ACE Workbook v2.0
ACE Workbook v2.0
ACE Workbook v2.0
Associate Cloud
Engineer Journey
Course Workbook
Certification Exam Guide Sections
1 Setting up a cloud solution environment
Stella is a new member of a team in your company A. Assign Stella a roles/compute.viewer role.
who has been put in charge of monitoring VM B. Assign Stella compute.instances.get permissions on
instances in the organization. Stella will need the all of the projects she needs to monitor.
required permissions to perform this role.
C. Add Stella to a Google Group in your organization.
Bind that group to roles/compute.viewer.
D. Assign the “viewer” policy to Stella.
How should you grant her those permissions?
1.1 Diagnostic Question 02
Jane will manage objects in Cloud Storage A. Assign Jane the roles/storage.objectCreator on every project.
for the Cymbal Superstore. She needs to B. Assign Jane the roles/viewer on each project and the
have access to the proper permissions for roles/storage.objectCreator for each bucket.
every project across the organization.
C. Assign Jane the roles/editor at the organizational level.
D. Add Jane to a group that has the roles/storage.objectAdmin role
assigned at the organizational level.
What should you do?
1.1 Diagnostic Question 05
You need to add new groups of employees A. Grant the most restrictive basic role to most services, grant
in Cymbal Superstore’s production predefined or custom roles as necessary.
environment. You need to consider B. Grant predefined and custom roles that provide necessary
Google’s recommendation of using permissions and grant basic roles only where needed.
least privilege.
C. Grant the least restrictive basic roles to most services and grant
predefined and custom roles only when necessary.
What should you do?
D. Grant custom roles to individual users and implement basic roles
at the resource level.
1.1 Diagnostic Question 06
Essential Google Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services
● M1 Cloud IAM
1.2 Diagnostic Question 07
Fiona is the billing administrator for the A. Change the budget alert default threshold rules to
project associated with Cymbal include Jeffrey as a recipient.
Superstore’s eCommerce application. B. Use Cloud Monitoring notification channels to send
Jeffrey, the marketing department lead, Jeffrey an email alert.
wants to receive emails related to budget
C. Add Jeffrey and Fiona to the budget scope custom
alerts. Jeffrey should have access to no
email delivery dialog.
additional billing information.
D. Send alerts to a Pub/Sub topic that Jeffrey is
subscribed to.
What should you do?
1.2 Managing billing configuration
Courses Documentation
● M2 Getting Starting with Google Cloud Google Cloud Managing Cloud SDK components |
Google Cloud Cloud SDK Documentation
Create and Manage Perform Foundational
Cloud Resource Quest Infrastructure Tasks in gcloud | Cloud SDK Documentation
Google Cloud Quest
Architecting with Google Using the bq command-line tool |
Compute Engine BigQuery
● M1 Getting Started gsutil tool | Cloud Storage
with Google Cloud
Essential Google Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services
● M1 Introduction to
Google Cloud
Section 2:
Planning and configuring a
cloud solution
2.1 Diagnostic Question 01
The projected amount of cloud storage A. Use the pricing calculator to estimate
required for Cymbal Superstore to the costs for 10 TB of regional standard
enable users to post pictures for storage, 30 TB of regional Coldline storage,
project reviews is 10 TB of immediate and egress charges for reads from storage.
access storage in the US and 30 TB of B. Use the pricing calculator to estimate the price for 10 TB of regional
storage for historical posts in a bucket standard storage, 30 TB of regional Nearline storage, and ingress
located near Cymbal Superstore’s charges for posts to the bucket.
headquarters. The contents of this
C. Use the pricing calculator to estimate the price for 10 TB of
bucket will need to be accessed once
multi-region standard storage, 30 TB for regional Coldline storage,
every 30 days. You want to estimate
and ingress charges for posts to the bucket.
the cost of these storage resources to
ensure this is economically feasible. D. Use the pricing calculator to estimate the price for 10 TB of
multi-region standard storage, 30 TB for regional Nearline, and
egress charges for reads from the bucket.
What should you do?
Planning and estimating
2.1 using the Pricing Calculator
Courses Documentation
Cymbal Superstore decides to migrate A. Implement an application using containers on Cloud Run.
their supply chain application to Google B. Implement an application using code on App Engine.
Cloud. You need to configure specific
C. Implement an application using containers on Google
operating system dependencies.
Kubernetes Engine.
D. Implement an application using virtual machines on
What should you do?
Compute Engine.
2.2 Diagnostic Question 03
Cymbal Superstore decides to pilot a A. SSH into a Compute Engine VM and execute your code.
cloud application for their point of sale B. Package your code to a container image and post it to
system in their flagship store. You want Cloud Run.
to focus on code and develop your
C. Implement a deployment manifest and run kubectl
solution quickly, and you want your
apply on it in Google Kubernetes Engine.
code to be portable.
D. Code your solution in Cloud Functions.
A. Global http(s)
What Google Cloud load balancing option
runs at Layer 7 of the TCP stack? B. Global SSL Proxy
C. Global TCP Proxy
D. Regional Network
Planning and configuring
2.4 network resources
Courses Documentation
Cymbal Superstore’s sales department has A. Find a MySQL machine image in Cloud Marketplace and
a medium-sized MySQL database. This configure it to meet your needs.
database includes user-defined functions B. Implement a database instance using Cloud SQL, back up
and is used internally by the marketing your local data, and restore it to the new instance.
department at Cymbal Superstore HQ. The
C. Configure a Compute Engine VM with an N2 machine type,
sales department asks you to migrate the
install MySQL, and restore your data to the new instance.
database to Google Cloud in the most
timely and economical way. D. Use gcloud to implement a Compute Engine instance with
an E2-standard-8 machine type, install, and configure
What should you do? MySQL.
3.1 Diagnostic Question 02
The backend of Cymbal Superstore’s A. Create a new instance template. Click Update VMs. Set
e-commerce system consists of managed the update type to Opportunistic. Click Start.
instance groups. You need to update the B. Create a new instance template, then click Update VMs.
operating system of the instances in an Set the update type to PROACTIVE. Click Start.
automated way using minimal resources.
C. Create a new instance template. Click Update VMs. Set
max surge to 5. Click Start.
D. Abandon each of the instances in the managed instance
What should you do? group. Delete the instance template, replace it with a new
one, and recreate the instances in the managed group.
Deploying and implementing
3.1 Compute Engine resources
Courses Documentation
The development team for the supply A. Implement an autopilot cluster in us-central1-a with a
chain project is ready to start building default pool and an Ubuntu image.
their new cloud app using a small B. Implement a private standard zonal cluster in us-central1-a
Kubernetes cluster for the pilot. The with a default pool and an Ubuntu image.
cluster should only be available to team
C. Implement a private standard regional cluster in
members and does not need to be highly
us-central1 with a default pool and container-optimized
available. The developers also need the
image type.
ability to change the cluster architecture
as they deploy new capabilities. D. Implement an autopilot cluster in us-central1 with an
Ubuntu image type.
How would you implement this?
Deploying and Implementing
3.2 Google Kubernetes Engine resources
Courses Documentation
You require a Cloud Storage bucket serving A. Run a gcloud mb command specifying the name of the
users in New York City. There is a need for bucket and accepting defaults for the other mb settings.
geo-redundancy. You do not plan B. Run a gsutil mb command specifying a multi-regional
on using ACLs. location and an option to turn ACL evaluation off.
C. Run a gsutil mb command specifying a dual-region
bucket and an option to turn ACL evaluation off.
What CLI command do you use? D. Run a gsutil mb command specifying a dual-region
bucket and accepting defaults for the other mb settings.
3.4 Diagnostic Question 07
What action does the terraform A. Downloads the latest version of the terraform provider.
apply command perform? B. Verifies syntax of terraform config file.
C. Shows a preview of resources that will be created.
D. Sets up resources requested in the terraform config file.
Implementing resources via
3.7 infrastructure as code
Courses Documentation
You have a scheduled snapshot you A. Delete the downstream incremental snapshots before
are trying to delete, but the operation deleting the main reference.
returns an error. B. Delete the object the snapshot was created from.
C. Detach the snapshot schedule before deleting it.
What should you do to resolve
this problem? D. Restore the snapshot to a persistent disk before deleting it.
4.1 Diagnostic Question 03
Cymbal Superstore’s GKE cluster requires an A. Annotate your ingress object with an ingress.class of “gce.”
internal http(s) load balancer. You are B. Configure your service object with a type: LoadBalancer.
creating the configuration files required
C. Annotate your service object with a neg reference.
for this resource.
D. Implement custom static routes in your VPC.
A. Pod templates
What Kubernetes object provides
access to logic running in your cluster B. Pods
via endpoints that you define? C. Services
D. Deployments
4.2 Diagnostic Question 06
A. kubectl apply
What is the declarative way to initialize B. kubectl create
and update Kubernetes objects?
C. kubectl replace
D. kubectl run
Managing Google Kubernetes
4.2 Engine resources Ingress for Internal HTTP(S) Load
Ingress for External HTTP(S) Load
Configuring Ingress for external
load balancing
Courses Skill Badges
Configuring Ingress for Internal
HTTP(S) Load Balancing
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core GKE overview | Kubernetes Engine
Infrastructure Google Cloud Documentation
● M5 Containers in the Cloud Pod | Kubernetes Engine
Set Up and Configure a
Cloud Environment in Documentation
Getting Started with Google
Google Cloud Quest Deployment | Kubernetes Engine
Kubernetes Engine
● M3 Kubernetes Architecture
● M4 Introduction to Kubernetes Services | Kubernetes Engine
Workloads Documentation
Overview of deploying workloads |
Kubernetes Engine Documentation
Kubernetes Object Management
4.3 Diagnostic Question 07
Courses Documentation
Courses Documentation
Courses Documentation
You need to configure access to Cloud A. Assign permissions to a Google account referenced
Spanner from the GKE cluster that is by the application.
supporting Cymbal Superstore’s B. Assign permissions through a Google Workspace
ecommerce microservices application. account referenced by the application.
You want to specify an account type to
C. Assign permissions through service account
set the proper permissions.
referenced by the application.
D. Assign permissions through a Cloud Identity account
What should you do? referenced by the application.
5.1 Diagnostic Question 02
You are trying to assign roles to the dev and A. Ask your administrator for
prod projects of Cymbal Superstore’s resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy roles for
e-commerce app but are receiving an error each project.
when you try to run set-iam policy. The B. Ask your administrator for the
projects are organized into an ecommerce roles/resourcemanager.folderIamAdmin for the
folder in the Cymbal Superstore organizational ecommerce folder.
hierarchy. You want to follow best practices for
C. Ask your administrator for the
the permissions you need while respecting the
roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin for
practice of least privilege.
Cymbal Superstore.
You have a custom role implemented for A. Make the change to the custom role locally
administration of the dev/test environment for and run an update on the custom role.
Cymbal Superstore’s transportation B. Delete the custom role and recreate a new
management application. You are developing a custom role with required permissions.
pilot to use Cloud Run instead of Cloud
C. Copy the existing role, add the new
Functions. You want to ensure your
permissions to the copy, and delete the old
administrators have the correct access to the
new resources.
D. Create a new role with needed permissions
and migrate users to it.
What should you do?
Managing Identity and
5.1 Access Management (IAM)
Essential Google Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services
● M1 Identity and Access
Management (IAM)
5.2 Diagnostic Question 04
Courses Documentation
You are configuring audit logging for A. Admin Activity log entries
Cloud Storage. You want to know when
B. ADMIN_READ log entries
objects are added to a bucket.
C. DATA_READ log entries
Courses Documentation
Google Cloud Create and Architecting with Set up and Getting started Sample questions
Fundamentals: Manage Cloud Compute Engine configure a cloud with GKE
Core Resources environment
Infrastructure Skill Badge Skill Badge Automating Review
Infrastructure on documentation
Foundational Google Cloud with
Infrastructure Terraform
Skill Badge Skill Badge
Weekly study plan
Now, consider what you’ve learned about your knowledge and skills
through the diagnostic questions in this course. You should have a
better understanding of what areas you need to focus on and what
resources are available.
Use the template that follows to plan your study goals for each week.
● What exam guide section(s) or topic area(s) will you focus on?
● What courses (or specific modules) will help you learn more?
● What Skill Badges or labs will you work on for hands-on practice?
● What documentation links will you review?
● What additional resources will you use - such as sample
You may do some or all of these study activities each week.
Courses/modules Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure, Module 2 Getting Started with Google Cloud
to complete: Architecting with Google Compute Engine, Module 4 Cloud IAM
Skill Badges/labs Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Quest
to complete:
to review:
Area(s) of focus:
to complete:
Skill Badges/labs
to complete:
to review:
Additional study: