JSA #4 Concrete Works
JSA #4 Concrete Works
JSA #4 Concrete Works
Description of Activity:
Concrete Work
Craft / Personnel Involved: Site, Forman, Safety Officer, Work Permit Receiver, Workers
Tools / Equipment Required:
Concrete Mixer, Pump, Vibrator Compactor, Hand Tools, Power Tools, Concrete Mixer Machine and PPE’s, (Hard hat, Safety shoes, Safety Glass, Safety Vest,
Safety Gloves,Face shields, chemical coat, Ear Muff/Plug, Respirator)
Name: Hesham Saleh REFERENCES: SA CSM Volume 1 CSAR Part I. General Safety Chapter
Saudi Aramco (SA) GI 2.100 Work Permit System 12. Materials Handling
Al Falak Construction Manager SA CSM Volume 1 CSAR Part II. Civil Chapter 5. Fall Protection
SA Safety Handbook- Minimum Safety Rules
SA G.I. 6.030 - Traffic and Vehicle Safety SA CSM Volume 1 CSAR Part II. Civil Chapter 3. Ladders
Name: Mohammad Zeyad SA CSM Volume 1 CSAR Part I. General Safety Chapter 3.
and Stepladders
Al Falak Proj. Manager Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) SA CSM Volume 2 Chapter III – 2; Mechanical and
Heavy Equipment
SA CSM Volume 1 CSAR Part I. General Safety Chapter 11.
Hand Tools and Power Tools SA CSM Volume 2 Chapter I – 13; Heat Stress
Al Falak Contractor Site Safety Program (CSSP) SA CSM Volume 2 Chapter I – 7; Fire Prevention
NFPA 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers
Al Falak Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)
Sequence of work shall be discussed during pre-task briefing before the work
Conduct a joint site inspection
Accidents by moving Transporters to be serviced and in good condition Site
equipment results in property Heavy Equipment to be secured on transporter Eng/Sup.
Mobilization of Heavy damage & potential caught-in A flagman, equipped with a safety vest, shall be posted In-charge
Equipment to the Site between/ struck by & crush
3. Only Certified operators shall operate equipment.
(Concrete Pump) injury
All drivers shall have a valid SAG License.
All equipment needs to keep 2 meters away from the excavation.
Failure of equipment might Perform equipment checklist prior of operating equipment Eng/Sup.
cause accident or damage Vehicle should be properly maintained and schedule periodic inspection should In-charge
properties and injure worker be followed.
Location plan and work method statement shall be followed. The surveyor
should survey the area prior to start of marking the lines. Site
Hit or crash other Maintain safe distance between facilities and equipment position Eng/Sup.
equipment or workers Provision of appropriate and sufficient warning sign boards In-charge
Keep only person involved in the work
The top edge height of top rails shall not be less than 0.95
m (38 in) and not more than 1.15 m (45 in) above the
walking/working surface of any platform.
Guardrails at landings and sloping handrails shall be
Falling Hazard capable of withstanding without failure a minimum force
5 Work at height
of 90 kg (200 lb) applied in any downward or horizontal
direction at any point along the top rail or handrail
All openings shall have hand rails fixed around or they
shall be securely covered with structurally substantial material.
Materials Transfer A full-body harness with a shock-absorbing lanyard or self-
retracting lifeline shall be continuously worn by personnel
working at heights when exposed to a fall hazard of 1.8 m with
open edges.
All platforms shall be kept free of unnecessary materials.
Slippery platform shall be cleaned, replaced or removed.
All workers shall undergo work at height awareness training prior
to work.
Ladders shall extend at least 1 m (3 ft) above the landing
Tripping Hazard surface to which the ladder is used to gain access
Full-body harnesses shall safely support 2,268 kg (5,000
lb) dead weight and shall comply with ANSI Z359.1 or equivalent.
Workers shall undergo in-house training for Work at Height
hazard awareness and use of FBH & Personnel Fall arrestors.
Dropped material
Rotational parts All hand tools shall be regularly inspected before and after use,
and before storage.
Slips, trips and falls If wear or damage is observed, the tool shall be withdrawn from
use for repair or disposal.
Flying objects Proper racks and boxes shall be provided for the storage of hand
Insulation shall be checked at regular intervals bya competent
Plugs and cables It is essential that the correct type, size, and weight of tool shall be
Use Of Hand Tools decided upon before any work is carried out.
& Power Tools All portable power tools do not exceed 110-125 volts rating, are
Work Environment manufactured of sound materials, and are free from defects and
(usage in Confined properly grounded.
space /flammable All portable power tools shall be stored in clean, dry conditions.
storage) The contractor shall provide a schedule of systematic inspection
and maintenance for all power tools.
Power tools must not be left lying around the job site where they
Cartridge operated tools could be damaged.
Rotating tools shall be switched off and held until rotation has
completely stopped before they are set down.
Underrated consumables
Power tools shall be double insulted and Deadman switch shall be
present from the manufacturer
Tools must be disconnected before changing bits, blades, cutters,
Ergonomics at work or wheels.
Power for tools can be supplied by compressed air or electricity.
Slipping tools All electrical tools and equipment shall be grounded
-All operatives to be given instructions in the safe
use of hand tools as part of their skill training.
Tools which may deteriorate are to be checked on a regular basis
Dropped hand tools and maintained or replaced as necessary.
Supervisor to monitor the use of all hand tools and to make
specific checks for tools.
Keep the equipment at least 3 meters away from the edge of trench
Accidental fall of equipment Provide competent Signal man to give signal to the equipment
/ pump A Flag man, equipped with a safety vest, shall be posted
Blocking Emergency Ensure the approach to Emergency Equipment is not blocked due to open
Equipment trenches.
Hand, eye and foot injury Provision of barricades and warning signs.
Concrete pouring
Concrete splashes may Beware of the moving equipment
injure eyes and dirt to Workers should keep away from danger zone of equipment. Site
nearby structures. Observe the path or route of hose and keep away from the path. Eng/Sup.
Operator’s mistake in Wear safety glass or face shield and disposable coverall In-charge
positioning pressure hose of Only professional and certified operator will operate concrete
pump Crete may injure pump/equipment.
Regular disposal of waste, debris and scrap materials shall carried out
Trash bin for waste, used paper cups, scrap and debris shall be
Health Hazard provided.
Drinking containers shall be in good sanitary, tightly capped, and clearly
8 marked for use.
Housekeeping In-charge
Housekeeping must be done prior to closing of work permit.
All unused materials must be removed from site on a daily basis and
Environmental Pollution
disposed of only in an approved dumping area.
- Accumulation of vehicles in the site is not allowed, designate parking area must be assigned.
- Over – speeding in the Site is prohibited, always follow the posted speed limits.
Pre – task meeting will be conducted by site supervisor, use the JSA to identify the hazards & list the Site Eng/ Permit
precautions in the work permit Receiver/Site Incharge
Explain to the involved workers the purpose of this JSA and enforce implementation of control Site Engineer & Safety
If an injury or near miss occurs, the JSA shall be reviewed immediately to determine whether changes
are needed in the job procedures Site Engineer & Safety