Synopsis of All Parvanns of Mahabharata
Synopsis of All Parvanns of Mahabharata
Synopsis of All Parvanns of Mahabharata
Parvans of
1. Adi-Parvan
Adi-Parvanbegins with a table of contents and later forms background for the
recital of Mahabharata by Ugrashravas-sauti at the snake-sacrifice. Gradually
the Parvan incorporates the history of the Bhargava lineage, origin of the race
of Bharata, burning down of the house of lac, killing of Hidimba as well as
demon Baka, Svayamvara of Draupadee and acquisition of the kingdom by
2. Sabha-Parvan
Sabha-Parvan starts with the description of the assembly hall built by Maya
for the Pandavas and moves on with the killing of Jarasandha, the expansion
of the borders of the kingdom by Pandavas, performance of Rajasooya
sacrifice, the killing of Shishupala by Krishna and the games of gambling; as
well as includes principles of governance and administration necessary for a
prosperous and virtuous kingdom, the geographical description of the
kingdoms surrounding that of the Pandavas.
3. Aranyaka-Parvan
Virata-Parvan starts with the discussion of the 13th year of exile which the
Pandavas must spend incognito to avoid another 12 years of exile in the
forest and includes episodes like entry of Pandavas in disguise at the court of
King Virata, killing of Keechaka by Bheema, seizure of the wealth in kine
(cows) by Susharma, the King of Trigarta etc. The Parvan ends with the
marriage of Uttara and Abhimanyu.
5. Udyoga-Parvan
6. Bheeshma-Parvan
Bheeshma-Parvan describes the first 10 days of the Kurukshetra war and its
consequences as well as recites the story of Bheeshma- the commander-in-
chief of the Kaurava armies, who was fatally injured and could no longer lead
as the commander. The Parvan also incorporates the Bhagavad-Geeta.
7. Drona-Parvan
8. Karna-Parvan
10. Sauptika-Parvan
Sauptika-Parvan refers to incidents which take place during the last night of
the war. This Parvan describes the nightly attack on Pandava camp by
Ashvatthaman, employment of missile called Brahmashiras, acquisition of the
wonderful gem in the crown of Ashvatthaman and the greatness of Rudra-
11. Stree-Parvan
Stree-Parvan describes the grief of women and men like Dhritarashtra and
Pandavas because of the war. The Parvan also includes a treatise by Vidura
and Vyasa on passage rites with words of comfort for those who have lost
loved ones.
12. Shanti-Parvan
Shanti-Parvan is set after the end of war, acceptance of peace and rule of
Yudhishthira by both sides of armies. The Parvan recites the duties of the
ruler, Dharma and good governance as counseled by Bheeshma who is on the
verge of death and various other Rishis.
13. Anushasana-Parvan
15. Ashramavasika-Parvan
Mausala-Parvan narrates the havoc caused amongst the entire Vrishni and
Bhoja clans as a result of the curse of sages, the destruction of the entire
Yadava clan, Arjuna’s arrival to City of Dvaraka, funeral rituals of Krishna,
Balarama and Vasudeva performed by Arjuna, Arjuna’s departure towards
Hastinapura with Vajra, the surviving grandson of Krishna and the helpless
woman and men of Yadavas and finally the attack on Arjuna by some bandits
and Arjuna’s helpless state as he loses the war against the bandits.
17. Mahaprasthanika-Parvan