Literature Review Weebly
Literature Review Weebly
Literature Review Weebly
Rhiannon Emmons
Crystal Echols
ENG 1201
18 March 2022
There are many people around the world who can say that at some point in their life they
have experienced stress. Often people may not understand all the side effects associated with
stress and may find it difficult to cope. As stress is a growing issue that many deal with, are there
ways to cope? Also, will finding out ways stress affects the body urge people to get the help they
Stress is a common concern to people all over the world today. “Stress is the body's
released which is called Cortisol. This method of releasing is known as CRF (Central
Corticotropin Releasing Factor). When undergoing stress, Cortisol is released from the brain into
the blood stream. Cortisol is what helps a person to be able to cope with the affects stress has on
Majority of people dealing with stress know the symptoms but may not realize that there
are differences in the types of stress that can be experienced. For example, there is short-term
stress and chronic stress. Chronic stress is prolonged stress while short-term is natural stress that
is condensed. While they both share the same symptoms at the beginning, “chronic stress can
cause or worsen many serious health problems” (Marks). There are also different categories of
symptoms. These categories are known as physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral.
There are many side effects associated with stress. Short-term stress symptoms that are
commonly known are, “racing heart, sweaty palms, and a pounding head” (Scholastic, Inc).
While stress is a common and normal thing for a person’s body to go through, chronic stress can
cause many problems. Some symptoms of chronic stress include “irritability, anxiety,
depression, headaches, and insomnia” (Pietrangelo). As these are just some symptoms, chronic
stress can lead worsening health issues including, “cardiovascular disease, menstrual problems,
sexual dysfunction, skin and hair problems, and gastrointestinal problems” (Marks).
Many different studies have been done and have shown that chronic stress may lead to
memory loss. When a person is stressed, Cortisol, gets released into the blood stream. “Higher
levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, seem to predict brain function, brain size and performance on
cognitive tests. We found memory loss and brain shrinkage in relatively young people long
After discovering the dangers of stress, studies were done to help find ways to cope with
it. A way to cope came out that was called “Mind-Body Training”. Mind-Body Training is a way
to trick the mind into relaxation. Mind-Body Training has shown to be successful as said, “a
variety of mind-body training (MBT) programs have been reported to decrease perceived stress
and improve mood” (Ye-Ha Jung). Coping is very important when dealing with stress but
especially when dealing with chronic stress. The best ways to cope are to be involved in an MBT
Stress can affect the body mentally and physically. Stress can cause many health
concerns and is something that can stay under control if treated properly. Stress can be very
dangerous and is a very underlying issue. Learning ways to cope and realizing how stress affects
I added all the sources I used in my final research essay. I added more sources because I
needed additional information to complete my essay. Below is the works cited page that includes
American Heart Association editorial staff. “Stress and Heart Health.”, 21 June
“Chronic Stress Puts Your Health at Risk.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education
“Drug Options for Treating Depression and Anxiety Disorders.” Edited by Smitha Accesse
d 8 April 2022.
"How your body responds to stress." New York Times Upfront, vol. 139, no. 9, 5 Feb. 2007, p.
Jung, Ye-Ha, et al. "The Effects of an Online Mind-Body Training Program on Stress, Coping
Marks, Hedy. “Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress on the Body.” WebMD, WebMD,
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Exercise and Stress: Get Moving to Manage Stress.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo
Pietrangelo, Ann. “The Effects of Stress on Your Body.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 29 Mar.
Rosiek, Anna, et al. “Chronic Stress and Suicidal Thinking among Medical
April 2022.
"Stress might lead to memory loss and brain shrinkage, study says." CNN Wire, 24 Oct.
"The Secret History Behind the Science of Stress." All Things Considered, 7 July 2014. Gale In
Context: Opposing