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The No-Nonsense Guide

To Real Estate Money
Spinning Business
Copyright @2020 by Dr. Freeman Osonuga

The right of Dr. Freeman Osonuga to be identified as the author of this work has
been asserted by him in accordance with the copyright laws.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or
stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without the permission in
writing from the copyright holder.

Harmony Publishing
Plot 1 Emmanuel Anabor Street, Off Mopo Road, United Estate,
Sangotedo, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +2347032212481

PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL™ is a registered trademark of

The Freeman Osonuga Company

Book Cover Design, Layout, Illustration and Editing:

Harmony Publishing

Cover and Author Image:

Akinola Adeyinka Photography

ISBN 978-1-0052-4625-9


The information contained in this book is simply for education and general in nature
for informative purposes only. It is based on the author’s acquired knowledge of the
real estate industry, personal experience, and extensive research.
The author is not a lawyer, accountant or a professional financial advisor. This book
therefore does not replace legal, accounting or other professional services.
The author assumes no responsibility whatsoever under any circumstances for any
action(s) taken as a result of the information contained in this book.
Book Outline

Page IV Dedication
Page V Acknowledgment
Page VI Endorsements
Page X Preface
Page 11 Chapter 1 - Your Bag Of Money Is Right Here
Page 17 Chapter 2 - How To Earn A 7-Digit Income With Zero Capital
Page 31 Chapter 3 - Rookies Dont Earn 7-Digit Income
Page 35 Chapter 4 - The Real Estate Book Of Life
Page 41 Chapter 5 - Best-Kept Marketing Secrets
Page 53 Chapter 6 - Sell Without Looking Like A Beggar
Page 63 Chapter 7 - Don’t Just Sell; Keep Your Clients Forever
Page 69 Chapter 8 - Your Network And Your Revenue
Page 77 Chapter 9 - DNA Sequence Of 7-Digit Income Earning Realtors
Page 83 Chapter 10 - The Millionaire-Realtor Toolbox
Page 89 Whats Next?
Page 92 About the Book
Page 93 Author’s Profile
To Damilola,

Thank you for seeing the possibility of this

Real Estate Business when I didn't even realize
it. Thank you for encouraging me to take up
this career.

Thank you for who you are and all that you do.

Special thanks to the amazing team at the Harmony
Publishing Ltd for turning my ideas into reality.

To Barr. Adedapo Ogunmilade, one of the most

efficient and effective leaders I have been privileged
to work with, thanks for taking the time to critique
the manuscript of this book quite thoroughly.
Thanks for the exceptional work at the learning and
development department of the Adloyalty Business
Network. Special appreciation also goes to the other
members of the team, Eunice ‘Peculiar’ Oluwole, Lois
Anuak Moyegun, Taiwo Abisola, Esther Emerson, and
Wale Oyedele, even though we rarely use such words,
you guys are exceptional project managers. I
celebrate you!

To the operations and administrative team of the

Adloyalty Business Network; Rufai Fareed, Mercy
Adenuga, Tayo Tewogbade, Nathaniel Chukwuma,
Abiodun Olabiyi and Afolabi Omotayo, thank you for
all the hard work and incredible efforts.

This acknowledgement will not be complete without

saying thanks to Gabriel Showole, David Lanre
Messan, and Anthony Onyemauwa for all their

To Mrs. Mojisola Osonuga, thanks for believing and

supporting my hustle. I’m truly grateful.

There’s a fundamental difference very brilliant and strategic in his
between what the rich have and what approach to life. He is renowned for his
the poor don’t have. It’s not about uncanny ability to charter new terrains
money but leverage. and excels at such, despite all odds.
Therefore, I consider him as a historical
Whether it’s in leveraging time and Sybil whose words are beyond price,
resources, they’ll always be steps and his thoughts could be well trusted.
Dr. Freeman Osonuga has written a This book, PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO
great book that shows how you can CAPITAL, is the much-needed dossier
leverage your expertise and other for anybody who doesn’t want to be
platforms to acquire wealth. caught or incarcerated in the labyrinth
of poverty and professional enclosure.
It’s a marathon and not a sprint, and It has the therapeutic tendencies to
you’ll enjoy every minute of it. cure the poverty of the mind, be it
acute or chronic. The author has done
Steve Harris well to have laid bare golden secrets for
Life & Business Strategist. prosperity.

-------------------------------------- If you are tired of poverty, if you are

tired of living on loans, if you do not
Whenever you see a rat running from want to depend on the next paycheque,
the bush into a fire, it is widely if you desire to have a mindset & career
believed that what is chasing the rat shift, if you honestly want to PRINT
is more than the fire. This anecdote MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL, you do
chronicles the exceptional odyssey not need any mystical magic or
of the author from the much-coveted motivational nuggets. Instead, what
medical profession into the Real you need is this great book.
Estate World.
Dr. Oluwadare Kehinde (Hacco)
I have known the author, Dr. Freeman Hon. Commissioner for Youth &
Osonuga, for several decades. He is Sports, Ogun State

"Great book, many Inspirational through their most effective direct
stories from Nigeria, well-articulated marketing.
book, great read."
Lalit Gotham brings a clear sense on why you must
Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe invest in real estate, and it brings a
clear picture of putting your money
-------------------------------------- where your mouth is.
This book is full of life and a big eye-
Dr. Freeman Osonuga’s PRINT MONEY opener after learning about the key
WITH ZERO CAPITAL is highly foundation of Integrity, Innovation,
recommended for a successful start- team spirit, and technology that has
up in real estate. It is the most made Adloyalty Business Network such
practical start-up book I have ever a success.
read. The art of keeping clients,
networking, earning, discipline, Dr. Freeman Osonuga is a great thinker
persistency, tools, and a whole lot and a wonderful writer. You must get a
more are expatiated on. All realtors, copy of this book because every single
both old and new must read and re- page counts. Learn to invest in real
read. estate and PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO
Stephen Akintayo
Africa’s Foremost Investment Calvin Jodisi
Coach & Serial Entrepreneur CEO, Asenti Africa, Kenya


This is not only a well-written book

with holistic learning steps to become
a successful realtor, but one which
involves learning how to invest, in
addition to making more money

If you read Dr. Freeman Osonuga's been well-researched and properly put
PRINT MONEY WITH ZERO CAPITAL out for readers to digest.
and you are not compelled to take a Here, one would have learnt that real
shot at real estate, either as an estate business is a very lucrative
investor or a realtor, you probably are business for developers, speculators,
not wired for entrepreneurship. This and most importantly, professional
book is perhaps the most realtors. You can actually earn 7 figures
comprehensive "tell it as it is" book income as a professional realtor with
on real estate in Nigeria, and the first the easy steps highlighted in the book.
of its kind. Dr. Freeman lays it bare It comprises of the importance of
for all to see and know, but most growing beyond your shadows and
importantly, he holds you by hand becoming an actual professional. A
through the brightly and resonating clear compendium free of real estate
illustrated pages, leading you down jargons. It shows you secrets of client
the golden corridors of financial or customer retention, resells, and
possibilities. Literally, it hands you referrals. It entails what you need to do
the keys to the kingdom of financial for clients to have confidence in you
freedom via real estate. The question and what you do. The easy steps to
is, what are you going to do with building a successful network in your
these keys? real estate marketing business,
recruitment, integration, and team
Anthony Onyemauwa building for your network, the secret to
Lead Consultant, Firebrand making 7 figures income. It also
Marketing Solutions Limited. includes the common attitude of a
successful salesperson that you must
-------------------------------------- inculcate. Lastly, it entails the tools you
must have if you want to be a successful
This book is novel, the first of its kind realtor.
in the Nigerian real estate business I have gone through all the pages and I
space. It distinguishes the regular must say that he has done an eternal
agency business from that of a service to the industry by putting these
professional realtor. It explains most together.
of what realtors learn sitting in Now grab a copy and be impacted!
several training booths.
Each chapter of this book is as ‘Dapo Ogunmilade Esq.
important as the other. Each topic has Partner, Aetos Legal.

Positive, upbeat, actionable, attainable,
educating, and readable. Put into
practice because the skills outlined in
this book can be life-changing.

Dr. Shogo
Personal Productivity Coach

“Dr. Freeman poured out his heart in

this book. As I read through the pages I
could feel the love he has for realtors;
deeply wanting them to succeed. He left
nothing out as every page had detailed
information. Step by step he walks you
through paths he has taken to success
and if anyone follows that path as a
realtor they definitely will succeed too.”

Iyore Ogbuigwe (aka King Of Sales)

Sales Training Consultant
Ultravantage Sales Solutions

Every day, I get messages from new prospecting, and client management,
and intending Adloyalty Business there is no such book written for
Network realtors, most of which are realtors in Nigeria, taking into
about how to go about the real estate consideration their needs, aspirations,
business and become successful in it. and peculiarities of the
Many of these budding real estate market. Therefore, I sought a way to
entrepreneurs are seeking direction exhaustively answer these heartfelt
and understanding. Helping these yearnings and requests of realtors with
intending realtors is particularly an ultimate, extensive, and one-stop
important to me because if they don’t guide for real estate brokerage in
get the proper guidance they need Nigeria.
early in their career, they might quit
even without getting the opportunity This burning desire to help both new
to scratch the surface of the and established realtors make the very
potentials for the wealth that’s within best of their real estate brokerage
their reach through property career and reduce the rate of turnover
brokerage. in the business has lead to the birthing
of this novel, the very first of its kind.
And constrained by time and chance,
answering such enquiries sufficiently It is written in a simple easy to
and comprehensively cannot be done understand language, filled with
via chat on WhatsApp or social media practical wisdom gathered from
DM. extensive research and hands-on
experience from years implementing
In the same vein, as I interrelate with these cutting-edge business strategies. I
established Adloyaltybn Realtors too, do not doubt that this piece of work
I also see a burning desire to be more, will revolutionize and turbo-charge
know more, and accomplish more in your real estate career.
their real estate career.
It’s about time - Let me show you how
In as much as several books have been to print this real estate money
written on sales, marketing, legitimately!

Dr Freeman Osonuga

Chapter One
Your Bag Of Money Is Right Here

I will forever believe that
buying a home is a great
investment. Why? Because you
can’t live in a stock certificate.
You can’t live in a mutual fund.

The emergence
of Billionaires

In the world today many carried away. Purchased

billionaires have emerged with common sense, paid
by running various for in full, and managed
businesses: from oil and gas with reasonable care, it is
to agriculture, technology, about the safest investment
food, manufacturing, in the world.” ¬ Franklin D.
telecommunications, and Roosevelt, U.S. President
healthcare; but almost all
billionaires in the world Most investors are
have a common second passionate about real estate
habit, which is a flair and because of its rare
unwavering love for real combination of yielding
estate. high returns with low risks.
This high return on
Most successful business investment is in the forms
owners around the world of value appreciation and
today secure and insure rental income. Besides, we
their money with real all know that rental incomes
estate. Real estate is the provide a steady source of
biggest asset storage bank in revenue to property
the world because it is the owners. Real estate is a low-
most secure avenue for risk investment compared
protecting wealth. Owning to stocks, shares, treasury
real estate is synonymous bills and other monetary
with wealth. Real estate is instruments of investments.
tangible and substantial; This is because property
and this is the reason many investments still provide
refer to it as the only real considerable returns even
investment. during an economic burst.
During an economic
“Real estate cannot be lost downturn, inflation causes
or stolen, nor can it be money to lose its

Owning a purchasing power when either paying the rent for it

home is a kept in the bank; but in real to someone or you are
keystone of estate money collecting rent from others.
appreciates, creates wealth, It’s that simple. No
wealth, both builds multiple streams of ambiguities.
financial income, and enables a
affluence and family to have an important The real estate industry is a
emotional legacy. multi-billion-dollar industry
globally. Beside people who
security. “Owning a home is a made enough money from
keystone of wealth, both their profitable ventures
” financial affluence and and invested in real estate,
emotional security.” there is another category of
― Suze Orman real estate millionaires who
- Suze Orman became rich essentially by
helping others invest in real
Essentially real estate meets estate and earn a fraction of
a basic human need, which the stupendous wealth
is shelter. Everyone needs a within the industry. Those
place to stay in. Though a small fractions these
home is more than just a brokers earn per
place to live, it provides transaction are 7-digit
security, freedom, family incomes, equivalent to some
bonding, total health, relief other workers’ annual pay
from stress, comfort, peace of 12 months of rigorous
of mind and, more work.
importantly, a sense of

From ages past, these needs

have indeed made real
estate to be established as
the foundation for building
thriving wealth. As you read
this book, there is a roof
over your head. You are

Practically speaking, there are 5 ways to make wealth from real

1. Real Estate Speculation: You can buy property, hold it for a

period of time, and then sell it after the property’s price

2. Rent: You can buy rental-income generating property and

make money from the rent paid by your tenants.

3. Property Development: You can buy land, build residential

apartment blocks on them, and then sell each apartment at
premium price to recover your capital and make profit.

“ 4. Flipping Real Estate: This is where you

buy an old property, renovate it, and sell it
at a profit.
Out of the five 5. Real Estate Brokerage: You facilitate a
ways stated real estate sales transaction and earn a
fraction of the value involved as your

here, the first 4 commission.

require a lot of Out of the five ways stated above, the first
4 require a lot of money (and that’s not the
purpose of this book. I will probably write
money. another book detailing what factors should
guide investors in making a success of
their real estate investments).


More money has been
made in real estate than
in all industrial
investments combined.

- Andrew Carnegie,
Billionaire Industrialist.

Only number 5 is the way you can

make money without having to start
with any huge cash for investment.
In this book, I will show you practical
steps to kick-start your real-estate-
millionaire business with zero

You either have a lot of money to

invest in real estate or you are
helping those who have the money
invest while earning a fraction of the
multi-billion-dollar industry.

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