Reception SOP
Reception SOP
Reception SOP
A. Check - In Procedure
3. After completing the data, ask the guest to sign on the space
provide and tow show his/her identification card / passport for
4. Ask the guest for the preference: a smoking or non smoking
guest room.
6. After the guest has signed the registration card, check the
computer to clarify the method of payment.
a. If the guest prefers to use credit card, ask the guest
politely whether you could make an imprint of their credit
b. If the room or any stated charge is paid by Travel Agent,
collect the accommodation voucher from the guest.
c. If another guest pays for this guest, ask the first guest
politely whether could make imprint of his/her credit card,
and then obtain the signature on the payment
authorization form.
d. If the guest pays cash for the room, an advance deposit is
required. This amount should be the total of the room
charge, tax & service, plus 50% on his/her stay.
7. Obtain the room number and check it in the computer for room
10. Wish the guest a pleasant stay and tell him/her that the Bell Boy
will take care of his/her luggage.
The hotel will not accommodate VIP guest everyday, but when the
VIP comes the Receptionist must provide an exclusive attention and
make the guest feel different.
6. Upon the arrival, the VIP will be greeted at the Hotel entrance by
the GRO / FOM / Manager in-charge, escorted to the room and
asked to sign the registration card. The Registration card will be
returned to the Receptionist for filling.
C. Walk-in Guest
2. If the room not blocked yet, then the Reservation has to block
the room as rooming list.
5. Upon the arrival of the group, the day shift Receptionist will ask
tour leader to hand over the voucher, or any other committed
payment and compare it to the reservations instruction.
6. When everything is proved to be appropriate, the Receptionist
hands over group registration card to the tour leader for
signature, collects the tray and hands over to the tour leader.
7. The tour leader will distribute the room keys and welcome cards
as per rooming list, and then return the tray to the Receptionist
after completing them.
8. The Receptionist will also coordinate with the Concierge for the
smooth and fast delivery of luggage.
E. Walk-out Guest during Overnight Situation.
5. Arrange the transfer for the returning FIT guests. Use the in-
house car if possible, otherwise use taxi and charge the fee into
the hotel's account.
6. Upon receiving the confirmation from the Bellboy that the room
changes has been completed, the Receptionist moves the
registration card and files in the respective cashier docket.
G. Flower / Fruit Basket Request
1. Housekeeping Department
a. Housekeeping Department should report to the Receptionist
by phone whenever a discrepancy is found.
b. Housekeeping Supervisor should change the room status in
the Housekeeping Report to "Skip" if the room is found
vacant although occupied in the system.
2. Receptionist
a. Whenever Housekeeping department reports a skip room,
check with the Cashier if the guest has checked out. The
guest may have settled the account while the check out
data has not been processed on the folio. Check the folio
and note the balance due.
b. Check with the Bellboy if the guest has stored any luggage.
c. Check the payment instructions. There may be special
payment instructions or it may be in company account.
d. Confirm and make sure if the guest has planned any return
e. Check the booking sources.
f. After all the above information, inform the Front Office
Manager to handle the case.
2. Receptionist
a. Upon receiving the Housekeeping Department's report on a
sleep room, the Receptionist should assign the concerned
room in order to avoid double selling.
b. Check the room change slips. It is possible the room change
has taken place and the Receptionist did not update the
data in the computer.
c. Check the registration cards. It is possible that a guest has
checked in and the Receptionist has forgotten to enter the
room into the computer.
d. If none of the reasons applies, inform the Front Office
Manager to handle the situation.
In any occasions, hotel guests would like to keep his/her room even
when he/she wills sleeping out of the hotel. Such room is called a
Sleep Out Room. A policy for this is to ensure the accuracy of the
room inventory status at all times.
During the period mentioned above, the Hotel should ensure that
the room is still occupied and registered under the guest's name
and that the payment is collected and the revenue is maximized by
applying the following procedure:
1. Issuing Key
a. Since it is the Front Office staffs that are able to create an
inserted car key, the personal security code of the insert
card key system should be memorized and not to be
disclosed to the others.
b. When a new key is made for an arriving guest, pay attention
to the following :
Length of stay
Number of persons occupying that room and number
of keys needed.
2. Lost of Key
a. If a guest reports the key has been missing, issue a new key
and make sure the old key card code has been replaced in
the insert cared key system.
b. A key is not issuing to the before his/her name is obtained
and his/her registration into that room is identification such
as a passport or an identity card. Otherwise, no key should
be issued and the Front Office Manager must be informed.
1. The Receptionist assigned for the evening shift will update the
complete registration card.
7. When all details have been updated in the computer, use the
credit card number given upon the guest arrival to obtain and
authorization code from the credit card center. This amount
should cover the total room charge plus service charge, tax and
additional 50% of each night for his/her entire stay, not
exceeding seven (7) days.
8. Write down the approval code and the amount at the back of
the registration card and put the initial or the Front Office
9. Ensure that all registration cards have been updated into the
10. File the registration card in the Cashier docket by room number
and rill the book and hand it over to the Front Office Cashier.
One of the tough assignments is that they have to explain the room
features by using the selling techniques, e.g. mini bar, radio,
television program, satellite, telephone and air conditioner,
connecting room etc.
1. All guest contact personnel should know the location of the non-
smoking floors of the Hotel. I.e. floor for standard rooms and
floor for superior rooms.
Q. Late Departure
The normal check-out time is 12.00 noon. However, exception may
be made upon guest's request and under special circumstances and
at the direction of the Management. The purpose of this policy is to
cope with the room status, to maximize both revenue and guest
satisfaction during high occupancy period, to create a sense of
goodwill during low occupancy periods and to allow Housekeeping
Department to organize the schedule of cleaning the rooms.
3. Check the room status to see if the room has been blocked for
and arriving guest, if not, Politely inform the guest that they will
be charge as follows:
a. Before 06.00pm - half day charge
b. After 06.00pm full day charge
5. If the room has been blocked, then there must b at least one
hour difference between the requested check-out time and the
estimated arrival time of the new guest and the Housekeeping
Department must be informed.
8. If the a guest has not request for late departure and that
specific room is required for an arrival, the guest belongings
may have to be moved without his /her presence. Please refer
to the Policy and Procedure of Room Change without the
Presence of Guest.
1. Housekeeping Department
a. Housekeeping Department should report to the Front Office
Manager when a room is found without baggage or light
b. Housekeeping Floor Supervisor should put no baggage,
ONL, on the concerned room on the Housekeeping Report.
c. The Front Office Manager should check if there is an
outstanding account balance.
d. The Front Office Manager should check if there is a clear
payment instruction, i.e. credit card imprint, sufficient
deposit or guarantee by a company.
e. The Front Office Manager should check the departure date
on the registration card to see whether it matches with the
one on the folio. There is a possibility that it might be a
check-out room.
f. The Front Office Manager should try to check the booking
source if we should keep the room and a comment of the
outcome should be made in the guest folio header in the
g. After a thorough investigation, the Front Office Manager
should make a decision whether the room should be
checked out or not.
2. Receptionist
1. The Receptionist should inform the Front Office Manager to
investigate when an ONL room is found in the
Housekeeping Report.
2. The Receptionist should get an authorized signature from
the Front Office Manager who has instructed to check out
the room and specify the reason of checking out the room
in order to have a proper follow-up by the Accounts
Tourist / Traveler
Home /
Country Town
Private /
Terminal; Airport,
Seaport, Bus
Rerun / Another
House, Hotel,
others commercial
Return / Another
Private, Public, Agency
Activities; Private,
Business, Pleasure,
Official, Education, Etc