MGT1105 Midterm Reviewer
MGT1105 Midterm Reviewer
MGT1105 Midterm Reviewer
-no unused labor; FULL EMPLOYMENT LAW OF DEMAND: other things equal, as price falls, the
quantity demanded rises, and as price rises, quantity
EFFICIENT ECONOMY: produce goods at a least cost to demanded falls.
maximize profit & minimize cost of production
-there is a negative or inverse relationship between
-If the point is outside the curve of PPF, it is price & quantity demanded
unattainable because labor & technology is insufficient
Validity of the Law of Demand: “Ceteris Paribus”, “All
-Points inside & on the PPF are attainable because they else equal, all other things remain constant”
have sufficient labor & technology
**Nonprice determinants of demand such as income,
INVISIBLE HAND: a hypothetical economic force that in population, taste & preferences, and so forth should
a freely competitive market works for the benefit of all remain constant ONLY THE PRICE WILL CHANGE.
-Adam Smith theorized that as every individual intends SUPPLY
to seek out gains, he is “led by an invisible hand to
promote an end which was no part of his intention” -is a schedule or a curve showing the various amounts
of a product that producers are willing & able to make
available for sale
-is a schedule or a curve that shows the various 1.willingness to sell
amounts of a product that consumers are willing and
able to purchase at each pf a series of possible prices 2.ability to sell
during a specified period of time PRIMARY DETERMINANT OF SUPPLY: Price (if higher,
*REQUISITES OF DEMAND: supply is higher; if lower, supply is lower)