8.5.5 Post Delivery Activities
8.5.5 Post Delivery Activities
8.5.5 Post Delivery Activities
5 Post-delivery activities
The 2015 update requires organisations to meet requirements for post-delivery activities
associated with their products and services.
When determining the extent of post-delivery activities that are required, the
organisation is required to consider:
3. The nature of the product or service, how the product or service will be used and the
product or service’s intended lifetime.
It is also noted that post-delivery activities can include actions under warranty
provisions, contractual obligations such as maintenance services, and supplementary
services such as recycling or final disposal.
This is a new clause in the 2015 update which expands on the requirements of the 2008
release and goes into much greater detail. Organisations will need to demonstrate that
where applicable they have taken all these listed considerations into account.
3. The nature of the product or service, how the product or service will be used and the
product or service’s intended lifetime.
EG: If warranty is, or is not to be a part of the offered products or services. As stated in
the businesses terms and conditions / included in agreed customers purchase order
requirements for example.
4. All customer requirements.
During customer communications (see article 8.2 Requirements for products and
services) the requirements for post-delivery activities such as any warranty, servicing or
other support agreements, should be clearly and comprehensively identified, reviewed,
agreed and recorded. This may be in the form of purchase orders / terms and conditions
for example.
5. Any customer feedback.
By the use of the Plan, Do, Check Act process, organisations should include
appropriate customer feedback in the review and modification as required, of post-
delivery provision. IE customers request for post-delivery technical support.
Note: Special care will need to be taken and attention given, where a significant element
of risk is associated with the organisations specific products or services. IE: Safety
critical areas or those with a significant expected life span.
Audit Check:
General / 2015 transition
Due to the much more specific requirements in the 2015 revision for post-delivery
activities, organisations either undergoing transition or initial certification, should
carefully review the considerations listed in clause 8.5.5 and ensure that it can be
demonstrated that the management system takes them into account as appropriate.
Furthermore, If the nature of an organisation’s post-delivery activities could potentially
result in significant risk, such as those associated with safety, are controlled by
regulatory requirements or having a significant expected lifetime, evidence of an
appropriate and proportionate level of planning, implementation and control is also to be