03 Q1 Requirements
03 Q1 Requirements
03 Q1 Requirements
Q1 Requirements
Module 3
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
1. Q1 Scoring and Performance Categories
The Q1 scoring method and metric grouping have been revised.Q1 will now be scored
from 0 to 100 Q1 points. Sites start with 0 points and earn points in 4 Performance
Categories. A site must maintain a total score of 80 Q1 points and maintain / attain
certain Metric scores to remain in good standing. Suppliers will no longer receive
negative points or bonus points applied to a base score.
2. Q1 Status Stratification
In order to reward higher performing supplier sites, Q1 Status will now be stratified per
demonstrated performance over a 6 month period into 4 levels:
- Q1 Gold (greater than 95 Q1 points)
- Q1 (80 to 90 Q1 points)
4. Q1 Metric Threshold Limits
Q1 2nd Edition included all commodities at the site in Q1 attainment PPM scoring. Q1
3rd Edition limits the PPM scoring for Q1 attainment to the base PPM score for those
commodities used for Q1. Q1 3rd Edition also limits the QR Rate scoring for suppliers
with low receipts to prevent excessively low QR Rate scores for low volume suppliers
and QR incidents.
5. "Violation Of Trust" Removal
The Violation of Trust has been eliminated from Q1 scoring and revocation governance.
Q1 Manufacturing Site Assessment is now used to identify and address this type of
6. Streamlined Endorsements
- Plant endorsement removed
- MP&L Mandatory Document Pre-Screening
- MP&L Lead Region Endorsement
- FCSD Lead Region Endorsement
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
I. Quality Performance
Q1 uses five key Metrics in determining a supplier’s Quality
Performance Category score:
Production and Service PPM: Does a supplier consistently
deliver high quality products when compared against the
industry standards?
Production and Service QR Rate: Does the supplier provide
high quality parts to Ford and JV plants and service depots,
minimizing disruptions?
Stop Shipments: Is vehicle rework, modification or re-
inspection necessary due to poor product availability or
supplier quality?
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Customer Endorsement
Once the Supplier Site has satisfied Q1 requirements in
Quality Performance, Capable Systems, Warranty
Performance, and Delivery Performance the Supplier Site
is required to obtain customer endorsements from:
◦ MP&L (Material Planning & Logistics),
◦ FCSD (Ford Customer Service Department) for service
◦ Supplier Technical Assistance (STA).
Valid for 6 months
◦ If Q1 isn’t achieved within 6 months of the customer
endorsement request, it must be requested again
Form PP-S-F047 Request for Customer Endorsement
◦ Provided by STA
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Note that the number of months and multiple of the Q1 industry commodity level can be
altered for all production suppliers and/or all service suppliers based on performance.
Notice will be provided prior to implementing any such change.
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
110.1 to 115 3
0 to 3 7
Q1 Phase-In Metrics table to the right.
115.1 to 120 2
110.1 to 115 3
110.1 to 105 5
0 to 100 7 23
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
≥3 0
≥3 0
Module 3 Q1 Requirements
Module 3 Q1 Requirements