Physics Gravitation Project
Physics Gravitation Project
Physics Gravitation Project
• C( -
• F C(
• F= ,.,
• G is called the universal constant of gravitation
its value is found to be 6.67x10-l 1 ~m2 / kg 2 •
Eviclence~i1ral 1Sui:2P.oritttot l!aw1iot Gravitation
► The rotation of the earth around the sun or that oft
11100n around ear-th is explained on the basis o f this I w
► The tide are formed in ocean due to the gravitational
force of attraction between earth and the moon.
► The value of g can be used to predict the orbits a nd tI
period of an satellite.
., ant f..eatures~1ofi llaw1iot Gr;av.itatLiion
► The Gravitation force between two masses is indepe
of the intervening medium.
► The mutual gravitational forces between t\vo bodies a
equal and opposite i.e. Gravitat ional Forces obey
Newton's third law of motion.
► The gravitational force is an conservative force.
► The law of gravitation holds only for point masses.
► The gravitational force between two point masses is a
central force. Its magnitude depends only on r and h s
no angular dependence .
► The Gravitational force between two bodies is
independent of the presence of other bodies
~cceleration aue to Gr.avit~ ot ttie earitti•
► Suppose a mass 'm' is situated outside the earth at
distance 'r' from it centre. The gravitational force on ti
mass 1s
► F= 1nv
,. 2
► F=mg.
► mg=--
► g= - ,.2
► git= (r+II)
h GM
111' - ,., ("1 1"1")
► ,.- - (r+/1) 2 •••••
► 9h : r'
,, r'( I+ ;:)'
► 91,
= ( 1 + ~)
► git = 1 -211 (.)
... IV
g r
► Both the eq. (iii and 1v) show that the ·g· decreases a~t
height increases.
► Eq. i i1 must be used In the nu mencal when 'h · is
comparable to ·r·.
► Eq. iv must be used 1n the numerical when h<<r.
w=G/.1111 d
- X
x' '
f w= f" GMm
- dx
"' x'
► W = GMm J; x-2
► W = ·GMm J; x-1
► If we throw a ball into air , it rises to a certain height
falls back. If we t hrow it with a greater velocity , it wil
higher before fa lling down. If we throw with sufficient
velocity , it will never come back . i.e. It will escape fr
the gravitational pull of the earth.
► The minimum ve locity required to do so is called esc '
► Consider the earth to be a sphere of mass M and radi •
with centre 0.
esc.tpe velodty: speed
very far lrom center .. needed to escape an
119,Ytmall Yesc obJut'sgravlUllonal pul.
lle,--;--speed smaler than v•c
large v11c
_.. ---...
► Using total energy concept we can derive the equation for escape
► At any point the Total energy must be zero.
► We know that Kinetic energy = ½ rnvel
► Potential energy = R
► K.E+P.E=O
► ½ ntve 2 . - - - ~o
► V = 2GM
• R
► Multiply and divide by R
► Ve= !2gR >
0 ~elocitY,
• Orbital velocity is the velocity required to put
the satellite into its orbit around earth
Or;oita locit
► Force of gravity on satellite
► F= - - -2
( R +11)
► Centnpetal Force required by the sa1cU1te to keep rts orbit
► F = _ __.,..._
( R+lt)2
► In equilibrium , the centripetal force
,s just provrded by the gravitat ional
pull of the earth.
1nv GM1n
► ' = - - -2
(R+ II ) ( R+h )
► v i= - - -
0 ( R+h )
► v0 = ✓
(R+h) . 1·fi d
s1mp 11e eq 1s
. /GM
ffiime P.emoa ofi a satellite
• It is the time takes by a satellite to complete one
revolution around the earth. It is given by
• T = circumference of the orbit / orbital velocity
• T= 2n:( R+h)
• T=2rr ( R+h)'
• If the earth is a sphere the density = p then mass wou
be =volume "' density ='.! rrR:ip