising any specific biological
programs in Ukraine.
I. Scott Thornton
Thorton was Metabiota’s senior microbiologist and laboratory
start-up coordinator between 2006 and 2016. He previously spent
20 years in the US Navy, where he worked as a research
microbiologist and head of the Navy’s Threat Assessment
Department. According to his CV, Thornton did his work at secret
facilities, including one in Cairo, Egypt, and “conducted research
on disease agents of military relevance, especially enteric
In Ukraine, Thornton advised local staff on highly dangerous
pathogens as well as other epidemic disease related issues in DTRA
projects, and coordinated the upgrade of reference laboratories in
Ukraine to biosafety level 3 (BSL-3), which are used to study
infectious agents or toxins that may be transmitted through the air
and cause potentially lethal infections.
Following the breakup of the Soviet Union Russia in 1991 opened its doors and files to
western analysists and even the CIA. It cleaned house and disavowed biological and
chemical weapon research. The US swooped in and collected those biological and
chemical weapons, and according to US top official in Ukraine Robert Pope, continued
that research right on Russia’s doorstep. That, is duplicitous treachery. Russia became
aware of this treachery and said: “We don’t want those weapons on our doorstep!” and
went about securing them, and the western mainstream media (MSM) “news” then sells
the lie: There are no bioweapons in Ukraine, while at the same US officials have admitted
there are, totally confident US taxpayers and voters along with the rest of the
international community will swallow the lie and either never hear the factual admissions
of US officials asserting there are indeed biological weapons in American funded and
operated laboratories in Ukraine, or perhaps just not care.
28. Do You, Mr. President think death from biological weapons is pleasant?
ABOVE: Anthrax Events (outbreak) map 2005 – 2016
The Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) appears to not be the solution, but rather the
problem, because there are always “containment breeches” (leaks).
ReT49fqZEs/index.html There is a video on the above linked site well worth watching. Victim nations of the
US drive for hegemony in perpetuity (including those afflicted by smear campaigns like the “China Virus”
and deadly pathogens) should have a voice, and not be censored by the US or anyone.
Cholera Outbreaks: Impact, Prevention, Control Dr P.K. Bardhan, International Centre for Diarrhoeal
Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B)
29. Did it ever occur to You, Mr. President that provoking a war in a nation with 30+
US biological “research” labs could lead to release of biological pathogens that
could lead to a pandemic far worse than COVID-19?
“The freezers go off…”
30. Are there ever or often leaks from those BSL-3 & 4 labs?
A report by the bulletin of the Atomic Scientists lists 123
“incident” reports obtained by FOI requests for containment
breeches in BSL-4 laboratories relating only to ‘human error’
The total number of containment breeches is unquestionably
much higher.
Europeans have made some efforts in this direction, however
only in Europe.
It is worth repeating that of the 182 signatories to the Biological Weapons Convention
(BWC), the US is the only one that pulled out of negotiations for a checking mechanism in
That makes sense. It’s too bad it required a military intervention by Russia for US security
officials to destroy those deadly pathogens as it should have done decades ago, if indeed
they did, as transporting them another location outside Ukraine would be all too easy
given that US diplomats can transport anything anywhere without inspection as per their
diplomatic immunity.
Steven Edwards
31. Evidence of US funded (DTRA) and operated (Black & Veatch Special Projects
Corp.) biological research in Ukraine from US Federal Contractor Registration
Probable cause is proven by laptop details, US officials’ statements and US
government records
Add those 1) admissions to 2) details from Hunter Biden’s laptop and 3) US government
records, and there is probable cause for a criminal investigation into violations of
American and international laws prohibiting the creation, storing, transporting and
research on deadly pathogens. There are also issues involving destroying evidence,
witness tampering, obstructing justice and so on.
For a first hand look at some of the US’ documents pertaining to biological
pathogen research in Ukraine secured by Russian military in Ukraine, see:
In Brinegar v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court defines
probable cause as "where the facts and circumstances within the
officers' knowledge, and of which they have reasonably
trustworthy information, are sufficient in themselves to warrant a
belief by a man of reasonable caution that a crime is being
While the US government claims to stand against terror, this same
government refuses to acknowledge its role in creating what has
become a deadly international quagmire.
Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World sets the
record straight by laying the blame on high-ranking US government
During the 1980s, the CIA recruited and trained Muslim operatives
to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Later, the CIA would move those operatives from Afghanistan to
the Balkans, and then to Iraq, Libya, and Syria, traveling on illegal
US visas.
These US-backed and trained fighters would morph into an
organization that is synonymous with jihadist terrorism: al-Qaeda. 14
Are American trained and financed neo-Nazi groups any different from al-Qaeda and
other terrorist groups? Both engage in mass murder and thus are the same.
116th CONGRESS, 1st Session, S. 894
To authorize dedicated domestic terrorism offices within the
Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation to analyze and monitor
domestic terrorist activity and require the Federal Government to
take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.
Mr. Durbin (for himself, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Booker, Mr. Cardin,
Mr. Coons, Ms. Duckworth, Ms. Harris, Mr. Kaine, Ms. Klobuchar,
Mr. Markey, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Schatz, and Mr.
Reed) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and
referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To authorize dedicated domestic terrorism offices within the
Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and
How many other terrorist groups has the US supported? There is also former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton’s very open public support for the internationally recognized LTTE terrorist group in Sri Lanka, and
even this author visited a US designed (and Saudi funded) Talban training madrassa near Islamabad
accompanied by Pakistani military in November 1993 while working as a journalist.
the Federal Bureau of Investigation to analyze and monitor
domestic terrorist activity and require the Federal Government to
take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act
of 2019”.
SEC. 2. Findings.
Congress finds the following:
(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the
most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United
(2) On February 22, 2019, a Trump Administration United States
Department of Justice official wrote in a New York Times op-ed
that “white supremacy and far-right extremism are among the
greatest domestic-security threats facing the United States.
Regrettably, over the past 25 years, law enforcement, at both the
Federal and State levels, has been slow to respond. … Killings
committed by individuals and groups associated with far-right
extremist groups have risen significantly.”.
(3) An April 2017 Government Accountability Office report on the
significant, lethal threat posed by domestic violent extremists
explained that “since September 12, 2001, the number of fatalities
caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in
a given year.” The report noted: “Fatalities resulting from attacks
by far-right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused
by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and
were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001. Of the
85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since
September 12, 2001, far right-wing violent extremist groups were
responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent
extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).”.
(4) An unclassified May 2017 joint intelligence bulletin from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland
Security found that “white supremacist extremism poses [a]
persistent threat of lethal violence,” and that White supremacists
“were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to
2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement”.
(5) Fatal terrorist attacks by far-right-wing extremists include— ...
Aren’t there any laws prohibiting this kind of thing?
Yes, but they are not enforced if the attackers are American. Funding American terrorist
groups (like the CIA and other American neo-Nazi groups) is quite OK – no problem.
However, providing funding and or weapons to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi (terrorist) groups
such as US and EU governments have been routinely doing for years might pass this
threshold. See for example document released by United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights:
That document directly implicates AZOV, and should in a just world prove to anyone
that the war in Ukraine began in 2014, not with Russia’s armed intervention in February
2022 as US government officials keep claiming.
18 U.S. Code § 2339B - Providing material support or resources to
designated foreign terrorist organizations
Whoever knowingly provides material support or resources to a
foreign terrorist organization, or attempts or conspires to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years,
or both, and, if the death of any person results, shall be imprisoned
for any term of years or for life. To violate this paragraph, a person
must have knowledge that the organization is a designated
terrorist organization (as defined in subsection (g)(6)), that the
organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as defined
in section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), or
that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism (as
defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization
Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989).
And there is this:
18 U.S. Code § 175 - Prohibitions with respect to biological
(a) In General.—
Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers,
acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or
delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign
state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or
conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is
extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this
section committed by or against a national of the United States. (Bold text
added by this author)
There is no doubt Russian President views US biolabs loaded with deadly highly
contagious biological pathogens right on his border as highly threatening. It’s big world.
Why right on his border(?) unless they are there as a threat (at minimum) or weapon,
regardless as to the excuses by US officials, who appear to have earned themselves
potential life sentences in federal prisons. Thus, no doubt, corporate controlled
mainstream media (MSM) will censor the whole illegal biolabs story to ensure the voting
public never hears about until years in the future, if civilization as we know it survives that
Russia, along with 181 other nations did sign the Biological Weapons Convention Treaty,
whereas the USA does not comply with inspection regulations, adding credibility to the
Russian position on this issue, and completely revoking any credibility on the part of the
And now, an unpopular president is using American
coercive influence and weapons, including highly
contagious biological pathogens that can be used as
biological weapons, and manipulating European allies
into an unpopular war again - stealthy protected by
corporate owned and controlled American
mainstream “news” industry – a war that can all to
easily turn into thermonuclear Armageddon
overnight following the exact same methods as
described by Lt. Col. (ret.) Karen U. Kwiatkowski and
former US Dept. of State official and diplomat Michael
Springmann in launching previous unjust and illegal
wars. Someone can dismiss allegations brought
forward by as Russian propaganda,
but fact checking their sources proves it to be 100%
accurate at least in the above quoted article.
32. Credibility issues regarding Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW)
There has never been a credible international body to regulate the development of
potential dual-use biological pathogens and chemical weapons. Furthermore, one
organization alone could not do the job due to potential conflicts of interest and
subsequent potential bias as in the case of well substantiated coverups by the OPCW as
investigated by numerous journalists including The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté, European
parliamentarians Mick Wallace and Clare Daley, five former OPCW officials, other WMD
inspectors, international diplomats, and others.
International negotiations in Geneva to conclude a protocol to the
1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) collapsed after the
United States rejected the protocol in late July, casting uncertainty
over the talks’ future. BWC states-parties had been meeting since
1995 under a body known as the Ad Hoc Group to negotiate the
protocol—a legally binding agreement to strengthen the BWC,
which outlaws biological weapons but does not contain verification
Because of these dual-use dilemmas, the BWC Protocol was not
designed to be capable of detecting violations with a level of
confidence comparable to that of verification systems for treaties
controlling nuclear or chemical arms. Instead, the primary aim of
the Protocol was to provide greater information about, and access
to, dual-capable facilities and activities that could potentially be
misdirected for BW purposes. Such increased transparency was
believed to provide a useful deterrent by complicating any efforts
of countries attempting to defraud their BWC obligations.
The monitoring regime contained in the draft BWC Protocol has
three basic elements:
• mandatory declarations of dual-capable activities and facilities;
• routine visits to declared facilities, without specific evidence of a
treaty violation; and
• short-notice challenge investigations, requested by a member-
state, of a suspect facility, an alleged use of biological weapons, or
a suspicious outbreak of disease, so as to address concerns about
possible noncompliance.
DARPA is the US central coordinating organization for deadly pathogens. The FY2021
enacted budget was $3,500 billion. (This is now
a “dead” link – how ironic.)
The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) entered into force on 26 March 1975 however
the history of this legislation dates back to June 17, 1925 in the wake of WWI.
It’s a slippery slope when nations start researching potential bioweapons without
oversight because they have to create and/or collect, store and often transport them to
research those potential weapons. The American Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) has for decades done, and routinely continues to do all three in hundreds
of secretive labs around the world without external monitoring of any kind.
33. Political and Judicial corruption and US failure to comply with Biological
Weapons Convention (BWC)
According to Brooks, lawmakers who want to be chairman of a
major committee “have to purchase it.” Either the National
Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) or Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) will charge members
of Congress a fee to chair a committee for two years.
The fee varies depending on how important the committee is, but
bidding for a top-tier chairmanship starts at $1 million, Brooks
claimed. One unnamed candidate running to lead the NRCC literally
showed representatives “a brochure” of his prices, Brooks claimed,
explaining that the prospective NRCC chief had broken his pricing
down into three tiers, and boasted that he would charge less than
other candidates.
Those who can’t afford to cough up a million dollars take donations
from special interest groups, and are then beholden to these
lobbyists once in office, Brooks continued.
“Now you understand how the public policy debate is so corrupted,”
he said.
Party officials deny that payments are linked to committee
assignments, and refer to this system as paying “dues.” However,
it has come under criticism before.
“They told us right off the bat as soon as we get here, ‘These
committees all have prices and don’t pick an expensive one if you
can’t make the payments,’” Kentucky Representative Thomas
Massie (R) said in 2016, referring to the payments as “extortion”
and refusing to pay up.
Massie also described in 2016 how, earlier in his political career, a
lobbyist from “the medical device sector” offered to pay for his seat
on the House Ways and Means Committee, a powerful slot that
would see the Kentucky Republican shape tax policy. The unspoken
implication, Massie wrote, was that he would then owe the lobbyist
his favor.
“It was one of the scummiest meetings I’ve ever been in,” Massie
said. “I left just reeling, thinking about the implications for how this
place works, when you realize that the lobbyists pick who goes on
which committee.” …
It was that Twitter message by GOP Rep Mo Brooks that set off this landslide of
revelations regarding payoffs for political positions and how lobby groups really rule the
The use of the phrase “Quid pro quo” in that original Twitter message is particularly
important. How so?
The story of the most recent phase of political corruption starts with a Supreme Court
decision in a now infamous decision called: Citizens United vs. FEC (Federal Election
In order to get a more complete picture of the 7 ±2 factors leading the USA and world
inexorably towards WWIII one must also take into account the structure of the duopolistic
democratic system in the USA, which leans more and more towards populism and permits
unlimited anonymous “donations” to political parties. Thus, politicians are also corporate
owned, regardless as to the Supreme Court’s fatally errant assertion [in Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)] that there is no quid pro quo
relationship between political “donations” and political decisions.
[In defense of the use of the adjective “errant” above, see for example: Christopher
Robertson, D. Alex Winkelman, Kelly Bergstrand, Darren Modzelewski, The Appearance
and the Reality of Quid Pro Quo Corruption: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Legal
Analysis, Volume 8, Issue 2, Winter 2016, Pages 375–438,] Accessed via:
In defense of the adverb: “fatally” please consider:
The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion - Numbers are
numbing, especially numbers that rise into the millions. But please
remember that each person killed represents someone’s loved one
- by Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies
Taking ORB’s estimate of 1.033 million killed by June 2007, then
applying a variation of Just Foreign Policy’s methodology from July
2007 to the present using revised figures from Iraq Body Count, we
estimate that 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed since 2003 as a
result of our country’s illegal invasion, with a minimum of 1.5
million and a maximum of 3.4 million.
Just to ensure the reader does not get lost in the details here, what happened is the US
Supreme Court (SCOTUS) essentially legalized corruption in US law by flatly denying that
there are quid pro quo relationships between donations to politicians and the decisions
those politicians later make.
The crucial importance of the Tweet above comes from strong evidence constituting
proof that quid pro quo relationships do in fact exist between lobby groups, politicians,
power within the US political system and the decisions they make. Please watch the video
on that Tweet if the reader doubts the veracity and seriousness of this.
That tragically horrid SCOTUS decision in Citizens United vs. FEC decision led to further
decisions which led to further decisions that led to today’s unlimited anonymous political
“donations” and absolute corruption in US politics. What the Supreme Court did, is
legalized corruption and it certainly appears WWIII, thermonuclear destruction and leaks
from the 300+ American biological laboratory freezers are going to be the result. Had
President Biden been a law-abiding moral man that was capable of critical thinking and
thought for himself, instead of simply a spokesperson for corporate greed, none of this
would be happening. But it is, and there is no turning back the clock on this.
That Tweet, dated Apr 15, 2022 - 10:20 PM is an example what I wrote above… I can’t just
ignore evidence like that in a book on events leading to the Biden clan’s corruption in
Ukraine, and US political support for creating that conflict in the first place in 2014 with a
US funded and organized (by USAID, NED other NGOs, and American intelligence
operatives) “color revolution” (“Maidan protests” actually bought and paid for violent
riots) that overthrew the democratically elected president, and subsequent slaughter of
all who objected to the US installing a US puppet to rule Ukraine under the very thin guise
of US approved legitimacy. Please keep in mind it was a 100-fold sudden increase in that
human slaughter of innocents in Donbass that finally made President Putin decide to put
an end it. He, as a moral man that cherishes life, had no choice, and US intelligence knew
that and provoked it with that knowledge in mind.
Anyone like this writer, that studied the details of events leading to President Putin’s
decision to invade Ukraine, will come to the same conclusion, and it should be the
weapons-related corporate CEOs, corrupted political system in the US, SCOTUS and the
slavish MSM so-called “news” CEOs and producers that should be on trial in the Hague,
not President Putin. “Just following orders” didn’t work as a defense at the Nuremberg
trials and it shouldn’t work for today’s neo-Nazis in industry, politics, the courts or “news”
media either.15
To put this in the framework of the average TV watcher, the situation is like this: Do you remember the
3-year TV series called “Nikita,” wherein the super-sexy-spy-assassin Nikita long with her former trainer and
lover Michael again and again tried to destroy the “little black boxes” that contained all the dirty secrets of
crimes committed by politicians, CIA and other black ops groups like their own, in order to protect the
security and stability of the United States of America? What’s happening now however in the real world,
with the USA and world balancing on the edge of thermonuclear destruction because of those dirty secrets
Judicial corruption in the US
Unfortunately court orders in the US mandating public dissemination of information
about the location of potential chemical and biological weapons are unlikely to appear
given 1) the overwhelming power of the American intelligence apparatus and 2)
widespread (political and) judicial corruption as the Wall Street Journal revealed: “131
Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest - The
judges failed to recuse themselves from 685 lawsuits from 2010 to 2018 involving firms
in which they or their family held shares, a Wall Street Journal investigation found,” by
James Grimaldi, Coulter Jones, and Joe Palazzolo,
Nobody profits from a “good” old-fashioned global pandemic (or biological weapons war)
more than pharmaceutical corporations and US Congressional representatives profit
hugely from pharmaceutical corporations.
• Congress invests big in pharmaceutical, tech stocks, by Karl Evers-Hillstrom, April
27, 2020
• Exclusive: Investments give lawmakers personal stake in biotech, health care, by
Sheila Kaplan and Ike Swetlitz, December 1, 2015
• Pharma is showering Congress with cash, even as drug makers race to fight the
coronavirus, Aug. 10, 2020, interactives by Kaitlyn Bartley, story by Lev Facher
• FDA medical adviser: ‘Congress is owned by pharma’, by Adriana Belmonte,
March 13, 2019
These Senators Received the Biggest Checks from Pharma
Companies Testifying Tuesday, by Michela Tindera, Feb 26, 2019
According to a Forbes review of Federal Election Commission filings
from 2009 through the end of 2018, PACs of AbbVie , AstraZeneca ,
Bristol-Myers Squibb , Johnson & Johnson , Merck, Pfizer and Sanofi
the seven companies set to appear before the Senate Finance
Committee—have contributed some $1.6 million to the campaign
- now is the time those secrets have to come out in order to prevent that thermonuclear destruction. The
good news is, if those secrets are exposed in full, and WWIII prevented, maybe Nikita and Michael can come
back for another season to show how they really did in the end save the world by finally releasing those dirty
awful secrets in the little black boxes!
committees of 27 out of 28 current members of the Finance
Twenty-seven out of 28 current members of the United States Senate Committee on
Finance profited from pharmaceutical corporation “donations.” That is prima facie
evidence of saturation corruption at the highest levels of the US government.
It is highly unlikely the US Congress will back off the American quest for global hegemony
given the number of senators and representatives that also personally profit from war.
Legislation to mandate the creation of an independent investigatory agency tasked with
ensuring compliance with international biological and chemical weapons treaties will
never happen in the US without substantial outside pressure because it must first be
passed by a majority in Congress, too many of whom have substantial “conflicts of interest”
as referenced above. Maybe World War III will change their minds, but alas, it will be too
34. If Russia had biological research facilities on the border of the US in Mexico or
Canada, producing, storing and/or researching deadly pathogens that could be
used as biological weapons, would the US a) passively tolerate that, or b)
potentially go to war to take control of them?
35. Are potentially “dual-use” biological pathogens any less or potentially more
dangerous than nuclear weapons?
Would it be considered “self-defense” if the US forcibly secured those
facilities as in the scenario described in the above question?
Also see: By Scott
Ritter, former US Marine, on General Schwarzkopf's staff during the Gulf War and from
1991-1998 worked as a UN weapons inspector)
President Biden’s statement released by the White House on 2022.02.23 called Russia’s
military intervention in Ukraine “unprovoked.”
36. Would You, Mr. President like to see President Putin removed from power?
A timeline on the current phase of the Ukraine War
The United States and Ukraine Started the War—Not Russia, by
Richard Ochs - April 9, 2022
or eight years, Ukraine terrorized the people of Eastern Ukraine
with U.S. weapons but this was never reported on.
Timeline leading to current Ukraine War
• 1991 When Ukraine claimed its independence from the voluntarily
dissolved USSR, it positioned itself as a non-aligned state capable of
protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity. This principle was
enshrined in its Declaration of State Sovereignty: “The Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic solemnly declares its intention to become a permanently
neutral state 16 that does not participate in military blocs and upholds
three nuclear-free principles, i.e., never to accept, produce or purchase
any nuclear weapons.” Ukraine’s Constitution adopted in 1996 contained
a similar clause.
• 1992 The 1992 draft Defence Planning Guidance (DPG), crafted by
then-Defense Department staffers I. Lewis Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, and
Zalmay Khalilzad is widely regarded as an early formulation of the
neoconservatives’ post-Cold War agenda laying out a series of economic
and military objectives intended to ensure a U.S.-led unipolar global
system... According to the draft DPG, the United States must also “show
the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds
the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire
to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their
legitimate interests.” The phrase: “convincing potential competitors,” is a
thinly veiled threat to any nation that might want to compete with the US
in any way, shape or form. In other words, it does not even allow other
“Non-alignment is self-determined by a state and isn't required to be enacted by international treaties.
Although it involves non-participation in military alliances and blocs, the country retains the right to
unilaterally reconsider its non-aligned status at any time. Besides, a non-aligned state can participate in
armed conflicts, including those on foreign soil, and is free to enter into defense cooperation agreements
with military alliances and individual states. Neutrality, on the other hand, has to be defined by an
international treaty and recognized by other subjects of international law. This status, in essence, implies
that a state undertakes to implement the following: it can’t allow other countries to wage wars on its
territory; participate in military operations abroad or discriminate against any of the warring parties in the
way weapons, ammunition and other implements of warfare are supplied to them.”
nations a right to defend themselves, or grow economically if that
economic growth might compete with the USA.17
That establishment of a unipolar global system strongly resembles Pope Boniface VIII's November 18,
1302 papal bull, Unam Sanctam (One Faith), that established salvation is only available through the Church,
and that the Church wields “two swords” that represent both spiritual and temporal power. Among other
pronouncements, it concluded: “it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be
subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Please remember that was called the “Medieval Age” for a reason.
“Full-spectrum dominance” sounds like it means absolute domination of the entire earth by the US
forever, probably because that was and remains its intent. Think about the 2020 movie “Antebellum”
without even the possibility of ever waking into some semblance of a civilized world.
own “Declaration of State Sovereignty” and 1996
Constitution. “Joining NATO in this context was viewed by
Ukraine’s European partners as a stage on its way
towards EU membership, as this was something most
other candidate states did before.”
• 2014, January U.S. military trainers arrive in Ukraine.
• 2014, February Democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor
Yanukovych overthrown in Western-supported Maidan coup causing
widespread rebellion against American backed leadership.
• 2014, March Ukraine started a war against those objecting to the
American backed coup and killed 10,000 Russian-speakers in Eastern
• 2014, September 5 Minsk agreements to end the war in the Donbas
region of Ukraine. The Minsk Protocol, was drafted in 2014 by the
Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine, consisting of Ukraine, Russia, and
the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), with
mediation by the leaders of France and Germany in the so-called
Normandy Format. After extensive talks in Minsk, Belarus, the
agreement was signed on 5 September 2014 by representatives of the
Trilateral Contact Group and, without recognition of their status, by the
then-leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and
Luhansk People's Republic (LPR). This agreement followed multiple
previous attempts to stop the fighting in the region and aimed to
implement an immediate ceasefire.
• 2015, February Ceasefire agreements at Minsk were
violated by Kyiv, continuing war.
• 2019, May Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president of
Ukraine after false peace promise.
• 2019, May U.S. Rand Corp. think tank issued a manifesto
to destroy Russia.
• 2021, March Russian troops appeared at the Ukrainian
• 2022, February 17 Ukraine attacked a kindergarten in
Donetsk, blaming Donbass separatists.[3] (One of many
“false flag operations” designed to frame rebels
contesting the American imposed government with
crimes they did not commit.)
[3: US Secretary of War Lloyd Austin told Margaret
Brennan on Face the Nation on March 20, 2022 “Our
trainers have been in Ukraine since 2014.”]
• 2022, Feb. 21 Kyiv increased its shelling of Donbass by a
factor of 100 within four days. [4]
• 2022, February 21 Russia recognized independence of
Donetsk and Luhansk.
• 2022, February 22 Donetsk reported intelligence that
Ukraine planned invasion of Donbass
• 2022, February 24 President Putin launches military
operation to protect innocents in Ukraine from Ukrainian
military, disarm paramilitary neo-Nazis responsible for
most of the killing, and secure its borders from deadly
biological pathogens stored in multiple locations in
From multiple sources including:
A childish deception
• March 8, 2022 Bloomberg announces:
Russia Is Now the World's Most-Sanctioned Nation
Invasion of Ukraine prompted blitz of 2,778 new sanctions
c) After an eight-year bloodbath in Donbass US proxies have finally provoked Russia
into a dual humanitarian intervention to stop that bloodbath & defensive action
to remove ever increasing neo-Nazi militias with growing influence in the Ukraine
government and military, and rapid expansion of biological pathogen research
that threaten Russia even more-so than nuclear weapons.
d) Then the US sanctions Russia to the high heavens preventing its ordinary energy
e) And then blames Russia for US and global inflation labeling it as “Putin’s price
Blaming Russians is a favorite ploy of the Bidens.
This is comic book bad-guy simple, hitting the poorest people in the world hardest and
hugely contributing to starvation worldwide.
Fortunately, American citizens do not appear to be the complete idiots President Biden’s
advisors think they are as his approval ratings drop to new lows.
Biden’s approval falls to new low amid economic pessimism,
inflation woes, CNBC survey finds
April 13, 2022 by Steve Liesman
President Joe Biden’s approval rating slid to a new low of 38%,
according to CNBC’s All-America Survey.
His approval rating on the economy dropped for a fourth
consecutive survey.
As inflation rises, 47% of participants say the economy is “poor,” the highest
number in that category since 2012.
think, that Democrats really are valiant heroes fighting off the forces of evil embodied in
the form of President Putin.
In the military sector, the USA could enjoy high benefits, with low
costs and risks, by increasing the number of land-based troops from
the NATO countries working in an anti-Russian function.
The USA can enjoy high probabilities of success and high benefits,
with moderate risks, especially by investing mainly in strategic
bombers and long-range attack missiles directed against Russia.
Leaving the INF Treaty and deploying in Europe new intermediate-
range nuclear missiles pointed at Russia would lead to high
probabilities of success, but would also present high risks.
By calibrating each option to gain the desired effect – conclude the
Rand analysts – Russia would end up by paying the hardest price in
a confrontation, but the USA would also have to invest huge
resources, which would therefore no longer be available for other
objectives. This is also prior warning of a coming major increase in
USA/NATO military spending, to the disadvantage of social budgets.
This is the future that is planned out for us by the Rand Corporation,
the most influential think tank of the Deep State – in other words
the underground centre of real power gripped by the economic,
financial, and military oligarchies – which determines the strategic
choices not only of the USA, but all of the Western world.
For the original Rand Corporation document, see:
The above exactly what the US is trying to do to Russia, with President Putin as the focal
point of US corporate-driven political/media aggression in an effort to succeed at another
“regime change,” which is normal English should read: “illegally overthrow another
Is that the way a democracy is supposed to work, with faceless employees of a
sprawling US capitalist think tank determining foreign policy decisions instead of
elected officials? In any case, that’s the way it does work.
The phrase: “regime change” is a misnomer widely and almost exclusively used by the US
to refer to the illegal overthrow of foreign governments. That phrase was created to
reframe (“spin”) the phrase “overthrow foreign governments” to make egregious
violations of international law (and all moral philosophies) more palatable to American
voters. Typing the phrase “regime change” into Google yields 2,190,000,000 references
proving, or at minimum strongly supporting the notion that US mainstream “news” media
robotically parrots that misnomer without challenge or question, regardless as to its
categorically illegal, unethical and cruel intent (which reaffirms the notion of US
mainstream “news” media19 complicity in all US’ illegal foreign operations).
sovereignty and political independence of other States, with the
aim of overthrowing their governments,
Conscious of the fact that such policies endanger the political
independence of States, freedom of peoples and permanent
sovereignty over their natural resources, adversely affecting
thereby the maintenance of international peace and security,
Conscious of the imperative need for all foreign forces engaged in
military occupation, intervention or interference to be completely
withdrawn to their own territories, so that people under colonial
domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes may freely and
fully exercise their right to self-determination, so as to enable
people of all States to administer their own affairs and determine
their own political, economic and social system without external
interference or control,
Conscious also of the imperative need for any threat of aggression,
any recruitment, any use of armed bands, in particular mercenaries,
against sovereign States to be completely ended, so as to enable
the peoples of all States to determine their own political, economic
and social systems without external interference or control,
Recognizing that full observance of the principles of non-
intervention and non-interference in the internal and external
affairs of sovereign States and peoples, either directly or indirectly,
overtly or covertly, is essential to the fulfilment of the purposes and
principles of the Charter of the United Nations…
…Then President Joe Biden told the world from Warsaw on March
26 that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin ‘cannot remain in
power,’ the White House quickly sought to downplay the U.S.
leader's remarks, noting that Biden's remarks were not a call for
"regime change" in Moscow.
But Biden then told reporters he was "not walking back anything,"
and that his words were an expression of his "moral outrage" at the
atrocities he believed a man he's branded a "war criminal" has
been responsible for throughout the ongoing war in Ukraine…
Regime change has been the US goal in Russia for years - For all
the damage control that followed Biden’s ‘Putin cannot remain in
power’ remark, that’s exactly what Washington wishes for by
Scott Ritter (Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer who
served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF
Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and
from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector.)
Biden departed the venue and headed straight for Air Force One,
which was standing by to fly him back to the US. Before his plane
could get off the ground, the White House was scrambling to
contain the damage done by Biden’s most recent gaffe. “The
President’s point,” an unnamed White House official explained to
the press, “was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over
his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in
Russia, or regime change.” / Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat,
also stepped up to explain away Biden’s remarks. “[In the EU] we
are not after a regime change, that is something for the Russian
citizens to decide, if they of course could decide that.” /
Unfortunately for both Blinken and Borrell, the evidence seems to
suggest otherwise. According to British journalist Niall Ferguson, a
senior Biden administration official was quoted as saying, prior to
Biden’s slip of the tongue, that in the aftermath of the Russian
military incursion into Ukraine, “The only end game now is the end
of Putin regime. Until then, all the time Putin stays, [Russia] will be
a pariah state that will never be welcomed back into the community
of nations.”
Neither the sentiment (i.e., Putin has to go) nor the mechanism of
regime change (that the Russian people will force him out)
represent new thinking in terms of the West’s approach to the
current Russian government. In fact, both are well known to
Russia. According to Michael McFaul, the US Ambassador to
Russia from 2012-2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin believes
that the US works hard to foster regime changes around the
world, including in Russia, through the vehicle of so-called “color
revolutions” or mass civil uprisings. / Back in 2005, McFaul himself
wrote an entire paper on US efforts at regime change in the
former USSR. This was one of the reasons that President Barack
Obama’s decision to send him to Moscow proved so unpopular
with the Russian side…
Incidents such as the ‘spy rock’ led the Russian government to crack
down on foreign-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
first passing laws which compelled groups that receive foreign
funding and are deemed to engage in political activities to register
as “foreign agents,” before barring NGOs altogether if they were
deemed to pose a threat to Russia’s constitutional order, defense
or security. The list of banned organizations included USAID,
prompting the Obama administration to withdraw from the Civil
Society Working Group of the US-Russia Bilateral Presidential
Commission. Thomas Melia, the group’s American co-chair,
observed that the “recent steps taken by the Russian government
to impose restrictions on civil society…called into serious question
whether maintaining that mechanism was either useful or
appropriate.” His sentiments were echoed by State Department
spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, who told the press that “the
working group was not advancing the cause of civil society in
Left unspoken was the reality that what the US called “advancing
the cause of civil society in Russia” was seen by Russia as little more
than thinly disguised efforts at regime change through foreign-
funded “color revolution.”
Daily Mirror: "Dear Russian friends. We are writing to you because
we want you to know the truth about the war in Ukraine… But we
also know there is no free press in Russia and your leaders are
deceiving you with a daily diet of lies about the war in Ukraine".
Boris Johnson: "The Russians deserve the truth, you deserve to
know the facts".
In other words, they seriously believe that Russian citizens are cut
off from world news and, like in the good old days, still listen to
foreign "voices" through their tube radios, trying to catch the signal
that occasionally breaks through the "jammers". How poorly they
know our people and understand the situation in Russia! A fact well
proved by Johnson, who fancies himself as Prometheus, bringing
the Russian people the secret knowledge of "fire" - in this case, the
mysterious acronym VPN. And how, one wonders, before Boris,
could we have known about such a miracle of modern technology?
If necessary, our people are ready to share this knowledge with the
British, we don't mind.
I would like to remind those Western critics who have suddenly
developed a "love for the Russian people" that it was not Russia
who started turning on the "jammers", as was the case during the
Cold War. It was the West, contrary to all its fairytales about
"freedom of speech" and its own laws, that began mercilessly
sweeping Russian media outlets and even users of social networks
sympathetic to Russia the information expanse, putting them
under the single label of "Kremlin propaganda". And our response
was just reciprocal and symmetrical.
Schwarzenegger and company genuinely believe that we haven't
seen footage of the destruction in Mariupol or other cities.
Confessing his "love for the Russian people", Arnold refers to his
childhood memories of meeting our great heavyweight weightlifter
Yury Vlasov. Ask Schwarzenegger if he has heard anything about
what has been going on in Makeevka, his childhood idol's
birthplace, for eight years, the ex-governor of California would be
most surprised. Show him footage of Ukrainian troops razing this
city to the ground in 2014-2015, and ask him why he did not
remember the name of the great Vlasov back then – he will shrug
it off, and that is it. Kindergartens, schools, and hospitals in
Makeevka – everything was indiscriminately shelled. But there
were no such appeals to the Ukrainian people and UAF soldiers by
Western actors, politicians, and writers. They had no interest
Boris Johnson believes that the Russian viewer or reader has heard
nothing at all about the events in Bucha. If we turn on a VPN and
read the British press, the scales will immediately fall from our eyes.
He probably has no idea that if there is a place, it is in our media
that the events in the town near Kiev are analyzed frame by frame,
minute by minute, with reference to primary sources, including,
first and foremost, Ukrainian ones. I have not seen in any Western
publication such a detailed analysis of these horrifying images as
we have. Perhaps I haven't seen it because a thorough analysis of
the chronology of the events in Bucha refutes the myths about
"brutal Russians executing defenseless people"…
Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master
List by William Blum
“Instances of the United States overthrowing or
attempting to overthrow a foreign government since the
Second World War.”
(* indicates successful ouster of a government)
“China 1949 to early 1960s, Albania 1949-53, East Germany
1950s, Iran 1953*, Guatemala 1954*, Costa Rica mid-1950s,
Syria 1956-7, Egypt 1957, Indonesia 1957-8, British Guiana
1953-64*, Iraq 1963*, North Vietnam 1945-73, Cambodia
1955-70*, Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960*, Ecuador 1960-63*,
Congo 1960*, France 1965, Brazil 1962-64*, Dominican
Republic 1963*, Cuba 1959 to present, Bolivia 1964*,
Indonesia 1965*, Ghana 1966*, Chile 1964-73*, Greece
1967*, Costa Rica 1970-71, Bolivia 1971*, Australia 1973-
75*, Angola 1975, 1980s, Zaire 1975, Portugal 1974-76*,
Jamaica 1976-80*, Seychelles 1979-81, Chad 1981-82*,
Grenada 1983*, South Yemen 1982-84, Suriname 1982-84,
Fiji 1987*, Libya 1980s & 2011, Nicaragua 1981-90*,
Panama 1989* Bulgaria 1990*, Albania 1991*, Iraq 1991,
Afghanistan 1980s*, Somalia 1993, Yugoslavia 1999-2000*,
Ecuador 2000*, Afghanistan 2001*, Venezuela 2002*, Iraq
2003*, Haiti 2004*, Somalia 2007 to present, Honduras
2009*, Libya 2011* to present, Syria 2012 to present,
Ukraine 2014*”
To that list one must add:
Yemen 2014, Ukraine 2014*, Turkey 2016, Venezuela 2019,
Bolivia 2019*, Iran 2017 to present, Nicaragua 2018, China
2018 to present, Cuba and Russia 2022.
Palestine deserves to be on that list as it’s being rapidly and
violently conquered by Israel on a day-by-day basis ever
since the Nakba in 1948. One can assert Israel is the
aggressor, however Israel is just a cat’s paw (along with
Saudi Arabia, other Gulf States and Egypt) of the USA in its
ambition to conquer the entire region.
No nation in world history ever tried to overthrow that many governments (67 at
minimum), directly or via proxies.
37. To your knowledge does the US have a long and proven habit of overthrowing
other governments?
Russia bore the brunt of WWII defending itself from Nazi German.
Deaths by country in WWII
That’s nearly 50 times more Russians were killed in WWII
defending their nation against Nazi Germany than
Americans, and now the US has loaded Ukraine full of
Nazis who methodically went about slaughtering more
than 13,000 innocents in Donbass region of Ukraine
because they couldn’t accept the neo-Nazi government
the USA installed in Kiev.
The most recent economic and media wars against Russia by the US, and in the Ukraine
proxy war, is the third major assault by the US on Russia.
“From a historical standpoint the US and its Allies have been
threatening Russia for more than 104 years starting during World
War I with the deployment of US and Allied Forces against Soviet
Russia on January 12, 1918 (in support of Russia’s Imperial Army).
The 1918 US-UK Allied invasion of Russia is a landmark in Russian
History, often mistakenly portrayed as being part of a Civil War. It
lasted for more than two years involving the deployment of more
than 200,000 troops of which 11,000 were from the US, 59,000
from the UK. Japan which was an Ally of Britain and America during
World War I dispatched 70,000 troops.”
The US was training, funding, and importing thousands of neo-Nazis into Ukraine for the
very purpose of provoking a military response from Russia by brutally and savagely
murdering tens of thousands of innocent people in Lugansk and Donetsk from 2014 until
virus”). President Putin did the only thing he could to try to stop it. He tried floating a
proposal for NATO to back off, and was totally rebuffed, in fact ridiculed for the effort.
That is a supreme tragedy, and one of, if not the single greatest political blunder of the
21st Century, maybe in all of human history if the Ukraine war leads to WWIII.
President Putin tried diplomacy for years. The US and EU denigrated his efforts. There
were no negotiations. The US does not negotiate with its target nations in its drive for
hegemony in perpetuity.
American justice? There is a reason so many African Americans refer to “justice” as “just-
us-white folks.”
The US government has acted in a collusive fashion to hide evidence and silence news
critical of the US government’s role in the 2014 coup in Ukraine and subsequent massive
deadly indiscriminative violence against the innocent people of Lugansk and Donetsk.
Whereas Russia is attempting to engage in highly targeted attacks against forces trained
to attack Russia by the US, Ukrainian forces bombarding Lugansk and Donetsk were not
in any way careful about their targets during their deadly eight-year war against innocents.
No one in the mainstream media, or even the alt-news has asked why President Putin
didn’t just execute his Nazi elimination plan via primarily drones and missiles the way the
US has primarily pursued wars for the past 20 years.
The answer may be that drones, missiles and bombs cause far greater civilian casualties
than ground troops and especially special forces which tend to be much more precise in
their targeting.
This has escaped all news analysis because it reinforces one of the main themes of this
list of questions: President Putin acted honorably to defend innocent Lugansk and
Donetsk civilians from the eight-year genocidal war in Donbass waged against it by the
neo-Nazi riddled Ukrainian government acting under orders from the US State
department. That, on the part of President Putin, is an honorable goal.
But, the highly censored corporate controlled American news does not report any of that;
certainly not the 13,000 human beings murdered in Donbass between 2014 and 2020 in
what was then “peaceful Ukraine” because they strongly objected to the illegal American
backed coup in 2014.
Those collusive entities – with intent – created President Putin’s existential need to
prevent an even greater build up of Euro-American tanks, missiles, military bases, special
operations forces, neo-Nazi ultra-nationalist extremists, other Euro-American financed
militias, and ongoing highly infectious and deadly biological pathogen “research” right on
his border with Ukraine while simultaneously butchering 13,000 friends of Russia also on
Russia’s border.
But, the US so-called news media reports none of that.
Russia already had one Nazi invasion, and absolute proof of US loading Ukraine with neo-
Nazi forces, other paramilitary forces, and even the government of Ukraine was and
remains permeated with neo-Nazis, and let’s not forget the deadly pathogens produced,
and stored right on his border.
President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was sober, rational, in self-defense of Russia, and
defense of innocents who share common suffrage, DNA, language and culture with Russia,
and an eight year profit motivated genocide directed by the USA. If that is not self-defense
what is?
But there was never a whisper of that on CNN. No videos of children blown to bloody bits,
sobbing grandparents, amputated limbs as happened in Donbass region for eight years –
nothing. The current wall-to-wall American media coverage of the Russian self-defense
motivated intervention in Ukraine is an obscenity considering the vast number of wars
the US has forced upon otherwise friendly countries in the past 50 years – it is an example
of ultimate hypocrisy, political corruption, moral bankruptcy and a flagrant violation of
the entire basis of the UN Charter as that CNN coverage is designed to intensify a war that
can only lead to either: 1) the deaths of increasing numbers of Ukrainians and Russian
soldiers, and/or 2) World War III.
Ukraine and Russia are both members of the United Nations. The people of Lugansk and
Donetsk were under armed attack by American trained and coordinated forces, and they
pleaded for assistance in self-defence from Russia which was also motivated by self-
defense given American massive buildup of military, paramilitary, neo-Nazi forces, and
potential biological weapons right on its border in violation of numerous international
laws, treaties, and agreements; agreements the UN Security Council failed to uphold.
President Putin’s legal analysts focus on Article 51 on the UN Charter as rational for
disarming Ukraine. Also considered should be UN Charter Article 2(4).
2022.03.09 The Legality of War, by Christopher Black
According to Article 2(4) of the Charter all member states are
obliged to refrain from the threat or use of force against the
territorial or political integrity of any state. There are two
important exceptions to this obligation, the first being the right of
individual or collective self-defence under Article 51 and the
collective enforcement by the Security Council on the basis of
Chapter VII of the Charter which deals with threats to the peace,
breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. The inherent right of
self-defence, individually or collectively, with the support of other
states, exists so long as the Security Council has not taken measures
to “maintain international peace and security.” That right,
therefore is meant to be a measure of last resort.
The UN General Assembly, ICJ, ICC, and Security Council failed to act to stop the eastward
expansion of NATO right up to Russia’s border, and failed to negotiate an agreement to
have it back off, even though that eastward expansion presented an obvious threat – a
clear and present danger - to the sovereignty of Russia. The threats of missile bases, tanks,
and other weapons was exacerbated a million-fold with the presence of potential dual
use biological “research” projects and bioweapons that can pass through any nation’s
borders with extreme rapidity. It was the highly illegal aggressiveness of the US, and
failures within the UN that led to the escalation of armed conflict in Ukraine in February
In the case of Ukraine’s war against dissidents in Donbass region that strongly objected
to the 2014 American backed coup against the former democratically elected president
of Ukraine. “More than 13,000 human beings were killed in that conflict between 2014
and 2020, according to the UN.” To the thirteen thousand victims, and their families, it
was a war.
A solid fact-based case can be made that President Putin was trying to stop a war, and
prevent a vastly greater biological weapons war, with his intervention in Ukraine in 2022.
The Doomed Minsk Accords
38. Did the US State Department, or any US government body or agency, or You, Mr.
President yourself personally and genuinely encourage the (American imposed)
leadership in Ukraine to follow the terms and conditions of the Minsk Accords?
Ukraine: No Fly Zone? False Flag Operation? By Gavin OReilly,
Global Research, March 09, 2022
Over the past two weeks, media headlines worldwide have been
dominated by the Russian military intervention in Ukraine –
launched in response to almost nine years of Western provocations,
beginning with the CIA and MI6 orchestrated Euromaidan colour
revolution in November 2013, following then-President Viktor
Yanukovych’s decision to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of
closer ties with Russia, which in turn would to lead the
predominantly ethnic Russian Donetsk and Luhansk People’s
Republics in the eastern Donbass region breaking away from Kiev’s
control in April 2014, the catalyst for this secession being the anti-
Russian far-right sympathizers that would make up the Western-
backed post-Maidan government of Petro Poroshenko.
edition-coming-soon/5773412 (Bold, italics and underline by this
The Minsk agreements were a great idea that many nations worked together to bring to
fruition. Why didn’t Kiev honor its commitment? That question remains to be answered.
The tragedy of the current escalated conflict can easily be traced to that betrayal by Kiev.
Unfortunately, Kiev did not abide by the terms of the agreements it signed and continued
violent crimes in the form of relentless indiscriminate bombings of people, men, women
and children in Donbass in violation of numerous agreements and international law.
Will Ukraine Really Collapse If It Implements The UNSC-Supported
Minsk Accords? By Andrew Korybko, American political analyst,
February 2, 2022
since Ukraine’s extremely deep contradictions are quickly reaching
a breaking point as proven by recent events.
So much for the UN Security Council. The US and its allies don’t have any need to abide
by such “little things,” even if the Minsk agreement did have the force of law.
39. Is it true that the history, people, culture and industries of Donbass in general,
have a history largely different from the rest of Ukraine and Russia?
“Today, Donbass is an industrial and mining region, but for
a long time it was largely uninhabited. The steppe zone that
ran along the southern borders of medieval ‘Rus’ (not yet
divided into Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus) was called the
‘Wild Fields.’ It was home to nomadic peoples and farmers
only moved south with great difficulty. After the Mongol
invasion in the 13th century, the Wild Fields was a
dangerous place to find yourself. / Around four hundred
years, a few peasants from Russia and Ukraine began to
gradually settle in the future Donbass. / A great leap
forward came in the 19th century when the coal deposits
discovered there became necessary for industry. It was
then that many of the cities without which it is impossible
to imagine today’s Donbass were founded. In 1869, the
British industrialist John Hughes built a factory around
which the village of Yuzovka grew – it had a few more
names, including Stalino, before a local man renamed it
Donetsk, in 1961. / His name was Nikita Khruschev, and he
had risen from humble origins as a metal fitter to lead the
Soviet Union. / In 1868, Kramatorsk appeared and, in 1878,
Debaltseve. The cities grew rapidly. Coal deposits and
increasing factories formed the unique ‘face’ of the region.
This even applies to the landscape: wherever you go in
modern Donbass, giant landfills catch your eye. Donbass
was formed as an industrial region and its cities and
factories often flow into one another, even today. The
region was inhabited by several streams of colonists from
Russia and Ukraine and its population was very diverse, but
its peoples mixed easily due to the proximity of their
languages and cultures. / It was meteoric development in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when it became a
huge mine and forge for the Russian Empire, that made it
the Donbass we know today. / A great deal changed in 1917.
Two revolutions and a civil war divided the history of the
whole of Russia into ‘before’ and ‘after.’ / After the
February Revolution, when the monarchy fell, a Provisional
Committee ruled the region. Meanwhile, the Central Rada
in Kiev declared Ukraine autonomous, before making a
declaration of independence after the October Revolution.
The Rada made broad territorial claims, which included the
territory of Donbass. However, not entirely so. Yuzovka was
a border city, according to the Rada’s stipulations. The
nuance was that the Rada did not exercise any authority
over most of these territories, and it soon was quarreling
with the Provisional Government in Petrograd. / The whole
argument could have been quashed in parliamentary
debates but, on November 7, 1917, the socialist revolution
took place. After that, events took off at a gallop. In Kiev,
the Communist uprising was suppressed, and Russian
officers, who considered the Rada a lesser evil than the
Reds, actively participated. / Meanwhile, in the east of the
self-proclaimed Ukraine, a very unusual coalition was being
formed. Its center was Kharkov, a large industrial city that
was not part of the Donetsk Basin region but closely tied to
it. The Donbass’ distinct identity had already emerged by
that time. Although the area was administratively divided
into three entities, they had a common economy and
interests. While the Rada was in session, local councils in
the east of Ukraine announced the unification of the
Donbass and Krivbass coal basins. It also included cities
belonging to the region of the Don Cossack Army, such as
Mariupol and Krivoy Rog, which was administratively part
of the Kherson province, as well as Kharkov. This structure,
which was informally called ‘Donkrivbass’ or simply
‘Donbass,’ did not claim independence and deemed the
idea of separating from Russia absurd, considering itself,
instead autonomous within it. Moreover, Ukraine’s
independence projects were of no interest to it creators. /
Nikolai von Ditmar, chairman of the Council of Congresses
of Miners of the South of Russia, noted: / "Industrially,
geographically, and practically speaking, this whole area is
completely different from that of Kiev. This whole district
has its own completely independent fundamental
importance for Russia and lives a separate life. The
administrative subordination of the Kharkov district to Kiev
is not called for by anything at all, but on the contrary, does
not correspond with reality. Such artificial subordination
will only complicate and impede the life of the district,
especially since this subordination is dictated by questions
of expediency and state requirements, and exclusively by
the national claims of the leaders of the Ukrainian
movement.” / ...
How the U.S. Started a Cold War with Russia and Left
Ukraine to Fight It - By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S.
Davies, Global Research, February 28, 2022 / President
Biden has called the Russian invasion “unprovoked,” but
that is far from the truth. In the four days leading up to the
invasion, ceasefire monitors from the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) documented a
dangerous increase in ceasefire violations in Eastern
Ukraine, with 5,667 violations and 4,093 explosions. / Most
were inside the de facto borders of the Donetsk (DPR) and
Luhansk (LPR) People’s Republics, consistent with incoming
shell-fire by Ukraine government forces. With nearly 700
OSCE ceasefire monitors on the ground, it is not credible
that these were all “false flag” incidents staged by
separatist forces, as U.S. and British officials claimed.
40. Is it true that many people in Ukraine, including a majority of people in Donbass
region, particularly in Donetsk and Luhansk believed the 2014 overthrow of
democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovich to be a foreign coordinated
41. Is it true that: “More than 13,000 people in Donetsk and Luhansk were killed in this
conflict between 2014 and 2020, according to the UN”?
OHCHR estimates the total number of conflict-related casualties in Ukraine (from
14 April 2014 to 15 February 2019) at 40,000–43,000: 12,800–13,000 killed (at
least 3,321 civilians and est. 9,500 combatants), and 27,500–30,000 injured (est.
7,000–9,000 civilians and est. 21,000-24,000 combatants).
42. Would any reasonable person consider the indiscriminate killing of 13,000
humans, one’s neighbors, friends and blood relatives, to be provocative?
US/Ukrainian driven genocide in Donbass
© Photo : White Book of Novorossiya - Artem Bobryshev, 4 years old. He was killed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces
(UAF) and National Guard on 18 January 2015 during an artillery shelling of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, DPR.
According to various sources, some 100 to 150 children were killed in Donbass between 2014 and 2021.
Unlike the legion of American fake humanitarian interventions all over the world, the
Russian military intervention in Ukraine was and remains real with verifiable evidence the
US media refuses to acknowledge.
43. Is it true that the people of Donetsk and Luhansk were subjected to a genocide
by Kiev, and there are children there who have had to live their entire lives
underground to prevent being maimed or killed by American-made missile and
bomb attacks from Ukraine? Was CNN or other mainstream media covering their
tragic plight? Does that sound like a war of aggression?
44. Many American and European broadcast “news” providers are referring to
Ukraine as “peaceful Ukraine.” Do You, Mr. President consider the killing of
13,000 human beings, women, men, girls and boys in (Lugansk and Donetsk in the
Donbass region of Ukraine between 2014 and 2020) “peaceful?”
“Senator Dick Durbin on Twitter: Mar 3, 2022 — Putin is afraid
of a free peaceful Ukraine, competing in a fair election, his own
people, and the free press. But he cannot hide the horrors of his
brutal unprovoked assault on Ukraine.”
In reality it seems like Presidents Biden and Zelenski are afraid of a peaceful Ukraine and
President Putin is the only one with the courage to do what is necessary to put the killers
out of business. The above article is 1) inaccurate given the facts involved and 2)
extremely provocative strategic disinformation, part of what Langly, DC, and now NBC call
an “information war.” What it is in plain simple English is a collection of extremely
provocative lies designed to incite violence against Russia, President Putin, and all Russian
people. It is short-term clever, but not long-term wise.
The tragic fact is in 2020 American citizens elected one of the world’s most
egregious, unrepentant and proven child abusers in history to be president,
led on by the corporate owned “news” media
Please recall: In the Iraq War at least 2.38 million human beings have been killed thus far
and has been lamented as a “mistake”20 or a crime. At least tens of thousands of those
victims were children, and killing children is surely one of the most extreme forms of child
And now President Biden has the temerity to accuse President Putin of genocide, when
in fact President Biden is well on the way to pursuing his own, second genocide. In an
amusing note in the aforementioned reference President Biden also accuses President
Putin of causing inflation, when in fact the causes are much more nuanced and entirely
predictable blowback from President Biden’s own corrupt activities in Ukraine, the US’
role in the coup deposing Ukraine’s democratically elected president, subsequent US’
proxy atrocities in Ukraine and most especially the US’ stunning legion of sanctions on
Russia and Russians halting or at least diverting normal supply chains (especially
transportation) downstream from Russia’s energy, wheat, and other commodities’
production. In other words, the US started this war by way of an illegal coup, is actively
preventing Russia from distributing energy and food to the world and now blaming Russia
for inflation, begging the question: How can American news consumers, tax payers and
voters tolerate this rapid decline in quality of life and transparent deceptions from
John McCain’s shocking concession on the Iraq War: it was a “mistake” In his new memoir, McCain says
he’s to blame for the war, by Tara Golshan May 25, 2018
Iraq war was a terrible mistake - From fighting Saddam to fighting ISIS, By Fareed Zakaria, CNN, October
26, 2015
Iraq: The Biggest Mistake in American Military History
45. Would You, Mr. President consider forcing the children of entire cities (Lugansk
and Donetsk in the Donbass region of Ukraine) to live their entire lives
underground to avoid being bombed or hit by American made missiles, rockets
and mortar fire ordered by Kiev, child abuse?
© Photo : White Book of Novorossiya - 13 August 2014, Ilovaisk. Dima Pavlenko had his
right leg blown off as a result of artillery shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
46. Is being forced to spend eight years living underground “provocative?”
© Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy
47. Is it true that a majority of people in Donetsk and Luhansk voted to separate from
Ukrainian Rebels Claim Huge Victory in Self-Rule Referendum by
David Stout May 12, 2014
Please note 1) the US did not question the accuracy of that vote. 2) Again, the US was
attempting to interfere in that referendum by questioning its legitimacy, a violation of
the US Charter, 3) even Russia was against holding the referendum. 4)
reported voters were killed by Ukrainian national guardsmen for trying to achieve the
independence they believe they deserve owing to a history of independence and the
coup they believe was orchestrated by the US proving the independence movements’
conviction to their beliefs. 5)’s report is based on observation, not Russian
Killing voters before they have a chance to vote is not a free or fair event
48. Do You, Mr. President consider shooting and killing voters in a referendum a free
and/or fair event?
50. Is, the source of the above May 12, 2014 quote from eastern Ukraine
in regards to Ukrainian forces shooting voters, generally considered to be a
reliable western source of news?
NATO – An army without a (legitimate) cause
The original concept of NATO was an abomination of international law as it was designed
to counter communism which was and remains primarily a set of different economic
principles avoiding and opposed to the very same ruthless capitalism that is behind the
US initiation of nearly all wars since WWII, up to and including the war in Ukraine.
And, NATO is certainly making its best effort to pour as much jet fuel on the fire they
helped start in Ukraine as they possibly can.
Jens Stoltenberg: We need a beefed-up NATO to face down threats
to European security - Invasion of Ukraine has ushered in ‘new
normal’, so the alliance is preparing for ‘reset’ that will allow it to
repel attacks from the East
By Edward Malnick, Sunday Political Editor 9 April 2022
NATO Undergoing ‘Fundamental Transformation’ With Stronger
Eastern Flank, But Keeps Eye on China
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO is going to beef up its military forces on
the eastern flank as part of a fundamental reset of the alliance,
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with
The Telegraph.
Stoltenberg said that NATO was "in the midst of a very fundamental
transformation" and that this major "reset" will entail the
replacement of the relatively small "tripwire" presence on the
alliance's eastern flank with stronger forces.
According to The Telegraph, NATO military commanders are
developing options for the reset and the alliance's military
presence in countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland is
expected to be transformed into a "major force" that would be able
to repel a potential invasion.
"What we see now is a new reality, a new normal for European
security," Stoltenberg told the newspaper, adding that NATO
leaders are expected to make decisions on "what we call a reset, a
longer-term adaptation of NATO" at the Madrid summit in June.
"Stoltenberg said in the interview published on Saturday that
NATO’s "strategic concept" will, for the first time, address the
"threat" from China, amid closer cooperation between Beijing and
On Thursday, Stoltenberg said at a press conference following the
meetings of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels that the alliance’s
strategic concept, to be finalized for the Madrid summit in June,
"must also take account of how China’s growing influence and
coercive policies affect our security."
…while also trying to provoke conflict with China.
This is all not surprising if one knows anything about the roots of NATO as it is the direct
descendant organization of the European crusaders. It is also interesting to note that
exactly like NATO, the crusaders broke every single contract they made with the Muslims
during those crusades, thus a) setting a template for NATO’s disregard of agreements
regarding its eastward movement after 1991, and 2) distinguishing them as the
penultimate opposite of honorable gentlemen.
NATO actively took part in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Middle East, Africa and Libya. It’s almost surprising
they have now actually set their sights on Russia, however Russia was NATOs original
target anyways, before they got distracted in great orgies of death slaughtering Muslims.
One can argue: They had to do something while waiting to “get” Russia to justify their
existence and in that process distinguishing themselves as no better than any other
mercenary army.
NATO is embedded as deeply with the so-called “deep state” of the US as deeply
embedded can be and is considered by many to be a military adjunct of the US “Atlantic
Council.” See for example:
The Insidious Role of the Atlantic Council: Securing The 21st
Century for NATO - Washington controls NATO - By Rick Rozoff May
01, 2010,
Now that NATO and the US forced President Putin’s hand into stopping the Ukrainian
slaughter of innocents in Donbass, and putting a stop to US biological “research” on
deadly pathogens including Nazism, on its border, NATO is using this as an excuse to
further its own efforts to provoke even more conflict and death on Russia’s western
border. This is one of the many major problems of an army without a legitimate cause
beyond lining the pockets of those in Europe who profit from war, that is the cruel
slaughter of innocents for profit, the sine qua non pleasure of the bullies and sadists that
must be ruling the capitalist world, as there are far more honorable and productive ways
to earn money than robbing and killing innocents.
NATO has been used as a stalking horse by the Clintons, Obama, Trump and now Biden to
restart the Cold War making proxy-wars between the superpowers ever so much easier
for everyone, except of course, the millions of victims. Though for the moment the
Ukraine conflict is still a proxy war, NATO is just dying to get boots on the ground in a hot,
dirty really profitable war blithely ignoring the gray lines between conventional weapons
and varying degrees of nuclear weapons can be transcended in a few minutes. RIP human
species, thank you very much CIA, Mr. President Biden and the Deep State which
ultimately rules both. For a quick look into the anatomy of the Deep State, see Appendix
51. Is it true that declassified documents show security assurances against NATO
expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand,
Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner?
Why were those documents classified in the first place? Hiding something? Tampering
with evidence? Obstructing justice to ensure no justice is possible?
52. Do You, Mr. President personally think collective punishment is a good thing(?)
and are You, Mr. President aware of the full extent of collective punishments
meted out around the world by the US, and now most recently against Russia?
Iran - Once the world’s most sanctioned country, Iran has been in
Washington’s crosshairs since 1979. Tehran has confronted 3,616
punitive measures against it over the last decade alone, data by the
global sanctions-tracking database Castellum shows. The penalties
have been imposed mainly over the country’s controversial nuclear
program. In 2018, the Islamic Republic’s banks were cut off from
the SWIFT payment system. In 2020, Washington levied more
penalties against Iranian banks. Nevertheless, the country’s
economy grew 2.4% in 2020-21, according to the World Bank, and
is forecast to rise 3.1% in 2021-22.21
Syria - The war-torn country which had been fighting international
terrorism since 2011 has been hit by a number of economic
sanctions from the US, EU and some Arab states. Most of them
imposed after 2011. According to Castellum list, Syria has 2,608
sanctions against it. Syria’s President Bashar Assad blasted the
restrictions as “inhuman” and “illegal.”
North Korea - The hermit Asian state has been under UN sanctions
since 2006 over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. The
penalties included punishments against individuals and companies.
The Castellum list shows that North Korea had 2,077 sanctions
against it as of March. This month the United States imposed fresh
sanctions on North Korea, accusing it of developing weapons of
mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.
Venezuela - The economy of the Bolivarian Republic has been
under severe pressure over the past years, with the situation
severely deteriorating after the US slapped the country with
sanctions in 2019. The measures targeted businesses and oil
entities associated with the government of Nicolas Maduro, both
inside and outside of the country. The current penalties put
Venezuela in fifth place in the global rating of the most sanctioned
In a gut-wrenching example of US ultra-violent duplicity, Saddam Hussein was the darling of the US
political administration, CIA, and DoD during the Iran–Iraq War (1980–88) that began with a full-scale
invasion of Iran by neighboring Iraq. Iraq used weapons including chemical weapons supplied by the US.
Around a million people were killed on each side and the infrastructures of both nations destroyed.
Previous to that (1941) the US CIA sponsored a coup installing their own leader usually referred to as the
Shah of Iran whose reign of terror was and remains horrifically legendary. Motivation for such crimes? Iran
holds 157,530,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 4th in the world and accounting
for about 9.5% of the world's total oil reserves. Each of the sanctioned nations on the above sanctions list
have similar stories of suffering unimaginable numbers of deaths and other cruelties inflicted by the US
in pursuit of its own economic and geo-political ambitions.
nations. The South American country has 651 sanctions against it,
according to Castellum.
Myanmar - The Southeast Asian nation has faced sanctions by the
United States and other countries over human rights violations. In
January, the one-year anniversary of the military coup of
Myanmar’s democratically elected government, the US
Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) designated seven individuals and two entities connected to
the military regime. Castellum data shows that Myanmar had 510
sanctions against it. However, the list seems to have been
broadened since the United States, the UK and Canada imposed
coordinated new sanctions on the country last month, focusing on
senior military officials.
Cuba - The largest Caribbean island-nation, Cuba, is the last country
on the list with 208 sanctions. Cuba has been under US sanctions
for more than 60 years, which have affected every aspect of life on
the island. The penalties placed by US President John F. Kennedy in
1962 are aimed at isolating the country until it moves towards
‘democratization and greater respect for human rights.’
Washington has been systematically ramping up punitive measures,
while companies and foreign banks operating in Cuba have faced
harsh penalties for doing business there. The American sanctions
regime against Cuba is one of the world’s longest-running boycotts
by one country against another. The island nation which imports
80% of what it consumes has called the six-decade old trade ban a
The online market for lodging and tourism Airbnb said late on
Monday it had suspended operations in Russia and Belarus, joining
an array of Western corporate shutdowns in those two countries.
Reservations starting on or after April 4 have been canceled, it said.
“Guests globally will no longer be able to make new reservations
for stays or Experiences in Russia or Belarus,” the company said in
a statement, adding that “Guests located in Russia or Belarus will
not be able to make new reservations on Airbnb.”
According to media reports, the platform is not planning to return
paid bills for accommodation. Money that was spent on bookings
after the April 4 date will be converted into bonuses. However, it is
not clear how those bonuses could be used, as the service is no
longer available.
Last month, global travel services provider
terminated activities in Russia and Belarus. It has stopped displays
on its site of hotels, guest houses, and hostels in the countries’
53. [Collective Punishment] Given that President Trump generated a great deal of
hate towards Chinese and Asians in general with his unproven and malicious
“China Virus” lie, did You, Mr. President then transfer at least some of that hate
and savagery to Russians in the time-honored American tradition of transferring
savagery from one group to another as part of America’s expansionist drive going
back to the founding of the USA?
The American habit of “the transfer of savagery”
“Presidential Power and National Violence: James K. Polk’s
Rhetorical Transfer of Savagery,” by Stephen J. Heidt
“President James Knox Polk is often lauded for his
achievements as president, including the territorial
acquisition of the western portion of the nation. Critical
attention to this legacy mostly focuses on his rhetorical
strategy for putting the nation into war with Mexico.
“To date, no studies focus on Polk’s rhetorical strategy for
ending the war. In this article, I examine Polk’s end-of war
rhetoric, attending to his rationalizations for exiting the war,
his justification for resuming diplomatic relations with Mexico,
and his identification of a new enemy requiring presidential
and national attention.
“I argue that Polk’s pivot from Mexicans to Indians rhetorically
transferred tropes of savagery to Indians, reenergized
violence against Indians, and facilitated the
institutionalization of management of Indian affairs via the
creation of the Department of the Interior.
“I conclude that rhetorical critics should closely attend to the
way end-of-war rhetoric enables presidents to transition from
one enemy to another while reaping institutional benefits.”
Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Vol. 19, Number 3, Fall 2016, pp.
Though “national security” is usually used as pretext for those military actions, it is
difficult or impossible to prove the validity of such claims. For example, how in 1979-1981
did the Seychelles Islands, located 1,500 kilometers (932 mi.) east of mainland Africa
present a credible threat to American national security? Or Fiji, or Portugal?
During its entire history the USA has only experienced 17 years without a war. Many in
the USA now admit the Vietnam War was a “mistake,” while others assert the entire war
was a War Crime. At minimum two million human beings were killed. Likewise with the
Iraq War in which at least 2.38 million human beings have been killed thus far and has
likewise been lamented as a “mistake”22 or a crime, as was the Afghanistan War.
John McCain’s shocking concession on the Iraq War: it was a “mistake” In his new memoir, McCain says
he’s to blame for the war, by Tara Golshan May 25, 2018
Iraq war was a terrible mistake - From fighting Saddam to fighting ISIS, By Fareed Zakaria, CNN, October
26, 2015
Iraq: The Biggest Mistake in American Military History
would sue NBC for a billion dollars. Rape was the number one charge brought against
innocent black men in the old south to launch a lynch mob. To Azov this operation
would be considered a “piece of cake,” and they would laugh about it.
There is a discernable tempo amidst the barrage of disinformation campaigns being
launched against Russia, and the timing of this crime against humanity, war crime and
crime of defamation fits that tempo perfectly.
Considering that virtually the entire narrative supplied by western politicians and the US
corporate owned “free press” from the beginning of the coup that overthrew
democratically president Yanukovych until today is composed as lies covered as
“information war” by the US, the probability of that rape having been done by Azov or
other Ukrainian forces is 99.999% percent certain.
However, no voices questioning the veracity of NBC’s report will be heard.
US government-controlled censorship mechanisms have very actively and harshly
suppressed American all anti-war voices critical of the US role in this conflict.
The US government in conjunction with corporate controlled mainstream “news” media
has instead generated a colossal western lynch mob seething with vindictive hatred for
President Putin based on lies disseminated by American politicians and US government
spokespeople, and endlessly repeated US mainstream media echo chamber. The classic
five filters of the US mass media machine have been ruthlessly applied in the conflict in
Ukraine with increasingly devastating results.
One of the most ridiculous things about US actions thus far in the Ukrainian conflict is
that using virtually all organs of the US government and economy brought to bear
against Russia is bringing significant and measurable economic blowback and even
greater hardships to practically everyone on earth including and especially ordinary US
and European citizens.
Resulting from and facilitating this is that many US and European corporations are cutting
all operations in Russia affecting millions of Russians in Russia and overseas.
One can only wonder if American Airbnb and Dutch have considered they
are making the same mistakes that led to the Great Depression of 1929? On March 5,
2022 Reuters reported MasterCard also was “suspending services” of Russian operations
which left thousands of Russian tourists and business travelers quite surprised and stuck
overseas without money. (That the US and the corporations that control it should attack
ordinary civilians in this manner is hardly surprising considering the devastating false flag
operations their Ukrainian allies are inflicting upon the innocent in Ukraine, and Donetsk
and Luhansk People’s Republics).
Besides a form of illegal “collective punishment,” and another damaging blow to the
tourism industry still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic (which the US failed to even
try to defend against) locking markets leads to greater economic isolation for those doing
the blocking, as much or more than the blocked parties who simply turn elsewhere for
those same markets, products and services.
It seems the financial wizards of the western world forgot lessons taught by the
protectionist Fordney-McCumber Act of 1922 which strongly contributed to the 1929
stock market crash, and the Smoot-Hawley act of 1930 that increased protectionism
and deepened that economic Great Depression. It’s surprising it never occurred to any
of them that as they attempt to isolate others, they simultaneously isolate themselves,
and by cutting Russia off SWIFT only accelerate global dedollarization.
'Recession shock coming,' major US bank warns - Soaring inflation
raises the risk of major economic downturn, Bank of America says,
April 8, 2022 / The macroeconomic picture is deteriorating rapidly
and could push the US economy into recession as the Federal
Reserve tightens monetary policy to tame surging inflation, Bank of
America (BofA) warned on Friday. / "Inflation shock worsening,
rates shock just beginning, recession shock coming," BofA's chief
investment strategist, Michael Hartnett, wrote in a weekly note to
clients, seen by Reuters. He added that in this context, cash,
volatility, commodities and cryptocurrencies could outperform
bonds and stocks. / Earlier this week, JPMorgan's chief executive,
Jamie Dimon, said in his annual letter to shareholders that the
combination of inflation, the conflict in Ukraine and sanctions
against Russia may "dramatically increase risks ahead" for the US.
He has warned of unpredictable consequences for the nation's
economy. / On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve laid out its plan to
reduce its balance sheet, while also discussing the pace of
upcoming interest rate hikes, as it confronts inflation running at a
four-decade high. Investors expect the regulator to hike its key
interest rate by 50 basis points at its next meeting in early May.
And thus this “collective punishment” is aimed not only at Russia, and Russians
everywhere but at American and western European workers just the same.
It appears the “super-geniuses” in the Trump and Biden administrations with all their
sanctions against China and Russia forgot a simple adage their mothers probably taught
them: “Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive.”
Keeping/absconding/stealing the money of those people – regular people that already
paid for those services is another example of collective punishment, again, a violation of
international law. In the heat of a good lynching, it seems highly appropriate as it is backed
by populist demand, but in the long run will be analyzed as mob rule in just one more of
the US’ bloody ruthless campaigns for global domination.
The US as usual presumes that the wealthy mostly white nations (plus Japan and Taiwan
as a couple of token minorities) really represent the entire world.
That map does bear a striking resemblance to Wikipedia’s map of countries sanctioning
Russia in 2014.
Ukrainian_War#/media/File:Sanctions_2014_Russia2.svg Downloaded April 5, 2022
55. Are You, Mr. President racist? Did you vote against bussing?
How Joe Biden Became the Democrats’ Anti-Busing Crusader - With
a school desegregation lawsuit roiling Delaware in the 1970s, Mr.
Biden led an effort in the Senate to end court-ordered busing.
56. [Racism/collective punishment] Have You, Mr. President considered that the
corporate/military, economic, and media lynch mobs You, Mr. President have
assembled to attack Russia are also highly racist, as are the neo-Nazis the US
trained and integrated into the Ukrainian government and military?
Forcibly provoking Russia into a self-defense and humanitarian intervention in Ukraine is
apparently a “white” thing, only considered “politically correct” [for a Democrat]
because Russians are white too, sort of. In fact, they are really “Eastern Slavic” with a
higher percentage of Denisovan DNA associated with east Asian people than their
western European cousins.
The Genome Russia project: closing the largest remaining
omission on the world Genome map by Taras K. Oleksyk, Vladimir
Brukhin, Stephen J. O’Brien, Dec. 2015
The genetic contribution of the Neanderthal has not been well
studied beyond Western Europe; nor has that of the Denisovan for
South East Asia, despite their physical remains being unearthed in
Siberia [5, 6]. Russian populations very likely contain ancestral
components that aren’t easily found in the populations
represented in the 1,000 Genomes or even in the comprehensive
HGDP database. Hence, Russia needs a national genome project on
its own.
GigaScience, Volume 4, Issue 1, December 2015, s13742-015-0095-
0095-0/2707784 (Italics added by this writer.)
Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave
in Siberia
Reich D , Green RE, Kircher M, Krause J, Patterson N, Durandet al.
2010, Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova
Cave in Siberia, Nature, 468(7327):1053–60
...Thus, whereas the divergence of the Denisova mtDNA to present-
day human mtDNAs is about twice as deep as that of Neanderthal
mtDNA19, the average divergence of the Denisova nuclear genome
from present-day humans is similar to that of Neanderthals...
These analyses indicate that Neanderthals are more closely related
than Denisovans to the population that contributed to the gene
pool of the ancestors of present-day Eurasians. The fact that
Eurasians share some additional affinity with the Denisova
individual relative to Africans is compatible with a scenario in which
Denisovans shared some of their history with Neanderthals before
the gene flow from Neanderthals into modern humans occurred…
In sum Russians have both Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, with significantly more of
the latter than western Europeans. However, the Reich et. al article above notes primarily
Asians, Africans and the French also appear to have some Denisovan DNA unlike most
western Europeans.
That kind of research is only secondary to other more comprehensive research that
identifies eastern Russians in particular as Eurasians.
Genome-wide sequence analyses of ethnic populations across
Russia, by Daria V. Zhernakova et al. 2020
The Russian Federation is the largest and one of the most
ethnically diverse countries in the world, however no centralized
reference database of genetic variation exists to date. Such data
are crucial for medical genetics and essential for studying
population history. The Genome Russia Project aims at filling this
gap by performing whole genome sequencing and analysis of
peoples of the Russian Federation…
With the Yakutsk (center right area above) containing a larger percentage of Asian DNA.
Besides the unquestionable racism involved, anti-Russian racism is also “excusable” for
the US Department of Defense and intelligence apparatus because the US laid the
groundwork to hate Russians at least since my childhood in the late 1950s and 1960s. See
for example: The Rocky and Bulwinkle Show, featuring the lovable Rocky the flying
squirrel and Bulwinkle, the adorable but obtuse moose, as they reliably defeat the
laughably stupid and evil Russians Boris Badenov and Natasha.
The Rocky and Bulwinkle Show
The Ukrainian “education” system has likewise been teaching hatred and dehumanization
of Russians as part of its regular curriculum.
These outrageous blatantly insulting racist stereotypes of Russians echo “Gone with the
Wind” and Fu Manchu style racist stereotypes that should be held in contempt by those
who decry racism and prejudice in all its ugly forms.
Terrence (Charles Starrett) falls into the clutches of Fu Manchu (Boris Karloff) and his daughter Fah Lo See (Myrna
Loy) in the 1932 pre-Code Hollywood film "The Mask of Fu Manchu."
Instead, now the US leans heavily upon its century of anti-Russian
stereotypes to whip up a mob to hunt, persecute and discriminate against
all Russians everywhere.
Is this OK with President Biden’s democratic party friends because Russians appear to be
As compared to the usual insanely cruel economic sanctions (financial strangulation)
imposed upon more than a third of the world’s population comprised almost entirely of
people of color?
Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners
against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of
Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities,
economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines,
disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the
weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly –
suffer the worst impact of sanctions.
US imposed sanctions, violate international law and are a tool of
regime change. They impact a third of humanity in 39 countries.
They are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention,
to topple popular governments and movements. They provide
economic and military support to pro-US right-wing forces.
Also see:
The US has a long history of widespread use of economic sanctions that provably result in
collective punishment, regardless of the fact that collective punishment is illegal in
international law.
International humanitarian law posits that no person may be
punished for acts that he or she did not commit. It ensures that the
collective punishment of a group of persons for a crime committed
by an individual is also forbidden, whether in the case of prisoners
of war or of any other individuals (GCIII Art. 87, API Art. 75.2.d, APII
Art. 4.2.b). This is one of the fundamental guarantees established
by the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional
Protocols. This guarantee is applicable not only to protected
persons but to all individuals, no matter what their status or to
what category of persons they belong, as defined by the Geneva
Conventions (GCIV Art. 33). /
Collective punishment is prohibited, based on the fact that criminal
responsibility can be attributed only to individuals. Respect for this
principle can be ensured solely by establishing guarantees that
protect judicial procedures. This principle must also be monitored
in the context of disciplinary sanctions procedures.
Tragically, this principle is either not monitored in disciplinary procedures, or data from
that monitoring is ignored.
"These actions contain signs of crimes under Articles 280 and 205.1
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - public calls for
extremist activities; assistance to terrorist activities," the
statement reads.
Meta (FB) did not immediately respond to a request for comment
from CNN Business regarding Russia's criminal investigation.
However, in a statement Thursday, the company noted that the
policy change does not allow calls for violence against Russians
outside of the context of the Ukraine invasion.
In other words, hate speech, violence up to and including killing Russian citizens is
permitted as long as “Ukraine” is mentioned somewhere. Is that not “collective
President Biden has turned it again this time against Russia, vilifying all people and things
Is there any reader of this document that doubts for a second that if former President
Trump had won the 2020 election, he would have somehow picked a fight with China,
instead of Russia?
This isn’t “picking a fight” like in the movie “Braveheart.” This is different because it’s the
world’s premier colonial power picking the fight, instead of the colonized.
57. Why were documents showing western security assurances given by the US to
Soviet leaders against NATO eastward expansion classified in the first place?
compelling the case for taking anticipatory action to defend
ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of
the enemy's attack. To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by its
adversaries, the State will, if necessary, act pre- emptively.
Let's pray the ‘Cold War’ between America and Russia doesn't turn
hot, by Robert Bridge, April 17, 2022
... Last year, Mikhail Khodarenok, a retired Russian colonel,
discussed in an RT op-ed what this system means for Russia and
European security.
“The development of the Aegis Ashore complex in Poland worries
Russia,” Khodarenok wrote. “Here is the problem. The Mark 41
launching system can be quickly adjusted, and the SM-3 would be
replaced with Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles.”
“ What is Russia supposed to do in this situation, when such a
transformation of the land-based Aegis system in Poland could
pose a very real threat to its national security,” he asked.
Nobody should think, however, that Moscow has not been busy
finding ways to respond to the US and NATO efforts at building anti-
ballistic systems in Eastern Europe. In fact, Moscow immediately
got to work on ways to overcome the US anti-missile systems once
Washington pulled out of the ABM Treaty. Those efforts paid off in
ways that the US may not have anticipated.
In 2018, Putin delivered a rather unorthodox State of the Nation
speech in which he announced the creation of hypersonic missiles
that travel so fast that “missile defense systems are useless against
them, absolutely pointless,” he said.
“No, nobody really wanted to talk to us about the core of the
problem [US anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe], and nobody
wanted to listen to us,” the Russian leader stated defiantly. “So
listen now.”...
In other words, the “anti-missile” in NATO member Poland, right on Russia’s border can
be transformed very quickly into an offensive missile base. What’s the limit on the
payload of those offensive missiles? Russia might just as well be putting nuclear missile
bases on the Mexican side of the US border. It’s the same thing. All those agreements that
NATO would not expand east? Rubbish, just like the INF nuclear treaty.
Also see
60. Would most people, if they were in the position of President Putin, consider
NATOs proven eastward expansion in violation of numerous agreements that
such actions would not occur, consider the egregious violation of those
agreements to be extremely provocative?
61. Would You, Mr. President consider having a string of highly secretive foreign BSL-
3 and BSL-4 “research” laboratories on your border provocative?
62. Are You, Mr. President aware that soliciting the cooperation of, and inciting other
nations to join in your attacks upon Russia, in an illegal attempt to totally isolate
Russia economically, and threatening other nations to join a “western alliance”
(essentially a transnational profit motivated crime syndicate) in what is very
likely to turn into another World War, is most assuredly “interfering in the
domestic affairs of (many) other nations” in violation of the UN Charter and
numerous subsequent declarations?
incitement. An inciter is generally one who is present at the
scene of the offense and who encourages the principal
offender to commit an act that he is already inclined to
commit on his own.
63. Given the reasonable possibility that You, Mr. President did not cook up the plan
for this international crime syndicate yourself, please be so kind as to share the
name(s) of the individuals and/or group(s) that proposed this scheme to you.
64. Are the claims published in The Grayzone article written by Alexander Rubinstein
and published March 20, 20, 2022 asserting US weapons have been delivered to
US trained and funded neo-Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine true?
Corporate US media and foreign policy hardliners want to create a
new Afghanistan in the middle of Europe by flooding Ukraine with
weapons. The arms industry is very pleased. / Following urgent
requests for arms from the Ukrainian government, at least 32
countries have announced their intention to ship billions of dollars
in weapons into Ukraine for use against Russian forces in Ukraine.
Photographic evidence shows that these weapons have already
ended up in the hands of neo-Nazi paramilitaries – units which have
already received training and arms the US and its NATO allies. /
Underscoring the careless nature of the unprecedented arms
shipments, the formerly neutral country of Norway has warned
that its government cannot “guarantee that the weapons [it is
sending to Ukraine] will not fall into the wrong hands.” / As
corporate media and Reddit forums spin out a rose-colored view of
the Ukrainian military’s performance, some 20,000 foreign fighters
from 52 countries have signed up to join the newly-formed
“International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine.” Many are
now fleeing back across the Polish border, filled with fear in the
face of heavy casualties. / All of this builds on $3.8 billion in military
aid from the United States to Ukraine, the training of 55,000
Ukrainian soldiers by Canada and the United Kingdom, and a
longstanding CIA program aimed at cultivating an anti-Russian
insurgency. / As Western officials clamor for a long and bloody war
against Russia while shirking efforts at negotiation, progressive
anti-war voices in Congress like Rep. Ro Khanna, who once railed
against the US sponsorship of neo-Nazism in Ukraine, are now
cheerleading massive arms transfers to Kiev…
… essentially true or false?
…and does having just a tiny handful of monopolies in online social media make it very
easy for the US government, and you personally to control information Americans are
permitted to view in bold defiance to First Amendment rights?
67. Is that illegal according to American law and human rights law?
68. Do having large media monopolies make it vastly easier to sell lies to American
and world audiences?
April 2, 2022
Western media clubs together to white-wash Ukrainian Neo-
Nazis - Multiple outlets use the same talking points, quotes, and
‘experts’ to whitewash Ukraine’s notorious “Azov” regiment, by
Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and
translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000
to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT
During the last week of March, multiple major media outlets in the
UK and the US ran stories about Ukraine’s ‘Azov Battalion’, seeking
to whitewash almost a decade of previous reporting that clearly
identified the unit’s Nazi sympathies and ethos. Supposedly acting
independently, they nonetheless stuck to the same talking points
and often the same verbiage, suggesting a concerted effort to spin
the unit as heroic defenders of Ukraine against the alleged “real”
fascists – the Russians.
The latest wave of the lionization of Azov began sometime before
the Russian military operation – notorious was the much-publicized
image of an AK-47-wielding Ukrainian granny training to repel
invaders in the regiment’s camp. The last week of March, however,
saw the puff pieces come in a tight group, like the bullet holes after
an AK burst.
The first of the bunch was a ten-minute video, from Britain’s state-
broadcaster BBC, on March 27, in which presenter Ros Atkins
sought to debunk Russian “untruths” about Nazis in Ukraine. How
can Ukraine be “held hostage” by Nazis when its president,
Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish, Atkins argues, pointing to his 73%
of the vote, at the last election, and triumphantly declaring that,
“No far-right groups have any formal political power in Ukraine.”
Remember that word, “formal” – it does a lot of heavy lifting here.
Atkins’s piece set the tone for the articles that followed. Two days
later, on March 29, the Financial Times ran a story describing Azov
as “key to the nationwide resistance effort.” While it acknowledges
that Azov was created in 2014 “by volunteers with nationalist and
often far-right political leanings,” the FT shrugs off its Nazi
Thus, the Nazi symbols used by the unit itself are described as “now
claimed as pagan symbols by some battalion members.” This is
taken at face value, but is literally untrue. The “Black Sun” (also
known as the Sonnenrad) dates back to a mosaic commissioned in
the 1930s by the Nazi SS head Heinrich Himmler, while the overlaid
Wolfsangel rune – historical German, not Ukrainian heraldry – was
used by several Wehrmacht and SS regiments, as well as the Dutch
Nazis, during WWII. More to the point, the symbols themselves
were picked out by Azov founder Andriy Biletsky – a notorious
white supremacist – as he himself told another outlet back in 2014.
That same day, March 29, CNN ran their own version of the story.
Zelensky is Jewish, check. Azov has a “history of neo-Nazi leanings,
which have not been entirely extinguished by its integration into the
Ukrainian military,” but is “an effective fighting force,” check.
Azov’s political wing only won 2.15% of the vote in 2019 – quoting
a German researcher this time – check. / They too mention Biletsky,
but say he allegedly spoke of wanting to “lead the White races of
the world in a final crusade” – leaving out the part that says
“against the Semite-led Untermenschen.” They then quote Azov
denying he ever said so, and anyway they have “nothing to do with
his political activities and the National Corps party” – even though
CNN itself describes it as Azov’s “political wing.” / CNN also
dredged up a 2019 quote from Arsen Avakov – police minister in
the post-Maidan government – in which he claims that accusations
of Nazi ties are “a deliberate attempt to discredit” Azov and the
Ukrainian military. This is the same Avakov whom Ukraine's chief
rabbi, Yaakov Bleich, criticized in November 2014, saying he
“continues to appoint people of questionable repute and ideologies
tainted with fascism and right-wing extremism” [emphasis added].
/ Last but not least, there’s the Times of London on March 30. Its
story opens with the emotional description of a funeral for an Azov
soldier killed in the fighting outside of Kiev. / They too dismiss Nazi
iconography as maybe rooted in Ukraine’s “original pagan faith,”
though they admit to “Azov’s trademark Wolfsangel, also used by
Nazi Germany.” / “We are patriots but we are not Nazis,” is a quote
attributed to Azov officer Yevgenii Vradnik, and gives the story its
title. Towards the end, the Times quotes an Azov commander in
Mariupol, who accuses the Russians of being “the real Nazis of the
21st century.” Check and check.
the “far-right groups” have “negligible popular support and
virtually nonexistent electoral power” – remember Atkins’s talking
point earlier? – they “continue to have success mainstreaming
themselves in Ukrainian politics and society,” said Bellingcat. / This
isn’t exactly the first time the corporate and state media in the
West have run cover for a group they themselves had until recently
described – correctly – as extremist. For example, just last year, the
US public television sought to whitewash Al-Qaeda affiliates in
Syria – the Al-Nusra Front, later “rebranded” as Hayat Tahrir al-
Sham – as “moderate rebels.” …
In reference to the above, likewise the Taliban as a movement was originally designed by
the US, funded by the Saudis and the first training took places in madrassas adjacent to
Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.23 And there was also President Obama’s Secretary of
State Clinton that was an open advocate and friend of the Sri Lankan LTTE. In fact, it’s
hard to find a terrorist group the US did not create or support. Likewise with Azov that
was absorbed into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014.
Russian Foreign Ministry: Western Media is 'Accomplice' in Bucha
Crime, April 4, 2022
Russians are not so universally hated in Ukraine as western media makes it appear.
Western media however only panders to those who hate Russia, many of whom have
been paid by US so-called NGOs like NED and USAID.
Russian parliament approves troop deployment in Ukraine, March
1, 2014
There have been big pro-Russian rallies in several Ukrainian cities
outside Crimea:
• In Donetsk, Mr Yanukovych's traditional stronghold,
demonstrators from a crowd of some 7,000 tried
unsuccessfully to occupy the regional administration
building, raising a Russian tricolor on a nearby flag-post
• In Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-biggest city, dozens of people
were injured after scuffles between pro- and anti-Russian
Accompanied by Pakistani military I visited one such madrassa in November 1993 while working as a
journalist on assignment.
protesters broke out outside the regional administration
• In Mariupol, in the south-east, hundreds of protesters
carrying Russian flags gathered outside the city council in
eastern and southern Ukraine.
It’s intuitively obvious that in any large population a certain percentage is going to object
– even strongly - to Nazis taking over. But western mainstream media news is not
reporting news objectively, and only reporting views and injuries on the side of those who
do support the American backed “neo-“ Nazi regime in Ukraine. And thus, the need for
free speech, which has been eradicated by President Biden’s government, and that
eradication process has not been challenged by President Biden’s Justice Department.
It appears Azov is training Ukraine’s military. One might wonder what sorts of things they
are teaching?
Russia investigates alleged footage of Ukrainian troops torturing
POWs, March 27, 2022 - Unverified graphic footage purports to
show Ukrainian servicemen shooting Russians at point-blank range
/ Multiple disturbing clips apparently filmed at the same unknown
facility, emerged online over the weekend. The videos are so
extremely graphic that RT is unable to share them.
Faces of a few of the perpetrators and many of the victims were clearly identifiable in the
video this writer found on YouTube. This therefore should not have been difficult to verify
and apparently it wasn’t.
Russian Special Forces Capture Ukrainian Nationalists Who
Tortured Russian Soldiers, Lawmaker Says 29.03.2022
Earlier, a video was circulated on social media in which several
armed Ukrainians were seen torturing and shooting captured
Russian soldiers, prompting calls for Kiev to address the issue. The
Ukrainian government stated that such behaviour was
unacceptable and vowed to investigate the matter.
Russian Special Forces have managed to detain Ukrainian
nationalists responsible for torturing captured Russian soldiers,
Russian lawmaker, Chairman of the Defence Committee of the
State Duma, Vladimir Shamanov has stated.
"The joy of [those who] tortured our servicemen did not last long -
three days after [the video of tortures emerged] our special forces
captured these bastards. Now they are begging for mercy,"
Shamanov said.
The lawmaker did not call the captured Ukrainians by name, only
saying that two of them had been captured and that they were
radicals from a fan group of the Ukrainian football club "Metalist".
The Russian Defence Ministry has not yet confirmed the
lawmaker's claim.
A video depicting several Ukrainians, either members of the armed
forces or one of the nationalist battalions, humiliating and torturing
Russian soldiers has been making the rounds online for days.
Several of the Russian servicemen had their legs shot and were left
without any medical assistance, according to the footage. The
soldiers were captured during the special military operation that
Moscow had launched in Ukraine on 24 February.
The Russian investigative committee ordered the launch of an
investigation into the incident, during which at least eight captured
Russian soldiers were killed after being tortured. The committee
said that it will spare no efforts to identify the perpetrators of the
The Russian special operation was launched by President Vladimir
Putin in response to a request from the Donetsk and Lugansk
People's Republics (DPR and LPR), which had been suffering from
intensified shelling by Ukrainian forces for over a week in February.
Torture of Donbass Civilians in Secret Mariupol Prison, 15.04.2022
A secret prison, dubbed 'The Library', in which Ukrainian forces and
nationalists like the Dnipro Battalion tortured Donbass militia
fighters and civilians, used to operate at the Mariupol airport in
2014-2015. The prison had a special torture room in a separate
building, where people suspected of sympathizing with the
separatist republics were subject to inhumane treatment. /
in-secret-mariupol-prison-1094784619.html (Video)
Also see:
And thus, the line between American backed and supported Azov and the Ukrainian
military has been blurred, and the consequences are not good for anyone. In any case,
there has been a drop in foreign volunteers willing to go to Ukraine for a variety of reasons,
one being that they are often killed before they reach any battlefield, and second, they
are not really trained or armed for their missions and usually end up dead because of it.
Meanwhile, Azov appears to have spread its extremist approaches to war throughout the
Ukraine military while enjoying the full support of Euro-American mainstream media
“MSM” in all of its forms, including social media.
According to Facebook rules now anyone can advocate for torturing and killing any
Russian anywhere simply by yelling “Ukraine” first. And thus, the USA under the
leadership of President Biden has devolved into a level of depravity far below what most
sane and healthy minds can possibly conceive. As for those caught up personally in the
current Euro-American war fever on any side, the price is likely to be beyond imagining.
Socrates observations about the fate of democracies devolving into populism, in this case
an insane mob rule, has certainly been proven eerily and morbidly accurate. President
Biden’s top cabinet officers in addition to members of the senate that profit from war, in
addition to the captains of the monopolist Euro-American MSM news media are most
certainly culpable in all of these crimes.
The above short article is not surprising as starving the victims of their unjust and illegal
foreign aggression is the normal American thing to do. For example, US forces have also
been stealing wheat from the hungry in their illegal war in Syria and stole $7 billion in
Afghan funds, which they say was donated to 9/11 victim families, even though 15 of the
19 attackers were Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from
Lebanon, and one from Egypt – all US ally nations. None were Afghans.
Throughout early 2022, 55% of Afghans will face acute food
insecurity, including nearly 9 million people at emergency levels—
one step before famine conditions. Food insecurity is likely to
deepen in 2022 as the country is facing shortages of food, rapidly
rising food prices and an ongoing drought. 13 Jan 2022
Likewise, people in all of nations illegally sanctioned by the US experience hunger and
often death by starvation (except perhaps Russia and Iran) two nations in which the US is
desperately (and illegally) trying to overthrow their democratically elected leadership. Yet,
this sort of criminal behavior is deemed not worthy by the “media club” (actually an
international crime syndicate and cabal) referred to in the Nebojsa Malic article quoted
For the US to then turn around and point fingers in regards to hunger in Ukraine is morally
For some heart-rending photos and videos from Ukraine that are not
deceptive or fabricated, please view the following links.
69. Is it possible that due to US corporate and government’s overwhelming
influence in American monopolist mainstream “news,” led by CNN, has merged
with Hollywood movie production methods in creating “tear-jerker” partly and
in some cases completely fictional, highly fragmented and biased news about
the war in Ukraine little different from Hollywood movies?
70. How many more innocent Ukrainians, innocent people of Donbass, and innocent
Russian soldiers must die before the US begins to negotiate with Russia regarding
his list of demands issued before the invasion of Ukraine, for NATO to back off his
borders, as per the Walter Cronkite report “immortalized as ‘We Are Mired in
Stalemate,’” aired on February 27, 1968?
71. Do You, Mr. President honestly believe there is any life, liberty and/or pursuit of
happiness (14th Amendment) when the American public is deceived and lassoed
into supporting an unjust war that can oh-so-easily devolve into thermonuclear
war in a matter of hours or even minutes, triggered by a false flag operation on
any side of this conflict or even a 3rd party?
72. Given You, Mr. President did play a key role in initiating the criminal Iraq War,
and appear to be working very hard at starting WWIII (for the purpose of further
enriching your already very rich corporate friends and political donors), with the
very real potential for thermonuclear war (thereby robbing most Americans of
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), and considering You, Mr. President
must be aware of American government funded illegal censorship as described in
detail in the article titled: A brief review of American censorship mechanisms and
laws prohibiting it, would you consider provoking President Putin into his
humanitarian and self-defense operations in Ukraine and robbing Americans of
balanced news regarding your role in provoking those operations, violations of
the 1st and 14th Amendments and Oath of Office You, Mr. President swore on
January 20, 2021?
73. What do You, Mr. President think is the probability the American role, your role,
in provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine, will be considered a “mistake,” (by
refusing to negotiate with Russia regarding NATO backing off its borders as per
numerous American agreements) like the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghan Wars?
During its entire history the USA has only experienced 17 years without a war. Many in
the USA now admit the Vietnam War was a “mistake,” while others assert the entire war
was a War Crime. At minimum two million human beings were killed. Likewise with the
Iraq War in which at least 2.38 million human beings have been killed thus far and has
likewise been lamented as a “mistake”24 or a crime, as was and is the Afghanistan War.
John McCain’s shocking concession on the Iraq War: it was a “mistake” In his new memoir, McCain says
he’s to blame for the war, by Tara Golshan May 25, 2018
Iraq war was a terrible mistake - From fighting Saddam to fighting ISIS, By Fareed Zakaria, CNN, October
26, 2015
In other words, what is probability all of the truths at the foundations of the above
questions will come out in the open sooner or later?
The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 159.3 points in March
2022, up 17.9 points (12.6 percent) from February, making a giant
leap to a new highest level since its inception in 1990. The latest
increase reflects new all-time highs for vegetable oils, cereals and
meat sub-indices, while those of sugar and dairy products also rose
Nine million people – the vast majority of whom were people of color – starve to death
each year. Now, that number will soar vastly higher due to the unlimited greed of the
richest Euro-American capitalists and the politicians they own in Washington DC, and
their willing accomplices in the EU and NATO.25 Americans now cry watching CNN’s Oscar
level portrayals of the victims of “Russian aggression,” not knowing the US is entirely
responsible for starting that war, and provoking and escalating at every step leading to
those tragic deaths.
Often overlooked in this and other analysis of the crimes leading up to and continuing during the most
recent phase of the war in Ukraine is the most willing accomplice called Canada. They can lie about their
role in this war all they want, but that is another western government that should be voted out of office
with all possible haste.
countries for their wheat supply. With the planting season starting soon in
Ukraine and Russia, I am concerned about long-term disruptions.
Despite US innumerable interferences, Russia is continuing wheat exports.
74. How do You, Mr. President feel about the fact that starvation around the world
is increasing with hyper-rapidity, partly due to climate change, largely due to
armed conflicts perpetuated by illegal American “interventions” in their
countries and illegal American imposed economic sanctions, the still-ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to now, the sudden worldwide increase in food
prices and Russia being sanctioned and largely cut from the SWIFT payment
system? Do You, Mr. President care?
75. How do You, Mr. President feel about the fact that your kill record in Iraq and
Ukraine pales before the number of people starving to death due now, today,
because of food price increases directly caused by (economic sanctions and)
war(s) You, Mr. President and your corporate and political “associates” (co-
conspirators) intentionally launched in (Iraq and) Ukraine to increase their
personal profits?
76. How does it make You, Mr. President feel knowing the additional thousands of
people starving to death every day due to food price increases are mostly people
of color?
77. Was it the Democratic Party that supported the Confederacy and slavery during
the American Civil War and Wall Street the location of New York’s largest slave
78. Does the fact that it is mostly people of color starving to death due to your
government’s illegal conflicts, illegal sanctions, and most recently intentionally
and illegally provoking President Putin into his morally and legally justified self-
defense operations in Ukraine, bother You, Mr. President at all, or is it justified
the same as Democrats used “state rights” as justification for fighting in support
of slavery during the American Civil War?
79. Was another motivation for the American orchestrated 2014 coup in Ukraine to
lure Russia into another Afghanistan style war with the bonus of “justifying” the
new American Iron Curtain around Asia as per an extension of Hillary Clinton’s
2011 article “America’s Pacific Century?”
"Bleed Russians in Ukraine Like Afghanistan” - US Game Plan? by
Saeed Naqvi, March 5, 2022
Why did the US orchestra in Ukraine reach a crescendo in February?
Has Vladimir Putin been lured into Ukraine? Did he really imagine
that it would be an easy two-day outing? Something he did not put
into his calculus was the years of planning at the Pentagon, Langley
and the British military intelligence to entrap him. Who knows Putin
may have counter moves up his sleeve. He is an exceptional chess
Lethal equipment was obviously stationed in Ukraine by the West
much before the war drums rolled. In fact, the chorus, “Putin is
about to invade”, was raised after the equipment was in place and
duly manned. Who will ever find out that the men in uniform behind
the fancier machines were Ukrainians, Poles or British?
Russians acted on a script they have been refining since the Orange
Revolution of November 2004. The crisis has been building up from
much earlier though. Let me pick a few dates arbitrarily:
Mikhail Gorbachev, who single handedly reduced the Soviet Empire
to modern Russia, had serious concerns about a reunified Germany
in NATO. James Baker, Bush Senior’s Secretary of State, an old-
fashioned diplomat, reliable, not flighty, prevailed on Gorbachev on
the German question, but promised that NATO would not move
closer to Russia even “by an inch”.
Baker’s word was not kept. The climax was reached in 1998 when
the US senate, after a perfunctory debate, ratified NATO expansion.
One of the finest minds on strategy and possibly America’s greatest
expert on Russia, George Kennan, gave a prescient interview which
I have referred to earlier also.
“I think this is the beginning of a new Cold War. I was particularly
bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack
Western Europe.”
Critics will leap and point fingers at Kennan: “Look, he was wrong;
Russia has attacked a European country.” To understand why
Ukraine has been attacked Kennan’s statement must be read in full.
“Our differences in the Cold War were with the Soviet Communist
regime. And now (in 1998) we are turning our backs on the very
people who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to
remove that Soviet regime. Of course, there is going to be a bad
reaction from Russia, and then the NATO expanders will say that we
always told you.”
Despite Kennan’s warning, the Military Industrial Complex stopped
at nothing. Since 1991, 14 new member states have been added to
NATO. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO (whom I
interviewed as a peacenik Prime Minister of Norway) has been
salivating on Georgia and Ukraine, both red lines for Russia. In
January 2021, Zelensky approached Biden on bended knees: “Please,
Sir, take us into NATO.”
This is when Russian troops in large numbers moved towards the
border. The other purpose was to deter neo-Nazi groups menacing
for the past eight years, Luhansk and Donetsk, the pro-Russian
enclaves of Donbas in the East.
Why did the US orchestra in Ukraine reach a crescendo in February?
By late January 2022, Boris Johnson’s sins had caught up with him.
Partygate was reverberating in Parliament. Every time Labour leader
Keir Starmer sought Johnson’s resignation for his misdemeanors,
Johnson would lean on the dispatch box and, in addition to offering
flimsy defence, make the smallest parting between his lips and emit
“Phutin” to divert the Parliament’s attention. Just when his neck
seemed to be on the line, he flew to Ukraine to shed the boozy
Supposing Johnson had fallen, President Joe Biden would have
slipped with no hand to pull him up. Questions were being raised
about his mental fitness; Trump’s rating were the same as his,
pandemic blues were not ending; race relations were plummeting,
school kids were killing school kids with automatic weapons
All of this against the backdrop of defeat in Afghanistan, a failed
attempt at regime change in Kazakhstan and the western alliance in
total disarray. Who was Johnson’s pet hate: Emmanuel Macron or
Vladimir Putin? Was the Brexit boomerang from Northern Ireland
hitting him hard or was Ukraine the problem?
The Anglo-American combine were beating the war drums at such
high decibel levels that a larger war with Europe was being dreamed
up. The US was across the Atlantic; Britain beyond the channel,
distanced even more from Europe by Brexit. Were these two
troubled, non-European entities trying to drag Europe into a war
with Russia? / Some of it was deception. The atmosphere of war was
a red herring. The Military intelligence of the countries was pointing
to the 1,20,000 Russian troops on the Ukraine border as precursor
to a general war. But war hysteria was a smokescreen to lure Russia
into the Ukrainian foxhole for a sufficient length of time to enable
the western media, transformed into a lying propaganda machine,
to demonize Putin irreparably. / A minor digression has come from
Andrew Higgins of The New York Times. Rabbi Kaminezki, the chief
rabbi in Dnipro in eastern Ukraine had warned against Zelensky, a
Jew, becoming President. “We will have pogroms in two years if
things go wrong.” Zelensky not only ignored the rabbi but
proceeded to appoint Volodymyr Groysman, a fellow Jew as his
Prime Minister. This caused NYT to take note: “Ukraine is the only
country outside Israel where the heads of state and government are
Jewish.” Since then, the Prime Minister has changed. I wonder if this
detail makes any material difference to the story. / Western
propaganda about Putin is scary. Russophobia is growing. The
Russian embassy in neighboring Warsaw has been “seized” not by
mobs but Poland’s Foreign Ministry. How will Russia retaliate?
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has split the beans. In an interview to
MSNBC, she said Russians should be trapped in Ukraine and
defeated by a well funded and armed insurgency exactly “As we had
done in Afghanistan.” Ms. Clinton forgets two facts: Americans too
were “trapped” in Afghanistan for 20 years and left in disgrace. / She
herself had told Congress (video available) that “we armed the
Mujahideen”, threw money at them and ended up manufacturing
the terrorists who plague us to this day.
The above well informed and written article brings to mind an important truth illuminated
by factorial analysis in the 1950s that suggests personality and events are almost always
multi-causally determined, in most cases by seven plus or minus two factors. Thus, there
probably were at least five to nine reasons why President Biden’s and Boris Johnson’s
foreign policy planners decided to intentionally provoke President Putin into war.
One factor was essential: President Putin being a man of honor with limits as to how much
blood of innocents can be poured upon his doorstep before he would act decisively to
stop it. Who would count on such a factor? Only those without honor so deeply enthralled
with a Machiavellian perspective on life and such cold-blooded cynicism as to be arguably
Meanwhile, the denizens of the deep (state) in American think tanks are drooling over
their fantasies of a long slow bleed of Russia.
As with all narcissists, their feeling of invincibility is absolute. As all familiar with Greek
tragedies regarding hubris know, the results are invariably not good for those inflicted
with it.
Reminding me of lines 17 and 18 of Kipling’s poem “If.”
If you can make a heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss...
Yes, the US is risking all – the very future of all life on earth - on a roll of the dice, thinking
it will make a “man” of someone who clearly is not a man at all. Can you figure this out
Mr. President? Someone you know perhaps?
The US’ long, long history of overthrowing foreign governments will be increasingly
exposed as pain from the war President Biden intentionally provoked in Ukraine is
illuminated, and sinks deeper into the awareness of people around the world, and
especially the majority of Euro-Americans who mostly have so little familiarity with
depravations of any kind.
We don’t hear much about the human suffering in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen,
Chad, Niger, Ethiopia, Somali (which is in the third year of a drought and relentlessly
bombed and sanctioned by the US), Mali, and so on, and consequently not many
Americans are crying about the victims in those US generated conflicts.
84. Is virtually the entire continent of Africa one huge American/British/French
colony? And who is crying about it (except those voiceless millions starving to
death and their families)?
hunger-each-year/story (15,000 people a day die of hunger. The link here is a real-time counter the reader is invited to
investigate. Who is crying for them? Also see:
The real problem with Russia and China, is they do care. It was they who fought to free
African, Latin American and Asian nations from colonialism, only to have the US swoop in
later with larger armies and install puppet governments totally subservient to the US for
the purpose of extracting their natural resources for pennies on the dollar.
Nations that tried to nationalize their energy natural resources were crushed and their
leaders (smeared and) killed.
Is that not true, Mr. President?
Though President Biden may not know this yet reports are slowly starting to leak out from
the hermetically sealed American political/media echo chamber that all Ukrainian
civilians around the country are not all so enthralled with love for the US installed neo-
Nazi regime in Kiev, and many are welcoming Russian liberation from that totalitarian
and corrupt regime. True, there is no doubt a million or more Ukrainians will happily take
a US visa to find what think will be a better life in the US, and are willing, ready and able
to tell all manner of wild lies and exaggerations about Russian “atrocities” to obtain that
visa and elicit teary-eyed sympathy, but that will not change events leading up to, and
consequent from the realities on the ground in Ukraine during the past eight years, now
and the inevitable future.
West Well Aware of Racism, Neo-Nazism & Atrocities in Ukraine
but Keeps It on Hush-Hush - Scholars 25.03.2022
As Russia continues to conduct its special operation in Ukraine to
denazify the county, social media are circulating sinister photos and
videos of Ukrainians taped to lamp poles and trees, labelled as
"marauders," "Russian agents" or "diversants". The inhumane acts
are often attributed to nationalist and Neo-Nazi groups.
"Probably as any sane person, I'm simply terrified to see these
horrors – in terms of lynching people, kicking them, trying to
somehow smash their identity through tying them to the
lampposts and painting their faces in the color of the Ukrainian
flag," says Adriel Kasonta, a London-based foreign affairs analyst
and former chairman of the International Affairs Committee at the
Bow Group think tank. "This is terrifying, that is beyond any human
being’s dignity, it's really terrifying to see these pictures."
Many reported atrocities are being committed by Ukrainian
nationalists and the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Being incorporated
into the National Guard in 2014 the group is subordinate to the
Ukrainian authorities. The Azov Battalion, which openly wears the
neo-Nazi Wolfsangel insignia, is notorious for attacking and
displacing residents in eastern Ukraine, as well as raping and
torturing detainees in Donbass, according to a 2016 UN report by
the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA).
Incidents involving taping and whipping of Ukrainian civilians occur
in areas where Ukrainian nationalists are most active: particularly,
in Kharkov, Lvov, Cherkassy, and Dnepropetrovsk. Civilians are tied
to electric poles or trees with tape, sometimes their faces are
smeared with paint or green antiseptic dye, they are whipped and
left in the cold. Photos of the victims and footage of the
punishment are widely shared on social media networks.
Among those targeted are the Roma people, one of Ukraine's
ethnic minorities. One photo shows a Roma family, including
children, being tied to a pole with their faces painted with green
dye in the city of Lvov. There is no evidence that these people
committed crimes, nor is there any provision in Ukrainian
legislation authorizing the use of such brutal methods of
The Western mainstream media either remains silent about the
ongoing arbitrariness or tries to portray the instances of the human
rights abuse as local civilians' efforts to fight "looters and bandits
by themselves."
However, the discovery of a torture chamber in the basement of a
building previously occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the
village of Kryakovka, Lugansk region, tells another story.
"In this basement there was, so to speak, an impromptu torture
chamber, from where we took a local resident tormented to
death," said Lugansk People's Republic militia serviceman. "There
are traces of blood on the floor. Judging by the state of the body,
he was shot in the head during the retreat."
Yet another infamous torture site codenamed "Library" was
located in the International Airport of Mariupol, the Donetsk region.
Documentary evidence indicated that the site belonged to the Azov
Battalion. Those who disagreed with the policies of the Ukrainian
authorities after the 2014 coup were detained, tortured and even
killed there.
'Everyone is Perfectly Aware of What's Going On'
"It is astonishing and saddened that these facts are not loudly
condemned by the various humanitarian NGOs in the West," says
Tiberio Graziani, chairman at Vision & Global Trends, International
Institute for Global Analyses.
However, according to Kasonta, everyone in the West is perfectly
aware of what is happening in Ukraine and how Ukrainian
nationalists, the Azov Battalion, and violent mobs are treating
regular citizens and ethnic minorities in Ukraine. Racism and
xenophobia have long penetrated into the fabric of Ukrainian
society, according to the analyst.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that African students were turned
back by Ukrainian border guards while attempting to cross into
Poland. “They stopped us at the border and told us that Blacks were
not allowed. But we could see White people going through,” a
Guinea student recalled as quoted by France 24 on 28 February…
Meanwhile, the nationalist agenda became part of the Ukrainian
education system. According to Ukrainian outlet, the
nationalist projects received up to half of all the funds allocated by
the Ukrainian government for children's and youth organizations in
2020 alone.
In March 2014, CNN admitted that "far-right, anti-Semitic, anti-
Russian, and openly fascist groups have existed and do exist as a
blight on modern Ukraine." Two years earlier the European
Parliament's resolution denounced "the rising nationalistic
sentiment in Ukraine." The Guardian quoted the Azov commander,
Andriy Biletsky, as saying in 2010 that "Ukraine's mission was to
"lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against
Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]." …
Anyone who is surprised at any of that doesn’t know much about Nazism. What is amazing
is the Euro-American mainstream news can so blithely completely cover it all up and
present Ukraine’s leadership and well-known very wide neo-Nazi support in a positive
light while claiming to be liberal enlightened people and honest news producers and
reporters. So, yes, US and western European voters and tax payers are being conned again,
by the same miscreants that led us into the last war, and the one before that and the one
before that and so on for at least the past 70 years.
85. Would You, Mr. President say that the provocations of Russia and President Putin
coming from your administration in particular are primarily geared toward
American geo-strategic positioning, a desire to overthrow the government of
President Putin, profit motivated, or with intent to ensure every witness to
allegedly corrupt activities by your family in Ukraine are killed?
The author warned earlier this week that “Kiev Must Withdraw From
Donetsk & Lugansk If It Truly Wants To Avert War”, pointing out that
Moscow will decisively support its newfound Donbass allies with
military means in order to ensure the security of their civilian
populations if Ukraine kept up its unprovoked genocidal offensive
against them. Regrettably, the US failed to rein in its Eastern European
proxy army, which prompted Russia to commence its ongoing special
operation in Ukraine.
86. Are You, Mr. President aware of the racism inherent in Nazism?
Biden’s overall job performance as President. His net approval
rating, at -10%, is eight points lower than in our polling on 23
February, when 41% disapproved and 39% approved of Biden’s
Redfield & Wilton Strategies survey
The following is a graphic representation of the overall data of that survey.
Nearly twice as many people strongly disapprove of his performance as strongly approve
of it. That means something. Specific issues identified in the poll reducing his popularity
to record lows include: the economy, relations with Russia and immigration. By far the
strongest single issue diminishing his tattered remnants of his popularity is economics.
Throwing an extra four billion dollars at Ukrainians to get those same Ukrainians killed in
another game of thrones is wasteful at a time when inflation is also at all time highs. The
price of gasoline is one of the single most important issues for Americans and it’s
skyrocketed thanks to President Biden’s urgent need to overthrow President Putin and
try to demolish another nation. It’s crazy and perhaps Americans can figure it out.
Raising fuel prices and other inflationary trends, and paying billions to essentially kill
innocent Ukrainians and Russian solders in another unjust war probably are not helping
President Biden’s standing. If there’s a lesson to be learned here it may be: repeating lies
again and again don’t necessarily make them true. “Peaceful Ukraine” and “the war Russia
started” are lies repeated like a mantra – an article of faith by US “news” media. Maybe
somehow, enough Americans have learned the mainstream news lies so much one must
assume the opposite of what is reported to get any inkling of the truth.
Public opinion surveys reveal American citizens strong distrust of the
American mainstream news
88. Do You, Mr. President think that your “strategic misinformation” AKA
“information war” (complete fabrications, e.g., that Russia has chemical weapons
prepared for Ukraine as reported by NBC news), once more publicly revealed as
lies, will further escalate US citizens’ already huge distrust of mainstream news?
It was the US mainstream media (MSM) “news” that sold us on the Vietnam, Afghan, and
Iraq Wars, which were later realized to be “mistakes,” and the US MSM “news” that told
us: “Don’t worry about COVID! We’ll develop herd immunity!” So, it should not be terribly
surprising that American trust in MSM “news” is justifiably very low.
US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media, Reuters
Institute report finds
Just 29% of people surveyed in the U.S. said they trust the news,
compared to 45% in Canada and 54% in Brazil, By Rick Edmonds
The United States ranks last in media trust — at 29% — among
92,000 news consumers surveyed in 46 countries, a report released
Wednesday found. That’s worse than Poland, worse than the
Philippines, worse than Peru. (Finland leads at 65%.)
The annual digital news report from the Reuters Institute for the
Study of Journalism at Oxford also found some improvement in
trust in nearly all the countries surveyed — probably thanks to
COVID-19 coverage — but not in the U.S. where the low rating was
flat year to year.
Americans' Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record by
Megan Brenan, October 7, 2021
• 36% in U.S. have a "great deal" or "fair amount" of trust
in mass media
• 68% of Democrats, 31% of independents and 11% of
Republicans trust media
• Democrats' and independents' trust is down five points
since 2020, GOP's flat
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' trust in the media to report the
news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage
points since last year to 36%, making this year's reading the second
lowest in Gallup's trend.
Pew survey shows an alarming decline in Americans’ trust in news
media, especially among Republicans
Among Republican respondents, the portion of those who
expressed “some” or “a lot of” trust in information reported by
national news organizations fell from 70 percent in 2016 to 35
percent in 2021. By Eric Black
It is possible on some level they know or at least suspect American “news” media is not
fair, objective or even “free?”
Public opinion polls appear to suggest American people are not the stupid sheep
American policy analysts seem to think they are relentlessly selling us bigger and bigger
lies every day, and most recently throwing billions of American hard earned tax dollars at
Ukraine mainly to get them killed in an effort to make Russia look bad at a time when
Russia is only trying to protect itself from American trained and financed neo-Nazis and
deadly highly contagious biological pathogens right on their borders, and incidentally
trying to stop the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people in Donbass region,
again right on its border that US corporate-driven MSM news think Americans don’t need
to know about. “It might interfere with our quarterly dividends!” they wail.
Apparently comic book style sales pitches based on greatly amplified versions of the same
old lies just aren’t selling that well.
If one types “chemical weapons used by Russia in Ukraine” into Google a mind-numbing
65,600,000 links emerge, even though there is not a shred, not an atom of evidence to
back up those scurrilous accusations.
At a Capitol press conference, Pelosi (D-Calif.) likened Putin
sending Russian “peacekeeping” troops into separatist-held areas
of Ukraine on Monday to the Nazi takeover of Czechoslovakia prior
to World War II.
“This is a very evil move on the part of Vladimir Putin. He’s a KGB
guy who happens to be probably the richest man in the world
because of his exploitation of his own people that he doesn’t want
them to know about,” she said.
For the record it is the US that’s funding and training neo-Nazis and sending them to
Ukraine to fight against Russians. One of President Putin’s key goals was and remains to
de-Nazify Ukraine. The US Department of State organized the government the US put into
Ukraine and loaded it with Nazis too. The Nazis hate minorities and Russians. Perhaps
those two should read some alternative news26 (alt-news) written by real investigative
journalists instead of scurrilously inaccurate fake news written by corporate owned and
trained fake journalists that only parrot government propaganda working for mainstream
media (MSM). How hard is it to go out in the streets of any American big city and find
horrifying tragic stories as bad or worse than CNN is producing about Ukraine?
It would be fascinating to do MRI scans on people like Presidents Trump and Biden,
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and
mainstream news reporters to see to what extent they really believe the lies they tell, and
to what extent they knowingly lie to the American public to help their family fortunes,
friends, and political parties.
See Appendix 3 for the Gold List of alt-news publications
The survey team found that compared to public opinion patterns
in the U.S., in China there was very high satisfaction with the
central government. In 2016, the last year the survey was
conducted, 95.5 percent of respondents were either “relatively
satisfied” or “highly satisfied” with Beijing. In contrast to these
findings, Gallup reported in January of this year that their latest
polling on U.S. citizen satisfaction with the American federal
government revealed only 38 percent of respondents were
satisfied with the federal government...
satisfaction/?msclkid=78f4fccfb68d11ec807cc9d28d213f18 (Bold
added by this writer)
Are Americans, British, French and Germans surprised at this? Not if they ever actually
lived in Russia or China. The whole world is not like the US forever fostering and fighting
wars, hosting the world’s largest prison system, and promoting endless war and
aggression in movies, TV shows, music, games and so on. Most of the world is just not as
media addicted as are Americans and western Europeans, and so they live more peaceful
lives, and have more hope for the future.
• Fowler KA, Dahlberg LL, Haileyesus T, et al. Firearm injuries in the United
States. Prev Med. 2015;79:5-14.
US government funding is programming Americans to kill, and enjoy it
Everyone knows truth is the first casualty of war – but in a modern
world where America’s wars know no bounds, propaganda
operations even strike at the heart of Hollywood. Drawing on vast
archives of shocking new documentation, Theaters of Command
tells how the Pentagon and sometimes the CIA have had the final
say over thousands of films, video-games, and TV shows, often
imposing heavy rewrites. The government’s deliberate creation of
what investigator Roger Stahl terms “American empire’s cinematic
universe ” is one of the great swindles perpetuated against an
unwitting public. These actions have systematically scrubbed from
the screen an unsavory century of military history including war
crimes, illegal arms sales, racism and sexual assault, torture, coups,
assassinations, and weapons of mass destruction. This government
operation amounts to the airbrushing of entire culture, laid bare
here for the first time after decades of secrecy. / If you've seen Top
Gun or Transformers, you may have wondered: Does all of that
military machinery on screen come with strings attached? Does the
military actually get a crack at the script? With the release of a vast
new trove of internal government documents, the answers have
come into sharp focus: the US military has exercised editorial
control over thousands of films and television programs. In
stunning and unsettling detail, Theaters of Command tracks the full
scope of Pentagon and CIA influence on everything from Lone
Survivor to The Last Ship, Marvel to MTV, and James Bond to Jack
Ryan. This deliberate creation of what some have called “American
empire’s cinematic universe” is one of the great under-reported PR
coups of our time. As these activities gain new public scrutiny, new
questions arise: How have they managed to fly under the radar for
so long? And where do we go from here?
See: Theaters of Command:
It appears the US and UK are determined to arm Ukraine and promote the war there until
every last Ukrainian is dead and the infrastructure and culture of Ukraine is extinguished.
the site of a false flag attack launched by the openly neo-Nazi Azov
Battalion, which controlled the building and the territory around it.
Civilians that escaped the city through humanitarian corridors have
testified that they were held by Azov as human shields in area, and
that Azov fighters detonated parts of the theater as they retreated.
Despite claims of a massive Russian airstrike that reduced the
building to ashes, all civilians appear to have escaped with their lives.
Video of the attack on the theater remains unavailable at the time
of publication; only photographs of the damaged structure can be
viewed. The Russian Ministry of Defense has denied conducting an
airstrike on the theater, asserting that the site had no military value
and that no sorties were flown in the area on March 16.
While the Russian military operation in Ukraine has triggered a
humanitarian crisis in Mariupol, it is clear that Russia gained nothing
by targeting the theater, and virtually guaranteed itself another
public relations blow by targeting a building filled with civilians –
including ethnic Russians.
Azov, on the other hand, stood to benefit from a dramatic and grisly
attack blamed on Russia. In full retreat all around Mariupol and
facing the possibility of brutal treatment at the hands of a Russian
military hellbent on “de-Nazification,” its fighters’ only hope
seemed to lie in triggering direct NATO intervention.
The same sense of desperation informed Zelensky’s carefully
scripted address to Congress, in which he invoked Martin Luther
King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and played a heavily produced
video depicting civilian suffering to make the case for a no fly zone.
By instigating Western public outrage over grisly Russian war crimes,
Ukraine’s government is clearly aiming to generate enough pressure
to overcome the Biden administration’s reluctance to directly
confront Russia’s military.
But Kiev’s most emotionally potent allegation so far – that Russia
deliberately bombed innocent children cowering inside a theater –
has been undercut by testimonies from Mariupol residents and a
widely viewed Telegram message explicitly foreshadowing a false
flag attack on the building.
Azov Battalion fighters grow desperate in Mariupol, plea for
Western military intervention
The strategic southeastern port city of Mariupol has been held by
the Azov Battalion since 2014. Since its seizure, it has served as a
political and military base for the ultra-nationalist paramilitary as it
launched assaults on pro-Russian separatists in the breakaway
republic of Donetsk.
Gathered from the ranks of extreme right activists that provided
protesters with street muscle during the 2013-14 Euromaidan coup,
the Azov Battalion has been formally incorporated into the
Ukrainian National Guard by the country’s Interior Ministry. It was
founded by the openly fascist organizer Andriy Biletsky, who has
vowed to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade …
against Semite-led Untermenschen.”
With the Nazi-inspired Wolfsangel symbol emblazoned on their
uniforms and flags, Azov fighters make no secret of their ideological
goals. Despite having been identified by the FBI, US Congress, and
its own fighters as a neo-Nazi unit, and implicated in an array of
sordid human rights violations, Azov has collaborated openly with
US and Canadian military trainers.
Having accused Azov of seeking to exterminate the ethnic Russians
of Donbas, Putin has marked its base in Mariupol as the front line of
his stated campaign to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. Since Russia’s February
24 invasion of Ukraine, the city become the site of ferocious urban
fighting, with Russian special forces and Donetsk People’s Republic
People’s Militia forces waging a block-by-block fight for control as
artillery rained down on Azov positions.
On March 7, an Azov Battalion commander named Denis
Prokopenko appeared on camera from Mariupol with an urgent
message. Published on Azov’s official YouTube channel and
delivered in English over the sound of occasional artillery launches,
Prokopenko declared that the Russian military was carrying out a
“genocide” against the population of Mariupol, which happens to
be 40 percent ethnic Russian.
Prokopenko then demanded that Western nations “create a no-fly
zone over Ukraine support[ed] with the modern weapons.” It was
clear from Prokopenko’s plea that Azov’s position was growing more
dire by the day.
As Russia’s military rapidly degraded Azov positions throughout the
second week of March 2022, Azov soldiers apparently directed
elderly civilians as well as women and children into the wardrobe
hall of the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theater in Mariupol.
A video filmed inside the dimly lit building on March 11 featured a
local man claiming that one thousand civilians were trapped inside
and demanding a humanitarian corridor to allow them to escape.
Only a small group of civilians could be seen in the video, however.
“I’m begging you to stop all this, give us the corridor to get people
out, to get out women, kids, the wounded…” a bespectacled
narrator (seen below) declared in the video.
Since Russia launched its invasion, Azov Battalion soldiers have been
filmed preventing civilians from leaving Mariupol – even forcing
men out of their cars and brutally assaulting them while they
attempted to break through the paramilitary’s checkpoints. If
testimony from many Mariupol residents was to be believed, Azov
had used many of them as human shields.
On March 12, a chilling message appeared on the Telegram channel
of Dmitriy Steshen, a correspondent reporting from Mariupol for the
Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.
According to Steshen, local residents told him an alleged Russian
bombing of the Turkish-built Kanuni Sultan Suleyman mosque in
Mariupol that day was a false flag intended to “drag Turkey into the
war,” and warned that a false flag attack on the Mariupol Drama
Theater was imminent.
The Telegram message read as follows:
The second [false flag] provocation Zelensky is preparing for use
by Western media, after unsuccessful provocation with the
[Mariupol] maternity hospital, Ukrainian soldiers, together with
the administration of the Drama Theater, gathered women,
children, and the elderly from Mariupol in the Drama Theater
building, so as to – given a good opportunity – detonate the
building and then scream around the world that this was by the
Russian Federation air force and that there should be an
immediate ‘no fly zone’ over Ukraine.'”
As Zelensky begs Congress for military intervention, news of a
theater attack
Less than 48 hours after the debunked claims of a Russian attack
on the mosque in Mariupol were introduced, humanitarian
corridors finally opened up around the city. The flight of thousands
of civilians toward Russian military positions further weakened the
Azov Battalion, which was using Mariupol’s residents as collateral
in its bid to compel a no-fly zone.
On March 16, with his military collapsing under the Russian
onslaught, the Ukrainian president and famed comedian-actor
Zelensky appeared by video for a carefully scripted, elaborately
produced presentation before an assembly of awestruck US
members of Congress.
“I have a dream. These words are known to each of you today. I can
say I have a need. I need to protect our sky,” Zelensky proclaimed.
The Ukrainian president thus invoked the most famous words of
America’s most revered antiwar activist, Martin Luther King Jr., to
appeal for a no-fly zone that would bring the nuclear-armed
militaries of the US and Russia into direct confrontation…
Just hours after Zelensky’s address, news arrived directly from the
Azov Battalion’s press department that Russia had bombed the
theater in Mariupol.
With a monopoly over information from the scene of the supposed
attack, with no other news outlets present, Azov’s press department
disseminated photos of the destroyed building to media across the
The Azov Battalion’s watermark can be seen clearly in the lower
right-hand corner of the image below. Azov’s photo was republished
by international outlets including Sky News, but with the
paramilitary’s brand cropped out. When South China Morning Post
ran the image, it removed the watermark and credited “Azov
Battalion via AP.”
Among the first English language media figures to convey the Ukrainian government’s
narrative of the incident to a mass audience was Illia Ponomarenko, a Kiev-based, US-
trained reporter who has managed to rack up over a million Twitter followers since
Russia’s invasion began.
The famous Drama Theater in Mariupol.
De-nazified by a Russian air-dropped bomb today, on
March 16, 2022.
Fuck you Russia. You’re going to pay for this.
For his part, Ponomarenko has referred to the Azov Battalion as his
“brothers in arms”, and boasted of “chilling out” with its fighters
near “enemy lines.”
lone source fingering Russia as the culprit was the Ukrainian
governor of Donetsk.
While the theater appeared to have been heavily damaged –
“they bombed the building to ashes,” claimed Ponomarenko – it
turned out that not one person was killed by the blast.
It’s a miracle – civilians that were hiding in a
basement at the Drama Theater in Mariupol
survived the air strike.
“The Azov fighters were simply hiding behind us,” she told a
reporter. “We were their human shields, that’s it. They were
breaking everything, all around us, they were not letting us
outside. We spent 15 days in a basement, with kids… They gave us
no water, nothing.”
Describing how the Azov Battalion placed its tanks in front of local
bomb shelters, the woman offered a revealing detail: “When they
were leaving,” she said, referring to the Azov Battalion, “they
destroyed the drama theatre. People with shrapnel were brought
to us.”
Asked by a reporter who attacked her and invaded her home, the
woman replied, “Well, the Ukrainians, of course.”
“The Ukrainian army was shooting us, shooting at people,” said
another man who fled Mariupol. “Right at our house.”
Why isn’t for example the NAACP screaming about Zelensky’s cynical use of Martin
Luther King Jr.’s Dream Speech to cover it entire fabrication of a Russian “atrocity” at
the Mariupol Theater – produced by American financed and trained neo-Nazis(!) in
order to promote and escalate another US driven war?
The above a good example of real investigative journalism that looks at the details and
clears away the “fog of war,” in so many cases intentionally generated to obscure those
very same details. Several notable things can be derived from the above article. 1) It
appears nobody was killed in the Mariupol Theater, however Azov executed at least some
of those fleeing, 2) bombs were apparently planted there the day before by Azov, and
after people had left finished job to produce (just like in a movie!) photos of a dramatically
bombed out building, 3) why would anyone hide in a basement(?) as compared to running
outside(?), and if it was the Russians, did they warn them first? 4) Why would Russia bomb
a theater filled with civilians(?) especially right after Zelensky “appeared by video for a
carefully scripted, elaborately produced presentation before an assembly of awestruck
US members of Congress,” quoting Martin Luther King’s Dream Speech? 5) Why did so
many of those escaping the explosions at the theater blame Azov? 6) Why did Azov shoot
people and prevent others from escaping? 7) why did the famous photo of the bombed-
out theater present Azov’s logo in the bottom right-hand corner, which might as well be
a signature by Adolf Hitler himself? 8) Why is the most visceral of Ukrainian reporters Illia
Ponomarenko working for Kyiv Independent specifically, “an outlet that has functioned
as one of the most potent US information weapons in Ukraine- a “newspaper” set up with
assistance from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US intelligence cut-out,
and an “emergency grant” from its EU-funded cousin, the European Endowment for
Democracy,” and 9) wasn’t NED one of the organizations that funded the coup over
throwing the legitimately elected president in 2014?
Motivation for that series of deceptions and killings by Azov are easily
proven, but there is absolutely no – zero - motivation for Russia to have
bombed that theater.
been evacuated through humanitarian corridors from Mariupol,
which is surrounded by Russian troops. If Moscow wanted to
slaughter civilians, it could have easily targeted vehicles rolling in
bumper-to-bumper traffic out of the city, heading in the direction
of the pro-Russian separatist-controlled north. / Why evacuate
tens of thousands of civilians and observe protocols designed to
reduce non-combatant casualties if you want to butcher them?
This is not to say civilians have not been killed during the conflict—
they have—but Russia is not deliberately targeting them as part of
a genocidal campaign. These facts, coupled with what happened in
the days before the bombing, raise questions no one in the
mainstream is asking. / The earliest known report of imminent
danger came on March 12. A message on a Telegram channel
associated with Dmitriy Steshen, a correspondent from Mariupol
for the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, warned that
Zelensky’s forces were planning two false flag operations: one at
the Turkish-built Sultan Suleiman Mosque, and the other at the
Mariupol theater. / Both would appear as if the Russians had
deliberately targeted civilians. The mosque would drag Turkey into
the war, while the drama theater would supply a justification for
closing the skies over Ukraine, ideally bringing a U.S.-led NATO into
direct confrontation with Russia. The second half of the message
about the theater reads:
"Ukrainian soldiers with the drama theater’s administration
rounded up women, children, and elderly from Mariupol into the
theatre building so that when the “right” moment happens they
could blow the theatre up with the people. This is done so that they
could scream to the whole world that Russia’s aviation did this and
that the Ukrainian sky needs to be closed immediately, etc. Do not
be silent, we need as many people to know."
Later, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal noted that Western
media repeated Ukrainian officials’ claims about the mosque in
Mariupol being shelled by Russia with scores of civilians, including
children, inside. “However, Turkish state media revealed that the
Ukrainian government had misled Western reporters,” Blumenthal
wrote. “The Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Mosque was not only fully
intact, it had never been hit by Russian fire.” Zelensky and his
officials had previously made similar misleading claims about the
bombing of the memorial at Babi Yar, a ravine in Kiev that was also
the site of massacres committed by the Nazis during World War II.
But Israeli journalist Ron Ben Yisha reported after inspecting the
site that the memorial had not been destroyed or damaged….
On March 13, a Twitter user named Elena Evdokimova issued
another warning. “Information allegedly came from Mariupol
locals (reminder – they are mostly ethnic Russian) that neo-Nazi
from Azov gathered Mariupol women, children & elderly into the
building of Mariupol drama theatre and are going to blow it up,
blaming the victims on ‘Russian shelling,’” Evdokimova wrote. One
of the final known indicators popped up early on March 16. A
Telegram channel associated with Daniil Bezsonov, the DNR Deputy
Minister of Information, claimed to have made contact with an
Azov defector…
bombing/5775217 (Published in Canada)
Another article also on the Mariupol bombing sheds more light on what happened.
Was the Azov Battalion Behind the Mariupol Theater Bombing?
Or Was It Russia? Global Research, By Eric Zuesse, March 23, 2022
On Wednesday, March 16th, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined
“Azov battalion militants blow up Mariupol theater building —
Defense Ministry”, and reported:
Militants of the Azov nationalist battalion blew up the
Mariupol theater building, which they rigged with
explosives earlier, Russian Defense Ministry announced
The Defense Ministry debunked Kiev’s accusations of an
airstrike on the theater building, where civilians could have
been held hostage.
“During daylight on March 16, Russian aviation carried out
no missions involving strikes on ground targets within
Mariupol limits. According to the verified information,
militants of the Azov nationalist battalion carried out
another bloody provocation by blowing up the rigged
theater building,” the Ministry of Defense said.
The next day, CNN bannered “Survivors emerge from rubble of
Mariupol theater bombed by Russia” and reported:
People sheltering in a theater in the Ukrainian city
of Mariupol are emerging from the building after it was
bombed, the former head of the Donetsk region said
Thursday. / Hundreds of people were thought to
have taken shelter in the theater amid the ongoing Russian
siege of Mariupol.
CNN had not asked Russia’s Ministry of Defense to show them the
evidence they had backing up the claim that “During daylight on
March 16, Russian aviation carried out no missions involving strikes
on ground targets within Mariupol limits.” Apparently, CNN was
interested ONLY in information that was being supplied by
Ukraine’s government. Of course, ‘reporting’ in that way is only
propaganda — not journalism.
See the detailed and fully documented account of this matter, here,
which persuades me that Tass got it right, and that CNN got it
wrong. I have checked out all of its linked-to sources and found
them to be not only extremely credible but some of them are
thoroughly mainstream, such as Deutsche Welle (the German
public broadcaster), Newsweek, The Nation, Stanford University,
and Amnesty International…
In other words, it appears the mostly American financed and trained Ukrainian neo-Nazis
are engaging in false flag operations, and at other times they “produce” events just like a
Hollywood movie and pin it on Russian forces free of any real evidence whatsoever,
precisely the same as the CIA, American politicians and American “news” media.
Euro-American latest smear job relating to the Mariupol Theater bombing: Baseless
allegations without any evidence of chemical weapons
Ukraine conflict: How will we know if Russia used chemical
weapons? By Frank Gardner
Britain has reacted with concern at unconfirmed reports of an
alleged chemical attack in the besieged city of Mariupol.
The alarm was raised by some of the last Ukrainian soldiers still
holding out against the Russian assault there.
They are from the Azov Battalion, a small but controversial element
of Ukraine's National Guard due to their far right tendencies.
They claim that after a Russian drone flew over, there was a cloud
of smoke and three of their members experienced breathing
difficulties. These could be symptoms consistent with a chemical or
poison gas attack but this will be hard to prove.
Azov, the US and US don’t need to prove chemical weapons were used during or after
Azov bombed the Mariupol Theater. All they have to do is build a classically conditioned
“stimulus-response” bond between the name “Mariupol Theater,” and phrase “chemical
weapons.” Those bonds will remain in “news” consumers memories. The part about
“unconfirmed,” will be forgotten by the vast majority of those “news” consumers.
This is a form of subliminal programming of, and planting false memories in western
audiences to the conflict in Ukraine, and an extreme abuse of news media and psychology
as weapons of war. Unfortunately, most news consumers in the west won’t see the
motivation or sneakiness of that kind of defamatory trickery. The above cited article also
presents a large color photo of a man wearing a hazmat suit and gas mask, to further
imprint within the memoires of those “news” consumers a powerful image to compliment
the deceptiveness in the text. That, along with 99% of the mainstream media (MSM)
“news” regarding the Ukraine conflict, is unconscionably misleading.
If one types “chemical weapons used by Russia in Ukraine” into Google a mind-numbing
65,600,000 links emerge, even though there is not a shred, not an atom of evidence to
back up those scurrilous accusations. This, like all other so-called “news” about the war
in Ukraine is another complete fabrication used to smear Russia.
Is there any hint of the above information in CNN reports? Why not? Simply put, it’s the
same corporate shareholders that own CNN as profit from the war industries. Thus, they
are complicit in all crimes committed in Ukraine.
of kidnapping, torture, and assassination of local Ukrainian
lawmakers accused of collaborating with Russia. Several mayors
and other Ukrainian officials have been killed since the outbreak of
war, many reportedly by Ukrainian state agents after engaging in
de-escalation talks with Russia.
“ There is one less traitor in Ukraine,” Internal Affairs Ministry
advisor Anton Geraschenko stated in endorsement of the murder
of a Ukrainian mayor accused of collaborating with Russia.
Zelensky has further exploited the atmosphere of war to outlaw an
array of opposition parties and order the arrest of his leading rivals.
His authoritarian decrees have triggered the disappearance,
torture and even murder of an array of human rights activists,
communist and leftist organizers, journalists and government
officials accused of “pro-Russian” sympathies.
The Ukrainian SBU security services has served as the enforcement
arm of the officially authorized campaign of repression. With
training from the CIA and close coordination with Ukraine’s state-
backed neo-Nazi paramilitaries, the SBU has spent the past weeks
filling its vast archipelago of torture dungeons with political
On the battlefield, meanwhile, the Ukrainian military has engaged
in a series of atrocities against captured Russian troops and proudly
exhibited its sadistic acts on social media. Here too, the
perpetrators of human rights abuses appear to have received
approval from the upper echelons of Ukrainian leadership.
While Zelensky spouts bromides about the defense of democracy
before worshipful Western audiences, he is using the war as a
theater for enacting a blood-drenched purge of political rivals,
dissidents and critics.
“The war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition
members who express themselves critical of the government,” a
left-wing activist beaten and persecuted by Ukraine’s security
services commented this April. “We must all fear for our freedom
and our lives.”
Torture and enforced disappearances “common practices” of
Ukraine’s SBU
When a US-backed government seized power in Kiev following the
Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, Ukraine’s
government embarked on a nationwide purge of political elements
deemed pro-Russian or insufficiently nationalistic. The passage of
“decommunization” laws by the Ukrainian parliament further
eased the persecution of leftist elements and the prosecution of
activists for political speech.
The post-Maidan regime has focused its wrath on Ukrainians who
have advocated a peace settlement with pro-Russian separatists in
the country’s east, those who have documented human rights
abuses by the Ukrainian military, and members of communist
organizations. Dissident elements have faced the constant threat
of ultra-nationalist violence, imprisonment, and even murder.
The Ukrainian security service known as the SBU has served as the
main enforcer of the post-Maidan government’s campaign of
domestic political repression. Pro-Western monitors including the
United Nations Office of the High Commission (UN OHCR) and
Human Rights Watch have accused the SBU of systematically
torturing political opponents and Ukrainian dissidents with near-
total impunity.
The UN OHCR found in 2016 that “arbitrary detention, enforced
disappearances, torture and ill-treatment of such conflict-related
detainees were common practice of SBU… A former Kharkiv SBU
officer explained, ‘For the SBU, the law virtually does not exist as
everything that is illegal can be either classified or explained by
referring to state necessity.”
Yevhen Karas, the founder of the infamous neo-Nazi C14 unit, has
detailed the close relationship his gang and other extreme right
factions have enjoyed with the SBU. The SBU “informs not only us,
but also Azov, the Right Sector, and so on,” Karas boasted in a 2017
Kiev officially endorses assassinating Ukrainian mayors for
negotiating with Russia
Since Russia launched its military operation inside Ukraine, the SBU
has hunted down local officials that decided to accept
humanitarian supplies from Russia or negotiated with Russian
forces to arrange corridors for civilian evacuations.
On March 1, for example, Volodymyr Strok, the mayor of the
eastern city of Kreminna in the Ukrainian-controlled side of
Lugansk, was kidnapped by men in military uniform, according to
his wife, and shot in the heart.
On March 3, pictures of Strok’s visibly tortured body appeared. A
day before his murder, Struk had reportedly urged his Ukrainian
colleagues to negotiate with pro-Russian officials.
Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Ministry of
Internal Affairs, celebrated the mayor’s murder, declaring on his
Telegram page (see below): “There is one less traitor in Ukraine.
The mayor of Kreminna in Luhansk region, former deputy of
Luhansk parliament was found killed.”
According to Geraschenko, Strok had been judged by the “court of
the people’s tribunal.”
The Ukrainian official therefore delivered a chilling message to
anyone choosing to seek cooperation with Russia: do so and lose
your life.
On March 7, the mayor of Gostomel, Yuri Prylipko, was found
murdered. Prylipko had reportedly entered into negotiations with
the Russian military to organize a humanitarian corridor for the
evacuation of his city’s residents – a red line for Ukrainian ultra-
nationalists who had long been in conflict with the mayor’s office.
Next, on March 24, Gennady Matsegora, the mayor of Kupyansk in
northeastern Ukraine, released a video (below) appealing to
President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration for the
release of his daughter, who had been held hostage by agents of
the Ukrainian SBU intelligence agency.
Then there was the murder of Denis Kireev, a top member of the
Ukrainian negotiating team, who was killed in broad daylight in
Kiev after the first round of talks with Russia. Kireev was
subsequently accused in local Ukrainian media of “treason.”
When war erupted with Russia this February, Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky issued a series of decrees formalizing Kiev’s
campaign against political opposition and dissident speech.
In a March 19 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law to ban
11 opposition parties. The outlawed parties consisted of the entire
left-wing, socialist or anti-NATO spectrum in Ukraine. They
included the For Life Party, the Left Opposition, the Progressive
Socialist Party of Ukraine, the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Union of
Left Forces, Socialists, the Party of Shariy, Ours, State, Opposition
Bloc and the Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.
Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps
were left untouched by the presidential decree, however.
“The activities of those politicians aimed at division or collusion will
not succeed, but will receive a harsh response,” President Zelensky
As he wiped out his opposition, Zelensky ordered an
unprecedented domestic propaganda initiative to nationalize all
television news broadcasting and combine all channels into a single
24 hour channel called “United News” to “tell the truth about
war.” …
Thus, establishing that the US and Ukraine government do have death squads. Back to
the short article written by Wyatt Reed:
Is Sharia law necessarily more extreme than the alt-right in the US which heavily overlaps
with known hate groups such as the so-called “Christian Identity” movement? And didn’t
even NYT just a year ago broadcast: “Top law enforcement officials say the biggest
domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists”? Kadyrov is fighting those very
same US government supported white supremacists in Mariupol now (even if CNN, BBC,
etc. etc., refuses to ever mention Azov is a neo-Nazi white supremacist group). If actions
speak louder than words, perhaps Wikipedia should lighten up on Ramzan Kadyrov and
throw a lot more balance in their review of the man. The smear campaign on any and all
Muslims is really quite far over the top (in this writer’s opinion), unless they’re a “good,”
“Uncle Tom” sort of “Muslim.” Adding to the incredible complexity of this man, “Kadyrov
was given the rank of major general in July 2020, through an executive order of the
Russian President.
Interestingly nearly a decade before Ramzan Kadyrov was nominated to a second term as
president (now referred to as Head of the Chechen Republic) by Russian President Dmitry
Medvedev on 28 February 2011 and was unanimously elected for a second term by the
Chechen Parliament on 5 March 2011. After his election, he stated that he was going to
continue the current course of reviving the republic's economy and society. He eventually
resigned as Head of the Chechen Republic noting it was his “dream,” but “he found the
responsibility to be ‘too heavy.’”
He added on his blog that he had been transferred from Ministry of Internal Affairs to the
National Guard of Russia,” begging the question: “How many Muslim generals are there
in the US military?”
So, I turn to the source of all great “wisdom” on the Internet, Wikipedia again, and find
an entry titled: Notable Muslims in the (US) Military,” and two are listed. One was
Humayun Khan, “an officer” of unnamed rank who was killed in a car bomb in 2004, and
the other Douglas Burpee was a Marine Colonel, who was a helicopter pilot for 27 years,
indicating there may be a glass ceiling on Muslims in the US military as according to ABC
news there were 5,000 Muslims in the US military in 2015. In fact there are probably many
more “Muslims” in the US military now because of popular movies like “American
Assassin” which is about an American man who becomes a perfect fake Muslim robot in
order to kill Muslim terrorists.
So much for the background research. What did General Kadyrov say in the article
written by Wyatt Reed? For one thing:
“Western support for the regime in Kiev–via steady streams of heavy weaponry and
foreign mercenaries–means Russia is effectively ‘at war with dozens of states…’”
Again, doubting everything I looked for Ramzan Kadyrov on Telegram, found him and
noticed he writes in Russian. That actually gives him a lot of credibility because he’s not a
government wank in a public relations position. He’s on the ground in Mariupol, and I
found another post by him in Russian (April 19, 2022) which I translated with Not one to rest on Sputnik’s interpretations, I wanted Kadyrov’s
original writing. Here’s what he wrote:
Look at this vile hypocrisy and the lies of the Azov criminals who
have settled in the buildings of Azovstal. It was the Russian side
that has always advocated organizing living corridors for civilians,
providing them with protection, shelter, food, medical assistance,
while the Azov fascists used them as human shields. If you, the
scum of Azov, are so worried about the lives of civilians, what did
you keep and keep them in basements? Why were they not
allowed to leave when the Russian fighters provided corridors and
announced a regime of silence? The answer is obvious - you
needed hostages. And now, when the boot of Russian liberators is
pressing on your false fascist throat, you have decided to pretend
to be saviors. The order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of
Russia is to save the civilian population. And we always do it…
Posted April 19, 2022 4:08 am on Telegram by General Kadyrov
That appears to have been written directed at Azov: “If you, the scum of Azov, are so
worried about the lives of civilians, why did you keep them in basements?” And: “…you
have decided to pretend to be saviors...”
Written in Russian and addressed to Azov, this is a very different kind of evidence than
that for example presented by Kyiv Independent newspaper in English which is funded by
American NED, which is famed for overthrowing governments. It is also worth mentioning
that the Russian military is highly disciplined, something than cannot be said about Azov,
and in a position where winning the hearts and minds of locals is critically important,
whereas Azov is more interested in splashy headlines in western news gained by way of
false flag operations that kill and hold hostage civilian populations, while using them for
human shields.
In other words, the US is making the same blunder in this Ukraine War as in the Vietnam
War, e.g., relying on totally corrupt and ruthless political forces that divide the people
instead of uniting them, and brutal military forces that alienates locals and undermines
US objectives. It should also be mentioned in the Vietnam War the US news constantly
lied about the US military progress in Vietnam until they lost, and quit, similar to
Afghanistan, and that is clearly happening again in Ukraine now as well.
The Mariupol Theater bombing was done by Ukrainian forces and falsely attributed to
Russian forces in a False Flag operation. Those same Ukrainian neo-Nazis routinely use
civilians as human shields, and appear to be losing the war they started back in 2014
under the direction of the CIA and US State Department with funding from NED and USAID.
Does President Biden ever wonder why Americans don’t trust him, the US government or
the US media?
B. Bucha massacre
The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient
to be discovered - It should be easy to find out what really
happened to the massacred civilians in the Ukrainian town
By Scott Ritter, April 4, 2022 [Scott Ritter is a former US Marine
Corps intelligence officer who served in the Soviet Union as an
inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s
staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons
...One of the first lessons of objectivity is to slow things down to
make sure that fact is not obscured by emotion. The Bucha
videotape is disturbing. The video has been released in its present
form, it appears, with the express intent of producing a visceral
“shock and awe” moment for the viewer. If this was indeed the
case, then those who released it – the Ukrainian National Police –
have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. Or that of their
advisors, as the case may be.
The linkage between the dead and the Russian military was
established immediately, without any fact-based data to back it up,
and subsequently echoed in all forms of media – mainstream and
social alike. Anyone who dared question the established “Russia did
it” narrative was shouted down and belittled as a “Russian shill,” or
That these conclusions are the byproduct of mass hysteria is beside
the point – why seek to be objective when the narrative fits every
stereotype that had been carefully assembled beforehand by the
same people parroting the Bucha story today. Social
“preconditioning” of an audience unused to critical thinking is an
essential step in getting this audience to accept at face value
anything that is put before it, regardless of how egregiously the
facts of the story strain credulity. And let’s be clear – the Ukrainian
narrative of the events in Bucha seems to stretch credibility.
The chronology of the narrative produces the first red flag that the
story being peddled by Ukraine, and echoed in the West, is not
what it seems. It is established fact that Russian troops evacuated
Bucha on March 30. Ukrainian National Police began entering
Bucha on March 31, and that same day the mayor of Bucha
announced that the town was fully under the control of Ukrainian
officials. At no time was there any suggestion by the mayor or any
other Ukrainian official of mass killings undertaken by Russia. The
videotape in question was released by Ukrainian authorities on
April 2; it is not certain if the video had been taken earlier, or on
that day. What is certain is that the images shown in the video
differed sharply from the narrative initially portrayed by the mayor.
For its part, Russia has vehemently denied the allegations, and has
requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to
discuss what the Russian Foreign Ministry has called the “criminal
provocations by Ukrainian soldiers and radicals” in Bucha. The
presidency of the Security Council is held by Great Britain, and the
British mission to the UN has denied the Russian request, stating
that a discussion on Ukraine currently scheduled for Tuesday, April
4 would serve as a forum for any discussion about Bucha.
One would think that the Security Council, which has shown a
readiness in the past to meet on short notice to discuss the events
coming out of Ukraine, would seek to accommodate Russia’s
request on a matter of such importance. The goal of the British,
however, does not appear to be the rapid search for truth and
justice, but rather to buy time to allow the political fallout from the
alleged massacre in Bucha to develop further.
One example of this tactic manifesting itself is the reaction of US
President Joe Biden. “You saw what happened in Bucha,” he
explained in comments to reporters, adding that Russian President
Vladimir Putin “is a war criminal.” Biden took advantage of the
Bucha crisis to advocate for the delivery of more weaponry to
Ukraine. “We have to continue to provide Ukraine with the
weapons they need to continue the fight,” he said. “And we have to
gather all the detail so this can be an actual – have a war crimes
All this from the president of a country which has refused
to recognise the International Criminal Court. For reasons which
should be obvious to anyone willing to apply some
critical thought.
Fortunately for President Biden and the Ukrainian government, the
British chief prosecutor of the court, Karim Khan, announced in
early March 2022 that he had launched an investigation into
alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in
Ukraine. Given the high profile of the Bucha allegations, one would
imagine that Khan has dispatched a forensics team to take control
of the crime scene and oversee autopsies on the victims to
establish the time of death, mechanism of death, and whether the
victims had died where they were allegedly found, or if their bodies
had been moved there from another location.
Khan would also be empowered to conduct interviews with the
Ukrainian National Police, who have a history of close relations
with members of the Ukrainian far right, including the infamous
Azov Battalion. Of particular interest would be any investigation
into orders given to the police regarding the treatment of those
Ukrainian civilians deemed to have collaborated with the Russian
military during its occupation of Bucha.
The results of such an investigation would more than likely conflict
with the narrative being pursued by the Ukrainian government and
echoed in the West by compliant media outlets and politicians alike.
This is the prime reason why Khan is not currently on the ground in
Bucha. One can assume that if and when Khan is eventually given
access to evidence about the Bucha killings, it will have been
manipulated by the Ukrainian National Police to such an extent that
disproving the allegations will be virtually impossible.
The truth about what happened in Bucha is out there, waiting to be
discovered. Unfortunately, that truth appears to be inconvenient
for those in a position to pursue it aggressively through a forensics-
based, on-site investigation. If it so happens that it eventually
emerges that the Ukrainian National Police murdered Ukrainian
civilians for the crime of allegedly collaborating with the Russians
during their brief occupation of Bucha, and the forces of
international law are brought to bear against the true perpetrators
of that crime, any true pursuit of justice would have to include both
the US and UK governments as witting co-conspirators in any crime
Scott Ritter’s Tweeter account was subsequently locked after this story – for a day.
Following that he did an interview on the Rachel Blevins show where he presented the
outline of a criminal case against President Biden for war crimes, likening that case to
the Nuremberg trial. That interview can be seen here:
US-Info-War-Against-Russia-with-Scott-Ritter (As of April 8, 2022, however how long
that interview will remain online before US censors block it is unknown.)
On the subject of war crimes, it is always wise to take another look at war crimes
committed by the US since WWII:
Russia denies Ukraine war-crimes allegations - Moscow claims
accusations of Bucha massacre by Russian forces are fake news,
April 3, 2022
The Russian military has firmly denied accusations of its
involvement in the mass killings of civilians in Bucha, a Ukrainian
town northwest of Kiev. The claims have been made by Ukraine
itself, and amplified by some Western media outlets and human
rights groups, some days after Moscow withdrew its troops from
the area.
Russian troops had been pulled out from the area on March 30, the
military said, on Sunday, pointing out that “the so-called ‘evidence
of crimes’ in Bucha appeared only on the fourth day” after the
withdrawal, when Ukrainian intelligence and “representatives of
Ukrainian television arrived in the town.”
“All photographs and video materials published by the Kiev regime,
allegedly showing some kind of "crimes" by Russian military
personnel in the town of Bucha, Kiev region, are yet another
provocation,” the Russian Ministry of Defense added.
“Moreover, on March 31 the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk,
confirmed in his video address that there was no Russian military
in the town, but did not even mention any local residents laying
shot in the streets with their hands tied,” the military also pointed
as well. “Russian authorities will have to answer for these crimes,”
French President Emmanuel Macron said. / A similar stance was
voiced by the UK, with Foreign Secretary Liz Truss stating that such
“indiscriminate attacks” on civilians should be probed as war
crimes. “We will not allow Russia to cover up their involvement in
these atrocities through cynical disinformation,” she said…
In other words, Russians are being universally blamed by the western media, even though
forensic evidence from photos and videos prove it couldn’t have been Russians given they
had left the area four days earlier.
Experts: Bucha-Like ‘False Flag’ Incidents to Continue as West
'Frustrated’ Over Propaganda Failures, April 3, 2022
Over the past 24 hours, the Western media have been fueling
allegations that Russia committed mass killings of civilians in the
Ukrainian city of Bucha as footage has shown city streets strewn
with bodies. The Russian Defence Ministry dismissed the
accusations, underscoring that the footage is nothing short of yet
another provocation.
With Kiev quickly accusing Russia of ‘genocide’ and ‘massacre’ in
Bucha, Western media seems eager to automatically criminalize
Moscow without a full investigation - and it looks like the media is
a tool for the West to make up for frustrations caused by the
failures of its own propaganda, experts have stated.
Doubts were cast at allegations that Russia is behind the purported
‘war crimes’ in Bucha shortly after a video posted by one of the Kiev
territorial defence battalion leaders resurfaced online. In the video,
titled “BOATSMAN BOYS’ work in Bucha,” fighters are heard asking
whether they can shoot people without blue armbands (an
identifier of the Ukrainian forces) - and receiving ‘F***, of course!’
in response.
Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist, points at
how ‘NATO-aligned’ media plays its role to “protect their ‘side’”
from repercussions for the war crimes they have been committing
for decades", while also highlighting inconsistencies in the
Western-promoted narrative.
Commenting on the ‘BOATSMAN BOYS’ video, Beeley says that
they are a division of the Azov battalion – “the same Azov battalion
that is responsible for mass graves in Donetsk and Lughansk for 8
years, the same Azov battalion whose ancestors carried out one of
the worst massacres of the second world war, executing 33, 771
Jews in Babi Yar, Kiev in 1941.”
“Yet we are supposed to believe that a Russian army withdrawing
to preserve civilian lives as it has done consistently during its
military campaign in Ukraine - is responsible for the execution of
Ukrainian civilians including Russian speakers, whose protection
was one of the main triggers for this incursion into Ukraine to
‘Denazify’ the territory,” Beeley says.
The sentiment is echoed by Joe Quinn, political commentator and
author, who says that it was “entirely plausible” that that Ukrainian
military policy was to shoot anyone on the street that did not have
a blue armband, and in particular those with a white armband - a
sign recognized as an identifier of the Russian military.
According to Quinn, it was possible that some of the Bucha civilians
wore white bandages as a sign of friendliness towards the Russian
military, prompting the Ukrainians to assume that everyone with
that bandage was somehow aligned with the Russian forces.
“Another interesting possibility is that at least some of the dead on
the street were killed by artillery fire,” he continues. “Several of the
bodies are close to evidence of artillery, of missile strikes. If some,
or all, of the dead were killed by artillery strikes, then they can only
have been killed by artillery fire from Ukrainian positions in the
forested area south of Bucha.”
Quinn notes that this is not the first time when Ukrainian forces
have fired at civilians, recalling the case of Mariupol when "the
Ukrainian military fired on humanitarian corridors set up by the
Russians in an attempt to kill Russian soldiers, prevent civilians
from leaving, and killing civilians in the process."
“On March 26, the Russian military in Bucha established a corridor
for civilians to leave towards Belarus. Were the civilians on the
street in Bucha killed at that time or in the following days by
Ukrainian artillery fire? It is certainly a more plausible explanation
than the irrational claim that retreating Russian soldiers decided to
indiscriminately 'shoot' civilians on the street in Bucha,” Quinn says.
“They will do whatever it takes, including propaganda, to smear
Russia to somehow destroy the good name of Russia,” Kasonta
suggests, saying that such efforts can stem from the West's
opposition to the idea of someone in Kiev being in favour of a peace
agreement with Russia.
He also said that it can relate to the fact that Russia has made
significant steps towards financial and economic independence
from the West and stronger ties with China and India, which "is
causing a huge frustration" in the West.
Amid intense efforts to fuel the anti-Russia narrative, Kasonta says,
more incidents similar to that in Bucha can be expected to occur -
along with "many more accusations from the so-called reputable
institutions like Human Rights Watch and others."
Putin Says Lukashenko Handed Him Documents That Expose
Bucha Fake, April 12, 2022
Moscow has repeatedly denounced the Bucha provocation as
something that was staged by Kiev specifically for the Western
media to slander Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Belarusian
counterpart Alexander Lukashenko handed him documents
exposing the Bucha fake.
The documents in question, Putin explained, shed light on "who
and how arrived in Bucha, and using what kind of transport" in
order to "set up the conditions" to stage the provocation.
According to Putin, the Bucha provocation is similar to the claims
made regarding the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.
The Bucha provocation has been condemned by Russia as an
"outrageous" fake created solely with the purpose of slandering
Moscow. According to Russia, the timeline of the Ukrainian
allegations about the mass killing of civilians by Russian troops does
not add up to the time when the troops actually left the city in the
Kiev region. Moscow asserted that the Ukrainian forces shelled
Bucha after the Russian withdrawal with rocket and tank fire.
The Russian president also said that Kiev had backed away from the
agreements made in Istanbul, leading the talks into a deadlock. He
condemned Kiev's inconsistency during the negotiations, saying
that it is complicating the peace process.
booster when it came to earth, when assessed to the impact zone
of the cluster munitions, provides a reverse azimuth which, even
when factoring in a generous margin of error for potential drift,
points to territory that was under the excusive control of the
Ukrainian government, which means that there is little doubt that
the missile that struck the Kramatorsk train station was fired by a
launcher under the operational control of the 19th Missile Brigade,
Ukraine’s only Tochka-U-equipped unit. More specifically, a
forensic evaluation of the missile debris clearly shows that it was
launched by the 19th Ukrainian Missile Brigade, based near
Dobropolia, some 45 kilometers from Kramatorsk.
The 19th Missile Brigade is considered a strategic asset, meaning
that it responds directly to the orders of the Ukrainian Ground
Forces Command. In short, if the missile was, as it appears, fired by
the 19th Missile Brigade, it was doing so based on orders given
from high up the chain of command. The launch was no accident...
Forensic evidence such as that makes for good prosecutions when the whole truth comes
out, as it usually does, belatedly for the those fighting in a war. False flag operations are
particularly sinister as they target civilians and one can only hope saner minds prevail
sooner rather than later and start to deal the realities here rather than the “political
objectives” (global domination by any means necessary) of the real aggressors (the usual
cast of colonialists plus those Ukrainians unfortunate enough to get sucked into this proxy
war) in this series of events.
There is absolutely zero motivation for Russia to fire a missile strike against a train
station in Ukraine, and enormous motivation for Ukrainian forces to launch such an
attack, knowing full well this will spark further outrage against Russia in the west and
bring in more money, weapons and possibly ground troops. Those “little details” of
motivation and intent are critical for proving a criminal case, and yet western media
conglomerates are reporting not the news, but rather only US government and Ukrainian
Once again photographic forensic evidence suggests this was not a Russian attack, but
rather a Ukrainian false flag attack working hand in hand with US “information war”
strategies – and it is innocents that are being killed, as usual in American wars. That
President Zelensky consents to and participates in this proves he values the American
agenda of hegemony in perpetuity more-so than the lives of his own citizenry, exactly
what one would expect from an American puppet president in a distant colony.
Because of President Biden’s and western media’s proven habit of automatically blaming
Russia for atrocities, without proof or objective 3rd party analysis of any kind, the real
perpetrators in the Ukrainian military are encouraged to continue and escalate those
This crime (presenting false evidence to the Euro-American publics as incitement for
further crimes in Ukraine) can and should be added to the list of war crimes and crimes
against humanity that should appropriately, and with haste be leveled at President Biden,
western mainstream news (e.g., CNN and BBC) media and President Zelensky.
False flag operations by the US - A long dishonorable tradition
90. Was the Vietnam War launched with a false flag operation?
False flags are a longstanding US tradition, dating from the 19th
century. / In August 1964, US war on North Vietnam followed the
staged Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident. / Raging for over a decade,
around three or four million Vietnamese, Cambodians, and
Laotians perished from US aggression, one of history’s greatest
crimes. / Indiscriminate terror-bombing, including with napalm,
other incendiary devices, anti-personal cluster bombs, widespread
use of deadly dioxin-containing Agent Orange, and other banned
weapons devastated Southeast Asia and its people. / Sarin nerve
gas was used in Laos. The scars of war in the region remain to this
day. / Scores of towns, villages, and hamlets were destroyed,
millions killed, countless millions more harmed. / From 1965 – 1973,
around eight million tons of bombs were used against Southeast
Asia targets, threefold the tonnage in WW II. / Washington’s defeat
in the didn’t curb its rage for global dominance, far from it…
The Truth About Tonkin
Questions about the Gulf of Tonkin incidents have persisted for
more than 40 years. But once-classified documents and tapes
released in the past several years, combined with previously
uncovered facts, make clear that high government officials
distorted facts and deceived the American public about events that
led to full U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
By Lieutenant Commander Pat Paterson, U.S. Navy, February 2008,
Naval History Magazine, Volume 22, Number 1
“These new documents and tapes reveal what historians could not
prove: There was not a second attack on U.S. Navy ships in the
Tonkin Gulf in early August 1964. Furthermore, the evidence
suggests a disturbing and deliberate attempt by Secretary of
Defense McNamara to distort the evidence and mislead Congress.”
Total death toll? Somewhere between 3.4 million, and…
…and 3.8 million.
Nobody is counting the numbers of innocent Vietnamese that were tortured to death by
American forces.
So, it’s not surprising the Azov neo-Nazis they trained certainly appear to use such horrific
methods as well.
Occam's razor principle suggests it probably was Azov, as they have motivation, means
and opportunities, however in a fair world ruled with justice one must await further
evidence to be absolutely positive of their guilt before conviction, unlike US media’s
immediate assignation of blame on Russians in spite of strong evidence it wasn’t the
Russians, such as forensic evidence from Bucha and the fact that Russians weren’t even
in that town at the time those killed, were killed.
91. Have American false flag operations been used as fake evidence against Syriam
President al-Assad?
Ukraine: No Fly Zone? False Flag Operation? By Gavin OReilly,
Global Research, March 09, 2022
... In 2017, the Syrian Arab Republic had been in the six-year long
grip of a Western-backed regime change operation launched in
response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s 2009 refusal to
allow US-allied Qatar to build a pipeline through his country, one
that would have undermined his relationship with key-ally Russia.
Like the aforementioned Operation Cyclone, Timber Sycamore
would see the arming, funding and training of Wahhabi terrorists
groups by the West and its allies, with the intention of removing
Assad’s secular government and replacing it with a Western-
friendly leadership.
On the 4th of April 2017, a false flag chemical attack took place in
the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun, the blame immediately being
placed on Damascus and resulting in the then-US administration of
Donald Trump launching cruise missiles strikes on a Syrian
government airbase three days later, a highly provocative action
though one that just stopped short of the full-scale military
intervention that the regime-change lobby had clamored for –
undeterred, the same tactic would be carried out a year later in the
city of Douma, which again would result in the US, Britain and
France launching air strikes against Syrian government targets, also
just stopping short of a full-scale intervention.
92. Have “false flag” operations been used against Iran and Iraq?
The phrase “false flag” can be used to describe an imagined threat by another nation used
to justify an attack upon it as in the following quote.
Iran, the United States and False Flags - By Robert Fantina, Global
Research, September 15, 2020, American Herald Tribune 13
September 2020 / United States’ government spokespeople are
forever demonizing Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has
proclaimed that Iran is the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism. In
keeping with this, the possibility of the U.S. waging war against Iran
is very real. / We must remember that Iran has not invaded another
country since 1798: yes, that is 222 years ago. The U.S. is currently
bombing, or supporting the bombing, of Palestine, Yemen, Syria,
Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia. It is sanctioning Venezuela, causing
untold suffering there, wanting ‘regime change’ in that nation also.
And Pompeo has the temerity to say that Iran is the world’s chief
sponsor of terrorism. By any objective standard, that title must go
to the U.S. / President Donald Trump and his cohorts continually
raise the false flag of Iranian threats to the world, against all facts.
This follows the centuries-old playbook of U.S. war-making:
disagree with the policies of another nation, then create a narrative
that positions that nation as a threat to the world or its own citizens;
maintain that rhetoric until at least some people start to believe it,
and then invade. And generally, the only people who really need to
buy-in to this particular fairy tale are members of Congress who are
very pliable when it comes to starting a war…
It is the latter use of the phrase “false flag” that was used to start the Iraq war, as
explained in the book review of: Propaganda, Lies and False Flags: How the U.S. Justifies
its Wars (June 2020, Red Pill Press) by journalist and human rights activist Robert Fantina
How Does the US Rally Support for Wars that Kill Millions of Innocent People Worldwide?
New Book Identifies the Paradigm Underpinning U.S. Decisions to
Enter War, Past and Present, and the Narrative Used by
Government and Media to Garner Widespread Buy-In / By Robert
Fantina, May 21, 2020
Campaigns against Native Americans. The War of 1812. World War
I, World War II, Iraq and Afghanistan… The United States has been
at war for the vast majority of its history. / These wars have killed
millions of innocent men, women and children around the world.
Yet more often than not they have been based on weak evidence,
questionable motives, and outright lies. Why, then, do large
portions of the public staunchly support the US troops? Why are
so many Americans satisfied with the U.S. bombings of Yemen,
Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries,
knowing that this is creating starvation and refugee crises of
catastrophic proportions? / In his new book, Propaganda, Lies and
False Flags: How the U.S. Justifies its Wars (June 2020, Red Pill
Press), journalist and human rights activist Robert Fantina explains
how the US government has rallied public opinion to support its
wars and military objectives since before the American Revolution.
/ Through a deep, comprehensive analysis of every war the U.S. or
its colonial predecessor has waged from 1755 to the present,
Fantina demonstrates a clear pattern that has shaped not only
decisions to enter into war, but also the narrative used to rally U.S.
citizens’ support of these actions. / The pattern consists, first, of
brandishing what Fantina refers to as “false flags”—that is,
perceived threats, dangers or human rights violations such as Iraq’s
non-existent weapons of mass destruction and involvement in 9/11,
or alleged chemical attacks by the government of Syria that were
never corroborated. Next comes the use of propaganda to
manipulate public opinion and enlist widespread buy-in. Quoting
and parroting the government, the media helps spread this
propaganda. This approach has successfully garnered support for
both official warfare and acts of aggression such as plundering
other country’s resources and removing left-leaning foreign
leaders. / The cost in human life is staggering. Since World War II
alone it is estimated that the U.S. has killed at least 20,000,000
people in over 37 nations. In response to the killing of 3,000 U.S.
citizens on September 11, 2001, the U.S. killed at least 1,000,000
Iraqis who, along with their government, had nothing to do with
the 2001 attacks on the U.S...
Ditto for Afghanistan.
led by Manhattan district attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. and lawyers
from the Innocence Project, which seeks to exonerate those who
have been wrongly convicted…
93. Why do Ukrainian sources of “information” on the war there consist primarily of
“human interest” tragically sad stories and no experts?
One of the most striking things about early coverage has been the
sheer number of Ukrainian sources. FAIR always challenges news
media to seek out the perspective of those most impacted by
events, and US outlets are doing so to a much greater extent in this
war than in any war in recent history. Of 234 total sources—230 of
whom had identifiable nationalities—119 were Ukrainian
(including five living in the United States.) / However, these were
overwhelmingly person-on-the-street interviews that rarely
consisted of more than one or two lines. Even the three Ukrainian
individuals identified as having a relevant professional expertise—
two doctors and a journalist—spoke only of their personal
experience of the war. Twenty-one (17% of Ukrainian sources)
were current or former government or military officials. / Airing so
many Ukrainian voices, but asking so few to provide actual
analysis, has the effect of generating sympathy, but for a people
painted primarily as pawns or victims, rather than as having
valuable knowledge, history and potential contributions to
determine their own futures. / Meanwhile, Russian government
sources only appeared four times. Sixteen other Russian sources
were quoted: 13 persons on the street, an opposition politician and
two members of wealthy families. / Eighty sources were from the
United States, including 57 current or former US officials. Despite
the diplomatic involvement of the European Union, only two
Western European sources were featured: the Norwegian NATO
Secretary General and a German civilian helping refugees in Poland.
There were also eight foreign civilians featured living in Ukraine:
three from the US, three African and two Middle Eastern. / And
while political leaders certainly bring important knowledge and
perspective to war coverage, so too do scholars, think tanks and
civic organizations with regional expertise. But these voices were
almost completely marginalized, with only five such civil society
experts appearing during the study period. All were in the United
States, although one was Ukrainian-American Michael Sawkiw (CBS,
2/24/22), who represented the Ukrainian Congress Committee of
America (an organization associated with Stepan Bandera’s faction
of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, which participated in
the Holocaust during World War II)…
in-other-conflicts (Some of the bold text added by this author)
These are just some of the loathsome depths to which American “journalism” has sunk.
They no longer present news, but rather produce fabricated “news” exactly like movies
designed to extract maximum emotional impact, minus any real meaningful information
beside the awful suffering caused by the absolutely “evil other.”’s niche specialty incidentally is media bias and the entire article quoted above is
(like all linked references in this document) well worth reading.
94. Does your administration have a policy of provoke and escalate, provoke and
escalate, provoke and escalate in Ukraine?
As if the wide range of sanctions against Russia were not enough, and stealing Russian
assets in western banks were not enough, the US and NATO must escalate with more
weapons until every last Ukrainian is dead.
Before that happens though some western nation will declare war on Russia. It’s a given.
The mass and momentum pushing this drive to war will not be stopped by common sense
or even self preservation. None-the-less, Russia defeated the Nazis before and will again
no doubt. In any case the US and NATO are currently flooding nations adjacent to Russia
will soldiers trained to kill. Diplomacy? There appear to be no American diplomats
anymore. That is an artifact of a bygone age when the US needed to pretend to be nice
sometimes, at little bit at least. No more.
2022.03.31 Why More American Troops in Europe Will Make Old
Continent Hostage to US Security Imperatives - The US may need
more troops in Europe after Russia's special operation in Ukraine
ends, Gen. Tod Wolters, commander of US European Command
told American senators on 29 March, falling short of specifying
whether he meant permanent basing. In recent months, US military
forces have soared from roughly 60,000 to 102,000 in Europe.
"America’s presence in Europe is one of regional domination over
Western Europe and encroachment and encirclement across
Eastern Europe along Russia’s borders," says Brian Berletic, a
geopolitical analyst and former US Marine. "It has always been a
process of escalation, edging ever closer to a conflict with Russia
either directly or, as we see unfolding in Ukraine right now, by
During a Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday hearing, Gen.
Tod Wolters was asked by Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) whether
the US should increase the number of troops permanently
stationed in Europe, rather than the rotating forces. Wolters
responded that his "suspicion is" that the US is going to still need
more troops in the region "following the completion of the
Ukraine-Russia scenario." The general added, however, that the
Pentagon has to "examine the European contributions to make a
smart decision about where to go in the future."
Still, Wolters' remarks left more questions than answers, as it
remains unclear whether the additional US military forces would
be deployed on a permanent basis.
"I think the reluctance came from two things," says Scott Ritter, US
military analyst, former UN Weapons Inspector and WMD
Whistleblower. "One - any permanent presence or bulked up
permanent presence of American forces in Europe would require a
nation to be willing to host these Americans, and that creates
certain political problems for these nations. And two - the nation
would have to be able to economically support this deployment."
Ritter explains that the US has made it clear that the day of it paying
for the expense of sending and sustaining American troops
overseas all by itself is over, and it's up to Europe now "to pay at
least a significant part of the cost of hosting these troops." The
general is aware of these financial and political unknowns, hence
his hesitance, adds the military analyst.
Meanwhile, the number of US troops deployed across Europe has
soared from 60,000 to about 102,000 since October 2021. For
comparison's sake, NATO-allied European states hosted a total of
450,000 US military servicemen in 1957, during the Cold War era,
according to Axios. Under the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, the
transatlantic bloc is prohibited from "permanent stationing of
substantial combat forces" on its eastern flank….
Provoke and escalate, provoke and escalate. That’s the way to start a war and when
Russia is the target of this strategy, this is the way to start a thermonuclear war.
NATO holds war games on Russia’s border - 'Bold Dragon' drills held
in Estonia, 11 Apr, 2022
British, French, and Danish troops who have recently arrived to
serve in NATO Battlegroup Estonia began joint drills with Estonian
forces this weekend.
The ongoing Bold Dragon war games, involving foreign soldiers and
members of Estonia’s 1st Infantry Brigade, are being held at the
country's central military training area...
All international laws and treaties have been rubbished by the combined
Clinton/W. Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden administrations.
The 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act? Rubbish! International law? Rubbish! The economic
consequence of another war now? Rubbish!
The one and only thing that matters is quarterly dividends from war related industries for
the super-rich, because they also own the politicians and news monopolies. Besides all
that, there are delicate little perks along the road to war sure to be enjoyed by all the
great “warriors,” the shameless “men” of the west.
"Ukrainian nationalists continue to keep hostage as a human shield
6,362 foreign nationals from 13 countries," he said.
He also said that more than 19,600 people, including more than
3,300 children, were evacuated from dangerous regions in Ukraine,
and from the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics to Russia
during the day.
"Despite the difficulties and obstacles created by Kiev, during the
day, as many as 19,612 people, including 3,356 children, were
evacuated from dangerous zones in various Ukrainian regions, and
from the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics to Russia. Since
the beginning of the special military operation a total of 677,758
people, including 131,706 children, have been evacuated," he said.
According to Mizintsev, some 2,920 private cars crossed the
Russian border on Friday and 86,980 since the beginning of the
The Ukrainian side is deliberately hampering evacuation from
Mariupol via humanitarian corridors opened by Russia as part of its
response to Germany’s Turkey’s and France’s humanitarian
initiatives, Mizintsev said.
According to Mizintsev, Russia’s armed forces open humanitarian
corridors from Kharkov and Mariupol every day. Apart from that,
an additional humanitarian corridor is daily opened as part of the
response to Germany’s, Turkey’s and France’s humanitarian
initiatives from Mariupol to Berdyansk, from where they can take
surface transport for Crimea or Zaporozhye, or sea-going transport
to other destinations.
"The Ukrainian side has confirmed the security of this humanitarian
corridor not a single time and continues to deliberately hamper the
implementation of these humanitarian initiatives," he said.
Militants of nationalist units have mined storage facilities with toxic
chemicals at a coke plant in Avdeyevka and plan to blow them up
when forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) approach the
city, Mizintsev, said.
"In Avdeyevka, militants of nationalist units have prepared a
barbaric provocation with mass poisoning of residents of adjacent
areas by toxic chemicals. For these ends, neo-Nazis have mined the
coke plant’s storage facilities holding toxic chemicals and plan to
blow them up when units of the Donetsk People’s Republic
approach the city," he said.
In other words, huge numbers of Ukrainians are fleeing to Russia every day, not
neighboring Moldova, Romania, Hungry and Slovakia, though some are heading to Poland
to join the US side of this war started by the US overthrow of the democratically elected
president of Ukraine. Furthermore, Ukrainian “right wing nationalists,” barely
distinguishable from WWII Nazis, violently prevents seeking refuge in Russia to they
extent they can. Why?
President Biden, his family members, and many of the top Cabinet officers he appointed
have records of the appearance of conflicts of interest 28 between their government
positions, lobby groups, think tanks, and war industry related corporations.
In addition, it is commonly believed by most Americans that American wars are good for
the US economy, a fact which can help motivate American politicians to start wars.
Simultaneously, most nations in the UN General Assembly are held as economic hostages
to American threats and/or bribes. As political pundit Caitlin Johnstone noted in 2020, the
US has no allies, only hostages.
See Endnote 1 in this article for specific names, positions and “appearance of conflicts of interest” by
President Biden’s top cabinet members.
Section summary
Based on substantial well-researched and verified public information it appears President
Biden, due to his, his son’s29, and his top cabinet members’ corruption, threats and an
astonishing array of provocations have brought the US and Russia to the brink of WWIII
and thermonuclear Armageddon.
Contrary to the almost universally accepted images created by western think tanks (like
the Atlantic Council), government officials, and the corporate/government controlled
mainstream “news” media in Europe and the US, Russian President Putin had and still has
verifiable legal justification for ensuring the security of his nation from American/EU
ever-increasing threat of force against Russia with American BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories
containing deadly pathogens scattered around Ukraine including so very close to his
borders representing just one of a long list of verifiable threats to the security of his nation.
The US invaded Iraq based on false information regarding “weapons of mass destruction”
including chemical and biological weapons, yet none were found. In the case of the very
same weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, even top US officials admit deadly
pathogens were stored and researched in Ukraine and are attempting to destroy that
evidence to “keep it from Russian hands.”
President Putin’s many earnest attempts to get the US and NATO to back off the
relentlessly increasing threats of force right on his borders were all ignored by the US and
EU, and now that failure is responsible for the infinite tragedy of escalated armed conflict
in Ukraine.
2022.03.24 Experts warned for decades that NATO expansion
would lead to war: Why did nobody listen to them?
Analysts and diplomats have been saying since the 1990s that
NATO expansion would eventually spark a conflict in Eastern
In 1997, 50 prominent foreign policy experts, including former
senators, military leaders, and diplomats, sent an open letter to
then-President Bill Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO
expansion. “It is a policy error of historic proportions,” they wrote.
In 1998, George Kennan, an American diplomat and historian
known as the ‘architect of the Cold War’, said NATO expansion
would mean nothing less than “the beginning of a new Cold War,”
warning that it would be a “tragic mistake.”
In 1997, 50 prominent foreign policy experts, including former
senators, military leaders, and diplomats, sent an open letter to
then-President Bill Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO
expansion. “It is a policy error of historic proportions,” they wrote.
Conservative political commentator Pat Buchanan wrote in his
1999 book ‘A Republic, Not an Empire’, “By moving NATO onto
Russia’s front porch, we have scheduled a twenty-first-century
The current director of the CIA, William Burns, said in 2008 that for
Russia, “Ukraine’s accession to NATO is the brightest of all red lines.”
“I have not yet found anyone who would consider Ukraine in NATO
as something other than a direct challenge to Russia’s interests,”
he said.
Also see:
The answer to the rhetorical question in the above cited article is simple: American
politicians and so-called defense industry giants wanted this war, did everything they
could possibly do to provoke and escalate it, and are already profiting hugely from it,
while innocent Ukrainian soldiers and civilians and Russian soldiers are being ruthlessly
killed with many of the Russian soldiers being tortured before they are killed in full view
of the world and no, repeat no mainstream media is objecting to that.
This reminds me so much of a show-off rape, and the torture, rape and murder of Libyan
President Gaddafi, about which former Secretary of State laughed so glibly. In this 10
second video posted on YouTube, Hillary Clinton laughs, and admits to that murder.
It is curious the rape of the sovereign leader of a country can pass the community
guidelines of YouTube.
The mob that raped and murdered President Gaddafi was funded and organized by the
same color revolution backers as the other Arab Spring revolts, and the coup in Ukraine
which meets the criteria of a criminal organization given the illegality in international
law of interfering in the affairs of another country as the US so routinely does. Likewise,
that video on YouTube is most certainly horrifically violent especially given that viewers
know it is real and not a Hollywood production.
95. Do You, Mr. President think that President Putin has seen the video of the rape
of former Libyan President Gaddafi on YouTube?
How about the hanging of Saddam Hussein?
96. Do You know, Mr. President, how many foreign leaders the US has killed or had
their proxies kill?
97. Do You, Mr. President think that President Putin will hesitate for one nano-
second before launching thermonuclear missiles at the US and all its ally
countries with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia if and when he feels it is
warranted in self defense against the relentless American aggression directed at
him personally, his nation, and all Russian people in the world?
98. Do you Mr. President have any idea of the kind of sociopathic personalities you
work with and rely upon for information?
99.Given that thermonuclear war will virtually guarantee the release of highly
contagious deadly biological pathogens in the 300+ American BSL labs around
the world are You Mr. President willing to take that chance and continue the
incitement of unjust and illegal disinformation and relentless provocations and
escalations against President Putin, Russia and all Russians around the world?
Are you absolutely sure Mr. President you personally and
as president really are willing to continue this crusade,
this inquisition, and witch hunt of President Putin? Are
you absolutely sure your “information war” consisting of
relentless lies about President Putin, and Russia, and
others that refuse to kowtow to American hegemony in
perpetuity is really worth the price that will be definitely
be paid in full in the very near future if you do not put a
halt to, and back off the conflict in Ukraine that you
personally helped start, NOW?
The above article (“Experts warned for decades that NATO expansion would lead to war:
Why did nobody listen to them?”) quotes a long list of top American foreign policy
advisors predicting the armed conflict in Ukraine now, if NATO continued its eastern
march with its unmistakable intent to provoke war. Motives, intent, methods, and
opportunity for President Biden to lead the US to World War III are all there.
Material facts evidenced by eye witness testimonies, news reports, videos and photos
prove the Ukrainian war started in 2013/2014, with a US funded (NED and USAID) and
orchestrated “Color Revolution” against former President Viktor Yanukovych, in violation
of “The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples under Article 1,
paragraph 2” of the UN Charter. American government funded NED and USAID did fund
and help orchestrate the so-called “Euromaidan” violent riots that culminated in the
overthrow of then President Viktor Yanukovich.
100. The final and most important question
In the case of a thermonuclear war, the US will be totally obliterated along with large
parts of Russia. Following that there will be revolutions around the world deposing
American puppet leaders in developing countries. The probability all 300+ Top Secret
American biological research labs distributed around the world will keep their pathogens
contained is-equal-to-zero. In other words, the full range of all American biological
pathogens, some call “weapons” will be set loose upon the earth. They will appear to be
weapons to those who die from them. There will be no cures or vaccines due to
obliteration of global supply chains.
Objectives of this Referral for Criminal Investigation
1) Begin a criminal investigation into collusive, profit-motivated crimes in Ukraine
beginning in 2013, culminating in the February 24 invasion of Ukraine by President
Putin, and ideally 2) prepare the groundwork for a moratorium on supplying weapons to
Ukraine in a effort to hasten the end of this American contrived profit-driven war, and
force President Volodymyr Zelensky to stop fighting and agree to President Putin’s
“It is about withdrawing foreign troops, equipment and weapons,
as well as about other steps aimed at restoring the 1997
configuration of those countries who weren't NATO members at
that time and that includes both Bulgaria and Romania,” the
Russian top diplomat pointed out. / On December 17, 2021, the
Russian Foreign Ministry released a draft agreement on security
guarantees between Russia and the United States and a draft
agreement on ensuring the security of Russia and NATO member
For those not familiar with international diplomacy, a plan for slowly dismantling the
Euro-American war machine that has crowded Russia’s western front could have slowly
backed off according to a negotiated timetable. Instead, the US, led by President Biden
and his top cabinet officials, all of whom have “the appearance of conflicts of interest”
between their government posts and weapons and related war industries, accelerated
the slaughter of innocents in Lugansk and Donetsk. That was not only “undiplomatic” but
more extreme provocation by President Putin (proving “intent”), virtually guaranteeing a
Russian military response in the Donbass region, at least.
President Putin however went further, deciding the only way to secure that section of his
southern border is to clear out Ukraine’s war-making capabilities once and for all.
Previous to this decision, the US had been playing a game of “peek-a-boo” repeatedly
dangling the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, and then later denying they would
permit it. Provocation was the name of the game the US and NATO were playing and
finally, they got a response.
Now, “innocent” Ukrainian military, and genuinely innocent civilians, and innocent
Russian soldiers are dying on the battlefields in Ukraine to “line the pockets” (increase
quarterly dividends) of the provably corrupt President Biden family and many of his top
appointed government officials.
At this point the only way to stop the acceleration of this war, is for Ukrainian President
Zelensky to surrender. He however would never do that, buoyed by massive US and
European financial, military, media and “moral” support.
Consequently, the only other option to stop this war from devolving into WWIII, is to place
a moratorium on weapons delivery to Ukraine, such that President Zelensky has a “face-
saving” excuse for calling for a truce, and negotiating in a reasonable manner with Russian
President Putin.
There are no other options at this time.
If the recipients of this Referral for Criminal Investigation where to take it seriously, and
begin the investigation that should have started in 2014, the potential for peace with self-
determination and dignity for all parties would spring to life. The alternatives include lose-
lose scenarios for the entire human species and earth’s ecology. “Nuclear fallout typically
contains hundreds of different radionuclides. Some stay in the environment for a long
time because they have long half-lives, like cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30.17
Containment breeches at the hundreds of US biological “research labs” around the world
however could easily kill all life on earth more advanced than plants, viruses and bacteria.
Relevant US and international laws and policies allegedly violated by above named US
4. Public officials shall not use their official authority for the
improper advancement of their own or their family's personal or
financial interest. They shall not engage in any transaction, acquire
any position or function or have any financial, commercial or other
comparable interest that is incompatible with their office,
functions and duties or the discharge thereof.
H.R.2316 — 110th Congress (2007-2008)
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 - Title I:
Closing the Revolving Door
...Requires such Member, officer, or employee to recuse himself or
herself from any matter in which there is or appears to be a conflict
of interest under the Rule, and to notify the Committee of such
recusal. Requires such individual also to submit to the Clerk of the
House, for public disclosure, the statement of disclosure for which
such recusal was made.
Evidence of a now longstanding eight-year genocide perpetrated by American backed
forces in the Donbass province of Ukraine include:
To quote:
“When the Obama administration orchestrated the coup d’état
against the democratically elected Viktor Yanukovich government
in Kyiv in early 2014, they used a grisly assortment of secret agents,
neo-Nazis, and oligarch traitors to depose then-President
Yanukovich and install a quisling regime—headed by Petro
Poroshenko and now Volodymyr Zelensky.”
As per the Rand Corporation planning document referred to earlier in this book.
• In the summer of 2014, the Ukrainian Army launched a major offensive to isolate
the cities of Eastern Ukraine and seal the border with Russia. The people of
Lugansk and Donetsk had voted in a referendum to secede, as they regarded the
newly imposed Ukrainian government as illegitimate and had close economic
and cultural ties to Russia.
• During this attack, the city of Lugansk (pop. 400K) was surrounded and under
siege for several months. Water and electricity were cut, no people or supplies
were allowed in or out, and the city was subjected to constant shelling by heavy
artillery. Hundreds were killed, and the infrastructure was overwhelmed.
• The Lugansk city officials were forced to make a mass grave in which more than
200 people, mostly civilians but also some militia members, were buried. The
victims were killed primarily by the Ukrainian Army including by shelling—not by
the Russians.
• War crimes were also committed in neighboring villages, including some
occupied by right-wing militias that Kyiv had to rely on because many Ukrainians
did not want to join the army to fight their own people.
The war in Ukraine did not begin February 24, 2022 as western media
makes it appear. It began eight years ago.
2022.03.12 Censored Reports from Donbass Make Clear Ukraine
and Not Russia Started the War—Eight Years Ago by Jeremy
Kuzmarov - Patrick Lancaster is an American video-journalist and
U.S. Navy veteran fluent in Russian who has reported from the
Donbass since 2014. / His latest video posted on March 10 shows
how people living on the edge of Donetsk, one kilometer from the
Ukrainian position in Peski, have been subjected to constant
shelling by the Ukrainian military over the last eight years and have
had to survive living underground in bomb shelters. / Last Thursday,
Ukrainian army shells struck a children’s playground, a football
field and state building near the post office—prompting residents
to flee as it was “scary to stay here now.” Earlier a residential
neighborhood had been struck by a grad missile, while other
Ukrainian army attacks destroyed schools. / According to Danya, a
young man Lancaster interviewed, the Ukrainian army did not have
exact targets but “just shoots and don’t care where it lands.”
Another woman said that the targets that were hit “were not new
targets. In 2014, they shelled here too. Exactly in this place. The
same coordinates. Torturing us all these eight years.”
Fighting back tears, the woman continued: “They shoot and shoot
and we still stay in our houses, with our children, with dogs…the
children stay at home, in basements, running through broken
windows, do not go to school, the whole day they sit at home. And
I come from work now, I barely managed to work…how can we live
in such conditions? It’s been war here since 2014 and we haven’t
left. And there’s no end, and no truth from anybody. They shoot
with no break. In the daytime, in the morning, in the night, in the
evening with no stop.” / Lancaster was taken into a cellar where
families had been living for the last eight years. A woman told him
that her daughter had been born on June 26, 2014, and that the
war began in her village on July 19. She has “now been sitting here
for over 7 years without leaving, a real child of war.” / These
comments contradict the official narrative in the U.S. about Russian
aggression on February 24 and show that Ukraine is not the moral
beacon that the media presents it to be. Ukraine not only instigated
the war but has committed significant war crimes. / The victims are
considered unworthy of public sympathy because the U.S. is behind
their suffering—having helped orchestrate the 2014 coup that
precipitated the conflict while providing Ukraine with a continuous
flow of military aid.
This new phase of the Ukraine War staring February 24, 2022 is not as the result of Russian
malevolence, but rather separate motivations by former Presidents Obama, and this new
hyper-acceleration due to President Biden’s family, his appointed administration officials,
and Congressional personal profit motives. Those motivations can be proven and specific
and credible evidence is provided in this document.
For example:
interpretation/5698714. Among other things this article argues that President Biden and
his son “Hunter” (and Devon Archer, a former John Kerry campaign manager, who also
profitably sat on Burisma’s board of directors) “conflict of interest” investments in
Ukraine is ultimately masking their desire (finally fulfilled) to stop legitimate Russian
energy export business investments in Nord Stream 2, and instead promote the American
Fracking oil and gas.
The “fracking” process is incredibly harmful to the environment, and it is astonishing
democrats and even the German so-called “Green Party,” would support this. In any event,
due to campaign finance laws permitting unlimited “donations” from anonymous sources,
nobody can know for sure just how deeply the Bidens and other administration officials
are involved with taking bribes from fracking industrialists. (The false assumption written
into the Citizens United vs. FEC SCOTUS decision regarding quid pro quo may result in
WWIII, unless this Referral for Criminal Investigation is taken seriously, and post haste.)
1) Extreme and highly illegal censorship of international news in the US and
worldwide by the organs of the Biden administration.
2) Blatantly illegal censorship of anti-war citizen and domestic media voices on major
browsers and social media apps,
3) Coverup of president Biden’s and previous administrations use of government
resources to provoke that war, and
4) False narratives given to the American people to justify President Biden’s profit-
motivated highly accelerated war (“manufactured consent”).
It is argued in this case referral President Putin launched his invasion February 24, 2022
as a proactive defense of the people and their properties in Lugansk and Donetsk, and his
own nation of Russia, in accordance with the universally acknowledged Right to Self
Determination (and physical self-defence) in accordance with:
1. UN Charter Article 1,
2. Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and
Co-operation Among States adopted b the UN General Assembly in 1970,
3. the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in
Europe (CSCE) in 1975,
4. the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights of 1981,
5. the CSCE Charter of Paris for a New Europe adopted in 1990,
6. and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993.
And affirmed by:
7. International Court of Justice in the Namibia case 7, the Western Sahara case and
8. East Timor case in which its erga omnes character was confirmed.
Furthermore, the scope and content of the right to self-determination has been
elaborated upon by:
9. The UN Human Rights Committee and the
10. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and
11. Numerous leading international jurists.
President Obama’s possible motivations for launching the Ukrainian war against the
citizens of Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014
Potential motivations for President Obama to start a war in Ukraine in 2014 are plentiful,
but speculative. In regards to incentives, just making Hillary Clinton and his CIA director
happy might have been enough. In any case, this referral for criminal investigation is not
directed at President Obama per se, but rather focused primarily on President Biden who
had multiple motivations and material incentives to rapidly escalate this war.
None-the-less, former President Obama might have considered: 1) “Let these white men
start killing whites, instead of Africans, Asians and Latin Americans for a change. Maybe
that will finally put an end to American foreign military aggression!” Those reading this
who are not ethnic minorities in the US might not understand this, however such
reasoning is not implausible or illogical. 2) Hillary Clinton was President Obama’s foreign
policy advisor and Secretary of State for some time. As Doug Bandow wrote in,
"Hillary Clinton Never Met a War She Didn't Want Other Americans to Fight," as she is
credited with the disastrous and massively deadly series of so-called Arab Spring
revolutions in more than half a dozen formerly stable nations.
Though those conflicts, mostly initiated by “color revolutions,” (mostly red, as in the color
of blood exposed to air) were highly profitable for war and related industries in the US,
they wreaked havoc, homelessness, death and hunger upon tens of millions of citizens of
those nations – and yet the American public did not weep for them.
Multiple motivations and clear intent for President Biden to commit crimes against
humanity in Ukraine
To prove a crime, one must show intent and motivation. Below are four separate but
related verifiable motivations with references for President Biden to start and relentlessly
escalate the most current phase of the Ukraine War.
1. President Biden’s family’s long-standing corrupt business practices in Ukraine
profit from starting a war just to kill the legitimate Nord Stream 2 pipeline
between Russia and Germany.
2. Most of President Biden’s top political appointees have the appearance of
conflicts of interest (see Endnotes), whereby they have personally profited from
corporate war industries in the past, and most certainly can and probably will
continue those collusive relationships after retiring from office.
3. Profit motive of other Euro-American war and oil & gas industrialists and the
politicians they own, who wanted to create a boogieman to justify their budgets,
bonuses and dividends. The United States spends more on the war industry than
China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, South
Korea, Italy, and Australia — combined. That is prima facie evidence of motivation
to commit war crimes.
4. President Biden might well have had additional motivation to greatly accelerate
the Ukraine War provided by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
As she was certainly complicit in the so-called “Arab Spring” series of disastrous and
deadly American funded “Color Revolutions” mostly started in 2011 before, during and
after her stint as Secretary of State to then President Obama. To what extent she is merely
a salesperson for the CIA, or actually a progenitor of various international criminal
schemes is unknown. At minimum she is most certainly a facilitator of those illegal
schemes, and therefore at minimum culpable in them.
To cover up his profit and other personal motivations for his increased support to mostly
neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine, President Biden cynically used “national security”
5. The US drive for hegemony in perpetuity (absolute domination of the entire planet
forever) with roots going back to the Monroe Doctrine, American Exceptionalism
and official mandates to achieve that hegemony in perpetuity in the Defense
Planning Guidance Document (DPG). Evidence of the enactment of these goals is
detailed in the very long list of illegal American foreign military and intelligence
operations since WWII. The US had driven the nuclear arms race from the
beginning, and Russia has maintained parity. The US is jealous that China’s
economy could grow larger than US at some time in the future. Ukraine has been
considered a “battleground” nation since the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
All of the above resulted in violations of the UN Charter (e.g., interfering in the affairs of
other nations thereby negating any possibility of those nations exercising a right to self-
determination) and innumerable other international laws and treaties.
Were President Biden charged with any crimes in his acceleration of the Ukraine War, he
would most certainly try to claim #5 above was his sole motivation, as actions taken by a
president as part of his duties of office are immune from prosecution via “Sovereign
Immunity, however personal and profit motivated his actions may have really been
(though officially Sovereign Immunity only covers actions taken as President, in fact it
appears to cover all actions done by presidents in office who will claim: “national security”
to cover their own malfeasance). However, that several distinctly personal motivations
for greatly accelerating the War in Ukraine can be proven, the appearance of conflict of
interest becomes impossible to ignore.
Likewise, President Biden, his son Hunter, along with the CIA, various US funded NGOs,
then Senator McCain and other politicians are must certainly responsible for events
leading to President Putin’s justifiable military intervention in Ukraine 1) for self defense
purposes, given a) biological weapons were and possible still are in Ukraine (as admitted
by director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine Robert Pope),
Victoria Nuland and others, b) the proliferation and saturation of Ukrainian government,
militias and military with neo-Nazis, and 2) humanitarian intervention to stop the rapidly
escalating merciless slaughter of innocents in Donetsk, Luhansk.
Lockheed Martin, the maker of the F-35 fighter jet, advanced more
than 5.4% on Monday. The company, with Raytheon, is the
manufacturer of the Patriot missile defense system set to be
deployed with the NATO battlegroup in Slovakia.
Northrop Grumman, leading manufacturer of attack and
surveillance drones, saw its stock rise close to 7% on Monday, after
rising 3% since the Ukrainian conflict began. Huntington Ingalls
Industries, the largest US military shipbuilder, is up over 7%.
By contrast, the US Dow Jones Industrials has risen 760 points since
23 February to close at 33,892 on Monday.
Outside the US, Britain’s BAE Systems, the largest defense
contractor in Europe, Germany’s Rheinmetall, France’s Thales and
Italy’s Leonardo have all seen their share prices rise sharply.
The jump in defense stocks comes after German Chancellor Olaf
Scholz said that defense spending in Europe’s biggest economy will
be increased to 2% of gross domestic product, from an estimated
1.5% in 2021.
There it is. Ukrainian and Russian blood for shareholder quarterly dividends.
Child abuse? Yes, in addition to mass murder and scars that never heal - enmities that
will last generations so the super-wealthy can buy another island and boast at cocktail
and drug parties about the “killing” they made on Wall Street. Or worse, a nuclear winter
that could kill a billion people instantly, cause another two billion to die of hunger, disease,
and the tsunami of chaos and crime that will follow, and leave the rest scarred and
damaged for life.
As for the noblesse oblige who voted to prolong this war?
EU doubles its military aid to Ukraine - EU foreign ministers agree
to send total of $1.1B in military aid to Ukraine - By Agnes Szucs
Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $5.6 billion
in total assistance to Ukraine, including security and non-security
assistance. In 2021 alone we committed over $300 million in
assistance to support Ukraine’s democratic and economic
development, and over $650 million in security assistance. Since
the start of 2022, we have committed $54 million in humanitarian
assistance and an additional $350 million in security assistance,
bringing the total security assistance in the last year to over $1
Moving that stock, creating employment designed to cause death, broadening the tax
base to provide more money to kill more innocents around the world. The leaders of the
EU must be proud. Their children, if they survive, will not be so proud when they learn
the whole truth behind, and human cost of their wealth. No wonder Socrates hated
7,200,000 civilian deaths. Ukraine tallied the second-highest
casualties, with 1,650,000 military deaths and 5,200,000
civilian deaths.
In other words, President Putin’s motivation for disarming Ukraine is in accordance with
the UN Charter’s right to self-determination (for the people of Donetsk, Luhansk and
Russia), and existential need to prevent the US, NATO, and Ukraine from interfering in
Russia’s internal affairs. Threatening aggression is a violation of the UN Charter and the
US placing tanks, missiles, military bases, special operations forces, neo-Nazi ultra-
nationalist extremists and especially BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories all along Russia’s
western border is realistically viewed as a threat to Russia’s security.
If one types neo-Nazi into center’s search box, one finds 2,583
pages relating neo-Nazi groups in the USA. There are furthermore many links between
Neo-Nazi groups and US government officials.
Hatewatch could not find Kreider or his contact information to seek
comment from him. Kreider, operating as Jayoh, sometimes co-
hosts podcasts with suspended State Department official Matthew
Q. Gebert, a TRS affiliate Hatewatch identified in 2019.
If those government officials are publicly identified by a powerful organization (like SPL),
they might be “suspended,” “pending further investigation,” before the charges are
quietly dropped. The US government has openly embraced many neo-Nazi groups around
the world, including in the USA, Europe and Ukraine.
In addition to events on land, President Putin must be aware of the US large nuclear fleet
to the east.
in addition to its surface navy and Air Force that any reasonable person or national leader
would view as an existential threat their nation’s security.
Given the US’s buildup of military along all of Russia’s western front, other military assets
including space-based weapons, the west’s history of attacking Russia, and very long list
of unwarranted and illegal foreign military attacks on nations, President Putin’s demands
prior to it’s attack on Ukraine, appear critically necessary in order to ensure Russia’s self-
determination as guaranteed by UN Charter.
2. President Putin did not like American financed and orchestrated killing of 13,000
people on his doorstep in neighboring Donbass (or the previous slaughter in
This does create a problem for President Biden. Because President Putin is an old-
fashioned romantic who apparently believes in family values and honor, and is willing to
risk all to help those in Lugansk and Donetsk suffering under the withering fire of Euro-
American-Kiev imposed genocide for eight long years, he is earning a place in history far
more benign than the western political tools of the profit seeking corporations that are
willing to ensure every last Ukrainian is killed to extract maximum quarterly dividends.
Living in a world where honor has been cast aside for profits and political expediency,
makes President Putin very difficult or impossible for most American politicians to
understand. In any event, most American politicians don’t really care about his motivation
for his attempt to disarm his increasingly aggressive, threatening and deadly neighbor.
The educated world not enthralled by Euro-American “information war” falsehoods is
currently holding its collective breath waiting to see if President Biden will start WWIII, as
a final concluding act in the Third Red Scare potentially causing extinction of the human
Starting wars has been a “tried and method” of stimulating the American economy when
it appears a bit flat, as occurred as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic and mounting
American debt. Had former President Trump been reelected there is a reasonably high
probability he would have somehow provoked a war against China instead of Russia.
But President Biden was elected and Russia was chosen as the next target for the
American long and proven habit of foreign “interventionism.” Ukraine is a place well
known to President Biden and his son Hunter due to their deep investments and
profiteering there.
They wanted a war, and they got it, hugely aided by the fact that US had one already going
via it’s backing of the 2014 coup against the democratically elected president Viktor
Yanukovych. Given that President Biden (via his son Hunter), has profited enormously
from the Ukrainian oil and gas industry, and many of his top appointed cabinet officials
give the appearance of conflicts of interest between their official government positions,
and positions in lobby groups and/or government funded think tanks, motivation and
intent are established for President Biden to have intentionally provoked President Putin
into his military invasion of Ukraine, a violation of the UN Charter, and numerous
international treaties and laws.
As the result of President Biden’s family profit motivation and his top cabinet members’
profit motivation, fueled by the American intelligence apparatus and Department of
Defense’s unlimited ambitions and drive for hegemony in perpetuity (a clear violation of
the UN charter and innumerable international laws and treaties), the world now stands
poised on the brink of thermonuclear war. To suggest this writer is “alarmist,” is not
“United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on
Monday that an ongoing escalation of war in Ukraine ”whether by
accident or design” will threaten the entire humanity. He further
alarmed that the conflict may end up in the nuclear apocalypse…”
This war is no different from any of the other wars the US has launched since WWII, except
it is still in its very early stages, and has a very real possibility of leading to nuclear war.
Like other US wars the truths behind it and the key players will slowly leak out in decades
to come, and it will - like all the rest since WWII (with the exception perhaps of the Korean
War) be labeled a “mistake,” provided humanity survives that long, which is only a 50/50
proposition30 at this time.
President Putin did not launch his invasion on a whim. He had very substantial legal,
national security and moral rationale for it – and yet the western media has entirely
suppressed and mocked his legitimate motivations and instead demonized and censored
him. This is contrary to human rights law.
Americans meanwhile have not had fair access to news, falsely believing themselves to
have that fair access. Furthermore, many or most Americans are enjoying this war in
Ukraine having been programmed by the US government to enjoy viewing extreme
At this time there is strong evidence Kiev is only escalating the US-NATO terrorism
campaign in Ukraine begun in 2014 in attempt to further provoke and escalate it as much
as possible to increase corporate profits in their respective countries and enlist NATO’s
involvement, again leading to World War III, with Ukraine in the middle, which means the
total destruction of “his” nation. What kind of leader is that?
In order to encourage UN Secretary General Guterres to call for a moratorium on weapons
shipments to Ukraine, investigation into alleged corrupt activities by President Biden, his
son Hunter, and top cabinet members with “the appearance of conflict of interest” in
violation of US law and international treaties, policies and laws against corruption - is
Though this may seem awkward, ill-advised, and/or politically risky, compared to the
effects of thermonuclear war, those efforts would be trivial. The onus of responsibility
lies with the relevant authorities to whom this Referral for Criminal Investigation is
Russia is not Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, or Yemen, and President Biden’s
blitzkrieg media campaign may have met with initial western (US and Western European)
public support, however, that news media is not being honest at all about the date of the
origin of this war, the true motivations for this war, the actual progress of the war (as US
media always makes it appear they are winning until they lose),31
In any complex equation with many unknown variables, the best one can calculate the odds is 50/50.
Please recall since WWII the US does not fight wars to win, as the US has lost all wars since then. Instead,
the US fights wars to make profits from war and war related industries, and will pump that war for all it’s
worth until the target country is flattened. Then the US disgracefully withdraws, while the corporate
profiteers, the merchants of death, laugh all the way to the bank. It’s that simple. Ukraine is meat on the
table of the “good ol’ USA,” at least those rich enough to profit from it. This is treachery in its basest form.
to because Rosemont Seneca is a decentralized investment fund,
comprised of several entities sharing similar names. President Joe
Biden’s youngest son Hunter headed the now-defunct DC-based
Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, but his legal team has denied his
involvement with other branches of the fund, namely the Delaware-
based Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC. / The Rosemont Seneca fund
is closely affiliated with top Pentagon contractors, Kirillov explained,
explicitly naming Metabiota, as well as the Black and Veach
companies he described as “the main supplier of equipment for
Pentagon biolaboratories around the world.” / The latter concern
has been named as a contractor in a 2015 deal between the US
government and Ukraine, publicized by the Russian military during
the briefing.
According to the document, a nearly $32-million program was
aimed at “organizing work of the laboratories, built and
modernized with the help of the donor [the US government],” as
well as “monitoring infectious diseases” and conducting work to
“react rapidly” to outbreaks. The program also listed the “safe
collection, processing, temporary storage and transportation of
clinical samples” as its goals.
The Ukrainian biolaboratories network has been funded by other
US agencies as well, Kirillov said, describing the scale of the biolabs
program as an “impressive” one. / “Apart from the military, the US
Agency for International Development, the George Soros
Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
are directly involved in its implementation. Scientific supervision
is carried out by leading research organizations, including the Los
Alamos National Laboratory, which develops nuclear weapons,”
the official said…
Bold text added by this author
Apparently, this “research” has been going on for a very long time.
2022.03.24 Russia claims US tested experimental drugs on
Ukrainian soldiers - The Russian military has raised new allegations
of US-sponsored secretive research in Ukraine / The US has been
involved in testing experimental drugs on “volunteers” from the
ranks of the Ukrainian military, the commander of Russia's Nuclear,
Biological and Chemical Protection Forces Lieutenant-General Igor
Kirillov alleged during a media briefing on Thursday. / The
experimental drug testing came within the so-called UP-8 project,
exposed by the Russian military earlier this month. / “We continue
to publish information about the research with the participation of
Ukrainian military personnel. I would like to note that such work is
prohibited in the United States and is carried out by the military
outside of the country,” the official stated. / “According to data
published in the Bulgarian media, about 20 Ukrainian soldiers died
during the experiments in the Kharkov laboratory alone, and
another 200 were hospitalized,” Kirillov added, while claiming that
“more than four thousand people” were involved in the testing in
Ukraine. / The official presented a document, purportedly sent by a
Ukrainian military attaché in the US to the country’s defense
ministry in April last year. The document highlights a meeting
between the attaché and representatives of the US-Canadian
company Skymount, which is involved in AI-related research. /
According to the document, the company demonstrated to the
Ukrainian officials its solutions in long-range observation, as well as
the Deep Drug AI, a system used for screening and developing drugs.
The system “performs the work of 60-person years per day, greatly
reducing the manual labor hours to generate new target molecules
from existing, pre-approved drugs,” according to its developers. /
“The received documents confirm an attempt to test previously
untested drugs on [the Ukrainian soldiers]. We are talking about
the screening system for pharmaceuticals ‘Deep Drug’, which have
not passed the licensing procedure in the US and Canada,” Kirillov
stated. / The particular cynicism of American sponsors lies in the
fact that the developer, the Skymount company, offered to
purchase the system on a commercial basis, despite the fact that
employees of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were involved as
volunteers. / Ukraine is not the first country to be used for US
military-backed pharmaceutical research, Kirillov noted. In 2010,
for instance, Indonesia shut down the US Navy Medical Center in
Jakarta, which was apparently involved in a similar project, over
“numerous violations,” he added. / Moscow raised the allegations
of questionable US-sponsored pharmaceutical and biological
research taking place in secretive laboratories scattered across
Ukraine after it sent troops into the neighboring country late in
The fact that names are named, and so many details are offered, suggests this isn’t some
work of fiction or flimsy disinformation project.
2022.03.10 The mystery of 336 US bio-labs worldwide - By Zhang
Zhouxiang - The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to some
unexpected discoveries. Russian media outlets recently reported
that the Pentagon had commissioned more than 30 biological
laboratories in Ukraine, where large quantities of dangerous
viruses were stored. / The United States supposedly depends on
these laboratories to implement its biological warfare research.
And these are only a handful, or less than 10 percent of the 336
biological laboratories the US reportedly controls in 30 countries
around the world. / No wonder the US was desperately pushing for
"origin-tracing" studies for the COVID-19 outbreak at Chinese
laboratories. Maybe because they have laboratories spread around
the world, they are aware of the high risks of viruses leaking and
triggering pandemics. They assumed similar risks from Chinese
laboratories, but that is stretching it too far. / It is the US that's ill,
but it is forcing China to take the pill. And that's precisely why the
US has failed to bring COVID-19 under control on its shores. Instead
of acknowledging the problem it is busy blaming others. / It is now
also clear why the US has, for four decades, tried to prevent the
Biological Weapons Convention from establishing a checking
mechanism. Of the 182 signatories to the convention, the US is
the only one that pulled out of negotiations for such a mechanism
in 2001. It is clear that by doing so the US wants to protect the
secrets of its 336 biological labs worldwide. / Latest reports say that
the US embassy in Ukraine hurriedly deleted information related to
the biological labs there. But they cannot wash away the fact about
the existence of such laboratories around the world. It is time the
US published information about these biological laboratories,
including what kind of viruses are stored there, what "research" is
going on and what harm they pose to people in these countries and
around the world. The world should demand answers.
One of the most disturbing things about western news these days is the large number of
just outright lies they tell news consumers in the US and Europe. They just make up
whatever they want the American public to believe.
2022.03.24 China says ‘everyone knows’ who is most to blame for
Ukraine war / A spokesman for China’s Defense Ministry said the
US is ‘slinging mud’ at Beijing over the Ukraine war - The Chinese
Ministry of Defense has called the US “a liar and troublemaker” and
said that “everyone knows” which country was “the biggest
initiator” of the Ukraine crisis. / Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian on
Thursday commented on accusations from unnamed US officials
that Beijing knew in advance about Russia’s attack on Ukraine and
that China had even asked Moscow to delay it until after the Beijing
2022 Winter Olympics. / Wu condemned the claims, along with
reports about China allegedly offering military assistance to Russia,
saying there was “absolute disinformation” which only serves the
purposes of “shifting blame to and slinging mud at China.” / The
accusations show “the true face of the US as a liar and trouble
maker,” he said, adding that his country firmly opposes attempts
by the US to spread “false and malicious information targeting
China on the Ukraine issue.”/ The ministry spokesperson stressed
that the Ukraine war had resulted from various reasons and within
a “complex historical context,” but added that “we all understand
which big power bears the biggest responsibility for today’s crisis,”
in an apparent jibe at Washington. / Wu said Beijing wants “all
parties” to “keep the door open for dialogue, consultation and
negotiation to de-escalate” the situation in Ukraine and that China
will play a “constructive role in seeking and realizing peace.” / He
called for a “a balanced, effective and sustainable European
security architecture” and pointed out that since the founding of
the People's Republic of China, the country has “never invaded
other countries, never engaged in proxy wars, never sought
spheres of influence, nor participated in any military bloc
confrontation.” / Wu Qian’s remarks came on the same day Russian
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Ukraine,
along with EU countries, had turned into “instruments” of the
United States…
Those who might think Russia would trade military secrets with China are mistaken. That
would be against all protocols, and not productive. Maybe Americans “let it all hang out,”
but they don’t in this part of the world. As for Russia asking China for military assistance
in a military operation in Ukraine, it is laughably ridiculous. Whoever makes that stuff up
is creative, and knows how to inflame American audiences, however such totally
unsubstituted rubbish only proves they know nothing about Russian military capabilities
and protocol in this part of the world. What has American journalism come to? Nothing
less than screenplay writing for Hollywood style movies – smear jobs based on complete
fiction. Damn lies.
industrialists and media tycoons that supported the American Nazi party are far longer
than reported in mainstream news these days.
What happened to Jews, Gypsies and other minorities in Germany leading up to WWII is
precisely the same as what happened, and continues to happen to minorities in Ukraine
that led up to Russia’s intervention.
A list of neo-Nazi organizations currently operating in the US can be found here:
Note should be made of contemporary neo-Nazi’s open advocacy for terrorism:
Given the above information, it should come as no great surprise that on April 16, 2022
Russia Today newspaper ( published an interview with some of their findings on
US and German research in Ukraine on what can be termed “dual-use” biological
pathogens. What are dual-use pathogens? To defend against a biological weapon, one
must have some. Who has the most? The US, with more than 10 times the military budget
of Russia, has never stopped research on biological weapons. Russia on the other hand
ceased all of that research in 1991 and has been open to international weapons
Zenhaus, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons – The US paints
Russia as some giant military powerhouse, but on has to search to find in on a chart like above.
The US “Department of defense” and most especially the intelligence apparatus of the US have been known to
“exaggerate” the threat posed by foreign nations it chooses to attack to “justify” those attacks, and simply for the
purpose of expanding its already gargantuan budget. Fortunately for Americans the US is so rich and has no problems
with poverty, health, education, infrastructure, supply chains and so on, so it can easily afford to waste trillions of
dollars playing god around the world while simultaneously smashing and destroying entire nations while killing millions.
US government spokespeople say: “These pathogens are just for defensive purposes,” but
Russia a) ended all biological weapons research in 1991, b) signed the Biological Weapons
Convention Treaty, and c) voted for open inspections, whereas the US did not – in fact
the US was the only nation in the world that refused to permit inspections. Just as the US
“Department of Defense,” should more accurately be called the “Department of War,”
just so US “defensive” biological pathogen research could and should be called:
“Biological weapons research.”
did not – in fact the US was the only nation in the world that refused to permit inspections.
Just as the US Department of Defense, should really more accurately be called the
Department of War, just so US “defensive” biological pathogen research could and should
be called: Biological weapons research.
Germany involved in ‘military biological activities’ in Ukraine –
Russia - April 16, 2022
Interview with Director of the Foreign Ministry Information and
Press Department Maria Zakharova
Question: It became known that during the special military
operation in Ukraine Russian troops discovered new documents on
military biological activities in Ukraine. Can you talk about this in
more detail?
Maria Zakharova: As a result of the Special Military Operation in
Ukraine (SMO), Russia’s Armed Forces found documents that shed
some light on the bio-military programme implemented by the US
Defence Department in Ukraine. The researchers in the
programme were studying the most dangerous pathogens –
potential biological agents for biological weapons that have natural
focuses in both Ukraine and Russia. They were also researching
ways that epidemics spread based on these agents. The scale of
work makes it obvious that a considerable, and probably the most
important, part of the information on the American military
programme remains concealed from the international community.
Question: What is Russia doing to see that the United States
provides clarification on its military biological cooperation with
Maria Zakharova: Russia has made public the facts that have come
to light to date at the UN and other international organizations and
called on the US authorities to provide detailed explanations, but,
predictably, Washington does not appear to be ready to share with
the public any meaningful information on its military biological
programme in Ukraine...
Germany, alongside the United States, had been conducting
vigorous military biological activities in Ukraine for many years and,
possibly, continues to do so. We strongly believe that this is largely
what motivates Germany to be more active, as compared to other
EU countries, in its attempts to ascribe to our country criminal
plans concerning the use of biological and chemical weapons in
Ukraine and the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, which
have not yet been liberated...
For you to better understand the situation, I will cite the following
facts. Since 2013, under the auspices of the German Federal
Foreign Office, the German Government has been implementing
the German Biosecurity Programme (GBP) which includes
partnership projects with government agencies and research
organizations in focus countries, which Ukraine became part of in
2014, the year of Maidan. German specialists from the Institute of
Microbiology of the German Armed Forces (Munich), Friedrich
Loeffler Institute (Greifswald-Riems Island), Bernhard Nocht
Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg) and the Robert Koch
Institute (Berlin), which specialize in research of deadly biological
agents, are engaged in practical activities.
According to the German Federal Foreign Office, the third phase of
the GBP will be implemented in 2020-2022. We can infer from the
publicly available materials that the GBP’s stated technical goals
include, among others, the gathering of epidemic intelligence in
third countries, including with the use of big data technology, and
developing the infrastructure of partner countries for handling
dangerous biological agents.
The Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine in
Kharkov has been the Institute of Microbiology of the German
Armed Forces’ main Ukrainian counterparty since 2016, which we
know from its own data. The two institutes cooperate under the
Ukrainian-German project titled “Initiative on Biological Safety and
Biological Defence in the Management of the Zoonotic Risks at the
Outer Borders of the European Union.” The fact that its official goal
is to “improve the biological defence and security situation” in
Ukraine, “particularly in the east of the country” gives rise to the
rhetorical question of which border the German military biologists
consider an outer border for the purposes of their professional
interests. Is it the Russian-Ukrainian border?
The Institute of Microbiology claims in its materials that the project
is related to the “potential threat of biological terrorism” in Ukraine
amid the unending hostilities in eastern regions of that country. It
is crystal clear that this is a way to send a subtle message about the
DPR and LPR’s possible “involvement” in hatching plans for the use
of internationally prohibited biological weapons. In so doing, the
German military have been deliberately intimidating their
Ukrainian counterparts for a long time and have, in fact, been
psychologically pitting them against the Donbass republics.
Ukrainian biological safety experts invariably participate in the
medical biodefence conferences that are regularly held by the
Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces...
Obviously, to ensure protection against a potential biological attack,
it is first necessary to study the potential biological agents with
which it can be made. In other words, it is necessary to conduct
research in the field of biological or chemical weapons. The Armed
Forces of Germany (AFG) have enough knowledge and practical
skills in this area, as was demonstrated by the scandalous incident
with the mysterious poisoning of blogger Alexey Navalny.
Specialists from the AFG Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
– a military institution allied with the AFG Institute of Microbiology
– supposedly very quickly detected in the body of the Russian
citizen traces of some military toxin that NATO lists in the Novichok
family. Such a high level of expertise – if, of course, all statements
were factually accurate – suggests that the AFG is able to
synthesise toxic substances independently, including the notorious
Novichok and its markers.
Germany’s Friedrich Loeffler Institute that is in charge of the centre
for the study of the most dangerous viruses and zoonotic infections
on the Baltic Island of Riems, maintains active cooperation with the
Ukrainian State Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and
Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kiev), the State Scientific Control
Institute of Bio-Technology and Strains of Microorganisms (Kiev)
and also with the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary
Medicine (Kharkov) that cooperates in parallel with the AFG
Institute of Microbiology. In Ukraine, the Friedrich Loeffler Institute
has focused on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Soviet scientists
discovered it for the first time on the territory of Russian Crimea in
1944. There is documented evidence that the institute
commissioned its Ukrainian partners to collect samples of
ectoparasite recipients of bats that were transferred to the afore-
mentioned Reims Island under the existing agreements.
The Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine has
concentrated its activities in Ukraine on extremely dangerous
fevers – Denge, Chikungunya, West Nile and Usutu, to name a few.
This information on Germany’s bio-military activities in Ukraine is
far from exhaustive. It cannot be ruled out that, as the special
military operation progresses, additional documents will be
discovered by the Russian Armed Forces. According to confirmed
reports, Germany closely coordinated its work on biological
security with its American allies that established a network of at
least 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine. In addition to their other
activities, they were involved in dangerous research.
We urge German officials to immediately stop spreading false
allegations about our country’s intentions to use weapons banned
by international law. We believe that such statements can only
serve to push neo-Nazi battalions to commit horrible provocations,
and moral responsibility for their tragic consequences will be
shared by Berlin.
America’s allies in this current asymmetric war on Russia (and all Russian
people everywhere) are being extremely foolish
Because America’s game of international Whac-A-Mole is never ending the “friends” of
the US today will find themselves on the receiving end of that same “game” sometime in
the not-too-distant future, and that is a sure and certain fact. Then, they will (again, in the
cases of Germany, Japan and South Korea for examples) learn the true meaning of the
word: “regret.” That assertion however presupposes they survive the current war against
Russia, which is a 50/50 bet at best.
The simple rule is this: As soon as any nation develops to the point where it might be able
to compete with the US in anything, the US sends it back to the Stone Ages. And so, the
US insists on remaining the slave master of planet earth in perpetuity. Along with
American “help” come certain “strings” like adoption of highly conservative fiscal policies
and very liberal social policies. It’s all part of the package and there is no negotiating with
the USA.
What? You don’t want your 10-year-old son learning in school that having a transexual
operation is a good thing? What’s wrong with whacking your son’s weenie off? He can be
outfitted with a perfectly functional vagina, cheap! Off with your head! Traditionalists are
so insufferable, aren’t they? Kill them all! Where exactly is that scurrilous Putin monster
hiding now anyways? We’ll teach him a lesson! We’ll teach ALL RUSSIANS a LESSON: Don’t
mess with the USA!!!
The French I can easily understand jumping on board with this kind of agenda, but I am
truly amazed Germans and British would fall for this old trick - again. Did they learn
nothing from history about fascism in general and Nazis in particular?
Take Iran and Iraq for example. Before the Iran-Iraq War (Sep 22, 1980 – Aug 20, 1988 -
wherein the US supplied weapons, including chemical weapons to Iraq, back in the good
old days when Saddam Hussein worked for the CIA) both nations were highly developed
with computer generated social security checks delivered to elderly and handicapped
people every month. A million people on each side of that war were killed, and the
infrastructures of both nations destroyed. Back to the Stone Ages for them! Did either
present any threat to the US? Of course not, but gaining control of their - particularly
Iran’s oil reserves was a huge motivating factor. The fact that both are primarily Muslim
countries made it so much easier to sell, and Europeans in particular have a 1,390 or so
years of “hate Muslims” propaganda based on distortions, deletions and complete lies
dehumanizing Muslims to pave the way to killing as many as possible so very, very easy!
Likewise, the US has nearly a hundred years of “hate Russians” propaganda floating
around in the culture, so this war is easy to sell too. Ditto for China. As for Germans,
remember the old jokes about Sauerkraut? Do British really think WWII happened by
accident? Ha! A little chat with Wlodimir Ledochowski and the Dulles brothers would clear
that up in a jiffy! Welcome to American “Rules based order.” We’ll make America great
again piled upon the bones of innocents wherever and whenever convenient, as usual.
The first question asked in pursuit the true perpetrator in any criminal investigation is:
“Who profits from this crime?” (Thus, establishing motivation and intent.) In the case of
virtually all post-WWII wars, it has been the super-rich in the USA that profited from those
crimes, and all wars are crimes. In other words, the UK, Germany, Japan, and so on down
the list of US allies in this most current war effort are not in any way protecting their own
nations or interests, but rather ensuring their own demise sooner. Helping to knock out
the one super-power that might have – would probably have - actually helped them when
their turns at being the American target nation roll around again, is extremely foolish.
Appendix 2 Crime Referral Submission for Investigation to United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Crime Referral Submission for Investigation to United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
To: Vienna International Centre
Wagramer Strasse 5 A 1400 Vienna, Austria
UNODC (at)
Re: Referral for investigation into US crimes leading to the current armed conflict in
Ukraine and the premediated, profit-driven nature of those crimes:
Interfering in the Internal Affairs of Other Nations – Soliciting and Incitement –
Political and Judicial Corruption – Weapons Trafficking – Terrorist Financing –
Collective Punishment – Forced global abrogation of the Right to Freedom of
Date: March 26, 2022
From: Gregory C. Brundage
Dear Sirs/Madams:
This is a referral requesting crime investigations into a long series of linked activities
culminating in the armed intervention in Ukraine led by Russian President Putin. Please
consider the evidence contained in this Referral carefully before making any decisions
regarding the validity of this evidence, as failure to consider and act upon it in a timely
fashion can and probably will have catastrophic consequences for all of humanity.
2022.03.09 The Legality of War, by Christopher Black
According to Article 2(4) of the Charter all member states are
obliged to refrain from the threat or use of force against the
territorial or political integrity of any state. There are two
important exceptions to this obligation, the first being the right of
individual or collective self-defence under Article 51 and the
collective enforcement by the Security Council on the basis of
Chapter VII of the Charter which deals with threats to the peace,
breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. The inherent right of
self-defence, individually or collectively, with the support of other
states, exists so long as the Security Council has not taken measures
to “maintain international peace and security.” That right,
therefore is meant to be a measure of last resort.
legality-of-war/133449325 (Bold text added by this author)
President Putin tried for months to get the security guarantees he needed to protect his
nation from undeniable threats including NATO expansion to his border and dual-use
biological research and weapons transport, development, production and research very
close to the Russia/Ukraine border.
Russia issues list of demands it says must be met to lower
tensions in Europe, December 17, 2021
Those assurances (demands) were not only wholesale rebuffed, but also ridiculed by DC.
There were no negotiations. The Security Council took no measures to “maintain
international peace and security,” despite President Putin’s best efforts, thereby opening
the door to armed intervention to legitimately protect the security of his nation.
The proven American “dual-use” biological “research” facilities in Ukraine alone, with
some of them very close to the Russian border, represent arguably reasonable
justification for President Putin’s armed intervention in Ukraine for the purpose of
removing those threats, amplified by US terrorist financing of neo-Nazi groups, especially
in light of Russian casualties sustained from Nazi Germany’s attacks on Russia.
In pursuance of:
• fulfilling the mandates of the UN Charter and subsequent amendments,
• peace and friendly relations between nations,
• de-escalation and cessation of the violence in Ukraine, and
• achieving the stated objectives of UNODC,
Please accept this referral and referenced evidence contained herein, in addition to
addendum document titled: Referral for Criminal Investigation - Questions EU Leaders
Need to Ask President Biden Before Making any Agreements Regarding Ukraine sent to
encourage UNODC member organizations’ investigation and pursuit of known and alleged
crimes committed by the United States leading up to Russia’s armed intervention in
Ukraine begun February 24, 2022.
These known and alleged crimes include but are not limited to the following:
Weapons trafficking
Including but not limited to producing, storing, transshipping known WMD including “dual
use” biological weapons into Ukraine as admitted by Under Secretary of State for Political
Affairs Victoria Nuland in Washington DC March 8, 2022.
“Uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities.” “We are now in
fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be
seeking to, uh, gain control of [those labs], so we are working with
the Ukrainiahhhns [sic] on how they can prevent any of those
research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces
should they approach.”
Quotes from Victoria Nuland
Ms. Nuland might not have known at the time of Hunter Biden’s key role in helping to
escalate that dual-use pathogen technology “research” in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor
in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails
reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then
vice president - By Josh Boswell, 25 March 2022
The Russian government held a press conference Thursday
claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military
'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine. / However, the
allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify
president Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in
the US. / But emails and correspondence obtained by from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the claims
may well be true. / The emails show Hunter helped secure millions
of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense
contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases.
He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas
firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high biosecurity level
labs in Ukraine. / The president's son and his colleagues invested
$500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca
Technology Partners. / They raised several million dollars of
funding for the company from investment giants including
Goldman Sachs
Collective Punishment
The US has a long history of widespread use of economic sanctions that provably result in
collective punishment, thereby intentionally disregarding laws regarding collective
punishment and with full knowledge that collective punishment is illegal in international
International humanitarian law posits that no person may be
punished for acts that he or she did not commit. It ensures that the
collective punishment of a group of persons for a crime committed
by an individual is also forbidden, whether in the case of prisoners
of war or of any other individuals (GCIII Art. 87, API Art. 75.2.d, APII
Art. 4.2.b). This is one of the fundamental guarantees established
by the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional
Protocols. This guarantee is applicable not only to protected
persons but to all individuals, no matter what their status or to
what category of persons they belong, as defined by the Geneva
Conventions (GCIV Art. 33). /
Collective punishment is prohibited, based on the fact that criminal
responsibility can be attributed only to individuals. Respect for this
principle can be ensured solely by establishing guarantees that
protect judicial procedures. This principle must also be monitored
in the context of disciplinary sanctions procedures.
punishment &
Economic sanctions against a full 1/3rd of humanity directly causing massive starvation in
the world’s poorest countries is collective punishment and a matter of public record.
Effectively stealing the assets of Russia, and Russian wealthy “oligarchs” (because of
vague, “secret,” unproven “links” with President Putin) are forms of collective
punishment. Every Russian has “links” with President Putin, as do many other world
leaders. Anyone who ever sold a washing machine to any Russian has links to President
Putin. The absurdity of US sanctions is contemptable and proves US contempt for
international law, signed treaties, and innumerable signed contracts.
(access to information); and the right to impart information
(freedom of expression).
The UN Human Rights Committee’s (UNHRCtte) General Comment
No. 34 on the ICCPR notes that the right to freedom of expression
includes, for example, political discourse, commentary on one’s
own affairs and on public affairs, canvassing, discussion of human
rights, journalism, cultural and artistic expression, teaching, and
religious discourse.(1) It also embraces expression that may be
regarded by some as deeply offensive.(2) The right covers
communications that are both verbal and non-verbal, and all
modes of expression, including audio-visual, electronic and
internet-based modes of communication.(3)
In terms of article 19(3) of the ICCPR, the right to freedom of
expression contained in article 19(2) may be subject to certain
The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article
carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore
be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are
provided by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or
reputations of others; (b) For the protection of national security or
of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.”
With respect to a limitation on the right to freedom of expression
under article 19(2) of the ICCPR, a three-part test is used to assess
whether such a limitation is justified: (i) the limitation must be
provided for in law; (ii) it must pursue a legitimate aim; and (iii) it
must be necessary for a legitimate purpose.(4) This test applies
similarly to limitations of the right to freedom of expression under
other legal instruments, including the African Charter.
Tragically, the US considers any effort to resist the US’ psychotic fantasy of its own
“hegemony in perpetuity” a “threat” to its security, and thus any viewpoints varying from
US government edits are labeled at “threats.” Thus, the US retains sole right to censor all
news except “news” generated by the US government.
The US has, especially over the period of the decade installed a labyrinthine network of
electronic news censorship (and US government propaganda disseminating)
organizations. Major parts of that network and American and international laws
prohibiting it are summarized in a document prepared by this author posted here:
Creating the conditions for permanent deprivations of life, liberty and property might be
considered another violation of the 14th Amendment President Biden swore to uphold
while making his Oath of Office however there is no need to try to belabor that point as
violation of free speech Constitutional rights alone should be sufficient to warrant
President Biden’s impeachment.
Setting aside the massive witness and evidence tampering by US/EU media, please
consider that:
President Putin has a legitimate and legal right to protect the security of Russia from
known and proven weapons of mass destruction the US trafficked to Ukraine, including
but not limited to highly infectious biological pathogens – as admitted by Under Secretary
of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland Washington DC March 8, 2022) and
bioweapons as admitted by Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat
Reduction Program in Ukraine reported February 25, 2022.
Please investigate and pursue: Collective action against United States corruption
(President Biden, top cabinet members of President Biden named in this document, in
addition to Hunter Biden, senators with appearance of “conflicts of interest between
defense industry and official government duties), Arms Trafficking (WMD including but
not limited to “dual use” biological weapons, flooding Ukraine with other weapons of
mass destruction to deter Russia’s legitimate efforts to secure its borders from WMD
including potential dual use biological weapons as admitted by US official Victoria Nuland)
& Terrorist Financing (saturation level Neo-Nazis in Ukraine foisted upon them by US),
and collective punishment by the US.
Referral by
Gregory C. Brundage
US Citizen currently living under threat of thermonuclear war caused by (appearance of)
corruption within the US government, and between the US government and “defense”
industries in the US and Europe.
info (at)
Info (at)
Appendix 3 – Reliable alt-news publications
(Mostly) Western alt-news sites
The following are some “alt-media” sources that have foreign government sponsorship.
• Regardless as to what the inquisitor adjuncts to the New American Red Scare
think, according to The United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) – Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers.
• I loath those who refuse to listen to minority voices. And in this world dominated
by the Global Hegemon, virtually everyone else becomes a minority if they resist
absorption into the “blob.”
For a link library relating to international treatise relating to freedom of expression and
press, see:
• (Russia Today)
• (Syrian Arab news Agency)
• (Islamic Republic News Agency)
• (Also from Russia and provides the most up to date
information on Syria, Ukraine and other conflicts American mainstream news
studiously ignores.)
• (China)
• (China)
A few of the above are pro-democracy. A few others are pro-socialist. Most generally
avoid those kinds of political affiliations. Many make it clear both political parties are
simply two sides of the same coin representing corporate interests and not the people. If
they are pro-peace, against racism, misogyny and economic sanctions, and support
drastically reducing the ever-widening wealth gaps within and between nations they are
probably alt-news.
We know that. The cities, the national forests, arts, and sciences, the free expression
(except in politics), the malls, the glamour, the unimaginable wealth! So many people
world-wide believe in the USA, its lofty goals and noble ideals!
And yet to collect all that glory there has been a “dark side” to American history and
current events and we all know it. We block it out. We deny and/or rationalize it.
And there is the USA again, perfectly ready willing and able to give us 10 million “very
good reasons” for every crime against humanity, foreign invasion, devastating predatory
behavior in one nation after another, and we at least pretend to go along with it. We are
willing accomplices. Do we knowingly deny so many truths etched in blood?
No, that’s not an accurate metaphor. “Drowned in oceans of human blood” is much more
accurate, and those oceans of human blood include representative quantities of innocent
children’s blood let’s not forget, for mortars, bombs, missiles and drones are
indiscriminate and unfeeling killers.
Like a predatory killer, a hungry tiger, a vampire, a sadistic mass murderer the US is a
super-sized grand-scale serial killer selecting one target group, and/or nation after
another for robbery, human slaughter and destruction. Correction. Not like a hungry tiger.
Hungry tigers only kill to eat and survive. The US can afford to feed every person on earth,
yet is more interested in accumulating ever more vast and unimaginable wealth for that
small group of already fabulously rich people. That is unrestrained capitalism which is
totally different from and vastly worse than any hungry tiger.
There is one other incorrect statement above too. What is it? The USA does need to keep
blowing-up and robbing other nations to keep the momentum of its incredible grandeur
going. If it falters? It falls. The US can’t afford itself.
And so, the list of American slaughter of by-in-large innocent other nations – they
antiseptically call “interventions” is a very long one. Does this writer exaggerate? Look at
the following graphic by former US State Department official named William Blum:
If one goes back to American military “conflicts” from 1492 to World War II, you may as
well paint the rest of the map red too.
“World War II was the last time Congress officially declared war.
Since then, the conflicts we've called "wars" — from Vietnam
through to the second Iraq War — have actually been
congressional "authorizations of military force." And more recently,
beginning with the War Powers Act of 1973, presidential war
powers have expanded so much that, according to the
Congressional Research Service, it's no longer clear whether a
president requires congressional authorization at all.
“The recent US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will likely be the last
time, in the foreseeable future, that the United States wages war
in the way that's most familiar to us: a lot of combat troops on the
ground in a foreign country with lots of money and support and an
ostensibly achievable objective.
“Consider the definition of war put forth by Linda Bilmes (Harvard
Kennedy School) and Michael Intriligator (UCLA), who defined war
in a 2013 paper as "conflicts where the US is launching extensive
military incursions, including drone attacks, but that are not
officially 'declared.'"
“By that definition, the United States is at war in five places right
now: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.
"Special operations forces (SOF) are small, specially
organized units manned by people carefully selected and
trained to operate under physically demanding and
psychologically stressful conditions to accomplish
missions using modified equipment and unconventional
applications of tactics against strategic and operational
objectives. The unique capabilities of SOF complement
those of conventional forces."
“That's especially true when it comes to the Joint Special
Operations Command (JSOC), an operational command within
SOCOM that operates with an enormous amount of autonomy and
secrecy — and, some would say, little accountability.
“‘We're the dark matter,’ a Navy SEAL told the Washington Post of
JSOC in 2011. ‘We're the force that orders the universe but can't be
“JSOC, along with the Special Activities Division at the CIA, have
been the leading edge of counterterrorism under Obama.
Journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin found that JSOC has
carried out counterterrorism operations in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Algeria, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.
“An anonymous source with close ties to JSOC gave Scahill an even
more expansive list that included those countries along with
Indonesia, Thailand, Colombia, Peru, and several countries in
Eastern and Central Asia.
“This is what the White House meant last week when its
spokesperson said, "The United States is at war with ISIL in the
same way we are at war with Al Qaeda and its affiliates." / Obama
has ordered more than 1,000 "military advisers" into Iraq and he
insists they won't have a direct combat role. It wouldn't be
surprising, given recent history, however, if some of these military
advisers were under the command of JSOC. / So how many wars
would you say the United States is now fighting? The easy answer
might just be: too many.
The psychology of “defense mechanisms”
The above list is how at least half or more Americans make it through the day and sleep
at night knowing on some level, consciously or unconsciously their government, the
government they voted to put in office, and they support with their tax dollars, kills, in
fact knowingly kills thousands of people - mostly people of color - around the world every
single day – mostly by starvation.
When ego defenses don’t work, there’s always alcohol and drugs
Alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) kill over
3 million people each year, accounting for up to 6% of global deaths.
It should also be remembered that:
In 2015–2016, 45.8% of the U.S. population used prescription
drugs in the past 30 days. Prescription drug use increased with
age, from 18.0% of children under age 12 years to 85.0% of adults
aged 60 and over.
Almost 70 Percent of Americans Take at Least One Prescription
Medication, Study Finds
The total cost is well over a hundred billion dollars a year and climbing rapidly.
1 in 6 Americans Takes a Psychiatric Drug - Antidepressants were
most common, followed by anxiety relievers and antipsychotics,
by Sara G. Miller on December 13, 2016
So, while millions starve to death every year, Americans spend enough on alcohol and
drugs to feed them all.
9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases, and that breaks
down into 25,000 dying every day from hunger, directly due to American inspired
“conflicts,” and economic sanctions.
Anytime any national leader does not kowtow to American interests, they and their
nation will be crushed. If a nation signs on with the China led “One Belt One Road” project,
they will be punished. This isn’t “bending the knee” this bending over fully, shaving one’s
delicate parts and giving one’s nation’s resources wholly and completely to the USA. This
is slavery on an unimaginably vast global scale. This is the Antebellum movie from which
there is no waking up to a better reality for most of the world. It’s a nightmare with no
escape or end until death, which will be experienced without painkillers, however long it
may take.
That’s the reality of American overseas foreign economic and military aggression. That’s
what President Putin is now fighting in Ukraine. He isn’t just fighting Euro-American
“donated” weapons, or the neo-Nazi saturated government, he’s also fighting the
saturation level Euro-American media’s disinformation (lie) machine that turns heroes
into devils, and devils into heroes using all the trickery of American Hollywood media and
the world’s most clever psychologists who know how to shape those lies into believable
tales that people want to believe so they can escape one more massive horror unleashed
by Euro-American corporate CEOs and federal government foreign policy makers.
And, that’s why every American and western European voter should read this book, and
the links in their entirely.
At this time, self-absorption has reached saturation levels and the federal government is
more than happy to keep pushing ego as the foundation rock of a great civilization.
It only took about 2 seconds to research the cost of a transgender operation: “Replacing
the core reproductive organ completes the entire sexual reassignment. The male-to-
female vaginoplasty is estimated to be somewhere between $20,000 and $50,000 or even
higher. For the female-to-male phalloplasty and complete testicular implantation, the
total cost could climb up to $25,000 to $35,000.” That covers only the most basic surgical
Penectomy – surgical procedure for removing the external genitalia of males.
Orchiectomy – surgical procedure for removing the testicles or testes.
Vaginoplasty – surgical procedure that creates a vagina.
Feminizing genitoplasty – surgical procedure for creating the internal female genitalia.
One must notice the new vocabulary that has arisen to smooth this process out. In the
old days “Penectomy & Orchiectomy” combined were called “castration,” but now have
highly scientific names so it must be OK.
Those costs however don’t include various other surgical peripheral costs like “Facial
Feminization” which can include: Adam’s apple reduction, Cheek augmentation, Chin
surgery, Forehead contouring, Hairline advancement, Jaw reduction, Lip augmentation
& Rhinoplasty.
And then there are accessories like:
• Breast implants – this is the surgical creation of breast
• Liposuction – this is the surgical removal of unwanted body fats to achieve that
feminine or masculine figure that the candidate is aiming for.
• Gluteoplasty – this is the surgical procedure that increases the volume of the
and that absolute MUST:
• A lifetime of hormone injections,
• in addition to very reasonably priced hair removal
Total cost?
As high as $200,000 to $300,000.
Transgender operations are already a multibillion dollar growth industry:
That is unrestrained capitalism and the self-absorption of the “me generation” fully
engrossed in exalting ego above all else. Given the total victory of the military-industrial-
media-medical-educational complex within the US to shape culture, it is not surprising
narcissism is a common trait among the victors of what was once a cultural conflict.
So, while Americans worry about which body wash to use, which alcohol and drugs to use
to stimulate their sexual encounters, and what their gender identity really is or should be,
a human being dies of hunger every 5 seconds.
Is it possible for Americans to climb down off its high horse before too late?
Probably not. The mass and momentum of the military-industrial-media-medical-
educational complex appears to be irresistible. Even most Americans that don’t approve
of the whole American ego trip (such as hegemony in perpetuity most surely is) are
terrified into silence, and unfriend their parents and progeny, brothers and sisters on
Facebook who might have even once questioned the drive for American global supremacy
in perpetuity. A great cowardice has overtaken traditional Americans inspired by the
terror the CIA is so very, very good at instilling in captive populations around the world.
This is an ancient science perfected during the 1,000-year Dark Ages in Europe by the
Catholic church that also evolved the world’s most sophisticated spy systems (according
to my father, a world-renowned specialist in Cannon (church) law and consultant to the
US Congress and various foreign governments).
From the perspective of this writer, it is far better for the foreign policy makers of the USA
to get off their high horses and rejoin humanity in an healthy, happy and socially
egalitarian manner and get used to the idea of a multi-polar world, than attempt to rule
the world with absolute tyranny forever or failing that, destroy all advanced life on earth,
which is what will happen in a WWIII scenario, given that deadly pathogens from most of
the US’ biological labs around the world WILL escape when the freezers in which they are
contained – for now - defrost - due to electrical outages and/or other ill effects of the
revolutions that will inevitably follow in the wake of WWIII.
I remember in 1964 sitting in a bar/restaurant in Bug near Bamberg getting quite drunk (from the
Kirshwasser in my lemonade) with a group of former German machine gunners in WWII. They had scars
and felt genuine contrition. My parents were quite forgiving (not having fought in the war or losing any
loved ones). For the most part it was a jolly party, though their sadness did manifest in teary eyes at those
memories. Recall that less than 1 in a 100,000 Nazis were ever prosecuted, with the majority melting back
into society, mainly industry, the police, military and government. Now, too many of their grown children
have apparently rediscovered the ultra-nationalist philosophies that launched those first-generation Nazis
in WWII and spread that fanaticism around the world – with a great deal of US help, again, of course.
Whereas the US has not really prepared defensively for WWIII, thermonuclear
Armageddon, Russia has.
The US has never tried to tackle a nation like Russia before. It must be understood Russia
has demonstrated no desire to be anyone’s foe, simple protect innocents and defend its
own nation. It, like every other target of American unrestrained military aggression, wants
to be friends. But the US follows the British axiom that states:
We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our
interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our
duty to follow.
Speech, House of Commons, 1 March 1848
Lord Palmerston 1784–1865 - British statesman; Prime Minister,
1855–8, 1859–65
And thus, Lord Palmerston’s pithy advice appears to have some flaws given the utter
collapse of the British Empire that once ruled 25% of the world’s land surface.
Unbeknownst to them, friends make life worth living. With quality friends one can
accomplish almost anything. Without friends one is doomed. Life so often offers us win-
win solutions, and to then betray the friends who make possible such brightness in our
lives and endeavors, is treachery. That that is the way of Machiavelli, and his treacherous
“philosophies” have ruled Euro-American foreign relations for at minimum 500 years (490
years to be exact in the case of Europe, and 246 years in the case of the US).
Alt-news writer Caitlin Johnstone correctly observed: “America Has No Allies, Only
Hostages,” (October 21, 2020). There is a limited warranty on all empires that have based
their survival on such foundations. Sooner or later, forces from both within and without
always, always end up creating implosions and/or explosions leading to the downfall of
such unmitigated arrogance.
And it appears on some level, most Euro-Americans are aware of this, and thus excessive
alcohol, drugs, and other transitory escapist pleasures are needed to hide from and deny
otherwise inescapable truths.
And yes, Russians do drink too, but, have – as per the climactic mandates their
environment demands – planned for another attack from the west far more meticulously
than the USA or Europe.
And now, President Biden enabled by NATO is willing to make the ultimately reckless
gamble: Feed American foreign policy makers’ psychotic fantasy that it can attain
absolute uncontested rulership of the world forever, or destroy human civilization as we
know it in a thermonuclear war.
Russia is not like other nations. President Biden and the world will pay for this
unimaginably deadly gamble in unimaginable ways if Euro-Americans do not back-off and
All of the psychological defense mechanisms and potassium iodine (for radiation sickness)
in the world will not protect the mostly good people of the US and Europe if this conflict
is permitted to escalate any further.
And thus, perhaps another criminal charge needs to be added to the long list of criminal
charges that should – in a just world - be brought against President Biden: Reckless
endangerment – of the entire human species.
With President Biden leading the charge to send ever increasing money and weapons to
Ukrainian “freedom fighters” (that is, those who wish to uphold the regime the US
installed), while encouraging NATO and all EU members to follow, it appears he is willing
to have the Ukrainians fight until all are dead.
Proxy War in Ukraine - US fighting Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’:
veteran US diplomat by Aaron Maté, March 24, 2022
That however is unlikely to happen.
As casualties mount, and carefully crafted US disinformation escalates, it seems as if
President Biden’s war chiefs are attempting to goad NATO into attempting to enforce a
no-fly zone and possibly sending ground troops to Ukraine.
That would transition this Russian attempt to clear Ukraine of weapons of mass
destruction and neo-Nazi extremists into a major war, which the US and EU “defense”
industrialists would just love, in spite of the fact it would destroy all infrastructure in
Ukraine and kill millions. Those kinds of considerations however never slowed down the
US and European war machines for a second. From an American point of view, it’s a win-
win situation: They get to sell weapons, while primarily Europeans and Russians die in a
macabre replay of WWIII, again, far, far from American shores.
Germany’s economy isn’t necessarily doing that well either.
OECD predicts German economic growth rate at 4.1% in 2022 and 2.4% in 2023, possibly
undercut by shortages of key manufacturing input which might turn out much worse and
more expensive than originally calculated. One cannot simply cut out one of the biggest
global resource producers from the world market without all kinds of ripples far greater
than those produced by butterfly wings.
Why does this entire Ukrainian War from the beginning until today sound like the
dissertation of a West Point Cadet who is good at computer games, has only a superficial
knowledge of history, knows nothing about human nature and cares nothing for the
possibility of thermonuclear war? Possibly because Rand Corporation apparently cooked
it up and/or simply plagiarized it from a West Point Cadet…
In any case there is evidence President Biden’s true masters are attempting to trap
Europeans into a very deadly quagmire of a major world war, without the loss of a single
American life.
Though this may seem absurd to some on the surface, it is only a modified version of how
the US created the conditions leading to WWII. How so? It was the Dulles brothers, John
Foster and Allen that went around the US and Europe soliciting funds to build Germany
and Japan into the industrial powerhouses they had to be in order to think they could
essentially take over the world. It was the Dulles’ plan from the beginning to then break
the German-Russian alliance forcing the Russians to carry the penultimately heavy burden
of stopping Nazi Germany. That made it easy for the US to attack from the west and win
the war they created in the first place. Europe, North Africa and Japan were smoking ruins,
while US industrialists had wild parties and enjoyed the many fruits of their total victory.
Oh yes, forgot to mention 60 million humans were killed, sacrificed on the altar of
American capitalists’ and politicians’ infinite greed. Deaths from WWIII however are likely
to be in the billions, but the profits will be in the trillions - if anyone survives.
Those who might think this is too cynical and wicked for any person to really consider
simply don’t personally know the sadists and bullies American target nations and people
have had to deal with since that nation’s inception. True, there is much that is good in the
US, and they were and continue to be intentionally cultivated to (for the most part)
unknowingly conceal that which is not good.
Those American who do have some inkling of the true role of the US in the world have a
number of platitudes to help them deal with the cognitive dissonance created between
some understanding of morality and US foreign policy abject lack of morality like: “You
can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs,” and “It’s always been this way; it’s just
human nature.”
Those second and third rationalizations however are incorrect. Expanding empires in
history usually did so with a great deal of bloodshed, true, but then their empires usually
enjoyed at least a few hundred years of relative peace afterwards. This pattern however
has been broken during the past 500 years of Euro-American colonialism which has
exhibited an unceasing drive for wars and endless expansion.
The current “violent armed conflict” (war) in Ukraine was started by the unceasing
American colonial drive expressed in Full Spectrum Dominance theory, and subsequent
events best described in the Timeline above, culminating in 2014 with the - illegal by
international law - American backed coup overthrowing President Yanukovych, and
President Putin’s inability to tolerate all of his western neighbors being colonial outposts
of the USA (especially given they are being heavily armed, radicalized with Nazism, and
have what can be used as biological weapons).
Western corporate owned news media however is painting an entirely different picture
using all the brilliance of the best of American movie making tricks and technologies, while
American electronic censorship ensures no little bits of truth are ever allowed to disrupt
the USA’s march towards total world domination forever (AKA hegemony in perpetuity).
So, who has trapped who? “Only time will tell,” as the old saying goes.
Ever-increasing US military expenditures
Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Iraq and Afghanistan,
the United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more
than 70 countries and territories abroad—from giant “Little
Americas” to small radar facilities. Britain, France and Russia, by
contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.
Currently, the United States spends over $900 million per day on
interest payments.
As more federal resources are diverted to interest payments, there
will be less available to invest in areas that are important for
economic growth... Reduced Private Investment. Federal
borrowing competes for funds in the nation’s capital markets,
thereby raising interest rates and crowding out new investment in
business equipment and structures. Entrepreneurs face a higher
cost of capital, potentially stifling innovation and slowing the
advancement of new breakthroughs that could improve our lives.
At some point, investors might begin to doubt the government’s
ability to repay debt and could demand even higher interest rates
— further raising the cost of borrowing for businesses and
households... Fewer Economic Opportunities for Americans.
Growing debt also has a direct effect on the economic
opportunities available to every American. If high levels of debt
crowd out private investments in capital goods, workers would
have less to use in their jobs, which would translate to lower
productivity and, therefore, lower wages.
Even if WWIII does not happen, President Biden’s blunder of forcing this war is
accelerating de-dollarization. The status of the dollar in international trade fell below 50%
several months ago largely due to sanctions imposed on Iran. Now, banning Russia from
SWIFT is very likely to accelerate that decline into a landslide.
It’s surprising the G7 and EU can’t figure out de-dollarizing the world economy will have
a rather negative effect on the value of the dollar, which is an imaginary entity anyways
since ditching the gold standard. Besides that, exactly these kinds of isolationist policies
directly led to the Great Depression of 1929. This is perhaps not so surprising. Narcissistic
personalities virtually always exhibit delusional beliefs in their own invincibility.
Thinking that the US could attain and maintain “hegemony in perpetuity” was and
remains delusional. Countless would-be world conquerors have tried and died along with
their empires.
• National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
And so on. These are knights and bishops of the Deep State terrorists.
The rooks would include a variety of organizations that fund the Atlantic Council, including:
• the Ford Foundation,
• the Open Society Institute,
• the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the
• Cuba Policy Foundation.
As well as:
• U.S. Departments of the Air Force, Army, Navy and Energy and from the U.S. Mission
to NATO and the U.S. Mission to the European Union.
And of course, most of the top 100 corporations in the U.S. obviously including the major
weapons industries:
• Boeing,
• EADS North America,
• General Dynamics,
• Lockheed Martin,
• Northrop Grumman and
• Raytheon
• Plus, hundreds of others supplying things such as IT support, provisions, and so on
Meanwhile the US is attempting to “tip-toe” around all-out war against Russia because of
Russian nuclear superiority, but not so with China.
There are many indicators this is precisely what the US has planned.
CIA chief names biggest threat - The intelligence boss called
Beijing the “greatest challenge,” while noting the “nuclear threat”
posed by Russia, 15 Apr, 2022
CIA Director William Burns has outlined the major threats facing
the United States, pointing to China’s rise on the world stage and
Russia’s ongoing military offensive in Ukraine as the top challenges,
while declaring that US intelligence has entered a “new era.”
Speaking at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Thursday in his
first public speech ever as the agency's head, Burns argued that “an
increasingly adversarial China and a pugnacious and revisionist
Russia” have forced the Langley to “reimagine itself to compete
successfully in this new age.”
“Xi Jinping’s China is our greatest challenge, in many ways the
most profound test the CIA has ever faced,” Burns continued. “As
an intelligence service, we have never had to deal with an
adversary with more reach.”
It seeks to overtake us in literally every domain, from economic
strength to military power, and from space to cyberspace.
Calling China a “silent partner” in Russia’s “aggression” against
Ukraine, the intelligence chief also warned that the ongoing
military operation posed an “immediate threat,” suggesting that
“desperation” on the part of President Vladimir Putin could trigger
a nuclear exchange.
“None of us can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort
to tactical nuclear weapons or low-yield nuclear weapons,” he
However, Burns also noted that despite “rhetorical posturing” from
Moscow – which placed its nuclear forces on a higher alert status
soon after launching its attack on Ukraine in late February – US
intelligence agencies “haven't seen a lot of practical evidence of the
kind of deployments or military dispositions that would reinforce
that concern.”
Since taking office, US President Joe Biden has repeatedly
presented China as Washington’s top adversary, continuing a
series of hostile policies carried over from the Trump
administration. American warships have been regularly deployed
to disputed waters in the South China Sea, and have made near-
monthly transits of the Taiwan Strait despite vocal objections
from officials in Beijing.
Bold text added by this author
It’s really too bad CIA Director William Burns sees it that way. China and Russia could be
the US’ best friend if the US wasn’t suffering “state capture” by corporate CEOs and their
corrupt pet DC politicians.
Likewise, it is so pitiful today’s American leaders are so paranoid and terrified of playing
and working nicely with other people. This is a natural problem of American concepts
regarding unrestrained capitalism that cannot tolerate friends and cooperation, but
rather see and create only conflict and aggression in all areas. Thus, the US creates lose-
lose scenarios at every turn, and the world economy and especially the poor suffer the
agonies of the damned.
This is one of China’s greatest attributes. China actually believes in and works toward win-
win solutions by way of cooperation. And so naturally they are relentlessly smeared with
false narratives at every turn.
The US leadership cannot tolerate cooperation because they ultimately are controlled by
corporations only motivated by quarterly earnings reports and nothing else. The
possibility of WWIII and thermonuclear and biological devastation of humanity is
irrelevant to them. Those corporations are so much like reptiles and machines and see
only what is right in front of them. They cannot imagine a cliff looming in front of them,
before they reach it.
As such, US foreign and domestic policies are guided solely by “interests.” “There are no
friends in politics, only interests.” What a sad and pathetic philosophy of life that is. What
a cold and empty existence.
It is difficult to predict how China actually would react to the sinking of one or more of its
naval ships. Were I them, I would use mass media as a defensive weapon to decry US
aggression and relentlessly scream in outrage and righteous indignation, while activating
squadrons of legalists to tie up US and international courts and other criminal justice
bodies until President Biden retires prematurely.
V.P. Kamala Harris meanwhile has accumulated a rather terrible reputation among
Americans with many or most minorities seeing her as the “incarceral queen” and most
white supremacists seeing her as an existential threat to their communities. Besides that,
some questions have been raised about her state of mind.
None-the-less due to her many previous statements lambasting China it seems likely she
would continue an aggressive war against China, at which point the UN might actually
wake up a bit for the first time in its history and attempt to put a stop to the whole
business. After President Harris is forced to retire Speaker of the House of
Representatives Nancy Pelosi is number 2 in line for the presidency but Republicans
would probably not permit that:
Well, be that as it may, the penny has finally dropped and it is now
clear that Biden-Pelosi-Schumer are intent on changing the rules
and using lawfare and other tools to create a permanent governing
And there are other “conflicts of interest” (family corruption) weighing against her taking
the presidency as well, in addition to the fact Pelosi has enthusiastically supported every
war since she entered Congress in 1987 and is not likely to try to halt the slide into WWIII
and thermonuclear Armageddon.
NATO Honors Nancy Pelosi with First-ever “Women for Peace”
Award by Rick Rozoff
Global Research, October 12, 2021 / Anti-bellum 11 October 2021
With an annual salary of $172,000 ($223,000 when she’s speaker
of the House), Pelosi is worth an estimated $120-$315 million. The
perfect person to preach against corruption.
Regarding the “peace” award from NATO – the equivalent of
receiving a child protection award from Jeffrey Epstein – Pelosi
has enthusiastically supported every war since she entered
Congress in 1987...
Besides all that her very close association with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
will weigh heavily against her as there are those who believe it was Ms. Clinton who was
primarily responsible for manipulating President Biden into starting WWIII.
Number 3 in line for the presidency is President pro tempore of the Senate Patrick Leahy
– a known China and Russia-phobe who again is likely to accelerate a war rather than put
a halt to it.
Next in line for the presidency is Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, but would probably
not be allowed that position because of judicial constraint given his long history of “giving
the appearance” of conflicts of interest.
And his long history of lies and deceptions.
Secretary of State Blinken: "I am here today not to start a war, but
to prevent one." Feb 17, 2022
That was two days before the US controlled Ukrainian forces increased their
bombardment of Donbass 100-fold in its very clever but oh-so-very-very-unwise and
successful effort to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine.
By this time of American chaos, the US Civil War II will be cooking along vigorously, China
still screaming and wailing in righteous indignation, and most of the US and world crying
and screaming along with it.
China’s symbol is the panda afterall, and everyone still loves Kung Fu Panda, even if folks
in Langley and DC don’t like it. Besides all that, President Xi is almost always smiling in
photos and videos and that does speak to the heart of the civilized world or what remains
of it.
Meanwhile CIA Director Burns will have long very private virtual meetings with President
Putin trying to appeal to his “whiteness” to prevent him from joining in a thermonuclear
war, and fail spectacularly. Why?
In spite of being white…
1) President Putin is at this time – probably most angry that Azov is openly torturing
and murdering Russian soldiers and broadcasting it worldwide. Due to President
Putin’s honor code, that more than anything at the moment is probably what will
lead him to scald Burns with open contempt.
2) President Putin has been taking a great deal of personal abuse, the slander of his
name like “war criminal,” “monster” and so on and not retaliated. Instead that
outrage and anger has built up inside, and when it does come out, it will be
something the US has never seen or even imagined before. Americans have been
watching American driven wars on TV for decades, like Romans watching the
gladiatorial games, and enjoyed it while millions died in horror, agony and dirt.
President Putin knows this, as do I, having worked in several American (and its
proxy’s) wars as a journalist and having interviewed many, many American war
3) President Putin obviously has a strong empathic ability and self-control as
exemplified by the fact that for 20 years he has placidly permitted NATO to crawl
up to his borders, for eight long years ignored the plight of pro-Russian citizens of
Ukraine being tortured and killed by the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi
zealots, and done nothing beside lodge objections at the UN and issue statements
via the press. What finally triggered his invasion of Ukraine however was the
massively expanded (times one hundred) indiscriminate bombardment – mass
murder - of innocents in Donbass next door. He simply could not tolerate any more
massive wholesale intentional, sadistic slaughter of his innocent friends. His
invasion of Ukraine appears to be been driven by empathy, and all people of
empathy in the world who know what’s going on the world are livid, absolutely
outraged beyond words to express – in response to the long, horrific bloody
history of US foreign policy makers led by the CIA and corporate CEOs smashing
and destroying innocent nations and their leaders again and again and again in
nation after nation after nation. The US has dues to pay. That’s the bottom line.
In other words, there is not an “ice cube’s chance in hell” of President Putin falling for
Burns’ appeal to his whiteness. The instant the US declares war on China, Russia will be
there guarding its back, in full-force.
The only things I cannot guess are:
• How far into total thermonuclear war will the US go?
• What percent of humanity will survive the next few years(?) if any at all.
Is there any way to prevent all this?
That’s why I wrote this book. But, because of illegal pervasive American censorship
(including and especially shadow regulation on the servers that host most of my
publications), I know there is virtually zero chance any Americans will read this book
beyond DoD legalists hoping I will advocate violence or something else illegal so-as to
have an excuse to frame me for some crime and have “evidence” to support it.
The reader will notice, I hope, this writer never, in any way, shape or form, advocates
violence. I see violence and hate as the causes of the problems the world now confronts,
not the solutions. I believe communication and education are the only solutions to the
epidemics of hate and violence in the world. In spite of that optimistic approach, I am not
optimistic about the future of humanity due almost entirely to the political/economic
structure of the USA and most especially the wildly illegal eradication of the formerly
mostly free press.
In other words, my educated guess is thermonuclear war is inevitable in the relatively
near future, will be accompanied by a civil war in the US, and followed by revolutions
around the world against American puppet leaders. Likewise, I predict biological
pathogens will leak from many or most of the 300+ US’ “research” labs around the world,
and as many as 85% - 90% of humanity will die within the next 3 - 5 years.
After that, I believe the survivors around the world will isolate the US for a very, very long
time to protect the world from the mental illnesses that are leading to WWIII.
Likewise, I believe socialism will be the new prevailing political and economic world
system, however without any suppression of religion. Strange? I don’t think so.
Religions are not the causes of the current problems, even though the leadership of the
major religions have been corrupted, weaponized and turned against each other. That is
not due to any inherent flaws in the religions themselves, any more than humanity is to
blame for the “excesses” of the US Military-Industrial-Media-Educational-Medical
The US government has mocked religion from the very beginning of its history
The US has put forth pretenses of piety masking slavery, expansionism and colonialism as
national virtues, even until today, and now the world is in a position, for the first-time
centuries - to push back, thanks to military strength of President Putin, the economic
strength of China, and the moral courage of both of those leaders.
Why bother writing this book if I predict virtually no one will be permitted to read it
given the truly awesome American censorship regime in place for the past several years?
“Truly awesome American censorship regime?” My article (cited in many locations in this
book and) below is now impossible to find on even searching the “full name
of the article” + “my name,” even though I could find it a few months ago on Google easily.
Why not? Censorship in the US is accelerating at a logarithmic rate these days. So many
links I found doing research only few years, months and weeks ago are now dead links or
gone. The US is “weeding” out everything that does not parrot US government dicta from
the internet.
As stated repeatedly in this book: The US corporate and political leaders are fully prepared
to start WWIII, even knowing the risk of thermonuclear war and leaks from many if not
most of the US biolabs around the world, in order to maintain its insane “hegemony in
perpetuity” (status as the sole uncontested global superpower), and that is insane.
My review article about the labyrinth of American censorship mechanisms and laws
prohibiting that censorship is one of the best in the world. Below are four links. It deserves
to be read by all those who believe in a “free press” and democracy, keeping in mind
without a free press democracy is a sham, a fake, and now for many years, a ghost.
I was able to find one link on MSN however. The only reason I was able to find the four
links above for this manuscript is I knew where to look and logged in to find them.
The answer to this subsection’s title (“Why bother writing this book…”) is: There is
a .000001% chance someone with some influence might read it. That’s enough for me.
It’s better than going into that long night of humanity silently, without resistance. That’s
Is President Putin really in a corner? Maybe, maybe not. I am certain he has an endgame
in mind and believes he has predicted Euro-American responses precisely. He may be
right. The odds are 51% according to my calculations, because I believe his intelligence
sources are vastly more reliable than American intelligence sources. Why?
For one thing, US intelligence works like this: Langly chiefs tell region and desk chiefs what
they want to hear. Region and country desk chiefs then tell their CIA station chiefs what
the big bosses in Langly want to hear. Then, the station chiefs tell their CIA officers what
the big bosses want to hear. Then the CIA officers tell their local agents want those officers
want to hear. Then the local agents go out into their own countries, and either make those
dicta come true, or just lie and affirm everything their CIA “handlers” want to hear. The
big lies get passed up the pipeline, and wow! The big bosses in Langly were right(!), not
really, but they have “actionable intel” to go ahead with whatever they wanted to do in
the first place. That’s called an “echo-chamber.”33
Russian intelligence on the other hand can’t afford to operate that way. They live in a
much more dangerous world dominated by the CIA and real intelligence (access to
accurate information) is essential.
My mother always argued that a benign despot is better than a liberal democracy ruled
by Narcissistic demigods which is not surprising given my parents’ Jesuit education; in any
case I believe she was right about that and President Putin’s somewhat autocratic style
of leadership has all the advantages of a good ship captain in a storm as argued by
American DIA is a bit, and sometimes a lot different from the CIA and that schism is echoed around the
world. I can’t count the number of countries I’ve been in where military intelligence people and police
seemed favorably disposed towards me, even friendly and helpful, whereas their civilian intelligence
counterparts nearly got me killed or at minimum made my life very miserable. Unfortunately, civilian
intelligence organizations (foreign counterparts of the CIA and FBI) usually have much more influence with
national leaders than their military intelligence people, and so, I move a lot. Why do they have that extra
power? Simply because so many are paid off or otherwise manipulated by the CIA and overseas offices of
the FBI.
It appears highly likely the debt-riddled US and EU have isolated themselves from world
markets even more since February 24, and most of the people in Africa, Latin America
and Asia (who are very poor) now have some new measures of hope that either 1) the US
will grow up and let a multi-polar world evolve naturally, or 2) just trigger Armageddon
and get it over with. It’s a minority thing - most Euro-Americans might not understand.
This white Euro-Americans can understand:
Vicissitudes by Jason deCaires Taylor in Grenada (2013) downloaded from:
Limited nuclear war Unlimited nuclear war Russian victory US/NATO victory
2) The roots of the Euro-American aggression leading to the Ukraine War lie in the
500 years of European colonialization, American leaderships’ beliefs in “manifest
destiny,” and the superiority of the Caucasian genetic/ethic groups over other
racial/cultural groups, incomplete study of late-stage democracies, the inevitable
consequences of unrestrained capitalism, the inherent tendency for humans to
seek freedom, unwarranted influences of the American military-industrial-media-
educational-scientific-police-incarcerial complex, the legitimization of corruption
in Euro-American politics and American unlimited hubris and Narcissism.
3) Due to multi-national, primarily American corporate greed, the lack of an effective
and impartial international judicial body, the structure of the US’ totally corrupted
fake democracy, and American ego-issues, the US will not permit a fair outcome
to Russia’s legitimate need for security and peace with true self-determination
within the nations along its western borders, nuclear war is the most probable
4) President Putin will not be intimidated into surrender and will not be easy to
capture or kill.
5) In the case of unlimited nuclear war most of the world’s population will be killed
by the release of American biological pathogens stored in freezers all around the
world. Americans will pretty much all kill each other. The only “victors” will be
those people – mostly people of color - that manage to survive in very remote
places (“the meek will inherit the earth”). Western Euro-American Caucasians will
immediately be killed or enslaved whenever encountered if possible and surviving
Russians celebrated as having finally brought the infinitely cruel white slavers to
the bitter ends they deserved.
6) Humanity is at cross-roads such as it has never encountered before. Either the
Euro-Americans back off quickly or the probability of nuclear war looms hugely.
1st, I must express thanks to God for offering the hope of a world without Euro-American
cruel enslavement of the entire human species within the confines of unrestrained
western capitalism, racism and corrupted fake democratic domination.
2nd, I have to thank President Putin for his planning, balance, courage, strength, stability,
sense of timing and most of all intelligence that led to his willingness to stand up to Euro-
America’s absolute greed, racism and cruelty.
Attribution unknown
3rd, I must thank President Xi Jinping for having the wisdom and courage to launch and
systematically promote the Silk Road development plan that offers a great deal of hope
to maintain civilization after the decline and possible fall of the hegemon USA, and has
the potential to save the lives of billions of people after the US’ probable and truly
pathetic replay of “Samson dies with the Philistines.”
4th, I must thank alt-news writers like Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Scott Ritter, Aaron
Maté, Max Blumenthal, Jeremy Kuzmarov and many others for their valiant courage to a)
stand up to mainstream media, and b) struggle mightily to communicate with largely deaf
voting publics in the US, Europe and the world, c) ignore the threats and intimidations of
the American military-industrial-media-educational-scientific-police-incarcerial complex
and d) diligently, intelligently and creatively investigate the true causes of virtually all the
major wars in the world today, and at least since WWII.
5th Immeasurable thanks to social philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky who provided
peaceful meta-cognitive lighthouses along the shores of the often-treacherous oceans of
iniquity in the world.
6th, special thanks a certain someone who gave me hope and helped keep me alive in
recent years when all appeared lost, again and again – even though she a) never would
discuss anything relating to politics with me, b) generally disapproved of my interest in
alt-news because she knew it presented a danger to me, but c) politely turned a blind-eye
to my work probably due to some respect for my intelligence and hope for a more
peaceful world.
At no time did any Russian or Chinese or other “agent’ of theirs ever discuss politics with
me or aid or assist me in any way shape or form other than as outlined in the
Acknowledgements above. The views expressed in this book are entirely my own – based
on my experiences traveling around the world on all five continents since 1963, reading,
(15 years of) university study, and moral/ethical considerations, with one caveat: My
parents did – each in their own unique way - heavily influence me in becoming who I am
and for that I thank them.
A personal note
A couple of weeks ago someone asked me: Who’s side are you on? I answered: The side
of peace; peace with dignity, self-determination and security for all.
The current conflict in Ukraine is only profiting those invested in western “defense”
related industries, the vast majority of whom are already very rich (and mostly white)
Everyone else in the world is losing at a time when humanity as a whole should be
investing in global economic development, including obviously COVID-19 recovery and
working to prevent the next global pandemic as globalization, climate change, poverty
and inadequate health care precautions are very rapidly spreading many infectious
One can only wonder which of the following rapid disease spreads are actually from leaks
in US “research” facilities in their countries?
If I were President Putin, would I have invaded Ukraine?
Giving the information I have, probably not. Why not? I would have solicited Oliver Stone
to make documentaries about President Biden’s saturation-level corruption, American
complicity in the construction of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi dominated government and the
eight-year genocide in Donetsk and Lugansk.
I would have challenged President Biden to a debate on all network TV channels. I would
have forced all UN General Assembly members to watch videos of the massive war Kiev
launched upon the innocents in Lugansk and Donetsk in 2014. I would have cried on-air if
I had to, to wake the moral conscience of the west.
That said, I also have to acknowledge President Putin has access to a great deal more
information than I have, so I cannot and will not assert he was wrong for launching his
military operation in Ukraine. It appears there is more at stake here than simply the
survival of Ukrainians, Russians and Americans.
The entire human species is in danger from possible release of biological pathogens from
the 300+ American biological laboratories around the world now, and the situation will
become infinitely more dangerous should WWIII break out, the American empire descend
into anarchy, and its’ puppet national leaders around the world violently thrown out of
power. There will be no stopping the spread of those diseases.
Lastly in this section I would like to add five years ago I had friends in Ethiopia, Afghanistan,
Ukraine and Russia and all was well with everyone. Now? I have done my homework and
found US meddling and conniving behind each and every one of the wars my dear friends
now suffer. They won’t admit it, but they all live in fear, great fear, poverty, hunger and
anger – an anger they cannot express without punishment. I do appreciate President
Putin’s effort to help bring about a multi-polar world by telling the US in no uncertain
terms: “You cannot take over every country in the world, at least not every country on
my border!” Bravo!
At the same time, I have infinite empathy for my dear, dear friends in Ukraine who the US
has thrown “under the bus” to even further enrich the already super-rich, and play the
deadliest “Game of Thrones” in world history, with my friends’ lives on all five continents.
In that same breath I have to add, I also have infinite empathy for the families of the
valiant and disciplined Russian militaries who suffer the loss of their loved ones because
of the greed of the Biden family, other politicians, corporate shareholders and puppet
presidents like Zelensky.
Ultimately however all are slaves to the dictates of the reptile-like big corporations34, and
until their power is contained, and campaign finance in the US and Europe cleaned up,
these wars will continue until thermonuclear war and a global biological and chemical
weapons blitzkrieg occurs– which may be upon us all at any time.
Likewise, I have complete empathy for the working poor and jobless world-wide, including
the US, who are all held hostages to the absolutely corrupt dictates of the very same “rule-
based order” President Biden so loves to brag about but corrupts with every word and
Global unrestrained capitalism has brought the working people and jobless to our knees
and there is no hope in sight, except that provided by China and Russia. It has been my
long belief that the system of governance is not as important as the quality of people in
The linked reference there to the book “The Dragons of Eden” by popular scientist Carl Sagan is worth
reading, even though none the reviews posted on Google mention what I consider to be the most important
point of that book, specifically that corporations are like reptiles that are programmed only for consumption,
and have no emotions whatsoever, as the midbrain region that mediates emotions didn’t evolve until after
the age of the reptiles. In other words, he warned the world of the dangers of corporations in a way similar
to President Eisenhower’s final address, except he based his arguments on natural evolution and human
neuroanatomy rather than the experiences President Eisenhower obviously had. Sagan’s observations
however may well have been partly motivated by Eisenhower’s final speech in addition to his own.
those governments, though I have to admit Socrates was most certainly right about
democracies ending with oligarchy, and now demagoguery. Likewise, I see flexible
socialist/capitalist hybrid economic systems like China’s to have an infinite number of
advantages over the unrestrained predatory and corrupted capitalist systems of the US
and Western Europe.
The political system in the US has reached such saturation level corruption, such expertise
in overthrowing governments, and such a casual attitude towards killing innocents, no
honest person in the world is safe now, anywhere.
As I see it, Euro-American voters and tax-payers, young and old of all cultures, spiritual or
pragmatic beliefs, gender and so on have two choices:
1. Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Official Video)
2. Aloe Blacc - Ticking Bomb (Official Lyric Video)
And we can’t wait around for politicians and/or mainstream news media to tell us what
to believe, and/or do.
2022.03.30 Kiev ready to fulfill key Moscow's demands — Russia -
Ukraine stated that it’s ready to implement the demands that
Russia has been insisting on for years, Russia's top negotiator
claims - / Russia’s lead negotiator, Vladimir Medinsky, said on
Wednesday that Ukraine agreed in principle to officially become a
neutral country. Ukraine’s bid to join NATO was one of the reasons
Moscow said it launched a military campaign against the country
last month. / Medinsky made his statement a day after the sides
held a peace summit in Istanbul, Turkey. He said the Ukrainian
team presented a draft roadmapping a future peace deal. /
“Yesterday, for the first time, the Ukrainian party announced, not
only orally but also in written form, that it’s ready to fulfill a number
of the most important conditions for building normal, and,
hopefully, good-neighbourly relations with Russia in the future. /
Let me remind you that after the 2014 coup d'état in Ukraine Russia
has been making these demands to the Kiev regime, to its patrons,
especially the United States, for years. Russia proposed
negotiations, proposed to conclude various kinds of agreements
that were supposed to guarantee Ukraine’s security and provide
Russia's national interests in this area. / All these demands had
been ignored for years. And the North Atlantic Alliance has also
been creating an anti-Russian foothold from Ukraine, more
precisely, from Ukrainian territory, for years. / Ukraine's entry into
NATO, the creation of NATO military bases on its territory seemed
to be a settled issue. It was a matter of time. / I’ll note, and this has
already been proven, that there were also efforts on creating
biological weapons. Moreover, the issue of Ukraine's acquisition of
nuclear weapons was also made public knowledge. / All these years,
the Kyiv regime has carried out an open genocide against the
residents of Donbass. There’s a lot of evidence for this. There’s
irrefutable evidence that Kyiv was planning to launch an offensive
against Donbass in the near future. In that case Russia would have
had to stand up for tens and tens of thousands of our Russian
citizens living there anyway. / Under these circumstances, Russia
was forced to launch a pre-emptive special military operation.
Yesterday, for the first time in all these years, the Kiev authorities
declared that they are ready to negotiate with Russia and conveyed
the provisions of a possible future agreement, which states the
• the refusal to join NATO, fixation of Ukraine's bloc-free status;
• the renunciation of nuclear weapon;
• an obligation to conduct troop exercises only with the consent of
the guarantor states, which must include Russia.
That is, Ukraine stated that it’s ready to fulfill these demands that
Russia has been insisting on all these years. / If all these obligations
are fulfilled, the threat of creating a NATO bridgehead on Ukrainian
territory will be eliminated. / That’s why it’s so important to agree
upon this treaty at the highest level. / However, the negotiations
and our work continue. / I’d like to stress that Russia’s position
regarding Crimea and Donbass remains the same.”
Unfortunately, Ukraine’s “leadership” flips back and forth on a daily basis but for the most
part is willing to fight to serve their American masters until their nation is totally
destroyed or NATO steps in to rescue them simultaneously starting WWIII.
Pine Island Capital proudly boasts of its DC connections which includes a who’s who of
past and current government, military and industry leaders including:
• Major General Charles F. Bolden Jr., USMC (Ret.)
• Senator Saxby Chambliss
During his tenure in the Senate, he served as a member of the Senate
Armed Services Committee…, the Senate Rules Committee; and his
leadership and experience on homeland security and intelligence matters
earned him an appointment to the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, where he served as vice chairman from 2011 to 2014,
advocating for dramatically improved information sharing and human-
intelligence-gathering capabilities. His previous role as chairman of the
House Intelligence Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security
made him one of the leading congressional experts on those issues.
• Senator Tom Daschle
“Daschle is officially a lobbyist now - The former Democratic leader
resisted registering under a loophole that now bears his name.” By Isaac
Arnsdorf, 03/29/2016
“After his 2004 upset loss to John Thune, Daschle joined law and lobbying
firm Alston & Bird as a “special policy adviser,” earning as much as $2.1
million a year, but he never registered as a lobbyist. His journey through
the revolving door, later with DLA Piper and finally Baker Donelson, helped
popularize the now well-trodden path for former officials to cash in on K
Street without formally registering as a lobbyist...
“Under the statutory definition of a lobbyist, policy advisers don't have to
register if they avoid direct contact with lawmakers or spend less than 20
percent of their time lobbying. The provision became widely known as the
Daschle loophole... Daschle previously registered with the Justice
Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act to represent
Taiwan. He's currently promoting a book co-authored with his Republican
counterpart, Trent Lott, now also a lobbyist.”
Reframing “lobbyist” as “special policy adviser,” or “consultant” is a con game, the oldest
trick in the book.
"Since leaving the Senate, Senator Daschle has remained an active and
learned voice among policy-makers... Senator Daschle serves on numerous
public and private boards, including the Center for American Progress and
the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. He is a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations."
• Senator Byron Dorgan
• Michèle Flournoy
• Representative Dick Gephardt
• Ambassador Stuart Holliday
• Ambassador Capricia Marshall
• Admiral Mike Mullen, USN (Ret.)
• Senator Don Nickles
• Lieutenant General Vince Stewart, USMC (Ret.)
“We have unique insight into how rapidly changing technologies
will directly impact the evolving preferences of defense,
intelligence and federal government customers.” — company
prospectus “We believe that there are still a significant number of
potential targets with competitive advantages in ‘big data’
analytics, enterprise IT, secure data processing, seamless inter-
agency technology integration, communications and training
solutions that would benefit from our deep bench of advisers who
contribute decades of relevant government and defense expertise,”
the prospectus reads. The document adds, “Our leadership team is
well equipped to support a potential target on all key competitive
factors of the government services market as we have unique
insight into how rapidly changing technologies will directly impact
the evolving preferences of defense, intelligence and federal
government customers.”
That “unique insight” into “how rapidly changing technologies will directly impact the
evolving preferences of defense, intelligence and federal government customers,” sounds
like a breach of confidentiality agreements top Biden Administration officials must have
signed when hired to do government work.
“But that “revolving door” between government and industry can
create perverse incentives and conflicts of interest, ethics experts
say. And it’s just that sort of business as usual that Mandy
Smithberger, the director of the Straus Military Reform Project at
the Project on Government Oversight, says is concerning in this
case. “These kinds of conflicts are particularly disappointing given
justified criticisms of how the Trump administration has repeatedly
used the government to further personal and financial interests,”
Smithberger wrote in an email. “While this isn't uncommon, it's still
That revolving door did not begin or end with former President Trump and it’s spinning
faster than ever now with the Biden administration.
Also see:
How Biden’s Foreign-Policy Team Got Rich - Strategic consultants
will define Biden’s relationship to the world, by Jonathan Guyer,
July 6, 2020
Conflicts of interest? It’s way beyond that.
President Trump was hardly unique in crossing the line between government and industry,
as President Biden’s cabinet has many picks right out of that same revolving door between
politics and industry, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Antony Blinken
(of WestExec Advisors fame).
Though not officially a lobby group, WestExec Advisors thrive in the so-called gray zone
doing many, most or all of the same things as a lobby group.
Their members include:
Antony Blinken – Antony J. Blinken was sworn in as the 71st U.S. Secretary of State on
January 26, 2021.
“In 2015, Obama had dispatched Blinken to tell Mohammed bin
Salman that the U.S. supported Saudi Arabia’s right to defend itself
and nothing more. But four years later, the U.S., through its arms
sales, was party to an ongoing war [Yemen]. The death toll was over
100,000 in an asymmetric conflict, and the defense contractor
Raytheon had sold Saudi Arabia more than $3 billion worth of
“The fund, Ridgeline Partners, was co-founded by Tony Blinken’s
WestExec and “provides strategic insight on U.S. & allied national
security capability needs and emerging opportunities.” The
companies listed on the Ridgeline website include data and tech
start-ups that have seen government contracts, including some
deals with the Department of Defense.”
That gives the appearance of “crossing the line” between consulting and lobbying. It isn’t
an example of the kinds of vague supposition one finds from the beginning to the end of
the Strategic Competition Act of 2021, but a very clear and unambiguous “conflict of
Michèle Flournoy - “Co-Founder and Managing Partner of WestExec Advisors, and former
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS),
where she currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors. Michèle serves on the
boards of Booz Allen Hamilton, Amida Technology Solutions, The Mission Continues, Spirit
of America, The U.S. Naval Academy Foundation, CARE, and sits on the Honorary Advisory
Committee of The Leadership Council for Women in National Security. Michèle is also a
former member of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the CIA Director’s External
Advisory Board, and the Defense Policy Board, and is currently a member of the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Aspen Strategy Group, and is a Senior Fellow at Harvard’s
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.” (Clearly Ms. Flournoy is one of the
alpha “interventionists” of the Biden Administration and appears to have several
prominent conflicts of interest.)
According to a study published last month by the Center for
International Policy, nearly half of CNAS’ funding came from
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman
and Raytheon, the study found.
Flournoy has spoken a bit about WestExec’s work with Silicon
Valley start-ups to land contracts at the Pentagon, where she sees
a need to better leverage new technologies that are not necessarily
the forte of larger, more traditional defense contractors.
“The name of the game is how do you enable the Department of
Defense to really access that cutting-edge commercial technology
and adapt it to military purposes,” Flournoy said in a 2019 podcast
interview at the University of Chicago. “It is one of the things that
WestExec is trying to help with. How do you let these smaller,
cutting-edge technology firms actually navigate the DoD and
national security space?”
WestExec is only one of Blinken and Flournoy’s overlapping roles,
which keep them updated on trends that others lack access to.
Flournoy, for instance, previously served on the Pentagon’s
Defense Policy Board, the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board,
and the CIA director’s External Advisory Board; each of these
positions gives members access to sensitive information, which in
turn provides insights useful to attracting and serving corporate
clients. Membership requires ethics disclosures, though none of
those documents are publicly available, adding another layer of
By not registering as a lobby group, WestExec avoids disclosure requirements and thus
they can operate in the shadows wherein most criminals likewise thrive.
But many of the people who work closely with Biden are
enmeshed in the opaque world of strategic consultancies and by
extension a network of the world’s biggest businesses. If they’ve
been consulting for corporations with offshore interests, this
spells potential conflicts. “One of the biggest gaps in ethics laws
is that we don’t require strategic consultants to register as
lobbyists,” said Mandy Smithberger of the Project on
Government Oversight.
She may be wrong about that. See H.R.2316 — 110th Congress (2007-2008).
Recall the “Daschle loophole.” The legality of that has yet to be challenged and given the
potential for encouraging corruption in government, and the deadly consequences of that
potential corruption. The Ukraine War is at minimum prima facia proof of that deadly
The world of special interest control of American politicians may not be so opaque as
Mandy Smithberger suggests. Those wars not only kill and maim millions of innocents and
produce millions more “displaced people,” but they also produce greatly increased stock
dividends for many or most of President Biden’s top cabinet members’ close friends and
Antony Blinken
Avril Haines, “Director of National Intelligence (DNI) The nation’s top intelligence
official—the DNI — is the designated leader of the U. S. Intelligence Community (IC), 18
agencies and organizations that include the CIA, the National Security Agency, the
National Reconnaissance Office and the Office of DNI.”
Professional/Academic Career
After leaving the Obama administration, Haines worked in the
private sector consulting for companies such as the Denver-based
national security contractor Palantir Technologies, which
specializes in data analytics.
Principal at WestExec Advisors, a D.C.-based strategic advisory firm
founded in 2017 by former Obama administration officials
including Antony Blinken, (Biden’s Secretary of State), and Michèle
Flournoy, (former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy under
President Obama)…
Palantir — founded in 2003 with capital from investors including the CIA
— provides software to help organizations analyze data... Palantir’s
government business grew much faster in 2020 than its commercial
business. Its total revenue increased 47% from about $743 million to
$1,093 million in 2020. Its government business soared 77% to $610
million while its commercial business rose 21% to about $482 million,
according to its 2020 10K. For the fourth quarter, Palantir’s government
segment popped 85% to $190 million while its commercial segment inched
up 4% to $132 million, noted CNBC.
Ms. Avril Haines is at the axis of the revolving door between defense industries and the
government’s intelligence community and provably gives at minimum the appearance of
conflict of interest.
And where does it all end?
Not a place we want to go.