Water Tanker DD31C52Ad01
Water Tanker DD31C52Ad01
Water Tanker DD31C52Ad01
by tanker
World Health Organization
When to use tankers made from flat bed trucks with portable storage tanks
attached can be very dangerous if the tank is not
Moving water by tankers should be avoided if possible.
securely fastened. The delivery of bottled water may
It is expensive and difficult to organize. It should be
be a short term option but it is expensive and
seen as a temporary measure to allow for the
inefficient. It also produces a major solid waste
development of a more sustainable solution. Tankering,
problem from all the discarded empty water bottles.
however, is a common method for delivering water
immediately after an emergency has happened while
more long term measures are being put in place; Tanker management
where the emergency is thought to be temporary and Consider the following points when organizing a
the situation will return to normal soon; and where tankering programme:
security and political problems make it difficult to
change to a more sustainable approach. In the last Good management is the key to successful
case, tankering may continue for long periods tankering. Identify reliable and capable supervisors.
– sometimes for years. Closely monitor tanker performance, fuel
consumption and spare parts use.
Tankering is a major logistical operation. It requires a
fleet of vehicles that require frequent maintenance and Get clearance from local authorities and owners
proper management. Tankers full of water are heavy before using a water source. Check the water’s
vehicles and the operation may require regular attention quality and reliability before committing to its use.
to the access routes if they are to remain open.
Tankers may have been used for carrying other
The key to a successful tankering operation is good liquids before the emergency. Always insist on all
management, and proper financing. tankers being properly cleaned and disinfected
before being used to carry water (see Note 3).
Types of tanker
Establish detailed contracts with private tankering
Water can be carried in a variety of different containers,
contractors. Payment should be based on the
some specifically designed for the task and others
quantity and quality of water delivered not the
fabricated to meet an urgent need. Figure 1 shows a
working time. Establish a monitoring system at the
selection of different vehicles for carrying water.
delivery point to check the quantities delivered.
If possible, try to use specially designed water tankers.
Make sure the routes to be taken by the tankers are
They will be safer and more reliable. Temporary tankers
capable of carrying the wheel loads. You may have
to reinforce bridges and resurface sections of road.
Choose the right tanker for the job. Some sites may
be inaccessible and unsuitable for large tankers.
Others may require water to be transported over
long distances that would be unsuitable for small
tractor drawn bowsers.
WHO – Technical Notes for Emergencies Technical Note No. 12 Draft revised: 7.1.05 1
Delivering safe water by tanker
2 Draft revised: 7.1.05 Technical Note No. 12 WHO – Technical Notes for Emergencies
Delivering safe water by tanker
WHO – Technical Notes for Emergencies Technical Note No. 12 Draft revised: 7.1.05 3
Delivering safe water by tanker
A community affected by an earthquake requires 200,000 litres of water a day to be tankered in. The water is
to be collected from a borehole 10km from the community. Estimate the number of tankers that will be
required to deliver the quantity of water required.
Assume each tanker can work 14 hours per day using two drivers then the number of trips each tanker can
make a day is: 14 x 60/120 = 7
If each tanker can carry 5,000 litres per trip then one tanker can transport 5,000 x 7
= 35,000 litres per day
Further information
Davis, J. and Lambert, R. (2002)
Engineering in Emergencies – A practical guide
for relief workers”, 2nd edition,
ITDG Publishing, UK.
4 Draft revised: 7.1.05 Technical Note No. 12 WHO – Technical Notes for Emergencies