THE 123 - Introduction To Theology: Who Made Me?: Winter 2008
THE 123 - Introduction To Theology: Who Made Me?: Winter 2008
THE 123 - Introduction To Theology: Who Made Me?: Winter 2008
Course Syllabus
This course serves as an introduction to the undergraduate study of theology and pastoral
ministry. Its scope includes an introduction to the sources and resources of theology, the
major doctrines of the Catholic Church, and an introduction to theological method.
A. Books
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd edition. Washington, D.C.: United States
Catholic Conference Inc.–Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2000. ISBN: 1-57455-
Holy Bible, Catholic Edition. Either the Revised Standard Version (RSV) or the
New American Bible (NAB) is preferred, but any modern translation will be
Augustine. Confessions. We will study only Chapters 4–7 of Book 11. The
translation by John K. Ryan (1960; ISBN: 0-385-02955-1) is in
contemporary English and, hence, is more readable, but an older translation
in the public domain is available for free on-line
Course Syllabus Introduction to Theology Winter 2008
John Paul II. Dives in Misericordia. We will study only paragraphs 1–2 and 4–6.
John Paul II. Dominum et Vivificantem. We will study only paragraphs 1, 8–10,
22, and 27–29. (
Second Vatican Council. “General Principles for the Restoration and Promotion
of the Sacred Liturgy,” Chapter 1, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution on
the Liturgy. We will study only paragraphs 5–14.
A. The student will demonstrate through oral and written presentation knowledge of
basic tenets of the Catholic faith and the ability to explain them.
B. The student will be prepared to deepen his or her own spiritual life as means to
improving ministerial practice.
D. The student will have occasion to relate course theory to pastoral practice.
Course Syllabus Introduction to Theology Winter 2008
A. Overview
B. Final exam
Students will answer following questions orally. You should prepare and
practice your answers ahead of time, tailoring them to fit the allotted time
according to the proportions below.
2. What does he want, and how has he made this possible? (30%)
C. Paper
The Second Vatican Council developed the doctrine of the laity’s role in the
Church’s mission of sanctifying the world. See paragraph 31 of Lumen Gentium
for a summary. In four pages, explain how lay people accomplish this mission,
according to Cardinal Ratzinger in What it means to be a Christian. Summarize
Ratzinger’s argument, and give two examples of how he used the theological
method to make his point. Due: March 26th.
Course Syllabus Introduction to Theology Winter 2008
If you submit your paper on time or early, you will be have the opportunity to
increase your score by as many as 10 points by revising your paper based upon
the professor’s comments (exception: shortening long papers). You will have
one week from the time that the professor returns them. You must submit the
revised paper with the marked-up original.
Page Specifications:
All papers must be typed and include a cover sheet. Print your paper double-
spaced with 1-inch margins on standard 8½ by 11-inch letter size paper. Use 12-
pt Times New Roman or an equivalent font. Do not use subheads, and indent a
¼ inch rather than using a blank line between paragraphs.
Do NOT use footnotes. Put citations from Lumen Gentium, What it means to be
a Christian, and the Bible into the text. For example, (LG 31), (Ratzinger 19), or
(Gen 1:1). If you need to cite other sources (going to other sources is
discouraged), use endnotes. A bibliography page is unnecessary.
Do not exceed four pages. If you do, your grade will be based on the first four
pages, and a penalty will be deducted.
V. Class Schedule
Course Syllabus Introduction to Theology Winter 2008
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor, administration, or both.