Biomedical Applications of Polymers - An: Mini Review
Biomedical Applications of Polymers - An: Mini Review
Biomedical Applications of Polymers - An: Mini Review
Polymers are macromolecules, versatile in structure, constitution and properties. They have wide range of applications in various fields such
as biophysics, medicine, electronics, and other branches of science and technology. Among these polymers biomedical polymers are specially
mentioned due to their less toxicity in vivo, easy to process and sterilized, better shelf life, light weight, and remarkable properties suited to the
applications [1]. This paper explores the various applications of biomedical polymers in the field of medicine.
Keywords: Macromolecules; Biorecognition; Biocatalysis; Bioadhesive drug delivery systems; Smart polymers; Bioseparation; Biocompatibility;
[6]. In the third method the drug release is done by the rate of
The very first reported synthetic polymer for medical
osmotic absorption of water from the environment and they are
use is poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by a British
called osmotically controlled systems [6].
ophthalmologist, Sir Nicholas Harold, in 1949 for making
intraocular lens [2]. Biostability and biodegradability are the Smart Polymers and Bioseparation
two important parameters to be noticed to select a polymer
Smart polymers are used for drug delivery and used to solve
for its biomedical use. Homo- and copolymers of polyamides,
bioseparation problems. They copy biological systems and show
polyesters, polyanhydrides, poly (ortho esters), poly (amido
flexibility and remarkable potentials in aqueous solutions [5].
amines), and poly (β-amino esters) are the important biomedical
Most of the smart polymers have stimulus responsive nature
polymers which are hydrolytically degradable [3]. These are also
in water. For example, hydrogels are like linear polymers
called biopolymers and smart polymers which are mainly used
which are 3D structures that swell, do not dissolve in water
in biotechnology and medicine. Their applications basically
and it will function in response to the stimulus. They help the
include biorecognition and biocatalysis, in aqueous solutions [4]
process of bio-separation due to the ease of series of volume
which involves very fast and reversible chemical and physical
changes in response to the external stimulus [7]. Changes in pH
or temperature, cause swelling or shrinking of hydrogel beads
Mucoadhesive Polymers and can be used to control drug release as diffusion of the drug
depends on the physical state [8].
These are used for ophthalmic delivery and buccal
delivery of drugs due to their enhancement of body area and Polymers Used for Vascular Prostheses and
their residence time [5]. Polyacrylic acid (PAAc) is used for Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
bioadhesive drug delivery systems. Polymers are essential for
Polymers used for vascular prostheses or good blood
controlled drug release in transdermal patches, microspheres,
flow include poly (ethylene terephthalate) fibers, expanded
pumps, aerosols, ocular implants, and contraceptive implants.
polytetrafluoroethylene foams, segmented porous polyurethanes,
The mechanism of this drug release is of three different ways,
and microporous silicone rubber [9]. Polymers are also used to
one is the diffusion-controlled way, in which the drug is released
oxygenate blood and should be made sure that they operate
by solution-diffusion through a polymer. The second way is the
without blood damage. Polypropylene has been used in both
erosion-controlled route, in which the drug release is activated
solid and microporous forms during cardiopulmonary bypass
by dissolution, disintegration or biodegradation of the polymer
surgery [9].
Curr Trends Biomedical Eng & Biosci 15(2): CTBEB.MS.ID.555909 (2018) 0044
Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences
Natural and Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers and comparatively simple. The mechanism of the drug delivery
Fibers and bioseparation are so efficient and reliable. Smart polymers
play wide role in various biomedical applications such as
Both natural and synthetic polymers are used in medical
oxygenation of blood and also in cardiopulmonary bypass
prosthetic applications like heart valves, stents, cartilage
surgery. Their stimulus response nature and sensitivity to the
scaffolds, joints, making of artificial skin, blood vessels, Urinary
physical conditions are useful in different applications. Their
catheters, ureteral stents, artificial kidney/Hemodialysis
role as suture materials, tissue adhesives, and vascular grafts,
membranes and also in nano systems for drug delivery. Now days
materials for cosmetic implants, dental composites, contact
as the nano delivery of drugs to the target organs are an ongoing
and intraocular lenses, etc. The use of polymers in medicine is
advancement, importance of biodegradable polymers in the
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How to cite this article: Joseph F PJ, Arun KJ, Navas AA, Irene J. Biomedical Applications of Polymers -An Overview. Curr Trends Biomedical Eng &
Biosci. 2018; 15(2): 555909. DOI: 10.19080/CTBEB.2018.15.555909.