Adv Accounts MTP M19 S2
Adv Accounts MTP M19 S2
Adv Accounts MTP M19 S2
1. (a) As per AS 9 “Revenue Recognition”, “where the ability to assess the ultimate collection with
reasonable certainty is lacking at the time of raising any claim, the revenue recognition is
postponed to the extent of uncertainty involved. In such cases, the revenue is recognized only
when it is reasonably certain that the ultimate collection will be made”. In this case, the company
never realized interest for the delayed payments made by the agent. Hence, based on the past
experience, the realization of interest for the delayed payments by the agent is very much
uncertain. The interest should be recognized only if the ultimate collection is certain. Therefore,
the interest income of Rs. 5 lakhs should not be recognized in the books for the year ended 31 st
March, 2017. Thus the contention of accountant is incorrect. However, if the agents have agreed
to pay the amount of interest and there is an element of certainty associated with these receipts,
the accountant is correct regarding booking of Rs. 5 lakhs as interest amount.
(b) (i) Since the company is not appealing against the addition of Rs. 0.66 crore the same should
be provided for in its accounts for the year ended on 31st March, 2017. The amount paid
under protest can be kept under the heading ‘Loans & Advances’ and disclosed along with
the contingent liability of Rs. 2.10 crore.
(ii) The arrears for the period from June, 2016 to March, 2017 are required to be provided for in
the accounts of the company for the year ended on 31st March, 2017.
(c) As per AS 26 ‘Intangibles Assets’, the amortization method used should reflect the pattern in which
economic benefits are consumed by the enterprise. If pattern cannot be determined reliably, then
straight-line method should be used.
In the instant case, the pattern of economic benefit in the form of net operating cash flow vis-à-vis
production is determined reliably. A Ltd. should amortize the license fee of Rs. 200 lakhs as under:
Year Net operating Cash in Ratio Amortize amount (Rs. in lakhs)
flow (Rs.)
1 900 0.03 6
2 1,800 0.06 12
3 2,300 0.08 16
4 3,200 0.12 24
5 3,200 0.12 24
6 3,200 0.12 24
7 3,200 0.12 24
8 3,200 0.12 24
9 3,200 0.12 24
10 3,200 0.11 (bal.) 22
27,400 1.00 200
The difference between this figure and guaranteed residual value (Rs. 50,000) is due to rounding off.
4,00,00,000 X
Year ended
31.3. 2017
(Rs. in ‘000s)
Schedule 13 – Interest Earned
I. Interest/discount on advances/bills (Refer W.N.) 5923.18
Schedule 14 – Other Income
I. Commission, exchange and brokerage 304
II. Profit on sale of investments 320
III. Rent received 104
Schedule 15 – Interest Expended
I. Interests paid on deposits 3259.92
Notes to Accounts
1. Reserves and Surplus
Revenue Reserve (refer computation of adjusted revenue 3,29,500
reserves of Neel Ltd)
2. Short term borrowings
Bank overdraft 85,000
3. Short-term provision
Provision for taxation 2,15,000
4. Tangible Assets
Cost 1,60,000
Less: Depreciation to date (48,000) 1,12,000