Compare and Contrast Paragraph Exercises
Compare and Contrast Paragraph Exercises
Compare and Contrast Paragraph Exercises
My cousin and I recently had a discussion about whether his hometown, Chicago,
differences between the weather in our two hometowns. First, Chicago has all four
seasons, but Miami does not. Chicago enjoys summer, fall, winter, and spring weather.
Miami, in contrast, has only two seasons: a very mild winter and a very long summer.
Another major difference in the weather between our two cities is that Chicago’s worst
weather occurs in the winter. On average, the high temperature reaches only around 32
degrees, and the low each night goes down to about 20 degrees. The problem in Miami is
not the cold but rather the heat. In the summer, the temperature reaches 95 degrees in the
daytime and drops only to 75 or so at night. Finally, people in each city are worried about
different weather problems. While a Chicagoan’s biggest weather fear is a blizzard, the
biggest weather problem for people in Miami is a hurricane. In the end, my cousin and I
2. Underline the concluding sentence. Does the writer offer a suggestion, an opinion,
a summary, or a prediction?
3. Underline the three major supporting details. Circle the transition word/phrase
There are two places that have had a profound impact in my life. One of them is
New York City, where I live now, and the other is Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, where I
was born and lived the first part of my life. When you compare them, they seem like
dramatically different places, but they have some things in common, and I love them
both. There are many reasons why New York City (NY) seems like my home away from
home. Both cities are striking and distinctive. For example, each has its own nickname.
Everyone knows New York is “the Big Apple.” Quetzaltenango is known as “Xela”,
which is a lot easier to say! Second, both cities have a “Central Park” where people like
to go and walk. Although Central Park in Xela is smaller, its tropical flowers and colonial
architecture make it just as beautiful as New York’s. Furthermore, when you walk around
Xela, you find many tourists and people from other countries, just like in NY. For me,
conclusion, these are the two cities I love. For me, both are home, both are unique, and
both are filled with interesting people. These places represent the best of both worlds.
2. Underline the concluding sentence. Does the writer offer a suggestion, an opinion,
a prediction, or a summary?
3. Underline the three major supporting details. Circle the transition word/phrase
Connectors & transitions that show similarity Connectors & transitions that show contrast
Similarly In contrast
likewise however
Both Whereas
also while
3. Drivers in New York follow the rules. Likewise, drivers in Dubai will not go
4. Both Abdul Aziz and his cousin will study civil engineering.
7. The pace of life in New York is very rapid. In contrast, life in Xela is laid back.
8. Summer in Maine is very green, and many tourists visit to see the countryside.
10. My science class has over 300 students while my English seminar has only
2. Many families can live in an apartment building. Only one or two families usually
live in a house.
4. In Dubai, people eat a lot of rice. Korean families serve rice at most meals.
6. Mozart composed his first opera at the age of 12. Mendelssohn composed his first
masterpiece in his teens.