(Employee Management System) : Guide: (Prof.P.D.Pulekar)
(Employee Management System) : Guide: (Prof.P.D.Pulekar)
(Employee Management System) : Guide: (Prof.P.D.Pulekar)
This is to certify the project entitled “Employee management system” is a Bonafide work of
“Lokesh sunil nighot(61), Ashutosh vikas patil(63), Yash Kishor Choudhary(41)”
submitted to be University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of “S.E.” in “Computer Engineering”
Prof. P. D. Pulekar
This project report entitled Employee management system by Lokesh sunil nighot(61),
Ashutosh vikas patil(63), Yash Kishor Choudhary(41) is approved for the Second year Computer
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1 Abstract 7
2 Introduction 8
3 Requirement 10
5 Uses 16
6 Advantages 17
7 Conclusion 19
8 Future Enhancement 20
9 References 21
Chapter 1
1.2 Background
Most of the contemporary Information systems are based on the Database
technology as a collection of logically related data, and DBMS as a software
system allowing the users to define, create, maintain and control access to the
database. The process of constructing such kind of systems is not so simple. It
involves a mutual development of application program and database.
The application program is actually the bridge between the users and the
database, where the data is stored. Thus, the well-developed application
program and database are very important for the reliability, flexibility and
functionality of the system.
The so defined systems differentiate to each other and their development
comprises a great variety of tasks to be resolved and implemented.
1.3 objective
In this world of growing technologies everything has been computerized. With
large number of work opportunities the Human workforce has increased. thus
there is a need of a system which can handle the data of such a large number
of Employees in an organization.
This project simplifies the task of maintain records because of its user friendly
The objective of “Employee Management System” is designing a scheduling
system for a work center. Scheduling is such a tool with which the process of
intimating activities and notifications will be easy and even online in the
organization where it is installed.
1.4 Scope
Employee engagement is the act of creating and nurturing a working
environment where employees feel best able to perform their jobs to a high
With research showing that investing in this type of environment results in a
highly engaged workforce, improving business performance and profitability.
The scope of the study consists the importance of the employee satisfaction
is to find out the satisfaction level of the employees.
The objectives tell about the necessity of the study. The project work based on
the Descriptive Research. Random sampling is used for data collection.
Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis
Software Requirements
OPERATING SYSTEM - WindowsXP Professional
Hardware Requirements
Minimum - 32 MB
Recommended- - 64 MB
HDD - To install the software at least 2 GB and the data storage is depending upon the
organizational setup.
2. Identify employees for career and leadership growth Identify those employees
who are eager to learn and looking for growth potential. Focus your initial efforts on those
employees, not only building current skills but also investing in leadership and management
training when they are ready .Another bonus? Employees who are on the fence about
staying with your company may be more motivated to stay when they realize that you are
committed to helping them develop their personal career goals. This helps you retain your
most talented employees!
3. Align with employee and company goals Once you have identified areas of need
and employees interested in growth, make sure your goals for both are connected. An
employee development plan can only go so far if the employees aren’t involved. Consider
not only your employees’ career goals in general but also those specific to your company to
strengthen career succession plans.
Discussions are the best way to measure employee satisfaction in their job. This also works
best to determine what training employees need, what they want to learn, and how they
want to receive it.
Absence & Leave Management Organizations that use the absence and
leave management features of their employee management software
can reap many benefits. These include easy access to leave details that
help employees plan their time off. Employee management software lets
employees get all the information they need about absence and leave
policies and request time off. Their requests can even be categorized as
vacation days, leave for family emergencies,
Chapter 6
HR professionals really are tasked with a lot of major responsibilities when it comes to the
modern organization. From hiring the right employee to helping with the on-boarding
process and ensuring that everyone gets paid on time, human resource professionals really
do have to put up with a lot. And, if we look at it, HR members are also tasked with keeping
up with compliance.
Keeping the aforementioned tasks in perspective, many HR professionals do not have the
time to connect with employees and understand their problems, because of the tedious
administrative work that comes in between. But, there is a silver lining here in the form of an
employee management system that allows HR professionals to juggle responsibilities easily
without slacking off on any one of the fronts.
Basing your managerial style purely on manual processes can soon turn into an
administrative nightmare for whoever is involved. Tracking key information by hand can be
time consuming and also increases the risk of human errors.
With the help of a unified employee management system at work, you can ensure that every
important detail is available to you whenever you need it. You don’t have to worry about
micromanaging employees and being present all the time, because the system does half the
work for you.
Employee Engagement
With poor metrics and a poor understanding of employee performance across a period,
most managers have a hard time engaging employees and discussing potential problems
with them.
An employee management system can work wonders here, as it allows you to sit and discuss
potential performance details with employees across the year. You can establish goals,
evaluate performance and define a clear path to success, all through the help of your
employee management system.
HR databases have become a primary target for employees across the world. With bank
account information, social security numbers and other important information present on
these databases, malware attacks pose a serious problem.
Failing to protect critical employee information from hackers can not only prove costly, but
can also besmirch the name of your organization in the job market. No employee wants to
work in an organization where their personal information is not safe. A good employee
management system will have specific security measures in place to not just keep hackers at
bay, but also give you the peace of mind you desire.
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Future Enhancements
Future Enhancements There is always a room for improvements in any
software package, however good and efficient it may be done. But the most
important thing should be flexible to accept further modification. Right now,
we are just dealing with just normal operations in this project. In future this
Employee Management System may be extended to include features such as:
Manage Payrolls
Add Holiday Details
View Salary Details
Manage Leaves
Chapter 9
a) https://www.w3schools.com/php
b) https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
c) https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
d) https://www.mysql.com/
e) http://php.net/manual/en/spl.datastructures.php
f) http://php.net/manual/en/spl.files.php
g) http://www.weberp4.com/office-automationapplications/employee-management.htm
h) http://fooplugins.github.io/FooTable/
*End Of Report*
:- Thank You