PHY 201 - Elementary - Modern - Physics
PHY 201 - Elementary - Modern - Physics
PHY 201 - Elementary - Modern - Physics
Branches of Mechanics
Learning Objectives 2 by two different observers. It is the
time lapse in the measurement of
By the end of this section, you will be able event. Or Time dilation is the
to understand and: lengthening of the time interval
a) Describe proper length and between two events for an observer in
contracted length respectively; an inertial frame that is moving with
b) Calculate length contraction; respect to the rest frame of the events
c) Explain why we don’t notice these
(in which the events occur at the same
effects at everyday scales.
In a very simple form, relativity means 2. Proper time – the time interval
observations made on SYSTEMS that are between two events is the time interval
in motion relative to one another. The measured by an observer for whom
system constitutes what is called Frame of both events occur at the same location.
Reference or Reference Frame. The
frame of reference is the X-Y-Z axes used 3. Proper length – Proper length L0 is the
to plot our graphs and make calculations. distance between two points measured by
The systems relationship include; an observer who is at rest relative to both
i. Time of the points. Earth-bound observers
ii. Length measure proper length when measuring
iii. Mass the distance between two points that are
stationary relative to the Earth.
iv. Momentum
v. Energy
vi. Kinetic energy 4. Length contraction – The length of any
object in a moving frame appears
vii. Velocity. Etc.
shortened in the direction of motion, or
contracted. The amount of contraction can
The foundation of our work will be based be calculated. The length is maximum in
on the following parameters; speed, the frame in which the object is at rest
distance and time.
distance 5. Mass defeat:
speed= =( meters/ second ) 1
time taken
would radiate their energy away and that the particles of light had energy
spiral into the nucleus. This clearly did proportional to their frequency.
not happen. The energy radiated by
atoms also came out in quantized E = hv
amounts in contradiction to the The new idea of Quantum Mechanics is
predictions of classical physics. that every particle's probability (as a
function of position and time) is equal to
The Bohr Atom postulated an angular the square of a probability amplitude
momentum quantization rule, function and that these probability
for n = 1, 2, 3, ….. that amplitudes obey a wave equation. This is
gave the right result for hydrogen, but much like the case in electromagnetism
turned out to be wrong since the ground where the energy density goes like the
state of hydrogen has zero angular square of the field and hence the photon
momentum. It took a full understanding of probability density goes like the square of
Quantum Mechanics to explain the atomic the field, yet the field is made up of waves.
energy spectra. So probability amplitudes are like the
fields we know from electromagnetism in
3. Compton Scattering: When light was many ways.
scattered off electrons, it behaved just
like a particle but changes wave length DE Broglie assumed E = hv for photons
in the scattering; more evidence for the and other particles and used Lorentz
particle nature of light and Plank's invariance (from special relativity) to
postulate. derive the wavelength for particles like
4. Waves and Particles: In diffraction
experiments, light was shown to
behave like a wave while in
experiments like the Photoelectric The rest of wave mechanics was built
effect, light behaved like a particle. around these ideas, giving a complete
More difficult diffraction experiments picture that could explain the above
showed that electrons (as well as the measurements and could be tested to very
other particles) also behaved like a high accuracy, particularly in the hydrogen
wave, yet we can only detect an integer atom.
number of electrons (or photons).
By Pythagoras thm of equation 2 from
∆ t=
∆ t 2o
√∆ t 2
) √( )
figure 5(b); 2
1− v2
1 1− 2
L= v ∆ t +d 2 3 c
1 Thus;
And from equation 1, we have; d= c ∆ t o ∆to
2 ∆ t= 5
Squaring both sides of the equation (1), we
1− 2
c )
√( )
d= c ∆ t o and substituting in equation
2 ∆ t >∆ t o=timedilation
(3), we get; ∆ t , the time interval measured in station 1
√( )( )
2 2
1 1 is longer than the time interval measured
L= v ∆ t + c ∆ to 4
2 2 in station 2, the rest frame.
Also, from equations (2) & (1), 1
1 1
L= c ∆ t
d= c ∆ t o respectively.
We want to establish a relationship
The quantity
1− )
v 2 in equation (5) is
is often used in relativity which expresses
2L 2 1 2
∆ t= = v ∆ t +d 4
c c 2 time dilation. Furthermore, the quantity
is expressed with the symbol β called bata
√( )( )
2 2
2 1 1 such that;
∆ t= c ∆ t o + vt
c 2 2 1
γ= 6
Now squaring both sides of the equation; √ 1−β 2
If v << c, then equations (5) and (6)
)( )
2 c ∆ to
∆ t= + approaches Newtonian mechanics.
c 2 2
Comparing the time intervals in station 1 (b) Julia
and station 2, we have;
i. V must be less than c (v << c), Fig6: Relativity of length
equation (5) must be less than unity ie
1; The experiment is carried out by two
ii. ∆ t must be greater (longer) than students named Marvis (M) and Julia (J)
∆ t o, that is, station 1 measures a respectively. M is in frame S while J is in
greater time interval between the two frame S1. In M, that is frame S, the rod is
events, however, the relative motion at rest and its length is Lo. In frame S 1, the
between station 1 and station 2 made rod is moving to the right with a velocity v
measurements differently; with the light source. In frame S the time
iii. Thus, their elative motion can interval ∆to required light purse to make a
change the rate at which time passes to – and – fro journey; that is, from light
between the two events; source to mirror and back to source is
iv. Hence, the speed of light is the given as;
same for both observers; 2L
∆ t o= o 7
v. Finally, the measurements c
between station 1 and station 2 is Equation 7 is the proper time interval since
concluded with this terminology; departure and return occur at same point in
When two events occur at the same time in frame S.
space in an inertial frame of reference, the In frame S1, the rod is moving to the right
time interval between the measured in the with a velocity v with the light purse. The
rest frame is called Proper Time interval length of the rod is L and the time of travel
or simply proper Time. Any other time from source to mirror is ∆t. during this
measured of the same time interval outside interval the rod, the source and the mirror
the rest frame is always longer or greater. move distance v∆t1. Thus, the total length
traveled from light source to mirror is no
longer L, but is given as;
Measurement of length interval d = L + v∆t1 8
Again, the light purse travels with velocity
To establish relationship between two v, such that;
lengths measured parallel to the direction d = c∆t1 9
of motion in certain frames of reference, But d is the same for both equations (8)
we consider a rod of length on which a and (9), hence, eliminating d, we obtain ∆t
light source is attached at one end and a as;
mirror at the other end as shown in figure L + v∆t1 = c∆t1
6 below. v∆t1 - c∆t1 = L
or that;
Lo L
c ∆ t 1= 10
c−v d
Similarly, the time interval∆ t 2 for the
return trip from mirror to light source is
(a) Marvis given as;
c ∆ t 2= 11
d c+ v
The total time ∆t for the entire journey is
L v∆t1 thus written as;
S1 ∆t = ∆t1 + ∆t2 = +
c+ v c+ v
Or that; P = mv
2L And the;
∆ t= 12
√ v
2 V Mo
c 1− M=
But ∆t and ∆to are related by equation 5 of
time dilation, and here since ∆to is the
√ v2
1− 2
the rest frame S as; 2
v2 2 L 1− 2
∆ t= 1− 2 = o 13 c
c c
Eliminating ∆ t between equations 12 and
13, we have that;
L=Lo 1− 2 14
Lo = 15
√ 1− 2
Relativity of Mass
The relativistic mass of a particle moving a
velocity v with respect to the observer is
measured in that measured in frame S1, the
rest frame, and the same mass being
reduced in frame S which is out the rest
frame. The mass in the rest frame S1 is Mo,
while the mass out the rest frame S is M.
The relativistic mass is given as;
M= 16
1− 2
Where Mo = rest of the particle; that mass
measured in its moving frame. Any other
mass measured outside the rest is the
reduced mass called the apparent mass.