Standard1paper2 Kaylamccray
Standard1paper2 Kaylamccray
Standard1paper2 Kaylamccray
Kayla McCray
Standard one focuses on leaders’ use of technology to increase equity, inclusion, and
digital citizenship practices. Each indicator goes into details about knowing how to use
technology and having the technology. It is not enough to have the technology devices, but need
to have the knowledge to use them needs to accompany it. Standard one also focuses on equity,
inclusion, and digital citizenship - the user needs to be able to modify these traits. There are four
ISTE for Education Leaders states in indicator one “ensure all students have skilled
teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs”. With indicator one, it
focuses on skilled teachers needing to actively use technology. It is not enough to just have the
technology but one who is skilled to meet needs of students as relates to what they need to learn.
The one who is in the classroom, uses technology effectively and not just to fill time or
pointlessly inserts an assignment to say that technology was incorporated. The use of technology
will not be beneficial if the teacher nor students knows how to use the technology. However,
none of this will be any good if you do not have the means or access to technology.
In the reading by S.K. Damarin, one thing I found interesting was the quote “use the
most accessible technology that will accomplish the task”. So not only making sure to have
access to technology but making sure to have the right technology as well. If you have students
in your class that perhaps are non-verbal, a Chromebook may not be the tool that they need. Just
because it is accessible to the students, doesn’t mean it will accomplish the task. This particular
student may benefit more from an augmentative alternative communication (AAC) device. This
form of technology will not only be more beneficial but more developmentally appropriate for
the student to be able to accomplish the task. Another idea from S.K. Damarin is “use the least
costly tool that will accomplish the task”. You do not always have to have the most expensive
product to accomplish a task. If the task for example is to teach students to use technology, you
can buy a device that is lower on cost as long as it will accomplish the task.
Standard two based on the ISTE – educator standards is about ensuring all students have
access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging
learning opportunities. This focuses on access of technology. Students need to have access to
technology. Rather it be a computer cart or being one to one as we are in my district. Without
technology, students will not be able to get the experience needed or complete the tasks.
The third indicator is “model digital citizenship by critically evaluating online resources,
engaging in civil discourse online and using digital tools to contribute to positive social change”.
This requires to evaluate what you would like students to use by figuring if it is appropriate and
if it meets the expectations you have set. Also, using digital tools such as blogs, forums, and
connecting with others rather orally or written. Positive change means trying to make things
better. When evaluating, there are some areas to keep in mind. One is the information. Making
sure that the information is credible and accurate – preventing you from obtaining false
information. Also making sure the media is updated. This includes making sure pictures are
The fourth and last indicator is “cultivate responsible online behavior, including
the safe, ethical and legal use of technology”. This indicator is along the lines of making sure the
technology is used appropriately. The facilitator needs to make sure that the users are using the
technology for the good and not for the bad. For example if they are using chat rooms, the
participants need to make sure they know how and practice safe user procedures. Cyberbullying
has become more prevalent in users so there needs to be a monitor on usage in order to prevent
In my district, our students are all 1:1 when it comes to technology. Each student has a
school issued Chromebook that travels with them all day – from the time they arrive until
dismissal time. We do not allow students to take devices home due to the fact that many of them
do not have internet in the homes so it will not be beneficial. I teach middle school so each
teacher’s use of technology in the classroom is different for each subject. Each teacher has basic
knowledge of computer usage. They might not always know the easiest and/or quickest way to
accomplish a task but they can get the job done. Also, at the beginning of the year, we have
students to sign a contract that holds them accountable for being safe on the computer as well as
One place the school could use some improvement is teaching the students internet
safety. This applies to making sure that they are not cyberbullying others on social media or
anywhere else that cyberbullying can take place. It doesn’t meet curriculum exactly so it
manages to get brushed over in a sense. We do have a program in place that does allow for
teachers to monitor students’ computer usage and for us to be able to see their screens, however,
the students are becoming cleverer about ways to be off task and communicate with their friends.
When it comes to this standard, I believe that our school/district does a good job with
keeping the technology up to date and available to teachers and students. One thing for sure is
that you will have to model expectations for students. You cannot just set them to work and
In order for schools to implement technology and practice standard one efficiently, they
must first have the means of technology. This can be Chromebooks, ipads, or whatever form of
technology is being used. I believe that although ipads/tablets are what most people have in their
homes, a Chromebook is more beneficial to have because it allows for students to be able to
practice that typing aspect of things. I also think educators and students technology should match
so that the teacher can know what to expect for students and be able to assist them with their
needs. If students have an ipad, then teachers should have an ipad. If students have
Chromebooks, then teachers would also need to have Chromebooks. This will aide in the teacher
As far as the past, present, and future are concerned, I see change. We surely are not
where we used to be to twenty years ago let alone five years ago. Presently, I think we are doing
students some disservice because we as educators do not always use technology to the best of our
usage. We just stick a video in or some research just to say we have used technology. I say we
because even I am included in that group. I was thinking the other day, state testing has moved to
be digital but we didn’t really teach students how to use technology. We expect that since they
are always on devices then they know however, that is not the case. For example, students have
to type responses on state testing and they have never been taught how to type. One benefit to
that is that state testing is not timed but some students suffer from anxiety and them having to
type and not really knowing how to do so drives their anxiety levels up. I know for me, I didn’t
really take keyboarding classes until high school, but we also did not have easy access to devices
as students do now. Today, we give students a device and expect them to figure it all out on their
own or with little to no assistance. I know that this day in age, technology is the way to go and if
you are not on board with it, then you will not be very successful. As far as the future is
concerned, I can see definitely a whole lot of advancements still to come and the newest fads and
trends will become old and out of date. I think we are headed in the right direction but there is
Damarin, S. K. (2000). The ‘Digital Divide’ versus digital differences: Principles for equitable
ISTE Standards: Education Leaders. ISTE. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2022, from