Submitted by
PUNE -41104
2010 -2011
A Project report
Submitted by
PUNE -41104
2010 -2011
A Project report
Submitted by
PUNE -41104
2010 -2011
and has left me far richer , not only in knowledge of the subject but also of the
subject but also of various other disciplines and system that l have come across in
l wish to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to all those who contributed
l would like to specially thank DR. Rashmi Hebalkar for the valuable guidance
lam sure that the experience l have gained during the completion of this project
career goals .
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project report entitled
for academic year 2011-2010 under Guidance of( DR. Rashmi Hebalkar )
is my original work and the conclusion drawn therein are based on the
material collected by me.
1.1 Introduction.
1-2 Title.
1-3 Objectives.
1-7 Hypothesis.
1-9 Conclusion.
2-1 Introduction .
2-4 Conclusion.
3-1 Introduction.
3-3 Questionnaires.
3-4 Conclusion.
4-1 Introduction.
4-3 Questionnaire.
4-5 Conclusion.
5-1 Introduction.
5-2 Findings.
5-6 Conclusion
Chapter 1
One of the most important areas in day to day management of the firm is the
management of working capital.
Working capital management is the fictional area of fiancé that covers all the
current account of the firm.
Working capital management involves the relationship between a firms short term
assets and its short term liabilities the goal of Working capital management is to
ensure that a firm is able to continue it's a operations and that it has sufficient
ability to satisfy both maturing short term debt and upcoming operational
In general form the View point of the chief financial officer (CFO) management of
Working capital is simple and a simple concept of ensuring the ability of the
organization to finance the different between the current assets' and current
liabilities a "Harris 2005".
However a total approach should be followed which cover all the company’s
activities relating to vendor customer and product (HALL 2002)
Firms can reduce their financial costs and increase the amount of investment lied
up in short term assets .
Most of the financial manager’s time and effort are allocated in optimizing the
level current assets and liabilities back toward optimal levels (lamberson 1995).
3. To test hypothesis .
Working capital
4 Need of the study
l.The projects is helpful in knowing the company's position of funds maintenance
and setting the standards for working capital inventory levels, quick ratio current
amount turnover level and web torn turnover level.
2.This project is helpful to the management for expanding the dualism and the
project viability and present availability of funds.
3.This project is also useful as it companies the present year data with the previous
year data and thereby it show the trend analysis i.e increasing fund or decreasing
Study .
Thus the funds required by the business for conducting the day to day
operation. E.g .. purchase of raw material or finished goods, payment of
expenses like salary, wages, rent etc ...
The term working capital is also defined as "Excess of current assets over
current liabilities"
It is the minimum amount of the current assets which are needs to conduct the
business even during the dullest season of the year. This amount varies from
year to year depending upon the growth of a company and stage of the business
cycle in which it operates. It represents the current assets which are required on
a continuing basis over the year .
It represent the additional assets which are required at different time during the
operating year.
Hypothesis has definite utility and important place in social research . the
formulation of hypothesis is pre-requisite of any successful research .
one of the most important areas in the day-to-day management of the firm is the
management of working capital .
2-The different components of the working capital have a major effect on the
The study of research is divided into five chapters each chapter is a part of the
First Chapter:
The first chapter of the research study deals with the farming of objectives and
setting up of the hypothesis. It introductions the research study and also discuss
about the significance, limitation and various accounting definitions.
Second Chapter:
The second chapter deals with the review of literature, It explains the various
sources of data collection by use of books, magazines, newspaper, journal, library,
and the Internet websites .
It explains the helps provided to the researcher by referring to various literatures
related to the study. The researcher has to collect various literatures related to study.
Third Chapter:
The third chapter for this research, the researcher has to collect various data
required for the research study this chapter deals with the framing of questionnaire
for collection of data required for the research work. It explains how to come up
with a proper questionnaire and also discusses about interview method of data
Forth Chapter
The fourth chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data collected by
researcher. The researcher has to properly analyze the data collected for the study
and interpret it systematically so that the broader meaning of the data can be
Fifth Chapter:
The fifth chapter is the last chapter of this research study in which the researcher
makes the conclusion on the study after analysis and interpretation of the acquired
data. The objectives frame are checked whether they are fulfilled or not and the
hypothesis are tested, the researcher also gives some suggestions and
recommendations based on the findings from the research study.
1.9 Conclusion
Since the researcher has chosen the study of working capital management from
company the researcher will need literatures i.e. books articles newspapers etc .
Which are related to same problem so as to get some idea about what is working
capital and how to be calculated .
Then the researcher can frame his objectives limitation and hypothesis on working
capital and the researcher should also see that the objective are fulfilled and its
hypothesis are tested and proven .
Chapter 2
This chapter includes a brief about the books reviewed by the researcher while
This chapter including The concept and importance of finance, Approach to the
term finance, Scope of finance function, Financing decisions, Investment decisions,
Dividend policy decisions, Organization of finance function and Duties and
responsibilities of finance executive.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Financial statements.
Chapter 4&5
Chapter 11
This is very important chapter which help the researcher in the study of working
capital, this chapter including Working Capital Management, Management of
Inventory& Management of Receivables.
These chapters are very important which including most of the information related
to the project like Management of Cash, Capital Budgeting& Management of
about liquidity.
This book on 'Research Methodology' is helpful for the students of M.Com. (Part
II) course of Pune University. The book has been written as per syllabus,
prescribed by the University from June 2003.
The scheme of chapters has been prepared as per revised syllabus in respect of
M.Com. (Part II) course. The students specially studying for the three special
papers viz.
3) Business Administration.
This book is most useful for studying the .paper 'Research Methodology" I p. l"
term. No doubt, the students who have opted for remaining four special papers
would also find this book useful. Besides, the book would also serve as a text-book
for M .Phil Students, for their studies on "Research Methodology". As well, the
book will find as guidelines to those who intend to undertake research studies in
one form or the other.
This chapter is about the research processes which are in the chronological order:
7)Collection of data.
10)discussion of results.
sampling design.
Chapter 5 – 6
These chapters talk about the preparation of data for analysis (processing of data,
classification of data, tabulation, frequency distribution and graphic representation
of data) and about testing of hypothesis (definition, types of hypothesis, function
of hypothesis, sources of hypothesis and characteristic of hypothesis) .
Chapter 7 - 8 - 9
These two chapters are about testing of hypothesis and analysis of data.
This chapter is about the importance of computers to researchers, broad idea about
computer, types of computers, some features of computers and its limitations and
computer application in research and development.
This chapter is concerning about organizing and writing project report, definition,
necessity, purpose and importance of project. work, steps in project work,
processing and analysis of data and a suggested format for the project report.
The researcher has gain insight into the basic of research methodology. The
researcher has also acquired theoretical as well as practical knowledge from the
book. Important hints with respect to preparation of research report up to
submission of project work are provided.
Solvency relates to a long-run perspective of the company's ability to pay its debts
and whether it IS a going concern. Many of the companies that declare bankruptcy
get to the point where they do not have adequate cash flow and are pushed over the
edge by the calling of a loan or the loss of a line of credit.
At this point, lending institutions no longer think that the company is a good risk.
A thorough financial analysis includes looking at a company's financial statements
through the eyes of a banker. Bankers want to know whether companies can make
interest and principal payments on loans. Because of this need, a company's can
these areas be assessed?
Current assets are those that are expected to be liquidated or converted to cash
within a year .current liabilities are expected to be settled within a year. These are
the broad descriptions of current assets and liabilities.
Analysts are actually interested primarily in certain current assets and certain
current liabilities; ones that may results in a cash inflow to the company.
Prepaid insurance does not refer to a subsequent cash flow, but rather to a period
of time covered by insurance.
The main components of working capital are examined to find out how
productively the company is using its current assets and liabilities (turnover ratios)
and how efficient the company IS (represented by number of days related to a
More specifically, the book goes on to investigate current asset and liability
decisions and then moves on to consider longer-term assets and financing.
A good deal of emphasis is placed on working-capital management.
Working capital management encompasses the administration of the firm's current
assets namely; cash and marketable securities, receivables, and inventory and the
financing (especially, current liabilities) needed to support current assets.
Therefore, "temporary" working capital is the amount of current assets that varies
with a firm's seasonal needs. A "Permanent" current asset, on the other hand, is the
amount of current assets required to meet a firm's long-term minimum needs.
The permanent component of current assets would be financed with long-term debt
or equity. Increasing the firm's liquidity increases the safety margin against
adverse cash flow fluctuations (increases the probability of interest and principal
repayment and thus reduces all the risks outlined above .
Too large an investment in working capital lowers the firm's profitability without a
corresponding reduction in risk. (In fact, risk might actually increase.
Too small a level of working capital could also lower profitability due to stock
outs and too few credit sales (because of an overly strict-credit policy).
This book helps the researcher to investigate current assets and current liabilities
proper way, the relationship between the levels of current assets and profitability of
.Many researchers have studied working capital from different views and in
different environments. The following ones were very interesting and useful for the
research:(Eljelly, 2004) elucidated that efficient liquidity management involves
planning and controlling current assets and current liabilities in such a manner that
eliminates the risk of inability to meet due short-term obligations and avoids
excessive investment in these assets.
First, it was clear that there was a negative relationship between profitability and
liquidity indicators such as current ratio and cash gap in the Saudi sample
Second, the study also revealed that there was great variation among industries
with respect to the significant measure of liquidity .(Deloof, 2003) discussed that
most firms had a large amount of cash invested in working capital.
It can therefore be expected that the way in which working capital is managed will
have a significant impact on profitability- of those firms, Using correlation and
regression tests he found a significant negative relationship between gross
operating income and the number of days accounts receivable, inventories and
accounts payable of Belgian firms.
Findings of the study indicated that the Indian Cement Industry as a whole did not
perform remarkably well during this period. (Shin and Soenen, 1998) highlighted
that efficient Working Capital Management (WCM) was very important for
creating value for the shareholders.
The way working capital was managed had a significant impact on both
profitability and liquidity. The relationship between the length of Net Trading
Cycle, corporate profitability and risk adjusted stock return was examined using
correlation and regression analysis,· by industry and capital intensity.
They found a strong negative relationship between lengths of the firm's net-trading
Cycle and its profitability. In addition, shorter net trade cycles were associated with
higher risk adjusted stock returns .(Smith and Begemann 1997) emphasized that
those who promoted working capital. Theory shared that profitability and liquidity
comprised the salient goals of working capital management.
The problem arose because the maximization of the firm's returns could seriously
threaten its liquidity, and the pursuit of liquidity had a tendency to dilute returns.
This article evaluated the association between traditional and alternative working
capital measures and return on investment (ROI), specifically in industrial firms
listed on the Johannesburg stock exchange (jse).
The problem under investigation was to establish whether the more recently
developed alternative working capital concepts showed improved association with
return on investment to that of traditional working capital ratios or not. Results
indicated that there were no significant differences amongst the years with respect
to the independent variables.
The results of their stepwise regression corroborated that total current liabilities
divided by funds flow accounted for most of the variability in
Return on Investment (ROI). The statistical test results showed that a traditional
working capital leverage ratio, current liabilities "divided by funds flow, displayed
the greater associations with return on investment.
Well-known liquidity concepts such as the current and quick ratios registered
insignificant associations whilst only one of the newer working capital concepts,
the comprehensive liquidity index, indicated significant associations with return on
investment. All the above studies provide us a solid base and give us idea regarding
working capital management and its components.
They also give us the results and conclusions of those researches already
conducted on the same area for different countries and environment from different
aspects. On basis of these researches done in different countries, we have
developed our own methodology for research.
This article helps the researcher to know some studies which prepared by many
researchers in the topic working capital management in views and different
environment and to avoid the duplication of research and to enable" him to thrust
upon those issues which are not tackled earlier.
Source: Management and Accounting Research Journal.
In this study three financial parameters viz., Cash Conversion Efficiency (CCE)
and Days Working Capital (DWC).It is believed that the presence of these three in
the overall working capital performance criterion not only helps in performance
evaluation, but will capture also the dynamics of risk – return trade off'.
The form and amount of working capital components vary over the operating
cycle. It would be hard to get the amounts of the components used in
operations for an operating cycle.
With the help of the review of literature, the researcher can frame questionnaire of
the research study. Therefore the next chapter is Research Design
Chapter 3
research design is the base on which researcher proceed toward the study of the
problem after formulating hypothesis. It refers to the methodology used to
conducting the research investigation. It is a process of making decisions before the
situation arises in which the decision has to carried out. It is the blueprint of the
detailed procedure of testing the hypothesis and analysis of the obtained data.
A research design in simple words is a plan of action, a plan for collecting and
analyzing data in an economic, efficient and relevant manner.
The purpose of preparing research design could be either to test the hypothesis or
to give a cause effect relationship to the given situation. A research design is the
arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis data in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
1.1 Questionnaire:
A questionnaire is a very popular method of data collection. It is being adopted by
The collection
private of essential
individual, researchinformation to prove
workers, private andtheir hypothesis
public is a significant
organizations and even by
and distinctive
governments. stage of research in any science. The sources of information are
generally classified as primary
In this method a questionnaire is sent to the person concerned with a request to
answer andthe
and return the questionnaire.
It is generally, interaction assumed that the personal interview helps to obtain the
most accurate information. Interviewing IS a process of social .
1. Secondary Data:
Where by the analysis relies on already existing data that may be either published
or unpublished. This source of data is updated source of information.
Researcher has collect data from books in university of Pune and libraries further
Internet websites and published journals, which published by The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India.
Cash position and bills receivable decide the liquidity of a firm
Q8- Working capital management in the company involves the control of cash.
Q9- Negligence in proper assessment of the working capital lead to cash crisis and
ultimately to liquidation.
Q12. Large amount of cash invested in working capital will have a negative
significant impact on profitability.
Q14.Working capital management plays an important role to increase;
b) Liquidity.
c) Both.
d) Managing cash.
g) All of these.
h) Over capitalization.
i) Over trading.
j) Both.
Q17. Working capital for the bank is calculated
k) Weekly.
m) Yearly.
q) All of these.
r) Balance sheet.
t) Both.
Q20. What do you .want to say about working capital management in
your company?
Q22. What are the areas of concern about working capital management of your
company? In general?
Q23. What measures company need to take for sound working capital
In this chapter the researcher talks about how to collect data which refer to the
same problem.
As there are two kinds of data primary data and secondary data. According to the
primary data the researcher selects two methods questionnaire method.
After collection of data, these data should be analyzed by the researcher this
process what is next chapter talk about..
Chapter 4
Analysis of data is the ordering of data into constituent parts in order to obtain answers to
the research questions.
The first step in data analysis will depend on the amount of specified hypothesis the
researcher have. In such a study the analysis is almost a mechanical procedure.
Our Vision is to make environment friendly construction materials from the waste like Fly Ash
which is actually given out by Thermal Power Plant. So that by using this, we can maintain
environment in balanced state.
The Company aims to provide their customers an environment friendly and innovative building
materials by mean of trading, importing, exporting and adapting latest technology for
manufacturing which would lead to a faster, durable and economical construction.
The archenemy of concrete is water which attacks concrete at its weakest point, where the
aggregate and the cement come together .Large planar crystals(calcium hydroxide).,typically
exists next to aggregate in the concrete are very week and tend to crack.
As these cracks interconnect the concrete becomes permeable allowing the water to seep in. The
water carries salt & other elements and begins to corrode the rebar, which causes cracking and
spilling that lets in more water to continually worsen the cycle.
When Fly Ash is added to mixture ,the silica in it reacts with these large crystals to transform them
into strong cement paste. Calcium Silicate Hydrate that blinds the concrete together .i.e., the silica in
Fly Ash combines with Calcium Hydroxide Crystals to form more Calcium Silicate
Hydrate past .This eliminates micro-cracking to create a less permeable and much more durable
concrete. Using high percentage of Fly Ash is most effective and economical way to improve the
durability and effectiveness of the concrete them epoxy coated rebar or exotic admixtures.
The Benefits
In Plastic state, the ball-bearing effects of Fly Ash particles create a Lubricating action.
Easily Workable
Easy Pumping
Improved Finishing
Reduced Bled Striking
Reduced Segregation
In its hardened state, fly ash adds benefit to the concrete performance
Compressive Strength
Decreased Permeability
Increased Durability
Reduced Sulfate Attack
Reduced Efflorescence
Reduced Shrinkage
Reduced Heat of Hydration
Reduced Alkali Silica Reactivity
Sample of Study:
Special Features:
faster assembly .
The researcher should also take note that the answers are being answered in
accordance to the questions put up by the researcher.
2. Question: The proportions of working capital components affect the efficiency of the
working capital management.
Answer: Yes the proportions of working capital components affect the efficiency of the
working capital management.
Answer: Yes if the current assets are able to fulfill all its current liabilities the
working capital in this case is good because current assets more than current liabilities.
6. Question: Cash position and bills receivable decide the liquidity of a firm.
Answer: Yes Cash position and bills receivable decide the liquidity of a firm.
Answer: Yes there is a negative relationship between liquidity of company and its
profitability any increase in profitability there is decrease in liquidity and any decrease in
profitability there is increase in liquidity.
8. Question
: Working capital management in the company involves the control of cash only. (Also Q.
9. Question: Working capital can be optimized by.
answer: working capital management in the company does not involve the
control of cash only but also marketable securities, bills receivable, bills payable,
debtors and creditors.
Answer: Yes negligence in proper assessment of the working capital lead to cash
crisis and ultimately to liquidation.
Answer: yes large amount of cash invested in working capital will have a negative
significant impact on profitability . ,.
Answer: Yes good management of working capital generate cash and help to improves
profits and reduces risks.
u) Profitability.
v) Liquidity.
w) Both.
27. Weekly.
28. Monthly.
29. Yearly.
Answer: Working capital for the company is calculated yearly exactly at the end of the
year when the balance sheet of the company is done.
Answer: Advantages of good working capital management include all of these helping
to earn interest or reduce interest payments over trading, helping managers take financial
responsibility and helping managers to measure their own performance and the
performance of their team.
34.Balance sheet.
35.Profit &loss account.
22.Question: What are the areas of concern about working capital management
of your company? In general?
23.Question: What measures Citadel ECO Build or company need to take for sound
working capital management?
The steps envisage in the analyzing of data will vary depending on the type of study. The
researcher after analyzing the data should critically interpret the results obtained so that
the broader meaning of it can be exposed and proper explanation of research findings -
can be laid.
Chapter 5
This chapter is the last major step in research process, which tells the interested
reader the problem investigated, the method used to solve the problem, the results
and the conclusions.
It must contain relevant details required by the reader to comprehend the findings
and to determine validity of the results.
The researcher must try to clarify his own thoughts in order to make the results
meaningful to the users. It should contain the main findings of the research
This must clearly explain weather the hypothesis has been established or rejected
supported by scientific and logical arguments.
Findings are the end result of the project study. It is the conclusion, which the
research establishes after analyzing the data from the questionnaire.
Some of the findings the researcher found out after carefully analyzing
The questionnaire are as follows:
5) Efficient working capital management involves planning and on the one hand
and avoid excessive investment in these assets on controlling current assets and
current liabilities in a manner that eliminates the risk of inability to meet due short
term obligations the other hand.
It needs system that will allow the company to state the, amount of cash, bills
receivable, bills payable, debtors and creditors.
2) Record past and current levels of working capital knowing the point.
This helps in setting a realistic budget and will enable the company to establish
times of the month/year when elements of working capital are higher/lower.
4) companies should determine how much working capital should be invested and
how should the investment in working capital be financed.
The companies more efficient in managing their working capital are expected to
pose high level of profitability and vice versa. According to Hypothesis
We suggest that further research be conducted on the same topic with different
companies and extending the years of the sample.
The scope of further research may be extended to the working capital components
management including cash, marketable securities and receivables management.
Firms are created to generate revenues for their owners in the long-term. However,
the long-term value is a sum-total of short – term values.
Working capital management takes care of the short – term value creation.
Working capital management requires managing the short-term levels of
investment and financing them.
Managing working capital levels refer to the investment in cash , inventories and
receivables as well as short-term financing sources such as trade credits and bank
Working Capital is the prime and most important requirement for carrying
out the day to day operations of the business. Working Capital gives the much-
needed liquidity to the business. Working Capital Finance reduces the overall fund
requirement, required to build up the Current Assets, which in turn help you
improve your Turn over Ratio.
5. SCHLEIFER, 2003, Essentials of Financial Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada.