Loop SWITCH Family

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Switch, Router, NID/EDD

IP, Ethernet, Carrier Ethernet , MPLS-TP

Layer 2 and 3
GE/10GE Concentration 19’
GE/10GE Layer 2, 3 and 2.5 MPLS-TP / CE


Loop Telecom supplies Ethernet to 10 Gigabit Ethernet solutions for

 Power Companies, Oil & Gas,

 Railway Transportation including High Speed Rails, MRT, LRT, Tramway
 Air Traffic Control, Airport Ground Transport, ITS,
 Military and National infrastructures,
 Industries ...

Loop Telecom Manufacturer of Telecom & Networking for Industries

Loop Telecom History Loop Telecom develops high tech‐professional equipment and
Since 1992, Loop Telecom has developed solu ons according to the requirements of its major customers
and produced in Taiwan commercial/ and compliant to recognized standards and regula ons.
industrial grade Transmission / Switching
equipment conforming to ANSI and ETSI Loop Telecom ac vely pursues the following markets:
standards IETF recommenda ons over cop- ‐ U li es: Power Companies, Oil, Gas and Water Companies,
per, fiber, and wireless. Star ng with CSU/
DSU Loop Telecom has developed TDM Mul- ‐Transporta ons: Railway including High‐Speed Rails, MRT,
service cross-connect, then SDH/SONET LRT and Air traffic Control, Airport Ground Transport, ITS,
transport mul plexers, and a range of Ether- ‐ Telco, ISP,
net devices such as Switch, Router, Demar-
ca on Devices, and PseudoWire Emula on. ‐ Military and Na onal infrastructures,
Today, Loop Telecom has launched a new ‐ Industries.
genera on of Packet Transport Network
equipment: PTN with MPLS-TP or Carrier
Ethernet on 10GE and Op cal Transport These worldwide deployments are either through partners
Network OTN. These solu ons are tracking who also supply local service or OEM large contracts.
from single DS0 Mul service to high rate IP/
Ethernet traffic, and Industrial Ethernet
switch router solu ons.

Short Telecom Glossary

Mul service TDM/PDH The mul ple applica ons as voice, analogue data, asynchronous and synchronous low rate, contact relay infor-
ma on like teleprotec on are converted into digital informa on within Time Division Mul plexing nx64kbps and transports by Time
Slots or DS0 in framed E1 2,048Mbps ETSI or T1 1,544Mbps ANSI interfaces.
SDH/SONET Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (ETSI) / Synchronous Op cal Networking (ANSI) makes the transport over STM-xx/OC-xx fiber of
TDM, ATM independent circuits and Ethernet EoS within a hierarchy, mechanism of protec on SNCP/MSP/MS-SPRing in ring, bus or
Mesh infrastructures, independent synchroniza on and with an absolute QoS.
PWE3 or PW PseudoWire Emula on End-to-End transport a TDM full service such as E1/T1, SDH, Ethernet… over Packet Switched Network
IP, Ethernet or MPLS as direct connec on.
PTN The New Genera on “Packet Transport Network” combines SDH/SONET advantages and high capacity transport of the packet. PTN
uses transport protocol as Carrier Ethernet or MPLS as encapsula on in LSP running over GE/10GE Synchronous (SyncE) fibers and
with PTP 1588v2 ming technologies available at each node.
MPLS‐TP The Mul protocol Label Switching - Transport Profile is a Switching variant of IP-MPLS protocol. It applies a Label Switching Path
(LSP) on packets of mul ple protocols, as PW for TDM or SDH/SONET circuits, to accelerate the speed over Mesh infrastructure or
over VPN without packet analysis. The MPLS-TP connec on-oriented packed switched is implemented like circuits of SDH infrastruc-
ture. Therefore, MPLS-TP features the OAM func ons for the Alarm Monitoring and Alarm Signaling, Traffic Diagnosis and Circuit Per-
formance Monitoring at every layer (Sec on, LSP, PW).
LSP The Label Switching Path of MPLS. The Label pertaining to the packet of mul ple protocols and to give the informa on of the Switch-
ing Path. Then Mul -Protocol-Routers in MPLS infrastructure switch the packet very rapidly in the infrastructure.
VPWS This Virtual Private Wire Services over MPLS-TP allows you a point-to-point Layer 2 bridging tunnel for any Ethernet service.
VPLS This Virtual Private LAN Services over MPLS-TP allows interconnec on over a Mesh of sites any-point-to-any-point with Layer 2 tun-
nels for services such as Ethernet connec vity and mul cast video.
Carrier Ethernet This switching/bridging Ethernet protocol of transport is defined by MEF services that include E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree and E-
Access infrastructure and organize the transport of Ethernet frame based on Services VLAN.
G.8032 This ITU-T protec on for PTN with MPSL or CE networks provide a ring protec on with a recovery me much be er than 50ms. The
G.8032 v2 protec on is applied on the full interface of on the VLAN of an interface. See descrip on pages 5 and 7.
PTP 1588 v2 This Precision Time Protocol is more precise than NTP. PTP exchanges messages between nodes, calculates the link delay and
the me difference, it shares results and adjusts the client clock. Different modes are used as “Transparent clock” mainly for Peer to
Peer applica on o en in automa on exchanges or “Boundary clock” more use to synchronize mobile systems.
SyncE This ITU-T standard define the transport of synchroniza on over GE, 10 GE or more Ethernet fiber or copper interfaces. Each crossed
node must support SyncE. This signal synchronize in frequency na ve Ethernet equipment or TDM PseudoWire equipment with high
precision. As the SDH/SONET with SSM the SyncE support an ESMC message that informs about the quality of the clock.

Page 2
To 10 Gigabit Ethernet MPLS/CE for “Critical Communication”

Loop Telecom Switch - Router portfolio

Loop Telecom is pleased to present you along these pages different solu ons of switch‐router adapted to applica ons, their
cri cal u liza on and the working environment.
We manufacture and provide PTN system for large infrastructures using MPLS‐TP or Carrier Ethernet transport protocols
with sophis cated OAM, and also Switch/Router to deploy at short distance applica ons that are carrying packet of Cri cal
Communica on over encapsulated PseudoWire of Mul service applica ons together with large less cri cal data, or theses
devices are designed as EDD/NID elements for Carrier Ethernet infrastructure for Telco.
We wish you a pleasant reading of this brochure,
in case you do not find the right equipment for your needs please contact Loop Telecom team.

Page 2 Short glossary,
Page 3 Summary and Enterprise Gigabit Ethernet switches,
Pages 4‐5 Industrial high density 19’’, 10GE Layer 2, 3 and 2.5 Switch ‐ Router, MPLS‐TP and Carrier Ethernet,
Pages 6‐7 Hardened DIN‐Rail format, GE Layer 2, 3 Switch –Router,
Pages 8‐9 Ethernet to 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches for Power infrastructures,
Pages 10‐11 Ethernet to 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches for Railway, MRT, LRT, Tramway infrastructure,
Pages 12‐13 GE / 10GE NID for Carrier Ethernet 2.0 infrastructure or private Packet Network deployment,
Page 14 PTN MPLS‐TP/CE Concentra on, Backbone, Service Aggrega on and Service Access devices,
Page 15 EMS and NMS for full Loop Telecom ranges and associated devices,
Page 16 Short view of Loop Telecom equipment por olio.

Gigabit Ethernet Enterprise switches

IP This compact economic GbE switch is used in standard IP This U ” economic switch supports LAN GbE ports
environment but with good level of performances for the enter- and GbE fiber uplinks to use in standard environment but with
prise or industrial switching with access security and a good CoS good level of switching performances a secure access and a good
management based on VLAN. CoS management based on VLAN.

Models IP6330 IP6340

Enterprise Switch Layer 2, 1U Layer 2, 1U 19"
WAN Uplink ports ‐ 4 x GbE optical SFP
LAN ports 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT
Ethernet switch IEEE802.3X flow control and back presure IEEE802.3X flow control and back presure
8 queues for SP and WRR, port Ingress/Egress rate CoS, DSCP, IP precedence, 8 queues for SP and WRR, port
limiting Ingress/Egress rate limiting
Static, port based, Static, port based, Tag based IEEE802.1q
Tag based IEEE802.1q up to 1024 up to 1024, Voice VLAN
Port isolation/protection, ACL, Storm Control (broadcast,
Security Broadcast, flooding and multicast traffic control
unicast, multicast), DoS attack prevention, DHCP snooping
Multicast IGMP snooping for 256 group and Query IGMP snooping v2/v3
Performances Switch capacity 48Gbps, packet forward 35.7Mpps Switch capacity 56Gbps, packet forward 41,66Mpps
Port Trunking LACP IEEE802.3ad, 8 trunks LACP IEEE802.3ad, 8 trunks
Telnet, http, https, SNMPv1/v2, port mirroring and port Telnet, http, https, SNMPv ??,
statistic port miroring, Ping testing, copper testing
MTU Jumbo frame up 9,216 Byte Jumbo frame up 9,600 Byte
Dimensions 267 x 162 x 42mm, rack mountable 1 U 19" = 440 x 131 x 44mm
Power supply One 100 to 240Vac or -36 to -72Vdc One 100 to 240Vac
Environment (v19/12) Working temperature 0 to 50°C, humidity 10 to 95% non condensed

Page 3
10GE high density Layer 2, 2.5 and 3 switch router

Loop Telecom 10GE/GE industrial 19” switches/routers are used to carry in Metro infrastructure the industrial pro‐
cess together with PseudoWire and large packet applications over Ethernet, SyncE and MPLS‐TP. All are protected by
RSTP, MSTP and ERPS G.8032 protocols. The power OAM support the QoS. They are powered with single or dual AC
or DC and they are compliant to Industrial and generally to Electrical Substation or Railway environments.

IP A This Layer / switch/router supports GE/ GE SFP+ and FE/GE copper ports with a
Gbps switching capacity. This device is used in Metro infrastructure, Data Center, Enterprise but
thanks to his supported protocols as ERPS protec on with instances, PIM-SM, VRRP, CIR/PIR traffic
engineering, OAM link and service... it is deployed for CCTV, industrial process concentra on...

G This Layer / . / industrial switch/router with similar hardware then IP A support in

addi on the PTN MPLS-TP or CE . * transport protocol to build to carry in high speed the IP/Ethernet
traffic over VPLS/VPWS. SyncE and PTP * give it the possibility to deploy P-to-P/P-to-MP applica-
on for industrial automa on or cri cal communica on over GE/ GE infrastructures.
G -FL Fanless version is compliant for substa on IEC - , IEEE and railway EN - .

IP This modular hardened Layer / switch/router available with uplink GE or GE/ GE has
slots for plug-in modules with FE/GE ports as SFP, copper and POE+ or ports with MACsec encryp-
on. This versa le device is deployed in Access or Aggrega on of industrial network. Thanks to the
EN - compliance it is used in Railway substa on and work in – to °C environment.

IP Ready Q this modular hardened Layer switch with uplink GE/ GE designed for
Electrical Substa on IEC - , IEEE . Its par cular concept for power industry provides slots
for FE/GE copper or SFP, but also high availability HSR/PRP and IRIG-B ports modules. Based on
SyncE with PTP hardware it supports nanosecond level of accuracy me. The IP work within
– to °C environment.
G A This Layer / . switch is a PTN Concentrator, Backbone or Service Aggrega on Device that
supports MPLS-TP and Carrier Ethernet transport. Build with 6 GE/10GE SFP+, 4 GE SFP and op onally
16 E1/T1, 2 slots support 8 FE/GE copper or fiber, 32 E1/T1 or STM1/4-OC3/12 modules. G7860A gives
access in 10GE network to TDM in PseudoWire/LSP and IP/Ethernet over VLSP/VLWS with high speed

Models IP6320A G7820 IP6828 IP6838 NEWQ1 G7860A

Switch 19" 1U Layer 2 and 3 Layer 2, 2.5 and 3 Layer 2 and 3 Layer 2 Layer 2 and 2.5
FAN Version IP6320A G7820 Modular, Rugged Modular, Rugged G7860A
FANLESS Version ‐ G7820‐FL* industrial, Fanless industrial, Fanless G7860A‐FL*
IP/Ethernet/ IP/Ethernet/
Protocole IP/Ethernet IP/Ethernet IP/Ethernet
Carrier Ethernet/MPLS‐TP Carrier Ethernet/MPLS‐TP
WAN Uplink ports 8 x 10GE SFP+ 8 x 10GE SFP+, SyncE 4 x GX or 4 x 10GE SFP+ 4 x 10GE SFP+, SyncE 6 x 10GE SFP+, SyncE
3 slots for module: 3 slots for module: 4 GE + 2 slots for module:
LAN ports 48 x FE/GE 48 x FE/GE
POE+ ports ‐ ‐ module 8 FE/GE POE+ - -
on uplink and HSR/PRP*
High‐Availibility HSR/PRP ‐ ‐ ‐
modules 4FE/GE, 4FE/GE SFP

modules MACsec
MACsec encryption 802.1ae ‐ ‐
‐ ‐

IRIG‐B output ports ‐ ‐ - modules 4FE/GE, 4FX/GX SFP ‐

16E1 and module 32E1
TDM access ports ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
or 4 STM1/4 or 4 OC3/12
Protection G.8031/32, RSTP, MSTP G.8031/32, RSTP, MSTP G.8032, RSTP, MSTP G.8032, RSTP, MSTP, MRP G.8031/32, RSTP, MSTP

L2 protocoles Flow control, VLAN port, 802.1q and Q-in-Q, QoS 802.1p w 8 queues, Link aggregation, 802.1x Radius **please check dedicated brochure

L3 protocoles Routing : Static, OSPF, BGP, VRRP - -

IGMP Snopping v1/2/3 IGMP Snopping v1/2/3 IGMP Snopping v1/2/3
Multicast and PIM SM and PIM SM and PIM SM/DM/SSM
IGMP Snopping v1/2/3 -

Synchronization/Timing SNTP NTP, SyncE, PTP1588 v2*
PTP 1588v2 transparant,boundary
NTP, SyncE, PTP1588 v2 NTP, SyncE, PTP1588 v2

OAM link, services link: EFM 802.3ah, services: CFM 802.1ag/Y.1731 - - 802.3ah, 802.1ag/Y.1731

Switching Fabric 120 Gbps 120 Gbps 28/64Gbps (GE/10GE uplink) 128 Gbps 85 Gbps

Maxi Throughput 41,67Mpps/95,24 Mpps 95,24 Mpps

Standard 0 to 55C° Standard 0 to 55C°
Working temperature 0 to 50C°
FL version -40 to 55C°
-40 to 75C° -40 to 85C°
FL version -40 to 55C°
IEC61850-3*, IEEE1613* IEC61850-3, IEEE1613
EMC Environment (v19/12) Industrial standard
EN50121-4, EN50155 IEC61850-3, IEEE1613

Page 4
Switches and Routers for Mission of “Critical Communication”

ERPS (Ethernet Ring Protection Switch) G.8032 recovers the traffic in less than 50ms,

The ERPS G8032 v2 is a protec on mechanism that supports single or mul ple instance (with RAPS-VLAN) in physical ring infrastructure. For
each ERPS instance one node is set as “RPL Owner Node” which blocks the RPL (Ring Protec on Link) set in one of its two ring ports. Then
one sec on of the ring is blocking any loop of the Ethernet traffic. Any node along the ring will generate a R-APS-signal-fail message when a
failure is detected on a ring port. When RPL Owner receives the message it will unblock the RPL and the traffic will be recovered. The recov-
ery me is less than 50ms and supports over 100 switches and is less dependent of the model, because it doesn’t need many resources
against the RSTP protocol. This protocol is robust and is applied for bidirec onal transmission can be set as un-reversible and, a hold-off -
mer can be set to weigh the ac on of protec on.
The same switch can support simultaneously mul ple ERPS instances or ring with ERPS protec on (see page 7).

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) RFC5798 provides redundant gateway,

The VRRP is a Layer 3 protocol that supports IP and MPLS
packet forwarding. This protocol eliminates the risk of single
point of failure with a sta c default rou ng. In the same
Ethernet Layer 2 network we can install two gateway Layer 3
switches as one Master Router and one or more Backup rout-
ers. The Virtual IP address is the gateway address set in the
LAN par cipants. This Virtual IP is associated to a Virtual
Router which forwards the traffic to the Master Router or to
Backup router in case the Master Router has failed.
This sta c VRRP protocol is rela vely simple to set in routers
and provides a dynamic rou ng. To op mize the u liza on of
both routers, two Virtual IP addresses can be used, or more
one per applica on for example and each router is Master of
one VRRP and Backup of the other VRRP for two gateways.
The VRRP protocol is interoperable with the RSTP, MSTP and
ERPS Layer 2 protec ons, and is par cularly interes ng in
large networks which transport mul ples applica ons.

OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) with link EFM, service CFM & Y.1731
The OAM mechanisms are the necessary tools to make sure that we can provide, maintain and administrate the services over the network.
These standards are based on three protocols IEEE 802.3ah, IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y1731.
The IEEE 802.3ah describes the Ethernet link level or Ethernet First Mile (EFM). This detects the remote, in case of ac ve mode it will manage
the link, the alarm, detect the fault, link-down the remote with dying-gasp and reply to loopback. Parameters will define its mission.
The IEEE 802.1ag is known as Connec vity Fault Management (CFM). This detects, diagnoses the level of Ethernet service link fault and relays
at the other MEP of the peer over the other MIP (intermediates) with the same service. This includes mul cast unidirec onal sent periodical-
ly to detect the loss of connec vity, loopback messages of the peer similar to a MAC ping and send a mul cast message and a request to get
a trace route of all hops.
The ITU‐T Y1731 is a standardized end-to-end fault management, diagnos cs, and performance management service, sharing the same con-
struc on of maintenance domain. The Y1731 OAM messages include Fault Management: ETH-AIS, ETH-RDI, ETH-LCK and ETH-Test, the Per-
formance Management: ETH-DM and ETH-LM.
With the EFM we can manage each links and with
the CFM and the Y1731 we can manage the Ethernet
Service between the two ends of the peer in the
customer premise.

Page 5
Hardened industrial DIN-Rail switches and router

Loop Telecom DIN‐Rail industrial switches and routers are used in Industries par cularly inside Electrical substa‐
on to carry SCADA, GOOSE protocols and for many applica ons as IP‐CCTV. These switches are protected by
RSTP, MSTP or ERPS G.8032 protocols. Some versions support 4 or 8 POE/POE+ ports, some others support RS232/
RS485 and dry contacts. All are FANLESS, they are powered by dual DC sources and models are compliant to Indus‐
trial, Electrical Substa on or Railway environments.

IP is an economical Layer switch for industry with uplink ports FX SP or / BaseT and
ports / BaseT with POE option, RS / and I/ O dry contacts. This economic device compliant
to IEEE , IEC - to be used in Power Substation works in many old and IP SCADA networks with
high speed asynch P-to-MP or omnibus, Ethernet flow control, VLAN and with RSTP protection and assisted
deployment for large rings.

IP is a powerful Layer switch SyncE with GE SFP uplinks, GE SFP, up to x / / BaseT.

Versions are supporting or RS / / , I/ O dry contacts or POE+ on the Ethernet ports.
Compliant to IEEE , IEC - and EN - it is used in Electric Substation and Railway station. It
supports VLAN and Q-in-Q, IGMP snooping for multicast and RSTP, MSTP and G. on WAN port with
queues of CoS with bidirectional rate limiting with full OAM.
IP ‐BR or IP ‐RT are Layer switch or Layer / switch/router with GE SFP and POE+
/ / BaseT. It is compliant to EN - and particularly designed for deployment in Railway sta-
tion for multiple applications including IP-CCTV. It supports VLAN with queues of CoS, IGMP snooping
with PIM-SM*/DM* for multicast, RSTP, MSTP and instances of G. to support multiple rings. The RT
version supports Static, RIP v /v , OSPF v and VRRP.
These devices provide timing synchronization PTP v transparent clock by hardware with ns preci-
sion, boundary by software and NTP client/server for automation application.

IP is a Web managed switch with limited function of VLAN and CoS prioritization to Profinet packets.
This x / / BaseT ports and GE SFP or copper WAN ports with one MACsec bit key encryption
instance per port provide an easy deployment for secure application in industry.

Rail DIN IP6810 IP6820 IP6818‐BR IP6818‐RT IP6808

Switch Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 & 3 router ‐
2 x FE or 2 x FX/GX SFP or
WAN Uplink ports 2 x GX SFP 4 x FX/GX SFP
2 FX SFP 2 x FE/GE,
LAN 3 FE 6 x FE/GE
option +4 FE/GE
POE/POE+ version 3 FE POE option 8 port with POE+ 4 x FE/GE POE+ ‐
RS232/RS485 option 0 or 2 option 0, 4 or 8 ‐ ‐
Dry Contact 2 Inp , 2 Out 2 Inp , 2 Out ‐ ‐
Protection RSTP, LEAPS RSTP, MSTP, G.8032 with 4 instances -
G.8032 with 1 instance
Flow control, VLAN port, 802.1q Flow control 802.3x & 3az
Flow control, VLAN port, 802.1q, Flow control, VLAN port, 802.1q and Q-in-Q,
L2 protocoles port isolation
and Q-in-Q, Link aggregation, QoS
QoS 802.1p w 8 queues, Port trunking LACP
For Profinet packets: VLAN
802.1p w 8 queues 802.1q, CoS 802.1p
L3 protocoles - - Static, RIP v1/v2, OSPF v2, VRRP -
Multicast IGMP snooping v1/v2 IGMP snooping v1/v2/v3
MACsec Encryption - - ‐ MACsec 802.1ae on 2 WAN
SNPT, NTP(client/server),
Synchronization/Timing SNTP NTP, SyncE
PTP 1588v2 transparant (hw) boundary (sw)
Switching Fabric
Maxi Throughput
OAM link, Services - 802.3ah, 802.1ag/Y.1731 - -
Telnet, SSH , http, https, Telnet, SSH , http, https, Telnet, SSH ,
Management SNMP v1/v2/v3, Radius
web management
SNMP v1/v3 SNMP v1/v2/v3, Radius
single/dual DC 24V or 48V dual input DC 9 to 57V,
Power supply single AC 100-240V
single/dual DC 24V or 48V
45V mini for POE, 57V mini for POE+
dual input DC 9 to 48V

218 x 41,5 x 156mm 219 x 67,2 x 167mm 54 x 113 x 145mm

Dimentions WxHxD desktop, wall, DIN-rail desktop, DIN-rail DIN rail, opt wall
45.3x 89.6 x 110mm

Working temperature -20 to 70C° -20 to 70C° -20 to 70C° -20 to 70C°
Environment (v19/12) IEC61850-3/IEEE1613 Railway EN50121-4, EN50155 Standard industy
Railway EN50121-4

Page 6
Industrial Switches for Secured Applications

Multi-interfaces Gigabit Ethernet Switch for industries

The IP6820 is a powerful Layer 2 Gigabit
Ethernet switch. Basically it has 2 WAN GE
SFP, 2 GE LAN SFP and 4 GE LAN. In op on
we provide up to:
- POE+ on 8 ports for connect VoIP, CCTV,
Wifi and IP-SCADA terminal,
- 8 RS232, RS485, RS422 asynchronous
interfaces from 200bps to 430kbps, point-
to-mul point, Omnibus pass-through and
the IP or TCP encapsula on to cover many
SCADA applica ons,
- 2 In and 2 Out dry contacts for alarms and
commands transport ,
- WAN ports are SyncE and provide SyncE
frequency synchroniza on on GE ports for
the applica ons like PseudoWire gateway,
All these features enable the IP6820 to
perform the mission of Telecom gateway in
industrial infrastructure and replaces mul -
ple access equipment.

Multi-instance of ERPS Layer 2 protection for “No single point of Failure”

As explained in the page 5 the ERPS G8032
v2 is a protec on mechanism that supports
single or mul ple instances (RAPS-VLAN) in
physical ring infrastructure.
Then with ERPS models IP6818, IP6828,
G7820 and IP6320A it is possible to support
infrastructure with main ERPS ring and sub
rings connected to the main ring by two
nodes. The final path of this Ethernet traffic
will use the Sub-ring sec on and the merge
Main-ring. This solu on do not need to de-
ploy Layer 3 rou ng and take place in ex-
is ng Ethernet structure. This provides an infrastructure with No Single Point of failure that is requested in Cri cal Communica ons like for
Railways infrastructures.
The IP6818, IP6828 and IP6320 are suppor ng Q-in-Q, then the ERPS RAPS-VLAN will transport the exis ng C-VLAN traffic. When using the
wireless link, the UERPS can be ac vated to verify the link path by sending a “heartbeat” at regular inteevals.
The support of POE+ on 4 FE/GE ports of IP6818 is par cularly interes ng for the deployment in public sta ons of WLAN thanks to UERPS for
the Internet access of visitors but also the POE+ video camera supports thanks to the mul cast support IGMP v1/v2/v3 and PIM-SM/DM of
the router version.

MACsec encryption for industrial applications easy to install,

The IP6808, IP6828 with 4 ports M4 and
M5 modules provide an encryp on of GE
links over fiber or copper. The MACsec 56
bits encryp on is very simple to deploy
for industrial applica on, it saves the
need for cer ficate server by using an
authen ca on and encryp on based on
the unique Mac address of link both ends.
The IP6808 supports 2 GE WAN ports
with encryp on and the IP6828 can sup-
port up to 12 op cal/copper encrypted
GE ports.
Both switches can support the encrypted
transport of TDM PseudoWire traffic for
industrial applica ons.

Page 7
Ethernet Service and Switching in Power Substation

Hardened Ethernet Layer Switch The Power Companies are using a growing number of Ethernet or IP
IEC‐ ‐ and IEEE applica ons for the SCADA and the Teleprotec on based on IEC‐61850
GOOSE protocol or the transport of Mirrored Bits or MODBUS over
for electrical substation
RS232 and transported in Ethernet.
DIN‐rail, FAN‐less, ‐ to °C
Loop Telecom proposes hardened switches conform to electrical substa‐
ons environment standard IEC‐61850‐3/IEEE‐1613 and transparent to
GOOSE IEC‐61850 protocol.
We supply also 10GE/GE switches for Ethernet WAN infrastructure that
IP x FX SFP, x / BaseT POE, can be relayed by Ethernet over SDH/SONET or MPLS‐TP infrastructures.
RS / , I/ O dry contacts These Layer 2 and 3 switch/routers are installed to deploy large band‐
IP x GX SFP WAN, width IP/Ethernet applica ons as CATV and various LAN applica on for
GX SFP, FE/GE, the power companies with highly secure control by QoS.
Teleprotec on with Peer to Peer transmission:
RS / ,
I/ O dry contacts, The IP provides Peer to Peer communica on with RS over Ethernet en-
All GE/GX interfaces capsula on between two teleprotec on devices using SEL Mirrored Bits® proto-
SyncE, op on PTP * col or other proprietary communica ons.
WAN ports protec on: The IP , IP A and IP switches are transpor ng transparently IEC-
RSTP, MSTP, ERPS G. GOOSE protocols with . p QoS between teleprotec on devices.
Supports Mirroring Bits
on RS /RS Ring Protec on:
GOOSE IEC transparent with QoS The Layer and are suppor ng the standard STP, RSTP and MSTP Spanning
Tree protocol but also the Ethernet Ring Protec on Switching IUT G. v for
Industrial GE / GE Ethernet more nodes and a short recovery me be er than ms at port or VLAN level.
Layer / Switch/Router
Dual central node protec on:
Based on Layer VRRP protocol two concentra on switches are working in par-
allel but only one is visible at the same me based on a virtual address. This give
the possibility to secure WAN Ethernet infrastructures by doubling simple CPU
switches, doubling the WAN infrastructure and the independent bridging in-
IP A x GE SFP+, x FE/GE, RSTP, HSR/PRP, (High‐availability Seamless Redundancy/Parallel Redundancy Protocol)
MSTP, G. / with ERPS instances, These Zero Packet loss solu ons are implemented in four ports modules of the
OAM future IP modular Layer switch. A card can be used as ports HSR and
G Router-switch L / , MPLS-TP, CE L . PRP mode with protec on path or as quad Red-Box with ports working in HSR
x GE SFP+, x FE/GE, SyncE, PTP *, Ring and ports as PRP Parallel Redundant end-applica on. These protec ons
dual AC or DC power supplies, insure no packet loss of the GOOSE communica on to their respec ve des na-
G ‐FL* Router-switch L / , MPLS-TP, CE ons.
L . , Fanless version , – to + °C, SyncE,
PTP- , High Bandwidth traffic
Compliant with IEEE‐ , IEC‐ ‐ and EN‐
The IP A or IP support over or Gbps of switching capacity with
‐ for railway maximum throughput of or Mpps. They offer or x Gigabit Ethernet
uplinks ports and fixed or x FE/GE tributaries ports. Such configura ons
sa sfy generally traffic demand from Power Companies.
Mechanical and Power
IP and IP are DIN-Rail switch powered by dual inputs or dual power
supplies - v or - V and build FAN-less for hardened environment up to °C.
The G , IP and IP are ” U switch with dual AC or DC v redun-
dant power supplies and they are working over °C.
IP ** Futur modular Layer swich with
x GE SFP+ SyncE WAN, with LAN slots for POE/POE+ version
module: FE/GE, FX/GX SFP, GE or GX with As op on, IP supports POE ports, IP up to POE/POE+ ports and
HSR/PRP support, FE/GE with IRIG-B output. IP can be used with x POE/POE+ ports. The POE ports and power limits
Protec on ERPS G. , RSTP, MSTP and MRP are remotely manageable.
SyncE, PTP v transparent and boundary.
Automa c discovery of ring with NTU and / RTU
Transparent to GOOSE IEC protocol with
QoS. The IP or IP support an automa c discovery of or units. A er
DIP-switches selec on of the master unit and others as slave, the master will
Compliant with IEEE‐ , IEC‐ ‐
discover and provides the se ling of slaves to avoid the preset of devices and
save deployment me.

Page 8
Ethernet for Electrical Substation IEC61850-3 and IEEE1613

Teleprotection over Ethernet Transport

Loop Telecom IP6820 Gigabit
Ethernet industrial grade switch
supports transparent and low
latency over fiber the transport
of communica on between the
Teleprotec on devices.

Thanks to the RS232/RS485

interfaces the IP6820 intercon-
nects with Mirror Bits protocol
these teleprotec on devices
synchronized by local GPS.

The IP6820, connected with GE

SyncE fiber WAN is suppor ng
transparently the GOOSE com-
munica on with IEC61850 pro-
tocol for new genera on tele-
protec on devices.

Ethernet Backbone and Access for SCADA , Security and Voice

Page 9
Ethernet Switches for Railway Station

Hardened Ethernet Layer Switch The Railway, MRT, LRT and Tramway customers are developing a grow‐
EN ‐ for railway station ing number of Ethernet or IP applications for the organization of
DIN‐rail, FAN‐less, ‐ to °C transport infrastructure as automatic transport, railway signalization,
IP ‐BR Layer switch for harsh environ- SCADA, power distribution, security, stations without personal, customer
ment in railway sta on with services, CCTV with permanent analysis and they request a high level of
x GE SFP, x FE/GE POE+, reliability and security.
Protec on: ERPS instances,
RSTP/MSTP, Loop Telecom proposes hardened switches conforming to railway station
Compliance EN‐ ‐ EN50121‐4 and electrical substations environment with IEC‐61850‐3/IEEE‐
1613 standard .
IP ‐RT Layer / switch
router, idem plus Rou ng: Layer and Layer switch:
Sta c, RIP, OSPF, VRRP The IP , IP and G switches support highly developed IP stacks of
Mul cast IGMP, PIM-SM/DM/SSM Layer transmission including the IEEE: . x Flow Control, . q VLAN and
. ad Q-in-Q, port isola on, . p QoS, . ad Link Aggrega on Control
Protocol (LACP). Administra on is with secured access . X Radius and SSH ,
and to GE LAN ports :
Different versions GX SFP,
h ps and SNMP v communica on.
or FE/GE, POE or POE+ Router versions of IP -RT, IP -RT and G support Sta c and VLAN
All GE/GX interfaces SyncE, rou ng, RIP v /v , OSPF and Layer services as VRRP and Mul cast IGMP v /v /
or RS / , I/ O dry v and PIM.
contacts, full OAM,
WAN ports protec on: RSTP, No single point of failure :
MSTP and ERPS G. The engineering of telecommunica on in railway request no single point of fail-
Compliance IEEE‐ ,IEC ‐ , EN ‐ ure, means that all paths even over low rate switches must be doubled up. The
IP , IP and G provide mul ple ERPS G. instance of ring protec-
Industrial GE / GE Ethernet on per node that give the possibility to connect any applica on to low level
Layer / Switch/Router ring itself connected to main ring by two nodes with automa c protec on based
on Layer and . The Ethernet Ring Protec on Switching IUT G. v for ex-
cess node per ring support a short recovery me be er than ms. This v
version supports the ring protec on on physical port or on VLAN with same per-
Dual central node protec on:
G Router-switch Layer / and Layer . Based on Layer VRRP protocol two concentra on switches work in parallel but
MPLS-TP, CE with x GE SFP+, x FE/GE,
only one is visible at the same me based on a virtual address. This give the pos-
Rou ng Sta c, RIP, OSPF, PIM-SM* & VRRP,
Protec on ERPS G. v , RSTP, MSTP, LACP
sibility to secure WAN Ethernet infrastructures by doubling simple CPU switches,
MEF Ethernet Services: E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree doubling the WAN infrastructure and the independent bridging instances.
MPLS-TP: K instances: VPWS, VPLS or H-VPLS , VLAN :
Clock SyncE, PTP * transparent/boundary,
These switches support VLAN with single and dual tagging or Q-in-Q with C-
OAM, dual AC or DC power supplies, FAN
VLAN and S-VLAN. They support the registra on of VLAN GARP, GVRP, and
G ‐FL* Router-switch idem but FANLESS GMRP for fast deployment of VLAN.
Working at – to °C,
Compliance to IEEE‐ , IEC‐ ‐ and for POE/POE+ version:
railway sta on EN‐ ‐ The IP , IP and IP support according to theirs configura on up to
, or POE/POE+ ports. The ports, power limits are remotely manageable.
Mechanical and power supply:
All these switches are build with industrial grade components to work from –
to °C and under % humidity non– condensing generally in IP aluminum
case for DIN rail models and in metal case for ” models. All models exist in
IP Modular Switch/Router Layer or FANLESS version that is requested par cularly in tunnel environment. The DIN
L / with x GE SFP or x GE SFP+ uplink, rail models can be powered in - Vdc or – Vdc for POE+ and ” chassis are
with LAN slots for module: FE/GE, FX/GX powered by single or dual – Vdc or AC power supplies.
SFP, FE/GE POE/POE+, GE or GX with Management:
MACsec encryp on.
Protec on ERPS G. v , RSTP, LACP, MRP All Loop Telecom switches are manageable in h ps, Telnet/SSH, SNMP v /v and
Rou ng sta c, RIP, OSPF, PIM-DM*/SM* they are visible and managed by the Loop-iNET EMS described in page . the
Working at – to + °C access are secured by . x, Radius and for some TACAS+. Secure tools are
Compliance to EN‐ ‐ in railway sta on available as ACL, DHCP Server/Relay/Client and Op ons / / to secure the
and EN‐ inside rolling stock material. deployment and other as Mirror port, RMON, BootP to help for the mainte-

Page 10
Ethernet Switches for Railway Substation EN50121-4

LRT, Tramway transmission networks for Signalization, SCADA, Voice services,

Customer ticketing and services, Power teleprotection …

The telecommunica on for the deployment of LRT, Tramway, Buses infrastructure/sta ons along short or medium distances is more appro-
priate to use Ethernet solu ons. Thanks to the protocols: Layer 2 as the G.8032 ring, or the Layer 3 VRRP or PIM-SM/DM for mul cast appli-
ca on, all give the possibility to deploy secured transmission in such configura on. According to environment requirements of these infra-
structures, Loop Telecom supply switches with EN50121-4 railway sta on compliance.
Our solu on support VLAN and Q-in-Q with QoS with 8 queues and bandwidth control to organize the different services on the same trunk. In
case of request from services as analog interfaces, contact or the teleprotec on for the tramway power distribu on, we can combine with
PseudoWire equipment described in the previous pages. iNET and iNMS systems are suppor ng switch organiza on and management of
Loop equipment and some func on of other equipment.

CCTV infrastructure and full video solution with analysis for public sites: station, airport...
Loop Telecom has supplied several
secured switches CCTV infrastructures
for large public site airport, railways
sta on, conference center...
With partners we also supply full CCTV
solu on including hardware cameras,
video servers for recording, image syn-
chroniza on, video streaming and so -
ware for analysis like: intrusion, gate
flow, occupancy rate, le object, stolen
object, vehicle license plate….
Such Ethernet G.8032 ring infrastruc-
ture run over 60 IP6820 GE industrial
switches, which connect up to 8 POE+
cameras. In central video node two
IP6320A, layer 3 10GE switches with
VRRP protec on, can support few hun-
dred cameras in CCTV installa on.
iNET management system support
Loop switches, and third party cameras
and access server .

Page 11
10GE/GE Network Interface Devices (NID) Carrier Ethetnet 2.0

The IP6608/IP6618 are purpose‐built silicon technologies to match the needs of Carrier Ethernet 2.0 class services.
Their features bring hassle free opera ons with the benefits of unmatched resiliency, high synchroniza on accura‐
cy, and comprehensive OAM.
These Network Interface Devices (NID) are used to build a full CE network or integrated in exis ng CE 2.0 infra‐
structure, or used as Ethernet Demarca on Device (EDD) for large Ethernet operator Network thanks to DHCP,
VLAN developed features and ultra‐low power consump on.
IP This NID Network Interface Device is a powerful EDGE device of Carrier Ethernet Network
that provide Ethernet distribu on services with Phase and Clock synchroniza on based on SyncE with
ESMC messages, PTP IEEE boundary and transparent clock with ns precision and suppor ng re-
dundant Grand Master and Mul ple ming domain.
This device supports GE op cal SFP and copper / / BaseT ports, all are usable as NNI or
UNI. This Fan less device work in – to °C environment for customer premise and in industries.

IP This NID Network Interface Device is a stronger EDGE or small center device of Carrier Ether-
net Network that provide Ethernet distribu on services par cularly for LTE distribu on with all fea-
ture of Phase and Clock synchroniza on based on SyncE and PTP IEEE .
This device supports op cal GE SFP+ , op cal GE SFP and copper / / BaseT ports, all
are usable as NNI or UNI.

Carrier Ethernet Features Both devices support the non blocking wire speed switching for the CE
. services: E-LINE (EPL/EP-VL), E-LAN (EP-LAN/EVP-LAN), E-TREE (EP-Tree/EVP-Tree) and E-Access
(Access EPL/EVPL) with per EVC QoS, policing and shaping for isola on and Traffic Engineering with
high ports and VLAN control, Strict Priority and Weigh ng Round Robin (WRR), rate limi ng, TOS with
Status/Sta s c monitoring.
Protec on is insured by LACP, RSTP/MSTP and ELPS/ERPS v with instances.
These Layer switches with a high speed provider bridge support VLAN transla on, voice VLAN,
trunking… and automa c registra on. Layer switching support DHCP opt relay, UPnP, and Unicast
IPv rou ng. These devices support Mul cast management with IGMP v /v and MLDv /v snooping,
IPMC with Thro ling, Filtering, Fast Leave and Proxy and Broadcast/Mul cast Storm control, filtering
and protocol forwarding.

Models IP6608 IP6618

Switch 19" 1U Layer 2 , Layer 3 limited
Carrier Ethernet Service E‐Line, E‐LAN, E‐Tree, E‐Access ‐ CE 2.0 compliant
Fiber ports NNI or UNI 6 x FE/GE SFP 2 x GE/10GE SFP+, 2 x FE/GE SFP
Copper ports NNI or UNI 4 x 10/100/1000BaseT 4 x 10/100/1000BaseT
SyncE (G.8262) with ESMC message, NTP client/server,
Synchronization/Timing PTP (1588 v2): Boundary vlock, Peer-to-peer-Transparent clock , Multiple timing domains.
PTP Telecom Profile with Boundary and Transparant clock (G.8275.x)
Protection LACP (802.3ad), ELPS (G.8031), ERPS (G.8032) with 64 instances, RSTP/ MSTP (801.1w/s)
VLAN (802.1Q) , Q-in-Q (802.1ad), VLAN translation, VLAN truncking,
L2 protocoles Multiple Registration P. GVRP et MRVP, Voice VLAN Auto VoIP
QoS (802.1p) with 8 hardware priority queues, Per-Port/VLAN rate limiting,
QoS Per-EVC QoS, Policing and Shaping for Service Isolation and Traffic Engineering
Multicast IGMP Snopping v1/2/3, MLD v1/v2, IP Multicast, filtering, storm control, MVR
L3 protocoles Unicast Static Routing, DHCP Option 82 relay, UPnP
Network Access Server : port-based (802.1x) single/multiple Radius or TACACS+, MAC-Based ,
Security ACL's for filtering-policing, port copy
http/https, CLI over Telnet/SSH v2, IP v4/v6, SNMP v1/2c/3, DHCP Client/server, RMON 1,2,3 and
Management 9, System syslog, Loop-iNET-EMS*
Port Control Speed, Duplex mode, Flox control, Frame Size, Status, cable diagnostics
link: LLDP 802.1AB, EFM 802.3ah,
OAM link, services services: CFM 802.1ag, Y.1564 test, Y.1731 performance monitoring
Switching Fabric 13 Gbps 32 Gbps
Maxi Throughput Non blocking wirespeed switching.
MTU MTU from 1518 to 10,240 Bytes
Working temperature FANLESS, -40 to +65°C
DC -36 to 72V, DC -36 to 72V,
Power supply consumption Green Power 5 W, cconsumption 18 W,
option AC/DC converter, or AC version * option AC/DC converter, or AC version *
EMC Environment (v19/12) CE, FCC Part 15

Page 12
Carrier Ethernet Transport Infrastructure

Carrier Ethernet Network design for multiples operators

As the private Carriers focus more on industries, power, transporta on, bank, trading stock exchange, mul site distribu on, and larges infra-
structures as railway, na onal grids… to cover large territories they mix their owns resources together with fibers from Telco or Ethernet pipe
from other carriers. They must share all with a good flexibility and provide dedicated and secured resources to their customer. The deploy-
ment of Carrier Ethernet is a very prac cal and scalable structure for such mul site customers and applica ons.

The IP6608/IP6618 NID give the possibility to deploy very easily with service VLAN (S-VLAN) for point to point links (E-Line) or point to mul-
point E-LAN and to provide permanent or on-demand point to mul point access with E-Tree or E-Access MEF services.
Carrier Ethernet CE 2.0 provides the default isola on between remotes sites and the deployment LAN with C-VLAN very simple for the cus-
tomers. The carrier these customer can use a complex mix infrastructure with is own network and rent network from other carrier.

Deployment of PTN structure with BW guaranty and clock/phase synchronization,

The dual 10GE IP6618 switch coupled with GE IP6608 NID give the possibility to deploy rapidly for a reasonable cost a small PTN infrastruc-
ture that will guarantee the customers and their applica ons to preserve bandwidth per-EVC QoS, Traffic-Engineering engine with strict pri-
ority Weigh ng Round-Robin (WRR) scheduling. This solu on deploy the SyncE clock for all PseudoWire nodes for Mul service TDM
transport and provide a transparent structure for all Peer-to-Peer of automa on applica ons that are using transparent PTP 1588v2 with a
nanosecond precision level . The deployment of VLAN is helped by the Mul ple registra on MRVP and GRVP but also by the support of mul -
ple protocols and modes to integrate with exis ng other switches. The IP6608/IP6618 are visible in iNET and manageable from this ENMS
together with all other Loop Telecom ranges and 3d party products.

Optimization of 10GE link,

Different telecommunica on applica-
ons, as mobile, require physical 10GE
link but with a maximum of 30% u liza-
on. A pair of IP6618 can share these
costly links, preserve the bandwidth of
the main applica on per-EVC QoS and
Traffic-Engineering engine with strict
priority Weigh ng Round-Robin (WRR)
scheduling and provide 6 FE/GE inter-
faces for other IP/Ethernet . www.LoopTelecom.com
Page 13
PTN solutions for Gigabit Ethernet and E 1/T1 deployement

Loop produces devices used Deployment of 2G/3G/LTE infrastructure in low density area
for Mobile backhaul and for
industrial applications with
Gigabit Ethernet and E1/T1
flows deployment

PTN Concentrator, Backbone,
Service Aggrega on Device,
Carrier Ethernet / MPLS‐TP
 6 GE/10GE SFP+, 4 GE SFP
 2 modules for
 8 GE SFP or 8 FE/GE RJ45
 4 STM1 or 1 STM4 SFP
 32 E1/T1 with SCSI
 E1, T1, FE1, FT1, VCxx,VC-4c
 ACR or DCR
MEF-8 (CESoEth), CEP
The G7860A and IP6750 are performance and adaptable solu on to deploy in low density areas the
 VPLS, VPWS, H-VPLS for Mobile network and backhaul thanks to the modularity of both devices. The EDGE/Access IP6750 node
Ethernet services can, with two WAN port used for protec on of devices in daisy chain, can be configured with a configu-
Layer 2 switch ra on with a mix of 16 E1/T1 and 8 GE Combo. The backbone/aggrega on device G7860A basically
 85GB non blocking switch equipped with 6 10GE, 4 GE and 16 E1/T1 can support a mix of maximum 20 GE or 80 E1/T1. Both sup-
 SyncE GE/10GE ports, port SyncE and PTP 1588v2 for frequency and phase synchroniza on requested by mobile BTS/Node-B.
 IEEE1588v2 slave, boundary The QoS management based on Token Bucket (TB), Two Rate Three Color (TRTC), and Hierarchical QoS
transparent clock, Stratum 3 (H-QoS), the selec on of Ingress/Egress per port, all give a guaranty of high level of stability for
 TOD and 1PPS interfaces transport of mix traffics. Both devices are supported by the iNET management.
 VLAN , Q-in-Q , QoS
 OAM 802.1ag, Y.1731, 802.3ah Deployment of IP-PMR or Private-LTE in tunnel.
 G.8031, G8032 protec on

Service Aggrega on and
Access Device,
PTN Carrier Ethernet
 2 x GE Combo WAN
 4 modules for
 4 E1/T1 with DB37 The diffusion of IP-PMR inside tunnel may need several BTS and antennas. The switches support 1GE of
 2 GE Combo SFP and RJ45 shared traffic with RSTP or ERPS ring and they are synchronized by SyncE line and PTP 1588v2 with redun-
PseudoWires dant PTP 1588 Grand Master.
 E1, T1, FE1, FT1 The IP6750 can support up to 9 hops of SyncE and PTP 1588 Boundary an Transparent clock to provide
with TS grooming the requested frequency, and phase synchroniza on at each node along the ring. All devices are man-
 64 simultaneous PWE3 aged by iNET EMS.
 32 with ACR or DCR for
remote synchroniza on
Adap ve Clock Recovery
Gigabit Ethernet & E1/T1 backhaul
Differen al Clock Recovery
MEF-8 (CESoEth)
Layer 2 switch
 5GB non blocking switching
 SyncE GE ports,
 IEEE1588v2 slave, boundary
transparent clock, Stratum 3
 TOD and 1PPS interfaces Several thousand of IP6750 in versions indoor or outdoor have been deployed by some Telcos to support
 VLAN , Q-in-Q , QoS point-to-point backhaul for Mobile 2G, 3G and LTE or other TDM applica on. Thanks to SyncE and PTP
 OAM 802.1ag, Y.1731, 802.3ah 1588v2 support the IP6750 provides the frequency and ming synchroniza on requested by BTS/Node-B.
 Protec on G.8031, ERPS Both fiber links provide trunked LACP bandwidth or protec on G.8031.
G8032* and RSTP, MSTP*
 Out-door version available
on special orders
Page 14
Management/Monitoring for SDH/PDH,PW, Ethernet L2/L3, MPLS-TP

Loop-iNET, based on scalable and modularized architecture, is an intelligent net‐ Web Management
work management so ware for Element Management Layer (EML) and Network The majority of Loop Telecom
Management Layer (NML) based on Telecommunica ons Management Network switches support http/https
(TMN) model. It provides a GUI (graphical user interface) for the management of a administration with FTP/TFTP
communica ons network containing Loop Telecom products and 3rd‐par es NE . client to download/upload con
-figurations. See brochures.
Loop-iNET management system is a Web based applica on and iNET-LCT
supported by MS Windows server pla orm and MySQL RDBMS This light Window software is a
database server. Graphic Local Craft Interfaces.
This solu on op on with hot standby server redundancy and with This basic version of iNET EMS
automa c switchover provides high availability (HA). The system is permitting to set-up node
access security is based on users with privilege access that are per node locally or over the
customized through combina on of opera on func ons and man-
network and gives the vison of
aged NEs, user access log with single or mul ple GUI.
all setting and cross-connects
Mul -hierarchical subnet structure allows users to provide mul -
level network topology display. This SNMP based management of the device.
system supports func ons including commands, alarms, and sta s-
cs gathering.
iNET can support up to 100,000 Network Elements (NEs) of TDM,
Ethernet and PseudoWire Loop Telecom devices and generic 3rd-
party NE. The robust and reliable design provides flexible and
scalable solu on for network expansions.

Loop-iNMS-NMS Loop‐iNMS (Integrated/Intelligent Network Manage‐

ment System) is a set of so ware programs suppor ng the Loop equipment com‐
pliant to TMN. This system manages the device of Transport Network (SDH), Ac‐
cess Network (PDH), Ethernet with PseusoWire‐3E and PTN over MPLS‐TP.
This is a GUI, End‐to‐End commissioning with several services for small to very
large infrastructure with a NBI to access to a head NMS.
 Full SNMP supports func ons including
commands, alarms, and sta s cs gathering
 Viewing and prin ng of all node sta s cs,
alarm reports, configurable report design
 Enriched topology management with GIS
geographic maps, zoom and drag-and-drop
 Views of op cal cable connec on, cross-
connec on, panel view, and resource trees
 Clock Distribu on Map
 System Redundancy and Protec on
 Efficient performance monitoring in real-
me and history for PM, NE and circuits
 Alarm management with no fica on via e-
mail, GSM message (SMS), with filtering
 Root Cause Analysis accurately diagnoses
faults on NEs and managed circuits by sta-
tus and severity levels
 System Access Security and many op ons
to customize your requirement.
For PseudoWire, iNMS provides the
The iNMS system :
management and commissioning of
- The so ware runs Linux with
- Database Server: Oracle 10g,11g, 12g*  PseudoWire Circuits commission-
- User-friendly GUI on MS Windows pla orm. Up ing PWoIP, PWoEth and PWoMPLS
to 50 GUI clients simultaneously are logged.  Hybrid Mul -Segments Circuit :
- iNMS support several thousand SNMP Loop Access TDM + PWE3 + TDM
nodes and 3rd-Party NE .  For IP67xx, PseudoWire gateway
All servers, database, pollers can be built with PWoIP, PWoEth with bundle protec on
redundant and High Disaster Recovery op on.  For G7860 PTN MPLS-TP support PWoEth
INMS provides to administrator: and PWoMPLS with LSP and LSP protec on
 High Level NMS and the automa c-commissioning of nodes
 GUI of device and Network view and LSP.
 End-to-end service management with auto-  OAM for End to End circuit over IP or
ma c commissioning of nodes Ethernet network or LSP.

Page 15
Loop Telecom supplies Transmission and Networking
solutions for “Critical Communication”

Mul service analogue/digital TDM/DACS Mul plexing SDH/SONET Transport

TDM/PDH Versions STM1/4/16 or OC3/12/48
From 1 to 504 E1/T1 Tributaries E1/T1, E3, EoS, STMxx
Modular, scalable Versions with TDM DACS
Redundant CPU/DACS

O9150S / O9400R
O9170S / O9500R

PseudoWire over IP/Ethernet

Packet transport of TDM E1/T1, n64K, E3/T3
for Voice and Serial data Emula on, Ethernet
Transport of synchroniza on,
- Modular configura ons or compact devices
IP6702A / IP6704A
AM3440‐E / TDMoAE

GE/10 GE PTNtransport
switch L2, L2.5infrastructure Carrier Ethernet network , NID/EDD
Ethernet transport over VPWS, VPLS
TDM transport : PW over LSP GE/10 GE PTN switch L2, L2.5
- MPLS-TP switch with E1/STM tributary, MEF : E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree, E-Access
- Hybrid TDM mul service DACS with SDH - NID Network Interface Device
Network and MPLS-TP 100GE switch - EDD Ethernet Demarca on Device
- Access or Aggrega on Services
Mul ple operator domains

O9400R‐PTN/O9500R‐PTN IP6608 / IP6618

G7820 / G7860A IP6750 / G7820

Concentra on Switches and Router DIN‐Rail Switches for Power, Railway domains
GE/10 GE switch/router L2, L2.5, L3 FR/GE switch/router L2, L3
19” 1U fix or modular FANLESS DIN-Rail format FANLESS
For Power domain IEC61850, HSR/PRP For Power domain IEC61850,
For Railway domain EN50121-4 For Railway domain EN50121-4
POE+, MACsec, SyncE, PTP 1588, POE+, MACsec, SyncE, PTP 1588,

IP6818 / IP6838 IP6810 / IP6820

G7820 / IP6320A IP6818‐BR/RT

CWDM/DWDM mul plexing Ethernet and E1/T1 Backhaul EMS ‐ NMS system
Over - Local Cra Interface or Web
- Fiber Op c - Element Network Management
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Intelligent Network Management
Chassis and CPE with node automa c commissioning

H3310 /H3304R / O9340A LCT / iNET / iNMS


an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Company
Worldwide Europe Americas Australia & New Zealand
8F, No. 8, Hsin Ann Road Rue du Culot, 13 8 Carrick Road 3,Imperial Ave,
Hsinchu Science Park BE-1402 Nivelles Palm Beach Gardens Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30078 Belgium Florida 33418, U.S.A. Autralia
+886-3-578-7696 +32-496-54-27-44 +1-561-627-7947 +61-413-382-931
sales@looptelecom.com eu_sales@looptelecom.com ncsa_sales@looptelecom.com aus_sales@looptelecom.com
V 1.0 October EP - © 2019 Loop Telecommunication International, Inc. Pictures licensed to EPA-Technologies - Subject to change without notice

Page 16

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