Basic Z80 Cpu Instructions: Instruction Operands Action
Basic Z80 Cpu Instructions: Instruction Operands Action
Basic Z80 Cpu Instructions: Instruction Operands Action
r, r’ – registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, L)
n – byte (unsigned 8-bit value from 0 to 255)
d, e – displacement bytes (siged 8-bit value from -126 to 129)
nn – word (unsigned 16-bit value, first byte specifies lower 8 bits, second byte
specifies higer 8 bits, eg. if n1 = 00110011, n2 = 11110000, then nn =
dd – register pairs (BC, DE, HL, SP)
xh – higher 8 bits of 16-bit value; xl – lower 8 bits of 16-bit value
adr(x) – value at memory adress x. „Y --> adr(x)” means „value of register Y
gets stored to adress x” while „adr(x) --> Y” means „value at adress x gets
stored to register Y”
qq – register pairs (BC, DE, HL, AF)
b – one of 8 bits in a byte
data – data bus
SP – stack pointer
PC – program counter
Z – zero flag
dd 00 01 10 11 qq 00 01 10 11
pair BC DE HL SP pair BC DE HL AF