Tranformer Developer Guide
Tranformer Developer Guide
Tranformer Developer Guide
Product Information
This document applies to IBM® Cognos® 8 Version 8.4 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this document,
visit the IBM Cognos Resource Center (
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Table of Contents
Introduction 13
Developer Guide 3
Table of Contents
4 Transformer
Table of Contents
CreateColumns 113
CreateFiles 114
CreateFromCubes 114
CreateFromQueries 115
CubeAdd 115
CubeDelete 116
CubeGroupAdd 117
CubeGroupCubeAdd 118
CubeGroupCubeDelete 119
CubeGroupCubeListUpdate 120
CubeGroupCubeMake 120
CubeGroupCubeUpdate 121
CubeGroupDelete 122
CubeGroupMake 122
CubeGroupUpdate 124
CubeMake 125
CubeUpdate 126
CurrencyAdd 127
CurrencyDelete 129
CurrencyMake 130
CurrencyTableAdd 132
CurrencyTableDelete 133
CurrencyTableMake 133
CurrencyTableUpdate 134
CurrencyUpdate 135
CustomViewAdd 137
CustomViewChildListUpdate 138
CustomViewDelete 138
CustomViewMake 139
CustomViewUpdate 139
DataSourceAdd 140
DataSourceDelete 142
DataSourceMake 142
DataSourceUpdate 144
DeletionListUpdate 144
DimAdd 145
DimCalcDefAdd 146
DimCalcDefDelete 147
DimCalcDefMake 148
DimCalcDefUpdate 149
DimDelete 151
DimensionListUpdate 151
DimMake 151
DimUpdate 152
DrillCatMake 153
EventEnd 154
EventStart 154
FilterCat 155
LevelAdd 155
Developer Guide 5
Table of Contents
LevelDelete 157
LevelMake 157
LevelMoveAfter 159
LevelMoveBefore 159
LevelNewDrill 160
LevelUpdate 161
MDCClear 162
MeasureAdd 163
MeasureDelete 163
MeasureListUpdate 164
MeasureMake 164
MeasureUpdate 165
ModelEnsureCompleteness 166
NewModel 166
OpenDef 167
OpenMDL 167
OpenPY 168
PopulateFromQueries 169
PopulateModel 169
PowerCubeCustomViewListUpdate 169
PowerCubeDelete 169
PowerCubeListUpdate 170
PromptAdd 170
PromptDelete 171
PromptMake 171
PromptUpdate 172
ReportPartitions 173
RootCatMake 173
RootCatUpdate 174
SaveMDL 174
SavePY 175
SecurityNamespaceAdd 175
SecurityNamespaceDelete 176
SecurityNamespaceMake 176
SecurityNamespaceUpdate 177
SecurityObjectAdd 177
SecurityObjectDelete 178
SecurityObjectMake 179
SecurityObjectUpdate 179
SignonAdd 180
SignonDelete 181
SignonMake 182
SignonUpdate 183
SourceListUpdate 183
SpecialCatAdd 184
SpecialCatDelete 185
SpecialCatMake 185
SpecialCatUpdate 186
SubDimRootMake 187
6 Transformer
Table of Contents
SubDimRootUpdate 188
SummarizeCat 189
SummarizeLevel 190
UpdateForwardReference 191
UpdatePowerCubes 191
ViewAdd 192
ViewDelete 193
ViewListUpdate 193
ViewMake 194
ViewUpdate 195
Developer Guide 7
Table of Contents
Blanks 207
Calc 207
CalcDef 208
CatInfo 209
ContextLevel 209
ContextOffset 209
Current 210
Date 210
DateDrill 210
ExtraWeek 210
Filtered 211
Format 211
Inclusion 211
IsKeyOrphanage 212
IsTruncated 212
Label 212
LastUse 212
NewPartition 212
HideValue 213
Orphanage 213
PartialWeek 213
Primary 214
PrimaryDrill 214
Rollup 214
RunningPeriods 214
Share 215
ShortName 215
Sign 215
SourceValue 215
SplitWeek 216
Suppressed 216
TargetLevel 216
TargetOffset 216
TimeAggregate 217
ToDateLevel 217
WeekBegins 217
YearBegins 217
cognospackageopts 218
Description 218
PackageTimeStamp 218
SourcePath 218
SourceType 218
colopts 219
Calc 219
Class 222
ColSrcType 223
Column 223
ColumnInfo 224
Dateconstant 224
8 Transformer
Table of Contents
DateLevel 224
Decimals 224
Detail 225
Format 225
InputScale 225
Offset 225
Origin 226
Scale 226
Size 226
Storage 226
TimeArray 227
TimeArrayCol 227
TimeArrayMonth 227
currencyrecordopts 227
BaseCurrency 227
CountryCode 228
CurrencyCountryLabel 228
CurrencyDecimals 228
CurrencyFormatOverride 228
CurrencyIsEMU 229
CurrencySymbol 229
EmuEntryDate 229
EuroBaseCurrency 229
currencytableopts 230
CurrencyCountryCodeColumn 230
CurrencyDateColumn 230
CurrencyLabelColumn 230
CurrencyRateColumn 230
CurrencyTableType 231
deletionopts 231
CalcDef 231
Column 231
Cube 231
DataSource 232
Dimension 232
Levels 232
Measure 232
Signon 233
View 233
dimopts 233
Association 233
DaysInWeek 233
DimDefaultCategory 234
DimInfo 234
DimType 234
EarliestDate 235
ExcludeAutoPartitioning 235
LatestDate 235
ManualPeriods 235
Developer Guide 9
Table of Contents
NewCatsLock 236
filteropts 236
CognosPackageFilterRef 236
CognosPackageFilterDelete 236
CognosPackageFilterUpdate 237
ExpMark 237
FilterDescription 237
levelopts 237
Association 237
Blanks 238
CategoryCode 238
CatLabFormat 238
DateFunction 238
Description 239
Filtered 239
Format 239
Generate 239
Inclusion 240
LevelInfo 240
Label 240
NewCatsLock 240
OrderBy 241
SortOrder 241
SortAs 241
Partition 242
RefreshLabel 242
RefreshDescription 242
RefreshShortName 242
Share 242
ShortName 243
Source 243
Suppressed 243
TimeRank 243
UniqueCategories 244
UniqueMove 244
meaopts 244
ActivityMeasure 244
Allocation 245
Association 245
Calc 245
Decimals 247
Dimension 247
DrillThrough 248
DuplicateRollup 248
DuplicateWeight 248
Exclude 248
Format 249
IgnoreMissingValue 249
10 Transformer
Table of Contents
IsCurrency 250
IsFolder 250
Label 250
MeasureInfo 251
Missing 251
Rollup 251
Parent 251
Scale 252
ShortName 252
Sign 252
Storage 252
TimeStateRollup 253
TimeStateWeight 253
Timing 253
Weight 254
WeightID 254
powercubeopts 254
BlockParentTotals 254
Caching 255
Compress 255
Consolidate 255
ConsolidatedRecords 255
CubeCreation 255
CubeCycle 256
CubeStamp 256
CubeUpdateLock 256
Database 256
DatabaseInfo 257
DataSource 257
DeployLocations 257
DeployType 258
DetailLevel 258
DrillThrough 258
Exclude 258
IncrementalUpdate 259
Information 259
MDCFile 259
MeasureName 260
Optimize 260
PartitionSize 260
PassesNumber 260
Password 261
PublishAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions 261
PublishAllowMultiEdgeSuppression 261
PublishAllowNullSuppression 261
SegmenterDimension 261
SegmenterLevel 262
ServerCube 262
Status 262
Developer Guide 11
Table of Contents
SummaryLevel 262
UseAlternateFilename 263
TimeBasedPartitionedCube 263
promptopts 263
PromptType 263
PromptValue 263
signonopts 264
PromptForPassword 264
UserId 264
password 264
AutoLogon 264
SignonNamespace 265
SignonType 265
SignonInfo 265
viewopts 265
Apex 265
Cloak 266
Filter 266
LevelCloak 266
LevelFilter 266
LevelSummary 267
LevelSuppressed 267
Name 267
NotCloak 267
NotFilter 268
NotSummary 268
NotSuppressed 268
Summary 268
Suppressed 269
Index 279
12 Transformer
This document is intended for use with IBM Cognos Transformer, the OLAP modeling component
delivered with IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Intelligence version 8.4 and subsequent releases.
You can use this Developer Guide as a reference when writing Model Definition Language (MDL)
scripts for IBM Cognos Transformer.
This book is intended for experienced Transformer users who have an advanced understanding of
Transformer concepts, functionality, and terminology. It provides all the information you need to
understand MDL representation of Transformer models, but it does not explain the underlying
Transformer features. Where possible, an equivalent in the user interface is given, and you should
refer to the Transformer online Help or other Transformer documentation for more information.
Related Documentation
Our documentation includes user guides, getting started guides, new features guides, readmes, and
other materials to meet the needs of our varied audience. The following documents contain related
information and may be referred to in this document.
Note: For online users of this document, a Web page such as The page cannot be found may appear
when clicking individual links in the following table. Documents are made available for your par-
ticular installation and translation configuration. If a link is unavailable, you can access the document
on the IBM Cognos Resource Center (
Documents Description
IBM Cognos Connection User Guide Using IBM Cognos Connection to publish, find,
manage, organize, and view IBM Cognos con-
tent, such as scorecards, reports, analyses, and
IBM Cognos 8 Architecture and Deployment Understanding the IBM Cognos 8 architecture,
Guide developing installation strategies, including
security considerations, and optimizing perform-
IBM Cognos 8 Getting Started Teaching new users how to use IBM Cognos 8
IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Installing, upgrading, configuring, and testing
Guide IBM Cognos 8, changing application servers,
and setting up samples
Developer Guide 13
Documents Description
IBM Cognos 8 Transformer User Guide Modeling and building PowerCubes using
Model Definition Language (MDL) scripts
Framework Manager User Guide Creating and publishing models using Frame-
work Manager
Framework Manager Developer Guide Creating and publishing models using the
Framework Manager API
IBM Cognos 8 Administration and Security Managing servers, security, reports, and portal
Guide services; and setting up the samples, customizing
the user interface and troubleshooting
Finding Information
Product documentation is available in online help from the Help menu or button in IBM Cognos
To find the most current product documentation, including all localized documentation and
knowledge base materials, access the IBM Cognos Resource Center (
You can also read PDF versions of the product readme files and installation guides directly from
IBM Cognos product CDs.
Getting Help
For more information about using this product or for technical assistance, visit the IBM Cognos
Resource Center ( This site provides
information on support, professional services, and education.
14 Transformer
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
MDL is the proprietary model definition language for Transformer. You use MDL to create,
manipulate, update, and store models without accessing the Windows interface. You can set pref-
erences globally and also automate Transformer functions for greater efficiency.
Tip: You may want to modify the cogtr.xml file, installed in the installation_location/configuration
directory, to work more effectively in your particular production environment. For example, you
can choose to work in structured MDL rather than verb format.
MDL represents Transformer models in text format (.mdl) and you can view the text in any text
editor. The .py? file is a representation of the model, stored in default binary format. The question
mark (?) in the extension .py? is replaced by the character used in your version of Transformer.
Note that it is equivalent to the .mdl file, with the exception of any adjustments made on the Win-
dows interface and, in some instances, passwords. For more information about Transformer file
formats, see .py? and .mdl Formats.
MDL model statements can contain verbs, objects, and options. For example, in the statement
DataSourceUpdate 257 "All Staff" SourceType ExcelDatabase
● 257 is the object identifier and All Staff is its object name, identifying a specific data source
● SourceType ExcelDatabase is the option that specifies the type of data source
These uses can be combined. For example, you can append a script to the end of a model definition.
For examples of MDL scripts, see "Sample Scripts".
Developer Guide 15
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
The .py? format is a binary representation of the model. Although not compatible between versions
of Transformer, it loads faster than the .mdl-format equivalent, even though it is larger, because
the Transformer objects are not recreated when the model reloads.
As you edit a model, the size of the associated .py? file increases because information about the
operations performed during model editing is retained in the file. Transformer uses this information
when performing incremental updates and other subsequent cube operations. Lengthy descriptions
of the appended operations can cause fragmentation of the binary file. We therefore recommend
that you periodically save your .py? models as .mdl files.
To replicate this view, open the model on the Windows interface and, on the Titles tab of the
Preferences dialog box, select the Object identifier display option. The code for the dimension now
appears in the property sheet title; in our example, Products is identified by code 385.
To see the corresponding MDL definition, save the model as an .mdl file, and reopen it in a text
editor. You can then use the Find utility with the identifier (385) to locate the MDL statement that
defines that dimension.
Tip: We recommend viewing your text format .mdl files in an editor that enables line-by-line
numbering because Transformer error messages refer to the line on which an error occurred.
However, you can use any text editor to edit MDL, as long as you save the file in text format.
On the Windows interface, the dimension type is Regular and the Prohibit automatic creation of
new categories option is not selected. These choices are represented in the MDL statement by the
options DimType Regular and NewCatsLock False as follows:
Dimension 385 "Products" DimType Regular NewCatsLock
False ExcludeAutoPartitioning False DimDefaultCategory 0
Note: For easier readability, line breaks are inserted in lines over 70 characters in length. This does
not affect the functionality.
16 Transformer
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
MDL Usage
Although most users find it easier to create and maintain their Transformer models and cubes from
the Windows interface, there are situations where an experienced Transformer modeler will benefit
from using MDL.
The following are some of the ways you can use MDL, beginning with basic operations and pro-
gressing to more advanced applications:
● You can save your Transformer model as an .mdl file by selecting Save As from the File menu,
changing the extension of the file to .mdl, and then saving the file. You can then use the .mdl
file to open the model in subsequent versions of Transformer, move models between various
production servers and platforms, or archive Transformer models.
Models stored as .mdl files are compact, and because they can be opened in subsequent versions
of Transformer, you need not worry about updating them.
You can also use an .mdl file to improve the performance of Transformer models.
Saving a .py? file in .mdl format integrates all of the changes made since the last MDL save
into a clean model. It also prevents possible corruption of the model.
● You can open as an .mdl file in any text editor to perform global edits, such as changing all
directory paths from C:\ to D:\ or changing all instances of "Years" to "Yrs".
● You can use a text editor to work directly in .mdl files with Transformer models.
For example, you can change a model on a UNIX server, create models as needed, and store
parts or all of the resulting models in separate files.
Because MDL is an interpreted language, you can process .mdl files in any of the following ways:
● Open the .mdl file on the Transformer Windows interface.
● Run the .mdl file from the Windows command line using cogtr.exe.
● Access the .mdl file on a UNIX server, using the command line option -m.
For the sample model Great Outdoors.mdl, suppose you want to change the source file for Products
(CSV) from Prodinfo.csv to P0001.csv. The original definition of the data source is as follows:
Developer Guide 17
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
You can update the definition with a script that changes the data source file to P0001.csv. This
script opens the model, issues a DataSourceUpdate statement, and saves the model.
OpenMDL "Great Outdoors.mdl"
DataSourceUpdate "Products (CSV)" Source "c:\Production\P0001.csv"
SaveMDL "Great Outdoors (Admin).mdl"
Alternatively, you can change the object definition in the model. In this case, you can delete the
word Prodinfo in the DataSourceMake statement, and then replace it with P0001.
You can also open the MDL model in a text editor and add this DataSourceUpdate statement to
the end of the model definition file:
DataSourceUpdate "Products (CSV)" Source "c:\Production\P0001.csv"
The next time you open the model in Transformer, the change will be implemented. The original
DataSourceMake statement is not altered, but your addition remains in effect as long as the
DataSourceUpdate statement remains attached to the model definition.
If you update an object within the model, Transformer may be unable to complete the forward-
referencing that is required in the definition of some objects. Therefore, you should use the verb
UpdateForwardReference before the statement that updates the object, as follows:
DataSourceUpdate "Products (CSV)" Source "c:\Production\P0001.csv"
For information about command line options that you can use when running scripts, see the
Transformer User Guide. For sample MDL scripts, see "Sample Scripts".
18 Transformer
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
Setting this parameter only affects the format of model definitions subsequently generated and saved
by Transformer. Regardless of this setting, you can still use both verb and structured format on
any output file.
For more information about using structured MDL, see "Structured MDL".
Developer Guide 19
Chapter 1: Model Definition Language (MDL)
20 Transformer
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
This section describes the objects required to build models in Transformer and explains how to
specify unique object identifiers, names, and locations in Model Definition Language (MDL).
An object is a definition of a particular component of the model. For example, the Locations data
source object contains all the information in Transformer about the data source called Locations.
On the Windows interface, the Locations object is defined in the Data Source property sheet for
Locations. In MDL, the same information is found in the MDL statement that defines the Locations
data source object. The property sheet settings are represented in the MDL statement as options.
Each Transformer model must have at least one model object. The model may also contain one or
more of each of the following object types:
Column PowerCubeGroupCube
Dimension Subdimension
Level Signon
All Transformer objects have property sheets on the Transformer Windows interface. Only objects
have property sheets.
Object Identifiers
You can track every Transformer object on the Windows interface and in MDL by its object iden-
tifier or its object name.
Developer Guide 21
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
To show both object identifiers and object names on the Transformer Windows interface, ensure
that both the Object Identifier and Object Name check boxes are selected on the Titles tab of the
Preferences dialog box.
To exclude the object identifier from the Windows interface, clear the Object Identifier check box.
You can also prevent the object identifier from appearing in the MDL file by clearing the Save
Object Unique Identifier values in MDL check box on the General tab of the Preferences property
In addition to the requirement that the object identifier be unique within each model, Transformer
object identifiers have several other defining characteristics, as follows:
● When auto-generated by Transformer (Windows), odd numbers identify all objects. This is a
carry-over from Transformer version 7.x, which supported synchronized client-server operations,
and assigned only even numbers to the equivalent server objects.
● Object identifiers are greater than 100 and less than 4,294,967,295.
● Once assigned, an object identifier cannot be changed by the modeler or the application.
As the modeler, you can specify a particular identifier and name when you create an object. For
example, you can use the MDL statement DataSourceMake 103 "Natsmall" to uniquely identify
the data source object by the identifier 103 and the name Natsmall.
However, manually assigned identifiers can be difficult to maintain, and cannot be used with
incrementally updated cubes.
We therefore recommend that you allow Transformer to automatically generate the object identifiers.
A different odd number is associated with each object, and an object name is assigned if it can be
determined from the source data.
Tip: If you copy and paste parts of your model from different MDL files, we recommend that you
change the ObjecytIdOutput setting in the cogtr.xml file to zero, to prevent object identifiers from
appearing in the MDL files. Otherwise, you cannot guarantee that the object identifiers will remain
unique after they are merged.
Object Names
If you create a Transformer object manually using MDL, you must supply a name for it.
Because object names are not necessarily unique within a model, if you identify objects only by
name you often must supply more information to uniquely identify the object.
You can change object names, but not object identifiers. For example, one way to change the object
name is to type the following:
DataSourceUpdate 103 "newname"
22 Transformer
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
Category names Must be within a dimension; applies to regular, root, drill, and
special categories; see (p. 23).
Category Names
Categories are identified by a category label and a category code, rather than by a single name. On
the Transformer Windows interface, category names are derived from category labels. However,
in MDL, category names are derived from category codes.
Developer Guide 23
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
Category codes are not the same as object identifiers. To show both on the Transformer Windows
interface, you must select the Object Identifier and Category Code check boxes on the Titles tab
of the Preferences dialog box.
For example, in this Category property sheet, both the object identifier 6609 and the category code
104 appear in the title bar for the category named Extreme Outdoors. The name is derived from
the category label and cannot contain either a tilde (~) or an at sign (@).
In the corresponding MDL statement, the object identifier is the same: 6809. However, the object
name 104 is enclosed in double quotation marks and is based on the category code.
Category 6809 "104"
Parent 6425 Levels 1067 OrderBy Drill 1057 Value "104" Label "Extreme Outdoors"
Lastuse 20060920 SourceValue "104" Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
Column Names
Column names are identical in MDL and on the Transformer Windows interface, unless they are
manually changed. Column names cannot contain an at sign (@).
View Names
In structured MDL, views are represented by the following syntax:
ViewName id "Name"
where id is the unique Transformer identifier and "Name" is the name of the view.
24 Transformer
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
When you use both an object identifier and an object name to identify an object in MDL, the object
identifier determines whether the object exists. If there is a conflict between the object name and
object identifier, the object identifier is used to locate the object, and the name is then changed
If the object does not already exist or is not uniquely identified by its object name or object identifier,
then you must supply the additional information required to locate it, in the syntax for each verb.
For example, suppose you want to refer to a column that exists in your data source. If your model
does not provide a unique object name or object identifier for that column, you must uniquely
identify it by specifying the data source in which it exists.
Similarly, if you add a new category to a dimension, in the context of a drill-down path, a level,
and a parent category, you must specify all of those objects to locate it precisely and uniquely.
On the other hand, when you refer to an existing category, even if you do not uniquely identify it
by its object identifier, you only need to specify the dimension name. This is sufficient because cat-
egory names are unique within dimensions, and dimension names are unique within models.
The following rules govern the identification and location of objects:
● If the object already exists and is identified by its object identifier, then no other information
is needed to locate the object in the model.
● If the object already exists and is identified only by its object name, then Transformer searches
the model for an object with the same name and object type and uses the first one it finds.
● If the object does not already exist, then there must be sufficient contextual information to
locate it in the model precisely.
Category Dimension
DimCalcDef Dimension
Developer Guide 25
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
View Dimension
DimCalcDef Dimension
View Dimension
26 Transformer
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
● OrderYes
● OrderNo
● OrderUsePreference
For more information about each option, see the Transformer User Guide.
Developer Guide 27
Chapter 2: Transformer Objects
28 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
The following examples illustrate how to create complete models using Model Definition Language
(MDL). Even if you never attempt this task yourself, by reviewing these examples you will learn
the structure and interdependencies of Transformer MDL models.
Note: The Add form illustrates the verb that you use to define an object, to differentiate the syntax
from that which Transformer uses when defining objects (the Make form). However, either form is
acceptable. Also, you will note that each statement starts with the verb followed by a lengthy series
of options.
When you create the IBM Cognos 8 data sources, you define the time and products dimensions and
the measures used in the model.
Developer Guide 29
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Note: The Add form illustrates the verb that you use to define an object, to differentiate the syntax
from that which Transformer uses when defining objects (the Make form). However, either form is
acceptable. Also, you will note that each statement starts with the verb, followed by a lengthy series
of options. For readability, you may wish to insert carriage returns between the keywords.
This is the order in which you would create the separate files for a typical complete model based
on an IQD data source, using verb MDL:
❑ Create the data sources in Transformer.
30 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
❑ Create allocations.
Que_Col.mdl File
The first file adds information to the model from the relevant columns of the IQD data source.
DataSourceAdd "Products (CSV)" Separator "," SourceTypeFlatFile_ColNames
"c:\prodinfo.csv" ColumnAdd "Product Line"DataSource "Products (CSV)"
Origin Generated Offset 0
Column "ProductLine" ColumnAdd "Product Type" DataSource "Products
(CSV)" Origin Generated
Offset 1
Column "Product Type" ColumnAdd "Product Id" DataSource "Products
(CSV)" Origin Generated
Offset 2
Column "Product Id" ColumnAdd "Product Name" DataSource "Products
(CSV)" Origin Generated
Offset 3
Column "Product Name" DataSourceAdd "Prod Line Plan" Separator ","
SourceType FlatFile_ColNames Source "c:\ProdPlan.asc"
ColumnAdd "YEAR" DataSource "Prod Line Plan" Origin Generated Offset 0
Column "Time"
Format Y DateLevel Year Class Date ColumnAdd "PROD_
LINE" DataSource "Prod Line Plan"Origin Generated
Offset 1
Column "Product Line"
ColumnAdd "FORECAST" DataSource "Prod Line Plan" Origin Generated
Offset 2
Column "Planned sales" DataSourceAdd "MAIN (IQD)" Separator","
SourceType DataSource Source "c:\bsc_msrs.iqd"
SQL 'select T1."ORDER_DT" as c1,
T2."PROD_NO" as c2,
T1."REP_NO" as '
T1."CUST_NO" as c4,
T2."QTY" as c5,
(T2."QTY" * T2."PRI'
'CE") as c6,
T2."QTY" * T3."PROD_COST") as c7,
'2."QTY" * T2."PRICE") - (T2."QTY" * T3."PROD_COST"))/(T2."QTY" * T2."'
'PRICE")) <= 0.19) THEN (' "'Under
20%') WHEN ((((T2." '"QTY" * T2."PRICE")
- (T2."QTY" * T3."PROD_COST")) / (T2."QTY"* T2."PR'
'ICE")) BETWEEN 0.2 AND 0.65) THEN (' "'20% - 65%') WHEN ((((T2." '"QTY" *
T2."PRICE" -
(T2."QTY" * T3."PROD_COST")) / (T2."QTY" * T2."PR'
'ICE")) >= 0.66) THEN (' "'Over 65%') ELSE ('ERROR') END) as c8
from "
Developer Guide 31
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
'"ORDER" T1,
("PRODUCT" T3 left outer join "ORDRDETL" T2 on T2."PROD_NO'
'" = T3."PROD_NO")
where (T2."ORDER_NO" = T1."ORDER_NO")
order by c1 asc'
",c3 asc,c4 asc,c2 asc"
ColumnAdd "Order Dt" DataSource "MAIN
(IQD)" Origin Source Offset 0 Column
Storage Int32 Scale 0 Size 4 Decimals 0 Class Date InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
ColumnAdd "od-Prod No" DataSource "MAIN (IQD)" Origin Source Offset 1 Column
Storage Float64 Scale 0 Size 5 Decimals 0 Class Quantity InputScale 0 TimeArray
ColumnAdd "Revenue" DataSource "MAIN (IQD)" Origin Generated Offset
5 Column "Revenue" ColumnAdd "Cost" DataSource "MAIN
(IQD)" Origin Source Offset 6 Column "Cost"
Storage Float64 Scale 0 Size 6 Decimals 0
Class Quantity InputScale 0 TimeArray
Note: If you do not manually create the two default dimension views required for each dimension
(All Categories and Omit Dimension), you must use the ModelEnsureCompleteness script to have
Transformer create them automatically.
The definition of each level contains the specification for its dimension, drill category, and parent.
Together, these define the hierarchical structure for the dimension.
Note: When you create a query in Transformer based on a Framework Manager package that
contains hierarchical time-related categories, Transformer interprets the time-related categories as
a regular dimension and not as a time dimension. As a result, the time dimension in your PowerCube
will not contain any relative time categories. Ensure that you import all of the data needed to define
your time dimension, and then create the date levels and categories.
Dim_Years.mdl FIle
The second file creates a standard Year-Quarter-Month time dimension for the model.
DimAdd "Years" DimType DateRootCatMake "Time" Dimension
"Years"DrillCatMake "By Time" Dimension "Years" Root "Time" Inclusion
Suppress Level Add "Year" Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Parent
""Source "Time" Date Function Year Unique Categories True OrderBy
Drill "By Time" Column "Time" SortOrder Default SortAs Ascending
LevelAdd "Quarter" Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Parent
"Year" Source "Time" Date Function Quarter CatLabFormat 'YYYY
Q'UniqueCategories True OrderBy Drill "By Time" Column "Time" SortOrder
SortAs Ascending LevelAdd "Month" Dimension Years" Drill "ByTime"
"Quarter"Source "Time" DateFunction Month CatLabFormat "YYYY/MMM"
32 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
True OrderBy Drill "ByTime" Column "Time"SortOrder Default SortAs
The third file pulls information needed for the Products dimension from the imported data.
DimAdd "Products" DimType Regular
RootCatMake "Product Line"
Dimension "Products"
DrillCatMake "By Product Line"
Dimension "Products"
Root "Product Line" Inclusion Suppress
LevelAdd "Product Line"
Dimension "Products"
Drill "By Product Line" Source "Product Line"
Associations "Product Line" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source
AssociationReferenced "Product Line"
LevelAdd "Product Type"
Dimension "Products"
Drill "By Product Line" Parent "Product Line" Source "Product Type"
Associations "Product Type" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Product Type"
LevelAdd "Product Id"
Dimension "Products"
Drill "By Product Line" Parent "Product Type" Source "Product Id"
Label "Product Name" UniqueCategories
True Associations "Product Id" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Product Id"
This file creates the Product Cost measure, which is taken from the Cost column.
MeasureAdd "Product Cost"
Associations "Cost" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Cost"
This file creates the Product Plan measure, which is taken from the Planned Sales column.
MeasureAdd "Product Plan"
Associations "Planned Sales" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source
AssociationReferenced "Planned Sales"
This script creates the Revenue measure, which is taken from the Revenue column.
MeasureAdd "Revenue"
Developer Guide 33
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
This script allocates Product Plan summary data to both the Product Line and Year levels of their
respective dimensions proportionate to the product Revenue distribution.
AllocationAdd Measure "Revenue" Type Default
AllocationAdd Measure "Product Cost" Type Default
AllocationAdd Measure "Product Plan" Type Default
AllocationAdd Drill "By Product Line" Levels "Product
Measure "Product Plan" Type Allocate
AllocationMeasure "Revenue"
AllocationAdd Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Levels
Measure "Product Plan" Type Allocate AllocationMeasure
This sample script creates a Cognos signon object and disables automatic signon access.
SignonAdd "name" UserId "user name" password "password"
AutoLogon False SignonNamespace "namespace name" SignonType
This sample script creates a data source signon object and disables interactive prompting for a
SignonAdd "signon name" PromptForPassword True
UserId "user name"
password <password> SignonType "DataSource"
Data sources defined in IBM Cognos 8 can have multiple connections, each with multiple signons.
You can use MDL to create, delete, and update connection and signon information for ambiguous
connections and signons.
You may want to use a script to create or later update the object required to provide automatic
signon access.
34 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
This script generates categories for the model.
This script adds the PowerCube object to the model, specifying where the .mdc file is located.
CubeAdd "Great Outdoors Sales" MdcFile "c:\Outdoors.mdc"
MeasureInclude 195 Yes
This script generates the PowerCube in the form of an .mdc file.
This script runs all the previously created scripts in sequence. We recommend that you ensure model
completeness before you generate your final .mdl file based on the model.
NewModel "ModelScript"
OpenMDL "C:\Que_Col.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Dim_Years.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Dim_Products.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Me_Revenue.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Me_Prodcost.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Me_Prodplan.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Alloc_Me.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\CognosSignon.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\DataSourceSignon.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Populate.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Cube.mdl"
OpenMDL "C:\Createcube.mdl"
SaveMDL "C:\FinalModel.mdl"
Developer Guide 35
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
it contains all the default options that Transformer automatically adds to each object definition. In
● the verb PopulateModel adds categories, all of which are defined
Line numbers are included to make the file easier to read. The cogtr.xml setting ObjectIdOutput=0
is used, hiding the object identifiers by default, so each object is identified by its name alone.
Below is a line-by-line rendering of the sample mdl file.
36 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 37
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
19 LevelMake "Year" Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Parent "" Blanks
"( blank )" DateFunction Year Generate Need RefreshLabel False
RefreshDescription False RefreshShortName False NewCatsLock False
CatLabFormat "YYYY" Timerank 10 UniqueCategories True UniqueMove
False Associations "Time" AssociationContext "By Time"
AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_OrderBy
AssociationReferenced "Time" SortOrder Default SortAs Ascending
Associations "Time" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Time"
38 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 39
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
40 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 41
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
42 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 43
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
44 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 45
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
83 CatMake "GO Sport Line" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line"
Levels "Product Line" Parent "By Product Line" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "GO Sport Line" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
46 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 47
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
100 CatMake "40400" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Cooking Equipment" Label "Dover-1" Lastuse
20060802 SourceValue "40400" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
101 CatMake "40401" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Cooking Equipment" Label "Dover-2" Lastuse
20060802 SourceValue "40401" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
48 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
102 CatMake "40402" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Cooking Equipment" Label "GO Cookset" Lastuse
20060802 SourceValue "40402" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
103 CatMake "40403" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Cooking Equipment" Label "GO Camp Kettle"
Lastuse 20060802 SourceValue "40403" Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
104 CatMake "Sleeping Bags" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line"
Levels "Product Type" Parent "Outdoor Products" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "Sleeping Bags" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
105 CatMake "40200" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Sleeping Bags" Label "MoonBeam" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40200" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
106 CatMake "40201" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Sleeping Bags" Label "MoonGlow" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40201" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
107 CatMake "40202" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Sleeping Bags" Label "MoonLite" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40202" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
108 CatMake "Tents" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Type" Parent "Outdoor Products" Lastuse 20060802 SourceValue
"Tents" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False IsKeyOrphanage
False IsTruncated False Blanks False
109 CatMake "40100" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Tents" Label" Star Lite" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40100" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
110 CatMake "40101" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Tents" Label "Star Gazer-2" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40101" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
Developer Guide 49
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
111 CatMake "40102" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Tents" Label "Star Gazer-3" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40102" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
112 CatMake "40103" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Tents" Label "StarDome" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40103" Current Filtered False Suppressed False Sign
False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
113 CatMake "40104" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Id" Parent "Tents" Label "Micro Lite" Lastuse 20060802
SourceValue "40104" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
50 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
119 SignonMake
""1C53078EFF0ECC"DbType "DB" DatabaseSubType
BDEPromptForPassword False Manual False SignonMake "I50_DBASE_NTV_
PromptForPassword FalseManual False
125 AllocationAdd Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Levels "Year" Measure
"Product Plan" Type Allocate AllocationMeasure "Revenue"
Developer Guide 51
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
The following example shows a model, created using an IBM Cognos 8 data source, in structured
MDL format.
DataSource 105 "GO Sales and Retailers~1" CognosSourceQuery defines a query defined
Separator "," against a package or report SourceType.
SourceType CognosSourceQuery
PackageReportSource 103 "GO Sales and
CharacterSet Default DecimalSep "." Thousandsep ","
Columns Retailers" is the reference to the package on
True Timing PopYesCreateDefault PackageReportSource which this query is defined.
"GO Sales and Retailers" AutoSummary True SetCurrent
True ServerSource False Speed False Presummarized
52 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 53
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
54 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 55
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
56 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 57
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
58 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 59
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
60 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
ViewName 201 "All Categories" These are the two standard views created for
Type All ViewCustomView 0
all dimensions.
ViewName 203 "Omit Dimension" Type Omit
ViewCustomView If you do not manually create the two default
dimension views required for each dimension
(All Categories and Omit Dimension), you
must use the ModelEnsureCompleteness
script to have Transformer create them auto-
Developer Guide 61
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
CustomView 11537 "Sub Authors" This entry creates a second custom view.
DimensionView 149 "All Categories"
DimensionView 195 "Sub Authors~User View"
62 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
SecurityObject 11539
'CAMID(":Analysis Users")'
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Analysis Users"
SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role
CustomViewList 11537 EndList
Developer Guide 63
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
AllocationAdd Measure 225 Type Default After you add the required measures, you may
want to specify how they will be allocated
across the various dimensions in your model.
64 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
The following example shows the same model, created using an IBM Cognos 8 data source, in verb
MDL format.
Note: The Add form illustrates the verb that you use to define an object, to differentiate the syntax
from that which Transformer uses when defining objects (the Make form). However, either form is
acceptable. Also, you will note that each statement starts with the verb, followed by a lengthy series
of options. For readability, you may wish to insert carriage returns between the keywords.
Developer Guide 65
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
66 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 67
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
68 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 69
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
70 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 71
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
72 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
ViewMake 201 "All Categories" These are the two standard views created
Dimension 195 Type All ViewCustomView 0
for all dimensions.
ViewMake 203 "Omit Dimension" Dimension
195 Type Omit ViewCustomView 0 If you do not manually create the two
default dimension views required for
each dimension (All Categories and Omit
Dimension), you must use the
ModelEnsureCompleteness script to
have Transformer create them automat-
Developer Guide 73
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
AssociationReferenced "Quantity"
74 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
CustomViewMake 11537 "Sub Authors" This entry creates a second custom view.
DimensionView 149 "All Categories" DimensionView 195
Developer Guide 75
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
SecurityObjectMake 11539
'CAMID(":Analysis Users")' SecurityNameSpace
11533 SecurityObjectDisplayName "Analysis Users"
SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role CustomViewList
11537 EndList
SecurityObjectMake 11561
SecurityNameSpace 11563
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Root User Class"
SecurityType_Role CustomViewList 11537 EndList
76 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
PowerCubeCustomViewListUpdate PowerCubeCustomViewListUpdate is
Cube 11535 StartList 11537 EndList
the verb used to define the custom views
assigned to the PowerCube. There is only
an Update version of this verb.
The list includes only the lowest custom
views in the hierarchies. All ancestors are
also considered to be assigned to the
AllocationAdd Measure 225 Type Default After you add the required measures, you
may want to specify how they will be
allocated across the various dimensions
in your model.
Developer Guide 77
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Sample Scripts
The following sample scripts are included for use as a starting point. You can modify them to perform
some of the more common MDL scripting operations.
78 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
OpenMDL "c:\Outdoors.mdl"
DimUpdate "Products" DimInfo "This is
an example of a
'description' containing quotes." SaveMDL "c:\Outdoors.mdl"
Developer Guide 79
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
80 Transformer
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
Developer Guide 81
Chapter 3: Creating a Complete MDL Model
82 Transformer
Chapter 4: Syntax Conventions
The Transformer Developer Guide uses the following syntax and naming conventions:
● MDL verbs and keywords appear in code or bold form. Verbs and keywords are not case-
sensitive, but otherwise must be typed as is. For example, if the syntax includes CatMake, you
can type CatMake, catmake, or CATMAKE.
● Italicized words are placeholders for things you must supply. If more than one placeholder can
be supplied, the italicized word is plural, such as objCats in the following example:
StartList objCats EndList
● Italicized words starting with obj are placeholders to identify an object. The identification must
be an object name, object identifier, or both. For example, objCat is a placeholder for a category
and might appear in the MDL file as 135 "Dishwashers", which identifies a category with
object identifier 135 and object name Dishwashers.
● Square brackets [ ] indicate optional items. If only one of two or more optional items may be
chosen, they are separated by a pipe (|). For example, [red | green] means that you can
specify red or green, or neither. The syntax, [red][green] means that you can use either,
neither, or both red and green.
● Braces { } indicate a set of choices, separated by a pipe, from which you must choose one. For
example, {red|green} means that you must specify either red or green, but not both.
When the syntax is too long to fit on one line, it wraps at a space between characters.
Developer Guide 83
Chapter 4: Syntax Conventions
Syntax Example
The following example uses the MDL verb CatMake. You must type this verb and then the identi-
fication for a category on which it operates, but all other parameters are optional, as indicated by
their enclosing square brackets.
CatMakeobjCat [Dimension
objDim] [DrillobjDrillCat][Levels
objLevel] [ParentobjLevel][
catopts] [ParentListobjLevels]EndList
The following more complex example is based on the MDL keyword AllocationAdd. Options
include Dimension, which must be followed by the dimension identifier, and Drill, which must
be followed by a drill category identifier.
These mandatory parameters may be followed by one or more optional arguments:
● Levels, followed by the identification of a level
You then type Measure followed by the identification of a measure, and Type followed by the
measure type. Note that type does not have the prefix obj. This indicates that it is not a Transformer
Finally, you can optionally include AllocationMeasure and the identification of a measure.
AllocationAdd [DimensionobjDim][Drill
objDrillCat] [LevelsobjLevel
Syntax Requirements
You can have up to 256 characters on one line in an MDL file. You can include carriage returns
between keywords to reduce the length of a line.
To create a remark or temporarily remove a line from an MDL file, type two slash marks (//)
immediately before the text you want to remove or create as a remark.
84 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This section of the Developer Guide provides an alphabetical list of all the MDL verbs that you
can use with IBM Cognos Transformer.
Before you begin, make sure you review "Syntax Conventions" and the topic that explains when
to use object identifiers or category codes: "Locating Objects Uniquely".
Verb Types
Most objects in MDL have four verb types associated with them: Add, Delete, Make, and Update;
for example, CatAdd, CatDelete, CatMake, and CatUpdate.
● Add verbs add the object to the model. An error is issued if the object already exists. Examples
for this verb type show you how to use it to create an object and specify its required settings.
● Delete verbs remove the object from the model. An error is issued if the object does not exist.
● Make verbs add the object if it does not already exist, and update the object if it does exist.
Make verbs combine the functionality of both the Add and Update verbs. Examples for this verb
type show the object definitions that are generated by Transformer when you save a model as
an .mdl file.
● Update verbs update existing objects. An error is issued if the object does not exist.
Below is a list of the Transformer objects and the verbs you can use with each one.
Model NewModel
Filter CognosPackageFilterAdd,
Developer Guide 85
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
86 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
You can also use the following action verbs to manipulate Transformer objects.
● AutoDesign
● CatUpdateAll
● CleanHouse
● CreateColumns
● CreateFiles
● CreateFromCubes
● CreateFromQueries
Developer Guide 87
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
● EventEnd
● EventStart
● MDCCheckServer
● MDCClear
● ModelEnsureCompleteness
● NewModel
● OpenDef
● OpenMDL
● OpenPY
● PopulateFromQueries
● PopulateModel
● ReportPartitions
● SaveMDL
● SavePY
● SummarizeCat
● SummarizeLevel
● UpdateForwardReference
● UpdatePowerCubes
The AllocationAdd verb allocates summary data to a level, dimension, or category.
Its equivalent on the Windows interface is the Allocation tab on the Level, Dimension, and Category
property sheets.
Only one of level, root category, or category can be specified.
Every measure in a model must have an AllocationAdd statement that contains the name of the
measure and the option Type Default. Transformer creates this statement if the measure is created
on the Windows interface or if the verb ModelEnsureCompleteness is used. Otherwise, you must
manually add the statement when you create a measure.
If a measure is allocated, then a second AllocationAdd statement defines the allocation.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
AllocationAdd [Dimension objDim][Drill objDrillCat][Levels objLevel|Category
objRootCat|Category objCat] Measure objMeasure Type type [AllocationMeasure
88 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
AllocationMeasure objMeasure Specifies the measure used as the basis for the
allocation proportions. objMeasure can be the
object name or object identifier. This argument
is optional.
This is an example of the AllocationAdd statement that Transformer requires for every measure.
AllocationAdd Measure "Revenue" Type Default
Developer Guide 89
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
A second AllocationAdd statement exists for allocated measures. This example allocates forecast
data in the Regions dimension (identified by its root category) according to the distribution of the
Revenue measure.
AllocationAdd Category "Regions" Measure "Forecast" Type Allocate
AllocationMeasure "Revenue"
The ApexCat verb makes the selected category the highest category in a view. In PowerCubes that
are created using this view, users will see only the apex category and its descendants.
To invoke the equivalent command on the Windows interface, open the left pane of the category
viewer for the selected view and category and, from the Diagram menu, click Apex.
You cannot apply this verb to special categories.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
ApexCat objView [
Dimension objDim]{
Category objCat|
Category objRootCat|
Category objDrillCat}
Argument Description
90 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example applies the verb to the Outdoor Products category in the dimension view View1.
ApexCat "View1" Dimension "Products" Category "Outdoor Products"
The AssociationAdd verb adds an association to a measure, level, dimension, category, or currency
conversion table.
Its Windows interface equivalent is adding an association on the property sheet for a measure, level,
dimension, category, or currency conversion table.
The syntax is as follows:
AssociationAdd objAssoc assocopts
Argument Description
This is an example of an AssociationAdd statement.
LevelMake 2979 "Branch Code" Drill 2969
AssociationAdd 6391 "Branch Code" AssociationLevel 2979 AssociationType Type_
Query AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Branch Code"
Developer Guide 91
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The AssociationDelete verb removes the association from a measure, level, dimension, category,
or currency conversion table.
Its Windows interface equivalent is deleting an association from the property sheet for a measure,
level, dimension, category, or currency conversion table.
The syntax is as follows:
AssociationDelete objAssoc
Argument Description
This is an example of an AssociationDelete statement.
LevelMake 2979 "Branch Code" Drill 2969
AssociationDelete 6391 "Branch Code"
The AssociationMake verb creates an association or updates an existing one.
Its Windows interface equivalent is creating or updating an association on the property sheet for a
measure, level, dimension, category, or currency conversion table.
The syntax is as follows:
AssociationMake objAssoc assocopts
Argument Description
92 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This is an example of an AssociationMake statement.
LevelMake 2979 "Branch Code" Drill 2969
AssociationMake 6391 "Branch Code" AssociationLevel 2979 AssociationType Type_
Query AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Branch Code"
The AssociationUpdate verb updates an existing association.
Its Windows interface equivalent is updating an association on the property sheet for a measure,
level, dimension, category, or currency conversion table.
The syntax is as follows:
AssociationUpdate objAssoc assocopts
Argument Description
This is an example of an AssociationUpdate statement.
AssociationUpdate 6391 "Branch Code" AssociationLevel 2979 AssociationType Type_
Query AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Branch Code"
The AutoDesign verb generates a preliminary model of dimensions and measures based on relation-
ships that Transformer detects in a non-IBM Cognos 8 data source.
In order to use the AutoDesign verb, your model must contain at least one data source and one
On the Windows interface, you may choose to run AutoDesign from the New Model wizard or the
Tools menu. You can also set it to run automatically on model creation from the Preferences dialog
The syntax, which does not require any parameters, is as follows:
Developer Guide 93
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CatAdd verb creates a category at the specified location in the model.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is to open the category viewer (diagram), click the right
side of an existing category, and drag to the right to add a category at that same level.
The syntax is as follows:
CatAdd objCat[
Dimension objDim][
Drill objDrillCat]
Levels objLevel Parent objCat[
catopts][ParentList objCats EndList]
Argument Description
For more information about creating categories, see "CatMake" (p. 96).
94 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This is an example of a CatAdd statement that creates the Back Packs category:
CatAdd "Back Packs" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Type" Parent "Outdoor Products" SourceValue "Back Packs"
IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False Blanks False
The CatDelete verb removes a category from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to select the category and, from the Edit menu, click Delete.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
CatDelete objCat [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
This is an example of a CatDelete statement that removes the Germany category.
CatDelete "Germany" Dimension "Locations"
The CatJoin verb joins a category to its specified parent category. This verb is required when cre-
ating alternate drill-down paths, and is a useful means of making similar categories unique.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely". There is no
Windows interface equivalent.
CatJoin is required when using alternate drill-down paths. It links a category in the convergence
level with the parent in the alternate drill-down path.
The syntax is as follows:
CatJoin objCat[
Dimension objDim]
Parent objCat
Developer Guide 95
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This is an example of a CatJoin statement that joins the category 1014 to its parent, Canada.
CatJoin "1014" Dimension "Channels" Parent "Canada"
The CatMake verb creates a new category or updates an existing one.
The equivalent to create a category on the Windows interface is to open the category viewer (dia-
gram), click the right side of an existing category, and drag to the right to add a category at that
same level. The equivalent to modify an existing category is to change the settings on its property
sheet, as required.
Category names cannot contain a tilde (~) or an at sign (@).
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
CatMake objCat[
Dimension objDim][
Drill objDrillCat Levels[objLevel][
Parent objLevel][
catopts][ParentList objLevels EndList]
Argument Description
96 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This is an example of a CatMake statement that defines the category Back Packs.
CatMake "Back Packs" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line" Levels
"Product Type" Parent "Outdoor Products" Lastuse 19971202 SourceValue "Back
Packs" Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Developer Guide 97
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CatMorph verb changes the type of the specified category.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely". There is no
Windows interface equivalent.
CatMorph exists so that MDL is a complete representation of a Transformer model when a category
is changed. For example, when a leaf category acquires a child it changes (or "morphs") into a
parent. This is an internal operation and when the model is saved as an .mdl file, the CatMorph
statement does not appear in the file.
The syntax is as follows:
CatMorph objCat [
Dimension objDim]
CatType type
Argument Description
The CatMoveVertical verb moves a category to a new position within a level.
The Windows equivalent is to open the category viewer and drag the category from one position
to another within a level.
This verb does not change the object identifier of the category. Rather, it determines how the category
appears in the dimension viewer and its position in the .mdc file, which affects how it is viewed in
the reporting components.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
CatMoveVertical objCat [
Dimension objDim]
Parent objLevel Sibling objCat
98 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This is an example of a CatMoveVertical statement that moves the category Sunblock to the
position above the category Tents.
CatMoveVertical "Sunblock" Dimension "Products" Parent "Outdoor Products"
Sibling "Tents"
The CatUpdate verb updates an existing category.
Its Windows interface equivalent is to modify the required settings on the Category property sheet.
For more information about updating categories, see "CatMake" (p. 96).
The syntax is as follows:
CatUpdate objCat [
Dimension objDim]
[catopts] [ParentList objCats EndList]
Argument Description
Developer Guide 99
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
The CatUpdateAll verb changes the last use value of all categories in the model to the current date.
There is no Windows interface equivalent that allows you to globally change this setting on the
General tab of all Category property sheets.
The syntax is as follows:
The CleanHouse verb deletes categories with a last use date that is earlier than the date specified.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is the Clean House command on the Tools menu.
Each time a category is used, its last use value is set to the current system date. LastUse is a category
option and can be found in CatMake statements in MDL or on the Category property sheet in the
Windows interface.
The syntax is as follows:
CleanHouse [Dimension objDim] date
Argument Description
100 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This example removes all categories in the Products dimension with a Last Use date prior to
20070101 (January 1, 2007).
CleanHouse Dimension "Products" 20070101
The CognosPackageAdd verb creates a package or report data source definition in the model. The
package or report definition is a reference to a package or report that is defined in IBM Cognos 8.
You can then create a data source definition that has columns based on items that are selected from
the package or report.
● If you include a data source ID for the new package or report in the syntax, and the object
already exists, you will receive an error message.
● To insert a dimension from a package (the Insert Dimension From Package command on the
Edit menu, you must first add the package and data source and then add a dimension from the
data source. For more information about adding a dimension from a data source, see
"DimAdd" (p. 145).
The syntax for a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is as follows:
CognosPackageAdd objDataSource [cognospackage_opts]
Argument Description
This example adds the IBM Cognos 8 package data source Go Sales and Retailers to the model.
CognosPackageMake 103 "GO Sales and Retailers" SourceType
Package SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']" PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']/model[@name='model']"
This example adds the IBM Cognos 8 report data base GSR_rpt_1 to the model.
CognosPackageMake 115 "GSR_rpt_1" SourceType Report SourcePath
"/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO
Sales and Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
The CognosPackageDelete verb removes a package or report data source from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a data source is selected.
For more information about IBM Cognos 8 data sources, see the Transformer User Guide and the
Framework Manager User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageDelete objDataSource
Argument Description
This example deletes the All Staff Count (Excel) data source.
CognosPackageDelete "All Staff Count (Excel)"
The CognosPackageMake verb creates a package or report data source definition in the model. If
one already exists, it is updated. If one does not exist, it is added. The package or report definition
is a reference to a package or report that is defined in IBM Cognos 8. You can then create a data
source definition which has columns based on items that are selected from the package or report.
Note: To insert a dimension from a package (the Insert Dimension From Package command on the
Edit menu, you must first add the package and data source and then add a dimension from the data
source. For more information about adding a dimension from a data source, see "DimAdd" (p. 145).
The syntax for a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is as follows:
CognosPackageMake objDataSource [cognospackage_opts]
Argument Description
102 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This example adds the IBM Cognos 8 package data source Go Sales and Retailers to the model.
CognosPackageMake 103 "GO Sales and Retailers" SourceType
Package SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']" PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']/model[@name='model']"
This example adds the IBM Cognos 8 report data base GSR_rpt_1 to the model.
CognosPackageMake 115 "GSR_rpt_1" SourceType Report SourcePath
"/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GOSales
and Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
The CognosPackageUpdate verb modifies a package or report data source definition in the model.
The package or report definition is a reference to a package or report that is defined in IBM
Cognos 8. You can then create a data source definition which has columns based on items that are
selected from the package or report.
● If you include a data source ID for the new package or report in the syntax, and the object
doesn’t exist, you will receive an error message.
● To insert a dimension from a package (the Insert Dimension From Package command on the
Edit menu, you must first add the package and data source and then add a dimension from the
data source. For more information about adding a dimension from a data source, see
"DimAdd" (p. 145).
The syntax for a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is as follows:
CognosPackageUpdate objDataSource [cognospackage_opts]
Argument Description
This example modifies the IBM Cognos 8 package data source Go Sales and Retailers.
CognosPackageUpdate 103 "GO Sales and Retailers" SourceType
Package SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']" PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales
and Retailers']/model[@name='model']"
This example modifies the IBM Cognos 8 report data base GSR_rpt_1.
CognosPackageUpdate 115 "GSR_rpt_1" SourceType Report SourcePath
"/content/package[@name='GO Salesand Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
Sales and Retailers']/report[@name='GSR_rpt_1']"
The CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionAdd verb defines the data source signon to be used
when the data source has an ambiguous signon: multiple connections, each with multiple signons.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is to define a Transformer data source signon when
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionAdd "Content Store data source name"
CognosPackageConnection "connection" CognosPackageConnectionSignon "ContentStore
signon name" Database Transformer data source ID "Transformerdata
source signon name" CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon {True|False}
CognosPackagePowercubeSource {True|False}
Argument Description
Database Transformer data source ID Specifies the Transformer data source ID and
"Transformer data source signon name" new Transformer data source signon name.
This example adds the Transformer signon "cogtr_signon" for the oracle_gosales data source with
data source connection "connection1" and signon "signon1" defined in Content Manager. Queries
will always use the "cogtr_signon" signon. The data source is not an IBM Cognos PowerCube.
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionAdd "oracle_gosales"
104 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
CognosPackageConnection "connection1"
CognosPackageConnectionSignon "signon1"
Database 181 "cogtr_signon"
CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon True CognosPackagePowercubeSource False
The CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionDelete verb deletes a previously-created Transformer
data source signon.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is to click Delete Signon on the edit menu when a signon
is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionDelete "Content Store data source name"
Argument Description
This example deletes the Transformer signon "cogtr_signon".
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionDelete "oracle_gosales"
The CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionMake verb creates the data source signon to be used
when the data source has an ambiguous signon: multiple connections, each with multiple signons.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is to define a Transformer data source signon when
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionMake "Content Store data source name"
CognosPackageConnection "connection" CognosPackageConnectionSignon "ContentStore
signon name" Database Transformer data source ID "Transformerdata
source signon name" CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon {True|False}
CognosPackagePowercubeSource {True|False}
Argument Description
Argument Description
Database Transformer data source ID Specifies the Transformer data source ID and
"Transformer data source signon name" new Transformer data source signon name.
This example creates the Transformer signon "cogtr_signon" for the oracle_gosales data source
with data source connection "connection1" and signon "signon1" defined in Content Manager.
Queries will always use the "cogtr_signon" signon. The data source is not an IBM Cognos Power-
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionMake "oracle_gosales"
CognosPackageConnection "connection1"
CognosPackageConnectionSignon "signon1" Database 181
CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon True
CognosPackagePowercubeSource False
The CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionUpdate verb updates the data source signon created
when the data source has an ambiguous signon: multiple connections, each with multiple signons.
The equivalent on the Windows interface is to modify the Transformer data source signon property
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionUpdate "Content Store data source name"
CognosPackageConnection "connection" CognosPackageConnectionSignon "ContentStore
signon name" Database Transformer data source ID "Transformerdata
source signon name" CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon {True|False}
CognosPackagePowercubeSource {True|False}
106 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
Database Transformer data source ID Specifies the Transformer data source ID and
"Transformer data source signon name" Transformer data source signon name.
This example updates the Transformer signon "cogtr_signon" for the oracle_gosales data source
with data source connection "connection1" and signon "signon1" defined in Content Manager.
Queries will no longer always use the "cogtr_signon" signon. The data source is not an IBM Cognos
CognosPackageDatasourceConnectionUpdate "oracle_gosales"
CognosPackageConnection "connection1"
CognosPackageConnectionSignon "signon1"
Database 181 "cogtr_signon"
CognosPackageAlwaysUseTransformerSignon False
CognosPackagePowercubeSource False
The CognosPackageFilterAdd verb imports filters defined within IBM Cognos 8 package or report
data sources.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageFilterAdd "filter name" DATASOURCE data source ID
CognosPackageFilterRef "filter reference ID"
Argument Description
DATASOURCE data source ID Specifies the IBM Cognos 8 data source ID.
The following example adds the package filter "Tents1" in the Transformer model, using the IBM
Cognos 8 filter reference oracle_gosales.Tents from the IBM Cognos 8 data source with ID
CognosPackageFilterAdd "Tents1" DATASOURCE 105 CognosPackageFilterRef "[oracle_
The CognosPackageFilterDelete verb deletes filters imported with IBM Cognos 8 package or
report data sources.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageFilterDelete "filter name"
Argument Description
The following example deletes the filter "Tents1" from the Transformer model.
CognosPackageFilterDelete "Tents1"
The CognosPackageFilterMakeverb imports filters defined within IBM Cognos 8 package or
report data sources.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageFilterMake "filter name" DATASOURCE data source ID
CognosPackageFilterRef "filter reference ID"
108 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
DATASOURCE data source ID Specifies the IBM Cognos 8 data source ID.
The following example creates the package filter "Tents1" in the Transformer model, using the
IBM Cognos 8 filter reference oracle_gosales.Tents from the IBM Cognos 8 data source with
ID 105.
CognosPackageFilterMake "Tents1" DATASOURCE 105 CognosPackageFilterRef "[oracle_
The CognosPackageFilterUpdate verb updates filters imported with IBM Cognos 8 package or
report data sources.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosPackageFilterUpdate "filter name" DATASOURCE data source ID
CognosPackageFilterRef "filter reference ID"
Argument Description
DATASOURCE data source ID Specifies the IBM Cognos 8 data source ID.
The following example updates the filter "Tents1" to use the package filter "[oracle_gosales].
CognosPackageFilterUpdate "Tents1" DATASOURCE 105 CognosPackageFilterRef "
The ColumnAdd verb adds a column to a data source.
Its Windows interface equivalent is the Insert Column command on the Edit menu.
For more information about creating columns, see "ColumnMake" (p. 111).
The syntax is as follows:
ColumnAdd objCol [
DataSource objDataSource]
Origin origin Offset offset [
Argument Description
This example adds the Branch Code column to the model.
ColumnAdd "Branch Code" DataSource "All Staff Count (Excel)" Origin Source
Offset 1 Column "Branch Code"
The ColumnDelete verb removes a column.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a column is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
ColumnDelete objCol [
DataSource objDataSource]
110 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example deletes the column Branch Code.
ColumnDelete "Branch Code" DataSource "Locations (CSV)"
The ColumnListUpdate verb reorders the columns in a data source.
The equivalent operation on the Windows interface is to drag and drop the columns as required.
The syntax is as follows:
ColumnListUpdate [DataSource objDataSource] StartList objCols EndList
Argument Description
This example reorders the columns in the Excel data source "All Staff Count" so that Branch Code
is first, followed by Time and Staff Count.
ColumnListUpdate DataSource "All Staff Count (Excel)" StartList "Branch Code"
"Time" "Staff Count" EndList
The ColumnMake verb creates a column or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, if the column exists, is to modify its Column property sheet.
For a new column, click Insert Column on the Edit menu.
Argument Description
This example defines the column Branch Code.
ColumnMake "Branch Code" DataSource "All Staff Count (Excel)" Origin Source
Offset 1 Column "Branch Code" Storage Default Scale 0 Size 1 Decimals 0
InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
The ColumnUpdate verb updates an existing column.
112 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The equivalent action on the Windows interface is to modify the Column property sheet.
For more information about updating columns, see "ColumnMake" (p. 111).
The syntax is as follows:
ColumnUpdate objCol [
DataSource objDataSource]
Argument Description
This example changes the date format of the Time column to the Year-Month form, and changes
the degree level for the date to Month.
ColumnUpdate "Time" DataSource "Salesrep Plan (Excel)" Format YM DateLevel
The CreateColumns verb creates columns for data sources. There is no Windows interface equivalent
because columns are created automatically in the Data Sources list on the Windows interface.
The CreateColumns verb does not work when the associated data source contains the setting
Columns True.
Argument Description
This example creates columns for the data source Products (CSV).
CreateColumns "Products (CSV)"
The CreateFiles verb creates an .mdc file for each PowerCube in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Create PowerCube toolbar button or the Create PowerCubes
command on the Run menu.
For other ways to create and update .mdc files, see "CreateFromCubes" (p. 114), "CreateFromQuer-
ies" (p. 115), and "UpdatePowerCubes" (p. 191).
The syntax is as follows:
This example creates .mdc files for every cube in the model.
The CreateFromCubes verb creates an .mdc file for each specified PowerCube.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Create Selected PowerCubes on the Run menu when
one or more PowerCubes are selected.
For other ways to create and update .mdc files, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114), "CreateFromQuer-
ies" (p. 115), and "UpdatePowerCubes" (p. 191).
The syntax is as follows:
CreateFromCubes [objCubes]
Argument Description
This example creates an .mdc file for the PowerCube cube1.
CreateFromCubes "cube1"
114 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CreateFromQueries verb creates an .mdc file for each PowerCube in the model by retrieving
data from only specific data sources. There is no Windows interface equivalent.
If no data sources are specified, nothing happens.
If one or more of the specified data sources are not set for PowerCube Creation on the General tab
of the Data Source property sheet in the Windows interface, an error is issued. This can occur with
structural data sources because they do not contain transactional data.
For other ways to create and update .mdc files, see "CreateFromCubes" (p. 114), "Create-
Files" (p. 114), and "UpdatePowerCubes" (p. 191).
The syntax is as follows:
CreateFromQueries [objQueries]
Argument Description
This example creates .mdc files from the All Staff Count (Excel) data source.
CreateFromQueries "All Staff Count(Excel)"
The CubeAdd verb creates the PowerCube object in the Transformer model. To create or update
an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
The Windows interface equivalent is to select the Insert option on the Edit menu when the Power-
Cubes pane is selected.
For more information about creating PowerCubes, see "CubeMake" (p. 125).
The syntax is as follows:
CubeAdd objCube [
powercubeopts] [DimensionView objView][MeasureInclude objMeasure meaopt]
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example creates the Great Outdoors Company Sales PowerCube object.
CubeAdd "Great Outdoors Company Sales" MdcFile "c:\outdoors.mdc"
The CubeDelete verb removes the PowerCube object from the Transformer model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a cube is selected.
The CubeDelete verb only deletes the PowerCube object, not the .mdc file.
Argument Description
This example deletes the PowerCube called Great Outdoors Company Sales.
116 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CubeGroupAdd verb creates the PowerCubeGroup object in the Transformer model. To create
or update an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
The Windows interface equivalent is to select the Insert option from the Edit menu when the
PowerCubes pane is selected, and then to specify a dimension and level on the Cube Group tab.
If you do not include the options SegmenterLevel and SegmenterDimension, the CubeGroupAdd
verb creates a PowerCube rather than a PowerCubeGroupCube object. For more information, see
For more information about updating cube groups, see "CubeGroupMake" (p. 122).
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupAdd objCubeGroup [
powercubeopts] [DimensionView objDim objView] [MeasureInclude objMeasure meaopt]
Argument Description
This example creates the cube group cubegroup1. Cubes within this group are created from the
Products dimension and the Product Line level.
CubeGroupAdd "cubegroup1" MdcFile "c:\temp\outdoors1.mdc" SegmenterDimension
"Products" SegmenterLevel "Product Line"
The CubeGroupCubeAdd verb creates the PowerCube object for a PowerCubeGroup object in the
Transformer model. To create or update an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
The Windows interface equivalent is to select the Insert option from the Edit menu when the
PowerCubes pane is selected, and then to provide a dimension and level on the Cube Group tab.
In the Windows interface, a PowerCubeGroupCube object is created for every category under the
Drill category in the dimension, unless some categories have been excluded, cloaked, or suppressed.
In MDL, a separate statement must be included for every category under the Drill category.
For more information about creating cubes in cube groups, see "CubeGroupCubeMake" (p. 120).
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupCubeAdd objCubeGroupCubeCubeGroup objCubeGroup [
Dimension objDim]
Code objCat [
Argument Description
118 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example creates the Outdoor Products cube within the cube group cubegroup1, based on the
Outdoor Products category.
CubeGroupCubeAdd "Outdoor Products" CubeGroup "cubegroup1" Code "Outdoor
The CubeGroupCubeDelete verb removes the PowerCube from a PowerCubeGroupCube object in
the Transformer model. It does not delete the .mdc file.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a PowerCube in a cube
group is selected.
This verb can only be used if the model contains a dimension view that apexes, cloaks, suppresses,
or excludes the category at the apex of the cube.
A PowerCubeGroupCube object can only be deleted if it is suppressed in the dimension view that
underlies the cube group. This means that you must first create a dimension view that apexes,
cloaks, suppresses, or excludes the category that defines the PowerCubeGroupCube object.
Argument Description
This example deletes the Environmental Line cube from cubegroup1. Before the deletion, a dimension
view is created to suppress the category.
ViewMake "Environmental Line" Dimension "Products" ViewSecurity 0 Apex
"Product Line" Suppressed "Environmental Line"
CubeGroupCubeDelete "Environmental Line" CubeGroup "cubegroup1"
The CubeGroupCubeListUpdate verb reorders the PowerCubes in a PowerCubeGroup object.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag PowerCubes into the appropriate cube group.
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupCubeListUpdateCubeGroup objCubeGroup [StartList objCubeGroups EndList]
Argument Description
This example places the cubes GO Sport Line and Outdoor Products at the top of the list of cubes
in cubegroup1.
CubeGroupCubeListUpdate CubeGroup "cubegroup1" StartList "GO Sport Line"
"Outdoor Products" EndList
The CubeGroupCubeMake verb creates a PowerCube in a PowerCubeGroup object, or updates it if
it exists. It does so by defining a PowerCube group cube object in the Transformer model. To create
or update an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
The Windows interface equivalent, if the cube already exists within a cube group, is to modify the
Cube property sheet. For a new cube in a cube group, select the Insert option on the Edit menu
when the PowerCubes pane is selected, and then provide a dimension and level on the Cube Group
The cube group must exist before you can create a PowerCube for the group.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupCubeMake objCubeGroupCube [
CubeGroup objCubeGroup]
[Dimension objDim]
Code objCat [
120 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example defines the PowerCube group cube Outdoor Products.
CubeGroupCubeMake 6343 "Outdoor Products" CubeGroup "cubegroup1" Code 4807
Status OK CubeCreation Default Optimize Default Compress
False IncrementalUpdate False ServerCube False CubeStamp 886518687 CubeCycle
24 DrillThrough False EndList
The CubeGroupCubeUpdate verb updates an existing PowerCube within a PowerCubeGroup object
in the Transformer model. It does not modify existing .mdc files.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Cube Group property sheet.
For more information about updating cubes in cube groups, see "CubeGroupCubeMake" (p. 120).
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupCubeUpdate objCubeGroupCube [
CubeGroup objCubeGroup] [
Argument Description
This example modifies the cube Outdoor Products from cubegroup1 by enabling drill-through.
CubeGroupCubeUpdate "Outdoor Products" CubeGroup "cubegroup1"
DrillThrough True EndList
The CubeGroupDelete verb removes a PowerCubeGroup object from the Transformer model. It
does not delete the .mdc file.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a cube group is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupDelete objCubeGroup
Argument Description
This example deletes the PowerCube cubegroup1.
CubeGroupDelete "cubegroup1"
The CubeGroupMake verb creates a PowerCubeGroup object or updates an existing one, by defining
the PowerCube object in the Transformer model. To create or update an .mdc file, see "Create-
Files" (p. 114).
122 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The Windows interface equivalent, for an existing cube group, is to modify its Cube Group property
sheet. For a new cube group, select the Insert option from the Edit menu when the PowerCubes
pane is selected, and then provide a dimension and level on the Cube Group tab.
If you do not include the options SegmenterLevel and SegmenterDimension, the CubeGroupMake
verb will create a PowerCube rather than a PowerCubeGroupCube object. For more information,
see powercubeopts.
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupMake objCubeGroup [
powercubeopts] [DimensionView objDim objView]
[MeasureInclude objMeasure meaopt]
Argument Description
This example defines the cube group cubegroup1. The cubes within this group are created from the
Products dimension, at the Product Line level with a focus of Product Type.
CubeGroupMake "cubegroup1" MdcFile "c:\outdoors1.mdc" CubeCreation On
Optimize Default Compress False DatabaseInfo "Local;; "IncrementalUpdate
False ServerCube False DrillThrough False EndList SegmenterDimension
"Products" SegmenterLevel "Product Line" DetailLevel "Product
Type" DimensionView "Years" "All Categories" DimensionView "Products" "All
Categories" DimensionView "Locations" "All Categories" DimensionView
"Channels" "All Categories" DimensionView "Margin Ranges" "All
Categories" MeasureInclude "Revenue" Yes MeasureInclude "Product Cost"
Yes MeasureInclude "Product Plan" Yes MeasureInclude "Expense Plan"
Yes MeasureInclude "Quantity Sold" Yes MeasureInclude "Profit Margin %"
Yes MeasureInclude "Revenue/Employee" Yes MeasureInclude "SalesRep Plan"
Yes MeasureInclude "Staff Count" Yes MeasureInclude "SalesRep Count" Yes
The CubeGroupUpdate verb updates an existing PowerCubeGroup object by modifying the Power-
Cube in the Transformer model. It does not affect existing .mdc files.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Cube Group property sheet.
For more information about updating cube groups, see "CubeGroupMake" (p. 122).
The syntax is as follows:
CubeGroupUpdate objCubeGroup [
powercubeopts] [DimensionView objDim objView]
[MeasureInclude objMeasure meaopt]
Argument Description
124 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example modifies Cubegroup1 by changing the dimension view from Locations to Omit
Dimension and by excluding the measure Product Cost from the view.
CubeGroupUpdate "Cubegroup1" DimensionView "Locations" "Omit Dimension"
MeasureInclude "Product Cost" Indirect
The CubeMake verb creates a PowerCube or updates an existing one by defining the PowerCube
object in the Transformer model. To create or update an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
The Windows interface equivalent, if the cube exists, is to modify the Cube property sheet. For a
new cube, when the PowerCubes pane is selected, select the Insert option on the Edit menu.
The syntax is as follows:
CubeMake objCube [
powercubeopts] [DimensionView objDim objView][
MeasureInclude objMeasuremeaopt]
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example defines the PowerCube Great Outdoors Company Sales.
CubeMake "Great Outdoors Company Sales" MdcFile "c:\outdoors.mdc" Status OK
CubeCreation On Optimize Categories Compress False DatabaseInfo "Local;;
" IncrementalUpdate False ServerCube False CubeStamp 886096730
CubeCycle 6 DrillThrough False EndList DimensionView "Years" "All
Categories" DimensionView "Products" "All Categories" DimensionView
"Locations" "All Categories" DimensionView "Channels" "All
Categories" DimensionView "Margin Ranges" "All Categories" MeasureInclude
"Revenue" Yes MeasureInclude "Product Cost" Yes MeasureInclude "Product Plan"
Yes MeasureInclude "Expense Plan" Yes MeasureInclude "Quantity Sold"
Yes MeasureInclude "Profit Margin %" Yes MeasureInclude "Revenue/Employee"
Yes MeasureInclude "SalesRep Plan" Yes MeasureInclude "Staff Count"
Yes MeasureInclude "SalesRep Count" Yes
The CubeUpdate verb updates an existing PowerCube by modifying the PowerCube object in the
Transformer model. To create or update an .mdc file, see "CreateFiles" (p. 114).
126 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example modifies the PowerCube Great Outdoors Company Sales by enabling drill-through,
changing the dimension view to Omit Dimension and excluding the Revenue measure.
CubeUpdate "Great Outdoors Company Sales" MdcFile "c:\outdoors.mdc"
DrillThrough True EndList DimensionView "Products" "Omit
Dimension" MeasureInclude "Revenue" Indirect
The CurrencyAdd verb adds a currency definition to the currency table for the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to right-click a currency item in the currency table and then
select Add New Currency.
The syntax is as follows.
CurrencyAdd objCurrency [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrillCat]
Levels objLevel
[currencyrecordopts] CurrencyRateListEffectiveDate {
Argument Description
ConversionRate rate rate is the exchange rate for that date. It can
include decimals; for example, 3.42556.
128 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example adds a new currency to the currency table, and specifies conversion rates for three
CurrencyAdd "C$" Dimension "Years"
Levels "Month" CountryCode "Can"
CurrencyRateList EffectiveDate "199601"
ConversionRate 1.2
RateIsBySource False EffectiveDate "199602"
ConversionRate 1.75
RateIsBySource False EffectiveDate "199603"ConversionRate 1.55
RateIsBySource False EndList
The CurrencyDelete verb removes a currency from the currency table.
The Windows interface equivalent is to manually remove a currency from the currency table.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyDelete objCurrency
Argument Description
This example deletes Canadian Dollars (C$) from the currency table.
CurrencyDelete "C$"
The CurrencyMake verb adds a currency to the currency table or updates an existing currency.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the property sheet for an existing currency. For a
new currency, right-click a currency in the Currency Table property sheet and then select Add New
A currency table must exist before you can create currencies. To create a currency table, see "Cur-
rencyTableMake" (p. 133).
Currency conversions are only applied to measures if the measure definition contains the option
IsCurrency True.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyMake objCurrency [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrillCat]
Levels objLevel
[currencyrecordopts] CurrencyRateListEffectiveDate
{objCat|0} ConversionRate rate [RateIsBySource {True|False}]
[CurrencyTableType tabletype]
Argument Description
130 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
ConversionRate rate rate is the exchange rate for that date. It can
include decimals; for example, 3.42556.
This example defines a Canadian currency for the currency table. It provides conversion rates for
1996 only, so the rates for 1997 are set to the default, 1.00000.
CurrencyMake "Canadian Dollars" Dimension "Years" Drill "By Time" Levels
"Month" CountryCode "CAN" CurrencyCountryLabel "Canada"
CurrencyFormatOverride False CurrencySymbol "$" CurrencyDecimals
2 CurrencyRateList EffectiveDate "19960101-19960131" ConversionRate 1.
36545 RateIsBySource False CurrencyTableType BaseTable EffectiveDate "19960201-
19960229" ConversionRate 1.37524 RateIsBySource False
The CurrencyTableAdd verb creates a currency table in your Transformer model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to select Currency Table from the File menu.
If you specify the option CurrencyTableType, the object name of the currency table is optional.
For more information about creating Currency Tables, see "CurrencyTableMake" (p. 133).
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyTableAdd [objCurrencyTable]
[currencytableopts] Associations assocopts
Argument Description
This example creates the base currency table.
CurrencyTableAdd 869 "CurrencyBaseTable" CurrencyTableType BaseTable
Associations 1315 "Country Code" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
132 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CurrencyTableDelete verb removes an existing currency table from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Remove Currency Table option on the File menu.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyTableDelete objCurrencyTable
Argument Description
This example deletes the base currency table from the Transformer model.
CurrencyTableDelete "CurrencyBaseTable"
The CurrencyTableMake verb creates a currency table or updates an existing currency table.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the properties on the Currency Table property sheet.
On the Transformer version 8.x interface, the currency table has a single property sheet, even when
Euro triangulation is in effect. In MDL, the Base Currency and Euro Currency tables appear as two
separate objects. Each has its own CurrencyTableMake statement.
The default object names for the two types of table are CurrencyBaseTable and
CurrencyEuroTable. You can specify a different object name, but on the Windows interface, the
default object always appears.
If you specify the option CurrencyTableType, the object name of the currency table is optional.
Argument Description
This example defines a currency table.
CurrencyTableMake 869 "CurrencyBaseTable" CurrencyTableType BaseTable
Associations 1315 "Country Code" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
AssociationReferenced "Country Code"
Associations 1317 "Date" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_
Date AssociationReferenced "Date"
Associations 1319 "Currency" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
AssociationReferenced "Currency"
Associations 1321 "Conversion Rate" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Rate
AssociationReferenced "Conversion Rate"
The CurrencyTableUpdate verb updates an existing currency table in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the properties on the Currency Table property sheet.
If you specify the option CurrencyTableType, the object name of the currency table is optional.
For more information about updating Currency Tables, see "CurrencyTableMake" (p. 133).
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyTableUpdate [objCurrencyTable]
[currencyopts] Associations assocopts
134 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example modifies the currency table by changing its data source, which requires specifying
different columns.
CurrencyTableMake 869 "Currency Base Table" CurrencyTableType BaseTable
Associations 1315 "Country Code" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
AssociationReferenced "Country Code"
Associations 1317 "Date" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_Date
AssociationReferenced "Date"
Associations 1319 "Currency" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
AssociationReferenced "Currency"
Associations 1321 "Conversion Rate" AssociationType Type_
Query AssociationRole Role_Rate
AssociationReferenced "Conversion Rate"
The CurrencyUpdate verb updates an existing currency in a currency table.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the properties on the Currency Table property sheet.
For more information about updating currencies, see "CurrencyMake" (p. 130).
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyUpdate objCurrency [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrillCat]
Levels objLevel [
currencyrecordopts] [CurrencyRateListEffectiveDate
{objCat|0} ConversionRate rate [RateIsBySource {True|False}]
[CurrencyTableType tabletype]
Argument Description
ConversionRate rate rate is the exchange rate for that date. It can
include decimals; for example, 3.42556.
136 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example modifies the conversion rate for Canadian Dollars for December 1997.
CurrencyUpdate "Canadian Dollars" CurrencyRateList EffectiveDate "19971201-
19971231" ConversionRate 1.55 EndList
The CustomViewAdd verb creates a custom view in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent for creating a custom view is to select the Create Custom View
command in the diagram.
The syntax is as follows:
CustomViewAdd"customview"DimensionView"All Categories" DimensionView objView
MeasureInclude objMeasure {Yes|No}
Argument Description
CustomViewAdd "custom view" Adds the custom view "custom view". "custom
view" must be the object name and can include
the object identifier.
DimensionView "All Categories" Specifies that all categories are initially included
in the custom view.
Argument Description
CustomViewAdd "Authors" DimensionView 149 "All Categories"
195 "Authors~User View" MeasureInclude 225 Yes
The CustomViewChildListUpdate verb defines the list of descendant custom views. You can only
update the list of descentant custom views in MDL.
The syntax is as follows:
CustomViewChildListUpdate custom view ID StartList custom view ID Endlist
CustomViewChildListUpdate 11529 StartList 11537 Endlist
CustomViewChildListUpdate 11537 StartList EndList
The CustomViewDelete verb deletes a custom view from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent for deleting a custom view is to right-click the custom view, and
then click Delete.
The syntax is as follows:
CustomViewDelete "customview"
Argument Description
CustomViewDelete "custom view" Deletes the custom view "custom view". "cus-
tom view" must be the object name and can
include the object identifier.
CustomViewDelete "Authors"
138 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The CustomViewMake verb creates a custom view in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent for creating a custom view is to select the Create Custom View
command in the diagram.
The syntax is as follows:
CustomViewMake "customview" DimensionView objView MeasureInclude objMeasure
Argument Description
CustomViewMake "custom view" Adds the custom view "custom view". "custom
view" must be the object name and can include
the object identifier.
CustomViewMake "Authors" DimensionView 149 "All Categories"
195 "Authors~User View" MeasureInclude 225 Yes
The CustomViewUpdate verb modifies a custom view in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent for creating a custom view is to right-click the custom view, and
then modify the custom view properties.
The syntax is as follows:
CustomViewUpdate "customview" DimensionView objView MeasureInclude objMeasure
Argument Description
CustomViewUpdate "custom view" Adds the data source "custom view". "custom
view" must be the object name and can include
the object identifier.
CustomViewUpdate "Authors" DimensionView 149 "All Categories"
195 "Authors~User View" MeasureInclude 225 No
The DataSourceAdd verb creates a data source other than a package or report in the model. This
verb is not used to create a package or report data source. For information about creating a package
or report data source, see "CognosPackageAdd" (p. 101).
The Windows interface equivalent for creating a data source is to select the Insert command on the
Edit menu when a data source is selected.
The Windows interface equivalent for creating a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or
report data source is to select the Add Query From Package or Report command on the Edit menu
when a data source is selected.
● If you include a data source ID for the new data source in the syntax, and the object already
exists, you will receive an error message.
● To insert a dimension from a package (the Insert Dimension From Package command on the
Edit menu, you must first add the data source and then add a dimension from the data source.
For more information about adding a dimension from a data source, see "DimAdd" (p. 145).
For more information about creating data sources, see "DataSourceMake" (p. 142).
The syntax for a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is as follows:
140 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
OrgName objCol Origin {Source|Generated| Specifies the original name of the column, the
Calculated|Manual} Offset offset origin and the offset. Origin must be one of
Source, Generated, Calculated, or Manual.
offset can be 0 or greater. This allows you to
take the structured definition of the column and
append it to the data source definition. For more
information about structured format, see
"Structured MDL".
This example adds a query based on the IBM Cognos 8 package data source Go Sales and Retailers
to the model.
DataSourceAdd "GOSRQuery" SourceType CognosSourceQuery
103 "GO Sales and Retailers" Separator "," CharacterSet Default
DecimalSep "." Thousandsep "," Columns True Timing PopYesCreateDefault
True SetCurrent True ServerSource False Speed False Presummarized
This example adds the data source Products (CSV) to the model.
DataSourceAdd "Products (CSV)" Source "c:\prodinfo.csv" SourceType
The DataSourceDelete verb removes a data source other than a package or report from the model.
This verb does not delete package or report data sources. For information about deleting package
and report data sources, see "CognosPackageDelete" (p. 102).
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a data source is selected.
For more information about IBM Cognos 8 data sources, see the Transformer User Guide and the
Framework Manager User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
DataSourceDelete objDataSource
Argument Description
This example deletes the All Staff Count (Excel) data source.
DataSourceDelete "All Staff Count (Excel)"
The DataSourceMake verb creates a data source other than a package or report or updates an
existing one. This verb does not create package or report data sources. For information about cre-
ating package and report data sources, see "CognosPackageMake" (p. 102).
The Windows interface equivalent, if the data source exists, is to modify the Data Source property
sheet. For a new data source, when the data source is selected, the equivalent is to select the Insert
command on the Edit menu.
The syntax for a query based on an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is:
DataSourceMake data
source ID objDataSource SourceType CognosSourceQuery PackageReportSource source
ID "source name" [
appqueryopts] [OrgName objCol Origin {Source|Generated|Calculated|Manual}
Offset offset] [
142 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
OrgName objCol Origin {Source|Generated| Specifies the original name of the column, the
Calculated|Manual} Offset offset origin, and the offset. Origin must be one of
Source, Generated, Calculated, or Manual.
offset can be 0 or greater. This allows you to
take the structured definition of the column and
append it to the data source definition. For more
information on structured format, see "Struc-
tured MDL".
This example adds the data source Go Sales and Retailers to the model.
DataSourceMake 103 "Go Sales and Retailers" SourceType
Package SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']"
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers200701011200']/
This example adds a query based on the data source Go Sales and Retailers to the model.
DataSourceMake 105 "Go Sales and Retailers~1" SourceType
PackageReportSource 103 "GO Sales and Retailers" Separator "," CharacterSet
Default DecimalSep "." Thousandsep "," Columns True Timing PopYesCreateDefault
AutoSummary True SetCurrent True ServerSource False Speed False
Presummarized False
The DataSourceUpdate verb updates an existing data source other than a package or report in the
model. This verb does not update package or report data sources. For information about creating
package and report data sources, see "CognosPackageUpdate" (p. 103)
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Data Source property sheet.
Note: If you include a data source ID for the updated data source in the syntax, and the object does
not already exist, you will receive an error message.
The syntax is as follows:
DataSourceUpdate objDataSource [
Argument Description
This example disables AutoSummary for the data source Go Sales and Retailers~1.
DataSourceUpdate 105 "Go Sales and Retailers~1" Separator
"," CharacterSet Default DecimalSep "." Thousandsep "," Columns
True Timing PopYesCreateDefault AutoSummary True SetCurrent True
ServerSource False Speed False Presummarized False
This example changes the source file for the data source All Staff Count (Excel) to bigstaff.asc, and
changes the file format to ASCII.
DataSourceUpdate "All Staff Count (Excel)" Source "c:installation_directory\
bigstaff.asc" SourceType FlatFile_ColNames
The DeletionListUpdate verb updates the list of objects to be removed from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent in Transformer version 8.x is to delete objects from the model
by means of an incremental update.
We strongly recommend that you do not change this syntax in generated MDL, because this action
could cause unexpected results in your model.
The syntax is as follows:
DeletionListUpdate deletionsoptsEndlist
144 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example deletes the category with object identifier 1001.
DeletionListUpdate Category 1001 Endlist
The DimAdd verb creates a dimension in the model.
The Windows equivalent is to select the Insert command on the Edit menu when a dimension is
For more information about creating dimensions, see "DimMake" (p. 151).
The syntax is as follows:
DimAdd objDim [
dimopts] Associations assocopts
Argument Description
This example creates the Years dimension.
DimAdd 231 "Years" DimType Date EarliestDate 19000101 LatestDate 99991231
ManualPeriods False DaysInWeek 127 NewCatsLock
False ExcludeAutoPartitioning False
The DimCalcDefAdd verb creates a dimension calculation definition in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Add command on the Calculation tab of the Dimension
property sheet.
For more information about creating dimension calculation definitions, see "DimCalcDef-
Make" (p. 148).
The syntax is as follows:
DimCalcDefAdd objDimCalcDefDimension objDim [
Calc expropts] [
GroupCalculateCategory {True|False}]
[Set stringStartList objCatsEndList]
Argument Description
146 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
Set string StartList objCats Creates one or more sets and specifies the cat-
egories in each set. string is the set name, such
as Set 1, Set 2, and so on. objCats can be the
object name or the object identifier. This argu-
ment is repeated for each set; for example
Set "Set 1" StartList 4795 4797 EndList
Set "Set 2" StartList 4799 EndList
This example adds a share calculation in the Productions dimension. The statement creates two
objects: the dimension calculation definition and an associated category.
DimCalcDefAdd 'share ("Set 1", "GO Sport Line")' Dimension 2947 Calc share
("Set 1@Set", "GO Sport Line@Category@4789") Set "Set 1" StartList 4793 4797
4801 4803 EndList
The DimCalcDefDelete verb removes a dimension calculation definition from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Remove command on the Calculation tab of the Dimension
property sheet.
The syntax is as follows:
DimCalcDefDelete objDimCalcDef [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
This example deletes the dimension calculation definition that uses object identifier 27195.
DimCalcDefDelete 27195
The DimCalcDefMake verb creates or updates a dimension calculation definition in the model.
The Windows interface equivalents are the Add and Modify commands on the Calculation tab of
the Dimension property sheet.
There are two parts to a dimension calculation definition in MDL: a DimCalcDefMake or
DimCalcDefAdd statement defining the calculation, and a CatMake or CatAdd statement defining
the category.
The link between the two is an option in the CatMake or CatAdd statement that references the
DimCalcDefMake or DimCalcDefAdd statement. For more information, see "DimCalcDe-
fAdd" (p. 146).
Calculated categories are defined as regular categories, not special categories.
The syntax is as follows:
DimCalcDefMake objDimCalcDef [
Dimension objDim]
GroupCalculateCategory {True|False}]
[Calc expropts]
[Set stringStartList objCatsEndList]
Argument Description
148 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
Sets tring StartList objCats Endlist Creates one or more sets and specifies the cat-
egories in each set. string is the set name, such
as Set 1, Set 2, and so on. objCats can be the
object name or the object identifier. This argu-
ment is repeated for each set; for example
Set "Set 1" StartList 4795 4797 EndList
Set "Set 2" StartList 4799 EndList
This example defines the dimension calculation Share ("Set 1", "GO Sport Line").
DimCalcDefMake 27195 'share("Set 1", "GO Sport Line")' Dimension 2947
GroupCalculateCategory True Calc share ("Set 1@Set", "GO Sport
Line@Category@4789") Set "Set 1" StartList 4793 4797 4801 4803 EndList
The DimCalcDefUpdate verb modifies a dimension calculation definition in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Modify command on the Calculation tab of the Dimension
property sheet.
For more information about updating dimension calculation definitions, see "DimCalcDef-
Make" (p. 148).
The syntax is as follows:
DimCalcDefUpdate objDimCalcDef [
Dimension objDim] [
GroupCalculateCategory {True|False}]
[Calc expropts]
[Set string StartList objCatsEndList]
Argument Description
Set string StartList objCats EndList Creates one or more sets and specifies the cat-
egories in each set. string is the set name, such
as Set 1, Set 2, and so on. objCats can be the
object name or the object identifier. This argu-
ment is repeated for each set; for example
Set "Set 1" StartList 4795 4797 EndList
Set "Set 2" StartList 4799 EndList
This example modifies dimension calculation Share ("Set 1", "GO Sport Line") by adding the cat-
egory with object identifier 4789 into Set 1.
DimCalcDefUpdate 27195 'share("Set 1", "GO Sport Line")' Dimension 2947 Calc
share("Set 1@Set", "GO Sport Line@Category@4789") Set "Set 1" StartList 4793
4795 4797 4801 4803 EndList
150 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The DimDelete verb removes a dimension from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a dimension is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
DimDelete objDim
Argument Description
This example deletes the dimension Products.
DimDelete "Products"
The DimensionListUpdate verb reorders the list of dimensions in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag and drop dimensions into the required positions.
The syntax is as follows:
DimensionListUpdate objDims EndList
Argument Description
This example reorders the list so that Products and Years appear as the first two dimensions.
DimensionListUpdate "Products" "Years" EndList
The DimMake verb creates a dimension or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, if the dimension exists, is to modify the Dimension property
sheet. For a new dimension, select the Insert option on the Edit menu when a dimension is selected.
Dimensions require a root category, a drill category and two default dimension views. These are
created automatically when a dimension is added on the Windows interface, but they are only created
in MDL if you use the verb ModelEnsureCompleteness.
Argument Description
This example defines the dimension Products.
DimMake "Products" DimType Regular NewCatsLock False DimInfo "Products
carried by Great Outdoors Company"
The DimUpdate verb updates an existing dimension.
Argument Description
152 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example changes the earliest and latest dates allowed in the Years dimension.
DimUpdate "Years" EarliestDate 19900101 LatestDate 20100101
The DrillCatMake verb creates or updates a drill category.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Drill Category property sheet. Drill categories
are created automatically when you build models on the Windows interface.
The syntax is as follows:
DrillCatMake objDrillCat [
Dimension objDim]
[Root objRootCat][
JoiningLevel objLevel]
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example defines the drill category By Product Line.
DrillCatMake "By Product Line" Dimension "Products" Root "Product Line"
Inclusion Suppress Filtered False Suppressed True PrimaryDrill True YearBegins
19960101 PartialWeek Split ExtraWeek None WeekBegins Sunday
The EventEnd verb signals the end of an update event that was started by the EventStart verb.
The status of the PowerCubes involved in the event reverts to Free. There is no Windows interface
equivalent for this verb.
In IBM Cognos 8, you do not specify a client/server platform type.
The syntax is as follows:
This example ends the current update event.
The EventStart verb signals the start of an update event. The status of the PowerCubes involved
in the event is changed from Free to UpdateInProgress, and the event name is written to a log
file. There is no Windows interface equivalent for this verb.
The log file is a file that is created whenever you run a Transformer model. It has the same root
name as the Transformer model but with a .log extension.
In IBM Cognos 8, you do not specify a client/server platform type.
The syntax is as follows:
EventStart [EventName]
154 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example starts the Batch Update event.
EventStart "Batch Update"
The FilterCat verb excludes (or filters out) a category from the specified dimension view. The
Windows interface equivalent is the Exclude option on the Diagram menu.
Using FilterCat on an already-excluded category removes the filter.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
FilterCat objView [
Dimension objDim]
Category objCat
Argument Description
This example excludes the Outdoor Products category for the dimension view View1.
FilterCat "View1" Dimension "Products" Category "Outdoor Products"
The LevelAdd verb creates a new level in the specified model dimension.
The Windows interface equivalent is to select the Insert option on the Edit menu when a level is
For more information about creating levels, see "LevelMake" (p. 157).
The syntax is as follows:
LevelAdd objLevel [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrillCat]
[Parent objLevel]
[levelopts] [DrillList objDrillCats EndList]
Associations assocopts
Argument Description
This example creates the level Year.
LevelAdd 237 "Year" Blanks "(blank)" Inclusion Generate DateFunction
Year Generate Need RefreshLabel False RefreshDescription
False RefreshShortName False NewCatsLock False CatLabFormat "YYYY" Timerank
10 UniqueCategories True UniqueMove False Associations 1251
"Time" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_
156 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The LevelDelete verb removes a level from the specified model dimension.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a level is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelDelete objLevel [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrill]
Argument Description
This example deletes the level Product Line.
LevelDelete "Product Line" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line"
The LevelMake verb creates a level or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, if the level exists, is to modify the Level property sheet. For a
new level, select the Insert option on the Edit menu when a level is selected.
Level names cannot contain an at sign (@).
Argument Description
This example defines the level Year.
LevelMake 237 "Year" Blanks "(blank)" Inclusion Generate DateFunction Year
Generate Need RefreshLabel False RefreshDescription False RefreshShortName
False NewCatsLock False CatLabFormat "YYYY" Timerank 10 UniqueCategories True
UniqueMove False Associations 1251 "Time" AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Time Associations
1253 "Time" AssociationContext 235 AssociationType Type_Query
158 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The LevelMoveAfter verb switches the positions of two levels.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag and drop the level into the required position.
Using this verb does not change the object identifier for the level or its position in the .mdl file. It
only affects the visual display of the level on the Windows interface and its position in the .mdc
file, which affects how it is viewed in the reporting components.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelMoveAfter objLevel [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrill]
Child objLevel
Argument Description
This example moves the level Product Type after the level Product ID.
LevelMoveAfter "Product Type" Drill "By Product Line" Child "Product ID"
The LevelMoveBefore verb switches the positions of two levels.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag the level into the required position.
Using this verb does not change the object identifier for the level or its position in the .mdl file. It
only affects the visual display of the level on the Windows interface and its position in the .mdc
file, which affects how it is viewed in the reporting components.
Argument Description
This example moves the level Product Line before the level Product ID.
LevelMoveBefore "Product Line" Drill "By Product Line" Child "Product ID"
The LevelNewDrill verb creates a new drill path in a level.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag levels and columns to form the new path.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelNewDrillobjLevel [
Dimension objDim]
[Drill objDrillCat]
Drill objDrillCatChild objLevel
Argument Description
160 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example adds a new drill path Territory in the level State with a joining level of City.
LevelNewDrill "State" Drill "Territory" Child "City"
The LevelUpdate verb updates an existing level.
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example changes the inclusion property of level Product Type to Suppress. Because the object
name does not uniquely identify the level, the dimension and drill category are specified.
LevelUpdate "Product Type" Dimension "Products" Drill "By Product Line"
Inclusion Suppress
The MDCClear verb clears the processing status for the specified PowerCube. The default status is
There is no Windows interface equivalent, although the effects can be verified on the Processing
tab of the PowerCube property sheet.
The syntax is as follows:
MDCClear objCube
Argument Description
This example changes the status for the Great Outdoors Sales PowerCube from OK to New.
MDCClear "Great Outdoors Sales"
162 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The MeasureAdd verb adds a measure to the model. If the measure object already exists, an error
message is issued.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the Insert option on the Edit menu when a measure
is selected.
Every measure requires an AllocationAdd statement that contains the measure name and the
option TypeDefault.
Transformer creates this statement automatically when a measure is added in the Windows interface
or when you use the verb ModelEnsureCompleteness. Otherwise, you must create the statement.
For more information, see "AllocationAdd" (p. 88).
For more information about creating measures, see "MeasureMake" (p. 164).
The syntax is as follows:
MeasureAdd objMeasure [
Argument Description
This example adds the Staff Count measure from the Staff Count column.
MeasureAdd 863 "Staff Count" Missing N/A TimeStateRollup Average StorageFloat64
OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign False IsCurrency False WeightId 899
DrillThrough False EndList Associations 1309 "Staff Count" AssociationType
Type_Query AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Staff Count"
The MeasureDelete verb removes a measure from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a measure is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
MeasureDelete objMeasure
Argument Description
This example deletes the measure Profit Margin %.
MeasureDelete "Profit Margin %"
The MeasureListUpdate verb reorders the items in the list of measures.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag the measures into the required order.
The syntax is as follows:
MeasureListUpdate objMeasures EndList
Argument Description
This example changes the order of the list of measures, placing Product Cost and then Revenue at
the top.
MeasureListUpdate "Product Cost" "Revenue" EndList
The MeasureMake verb creates a measure or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, if the measure exists, is to modify the Measure property sheet.
For a new measure, click the Insert option on the Edit menu when a measure is selected.
Every measure requires an AllocationAdd statement that contains the measure name and the
option Type Default. Transformer creates this statement automatically when a measure is added
on the Windows interface or when you use the verb ModelEnsureCompleteness. Otherwise, you
must create the statement. For more information, see "AllocationAdd" (p. 88).
Measure names cannot contain an at sign (@).
164 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
MeasureMake objMeasure [
meaopts] Associations assocopts
Argument Description
The following statements were generated when a sample model created on the Windows interface
was saved as an .mdl file.
This example creates or updates the StaffCount measure.
MeasureMake 863 "Staff Count" Missing N/A TimeStateRollup Average Storage
Float64 OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign False IsCurrency False WeightId 899
DrillThrough False EndList Associations 1309 "Staff
Count" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_
Source AssociationReferenced "Staff Count"
This example creates or updates a Revenue measure that allows drill-through to an IBM Cognos
Impromptu report (dt_cust.imr).
MeasureMake "Revenue" Association "Revenue" Storage Default Scale 0 Decimals
0 Sign False Format "#,##0~0" MeasureInfo "Gross revenue from product sales.
" DrillThrough True "c:\dt_cust.imr" "" EndList
The MeasureUpdate verb updates an existing measure.
Argument Description
This example changes the timing of the Profit Margin % measure.
MeasureUpdate "Profit Margin %" Timing Before_Rollup
The ModelEnsureCompleteness verb scans all dimensions and cubes in the model and creates
necessary default settings and objects, including root categories, drill categories, and default
dimension views. There is no Windows interface equivalent, as this is done automatically by the
Transformer component.
Using ModelEnsureCompleteness avoids the need to create Dimension views and associate them
with PowerCubes and security objects in the model. We recommend that you include this verb near
the end of your user-defined models, to ensure that each .mdl file is valid.
The syntax is as follows:
The NewModel verb creates, names, describes, and opens a Transformer model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the New option on the File menu.
Transformer saves the model file in the My Documents/Transformer/Models directory, unless a
server path is specified.
166 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Running NewModel will close previously opened files without saving them. If you want to save a
file, you must use the verb SaveMDL or SavePY before you use the NewModel verb.
Argument Description
This example creates a model called PowerPlay Sample, and provides a description.
NewModel "PowerPlay Sample" AppInfo "This model used the tutorial."
Opens .def, .gen, and .dat files.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Open dialog box, in editions of Transformer where you
can select PowerPlay definition files (*.def & *.gen).
Support for this format was retained to ensure compatibility with earlier versions.
The syntax is as follows:
OpenDef filename
Argument Description
This example opens the "file.def" PowerPlay definition file.
OpenDef "file.def"
The OpenMDL verb opens the specified .mdl file.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Open dialog box, where you can select Model files (*.py?
and *.mdl).
Execution of the remaining MDL script continues after the file is opened.
You can only open one model at a time. Any model that was open before the OpenMDL command
is issued will be closed without being saved.
To save an open model, you must use the SaveMDL or SavePY command before using the OpenMDL
The syntax is as follows:
OpenMDL filename
Argument Description
This example opens the model outdoors.mdl, located in the root directory of the c: drive.
OpenMDL "c:\outdoors.mdl"
The OpenPY verb opens the specified .py? file. The question mark in the extension .py? is replaced
by the character that is used in your release of Transformer, such as .pyj.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Open dialog box, where you can select Model files (*.py?
and *.mdl).
Execution of the remaining MDL script continues after the file is opened.
You can only open one model at a time. Any model that was open before the OpenPY command is
issued will be closed without being saved.
To save an open model, you must use the SaveMDL or SavePY command before the OpenMPY com-
The syntax is as follows:
OpenPY filename
Argument Description
This example opens Model.pyj in the root directory of the c: drive and saves it as an .mdl file.
168 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The PopulateFromQueries verb populates the model with only those categories found in the spe-
cified data sources.
The Windows interface equivalent is to right-click one or more data sources and, from the Run
menu, click Generate Categories.
The syntax is as follows:
PopulateFromQueries objQueries
Argument Description
This example populates the model using only the All Staff Count (Excel) data source.
PopulateFromQueries "All Staff Count (Excel)"
The PopulateModel verb populates the model with categories using all data sources in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Generate Categories option on the Run menu.
In IBM Cognos 8, you do not specify the platform type.
The syntax is as follows:
The PowerCubeCustomViewListUpdate verb defines the list of custom views assigned to a cube.
PowerCubeCustomViewChildListUpdate 11535 StartList 11537
The PowerCubeDelete verb removes the specified PowerCube or cube group by deleting the
PowerCube objects from the model. This verb does not affect existing .mdc files.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a PowerCube or cube
group is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
PowerCubeDelete {objCube|
Argument Description
This example deletes the PowerCube Great Outdoors Sales.
PowerCubeDelete "Great Outdoors Sales"
The PowerCubeListUpdate verb reorders the PowerCubes and cube groups listed in the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag PowerCubes and cube groups into the required order.
The syntax is as follows:
PowerCubeListUpdate [objCubes]
[objCubeGroups] EndList
Argument Description
This example changes the order of the Great Outdoors Sales and cubegroup1 cubes.
PowerCubeListUpdate "cubegroup1" "Great Outdoors Sales" EndList
The PromptAdd verb imports prompts defined in IBM Cognos 8 package and report data sources.
170 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
data source name Specifies the name of the IBM Cognos 8 pack-
age, report, or query data source.
This example adds a prompt named Product Name 1 with type xsdString and value BugShield
Natural for the package 574942~1.
PromptAdd "Product Name1" DataSource "574942~1" PromptType
PromptValue "BugShield Natural"
The PromptDelete verb deletes prompts defined in Transformer model.
PromptDelete promptname
Argument Description
This example deletes the Product Name1 prompt from the model.
PromptDelete "Product Name1"
The PromptMake verb creates prompts that are defined in IBM Cognos 8 package and report data
PromptMake prompt
name DataSource data
source ID promptopts
Argument Description
data source name Specifies the name of the IBM Cognos 8 pack-
age, report, or query data source.
This example creates a prompt named Product Name 1 with type xsdString and value BugShield
Natural for the package 574942~1.
PromptMake "Product Name1" DataSource "574942~1" PromptType
PromptValue "BugShield Natural"
The PromptUpdate verb updates prompts in the Transformer model.
PromptUpdate prompt
name DataSource data
source ID promptopts
Argument Description
data source name Specifies the name of the IBM Cognos 8 pack-
age, report, or query data source.
This example updates a prompt named Product Name 1 with type xsdString and value SmallShield
Artificial for the package 574942~1.
PromptUpdate "Product Name1" DataSource "574942~1" PromptType
PromptValue "SmallShield Artificial"
172 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The ReportPartitions verb writes a partition status report to the log file for a specified PowerCube.
There is no Windows interface equivalent.
The syntax is as follows:
ReportPartitions objCube
Argument Description
This example writes a partition report to the log file for the Great Outdoors Sales PowerCube.
ReportPartitions "Great Outdoors Sales"
The RootCatMake verb creates a root category or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Root Category property sheet. Root categories
are created automatically when modeling on the Windows interface.
The syntax is as follows:
RootCatMake objRootCat [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
The example defines the root category Product Line.
RootCatMake "Product Line" Dimension "Products" Inclusion Generate Lastuse
19971202 Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False IsKeyOrphanage
False IsTruncated False Blanks False
The RootCatUpdate verb updates an existing root category.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Root Category property sheet.
For more information about updating root categories, see "RootCatMake" (p. 173).
The syntax is as follows:
RootCatUpdate objRootCat Dimension [objDim]
Argument Description
This example adds the description "Products carried by the Great Outdoors Company" to the
Products root category.
RootCatUpdate "Products" Dimension "Products" Catinfo "Products carried by
the Great Outdoors Company."
The SaveMDL verb saves the current model as an .mdl file.
The Windows interface equivalent is to save the model with an .mdl extension.
The syntax is as follows:
SaveMDL filename
174 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example opens a .py? file and saves it as an .mdl file.
OpenPY "C:\model.pyj" SaveMDL "C:\model.mdl"
The SavePY verb saves the current model as a .py? file, where the ? is replaced by the character that
is used in your release of Transformer.
The Windows interface equivalent is to save the model with a .py? extension.
The syntax is as follows:
SavePY filename
Argument Description
This example saves the open model in .py format in the root directory of c: drive, and calls it
SavePY "C:\model.pyj"
The SecurityNamespaceAdd verb defines the IBM Cognos 8 namespace from which the IBM
Cognos 8 security objects (groups, roles, users) are retrieved.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Assign Security in the Custom View dialog box.
The syntax is as follows:
SecurityNameSpaceAdd "namespacename" SecurityNamespaceCAMID 'CAMID(":")'
Argument Description
This example adds the namespace "authors" to the membership in the model.
SecurityNameSpaceAdd "authors" SecurityNamespaceCAMID
The SecurityNamespaceDelete verb deletes the IBM Cognos 8 namespace from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Unassign Security in the Custom View dialog box.
The syntax is as follows:
SecurityNameSpaceDelete "namespace name"
Argument Description
This example deletes the namespace "authors" from the membership in the model.
SecurityNameSpaceDelete "authors"
The SecurityNamespaceMake verb defines the IBM Cognos 8 namespace from which the IBM
Cognos 8 security objects (groups, roles, users) are retrieved.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Assign Security in the Custom View dialog box.
The syntax is as follows:
SecurityNameSpaceMake "namespacename" SecurityNamespaceCAMID 'CAMID(":")'
176 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example adds the namespace "authors" to the membership in the model.
SecurityNameSpaceMake "authors" SecurityNamespaceCAMID
The SecurityNamespaceUpdate verb updates the IBM Cognos 8 namespace from which the IBM
Cognos 8 security objects (groups, roles, users) are retrieved.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the assigned security membership in the Custom
View dialog box.
The syntax is as follows:
SecurityNameSpaceUpdate "namespace name" SecurityNamespaceCAMID 'CAMID(":")'
Argument Description
This example updates the IBM Cognos 8 authors namespace.
SecurityNameSpaceUpdate "authors" SecurityNamespaceCAMID
The SecurityObjectAdd verb defines a security object to be imported into the model from the last
defined namespace.
Argument Description
SecurityObjectAdd security object ID security Specifies the security object to be imported into
object name the model from the last defined namespace.
SecurityObjectDisplayName security object Specifies the security object name that is dis-
name played in the model.
CustomViewList custom view list Specifies the custom views to which the security
object is assigned.
The following example adds the security role "Authors"(ID 11531) from the namespace 11533
and assigns it to custom view 11529.
SecurityObjectAdd 11531 'CAMID (":Authors")' SecurityNamespace
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Authors" SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role
11529 EndList
The SecurityObjectDelete verb removes a security object from the model.
Argument Description
SecurityObjectDelete security object ID security Specifies the security object to be removed from
object name the model.
178 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The following example removes the security role "Authors"(ID 11531) from the model.
SecurityObjectDelete 11531 'CAMID (":Authors")'
The SecurityObjectMake verb defines a security object to be imported into the model from the
last defined namespace.
The syntax is as follows:
SecurityObjectMake securityobject
IDsecurity object name SecurityNamespace namespace SecurityObjectDisplayName
securityobject name SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Group|SecurityType_Role|
CustomViewList custom viewlist
Argument Description
SecurityObjectMake security object ID security Specifies the security object to be imported into
object name the model from the last defined namespace.
SecurityObjectDisplayNamesecurity object name Specifies the security object name that is dis-
played in the model.
CustomViewList custom view list Specifies the custom views to which the security
object is assigned.
The following example imports the security role "Authors"(ID 11531) from the namespace 11533
and assigns it to custom view 11529.
SecurityObjectMake 11531 'CAMID (":Authors")' SecurityNamespace
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Authors" SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role
11529 EndList
The SecurityObjectUpdate verb updates a security object in the model.
SecurityObjectUpdate securityobject
IDsecurity object name SecurityNamespace namespace SecurityObjectDisplayName
securityobject name SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Group|SecurityType_Role|
CustomViewList custom viewlist
Argument Description
SecurityObjectUpdate security object ID secur- Specifies the security object in the model to be
ity object name updated.
SecurityObjectDisplayNamesecurity object name Specifies the security object name that is dis-
played in the model.
CustomViewList custom view list Specifies the custom views to which the security
object is assigned.
The following example updates the security role "Authors"(ID 11531) from the namespace 11533
by assigning it to an additional custom view 11539).
SecurityObjectUpdate 11531 'CAMID (":Authors")' SecurityNamespace
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Authors" SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role
11529 11539 EndList
The SignonAdd verb is used to add IBM Cognos 8 or data source signon objects in the Transformer
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the Insert Signon option on the Edit menu, and follow
the prompts to specify the Signon properties.
There is no order requirement to the syntax for SignonAdd.
The syntax for a Cognos 8 signon is as follows:
SignonAdd "signonname" UserId "user name" password"password" AutoLogon
{True|False} SignonNamespace "namespace name" SignonType"Cognos"
180 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example creates two Cognos 8 signons and two data source signons:
● LDAP1 is a Cognos 8 signon with AutoLogon enabled.
● DataSource1 is a data source signon that does not prompt the user to enter a password.
● DataSource2 is a data source signon that prompts the user to enter a password.
The SignonDelete verb deletes a Cognos 8 or data source signon from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when an object in the Signon
List is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
SignonDelete objSignon
Argument Description
This example deletes the signon I40_DBASE_NTV_PP74_SAMPLE.
SignonDelete "I40_DBASE_NTV_PP74_SAMPLE"
The SignonMake verb is used to create Cognos 8 or data source signon objects.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the Insert Signon option on the Edit menu, and follow
the prompts to specify the Signon properties.
There is no order requirement to the syntax for SignonMake.
The syntax for a Cognos 8 signon is as follows:
SignonMake "signonname" UserId "user name" password"password" AutoLogon
{True|False} SignonNamespace"namespace name" SignonType "Cognos"
Argument Description
This example creates two Cognos 8 signons and two data source signons:
● DataSource1 is a data source signon that does not prompt the user to enter a password.
● DataSource2 is a data source signon that prompts the user to enter a password.
182 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The SignonUpdate verb updates Cognos 8 or data source signon objects in the model.
Argument Description
This example updates the LDAP3 Cognos 8 signon object.
SignonUpdate "LDAP3" UserId "user3" password "pwd4" AutoLogon
False SignonNamespace "LDAP" SignonType "Cognos"
The SourceListUpdate verb reorders the items in the list of data sources for the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag the data source objects into the required position in
the list.
The syntax is as follows:
SourceListUpdate objDataSources EndList
Argument Description
This example reorders the list of data sources so that Locations, Products, and Main are the first
three in the list.
SourceListUpdate "Locations (CSV)" "Products (CSV)" "MAIN (IQD)" EndList
The SpecialCatAdd verb creates a special category in the specified dimension.
The Windows interface equivalent is to open the Diagram, click the right side of a root or special
category, and drag the connection to the right.
For more information about creating special categories, see "SpecialCatMake" (p. 185).
The syntax is as follows:
SpecialCatAdd objSpecialCat [
Dimension objDim]
Parent objCat [
Argument Description
184 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This example creates the special category Current Month.
SpecialCatAdd "Current Month" Parent "Time"
The SpecialCatDelete verb removes a special category from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete on the Edit menu when a special category is
If a special category has children, the children must be deleted before the special category is deleted
or else an error message is issued. This is different from the Windows interface, where deleting a
special category automatically deletes its children.
The syntax is as follows:
SpecialCatDelete objSpecialCat [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
This example deletes the special category Current Month.
SpecialCatDelete "Current Month"
The SpecialCatMake verb creates a special category or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, if the special category exists, is to modify the Special Category
property sheet. For a new special category, open the Diagram, click the right side of the root or
special category, and drag the connection to the right.
Calculated categories are defined as regular categories, not special categories, in MDL. For more
information, see "DimCalcDefMake" (p. 148).
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely" (p. 24).
The syntax is as follows:
SpecialCatMake objSpecialCat [
Dimension objDim]
[Parent objLevel]
Argument Description
This example defines the special category Current Month.
SpecialCatMake "Current Month" Parent "Time" Lastuse 19970425 Rollup
True TimeAggregate Single RunningPeriods 0 TargetOffset 0 TargetLevel
"Month" ContextOffset 0 DateDrill 5237 SplitWeek False Primary 5897
Filtered False Suppressed False Sign False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated
False Blanks False
The SpecialCatUpdate verb updates an existing special category.
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the Special Category property sheet.
For more information about updating special categories, see "SpecialCatMake" (p. 185).
The syntax is as follows:
186 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
SpecialCatUpdate objSpecialCat [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
This example turns off the RollUp attribute for the special category Current Month.
SpecialCatUpdate "Current Month" RollUp False
The SubDimRootMake verb creates a subdimension or updates the category at the root of an existing
The Windows interface equivalent, if the subdimension exists, is to modify the Category property
sheet of the category that is at the root of the subdimension. For a new dimension, click the
Create/Delete Subdimension option on the Diagram menu when a category is selected.
The category acting as the root category of the subdimension is a regular category, and has the
attributes of a regular category.
If you create a subdimension in the Windows interface and save the model as an .mdl file, when
the MDL is generated for the subdimension, the following changes occur:
● A new SubDimRootMake statement replaces the CatMake statement for the category.
● New DrillCatMake and LevelMake statements are created and placed immediately after the
SubDimRootMake statement.
● All of the categories in the subdimension remain but have new parents, drills, and levels.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely" (p. 24).
The syntax is as follows:
SubDimRootMake objCat [
Dimension objDim]
[Parent objLevel]
[Drill objDrillCat]
[Levels objLevel]
Argument Description
This example defines the root category 2006 for the subdimension Years.
SubDimRootMake "2006" Dimension "Years" Parent "By Time" Drill "By Time"
Levels "Year" Label "2006"
The SubDimRootUpdate verb updates the category at the root of an existing subdimension.
188 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
The Windows interface equivalent is to modify the property sheet of the category that is at the root
of the subdimension.
For more information about subdimensions, see "SubDimRootMake" (p. 187).
The syntax is as follows:
SubDimRootUpdate objCatDimension objDim [
Argument Description
This example modifies the category Sport Wear, which is at the root of a subdimension, by adding
the description "Sports clothing".
SubDimRootUpdate "Sport Wear" Dimension "Products" Parent "GO Sport Line"
Drill "By Product Line" Levels "Product Type" CatInfo "Sports clothing"
The SummarizeCat verb summarizes the data for the descendants of a specified category in any
PowerCube that is created using the specified dimension view.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the Summarize option on the Diagram menu when a
category is selected.
Using SummarizeCat on an already-excluded category removes the filter.
Note: Category object names differ between MDL and the Windows interface. MDL uses the category
code as the object name. For more information, see "Locating Objects Uniquely".
The syntax is as follows:
SummarizeCat objView [
Dimension objDim]
Category objCat
Argument Description
This example summarizes the Belgium category in the Europe dimension view.
SummarizeCat "Europe" Dimension "Locations" Category "Belgium"
The SummarizeLevel verb summarizes the data values for the specified level in a view.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click the Summarize option on the Diagram menu when a
level is selected.
The syntax is as follows:
SummarizeLevel objView [
Dimension objDim]
Levels objLevel
Argument Description
190 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
This example summarizes the Branch Code level in the Europe dimension view.
SummarizeLevel "Europe" Dimension "Locations" Drill "By Region" Levels
"Branch Code"
The UpdateForwardReference verb may be used to resolve forward-referencing problems that
can occur when you change a model by using a new verb in the model definition file. There is no
Windows interface equivalent.
For more information about setting the VerbOutput option, see "Recommendation - Set Transformer
to Verb MDL" (p. 18).
Processing times may be slower when you use the UpdateForwardReference verb.
The UpdatePowerCubes verb allows you to update the metadata in the .mdc files for existing
PowerCubes without updating the data.
The Windows interface equivalents are the Update PowerCubes and Update Selected PowerCubes
options on the Run menu.
The syntax is as follows:
UpdatePowerCubes [objCube]
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example updates the metadata in the cube1.mdc file.
UpdatePowerCubes mycube.mdc UserClasses True
The ViewAdd verb adds a dimension view. If the object already exists in the model, an error message
is issued.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Add New View in the menu option that is accessed
by right-clicking the relevant portion of the view pane (Diagram).
The syntax is as follows:
ViewAdd objView [
Dimension objDim]
[Type viewtype]
Argument Description
192 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example creates a Europe view for the Locations dimension and applies the Apex action. The
ViewSecurity argument is blank (null), indicating that this is a dimension view.
ViewAdd "Europe" Dimension "Locations" ViewSecurity "" Apex "Europe"
For examples of custom views that use IBM Cognos 8 security objects rather than user classes, see
the Security chapter of the Transformer User Guide.
The ViewDelete verb removes a dimension view from the model.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Delete in the menu that is accessed by right-clicking
a dimension view.
You cannot delete a default view.
The syntax is as follows:
ViewDelete objView [
Dimension objDim]
Argument Description
This example deletes the dimension view Europe.
ViewDelete "Europe" Dimension "Locations"
The ViewListUpdate verb reorders a dimension view list.
The Windows interface equivalent is to drag the dimension views into the required order in the list.
You cannot move the default views. All Categories and Omit Dimensions always appear as the first
and second items in the list.
The syntax is as follows:
ViewListUpdate [Dimension objDim] StartList objViewsEndList
Argument Description
This example moves the views Far East and Europe to the top of the custom views in the dimension
view list. The default views still always appear first.
ViewListUpdate Dimension "Locations" StartList "Far East" "Europe" EndList
The ViewMake verb creates a dimension view or updates an existing one.
The Windows interface equivalent, when an existing view is selected, is to click Options on the
Diagram menu. For a new view, click the Add New View option in the menu that is accessed by
right-clicking a dimension view.
The syntax is as follows:
ViewMake objView [
Dimension objDim]
[Type viewtype]
Argument Description
194 Transformer
Chapter 5: MDL Verbs
Argument Description
This example defines a Europe view, which shows only the data for that region. The ViewSecurity
argument is blank (null), indicating that this is a dimension view.
ViewMake "Europe" Dimension "Locations" ViewSecurity 0 Apex "Europe"
This example shows the two default views for the Products dimension. Transformer creates these
default views for each dimension in the model. Again, ViewSecurity is blank or null.
ViewMake "All Categories" Dimension "Products" Type All ViewSecurity
0 ViewMake "Omit Dimension" Dimension "Products" Type Omit ViewSecurity 0
The ViewUpdate verb updates an existing dimension view.
The Windows interface equivalent is to click Options on the Diagram menu when an existing view
is selected.
You cannot update the default views that Transformer creates for each dimension (Omit Dimension
and All Categories).
For more information about updating views, see "ViewMake" (p. 194).
The syntax is as follows:
ViewUpdate objView [
Dimension objDim]
[Type viewtype]
Argument Description
Argument Description
This example applies a summarize operation to the Belgium category in the Europe dimension view.
ViewUpdate "Europe" Dimension "Locations" Summary "Belgium"
196 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
This section of the Developer Guide describes the Model Definition Language (MDL) options you
can use with IBM Cognos Transformer to define and manipulate objects.
Each grouping applies to one or more Transformer verbs and the objects on which they operate.
The option descriptions include some or all of the following:
● purpose of the option group
● verb syntax
● notes
● examples
Before you begin, please review the "Syntax Conventions" (p. 83) and the topic that explains when
to use object identifiers or category codes: "Locating Objects Uniquely" (p. 24).
For more information about Transformer version 8.x features and functionality, see the Transformer
User Guide.
Use appqueryopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: DataSourceAdd,
DataSourceMake, DataSourceUpdate, and NewModel.
In IBM Cognos Transformer version 8.x, you can use MDL to specify a package, report, or query
from an IBM Cognos 8 data source and, optionally, any filter references.
The AppInfo option allows you to add a description that provides details about the query.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
AppInfo "This model created by DBX for HHY."
The CharacterSet option specifies the type of character set used in the query.
CharacterSet charset
CharacterSet Multibyte
The CognosSource option specifies an IBM Cognos 8 package or report data source in the model.
All package or report definitions are added before query definitions.
The syntax is as follows:
CognosSource id "name"
where name is the name of the package in the Transformer model. All packages, reports, and
queries must have unique names.
CognosSource 103 "Go Sales and Retailers"
The Columns option adds information about the type of column used by the data source.
This option relates to the structure of the source data and should not be manually set.
The syntax is as follows:
Columns {True|False}
Columns True
The DataRange option adds information about the table ranges used from the source data.
DataRange "reptotal_rng"
The DecimalSep option specifies the character used as the decimal separator for the data values.
198 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
DecimalSep "."
The ImrName option specifies the drill-through target for an IQD data source.
This option is required for drill-through to an Impromptu report from an IQD data source.
The syntax is as follows:
ImrName string
ImrName "C:installation_directory\PowerCubes and Reports\bsc_msrs.imr"
The Isolation option provides information about the IQD data source.
Default 0
Read Uncommitted 1
Read Committed 2
Cursor Stability 3
Reproducible Read 4
Phantom Protection 5
Serializable 6
Isolation 2
The ModelStamp option assigns a numeric code to the model.
ModelStamp 827358629
The PackageReportSource option specifies a reference to the package on which an IBM Cognos 8
query is defined.
PackageReportSource source ID "source name"
PackageReportSource 103 "Go Sales and Retailers"
The PackageTimeStamp option specifies the version of the package last used.
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers200701011200']/
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='Go Sales']/model[@name='2008-04-16T15:
The PreSummarized option specifies whether measures are externally rolled up before they are
brought into the model.
The syntax is as follows:
PreSummarized {True|False}
PreSummarized False
The SegmenterPrompt option specifies the prompt used to segment a SAP BW fact query during
stream extract.
The syntax is as follows:
200 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
where string is the name of the prompt used for segmenting the query.
SegmenterPrompt "WhichBrand"
The SegmenterPromptEnabled option specifies whether stream extract is to be used for eligible
SAP BW fact queries.
The syntax is as follows:
SegmenterPromptEnabled {True|False}
SegmenterPromptEnabled True
The Separator option specifies the character used to separate character-delimited fields in the data
This option applies only to sources that use delimited-field text or delimited-field text with column
The syntax is as follows:
Separator string
Separator ","
The SetCurrent option specifies whether the source data sets the current date in the time dimension
for the model.
The syntax is as follows:
SetCurrent {True|False}
SetCurrent False
The Source option specifies the name and location of the source file for the model.
Source "c:installation_directory\cubes and reports\prodinfo.csv"
The SourceInfo option specifies additional descriptive information about the source file for the
The syntax is as follows:
SourceInfo string [
where each string may be up to 256 characters, and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
SourceInfo "This data source created by DBX."
The SourcePath option specifies the path to the IBM Cognos 8 package or report within Content
The syntax is as follows:
SourcePath "path"
SourcePath "/content/package [@name='Go Sales and Retailers']"
The SourceSignonList option specifies the signons that apply to the data source.
where signonlist is the list of signons for a data source, where these are required. Signons can be
the object name, object identifier, or both.
SourceSignonList 105 EndList
The SourceType option allows you to specify any supported data source for the model.
For an IQD data source, the keyword is DataSource. However, for an IBM Cognos 8 single query,
this keyword must be qualified by specifying SourceType CognosSourceQuery.
Similarly, the keyword for an IBM Cognos 8 package or report is CognosSource. It must be qual-
ified by specifying SourceType package or SourceType report.
202 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
Dictionary or, for IBM Cognos 8 data sources, one of either CognosSourceQuery, package, or
The following example specifies an IBM Cognos 8 package as the source type:
CognosSource 103 "GO Sales" SourceType package SourcePath "/content/package
[@name='GO Sales']"
The following example specifies an IBM Cognos 8 report as the source type:
CognosSource 104 "GO Sales" SourceType report SourcePath "/content/package
[@name='GO Sales']/report@name='GO SalesReport']"
The following example specifies a single query created using an IBM Cognos 8 report as the source:
DataSource 116 "Time" Separator ","SourceType
CognosSourceQuery CharacterSet Default DecimalSep ".
" ThousandSep "," ColumnsTrue Timing PopYesCreateDefault
PackageReportSource104 "GO Sales
Report" SetCurrent True Speed FalsePresummarized False
The Speed option allows you to specify whether query optimization or uniqueness verification
checks are enabled for your model.
The syntax is as follows:
Speed {True|False}
where True enables the Maximize Data Access Speed processing option. False enables the Verify
Category Uniqueness processing option.
Speed False
The SQL option represents the query as a Structured Query Language (SQL) string.
This option cannot be changed by the user. Any changes must be made in the source.
The apostrophe (') is the delimitation character for any SQL statement. It must appear at the
beginning and end of every line of SQL.
The maximum number of characters on any line is 256.
The syntax is as follows:
SQL' string [
The following represents the SQL for the Main IQD data source:
SQL 'select T1."ORDER_DT" as c1,' 'T2."PROD_NO" as
c2, T1."REP_NO" as c3,'
'T1."CUST_NO" as c4, T2."QTY" as c5,'
'(T2."QTY" * T2."PRI' 'CE") as c6,'
The Stamp option assigns a numeric code to the model for internal use.
Stamp 890332424
The StreamExtractSize option specifies the size of the stream extract buffer used for an SAP BW
fact query.
The syntax is as follows:
where number is the size in MB of the stream extract buffer, or 0. The number 0 disables stream
extracts for the query.
StreamExtractSize 10
The SuppressNull option specifies whether to suppress null values in IBM Cognos 8 packages
based on a SAP BW data source.
The syntax is as follows:
204 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
SuppressNull SuppressNullYes
The ThousandSep option specifies which character demarcates numbers in the thousands, or larger.
ThousandSep ","
The Timing option specifies when categories are generated during cube-building.
Timing PopYesCreateNo
The UpdateCycle option is set by Transformer for internal use only.
The Version option is set by Transformer. It should not be set manually.
Version string
Version "7.4 1012"
Use assocopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: AssociationAdd,
AssociationMake, AssociationUpdate, CurrencyTableAdd, CurrencyTable Make,
CurrencyTableUpdate, DimensionAdd, DimensionMake, DimensionUpdate, LevelAdd, LevelMake,
LevelUpdate, MeasureAdd, MeasureMake, and MeasureUpdate.
The AssociationContext option specifies the context for an object in the overall model.
AssociationContext 2979 "Branch Code"
The AssociationReferenced option specifies the reference used for the association.
AssociationReferenced "Branch Code"
The AssociationRole option specifies the role played by the associated object in the model.
AssociationRole Role_Label
206 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The AssociationType option specifies the type of object represented by the association.
The Type_Query option is used for Impromptu Query Definition (IQD) data sources.
AssociationType Type_PowerCube
Use catopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: CatAdd, CatMake, CatUpdate,
SpecialCatAdd, SpecialCatMake, SpecialCatUpdate, DrillCatMake, RootCatMake,
RootCatUpdate, SubDimRootMake, and SubDimRootUpdate.
The Blanks option indicates the presence of missing values for regular categories.
For more information about how null and missing values are treated in the supported IBM Cognos 8
reporting applications, see the Measures chapter of the Transformer User Guide.
This option applies to regular categories only.
The syntax is as follows:
Blanks {True|False}
Blanks False
The Calc option specifies a calculation and the model objects to which it applies.
/ Number Divides.
* Number Multiplies.
The following examples represent two commonly encountered calculation specifications:
Calc Percent-Growth ("Prior YTD","YTD")
Calc Share ("GO Water Bottle@Category@4805, "Sport Wear@Category@4799")
The CalcDef option references a calculation defined elsewhere in the model.
208 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The CalcDef option can serve as a forward reference for the DimCalcDef object. A CatMake
statement that references a calculation can appear in the MDL file before the calculation object is
defined using the DimCalcDefMake statement.
CalcDef 6375
The CatInfo option adds a category description to the model.
The CatInfo option describes regular, special, drill, and root categories.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
CatInfo "Exceptional money-makers! Determine why these items are profitable
and use the information to improve the performance of others in the group."
The ContextLevel option specifies the level on which a relative time period is based, establishing
the context for the target period.
The string parameter is context-sensitive.
The syntax is as follows:
ContextLevel string
ContextLevel "Quarter"
The ContextOffset option specifies the number of periods by which the relative time period is
offset (or removed) from the current period, where 0 corresponds to the current period. For grouped
categories, this value defined the range of relative time categories in the group.
The syntax is as follows:
ContextOffset number
ContextOffset -1
The Current option specifies the date category that will serve as the current period.
The Date option specifies the start date for a date category. This option is required.
Date 19990101
The DateDrill option specifies the drill category for the time dimension.
DateDrill "By Time"
The ExtraWeek option specifies the conditions under which Transformer adds extra days as a
separate week, to resynchronize a lunar quarter or year with the regular calendar. You can specify
that an extra week never be added, or only added if there are exactly 7 extra days. Or, you can
specify some other condition that will trigger the addition of an extra week, such as 4 or more
remainder days.
The syntax is as follows:
ExtraWeek extraweek
ExtraWeek 4orMore
210 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Filtered option specifies whether categories are excluded from the model.
Filtered True
The Format option specifies the number of decimal places in a numeric measure.
where string is the format, followed by a tilde (~) and the number of decimal places.
This example sets the format to #,##0 and sets the decimal places to 2:
Format "#,##0~2"
The Inclusion option specifies whether categories are included or suppressed.
● Always Include
This example suppresses the specified category:
Inclusion Suppress
The IsKeyOrphanage option specifies whether the category in a manual level is a placeholder that
will serve as the parent category for any newly generated categories that appear in the next lower
source level.
Only one orphanage is allowed in a lower manual level for each source level category.
For easier reference, you can specify that the category code of the orphanage be shown for a partic-
ular category.
The syntax is as follows:
IsKeyOrphanage {True|False}
IsKeyOrphanage False
The IsTruncated option specifies whether an overly long category identifier has been truncated.
IsTruncated True
The Label option adds a descriptive name to clearly identify a category.
Label "Day Tripper"
The LastUse option specifies the date when a category was created or last updated in the model.
Lastuse 20070324
The NewPartition option specifies the partition level for a category.
212 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
NewPartition uns
where uns is an unsigned number that represents the partition level of that category.
NewPartition 1
The HideValue option hides meaningless measure values, either at the root or at any other category
level in a scenario dimension.
We recommend that you use this option with DimDefaultCategory to specify a new default category
at a lower level, having meaningful measure values, where you want the cube to open.
The syntax is as follows:
HideValue {True|False}
RootCatUpdate "Products" Dimension "Products" Inclusion Generate ...
HideValue True
The Orphanage option is automatically set by Transformer when a manual category is added. It is
for internal use only.
The syntax is as follows:
The PartialWeek option specifies how partial-week categories are to be allocated or split when
they span two higher-level time periods.
The syntax is as follows:
PartialWeek partialweek
where partialweek is one of First, Last, Largest, Split, SplitIfGreater, or None. The None
parameter does not have a Windows interface equivalent. The Windows interface equivalents of
the other parameters are as follows:
● First Period
● Last Period
● Largest Period
● Always Split
This example splits the categories into two weeks if there is more than one day in the extra partial
PartialWeek SplitIfGreater
The Primary option specifies the primary drill category for a set of categories.
Primary "20071201-20071231"
The PrimaryDrill option specifies whether the category is in the primary drill path.
PrimaryDrill True
The Rollup option specifies whether the measure values from the category should be rolled up, or
The syntax is as follows:
Rollup {True|False}
Rollup True
The RunningPeriods options specifies the number of relative time periods for an N-period running
The syntax is as follows:
RunningPeriods uns
RunningPeriods 0
214 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Share option applies a Transformer-specific calculation that computes the proportionate share
of an item relative to its parent category.
For more information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Share objCat
Share "Back Packs"
The ShortName option specifies a shorter name for the category.
You can use this option with regular, special, drill, and root categories.
The syntax is as follows:
ShortName string
ShortName "ENV"
The Sign option specifies whether the sign of a measure value associated with a category is to be
reversed, changing it from a negative to a positive number, or from a positive to a negative number.
This option is useful if you need to convert values into the form required by specific financial reports,
such as debits and credits, or assets and liabilities.
You can use this option with regular and special categories.
The syntax is as follows:
Sign {True|False}
Sign True
The SourceValue option specifies the name by which a source column is identified.
SourceValue "Environmental Line"
The SplitWeek option specifies whether extra days should be divided between two weeks.
SplitWeek False
The Suppressed option specifies whether the category should have its values suppressed (hidden).
You can use this option with regular and special categories.
The syntax is as follows:
Suppressed {True|False}
where True means that the category values are suppressed (hidden).
Suppressed True
The TargetLevel option specifies the target category for a relative time definition or, for to-date
or N-period running totals, the granularity of periods that you set to compute the totals.
The syntax is as follows:
TargetLevel string
TargetLevel "Month"
The TargetOffset option sets the number of periods by which the relative time category is offset
(or removed) from the current period. The effect of your selection depends on whether you are
creating a relative time category for a Single Category, a Period To-Date, or an N-Period Running
The syntax is as follows:
TargetOffset number
TargetOffset -1
216 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The TimeAggregate option specifies the type of relative time, such as To-Date, Running Total, or
a grouped version of these.
The syntax is as follows:
TimeAggregate ToDate
The ToDateLevel option specifies the level to which the Period To-Date relative time category
The syntax is as follows:
ToDateLevel objLevel
ToDateLevel "Quarter"
The WeekBegins option specifies the day that each week in the model begins.
where day is one of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
WeekBegins Sunday
The YearBegins option specifies the date that the fiscal year begins, where this differs from the
start of the calendar year.
The syntax is as follows:
YearBegins date
YearBegins 20070401
Use cognospackageopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs:
CognosPackageAdd, CognosPackageMake, and CognosPackageUpdate.
The Description option adds a description of the source column associated with the package.
Description "Product types"
The PackageTimeStamp option specifies the version of the package last used.
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers200701011200']/
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='Go Sales']/model[@name='2008-04-16T15:
The SourcePath option specifies the path to the IBM Cognos 8 package or report within Content
The syntax is as follows:
SourcePath "path"
SourcePath "/content/package [@name='Go Sales and Retailers']"
The SourceType option specifies which type of metadata source is being referenced in Content
Manager. The valid values are package or report.
The syntax is as follows:
218 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The following example specifies an IBM Cognos 8 package as the source type:
CognosSource 103 "GO Sales" SourceType package SourcePath "/content/package
[@name='GO Sales']"
The following example specifies an IBM Cognos 8 report as the source type:
CognosSource 104 "GO Sales" SourceType report SourcePath "/content/package
[@name='GO Sales']/report@name='GO SalesReport']"
Use colopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: ColumnAdd, ColumnMake,
ColumnUpdate, DataSourceAdd, DataSourceMake, DataSourceUpdate, SourceAttributeAdd,
SourceAttributeMake, and SourceAttributeUpdate.
The Calc column option defines the calculation and the objects involved in the calculation.
where objects are the object name followed by the at sign (@) and the object identifier; for example,
The keywords used with the Calc column option are as follows:
/ Number Divided by
= Boolean Equals
( Left parenthesis
* Number Multiplied by
) Right parenthesis
220 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
If Boolean If
Or Boolean Or
Calc "Order Qty" * "Price"
The Class option specifies the data class associated with the column.
222 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
Class [dataclass]
where dataclass is one of Default or no setting, Description, Date, Quantity, Ignore, or Member.
The Windows interface equivalents are:
● Unspecified
● Text
● Date
● Numeric
● Ignore
● Array Member
Class Quantity
The ColSrcType option defines the type of IBM Cognos 8 data source for the column.
ColSrcType RLDimensional
The Column option specifies the original name for the column in the data source.
Column "Product ID"
The ColumnInfo option provides a description of the column in the model.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
ColumnInfo "Gross revenue from product sales"
The Dateconstant option must be inserted before any date constant used in a calculation.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
months-between (dateconstant '2007-01-01', today)
The DateLevel option specifies the level of the time dimension associated with the column.
DateLevel Day
The Decimals option specifies the number of decimal spaces in the source data.
You should set this option to the actual value in the data source.
You can also set this option on the Windows interface, by using the Decimal Places box on the
Format tab of the Measure property sheet.
The syntax is as follows:
Decimals uns
Decimals 2
224 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Detail option specifies the degree of detail for the column.
You can select from a context-sensitive list of valid codes in the Windows interface.
For example, if you do not want to include all of the categories in a level, you can set the lowest
level of detail to include. That way, you can avoid unwanted entries or duplicate names that need
to be qualified by the name of their owning category, such as Brand (OF Tents).
The syntax is as follows:
Detail string
Detail "Unspecified"
The Format option specifies the date input format used by the date values in the column that pop-
ulates the time dimension.
The syntax is as follows:
Format [dateformat]
Format YMD
The InputScale option specifies the number used to scale the data values in the column.
InputScale 1
The Offset option specifies the number by which the column position is offset.
Offset 2
The Origin option specifies the type of data source used for the column.
where Generated is the default; Source specifies an IQD data source; Calculated specifies a cal-
culated column; and Manual specifies a manually created column in the model.
Origin Generated
The Scale column option specifies the output scale.
This option is either read directly from the data source or specified in the measure definition. For
more information, see "Scale" (p. 252).
The syntax is as follows:
Scale uns
Scale 0
The Size column option specifies the size of certain types of data source.
This column option only applies when the SourceType of the associated data source is
PowerHousePortable, FixedASCII, or FixedASCIINoCrlf.
Size 1
The Storage option specifies the actual storage type used by the source data for the column.
where storagetype is one of Default, Int8, Int16, Int32, Float64, Text, Character, or LongText.
226 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
Storage Int32
The TimeArray option specifies the type of array used to group items for the time dimension.
where timearray is one of Off, Quarter, Month, Month13, Quarter6, Month18, Quarter8, or
TimeArray Month13
The TimeArrayCol option specifies the name of the array used to group items for the time dimension.
TimeArrayCol "Time"
The TimeArrayMonth option specifies the month number on which the time array is based.
TimeArrayMonth 2
Use currencyrecordopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: CurrencyAdd,
CurrencyMake, and CurrencyUpdate.
The BaseCurrency option defines the default currency stored in the Currency Table for the model.
where the Windows interface equivalent is to specify a <Base Default> name in the Currency Record
dialog box, accessible by clicking the Properties button on the Currency Table dialog box.
The CountryCode option specifies the 3-character international code used to represent each country
listed in the Currency Table.
The syntax is as follows:
CountryCode code
CountryCode "USA"
The CurrencyCountryLabel option specifies the name used to uniquely identify each country listed
in the Currency Table.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyCountryLabel label
CurrencyCountryLabel "Canada"
The CurrencyDecimals option specifies the number of decimal places used when displaying the
converted currency values for each country listed in the Currency Table. However, this value may
not be the same as the decimal place setting used in your reporting application. Depending on your
implementation, it may be overridden from the Measure property sheet, or at runtime.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyDecimals decimals
where decimals can be a number from 0 to 9. The default used with the Great Outdoors.mdl sample
is 0. The Transformer Currency Table default is 2.
CurrencyDecimals 5
The CurrencyFormatOverride option specifies whether the currency format settings can be over-
ridden elsewhere in the IBM Cognos 8 modeling or reporting applications.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyFormatOverride {True|False}
228 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
CurrencyFormatOverride True
The CurrencyIsEMU option specifies whether the country is a member of the European Monetary
Union (EMU) and therefore uses the euro rather than a national currency.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyIsEmu {True|False}
CurrencyIsEmu True
The CurrencySymbol option specifies the symbol used with each currency listed in the Currency
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencySymbol symbol
CurrencySymbol "$"
The EMUEntryDate option specifies the date when the country became a member of the European
Monetary Union (EMU) and started using the euro rather than a national currency.
The syntax is as follows:
EmuEntryDate date
EmuEntryDate 19990101
The EuroBaseCurrency option establishes the euro as the base currency in the Currency Table for
this model.
The syntax is as follows:
Use currencytableopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs:
CurrencyTableAdd, CurrencyTableMake, CurrencyTableUpdate, and CurrencyTableDelete.
The CurrencyCountryCodeColumn option specifies the source column that provides the country
code used in the Currency Table.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyCountryCodeColumn objCol
where objCol is the object name and you must specify CurrencyCountryCodeColumn,
CurrencyLabelColumn, or both.
CurrencyCountryCodeColumn "Country_Code"
The CurrencyDateColumn option specifies the source column that provides the effective date for
the conversion rate. It is a mandatory parameter when converting currencies based on information
in the Currency Table.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyDateColumn objCol
CurrencyDateColumn "Currency Date"
The CurrencyLabelColumn option specifies the source column that provides the currency label
used in the Currency Table.
The syntax is as follows:
CurrencyLabelColumn objCol
where objCol is the object name and you must specify CurrencyCountryCodeColumn,
CurrencyLabelColumn, or both.
CurrencyLabelColumn "Currency_Label"
The CurrencyRateColumn option specifies the source column that provides the conversion rates.
It is a mandatory parameter when converting currencies based on information in the Currency
230 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
CurrencyRateColumn "Conversion_Rate"
The CurrencyTableType option specifies the type of Currency Table used in the model.
CurrencyTableType BaseTable
Use deletionopts to set the options that apply to the MDL verb DeletionListUpdate.
The CalcDef option specifies a calculation definition used in the dimension.
CalcDef 6375
The Column option specifies a column used in the dimension.
Column 1092
The Cube option specifies a cube used in the model.
Cube objCub
Cube 1601
The DataSource option specifies a data source used for the model.
DataSource 4213
The Dimension option specifies a dimension used in the model.
Dimension 1844
The Level option specifies a level in a dimension used in the model.
Levels 1385
The Measure option specifies a measure used in the model.
Measure 1500
232 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Signon option specifies a signon used in the model.
Signon 9876
The View option specifies a dimension or security view used in the model.
For more information about custom views based on IBM Cognos 8 security objects, see the Security
chapter of the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
View objView
View 1092
The dimopts options apply to the following MDL verbs: DimAdd, DimMake, and DimUpdate.
The Association option specifies the associated column from the data source.
Association "Time Category Code"
The DaysInWeek option specifies each day in the week as a unique, but non-sequential number.
To specify the number of days in each week, add the appropriate day codes. For example, a Monday-
to-Friday week is represented by (2+4+8+16+32) = 62. A seven-day Sunday-to-Saturday week (the
default) is represented by the number 127.
where bignum is based the sum of the bit representations for the days in the week, as follows:
● Sunday = 1
● Monday = 2
● Tuesday = 4
● Wednesday = 8
● Thursday = 16
● Friday = 32
● Saturday = 64
DaysInWeek 62
The DimDefaultCategory option specifies a new default category, at a lower level in the cube,
where a scenario dimension opens, to show report users meaningful data values.
The syntax is as follows:
DimDefaultCategory objDimDefaultCategory
DimUpdate Dimension 185 "Products" DimType Regular NewCatsLock False
ExcludeAutoPartitioning False DimDefaultCategory 293
The DimInfo option provides additional information about the dimension.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
DimInfo "Products carried by the Great Outdoors Company."
The DimType option specifies the dimension type. Note that time dimensions are defined as a specific
type (Date) but scenario dimensions are not.
234 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
where NonStandard is only used for time dimensions in which the associated data source has
PreSummarized set to True, and the Association option is either blank or not set.
DimType Date
The EarliestDate option specifies the earliest valid date for the model.
EarliestDate 19000101
The ExcludeAutoPartitioning option specifies whether auto-partitioning will be used as a model
optimization strategy.
The syntax is as follows:
ExcludeAutoPartitioning {True|False}
ExcludeAutoPartitioning True
The LatestDate option specifies the latest valid date for the model.
LatestDate 99991231
The ManualPeriods option specifies whether the current time period will be manually or automat-
ically set.
The syntax is as follows:
ManualPeriods {True|False}
where the default is False, which is equivalent to selecting the Automatically Set Current Time
Period option on the Windows interface. True means that it the current time period will be manually
ManualPeriods False
The NewCatsLock option specifies whether new categories will be automatically created in the
dimension as they are encountered in the data source.
The syntax is as follows:
NewCatsLock {True|False}
where the default is False. True means that the dimension is locked.
NewCatsLock False
Use filteropts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs:
CognosPackageFilterAdd, CognosPackageFilterDelete and CognosPackageFilterUpdate.
The CognosPackageFilterRef option specifies a valid filter reference in an IBM Cognos 8 package
or report data source.
CognosPackageFilterRef filter reference
CognosPackageFilterRef "[gosales_goretailers].[Asia Pacific]"
The DATASOURCE option specifies the ID of the IBM Cognos 8 package or report data source.
DATASOURCE datasource
The CognosPackageFilterDelete option is used to delete filters from the MDL script.
236 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
CognosPackageFilterDelete "Tents1"
The CognosPackageFilterUpdate option is used to update filters that are part of the MDL script.
where query_id is the object id of the query that is based on the package and package_reference_
name is the name of the package followed by the name of the filter. The package that is in the
package_reference_name must be in the data source that is being queried.
CognosPackageFilterUpdate "Tents2" DATASOURCE 105 CognosPackageFilterRef "
The ExpMark option specifies the start of the SQL string used to query the column in the data
source. The end of the string is denoted by ExpMarkEnd.
The FilterDescription option adds a description to explain the filter used when querying a
column in the data source.
The syntax is as follows:
Description string [
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
Description "Filters out managers located in North America."
Use levelopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: LevelAdd, LevelMake,
and LevelUpdate.
The Association option defines the connection between a level and columns in a data source.
Association objCol
Association "Time Category Code"
The Blanks option indicates how missing values are represented within that level.
For more information about how null and missing values are treated in the supported IBM Cognos 8
reporting applications, see the Measures chapter of the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Blanks string
where "N/A" represents missing values, or those which are "Not Available".
Blanks "N/A"
The CategoryCode option specifies the code used to uniquely identify a category at that level.
CategoryCode "Product Line"
The CatLabFormat option specifies the format used for the date category labels at that level.
The following format string produces the label 2006 Q3
CatLabFormat 'YYYY "Q"Q'
The DateFunction option specifies the time period calculation used to generate that level in the
time dimension.
The syntax is as follows:
DateFunction datefunction
238 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
where datefunction is one of None, Year, LunarYear, Quarter, LunarQuarter, Month, LunarMonth,
LunarMonth445, LunarMonth454, LunarMonth544, Week, or Day
The following date function generates lunar months, where each 13-week lunar quarter consists of
a 4-week month, a 4-week month, and a 5-week month:
CDateFunction LunarMonth445
The Description option adds a description of the source column associated with the level.
Description "Product types"
The Filtered option specifies whether the categories in the level are excluded (hidden).
Filtered True
The Format option specifies the date format used for the time categories in the level.
Format "YMD"
The Generate option specifies the generation date to use when determining which categories to
The syntax is as follows:
Generate generatedate
where generatedate is one of Default, All, or Need. On the Windows interface, selecting the check
box generates all categories in the period. Clearing the check box is equivalent to the Need setting.
Generate All
The Inclusion option specifies how the categories in a level appear in the model and in the resulting
cubes and reports.
The syntax is as follows:
On the Windows interface, equivalents appear on the Inclusion or Diagram menus. Note that
Generate equates to Always Include, Retain equates to Include When Needed or Suppress Blank
Categories, and Filtered equates to Exclude.
Inclusion Suppress
The LevelInfo option adds a description for the level.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
LevelInfo "The reseller type influences the amount of sales."
The Label option specifies a label for the level.
Label "Customer Name"
The NewCatsLock option specifies whether new categories will be automatically created in the level
as they are encountered in the data source.
The syntax is as follows:
NewCatsLock {True|False}
240 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
where the default is False. True means that the dimension is locked.
NewCatsLock False
The OrderBy option specifies the value to use as the basis for ordering categories, within the specified
drill category.
The syntax is as follows:
OrderBy Drill objDrillCat Value string
where objDrillCat can be the object name, object identifier, or both; and string is what appears in
the Order Value box on the Windows interface.
OrderBy Drill 6881 Value "200712"
The SortOrder option specifies the type of data used as the basis for ordering the categories, such
as text. It is followed by the SortAs option, which determines the sorting sequence, which can be
in either ascending or descending order.
If the data is alphanumeric, use the Character storage type. If the data is purely numeric, we
recommend that you use the Float64 storage type.
where objDrillCat and objCol can be the object name, object identifier, or both; and storagetype
is one of Default, Int8, Int16, Int32, Float64, Text, Character, or Longtext.
SortOrder Character
The SortAs option determines the sorting sequence, which can be in either ascending or descending
order. It follows the SortOrder option, which specifies the type of data used as the basis for sorting.
If the data is alphanumeric, use the Character storage type. If the data is purely numeric, we
recommend that you use the Float64 storage type.
where objDrillCat and objCol can be the object name, object identifier, or both; and storagetype
is one of Default, Int8, Int16, Int32, Float64, Text, Character, or Longtext.
SortAs Ascending
The Partition option specifies the partition number assigned to that level.
Partition 3
The RefreshLabel option specifies whether to refresh the label for the level.
RefreshLabel True
The RefreshDescription option specifies whether to refresh the description for the level.
RefreshDescription False
The RefreshShortName option specifies whether to refresh the short name for the level.
RefreshShortName False
The Share option specifies the ancestor level with which the current level has a shared, or propor-
tional, relationship.
242 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Share function computes the share that an item is, relative to its parent. For more information
about this Transformer-specific function, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Share objLevel
where objLevel can be the object name or object identifier. objLevel must be an ancestor in the
same dimension.
Share "Product Line"
The ShortName option specifies the short name that identifies the level.
ShortName "CUST_SHRTN"
The Source option specifies the data column that serves as the source for this level.
Source "Customer Number"
The Suppressed option specifies whether data is to be suppressed (hidden) for this level.
Suppressed True
The TimeRank option specifies the relative ranking of user-defined levels in the time dimension.
Normally this value is automatically set by Transformer to remove ambiguities that can arise, for
example, in relative time calculations. It is the value relative to other date value ranks rather than
the absolute value, that is important. The Windows interface equivalent is the Time Level Ranking
The syntax is as follows:
TimeRank uns
TimeRank 10
The UniqueCategories option specifies whether the categories in this level are unique.
UniqueCategories True
The UniqueMove option specifies whether the moved categories are unique.
UniqueMove True
Use meaopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: MeasureAdd, MeasureMake,
and MeasureUpdate.
The ActivityMeasure option specifies the criteria used to determine the category count.
By default, the non-zero-value categories associated with all measures in the model are counted.
To create a Category Count, you can also use the Dimension or Rollup options. For more
information about these alternatives, see "Dimension" (p. 247) and "Rollup" (p. 251).
The syntax is as follows:
ActivityMeasure objMeasure
where objMeasure is the object name. The default, when no ActivityMeasure is specified but one
or more measures exist for a category, is to return a count.
244 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The scope of this category count is any existing measure:
MeasureMake 159 "Revenue" Levels 139 RollupCategoryCount Storage DefaultScale
0 Decimals 0 Sign False IsCurrency False DrillThrough False EndList
The following category count is for the specific measure referenced using ActivityMeasure:
Measure 111 "Cost" Levels 117 ActivityMeasure"Sales" Rollup CategoryCount
Storage Default Scale 0 Decimals 0 Sign False IsCurrency False DrillThrough
False EndList
The Allocation option specifies the type of allocation and a measure to which it applies.
where allocation is one of Default, None, Constant, or Allocate. objMeasure specifies the
measure and is the object name or object identifier.
Allocation None
The Association option specifies the source column associated with this measure.
Association "Cost"
The Calc option specifies a calculation and the measure(s) to which it applies.
OR N/A either
= N/A equal to
/ Number divided by
* Number multiplied by
* Number multiplied by
246 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The following example represents an if-then-else calculation definition for "Revenue":
Measure 173 "Revenue" calc IF (ISNULL("Cost@177"+"Quantity@181")) THEN
("Cost@177") ELSE (("Quantity@181")
The Decimals option specifies the number of decimal spaces in the source data.
You should set this option to the actual value in the data source.
You can also set this option on the Windows interface by using the Decimal Places box on the
Format tab of the Measure property sheet.
The syntax is as follows:
Decimals uns
Decimals 2
The Dimension option specifies the drill category, levels, and/or dimension to which the measure
If the measure is a Category Count, you can also use the ActivityMeasure or Rollup options.
For more information about these alternatives, see "ActivityMeasure " (p. 244) and "Rollup" (p. 251).
The syntax is as follows:
Dimension objDim
Drill objDrillCat
Levels objLevel
where objDim, objDrillCat, and objLevel are the relevant object identifiers.
Dimension "Products" Levels "Product ID"
The DrillThrough option specifies whether drill-through actions are enabled and lists the supported
target reports, such as the relevant .imr file for Impromptu Query Definition (IQD) data sources.
The syntax is as follows:
DrillThrough {True|False} [
string] [string...]
In this example, the drill-through operation is not selected:
DrillThrough False EndList
In this example, the drill-through operation is enabled to the specified .imr report:
DrillThrough True "c:installation_directory\bsc_msrs.imr"
The DuplicateRollup option specifies how records with duplicate values will be rolled up or
The syntax is as follows:
where duplicatesrollup is one of Default, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, First, or Last.
In this example, the rollup function is explicitly set to add (sum) all duplicate records:
DuplicateRollup Sum
The DuplicateWeight option, along with the time state, specifies the weighting factors and functions
used to obtain the weighted average of duplicate records for a measure.
The syntax is as follows:
DuplicateWeight objMeasure
In this example, the Revenue measure is the weighting factor to use when determining the average
rollup value of a set of duplicate records:
DuplicateWeight "Revenue"
The Exclude option, followed by a list of excluded objects, restricts the scope of drill-through
options so that only the non-excluded level(s) can serve as a starting point for drill-through opera-
248 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
tions. Use with the DrillThrough option to ensure that report users navigate directly to the relevant
portion of the cube before they begin a drill-through operation.
For each or cube or measure for which you want to restrict drill-through by level, you must specify
the relevant dimension and levels, and any drill-through targets to which the restriction applies.
You must use MDL if you want to exclude levels in a sub-dimension, because these are not displayed
on the Dimension map of the Windows interface.
The syntax is as follows:
Exclude [Dimension objDim] [Drill objDrill] Levels objLevel
where objDim, objLevels, and objDrill can be the unique object identifiers, names, or both.
In this example, the State and Market levels in the Region and Sales dimensions are excluded for
the specified cube drill-through operations:
DrillThrough True ... "C:\path_to_cube.mdc" "Description
text" Exclude Dimension "Region" Exclude Levels 219 "State" Exclude Dimension
"Sales" Exclude Levels "Market" EndExclude
"C:\path_to_cube2.mdc" "Description text2" EndList
The Format option specifies the measure format and the number of decimal places to use.
where string is the format, followed by a tilde (~), and the number of decimal places.
In this example, the measure format is #,##0 and the number of decimal places is set to 2:
Format "#,##0~2"
The IgnoreMissingValue option specifies whether to ignore null and missing (NA) values when
performing certain kinds of time-state rollup (Average and Weighted Average). If you do not specify
the option when you create, make, or update a measure, the default setting (include these values)
You cannot use the IgnoreMissingValue option with time-state rollups of type None, First
Period, Last Period, or Current Period. Null and missing values are always included when
aggregating or calculating these kinds of rollup.
Null and missing data values are always excluded from Min and Max calculations for rollups, whether
they are set by Transformer to display as 0 or na (the NA setting).
For more information about specifying measures, see "MeasureMake" (p. 164).
The syntax is as follows:
This example uses structured MDL to ignore missing values for a Weighted Average time state
Measure 173 "Cost" TimeStateRollup Average TimeStateWeight "Outlet"
IgnoreMissingValue True Storage Default
OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign False IsCurrency False IsFolder False
WeightId 243 DrillThrough False EndList Associations 175 "Revenue"
AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Revenue"
This example uses verb MDL to ignore missing values for an Average time state rollup:
MeasureCreate 173 "Profit" TimeStateRollup Average IgnoreMissingValue True
Storage Default
OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign False IsCurrency False IsFolder False
WeightId 243 DrillThrough False EndList Associations 175 "Revenue"
AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_Source
AssociationReferenced "Revenue"
The IsCurrency option specifies whether the measure is a currency value.
IsCurrency True
The IsFolder option specifies whether the measure is a folder that groups several measures.
IsFolder True
The Label option specifies the label used for the measure.
Label "Qty"
250 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The MeasureInfo option provides a description of the measure.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
MeasureInfo "Cost to purchase products"
The Missing option specifies how records with missing or null values are to be represented in the
reporting components.
The syntax is as follows:
Missing [missingvalue]
Missing Zero
The Rollup option specifies how measure values are summarized or rolled up, across each reporting
time period.
The External rollup option indicates that the measure was rolled-up before it was imported into
Transformer, and so retains the summarization method established in the data source.
For a Category Count measure, you can also use the ActivityMeasure or Dimension options. For
more information about these alternatives, see "ActivityMeasure " (p. 244) and "Dimension" (p. 247).
The syntax is as follows:
Rollup [rollup]
where rollup is one of CategoryCount, Default, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Average, Count,
CountAll, Any, None, or External.
Rollup Average
The Parent option uniquely identifies the parent object of the measure, where the model contains
a hierarchy of measures.
The syntax is as follows:
Parent objMeasure
Parent 4719
The Scale option specifies the output scale for the measure.
where uns is an unsigned number and zero (0) signifies no change in scale.
Scale 0
The ShortName option specifies the short name used to represent the measure.
ShortName "QtySold"
The Sign option specifies whether the sign of a measure value is to be reversed, changing its value
from a negative to a positive number, or from a positive to a negative number. Use this option to
convert values into the form required by specific financial reports, such as debits and credits, or
assets and liabilities.
The syntax is as follows:
Sign {True|False}
Sign False
The Storage option specifies the data type used to store the source values for this measure.
where storagetype is one of Default, Int8, Int16, Int32, Float64, Text, Character, or LongText.
Storage Float64
252 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The TimeStateRollup option specifies the function used to summarize or roll up measure values
for a specific time period.
Note: Time-state rollups only occur at runtime. This is why External can be specified as a rollup
parameter, but not as a timerollup parameter.
The syntax is as follows:
TimeStateRollup [
where timerollup is one of Default, Minimum, Maximum, First, Last, Current, Average, or
This example uses verb MDL to create an Average time state rollup for the Profit measure, and
ignore any missing values:
MeasureCreate 173 "Profit" TimeStateRollup Average IgnoreMissingValue True
Storage Default OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign False IsCurrency
False IsFolder False WeightId 243 DrillThrough False EndList Associations 175
"Revenue" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_Source
AssociationReferenced "Revenue"
The TimeStateWeight option specifies the object used to obtain the weighting for a time state
rollup. Note that the TimeStateRollup option must be explicitly set to Average.
This example uses structured MDL to create an average Cost measure, weighted by, or in proportion
to, the measures associated with the Outlet object. Missing values are ignored.
Measure 173 "Cost" TimeStateRollup Average
TimeStateWeight "Outlet"
IgnoreMissingValue True Storage Default OutPutScale 0 Decimals 0 ReverseSign
False IsCurrency False IsFolder False WeightId 243 DrillThrough
False EndList Associations 175 "Revenue" AssociationType Type_
Query AssociationRole Role_Source AssociationReferenced "Revenue"
The Timing option specifies the timing that applies to the measure; that is, before or after roll-up.
Timing After_Rollup
The Weight option specifies the measure to use for weighting the time-state rollup. This option
requires an object name, whereas the WeightID option uses the object identifier. For both, the
TimeStateRollup option must be set to Average.
Weight "Revenue"
The WeightID option specifies the measure to use for weighting the time-state rollup. This option
requires an object identifier, whereas the Weight option uses the object name. For both, the
TimeStateRollup option must be set to Average.
Weight 259
Use powercubeopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: CubeAdd, CubeMake,
CubeUpdate, CubeGroupAdd, CubeGroupMake, CubeGroupUpdate, CubeGroupCubeAdd,
CubeGroupCubeMake, and CubeGroupCubeUpdate.
The BlockParentTotals option specifies whether the total values for parent categories are included
or hidden for the specified cube or cube group. Use this option to display the word "denied" in the
reporting component, rather than a total value that would represent an inaccurate rollup of only
non-excluded categories.The Windows equivalent is to select the Block Total Values for Parent
Categories with Excluded Children option when categories have been excluded from a custom view.
For this to work properly, you must ensure that the appropriate security objects have been enabled.
The syntax is as follows:
BlockParentTotals {True|False}
254 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
BlockParentTotals True
The Caching option specifies whether crosstab caching is enabled. The option sets a flag in the
.mdc cube file.
The syntax is as follows:
Caching {True|False}
Caching True
The Compress option specifies whether the cube is compressed. This option may appear in legacy
cubes but is not supported as an optimization technique for IBM Cognos 8.
The syntax is as follows:
Compress {True|False}
Compress False
The Consolidate option specifies the record consolidation method used for the cube or cube group.
Consolidate Yes
The ConsolidatedRecords option specifies the number of records consolidated during each parti-
tioning pass.
The syntax is as follows:
ConsolidatedRecords bignum
ConsolidatedRecords 10,000,000
The CubeCreation option enables or disables the creation of specific cubes in the model.
CubeCreation On
The CubeCycle option is related to internal Transformer processing and should not be set.
CubeCycle 604
The CubeStamp option is related to internal Transformer processing and should not be set.
CubeStamp 861985194
The CubeUpdateLock option specifies whether no cubes or all cubes are locked for update.
CubeUpdateLock None
The Database option specifies the database providing the source data for a cube or cube group.
For example, you can use this option to identify the source for an IQD signon.
The syntax is as follows:
DataBase objSignon
Database 6317
256 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The DatabaseInfo option provides information about the type of database used with the cube or
cube group.
The syntax is as follows:
DatabaseInfo string
DatabaseInfo "Local;;"
The DataSource option specifies a main Impromptu Query Definition (IQD) data source and one
or more alternate data sources, with their associated options.
For more information on IBM Cognos 8 data sources and options, see "appqueryopts" (p. 197).
The syntax is as follows:
DataSource objDataSource
AlternateSource filename [
where objDataSource is the object name and altdatasourceopts is one or more of the following:
● Isolationnumber
● DmsSignonobjSignon
● IMRNamestring
● SQLstring
● Stampnumber
The following example shows the SQL for an Impromptu Query Definition (IQD) data source:
DataSourceMake 103 "Report1" Separator " " SourceType DataSource DecimalSep "
" Thousandsep " " Columns True Timing PopYesCreateDefault Source "C:\Report1.
iqd" SQL 'select T1."PROD_TYPE" as c1,' 'T1."PROD_LINE" as c2, T1."PRODUCT"'
'as c3, T1."PROD_COST" as c4,' 'T2."ORDER_DT" as c5 from
"ORDRDETL" T3,' '"PRODUCT" T1,"ORDER" T2' 'where (T3."PROD_NO" = T1."PROD_
NO")' 'and (T2."ORDER_NO" = T3."ORDER_NO") and' '(T1."PROD_TYPE" =
"Outdoor Products) " Isolation 0 SourceSignonList 105 1105 EndList ImrName "C:
\Report1.imr" Stamp 930750524 Speed False SetCurrent True ServerSource
False Presummarized False
The DeployLocations option specifies a list of deployment locations for the PowerCube.
DeployLocations "C:\Cubes" Endlist
The DeployType option specifies the type of PowerCube deployment strategy to use for the
The syntax is as follows:
DeployType DeploySwapTogether
The DetailLevel option identifies the level that contains the categories on which individual cubes
in a cube group are based. Use to create a cube for each category in the level. Duplicate level names
in the list are qualified by the name of the owning category, as in Brand (OF Tent).
The syntax is as follows:
DetailLevel objLevel
DetailLevel "Product Type"
The DrillThrough option specifies whether drill- through action is enabled for the cube or cube
group, and lists the target report objects.
The syntax is as follows:
DrillThrough [True|False]
reportnames EndList
where reportnames are the reports, as listed in the Custom Reports and Report Description boxes
on the Windows interface.
In this example, drill through is enabled for the specified .mdc cube file:
DrillThrough True "c:installation_directory\all_regions.mdc"
The Exclude option is used, followed by a list of excluded objects, to restrict the scope of drill-
through activity to targets related to a specific non-excluded drill category or dimension level. By
258 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
so doing, the modeler can ensure that users navigate directly to the relevant portion of the cube
before they begin their drill-through operation.
For each or cube or measure for which to want to restrict drill-through activity by level, you must
specify the relevant dimension and levels, and any drill-through targets to which the restriction
You must use MDL if you want to exclude levels in a sub-dimension, because these are not displayed
on the Dimension Map of the Windows interface.
The syntax is as follows:
Exclude [Dimension objDim] [Drill objDrill] Levels objLevel
where objDim, objLevels, and objDrill can be the unique object identifiers, names, or both.
In this example, the State and Market levels in the Region and Sales dimensions are excluded for
the specified cube drill-through operations:
DrillThrough True ... "C:\path_to_cube.mdc" "Description text" Exclude
Dimension "Region" Exclude Levels 219 "State" Exclude Dimension "Sales"
Exclude Levels "Market" EndExclude "C:\path_to_cube2.mdc" "Description
text2" EndList
The IncrementalUpdate option specifies whether incremental updates are enabled for this cube
or cube group.
An object identifier is automatically assigned when the cube is incrementally updated.
The syntax is as follows:
IncrementalUpdate {True|False}
IncrementalUpdate True
The Information option provides a description of the cube or cube group.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
Information "GO Sales Sample PowerCube."
The MDCFile option specifies the path and file name used for the .mdc cube file.
MDCFile "c:\Temp\outdoors.mdc"
The MeasureName option specifies the name used for a cube measure or group of measures.
MeasureName "Basic Measures"
The Optimize option specifies the optimization strategy applied to the cube or cube group. For
more information about optimizing cube build times, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Optimize Categories
The PartitionSize option specifies the number of records included in each partition.
PartitionSize 500,000
The PassesNumber option specifies the number of partitioning passes to run.
PassesNumber 4
260 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The Password option specifies an unencrypted cube password.
Password "mypasswd"
The PublishAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions option specifies whether the package published
from Transformer allows the user to access null suppression options in the Web studios.
The syntax is as follows:
PublishAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions {True|False}
PublishAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions False
The PublishAllowMultiEdgeSuppression option specifies whether the package published from
Transformer allows the user to enable multi-edge suppression in the Web studios.
The syntax is as follows:
PublishAllowMultiEdgeSuppression {True|False}
PublishAllowMultiEdgeSuppression False
The PublishAllowNullSuppression option specifies whether the package published from
Transformer allows the user to control null suppression in the Web studios.
The syntax is as follows:
PublishAllowNullSuppression {True|False}
PublishAllowNullSuppression False
The SegmenterDimension option specifies the name of the dimension on which a cube group is
based or partitioned.
The syntax is as follows:
SegmenterDimension objDim
SegmenterDimension "Products"
The SegmenterLevel option specifies the name of the level on which a cube group is based or
The syntax is as follows:
SegmenterLevel objLevel
SegmenterLevel "Product Line"
The ServerCube option specifies whether the cube is located on the server, which is relevant in
versions of Transformer that support client/server processing.
The syntax is as follows:
ServerCube {True|False}
where True is equivalent to selecting On the Server in Transformer version 7.x. Client-server pro-
cessing is not supported in Transformer version 8.x.
ServerCube False
The Status option specifies the processing status of the cube or cube group.
where cubestatus is one of New, OK, Inactive, Warnings, Invalid, Failed, Busy, or Missing.
Status Inactive
The SummaryLevel option specifies the level at which category values are summarized.
The Windows interface equivalent is the Summarize all external categories in the level option on
the Cube Group tab of the Cube property sheet.
The syntax is as follows:
SummaryLevel string
SummaryLevel "Product Type"
262 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
The UseAlternateFilename option specifies whether to use an alternate file name for the cube.
UseAlternateFilename True
The TimeBasedPartitionedCube option specifies whether time-based partitioning is enabled for
the cube.
The syntax is as follows:
TimeBasedPartitionedCube {True|False}
TimeBasedPartitionedCube True
Use promptopts to set the options that apply to data source prompts and the following MDL verbs:
PromptAdd, PromptMake, and PromptUpdate.
For data source prompts, the PromptType option specifies the type of prompt to be imported into
the Transformer model.
The syntax is as follows:
PromptType {xsdString|memberUniqueName}
Use "xsdString" as the prompt type for simple-value prompts, multi-value prompts, and range
PromptType "xsdString" PromptType "memberUniqueName"
For data source prompts, the PromptValue option specifies the value of the prompts imported into
the Transformer model.
The syntax is as follows:
PromptValue value
The following example specifies a prompt value of 2 for a simple-value prompt.
PromptValue 2
The following example specifies prompt values of 0, 1, and 2 for a multi-value prompt.
PromptValue StartList "0""1""2" EndList
The following example specifies prompt values of 1 through 22 for a range prompt.
PromptValue StartRange "1""22" EndRange
The following example specifies the prompt value for a Member Unique Name prompt.
PromptValue StartList "[ZQ1AUTCTY WORLD].[AMERICA ZQ1AUTCNT]"EndList
Use signonopts to set the options that apply to data sources and the following MDL verbs:
SignonAdd, SignonMake, and SignonUpdate.
For data source signons, the PromptForPassword option specifies whether the user is prompted
to enter their signon password.
The syntax is as follows:
PromptForPassword {True|False}
PromptForPassword True
The UserId option specifies the user ID portion of the signon.
UserID "corpadm"
The password option specifies the signon password in unencrypted form.
password "my_pass"
For Cognos 8 signons, the AutoLogon option specifies whether to prompt for credentials as part
of the Cognos 8 signon process.
The syntax is as follows:
AutoLogon {True|False}
264 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
AutoLogon True
For Cognos 8 signons, the SignonNamespace option specifies the Cognos 8 namespace for the
The syntax is as follows:
SignonNamespace "namespacename"
SignonNamespace "Cognos"
The SignonType option specfies whether the signon is a Cognos 8 or data source signon.
SignonType Cognos
The SignonInfo option provides a description of the signon.
where each string may be up to 256 characters and the total description may be up to 4,095 char-
SignonInfo "The logical database name that contains the
source data for the Cognos 8 data source."
Use viewopts to set the options that apply to the following MDL verbs: ViewAdd, ViewMake, and
ViewUpdate. These act on dimension views and custom security views. For more information about
the latter, see the Security section of the Transformer User Guide.
The Apex option specifies which category is to be apexed and become the top level. For more
information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Apex objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
Apex "Europe"
The Cloak option specifies which category is to be cloaked or hidden. For more information, see
the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Cloak objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
Cloak "Far East"
The Filter option specifies which category is to be excluded, or filtered, from the cube. For more
information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Filter objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
Filter "Europe"
The LevelCloak option specifies which level and drill category are to be cloaked or hidden. For
more information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelCloak objLevel [
Drill objDrillCat]
where objLevel specifies the level and is the object name, object identifier or both. objDrillCat
specifies the drill category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
LevelCloak "Customer Type"
The LevelFilter option specifies which level and drill category are to be excluded, or filtered,
from the cube. For more information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelFilter objLevel [
Drill objDrillCat]
266 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
where objLevel specifies the level and is the object name, object identifier or both. objDrillCat
specifies the drill category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
LevelFilter "Customer Type"
The LevelSummary option specifies which level and drill category are to be summarized. For more
information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelSummary objLevel [
Drill objDrillCat]
where objLevel specifies the level and is the object name, object identifier or both. objDrillCat
specifies the drill category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
LevelSummary "Region"
The LevelSuppressed option specifies which level is to be suppressed. For more information, see
the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
LevelSuppressed objLevel
where objLevel specifies the level and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
LevelSuppressed "Region"
The Name option specifies a name for the view.
Name "Europe"
The NotCloak option specifies which category is not to be cloaked or hidden. For more information,
see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
NotCloak objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
NotCloak "Far East"
The NotFilter option specifies which category is not to be excluded, or filtered, from the cube.
For more information, see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
NotFilter objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
NotFilter "Customer Type"
The NotSummary option specifies which category is not to be summarized. For more information,
see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
NotSummary objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both
NotSummary "Region"
The NotSuppressed option specifies which category is not to be suppressed. For more information,
see the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
NotSuppressed objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
NotSuppressed "Region"
The Summary option specifies which category is to be summarized. For more information, see the
Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Summary objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both
268 Transformer
Chapter 6: MDL Options
Summary "Europe"
The Suppressed option specifies which category is to be suppressed. For more information, see
the Transformer User Guide.
The syntax is as follows:
Suppressed objCat
where objCat specifies the category and is the object name, object identifier, or both.
Suppressed "Far East"
270 Transformer
Chapter 7: Structured MDL
There are two forms of MDL: verb MDL, which is the main focus of the Developer Guide, and
structured MDL, which is briefly described is this section, under the following topics
● "History of MDL" (p. 271)
Like verb MDL, the structured form of MDL can provide a complete and functionally independent
definition of any Transformer model.
History of MDL
Model Definition Language (MDL) was created to store Transformer models so they could be
opened in future versions of Transformer or related IBM Cognos modeling components. In its original
form, MDL contained statements that defined the model in a fixed order: that is, structured MDL.
Verbs were added to enhance the functionality of the language and to support software developers
by providing an independent, parallel, workable format: that is, verb MDL.
To maintain compatibility between product versions, structured MDL continues to be the default
form. However, if you are building models using MDL, we recommend that you add the cogtr.ini
setting VerbOutput=1, so that Transformer automatically generates verb output.
For more information about global preference settings, see the Transformer User Guide.
Note: Most but not all of the currently-supported verbs are included in this list.
272 Transformer
Chapter 7: Structured MDL
Verb statements can be used independently or in conjunction with structured statements, as long
as the verb statements are at the end of the model. After a verb statement, no structured statements
can be used.
The following is an example of a model in structured MDL format:
Name "New Model" ModelCodePage "windows-1252" AutoAccess
SynchroCycle 0 SynchroStamp 0 UpdateCycle 1 ModelStamp 1189458791
ClientStamp 1189458791 ServerStamp 0 Version "8.3.790.0"
OrderUsePreference ModelOrderedByDefault False CognosSource 103
"GO Sales and Retailers"
SourceType Package
SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']"
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/model
CognosSource 11543 "QuantityReport"
SourceType Report
SourcePath "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/report
PackageTimeStamp "/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/report
DataSource 105 "GO Sales and Retailers~1" Separator ","
SourceType CognosSourceQuery
CharacterSet Default DecimalSep "." Thousandsep "," Columns True
Timing PopYesCreateDefault
PackageReportSource 103 "GO Sales and Retailers" AutoSummary True
SetCurrent True ServerSource False Speed False Presummarized False
OrgName 107 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order number]"
Origin Source Offset 0
Column "Order number" Storage Float64 Scale 0
Size 4 Decimals 0
InputScale 0 TimeArray Off Rollup CountAll
OrgName 109 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Retailer name]"
Origin SourceOffset 1
Column "Retailer name" Storage Text Scale 0
Size 102 Decimals 0
Class Description InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
OrgName 111 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order date]"
Origin Source Offset 2
Column "Order date" Storage Int32 Scale 0
Size 12 Decimals 0
Class Date InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
OrgName 113 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order method]"
Origin Source Offset 3
Column "Order method" Storage TextScale 0
Size 102 Decimals 0
Class Description InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
OrgName 115 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order method code]"
Origin Source Offset 4
Column "Order method code" Storage Float64 Scale 0
Size 4 Decimals 0 InputScale 0
TimeArray Off Rollup CountAll
OrgName 117 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Product name]"
Origin Source Offset 5
Column "Product name" Storage Text Scale 0
Size 102 Decimals 0
Class Description InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
OrgName 119 "[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Quantity]"
Origin Source Offset 6
Column "Quantity" Storage Float64 Scale 0
274 Transformer
Chapter 7: Structured MDL
Size 2 Decimals 0
Class Quantity InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
Rollup Sum Filter 11553 "Americas" FilterRef
DataSource 11545 "QuantityReport~1" Separator ","
SourceType CognosSourceQuery
CharacterSet Default DecimalSep "." Thousandsep "," Columns True
Timing PopYesCreateDefault
PackageReportSource 11543"QuantityReport" AutoSummary False SetCurrent
True ServerSource False
Speed False Presummarized False
OrgName 11547 "[Report].[Query1.0].[Product number]"
Origin Source Offset 0
Column "Product number" Storage Float64 Scale 0
Size 1 Decimals 0
Class Quantity InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
OrgName 11549 "[Report].[Query1.0].[Production cost]"
Origin Source Offset 1
Column "Production cost" Storage Float64 Scale 2
Size 1 Decimals 2
Class Quantity InputScale 0 TimeArray Off
Dimension 149 "Order date" DimType Date
EarliestDate 19010101 LatestDate 21001231 ManualPeriods False
DaysInWeek 127 NewCatsLock False ExcludeAutoPartitioning False
DimDefaultCategory 0 Categories Root 153 "Order date"
Inclusion Generate Lastuse 20070910 Date 0 Filtered False Suppressed
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False
Blanks False
Drill 155 "By Order date" Inclusion Suppress
Filtered False Suppressed True PrimaryDrill True HideValue False
YearBegins 20070101 PartialWeek Split ExtraWeek None
WeekBegins Sunday Levels 161 "Year" Blanks "( blank )"
Inclusion Generate DateFunction Year Generate Need
RefreshLabel False RefreshDescription False RefreshShortName False
NewCatsLock False CatLabFormat "YYYY" Timerank 10
UniqueCategories True UniqueMove False Associations 163 "Order date"
AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole Role_Source
AssociationReferenced "Order date" Associations 165 "Order date"
AssociationContext 155 AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_OrderBy
AssociationReferenced "Order date"
SortOrder Int16 SortAs Ascending Levels 167 "Quarter" Blanks "(
blank )" Inclusion Generate
DateFunction Quarter Generate All
RefreshLabel False RefreshDescription False RefreshShortName False
NewCatsLock False
CatLabFormat 'YYYY "Q" Q' Timerank 20 UniqueCategories True UniqueMove
Associations 169 "Order date" AssociationType Type_Query AssociationRole
AssociationReferenced "Order date" Associations 171 "Order date"
AssociationContext 155 AssociationType Type_Query
AssociationRole Role_OrderBy
AssociationReferenced "Order date" SortOrder Int16 SortAs Ascending
Category 233 "20040101-20041231" Parent 155 Levels 161
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "2004" Label "2004" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "2004" Date 20040101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 235 "20040101-20040331" Parent 233 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20040101" Label "2004 Q 1" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20040101" Date 20040101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 243 "20040401-20040630" Parent 233 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20040401" Label "2004 Q 2" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20040401" Date 20040401 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 251 "20040701-20040930" Parent 233 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20040701" Label "2004 Q 3" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20040701" Date 20040701 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 259 "20041001-20041231" Parent 233 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20041001" Label "2004 Q 4" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20041001" Date 20041001 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 581 "20050101-20051231" Parent 155 Levels 161
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "2005" Label "2005" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "2005" Date 20050101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 583 "20050101-20050331" Parent 581 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20050101" Label "2005 Q 1" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20050101" Date 20050101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 591 "20050401-20050630" Parent 581 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20050401 " Label "2005 Q 2" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20050401" Date 20050401 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValueFalse IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 599 "20050701-20050930" Parent 581 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20050701" Label "2005 Q 3" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20050701" Date 20050701 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue FalseIsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 607 "20051001-20051231" Parent 581 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20051001" Label "2005 Q 4" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20051001" Date 20051001 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 683 "20060101-20061231" Parent 155 Levels 161
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "2006" Label "2006" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "2006" Date 20060101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 685 "20060101-20060331" Parent 683 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20060101" Label "2006 Q 1" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20060101"Date 20060101 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False IsTruncated False
Blanks False
Category 693 "20060401-20060630" Parent 683 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20060401" Label "2006 Q 2" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20060401" Date 20060401 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 701 "20060701-20060930" Parent 683 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20060701" Label "2006 Q 3" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20060701" Date 20060701 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
Category 709 "20061001-20061231" Parent 683 Levels 167
OrderBy Drill 155 Value "20061001" Label "2006 Q 4" Lastuse 20070910
SourceValue "20061001" Date 20061001 Filtered False Suppressed False
Sign False HideValue False IsKeyOrphanage False
IsTruncated False Blanks False
MapDrill 155
ViewName 157 "All Categories" Type All ViewCustomView 0
276 Transformer
Chapter 7: Structured MDL
AssociationReferenced "Quantity" CustomView 11529 "Authors" DimensionView
149 "All Categories"
DimensionView 195 "Authors~User View" MeasureInclude 225 Yes CustomView
11537 "Sub Authors"
DimensionView 149 "All Categories" DimensionView 195 "Sub Authors~User
View" MeasureInclude 225 Yes
CustomViewChildList 11529 StartList 11537 EndList
CustomViewChildList 11537 StartList EndList
SecurityNameSpace 11533 "Cognos" SecurityNameSpaceCAMID 'CAMID(":")'
'CAMID(":Authors")' SecurityObjectDisplayName "Authors"SecurityObjectType
CustomViewList 11529 EndList
SecurityObject 11539 'CAMID(":Analysis Users")' SecurityObjectDisplayName
SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role CustomViewList 11537 EndList
SecurityNameSpace 11563 "GOnamespace" SecurityNameSpaceCAMID 'CAMID
SecurityObject 11561 'CAMID("GOnamespace:r:authid=2589996611")'
SecurityObjectDisplayName "Root User Class"
SecurityObjectType SecurityType_Role CustomViewList 11537 EndList
Cube 11535 "Cube1" EncryptedPW
"6233A515A4E83" Status New CubeCreation On Optimize Default ConsolidatedRecords
PartitionSize 500000 PassesNumber 5 Compress False DatabaseInfo
IncrementalUpdate False ServerCube False CubeStamp 0 CubeCycle 0
BlockParentTotals False Caching False UseAlternateFileName False
DrillThrough False EndList DataSourceSignon False PublisheEnable
True PublishStatus None
DimensionView 149 "All Categories" DimensionView 195 "All Categories"
225 Yes
PowerCubeCustomViewList 11537 EndList
AllocationAdd Measure 225 Type Default
278 Transformer
Symbols ConsolidatedRecords, 255
.dat files PassesNumber, 260
OpenDef, 167
.def files B
OpenDef, 167 BaseCurrency, 227
.gen files binary files
OpenDef, 167 models in .py? format, 15
Blanks, 207, 238
A BlockParentTotals, 254
ActivityMeasure, 244 buffers
adding associations StreamExtractSize, 204
AssociationAdd, 91
allocating C
measure allocation options, 245 Caching, 255
allocating measures Calc, 207, 245
AllocationAdd, 88 Calc column option, 219
Allocation, 245 CalcDef, 208, 231
allocations calculated categories
creating, 34 Calc, 207
Apex, 265 CalcDef, 208
apexing categories dimension calculation definitions, 148
ApexCat, 90 Share, 215
AppInfo, 197 calculated columns, 219
appqueryopts, 197 calculated measures, 245
archiving models, 17 calculation definitions
Association, 233, 237, 245 CalcDef, 231
AssociationContext, 206 DimCalcDefAdd, 146
AssociationReferenced, 206 DimCalcDefMake, 148
AssociationRole, 206 DimCalcDefUpdate, 149
associations DimCalDefDelete, 147
adding, 91 categories
AssociationContext, 206 apexed, 265
AssociationUpdate, 93 apexing, 90
creating or updating using AssociationMake, 92 Calc, 207
deleting, 92 CalcDef, 208
MDL options, 206 CatAdd, 94
AssociationType, 207 CatDelete, 95
assocopts, 206 CatJoin, 95
AutoDesign, 93 CatMake, 96
AutoLogon, 264 CatMorph, 98
280 Transformer
282 Transformer
284 Transformer
levels M
associations, 237 ManualPeriods, 235
blank substitutions, 238 MDCClear, 162
category code columns, 238 MDCFile, 259
cloaking, 266 MDL statements
date formats, 238 description and purpose, 15
date functions, 238 meaopts, 244
date input formats, 239 Measure, 232, 271
descriptions, 240 MeasureInfo, 251
DetailLevel, 258 MeasureName, 260
filtering, 266 measures
filters, 239 allocating, 88
generate all categories in period, 239 allocation options, 245
inclusion, 240 calculated, 245
LevelAdd, 155 category count, 244, 247, 251
LevelDelete, 157 decimal place format, 211
LevelMake, 157 decimal places, 247
LevelMoveAfter, 159 descriptions, 251
LevelMoveBefore, 159 drill through, 248
LevelNewDrill, 160 duplicate rollup, 248
LevelUpdate, 161 duplicate weight rollups, 248
naming, 23 format, 249
options, 237 ignoring missing values for specific rollup types, 249
order by, 241 IsCurrency, 250
ordering categories, 241 isFolder, 250
partitions, 242 label, 250
prohibit automatic creation of new categories, 240 MeasureAdd, 163
refresh, 242 MeasureDelete, 163
share objects, 242 MeasureListUpdate, 164
short names, 243 MeasureMake, 164
SortAs, 241 MeasureUpdate, 165
source column description, 218, 239 naming, 23
source columns, 243 null or missing values, 251
SummarizeLevel, 190 options, 244
summarizing, 267 output scale, 252
suppress, 243 parent, 251
suppressed, 267 regular (from a column), 245
time-level ranking, 243 reversing the sign, 252
unique moves, 244 Rollup, 251
using Exclude to restrict drill-through, 248 short names, 252
using Exclude to restrict drill-through scope, 258 storage types, 252
Levels, 232, 271 time-state rollups, 253
LevelSummary, 267 time-state weighting, 253
LevelSuppressed, 267 Timing, 253
line length using Exclude to restrict drill-through, 248
maximum, 84 Weight, 254
286 Transformer
288 Transformer
separators status
ThousandSep, 205 revert to defaults using MDCClear, 162
ServerCube, 262 Status, 262
SetCurrent, 201 Storage, 226, 252
setting stream extract
global processing preferences, 27 SegmenterPrompt, 200
Share, 215, 242 SegmenterPromptEnabled, 201
ShortName, 215, 243, 252 StreamExtractSize, 204
Sign, 215, 252 structured MDL
Signon, 233, 271 introduction, 271
SignonAdd, 180 SubDimCat, 271
SignonDelete, 181 subdimensions
SignonInfo, 265 naming, 23
SignonMake, 182 SubDimRootMake, 187
SignonNamespace, 265 SubDimRootUpdate, 188
signonopts, 264 SubDimRootMake, 187
signons SubDimRootUpdate, 188
creating, 34 SummarizeCat, 189
database specification, 256 SummarizeLevel, 190
descriptions, 265 summarizing
prompt for passwords, 264 external category values, 262
unencrypted passwords, 264 Summary, 268
SignonType, 265 SummaryLevel, 262
SignonUpdate, 183 Suppressed, 216, 243, 269
Size, 226 suppression
SortAs, 241 PublishAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions, 261
sorting PublishAllowMultiEdgeSuppression, 261
setting global preferences, 27 PublishAllowNullSuppression, 261
Source, 201, 243 SuppressNull, 204
source columns, 243 syntax conventions, 83
source files, 257
SourceInfo, 202 T
SourceSignonList, 202 tables
SourceType, 202, 218 DataRange, 198
SourceValue, 215 TargetLevel, 216
special categories TargetOffset, 216
SpecialCatAdd, 184 ThousandSep, 205
SpecialCatDelete, 185 TimeAggregate, 217
SpecialCatMake, 185 TimeArray, 227
SpecialCatUpdate, 186 TimeArrayCol, 227
SpecialCategory, 271 TimeArrayMonth, 227
Speed, 203 time categories
SplitWeek, 216 Date, 210
SQL, 203 time dimensions
Stamp, 204 automatically set current period, 235
DimType, 234
EarliestDate, 235 W
LatestDate, 235 WeekBegins, 217
manually set current period, 235 week categories
time periods ExtraWeek, 210
Current, 210 weeks
TimeRank, 243 DaysInWeek option, 233
TimeStateRollup, 253 PartialWeek, 213
time-state rollups Weight, 254
average weighting, 254 WeightID, 254
TimeStateWeight, 253
Timing, 205, 253 Y
TmeBasedPartitionedCube, 263 YearBegins, 217
ToDateLevel, 217
UniqueCategories, 244
UniqueMove, 244
rules for naming objects, 24
UpdateCycle, 205
UpdateForwardReference, 191
UpdatePowerCubes, 191
UseAlternateFilename, 263
UserId, 264
SuppressNull, 204
verb MDL, 18
Version, 205
supported by this documentation, 13
View, 233
ViewAdd, 192
ViewDelete, 193
ViewListUpdate, 193
ViewMake, 194
ViewName, 271
View names, 24
viewopts, 265
Apex, 265
Cloak, 266
Exclude or Filter, 266
ViewUpdate, 195
290 Transformer