An Investigatory Project: Homemade Tomato Jam
An Investigatory Project: Homemade Tomato Jam
An Investigatory Project: Homemade Tomato Jam
Presented by:
Anneli T. Pacleb
Presented to:
This study is a product of many minds and hands. Without them, writing this
The researchers wish to express their sincerest gratitude to the people who
contributed and shared their time for the realization of this research work:
Mr. Kmer John V. Pacnis, the researchers’ adviser for unselfishly sharing his time
Ms. Deborah A. Luyun, the researchers’ mentor for her unyielding support and
To the researchers’ loving family, the Laddaran, Pacleb and Dela Rosa family for
Above all HIM, who gave the writers’ life, strength, hope, perseverance, courage,
The researchers
To our parents,
our relatives,
Table of Contents
Preliminaries Page
Title page i
Acknowledgement ii
Dedication iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
Hypothesis 3
Conceptual Framework 7
Chapter I
Prices of raw materials, whether at home or in stores, to have risen further due to
the stubbornly prices of food products bothered by recent weather disturbances and rising
energy costs. Some of them are wasted because they are not sold. That’s why some prices
of jam ingredients are rising that means the price of the product will also increase.
Tomato is one of the popular and most consumed vegetable in the world. It is
tasty and easily digestible and its bright color stimulates appetite. As a result, it is grown
in the backyard of most people’s home. It is consumed as salad with other leafy
vegetables, in sandwiches, and as stewed, fried, and baked singly or in combination with
other vegetables. It is an essential ingredient in pizza, pasta, hamburger, hot dog, and
other foods. It is also rich in nutrients and calories. It is good source of Fe and vitamin A,
Tomatoes are loaded with a substance called lycopene. It gives them their bright
red color and helps protect them from ultraviolet rays of the sun. in much the same way,
it can help protect your cells from damage. Tomatoes also have potassium, vitamins B,
and E, and other nutrients. Lycopene is an antioxidant – it fights molecules called free
radicals that can damage your cells and affect your immune system. Because of that,
foods high in lycopene, like tomatoes, may make you less likely to have lung, stomach,
or prostate cancer. Some research shows they might help prevent the disease in the
pancreas, colon, throat, mouth, breast, and the cervix as well. (Medically Reviewed by
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a fruit from the nightshade family native
to South America. Despite botanically being a fruit, it’s generally eaten and prepared like
a vegetable. Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which
can be linked to many health benefits, including reduce risk of heart disease and cancer.
Usually red when mature, tomatoes can also come in a variety of colors, including
yellow, orange, green, and purple. (Written by Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN (Ice) on
Generally, this study aims to determine the taste of tomato jam and its nutrients
A. Texture;
B. Aroma;
C. Appearance;
D. Taste; and
E. Health Benefits
3.Does peoples who eat this product have more nutrients in their body than others?
1.People who eat tomato jam as part their breakfast has more nutrients than others.
For the future researchers that this could serve as a guide for them in case they
would be conducting the same study and that this could contribute useful information to
For the students in Senior High School that this could help them understand the
significance of tomato as main ingredient for making handmade tomato jam and how
For the parents/guardians that this will serve as a guide for taking care of their
For the society that this could give them knowledge about the nutritious benefits
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study is limited to the use of tomatoes. The preparation of the product was
conducted virtually on March 30 to April 5, 2022. The respondents of the study are the
Tomatoes are the second most consumed vegetable in the United States. In 2017,
American people consumed 9.2kg of tomatoes from a fresh market and 33.2kg of
processed tomato products per capita. One commonly asked question by consumers and
This review addresses this question by summarizing the current understandings on the
Twelve original research papers were found to study the effects of different industrial
processing methods on the nutrients and/or bioactive compounds in tomato products. The
data suggested that different processing methods had different effects on different
compounds in tomatoes. However, currently available data is still limited, and the
existing data are often inconsistent. The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference Legacy was utilized to estimate nutrient contents from raw tomatoes and
related to the industrial processing of tomatoes were also discussed. To conclude there is
no simple “yes” or “no” answer to the question “Are processed tomato products as
nutritious as fresh tomatoes?” Many factors must be considered when comparing the
nutritious value between fresh tomatoes and processed tomato products. At this point, we
do not have sufficient data to fully understand all the factors and their impacts. (Xianli
Wu, et al)
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most widely grown vegetables in
the world. It is grown on more than 5 ha with a production of nearly 129 million. China is
the worlds top tomato grower, accounting for more than one quarter of the worlds tomato
acreage. Egypt and India together account for more than one fifth of the world total;
Turkey and Nigeria are the other major tomato producing countries. Asia and Africa
account for about 79 percent of the global tomato area, with about 65 percent of the
Wild tomato species native to western South America. There are two competing
the other, a Mexican origin (Peralta and Spooner 2007). Although tomato requires a
relatively cool, dry climate for high yield and better quality (Nicola et al. 2009), it is
adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions from temperature to hot and humid
tropical (Naika et al. 2005). Tomato contains nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C,
lycopene, an antioxidant compound that reduces risk of cancer (Miller et al. 2002).
Tomatoes are ubiquitous in the American diet. They appear in sauces, salads,
juices, soups and elsewhere. Their prevalence is good news; tomatoes are healthful as
well as tasty and versatile. They are especially lauded for their cardiovascular benefits.
“Tomatoes are low in calories, (about 25 calories per one medium-sized tomato) yet filled
nutritionist, health author and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
They are good sources of several vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, especially the
carotenoid lycopene, which gives tomatoes the red vibrant color. “Tomatoes are high in
fiber and good source of vitamin A, C, B2 … folate and chromium,” said Mangieri. The
vitamins act as antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals to stop the condition of
oxidative stress, according to ang article in Pharmacognosy Review. Free radicals cause
cell damage and disruption that can contribute to diseases. The minerals play important
role in ensuring the body functions properly. “There are also variety of carotenoids
[including lycopene and beta-carotene], the phytonutrients that are thought to play a role
in chronic disease prevention,” said Mangieri. Mangieri noted that cooking tomatoes
increases the amount of lycopene you absorb. “Tomatoes are also rich in potassium, a
mineral that Americans fall short on in their diet. One medium tomato contains almost
300 mg of potassium,” said Mangieri. “One cup of tomato juice contains 534 milligrams
associated with hearth health and proper nerve and muscle function. (By Jessie Szalay
Conceptual Framework
Independent Dependent
Variable Variable
Homemade Tomato
Homemade A.A.
Jam Jam
Tomato B.B.Aroma;
C. Appearance;
C. Appearance;
Taste; andand
Health Benefits