Entrepreneurship: Role of Entrepreneurship To The Economic Development Why Entrepreneurship Is Important To The Economy
Entrepreneurship: Role of Entrepreneurship To The Economic Development Why Entrepreneurship Is Important To The Economy
Entrepreneurship: Role of Entrepreneurship To The Economic Development Why Entrepreneurship Is Important To The Economy
Great entrepreneurs have the ability to change the way we live and work, on
local and national bases. If successful, their innovations may improve standards
of living, and in addition to creating wealth with entrepreneurial ventures, they
also create jobs and contribute to a growing economy. The importance of
entrepreneurship is not to be understated.
For example, the water supply in a water-scarce region will, at times, force
people to stop working to collect water. This will impact their business,
productivity, and income.
However, with a project such as the U.S. Agency for International Development's
Kenya RAPID program, an innovative and automatic pump powered by smart
sensors fills people's water containers automatically, ensuring more than 184,000
people now have improved access to clean and safe drinking water.3 This type of
innovation ensures people are able to focus on their jobs without worrying about
a basic necessity like water. More time to devote to work translates to economic
Community Development
Entrepreneurs regularly nurture ventures by other like-minded individuals. They
also invest in community projects and provide financial support to local charities.
This enables further development beyond their own ventures.
Some famous entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, have used their money to
finance good causes, from education to public health.5 The qualities that make
one an entrepreneur can be the same qualities that help motivate entrepreneurs
to pay it forward through philanthropy, in a later chapter of life.
Findings from the United Nations University also indicate the possible
implications of "over-nurturing" entrepreneurship. European economist Wim
Naudé argues that "while entrepreneurship may raise economic growth and
material welfare, it may not always result in improvements in non-material
welfare (or happiness). Promotion of happiness is increasingly seen as an
essential goal."8
Paradoxically, a significantly high number of entrepreneurs may lead to fierce
competition and loss of career choices for individuals. With too many
entrepreneurs, levels of aspirations usually rise. Owing to the variability of
success in entrepreneurial ventures, the scenario of having too many
entrepreneurs may also lead to income inequality, making citizens unhappier.8
Entrepreneurship plays an influential role in the economic growth and standard of living of the
country. As a startup founder or small business owner, you may think that you are simply working
hard to build your own business and provide for yourself and your family. But you are actually doing
a whole lot more for your local community, state, region, and the country as a whole. Here are the
top 7 important roles an entrepreneur plays in the economic development of a country.
1. Wealth Creation and Sharing: By establishing the business entity, entrepreneurs invest their
own resources and attract capital (in the form of debt, equity, etc.) from investors, lenders and the
public. This mobilizes public wealth and allows people to benefit from the success of entrepreneurs
and growing businesses. This kind of pooled capital that results in wealth creation and distribution is
one of the basic imperatives and goals of economic development.
2. Create Jobs: Entrepreneurs are by nature and definition job creators, as opposed to job seekers.
The simple translation is that when you become an entrepreneur, there is one less job seeker in the
economy, and then you provide employment for multiple other job seekers. This kind of job creation
by new and existing businesses is again is one of the basic goals of economic development. This is
why the Govt. of India has launched initiatives such as StartupIndia to promote and support new
startups, and also others like the Make in India initiative to attract foreign companies and their FDI
into the Indian economy. All this in turn creates a lot of job opportunities, and is helping in
augmenting our standards to a global level.
Every new business that locates in a less developed area will create both direct and indirect jobs,
helping lift regional economies in many different ways. The combined spending by all the new
employees of the new businesses and the supporting jobs in other businesses adds to the local and
regional economic output. Both central and state governments promote this kind of regional
development by providing registered MSME businesses various benefits and concessions.
4. GDP and Per Capita Income: India’s MSME sector, comprised of 36 million units that provide
employment for more than 80 million people, now accounts for over 37% of the country’s GDP. Each
new addition to these 36 million units makes use of even more resources like land, labor and capital
to develop products and services that add to the national income, national product and per capita
income of the country. This growth in GDP and per capita income is again one of the essential goals
of economic development.
5. Standard of Living: Increase in the standard of living of people in a community is yet another key
goal of economic development. Entrepreneurs again play a key role in increasing the standard of
living in a community. They do this not just by creating jobs, but also by developing and adopting
innovations that lead to improvements in the quality of life of their employees, customers, and other
stakeholders in the community. For example, automation that reduces production costs and
enables faster production will make a business unit more productive, while also providing its
customers with the same goods at lower prices.
6. Exports: Any growing business will eventually want to get started with exports to expand their
business to foreign markets. This is an important ingredient of economic development since it
provides access to bigger markets, and leads to currency inflows and access to the latest cutting-
edge technologies and processes being used in more developed foreign markets. Another key
benefit is that this expansion that leads to more stable business revenue during economic
downturns in the local economy.
A good example of how this kind of community development can be promoted is Azim Hashim
Premji, Chairman of Wipro Limited, who donated Rs. 27,514 crores for promoting education through
the Azim Premji Foundation. This foundation works with more than 350,000 schools in eight states
across India.
So, there is a very important role for entrepreneurs to spark economic development by starting new
businesses, creating jobs, and contributing to improvement in various key goals such as GDP,
exports, standard of living, skills development and community development.
Economic development essentially means a process of upward change whereby
the real per capita income of a country increases over a period of time.
Entrepreneur plays a vital role in economic development. Entrepreneurs serve as
the catalysts in the process of industrialization and economic growth. Technical
progress alone cannot lead to economic development, unless technological
breakthroughs are put to economic use by entrepreneurs.
It is the entrepreneur who organizes and puts to use capital, labour and
technology. Accordingly, “development does not occur spontaneously as a natural
consequence when economic conditions in some sense are right. A catalyst is
needed and this requires entrepreneurial activity to a considerable extent, the
diversity of activities that characterizes rich countries can be attributed to the
supply of entrepreneurs.”
The entrepreneur is the key to the creation of new enterprises that energize the
economy and rejuvenate the established enterprises that make up the economic
3. Generation of Employment:
Entrepreneurs generate employment both directly and indirectly. Directly, self-
employment as an entrepreneur offers the best way for independent and
honorable life. Indirectly, by setting up large and small scale business units they
offer jobs to millions. Thus, entrepreneurship helps to reduce the unemployment
problem in the country.
Public sector steel plants and private sector industries by Modis, Tatas, Birlas and
others have put the hitherto unknown places on the international map.
6. Economic Independence:
Entrepreneurship is essential for national self-reliance. Industrialists help to
manufacture indigenous substitutes of hitherto imported products thereby
reducing dependence on foreign countries. Businessmen also export goods and
services on a large scale and thereby earn the scarce foreign exchange for the
Such import substitution and export promotion help to ensure the economic
independence of the country without which political independence has little