Opening Prayer Service 2010
Opening Prayer Service 2010
Opening Prayer Service 2010
Teacher Animator’s Commentary:
Dear children, life are a gift. We are endowed with lots of gifts and talents by the Lord
above. Each time another academic year greets us, we have an opportunity to pause, to
see where we have been, to notice how far we have come, to ponder how that year has
been for us. Each year is also a time to clear our vision, to take stock of our resources,
abilities and to refresh our dreams, ambitions as we are on the threshold of the new
academic year. This academic year promises lots of happiness, possibilities and
opportunities. No two years are the same; the new academic year is always unique. So
now let us bring ourselves in the presence of the Lord by lighting the lamp.
Old Rupert was sitting in the shade of a big apple tree in front of his house. His
grandchildren were busy eating the beautiful apples and they were never tired of praising
the delicious fruit.
Their grandfather said to them "Now I'II tell you how this tree came here. More than 50
years ago I was standing lazily in an uncultivated field, just about where you now see that
apple tree. and I was complaining of my poverty to my rich neighbour" " Oh, I said, "How
happy I would be if I could receive a hundred rupees from my poor possessions". The
neighbour, who was a very wise man, said to me, "It is so simple. All you need to do is
begin well. Right where you are standing there are hidden in the ground, more than one
hundred rupees. It's up to you to dig them out". "I was then a young fellow without much
understanding and the following night I dug up the ground and made a big hole but I
found nothing".
The following morning when my neighbour saw the hole he laughed so much that he
could not contain himself. "Rupert, I didn't mean that you had to dig a hole. However, I
will reward you with this young apple plant. Place it in the hole and in few years you will
see your rupees come into being".
"I planted the tree. It grew strong and with the years it became the great tree that you see
in front of you. The value of such delicious fruit over the years has rendered me certainly
more than hundred rupees and even today this tree is a capital, which gives me great
returns. I have never forgotten the lesson which my neighbour taught me".
Having the story and the Gospel reading in mind the teacher could reflect with the
students and bring out the theme with questions similar to the one’s provided below.
Allow a pause of a minute each after every question, and for each question let the
students share their reflections in twos for a minute.)
Teacher Animator
1 What was the desire of Rupert?
2 What advice did the neighbour give him?
3 How was he rewarded for his hard work?
4 What are our hidden treasures?
5 What has Jesus got to say about the talents?
Teacher Animator
Dear students we all need to realize and dig out our own hidden treasures and put them
to better use especially for our own growth and for the building up of the human society.
And little plants will grow to bear abundant fruit some day; if only I can take care of the
day that is Today!
Student Reader: Let our response to each sentence be: Walk closely with us God.
Student Reader: God of all wisdom and knowledge we thank you for this new
academic year. We are walking into a mystery. We face the future not knowing what the
days and the months will bring us or how we will respond. Deepen our faith to see life
through your eyes. Fill us with hope and abiding trust that you are with us, and that with
you we will be able to face challenges of life courageously. We make this prayer in your
most holy name. Amen.
Teacher Animator: As the final hymn is being sung each student will extend their
palms on the light and take their palms first to their forehead and then to their heart
meaning Lord enlighten my mind with your light and burn my heart with your love.
By Sr. Irene D’Souza
Nurturing Life Within Prayer Service.. Sr. Irene