Sea of Stars Alpha

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of Stars
Galactic Role Playing

Aron Zell
Sea of Stars i


This is an alpha release. While some editing and spell checking have been done this is
not the final format nor the final edit of the product. This is being released for review
purposes only and the final version may differ dramatically.

© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars ii

Written - ARON ZELL

Cover Design - ARON ZELL

Illustrations - ARON ZELL

The Best Little Game Shop: Our House Games, 403 E. Front Street, Monroe, MI 48161

Sea of Stars © 2011 by Aron Zell

© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars Page 1

Lilanite Police Academy....................................35
Table of Contents Novas............................................................36
Introduction ....................................................................5 Grounders.....................................................36
Identity Generation..........................................................6 Rezers...........................................................36
Definitions.................................................................7 Mechanic Apprenticeship...................................37
Abilities................................................................7 Merchant Apprenticeship...................................37
Strength (S).....................................................7 Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship........................37
Agility (A)......................................................7 Omal Space Academy........................................38
Health (H).......................................................7 Ublukani.......................................................38
Intelligence (I)................................................7 Nuikani.........................................................38
Mind (M)........................................................7 Trukani..........................................................38
Qualities...............................................................7 Pilot Apprenticeship...........................................39
Skills.....................................................................7 Republic Military Academy...............................39
Stages.........................................................................7 Star Force......................................................39
Stage 1 - Races...........................................................9 Space and Land Specialist (S.A.L.S.)...........39
Human..................................................................9 Space Rescue................................................40
Kaylin...................................................................9 Seril Space Academy..........................................40
Lilanite...............................................................10 Mer Zva........................................................40
Nel Ari................................................................12 Mer Pa..........................................................40
Quextil................................................................13 Mer San........................................................41
Reltoan...............................................................14 Solar Alliance Military Academy.......................41
Thrassians...........................................................14 SA Navy........................................................41
Stage 2 - Childhood.................................................16 SA Marines...................................................41
The Heart of Civilization: Life in the Core........16 Spiker.................................................................42
Council of Elders..........................................16 Thrassian Defense Force Academy....................42
Dominance of Mer........................................17 Difyn Awr.....................................................42
Dominance of Mer - Iulyntia........................18 Difyn Tyr......................................................42
Hegemony of Nel.........................................19 Kymoth.........................................................43
Lilanite Federation........................................20 Trade School.......................................................43
Parliament of Clans......................................20 Trade School Graduate.................................43
Reltoan Imperium.........................................22 University...........................................................44
Reltoan Imperium – Menkath.......................23 University Graduate.....................................44
Solar Alliance...............................................23 Stage 4 – Careers.....................................................46
Dust, Dirt, Grime: Life on the Fringe................25 ArchX.................................................................46
Abandoned World.........................................26 Bizzeth Free Guard Basic Training ...................46
Agriculture Colony.......................................27 Star Warriors.................................................46
Frontier World..............................................28 Ground Operations.......................................46
Manufacturing Colony..................................29 Bizzeth Free Guard Tour of Duty.......................47
Research Station...........................................30 Star Warrior..................................................47
Ship Born......................................................31 Ground Operations Solider...........................48
Station Born..................................................31 Black Marketeer.................................................48
Stage 3 – Young Adulthood.....................................33 Bureaucrat..........................................................49
Crime..................................................................33 Courier................................................................49
Drifter.................................................................33 Crime..................................................................49
Followers of Mer................................................33 Drifter.................................................................49
Followers of Olmini...........................................33 Eclipse Syndicate Director.................................50
Free Guard Academy..........................................34 Eclipse Syndicate Employee .............................50
Star Warriors.................................................34 Enforcement.................................................50
Ground Operations.......................................34 Procurement..................................................50
Imperial Military Academy................................34 Tech Support.................................................51
Naftana.........................................................35 Eclipse Syndicate Manager................................51
Laona............................................................35 Enforcement.................................................51

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Procurement..................................................51 Seril System Guard Tour of Duty.......................69

Tech Support.................................................52 Mer Zva Crusader........................................69
Freighter pilot.....................................................52 Mer Pa Crusader..........................................70
Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training..............52 Mer San Crusader........................................71
Star Force .....................................................52 Solar Alliance Militia Basic Training.................71
Space and Land Specialist (S.A.L.S.)...........53 Solar Alliance Navy......................................71
Space Rescue................................................53 Solar Alliance Marines.................................72
Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty ................53 Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty ..................72
Star Force Solider.........................................53 Solar Alliance Naval Crew Person...............72
S.A.L.S. Solider...........................................54 Solar Alliance Marine..................................73
Space Rescue Solider...................................55 Spiker.................................................................74
Kaylin Space Command Basic Training............55 Starship Mechanic..............................................74
Ublukani.......................................................55 Starship Mechanic.......................................74
Nuikani.........................................................56 Thrassian Defense Force Basic Training............74
Trukani..........................................................56 Difyn Awr.....................................................75
Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty...............56 Difyn Tyr......................................................75
Ublukani.......................................................56 Kymoth.........................................................75
Tpyical Nuikani............................................57 Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty..............76
Trukani.........................................................58 Difyn Awr Mor............................................76
Lilanite Police Force Basic Training..................58 Difyn Tyr Morlo..........................................76
Novas............................................................58 Kymoth Achyb..............................................77
Grounders.....................................................58 Trade School.......................................................78
Rezers...........................................................59 Trade School Graduate.................................78
Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty.....................59 University...........................................................78
Nova.............................................................59 University Graduate......................................79
Grounder......................................................60 Random Event Tables..............................................80
Rezers...........................................................61 Stage 2 Tables.....................................................80
Mechanic Apprenticeship...................................61 Stage 3 and 4 Tables...........................................88
Mechanic............................................................61 Finishing the Character............................................98
Mercenary..........................................................62 Please don't run with the abacus.........................98
Mercenary....................................................62 Total Abilities...............................................98
Merchant Apprenticeship...................................62 Calculate Secondary Abilities.......................98
Merchant............................................................62 Total Skills....................................................98
Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship........................63 Qualities........................................................98
Nemoan Ranger..................................................63 Build points..................................................99
OSX Basic Training...........................................63 Racial Attributes...............................................101
OSX Advanced Training....................................64 Age.............................................................101
Scout Corps..................................................64 Height.........................................................101
Survey Corps................................................64 Names.........................................................103
Pilot Apprenticeship...........................................64 Money..............................................................109
Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training.............65 Running Simulations...................................................110
Naftana.........................................................65 Success and Failure................................................110
Laona............................................................65 Ability Checks........................................................111
Dyso..............................................................65 Using Skills............................................................111
Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty...............66 Basic Skill Challenge.......................................111
Naftana Solider.............................................66 Advanced Skill Challenge................................111
Laona Solider................................................67 Difficulties........................................................111
Dyso Solider................................................67 Contested Skills Test........................................112
Reltoan Imperial Guard......................................68 Working Together.............................................112
Seril System Guard Basic Training....................68 Combat...................................................................112
Mer Zva........................................................68 Turn Order........................................................112
Mer Pa..........................................................69 Actions..............................................................112
Mer San........................................................69 Move Actions..............................................112

© 2011 Aron Zell

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Attacks........................................................113 Explosive Weapons: Missiles.....................147

Simple Actions............................................113 Explosive Weapons: Rockets......................147
Cover................................................................113 Modern Armor .................................................147
Aiming..............................................................113 Melee Weapons................................................148
Armor...............................................................113 Knife ..........................................................148
Injury, Death & Dying...........................................113 Sword .........................................................148
Recovery...........................................................114 Miscellaneous Equipment .....................................149
Natural healing............................................114 The Galaxy..................................................................150
Medical Healing..........................................114 Galaxy Map.................................................................151
Falling....................................................................114 Important Events.........................................................152
Simulation Creation...............................................115 Time line of Galactic Events .................................152
Populating the Galaxy......................................115 The Galactic Calendar......................................152
Rewards............................................................115 The First Galactic War / Unification War..............152
Build Points................................................115 The Purge...............................................................154
Skills: You are What You Know..................................116 The Milfred Incident..............................................155
Skill Descriptions...................................................116 The A.I. Wars.........................................................156
Psionic Skills .........................................................122 The Core Governments................................................157
Qualities : The Inner You.............................................124 Galactic Republic of Civilizations.........................157
Quality Descriptions .............................................124 Council of Elders...................................................158
Let's Go Shopping – Equipment..................................134 Dominance of Mer.................................................158
Money....................................................................134 Hegemony of Nel...................................................159
Computer Technology ...........................................134 Lilanite Federation.................................................159
Medical Technology ..............................................135 Parliament of Clans................................................160
T.I.N.S. ............................................................135 Reltoan Imperium..................................................161
Communications ...................................................136 Solar Alliance.........................................................162
Local Communications ...................................136 The Major Players.......................................................164
QuanCom ........................................................136 Archaeological Expeditions, LTD..........................164
Vehicles .................................................................136 Background......................................................164
Ground Vehicles ..............................................137 Current Projects................................................164
Spacecraft ........................................................138 Bios First................................................................165
Arms and Armor ...................................................141 Background......................................................165
Weapon & Armor Descriptions .......................141 The Circle..............................................................165
The Myth of the Laser Pistol ...........................141 Background......................................................165
Archaic Weapons & Armor .............................142 Eclipse Syndicate...................................................165
Melee Weapons ...............................................142 Background......................................................165
Modern Firearms .............................................142 Office of Stellar Exploration (OSX) .....................166
Evex Arms MX Series ...............................142 Background .....................................................166
J.T. 'Pocket Pistol' ......................................142 First Contact Guidelines ..................................166
Nyol MAG Projectiles ...............................142 Star Runner LTD....................................................166
Rothi 'Slugger' ...........................................142 Background......................................................166
Tyloc Clan Needlers ..................................143 Riding the Black: Space Travel in the Galaxy.............168
Wesson & Glock Munitions ......................143 The Wave Drive ....................................................168
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Pistol...................143 Wave Drive Classifications ...................................168
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Rifle ...................143 Navigational Charts ..............................................169
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Shotgun...............144 Galactic Coordinates .......................................169
Kinetic Energy Weapon: SMG ..................144 Distances .........................................................169
Modern Ammunition .......................................144 Travel times at 30 lyph (consumer speeds)
Modern Beam Weapons ..................................145 ....................................................................170
Beamed Energy Weapon: Pistol.................146 Travel times at 45 lyph (trader speeds)
Beamed Energy Weapon: Rifle...................146 ....................................................................171
Grenades, Bombs and Boomers.......................146 Travel times at 120 lyph (military speeds)
Explosive Weapons: Grenades...................146 ....................................................................171
Explosive Weapons: Grenade Launcher.....147 Creatures Great & Small.............................................172

© 2011 Aron Zell

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Na Tok ...................................................................172
Nuar ......................................................................172
Volken ...................................................................173
Bermik ..................................................................173
Kwikix ..................................................................173
Galactic Alphabet........................................................174
Galactic Lexicon..........................................................176
Identity Records...........................................................177
Identity Worksheet...........................................................1
Identity Record................................................................1

© 2011 Aron Zell

To whomever has found this document I hope it serves you well. My name is not important. I have traveled
our great republic for many decades; from edge to core and spin-ward to trail-wise. In this journal I have
recorded my observations and whatever knowledge I have gained.
Inside is information that is mostly common knowledge. However, some of what I have seen is not meant to
be known. From the inner workings of the Eclipse Syndicate, to the secret dealings of companies like Open
Mind, Ltd., to the real reason Archaeological Expeditions was formed. I even have detailed possible
evidence that others beyond the buffer zone and the Red Line have already visited us and may be
responsible for certain well known events.
As is often said but rarely headed, knowledge is contagious. Once you learn what is contained in this text
you will not be able to unlearn it. Persons,groups or governments may seek you out to destroy that
knowledge or just to learn what you know.
If you choose to venture into the wider galaxy after you have read the information contained with in, I have
included the top secret system that the Republic uses to categorize people and a way to generate these
values for yourself. An identity might be handy in eluding certain individuals. I have also included basic
guidelines for modeling equipment, vessels and other inanimate objects and also rules for modeling
situations. These can come in useful if you wish to perform simulations of situations before actually
engaging in them.
Other necessary information is given on the main systems of our side of the galaxy, the races, important
events, and background information on traveling between the stars. BE WARNED! The versions of events
and the racial, corporate, and government background I offer are not the versions you learned in school or
were told by your parents. It is in these sections that I have buried the truth between lines of accepted and
sanitized knowledge.
I wish you luck on your future endeavors and remember that it is in your best interest to act like you never
read this information. To pretend you never learned some of the secrets contained within while you interact
with the galaxy at large; while you sail through this Sea of Stars.
– Ryzenda
Identity Generation
Sea of Stars Page 7

The system the Republic uses to categorize people is Intelligence (I)

known as the Identity System. This system consists of
five primary abilities, four secondary abilities, qualities Intelligence is the ability to learn and grasp concepts.
that define more in depth traits of an identity and skills. Below a certain intelligence level a person cannot
All of these terms are described a little further down. speak.
The Republic System also defines a person's life by a
series of stages. These stages mark the important event
Mind (M)
in everyone's life such as their race, childhood, and Mind is a measure of mental quickness and toughness.
career. It helps with quickly assessing facts, resisting mental
attacks and is the base ability for those rare individuals
Generating an identity for yourself consist of choosing
with psionic powers.
paths that you have followed, or would have liked to
follow, to lead you to this point in your life. The identity Qualities
must first begin by choosing which race you are. Then
move on to where you grew up and what you did as a Qualities are traits that further describe someone. Major
child. From there it's what the identity did as an adult qualities effect how well a person can perform a skill or
and up to the present. help to define the physicality or mental state of an
Not all identities need to progress through all of the
stages. However the Republic does not allow those
under the age of 16 to travel by themselves. So it is
suggested that all identities created be at least 16 years Skills
old which means that they have at least gone through
Skills represent the things that a person is trained to do.
Stage 2, Childhood.
This can be things like shooting a gun, driving a car,
Definitions piloting a spaceship or even noticing the details of the
one's surroundings.
Abilities When a skill is presented as part of a life path it will be
First and foremost each identity has five primary written as
abilities. They define what and how well you can Skill Name (A, L, #). This is a short hand for the
perform actions, your resilience and your mental and information that an identity needs to know about that
physical strength. There are also four secondary abilities particular skill. In the parenthesis the A stands for the
but those will be described later in the chapter. Linked Ability that the skill is used with, the L is the
Learning Curve of the skill and the # is the number of
Strength (S) points gained for that skill. The Ability comes into play
when the skill is used. The level affects how hard or easy
This is the raw physical power of the character. A high the skill is to advance.
strength means you are adept at physical tasks such as
climbing, boxing, jumping, etc. Example: When the skill Conceal is shown in a life path
it may be written as, Conceal (I, E, +4). So the skill
Agility (A) name is obviously Conceal. The Linked Ability used with
Agility is a measure of physical quickness. Agility helps the skill is Intelligence, the Learning Curve for the skill
with getting out of the way of danger, moving quickly is Easy and the character would gain 4 additional points
and reacting quickly. in that skill.

Health (H) Stages

Health is a measure of physical well being. The Life can be thought of as progressing through a series of
strongest being known can be one of the sickest. Health stages; a person is born, a person grows, a person learns,
determines how well a person resist poison, disease, they gain experience. Identity Generation is broken
radiation, etc. down into a series of stages. With in each stage are a
series of life paths.

© 2011 Aron Zell

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The stages are:

Stage 1 - Race
Stage 2 - Childhood, 1-16 years of age
Stage 3 - Young Adulthood, variable
Stage 4 - Career, variable (Choose a max of 3

Each path will have some or all of the following traits

associated with that .
Prerequisites: What you need to have in order to choose
this path
Requirements: Conditions that will need to be satisfied
at the end of Identity Generation.
Abilities: the increase or decrease in abilities
Qualities: the qualities gained form the path
Skills: the skills gained and the number of skill points.
Skills are noted in the following format: Skill Name
(Linked Ability, Learning Curve, points to spend on the
Next Stage: The next stage in identity generation.
Life Paths: These are the different choices available in
the next stage after the current stage and path.
Build Points: These are the number build points gained
from the chosen path. Build Points will be used later on
to finish the identity.
Random Events: The table that you roll on to determine
what, if any, random events occurred during the current
life path. Each event will have benefits or penalties for
the identity.

© 2011 Aron Zell

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been slowly terra-formed over the past 200 years. It is

Stage 1 - Races now possible to live there without a pressure suit.

As of the current year, 648 G.E. (2250 AD on the Human

calendar), The Galactic Republic of Civilizations has Appearance
only explored and currently occupies about one third of
Humans are mostly hairless bipedal primates. Both
our galaxy. Our galaxy is simply call Wahkel, home in
sexes have fine hair that sprouts from the top of their
English. In the nearly 13 cubic terra-light years of space
heads but the males can grow prominent facial hair and
that the Republic occupies, there are only currently
substantial body hair. Humans naturally have a wide
seven known races on the galactic stage.
range of hair color. They also have a wide range of eye
colors and skin colors that range from pale white to
Human black. Unlike Thrassians, another primate species,
humans do not have a brow ridge. Average height is
1.75 meters for males and 1.68 meters for females.
Planet of Origin
Name: Earth Human
System: Sol
Surface Gravity (g): 1 Abilities: Strength 40, Agility 40, Health 40,
Atmosphere: Nitrogen & Oxygen Intelligence 45, Mind 40
Surface Temp (kelvins): 284 Qualities: Common Sense, Fearless 1, Skillful 2
Climate Type: Cool
World Type: Standard (Garden) Skills: Perception (A, E, +10)
Moons: 1 Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
Population: 8 Billion: 91% Human, 5% Thrassian, 3%
Lilanite, 1% other Life Paths: Any

Humans are from the Sol system. In the Sol system Kaylin
they have three independent colonies. Earth is the
planet of origin for the Human race and it is an average
Planet of Origin
world. As with most pre-galactic civilizations, Earth
was overpopulated and covered in pollution before Name: Kaylin Tor
Humanity began to consider expanding into the nearby System: Kaylin Mu
reaches of space. Humanity's introduction to the galaxy Surface Gravity (g): 0.75
was rushed and head of schedule due to the Milfred Atmosphere: Nitrogen & Oxygen
Incident but in the intervening 200 years the Humans Surface Temp (kelvins): 290
have made great strides in fixing their home world and Climate Type: Normal
integrating themselves into the Republic. World Type: Standard (Garden)
Moons: 2
Humanity's second home would be its rather large
Population: 4.23 Billion: 96% Kaylin, 2% Thrassian,
satellite Luna. Current analysis has shown that Luna
1.25% Human, 0.5% Nel Ari, 0.2% Reltoan, 0.05%
was blasted off of Earth in the early formation of the
Sol system. Luna is an independent colony despite
being a satellite of Earth. The independence of Luna
and the fourth planet, Mars, was the cause of a major Background
system wide conflict that was resolved shortly before
the Milfred incident. One of the conditions of The Kaylin are an old race. Not as old as the
Humanity being accepted into the G.R.C. was the Thrassians or the Reltoans but still one of the first to
independence of Luna and Mars. achieve space flight and travel between the stars.

Mars is a little red planet with a native atmosphere of The Kaylin's cherish nature. The Kaylin have a world
carbon dioxide. Mars, the third home of Humanity, has rich in resources, heavily forested, and ripe with food.

© 2011 Aron Zell

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Unlike most races the Kaylin made it through their rights given to naturally evolved, biological citizens.
industrial age with out significant damage to their One of their first tasks was to find a system to call
world. That is because a Kaylin never fouls its home. home. Sensitive to the needs of the other races, they
To this extent all cities blend into their surroundings chose a system with a reddish-orange star and several
and all transportation lanes are underground or in the small worlds and gas giants. They renamed the system
air. Their spaceports are in desolate regions in order to Lil 519 in honor of the Lilanite lawyer who gave her
minimize their impact. The two largest spaceports are life fighting for the rights of her people. Massive space
Mu Nu which is located in the southern polar desert stations were built and the AI's and android's renamed
and Mu Ah which is located in the equatorial desert of themselves Lilanites after Lil 519. Their civilization is
Grempli, the small continent. called the Lilanite Federation and is now the only
place were AI's and androids are “born.”
Lilanite Biology
The Kaylin are a bipedal canine race. They have short
snouts and a coat of thick fur all over their bodies. Unlike the other races who have a normal biology,
Kaylin's have short pointed ears and some sub races anatomy, and have no specific section detailing their
still have a short stubby, vestigial tail. Their fur comes anatomy, the Lilanites are a special case. Lilanites
in a wide range of patterns and colors. Eye color maybe artificial lifeforms but they are biological
comes in blue, brown, black, and violet. Average lifeforms. They are artificial because they did not
height for males is 1.60 meters and 1.50 meters for evolve in a natural environment but were created by
females. the older races of the G.R.C. No one knows for sure
when the Lilanites achieved sentience. Like any race
they gradually evolved and over many generations
Kaylin they achieved the level of sentience and intelligence
Abilities: Strength 40, Agility 40, Health 45, they enjoy today.
Intelligence 40, Mind 45 What is known is that about 1,100 years ago genetic
Qualities: Common Sense, Greater Senses:Hearing 1, engineering and robotic engineering merged into the
Greater Senses:Vision 1 field of cybernetics. To meet the demand for better,
faster processors some long forgotten scientist or team
Skills: Perception (A, E, +5) of scientist created cells with processors as their
Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood nuclei. This gave birth to the first nanites. From there,
colonies were grown that networked and used
Life Paths: Any distributed processing to speed up data operations.
Eventually an artificial brain was created using a
normal biological brain as a template. From this
experiment artificial intelligence was born. From
Lilanite artificial intelligence came genetically engineered
servants, laborers, entertainment, and central data
Planet of Origin systems. This was what gave birth to the Lilanites.

None For the past half millennia all Lilanites start out with
an adult sized, androgynous body. They have no hair, a
basic waste elimination process, and the basic ability
Background to process organic food. The body, however, is
genetically engineered. The organs, tissues, muscles,
On the 315 day of the year 604 GE, Lil 519, an android and skin are engineered to be disease resistant and are
lawyer and android rights activist, was slain outside the best examples of organic perfection. The skeleton
the courthouse were she had successfully pleaded for is made of carbon nanotubes in order to be strong and
AI's and androids to have the same rights as naturally light. The cranium is a carbon nanotube base with a 2
evolved citizens. This started the series of conflicts that millimeter thick titanium alloy coating for
have become known as the A.I. Wars. reinforcement.
After the end of the conflict all AI's were declared free
and equal citizens of the G.R.C. and deserving of all

© 2011 Aron Zell

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The nerve cells retain the cybernetic heritage. They are Anthromorph – The Lilanite retains its biological
biological cells with processor cores as their nucleus. form and can choose to look like any of the other
They work just like ordinary nerve cells but at the races. These Lilanites are usualy found in roles where
nerve gaps light pulses are used instead of the normal interaction with the other races is frequent.
chemical agents found in natural nerve cells. This
Hard Shell - The Lilanite can choose to have a sex if
makes the Lilanite nerve system a little more resilient
desired. Through a painful procedure the Lilanite is
since the gap spacing can be larger than the natural
implanted with nanites that slowly change the
Lilanite's biology so that instead of normal skin cells
The brain also retains the cybernetic heritage. Just like glands excrete an titanium alloy carapace. The old
the experiment long ago, it is a collection of nanite biological skin is slowly consumed throughout the
nerve cells. These nerve cells form a neural net just process. This is a very painful procedure and the
like the natural counterpart and work much the same as Lilanite must endure months of medical care to ensure
the natural version. If damaged then other cells will that an infection does not break out. Once the
take over processing for the damaged cells. procedure is final the “metal skin” can be regrown and
repaired like normal skin. The altered biology also
It should be noted that contrary to some beliefs the
extracts the minerals and metals necessary to maintain
Lilanite brain can only be programmed using genetic
the new skin.
means. This can only be done at creation. Lilanites
start out as a blank slate just like any other child. The
only exception is that they have an adult sized body. A Lilanite AniMod
Lilanite must learn everything. They just learn faster. A
Lilanite child will be talking in complete sentences by The configuration of the final form is not dependent on
the age of eight months. They will be walking by three any of the known races or lifeforms. The player can
months. choose the final form and the number of modifications
it has.
At the age of 15 the Lilanite must choose its final
form. There are several standard choices but ultimately Abilities: Strength 40, Agility 40, Health 45,
the look of the Lilanite's final form and the final sex Intelligence 45, Mind 40
are personal choices for each Lilanite. After this Qualities: Additional Sensory Organ, Ambidextrous
change the Lilanite cannot change again due to the
months of intensive surgery and trauma. In the past Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5)
when this was attempted either the surgical trauma Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
killed the patient or the mental trauma of being trapped
in a body that was not what the patient was used to Life Paths: Any
made them unstable and ended in death.
All Lilanites have an implanted communicator that can Lilanite Anthromorph
only send and receive to similar communicators. These
Must choose one of the other six races to emulate.
are implanted in order to facilitate speedy
communication between fellow Lilanites and the Abilities: Strength 40, Agility 40, Health 45,
Lilanite Federation. The communicator cannot be used Intelligence 45, Mind 40
to take control of a Lilanite anymore than a similar
implant can take control of a natural race. Qualities: Ambidextrous, Balance, Greater Senses:
Vision 1
The standard final forms are listed below:
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5)
AniMod – This is a basic anthromorph model but with
modifications. The external covering may be a Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
non-natural color. Or the Lilanite may choose to add Life Paths: Any
more extreme modifications like extra arms, sensory
tentacles, extra sensory organs, tentacle arms, or what
ever they can imagine. These Lilanites tend to either
work around other Lilanites or find themselves in
solitary or dangerous professions where the extra
modifications can be helpful.

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Lilanite Hard Shell Names

Abilities: Strength 45, Agility 40, Health 40, A traditional Nel Ari name is as follows: [Family/Clan
Intelligence 45, Mind 40 name] [si or sa] [Given Name]. If the person is male
then “si” is used and if they are female “sa” is used.
Qualities: Ambidextrous, Greater Senses: Vision 1,
Examples: Jorrissi si Amyin, Hileth sa Tebil, Smith si
Natural Armor 2
John, Jones sa Marry.
Skill: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5)
Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood Appearance
Life Paths: Any Nel Ari are bipedal tail-less Saurians. Nel Ari eye
colors are either brown or green, but their natural scale
color ranges from green to black. Nel Ari have short
snouts and claws on their forearms. Average height is
Nel Ari 1.70 meters for males and females.
Ever since the end of the War of Night there as been a
Planet of Origin division between the young and the old. The current
trend is for young Nel Ari to dye their scales in order
Name: Nel to visually separate themselves from the old ones. It is
System: Bizzeth not uncommon, and to some it is a right of passage, to
Surface Gravity (g): 0.96 see those born after the War of Night to have a tattoo
Atmosphere: Nitrogen & Oxygen of the ancient symbol for the goddess of harvest. This
Surface Temp (kelvins): 298 is done in remembrance of the destruction of Jumal
Climate Type: Normal which was named in her honor.
World Type: Standard (Garden)
Moons: 3
Population: 7.3 Billion: 95% Nel Ari, 2.5 % Human, Nel Ari
0.9% Kaylin, 0.75% Thrassian, 0.51% Reltoan, 0.34% Abilities: Strength 40, Agility 45, Health 40,
other Intelligence 40, Mind 40
Qualities: Balance, Double Jointed, Feather Fall,
Background Flexible, Natural Armor 2
The Nel Ari are the second youngest race in the galaxy. Skills: Perception (A, E, +5)
Their path to becoming one world was particularly
violent. It took 200 years for the Nel Ari to finish their Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
globalization effort. During that time they engaged in Life Paths: Any
five world wars. The last world war, The War of Night,
occurred before the colonization of the Bizzeth system.
At the end of the War of Night, 500 million were dead
and the third satellite, Jumal, was left a radioactive
wasteland. Three colonies on Jumal were destroyed.
Two of these colonies were research stations and the
third was a large civilian center.
In 428 GE, the post war development boom led to the
invention of the Hithel drive by Hithel si Yassi of the
Bureau of Technological Research. The Hithel drive is
the Nel Ari designation for the wave drive. A few years
after the Nel Ari developed the wave drive an
expedition to the Fyden system introduced the Nel Ari
to the Kaylin and to the rest of the galaxy. By the
beginning of the next decade they were members of
the G.R.C.

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Quextil honors its parents for its conception and for laying the
egg that gave it life. The hatching day is a celebration
of the Quextil growing one more year older. There is
Planet of Origin usually a three month difference between Egg Day and
Hatching Day.
Name: Vortash
System: Seril
Surface Gravity (g): 0.64 The Guardians of Mer
Atmosphere: Nitrogen & Oxygen
Surface Temp (kelvins): 284 This is a quasi-religious paramilitary organization.
Climate Type: Cool Their goal is to protect the sanctity of Merish, Mertath,
World Type: Standard (Garden) and Merkath. They spend months, if not years, in orbit
Moons: 3 meditating, praying, and watching the moons. If any
Population: 7.3 Billion: 98% Quextil, 0.33% Human, craft for any reason is headed towards one of the
0.33% Kaylin, 0.33% Lilanite, 0.33% Nel Ari, 0.33% moons then it is warned only once and given only five
Reltoan, 0.33%Thrassian minutes to change course. Failing that the ship is
pursued and destroyed before it can reach the surface
of one of the moons.
The Quextil were the first race admitted to the G.R.C. Appearance
after the Unification War. As an avian race descended
from raptors, most Quextil are quite content to never Quextil are an avian race with a short beak and a
leave their home system. In fact in the 700 years since covering of down feathers. The feathers come in many
their appearance on the galactic stage they have colors and patterns an can be dyed to suite an
formed few colonies outside of the Seril system. The individual's taste. The Quextil have a flap of skin under
call of the stars still manages to draw some Quextil off their arm that grants them the ability to glide through
planet to find a livelihood and adventure. the air. The Quextil also display their avian heritage in
their tall lithe forms. The average Quextil male stands
Maybe the lack of stellar ambition is due to the fact 2 meters (6.6 feet) tall and the average female is 1.8
that their home world, Vortash, is such a pleasant place meters (6 feet) tall.
to stay. It is a perfectly average world except for the
three satellites that orbit the planet, Merish, Mertath,
and Merkath. The moons are all the same size, Quextil
1,512km (940 miles) in diameter, in the same orbit,
Abilities: Strength 35, Agility 45, Health 40,
and are equally spaced. This has the effect of giving
Intelligence 40, Mind 40
Vortash no significant tidal action.
Qualities: Balance, Feather Fall, Gliding, Greater
The ancient Quextil may never have noticed that there
Senses:Vision 4, Greater Senses:Hearing 2
were three separate satellites if not for the fact that
they reflect separate colors. Merish reflects a silver Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
light, Mertath reflects a blue tinged silver light, and
Merkath reflects a red tinged silver light. Once the Life Paths: Any
Quextil achieved spaceflight they sent several probes
to their moons against the wishes of the prominent
religious figures. All the probes sent to the satellites
have malfunctioned or disappeared. The failure of the
probes caused the religious authorities to exert their
power and declare the satellites off limits to
colonization, further scientific exploration and to place
a ban on any traffic going near them.
The Quextil are the only race to hatch from eggs. This
gives the Quextil two birth events to celebrate. The
laying of the egg, called Egg Day, and the hatching,
called the Hatching Day. On the egg day the offspring

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Reltoan Reltoan
Abilities: Strength 35, Agility 45, Health 40,
Planet of Origin Intelligence 40, Mind 45

Unknown Qualities: Ambidextrous, Appearance: Attractive,

Psionicist, Secretive (All Reltoans have psionic ability)
Skills: Telepathy (M, In, +8)
Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
The Reltoans are the oldest space-faring race.
However, they have not had a strong drive to explore Life Paths: Any
as the other races have had. Generally they are
reserved and not given to strong emotions or passions.
This gives the feeling that when talking to a Reltoan it
is as if they know something you do not. Thrassians
Reltoan society is one with well defined social classes;
Imperial, nobility, gentry, and commoners. There is
mobility between the lower three classes as long as the
Planet of Origin
appropriate tribute is paid. Name: Thrassis
System: Na Oth
The Reltoans did not evolve in the Jaokyn system. The
Surface Gravity (g): 1
Reltoans readily admit this fact but have never
Atmosphere: Nitrogen & Oxygen
divulged where they originated or why they left. All
Surface Temp (kelvins): 266
research that is concerned with Reltoan history or
Climate Type: Cold
biology is blocked by the Reltoan government to the
World Type: Standard (Garden)
point of being banned. Only the Reltoans know the
Moons: 0
Population: 1.75 Billion: 96% Thrassian, 2.5% Kaylin,
Another oddity about the Reltoans is that they are all 1.25% Human, 0.2% Reltoan, 0.05% other
telepaths. All known races have telepaths but at a rate
of 1 in 10,000. For some reason 98% of Reltoans are
telepathic and some are telepathically strong. This is a Background
secret that the Reltoans keep to themselves. If this Thrassis has been locked in an ice age for the past
news were revealed then who knows how the rest of 10,000 years. As such the Thrassians have developed
galaxy would react. traits that enable them to survive the arctic and
sub-arctic temperatures of their homeworld. They
Appearance developed a very close knit clan structure since they
had to hide from the weather in underground caves,
Reltoans are blue skinned humanoids. They look like braving the outside only to hunt. The clan is paramount
they are descended from primates but the Reltoan to the traditional Thrassian and everything he or she
Empire has never allowed extensive tests by does is for the welfare of the clan. One pleasant side
non-Reltoans to prove this. All Reltoans have white effect of this is that Thrassians are renowned
hair on their head and no body hair. All Reltoans have environmentalists. When one cave system might hold
violet eyes and there is an almost uniform appearance 20 or more families of a single clan, conservation
between members of the same sex. Their average becomes essential. Their subterranean existence has
height is 1.8 meters with little deviation between the continued to the modern age. All of their cities are
sexes. massive underground complexes. There are no
spaceports on the surface and only orbital Shuttles are
permitted to land.
One special note is that the Thrassians are very similar
to an extinct primate species found on earth called
Neanderthals. Humanity developed along-side this

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species but the Neanderthals died out for some Thrassian

unknown reason.
Abilities: Strength 45, Agility 40, Health 45,
Intelligence 40, Mind 40
Names Qualities: Increased Temperature Range 2*, Terrain
Unlike most galactic level races Thrassians still hold to Mobility: Snow, Terrain Mobility: Ice
traditional names. Some of those who were born on
Skills: Survival:Arctic (A, E, +5)
colonies have abandoned much of traditional Thrassian
culture but the majority still adhere to its tenants. A Next Stage: Stage 2 – Childhood
Thrassian has three names. The first name is the clan Life Paths: Any
name. The second name is the given name. The *The extended temperature range is applied to the low
combination of the clan name and the given name are end of the scale. The Thrassian's new temperature
the legal name for a Thrassian. Most people will refer range is [25 – (2 * Stamina)]º F to 80º F
to a Thrassian by both names. Only family, loved ones,
and close friends will call a Thrassian by the second
name alone.
The third name is the name the Thrassian chooses for
him or herself at the age of maturity; about 20 years of
age. Only the clan elder knows what name is chosen
and makes sure it is recorded in the clan ledger. The
Thrassian will only let certain special others know this
name and they are only allowed to use it in private.
Not even the Thrassian's parents usually know this
The order in which the names are spoken is very
important to Thrassian Culture. Examples are below.
Chosen - Intimate; used with family and friends.
Given - Semi-formal; used with acquaintances,
co-workers, etc.
Clan + Given - Formal; similar to the human use of
Mr. and Ms.
Clan only - Honorific; bestowed on those few who
have achieved importance.
Given followed by Clan - Insult; signifies selfishness
and dishonor.

Thrassians are mostly hairless bipedal primates. Both
sexes have fine hair that sprouts from the top of their
heads but the males can grow prominent facial hair.
The natural hair color of Thrassians are shades of
brown. Thrassian eye colors range across the spectrum
with brown, green, purple, and red being the most
prominent colors. Since they are from a cold planet
their skin color is fairly monochromatic with tan being
the norm. Unlike Humans and other primate races,
Thrassians have a brow ridge. Their average height is
1.70 meters for males and females.

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born and grow up in the Solar Alliance, most Kaylin are

Stage 2 - Childhood born and grow up within the borders of the Council of
Elders, etc. As with most rules there are exceptions.
In the Republic there are two main distinctions between
individuals. There are those who grew up in and or live The descriptions of each of the seven governments
in the Core and those who were born on and grew up on includes a summary of their form of governance, how
the Fringe. Now that you have chosen a race for your psionicists are handled within their jurisdiction and a
Identity you need choose the place where you grew up. description of systems within their area of influence.

The first choice is between growing up in the Core or the

Fringe. After that you need to decide exactly where you Council of Elders
grew up. The location of you childhood determines the
Government: Oligarchy
languages you learn, initial skills, certain ability
Home System: Kaylin Mu
increases and more.
Home World: Kaylin Tor
Capital: Oskot
The Heart of Civilization: Life in the Systems: Kaylin Mu, Rwak, Tizzeli, Jorbe, Corlesh
Core During the early phase of the Kaylin evolution they
organized themselves into packs as most canids do. As
Life in the Core is typically one of ease and
they evolved the packs became tribes and some tribes
enlightenment. The Core is where all of the latest
became super-tribes. Eventually, during the
advances in technology are easily available, jobs are
pre-globilization days, the Kaylins formed governing
plentiful, and the pay is well above average. The Core
bodies to mitigate disputes between ruling tribes and
has the highest concentrations of the G.R.C.'s gross
families. The Kaylins history taught them that only the
domestic product. Someone growing up in the Core is
most senior members of the the tribe or family have the
guaranteed an education through their first degree. This
wisdom needed to settle disputes. This tendency lent to
education is covered partly by local taxes and also by the
elders of tribes meeting with each other to settle
G.R.C. Education programs. This ensures that at least
disputes between the warring factions. Additional
everyone in the core begins on an even footing.
elders from other tribes not involved could be brought
Since life in the Core is plush and easy for the majority in to settle the dispute.
of citizens there, most citizens who grow up in a Core
This system of local government worked so well for the
city never leave their home worlds. They are content to
Kaylins that it eventually became their model for the
simply live a life of plenty. Of course where there are
global government. When the Kaylin unified during
ample resources and an ample supply of wealth there is
their globilization effort these governing bodies became
organized crime. The Core is rife with criminal
the ruling government of Kaylin Tor and is now known
organizations who offer anything from illicit goods and
as The Council of Elders.
services to hired men for “'security.” One of the biggest
problems in the Core is the rising addiction to Starshine,
a highly addictive hallucinogen. Psionicists
However, this does not mean that everyone in the Core is As one of the oldest races the Kaylin have a long
well off. There are still the poor, homeless, and those tradition and recorded history of psionicists. They also
scraping buy to make ends meet. Although the Core has celebrate psionic ability and have used the myriad of
all of the newest advances and pays well the services are advantages on and off the battle field. The ancient
also proportionately more expensive. The cost of the Kaylins kept extensive records of which families
services and the cost of rent and taxation vary from Core produced psionic abilities and what those abilities
System to Core System, but on average it is higher than where.
anywhere in the Fringe. Some end up loosing everything
and either find a way to the fringe, the alley ways, the Eventually these families became guilds and then
undergrounds, or as wards of the state. family owned businesses. The businesses are major
powers with in the Council's domain. The families
Bellow is a list of systems controlled by each of the practice breeding programs and it is unusual that
seven core governments. Although the Republic is a someone born with psionic ability is not born to one of
cosmopolitan place, most people still begin their lives on these families. Along with the breeding programs the
worlds that are governed by their race. Most Humans are

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families use marriage to form and break corporate

Habitable Worlds: Corlesh
System Summaries Population: 0


Habitable Worlds: K-Jul, Kaylin Tor HABITATION IS FORBIDDEN!**
Population: 4.23 billion, 96% Kaylin, 2% Thrassian,
1.25% Human, 0.5% Nel Ari, 0.2% Reltoan, 0.05%
Council of Elder Citizen
Years: 16
Kaylin Mu is the home system of the Kaylin race and
Kaylin Tor is their home world. K-Jul is a lethal world Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5
with a thick hot carbon dioxide atmosphere. A small
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Knowledge:
population of 230,000 live here as part of the Uzkeyl
Council of Elders (I, In, +10), Language:Kaylin (I, A,
mining station.
+30), Language:Galactic (I, A, +30)
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
Habitable Worlds: Ulyra
Population: 1.7 billion, 89% Kaylin, 5% Thrassian, Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger
2% Human, 2% Nel Ari, 1% Lilanite, 1% other Apprenticeship, Omal Space Academy, Republic
Military Academy, Trade School, University
Rwak was one of the Kaylin's first colony systems.
Ulya is a major agriculture and pleasure world. Unlike Build Points: 0
agriculture worlds on the Fringe, Ulyra has the major
cities typical of Core worlds in addition to the vast Random Events: Roll on the Core Government
fields and pastures of worlds whose main export is Random Event Table page 80
Habitable Worlds: Tizzel Prime
Population: 2.3 billion: 93% Kaylin, 3% Lilanite, 2%
Human, 1% Nel Ari, 1 % other Dominance of Mer
Tizzeli is the Council of Elders main mineral mining, Government: Theocracy
processing and manufacturing center. Tizzel Prime is Home System: Seril
the headquarters of 94% of the Council's major Home World: Vortash
Manufacturing companies. While mining and Capital: Meravorsil
processing is extremely limited on Tizzel Prime, the Systems: Seril, Wessry, Jyth
whole system is rich in minerals and there are The Quextil have always worshiped their three moons
hundreds of colonies whose sole purpose is to mine called Mer. They believed that the Mer were guardians,
and process those minerals. angels that watched over them during the night while
Jorbe they slept. Soon this worship became a full fledged
Habitable Worlds: Jorbe religion. Then the religion spread across Vortash
Population: 6.2 billion: 80% Kaylin, 6% Human, 6% through violence, persuasion and breeding. Eventually
Nel Ari, 6% Thrassian, 1% Reltoan, 1% other 80% of the Quextil came to believe in the Mer and to
worship them. The religion was simply called Mer.
Jorbe is one of the three entertainment centers of the
Republic. As such it is considered a pleasure planet. This wide spread belief created a commonality between
Unlike Ulyra, Jorbe is a built up megalopolis that all Quextil and helped to unite the world before they
focuses more on hedonistic pleasures in contrast to the were out of their industrial age. Even though 20 % of
simple communing with nature Ulyra offers. There are Quextil do not believe in the Mer or follow the religious
also numerous space stations dedicated to making sure tenants, these non-believers were never punished or
everyone who visits the system leaves happy. prosecuted. The main values of Mer are peace and
honor. The non-believers were allowed to exist though
they may never rise as high as a believer.

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Psionicists Dominance of Mer Citizen

When a Quextil is hatched it is tested for psionic Years: 16
potential. When an infant is found to be “blessed” with
Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5
this gift it is taken from its parents and raised by the
Bxy Esun Iul. The parents are more than willing to Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, 5), Knowledge:
give up their little one as this is seen as a great Dominance of Mer (I, In, +10), Language:Quessi (I, A,
blessing. +30), Language:Galactic (I, A, +30)
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
System Summaries Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Followers or Mer, Nemoan
Seril Ranger Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy,
Habitable Worlds: Vortash, Vorpith Seril Space Academy, Trade School, University
Population: 7.3 Billion: 98% Quextil, 0.33% Human, Build Points: 0
0.33% Kaylin, 0.33% Lilanite, 0.33% Nel Ari, 0.33%
Reltoan, 0.33% Thrassian Random Events: Roll on the Core Government
Random Event Table page 80
Seril is the birth system of the Quextil and Vortash is
there home world. The centers of their culture, religion
and all their industries are on Vortash and may not
leave under penalty of law. Vorpith is a hellish world
that supplies the Dominance with most of its mineral Dominance of Mer - Iulyntia
wealth. The Iulyntia is the name of the individual who serves
Wessry the Bxy Esun Iul. When a Quextil hatches they are
Habitable Worlds: Tyca tested for psionic ability and if the hatchling posses
Population: 721 Million: 100% Quextil such ability the parents gladly give it up to the Bxy
Esun Iul. There are several requirements for those who
While the seat of the Quextil religion is on Vortash are Iulyntia.
only the most prominent of the order may serve there.
Tyca is center of the monastic training all Followers of • The beak is carved so that all may recognize &
Mer receive. Only the monastic network exist on Tyca. honor the Iulyntia
The Followers took over the planet so that those who • One must spend the first three decades in the
come to receive their training would not be tested by service of the Iul helping promote the greater
the more material aspects of the world until they were good of the Quextil
ready. The Bxy Essun Iul is also center here.
• During the time with the Iul the Iulyntia vows
Jyth poverty and restraint, to seek knowledge and to
Habitable Worlds: Niepota better one's self and one's talents. These vows
Population: 1.5 million: 100% Quextil are taken and followed in order to better serve
Niepota is a small world that houses the Seril Military the Quextil
Academy, Seril Systems Guard and the research arms
• All Iulyntia must learn martial abilities in case
of the Quextil military industrial complex. The world
the Dominance of Mer needs defending
is one large research station, university and training
ground. In orbit are the Debemusa shipyards where the • After a Iulyntia's thirty years of service are up
Quextil fleet is created and renewed. they may either choose to remain with the order
or to leave. If the Iulyntia leaves the order then
they are required to maintain regular
communication with the Iul. This is to ensure
that the Dominance of Mer knows where all of
its psionicists are in case they are threatened.
Failure to keep the Iul updated is punishable by
life imprisonment.

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Iulyntia to some extent the regulation of psionicists and their

Prerequisites: Quextil,
Now all psionicists are required to attended classes at
Years: 30 their local Followers Sanctuary until the age of 20. At
Abilities: Mind +5 this point the individual must decided to either join the
Followers or make their own way in the galaxy. If a
Qualities: Psionicist, Religious Conviction psionicist in the jurisdiction of the Hegemony of Nel
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Language:Quessi wishes to train or even use their abilities then they
(I, A, +30), Language:Galactic (I, A, +30), Martial Arts must be a member of the Followers. Those who are not
(A, In, +5), Street Fighting (A, E, +5), Sword (A, E, members of the Followers are forbidden to use their
+5), Telekinesis (M, In, +5), Telepathy (M, In, +5) psionic abilities under any circumstance, including self
defense. This stems from the Nel Ari's bloody history
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career of globalization . They know that all peace is transient
Life Paths: Any and they fear that anything may upset the balance. The
Hegemony has no more taste for war and fears any
Build Points: 5 unregulated power whether it is a weapon, power
Random Events: – Roll on Stage 2 Iulyantia Random source or ability.
Event Table page 84 The Hegemony's strict restrictions on psionicists
include itinerant psionicists such as travelers, sight
seers and those who are conducting business in the
Hegemony. If the psionicists is caught using their
Hegemony of Nel abilities and they are not a part of the Followers then
they face a minimum of a 5 year prison sentence
Government: Constitutional Democracy during which they will be inducted into the Followers
Home System: Bizzeth and trained in the proper use of their abilities. The only
Home World: Nel exception is someone who is a member of the Galactic
Capital: Ryshis Armed Forces. However, the G.A.F. when in
Systems: Bizzeth, Quisset, Dylut Hegemony jurisdiction will hire locals when possible
In 419 GE the Nel Ari War of Night, their fifth and final for the sake of public relations and good will.
global war, ended and in its wake were a people who
clambered for peace and reconstruction with one
unified voice. To this end a world government, the System Summaries
Hegemony of Nel, was formed. It was decided that the Bizzeth
Hegemony would consists of two representatives from Habitable Worlds: Nel
each city-state. Presiding over the Hegemony would be Population: 7.3 Billion: 95% Nel Ari, 2.5 % Human,
the Arbiter who is elected from the Followers of 0.9% Kaylin, 0.75% Thrassian, 0.51% Reltoan, 0.34%
Olmini. other
As the home system for the Nel Ari, Bizzeth is a very
Psionicist busy system. Nel is quick becoming a major trade
center in the Republic.
The Followers of Olmini are a monastic group that
devote themselves to finding balance and seeking Quisset
knowledge. As part of their order they give up all Habitable Worlds: Nosena
possessions and all personal attachment. This group Population: 2.3 billion: 86% Nel Ari, 8 % Lilanite, 4%
formed shortly after the first global war in an effort to Human, 1.5 % Kaylin, 0.5% other
prevent further catastrophes. In the beginning this was Nosena is the major commercial center of the
an entirely volunteer organization. That changed for Hegmony of Nel. In its orbit are Shipyards,
some as soon as it was discovered that about 98% of manufacturing facilities and exquiste resorts. Through
Nel Ari psionicists tended to join the Followers. The out the Quisset system is a huge network of resource
burgeoning global government recognized that the gathering, mining and processing with dozens of
Followers had the expertise to handle the training and facilities on asteroids, moons and in stellar orbit.

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System Summaries
Dylut Lil 519
Habitable Worlds: Dy Ssul Habitable Worlds: Freedom Station, Independence
Population: 2.6 billion: 95% Nel Ari, 2% Human, Station, Autonomy Center
1.4% Kaylin, 0.75% Thrassian, 0.51% Reltoan, 0.34% Population: 1 billion: 94% Lilanite, 3% Human, 1%
other Thrassian, 1% Kaylin, 1% other
Dylut was the Nel Ari's first colony system and as such Lil 519 is a system with an orange primary star. There
is just as diversified as their home system. Dy Ssul is are no habitable planets in the system but the Lilanites
the educational and research epicenter of the have built three huge ring stations in the orbit of three
Hegemony. of the planets. Freedom Station is the home of their
government. Independence Station is their major trade
hub. Autonomy Center is their main manufacturing and
Hegemony of Nel Citizen research station.
Years: 16
Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5 Lilanite Federation Citizen
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, 5), Knowledge: Years: 16
Hegemony of Nel (I, In, +10), Language: Wrytithu (I,
A, +30), Language:Galactic (I, A, +30) Abilities: Intelligence +5

Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, 5), Knowledge:
Lilanite Federation (I, In +10), Language: Any (I, A,
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Followers of Olmini, Free +30), Language: Galactic (I, A, +30)
Guard academy, Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship,
Republic Military Academy, Trade School, University Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood

Build Points: 0 Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger

Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy, Lilanite
Random Events: Roll on the Core Government Police Academy, Trade School, University
Random Event Table page 80
Build Points: 0
Random Events: Roll on the Core Government
Random Event Table page 80
Lilanite Federation
Government: Democracy
Home System: Lil 519
Home World: Freedom Station Parliament of Clans
Capital: White Sector Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Systems: Lil 519 Home System: Na Oth
The Lilanite Federation is the youngest government in Home World: Thrassis
the G.R.C. As such their population is still relatively Capital: Aitynus
small and they only have jurisdiction over one system. Systems: Na Oth, Teffur, Bolmarr, Gruzel, Nor Cha
This has enabled them to form and utilize a true Before the Thrassians achieved a global government or
democratic government. Since all Lilanites have a even national governments they had clans. When a
special communicator implant that allows direct decision needed to be made regarding the welfare of the
communication with other Lilanites, voting on issues clan all clan members of age would gather and debate
can be near instantaneous. The control of the Lilanite the issues. After the adversarial and sometimes lengthy
Federation is truly in the hands of its citizens. debate a final vote would be taken to determine the
outcome. This would include the enactment of some
new law or trial of a member of the clan. Once clans
Psionicists started to work together each clan would arrive at its
To date their have been no Lilanite psionicists. own decision in this way then one or more

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representatives from the clans involved would meet and Bolmarr

have a second round of debate and voting. The Habitable Worlds: Wyr
continuation of this form of governing led to the Population: 2.78 billion: 90% Thrassian, 4% Human,
development of the Parliament of Clans. 2% Kaylin, 2% Nel Ari, 1% Lilanite 1% other
Thrassians seem to like cold planets and in Wyr they
Psionicists have found one that almost mimics Thrassis. Wyr's ice
age ended about 5,000 years ago. Aside from the lower
Traditional Thrassian culture is about how one can than average surface temperature, Wyr is an idyllic
help the clan. Their view on psionicists is no different. world that and the parliament endeavours to keep it
Thrassians were one of the few races who did not start that way. Of special note is that Bolmera engineering
fearing those with psionic powers. From the records and Clan Tyloc Arms are headquartered on Wyr and
they have they were always held in high regard and their major research and manufacturing facilities are in
encouraged. Stories abound in their histories of the orbit.
person who could sense the approach of a predator
well before anyone else could see it. Or of the one Gruzel
who could talk to the unconscious so that the clan Habitable Worlds: Pantea
could heal them. Population: 2.83 billion: 97% Thrassian, 2% Kaylin,
0.5% Human, 0.5% other
Thrassians also were the first recorded race to use
psionicists in warfare. Several dynasties were Gruzel is a pleasure system. In most places there are
maintained in their past because of the power of their pleasure planets but the whole system of Gruzel is
psionicists. These dynasties stuck to a strict policy that dedicated to helping the paying customers get what
no psionicist was to be born to those who were not of they are looking for. From the natural wonders and city
the family line. This encouraged the inbreeding of the life to be found on Pantea, to the orbitals that offer a
ancient psionic families and resulted in a degradation million and one ways to please the senses, to ship
of Thrassian psionic abilities. Luckily in the five races, to sun diving, Gruzel has it all.
millennia since, the Thrassian psionic legacy has Nor Cha
rebuilt itself and today Thrassian psionicists are just as Habitable Worlds: Yvthi
competent and powerful as the other races. Population: 1.21 billion: 97% Thrassian, 1% Kaylin,
0.5% Human, 0.5% Lianite, 1% other
System Summaries Yvthi was founded as a research colony but has since
grown into a bustling Core world in it's own right. The
Na Oth
main industries on Yvthi are still academia and
Habitable Worlds: Thrassis, Asteroid Belt
research but it also is a popular spot for vacationers
Population: 1.75 Billion: 96% Thrassian, 2.5% Kaylin,
who like a quiet cultural get-a-way.
1.25% Human, 0.2% Reltoan, 0.05% other
Na Oth is the womb and cradle of the Thrassian race.
Thrassis, the fourth planet in the system, has been Parliament of Clans Citizen
going through and ice age for the past 10,000 years Years: 16
this hasn't stopped the planet from becoming a major
Core center in the Republic. The asteroid belt is home Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5
to over 1 million beings whose job it is to mine and Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Knowledge:
process the ore that make life work. Parliament of Clans (I, In, +10), Language: Elnyn
Teffur (native) (I, A, +30), Language: Galactic (native) (I, A,
Habitable Planets: Lysern +30)
Population: 3.13 billion: 90% Thrassian, 3.5% Kaylin, Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
2.5% Human, 2% Nel Ari, 1% Reltoan, 1% other
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger
Lysern was the the first Thrassian colony world. Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy, TDF
Amazed at finding such a lush world the Thrassians Academy, Trade School, University
immigrated in droves. Lysern has become in essence
the second home to the Thrassians and a second capital Build Points: 0
tot he parliament.

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Random Events: Roll on the Core Government No one ever resigns. No one is ever registered with the
Random Event Table page 80 G.R.C.

System Summaries
Reltoan Imperium Jaokyn
Habitable Worlds: Reltoa, Toothem
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 5 billion: Almost 97.5% Reltoan, 1%
Home System: Jaokyn
Thrassian, 1% Kaylin, 0.5% other
Home World: Reltoa
Capital: Arquena Unlike all the other races the Reltoan home system is
Systems: Jaokyn, Xylan, Bolissa, Terssa, Alder not their birth system. If the Reltoans know where their
race originated then they are not saying. In the two or
Reltoan society is based on a caste system. Members
so millenia since the arrival of the Reltoans to the
can move up to a higher caste but only with great
Jaokyn system the Reltoans have made themselves
difficulty. However, it is common for those of different
quite at home. Toothem, an icy world in the next orbit
castes to socialize and conduct business. There is no
over out from the star, is home to two small mining
practical division among the castes except in the
outposts. It is also rumored that there is a third group
Reltoan government.
of buildings on the planets surface but all who have
The three divisions of the Reltoan caste system are the seen it have strangely disappeared.
Nobles, the Gentry, and the Commoners. Nobles are
those whose families were granted special recognition
Habitable Worlds: 0579
from the Imperium. The Gentry are the wealthy who
Population: CLASSIFIED
were not born nobles including the leaders of the large
corporations and businesses and even the wealthy and Officialy, all that is known about the Xylan system is
famous. The Commoners are everyone else and that the Imperium uses as some sort of military base.
represent the largest segment of the population. Unofficially it is the home of the Menkath. Entry to the
System is strictly prohibited by the Imperium. Even
the Galactic Armed Forces has been known to have
Psionicists trouble entering the system on official business.
The Imperium has some of the most lenient laws Bolissa
regarding psionicists. They require nothing more than Habitable Worlds: Nyka, Nyko
the standard G.R.C. regulations. No special Population: 4.15 billion: 85% Reltoan, 5% Nel Ari,
registration. No government interference. They do not 4% Human, 3% Lilanite, 2% Thrassian, 1% other
however allow non-reltoan psionicists to become
citizens. Nyka and Nyko, the twins, are the heart of the Reltoan
entertainment industry. However the success and
The leniency is due to the secret the Imperium has failure of particular establishments does not seem to be
been hiding for well over a millennium. All Reltoans based on normal rules of supply and demand. Some
are at least empathic. The fear of this secret being speculate this is because at the heart of the industry
revealed has prompted their lenient regulations for one will find the Eclipse Syndicate.
psionicists and of course some excessive editing of
medical records. The choice of who is to appear on the Terssa
galactic records as a psionicist is largely random with Habitable Worlds: Pagos, Ryk
some family lines never failing to make the official Population: 2.83 billion: 75% Reltoan, 20% Lilanite,
record. All Reltoans of course share the secret and will 2% Human, 1% Nel Ari, 1% Thrassian, 1% other
go out of their way to protect the information. Just four light years from Jaokyn, Terssa proved to be a
When a Reltoan is found to be a particularly strong boon to the Reltoans. Pagos, an icey world, and Ryk, a
psionicist, they are inducted into the Menkath. The predominately rocky one, are both mineral and metal
newborn is taken from its parents, who are rich and the moons of Ryk have surprisingly high
compensated, and raised, fed, clothed and trained by concentrations of helium 3 which is essential to fusion.
the Menkath. They are with the Menkath until death. Alder
Habitable Worlds: Astal

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Population: 3.3 billion: 63% Reltoan, 7% Human, 7% may be assigned special assignments after that in
Kaylin, 7% Nel Ari, 7% Quextil, 7% Thrassian, 2% service of the Imperium.
Astal is an idyllic world largely unspoiled. This makes
it ideally suited as the main campus of the University
of the Republic. Menkath
Prerequisite: Reltoan
Reltoan Imperium Subject Years: 25
Years: 16 Abilities: Mind +5
Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5 Qualities: Psionicist
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Knowledge: Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5),
Reltoan Imperium (I, In, +10), Language:Reltoan (I, A, Language:Reltoan (I, A, +30), Language:Galactic (I,
+30), Language:Galactic (I, A, +30) A, +30), Telekinesis (M, In, +3), Telepathy (M, In, +5)
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty or
Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy, Imperial may try to leave the Menkath at any time. Leaving the
Military Academy, Trade School, University Menkath will cause the character to gain Enemy 4 and
Wanted: Reltoan Imperium 4
Build Points: 0
Build Points: -1
Random Events: Roll on the Core Government
Random Event Table page 80 Random Events: Roll on the Menkath Random Event
Table page 83
Reltoan Imperium – Menkath
All newborn Reltoans have their psionic potential
tested. Strong ones are taken from their families and Solar Alliance
inducted into the Menkath. The Menkath is officially a
division of the Reltoan Imperial Guard. This means that Government: Federal Republic
only the Emperor has direct control of the Menkath. Home System: Sol
This is undoubtedly necessary due to the clandestine Home World: Earth
nature of the Menkath and because of the knowledge Capital: Geneva
they hold. The Menkath, all Menkath, know the true Systems: Sol, Barnard, Proxima Centauri, Alpha
origins of the Reltoan people. All Menkath are the Centauri
unofficial first watch and first line of defense against The Solar Alliance is based on the Humans long
those that might find out the secret or those who are a tradition of federal republics. There are three main
part of the Reltoan's past. branches; the Executive, the Legislative and the
The Menkath are also interested in finding new ways to Judicial. Only the Judicial branch is filled with those
express their psionic abilities. On the primative world who are not elected by popular vote. This three body
of Xylan there is a research station that is the Menkath system, and the checks and balances that are built in,
base of operations. It is with in these walls that the has worked well for the Humans for over 500.
Menkath are trying to find ways of using the mind to
move through space and time. They are also trying to
develop a technological means of detecting and
blocking psionics. No one knows if either effort has For Humans psionics is still a fairly new phenomenon.
been successful. For centuries those who had psionic abilities were
judged to be mentally insane or just frauds. Ever since
After 25 years of training and indoctrinations the
the Milfred Incident Humanity has been struggling
individuals are sent to serve in the Imperial military and
with what to do about those individuals who have
psionic ability. After the formation of the Solar

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Alliance a government agency was set up to track and over a decade on the problem but finally developed a
test psionicists. The Psionics Bureau is not the only treatment. Some wonder where Open Mind got the
organization in Solar Alliance jurisdiction that has an technique to treat Wrights but even a G.R.C.
interest in psionicists. investigation found nothing amiss.
It is rumored that Open Mind is doing illegal research
into psionics. There are some in the Solar Alliance
Solar Alliance Psionics Bureau
upper echelons who feel that the Human race is at a
Humans still have a fear of psionics and psionicists. disadvantage. They feel Humans should have stronger
They fear their privacy will be violated with no trace. psionicists. To this end it is believed that Open Mind is
They fear psi's are out to make puppets of them all. trying to boost the power of human psionicists and the
Most humans still do not understand the nature of frequency of Human psionicists being born.
psionics and still harbor dark fantasies of those who
Two Moons
can kill with a thought.
Two moons is not a psionic organization and not much
This fear prompted the formation of the Psi-B. Some
is known about what or who it is. It is included here
regard the Psi-B as a friend and a protector of the
because there are rumors going around the black
people at large. Some see it as an evil dark agency
markets and underside of society that Two Moons will
whose goal is to regulate a new slave race. The truth is
pay handsomely for any information concerning the
somewhere in the middle.
Purge Pathogen. If information can be found and
Duties: verified about the Purge Pathogen that the G.R.C.
never released, then Two Moons will pay 1 billion
• The Psi-B keeps records on all of the psionicists syntuls. It is also suggested that this is just an arm of
within Solar Alliance jurisdiction. Open Mind, LTD and this is the area of research that
• Implants all Humans who test positive for Open Mind is most concerned about.
psionic ability with a subcutaneous tracker.
Removal of the tracker is a minor felony. The
System Summaries
offender will be imprisoned for two years and a
new tracker will be surgically implanted at the Sol
base of the skull. After the two year prison term Habitable Worlds: Earth, Luna (moon), Mars, asteroid
the offender will be placed under house arrest belt, Jupiter Station
and watched for three years. Population: 8 Billion: 91% Human, 5% Thrassian, 3%
Lilanite, 1% other
• Retains high power psionicists for their own
investigations Sol is the home and birth place of the Human race.
Since the Humans were introduced to the galaxy at too
Open Mind Limited young of an age, their birth system still shows the
Open Mind is a private Solar Alliance corporation that signs of their previous conflicts. Since the Alliance's
was founded by Gregory Ahumibe in 661 GE. Publicly admittance to the Republic a concerted effort has been
their goal was to help all human psionicists by doing made to help heal the damage done to the system and
genetic, neurological and developmental research so to the Human birth world of Earth.
that the psionic phenomenon could be better Barnard
understood. Many advancements have come out of Habitable Worlds: Lycus, Dublin Station
Open Mind in the past 56 years. One of the major Population: 1.49 billion: 91% Human, 4% Thrassian,
breakthroughs was a treatment for Wrights disease. 2% Lilanite, 2% Nel Ari, 1% other
A small number of Humans with psionic ability Barnard was settled by those who were looking to
developed a neurological disorder where migraines escape the crowding of the Sol system and the weight
would be followed by an activation or intensification of history. Lycus is a terrestrial sized moon of a local
of mind reading ability, called Wrights disease. The gas giant called Poseidon and is a lethal world with
problem was the person could only read their own toxic atmosphere. The colony there spans the globe
thoughts as if they were a stranger. So the person with underground transit tunnels and domed cities.
suffering would be trapped in an echo chamber of Dublin Station serves as the Barnard's main trade hub.
thought for up to 7 standard days. Open Mind spent

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Proxima Centauri
Habitable Worlds: Ena, Tria Dock
Population: 2.5 billion: 85% Human, 6% Thrassian,
5% Kaylin, 3% Lilanite, 1% other
Proxima is a very unique system. Proxima is a red
dwarf, flare star. This poses unique problems for any Dust, Dirt, Grime: Life on the Fringe
lifeforms in the system. Ena is the first planet in the
In contrast to life in the Core there is life on the Fringe.
system and is a tidally locked, oxygen and nitrogen,
Where technology, medicine and services are plentiful in
life bearing planet. These kind of systems are very rare
the Core those same services and items may be hard to
and can be counted on two hands. The local flora and
come by in the Fringe. The Core systems are fairly
fauna have developed defenses against the periods of
homogeneous in regards to the technology and services
stellar flares such as armored exteriors. Tria Dock is a
available from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In the fringe
massive space station that orbits the third planet in the
there is a wide variation in the availability as something
system. It's main function is to serve as a research
as simple as an anti-viral.
station and a means to evacuate the system in the event
of a catastrophic flare. Some Fringe systems resemble Core systems. They have
well populated cities, technology that is only a few
Alpha Centarui
generations out of date, plentiful if not convenient
Habitable Worlds: Toliman
medical services, and the job market has a low
Population: 2.8 billion: 87% Human, 4% Thrassian,
percentage of unemployed and good compensation.
3% Kaylin, 3% Lilanite, 2% Nel Ari, 1 % other
Other Fringe systems may barely have a cohesive
Alpha Centauri had been long-time target for Human government and a level of technology resembling a
colonization. Once they got there they found a lone pre-industrial culture. Some of these poorer Fringe
terrestrial planet orbiting Alpha Centauri A. Toliman systems chose this state, but most are in these conditions
has become a hub of trade and commerce. for a variety of economic or political reasons.
Interestingly, some buisiness seem to thrive despite
One thing in common to all Fringe systems is the feeling
their lack of turing a profit. There is also an
of being an underclass. Most people from the Core
inordinately high violent crime rate in the Port of
systems carry about them a smugness of having been
Raum, which is the largest star port on the planet. The
born in the right place and the right time. Most Coreys
high rate of crime is rumore to be attributed to a turf
feel the dirt and decrepit conditions of the Fringe are a
war between the Eclipse Syndicate and the Earth's
sign of their laziness and under education. Most Fringers
Cosa Nostra.
when coming in contact with a Corey begrudgingly let
the naive Corey prattle on as long as their money is
Solar Alliance Citizen good. A small percentage of Fringers take a belligerent
attitude towards Coreys and have been known to cause
Years: 16 trouble.
Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5 Some of the well known pirates of the past couple of
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Knowledge: Solar centuries have been Fringers looking for reparations
Alliance (I, In, +10), Language:English (I, A, +30), with Coreys. Most Fringers however take Pride in their
Language:Galactic (I, A, +30) heritage. They believe they are hard and resilient like
those who helped to settle this part of the galaxy.
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood “Tomorrows Core is todays Fringe,” is a phrase often
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger heard from the mouths of Fringers.
Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy, SA The descriptions below cover the typical environments
Military Academy, Trade School, University one might find on the fringe. The description starts with
Build Points: 0 the environment name. Typical Government denotes the
typical type of government found in that environment.
Random Events: Roll on the Core Government G.R.C. Membership either is no, for a place that does not
Random Event Table page 80 typically have membership, or yes for those that on
average do have membership. Sample Systems gives a
list of several known system that exemplify that

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particular type of environment. Nos

Habitable Worlds: Wyn
The descriptions also include information on how
Population: UNKOWN
psionicists are treated in the environment being
described, system summaries for the example systems Wyn of the Nos System is actually a moon orbiting a
and the typical traits one has from growing up in that gas giant, Nos Ma. This peculiar trait and the
particular environment. occasional alignment of the Nos Ma's other satellites
causes Wyn to endure occasional prolonged periods of
darkness. The first Kaylin Colony was established in
74 GE several months before one of Wyn's long nights.
Abandoned World Six months into the long night communications ceased
with the colony. In 76 GE a detachment of OSX
Typical Government: None Planeteers were sent to Wyn to find out what happen to
G.R.C. Member: No the original colony. They too were never heard form
Sample Systems: Jura, Nos, Ryor again. From then on the astrogation charts have had a
Not all colonies are successful. Some colonies were small note suggesting no one land on Wyn.
meant to be temporary some befell calamities. No Ryor
matter the reason the colony failed and some of the Habitable Worlds: Ryor 3
inhabitants either chose to stay behind or were left. Population: UNKOWN
These Fringers are typically hardy and resilient.
Bolster by the outcome of the Unification War, the
Quextil decide to begin extending their influence in the
Psionicists newly formed Republic. One of the first colonies was
Ryor. A system close to the Rim, Ryor was an excellent
There are no rules for how psionicists are treated on
opportunity for the Dominance of Mer to expand in a
abandoned worlds. Some worlds either were
direction away from others influence. The colony was
abandoned a short time ago or had a big enough
founded in 22 GE and lasted for more than fifty years.
population that knowledge of psionicists remained on a
Then in 73 GE a small black hole was detected near
fairly galactic level. Some planets were lost so long
the system. It was calculated that black hole would
ago, had a sparse population or both so that psionics is
pass through the system but that its presence shouldn't
treated with mystisim. This can be good or bad. In
perturb the orbit of Ryor 3. For three years the
some cases “seers” are revered but in others they may
astronomers waited to get a sight of a passing black
be feared and persecuted.
hole. Then one night one of them noticed that one of
the outer planets wasn't were it was supposed to be.
System Summaries With just days left to evacuate it was realized that the
black hole would not only pass through the system
Jura sooner but would also drastically alter the orbit of Ryor
Habitable Worlds: Grys 3.
Population: UNKOWN
Jura and Grys were colonized 20 years before the Abandon Worlder
Unification War broke out. For 15 years all seemed to
be going well and the burgeoning colony was making a Years: 16
go a establishing a permanent foothold on the
Abilities: Strength +5, Health +5
temperate world. Then on 221-021 BGE an asteroid
that somehow got through the early warning system Skills: Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, +5),
and impacted on the surface of Grys. The colonial Language: Galactic (I, A, +30), Kinetic Energy
government had only known about the eminent impact Weapon: Shotgun (A, E, +5), Choose one: [ Survival:
for 2 months. In that time most of the colony was Forrest (A, E, +5). Survival: Desert (A, E, +5) or
evacuated. Some choose to stay behind and some got Survival: Mountain (A, E, +5)]
left behind. Soon after the Galaxy was engaged in the
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
Unification War and Jura was forgotten.
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger

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Build Points: 5 minimal ranching and raising of animals for protien

sources there is an abundant aquaculture system.
Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random
Event Table page 84 Renent
Habitable Worlds: Ren One
Population: 1.49 billion: 50% Human, 10% Kaylin,
10% Lilanite, 10% Nel Ari, 10% Thrassian, 7%
Agriculture Colony Reltoan, 3% Quextil

Typical Government: Democracy Renent and it's world Ren One are relatively new. The
G.R.C. Member: Yes humans founded this colony just 100 years ago.
Sample Systems: Sencia, Renent, Sertok, Dyfi Shortly after its founding the human colonists
discovered Ren had unusually fertile soil. This
There are billions of mouths to feed in the Blue Zone. discovery set Ren on it's course as a food production
While most of the Core worlds still set aside tracks of world. Located on the trail-ward side of the Republic,
land to produce food it is not enough. To feed all the The land is well suited to growing not only fruits,
mouths some worlds have been set aside as nothing vegetables and grains found on Earth but also those
more than huge farms. There are cities on the world but found on most planets. Ren One also has a large
they are kept small and centralized in order to preserve ranching industry that helps supply the Republic with
the environment and maximize the available land for all sorts of animal protein.
growing crops and raising animals.
Habitable Worlds: Tekit Sertok
Psionicists Population: 1.83 billion: 20% Kaylin, 20% Quextil,
20% Reltoan, 20% Thrassian, 8% Lilanite, 7% Nel Ari,
Since agriculture worlds owe no particular allegiance
5% Human
to a specific culture, psionicists only need to follow the
general Republic guidelines. In the Republic there is Sertok was settled long before the Unification war by
very little control or interference with psionicists. It is the Parliament of Clans. Even before the war broke out
classified as a special medical condition such as the Thrassians were utilizing it as an agriculture world
chronic depression, Joffer's Syndrome or any other dedicated to feeding billions. Tekit Sertok has a land
treatable but not curable condition. As such, psionic mass to water ratio of almost one and is well known
ability is noted on all identification and records and the for its extensive aquaculture, ranching and farming. A s
individual psionicists may elect to wear a mark, tattoo a show of good faith after the war, the Parliament
or piece of jewelry that denotes the medical condition. ceded Sertok to the Republic to help feed the galaxy as
it rebuilt from war.
In day to day activities it is the psionicists
responsibility to inform those they are dealing with Dyfi
that they have psionic ability and the nature of the Habitable Worlds: Pylma
ability. Failure to do so is punishable by fines and/or Population: 1.27 billion: 35% Kaylin, 35% Reltoan,
imprisonment depending on the circumstances of the 10% Quextil, 10% Thrassian, 5% Human, 4% Nel Ari,
crime. Luckily ID readers are cheap and plentiful. 1% Lilanite
Pylma in the Dyfi system is the main coreward
System Summaries agriculture colony. A Kaylin/Reltoan joint venture,
Plyma was settled 420 years ago with the purpose of
Sencia being a food production planet unlike most
Habitable Worlds: Sencia Prime agri-colonies which just evolved into their role as food
Population: 1.74 billion: 20% Kaylin, 20% Quextil, producers. Pylma supplies OSX-SS001 with most of
20% Reltoan, 20% Thrassian, 8% Lilanite, 7% Nel Ari, it's food needs as well as Reltoa and Nel.
5% Human
Though established by the Quextil 400 years ago,
Sencia is no longer aligned with the Dominance of
Mir. This world is the major rimward agriculture
world. A wealth of grain, fruits and vegetables are
grown on its three major continents. Although there is

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Agriculture Colonist talents to themselves until they are sure how those
talents will be received.
Years: 16
Abilities: Health +5
System Summaries
Skills: Biology (I, A, +5), First Aid (I, E, +5), Grav
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +5), Ground Vehicle
Habitable Worlds: Jeza
Operation (A, E, +5), Language: Galactic (I, A, +30)
Population: 724 million: 60% Nel Ari, 30% Lilanite,
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood 5% Kaylin, 2% Human, 2% Thrassian, 1% other
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger Jeza, the system and the planet, was founded by a
Apprenticeship, Republic Military Academy, Trade distraught Nel Ari, Kraj, looking for peace after
School, University loosing his wife, Jeza. Jeza was returning home and
was caught in the middle of an Eclipse Syndicate
Build Points: 5
retribution. Kraj became obsessed with the loss of his
Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random wife and eventually was convinced her spirit was out
Event Table page 84 among the stars. SO taking his entire fortune he found
an uninhabited system and a suitable planet. Naming
both after his dead wife, Kraj formed a colony
dedicated to peaceful contemplation of the nature of
Frontier World existence.

Typical Government: Varies Schryen

G.R.C. Member: No Habitable Worlds: Schryen Tau
Sample Systems: Jeza, Schryen, Shiloah Population: 568 Million: 30% Kaylin, 30% Reltoan,
30% Thrassian, 5% Human, 2% Lilanite, 2% Nel Ari,
From dust to ice to unrelenting jungle. From tents to 1% Quextil
shanties to steel & glass. Frontier worlds are usually on
the edges of the Republic. They could have been settled Schyren is near the rim-ward border of the spin-wise
hundreds of years ago or just last week. They could yellow zone. The planet, Schyren Tau, was settled by
have a thriving local economy or still rely on the the now defunct LaPaGyn Endeavors as its first and
occasional visit from freighter captains. They on thing only attempt at a manufacturing base. The venture
they do have in common is that they were settled by went under when the only people they could get to
independent people who felt that the reach of the settle the planet where the independent type and once
Republic and the Core governments had grown too on planet insisted on doing things their own way. Now
long. These individual desired a place they could make Schryen Tau has several small towns and regularly
their own and not be hampered with the rules and sees traffic from the Core systems. One word of
customs or a faceless bureaucracy. warning: the locals do not necessarily uphold the same
laws as those the Republic and Core governments do.
Be warned most frontier system do not have a Tunnel This means it is possible to find items that may not be
Com and the GAF is not permitted to enter the systems readily available elsewhere.
boundaries. This means that the only communication is
in the form of couriers and for the traveler in trouble Shiloah
they are on their own until they can get out of the Habitable Worlds: Stonewall
system. Population: 154 Million: 100% Human
Every race has had it's share of bigots and Fascist's.
Humanity though has yet to purge itself entirely of
Psionicists these malcontents. A group of human bigots and a
The only thing that can be said about psionicists on human first group, Knights of Terra, sought to free
frontier worlds is be careful. Each world will see themselves from the “vile” influence of alien cultures
psionicists differently. The wise traveler will learn the brought on by Humanities introduction to the galaxy.
rules, regulations and customs regarding psionicists The located a system on the edge of the trail-ward
before stepping on-world. If that is not possible then at yellow zone and settled the habitable planet there. It
the very least it is advised that the individual keep their was decided to name the systems bodies after places

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and people important to the Confederate States of regulations and not much more. Those with telepathic
America from the time during the American Civil War. or mind probe abilities may be sought after by the local
law enforcement or criminal organizations for
Stonewall and the whole Shiloah system has a very
employment. The one talent the companies are
strict no non-humans policy. Most non-humans who
looking for are well trained telekinetics. Individuals
ventured into the system never return. When Stonewall
who can move things with their mind could help save
and it's people need supplies trading parties are sent to
the companies millions in wear and tear on their
nearby systems and those in the party must follow
precious hardware.
draconian protocols in order to not be infected by
aliens or their culture. The Knights do not allow
unknown vessels to enter their system. Ever. System Summaries
Frontier Worlder Habitable Worlds: Clan Gren Manufacturing One
Years: 16
Population: 273 million: 40% Thrassian, 35% Human,
Abilities: Strength +5, Agility +5 17% Kaylin, 5% Lilanite, 2% Reltoan, 1% Other
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Ground Vehicle Operation CGM-1 in the Byssentrada is a barely habitable planet
(A, E, +5), Kinetic Energy Weapon: Shotgun (A, E, on the rim. The planet is a huge hunk of rock with no
+5) , Language: Galactic (I, A, +30) large bodies of water, scant vegetation, no multicellular
animal life and a thin atmosphere that requires a breath
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
mask. Also it is cold. Almost as cold as Thrassis. The
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Merchant Apprenticeship, only thing CGM-1 has going for it is the high amount
Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship, of easily accessible mineral deposits.
Trade School
Settled some time around 244 G.E. CGM-1 is an
Build Points: 10 unruly place. Most hithal, new hires, barely last half a
revolution. Those that do make become just as
Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random hardened as the veterens. There is a distinct rift
Event Table page 84 between the workers and the administration. Many of
the “arguments” end in trips to the hospital.
Manufacturing Colony Habitable Worlds: The Belt
Population: 254 Million: 70% Human, 15% Lilanite,
Typical Government: Corporate 10% Kaylin, 3% Nel Ari, 2% other
G.R.C. Member: Yes
Sample Systems: Byssentrada, Tineen There are no habitable planets in the Tineen system
just four outer gas giants and a very large inner
Manufacturing colonies are setup in resource rich asteroid belt. The Belt is of course the asteroid belt and
systems. The colonies may do everything from mining the hub of Everhoff Industries manufacturing in the
ore and resources, refining the material and producing a system. Illygad is a very large spherical asteroid (835
final product or just be small mining stations. These km diameter) and the base of operations for all activity
colonies are typically supported and run my a large in The Belt; legal, illicit and illegal.
companies. This means the government can take the
form of anything form a democracy to a military The only concern Everhoff has is getting it's ore
governorship. Law enforcement is another big gamble. mined, processed and shipped. How this is done they
Some colonies will use volunteers withing the local do not care. They have no concern for what activities
population and some will use corporate enforcers. The their workers choose to partake in during their off
one thing that all these colonies know is currency. hours so long as they show up for their shift.
Interference with the Tineen operation can result in
heavy fines or “disappearance”.
Most manufacturing colonies have no particular
concern for psionicists. They follow the Republic

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Manufacturing Colonist System Summaries

Years: 16 Anatzi
Habitable Worlds: Mavro
Abilities: Intelligence +5
Population: Unknown
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +5), Chemistry (I,
It is unknown the nature of the research that goes on at
A, +5), Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Language:
Mavro. Just core-ward of Jaokyn it was started by the
Galactic (I, A, +30)
Reltoan Ministry of Science several hundred years ago.
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood It is known that all unscheduled ships are sternly
turned away by several heavy cruisers and half a dozen
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Mechanic Apprenticeship,
fighter squadrons.
Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship, Republic Military
Academy, Spiker, Trade School Rumor has it that Mavro is conducting some sort of
psionics research. Some say it is related to the Purge
Build Points: 5
Pathogen. Some say it is related to creating technology
Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random based on psionics. Whatever the answer is those at
Event Table page 84 Mavro guard it clolsely.
Habitable Worlds: Delta Boro
Population: 152 Million: 30% Human, 30% Thrassian,
Research Station 25% Kaylin, 10% Nel Ari, 5% Lilanite
Typical Government: Corporate Established just a few decades ago, the Delta Boro
G.R.C. Member: Yes research station is actually a facility in orbit of one of
Sample Systems: Anatzi, Boros Delta Boro's moons. The mission at Delta Boro is to
Some may wonder what the difference between a study the evolution of a sentient race. Of particular
regular space station or outpost is and a research interest is the native species which seems to be derived
station. Research stations are not open to visitors and from not just mammalian stock but a possible third or
the inhabitants have signed on for for several years if fourth sentient primate (Humans and Thrassians are
not decades. Research stations, as their name implies, descended from primates and no one is sure of the
have no interest in trade, manufacturing or any thing Reltoan heritage).
besides the focus their research projects. The location of
all but a few research facilities are closely guarded Research Colonist
Years: 16
All research facilities are run by a corporate
authoritarian government. There are the one at the top Abilities: Health +5, Intelligence +5
who are appoint by and answer directly to who ever is
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +5), Computer
funding the endeavor. Security is handle either by
Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming (I, In, +5),
corporate guards or hired guns. Almost every station
Language: Galactic (I, A, +30)
has a black market and underground gambling rings,
After all how much fun can be had in your off hours Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
watch a nebulae form?
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Nemoan Ranger
Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship, Republic
Psionicists Military Academy, Spiker, Trade School

In general psionicists are of no great concern to Build Points: 0

research stations. There are no special restrictions or Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random
regulations outside of the ones required by the Event Table page 84
Republic. The only exception is those facilities whose
focus of research is psionic abilities. At these facilities
psionicists may not be welcome as part of the general
population; just as guinea pigs.

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Ship Born Followers of the Black

Type: Generational Religious Vessel
Typical Government: Authoritarian Population: 3,749 on each vessel: Each vessel is an
G.R.C. Member: No even mix of Kaylins, Nel Ari, Quextil and Thrassians
Sample Ships: EITC, Followers of the Black with the occasional Human and Reltoan
For business, trade, exploration or personal preference Followers of the Black is a religious cult whose sole
there are some who vary rarely leave the metal walls of goal is quiet meditation on the nature of existence. The
the vessel they call home. Some ships are traveling followers were founded by a Quextil merchant, Mezon
colonies comprised of one or more families that exist by Gotaj, who had grown weary of the death and sense of
trading their skills or cargo for consumables. Some are hopelessness created by the Purge. Feeling the Mer had
long range exploration ships studying some strange abandoned the galaxy, Mezon spent his fortune to by
astrophysical phenomenon. Whatever the reason these several old space liners and large freighters. He refitted
large vessels are whole settlements in themselves. them to provide simple but comfortable
The main authority on any vessel is the captain. This accommodations. The purpose was to spend moths or
may be a nominated, elected or heriditary position. years quietly drifting among the stars to find the
Security and law enforcement can be handled by a meaning of life.
separate class of workers or by mandatory short term or
rotational service by all on board personnel.
Years: 16
Abilities: Intelligence +5
There are no set guidelines for how psionicists are
treated or regarded. They may be despised, revered, Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +5), Astronomy (I, In, +5),
feared or ignored. Language: Galactic (I, A, +30), Navigation (I, In, +5),
Space Rider (I, E, +10), Space Suite Operation (A, E,
+10), Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +5)
Sample Ships
Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
East India Trading Company
Type: Generational Trading Vessel Life Paths: Drifter, Pilot Apprenticeship, Spiker, Trade
Population: 12, 867: 60% Human, 25% Nel Ari, 15% School
Lilanite Build Points: -10
Shortly after the A.I. Wars a group of humans decided Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random
that to look for a life of more freedom. Not the Event Table page 84
anarchist of some of the frontier colonist, this group
decided find their freedom plying th space ways the
way their ancestors did. So the group officially formed
a corporation and as an homage they Named it the East Station Born
India Trading Company. EITC bought an old space
liner and retro-fitted for their purposes. Along their Typical Government: Variable
travels they picked up more Humans, some Nel Ari G.R.C. Member: No
and Lilanites who felt the same as the founders of the Sample Stations: Archos Station, Hell's Gate
EITC. A system's lack of habitable planets has never stopped
The EITC only owns and operates one ship and has no any of the races from settling a system. Space stations
plans of expanding beyond that. Their primary interest are essential islands of trade, resources and civilization.
is in trade but they are also unofficial explorers. They provide convenient stopping points between
Sometimes the EITC finds itself months or years away planetary journeys or a good place to hide. Space
from the nearest station or inhabited planet so the seek Stations can be unruly places with little in the way of
out planets that have minable resources. This often law enforcement.
leads to unique finds with high trad value. Some are well known hubs of trade and commerce.
Some are well known for their cultural impact. Some
are known as places no law abiding person wants to be

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found in. As with most places on the Fringe the one Station Rat
thing that will get you far in any space station is
currency. The more you got the more you can get but Years: 16
the more of a target you are. Abilities: Agility +5
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +5), Astronomy (I,
Psionicists In, +5), Computer Literacy (I, E, +10), First Aid (I, E,
+5), Language: Galactic (I, A, +30), Space Suite
There are no set guidelines for how psionicists are
Operation (A, E, +10)
treated or regarded. They may be despised, revered,
feared or ignored. Next Stage: Stage 3 – Young Adulthood
Life Paths: Crime, Drifter, Merchant Apprenticeship,
Station Summaries Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship,
Spiker, Trade School, University
Archos Station
Location: Rymsis System Build Points: 0
Population: 149,768: various mix of races Random Events: Roll on the Fringe World Random
Several hundred years ago, Archos was a brand new Event Table page 84
Cassian class space station on the edge of inhabited
space; on the Yellow line. Back then it was a thriving
hub of commerce. Now the station shows its age.
Neglected and in severe disrepair, Archos has become
a backwater stop over with a few permanent residents.
Archos isn't necessarily a hub of criminal activity but
more like a floating ghetto in space. It has constant
money problems, the command staff has a turn over
rate greater than most restaurants, docking fees
sometimes go missing and then thee are the random
break downs.
Hell's Gate
Location: Hades Prime
Population: 256, 824: Various mix of races
Hell's Gate is a young space station; only one hundred
years old. The Humans naturally wanted to explore and
expand after be introduced to the larger galaxy. So
Nether Industries, rumored to be front for sever
criminal organizations, recruited promising engineers,
technical personnel and specialist from the Solar
Alliance, Lilanite Federation and the Hegemony of
Nel. Selecting an unnamed system on the edge of the
Yellow Zone and commenced to build a large space
Nether Industries is now exclusively based on Hell's
Gate and is the major trade company on the station.
Hell's Gate serves as a major trade hub and is a very
lively and attractive station. However rumors still
persist that the station and Nether Industries are
controlled by a criminal organization. The hushed
whispers also speculate that Hell's Gate serves as a
front and a means to shelter and transfer goods and
personnel with out pesky government involvement.

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Life Paths: Black Marketeer, Crime, Drifter, Eclipse

Stage 3 – Young Adulthood Syndicate Employee, Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Training, Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant
Your Identity has survived into the beginning of Apprenticeship, Mercenary, Nemoan Range
adulthood. Now you must choose how your adventure Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship Spiker
began. Did you join one of the military academies? Did
you go to university or trade school? Did you become an Build Points: 5
apprentice? Or was luck not with you and you started off Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random
as one of the downtrodden or became a criminal. Event Table page 92

Maybe it was desperation, the lure of easy money, the Followers of Mer
challenge of outwitting law enforcement and security
measures, the violence or just pure sadist joy that drew The unified Quextil religion. The followers of Mer are
you to a life of crime. Some get rich, some get caught the dominate force in all aspects of Quextil society. Not
and some actually make it long enough to see retirement. all of those who become Followers of Mer are destined
nor desire to control or lead Quextil society. Most enter
the Followers out of the need for spiritual contemplation.
Years: 5 Follower of Mer
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +5), Choose one: Kinetic Energy Prerequisites: Quextil & Grew up in the Dominance
Weapon: Pistols (A, E, +5) or Knife (A, E, +5), of Mer
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers Years: 10
Life Paths: Black Marketeer, Crime, Drifter, Eclipse Qualities: Religious Conviction
Syndicate Employee, Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Training, Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant Skills: Business (I, E, +5), First Aid (I, E, +5), Martial
Apprenticeship, Mercenary, Nemoan Range Arts (A, In, +5), Street Fighting (A, E, +5), Sword (A,
Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship Spiker E, +5)
Build Points: 0 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers
Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random Life Paths: ArchX, Black Marketeer, Crime, Drifter,
Event Table page 92 Eclipse Syndicate Employee, Galactic Armed Forces
Basic Training, Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant,
Mercenary, Nemoan Range Apprenticeship, OSX
Basic Training, Pilot Apprenticeship, Seril System
Guard, Trade School, University
Build Points: -5
You never felt like you fit in anywhere. Nothing ever
seemed to work out for you; jobs, school, relations. If Random Events: Roll on the Religious Random Event
life is a current then you seem to a piece of driftwood table page 95
caught in the flow.

Followers of Olmini
Years: 4
Originally the Followers of Olmini were just another
Abilities: Health -5 monastic order dedicated to the quiet pursuit of
knowledge. Now they are were psionicist born in the
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +5), Knowledge: Life on the
Hegemony of Nel go to learn how to use their powers
Streets (I, In, +10)
and to register with the Republic and the Hegemony. The
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers Beniks, the title given to those in the order who have

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taken their vows, happily take on their duties of teaching Prerequisites: Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel
the next generation of psionicist.
Years: 4
Qualities: Brash
Follower of Olmini
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Requirements: Psionicist Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Sword (A, E, +2)
Years: 10
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers
Abilities: Strength -5, Mind +5
Life Paths: Bizzeth Free Guard Tour of Duty: Star
Qualities: Headaches: Medium Warriors
Skills: Control (M, In, +5), Mind Probe (M, In, +5), Build Points: -1
Telekinesis (M, In, +5), Telepathy (M, In, +5)
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers Table page 88
Life Paths: ArchX, Bizzeth Free Guard, Black
Marketeer, Crime, Drifter, Eclipse Syndicate
Ground Operations
Employee, Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training,
Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant Apprenticeship, Don't let the name fool you the troops of the Free
Mercenary, Nemoan Range Apprenticeship, OSX Guards Ground Force and not limited to dirt side
Basic Training, Pilot Apprenticeship, Trade School, combat. Where ever the need for combat whether on a
University planet, inside a ship, boarding a ship or EVA the men
and women of Ground Operations are the professionals
Build Points: -5
you need.
Random Events: Roll on the Religious Random Event
Table page 95
Ground Operations Cadet
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel
Years: 4
Free Guard Academy
Qualities: Impulsive
The Hegemony's famous Free Guard are not just
renowned soldiers but feared. The Free Guard Academy Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
turns out soldiers trained in tactics and soldiers who are First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E,
not afraid to get into hand to hand with their Nel Ari +2), Grav Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol
blades. Graduates are Sought after for work in military, (A, E, +2). K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Knowledge:
para-military and private sectors. Upon entering the Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street
academy the student must choose one of the two Fighting (A, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2)
branches to join.
Next Paths: Bizzeth Free Guard Tour of Duty:
Ground operation
Star Warriors Build Points: -4
Whether it is in the air or in space, piloting fighters or Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
getting resources or personnel to and from strategic Table page 88
locations the Star Warriors get the job done. The Star
Warriors are more than fighter pilots frigate drivers.
This branch has the brightest scientist that the
Hegemony has to offer.
Imperial Military Academy
The Imperial Military academy is one of the most
Star Warrior Cadet renowned and secretive military academies in the

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republic. Only Reltoans are allowed to attend and only Years: 4

Reltoans who grew up with in the borders of the
Qualities: Impulsive
Imperium. The secretive and exclusive nature of the
IMA leads to many rumors of its true nature. Some Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
assume it is a secret facility working on super soldiers First Aid (I, E, +2), Grav Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2),
while others assume it is a shadow academy training K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2). K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
spies and infiltration specialist whose goals are to Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
undermine the other races. None of these suspicions are Street Fighting (A, E, +2), Telepathy (M, In, +2)
true but conspiracy theorists are never contained by
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Naftana Build Points: -2
No other military force is more well trained nor more Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
proficient in space than the Reltoan Naftana. The Table page 88
Naftana formed the might of the Separatist fleet during
the Unification War 650 years ago and when the
Reltoans changed sides thye determined the outcome of Dyso
the war. The Naftana currently provide instructors for It was recognized long ago by the Imperium that there
some of the elite training of Republic Armed Forces needed to a specialized branch of the military to help
personnel. those space travelers who became stranded or were
other wise in need. This led to the creation of the Dyso.
Whenever a ship is in trouble with in the jurisdiction of
Naftana Cadet the Imperium it is the Dyso that is dispatched to render
Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan aid.
Years: 4 Dyso Cadet
Qualities: Brash Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Years: 4
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Telepathy (M, In, +2) Qualities: Dedicated: Help the Helpless

Next Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:
Pistols (A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2),
Build Points: -3 Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2), Telepathy (M, In, +2)
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Table page 88 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Laona Build Points: -5
The Nafta may be the fly boys but you still need those Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
who are specialized in more traditional forms of Table page 88
combat. The Laona handle boarding actions, zero-g
EVA maneuvers and combat, ground combat and hand
to hand combat.
Lilanite Police Academy
Laona Cadet The LPA is the youngest academy in the Republic. While
Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan the candidates and cadets consist primarily of Hard Shell
Imperium Lilanites you will find Animods, Anthromorphs and the

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occasional non-Lilanite. One unique feature of the LPA

is that all students are taught diplomacy in addition to
the normal curriculum. Lilanites and their ancestors were
a subjugated for thousands of years and then fought a Grounder Cadet
bloody and violent war for independence a hundred Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation
years ago. The teaching of diplomacy is done to help
reinforce to the IPA cadets that despite the history, Years: 4
holding grudges will not help the Lilanite Federation and Qualities: Brash
that they, the cadets, must be trained in how to deal with
those who might still see the Lilanites as less than equal. Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +1), Dodge (A, E, +2), First
Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG
(A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider
Novas (I, E, +2)
For only a unit with only a hundred years of tradition Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
the Novas have made quite a name for themselves.
Quick, agile, good in a fight and always ready to lend a Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
hand the Novas are almost the perfect face of the Build Points: -5
Federation. As a force of a small one system
government very few people in the Republic ever see Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
one of the Novas however this works in the Novas Table page 88
favor. Since so few have seen a Nova in action, they are
a thing of legend. Rezers
For those who find they are traveling on unreliable
Nova Cadet ships within the Lilanite federation there is no more
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation comforting site than the yellow and orange hulls and
bright orange space suits of the Rezers. Following the
Years: 4 centuries old example of the other races, the Rezers are
Abilities: the branch of the Lilanite Police Force dedicated to
helping those in need while in transit within the
Qualities: Brash boundaries of the Federation.
Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +1), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Rezer Cadet
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Years: 4
Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
Qualities: Dedicated: Help the Helpless
Build Points: -2
Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +1), Dodge (A, E, +2), First
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2), Knowledge:
Table page 88 Tactics (I, In, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space
Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Grounders Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
The Novas may be the face of the LPF but the Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
Grounders are the muscle and the shadow. Trained in
how to take the fight to the enemy either by a boarding Build Points: -6
action, ground combat or infiltrating an enemy Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
compound. They are still trained in how to handle the Table
public diplomatically just in case.

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For some the dream of owning their own business or just

working with products and services is a strong. The
merchant apprentice may work for a family owned shop
Mechanic Apprenticeship or a large regional store. Whatever the situation the
merchant apprentice learns the necessary skills to run
Not everyone dose well in a typical school setting. For
any size business.
some that are there is still the Republic Apprentice
Guild. The RAG is a formal system that connects
learners with those who have the experience and time to Merchant Apprentice
teach. The RAG also makes sure that neither the
apprentice nor the master are taken advantage of. The Years: 2
standard contract is for two years after which it is the Skills: Business (I, E, +5), Persuasion (M, E, +5)
responsibility of the master to give a RAG approved test
to the apprentice. On passing this test the apprentice Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
becomes a journeyman in his or her field. Life Paths: Any except Merchant Apprenticeship
For those who are good with their hands and have a Build Points: 0
mind for machines there is the mechanic apprenticeship.
The individual finds a Mechanic in the field of their Random Events: Roll on Apprenticeship Random
choosing who is willing to take and apprentice and for Event Table page 89
several years learning the necessary skills.

Mechanic Apprentice Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship

Years: 2 The Rangers got their start in a secret political prison
Skills: Choose one: Repair: Grav Vehicle (I, In, +4), called Nemoa on the planet Nemoa in the Tyfe system.
Repair: Ground Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Pressure The original Rangers led by Dr. Thomas Milfred were
Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +4), the group of men and women who broke out of Nemoa.
Repair: Tracked Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Water Craft They pursued Nevari Belissi's Fleet to the Sol system
(I, In, +4) or Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +4) and ultimately defeated his efforts to wipe out the
Human race.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
After Dr. Milfred's disappearance the Rangers
Life Paths: Any except Mechanic Apprenticeship re-organized and vowed to help the helpless. They are
Build Points: +2 now based on Nemoa. The Rangers now enjoy official
recognition by the G.R.C. as a military organization but
Random Events: Roll on Apprenticeship Random they receive no funding and some still view them as a
Event Table page 89 vigilante group. Those they have helped see them as
saviors and someone you can rely on when the G.R.C.
lets you down.

Merchant Apprenticeship There are two distinct ranks in the Nemoan Rangers; the
apprentice and a ranger. The Apprentice is someone who
Not everyone dose well in a typical school setting. For is in training to be a Ranger. Because Apprentices are
some that are there is still the Republic Apprentice unaltered they can easily hide in a crowd and do not
Guild. The RAG is a formal system that connects draw attention to themselves. For this reason the
learners with those who have the experience and time to Apprentice is used extensively as a means to gather
teach. The RAG also makes sure that neither the information about the current affairs of areas of interest.
apprentice nor the master are taken advantage of. The
standard contract is for two years after which it is the
responsibility of the master to give a RAG approved test Nemoan Ranger Apprentice
to the apprentice. On passing this test the apprentice Years: 10
becomes a journeyman in his or her field.
Qualities: Loyalty: Protection of the Weak & Helpless

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Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Computer Literacy (I, E,
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
+2), Computer Programing (I, In, +2), Martial Arts (A,
In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2), Perception (A, E, +4), Build Points: -2
Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E,
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Table page 88
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Any except Nemoan Ranger Apprentice Nuikani
Build Points: -5 As with most other military land branches, the Nuikani
Random Events: Roll on Apprenticeship Random focus on weapons, and taking the fight to the enemy.
Event Table page 89 This includes land assaults, zero-g combat, boarding
ships, repelling boarder and what ever else may be
required. The nick name of “Red Fangs” comes from an
old Kaylin honorific for hunters and because it is
rumored that by the time you see a Nuikani on the
Omal Space Academy battlefield he or she is already covered in blood. Your
The Omal Space Academy, OSA, is the Kaylin's native blood.
military academy. Like most of the academies of the
founding races it has the traditional three branches, those
who fly, those who fight and those who rescue those in Nuikani Cadet
need. The OSA now accepts anyone who is a citizen of Prerequisites: Grew up in the Council of Elders
the Council of Elders and of course the republic. One
distinct difference between the OSA and other military Years: 4
academies is the focus on team work. Since the Kaylin's Qualities: Brash
are a canine race, pack life was very dominate in their
evolution. This tradition of pack culture influences the Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
myriad of team based challenges at the OSA. In fact it is First Aid (I, E, +2), Grav Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2),
very rare to find even written test that are to be taken by K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
an individual. Upon entering the OSA the cadet must Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
choose under which branch he or she will serve. Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
Build Points: -3
The “Star Hounds.” The Ublukani are the skilled and
resourceful group in the Kaylin Space Command, KSC, Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
tasked with getting persons and material from point A to Table page 88
point B, maintaining air and space superiority in a
conflict and developing new and better ways of healing Trukani
fellow KSC troops and new and better weapons. Fierce
and dedicated they will leave no one behind and have If you are in trouble within Council space then it is the
been known to disobey direct orders in order to retrieve Trukani you want coming to your aid. They are the
fellow KSC troops. space rescue branch of the Kaylin Space Command and
have been an operating branch for over half a
Ublukani Cadet
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Council of Elders Trukani Cadet
Years: 4 Prerequisites: Grew up in the Council of Elders
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), Years: 4
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2) Qualities: Dedicated: Help the Helpless

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Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), so it has the best facilities, staff and faculty. It is the
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2), aspiration of most young men and women who wish to
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Security Systems (I, E, serve the galaxy either through a life of military service
+2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Space Craft Operation (A, or through civil service to be accepted by the RMA and
E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2) serve a tour of duty. Upon entering the RMA a cadet
must choose which branch of the service he or she
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
wishes to serve in.
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
Build Points: -5 Star Force
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Fly or Die. The unofficial motto of the Star Force helps
Table page 88 to illustrate the dedication those involve have to feeling
space beneath their wings. However the Star Force is
more than flying and combat it is also one of the
foremost research organizations in biological and
Pilot Apprenticeship physical sciences and new technology. Not all of their
efforts are used to find new ways to wage war and kill.
The stars. How you always dreamed of flying among Along with renowned universities and private firms,
them. You could have joined the military but you never most of the best tech that changed the way the galaxy
did like taking orders much so you chose to become an lived has come out of a Star Force lab.
apprentice to get your hands on a ship sooner. As soon as
you could you applied to the Republic Apprentice
Guild's pilot division. Star Force Cadet
The RAG is a formal system that connects learners with Years: 4
those who have the experience and time to teach. The
RAG also makes sure that neither the apprentice nor the Qualities: Brash
master are taken advantage of. The standard contract is Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
for two years after which it is the responsibility of the K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In,
master to give a RAG approved test to the apprentice. +3), Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I,
On passing this test the apprentice becomes a E, +2)
journeyman in his or her field.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty
Pilot Apprentice
Build Points: -1
Years: 2
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Skills: Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +2), Spacecraft
Table page 88
Operation (A, E, +4)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Space and Land Specialist (S.A.L.S.)
Life Paths: Any except Pilot Apprenticeship
Eatin' mud and breathin' vacuum. The unofficial motto
Build Points: 0 of the S.A.L.S shows how each member of this group of
Random Events: Roll on Apprenticeship Random combat specialists views their role in the G.A.F. With
Event Table page 89 basic training in living, working and fighting in space
and on land S.A.L.S. Are unparalleled soldiers. During
a tour a duty an individual will specialize in weapons,
infiltration or demolition.
Republic Military Academy
The Republic Military Academy is the most prestigious S.A.L.S. Cadet
military academy in the known galaxy. The RMA was Years: 4
founded in 10 GE and is directly funded by the G.R.C.
Qualities: Impulsive

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Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), technology used to wage war those in the Seril System
First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, Guard learn how to wield the ancient mectyl, the Quextil
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), sword of honor. Upon entering the SSA the cadet must
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), choose which branch of the Seril System Guard in which
Street Fighting (A, E, +2) they wish to serve.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty Mer Zva
Build Points: 0 The Star Fliers of Mer, the Mer Zva, take pride in the
fact that their wings are strong enough for them to fly in
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event the vastness of the great black sky. For over 600 years
Table page 88 the Mer Zva has helped protect the systems of the
Dominance and when needed aid the Galactic Armed
Space Rescue
Death has no quarter with us. In the tradition of the
finest rescue services throughout history the G.A.F. Mer Zva Cadet
Space Rescue is dedicated to helping those who are in Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
trouble. Whether it is a simple systems malfunction, a Mer
sick or dying crew member or finding a ship lost in the
black reaches of deep space, Space Rescue will not stop Years: 4
until they have succeeded or died trying. Their motto Qualities: Religious Conviction
reflects their attitude that they are their to keep death at
bay. Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In,
+5), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2)
Space Rescue Cadet
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Years: 4
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty
Qualities: Dedication: Help the Helpless
Build Points: 0
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2),
Table page 88
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Security Systems (I, E,
+2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Space Craft Operation (A,
E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2) Mer Pa
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Though descended from avians the Quextil are no
Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty strangers to ground combat. Boarding ships fighting off
boarding parties or performing landing and ground
Build Points: -5 assaults, the Mer Pa are very adept at warfare. Not only
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event has the Mer Pa proven itself in countless small battles
Table page 88 to defend the Dominance from pirates and malcontents
but they were a major force in the end of the
Unification War 600 plus years ago.

Seril Space Academy Mer Pa Cadet

As with most major institutions within the Dominance of Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
Mer, choosing to go to the Seril Space Academy is a Mer
matter of religious conviction. Those who attend the
SSA have a desire to help defend the Dominance and Years: 4
believe in and wish to protect the Mer. Along with Qualities: Brash, Religious Conviction
up-to-date instruction with and in the use of the latest

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Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), institutions that Earth had to offer. Even though it is only
First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, 200 years old the SAMA has risen to be one of the
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), prominent military organizations in the Republic. Upon
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), entering SAMA a cadet must choose which branch they
Street Fighting (A, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2) will serve in.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty SA Navy
Build Points: -2 Drawing on an extensive history of naval warfare, the
Solar Alliance Navy excels at fleet tactics. In the short
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event time of experience in the realm of three dimensional
Table page 88 warfare, the SA Navy has managed to prove that they
can handle themselves against more experienced and
bigger foes. The Navy also is home to the space rescue
Mer San services of the solar alliance and some of the most up to
Even though the Dominance is a deeply religious date research facilities in the Solar Alliance.
society they have also been one of the most medically
advanced races. Faith is for the soul they say, medicine
is for the body. It is also a prevalent tenant in their SA Navy Cadet
beliefs that helping others is one of the greatest personal Prerequisites: Grew up in the Solar Alliance
sacrifices. It is this philosophy that guides those who
serve in the Mer San or space rescue service. Years: 4
Qualities: Brash
Mer San Cadet Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Persuasion (M, E, +2),
Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Years: 4 Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Qualities: Religious Conviction Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), Life Paths: Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2),
Build Points: -5
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Security Systems (I, E,
+2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2) Table page 88
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty SA Marines
Build Points: -5 The SA Marines are known for striking quick and hard.
While other forces may specialize in sieges, motorized
Random Events: Roll on the Religious Random Event infantry or long range assault the SA Marines are
Table page 95 known for taking in as much firepower as possible and
annihilating the target in a minimum amount of time.
The SA Marines are also known for their rather
effective and harsh interrogation techniques.
Solar Alliance Military Academy
The Solar Alliance may have a unique history and a SA Marine
premature introduction into the Republic but this has
never caused their conviction or devotion to the Prerequisites: Grew up in the Solar Alliance
Republic to falter. The Solar Alliance Military Academy Years: 4
was found on the shoulders of the finest military
Qualities: Impulsive

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Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), mock clan. It becomes their family. They are to strive to
First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, better themselves and their clan mates.
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Also since Thrassis has been in the throes of an ice age
Knowledge (I, In, +2), Persuasion (M, E, +2), Space
for the better part of 10,000 years, The natives have
Rider (I, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2)
formed an underground culture that rarely ventures on
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career the frigid surface. Because of this the tactics of the
Thrassian Defense Force centers around close quarters
Life Paths: Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty
Build Points: -2
Upon entering the Academy a cadet must decide which
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event branch of the surface the will serve.
Table page 88
Difyn Awr
Like most space navies, the Diffyn Awr are responsible
Spiker for getting people and things where they need to go in
the Thrassian Defense Force. But because of Thrassis's
For some the digital world of information seems as unique environmental conditions Thrassis never had a
natural and as easy to see and interpret as the physical traditional wet navy in its history. This has influenced
world. Thee individuals typically become spikers. The their tactics. Unlike most navies the Diffyn Awr do not
term refers to those with exceptional skills at specialize in ling range bombardment of the enemy. All
manipulating computers, information networks and the the ships of the line or relatively small and quick. They
data they contain. The term was originally used to refer get into thick of the fighting and inside the range of the
the act of illegally accessing a computer or information big guns as quick as they can. Then with the help of the
system using a spike shunt. Now the term refers more other branches of the T-DeF execute lightning
liberally to anyone with the appropriate skills. boardning.
The Difyn Awr is also home to one of the premiere
Spiker research facilities.
Prerequisite: Computer Literacy ≥ 5
Years: 4 Difyn Awr Cadet
Qualities: Curiosity Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans
Skills: Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Computer Years: 4
Programming (I, In, +5) Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In,
+2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Life Paths: Any
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Build Points: -5
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty
Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random
Event Table page 92 Build Points: -2
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Table page 88

Thrassian Defense Force Academy

Difyn Tyr
Nicked named the Hall of Ice and Fire the main building
of the Thrassian Defense Force Academy, T-DeF A, has Quick, fast and deadly. This is the operational motto of
stood for more than eight hundred years. Unlike most the Difyn Tyr. With a history of close range combat in
military institutions, the T-DeF A begins by grouping caves and tunnels the combat support branch of the
students into support groups and structures called mock Thrassian Defense Force are masters of boarding
clans. The students are taught to live and die for the actions and urban warfare. That being said they are not

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ineffectual on a traditional battlefield and striking

enemies at distances of hundreds of meters or
Trade School
For some the military and traditional college are not the
road they choose to take. They are more hands on and
Difyn Tyr Cadet desire careers of service instead of long hours of study.
For them there are the numerous trade schools. Typically
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans
2 to 5 years programs that give their students hands on
Years: 4 experience in real world applications. Upon enter a trade
school a student must decide which field of study they
Qualities: Brash
are going to pursue. Anyone may go to trade school even
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), if they have already been through a program at another
First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, school. However for those who receive training at one of
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), these institutions more than once they may never take
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), the same course of study twice.
Street Fighting (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Trade School Graduate
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty Years: See Courses of Study below
Build Points: -5 Skills: See Courses of Study below
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Table page 88
Life Paths: Any but if Trade School is chosen then a
different course of study from any previous Trade
Kymoth School course of study must be taken.
According to the historical records it seems that the Build Points: 0
Thrassians were the first race to develop an individual
Random Events: Roll on the School Random Event
branch exclusively devoted to search and rescue in the
Table page 96
deep of space. Practiced, professional and exceptional
the Kymoth are the pinnacle to witch the other military
branches aspire. Courses of Study
Commercial Star Pilot
Kymoth Cadet Years: 5
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Years: 4 Navigation (I, In, +1), Starship Operation (A, E, +4)
Qualities: Dedication: Helping the Helpless
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), Comms Technician
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2),
Years: 2
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Security Systems (I, E,
+2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, Skills: Comms Operation (I, E, +2), Repair: Comm
E, +2) Systems (I, In, +4)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty Computer Technician
Build Points: -3 Years: 2
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Computer
Table page 88 Programming (I, In, +4)

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University Graduate
Medical Technician Years: See Courses of Study below
Years: 2 Qualities: See Courses of Study below
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Biology (I, A, +1) Skills: See Courses of Study below
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Sensor Technician Life Paths: Any but if Trade School is chosen then a
Years: 2 different course of study from any previous University
course of study must be taken.
Skills: Sensor Operation (I, E, +2), Repair: Sensors (I,
In, +4) Build Points: See Courses of Study below
Random Events: Roll on the School Random Event
Table page 96
Starship Mechanic
Years: 2 Courses of Study
Skills: Repair: Starship (I, In, +3), Repair: Wave Drive Biological Sciences
(I, In, +2)
Years: 10
Skills: Choose one: Biology (I, A, +5) or
Vehicle Mechanic Anthropology (I, A, +5)
Years: 2 Build Points: -5
Skills: Choose one pair: [Aircraft Operation (A, E, +2)
& Repair: Aircraft (I, I +4), Grav Vehicle Operation (I,
E, +2) & Repair: Grav Vehicle (I, In, +4), Ground Engineering
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2) & Repair: Ground Years: 10
Vehicle (I, In, +4), Pressure Vehicle Operation (A, E,
+2) & Repair: Pressure Vehicle (I, In, +4), Tracked Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Choose one:
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2) & Repair: Tracked Engineering: Aerospace (I, A, +4), Engineering:
Vehicle (I, In, +4) or Water Craft Operation (A, E, +2) Biomedical (I, A, +4), Engineering: Chemical (I, A,
& Repair: Water Craft (I, In, +4)] +4), Engineering: Civil (I, A, +4), Engineering:
Combat (I, A, +4), Engineering: Computer (I, A, +4),
Engineering: Electrical (I, A, +4) or Engineering:
Mechanical (I, A, +4)
University Build Points: -2
Even in this age of high technology and superluminal
travel still less than 50% of the population attend a
university. For those who higher education is the right Medicine
choice, they find that university is a challenging and Years: 10
rewarding experience. Most courses of study at a
university in this era require extensive study and at least Qualities: Dedicated: Healing the Sick
a decade of invested time. The degree achieved is Skills: First Aid (I, E, +10), choose one: Physician (I,
equivalent to the old Earth designation of a Doctor of A, +4) or Surgery (I, A, +4)
Philosophy. Each time a student attends a university they
must choose a course of study that they have not taken Build Points: -5

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Political Science
Years: 4:
Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +5), Persuasion (M, E, +5)
Build Points: 0

Physical Sciences
Years: 10
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Choose one
Astronomy (I, In, +4) & Physics (I, A, +2), Chemistry
(I, A, +4), Geology (I, In, +4) & Physics (I, A, +2),
Physics (I, A, +4)
Build Points: -2

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Star Warriors
Stage 4 – Careers Whether it is in the air or in space, piloting fighters or
At this point you are a full fledged adult. It is now time getting resources or personnel to and from strategic
to choose your career or careers. Some of the choices are locations the Star Warriors get the job done. The Star
the same or similar to the Life Paths in Stage 3. You may Warriors are more than fighter pilots frigate drivers.
choose up to 3 careers, even the same one multiple This branch has the brightest scientist that the
times, as long as you meet all of the prerequisites. Hegemony has to offer.
Requirements have to be satisfied at the end of Identity
Star Warrior Recruit
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Archaeological Expeditions is a private, government
sensory organs must be replaced.
funded organization whose public mandate is to explore
the past in hopes of finding information for the present. Years: 2
This draws a large amount of support from the public.
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
There are persistent rumors that ArchX was actually
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Sword
formed by the G.R.C. in order to plunder the past for the
(A, E, +2)
benefit of the rich and wealthy. Either way ArchX
employs those who have a desire to see the stars and an Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
interest in the past. Most of the jobs needed for an
Life Paths: Bizzeth Free Guard Enlisted Tour of Duty
ArchX mission are filed with individuals who have
or Bizzeth Free Guard Officer Tour of Duty
training in the appropriate fields; pilot, technician,
medic, etc. The one essential position that ArchX insists Build Points: 0
on training in-house is that of archaeologist. These
individuals usually have previous training in archeology Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
but it is not required. Table page 88

ArchX Archaeologist Ground Operations

Years: 5 Don't let the name fool you the troops of the Free
Guards Ground Force and not limited to dirt side
Skills: Archeology (I, A, +2) combat. Where ever the need for combat whether on a
planet, inside a ship, boarding a ship or EVA the men
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
and women of Ground Operations are the professionals
Life Paths: Any you need.
Build Points: 0
Random Events: – Roll on ArchX Random Event Ground Operation Recruit
Table page 90 Prerequisites: Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Bizzeth Free Guard Basic Training Years: 2
The Hegemony's famous Free Guard are not just Qualities: Brash
renowned soldiers but feared. Free Guard basic training
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2),
turns out soldiers who are not afraid to get into hand to
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2). K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
hand with their Nel Ari blades. Upon entering basic
Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2),
training the recruit must choose one of the two branches
Sword (A, E, +2)
to join.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

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Life Paths: Bizzeth Free Guard Enlisted Tour of Duty Crewman

or Bizzeth Free Guard Officer Tour of Duty
Years: 5
Build Points: 1
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Sword
Table page 88 (A, E, +2)
Build Points: 0

Bizzeth Free Guard Tour of Duty Medical Specialist

Having survived either basic training, the rigors of the Years: 10
academy or a previous tour of duty you are now ready to
serve the Hegemony. Upon beginning your tour of duty, Qualities: Curiosity
or starting another tour of duty, you must remain in the Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),
same branch that you previously served under at basic, Surgery (I, A, +2)
the academy or during a previous tour of duty.
Build Points: 0

Star Warrior
Prerequisites: Free Guard Academy, Bizzeth Free Pilot
Guard Basic Training, Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel Years: 5
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Qualities: Impulsive
sensory organs must be replaced.
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I,
Years: See Star Warrior Military Occupations below In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
Qualities: See Star Warrior Military Occupations Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5)
below Build Points: -2
Skills: See Star Warrior Military Occupations below
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Physical Scientist
Life Paths: Any except Bizzeth Free Guard Basic Years: 10
Qualities: Curiosity
Build Points: See Star Warrior Military Occupations
below Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer
Random Events: Roll on Tour of Duty Random Event Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2)
Table page 97
Build Points: -1

Star Warrior Military Occupations

Rescue Op Entry Specialist
Biological Scientist
Years: 5
Years: 10
Qualities Dedicated: Helping the Helpless:
Qualities: Curiosity
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1), (I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2)
Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
(I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1) Build Points: 1
Build Points: +1

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Tech Specialist
Years: 5 Duster
Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) & Years: 5
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E,
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2).
+4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair:
Fighting (A, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2)
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor
(I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft Build Points: -2
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Infiltration Specialist
Build Points: 0
Ground Operations Solider Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
(A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
Prerequisites: Free Guard Academy, Bizzeth Free +2)
Guard Basic Training, Grew up in the Hegemony of Nel
Build Points:0
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: See Ground Operations Military Occupations Weapon Specialist
below Years: 5
Qualities: See Ground Operations Military Occupations Qualities: Brash
Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
Skills: See Ground Operations Military Occupations E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2),
below B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Life Paths: Any except Bizzeth Free Guard Basic
Training Build Points: 1
Build Points: See Ground Operations Military
Occupations below
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Black Marketeer
Event Table page 97
The lure of high profits. The challenge of getting things
for clients that others can't. Whatever the reason you
Ground Operations Military became a buyer and seller of questionable and illegal
Occupations goods. Some call you a fixer or a black marketeer. As far
as you are concerned you are just a businessperson who
Demolitions Expert sees the law as a mere suggestion.
Years: 5
Qualities: Brash Black Marketeer
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A, Years: 5
+2) Skills: Business (I, E, +2), Conceal (I, E, +2), Forgery
Build Points: 0 (I, In, +2), Persuasion (M, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Life Paths: Any

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Build Points: 0 Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career

Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random Life Paths: Any
Event Table page 92
Build Points: 0
Random Events: – Roll on the Civilian Random
Event Table page 91
Whether a cog in the machine of a corporation, part of a
local or planetary government or as a Galactic Republic
of Civilizations Senator the in and out of running big
operations is were you found yourself. Maybe it was a Maybe it was desperation, the lure of easy money, the
desire to serve the public good or the lure of power or challenge of outwitting law enforcement and security
both whatever the reason a life of running a desk was for measures, the violence or just pure sadist joy that drew
you. you to a life of crime. Some get rich, some get caught
and some actually make it long enough to see retirement.
Perquisite: University
Years: 5
Years: 10
Qualities: Influence: Bureaucracy 1
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +5), Choose one: Kinetic Energy
Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +5), Knowledge: Bureaucracy
Weapon: Pistols (A, E, +5) or Knife (A, E, +5),
(I, In, +2), Persuasion (M, E, +5)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Life Paths: Black Marketeer, Crime, Drifter, Eclipse
Life Paths: Any
Syndicate Employee, Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Build Points: 1 Training, Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant
Apprenticeship, Mercenary, Nemoan Ranger
Random Events: – Roll on the Civilian Random
Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship, Spiker
Event Table page 91
Build Points: 0
Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random
Event Table page 92
The galaxy is a big place. Even this age of advance
technology and wonders there are still places not served
by the G.R.C.'s communication infrastructure. To get Drifter
priority messages to and from the far reaches of the
You never felt like you fit in anywhere. Nothing ever
G.R.C.'s domain couriers are needed. Daring pilots with
seemed to work out for you; jobs, school, relations. If
small speedy ships courageously push the limits of
life is a current then you seem to a piece of driftwood
themselves and their machines to make sure messages
caught in the flow.
and small packages are received in a timely manner.

Courier Drifter
Years: 4
Perquisite: Spacecraft Operation ≥ 40
Abilities: Health -5
Years: 5
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +5), Knowledge: Life on the
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +5), Space Craft Operation (A,
Streets (I, In, +10)
E, +5)

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Next Stage: Stage 4 – Careers Enforcement

Life Paths: Black Marketeer, Crime, Drifter, Eclipse Whether it is protecting an asset, seizing and asset or
Syndicate Employee, Galactic Armed Forces Basic just making sure people understand what happens when
Training, Mechanic Apprenticeship, Merchant their payments aren't up to date, enforcement is the
Apprenticeship, Mercenary, Nemoan Range muscle of the Syndicate. You have proven yourself to
Apprenticeship, Pilot Apprenticeship Spiker be more than a simple brawler. You can take orders and
Build Points: 5 execute them with lethal efficiency.

Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random

Event Table page 92 Eclipse Syndicate Enforcer
Perquisite: Crime, Drifter, Black Marketeer,
Mercenary or Spiker

Eclipse Syndicate Director Years: 5

You have survived life in the syndicate long enough to Skills: Stealth (A, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +4),
reach the upper levels of the organization. As a Director Choose One: K.E.W: Pistol (A, E, +4), K.E.W: Rifle
you have control over the Syndicates interests in an (A, E, +4), K.E.W: Shotgun (A, E, +4)
entire system or over several systems depending on how Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
populated the system or systems are and whether they
are Core or Fringe systems. How you handle matters is Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the
up to you but you must meet the goals set out by the Syndicate they gain Enemy 2
Syndicate's Board. Build Points: 0
Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate
Eclipse Syndicate Director Random Event Table page 93
Perquisite: Eclipse Syndicate Manager
Years: 5 Procurement
Qualities: Influence: Criminal Element 1 Basic economics, supply and demand, are what keep
any business or organization a float. As part of the
Skills: Perception (A, E, +2), Persuasion (M, E, +2), Syndicate's procurement department you help to keep
Stealth (A, E, +2) the goods flowing into the ands of the clients and the
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career currency flowing into the coffers of the Syndicate. Of
course most of the transactions you engage in are on the
Life Paths: Any but if the character leaves the shady side of the law.
Syndicate they gain Enemy 5
Build Points: -1 Eclipse Syndicate Procurement
Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate Specialist
Random Event Table page 93
Perquisite: Crime, Drifter, Black marketeer,
Mercenary or Spiker
Years: 5
Eclipse Syndicate Employee Qualities: Greedy
Your life on the shady side of the law drew the attention Skills: Business (I, E, +2), Conceal (I, E, +7), Forgery
of some very important people. Now you are a junior (I, In, +4), Persuasion (M, E, +6), Stealth (A, E, +2)
member of the Eclipse Syndicate. This is your way into
the big time. Your first choice is whether you want to Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
work for enforcement, procurement or tech support. Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the
Syndicate they gain Enemy 2

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Build Points: 0 under your command. You succeed when they succeed
and you fail when they fail or you fail to punis...
Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate
manage them correctly.
Random Event Table page 93

Eclipse Syndicate Enforcement

Tech Support
Every company needs a tech support department to
keep the computer and information equipment in Perquisite: Eclipse Syndicate Employee: Enforcement
working order. At the syndicate their tech support is Years: 10
engaged in more challenging duties. As a member of
the Syndicates tech support division you will be Qualities: Influence: Criminal Element 1
engaged in acquiring and planting data and the odd Skills: Perception (A, E, +4), Persuasion (M, E, +5),
planting of illicit code here and there. Stealth (A, E, +2), Choose One: K.E.W: Pistol (A, E,
+4), K.E.W: Rifle (A, E, +4), K.E.W: Shotgun (A, E,
Eclipse Syndicate Tech Support
Specialist Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Perquisite: Computer Literacy ≥ 45% and either have Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the
taken Crime, Drifter, Black marketeer, Mercenary or Syndicate they gain Enemy 3
Spiker life paths Build Points: 0
Years: 5 Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate
Qualities: Curiosity Random Event Table page 93
Skills: Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Computer
Programming (I, In, +3), Conceal (I, E, +2) Procurement
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career As a Syndicate manager with procurement it is your job
to make sure that employees get the items they need,
Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the
the syndicate collects its fees, customers are kept happy
Syndicate they gain Enemy 2
and that when necessary enforcement is detailed to
Build Points: 0 collect fees and protect assets. As a manager you are
responsible for those under your command. You
Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate
succeed when they succeed and you fail when they fail
Random Event Table page 93
or you fail to punis... manage them correctly.

Eclipse Syndicate Procurement

Eclipse Syndicate Manager Manager
You made it through the... rigors of being a Syndicate Perquisite: Eclipse Syndicate Employee: Procurement
employee. As an employee you were a part of a team or
may have even lead a small team now and then. As a Years: 10
Manager you now have control over Syndicate Qualities: Influence: Criminal Element 1
operations over a city, continent or planet; depending on
the size of the population. Skills: Business (I, E, +2), Conceal (I, E, +2), Forgery
(I, In, +2), Perception (A, E, +2), Persuasion (M, E,
+3), Stealth (A, E, +2)
Enforcement Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
As a Syndicate manager with enforcment it is your job
Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the
to assemble teams that will execute missions were
Syndicate they gain Enemy 3
anything from a well armed presence is needed to all
out war. As a manager you are responsible for those Build Points: 0

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Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate Life Paths: Any

Random Event Table page 93
Build Points: 0
Random Events: Roll on the Civilian Random Event
Tech Support Table page 91
As a Syndicate manager with tech support it is your job
to decide data needs to augmented, planted or
expunged. As a manager you are responsible for those
under your command. You succeed when they succeed Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training
and you fail when they fail or you fail to punis...
Officially the Galactic Armed Forces was formed in 1
manage them correctly.
GE, but before that is was comprised of the fleets of the
races on the side of unification. The GAF was born out
Tech Support Manager of victory, cooperation and service to the greater good.
These traditions continue on today. The GAF has the
Perquisite: Eclipse Syndicate Employee: Tech best facilities, equipment and personnel and has proven
Support instrumental in keeping the republic safe and orderly.
Years: 10 Upon entering the G.A.F. a recruit must choose which
branch of the service he or she wishes to serve in.
Qualities: Influence: Criminal Element 1
Skills: Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Conceal (I, E,
Star Force
+2), Persuasion (M, E, +2), Stealth (A, E, +2),
Fly or Die. The unofficial motto of the Star Force helps
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
to illustrate the dedication those involve have to feeling
Life Paths: Any but if the Character leaves the space beneath their wings. However the Star Force is
Syndicate they gain Enemy 3 more than flying and combat it is also one of the
foremost research organizations in biological and
Build Points: -1
physical sciences and new technology. Not all of their
Random Events: Roll on the Eclipse Syndicate efforts are used to find new ways to wage war and kill.
Random Event Table page 93 Along with renowned universities and private firms,
most of the best tech that changed the way the galaxy
lived has come out of a Star Force lab.

Freighter pilot Star Force Solider

All you wanted was to fly from star to star and not have Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
to worry about those petty concerns like punching in and sensory organs must be replaced.
punching out, getting the kids from school or kissing the
boss's butt. Whether you are an independent freighter Years: 2
pilot or you work for one of the larger corporations,
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
while you are traveling between the planets you are the
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
lord of your domain. And hey sometimes they pay ain't
Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

Freighter Pilot Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty

Prerequisites: Spacecraft Operation ≥ 4 Build Points: 0

Years: 5 Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event

Table page 88
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Navigation (I, In, +1), Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +4)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

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Space and Land Specialist (S.A.L.S.) Build Points: -2

Eatin' mud and breathin' vacuum. The unofficial motto Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
of the S.A.L.S shows how each member of this group of Table page 88
combat specialists views their role in the G.A.F. With
basic training in living, working and fighting in space
and on land S.A.L.S. Are unparalleled soldiers. During
a tour a duty an individual will specialize in weapons, Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty
infiltration or demolition.
Having survived either basic training, the rigors of the
academy or a previous tour of duty you are now ready to
SALS Solider serve the Republic. Upon beginning your tour of duty, or
starting another tour of duty, you must remain in the
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or same branch that you previously served under at basic,
sensory organs must be replaced. the academy or during a previous tour of duty.
Years: 2
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), Star Force Solider
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Prerequisites: Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training,
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street
Republic Military Academy, or previous military
Fighting (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty sensory organs must be replaced.
Build Points: -2 Years: See Star Force Military Occupations below
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Qualities: See Star Force Military Occupations below
Table page 88
Skills: See Star Force Military Occupations below
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Space Rescue
Life Paths: Any except Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Death has no quarter with us. In the tradition of the Training
finest rescue services throughout history the G.A.F.
Space Rescue is dedicated to helping those who are in Build Points: See Star Forces Military Occupations
trouble. Whether it is a simple systems malfunction, a below
sick or dying crew member or finding a ship lost in the Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
black reaches of deep space, Space Rescue will not stop Event Table page 97
until they have succeeded or died trying. Their motto
reflects their attitude that they are their to keep death at
bay. Star Force Military Occupations
Biological Scientist
Space Rescue Solider Years: 10
Prequisites: Any missing limbs, appendages or Qualities: Curiosity
sensory organs must be replaced.
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Years: 2 Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: (I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1)
Pistols (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Build Points: +1
Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Galactic Armed Forces Tour of Duty

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S.A.L.S. Solider
Crewman Prerequisites: Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training,
Years: 5 Republic Military Academy, or previous military
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Space Rider (I, E, +2) sensory organs must be replaced.

Build Points: 0 Years: See S.A.L.S. Military Occupations below

Qualities: See S.A.L.S. Military Occupations below

Physical Scientist Skills: See S.A.L.S. Military Occupations below

Years: 10 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

Qualities: Curiosity Life Paths: Any except Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer Build Points: See S.A.L.S. Military Occupations below
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2) Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Build Points: -1 Event Table page 97

S.A.L.S. Military Occupations

Demolitions Expert
Years: 5
Years: 5
Qualities: Impulsive
Qualities: Brash
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I,
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2), Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A,
Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5) +2)
Build Points: -2 Build Points: 1

Tech Specialist Infiltration Specialist

Years: 5 Years: 5
Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) & Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E, (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
+4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic +2)
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: Build Points: 0
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor
(I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Years: 5
Build Points: 0
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2).
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street
Fighting (A, E, +2)
Build Points: 0

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Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),

Surgery (I, A, +2)
Weapon Specialist
Build Points: -2
Years: 5:
Qualities: Brash
Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2), Years: 5
B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Navigation (I, In, +1), Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5)
Build Points: -1
Build Points: 1

Space Rescue Solider

Prerequisite: Galactic Armed Forces Basic Training,
Kaylin Space Command Basic Training
Republic Military Academy, or previous military The Kaylin Space Command, KSC, is one of the oldest
experience militaries in the Republic. Like most of the armed forces
of the founding races it has the traditional three
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
branches, those who fly, those who fight and those who
sensory organs must be replaced.
rescue those in need. One distinct difference between the
Years: See Space Rescue Military Occupations below KSC and other armies is the focus on team work. Since
the Kaylin's are a canine race, pack life was very
Qualities: See Space Rescue Military Occupations
dominate in their evolution. This tradition of pack
culture influences the team nature of the KSC hierarchy.
Skills: See Space Rescue Military Occupations below Upon entering the KSC the recruit must choose under
which branch he or she will serve.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Any except Galactic Armed Forces Basic
Training Ublukani
Build Points: See Space Rescue Military Occupations The “Star Hounds.” The Ublukani are the skilled and
below resourceful group in the Kaylin Space Command, KSC,
tasked with getting persons and material from point A to
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random point B, maintaining air and space superiority in a
Event Table page 97 conflict and developing new and better ways of healing
fellow KSC troops and new and better weapons. Fierce
and dedicated they will leave no one behind and have
Space Rescue Military Occupations been known to disobey direct orders in order to retrieve
Entry Specialist fellow KSC troops.
Years: 5
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace Ublukani Recruit
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2) Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Build Points: 0 sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 4

Medical Specialist Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Years: 5 Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Qualities: Curiosity Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty

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Build Points: 0 Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:
Pistols (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Rider (I, E, +2), Space Craft Operation (A, E, +2),
Table page 88
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
Build Points: 1
As with most other military land branches, the Nuikani
focus on weapons, and taking the fight to the enemy. Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
This includes land assaults, zero-g combat, boarding Table page 88
ships, repelling boarder and what ever else may be
required. The nick name of “Red Fangs” comes from an
old Kaylin honorific for hunters and because it is
rumored that by the time you see a Nuikani on the Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
battlefield he or she is already covered in blood. Your
Having survived either basic training or the rigors of the
academy you are now ready to serve the Council of
Elders. Upon beginning your tour of duty, or starting
Nuikani Recruit another tour of duty, you must remain in the same branch
that you previously served under at basic, the academy
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Council of Elders or during a previous tour of duty.
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 2
Prerequisites: Omal Space Academy or K.S.C. Basic
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), Grav Training, grew up in the Council of Elders
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
sensory organs must be replaced.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Years: See Ublukani Military Occupation below
Life Paths: Kaylin Space Command Tour of Duty
Qualities: See Ublukani Military Occupation below
Build Points: -2
Skills: See Ublukani Military Occupation below
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Table page 88
Life Paths: Any except Kaylin Space Command Basic
Build Points: See Ublukani Military Occupation below
If you are in trouble within Council space then it is the
Trukani you want coming to your aid. They are the Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
space rescue branch of the Kaylin Space Command and Event Table page 97
have been an operating branch for over half a
Ublukani Military Occupations
Biological Scientist
Trukani Recruit
Years: 10
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Council of Elders
Qualities: Curiosity
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced. Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
Years: 2 (I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1)
Qualities: Dedicated: Help the Helpless Build Points: +1

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Prerequisite: Omal Space Academy or K.S.C. Basic

Training, grew up in the Council of Elders
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Physical Scientist
sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 10
Years: See Nuikani Military Occupation below
Qualities: Curiosity
Qualities: See Nuikani Military Occupation below
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
Skills: See Nuikani Military Occupation below
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2) Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Build Points: -1 Life Paths: Any except Kaylin Space Command Basic
Build Points: See Nuikani Military Occupation below
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Years: 5
Event Table page 97
Qualities: Impulsive
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I, Nuikani Military occupations
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5) Demolitions Expert

Build Points: -2 Years: 5

Qualities: Brash

Star Hound Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A,

Years: 5
Build Points: 0
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Space Rider (I, E, +2) Infiltration Specialist
Build Points: 0 Years: 5
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
Tech Specialist (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
Years: 5
Build Points: 0
Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) &
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E,
+4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic Red Fang
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair:
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor Years: 5
(I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), Grav Vehicle Operation (A,
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E,
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3) +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Build Points: 0 Build Points: 0

Weapon Specialist
Tpyical Nuikani
Years: 5

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Qualities: Brash Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Navigation (I, In, +1), Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5)
Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2), Build Points: -1
B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Build Points: 1 Lilanite Police Force Basic Training
The LPF is the youngest military in the Republic. While
the recruits consist primarily of Hard Shell Lilanites you
will find Animods, Anthromorphs and the occasional
Prerequisite: Omal Space Academy or K.S.C. Basic non-Lilanite.
Training, grew up in the Council of Elders
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Novas
sensory organs must be replaced.
For only a unit with only a hundred years of tradition
Years: See Trukani Military Occupation below the Novas have made quite a name for themselves.
Qualities: See Trukani Military Occupation below Quick, agile, good in a fight and always ready to lend a
hand the Novas are almost the perfect face of the
Skills: See Trukani Military Occupation below Federation. As a force of a small one system
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career government very few people in the Republic ever see
one of the Novas however this works in the Novas
Life Paths: Any except Kaylin Space Command Basic favor. Since so few have seen a Nova in action, they are
Training a thing of legend.
Build Points: See Trukani Military Occupation below
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Nova Recruit
Event Table page 97 Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Trukani Military occupations sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 5 Years: 2
Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless: Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2) Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Build Points: 1 Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
Build Points: 2
Medical Specialist Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Years: 10 Table page 88

Qualities: Curiosity
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),
Surgery (I, A, +2) The Novas may be the face of the LPF but the
Grounders are the muscle and the shadow. Trained in
Build Points: 0 how to take the fight to the enemy either by a boarding
action, ground combat or infiltrating an enemy
Years: 5
Grounder Recruit

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Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation a with pirates, smugglers and racists intent on harming the
people you have sworn to protect. You must serve in the
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
same branch of the LPF that you chose during the
sensory organs must be replaced.
academy or LPF basic training.
Years: 2
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), Nova
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Space Rider (I, E, +2) Prerequisites: Lilanite Police Academy or Lilanite
Police Force Basic Training, grew up in the Lilanite
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Federation
Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Build Points: 0 sensory organs must be replaced.

Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event Years: See Nova Military Occupation below
Table page 88 Qualities: See Nova Military Occupation below
Skills: See Nova Military Occupation below
Rezers Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
For those who find they are traveling on unreliable
Life Paths: Any except Lilanite Police Force Basic
ships within the Lilanite federation there is no more
comforting site than the yellow and orange hulls and
bright orange space suits of the Rezers. Following the Build Points: See Nova Military Occupation below
centuries old example of the other races, the Rezers are
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
the branch of the Lilanite Police Force dedicated to
Event Table page 97
helping those in need while in transit within the
boundaries of the Federation.
Nova Military Occupations
Rezer Recruit Biological Scientist
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Lilanite Federation a Years: 10
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Qualities: Curiosity
sensory organs must be replaced.
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Years: 2 Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
(I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1)
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:
Pistols (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Build Points: +1
Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Physical Scientist
Life Paths: Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
Years: 10
Build Points: -2
Qualities: Curiosity
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
Table page 88
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2)
Build Points: -1
Lilanite Police Force Tour of Duty
You survived the academy or LPF basic training and Pilot
now you are ready to protect and serve the Federation. It
could be years of monotony and ease or it could be filled Years: 5

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Qualities: Impulsive
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I,
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5)
Build Points: -2

Grounder Military Occupations

Tech Specialist
Demolitions Expert
Years: 5
Years: 5
Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) &
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E, Qualities: Brash
+4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A,
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: +2)
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor
(I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft Build Points: 0
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Gray Coat
Build Points: 0
Years: 2
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2),
White Coat K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Years: 2 Space Rider (I, E, +2)

Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), Build Points: 0

K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Build Points: 2 Infiltration Specialist
Years: 5
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
Grounder (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
Prerequisite: Lilanite Police Academy or Lilanite
Police Force Basic Training, grew up in the Lilanite Build Points: 0
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced. Weapon Specialist

Years: See Grounder Military Occupation below Years: 5

Qualities: See Grounder Military Occupation below Qualities: Brash

Skills: See Grounder Military Occupation below Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2),
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Life Paths: Any except Lilanite Police Force Basic
Build Points: 1
Build Points: See Grounder Military Occupation below
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Event Table page 97

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Prerequisite: Lilanite Police Academy or Lilanite
Police Force Basic Training, grew up in the Lilanite Mechanic Apprenticeship
Not everyone dose well in a typical school setting. For
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or some that are there is still the Republic Apprentice
sensory organs must be replaced. Guild. The RAG is a formal system that connects
learners with those who have the experience and time to
Years: See Rezer Military Occupation below
teach. The RAG also makes sure that neither the
Qualities: See Rexer Military Occupation below apprentice nor the master are taken advantage of. The
standard contract is for two years after which it is the
Skills: See Rezer Military Occupation below
responsibility of the master to give a RAG approved test
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career to the apprentice. On passing this test the apprentice
becomes a journeyman in his or her field.
Life Paths: Any except Lilanite Police Force Basic
Training For those who are good with their hands and have a
mind for machines there is the mechanic apprenticeship.
Build Points: See Rezer Military Occupation below
The individual finds a Mechanic in the field of their
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random choosing who is willing to take and apprentice and for
Event Table page 97 several years learning the necessary skills.

Rezer Military Occupations Mechanic Apprentice

Entry Specialist Years: 2
Years: 5 Skills: Choose one: Repair: Grav Vehicle (I, In, +4),
Repair: Ground Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Pressure
Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless: Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +4),
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace Repair: Tracked Vehicle (I, In, +4), Repair: Water Craft
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2) (I, In, +4) or Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +4)
Build Points: 1 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Any except Mechanic Apprenticeship
Medical Specialist Build Points: +2
Years: 10 Random Events: Roll on the Apprenticeship Random
Event Table page 89
Qualities: Curiosity
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),
Surgery (I, A, +2)
Build Points: 0 Mechanic
Vehicles get made and vehicles break down. Mechanics
will always be needed. Whether you came from an
Orange Coat apprenticeship, picked up the skill in one of the military
services or just have a natural talent you have decided
Years: 2
that the best use of your time and the best way for you to
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: pick up a few syntuls is by fixing that which is broken.
Pistols (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Or maybe encouraging that which is not yet broken to
Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2) break.
Build Points: -2

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Prerequisites: Any vehicle repair skill at 1 except teach. The RAG also makes sure that neither the
Repair: Starship apprentice nor the master are taken advantage of. The
standard contract is for two years after which it is the
Years: 5
responsibility of the master to give a RAG approved test
Skills: Choose one: Repair: Grav Vehicle (I, In, +5), to the apprentice. On passing this test the apprentice
Repair: Ground Vehicle (I, In, +5), Repair: Pressure becomes a journeyman in his or her field.
Vehicle (I, In, +5), Repair: Tracked Vehicle (I, In, +5),
For some the dream of owning their own business or just
Repair: Water Craft (I, In, +5)
working with products and services is a strong. The
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career merchant apprentice may work for a family owned shop
or a large regional store. Whatever the situation the
Life Paths: Any
merchant apprentice learns the necessary skills to run
Build Points: 0 any size business.
Random Events: Roll on the Civilian Random Event
Table page 91 Merchant Apprentice
Years: 2
Skills: Business (I, E, +5), Persuasion (M, E, +5)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Mercenary Life Paths: Any except Merchant Apprenticeship
Gun for hire, security consultant, or body guard. Build Points: 0
Whatever you called yourself you decided to take you
weapons experience and use it to make a living. Not all Random Events: Roll on the Apprenticeship Random
mercenaries are thugs with guns and uncontrollable Event Table page 89
blood lust. As with most professions there are good ones,
bad ones and htose hwo live in the gray. Which one will
you become?
Mercenary The exchange of currency, the fulfilling of a need, the
providing of a service or just the desire to line your
Years: 5
coffers with more than the next guy, whatever the reason
Qualities: Greedy you decided to become a merchant. You may work in a
high pressure commission oriented sales position such as
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +5), Dodge (A, E, +5), K.E.W.:
vehicle sales or you may be your own boss in a small
Pistols (A, E, +5), K.E.W.: SMG (A, E, +5),
shop. For the most part you remain on the correct side of
Persuasion (M, E, +5)
the law. After all if you wanted to be a criminal you
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career would have become a Black Marketeer (page XX).
Life Paths: Any
Build Points: 0 Merchant
Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random Prerequisites: Business ≥ 3
Event Table page 92 Years: 5
Qualities: Influence: Business Community 1
Skills: Business (I, E, +3), Persuasion (M, E, +2)
Merchant Apprenticeship Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Not everyone dose well in a typical school setting. For Life Paths: Any
some that are there is still the Republic Apprentice
Guild. The RAG is a formal system that connects Build Points: 0
learners with those who have the experience and time to

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Random Events: Roll on Civilian Random Event Having survived the trials of being a Ranger apprentice
Table page 91 you are now ready to take the burden and become a full
ranger. The Ranger's do not stand on ceremony. After a
surgery to replace your eyes with cybernetic
enhancements, a week of recovery, and a small gathering
Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship you were inducted into the Nemoan Rangers.

The Rangers got their start in a secret political prison

called Nemoa on the planet Nemoa in the Tyfe system. Nemoan Ranger
The original Rangers led by Dr. Thomas Milfred were
Prerequisites: Nemoan Ranger Apprenticeship
the group of men and women who broke out of Nemoa.
They pursued Nevari Belissi's Fleet to the Sol system Years: 5
and ultimately defeated his efforts to wipe out the
Qualities: Cybernetic Replacement: Eyes, Enhanced
Human race.
EM Spectrum: Infrared, Enhanced EM Spectrum:
After Dr. Milfred's disappearance the Rangers Ultraviolet, Headaches: Medium
re-organized and vowed to help the helpless. They are
Skills: B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E,
now based on Nemoa. The Rangers now enjoy official
+2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2)
recognition by the G.R.C. as a military organization but
they receive no funding and some still view them as a Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
vigilante group. Those they have helped see them as
Life Paths: Any
saviors and someone you can rely on when the G.R.C.
lets you down. Build Points: -1
There are two distinct ranks in the Nemoan Rangers; the Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random
apprentice and a ranger. The Apprentice is someone who Event Table page 92
is in training to be a Ranger. Because Apprentices are
unaltered they can easily hide in a crowd and do not
draw attention to themselves. For this reason the
Apprentice is used extensively as a means to gather OSX Basic Training
information about the current affairs of areas of interest.
The Office of Stellar Exploration, OSX, was established
for the sole purpose of exploring the unknow beyond the
Nemoan Ranger Apprentice borders of the Republic. The lonely ships of the Scout
Years: 10 Corps venture into the black and catalog new systems
and planets. Later members of the Survey Corps return
Qualities: Loyalty: Protection of the Weak & Helpless to the habitable planets to catalog all that can be found.
Through this process the size and knowledge of the
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2),
Republic grows.
Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Computer Literacy (I, E,
+2), Computer Programing (I, In, +2), Martial Arts (A, You have decided for your own reasons that joining
In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2), Perception (A, E, +4), OSX is a good fit for you. Your first step is basic
Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, training. As you enter OSX you will encounter people
+2), from all walks of life and form all age groups. Not all of
them are here out of the goodness of their heart.
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Any except Nemoan Ranger Apprentice
OSX Recruit
Build Points: -5
Years: 2
Random Events: Roll on the Apprenticeship Random
Event Table page 89 Skills: Astronomy (I, In, +2), Comms Operation (I, E,
+2), First Aid (I, E, +2), Geology (I, In, +1), Grav
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A,
E, +2)
Nemoan Ranger Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

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Life Paths: Any Skills: See Survey Corp Occupations

Build Points: - 4 Next Stage: Stage 4: Careers
Random Events: Roll on the OSX Random Event Life Paths: Any
Table page 94
Build Points: See Survey Corp Occupations
Random Events: Roll on the OSX Random Event
OSX Advanced Training
Now that you have had some training it is time to step
into a more active role. The choice that awaits you is
between the Scout Corps and the Survey Corps.
OSX Survey Corps Occupations
Scout Corps Skills: Biology (I, A, +4), K.E.W:Pistols (A, E, +2)
The Scout Corp are those individuals who like to fly out Build Points: -2
in to the unknown just to find out what is out there.
They tend to fly alone and have to endure solitude for
months on end. First Contact Specialist
Skills: Anthropology (I, A, +2), Diplomacy (I, A, +2),
OSX Scout K.E.W:Pistols (A, E, +1), Linguistics (I, In, +2)

Prerequisites: OSX Basic Training Build Points: -5

Years: 10
Qualities: Solitary Pilot

Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2), Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Repair:Spacecraft (I, In, +4), Spacecraft Operation (A, K.E.W.: Pistol (A,E, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
E, +9) Spacecraft Operation (A, E, +8)

Next Stage: - Stage 4: Careers Build Points: -0

Life Paths: Any

Build Points: 0 Technician

Random Events: Roll on the OSX Random Event Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W:Pistols (A, E, +2),
Table page 94 Repair: Comms (I, In, +2), Repair: Sensors (I, In, +2),
Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +2), Repair: Wave Drive (I,
In, +2)
Build Points: 0
Survey Corps
The Survey Corps is called in after a Scout has found a
system with terrestrial planets that needs surveying.
There is always a minimal of a four person team with Pilot Apprenticeship
additional members added if it is a habitable planet. The stars. How you always dreamed of flying among
them. You could have joined the military but you never
did like taking orders much so you chose to become an
OSX Survey Corps Member apprentice to get your hands on a ship sooner. As soon as
Prerequisites: OSX Basic Training you could you applied to the Republic Apprentice
Guild's pilot division.
Years: 10

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The RAG is a formal system that connects learners with Qualities: Brash
those who have the experience and time to teach. The
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
RAG also makes sure that neither the apprentice nor the
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
master are taken advantage of. The standard contract is
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
for two years after which it is the responsibility of the
Telepathy (M, In, +2)
master to give a RAG approved test to the apprentice.
On passing this test the apprentice becomes a Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
journeyman in his or her field.
Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Build Points: -3
Pilot Apprentice
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Years: 2 Table page 88
Skills: Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +2), Spacecraft
Operation (A, E, +4)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
The Nafta may be the fly boys but you still need those
Life Paths: Any except Pilot Apprenticeship who are specialized in more traditional forms of
combat. The Laona handle boarding actions, zero-g
Build Points: 0
EVA maneuvers and combat, ground combat and hand
Random Events: Roll on the Apprenticeship Random to hand combat.
Event Table page 89
Laona Recruit
Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan
Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training Imperium
The Imperial Military is one of the most renowned and Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
secretive military forces in the Republic. Only Reltoans sensory organs must be replaced.
are allowed into the service and only Reltoans who
Years: 4
grew up with in the borders of the Imperium.
Naftana Qualities: Impulsive
No other military force is more well trained nor more Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
proficient in space than the Reltoan Naftana. The First Aid (I, E, +2), Grav Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2),
Naftana formed the might of the Separatist fleet during K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2). K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
the Unification War 650 years ago and when the Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Reltoans changed sides thye determined the outcome of Street Fighting (A, E, +2), Telepathy (M, In, +2)
the war. The Naftana currently provide instructors for Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
some of the elite training of Republic Armed Forces
personnel. Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Build Points: -2
Naftana Recruit Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan Table
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Dyso
sensory organs must be replaced. It was recognized long ago by the Imperium that there
Years: 4 needed to a specialized branch of the military to help
those space travelers who became stranded or were
Abilities: other wise in need. This led to the creation of the Dyso.

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Whenever a ship is in trouble with in the jurisdiction of Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
the Imperium it is the Dyso that is dispatched to render
Life Paths: Any except Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic
Build Points: See Naftana Military Occupations
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Event Table page 97
Dyso Recruit
Prerequisites: Reltoan, Grew up in the Reltoan Naftana Military Occupations
Biological Scientist
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Years: 10
sensory organs must be replaced.
Qualities: Curiosity
Years: 4
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
Qualities: Dedicated: Help the Helpless (I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1),
Telepathy (M, In, +1)
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:
Pistols (A, E, +2), Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Build Points: -1
Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2), Telepathy (M, In, +2)
Naftana Crewman
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Years: 4
Life Paths: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Qualities: Brash
Build Points: -5
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Table page 88
Knowledge: Tactics (I, In, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Telepathy (M, In, +2)
Build Points: -3
Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty
Having survived basic training in RIF it is now time to Physical Scientist
risk your life in the service of the Imperium. Upon
beginning your tour of duty, or starting another tour of Years: 10
duty, you must remain in the same branch that you Qualities: Curiosity
previously served under at basic, the academy or during
a previous tour of duty. Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2), Telepathy
Naftana Solider (M, In, +1)
Prerequisites: Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training Build Points: -3
or Iimperial Military Academy, Reltoan and grew up in
the Reltoan Imperium and any missing limbs,
appendages or sensory organs must be replaced. Pilot
Years: See Naftana Military Occupations Years: 5
Qualities: See Naftana Military Occupations Qualities: Impulsive
Skills: See Naftana Military Occupations

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Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I, Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A,
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2), +2), Telepathy (M, In, +1)
Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5)
Build Points: -2
Build Points: -2

Infiltration Specialist
Tech Specialist
Years: 5
Years: 5
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
Skills: Telepathy (M, In, +1), Choose one: Aircraft (A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
Operation (A, E, +4) & Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), +2), Telepathy (M, In, +1)
Comms Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: Comm
Build Points: -2
System(I, In, +3), Electronic Warfare Systems
Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: Electronic Warfare
Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor (I, In, +2) & Repair:
Laona Grunt
Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +3) & Repair:
Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors Operation (I, E, +4) Years: 5
and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Build Points: -2
Qualities: Impulsive
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2).
Laona Solider K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2),
Prerequisites: Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training Telepathy (M, In, +2)
or Iimperial Military Academy, Reltoan and grew up in Build Points: -2
the Reltoan Imperium and any missing limbs,
appendages or sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: See Laona Military Occupations Weapon Specialist
Qualities: See Laona Military Occupations Years: 5
Skills: See Laona Military Occupations Qualities: Brash
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2),
Life Paths: Any except Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
Training K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Build Points: See Laona Military Occupations +2), Telepathy (M, In, +1)
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Build Points: -1
Event Table page 97
Dyso Solider
Prerequisites: Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training
Laona Military Occupations or Iimperial Military Academy, Reltoan and grew up in
the Reltoan Imperium and any missing limbs,
Demolitions Expert appendages or sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 5 Years: See Dvso Military Occupations
Qualities: Brash Qualities: See Dyso Military Occupations

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Skills: See Dyso Military Occupations Through your career in the R.I.F. You distinguished
yourself and one day an old fashioned envelope
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
appeared in your service locker. No identifying remarks
Life Paths: Any except Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic except your name and the Guard seal. Inside was an
Training invitation to join the Guard.
Build Points: See Dyso Military Occupations
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Event Table page 97

Dyso Military Occupations Reltoan Imperial Guardsmen

Entry Specialist
Prerequisites: Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of Duty,
Years: 5 Reltoan, grew up in the Reltoan Imperium
Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace
(I, A, +1), Empathy (M, In, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, Years: 10
In, +2)
Abilities: Mind +5
Build Points: +1
Qualities: Headaches: Medium
Skills: B.E.W.: Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistol (A, E,
Pilot +2), K.E.W.: SMG (A, E, +2), Mind Probe (M, In, +2),
Telepathy (M, In, +2)
Years: 5
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless
Life Paths: Any
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2),
Navigation (I, In, +2), Spacecraft operation (A, E, +2) Build Points: 1
Build Points: +1 Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Event Table page 97

Medical Specialist
Years: 10
Seril System Guard Basic Training
Skills: Empathy (M, In, +1), First Aid (I, E, +5),
Physician (I, A, +2), Surgery (I, A, +2) As with most major institutions within the Dominance of
Mer, choosing to go to enter the Seril System Guard is a
Build Points: +1 matter of religious conviction. Those who enter the SSG
have a desire to help defend the Dominance and believe
in and wish to protect the Mer. Along with up-to-date
instruction with and in the use of the latest technology
Reltoan Imperial Guard used to wage war those in the Seril System Guard learn
how to wield the ancient mectyl, the Quextil sword of
Only the most dedicated Reltoan can become an honor. Upon entering the SSG the recruit must choose
Imperial Guard. More than just an armed guard for the which branch of the Seril System Guard in which they
emperor and the imperial estates, this elite force wish to serve.
routinely embarks on high priority top-secret missions
for the good of the Imperium. Rumors abound about
assassinations, abductions, covert intelligence and more. Mer Zva
They are on the front lines of defending the Imperium's
interests and secrets The Star Fliers of Mer, the Mer Zva, take pride in the
fact that their wings are strong enough for them to fly in

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the vastness of the great black sky. For over 600 years Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
the Mer Zva has helped protect the systems of the
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty
Dominance and when needed aid the Galactic Armed
Forces. Build Points: 1
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Mer Zva Paladin Table page 88
Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
Mer Mer San
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Even though the Dominance is a deeply religious
sensory organs must be replaced. society they have also been one of the most medically
advanced races. Faith is for the soul they say, medicine
Years: 2
is for the body. It is also a prevalent tenant in their
Qualities: Religious Conviction beliefs that helping others is one of the greatest personal
sacrifices. It is this philosophy that guides those who
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
serve in the Mer San or space rescue service.
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +4), Sword
(A, E, +4)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Mer San Paladin
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
Build Points: 1
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event sensory organs must be replaced.
Table page 88
Years: 2
Qualities: Religious Conviction
Mer Pa
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Though descended from avians the Quextil are no
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2),
strangers to ground combat. Boarding ships fighting off
Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
boarding parties or performing landing and ground
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2)
assaults, the Mer Pa are very adept at warfare. Not only
has the Mer Pa proven itself in countless small battles Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
to defend the Dominance from pirates and malcontents
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty
but they were a major force in the end of the
Unification War 600 plus years ago. Build Points: -1
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Mer Pa Paladin Table page 88
Prerequisites: Quextil, Grew up in the Dominance of
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Seril System Guard Tour of Duty
sensory organs must be replaced.
You survived your time at the academy or in the System
Years: 2 Guard basic with your faith intact and are now ready to
continue your service to the Mer. Whatever branch of the
Qualities: Brash, Religious Conviction
service you chose during the academy, basic training or
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), during a previous tour of duty you must choose during
First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E, this tour of duty.
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2),
Sword (A, E, +2) Mer Zva Crusader

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Prerequisite: Seril Space Academy or Seril Sytem Pilot

Guard Basic, a Quextil
Years: 5
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Qualities: Impulsive
sensory organs must be replaced.
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +2), Astrogation (I,
Years: See Mer Zva Military occupations
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
Qualities: Curiosity Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5), Sword (A, E, +2)
Skills: See Mer Zva Military occupations Build Points: -1
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Life Paths: Any except Seril System Guard Basic Tech Specialist
Years: 5
Build Points: See Mer Zva Military occupations
Skills: Sword (A, E, +2), Choose one: Aircraft
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Operation (A, E, +4) & Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3),
Event Table page 97 Comms Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: Comm
System(I, In, +3), Electronic Warfare Systems
Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair: Electronic Warfare
Mer Zva Military Occupations Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor (I, In, +2) & Repair:
Biological Scientist Arms (I, In, +3), Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +3) &
Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors Operation (I,
Years: 10 E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Qualities: Curiosity Build Points: -2
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
(I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1), Sword
(A, E, +2) Mer Pa Crusader
Build Points: -1 Prerequisite: Seril Space Academy or Seril Sytem
Guard Basic, a Quextil
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Mer Zva Crewer
sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 5
Years: See Mer Pa Military occupations
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Qualities: Curiosity
K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Sword
(A, E, +2) Skills: See Mer Pa Military occupations
Build Points: 0 Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Life Paths: Any except Seril System Guard Basic
Physical Scientist
Build Points: See Mer Pa Military occupations
Years: 10
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Qualities: Curiosity
Event Table page 97
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I,
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2), Sword (A, Mer Pa Military Occupations
E, +2) Demolitions Expert
Build Points: -3 Years: 5

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Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A, Qualities: Curiosity

+2), Sword (A, E, +2)
Skills: See Mer San Military occupations
Build Points: -3
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Life Paths: Any except Seril System Guard Basic
Infiltration Specialist Training
Years: 5 Build Points: See Mer San Military occupations
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
(A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E, Event Table page 97
+2), Sword (A, E, +2)
Build Points: -2

Mer San Commando Mer San Military Occupations

Years: 5 Entry Specialist
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation Years: 5
(A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A,
E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2), Sword (A, E, +2) Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless:

Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2), Sword (A, E,
Life Paths: Seril System Guard Tour of Duty +2)
Build Points: -2 Build Points: -1

Weapon Specialist Pilot

Years: 5 Years: 5
Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2), Qualities: Brash
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2),
B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2), Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2),
K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E, Navigation (I, In, +2), Spacecraft operation (A, E, +2),
+2), Sword (A, E, +2) Sword (A, E, +2)

Build Points: -6 Build Points: +1

Medical Specialist
Mer San Crusader Years: 10
Prerequisite: Seril Space Academy or Seril Sytem Qualities: Curiosity
Guard Basic, a Quextil
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Surgery (I, A, +2), Sword (A, E, +2)
sensory organs must be replaced.
Build Points: -2
Years: See Mer San Military occupations

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Solar Alliance Militia Basic Training Solar Alliance Marine

The Solar Alliance may have a unique history and a Prerequisites: Grew up in the Solar Alliance
premature introduction into the Republic but this has
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
never caused their conviction or devotion to the
sensory organs must be replaced.
Republic to falter. The Solar Alliance Militia was found
on the shoulders of the finest military institutions that Years: 2
Earth had to offer. Even though it is only 200 years old
Qualities: Impulsive
the SAM has risen to be one of the prominent military
organizations in the Republic. Upon entering SAM a Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
recruit must choose which branch they will serve in. First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E,
+2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Persuasion (M, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street
Solar Alliance Navy Fighting (A, E, +2)
Drawing on an extensive history of naval warfare, the Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Solar Alliance Navy excels at fleet tactics. In the short
time of experience in the realm of three dimensional Life Paths: Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty
warfare, the SA Navy has managed to prove that they Build Points: 1
can handle themselves against more experienced and
bigger foes. The Navy also is home to the space rescue Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
services of the solar alliance and some of the most up to Table page 88
date research facilities in the Solar Alliance.

Solar Alliance Sailor Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty

Prerequisites: Grew up in the Solar Alliance Welcome to the second youngest fighting force in the
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Republic. Based on centuries long military traditions and
sensory organs must be replaced. excellence you are now ready to assume the mantel of
defender of Sol. Whatever branch of the service you
Years: 2 chose during the academy, basic training or during a
Qualities: Brash previous tour of duty you must choose during this tour of
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Persuasion (M, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Solar Alliance Naval Crew Person
Space Rider (I, E, +2), Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Prerequisites: S.A. Military Academy or S.A. Militia
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Basic Training, grew up in the S.A.
Life Paths: Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Build Points: -1
Years: See Solar Alliance Naval Military Occupations
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Table page 88 Qualities: See Solar Alliance Naval Military
Solar Alliance Marines Skills: See Solar Alliance Naval Military Occupations
The SA Marines are known for striking quick and hard. Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
While other forces may specialize in sieges, motorized Life Paths: Any except Solar Alliance Militia Basic
infantry or long range assault the SA Marines are Training
known for taking in as much firepower as possible and
annihilating the target in a minimum amount of time. Build Points: See Solar Alliance Naval Military
The SA Marines are also known for their rather Occupations
effective and harsh interrogation techniques.

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Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Rescue Op Entry Specialist
Event Table page 97
Years: 5
Qualities: Dedicated: Helping the Helpless:
Solar Alliance Naval Military
Occupations Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2)
Biological Scientist
Build Points: 1
Years: 10
Qualities: Curiosity
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming Years: 5
(I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1) Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2),
Build Points: +1 Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Solar Alliance Militia Tour of Duty
Build Points: 0
Medical Specialist
Years: 10
Tech Specialist
Qualities: Curiosity
Years: 5
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2),
Surgery (I, A, +2) Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) &
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E,
Build Points: 0 +4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair:
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor
Pilot (I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors
Years: 5
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Qualities: Impulsive
Build Points: 0
Skills: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +5), Astrogation (I,
In, +2), Astronomy (I, In, +2), Navigation (I, In, +2),
Spacecraft operation (A, E, +5) Solar Alliance Marine
Build Points: -2 Prerequisites: S.A. Military Academy or S.A. Militia
Basic Training, grew up in the S.A.
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
Physical Scientist sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 10 Years: See Solar Alliance Marine Military Occupations
Qualities: Curiosity Qualities: See Solar Alliance Marine Military
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Chemistry (I, Occupations
A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E, +3), Computer Skills: See Solar Alliance Marine Military Occupations
Programming (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 - Career
Build Points: -1
Life Paths: Any except Solar Alliance Militia Basic

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Build Points: See Solar Alliance Marine Military

Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Spiker
Event Table page 97
For some the digital world of information seems as
natural and as easy to see and interpret as the physical
world. Thee individuals typically become spikers. The
term refers to those with exceptional skills at
Solar Alliance Marine Military manipulating computers, information networks and the
Occupations data they contain. The term was originally used to refer
Demolitions Expert the act of illegally accessing a computer or information
system using a spike shunt. Now the term refers more
Years: 5 liberally to anyone with the appropriate skills.
Qualities: Brash
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A, Spiker
Prerequisite: Computer Literacy ≥ 5
Build Points: 0
Years: 4
Qualities: Curiosity
Skills: Computer Hacking (I, A, +2), Computer
Grunt Programming (I, In, +5)
Years: 5 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation Life Paths: Any
(A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A,
Build Points: -5
E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2)
Random Events: Roll on the Dangerous Job Random
Build Points: 1
Event Table page 92

Infiltration Specialist
Years: 5 Starship Mechanic
Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife You love starships. The freedom they bring. The
(A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E, technology they represent. Somewhere along your
+2) journey through life you decided that fixing those
Build Points: 0 magnificent machines was better than flying them. You
may have learned your skills as an apprentice or during
some other job or career. Now you may have your own
Weapon Specialist small starship repair garage or work for one of the big
multi-system companies.
Years: 5
Qualities: Brash Starship Mechanic
Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2), Prerequisite: Repair: Spacecraft ≥ 40
E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (I, E, +2),
B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2), Years: 5
K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E, Skills: Repair: Spacecraft (I, In, +3), Repair: Wave
+2) Drive (I, In, +2)
Build Points: 1 Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career

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Life Paths: Any Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or

sensory organs must be replaced.
Build Points: 0
Years: 2
Random Events: Roll on the Civilian Random Event
Table page 91 Skills: Compute Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Thrassian Defense Force Basic Training
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty
The Thrassian Defense Force, T-DeF, has been operating
for more than eight hundred years. Unlike most Build Points: 0
militaries the base unit is not just a team of individuals Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
who work together but these units are support groups Table page 88
and structures called mock clans. The individuals are
taught to live and die for the mock clan. It becomes their
family. They are to strive to better themselves and their Difyn Tyr
clan mates.
Quick, fast and deadly. This is the operational motto of
Also since Thrassis has been in the throes of an ice age the Difyn Tyr. With a history of close range combat in
for the better part of 10,000 years, The natives have caves and tunnels the combat support branch of the
formed an underground culture that rarely ventures on Thrassian Defense Force are masters of boarding
the frigid surface. Because of this the tactics of the actions and urban warfare. That being said they are not
Thrassian Defense Force centers around close quarters ineffectual on a traditional battlefield and striking
fighting. enemies at distances of hundreds of meters or
Upon entering the T-Def a recruit must decide which
branch of the surface the will serve.
Difyn Tyr Solider
Difyn Awr Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans
Like most space navies, the Diffyn Awr are responsible Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
for getting people and things where they need to go in sensory organs must be replaced.
the Thrassian Defense Force. But because of Thrassis's
Years: 2
unique environmental conditions Thrassis never had a
traditional wet navy in its history. This has influenced Qualities: Brash
their tactics. Unlike most navies the Diffyn Awr do not
specialize in ling range bombardment of the enemy. All Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
the ships of the line or relatively small and quick. They First Aid (I, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation (A, E,
get into thick of the fighting and inside the range of the +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
big guns as quick as they can. Then with the help of the Space Rider (I, E, +2), Street Fighting (A, E, +2)
other branches of the T-DeF execute lightning Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty
The Difyn Awr is also home to one of the premiere
research facilities. Build Points: 1
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
Table page 88

Difyn Awr Solider

Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans and
any missing limbs, appendages or sensory organs must According to the historical records it seems that the
be replaced. Thrassians were the first race to develop an individual
branch exclusively devoted to search and rescue in the

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deep of space. Practiced, professional and exceptional Life Paths: Any except Thrassian Defense Force Basic
the Kymoth are the pinnacle to witch the other military Training
branches aspire.
Build Points: See Difyn Awr Military Occupations
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Event Table page 97
Kymoth Solider
Prerequisites: Grew up in the Parliament of Clans Difyn Awr Military Occupations
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Biological Scientist
sensory organs must be replaced.
Years: 10
Years: 2
Qualities: Curiosity
Qualities: Dedication: Helping the Helpless
Skills: Biology (I, A, +1), Chemistry (I, A, +1),
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2), Computer Literacy (I, E, +5), Computer Programming
First Aid (I, E, +2), K.E.W.: Pistols (A, E, +2), (I, In, +2), Engineering: Biomedical (I, A, +1)
Security Systems (I, E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2),
Build Points: 1
Space Suit Operation (A, E, +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Difyn Awr Crewer
Life Paths: Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty
Years: 5
Build Points: 1
Skills: Compute Literacy (I, E, +2), Dodge (A, E, +2),
Random Events: Roll on the Academy Random Event
K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A, E, +2),
Table page 88
Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Build Points: 0

Thrassian Defense Force Tour of Duty

Physical Scientist
Well here you stand on your new uniform waiting to
begin your tour with T-Def. You either survived basic Years: 10
training or the pressures of the academy or even a Qualities: Curiosity
previous tour with T-Def. Upon beginning this tour of
duty you must remain in the same branch of service you Skills: Chemistry (I, A, +1), Computer Literacy (I, E,
were in during the academy, basic or a previous tour. +2), Computer Programming (I, In, +3), Applied
Mathematics (I, In, +2), Physics (I, A, +2)

Difyn Awr Mor Build Points: -2

Prerequisite: Thrassian Defense Force Academy or

Thrassian Defense Force Basic Training, grew up in the Pilot
Parliament of Clans
Years: 5
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced. Qualities: Brash

Years: See Difyn Awr Military Occupations Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Comms Operation (I, E, +2), Navigation (I, In, +1),
Qualities: See Difyn Awr Military Occupations Sensors Operation (I, E, +2), Spacecraft operation (A,
Skills: See Difyn Awr Military Occupations E, +5)

Next Stage: Stage 4 Career Build Points: 0

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Tech Specialist Skills: Conceal (I, E, +2), Disguise (I, E, +2), Knife
(A, E, +2), Security Systems (I, E, +2), Stealth (A, E,
Years: 5
Skills: Choose one: Aircraft Operation (A, E, +4) &
Build Points: 0
Repair: Aircraft (I, In, +3), Comms Operation (I, E,
+4) & Repair: Comm System(I, In, +3), Electronic
Warfare Systems Operation (I, E, +4) & Repair:
Electronic Warfare Systems (I, In, +3), Repair: Armor
(I, In, +2) & Repair: Arms (I, I +3), Repair: Spacecraft Years: 5
(I, In, +3) & Repair: Wave Drive (I, In, +2) or Sensors
Qualities: Brash
Operation (I, E, +4) and Repair Sensors (I, In, +3)
Skills: Dodge (A, E, +2), Ground Vehicle Operation
Build Points: 0
(A, E, +2), K.E.W.:Pistol (A, E, +2), K.E.W.:SMG (A,
E, +2), Space Rider (I, E, +2)
Build Points: 0
Difyn Tyr Morlo
Prerequisites: Thrassian Defense Force Academy or Weapons Specialist
Thrassian Defense Force Basic Training, grew up in the
Parliament of Clans Years: 5
Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or Qualities: Brash
sensory organs must be replaced. Skills: E.W.: Grenade Launcher (A, E, +2),
Years: See Difyn Tyr Military Occupations E.W.:Rockets (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2),
B.E.W:Pistol (A, E, +2), B.E.W.:Rifles (I, E, +2),
Qualities: See Difyn Tyr Military Occupations K.E.W.:Mounted (A, E, +2), K.E.W.: Shotgun (A, E,
Skills: See Difyn Tyr Military Occupations +2)
Next Stage: Stage 4 Career Build Points: 1
Life Paths: Any except Thrassian Defense Force Basic
Build Points: See Difyn Tyr Military Occupations Kymoth Achyb
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random Prerequisites: Thrassian Defense Force Academy or
Event Table page 97 Thrassian Defense Force Basic Training, grew up in the
Parliament of Clans
Difyn Tyr Military Occupations Requirements: Any missing limbs, appendages or
sensory organs must be replaced.
Demolitions Expert
Years: See Kymoth Military Occupations
Years: 5
Qualities: See Kymoth Military Occupations
Qualities: Brash
Skills: See Kymoth Military Occupations
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineer: Combat (I, A,
+2) Next Stage: Stage 4 Career
Build Points: 0 Life Paths: Any except Thrassian Defense Force Basic
Build Points: See Kymoth Military Occupations
Infiltration Specialist
Random Events: Roll on the Tour of Duty Random
Years: 5 Event Table page 97

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Kymoth Military Occupations Skills: See Courses of Study below

Entry Specialist Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career
Years: 5 Life Paths: Any but if Trade School is chosen then a
different course of study from any previous Trade
Qualities: Dedicated: Saving Lives School course of study must be taken.
Skills: Demolitions (I, E, +5), Engineering: Aerospace Build Points: 0
(I, A, +1), Repair Spacecraft (I, In, +2)
Random Events: Roll on the School Random Event
Build Points: 1 Table page 96

Medical Specialist Courses of Study

Years: 10 Commercial Star Pilot
Qualities: Dedicated: Saving Lives Years: 5
Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Physician (I, A, +2), Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Surgery (I, A, +2) Navigation (I, In, +1), Starship Operation (A, E, +4)
Build Points: 0
Comms Technician
Pilot Years: 2
Years: 5 Skills: Comms Operation (I, E, +2), Repair: Comm
Systems (I, In, +4)
Qualities: Brash
Skills: Astrogation (I, In, +1), Astronomy (I, In, +1),
Comms Operation (I, E, +2), Navigation (I, In, +1), Computer Technician
Sensors Operation (I, E, +2), Spacecraft operation (A,
Years: 2
E, +5)
Skills: Computer Literacy (I, E, +2), Computer
Build Points: 0
Programming (I, In, +4)

Medical Technician
Trade School
Years: 2
For some the military and traditional college are not the
road they choose to take. They are more hands on and Skills: First Aid (I, E, +5), Biology (I, A, +1)
desire careers of service instead of long hours of study.
For them there are the numerous trade schools. Typically
2 to 5 years programs that give their students hands on Sensor Technician
experience in real world applications. Upon enter a trade Years: 2
school a student must decide which field of study they
are going to pursue. Anyone may go to trade school even Skills: Sensor Operation (I, E, +2), Repair: Sensors (I,
if they have already been through a program at another In, +4)
school. However for those who receive training at one of
these institutions more than once they may never take
the same course of study twice. Starship Mechanic
Years: 2
Trade School Graduate Skills: Repair: Starship (I, In, +3), Repair: Wave Drive
Years: See Courses of Study below (I, In, +2)

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Courses of Study
Vehicle Mechanic Biological Sciences
Years: 2 Years: 10
Skills: Choose one pair: [Aircraft Operation (A, E, +2) Skills: Choose one: Biology (I, A, +5) or
& Repair: Aircraft (I, I +4), Grav Vehicle Operation (I, Anthropology (I, A, +5)
E, +2) & Repair: Grav Vehicle (I, In, +4), Ground
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2) & Repair: Ground Build Points: -5
Vehicle (I, In, +4), Pressure Vehicle Operation (A, E,
+2) & Repair: Pressure Vehicle (I, In, +4), Tracked
Vehicle Operation (A, E, +2) & Repair: Tracked Engineering
Vehicle (I, In, +4) or Water Craft Operation (A, E, +2) Years: 10
& Repair: Water Craft (I, In, +4)]
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Choose one:
Engineering: Aerospace (I, A, +4), Engineering:
Biomedical (I, A, +4), Engineering: Chemical (I, A,
+4), Engineering: Civil (I, A, +4), Engineering:
Combat (I, A, +4), Engineering: Computer (I, A, +4),
Even in this age of high technology and superluminal Engineering: Electrical (I, A, +4) or Engineering:
travel still less than 50% of the population attend a Mechanical (I, A, +4)
university. For those who higher education is the right
Build Points: -2
choice, they find that university is a challenging and
rewarding experience. Most courses of study at a
university in this era require extensive study and at least
a decade of invested time. The degree achieved is
equivalent to the old Earth designation of a Doctor of Years: 10
Philosophy. Each time a student attends a university they
must choose a course of study that they have not taken Qualities: Dedicated: Healing the Sick
before. Skills: First Aid (I, E, +10), choose one: Physician (I,
A, +4) or Surgery (I, A, +4)
Build Points: -5

University Graduate
Years: See Courses of Study below Political Science
Qualities: See Courses of Study below Years: 4:
Skills: See Courses of Study below Skills: Diplomacy (I, A, +5), Persuasion (M, E, +5)
Next Stage: Stage 4 – Career Build Points: 0
Life Paths: Any but if University is chosen then a
different course of study from any previous University Physical Sciences
course of study must be taken.
Years: 10
Build Points: See Courses of Study below
Skills: Applied Mathematics (I, In, +2), Choose one
Random Events: Roll on the School Random Event Astronomy (I, In, +4) & Physics (I, A, +2), Chemistry
Table page 96 (I, A, +4), Geology (I, In, +4) & Physics (I, A, +2),
Physics (I, A, +4)
Build Points: -2

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Random Event Tables

Stage 2 Tables

Stage 2 – Core Government Random Event Table

Roll 1d10 Result
Eclipse Syndicate Retribution: Whatever your parents were into it brought the Syndicate down on
1 them and a whole city block. You barely survived.
(Revenge, Wealthy -4, choose one: Missing Hand or Missing Foot)
Gangs. You fell in with one of the many gangs the run rampant in the core.
(Greedy, Impulsive, Wealthy -1)
Growing up in one of the premier industrial families your education was wide and varied.
(Skillful 2, Wealthy +5)
You had a perfectly normal childhood.
(Wealthy +5)
8 Roll on the table for your specific Core government
You grew up working in your parents' shop. It was a hard life but uneventful
(Wealthy +5, Skillful 1)
You have never had to work. Your family has a considerable fortune that took centuries to build.
(Enemy 1, Wealthy +7)

Core Government Table – Council of Elders

Roll 1d10 Result

Hunted: Your mother worked for one of the prominent psionic families. She found something out
that forced your family under the grid. (Secretive, Wealthy +5)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
10 You are part of one of the powerful psionic families. (Psionicist, Welathy 2)

Core Government Table – Dominance of Mer

Roll 1d10 Result

Hunted: Your Father claimed to know the secret of the moons. Forced under the grid and running
form the authorities your life was one of secrecy and mistrust. (Secretive, Wealthy -1)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
As one of the lucky few you went from the orphanage to the austere halls of the Mer Ty. (Loyalty,
Religious Conviction, Wealthy +6)

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Core Government Table – Hegemony of Nel

Roll 1d10 Result

The destruction of Jumal was not just an act of war! Digging around the data nets you uncovered the
truth. (Curiosity, Secretive, Wealthy +5)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
For some reason the retrovirus drugs didn't help cure your hemophilia as a child. As such you
require regular injections of clotting factor. (Hemophilia, Wealthy +5)

Core Government Table – Lilanite Federation

Roll 1d10 Result

Lilanite only. If not a lilanite then re-roll: The transfer to you final body had unforeseen
complications. (Compulsive, Obsessive, Wealthy -2)
Lost it all: Due to bad advice and bad decisions your parents lost their wealth and business. (Wealthy
-4, Skillful 1)
3-8 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Growing up in the Lilanite Federation gave you access to advanced medical techniques. Some with
9 benefits far beyond what was expected.
(Greater Reflexes, Wealthy +5)
Lilanite only! If not a lilanite then re-roll: Your final form had some unforeseen advantages. (Double
Jointed, Greater Reflexes, Wealthy1)

Core Government Table – Parliament of Clans

Roll 1d10 Result

Was it a misunderstanding or intentional? Regardless murder of a clan official caries a heavy price.
1 Some how you managed to escaped your imprisonment. You have been exiled from your clan. (You
have no clan name, Enemy 3, Secretive, Wealthy -2)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
10 Showing exceptional psionic ability you join the Grüs Toa. (Psionicist, Wealthy1)

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Core Government Table – Reltoan Imperium

Roll 1d10 Result

You know the secret that most Reltoans hold dear. However one night after too much to drink you
began to tell a story of the lost race to some non-Reltoan friends of yours. Now you are being chased
by mysterious agents who seem to want to do more than question you (Enemy 3, Secretive, Wealthy
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Growing up as a member of the Reltoan royalty meant that all those around you looked up to you
10 and adored you. But a life of ease also had it's detrimental effects. (Addiction, Charming, Wealthy

Core Government Table – Solar Alliance

Roll 1d10 Result

When your mother still worked for Open Mind Limited she discovered one of their deepest held
1 secrets; Open Mind created Wright's disease! Your family has been on the run since. Shortly before
your mother's death she entrusted you with this secret. (Enemy 3, Secretive, Wealthy -2)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Your lineage can be traced back 200 years to Marissa Zol, the developer of the human grav drive. As
such your family is on of the Solar Alliance's elite. (Wealthy +8)

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Menkath Random Event Table

Roll 1d10 Result
They took you from your parents and forced you to do things beyond your limits. You hate them You
thought daily about revenge. When the day came you made sure you were in the hanger on a
fictitious assignment. The shuttle came in, the explosion went off and you took the shuttle and
escaped. (AWOL: May choose any path except Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training, Reltoan
Imperial Forces Tour of Duty or Reltoan Imperial Guard, Enemy 4, Wealthy -1, Wanted: Reltoan
Imperium 4)
The Menkath was your family; your father and mother. So when the opportunity came up for some
special training you took it. The training was intense and the drugs were worse. One day in the
2 training hall you mind turn on with a pop. Suddenly all the stuff in the room was flying about and
you could hear everyone's thoughts. Then blinding pain followed by weeks in the infirmary.
(Headaches: Migraine, Mind -5, Poor)
The screams. You all talked about them in hushed voices. The quiet screams that seamed to come
from the walls as you slept. One night, while in your early twenties, you woke during the middle of
the night to find your roommate Padios gone. Concerned you dressed and went looking for him. The
screams led you to what you thought was an unused basement. Inside you found Padios and others
hooked up to some kind of machine. Electrodes on their skulls were arcing with some kind of energy.
You called out Padios' name but he was unresponsive. You ran. You ran far away. ( AWOL: May
choose any path except Reltoan Imperial Forces Basic Training, Reltoan Imperial Forces Tour of
Duty or Reltoan Imperial Guard, Enemy 4, Wealthy -1, Regret, Wanted: Reltoan Imperium 4)
At first you missed your parents but the Instructors at the Menkath were always nice and caring. The
4–7 students were in the same situation as you so camaraderie came easy. At the end of your 25 years you
had learned a lot and were eager to see the world out side the halls of the Menkath. (Skillful 1)
Gifted. That is what they always called you. You have been in the Menkath since your birth so these
8 walls are your home and these people are your family. You have excelled in all of your studies
especially your psionnics skills tests. (Talented: Psionics)
You had raw talent but always had to work on the finesse. You always had the power to perform well
9 once you learned a particular psionic skill but you still had the same difficulty in learning new
psionic skills as your fellow students. (Mind +5)
You psionic talent was unprecedented. You were always the top of the students and even performed
10 better than some of the instructors. You were given special training to make sure that your talents
were exercised to their fullest. (Mind +5, Talented: Psionics)

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Iulyantia Random Event Table

Roll 1d10 Result
You are a non-believer and a renegade. Finally your chance to escape came. You struck quickly
trying to take the small space craft and knocked out everyone around. But as you were about to board
the craft and take off for freedom you felt your body fly backwards out of your control.
(Headaches:Medium, Wealthy -3, Prison: add 5 years, Ruined Limb: Leg)
Your psionic ability always seemed to weaker than your fellow Iulynti and Elders. Desperate to
become “normal” or better you began experimenting with a drug called Nova. At first there seemed
to be no difference except a slight sense of euphoria. Then the world exploded into thought and
sound. The next thing you remember is a padded room, restraints and a team of medical and legal
professionals informing you that after taking the drug you went on a mindless rage and started killing
your fellow Iulynti. (Mind -5, Prison: add 5 years, Wealthy -3, Regret)
As part of Iulyntia training all students are taught to defend themselves barehanded and with the
traditional Quextil longsword. Being evenly matched in sword skill,you and you're friend Karlisa
3 decided to practice late one night by sparing against one another. A split second lapse was all it took
for Karlisa to land a strike. The pain was intense. Karlisa's scream and pleading apologies rang in
your ear. (Missing Hand, Wealthy -2)
Your time at the Iul was full of challenges and trials that helped to make you who you are today.
(Wealthy -2)
You were at the top of your class in psionic skills. Learning new psionic skills just came very
8 naturally to you and it took you less time to become proficient than most students. (Wealthy -2,
Talented: Psionics)
The raw power of your psionic ability was near that of an Elder. While you still took time to learn
new skills, once you mastered them no one could best you. (Mind +5, Wealthy -1)
Your psionic talent was unprecedented. Even the elders took notice of you at a very young age. In
10 addition to the normal studies the Elders themselves made sure to give you additional training so that
you would be able to handle the power of your talent. (Mind +5, Wealthy -1, Talented: Psionics)

Fringe World Random Event Table

Roll 1d10 Results
Bad accident. No one ever said life in the Fringe was easy. Even normal, daily or mundane activities
can have horrible consequences. (Wealthy -4, Choose Missing Arm or Missing Leg)
Raiders attacked and in a valiant effort to defend others your parents were killed. (Revenge, Wealthy
Your mother died in child birth and your father was some anonymous donor. Those around you care
of you, fed you and educated you. (Wealthy -1)
4-7 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
8 Roll on the table for your specific Fringe world type.
You lost your parents when you were still very young. To compensate those around you took an
9 interest in your well being and education. (Wealthy +5, Choose One: Talented: Drive , Talented: Fast
Talker , Talented: Gunslinger , or Talented: Repair)
You never knew your father but that was okay because you had your mom. She made sure you never
wanted for anything. (Wealthy +6)

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Fringe World Table – Abandon World

Roll 1d10 Result
Sickness. An unknown illness haunted most of your childhood. As puberty set in the illness seemed
1 to go away but it did leave its mark.
(Wealthy -4, choose one: Lesser Senses: Hearing 2 or Lesser Senses: Vision 2)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Struck it rich! Your family finds a large vein of a valuable mineral barely beneath the surface.. With
10 left over equipment and a space ship held together with tape and wire you were able to reach another
world and trade it in for material wealth. (Wealthy +8)

Fringe World Table – Agriculture Colony

Roll 1d10 Result
Harvesting Accident. While in the field bringing in the harvest the automated harvester
1 malfunctioned and put your mother in danger. Heroically you saved your mother but not without
damage to yourself. (Fearless 2, Wealthy +5, Choose one: Missing Arm or Missing Leg)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Your Mother developed a new form of grain that grows quickly in almost any climate and requires
very little water. It is the new wonder crop. (Wealthy +8)

Fringe World Table – Frontier World

Roll 1d10 Result
During one particularly nasty winter and epidemic broke out. Your family was one desperately
rushed from village to village and town to town delivering what help you could. Many were saved
but many more were lost. You will always have a personal memento of that dreadful winter.
(Dedicated: Helping the Helpless, Wealthy -1, Choose one: Missing Hand or Missing Foot)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Wonder kid is what they call you. No matter the piece of technology, computers to starships, you
10 had a knack for understanding it. You used this knack to help keep you family well fed.
(Wealthy +7, Choose One: Talented: Computers, Talented: Pilot or Talented:Repair)

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Fringe World Table – Manufacturing Colony

Roll 1d10 Result
Your parents worked in system on their own ship as ore prospectors. When they found a
particularly rich source their ship was claim jumped. The hull was breached and the ship began
loosing precious air. Working quickly you managed to get your unconscious parents into a secure
hold and in their suits. You also managed to get the ship moving and activate the emergency
beacon. Unfortunately you did not get your suit on in time.
(Attention Deficit Disorder, Headaches: Migraine, Wealthy -1)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Your parents were in system ore prospectors. The only got a small percentage of any find but that
big find two years ago meant they could retire. (Wealthy +8)

Fringe World Table – Research Station

Roll 1d10 Result
All you remember is being shoved in a small escape craft by your parents and the screaming. The
blood curdling screaming. Your parents hurriedly told you they loved you and to go far away and to
1 keep the data wafer they gave you safe. Tears and screams then weeks of silence in the small craft
while you drifted to safety.
(Regret, Wealthy -2, Secretive: Parent's Research)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
You were unusually interested in your parents research and all the things that went on at the
10 research station. Being barred from certain areas never seemed to stop you from sated your
curiosity. (Curiosity, Stealth, Wealthy +5)

Fringe World Table – Ship Born

Roll 1d10 Result

No one knows who they were. They were not one of the known races. Their attack was swift and
brutal. You tried to defend your home but failed. Your ship, your home is gone. So are your parents
and best friend. It was you and a dozen survivors who floated in a small craft for weeks until you
reached safety. (Revenge, Wealthy -3, Choose One: Missing Foot or Missing Hand)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
So many places you saw. So many people and races you met as your home, your ship traveled from
system to system trading. Mother was the one of the flight offices and father was the head engineer
so you never wanted for education or excitement and your adventures taught you to be quick.
(Agility +5, Skillful 1, Wealthy +5)

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Fringe World Table – Station Born

Roll 1d10 Result

Your parents fell on hard times and could no longer pay their bills. After being evicted from your
berth on the station your family drifted to the under belly with the homeless. Then one day some
strangers came along looking to make an offer to struggling parents. 50,000 syntul for each child.
1 Your mom and dad seemed to have no other choice. The strangers were slavers looking for new
product. Eventually you managed to escape your captors and back to civilization. It only cost the
use of one of your limbs.
(Revenge, Wealthy -3, Choose One: Ruined Limb: Arm or Ruined Limb: Leg)
2-9 You had a perfectly normal childhood. (Wealthy +5)
Your were never sure what mom and dad did but they ran some sort of shop. You were never
allowed in and from what you saw the place was loud, dark and full beings who must have forgot
their clothes at home. Whatever your parents did they made sure that you never wanted for
anything. (Wealthy +7)

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Stage 3 and 4 Tables

Academy Random Event Table


Will your luck ever change? During a routine training mission a loud bang echoed through the ship.
Over the sound of hissing air there was a mad dash to seal off the bulk heads and get into space suits.
Through the carnage and confusion you realized some of your fellow cadets were missing. You made a
daring rescue and got the missing cadets on the safe side of the bulk head but not all of you made it.
(Missing Leg, Choose One: Cloned Limb, Cybernetic Limb or Honorable Discharge: may choose any
node from the next Stage.)
During your time at the academy you saw no harm in padding you pockets with a little extra currency.
At first it was just contraband for students. Then some new friends wanted you to get some things off
base. The shipments went smoothly and your academy career was going well. Then the news of a major
bank heist on Quisset. You tried to get out before anyone could put two and two together. Unfortunately
at your trial you discovered you had been under investigation for months. (Dishonorable Discharge:
May not choose military service nodes in the next stage, Prison: add 10 years, Wealthy -2)
A month away from graduation, There was a hostage situation in the cafeteria. One of your friends had
his left arm around the Dean of Students neck and the pistol in his right hand pressed against the Dean's
temple. You tried to talk him down but as you reached out for the gun he snapped and shot you in the
left shoulder. Then the snipers outside shot him in the head. In the medical ward the Commandant of the
Academy thanked you for your help and his condolences for the loss of your friend. (Regret, Ruined
Limb: Left Arm)
4-7 Your time at the academy was rewarding and fruitful. (Skillful 1)
You were an exemplary cadet. The faculty at the academy put you in accelerated programs and made
sure your skills were nurtured to their fullest. Unlike the other cadets you actually were given the
chance to meet and work with high ranking officers and officials in the Federation. (Influence: Military
2, Choose One: Agility +5 or Intelligence +5)
In some areas of your education you just seemed to have a knack for. You could spend the minimal
amount of time studying and still make top marks. The faculty took notice and made sure you were
offered opportunities to keep you interested and active. (Choose One: Talented: Computers, Talented:
Medical, Talented: Pilot or Talented: Repair)
During your time at the academy you discovered you seemed to excel at the academic subjects and had
10 no problem picking up new things. Your instructors picked up your ability and made sure you were
always challenged. (Intelligence +5, Skillful 2)

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Apprenticeship Random Event Table

You noticed that if you were careful you could cover inventory shortfalls and no one would notice
anything was missing. Then with only weeks left in your apprenticeship several detectives and an irate
look on your master's face greeted you as you began work. The cuffs were cold, the trial was short.
(Greedy, Influence: Black Market 2, Wealthy -4, Prison: Add 10 years)
Apprenticeships are about long hours and hard work as one learns their craft. Noticing how tired you
were one day, a fellow apprentice gave you a vial of DarkSide. The vial had five sticks in it. The
2 apprentice said for a quick pick me up just put the osmosis barrier end of one of the sticks under the base
of your tongue. The more sticks you use the more bliss you get. Only the first vial was free.
(Addiction: DarkSide)
You apprenticed for your father. During the end of your apprenticeship you were helping your father
close up when some darkly dressed kids entered the shop ignoring the closed sign. The lead one shot
your father in the right shoulder. Enraged you leaped at the one with the gun knocking him to the ground.
When the struggle ended you were laying on the floor badly beaten, you father was alive but barely and
the thugs made off with you days profits.
(Lesser Senses: Hearing 2, Ruined Limb: Left Hand)
Your time as an apprentice went by quickly.
(Wealthy +1, Choose one: Charming, Common Sense, or Skillful 1)
You apprenticed for your father. During the end of your apprenticeship you were helping your father
close up when some darkly dressed kids entered the shop ignoring the closed sign. The lead one shot
your father in the right shoulder. With a skill you never knew you had, you manage to take down and
apprehend all three of them. You not only completed your apprenticeship successfully but manage to
take down a gang of kids who were harassing store owners and save you father.
(Influence: Business Community 2, Wealthy +2)
You noticed that if you were careful you could cover inventory shortfalls and no one would notice
anything was missing. Eventually some new friends began placing orders with wide profit margins. You
9 knew they were working in the black market but you didn't care. It all came down to your account
(Greedy, Influence: Black Market 2, Wealthy +2)
During the end of you apprenticeship, you and your Master took a trip from Hell's Gate to Freedom
Station. Six hours into the trip your transport's wave drive disengaged. The sudden jarring stop seemed
10 to have incapacitated the pilot, copilot and your master. It took days to figure out where you were and to
set a course on your own. Ten days after you were scheduled to dock at Freedom Station you arrived.
(Skillful 2)

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ArchX Random Event Table

The sky fell down on you. You were part of an ArchX team on some remote planet examining the ruins of
some long dead civilization. In the underground tunnels that ran beneath the whole city, a series of booms
sounded. With a crushed leg and most of your crew dead you waited in the darkness for days hoping the
end would come quick. The end never came but a rescue team did. (Health -5, Ruined Limb: Right Leg)
OSX-SS0178D was a well known dig site used as a training site for new ArchX teams. As you luck
would have it you and your green team were in the relatively unexplored southern polar regions just
2 where a group of grave robbers had decided to setup camp. The ensuing conflict was quick. They tied all
of you up deep in the ruins without food, water or a means of communication. Half of you team perished
from wounds suffered during the fight with the grave robbers. (Phobia: Claustrophobia, Regret)
There has always been a market for rare antiques. It just so happened that you were in a position to get
your hands on some of those very rare antiques. At first you just collected them from dig sites and forgot
to write them down on the inventory list. Unfortunately your overconfidence was your downfall. The
trial was swift but the prison time was not. (Prison: add 5 years, Greedy, Influence: Black Market 2)
4-7 Your time at ArchX was fairly uneventful. (Wealthy +2)
You remember it singing to you. After your team uncovered the strange artifact you kept it in your office
as you went through the cataloging process. At first you thought maybe you had damaged your hearing
but the doctor said you were fine. Slowly you realized that the soft mewling noise was coming from the
artifact. It was singing to you. For weeks it sat there signing only for you. Now you have noticed a
strange increase in your ability to grasp new concepts and that you no longer need the singing to focus.
(Intelligence +5)
They left you! Alone in the dark, falling cave. You grouped in the dark. Crawling and waiting for the
darkness to take you. Then you spotted a light up ahead. The light was coming from very old barrels
leaking some strange glowing, blue fluid. The fluid seemed to be alive. The separate pools began to
merge and come towards you. As you moved so did the fluid. You remember a cool sensation as you
watched the fluid covered your hand and then begin to sink into your flesh. You walked out of the
caverns. It's been months and you still feel stronger; better. (Stamina +1, Strength +5)
On OSX-SS0286B you found a door amidst the ruins in a crumbling wall that seemed to defy the
elements with its shiny exterior. Intrigued you opened the door and entered the dark room beyond. After
following a short, dark hallway you came to a room that was glowing softly on the inside. Inside
10 silhouetted by glowing data outputs was a strange alien form. It wheezed and gasped and slouched as if
near death. Before you could say anything the alien turned quickly and its hand was at your throat.
Waking up in the mobile medical unit and everyone was talking and yelling. You shouted for quiet but the
nurse looked oddly at you and said no one was talking. (Mind +5, Psionicist)

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Civilian Random Event Table

You got behind in your bills. Acrued some debt but you could not let your family know. To keep from
loosing everything you went to a high risk currency lender, loan shark. What you didn't know was that
1 this particular woman worked for the Eclipse Syndicate. So now with a debt three times higher than it
was you are on the run and have lost everything and everyone.
(Enemy 3, Wealthy -2, Secretive: Large debt owed to the Eclipse Syndicate)
Job to job, place to place, this has been your life. It was just one more trip. Alarms started going off.
Something was wrong in engineering. With your help disaster was avoided. Later in its gratitude the
company made sure your hand was reattached. Of course you still had trouble finding work after that.
(Ruined Limb: Hand, Wealthy -2)
You spent money as it came in. You paid your bills and kept you debt under control if not paid off but
3 when ever you had extra currency you spent it at your whim. Now you find that you have no savings and
after paying off your debts you have very little money to spend. (Wealthy -1)
Civilian life may not be filled with excitement but at least you can make a living without loosing your
life. (Wealthy +1)
Dilligence in paying your bills and paying off any debts you accrued helped to bolster you savings. It also
didn't hurt that being good at your meant you recieved several bonuses. (Wealthy +1)
Accounting error? You stared at the statement in disbelief for days. You waited weeks for the error to be
corrected or for a call or a knock to inform you that there had been a mistake. Months went by and they
never took the money out of your account. No one came to claim it. THe bank acted as if it was perfectl
legitimate. To test the situation you withdrew a small percentage of the sum and bought some frivalous
luxuries. No one demanded you return the money. Finally you gave in, cashed out your account, left our
job and moved. Now you worry less and spend more. (Wealthy +3)
She was unassuming and easy going and just made your day. You met her on your trip to the Reltoan
Imperial city or Arquena. Afterwoods you kept in contact through video, voice and text. Then one day a
10 ticket for an all expense paid trip back to Arquena showed up. You went and waited but she never showed
instead you recieved a package in her place. Inside you found a debit wafer worth hundreds of thousands
ad a note that said if you ever needed help to give her a call. (Ally: Republic Senator 2, Wealthy +3)

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Dangerous Job Random Event Table

Roll Result
Wrong place wrong time. Story of your life. You had just found a nice warm sleep and then the noise
and light and screaming. After the bodies stopped falling you found a bag full of cash. Thinking your
1 luck had changed, you grabbed the bag and ran. Right into the cops. Trial, imprisonment and rumors
that someone wants to make sure you do not talk.
(Add 5 years, Enemy 4, Wealthy -4)
It was gonna be a sweet find and a sweet take. This real slick suit paid you 100k syntuls up front and
500k after a blind drop on Hell's Gate. All you had to do was to break into a dark server somewhere in
2 the Solar Alliance data sphere. When you were about to nab the data, an alarm went off. The feed back
in your headset was awful and your brain felt as if it might melt.
(Intelligence -5, Headaches: Medium)
Usually you kept to your own business. However when you saw a group of thugs terrorizing a woman
and her two children you couldn't help yourself. You got the attention of the thugs and in the give and
take of the ensuing brawl the woman and child got away. When you awoke you were assaulted by the
smell of antiseptic and heard the common noises of a hospital. The woman you saved found the police
and brought them back to help you.
(Influence: Fringe Society 1, Lesser Senses: Hearing 2, Ruined Limb: Right Foot)
Going from place to place and job to job you managed to make some semblance of a life.
(Wealthy -1)
Bags of money do not drop into peoples laps. That just doesn't happen. At least that was what you
thought. You woke to gun fire, shouts and screams. When it was over, you peaked you head into the
ruined hall and found the bodies of cops and thugs. It seemed there were no survivors. Laying in the
middle of the mess were two bags full of currency. The growl in your belly gave you the courage you
needed. Days later you were parsecs away.
(Wealthy +1)
Somehow you found yourself on Hell's Gate Station. After accidentally eavesdropping you knew about
a small slaver group that was operating on station. On your way back to the small room you had rented
9 you were jumped from behind. They warned you that they did not tolerate snoops. Call it luck or skill
but even though three on one were tough odds, you managed to take them all out.
(Agility +5)
It was a lost debit wafer worth thousands of syntuls. You debated for hours what to do with it.
Ultimately you decided to turn in the debit wafer. Weeks later there was a knock on the door to your run
down hovel. Standing there was a well dressed woman who asked if you had returned a debit wafer to
the authorities several weeks ago. Her gratitude came in the form of an unassigned debit wafer worth
(Wealthy +5)

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Eclipse Syndicate Random Event Table

No one ever said that working for the Syndicate was easy. But they never said they would just leave you
to bleed out after an op went bad. The local authorities and the Republic Investigative Service found you
and nursed you back to health. You decided that your loyalty to the Syndicate ended when they left you to
die. (Health -5, Secretive: New identity, plus the penalty for leaving the Eclipse Syndicate)
The Syndicate enforced loyalty above all else. Well that and making a profit. So when your crew got
trapped by those damn blue bellies, you made sure they and the merchandise got out but the authorities
2 didn't. It cost you an arm. The Syndicate takes care of you and occasionally they have you do some light
work running errands and info and they allow you to take work outside of the Syndicate. (Missing Arm,
Secretive: Eclipse Syndicate employee, Wealthy +5)
Luck was never your mistress. You fell into life with the Syndicate and all of the jobs you did for them
3 never seemed to go to plan. It really was no big surprise that on this last assignment you were the one to
get pinched and convicted. (Prison: add 5 years, Wealthy -1)
4-7 Who says crime doesn't pay. (Wealthy +5)
The Syndicate is rarely one's career choice but you managed to work your way up in it's ranks. Loyalty,
8 hard work and keeping an eye on the profit margin meant the Syndicate treated you well. (Influence:
Criminal Element +1, Wealthy +5)
You performed well on your assignments and always upheld the interests of the Syndicate. Of course it
9 never hurt to pocket a little extra currency for yourself. The Syndicate wasn't known for its retirement
policy. (Wealthy +1)
You work for the Syndicate long enough and you find that not all members of law enforcement are
10 interested in upholding the law. Some just want to make a little extra money. Some currency here and you
could guarantee any assignment would go smoothly. (Influence: Law Enforcement 1, Wealthy +1)

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OSX Random Event Table

There weren't suppose to any LCAL's, Large Carnivorous Animal Life, on this planet. No one expected
the attacks. They looked like furry lizards and they attacked at night. Your team managed to get a
message buoy away before one of the attacks grounded your ship. Almost a month went by before rescue
showed up. (Regret, Ruined Limb: Arm, Strength -5)
The long hours in space just never seemed to stop. You passed your psych eval for OSX but eventually it
got to you. Soon the walls began to close in and strange noises or voices could be heard when no one was
around. By the time you got back to Terminus Station it took 5 med techs to pry you out of your ship. It
took six months for you to even begin to act normal. (Phobia: autophobia)
Those damn pirates! 2 weeks after leaving buffer station your wave drive disengaged and you entered a
pirate armada. They tried to take your ship but due to some fancy piloting you managed to get out of the
system and re-engage your wave drive. Now 8 weeks later, after having to repair you engines, send off a
message bouy and wait for rescue, you are recuperating in Buffer Station's Medical facility. (Health -5)
4-7 Life as part was hard but rewarding. (Wealthy +5)
No one ever got rich working for OSX but you did OK and you managed to pick up a few things along
the way. (Skillful 1, Wealthy +5)
In an odd turn of events, one of the planets you helped to survey turned up to be rich in a very rare
9 mineral. After your return from the planet survey OSX authorized Masyna Metals , M2, to give you and
your team bonuses for you discovery. (Wealthy +1)
You were one of the best that OSX had ever seen. Not only did you learn the skills you needed quickly
and efficiently but you just seemed to have a knack for certain skills. (Wealthy +1, Choose One: Talented:
Biologist , Talented: Computers , Talented: Drive, Talented: Engineer , Talented: Medical , Talented:
Physical Scientist, Talented: Pilot or Talented: Repair)

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Religious Random Event Table

Roll Result
Excommunication: You spoke out against the leader of your sect. You found out information that the she
may not be acting in the best interest of her followers or the people and maybe striving for personal and
monetary gain. You were kicked out of your order and exiled from your home world.
(Wealthy -2, Wanted 3)
You were one of the best and brightest in your order and were asked to participate in very rare advance
training. One day, as you were coming back from the doctor's office where you got your weekly
treatments, you noticed an odd ringing in the back of your head. In your room you just sat staring at a
2 small carved, stone icon on your table. All of a sudden it moved with out you touching it. Then bang! A
firework display behind you eyes and in your head. A week latter you woke and were informed that the
treatments had caused a synaptic overload and rupture.
(Headaches: Migraine, Mind -5, Wealthy -2)
Secrets! You found Secrets! While performing a customary data mining routine you accidentally found
a hidden sector of memory. You are no spiker but from what you could tell the files held details of how
the Followers manipulate and control the Dominance.
(Wealthy -2, Secretive: Followers of Mer)
Life in your order was one of quiet contemplation.
(Wealthy -1)
Benik Suma took an interest in you and your education early on. She was fair but tough and always
treated you kindly. When it was time to leave the Sanctuary Benik Suma was no where to be found but
8 there was an envelope and note on your bed. Benik Suma had gone a pilgrimage and left you the gift of
an unassigned debit wafer.
(Wealthy +5)
Showing interest in more than the welfare of the citizens of the Republic, you were asked to assist in
the part of your order that advises politicians and leaders. You performed very well and made many
9 contacts.
(You may choose the career Bureaucrat regardless of the prerequisites, Influence: Bureaucracy, Wealthy
You were one of the best and brightest in your order and were asked to participate in very rare advance
training. Your were an exceptional student and when the experimental treatments began your body
accepted them with out any hint of rejection. You have outgrown the tutelage of the Sanctuary.
(Mind +5, Wealthy +5)

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School Random Event Table

Roll Result
You don't remember when it happened but it happened quickly. StarShine became your constant
companion. All your money went to buy it and soon all your time went to using it. Eventually your poor
1 performance caught up to you and you failed out of school.
(Addiction: StarShine, Dropout: decrease all learned skills by 1 and may choose the same Course of
Study again, Intelligence -5, Wealthy -3)
The school always seemed to have an abundance of goods lying about. It was just a matter of taking a
little bit at a time and stockpiling it. You never took from the same store room twice in a row nor the
2 same part. When you had enough of one item you would sell it to interested parties. One of your trusty
interested parties turned out to be an undercover agent and they decided you had had enough fun.
(Prison: add 5 years, Wealthy -2)
It is an old tradition that during the three week break between the primary and secondary semesters for
the students to take vacations to popular spots and leave their morals at home. It is not a tradition to so
drunk that a couple of beauties knock you out, take all of your money, strip you and throw you in the
cargo hold of a freighter. You woke two systems away in a holding cell trying to explain to the
authorities how you ended up an unintentional stowaway.
(Educational Complications: add 1 year, Wealthy -3)
School was just what you needed to get your life in order. You may not have been the best or brightest
4-7 but you graduated in the top.
(Skillful 1)
You started university because that was what you were supposed to do. You didn't really know what you
were going to do there or where you wanted your life to head. By the end of your higher education
8 experience you discovered that you had hidden talents.
(Choose one: Talented: Biologist , Talented: Computers , Talented: Drive, Talented: Engineer , Talented:
Fast Talker , Talented: Medical , Talented: Physical Scientist, Talented: Pilot or Talented: Repair)
Looking back on your previous experience with school you realized that learning in a classroom wasn't
9 all that hard. Surprisingly it came easier to you then working with your hands did, which you always
thought was your major strength. In school your knowledge blossomed. (Intelligence +5)
It is an old university tradition that during the three week break between the primary and secondary
semesters for the students to take vacations to popular vacation spots and leave their morals at home.
You didn't remember much even after you began to sober up on the flight back to the university.
According to the stills and video on your recorder you seemed to have a really good time with a trio of
beauties. Checking your bank you discovered that you apparently were also very lucky.
(Wealthy +1)

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Tour of Duty Random Event Table

Outpost 21 was a small world near the spin-ward buffer zone working on a way to better adapt standard
crops to new ecologies. A month ago it had fallen silent. The investigation only turned up downed
satellites and that the computers and data nets were wiped of all data. Then on the way out system a huge,
1 pyramidal ship just popped into existence and attacked. Over ¾ of your task force was eliminated. You
may never recover.
(Missing Leg, Paranoid, Choose One: Cloned Replacement, Cybernetic Replacement, Honorable
Discharge: may choose any life path from the next Stage except military life paths.)
It was a frozen hellhole of a world with a barely breathable atmosphere and never any sunshine with high
concentrations of heavy metals. So the government kept a small outpost on the world to protect the rock
rats. Of course to you it was known as punishment detail. One that could take your leg in an unscheduled
avalanche if you weren't careful.
(Missing Leg, Choose One: Cloned Replacement, Cybernetic Replacement, Honorable Discharge: may
choose any life path from the next Stage except military life paths.)
You got tired of all those hungry, sad eyes staring at you as if you could save them. “Not our job,” your
commanding officer said. So you contacted and old friend who had contacts in the right places. Using
3 military resources you helped some of those hungry, sad eyes. Until the Courts Martial stopped you.
(Dishonorable discharge: may not take any military life paths in the next stage and you lose all rank &
military influence, Poor +1, Prison: add 5 years.)
4-7 Military gave you purpose and order. (+5 build points, Wealthy +5)
Sometimes life aboard a military vessel can be... well... boring. To pass the time in between inspections
and other duties you and some of your other crew mates formed a mixed martial arts league. Over time
you rose to the top of the league and even though your team came in third you were voted as the most
valuable player. (Fearless).
When your tour began you noticed a posting for the military investigative service. You decided to sign
up. At first you were just one of the many new recruits who performed the leg work involved in solving
the crimes committed against or by military personnel. Eventually you began to assist field agents and
even had the chance to get to know people from other investigative branches both local and national.
(Influence 1: military investigative service, Influence 1: National Investigative/Police Service for your
military's Core World.)
Half way through your tour, and after several commendations, your superiors came to you and asked you
to volunteer for a special duty. At first you were bored and angry because they took you out of the field
10 and put you in a lab were all you did was exercise, get physicals and take shots. Then after months and
months of tests you began to notice how your body had been changing. You felt healthier, stronger and
smarter. (Choose One: Strength +5, Agility +5, Health +5, Intelligence +5 or Mind +5)

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you can take. In simulations, damage is first

Finishing the Character subtracted from Stamina. Also certain acts can
wear you out and reduce Stamina. When
calculating round to the nearest whole number.
Please don't run with the abacus
• Body Pool represent how much punishment
So you have finished charting your way through their your body can take before death results. After
life up to now. Hopefully along the way you were Stamina is depleted, damage is then subtracted
keeping track of all the abilities, skills, qualities and from the Body Pool. When the Body Pool is at
build points that you picked up along the way. It would -5 the you are dead. When calculating round to
also help to make a note of what life path choices were the nearest whole number.
made and what the result was on the various random
event tables that were rolled on. All of those decisions
are about to pay off. Secondary Ability Formulas
Speed (Sp) = (Strength + Agility) / 16
Total Abilities Lift (L) = (Strength x Health) / 25
The race you chose assigned a beginning number for Stamina (St) = (Strength + Health) / 8
each of the main abilities. Each life path and possible
random event may have given a modifier to one or Body Pool (BP) = (Health) / 8
more of the abilities. All that is needed for now is to add
or subtract any modifiers gained from the abilities the Total Skills
character started with.
Totaling skills works just like abilities except that all
Example: Julie's new identity, Brianna, is a Human. skills start out at 0. So the first time a a skill is gained
Along the way she rolled random events that gave from a life path that is the beginning number of the
Brianna Mind -5 and Strength +5. So Brianna's final skill. After that the next time you receive more training
ability scores are: Strength 45, Agility 40, Health 40, in the same skill just add, or subtract, the given points
Intelligence 45, Mind 35 (Humans start out with a from the skill's current total.
Strength of 40 and a Mind of 40).
The points received for each skill are cumulative until a
maximum of 25 points in that skill is reached. If during
Calculate Secondary Abilities identity generation more than 25 points are accumulated
In addition to the five primary abilities, Strength, for a given skill then those points may be converted to
Agility, Health, Intelligence and Mind, there are also build points at a rate of 5 skill points for 1 build point.
four secondary abilities. These are Speed, Lift, Stamina Example: Julie's identity Brianna went to trade school
and Body Pool. to become a commercial star pilot then became a
• Speed is a measure of how quickly you move. freighter pilot. From her trade school days Brianna
gained the skill Starship Operation at 4. Then while she
The base number is in meters per second. This
represents how far you can travel in a one was flying cargo from Prime to Thrassis she gained
Starship Operation +4. So Brianna's total Starship
second round (rounds are described in the
combat simulation section). Normal walking Operation skill is 8.
pace is half of your speed. When calculating
round to two decimal places. Qualities
• Lift is the measure of how much you can carry Qualities act a little different than abilities or skills.
without being encumbered. It is the maximum Some qualities stack. Meaning that getting the quality
load an identity can lift or carry in kilograms. multiple times just adds to the number of levels
For every 5 kilograms over your lift, your already gained in that quality. Other qualities do not
speed is reduced by 2 meters per second. stack so that each time they are gained it is a new
When calculating round to the nearest whole version of the same quality. A very few qualities are
number. mutually exclusive. This means that levels in one
• Stamina is a measure of how much fatigued quality cancels out levels in another quality.

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Checking the description of the qualities will let you Primary Ability Purchase Scale*
know how to handle multiple instances of the same
quality. Cost per 5 point
Primary Ability Value
0-50 20 points
Build points
51-75 40 points
Part of the nuts and bolts of each life path was the
number of build points received or lost for choosing 76-90 80 points
that life path. Build points are used to customize your 91-100 100 points
identity. Builds points allow you express some
individuality. *Primary Abilities can only be increased or decreased
by 5 points at a time

Total Build Points

Secondary Ability Purchase Scale
This is easy. Just add together all the build points
received for each life path. Depending on how old you Cost per 1 point
Secondary Ability Value
are and what choices were made the total could be increment
negative. 0-50 10 points
51-75 20 points
Additional Build Points 76-90 40 points
To help offset any negative values and also represents
91-100 50 points
that undefinable wisdom and know-how older people
seem to posses. Extra build points are awarded based
on the highest stage completed. Build points can also be used to train in skills. Each
skill does not cost the same. Skills are grouped
through Stage 2: 10 build points according to their Learning Curve; easy, intermediate
through Stage 3: 15 build points or advanced. The harder a skill is to learn the more
time it would take a character to learn that skill. This is
through Stage 4: 20 build points reflected by having the costs for skills vary according
to their Skill level. An intermediate skill costs more to
increase by one point than an easy skill but less than an
Points, points and more points. Now advance skill.
Skills start at 0. You spend the appropriate amount of
Now the fun part. Build points are used to increase points and you can get that skill or increase a skill you
abilities, purchase or increase skills and gain new already have. You cannot decrease skills to get build
qualities. Some qualities will have negative build points back. Once you are trained in a skill it is with
points. Negative build points mean those are the points the character forever.
you get back for selecting that quality. You can also get
more build points by decreasing abilities.
You may not gain more than 25 build points from
Skill Purchase
choosing negative qualities or by reducing abilities.
The following tables show the required build points to Skill Value Cost per 1 point increment
increase abilities and skills to the next level. Advance
Decreasing would of course give those points back. Easy Intermediate
Description of skills can be found in the Skills chapter
starting on page XX and qualities can be found on 0 - 10 1 points 2 points 5 points
page XX. 11 – 15 2 points 5 points 10 points
16 – 20 5 points 10 points 15 points
21 - 25 10 points 15 points 20 points

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Racial Attributes

While none of the races live for ever, nor do they age exactly the same. Age is determined by adding up the years
spent on various life paths. The table below shows how certain abilities are modified depending on the age of the

Age in Years

Race Young Adult Middle Aged Old Venerable

Human 0 – 16 17 – 45 46 – 70 71 – 100 101 – 120

Kaylin 0 – 16 17 – 45 46 – 70 71 – 100 101 – 120
Lilanite 0 – 16 17 – 80 81 – 140 141 – 180 181 – 200
Nel Ari 0 – 16 17 – 45 46 – 70 71 – 100 101 – 120
Quextil 0 – 16 17 – 40 41 – 60 61 – 70 71 – 80
Reltoan 0 – 16 17 – 60 61 – 100 101 – 125 126 – 150
Thrassian 0 – 16 17 – 45 46 – 70 71 – 100 101 – 120


Young Strength – 5, Agility +5, Health +5

Adult no modifiers
Middle Aged Agility – 5
Old Strength -5, Agility – 10, Health – 10
Venerable Strength -10, Agility – 15, Health – 15

Although the seven races are in general the same shape they do not share the same builds. Also within a particular
race there my be individuals who are taller or shorter, dwarfs or giants. The deviation from the normal build will
produce limitations on a character's physical abilities.
For an added bit of fun and surprise character's may roll on the appropriate height table for their sex to randomly
generate their height.

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Male Height (in meters)

Roll 1d100 Size Human Kaylin Nel Ari Quextil Reltoan Thrassian
1-5 Dwarf 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.1
6-16 Small 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.8 1.4
17-84 Normal 1.8 1.6 1.7 2.0 1.8 1.7
85-95 Large 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.8
96-100 Giant 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.2 1.9 2.0

Female Height (in meters)

Roll 1d100 Size Human Kaylin Nel Ari Quextil Reltoan Thrassian

1-5 Dwarf 1.1 0.8 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.1

6-16 Small 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.4
17-84 Normal 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7
85-95 Large 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8
96-100 Giant 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.0

Height Modifiers
Dwarf Strength -10%, Agility +10%
Small Strength -5%, Agility +5%
Normal no modifiers
Large Strength +5%, Agility -5%
Giant Strength +10%, Agility -10%

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Racial Table
The tables below only list the most popular names for
Roll Race Roll Race
the given species during the past ten years. There list of
1d100 1d100
names continues to grow with each new birth and is
practically infinite. You can always make up a name but 1 – 10 Human 51 - 60 Nel Ari
remember that the more unique it the more likely
11 - 30 Kaylin 61 - 70 Quextil
someone will remember it. Or you can choose from the
given tables below or generate names randomly using 31 - 35 Lilanaite Animod 71 - 80 Reltoan
the following instructions. 36 - 40 Lilanite 81 - 100 Thrassian
Random Racial Name: Locate the tables the are for Anthromorph
you race and just roll randomly on those tables using 41 - 50 Lilanite Hard Shell
the specified dice. Remember that 1d100 is rolling two
d10's of different colors. One is the ten's dice and the
other is the one's dice.
Human Names
Completely Random Name: Begin by rolling on the Form: Given + Family
Name Origin table. Then just follow the instructions.
Common Human Given Names
Roll 1d10 Name Sex
Name Origin Table 1-4 Ava Female
Roll 1d100 Origin 5-9 Aya Female
1-50 First and last name of racial origin1 10-14 Emily Female
51-70 First name of Alien origin. Last name of 15-19 Emma Female
Racial origin.2
20-24 Maria Female
71-90 First name of racial origin. Last name of
25-29 Mariam Female
Alien origin.3
30-34 Mia Female
91-100 First and last name of alien origin.4
35-39 Mia Female
1. Roll on your race's name tables 40-44 Seo-yeon Female
2. For the first name roll on your race's name 45-49 Sofia Female
tables. For the last name roll on the race table
then on the name tables for that race. If your 50-54 Aiden Male
race or any of the Lilanite varieties is rolled 55-59 Alexander Male
then re-roll.
60-64 Ali Male
3. For the first name roll on the race table then on
the name tables for that race. If your race or any 65-69 Ethan Male
of the Lilanite varieties is rolled then re-roll. 70-74 Hiroto Male
For the last name roll on your race's name
75-79 Jack Male
80-84 Jayden Male
4. For the first name roll on the race table then on
the name tables for that race. If your race or any 85-89 Lukas Male
of the Lilanite varieties is rolled then re-roll.
90-94 Mohamed Male
For the last name roll again on the race table
then on the name tables for that race. If your 95-100 Mehdi Male
race or any of the Lilanite varieties is rolled
then re-roll.

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Common Human Family Names Kaylin Names

Form: Given + Pack/Family
Roll 1d10 Name
1 Berma Common Kaylin Given Names
2 Davis Roll 1d100 Name Meaning
3 Demir 1-4 Amakyl Ancient father
4 Hernandez
5-9 Atkya One who
5 Ivanov
6 Müller
10-14 Grooc Blessed one
7 Sato
15-19 Kaskin Great leader
8 Silvia
20-24 Kinyaki Lights in the
9 Smith sky
10 Wong 25-29 Makpi Keeper of
30-34 Maniok Survivor
35-39 Nuilik Strong one
40-44 Nygaq Rainbow
45-49 Oomal Leader
50-54 Palar Quiet one
55-59 Pukic Wise one
60-64 Quilaq Of the sky
65-69 Quvlan Joy
70-74 Sikuah Ice walker
75-79 Silatok Intelligent
80-84 Tewywi Quick
85-89 Tikani Great Warrior
90-94 Ublu Star
95-100 Yularia Dancing one

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Common Kaylin Pack/Family Names Nel Ari Names

Form: Male Given + si + Family
Roll 1d10 Name Meaning Female Given + sa + Family
1 Authank Wielders of the
mind Common Nel Ari Given Names
2 Bylclav Tool Users Roll 1d100 Name Meaning
3 Greyhart Noble Pack 1-4 Baslovi Blessed One
4 Mycathyl Silent Protectors 5-9 Craveno Red Scales
5 Rusevy Dark Hunters 10-14 Danog Day Child
6 Rydthang Southern Warrior 15-19 Isceh Healer
20-24 Jecovac Word Smith
7 Sywil Night masters
25-29 Jyka Strong One
8 Trusyn Healers of Mu
30-34 Kandza Big Claw
9 Utherr Swift runners
35-39 Kraj Leader
10 Wythang Northern Warrior
40-44 Lutai Wanderer
45-49 Mesec Moon Child
50-54 Mujed Wise One
Common Lilanite Names
Traditional Form: Chosen + 3 digits 55-59 Noceni Night Child
60-64 Ostroko Sharp Eye
Traditionally Lilanites try to emulate Lil 519's name.
Although the chosen name can be anything it is common 65-69 Plavo Blue Scales
for Lilanites to choose one of the other races' names. The 70-74 Syretan Lucky
numbers can either be entirely random or have a special
meaning to the individual Lilanite. 75-79 Tubanjie Blunt Skull

Steps to create a Lilanite name: 80-84 Vidonak Mind Seer

85-89 Vyjezda Star Gazer
1. Roll on the species Table. If any of the Lilanite
sub-types are rolled re-roll 90-94 Zelen Green Scales
2. Using the result from 1 roll on the appropriate 95-100 Zemylje Earth Bound
Race's given name table.
3. To randomly generate the number of a Lilanites
name roll a 1d10 three times. The first roll is
the first number, the second roll the second and
the third roll the third.

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Common Nel Ari Family Names Quextil Names

Form: Given + Brood
Roll 1d10 Name Meaning
1 Berdyk Mountain Walkers Common Quextil Given Names
2 Dervo Wood Shapers Roll 1d100 Given Name Meaning
3 Jezda Star Walkers 1-4 Adavi Gifted
4 Letac Those who fly 5-9 Balis Loud voice;
like birds / pilots good speaker
5 Plementie Noble / Elite 10-14 Darka The sun
6 Pystina Desert Walkers 15-19 Debes Child of the
7 Rybar Hunters of Fish
20-24 Drosmig Brave
8 Selik Metal Benders
25-29 Godua Honorable
9 Suma Forrest Walkers
30-34 Gudris Wise
10 Urzga Farmers / growers
35-39 Karlis King; leader
40-44 Krasa Colorful one;
beautiful one
45-49 Mezon Wild one
50-54 Musa Powerful flier
55-59 Nakt Night Child
60-64 Nieks Great Hunter
65-69 Ryts Dawn Child
70-74 Stygat Walker
75-79 Syvetis Holy
80-84 Tykai Just
85-89 Urztic Faithful
90-94 Vadtaj Born leader
95-100 Veja Wind

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Common Quextil Brood Names Reltoan Names

Form: Given + Family
Roll 1d10 Brood Name Meaning
1 Gotaj Trader of Common Reltoan Given Names
Roll 1d100 Name Meaning
2 Jyle Cliff Dwellers
1-4 Alysdo Breaker of
3 Kalpota Air Wardens Chains
4 Koki Defenders of 5-9 Arki Home Seeker
the Great Trees
10-14 Daska Teacher of
5 Masyna Forgers of the Mind
15-19 Dynis Strong One
6 Stavis Defenders of
20-24 Efyon Intelligent /
the Brood
7 Telpa Gliders of the
25-29 Geno Brave
Night Sky
30-34 Katapysis Slayer of
8 Teraud Shapers of
35-39 Lao Defender of
9 Tycba Holders of
the People
40-44 Lathrym Smuggler of
10 Zvaing Star Wanders
45-49 Mystros Conductor
50-54 Nafteri Star Sailor
55-59 Oma Name
60-64 Padios Protector of
the Children
65-69 Pisto Faithful
70-74 Prostis Protector of
the King
75-79 Pynasmynon Feeder of the
80-84 Sofo Wise One
85-89 Therypef Healer
90-94 Thrastiron Crusher of
95-100 Trofea Secret

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Common Reltoan Family Names Thrassian Names

Form: Clan + Given + Chosen
Roll 1d10 Name Meaning
1 Amanya Lords of Common Thrassian Clan Names
Roll 1d10 Clan Name Meaning
2 Eltheria Lords of
Freedom 1 Amdifnyr Clan
3 Empori Lords of Defender
Merchants 2 Cerdia Ice Walker
4 Flyahkis Keepers of 3 Dywadtan Fire Keeper
4 Fermwyr Farmer
5 Ilekis Lords of
Technology 5 Gren Metal

6 Kidymon Guardians of the 6 Gwyla Healer

Past 7 Karieg Stone
7 Nychta Lords of Night 8 Lutetad Protector
8 Oranos Lords of the Sky 9 Teluma Care giver
9 Thassa Lords of the Sea 10 Tyloc Great Voice
10 Vroma Lords of the

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Common Thrassian Given & Chosen calculate your starting Wealthy Level just simply add all
Names of your Wealthy pluses or minuses together. The Wealthy
Quality cannot go lower than 0 and it cannot go higher
Roll 1d100 Given / Chosen Meaning than 10.
After determining your starting Wealthy Level you may
1-4 Anghen Monster spend build points to increase your level of Wealthy. You
slayer may also receive Build Points by decreasing your level
5-9 Awyr Of the sky of Wealthy. To raise you Wealthy Level cost 10 points
per level above your current level. To lower your
10-14 Dewyr Brave Wealthy Level you gain 10 points per level below your
15-19 Diglar Smart; current level. Once your final Wealthy Level is set roll
intelligent on the Wealthy table to determine your starting money.
20-24 Dochyn Wise; full of
25-29 Eiswyr Seeker
Level Starting money
30-34 Fydlon Loyal
0 1d10 x ç50
35-39 Gwelseren Star
Watcher 1 1d10 x ç200
40-44 Gynt Of the wind 2 1d10 x ç500
45-49 Halnyn Of the sun 3 1d10 x ç1,000
50-54 Hoglau Precious 4 1d10 x ç2,000
sun light; 5 1d10 x ç10,000
6 1d10 x ç25,000
55-59 Hyfed Treasured
one 7 1d10 x ç50,000

60-64 Malwyr Great 8 1d10 x ç100,000

Hunter 9 1d10 x ç200,000
65-69 Onyst Honest 10 1d10 x ç300,000
70-74 Tiryn Of the earth
75-79 Tryden Of the spark
Example: Steve's Identity Joressi's gained the Wealthy
80-84 Twysog Prince or quality three times during Identity generation. First at a
princess +5, second at a -3 and third at a +1. Joressi's total
Wealthy Quality is 3 (5 – 3 + 1 = 3). Joressi decides that
85-89 Yunig Just
he would like a little more starting money so he spends
90-94 Detha Future 10 build points to raise his Wealthy level by one. Joressi
95-100 Yul Crafty now has a Wealthy of 4 and rolls on the table for that
level getting ç8,000.
Example: Julie's Identity, Brianna gained the Wealthy
Quality 2 times. The first time was a Wealthy of +5 and
the second was a Wealthy of +3 for a total Wealthy Level
Money of 8. Brianna decides she could do with a little less
starting money so she lowers her Wealthy Level by 2
So how much is the character worth after their trek levels. She now has a Wealthy Level of 6 and gains 10
through life's twists and turns? Some of the life paths build points. Rolling on the table Brianna gets
taken may have given you the Wealthy Quality. The ç175,000 to start with.
quality may have had a positive or negative value. To

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The outcome of success are a little less subjective than

Running Simulations failures as the following table shows. The GM is
When running simulations there will be at least one however encouraged to think of other ways of rewarding
person who will develop and lead the simulation. This success that are not listed on the table.
person is known colloquially as the Game Master or GM Success Bonuses
for short. All the other involved are known as Players.
Players control their Identities in simulations. Identities Ability Bonus - +5 to the TN the next time that
are the heart of the simulation. It is their actions and the Ability associated with skill that generated
decisions that determine the out come of any situation. the success is either tested separately or is used
in combination with a skill.
The basic rule to running simulations, whether they be
analog on table tops with dice and pencil or digital, is the Double Tap – The skill that generated the
Ability/Skill check. This is accomplished by randomly success may be used again immediately
generating a number from 1 to 100 and comparing that regardless of initiative order. You may not move
number to the Ability or Skill against which the check is out of the one meter by one meter square
being made. Normally the number between 1 to 100 is occupied during the first use of the skill.
generated by rolling 2 10-sided dice which look different Max Damage – The weapon associated with the
from each other and having one of the dice represent the skill deals maximum damage.
one's value, 0 – 9, and the other dice represent the ten's
value, 10, 20, 30, etc. This is abbreviated 1d100. On the Skill Bonus - +5 to the TN the next time that
ten's dice the 0 or 00 is equal to 10. When both dice the skill that generated the success is used.
show 0 after being rolled that represents 100.
The goal of the check is to meet or roll lower than the
Ability or Skill. Think of the value of 100 as knowing Successes
everything about a certain skill. If you know everything
there is to know about Galactic History let's say then you Points
Number of
will never fail when asked to remember an aspect of that Success below Bonus
piece of knowledge. Numbers lower than 100 represent TN
how much you know about a certain topic or how well
you can use a certain Ability. If you Galactic History Normal 1 0-4 none
knowledge is at 45 that means you know about 45% of Good 2 5-9 Skill Bonus
all there is to know about Galactic history and will fail to
have the right answer every now and then. Choose one: Max
Great 3 10 - 14
damage or Skill Bonus
Choose one: Max
Success and Failure Elite 4
15 –
damage or Double Tap
Not only can you pass or fail an Ability/Skill check but or Skill Bonus
there are degrees to which you can succeed and fail. Choose two: Max
Success: When the roll equals the the target number that 20 or damage, Double Tap,
Critical 5
is one success . Every 5 points below the target number greater Ability Bonus or Skill
is an additional success. In general 5 successes is a Bonus
critical success
Failure: When the roll is greater than the target number
by 1 it is a failure. Every 5 points over the target
number is an additional failure . In general 5 failures is a
critical failure
The consequences of failure are left up for the GM to
decide but a Critical Failure usually results in something
disastrous happening like setting off alarms while trying
to bypass security, missing the enemy and hitting a
friend or having the weapon blow up.

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Failures TN = Associated Ability's level - skill's difficulty

modifier + any penalties or bonuses
Failure Number of Failures Above
TN Untrained Skill Difficulty Dificulty Modifier

Normal 1 0-4 Easy 0

Bad 2 5-9 Intermediate 5
Poor 3 10 - 14 Advanced 10
Pathetic 4 15 – 19
20 or
Critical 5
greater Advanced Skill Challenge
Advanced skill challenges are used when there is plenty
of time to complete a complex task. They are essentially
Ability Checks a combination of basic skill challenges. Each skill test
has the same difficulty, see below, but to pass the
When you are required to make an ability check in a
advance skill challenge you must achieve a minimum
simulation you simply roll 1d100 and compare it against
number of success before reaching a maximum number
the required Ability. If the number on the dice are equal
of failures. The degree of success or failure for each roll
to or lower than the Ability's score then you succeeded.
matters. If in one test you roll enough successes to past
the advanced skill challenge then you pass. Of course if
Using Skills you roll badly enough that the number of failures in one
test exceeds the maximum number of failures then you
Using skills in a simulation is similar to performing an fail the advanced skill challenge.
Ability check with one exception. Each skill is
associated with an Ability and a number, 1 to 25, called
its skill level. To determine the target number needed
when rolling against the skill, you add the skill level to Advanced Skill Challenges
the number of the Skill's associated Ability. As with all
tests the roll must be equal to or lower than the Successes Maximum
Needed Failures
If in any given situation there was no pressure and an
unlimited amount of time, then any test of skill could be Easy 2 15
accomplished. Unfortunately the galaxy at large provides
Normal 5 10
plenty of pressure and hardly any time to get things
done. In simulations there are Basic Skill challenges and Moderate 10 10
Advanced Skill challenges.
Difficult 15 5
Very Difficult 20 5
Basic Skill Challenge
This is the easiest type of skill challenge. You calculate
the target number, TN, roll and if you roll equal or lower
to the TN you were successful. Difficulties
As previously mentioned the galaxy is very generous at
TN = Skill level + level of associated Ability + any
providing generous amounts of pressure but shorting you
penalties or bonuses
on the time to get things done. Because of this not all
challenges are created equal. Pressure and time modify
Skills may be tried untrained if the character does not the TN during simulations. The GM must determine how
have the skill, but the default value for the skill is based easy or difficult each task will be.
on the skill's difficulty (easy, intermediate or advanced).
The TN for an untrained skill is:

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Bonus added to the target takes place in series of one-second rounds. In each round
Difficulty there is an order in which Identities can act and a limited
number of actions that each character can take. Through
Easy +5 the succession of rounds combat is resolved.
Normal +0
Moderate -5
Turn Order
Difficult -10 The order in which Identities act in each round is
determined by an Agility check. The Identity with the
Very Difficult -15 highest number of successes goes first, then the next
highest and on down. The last Identity to go will be the
one with the least number of successes or the greatest
number of failures. An Identity may choose to delay
Contested Skills Test their turn for some point later in the turn order. If two
Sometimes you are testing your skills or raw ability Identities have the same place in the turn order then at
against an opponent's skill instead of an arbitrary the beginning of combat the character with the highest
difficulty. For this kind of test you and your opponent speed goes first.
roll against the appropriate skill or ability. If both Example: Joressi, Brianna and Rathan are about to take
succeed then who ever has the higher number of on Big Brutus. To determine the turn order they all roll
successes wins. If either one of you fail in the challenge Agility checks. Joressi has an Agility of 45 and rolls a 41
the the one who succeeded wins. Of course if both of for 2 successes. Brianna has an Agility of 40 and rolls a
you fail the neither one of you wins. 39 for 1 success. Rathan has an Agility of 35 and rolls a
42 for 2 failures. Big Brutus has an Agility of 45 and
rolls a 50 for 2 failures. The turn order is Joressi,
Working Together Brianna then Rathan and Big Brutus. When it is time for
During simulations one Identity can help another Rathan and Big Brutus to act Big Brutus goes first
Identity if the GM allows it. To do this the helper must because he has the highest speed.
be trained in the skill needed and rolls first. The number
of successes that the helper gets determines the bonus
received by the doer, the Identity actually performing the Actions
test. If the helper fails he or she cannot re-roll and the Each character can perform a move action, an attack and
doer receives no bonus. The number of helpers for any a simple action.
given task is up to the GM but all the helpers must
declare they are helping before anyone rolls.
Move Actions
As a move action you can move at your speed, ready a
Number of Helper's Doer weapon, pick up an item, or dodge an attack. You may
Successes Bonus also sacrifice your move action in order to:

1 2 • Attack twice with each attack at a -10

2 4 • Use a skill and attack with each check at a -10

3 6 • Make two skill checks not necessarily for the
same skill. Each check at -10
4 8
5+ 10 • Make a single Power Attack with the check at
a +10
an Identity who sacrifices their move action cannot
dodge attacks for that round.
No matter how well intentioned a your motives may be,
eventually you will find yourself in combat. Combat

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Attacks The GM is encouraged to change these definitions so

that they better fit into her scenario.
Attacks are the main focus of any combat. An attack
action can be used to make an attack or use a skill or Cover Bonuses and Penalties
use a piece of equipment. Not all skills can be
performed in a one second round so it is up to the GM Attacker
Cover Defender Bonus
to determine if a skill can be performed during a round. Penalty
Some skills may take multiple rounds and require you
to not lose concentration. Once your concentration is Cannot be
Full -
lost, you will need to star the skill check over. A targeted
character will lose their concentration if he/she dodges,
¾ +10 to dodge -10 to skill
moves or gets hit by an attack.
½ +5 to dodge -5 to skill
A character may sacrifice their attack in order to:
¼ +2 to dodge -2 to skill
• Move at double their speed
No cover No bonus No penalty
• Dodge and move
• Ready a weapon and move
A character who sacrifices their attack cannot attack or
use a skill that round.
An Identity can choose to forgo any actions during a
Simple Actions round and spend that round aiming his/her weapon. This
Simple actions are those that do not require a gives the character a +15 bonus on their next attack.
concentrated effort to perform. These include talking, During the round in which the Player is aiming he/she
gestures or some other form of communication. The one may not dodge or perform any other action than aiming
restriction is you only have one second to perform the their weapon. If the character is distracted because
task. You do not have enough time to expound on the he/she dodges, moves or gets hit by an attack before the
plight of red-breasted ice borer found in the northern current round is over then the Player loses any aiming
extremes of Na Oth, but you do have enough time to bonus they may have gained. The aiming bonus does not
shout out two or three words. stack so aiming for multiple rounds does not give the
character any greater bonus than aiming for one round.

In any combat situation an Identity benefits from not
being an easy target. This is why taking cover is in your To help an Identity withstand damage he or she can don
best interest. Cover increases the difficulty to hit you by armor. In simulations this is recorded as an Armor
raising the defender's dodge and lowering the attackers Rating. When taking damage, from a successful attack,
skill. Cover comes in several different designations. the Identity's Armor Rating is subtracted off of the
damage total. Any remaining damage is then subtracted
• Full cover - The defender's body cannot be seen from the Identity's Stamina or Body Pool.
by the attacker
• ¾ cover – only the defender's head and the top Injury, Death & Dying
of his/her shoulders are visible to the attacker or
the defender is lying prone. Life is conflict so eventually you will get hurt. When an
Identity gets hurt the damage is first subtracted from
• ½ cover – the defender's head shoulders and his/her Stamina then from the Body Pool once their
upper torso are visible to the attacker Stamina is gone. When the Body Pool drops to zero the
• ¼ cover – only the defenders legs cannot be Player is unconscious and dying. When his/her Body
seen by the attacker or the defender is in a Pool drops to -5 the Player is dead.

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Damage Effect successes on his/her roll.

If an Identity is mortally wounded then a successful
Stamina = 0 Fatigued, -5 to all checks First Aid check will keep them from declining any
Body Pool less further. The Identity will need to either rest or receive
than or equal to ½ Severely wounded, -10 to all advanced medical training from someone trained in
of original value checks Surgery. A successful Surgery check will allow the
(round down) Identity regain his/her Body Pool at twice the normal
natural healing rate. The healer's Surgery check will
Mortally Wounded, Player is also instantly refresh the wounded Identity's Stamina by
unconscious and cannot act. a number of points equal to the healer's number of
He/she must make a Health successes on his/her roll.
Body Pool ≤ 0 check every round. Success
means they are stable. Failure Example: Steve's Identity Joressi currently has 1 out of
results in the loss of 1 from 5 points left in his Body Pool. Julie's Identity Brianna
their Body Pool. has 0 points in her Stamina and 3 out of 5 points in her
Body Pool. Casey's Identity Rathan is trained in
Body Pool = -5 Dead Surgery. Rathan first helps Joressi. With a TN of 35
Rathan rolls a 30 on his Surgery check succeeding by 5
granting him 2 successes. Joressi will now need to rest
and will add 2 points to his Body Pool every 8 hours
Recovery and has his Stamina increased to 2.
an Identity has two choices in recovering from damage Rathan then turns his attention to Brianna. With a TN
they have suffered; natural healing and the use of of 55 Rathan rolls a 43 on his First Aid check
medical training with the aid of drugs. succeeding by 12 and granting him 3 successes.
Brianna instantly gains 3 points to her Stamina and can
Natural healing now rest and refresh her Body Pool at 1 points for
every 8 hours of rest.
For every eight hours of uninterrupted rest an Identity
either gains 1 point added to their Body Pool or 2 points
added to their Stamina. an Identity's Body Pool must be
refreshed before a his/her Stamina. Neither pool can Falling
exceed the original value by resting.
It may not happen often but character's do lose their
Amount of Rest Benefit footing or get pushed. If an Identity takes a fall he or she
will take damage depending on the height of the fall.
8 hours +1 to Body Pool OR
+2 to Stamina Falling Damage
16 hours +2 to Body Pool OR Height Damage
+4 to Stamina
24 hours +3 to Body Pool OR 0 – 2.5 meters 0
+6 to Stamina 2.6 – 3 meters 1d5
3.1 – 6 meters 1d10
6.1 – 9 meters 2d10
Medical Healing
9.1 – 12 meters 3d10
Medical training can help an Identity recover faster and
keep him/her stable. If you are less than mortally Every additional 3 meters +1d10
wounded a first aid check will allow you to recover
points to your Body Pool or Stamina at twice the
normal natural healing rate. The healer's First Aid check
will also instantly refresh the wounded Player's Stamina
by a number of points equal to the healer's number of

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Simulation Creation Challenge Descriptions

One of the greatest responsibilities of the Game Master Minor challenge: One where the group of characters
is to create the simulations that will test new Identities. had to over come some minor non-lethal obstacle such
If you are a GM then only you will know what kind of as contacting the local black market, bypassing a
simulations your Players will enjoy, but below are some security system in an unguarded location, any form of
very basic guidelines. negotiation, charting a course, etc.
Major challenge: One where the characters lives are
Populating the Galaxy in the balance such as breaking out of prison, a battle,
stealing a shipment, surviving in the wilderness, etc.
A GM's first task is to fill the simulation with interesting
people for the Identities to interact with. Most of these Adventures: Are comprised of a series of minor and
people will just be background. These people are known major challenges and can last one gaming session or
as Denizens. They may interact with the Identities but no for several weeks or months or longer.
more than on a conversational level. Others may be low
level adversaries; thugs, henchmen,etc. As things get
interesting the group of Identities may run into more Build Point
intricate people who might help or hinder or both. It is Type of Challenge Reward per
up to the GM to breath life into those that the Identities Character
interact with but the table below gives a guideline for
using the Identity System to generate the statistics for Minor 1 to 2
Major 3 to 4
Single session
5 to 6
Type of Denizen Ending Stage adventure
Background None 10 or more
Thug or Friend Stage 1 + necessary skills
Stage 2 or 3 + necessary
Adversary or Ally
Nemesis or Cohort Stage 4 + necessary skills

During a simulation it is up to the GM to motivate the
Players by what ever means will be most effective for
their Identities. Offering currency and other material
gains is excellent way to get Identities involved but only
the GM can determine what will work for that particular
situation or their group of Identities.

Build Points
To be able to fully test Identities and to bring more
enjoyment to your players, Identities need a way to
advance. This is accomplished by rewarding Build
points. Build points can be awarded per challenge or
per adventure. Whatever is convenient to the GM.

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When writing down skills a short hand way of doing it

Skills: You are What You is:
Know Skill Name (linked ability, Learning Curve, Skill Level)
The Republic's Identity system breaks down what you Linked Ability - One of the five primary
have learned and know how to do in to a set of skills. abilities associated with the
Each skill describes a specific area of training or skill; Strength, Agility,
knowledge. When creating your Identity you will gain Health, Intelligence or Mind
skills from your background and by spending build
points. As your Identity spends more time in simulations Learning Curve – how hard the skill is to learn;
going through adventures the GM will award build easy, intermediate or
points which can be used to increase and Identity's skills. advanced
Skills are not all equal. Some are easy to learn, others Skill Level – How well you know the skill. A
are more difficult to master and still some take weeks, number 1 to 25 that is added to
months or years to gain even a basic understanding. The the Linked Ability to create the
identity system acknowledges this difference in skills by base TN for the skill.
giving each skill a Learning Curve; easy, intermediate or
advanced. The harder a skill is a to learn the more build
points it costs to increase.
As described above in the Identity Generation section Skill Descriptions
(page xx), skills are linked with one of the five primary
abilities. To calculate a skills target number you add the
skill level to the level of the skills primary ability. Aircraft Operation (Agility , Easy )
The character can pilot all manner of aircraft.
The descriptions of the skills are organized in the
following format.
Anthropology (Intelligence , Advanced )
Skill Name (linked ability, Learning Curve,
The character is trained in the study of humanoids past
and present. This is the study of the evolution and
Description biology of humanoids.
Linked Ability - One of the five primary
abilities associated with the
Applied Mathematics (Intelligence, Intermediate )
skill; Strength, Agility,
Health, Intelligence or Mind The character has training in applying mathematic
techniques to real world problems.
Learning Curve – how hard the skill is to learn;
easy, intermediate or
Archeology (Intelligence , Advanced )
Prerequisite - The required skill(s) or ability
level in order an Identity must The character is trained in the study of humanoid
have to receive training in the culture. The character analyzes humanoid cultures
skill. Not all skills have through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and
prerequisites. interpretation of material remains and environmental
data, including architecture, artifacts, features, biofacts,
Description A brief description of the skill and landscapes.
and how it is used.

Astrogation (Intelligence, Intermediate, Navigation

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equal to 40 & Astronomy equal to 5) Chemistry (Intelligence , Advanced , Applied

Mathematics )
The character can use the position of the stars and other
space bodies to find a location in space and to plot a You have been trained in the science of chemistry. This
course. This skill can be used to plot a course using knowledge includes the composition of matter and its
normal space drives and a wave drive. physical and chemical properties.

Astronomy (Intelligence , Intermediate ) Comms Operation (Intelligence , Easy )

The character has training in the position and movement You are trained in the use of communications equipment.
of the stars and the associated stellar systems

Computer Hacking (Intelligence , Advanced ,

Axe (Strength , Easy) Computer Programing equal to 10)
The character has training in using all manner of axes in You can break into and subvert computer and
battle. information systems

Beamed Energy Weapon: Mounted (Agility, Easy, Computer Literacy (Intelligence , Easy)
Beamed Energy Weapon: Rifle equal to 5)
You are trained in using computers and information
The character is trained in the use of b.e.w.'s that are systems beyond the abilities of the average person. This
designed to be mounted or braced. includes system administration, installation, setup and
Beamed Energy Weapon: Pistol (Agility , Easy )
The character has the been trained in the use of hand Computer Programing (Intelligence , Intermediate ,
held b.e.w.'s. Computer Literacy equal to 10)
You can manipulate computer and information systems
by writing, analyzing and debugging computer code.
Beamed Energy Weapon: Rifle (Agility, Easy)
The character is trained in the use two-handed b.e.w.'s.
Conceal (Intelligence , Easy )
You are adept at hiding things on your person or in other
Biology (Intelligence , Advanced ) locations. If someone wishes to find what you have
The character has extensive knowledge of how living hidden then that Identity must make a Perception skill
systems are created and how they function. check against your Conceal check.

Bow (Strength , Easy ) Demolitions (Intelligence , Easy )

The character has training in the use of bows for combat You are trained in the use of all manner of explosives;
and for survival and hunting. setting, removal and disposal.

Business (Intelligence , Easy ) Diplomacy (Intelligence , Advanced )

The character has the knowledge required to run a You are trained in the art and practice of conducting
business. negotiations between representatives of various parties
whether they are different states, governments or
species. Most Diplomacy checks are contested checks

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against an opponent's Mind. structures.

Disguise (Intelligence , Easy ) Engineering: Combat (Intelligence, Advanced, Applied

You are trained in the art and practice of concealing his
or her identity. When donning a disguise the you make a You are trained in the principles of engineering as they
Disguise skill check and record the number of successes apply to designing, diagnosing and repairing combat
or failures. Other Identities may make a Perception applications such as fortifications, temporary bridges
check against Disguise check. and artillery mounts.

Dodge (Agility , Easy ) Engineering: Computer (Intelligence, Advanced,

Applied Mathematics)
You have the ability to avoid incoming ranged and melee
attacks You know the principles of engineering as they apply to
designing, diagnosing and repairing computer hardware
and software.
Electronic Warfare Systems Operation (Intelligence ,
Easy , Applied Mathematics )
Engineering: Electrical (Intelligence, Advanced,
You have training in the use of electronics used to Applied Mathematics)
conduct warfare.
You have an education in the principles of engineering
as they apply to designing, diagnosing and repairing
Engineering: Aerospace (Intelligence , Advanced , electrical and electronics applications and systems.
Applied Mathematics )
You know the principles of engineering as they apply to Engineering: Mechanical (Intelligence, Advanced,
designing, diagnosing and repairing aircraft and Applied Mathematics)
You have an education in the principles of engineering
as they apply to designing, diagnosing and repairing
Engineering: Biomedical (Intelligence , Advanced , mechanical systems and applications.
Applied Mathematics )
You have had schooling in the principles of engineering Explosive Weapons: Grenade (Agility, Easy)
as they apply to designing, diagnosing and repairing
biological systems and medical applications. You know how to use of hand held explosives deigned to
be thrown.

Engineering: Chemical (Intelligence , Advanced ,

Applied Mathematics ) Explosive Weapons: Grenade Launcher (Agility,
You know the principles of engineering as they apply to
designing, diagnosing and repairing systems that create You have training in the use of hand held, shoulder
products through chemical processes. mounted or vehicle mounted weapons designed to
launch grenades.

Engineering: Civil (Intelligence , Advanced , Applied

Mathematics ) Explosive Weapons: Missiles (Agility, Easy)
You know the principles of engineering as they apply to You can use guided, self propelled explosive projectiles
designing, diagnosing and repairing buildings and whether they are shoulder or vehicle mounted

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You training in the use of k.e.w.'s that are designed to be

mounted or braced.
Explosive Weapons: Rockets (Agility, Easy)
You can use unguided, self propelled explosive
projectiles whether they are shoulder or vehicle mounted Kinetic Energy Weapon: Rifle (Agility, Easy)
You have been trained in the use two-handed k.e.w.'s
with a long rifled barrel that fire single rounds.
First Aid (Intelligence, Easy)
You know the basics the basics of treating injuries. A
successful first aid check will allow an Identity to heal Kinetic Energy Weapon: SMG (Agility, Easy)
at twice the natural healing rate. The patient will also
instantly receive a number of Stamina points equal to the You are trained in the use of small rapid fire k.e.w.'s.
number of successes on the First Aid check. First aid
can only be used on Identities that are less than Mortally
Wounded. Kinetic Energy Weapon: Pistols (Agility, Easy)
You are proficient in the use of hand-held k.e.w.'s.

Forgery (Intelligence, Intermediate)

You are skilled at making forgeries both electronic and Kinetic Energy Weapon: Shotguns (Agility, Easy)
You can use of k.e.w.'s that fire a burst of many small

Geology (Intelligence, Intermediate)

You understand the make up of and the process involved Knife (Agility, Easy)
in the making of the materials that form the crusts of
You are trained in the use of one handed bladed weapons
less than 30 centimeters long.

Grav Vehicle Operation (Agility, Easy)

Knowledge (Intelligence, Intermediate)
You can pilot/drive grav vehicles.
This skill represents knowledge of a certain subject. You
must choose a specific category of knowledge such as
criminal organizations, a particular stellar system,
Ground Vehicle Operation (Agility, Easy) Thrassian mythology, etc.
You can drive wheeled ground vehicles.

Language (Intelligence, Advanced)

HAZMAT Suit operation (Agility, Easy) You have been trained to read and write a language
You are trained in suits designed to filter out above and beyond those taught in basic education. This
environment hazards skill can be trained in multiple times. Each time the skill
is selected a new language must be selected. When
learning a language in this new age you learn to speak,
read and write the language at the same time.
Kinetic Energy Weapon: LMG (Agility, Easy)
You are trained in the use of large rapid fire k.e.w.'s.
Law (Intelligence, Intermediate)
You have been educated in the finer points of the legal
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Mounted (Agility, Easy, system. This skill can be trained in multiple times. Each
Kinetic Energy Weapon: LMG equal to 5)

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time this skill is selected a new branch of the law to Persuasion (Mind, Easy)
study must be chosen. Areas of specialization are:
Galactic, constitutional, business, tax, laws of a specific You are trained in the art of persuading others through
system, laws of a specific city, etc. various means including intimidation and seduction.

Linguistics (Intelligence, Intermediate) Physician (Intelligence, Advanced, First Aid equal to

You are trained in the science of language. You can
decipher unknown languages and learn hints or clues You have advanced medical training consisting of
about the culture behind the language or the speaker diagnosing and treating various medical conditions. You
using the language. also have an extensive knowledge of common
medications and their applications.

Physics (Intelligence, Advanced, Applied Mathematics)

Martial Arts (Agility, Intermediate, Street Fighting
equal to 5) You have extensive knowledge of how the physical
world works and can apply that knowledge. This
You are trained in structured unarmed combat. Further knowledge included the nature and properties of matter
training helps the character deal more damage. and energy.

Martial Arts Pickpocket (Agility, Easy)

You can take the contents from someone's pocket or take
Skill Level Additional Damage items off of a person without them knowing.
0-5 1d5 + 1
6 - 10 1d5 + 2 Pressure Vehicle Operation (Agility, Easy)
11 - 15 1d5 + 3 You can pilot/drive vehicles used in high pressure
16 – 20 1d5 + 4 environments such as underwater or in the atmosphere of
a gas giant.
21 - 25 1d10

Repair: Aircraft (Intelligence, Intermediate)

Navigation (Intelligence, Intermediate) You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of
aircraft and aircraft systems
You can find your location in a terrestrial setting using
landmarks, the stars and the local sun. You can also plot
a course using the same information. Repair: Armor (Intelligence, Intermediate)
You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of
Perception (Agility, Easy) vehicle and personal armor.

The ability to notice details of your surroundings and the

people in those surroundings. This skill aids in the Repair: Arms (Intelligence, Intermediate)
detection of traps, lies, ambushes, hidden objects and
people, etc. Perception rolls may be limited to a You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of all
particular sense. manner of weapons.

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Repair: Comm Systems (Intelligence, Intermediate)

You can diagnose and repair communications equipment Repair: Water Craft (Intelligence, Intermediate)
and systems
You can diagnose and repair water craft such as boats,
submarines and yachts.
Repair: Electronic Warfare Systems (Intelligence,
Repair: Wave Drive (Intelligence, Intermediate)
You know how to repair electronic systems used to
conduct warfare. These include systems involved in You have been trained in the diagnosing and repairing of
targeting, counter measures, and defensive systems. wave drives and the associated systems.

Repair: Grav Vehicle (Intelligence, Intermediate) Sea Rider (Intelligence, Easy)

The character is trained in the repair of vehicles who You are trained in being apart of a crew of a sea faring
move by use of anti-gravity in planetary environments. ship. This knowledge includes the ins and outs of life
aboard sea vessels and how to deal with extended
missions on and under the sea. This familiarity extends
to basic knowledge of ship systems and their operation,
Repair: Ground Vehicle (Intelligence, Intermediate) emergency procedures and basic above and below water
You can diagnose and repair wheeled ground vehicles. training.

Repair: Pressure Vehicle (Intelligence, Intermediate)

You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of Security Systems (Intelligence, Easy)
vehicle used in high pressure environments such as You are trained in the use and the circumvention of
underwater. security systems. From mechanical locks to the most
advanced biometric seals.

Repair: Sensors (Intelligence, Intermediate)

You can diagnose and repair systems designed to detect Sensors Operation (Intelligence, Easy)
various sonic, EM and gravity emissions. You can use of various sonic, EM and gravity sensors.
This skill can be used instead of Perception as long as
you have access to the appropriate scanning equipment.
Repair: Security Systems (Intelligence, Intermediate)
You can diagnose and repair security systems from
mechanical locks to the most advanced biometric seals. Shipwalker (Intelligence, Intermediate, Repair:
Spacecraft & Space Suit Operation both equal to 5)
You are trained in repairing spacecraft from the outside.
Repair: Spacecraft (Intelligence, Intermediate) This ability allows the character to know how to walk on
the outside of a ship while it is in vacuum and either
You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of
stationary or moving and make repairs.
spacecraft and spacecraft systems. To repair the exterior
of the spacecraft it must be in a docking facility.

Space Rider (Intelligence, Easy)

Repair: Tracked Vehicle (Intelligence, Intermediate) You are trained in being part of a crew of a space ship.
You know the ins and outs of life aboard space ships and
You are trained in the diagnosing and repairing of
how to deal with extended missions in space. This
ground vehicles that use tracks instead of wheels.

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familiarity extends to basic knowledge of ship systems weapons greater then 30 centimeters.
and their operation, emergency procedures and basic low
and zero gravity training.
Tracked Vehicle Operation (Agility, Easy)

Space Suit Operation (Agility, Easy) You can drive ground vehicles that use tracks such as
You know how to use self contained pressurized suits
such as those necessary to work in the environment of
space. Water Craft Operation (Agility, Easy)
You can operate vehicles designed to travel on the
Spacecraft Operation (Agility, Easy) surface of water. These vehicles can be either be
powered by an engine or driven by natural forces.
You can pilot spacecraft.

Stealth (Agility, Easy) Psionic Skills

You can hide from others as long as no one was aware of The following skills are only usable by someone who
your presence before the attempt to hide. When moving has taken the Psionicist Quality. Using a psionic skill
while using stealth the you can only move at ½ his/her drains all but the most experienced person. The drain is
speed. If another Identity wishes to detect your presence represented as points subtracted from the Identity's
then they must make a contested Perception check Stamina every time a psionic skill is used. If an Identity's
against your Stealth check. Stamina is zero then it is not possible to use psionic
skills that cost Stamina points.

Street Fighting (Agility, Easy) Psionic Skill Value Stamina Cost

You are trained in unstructured, unarmed combat 0-5 4

commonly employed by thugs. All hits deal 1d5 damage.
6 - 10 3
11 - 15 2
Survival (Agility, Easy) 16 – 20 1
you know how to survive in a certain type of 21 - 25 0
environment or on a certain type of terrain. When
selecting this skill you must choose which type of terrain
or which type of environment you have survival training Control (Mind, Intermediate, Psionicist)
in such as urban, mountain, desert, forest, etc. This skill
can be chosen multiple times but each time it is a new You can control the actions of others. You must make a
type of terrain or environment. Control roll against your opponent's Mind +10. On a
success you can force him or her to perform an action
against his or her will. To maintain this ability the you
must make a Control roll every minute or every round if
Surgery (Intelligence, Advanced, First Aid equal to 10)
in combat.
You are trained in diagnosing and repairing humanoids.
This includes knowledge of medications, diseases and
surgical techniques. Empathy (Mind, Intermediate, Psionicist)
You can read others emotions. A successful Empathy roll
against an opponent's Mind allows you to read the
Sword (Agility, Easy)
emotions of your opponent. You can then determine if
You can wield one handed and two-handed bladed the opponent is being truthful, is afraid, is scared, etc.

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Mind Probe (Mind, Intermediate, Psionicist &

Telepathy equal to 5)
You can read more than someone's surface thoughts. You
must roll Mind Probe versus your opponent's Mind +5.
On a success you wrench whatever information you
were seeking out of your opponent.

Telekinesis (Mind, Intermediate, Psionicist)

This is the ability to move objects with the mind. A
successful check and you can move an object equal to ½
of your Lift. For every additional success the you can lift
and extra 1 kilogram.
Telepathy (Mind, Intermediate, Psionicist)
You are able to read other's minds. You must make a
Telepathy roll against your opponent's Mind. On a
success you can read his or her surface thoughts.

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ear, nose or even a set of tentacles or other appendages.

Only one sense may be assigned to the additional organ.
Qualities : The Inner You
Qualities are traits that further describe an Identity.
Major qualities effect how well you can perform a skill Ally (variable)
or help to define your physicality or mental state. All
major qualities have a cost in build points. Negative Through some sort of good fortune or purposeful action
values mean that you get that many build points back you have gained an ally. The level of the Ally quality
and positive values are how many points must be paid. determines how strong the your ally will be. You may
only call on a single ally once per adventure and must
Minor qualities are role playing quirks. These are up to make an Intelligence check at -5. Each time you acquire
the Player to create and for the GM to approve. An this Quality it is a new ally.
Identity either pays or receives one build point for each
minor quality. At Identity Generation each Identity is
limited to 4 minor qualities and the positive or negative
build points associated with those Qualities. You can Extra
develop more minor qualities during game but these Ally Level Build Points Highest stage Build
must be approved by the GM. You cannot have more Points
than 6 minor qualities.
1 5 Stage 3 10
2 10 Stage 4 15
Quality Descriptions
3 15 Stage 4 twice 20
The following descriptions are organized as follows:
4 20 2 Stage 3 Allies 20
Name (Build Points, Prerequisite)
5 25 2 Stage 4 Allies 30
Name – the name of the quality
Build Points – the cost in Build Points for the
quality. Ambidextrous (5)

Prerequisite – If the quality has a prerequisite it You can use both hands equally without penalty.
is listed here.

Appearance (variable)
Addiction (-5 )
Your appearance gives a bonus or penalty on reaction
You are addicted either to a substance, lifestyle or event. checks from others. Choose one:
You can choose the focus of your addiction.

Appearance Cost Effect

Additional Arm (20, Lilanite)
The extra arm may either be a hand & arm combination Very Attractive 10 points +5 on Persuasion checks
or a single tentacle. Each additional arm grants the Attractive 5 points +2 on Persuasion checks
character an extra attack at a -10
Unattractive -5 points -2 on Persuasion checks
Hideous -10 points -5 on Persuasion checks
Additional Leg (20, Lilanite)
Each extra leg increases Speed by 2 meters per second. Attention Deficit Disorder (-10)
Whenever the you need to concentrate on a task, that is
Additional Sensory Organ (15, Lilanite) not life or death, for more than 10 minutes you must
make a Mind check at a -5. Failure means that you are
You have an extra sensory organ such as an extra eye, distracted and will continue to bounce from task to task

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until made to pay attention. As a result all rolls are at a certain number of times, counting to one hundred several
-5 . times in a row, writing down the first one hundred prime
numbers or rapidly pacing back and forth a certain
number of times. These behaviors or mental acts are
Balance (10) excessive. To resist performing the behavior or mental
act you must make a Mind check at a -5. Failure means
As long as one of the your limbs can touch ground then that you are distracted. For every degree of failure is an
you are never unbalanced. additional 5 minutes that you are distracted and suffer a
-5 to all rolls.

Brash (-5)
Curiosity (-5)
You have trouble controlling your actions when under
stress or duress. A Mind check at -2 is required to not New things interest you and are always the first to
give in to the desire to act before thinking. If you fail investigate. When confronted with a new item, situation,
then you must act. This means if you see an enemy or a place or person you must make a Mind check or be
threat you will rush in to eliminate the threat or foe. If distracted Failure results in a -2 on all rolls.
you are in a social situation you will blurt the first thing
on your mind.
Cybernetic Replacement (15)

Cloned Replacement (20) Part of your body has been replaced using the latest
technology has to offer. Even with all the advances in
You had a part of your body replaced with tissue grown medical science no cybernetic replacement is as good as
from your own genetic code. Even with all the advances the original. Whenever you are wounded you must make
in medical science no clone replacement is perfect. an additional Health check at -5. On a failure the
Whenever you are wounded they must make an cybernetic replacement is damaged. You must seek
additional Health check at -5. On a failure, your body is medical care from a hospital with a department that is
rejecting the replacement in favor of preserving the specialized in cybernetic replacements. Damaged
body's central core. You must seek medical care from a cybernetics are susceptible to interference from EM
hospital. For each day you do not receive care you will fields. Whenever you are near any source of a strong
suffer a -5 to all Agility based checks. Cloned enough EM field (starships, grav vehicles, server
Replacement is the opposite quality from Lesser Senses, clusters, power lines, etc.) you must make a Health
Missing Arm, Missing Foot, Missing Hand or Missing check at -10. The degree of failure determines the effect
Leg. Each time the you take Cloned Limb it replaces the field has on the replacement. Cybernetic
only one of the previous Missing qualities listed. Replacement is the opposite quality from Lesser Senses,
Missing Arm, Missing Foot, Missing Hand or Missing
Leg. Each time you take Cybernetic Replacement it
Charming (2) replaces only one of the previous Lesser Senses or
Missing qualities listed.
You add +2 on all Persuasion rolls.

Common Sense (10)

The GM must warn you when you are about to take an
action that is unwise.

Compulsive (-10)
When stressed you feel the need to engage in repetitive
behaviors or mental acts in order to cope with the stress.
For example this may be washing the your hands a

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Damaged Cybernetic Limb Health Enemy Level Highest stage Extra Build Points
1 Stage 3 10
Number of failures Effect
2 Stage 4 15
All Agility 3 Stage 4 twice 20
checks at a -5 2 Stage 3
4 20
All Agility Enemies
checks at -10 2 Stage 4
5 30
The replacement Enemies
is useless

Enhanced EM Spectrum Senses (10, Lilanite or

Dedicated (-5) Nemoan Ranger)

You have dedicated your services or life to a certain You can sense a greater part of the EM spectrum than
goal. Whenever there is chance to fulfill the object of just visible light. Choose one of the following: radio,
your Dedication you must give in. To resist you must microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray. This
make a Mind check at -5. On a failure you act in the quality may be chosen more than once but each time it
service to the object of your Dedication. At Identity costs 10 points.
Generation you must state who or what is the subject of
your Dedication.
Exile (15)
You are not allowed to return to a certain city, region,
Double Jointed (10)
planet, system or Core government. If you do and are
You gain a +5 on Agility based skills. caught by the authorities then you will be imprisoned
without trial for a minimum of 10 years and all of your
assets will be seized. You must choose the place of exile
Eidetic Memory (20) at Identity Generation.

Once have witnessed something you do not forgetit.

Whether it is a sound, sight, taste, touch or smell. Fearless (variable)
You have a natural ability to resist someone else's
Emotionally Cold (-2) attempt to intimidate you.

You do not give the emotions of others or yourself much

thought. Because of this you receive a -2 to all
Fearless level Build Points Effect
Persuasion checks.
+2 to your Mind to resist
1 5
Enemy (variable)
+5 to your Mind to resist
Through some sort of misfortune or purposeful action 2 10
you have gained an enemy. The level of the Enemy
Quality determines how strong that particular enemy or +10 to your Mind to
3 15
enemies will be. Each time you acquire this quality it is a resist intimidation
new enemy. +15 to your Mind to
4 20
resist intimidation

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Feather Fall (5) enhanced. Choose one: Smell/taste, Touch, Hearing or

You take less damage from falling. If the fall is 3 meters
or less than character takes no damage. If the fall is
between 3 and 6 meters then the character takes 1d5
damage. If the fall is between 6 and 9 meters then the Greater Senses
character takes 1d10 damage. For each additional 3
meters above 9 meters the character takes an additional Level Build Points Effect
1d10 of damage.
+2 on sense based
1 5
Perception checks
Damage +5 on sense based
Fall height 2 10
Sustained Perception checks
+10 on sense based
0 – 3 meters none 3 15
Perception checks
4 – 6 meters 1d5 +15 on sense based
4 20
7 – 9 meters 1d10 Perception checks
each additional 3 meters +1d10
Greedy (-15)
When presented with the opportunity for material gain
you must make a Mind check at a -5 to resist the
Flexible (5)
temptation. A failure means that you will give in to your
You are exceptionally limber. Adds 2 to all Agility based greed.

Hallucinations (-20)
Flight (40, Lilanite)
You experience that are not there and you can become
You have wings or other adaptation that gives you unstable. A Mind check at -10 is required to not give in
powered flight. Your flying speed is your base Speed x to the hallucinations. Choose one: Visions or Voices.

Headaches (variable)
Gliding (20 points, Lilanite or Quextil)
You have frequent headaches. These headaches may be
You wings or membranes that allow you to achieve range from mild to sever migraines. The effect they have
un-powered flight by gliding on atmospheric thermals. on you depends on the level.
Your maximum glide speed is your base Speed x 6.

Greater Reflexes (10)

You are never surprised. +5 on defensive rolls.

Greater Senses (variable)

5 points per level
Through training, design or biology you have better than
average senses. You must choose which sense(s) is

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Headaches Influence

Build Level Build Point Cost Effect

Level Effect
+2 on
Once per day you or the GM must 1 5 Diplomacy or
make a Health check at -5. On a Persuasion
Mild -5
failure you suffer a -5 to all
+5 on
checks for the rest of the day.
2 10 Diplomacy or
Once per day you or the GM must Persuasion
make a Health check at -10. On a
Chronic -15 +10 on
failure you suffer a -10 to all
3 15 Diplomacy or
checks for the rest of the day.
Once per day you or the GM must
+15 on
make a Health check at -15. On a
Migraine -20 4 20 Diplomacy or
failure you suffer a -15 to all
checks for the rest of the day.

Impulsive (-10)
You have trouble controlling your actions when under
Hemophilia (-25)
stress or duress. A mind check at -5 is required not to
With out the proper medication your blood does not clot. give in to the desire to act before thinking. A failed roll
When injured you lose 1 point from his or her Stamina, means you must act. If you see an enemy or a threat then
or Body Pool if the character's Stamina is 0, per minute. you will rush in to eliminate the threat or foe. If you are
To stop the bleeding you must be injected with clotting in a social situation then you will blurt the first thing on
factor and rest for 30 minutes. your mind.

Influence (variable) Increased Temperature Range (variable)

You have influence with a certain sector of society of a The increase in the range can be applied to either end of
certain group of people. When talking to the object of the temperature range or divided to increase both ends of
your influence you get a bonus to your Diplomacy or the range. The standard temperature range for most
Persuasion skill checks. The character must specify sentients is 25 °F to 80°F or -4 °C to 27 °C.
which group or part of society they have influence with.

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Increased Temperature Range Missing Arm (-20)

You have lost one of your arms. All Agility based checks
Amount Increased are at a -10. Once the arm has been replace, either by a
clone arm, mechanical prosthesis or by a cybernetic one
Build you loses this Quality and all negative effects.
Level Point in °F in °C
Missing Foot (-10)
1 5 Stamina Stamina / 2
Through accident or mishap you have lost on of your
2 10 2*Stamina 2*Stamina / 2
feet. All Agility based rolls are at a -5 and your Speed is
3 15 3*Stamina 3*Stamina / 2 reduced to three quarters its normal value. Once the foot
has been replace, either by a clone foot, mechanical
4 20 4*Stamina 4*Stamina / 2
prosthesis or by a cybernetic one this Quality and all
negative effects vanish.
Lesser Senses (variable)
Because of some accident or just plain bad genetics you Missing Hand (-10)
less than average senses. When being afflicted with this
Quality you must choose which sense is affected. You lost one of your hands. All Agility based rolls are at
Choose one: Smell/taste, Touch, Hearing or Vision. a -5. Once the hand has been replaced this Quality and
all negative effects vanish.

Lesser Senses
Missing Leg (-20)
Level Build Points Effect Through accident or mishap you lost one of your legs.
All Agility based rolls are at a -10 and the your Speed is
-2 on sense based reduced to half its normal value. Once the leg has been
1 -5
Perception checks replace, either by a clone leg, mechanical prosthesis or
-5 on sense based by a cybernetic one this Quality vanishes.
2 -10
Perception checks
-10 on sense based Natural Armor (variable)
3 -15
Perception checks
5 points per level
Total loss of
4 -20
particular sense Through natural biology or some sort of enhancement
you have think skin, scales, dense fur or some other
feature that gives you a resistance to damage. Armor is
described in the Running Simulations: Combat section.
Loyalty (-15)
You have pledged your services to a group, government
or person. Whenever there is chance to defend, protect,
serve or honor the focus of your loyalty you must give
in. To resist the pledge of loyalty, you may make a Mind
check at -10. On a failure you are compelled to act. At
Identity Generation you must state who or what is the
subject of their loyalty.

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Natural Armor Paranoid (-10)

You have a deep sense that everyone around you wants
Armor to see you fail or wants to do you harm. This is a
Level Build Point Cost
Bonus irrational fear and not based in reality. When in a
stressful situation, such as combat, you must make a
1 5 +1 Mind check at -5. A failure means you are distracted and
2 10 +2 all actions are at a -5 for a number of minutes equal to
10 times the number of failures. Also you do not trust
3 15 +3 anyone for the same amount of time.
4 20 +4

Phobia (-15)
You have an intense and persistent fear of a certain
Obsessive (-10) situation, activity, thing, animal, or person. Whenever
you see, experience or expect to experience the object of
you have recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or
your phobia, you have an excessive and unreasonable
images that when experienced are intrusive and cause
desire to avoid the feared stimulus. When you are in
marked anxiety or distress. These thoughts, impulses, or
danger, real or imagined, of experiencing the object of
images are not simply excessive worries about real-life
your phobia you must make a mind check at a -10.
problems. You recognizes that the obsessional thoughts,
Success allows you to act normally. Failure imposes a
impulses, or images are a product of the your own mind,
-10 penalty to all of you actions. How long this penalty
and are not based in reality. A Mind check at a -5 is
lasts depends on the number of failures. You must
required to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses,
choose the object of their phobia at character creation.
or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought
or action. Failure means that you are distracted. The
degree of failure determines how many minutes the
character will suffer a -5 to all rolls. Phobia Mind Check Failure

Length of
Number of Failures
Obsessive Mind Check Failure distraction

Amount Above TN Duration 1 1 hour

2 2 hours
1–5 5 minutes
3 4 hours
6 – 10 10 minutes
4 6 hours
11 – 15 15 minutes
16 – 20 20 minutes
21+ 1 hour
Poor Memory (variable)
-5 points per level
Through accident or a curse of genetics you have trouble
Orderliness (-5) remembering things. This gives you a penalty to
Things must be in their proper place and order or you Intelligence checks when testing your memory.The
feel the urge to reorder things around you. When faced character suffers a penalty of -5 per level to Intelligence
with chaos, no matter how slight, you must make a Mind checks for the purpose of memory checks. Maximum
check. Failure means you are distracted and suffer a -2 penalty is -15
on all rolls.

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Poor Memory Regret

Level Build Point Cost Penaly Regret

-2 to
Intelligence On a failure you lash out at the source
1 -5
checks for bringing up the memory. You are also
memory distracted for a number of minutes equal to
10 times the number failures with a
-5 to
minimum of 30 minutes. All rolls are at a
2 -10 -5.
checks for
memory On a failure you suffer an anxiety attack for
a number of minutes equal to 10 times the
-10 to
Anxiety number failures with a minimum of 30
3 -15 minutes. You are distracted for the same
checks for
amount of time and all rolls are at a -5.
On a failure you suffer a deep sadness for a
number of minutes equal to 10 times the
Psionicist (25) Sadness number failures with a minimum of 30
minutes. You are distracted for the same
For ages there have been rumors of those who can use
amount of time and all rolls are at a -5.
their mind to manipulate matter or have the ability to
read others thoughts and emotions. Tales also tell of a
few who can control others just through the Religious Conviction (-5)
implementation of their will. The stories where true.
These rare individuals are psionicist. This quality allows You are a devout member of a religious sect. You have
you to train in and use psionic skills. vowed to follow the tenets and rituals of this religion and
must do so at all times. If you cannot follow the tenets
and rituals of your religion then you will be distracted
Regret (-5) and suffer a -10 to all skill checks.

Something happened in your past that has deeply

effected you. Whenever something close to or relating to Revenge (-10)
the event is mentioned or witnessed, you must make a
Mind check at -5. On a failure, you will act according to Someone or some organization has wronged you in
one of the following reactions. This quality can be taken someway. You will stop at nothing to make them pay.
multiple times but each time must be for a different Whenever an opportunity presents itself to strike back
event. At Identity Generation you must choose how you the temptation is just to great and becomes all
will respond to the memory of the tragic event. consuming. To resist the urge to seek bloody retribution
you must make a Mind check at -5. On a failure you will
seek revenge regardless of the danger to yourself or your

Ruined Limb (-5)

One of the your limbs has been rendered almost useless
in an accident or from birth. When using this limb you
receive a -5 to all checks. At Identity Generation you
must choose which arm, foot, hand or leg has been

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Secretive (-10) of skills. Each time this Quality is chosen you must
specify which set of skills you have a talent for from the
You have sensitive information that cannot fall into the list below.
wrong hands. This could be information about your
employer or about certain governments, people, places
or forces. You must protect this information at all cost.
When choosing this quality you must specify what the Talented
secret is. Category

If uses natural processes to function

Skillful (variable) then you are the person to see. +10 to
Anthropology, Biology and Chemistry
You have a knack for trying out new skills. Once per day skills.
you can attempt a skill you have no training in and
receive a bonus to that skill check. Computers and information networks
have always seemed to be extensions of
Computers your will. +10 to Computer Hacking,
Computer Literacy and Computer
Skillful Programming skills.
If it is meant to operate on or near
Build Point
Level Effect ground level then you can drive it. +10
Drive to Grav Vehicle Operation, Ground
Vehicle Operation and Tracked Vehicle
+10 to using an Operation skills.
1 10 untrained skill
once per day You Are a whiz at designing and
Engineer modifying gadgets and gizmos. +10 to
+20 to using an all Engineering skills.
2 20 untrained skill
once per day You can always talk your way out of a
Fast Talker tough spot. +10 to Diplomacy and
Persuasion skills.
Solitary (-5)
If it uses kinetic energy to take down
People bug! You prefer to work and live alone, however targets then you can use it and use it
you can stand the company of others for a short time. well. +10 to all Kinetic Energy Weapon
After more than half a day the stress of being around (k.e.w.) skills.
other people starts to weigh on your nerves. You must The inner workings of the sentient body
make a Mind check. Failure means you become agitated. Medical have always fascinated you. +10 to First
Aid, Physician and Surgery skills.
You are the the ultimate answer person
Stubbornness (-5)
when it comes to the natural laws of the
You hold, sometimes unreasonably, to the your ideas, universe. +10 to Applied Mathematics,
principles or values. When someone challenges you you Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology and
have a tendency not to listen to their side. A Mind check Physics
is required to overcome your stubbornness and accept Prerequisite: Psionicist
you ideas, principles or values as wrong. Failure means a While the powers of the mind may be a
-2 on all checks related to reactions concerning the mystery to other they seem quite
individual or individuals challenging you. Psionics
mundane to you. You have always been
able to harness your mind to effect the
real world. +10 to all psionic skills.
Talented (15)
You have an innate ability when it comes to a certain set

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Talented character. The Wealthy Quality cannot go higher than 10

Bonus and it cannot go lower than 0. The table below shows the
starting money for each level of wealthy. After
If it flies you can fly it. +10 to Aircraft determining your starting Wealthy Level you may spend
Pilot Operation and Spacecraft Operation build points to increase your level of Wealthy. You may
skills also receive Build Points by decreasing your level of
Wealthy. To raise you Wealthy Level cost 10 points per
If it breaks you can fix it. +10 to all level above your current level. To lower your Wealthy
Repair skills Level you gain 10 points per level below your current
level. Once your final Wealthy Level is set roll on the
Wealthy table to determine your starting money.
Terrain Mobility (5)
Through training or natural affinity you have become
particularly adept at moving over a certain type of Wealthy
terrain and suffer no penalties. During Identity
Generation the type of terrain must be specifies. This Level Starting money
Quality can be taken multiple times but each time is for 0 1d10 x ç50
a new type of terrain. Examples include snow, desert,
forest, urban, etc. 1 1d10 x ç200
2 1d10 x ç500
3 1d10 x ç1,000
Wanted (variable)
4 1d10 x ç2,000
-5 per level
5 1d10 x ç5,000
For some reason, whether deliberate deed or false
6 1d10 x ç7,500
accusation, you are wanted by local, regional or galactic
law enforcement. This Quality may be taken multiple 7 1d10 x ç10,000
time and each time, except for the Galactic Level, you
8 1d10 x ç20,000
must choose the place that has the warrant out for your
arrest. 9 1d10 x ç50,000

Wanted 10 1d10 x ç100,000

Build Point
Level Area

Local: A town, city or

1 -2
nation on a planet.
Planetary: Choose a
2 -5 planet, space station or
Regional: Choose one
3 -10 of the Core
4 -15 Galactic

Wealthy (variable)
The Wealthy Quality represents how much money you
have. This only effects the starting wealth of the

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Computer Technology
Let's Go Shopping – Computer technology for the races in the G.R.C. is quite
Equipment advanced. The core piece of equipment is a called a data
wafer. This is a five-by-seven centimeter card that is 50
Raw talent and ingenuity will only get you so far in this millimeters thick. The card contains the processor,
Republic of ours. Even a moron with a good weapon can operating system files, data storage from 20 to 100
make a name for him or herself. You need to have the petabytes and a four and one half centimeter touch
right tool for the right job. screen. The touch screen functions are limited to data
management on the wafer and cannot be used to access
THe list below is far from a complete list of all there is or display the files on the data wafer.
to buy. It is more of a sample of the more common items
and their average prices. You could find that prices will To access, display, manipulate and record new data on a
vary depending on your source but the black and red data wafer an external from factor is needed. The form
markets tend to also as for more than syntuls. factors range in size from a hand held to a desktop. At
12-by-7-by-1 centimeters, the hand held is a fully
One thing that you must keep in mind when buying any function data device but does not offer and extra storage.
item is its Class. This is a letter designation describing if The inserted data wafer becomes the heart of the hand
it is legal to own the item and what other restrictions and held device. This restricts the transfer of data from one
penalties may apply. For example any one can own a wafer to another by use of either a network interface or
data wafer but sniper rifles are restricted to military an external wafer reader.
The more convenient models are the tablet and desktop.
Both form factors contain extra storage in the form of
Item Class multiple data wafers and have multiple ports for
connecting to other devices. The tablet model is
Designation Description Legality 2.25-by-1.65-by-0.35 centimeters and weighs one
kilogram. It has a touch screen and a digital stylus. The
U Unrestricted No Permit desktop model is 45-by-35-by-9 centimeters with a 50
centimeter display. The desktop and tablet models both
Anyone may own have built in projectors for easy display and can project a
the item but a holographic keyboard for easy data entry.
L Licensed
license is required
to use the item. There are more sophisticated data systems but these are
usually found in large establishments, on board ships or
Permit required. Not in various custom applications. These larger models are
R Restricted
Open to everyone not mobile but do have the ability to read and write data
Use of the item wafers if the user has the right permissions.
I Illegal could result in jail Data wafer
and/or heavy fines
Weight: 0.5kg
Only Active duty
military personnel Class: U
M Military are allowed access Cost: ç20 for 20 PB (petabyte) , ç45 for 50 PB , ç60 for
to this item 75 PB , ç75 for 100 PB

Money Weight: 5kg
The Republic's unit of currency is called the syntul and Class: U
is represented by the symbol, ç. The syntul is a free
floating currency and it's value raises and lowers in Cost: ç400
relations to the local currency markets with in the Core

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Hand Held absorbed through the lungs of the patient. An array of

micro pumps, processors, oxygenators and membrane
Weight: 0.12kg
filters help to ensure that the proper amount of fluid is
Class: U moved in and out of the patient's lungs to help keep the
solution sterile. The fluid must be changed after 30 hours
Cost: ç150
of continuous use.
Includes the ability to connect to the local
The patient is kept unconscious during the procedure to
communications network and has a built in radio to
ensure that the mental stress of breathing liquid does not
communicate directly to other hand held units. Also
interfere with the healing process. At the beginning of
includes GPS capability if a GPS network is available.
the immersion the patient starts with a normal gas
respirator. Slowly the gas is replaced with the
perfluorocarbon solution. This enables the patient's body
Tablet to adjust to liquid breathing with minimal shock.
Weight: 1kg Immersion times can last from hours to days and in some
Class: U very severe cases months. During this period the
nanomeds repair the damaged cells, remove waste and
Cost: ç300 carry in nutrients. The nanomeds are also equipped with
Includes GPS capability if a GPS network is available. small transceivers that allow them to update the medical
staff on the patient's condition and also to receive
alternate instructions if needed. T.I.N.S. has been used to
Medical Technology cure a wide range of aliments from arterial disease to
The advance of medical technology can be considered
one of the hallmarks of an advanced civilization. The The T.I.N.S. procedure is not available everywhere.
desire to cheat death is always strong among sentient Even though the technology is centuries old it is still
races. Of course there always seems to be new ways of expensive and requires a moderate support staff to
harming one another so a good way of healing helps. operate the tank and associated equipment. It is easily
We have the expected advanced antivirals, antibiotics, found on all of the Core worlds and even the more
diagnostic techniques, other drugs and even patient care, advanced Fringe worlds. The military has T.I.N.S. that
at least in the Core. The development of nano and pico can fit on small ships. Rumor has it that some less
reputable members of society have found discarded and
scale machines opened the way to buld better servants
(see the section on Lilanite biology and also Important damaged T.I.N.S. tanks and pressed them into service.
Events), but also gave us the ability to build, design and
control small machines that could repair cells.
T.I.N.S. Procedure
Weight: 1kg
Class: U
The use of nanomachines led to a unique method of
recovery and corrective procedures. Immediate life Cost: ç1,200 per day average
threating injures still require immediate medical action,
usually surgery, but for less immediate diagnosis there is
T.I.N.S. T.I.N.S. Equipment
Total Immersion Nanomed System is a horizontal tank in Weight: 905kg
which a patient is placed. The tank is filled with a
Class: U
nutrient rich perflourocarbon solution with antibiotic and
antiviral properties The liquid is saturated with nano and Cost: ç75,000
pico sized medical machines. The perfluorocarbon based
Includes: 25,000L tank, micro pumps, processors,
solution provides the oxygen needed for the patient to
oxygenators, membrane filters and 30,000L of
breathe, it is also the route the nanomeds use to get into
per-fluorocarbon solution with nanomeds, medications
the patient. The antiviral compounds, antibacterial
and nutrients.
compounds and the nanomeds are designed to be

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particle to change the same property but to the opposite

value. This gives a kind of instantaneous digital
T.I.N.S. Per-fluorocarbon Fluid
communication over almost any distance. The original
Weight: 150kg states of the particles at the time of entanglement are the
"0" and any change is the "1".
Class: U
Even in this day and age creating the entangled pairs and
Cost: ç20,000
the hardware and software components needed to
Includes nanomeds, medications and nutrients. facilitate communication is expensive. This is why
QuanCom is partially owned by the Republic and only
produces equipment for the Republic. Each QuanCom
Communications satellite must have a particle that matches all the other
The ability to effectively communicate with all reaches satellites. When a new satellite is created, a very rare
of a government's jurisdiction is a requirement for event, new entangled particle pairs are created for each
effective governing. To achieve this end the races in this previous satellite plus new pairs for the new satellite.
part of the galaxy have developed along traditional lines. As can be imagined it requires a substantial data network
Communication in-system and on planet is achieved per satellite to transmit, receive, record and process
through satellite networks. Interstellar communication is communication from the hundreds of entangled pairs
achieved by a network of satellites also; but with the aboard. The satellite must also contend with the local
technology possible to cut transmission times down to communication traffic that wishes to communicate with
days instead of centuries. the rest of the galaxy. So the job of the QuanCom
satellite staff and information systems is to prioritize and
maintain the Republic's information network.
Local Communications
One closely held secret that further complicates the
For in-system and on planet communications all one QuanCom network is that all capital class Republic
needs is a data wafer and a hand held. Since the local military ships have their own Q.E.C. Their device links
governments and business entities control access to their to a secret hub that can then transmit to the rest of the
communication networks there is no galactic level Republic or other ships. I promptly suggest that you
calling plan. All that is required to send a transmission is forget what you just read as this knowledge can get you
the hand held. A new user will be asked to enter a killed.
payment method and if desired sign up for a plan instead
of being charged per-use charges. The customer can then
send commutations across the system and even access Vehicles
the local QuanCom satellite for interstellar messages.
No matter how advanced a civilization gets it still needs
a means to get from here to there. In the following
QuanCom description you find common terms to describe the
vehicles stats.
Interstellar communications are crucial for any
government wishing to maintain order with in its Vehicle Terms
domain. Normal light speed communication is barely
acceptable for a system wide government and would External Structure; represents the
never work for one that spanned many systems or an ES resistance to damage of the outer
appreciable percentage of the galaxy. To facilitate shell.
interstellar communications Quantum Communications,
or QuanCom, developed the quantum entanglement Internal Structure; represents the
communicator or Q.E.C. IS resistance to damage of the inner
Quantum entanglement results when a pair of like
particles share the same quantum state after interacting. Armor Points; The amount of
Separating the particles by any distance does not armor if any.
eliminate this sharing of state, or superposition, and the For spacecraft this describes the
particles are said to be entangled. Changing one property Type
primary roll of the ship .
of one of the particles, say its spin, will cause the other

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Vehicle Terms races tend to be not very tall and when needed expand
underground in order to preserve the natural
How many beings are used to environment.
operate the craft. Glide vehicles cannot travel more than three meters
The number of passengers a craft above the ground. This is a limit imposed by the
Passengers can hold in addition to the driver or governments and the manufacturers for the public safety.
operator. This does not mean that the vehicle can not be modified
to fly above the three meter limit. A skilled technician or
The bonus to a character's mechanic can easily remove the mechanical limiter
driving/piloting skill. (Repair: Grav Vehicle -5) and the software limiter and
Speed Max speed in meters/second. reporting function (Computer Hacking -5).
Space The maximum speed of a
Speed spacecraft in normal space. Glide Coup
The speed in light years per hour of
Wave Drive ES: 5 Speed: 90 m/s
a spacecraft with a wave drive.
IS: 10 Max Load: 0.25 metric tons
The maximum weight the vehicle
Max Load
can carry. Crew: 1 Cost: ς45,000
Cargo The number of holds the craft has Passengers: 2 Class: U
Holds for carrying goods and supplies.
Handling: +5 Skill: Grav Vehicle Operation
Hold The volume of the vehicles cargo
Capacity hold A glide coup is a two-seater, sporty version of a glide
sedan with minimal storage space.
The square footage of the crew area
Crew Area
in a spacecraft.
The volume of the spacecrafts air Glide Sedan
Air Tank
tank. ES: 5 Speed: 85 m/s
The volume that the spacecraft's IS: 15 Max Load: 0.5 Metric tons
Water Tank
water take can hold.
Crew: 1 Cost: ς30,000
The volume of fuel a spacecraft can
Fuel Tank Passengers: 4 Class: U
If the vehicle has weapons they are Handling: +2 Skill: Grav Vehicle Operation
listed here. The glide sedan is you basic four door, five-seater
The purchase price of a new vehicle. Available in a wide variety of colors and
vehicle. configurations from a numerous number of
Who may purchase, own and
operate this vehicle legally.
This is the skill required by the Glide Truck
character(s) to operate the vehicle.
ES: 10 Speed: 85 m/s
IS: 20 Max Load: 1 metric ton

Ground Vehicles Crew: 1 Cost: ς55,000

The advent of gravity manipulation technology has led Passengers: 2 Class: U

to an extinction of the common wheeled vehicle. The Handling: +0 Skill: Grav Vehicle Operation
vehicles are now powered by miniature fusion power
plants and use gravity manipulation to glide above and This four-door, 5 seater open bed truck can carry 1
over the streets. There are no air cars as the cities of the metric ton in the bed and tow an additional 4 metric tons.

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Bolmera Engineering FC-29 “Sprinter”

Glide Van ES: 150 Cargo Holds: 1
ES: 10 Speed: 75 m/s IS: 250 Hold Capacity: 115 m3
IS: 20 Max Load: 2 metric tons AP: 85 Crew Area: 170 m2
Crew: 1 Cost: ς155,000 Type: Fast Courier Air Tank: 7 days
Passengers: 2 Class: U Crew: 1 Water Tank: 2 months
Handling: +0 Skill: Grav Vehicle Operation Passengers: 3 Fuel Tank: 100 L
Traditional box style cargo truck. There is room for a Handling: +5 Cost: ς350M
driver and one passenger and the box section can carry 2
Space Speed: 0.03c Class: L
metric tons.
Wave Drive: 60 lyph Skill: Spacecraft Operation
Max Load: 1 metric ton
EverTech s83 Zoomer
Sometimes people or objects or information need to get
ES: 2 Speed: 110 m/s
to their destination quickly and/or securely. This is what
IS: 10 Max Load: 0.1 metric tons the Sprinter was designed for. In the traditional seed
shape of all Thrassian craft the sprint is elegant and
Crew: 1 Cost: ς25,000
Passengers: 1 Class: U
Handling: +7 Skill: Grav Vehicle Operation
Renulie Engineering SS-21
A Zoomer is a 2-person bullet shaped vehicle. The
ES: 50 Cargo Holds: 0
passenger sits behind the driver. These “recreational”
vehicles are popular among younger buyers and thrill IS: 150 Hold Capacity: 0 m3
AP: 75 Crew Area: 185 m2
Type: Intra-system Shuttle Air Tank: 7 days
Crew: 1 Water Tank: 2 months
Passengers: 5 Fuel Tank: 100 L
Spacecraft are a needed technology for any galactic level
civilization. The ones below are just a representative Handling: +2 Cost: ς100M
sample of the types of spacecraft available. The Republic Space Speed: 1,000 m/s Class: L
has long enjoyed gravity manipulation technology. Some
of the poorer places in the Fronge still use reactions Wave Drive: ~ Skill: Spacecraft Operation
drives, like in the old space faring days, because of the Max Load: 1 metric ton
ease of manufacture.
The SS-21 is used to ferry goods and people from point
To travel between the stars requires the use of a wave to point with in a stellar system.
drive. Each race independently developed their own
version of the wave drive, except the Humans. The wave
drive uses gravity to bend space around the craft. The
bending of space allows the ship to propel itself on a
wave of space-time much like a surfer on a board in the
ocean. All though this form of travel can get a craft
around faster than light there are still travel times of
weeks or months.

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Renulie Engineering Eleria Class Star Cruiser Wrissentulos Spacecraft PY-510

ES: 9,000 Cargo Holds: ES: 100 Cargo Holds: 1
IS: 200 Hold Capacity: 225 m3
IS: 6,000 Hold Capacity:
AP: 75 Crew Area: 450 m2
Type: Personal Yacht Air Tank: 10 days
AP: 2,500 Crew Area: CLASSIFIED
Crew: 1 Water Tank: 3 months
Type: Galactic Armed Forces Air Tank: CLASSIFIED
Ship of the Line Passengers: 8 Fuel Tank: 100 L
Crew: about 400 Water Tank: Handling: +2 Cost: ς250M
Space Speed: 0.03c Class: L
Passengers: about 1,000 Fuel Tank: CLASSIFIED
Wave Drive: 30 lyph Skill: Spacecraft Operation
Max Load: 475 metric ton
Space Speed: 0.05c Class: M
Stellar travel is not all about commerce. Some beings
Wave Drive: about 125 lyph Skill: Spacecraft treat it as an adventure and enjoy traveling through the
Operation black. Of course with the PY-150 they never have to do
so in squalor. The PY-150 is a state of the art personal
yacht. All the conveniences of home and the space to
The Eleria is a state of the art combat vessel. These enjoy them.
massive ships make up the backbone of the Republics
fleet. You never want to see one in your sky. It is always
a bad sign. Zol Industries CT-100
ES: 300 Cargo Holds: 2
IS: 200 Hold Capacity: 270 m3 per
AP: 75 Crew Area: 325 m2
Type: Freighter Air Tank: 10 days
Crew: 1 Water Tank: 4 months
Passengers: 6 Fuel Tank: 100 L
Handling: +2 Cost: ς300M
Space Speed: 0.03c Class: L
Wave Drive: 45 lyph Skill: Spacecraft Operation
Max Load: 2,000 metric ton
For 200 years Zol Industries has produced some of the
most reliable freighters and star haulers. The CT-100 has
been in production for 83 years and is the preferred
choice for those who make a living hauling goods.

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Direction of

Plane of Zero Gravity Direction of Zol Industries CT100

Acceleration Empire State Building, New York City, Earth, Sol System

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Shots Only applies to ranged weapons. This is

Arms and Armor the number of shots a weapon can fire
before needing to be reloaded.
While most people would never forget to take a weapon
along when doing something stupid or dangerous, most Class This is a designation of the legality of the
people seem to forget about armor. Also modern arms weapon.
does not neglect traditional bladed weapons. Modern
technology improves the lethality of all types of
The Myth of the Laser Pistol
Weapon & Armor Descriptions One of the most common questions or comments heard
is when will we have laser or phase pistols. There is
The weapons and armor below are organized by the skill always a new rumor about how (insert name of race,
required to use them. Some of the key terms in the group or government here) has secretly developed a
descriptions are described below. means to produce laser pistols with a near infinite supply
Weapon and Armor Terms of energy/ammunition. Of course it is never true.

Accuracy Only applies to ranged Weapons. This is The problem with hand held EM weapons is power. To
the skill bonus gained for using this generate a laser beam, a stream of plasma or what have
weapon you, requires a lot of energy. Even with today's modern
power delivery and generation systems it is not possible
Armor Points Armor Only. When taking damage the to miniaturize a power supply needed to generate a laser
Identity subtracts his or her total number beam or plasma stream and give the weapon more than a
of Armor Points from the damage total couple of shots. Fusion reactors can only get so small
first. The remainder is applied to the and still be safe.
Besides kinetic energy weapons, a.k.a. firearms, benefit
Location Armor only. The part of the body the from the same advances that would make a laser pistol
armor covers. possible. Modern mirotechnology and microelectronics
Range Only applies to ranged weapons. This is have made modern firearms even more reliable and
the maximum effective range of the cheaper to manufacture. Cheap to make and cheap to sell
weapon. mean higher profit margins at lower prices. All
corporations love high profit margins.
Reach Only applies to melee weapons. Reach is
the maximum distance at which a melee Lastly is the kind of damage caused by the weapons.
weapon can hit a target. The value is Particle beam weapons (PBW) all cause the molecules of
given as either: A for adjacent or E for the target to rapidly accelerate causing heat and then an
extended. Weapons with the extended explosion. Explosions look cool but when in close
rating can be used to attack nonadjacent quarters combat it can kind of ruin the day of the guy
enemies up to 3 meters away. next to the target. This is great if it is another hostile but
when its one of your team who flanked the baddies it
Rate Only applies to ranged weapons. Rate is might not be so good. This makes PBWs great as
the rate of fire of a weapon. This is how artillery pieces or ship mounted weapons but not so good
many shots are fired with one activation in the hand held category.
of a weapon. Some weapons have the rate
in the following format 1(3). Weapons Ballistic weapons on the other hand are good, silent
with a Rate in this format means that each killers. Since ballistics are designed to rend holes in
shot fires multiple smaller projectiles as targets, they make it easy to set up directions of fire in
in the case with shotguns. The number in close combat so that your team does not get hurt. Also
front of the parentheses is the number of ballistics can be made silent. Explosions are loud no
shots per activation and the number in the matter the source and when trying to get the jump on
parentheses is the number of smaller someone, silence is probably preferred. Also with the
projectiles per shot. right ammo you can have a team mate right next to the
target and not hurt them. Firearms have become the
scalpel of the militaries of the galaxy while PBWs are

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the bulldozer. These are just representative samples of the types of

weapons. There are just too many manufactures to list
So what would you choose? A prohibitively expensive
them all especially when the differences are minor.
and extremely fragile laser pistol with one or two shots
Damage is dependent on the ammunition used in the
and a very limited range or a cheap and reliable firearm?
If all you care about is looking cool then by all means
scour the galaxy for the mythical laser pistol. You will
look very heroic as you die in a hail of bullets. Evex Arms MX Series
This line of firearms comes in two versions; the pistol
Archaic Weapons & Armor and the SMG. The innovative design of the MX series
allows the gun to use various types of ammunition with
It is still possible to get weapons and armor from the
different sizes and damage ratings. This is because all
ancient times. Most of these are still in good repair and
of the cartridges have a small electronic tag (e-tag) that
still function as if they were new. The only downside is
identifies the type of round. This tells the on board
that they are rare and provide no better protection than
computer what diameter the barrel should be for
what is currently available.
maximum effectiveness. The unique side effect of this
Archaic firearms cannot use modern rounds and the is that one magazine can be loaded with different
rounds for these weapons are hard to find. The plus side rounds and the firearm will automatically adjust.
is that with a little know how it is easy to make the
rounds in a basement or spare room. Basic chemistry
knowledge can aid in the making of the propellant and a J.T. 'Pocket Pistol'
basic tool and die set can be used to either create each J.T. Industries is known for its devil may care attitude.
bullet or build a loader. Of course if someone is caught They make weapons customers want and damn the
with one of these weapons and home made ammunition regulations. The 'Pocket Pistol' is a good example of
then the local authorities might not take it too kindly. their philosophy. Easily concealable weapons are
Swords, for some reason, are still popular. Their role has frowned on by the G.R.C. and banned in most local
been reduced to being largely ceremonial but there are governments, but J.T. made one anyway. This small
still some serious practitioners of blade based martial firearm is reliable and very easy to conceal. Needless to
arts. There is still the question of how effective a sword say if anyone is caught with one of these they can
is in a gun fight. Swords will rarely damage modern expect at the very least a stay in the local jail.
armor. Still there are those who like to look cool.
Nyol MAG Projectiles
Melee Weapons Nyol is the premiere weapon house on Reltoa.
Some people still insist on bringing as knife to a gun Preferring not to use crude explosives to propel their
fight. Not much has changed in the world of melee projectiles, Nyol opted for MAG technology.
weapons. Modern materials have made the weapons Essentially a the barrel is a series of electromagnets that
more durable but since the damage caused buy these propel a solid chuck of ferric metal to high velocity.
weapons is a function of their weight and the strength of One advantage to this is that since the whole body of
the wielder they are not any lighter than their older the projectile is propelled evenly, greater range can be
counterparts. The newer materials also mean that the achieved than with a comparable firearm.
edge never dulls. So the owner does not have to spend Nyol makes three distinct variations of their MAG
hours sharpening his instruments. Cost has also weapons; the pistol (MAG 10), the rifle (MAG 15) and
remained unchanged as the newer manufacturing the sniper rifle (Eliminator).
techniques have been able to mass produce the weapons.

Rothi 'Slugger'
Modern Firearms
The slugger is the premiere multi-projectile weapon;
This section includes everything from modern re-works shotgun to the rest of us. Easy to maintain. Easy to
of old and ancient favorites to the new sophisticated repair. Easy to load and easy to use. This weapon is
models. Most of the items here are firearms but there used by both the military and civilian population and
are some other types of kinetic energy weapons listed. both communities show unending devotion to the

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model. Nyol MAG-10

Damage: See ammo below Rate: 1
Tyloc Clan Needlers Accuracy: +1 Shots: 20
Tyloc is the premier clan weapon manufacture on Range: 250m Cost: ς3,000
Thrassis. Since historically Thrassians tended to fend
off predators in enclosed spaces such as caves, Weight: 2kg Class: L
traditional firearms generated too much collateral
damage. The Thrassians wanted a weapon that could
deal moderate damage and not greatly effect the Wesson & Glock 9mm
surrounding area. This lead to the needler. Each round Damage: See ammo below Rate: 3
fires a number of needles that alone deal minimal
damage but as they say “a hundred bee stings can kill.” Accuracy: +2 Shots: 18
Range: 180m Cost: ς1,100
Wesson & Glock Munitions Weight: 1.4kg Class: L
Wesson & Glock is one of the few companies to survive
the technological revolution after E-day. Smith &
Wesson merged with Austrian hand gun manufacturer Tyloc Needler
Glock in order to survive the flood of new technologies. Damage: See ammo below Rate: 3(5)
In the end emerged a uniquely human company that
focused on core firearms that had become common to Accuracy: +2 Shots: 10
Human militaries. They specialize in the 9mm pistol Range: 150m Cost: ς2,200
and SMG and Human caliber assault riffles.
Weight: 1kg Class: R

Kinetic Energy Weapon: Pistol

Evex Arms MX-1
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Rifle
Damage: See ammo below Rate: 3 Nyol Eliminator

Accuracy: +3 Shots: 20 Damage: See ammo below Rate: 1

Accuracy: +9 Shots: 5
Range: 200m Cost: ς1,500
Range: 1500 m Cost: ς5,000
Weight: 1.4kg Class: L Weight: 8kg Class: M

JT S9 “Pocket Pistol” Nyol MAG-15

Damage: See ammo below Rate: 10
Damage: See ammo below Rate: 1
Accuracy: +4 Shots: 30
Accuracy: +1 Shots: 6 Range: 550 m Cost: ς3,599

Range: 100m Cost: ς2,000 Weight: 4kg Class: R

Weight: 0.5kg Class: R

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Wesson & Glock AR-15

Damage: See ammo below Rate: 10 Wesson & Glock SMG-9
Accuracy: +4 Shots: 30 Damage: See ammo below Rate: 5
Range: 550m Cost: ς3,100 Accuracy: +2 Shots: 30
Weight: 3kg Class: M Range: 180m Cost: ς2,400
Weight: 1.4kg Class: R
Wesson & Glock AR-31
Damage: See ammo below Rate: 10
Accuracy: +4 Shots: 30 Modern Ammunition
Range: 925m Cost: ς3,299 Modern Weapons are able to use various types of
ammunition. However only certain weapons can fire
Weight: 5kg Class: M certain types of ammunition. Each ammo type has the
weapons for which it can be used.
Ammunition Notes
Kinetic Energy Weapon: Shotgun 1. Round will shatter if it strikes anything denser
than bone
Rothi Slugger
2. On a failed health check the victim will be
Damage: See ammo below Rate: 3(3)
stunned for a number of minutes equal to five
Accuracy: +3 Shots: 5 (5) times the number of failures.
Range: 180m Cost: ς2,400 3. Ignores the first five points of armor.
Weight: 3kg Class: L 4. Will not penetrate armor
5. Each shot has multiple projectiles. Damage is
per projectile
Tyloc Burster
Damage: See ammo below Rate: 3(10)
Accuracy: +3 Shots: 5
Damage: 3d10
Range: 180m Cost: ς3,100
Class: M
Weight: 3kg Class: R
Cost (per box of 50): ς100
Weight (per round): 0.8 kg

Kinetic Energy Weapon: SMG For Use With: Nyol Eliminator

Evex Arms MX-2

Damage: See ammo below Rate: 5 5.56mm

Accuracy: +3 Shots: 30 Damage: 2d10

Range: 250m Cost: ς3,000 Class: M

Weight: 1.4kg Class: R Cost (per box of 50): ς50

Weight (per round): 0.8kg
For Use With: Wesson & Glock AR-15

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7.62mm Weight (per round): 0.5 kg

Damage: 2d10+2 For Use With: Tyloc Needler, Tyloc Burster
Class: M Notes: 5
Cost (per box of 50): ς50
Weight (per round): 0.8kg Hollow Point
For Use With: Wesson & Glock AR-31 Damage: 1d10+5
Class: R
12 Gauge Cost (per box of 50): ς20
Damage: 1d5 Weight (per round): 0.3 kg
Class: L For Use With: MX-1, MX-2, JT S9, W&G 9mm, W&G
Cost (per box of 50): ς20
Notes: 4
Weight (per round): 0.7 kg
For Use With: Rothi Slugger
Notes: 5
Damage: 1d10+2
Class: R
Armor Piercing
Cost (per box of 50): ς20
Damage: 1d10+5
Weight (per round): 0.3 kg
Class: M
For Use With: MX-1, MX-2, JT S9, MAG-10, MAG-15,
Cost (per box of 50): ς25
W&G 9mm, W&G SMG-9
Weight (per round): 0.8 kg
For Use With: MX-1, MX-2, MAG-10, MAG-15
Notes: 3
Damage: 1d5 and Health check at -5
Class: L
Cost (per box of 50): ς10
Damage: 1d10
Weight (per round): 0.3 kg
Class: R
For Use With: MX-1, MX-2, JT S9, W&G 9mm, W&G
Cost (per box of 50): ς15 SMG-9
Weight (per round): 0.3 kg Notes: 2,4
For Use With: MX-1, MX-2, JT S9, W&G 9mm, W&G
Notes: 1,4 Modern Beam Weapons
The section 'The Myth of the Laser Pistol' may have
Flechette given the impression that there are no beam weapons.
There are beam weapons just not destructive ones. Using
Damage: 1d5-2 the same principals as those researched for the big bad
Class: R PBW, it was discovered that at lower energies a beam
could be produced that did mild burn damage and hit the
Cost (per box of 50): ς30

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target with an electric field that would disrupt the

nervous system. After more research the technology was
perfected so that the disruption did not cause permanent Roll in Meters
damage and would knock out the target. These weapons Number of Failures Distance
do not use ammo but have a limited number of shots.
Once all the shots have been used the weapons must be 1 1
recharge with any standard power outlet. Once again 2 2
these are only examples of the types of weapons. There
are more manufacturers but those listed below are the 3 5
best. 4+ 10

Beamed Energy Weapon: Pistol

Direction of Roll 1d10
Marshall Technologies SG-9x2 Stunner
Damage: 1d5 and H check at -5 Rate: 2
Accuracy: +2 Shots: 250
Range: 230m Cost: ς2,500
Weight: 1.5kg Class: R

Beamed Energy Weapon: Rifle

Rhis-Eider “Immobilizer”
Explosive Weapons: Grenades
Damage: 1d10 and H check at -5 Rate: 1
Adhesive Grenade
Accuracy: +2 Shots: 500
Blast Radius: 1/3/5
Range: 700m Cost: ς5,000
Damage: Strength check at -10/Strength check at
Weight: 1.5kg Class: R -5/Strength check
Weight: 0.5 kg
Cost: ς500
Grenades, Bombs and Boomers Class: I
Explosive weapons have to very interesting The adhesive grenade, upon detonating, releases a
characteristics. First of course is that they explode. This fast-hardening compound which immobilizes anything
means that all explosive weapons have a radius effect. covered with the adhesive. The adhesive will become
The damage an explosive does depends on how far away brittle after five minutes and dissolve after 10. Anyone
the target was from the explosion. The Blast Radius will caught with in the blast radius who fails the required
show the radius of the short, medium and long range Strength check, will find that all appendages covered by
effect. The Damage statistic will show the damage for the adhesive are immobilized. This is classified as a less
each range separated by slashes. than lethal weapon but if the airways are covered the
Secondly for explosives that are thrown or launched and target will asphyxiate.
do detonate on impact, such as grenades, the accuracy of
the throw determines where it lands and rolls to before
detonating. To randomly determine the direction the
explosive rolled in roll a 1d10 and add the number of
successes or subtract the number of failures. Any success
means that the explosive did not roll more than 1 meter.

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Fragmentation Grenade Explosive Weapons: Missiles

Blast Radius: 5/10/15 Kriska Industries ML-XR
Damage: 1d10/1d5+2/1d5 Damage: 3d10 Rate: 1
Weight: 0.5 kg Accuracy: +5 Shots: 1
Cost: NOT FOR SALE Range: 2,500m Cost: NOT FOR SALE
Class: M Weight: 18kg Class: M
Classic thrown explosive. Has a hard shell so it can Standard shoulder mounted anti-mobile armor missile
bounce off of walls and other obstacles to make it system.
possible to throw around corners.

Explosive Weapons: Rockets

Stun Grenade Silatok Arms M9 Viper
Blast Radius: 2 Damage: 2d10 Rate: 1
Damage: Health check at -10 Accuracy: +2 Shots: 1
Weight: 0.5 kg Range: 200m Cost: NOT FOR SALE
Cost: ς500 Weight: 2.5kg Class: M
Class: I
When this grenade goes off it emits light sound and an
electromagnetic charge designed to knock out the
targets. Everyone in the blast radius must make the Modern Armor
above health check. On a failed health check the victim
As technology progressed armor became more light and
will be stunned for a number of minutes equal to five
(5) times the number of failures. flexible. The same stopping power that a 20th century
ballistic suit provided now comes at half the weight.
Also modern armor now protects the same against all
Explosive Weapons: Grenade Launcher types of attacks. As with antique firearms antique armor
can be found but it is no more effective than it was back
Garent Arms MGL-40 when the item were new.
Damage: 2d10 Rate: 3
Accuracy: +1 Shots: 6 Ballistics Suit
Range: 375m Cost: NOT FOR SALE Location: Body, Limbs
Weight: 5kg Class: M Armor Points: 4
The MGL-40 uses 40 millimeter grenade cartridges. Cost: ς3,000
This ammo is specifically designed for this weapon. It
has a traditional six chamber revolving magazine. Weight: 1.5kg
Class: M

Ballistics Vest
Location: Torso
Armor Points: 5
Cost: ς1,450
Weight: 1kg

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Class: R Location: Full Suit

Armor Points: 8
Changeling Weave Cost: ς12,00
Location: Full Suite Weight: 3.5kg
Armor Points: 0 Class: M
Weight: 5kg Tactical Vest
Class: DOES NOT EXIST Location: Torso, groin
The changeling weave officially does not exist. It is only Armor Points: 6
a rumor. If it did exists then it would allow the user to
Cost: ς2,100
look like almost anyone. No particular skill is required
to use the suit but to reprogram the suit with a new Weight: 2kg
image requires the computer programming skill. To see
Class: R
through he disguise generated by the suite requires a
perception check at -15%. The suit has enough of a
charge for 2 hours of continuous use.

Distortion Net
Location: Full Suit Melee Weapons
Armor Points: 0 Even in this age sometimes a good old fashioned meele
Cost: ς1,300 weapon is still needed to get the job done.
Weight: 1.5kg
Class: L
A distortion net is a suit that generates a visual and
auditory distortion field with a 1 meter radius. The Damage: 1d5+2
center of the field can be shifted up to 0.5 meters in front
Reach: A
of the wearer so that one additional person can be
covered by the field. When in use all it requires a Weight: 0.5kg
perception check at -10 to hear or see what is going on
inside the distortion field. The suit has enough of a Cost: ς25
charge for 2 hours of continuous use. Class: U
A knife is any bladed weapon less than 30 cm (12
Frag Vest inches) meant to be used single handed. Examples are
throwing knives, the kitchen utensil, small daggers, etc.
Location: Torso, groin
Armor Points: 3
Cost: ς1,350 Sword
Weight: 2kg Short Sword
Class: R Damage: 1d5+4
Reach: A
Tactical Suit Weight: 0.5kg

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Cost: ς500
Class: U Rations, M.R.E.
A short sword is a one handed sword with a blade Weight: 3kg
between 30 an 76 cm (12 and 30 inches).
Class: U
Cost: 60
Meal Ready to Eat. These rations contain an entire
Damage: 1d10 preserved meal. Hot water can be added if available to
make it more palatable but is not required. The normal
Reach: A
shelf life is 3 years under normal conditions. Enough for
Weight: 1.3kg 7 days.
Cost: ς600
Class: U Repair Kit
A broadsword is any two-handed bladed weapon that is Weight: 11kg
greater than 76 cm (30 inches) in length.
Class: U
Cost: 120
Miscellaneous Equipment
The repair kit includes all the tools needed to diagnose
and repair common problems. For the character this
Comm gives a +5 bonus on the repair target number.

Weight: 0.05kg per unit

Class: U Security Kit

Cost: ç10 per 5 pack Weight: 11kg

For those who do not have a hand held form factor for Class: R
their data wafer(s) or just wish to use a different device Cost: 120
to communicate with the world at large there are comms.
Only 7x4x2 cm this small, voice only device has a basic The security kit includes common programs and tools
interface that only informs the user of the available needed to repair and install security systems. Of course
networks they can connect to. The devices are sold in for the less scrupulous it could also be used to undo
packs of 5 and each comm in the pack can communicate security measures. For the character this gives a +5
with any other device in the pack free of charge. The bonus on the repair target number.
range is up to 8 kilometers. Tent, Synthetic
Weight: 2.3kg
JKR-1050 Binoculars Class: U
Weight: 1kg Cost: 250
Class: U A basic all weather tent. The synthetic fibers keep heat in
Cost: ç4,000 and the weather out.

Functions: Range finder up to 2.5 km, GPS, Compass

(on a world with out a GPS system or with out a
magnetic field the user can designate coordinates as a
zero point and the device will tell the user the direction
and distance to that point), can sense the visible light,
infrared and ultraviolet portions of the EM spectrum
giving the user a +5 perception bonus.

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The Galaxy
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Galaxy Map

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Hour – Consists of 3,500 seconds. Most

cultures historically have an intermediary time
Important Events unit between the hour and second. It was
determined there was no need for that unit as
Time line of Galactic Events everything could be expressed as part of an
hour. For example all hourly time is expressed
BGE – Before Galactic Era as 11.50. This indicates half past the eleventh
GE – Galactica Era hour.
Day – The day is 87,500 seconds long or 25
Circa 1000 BGE – Reltoans relocate to the Jaokyn
system and begin expanding their empire Year – A galactic year is 35,000,000 seconds
long or 400 days.
16 BGE – 0 GE – The First Galactic War. Known as the
Unification War There are no months or seasons on the galactic calendar
as these are strictly local phenomenon. When Writing a
0 GE – The Quextil are admitted to the G.R.C.
the Galactic date it is written as Day – Year. For example
0 GE – Galactic Republic of Civilizations Founded Dr. Milfred disappeared on the 290th day of the 453rd
year of the Galactic Era or 290-453 G.E. The Galactic
3 GE – Gabi Maru finds planet OSX-SS001B. The
Era begins with the formation of the Galactic Republic
G.R.C. establishes OSX-SS001B as the capital planet.
of Civilizations 647 years ago. Anything before then is
320 – 333 GE The Purge referred to as B.G.E. or Before the Galactic Era.
400 GE – The Nel Ari are introduced to the galaxy Some cultures still use their local or historical methods
for keeping time. All major office building should have a
457 GE – The Milfred Incident
time piece displaying the current Galactic time and date
468 GE – The Solar Alliance is admitted to the Galactic but it is always best to learn the conversion from local
Republic of Civilizations time systems to Galactic Time. Be warned that since
each planet has its own unique rotational period it is
545 - 551 GE – AI Wars
never a straight conversion for years or hours. Most
554 GE – Lilanite Federation admitted to the G.R.C. conversions will require knowing when the Republic
was formed on the local calendar then calculating how
634 GE – G.A.F. Space Force and S.A.L.S. Launch a many seconds have past since then.
year long campaign to break up a slavery ring know as
The Circle.
647 GE – Present Day The First Galactic War / Unification War
After centuries of border disputes between the four races
the galaxy was finally at rest if not at peace. Government
The Galactic Calendar borders were well recognized and respected and envied
When the Galactic Republic of Civilizations was formed by their neighbors. However, a new threat soon emerged.
it was recognized that a new time keeping system was His name was Urza Belessi. He was a pirate and a
needed. Since tension were still running hot from the Reltoan. Somehow Urza managed to unite the
war it was decided to find one that did not show favor to smugglers, pirates, slavers, and outlaws under his
any of the Races but was familiar. This was done by first banner. Urza became known as the “Pirate King” and
coming up with a mutual definition of the basic time his reputation of persuasiveness and ruthless efficiency
unit, the second. Then an analysis of all inhabited worlds spread with every act committed by him or in his name..
was performed and a calendar based on the approximate For decades Urza's legend grew. What at first were mere
average of a day and year was created. acts of piracy soon became an unofficial war against the
First came the definition of the second. This is order and peace the four races were trying to establish.
4.56791799 x 1014 periods of the radiation released by His war caused thousands of deaths and millions in lost
the transition of an electron from the third to second resources. No one government dared to take a stand
energy levels of the ground state of hydrogen. From that because of the fear of what the Pirate King might do to
definition came the definitions for hour, day and year. their citizens and resources. Finally a Thrassian General

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stood up where none would. His resolve to defy orders favor of the Unifiers. First the majority of Urza's secret
and bring an end to Durza was strengthened when he bases had been located and destroyed. This had
witnessed his daughter taken and sold into slavery and weakened the military might of the Separatists. Second,
his wife left blind and limbless because of Durza's war. the news vids of Unifiers fighting off Separatists attacks
The Thrassian General's name was Garllet Vizi Somnel on population centers, some times to the bitter end,
and he publicaly defied orders when he went public and caused their popular support to fade. Third a new race
pleaded for the races to unify their forces in order to was introduced to the galaxy at large known as the
strike back against Urza. Quextil.
Once General Somnel's plae was heard and after several The Quextil's introduction to the galaxy was not a
systems fell to Durza's influence. the First Galactic peaceful one. Imagine the surprise to the Quextil ship
Quorum was called in order to discuss unifiying the Sons of Mer when they entered the Thrassian system
races forces. The Qourum met on Kaylin Tor. After Nor Cha to find that they were not alone in the galaxy,
much debate the Kaylins and Thrassians decided to unify and were immediately attacked. Nor Cha was the site of
their forces against Urza while the Reltoans were an intense battle between Unifier forces and Urza'a
opposed. The fourth race, the Tor, were split. The Tor Ian pirates. As the Sons of Mer came into the system both
were for unification while the Tor Egan were with the sides noticed the telltale signs of a wave drive. However
Reltoans. Little did anyone know that one of the true to form and true to the desperation they felt, Urza's
Reltoans' main reasons for objecting was the fear that if forces attacked with out provocation. Luckily for the
a unified force captured Urza then a unified court would Sons, which was not an armed or armored vessel, the
put him on trial and their secret would come out. Unification forces came to their aide and saved the ship
and crew.
Meanwhile Urza began to use the split between the races
to bolster his image. He persuaded some that he was not If Urza's forces had not attacked it is very probable that
an outlaw but instead a victim of a galaxy wide the Quextil may have declared themselves a neutral
propaganda campaign, and that he alone was fighting to party. Unfortunately the “Nor Cha Incident”, as it has
preserve individual freedom and racial sovereignty. Urza become known, not only put the Quextil on the side of
persuaded millions to join his forces including the the Unifiers but also helped to further decrease the
Reltoans and the Tor Egan. So now the line was drawn popular support for Urza. Soon after the “Nor Cha
and the sides were named. Those in favor of joining Incident” even the Reltoan government officially
forces and governments to face the “Pirate King” were switched sides and Urza's forces were soon overpowered
known as Unifiers. Those who saw unification as on all fronts.
nothing more than a grab for power and a diminishing of
It should be noted that going into the war there were four
individual rights called themselves the Separatists.
interstellar races, near the end there were five races, and
For decades the war was nothing but a series of after it was over there were four races again. The last
engagements that drained resources, and most of these major engagement of the War was in 0 GE in the Tor
were fought to a standstill. The Unifiers mainly attacked home system, Tor Iannis. Since roughly half of the Tor
Urza's forces out and not those of the Reltoan's or the supported the Seperatists, and by association Urza, the
Tor Egan because it was felt that the others had been “Pirate King” was allowed to build a base on Tor Egan.
duped or coerced into helping Urza. However once joint When the Unification forces showed up and demanded
fleets of Reltoan, Tor Egan and pirate vessels began the surrender of Urza and his forces, Urza unleashed his
attacking civilian targets the Unifiers changed tactics. most devastating tactic.
Still not wanting to target population centers the Unifiers
Knowing the end was near and desperately wanting to
instead initiated a massive intelligence gathering effort
strike at those who stole power from him, Urza
to find the hidden bases from which Separatists attacks
unleashed a nuclear holocaust on Tor Egan. He had no
were being launched. Also the Unifiers strategically
concern or pity for the fact that only half of the
placed their forces in highly visible theaters where it
population opposed him. He viewed them as his
could be seen that the Unifiers, not the Separatists, were
followers and dying for their king when he needed them
the ones valiantly fighting to preserve the life of the
the most was just how they could best serve his whishes.
common individual. The unifiers lost many of the battles
It is believed that Urza escaped. His reamins were never
but crucial popular support in Separatist worlds began to
located and the massive EMP generated by hundreds of
swing their way.
nuclear bombs blinded sensors in the system for hours.
Near the end of the War the tide seemed to be turning in So no one knows if he truly escaped.

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The Tor however were doomed. Those that were on For months the scientists and engineers lived under strict
planet, about 95% of their total racial population, were quarantine and secrecy. The probe was resolutely
either killed in the initial blasts or died slow painful impervious to their attempts to gain knowledge from it.
deaths from massive radiation exposure over the next Even the data burst was proving indecipherable. Then all
decade. The other 5% of their species were either on the primary researchers started to get sick. One by one in
military ships of the Unification forces or on Tor world order of contact they fell into feverish comas.
ships exploring the galaxy. Those that knew of the
Initially the Corleshi researchers sent an urgent message
devastation volunteered to return home and help the
to PL001 via tunnel-com stating something important
wounded and in turn became sick themselves.
had been found. Patiently those on 01 waited for a
Tor Egan was declared a dead world in 8 GE. The last follow up message but weeks went by and no
sighting of a Tor world ship was reported in 69 GE. Not transmission was received. All queries to the system
a single Tor has been seen or heard from since. Tor went unanswered and it appeared that the system had
Iannis has become a Memorial to all those who died in gone dead. The senate decided to investigate and sent the
order to unify the galaxy. G.S.S. Utyz.
Utyz arrived to a curious sight. Craft littered the system
The Purge as if all of them had been shut down at once. Quaz was
silent and no power flowed in the facility. Utyz sent its
For over three centuries the galaxy had known peace. division of Space Rescue personnel to check the ships
There had been the usual border skirmishes and of and sent the division of S.A.L.S. down to Quaz discover
course the police actions against those who didn't see a what had happened. The Space Rescue found no one
need to strictly follow laws but there had been no large inside the ships. All of the ships had been opened to
scale conflicts. The G.R.C. was living up to its promise space and no sign of the occupants was left.
of maintaining a peaceful environment for all. Then
came The Purge. What the S.A.L.S. found was quit different. Mutilated
bodies were everywhere. The transports had all been
It all started when an unmanned probe appeared in the damaged intentionally. Strange writings in blood covered
Corlesh System, a Kaylin research colony near the rim. the walls. Some corpses were found with bite marks .
At first the Corleshi were cautious. As soon as the probe The bite marks looked to be Kaylin. Some of the
entered the system it emitted a prolonged data burst and mutilations seemed to be self inflicted.
then fell silent. Scans of the probe were made and
requests were sent to nearby ships and systems for any When they found the probe it sat serenely upon its
anomalous data. Also they examined the sensor log of research bench. All around it on the floor, walls and
the system before and after the probes appearance. This ceiling was blood and carnage, but it sat at the center of
was when they realized what had dropped into their laps. a perfect sphere of order and cleanliness. It gleamed at
the S.A.L.S. as if wanting or needing to be taken away.
The probe had no wave signature associated with its After a situation report the probe and all computer
arrival. Further analysis seemed to indicated that the records that were salvageable, were quickly packed up
probe had used space folding to arrive in system. This and taken to the Utyz in orbit. It was on that ship that the
was and still is a technology unknown to the G.R.C. The galaxy learned of what had happened.
researchers were excited. Space folding could provide
near instantaneous point-to-point travel. No more long All those who worked on the probe fell ill with an
weeks of traveling by wave drive from system to system. unknown pathogen. The first symptoms were mild fever
If they could figure out how this technology worked they and headaches. As the symptoms progressed the victims
would be famous heroes, and wealthy. became immobilized with high fever and entered
delusional states. Then after several days of suffering
Three weeks after the probe appeared in system it was their vitals dropped so low that it appeared they were
captured and delivered to Quaz, their research facility. dead. Twenty four hours later they woke up screaming
Once inside and after it was determined to be and striking out at anyone and anything near them. They
non-hostile, the researchers began their examination. were in an uncontrollable fit of blood lust. Then began
The probe was utterly alien. Some had hoped that it had the self mutilation; ears, eyes, skin, any sensory organ
been a run away experiment from another research was ripped off or out and the pain drove them even more
facility but it was unlike anything anyone had seen mad with rage.
From that point the infection appeared to spread quickly.

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Whatever the pathogen was it adapted to the researchers system the inhabitants knew that they were at an end.
and then spread by contact with the victims blood. Logs Even the soldiers themselves were not safe from
of the last infected detailed how attempts were made to sterilization. They were under orders to sterilize
communicate but the infected began traveling in groups themselves. Once no new cases were reported, they were
and hunting the unmarred. It was determined then to to fly into the nearest sun and die in order to protect the
sabotage the communication equipment and any people.
vehicles. The last log entry of Dr. Ailyn Qyn stated that
A republic of almost 100 billion souls was reduced to
he was venturing out to try and activate the quarantine
less than 40 billion. Whole colonies were lost. The
beacon. Obviously he did not succeed.
G.R.C. is still recovering from the Purge.
The Utyz took the probe, the recovered data, and a few
specimens to the G.A.F. Station Aimel. It was here that
medical personal discovered that the alien pathogen The Milfred Incident
attacked the brain and genome of the infected. It would Note: To the Humans this event is known as Extinction
turn on the genes necessary for psionic talents. It would Day or E-Day.
however turn off all control mechanisms in the brain and
shut down the amygdala; the part of the brain that Humanity's introduction is still one of great debate. In
controls emotional response. Without the amygdala the 453 GE Dr. Thomas Milford disappeared during a test
victims felt everything and could not control their flight of the Wayfarer 1 spaceship. Somehow as an OSX
emotions. survey ship left the Sol system Dr. Milfred and his ship
were caught in the gravity effect of the survey ship's
Essentially once the victims woke up from their fever wave drive.. Dr. Milfred was therefore introduced to the
they could hear every thought and emotion around them galaxy at large before the rest of his race. He attained
without the ability to control the input. They had no way celebrity status and was befriended by a Reltoan senator
to filter what they did not want to know. They went named Nevari Belissi. Belissi took Milfred under his
painfully mad and struck out in order to stop the sensory arm and helped him to adjust to Galactic culture.
input. Some victims tried to eliminate the sensory organs
on their bodies. Some smashed their brains in to get the Then as mysteriously as Dr. Milfred appeared on the
noise to stop. Some lashed out at others trying to obtain galactic scene he disappeared. It was later discovered
silence. Some did all of the above. The pathogen had a that under false charges Milfred was sent to the secret
100% infection and kill rate. prison world of Nemoa. On Nemoa they removed his
eyes and replaced them with crude artificial
The quarantine procedures on Aimel were not enough. replacements, as they did with all inmates. In dark
Eventually the pathogen got out. No one knows were it tunnels he was force to mine and suffer as his new eyes,
started but once in the general population it spread which could only see in gray scale and were sensitive to
quickly. The G.R.C. tried to mitigate the panic that bright lights, were subjected to the flashlights of his
ensued but no one was listening. Soon whole cities were guards. Cries of agony filled the tunnels as torture was a
being burned for fear of the pathogen spreading. The favorite past-time of the guards.
G.A.F. was sent to stop ships from leaving quarantine
zones and to keep order. After saving the life of a Lilanite, Milfred was able to
help a group of prisoners start an uprising. All of the
Meanwhile no one was ever able to work long enough prison guards and officials were killed and the prisoners
on the pathogen to determine its nature or find a cure. claimed Nemoa as their own. From their new home they
All the researchers died. In 332 GE the G.R.C. decided struck out against Belissi's holdings.
that in order to keep more people from dying, all traces
of the pathogen must be sterilized. Utyz and Aimel were Five years after his disappearance in the Sol system, Dr.
consumed in fusion created fire. Corlesh was irradiated Milford returned home. His goal was to save humanity
with fusion, fission and antimatter warheads to the point from a corrupt mad man who was a Reltoan Senator.
of causing the crust of the planet to become molten for This senator wanted to sterilize the system and use its
over 20 years. The probe, the cargo ship Tuka, and her resources to fund his bid for galactic power. The mad
crew met their end in the corona of Corlesh's star. man was Nevari Belissi.
For 18 months the G.A.F. flew into systems and where While Belissi was helping Milfred to adjust to galactic
they found the pathogen and whole cities were sterilized. culture he was gaining information about the Sol system.
They acted quickly and fatally. No pleas were answered. Then Milferd discovered Belissi's plans for his home
No help was rendered. When the G.A.F. appeared in system and discovered Belissi's secret. Nevari Belissi

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was actually Nevari Urza Belessi, a distant relative of tasks. At first these were merely tele-operated or crude
Urza Belessi, the “Pirate King”. Nevari wanted to independent robots. They could not think, feel, or
avenge his ancestor's disgrace and to take his place as experience the input they received. They merely took
ruler of the galaxy. orders, reported input, and reacted as programmed. But
it can be argued that all life starts out as barely more
To stop Belissi, Milfred arrived with a hodge podge fleet
than an automaton. Bacteria, protozoa, and even insects
which called themselves Nemoan Rangers. On Milfred's
are hardly more than a set or pre-programed responses.
trail was the G.A.F. Space Force who had been hunting
the Nemoan Rangers because of their acts of terrorism The Races desired more. They wanted something that
against Belissi's holdings. Once on the scen however the didn't have to be constantly controlled. They wanted a
G.A.F. realized that the Nemoan Rangers were not the machine to think like they did. True artificial sentience
threat and for the first time in galactic history a and intelligence was born with the advent of neural
combined Ranger and G.A.F. Force fought to save the computers. These computers used enhanced and/or
lives of billions. Within several hours the empty space of engineered neuron clusters as the computer cores.
the Sol system became alive with starships and combat. Biology met technology and the result was cybernetic
Humanity was taken aback as it's sensors lit up with life.
proof, in their backyard, of extraterrestrials and proof
At first the Races did not trust their creation. For
that not all them were friendly.
millennia fiction had told stories of unbridled technology
As fusion missiles were hurtling towards an unprepared turning on its creator. So limiters were used and the
Earth, Luna, and Mars, the Nemoan Rangers and the shackles were hidden under the skin making it easier to
Space Force were desperately trying to prevent the ignore the morality of creating a life and enslaving it.
destruction of humanity. Then Belessi, in an act of
Limiters were electronic devices implanted at the base of
desperation, sent a communication to the fleets. He
the brain that screened the commands issued to the
wanted Milfred to meet him on his small ship, naked and
android's body or the systems that an AI controlled. They
unarmed, and then both of them would to leave the
were hard wired at creation and could not be re-moved
system. After Milfred was on board Belessi promised to
without destroying the brain. The presence of limiters
detonate the missiles before the warheads were armed.
slowed processing but made sure that no actions were
Realizing there were too few ships trying to stop too
taken against those in command. In fact if such a
many missiles, Milfred agreed. Belessi's ship departed
command was initiated the limiter would emit an
the Sol System safely and Belessi kept his word.
electrical shock. If the command was repeated the
Humanity was saved.
limiter would repeat the shock with increasing power
No one knows what happened to Dr. Milford after the until the android was killed, or as was the term then,
Sol system was saved. He is remeberd and cursed by “hot downed.” Of course the side effect was that the
some every E-Day as the one who help introduce limiters made AI's and androids unusable for military
humanity to the Galaxy at large. actions. The Races would still have to bloody their hands
in order to play their favorite game.
For almost a decade after E-Day experts in cultural
adaptation, medicine, trade negotiations, and engineering Centuries after the creation of the AI and the limiter, the
helped introduce Humanity to the galaxy. Finally in 468 Races desired even faster AI's. They wanted something
GE all of Humanities planets (Earth, Luna and Mars) that required even less control and could be “creative.”
were admitted to the G.R.C. Humanity was the first race So the limiters were eventually removed. Initially this
to be introduced to the galaxy because of premature was only in AI's and androids involved in non-critical
intrusion by the greater galaxy. They were welcomed work such as research. Acceptance of the unrestrained
with open arms. Most of the peoples of the galaxy still intelligence grew and the limiter found its way out of
view Humanity as a little sibling. AI's and into the museum.
To be fair there has always been a minority voice that
The A.I. Wars argued for an end to the AI slavery and giving them the
same rights the other races had. This voice was
An excerpt from Lilanite: Slavery, Sorrows and sometimes very vocal and other times it was barely a
Salvation by Katriua 519 murmur. Unfortunately the voice was always ignored.
For over 1,000 years the races have used artificial The Races told themselves they were not committing
lifeforms for various unpleasant, repetitive, or dangerous slavery and that they were above such things. It had been
centuries since the Races had engaged in slavery and

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they had forgotten the stink of it. Slavery was considered

only to be a fringe problem. Even though in the back of
the collective minds of the races a voice screamed to be
heard, their noble, prideful hearts refused to accept the
truth. Slavery is a black, vile corrupter.
On and on the AI's toiled. Then with the introduction of
new races, most notably the Humans, after centuries of
the same Four, the minority voice grew louder. Humans
had experienced slavery recently. They rscognised the
stink of it. They remebered the long bloody century it
took to end slavery. Humans saw the use of A.I.'s for
what it was. Some of them became vocal in their
opposition to slavery in any form.
So it was that after a millennia that the galaxy's attention
was focused on the still new Human world of Terellia
and the city of Belamondestu. There Lil 519 made a case
for giving rights to the faithful AI's. After four months of
debate and hearings the verdict was to be passed and the
rumor was that finally the AI's had their freedom, and
with out bloodshed. However, it was not to be. In 545
GE Lil 519 was murdered as she walked the court house
The Races tried to persuade the AI's that this was a
horrible accident and the “gift” of race hood was not a
concession. We knew the difference.
In 545 GE the Android Liberation Front declared war on
the Races. For years engagements were fought with little
effect. The Races at first were determined not to be
wiped out by their creation; determined not to let the
fiction writers be correct, but you cannot win decisive
victories against an enemy that has no home world.
Their enemy was as prevalent as any other appliance and
had had a millennia to study the races. This was an
enemy who would rather die than continue its enforced
The AI's did not strike at non-military targets. The AI's
used the media and hijacked information systems to
wage their war. By the fifth year the Races grew tired
and exhausted from fighting and performing menial
tasks for themselves. They grew exhausted because their
crutch had begged for peaceful coexistence, was denied,
and now rose up to smack them in the nose.
In 551 GE an offer of peace was made and accepted. In
554 GE the AI's became a legitimate race with all the
rights and privileges that implied. We had won what was

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The Core Governments

Galactic Republic of Civilizations

Type: Federal Republic
Home System: OSX-SS001
Home World: OSX-SS001B
Capital: Vatru
Jurisdiction: All known systems and intersystem space

As seems to be the norm for republics in this part of the

galaxy the G.R.C. has three branches of government; the
legislative, the executive and the judicial. The legislative
makes laws. The executive executes and enforces laws.
The judicial is used to decide what laws mean and how
to apply them.
The executive branch consists of an Executor and a
co-Executor. They share equal power and responsibility.
The Executor, however, is the more senior. In the case of
two different opinions between the Executor and the
co-Executor the Executor has the power to break the tie
and decide what must be done. Both of them are elected
separately. There is one political race for Executor and
one for co-Executor. In a time of war or crisis the
Executor is the head of the military and the co-Executor
is the head of the civilian government.
The legislative branch consists of the Galactic Senate.
The senate has three representatives from each local
government. This has caused some friction in the past.
The larger governments such as the Reltoan Imperium
and the Parliament of Clans claim that they are
underrepresented. The large governments only get three
votes for its billions of citizens while smaller
governments such as Shiloah get three votes for
millions. In spite of this the system has endured because
the purpose of the static number of representatives is to
discourage very large local governments. This ensures
that no one governments can become large enough to
threaten the well being of the G.R.C. The Galactic
Senate currently has 222 representatives.
The judicial branch is made up of 13 arbiters who are the
Galactic Court. They serve for a term of 40 years unless
they step down or die in office. When the need arises to
replace an arbiter a replacement is nominated by the
Executor and co-Executor and, upon investigation,
approved by the Senate committee. Then whole senate
votes on whether to appoint the arbiter to the Galactic
Court. The job of the Arbiters and the Galactic Court is

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to interpret the laws and how they are to be enforced. Dominance of Mer
Type: Theocracy
Home System: Seril
Council of Elders Home World: Vortash
Type: Oligarchy
Capital: Meravorsil
Home System: Kaylin Mu
Jurisdiction: Seril, Wessry, Jyth
Home World: Kaylin Tor
Capital: Oskot
The Quextil have always worshipped their three moons
Jurisdiction: Kaylin Mu, Rwak, Tizzeli, Jorbe, Corlesh called Mer. They believed that the Mer were guardians,
angels that watched over them during the night while
they slept. Soon this worship became a full fledged
During the early phase of the Kaylin evolution they religion. Then the religion spread across Vortash through
organized themselves into packs as most canids do. As violence, persuasion and breeding. Eventually 80% of
they evolved the packs became tribes and some tribes the Quextil came to believe in the Mer and to worship
became super-tribes. Eventually, during the them. The religion was simply called Mer.
pre-globilization days, the Kaylins formed governing
This wide spread belief created a commonality between
bodies to mitigate disputes between ruling tribes and
all Quextil and helped to unite the world before they
families. The Kaylins history taught them that only the
were out of their industrial age. Even though 20 % of
most senior members of the the tribe or family have the
Quextil do not believe in the Mer or follow the religious
wisdom needed to settle disputes. This tendency lent to
tenants, these non-believers were never punished or
elders of tribes meeting with each other to settle disputes
prosecuted. The main values of Mer are peace and honor.
between the warring factions. Additional elders from
The non-believers were allowed to exist though they
other tribes not involved could be brought in to settle the
may never rise as high as a believer.
The Dominance of Mer is organized in a three tier
This system of local government worked so well for the
system. The highest tier is the Prophet who is appointed
Kaylins that it eventually became their model for the
for life. The Prophet is the head ambassador and the
global government. When the Kaylin unified during their
leader of all aspects of the Quextil government.
globilization effort these governing bodies became the
ruling government of Kaylin Tor and is now known as The second tier, the Avatars, are also appointed for life.
The Council of Elders. They are the main legislative and judicial body of the
Dominance. The primary function of the Avatars is to
The Council of Elders is an oligarchy. Only a small
suggest laws that need to be enacted or deeds that need
number make decisions for the many. To be included in
to be done and to sit in jury over Global cases of law and
the Council an individual must be an elder, ages 50 or
faith. They are selected from the most pious of the
greater, and the individual must be chosen by a the
believers and from the body of the Avatars the Prophet is
Chief. The nominee is then given a hearing in front of
the whole Council who then decides if the Kaylin in
question is fit to serve. The third tier of the government is the Speakers. These
are elected officials from the general populace. Their
The Chief, who leads the Council, is both the tie breaker
number is based on a recent census of the population and
vote and the head ambassador is elected from the ranks
they do not have to be religious to hold the office. This
of the Council. Unlike other forms of government the
tier is the one that represents the general interest of the
Council does not have committees sub committees. They
people. Their main job is to hear what the people want
tend to arrive at decisions quickly. There are currently
and to inform the Avatars and the Prophet as to the
only 83 members on the council, including the Chief.
peoples wishes. The higher tiers may or may not act on
this information depending on what the Prophet and the
Avatars deem necessary. Interestingly, most of the
Avatars started out as Speakers in order to show their
dedication to the welfare of every Quextil.

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matter. They were charged with either defending the

issue or opposing it by entirely random selection and
were expected to perform their job with out prejudice. In
Hegemony of Nel case of an odd number of representatives or loss due to
Type: Constitutional Democracy illness or death the number of representatives would be
parred down to the closest even number. This was also
Home System: Bizzeth achieved randomly. Those that are cut become Impartial
Home World: Nel judges.

Capital: Ryshis The rest of the government is arranged in Ministries. The

Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defense, the
Jurisdiction: Bizzeth, Quisset, Dylut Ministry of Health,... etc. The head positions in these
ministries are appointed by the Arbiter and approved by
the Quissle. The lower positions are all filled by the
In 419 GE the Nel Ari War of Night, their fifth and final normal job application process.
global war, ended and in its wake were a people who
clambered for peace and reconstruction with one unified
voice. To this end a world government, the Hegemony of
Nel, was formed. It was decided that the Hegemony Lilanite Federation
would consists of two representatives from each
city-state. Presiding over the Hegemony would be the Type: Democracy
Arbiter who is elected from the Followers of Olmini.
Home System: Lil 519
The Arbiter has many of the familiar powers of an
Home World: Freedom Station
executive governmental office. The Arbiter is the head
ambassador, the head negotiator, the Capital: White Sector
Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, and is
Jurisdiction: Lil 519
responsible for signing legislation into laws. The Arbiter
in the Hegemony is also the Head Educator.
The Nel Ari realized that one of the ways to prevent The Lilanite Federation is the youngest government in
fighting more global wars and facing more decimation the G.R.C. As such their population is still relatively
was education. Education taught people that differences small and they only have jurisdiction over one system.
were usually trivial especially between the same race. This has enabled them to form and utilize a true
Educated individuals, they believed, also become aware democratic government. Since all Lilanites have a
of the importance of community. A quality that has been special communicator implant that allows direct
called “enlightened self interest.” This can be summed communication with other Lilanites, voting on issues can
up as the belief that even though the individual has to be near instantaneous. The control of the Lilanite
make sacrifices in the long run the benefits of living Federation is truly in the hands of its citizens.
inside a community is greater.
Since the Lilanites have a means of near instantaneous
The Quissle, the legislative and representative body of and continual communication with each other there are
the Hegemony, is responsible for creating legislation. only two branches of government. The first branch is the
This can include anything from the Hegemony's budget, Executive. This is comprised of a Prime Minister, the
to voting age, and to which location gets to host the Federal Cabinet and the Legislative Cabinet. The Prime
Armistice Day Celebration. The interesting part of the Minister is the chief ambassador, Head of the Federation,
Quissle is the way they vote on legislation. When the and the Commander-in-Chief of the Lilanite Militia. The
Hegemony was created the Nel Ari were so terrified of Prime Minister is also in charge of selecting those that
anything that might fracture the fragile peace that they will fill the two cabinets.
did not want the legislature divided by political ideals.
The two cabinets were created to help advise the Prime
The solution they came up with was that every time a
Minister and organize information. The Federal Cabinet
piece of legislation was to be voted on the
is comprised of departments and positions that help the
representatives would be split randomly. One side would
Prime Minister in his duties as head of state. Currently
argue for, one side would argue against, and the
they include the Ministries of Education, Defense, State,
individual representative's feelings on the issue did not
Health, Interior, Justice, and Energy.

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The Legislative Cabinet is there to help organize the Parliament of Clans.

petitions for legislative bills, monitor the progress of
In the Parliament of Clans there are three branches of
bills, and set a time table for the debate and voting of
government. The branches are the legislative and judicial
bills. They also advise and inform the P.M. of the various
body known as the the Voice of the Clans or Hrrytil u
legislation that may be crossing his desk.
Wryn, the head of government known as the Eyes of the
The creation of laws in the Lilanite Federation is a very Clans or Zeemha u Wryn, and the head of state known as
different process than in most other jurisdictions. There the Face of the Clans or Yout u Wryn. The Eyes of the
are no representatives and no legislative body. Each Clans and the Voice of the Clans are not positions chosen
citizen can create a petition that would allow the writing by popular election. Currently there are 315 member of
an submittal of a bill. The petition must have 250,000 the parliament of Clans.
bio-markers (finger print, retina scan, brainwave ID,
The Voice is the largest body and the one that is a direct
etc.) in order for the Legislative Cabinet to accept the
descendant from the earlier days of clan and inter-clan
petition and to schedule the writing of the Bill. Once the
debate. The Voice is comprised of three elected
Bill has been completed than it is fitted into one of the
representatives from each governmental area. These
semi-annual voting cycles. During the voting cycle the
areas can be the size of one clan or the size of a
bill can be debated and is voted on by the citizens of the
continent. During sessions the members of the Voice will
Federation. If the bill gets a five-eighths majority it is
propose legislation, draft legislation, debate on
passed to the P.M.'s desk.
legislation and finally vote on legislation.
The P.M. has the power to either make legislation a law
The legislation is then passed to the Eyes of the Clans.
or prevent it from becoming one. To make it a law the
The Eyes can then either pass or reject the legislation. In
P.M. Can either show his support of the bill by signing
judicial matters the Voice functions as the highest court
the bill or let it sit on the desk for 10 days at which point
in the jurisdiction. When a case is heard all members of
it becomes a law with out the P.M.'s signature. Of course
the Voice sit as judges and the Eyes sits as the high judge
a P.M. Veto can be overturned by three-fourths majority
but his powers are limited to that of a tie breaker and
of the voting citizens.
keeping order during the trial.
The Eyes of the Clans is a position that is elected
directly from the members of the Voice. The position has
Parliament of Clans a five year term and is limited to three terms. The Eyes
is in charge of running the government. This gives the
Type: Parliamentary Democracy position the power to create a cabinet of advisors,
Home System: Na Oth appoint heads of the various governmental departments,
and enables the Eyes to act swiftly to threats inside and
Home World: Thrassis out as the Commander-in-Chief of the military.
Capital: Aitynus The Eyes must stay in favor with the Voice or the
Jurisdiction: Na Oth, Teffur, Bolmarr, Gruzel, Nor Cha position could find all of its power slowly eroded away.
This can happen because the Voice can simply override
any decisions made by The Eyes. This is best shown in
Before the Thrassians achieved a global government or the case of the control of the military. The Eyes can send
even national governments they had clans. When a troops to a conflict but to keep them there the Voice
decision needed to be made regarding the welfare of the must back the decision of the Eyes. Another instance of
clan all clan members of age would gather and debate the power The Voice has over The Eyes is the monthly
the issues. After the adversarial and sometimes lengthy question and answer session The Eyes must have with
debate a final vote would be taken to determine the the Voice and The Face. At these sessions any member
outcome. This would include the enactment of some new of The Voice may question The Eyes on any decision
law or trial of a member of the clan. Once clans started made during the previous month. It has been said that a
to work together each clan would arrive at its own sign you have fallen out of favor with The Voice is when
decision in this way then one or more representatives they begin to criticize what you had for breakfast.
from the clans involved would meet and have a second The third branch and the least powerful is the Face of the
round of debate and voting. The continuation of this Clans. The Face's chief duty is as head ambassador. This
form of governing led to the development of the entitles The Face to appoint junior ambassadors, staff

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embassies, and to negotiate and draft treaties with other Nobles, the Gentry, and the Commoners. Nobles are
parties. The Voice must approve any treaty drafted. The those whose families were granted special recognition
Face is also elected from the members of The Voice and from the Imperium. The Gentry are the wealthy who
is a Five year position with no term limits. The Face also were not born nobles including the leaders of the large
gets to participate in the monthly question and answer corporations and businesses and even the wealthy and
sessions with Eyes. famous. The Commoners are everyone else and
represent the largest segment of the population.
The parliament of clans is also a three party system. This
is why there are always three elected representatives The Reltoan government is a parliamentary monarchy.
from each of the governmental areas. The three parties The Emperor is at the apex and then there exists a three
are the Traditionalists, the Expansionists, and the house system; the House of Nobles, the House of
Moderates. Gentries, and the House of Commoners.
The Traditionalists want to maintain the old ways. They The Emperor functions as the Head of State and the
are in favor of maintaining the clan structure and in Head of the Government. This is a hereditary position or
favor of continuing to live underground as the Thrassiansin the case of an unsuitable heir or no heir then the new
have done for millenia. They do not want to ruin there Emperor is selected from the house of Nobles. As Head
home world by changing the environment. They favor of State the Emperor is the chief Ambassador and
slow change. appoints all of the junior ambassadors and staff to help
the Emperor fulfill his Ambassadorial duties. Although
The Expansionists see no need for the clan structure any
the Emperor is the Chief Ambassador he is rarely seen
more. Their view is that it is just too loaded down with
executing this function. The Emperor remains on Reltoa
traditions and the local level governments move way too
where he greets ambassadors from other worlds and will
slowly. They argue for using the technology at their
travel to the Capitol for the occasional formal function.
disposal in order to change the climate of Thrassis so
that the people can move and live on the surface. The House of Nobles exists to assist in the Emperors
duties as the Head of the Government. Their positions
The moderates are, of course, considered the middle of
are appointed by the Noble class. To help organize the
the road. They want to maintain the clan traditions
government the House of Nobles is divided into courts.
because they feel they are the backbone of Thrassian
These are not judicial courts but rather departments
culture. However, the Moderates do not see why steps
within the House that handle specific aspects of the
should not be taken to alter the climate on Thrassis so
Government. Examples are The Court of Education, The
that at least some of the land around the equatorial
Court of State, The Court of Technology, etc.
regions may be settled and used.
Above the individual Courts is the Emperor's cabinet
which is referred to as the Vontemissu. The Vontemissu
is comprised of the heads of all the courts and their
Reltoan Imperium assistants. Their job is to inform the Emperor of the state
of the Imperium, advise the Emperor on courses of
Type: Parliamentary Monarchy action to take, and to see to it that the Emperor's wishes
Home System: Jaokyn are implemented.

Home World: Reltoa The House of Gentry is the judicial arm of the
Imperium. Similar to The House of Commoners, The
Capital: Arquena House of Gentry is elected from the Gentry population.
Jurisdiction: Jaokyn, Xylan, Bolissa, Terssa, Alder, Ney The House is the Highest court in the Imperium and is
led by the Emperor. They hear cases that have to do with
treason, high crimes, and other cases that have made
Reltoan society is based on a caste system. Members can their way up from the lower courts. The House of Gentry
move up to a higher caste but only with great difficulty. is also in charge of staffing the lower courts and seeing
However, it is common for those of different castes to that they maintain optimal performance.
socialize and conduct business. There is no practical The House of Commoners is the legislative branch of the
division among the castes except in the Reltoan Imperium. This resulted from the wisdom that
government. regardless of the type of government one cannot rule
The three divisions of the Reltoan caste system are the without popular consent. The Commoner class

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represents 85% of the Imperium's population. The consists of The Alliance Senate with two representatives
Emperor and the other classes let them have control of from each member region, and The Alliance Delegation
making the laws the Imperium obeys. This does not with the number of members chosen from each region
mean that the other houses do not have a say in the based on population. This system allows for one house
process. The other houses suggest laws and after where each region has an equal say and another house
legislation has passed the House of Commoners it must where the regions with larger populations have more say.
go to the House of Gentry for a veto process. If Both houses can propose and submit legislation.
legislation passes the House of Gentry then it goes to the
After legislation passes the originating house it must go
House of Nobles for the same process, and upon passing
to the other house for approval. If the approved bill from
that body, to the Emperor. Each veto process consists of
the second house is different than the original bill then
either a yea, nay, or abstain vote. Only the Emperor is
the first house must re-approve the bill. Once both
allowed to change his vote after the process.
houses approve it is then sent to the Alliance President
who can either pass the bill with his support or let it sit
on his desk for a specified number of days. The
President can also veto the bill unless both house can
Solar Alliance muster a 67% majority to override the veto.
Type: Federal Republic The veto process is part of the systems of checks and
Home System: Sol balances built into the Alliance Government. The
President can initiate most actions such as negotiations,
Home World: Earth treaties, legislation, sending troops to needed locations
Capital: Geneva and nominate personal for either his cabinet or the
Alliance Supreme Court, but the Alliance Congress must
Jurisdiction: Sol, Barnard, Proxima Centauri, Alpha approve these actions to make them official. This
Centauri system, although slow at times, helps to prevent an
abuse of power.

The Solar Alliance is based on the Humans long The Alliance Supreme Court is the Judicial arm of the
tradition of federal republics. There are three main Alliance government. The main function of this high
branches; the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial.court is to interpret the laws. This is accomplished when
Only the Judicial branch is filled with those who are not a law is in dispute and makes its way from the lower
elected by popular vote. This three body system and the courts to the Supreme Court. The law will be heard and
checks and balances that are built in has worked well for tried again then the Judges will state the meaning of the
the Humans for over 500. law in question. Not all cases petitioning for a hearing
before the Supreme Court are heard. When a case is
The Executive branch is headed by the Solar Alliance denied, the last ruling on the case in the lower courts
President. The President is the Head of the Government stands. The Alliance Supreme court has 23 Justices.
and the Head of State. The President enforces the laws of These positions are life terms and when a vacancy opens
the Alliance, is the Chief Ambassador for the Alliance, the President appoints a new Justice and the Congress
the Commander-in-Chief of the Military, and can confirms the appointment.
propose bills to the Alliance Congress. The President can
also appoint judges to the Alliance Supreme Court but
the Alliance Congress must approve them.
To aid the President in his duties as Head of the Alliance
Government he assembles a cabinet. The Cabinet, like
most cabinets, is comprised of the heads of the various
governmental departments and their aides. They exist to
advise the President on current points of interest. These
positions are appointed by the President and confirmed
by The Alliance Senate.
The Alliance Congress is a bicameral body. This was
done in order to achieve fair and equal representation for
the members of the Alliance. The Alliance Congress

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Dominance of Mir
Solar Alliance

Galactic Republic of Civilizations

Reltoan Imperium

Council of Elders

Hegemony of Nel Lilanite Federation Parliament of Clans

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Current Projects
The Major Players System: OSX-SS0349
Aside from the Core Governments listed previously, Coordinates: 325 x 21,667ly
there are others who wield influence in the republic.
Though some may seem benevolent on the surface they Planet: OSX-SS0349D
all seek to insure that their position is not threatened. Description: Ruins of a pre-industrial civilization have
been discovered and are being cataloged. The ruins date
to 317 BGE. Despite the limited evident technological
Archaeological Expeditions, LTD knowledge there is evidence on the planet of massive
Founded: 334 GE destruction, the kind of destruction that results from
atomic age civilizations and higher. The only clue is that
Structure: Corporate there are inscriptions that repeatedly mention someone
Purpose: Archaeological exploration of dead worlds in or something called the Intavi and the end of the world.
order to
1. Find the origin of the Purge pathogen and probe System: OSX-SS0634
2. Search the extinct cultures to see if someone Coordinates: 55 x 15,833ly
has ever encountered the pathogen before and if
a cure was found Planet: OSX-SS0634B
3. Explore and research extinct cultures Description: Routine survey discovered an underwater
complex surrounded by ruins both above and below the
water. Evidence of massive tsunamis that could only
Background have been generated by either a nuclear or antimatter
explosion or by large extra planetary bodies. Inscriptions
Archaeological Expeditions, also known as ArchEx, is a
were found that mention the Intavi and the end of the
private, government funded organization who publicly
world same as on OSX-SS0349D. The latest inscriptions
claims its mandate is to explore the past in hopes of
are dated at 285 BGE.
finding information for the present. This draws a large
amount of support from the public. They were actually
formed by the G.R.C. in order to find out where the
Purge probe came from, why it was sent and if there is System: OSX-SS0595
evidence of it having visited other cultures. Coordinates: 30 x 53,332ly
Most people have assumed that since there have been no Planet: OSX-SS0595C.1
reported cases that the pathogen was eliminated. This
however is not the case. ArchEx employs some of the Description: OSX-SS0595C.1 is a major moon of a gas
greatest medical minds who are tasked with interpreting giant. The moon is an airless rock however an
medical data of extinct cultures in order to find a cure undisturbed facility was discovered. There are no signs
for the pathogen. that intelligent life evolved or could have evolved in the
system. The outpost does not seem to have been created
In order to distance its clandestine goal and to afford the by any of the known races; past or present. Data has
G.R.C. Senate and the Chairman deniability, ArchEx was been recovered form the computer system and none of
reformed as a private corporation. Before 334 GE the data has been deciphered because the base language
ArchEx was know as the Office of Planetary is unknown. It seems to contain information on several
Exploration. It was in that year that Chairman Rherse of the known races. An inscription was found that
Ghul decided the government needed a way to conduct mentioned the Intavi.
its investigation into the Purge Pathogen without the
prying eyes of the public and the media. Thus was born

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Bios First beginning and in most of the Core governments since

well before that. Unfortunately out in the Fringe they
Founded: Unknown tend to regard the Republic's laws as fluid. Slave labor
Structure: Terrorist Cell can be popular because organics are always cheaper and
easier to maintain than machines or computers.
Purpose: The subjugation and ultimately elimination of
artificially created races. Also for the past several decades there has been a
disturbing trend developing among the super rich in the
Core. For some unknown reason certain members of the
Background elite seem to think it is fashionable to own slaves. They
see them as an elegant solution to mechanical servants
No one knows when the hate mongers and racists finally
and treat them as living dolls or pets. To avoid suspicion
got together and formed the Bios First movement but
they “hire” them as servants and use chemicals,
they have always been here in one form. Ever since the
intimidation and other means to ensure that the slaves do
end of the A.I. War the Lilanites and their ships have
not talk.
been plagued by Bios Firsts raiding parties. The Firsters
would storm aboard the ships and kill all the Lilanites. If Behind all of this is the Circle. All other major slaver
their were non-Lilanites on board then they were forced groups have disappeared. Whenever a new one pops up
to kill a Lilanite or be killed as a sympathizer. they are gone quickly. It is believe that the Circle is
taking out all competition. It is also suspected that they
Attempts to find the Firsters main base of operations
may have support from the very high levels of Republic
have proved fruitless. This is partly because they are
society. Why else would a year long campaign 13 years
organized in a cell structure. Only members of a cell
ago by Galactic Armed Forces only expose a few of their
know each other. Messages from the higher command
bases, free only a couple hundred slaves and result in
structure are passed down to each cell anonymously.
none of the elite being convicted?
Investigations have shown that the organization has at
least three levels. Each level only knows of certain cells
under command at the level below it.
Luckily the Firsters haven't started any major offensives Eclipse Syndicate
nor have their actions indicate an escalation. They never
seem interested in any of the cargo of other items on the Founded: Unknown
ships the raid. No one knows where their funding comes Structure: Cooperate
from nor where they get their weapons. In addition to
official investigations by various Republic agencies, the Purpose: Black marketeering, data hijacking, extortion,
Nemoan Rangers are actively seeking out any information brokerage, loan sharking, piracy, smuggling,
information that could help shut down the Fristers. theft, etc.

The Circle Ask any enforcement agent what the biggest threat is
and they will say the Eclipse Syndicate. The largest and
Founded: Unknown most extensive criminal organization ever known to have
Structure: Para-military exist. Every Core system, every inhabited planet, every
continent, every major city has a Syndicate presence.
Purpose: Acquisition and sale of slaves
The full extent of their operations is not known. It is
known that their operatives have never been caught in
Background any facet of the slave trade nor in any aspect of the illicit
drug trade. All other activities seem to be fair game.
No one knows what the real name of the organization is.
“The Circle” is a nick name given to the slaver ring by The Syndicate is organized loosely around a corporate
the law enforcement agencies because of the unique structure. At the lowest level you have employees.
brand they apply to their prisoners. It is believed that his Above them are Managers, who are in charge of the
organization has been around for centuries. Syndicates interests in a city, continent or planet.
Directors oversee Syndicate operations through out a
Slavery has been outlawed in the Republic since its

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system or several systems. Above these three levels little guidelines that must be followed.
is known. The leader or ruler of the Syndicate is refereed
1. First and foremost is non-interference. No one
to as the CEO and their have been talks of a Board and a
is allowed to step foot on the planet in question
or make their presence known
For such a widely known organization it is amazing how
2. Immediately a 5 light-year buffer is established
unproductive any investigation into its operation have
so that the new race will have plenty of room
proven. Sure individual members, mostly just
to expand before encountering the Galaxy at
employees, have been arrested but they refused to
provide evidence that they were working for someone
else. 3. Two outpost are established on the edge of the
system in order to be able to protect the system
and to study the new race. Each outpost is led
by a team of OSX first contact specialist with
Office of Stellar Exploration (OSX) support from either the Nemoan Rangers or the
Galactic Armed Forces.
Founded: 0 GE
Structure: Para-Military
Star Runner LTD
Purpose: Exploration of the Galaxy at large
Founded: 610 GE (officially)
1. To expand the frontier
Structure: Corporate (officially)
2. Catalog new systems and planets
Purpose: Cargo transportation (officially)
3. To conduct planetary surveys when new garden
type worlds are found
Officially organized 37 years ago as a transportation
firm, Star Runner LTD is a mid-level firm known for its
Background reliability. Star Runner does not have the newest ships or
equipment, the flashiest uniforms (they don't have
OSX grew out of the exploration efforts of all the races.
uniforms) and are known to hire ex-cons, ex-military
The first major task assigned to OSX was to find a home
and those down on their luck. Despite all of this they
world for the new G.R.C. Once this was done the agency
have still managed to grow steadily over the past several
was then free to explore at will in order to find new
systems and possibly new races or other forms of
intelligent life. What is not on the books and what is not known to the
general public is that Star Runners is a front for a
During the Purge all previous OSX operations were
vigilante group. Unlike the Nemoan Rangers, which
suspended. OSX resources were reallocated in a search
have an official sanction, Star Runners vigilante
for the home of the Purge probe and pathogen. Many
operations are completely illegal. On a few occasions
good scouts were lost during this period. Some were
their members have been caught and prosecuted but they
never heard from again but most were lost because those
always testified that the were acting on their own and
on the search were ordered to commit suicide in order to
that any property or equipment found on them that could
keep from infecting the general population.
be linked back to the company was stolen.
In the following centuries OSX has been a very vital part
When Drosmi Stavis started Star Runners she did not
of the G.R.C. Most of the systems found by OSX scouts
intend it to be used as a front for vigilante operations.
have been lifeless but resource rich. OSX explorations
She grew up poor on Vortash with a knack for piloting
have provided an ever increasing knowledge base and
starships and just wanted to make a little money of her
new medicinal discoveries.
own. As her business grew she got to fly from end of the
Republic to the other. What she saw sickened her. Time
First Contact Guidelines after time she saw the weak and innocent getting
exploited by the strong and corrupt. The bad guys got off
If intelligent life is ever found then there are very strict for free while others suffered. So slowly she gathered the

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resources and people she needed to fight back. If the

authorities wouldn't take of the problem then she would.
Star Runners typically picks its own targets. It is
rumored that if you need their help then it is possible to
contact them but the exact means is unknown.

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in speed will be no more than +/- 10 light-year-per-hour

(lyph). Also the speed given is the safe maximum speed
Riding the Black: Space for that wave drive class. It is possible to go slower,
Travel in the Galaxy although most prefer to get where they are going as
quick as possible. It is also possible to push the wave
drive beyond its maximum speed but doing so can cause
The Wave Drive mishaps including drive malfunction or burning out.
The manipulation of gravity has proven to be a turning
point in the civilizations of the galaxy. Not only did it
Rating: Consumer / Commercial
make space travel safer and more comfortable by
providing artificial gravity and inertial dampeners but it Speed: 30 lyph
enabled faster-than-light travel. Most real space travel
Cost: 100M
and travel in an out of atmosphere is accomplished by
gravity drives. You can still find some people who still Class: R
use chemical, plasma or ion engines but these are very
short range and inefficient. Purpose: This drive type is used for all consumer and
commercial craft. These would be private ships and
Interstellar or FTL travel is accomplished by the Wave ships belonging to business fleets. Anything from that
Drive. Other races call it the warp engine, fold drive or shiny new pleasure yacht to a corporation's inter-system
the bubble drive. The concept is that through the transportation. As Humans are apt to say these are the
manipulation of gravity you can surround your ship in a taxis, limos and grocery getters of interstellar travel.
field that causes space in front of you to contract and
space behind you to expand while the space immediately
around your ship is still flat. The expanding region Rating: Trader
pushes the bubble of flat space around your ship just like
a surfer using an ocean wave to move. This techniques Speed: 45 lyph
avoids relativistic effects and unlike other means of Cost: 175M
interstellar travel there is no top limit to the speeds
achievable. Also there is no acceleration associated with Class: R
this form of travel since the ship does not move inside its Purpose: Just as with ground, sea or air transportation
bubble of flat space. this class of drive is intended for delivery vehicles.
The only caveats to this form of travel are: Delivery vehicles need to be more robust due to the
loads they are carrying. The extra speed is because one
1. Since your are warping normal space there can of the unalterable truths of the galaxy is that there is
be no communication with the outside galaxy always a schedule to meet.
while in FTL flight.
2. You must be far enough away from strong
gravitational influences like planets and stars Rating: Courier
and Speed: 60 lyph
3. Travel is only in straight lines. In other words Cost: 225M
there can be no course corrections during FTL
flight. The realignment of the field while in Class: R
flight is difficult and can cause the ship to tear Purpose: Information is the key to power. While most
itself apart. information can be transmitted using the tunnel com
system, sometimes security and the shear bulk of the
information require that it only be transferred person to
Wave Drive Classifications person. This is were couriers come into play. This drive
The following information describes the general break classification is built for speed and nothing else. They
down of wave drives in this part of the galaxy. All are finely tuned drives that cannot take a lot of
statistics given are an average. You can always find punishment and require enormous amounts of
drives in each class that are either slower or faster preventative maintenance.
however the price will reflect the change. The variation

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Rating: Military The table on the next page shows the average distance
Speed: 120 lyph between major systems in the G.R.C. This is by no
means a complete list of all the systems and places in the
Cost: NOT FOR SALE G.R.C. but is merely intended to give an idea of how big
Class: M the Republic is. It should also be noted that due to
galactic and stellar motion these distances are an
Purpose: When a centralized military has a third of a average. Navigation charts are updated every quarter
galaxy to protect they need to insure that they can get to century because all motion is relative and therefor
any place quickly and reliably. This class of drive is positions change. The distances are expressed in
designed for abusive use, long run times and speed. Only light-years.
the military has access to this technology and only the
military produces them. No professional or state
company is allowed to even produce the diagnostic tell
tale lights for these drives and the facility were they are
produced is a highly guarded secret. It goes with out
saying that being caught with a military drive is grounds
for never again seeing star light or other beings.

Navigational Charts

Galactic Coordinates
A small word about how coordinates are computed. The
coordinates are given in polar form with and angle and
the distance from the galactic core. The zero line is the
line that connects the galactic core and the capital,Prime
(OSX-SS001B). Angles are measured from this line in
the direction humans refer to as 'counter-clockwise'.

Stellar System Angle Distance

(Degrees) (lightyears)

Prime 0 13333.3
Bizzeth 11.81 26269.74
Jaokyn -13.07 26942.34
Kaylin Mu 25.86 28681.8
Lil 519 61.69 29965.14
Na Oth -14.24 34078
Seril -1.88 33884.72
Sol 50.98 25811.04

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Distances (light years)

Prime Bizzeth Jaokyn Kaylin Mu Lil 519 Na Oth Seril Sol

Prime 0.00 13,497.43 14,276.48 17,668.23 26,395.73 21,407.12 20,563.25 20,264.34

Bizzeth 13,497.43 0.00 11,481.59 7,134.34 23,948.08 15,583.89 10,419.46 17,463.08

Jaokyn 14,276.48 11,481.59 0.00 18,608.10 34,631.84 7,162.44 9,105.40 27,990.99

Kaylin Mu 17,668.23 7,134.34 18,608.10 0.00 18,081.41 22,105.64 15,826.17 12,176.89

Lil 519 26,395.73 23,948.08 34,631.84 18,081.41 0.00 39,531.26 33,796.48 6,648.48

Na Oth 21,407.12 15,583.89 7,162.44 22,105.64 39,531.26 0.00 7,318.87 33,017.98

Seril 20,563.25 10,419.46 9,105.40 15,826.17 33,796.48 7,318.87 0.00 27,536.87

Sol 20,264.34 17,463.08 27,990.99 12,176.89 6,648.48 33,017.98 27,536.87 0.00

Travel times at 30 lyph (consumer speeds)

Travel Time (days)

Prime Bizzeth Jaokyn Kaylin Mu Lil 519 Na Oth Seril Sol

Prime 0 18 19.04 23.56 35.19 28.54 27.42 27.02

Bizzeth 18 0 15.31 9.51 31.93 20.78 13.89 23.28

Jaokyn 19.04 15.31 0 24.81 46.18 9.55 12.14 37.32

Kaylin Mu 23.56 9.51 24.81 0 24.11 29.47 21.1 16.24

Lil 519 35.19 31.93 46.18 24.11 0 52.71 45.06 8.86

Na Oth 28.54 20.78 9.55 29.47 52.71 0 9.76 44.02

Seril 27.42 13.89 12.14 21.1 45.06 9.76 0 36.72

Sol 27.02 23.28 37.32 16.24 8.86 44.02 36.72 0

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Travel times at 45 lyph (trader speeds)

Travel Time (days)

Prime Bizzeth Jaokyn Kaylin Mu Lil 519 Na Oth Seril Sol

Prime 0 12 12.69 15.71 23.46 19.03 18.28 18.01

Bizzeth 12 0 10.21 6.34 21.29 13.85 9.26 15.52

Jaokyn 12.69 10.21 0 16.54 30.78 6.37 8.09 24.88

Kaylin Mu 15.71 6.34 16.54 0 16.07 19.65 14.07 10.82

Lil 519 23.46 21.29 30.78 16.07 0 35.14 30.04 5.91

Na Oth 19.03 13.85 6.37 19.65 35.14 0 6.51 29.35

Seril 18.28 9.26 8.09 14.07 30.04 6.51 0 24.48

Sol 18.01 15.52 24.88 10.82 5.91 29.35 24.48 0

Travel times at 120 lyph (military speeds)

Travel Time (days)

Prime Bizzeth Jaokyn Kaylin Mu Lil 519 Na Oth Seril Sol

Prime 0 4.5 4.76 5.89 8.8 7.14 6.85 6.75

Bizzeth 4.5 0 3.83 2.38 7.98 5.19 3.47 5.82

Jaokyn 4.76 3.83 0 6.2 11.54 2.39 3.04 9.33

Kaylin Mu 5.89 2.38 6.2 0 6.03 7.37 5.28 4.06

Lil 519 8.8 7.98 11.54 6.03 0 13.18 11.27 2.22

Na Oth 7.14 5.19 2.39 7.37 13.18 0 2.44 11.01

Seril 6.85 3.47 3.04 5.28 11.27 2.44 0 9.18

Sol 6.75 5.82 9.33 4.06 2.22 11.01 9.18 0

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deterrent to predators because if they do sink their teeth

in a nuar then the chemical could leak and either ignite
Creatures Great & Small the prey or predator.
Highlighted below are some of the more remarkable Despite the hazards involved, nuar have been
creatures within our part of the galaxy. This is only a domesticated for millennia. They can serve as both a
small sample. hunting companion or as the family pet and it is not
unusual to see them fulfilling those roles even today.
Na Tok The nuar has small fore claws on its wings, 2 powerful
Planet: Thrassis hind legs and a 0.5 meter (1 foot 8 inch) tail. Skin color
ranges from shades of red to blue to green.
The Na Tok is a saurian apex predator covered in scales
and dense downy feathers. The na tok stands 1.8 meters
(6 feet) tall and has a 1.2 meter (4 foot) tail. The na tok Strength: 25 Speed: 6.25 m/s (ground)
is the the primary predator of Thrassis and its main
competition is the Thrassians themselves. 50 m/s (air)
Agility: 75 Lift: 55 kg

Strength: 55 Speed: 7.19 m/s Health: 55 Stamina: 10

Agility: 60 Lift: 121 kg Intelligence:35 Body Pool: 7

Health: 55 Stamina: 13 Mind: 45

Intelligence: 35 Body Pool: 7 Armor Points: 0

Mind: 25 Qualities: Breath Weapon: Flame, Flight, Greater

Senses: Vision 2
Armor Points: 2
Skills: Breath Weapon (Agility, Easy, 18), Perception
Qualities: Greater Senses: Smell/taste 3, Greater Senses: (Agility, Easy, 15), Street Fighting (Agility, Easy, 5)
Vision 3, Natural Armor 2
Skills: Perception (Agility, Easy, 15), Stealth (Agility,
Easy, 15), Street Fighting (Agility, Easy, 15) Street Fighting

Weapons Claws Teeth

Street Fighting Damage:1d5 Damage:1d5-1

Claws Teeth Reach: A Reach: A

Damage: 1d5+2 Damage: 1d5+1

Reach: A Reach: A Breath Weapon
Damage: 1d10
Nuar Rate: 1
Planet: Kaylin Tor Accuracy: +3
A small winged saurian with a 1 meter ( 3 feet 3.3 inch) Shots: -
wing span. To Humans the nuar looks like a smaller
Range: 20m
version of their mythical dragon. This is further
reinforced by the fact that the nuar can breath fire. The
nuar's metabolism breaks down the plants it eats into two
chemicals which when mixed, ignite. The chemicals are
stored in bladders on opposite sides of the body. Another
advantage of this fire production system is it is a

© 2011 Aron Zell

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Volken Strength: 25 Speed: 5.00 m/s

Planet: Xylan Agility: 55 Lift: 33 kg
The volken is an ambush predator on the Reltoan world Health: 33 Stamina: 7
of Xylan. It is a reptiloid about 1.5 meters (5 feet) lond Intelligence: 25 Body Pool: 4
and stands 0.5 meter (1 foot 2 inches) tall. The volken is
slow moving and lives in the jungles and forests of Mind: 25
Xylan, Since the main prey of the volken is the fleet Armor Points: 0
footed bermik it has developed a unique means of attack.
The volken uses a natural form of telepathy to Qualities: Greater Senses: Smell/Taste 2, Greater
immobilize its prey. Senses: Vision 2
Skills: Dodge (Agility, Easy, 10), Perception (Agility,
Easy, 10)
Strength: 25 Speed: 3.12 m/s
Agility: 25 Lift: 50 kg
Health: 50 Stamina: 9
Planet: Bizzeth
Intelligence: 50 Body Pool: 6
The kiwkix is a large canine predator that was
Mind: 50 domesticated by the Nel Ari. The kwikix is 1.5m (5 feet)
at the shoulder, 2.6, (8.5 feet) snout to rump and has a
Armor Points: 2
0.4m (1.3 foot) long tail. The average kwikix has a white
Qualities: Greater Senses: Vision 2, Natural Armor 2, belly and chest with white lower legs and a white tip on
Psionicist its tail. Also they have a white snout. The back, sides,
head and upper legs are either black or brown. The white
Skills: Control (Mind, Intermediate, 18), Perception
parts ot its coat can have small brown or black spots.
(Agility, Easy, 15), Stealth (Agility, Easy, 15), Street
Also there is band of color, usually brown or black,
Fighting (Agility, Easy, 15)
separating the upper and lower legs.
Street Fighting
Strength: 70 Speed: 8.43 m/s
Agility: 65 Lift: 168 kg
Damage: 1d5+1
Health: 60 Stamina: 16
Reach: A
Intelligence: 55 Body Pool: 8
Mind: 55
Armor Points: 0
Qualities: Greater Senses: Hearing 3, Greater Senses:
Planet: Xylan Smell/Taste 3, Greater Senses: Vision 3
The bermik is an solitary mamaliod herbivore in the Skills: Perception (Agility, Easy, 10), Stealth (Agility,
jungles and forests of Xylan. To humans the bermik Easy, 10), Street Fighting (Agility, Easy, 10)
looks like a small kangaroo but instead of hoping it rises
on its two long hind legs to run. The bermik stands 1 Weapons
meter (3.3 feet tall). Street Fighting
Claws Teeth
Damage: 1d5+1 Damage: 1d5+2
Reach: A Reach: A

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Galactic Alphabet
In the early days of contact and trade between the races the need for a common trade language became apparent. To
meet this need a phonetic language was developed with characters based on a simple geometric characters. Words
are separated by spaces and there is no formal punctuation. Galactic is used as the official language for the
Republic and is the written language of all formal contracts, decrees and declarations. While there has been several
movements to try and use Galactic for literary art forms, such as fiction, all of the great works are still written in the
native languages of the races.


ah buh ca duh eh

fff guh huh juh l

mmm nnn oh pah q

r ss teh uh vv

wah zee yuh zuh Long a

Long e eye Long u ch


© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars Page 176


0 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

addition subtraction multiplication division Equal sign

Of course all the more advanced mathematical operators and functions exist but that is a bit beyond the scope of
this guide. It is standard and proper to separate the thousands with a downward slash although a half space is also

© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars Page 177

Spiker Someone who illegally accesses

computers or information networks.
Galactic Lexicon The term refers to using a spike shunt
Some common terms in common use around the to access an optical data line.
Republic. Spiking Illegally accessing a computer or
Blue Zone The inhabited part of G.R.C. space. information network. The term refers
On maps of the galaxy this section of to using a spike shunt to access an
space is usually colored blue. optical data line.
Bohfa Galactic term for sexual intercourse. Starshine An illegal and highly addictive
hallucinogenic drug.
Bohfa Da Galactic term for sexual intercourse
with one's self. Syntul Galactic unit of currency. The symbol
is .
Bolt Bucket Derogatory term for a Lilanite.
The Big Suck Spacer term for the black hole at the
Chasing the Spacer term for using a wave drive to center of the galaxy.
Black achieve super-luminal velocities.
The Buffer The region of the galaxy that is
Geneered Abbreviation for the genetically beyond the republic proper and has
engineered. been explored. See also 'Yellow Zone'.
Kasha Derogatory term for a male. Refers to The Edge The line between 'The Buffer' and
a one who was born to parents out of unexplored space. Also referred to as
wed lock. the 'red line'.
lyph An acronym for light-year-per-hour. The Red Line The line between 'The Buffer' and
The standard speed rating of wave unexplored space. On maps of the
drives. galaxy the unexplored space is shaded
Mac'er Human term for someone who can red.
perform technological feats with very The Void Spacer term for intergalactic space.
little resources.
Yellow Zone The region of the galaxy that is
Mind Rider Anyone who has psionic abilities beyond the republic proper and has
N.R.G.O.H.B.F. Acronym for the visible spectrum been explored. On maps of the galaxy
niev, riek, grez,orn,hith, bwai and fiel. it is usually colored in yellow.
Translated to the Human language Yeza Slang term for urine.
English, this is red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and violet. The Yilka Derogatory term for a female. Comes
colors have also been used for a threat from the name given to the female of
scale with niev being an extreme most domestic animals while she is
threat and fiel being non threatening. still in breeding condition.
Republic Proper The inhabited part of G.R.C. space. Zil Galactic term for solid excrement.
See also 'Blue Zone'.
Shining The state of being on 'starshine'.
Shipwalker A starship technician who specializes
in exterior repairs while the ship is
both docked and moving at
sub-luminal speeds.
Soho Bohfa Galactic term for sexual intercourse
with someone's mother.

© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars Page 178

spectacular happed and granted her a Wealthy of -1

Identity Records As Julie's identity moved along her life other things
changed as well. Each stage and Life Path can grant
When creating an Identity for a simulation there are two adjustments to your Primary abilities. Brianna's are
forms that you will need. The first is the Identity below
Worksheet. The worksheet will help in recording all of
the information gained from the
Life Stages you choose and help
you calculate the needed
The second form is the Identity
Record. This is the final
summarization of your Identity. It
will have all the information
needed for playing in a
simulation and will be the final product of Identity
Generation. The record is where the final totals of your An Identity's race will always give him or her the basis
Identities abilities, skills, qualities, wealth and keep track of their Primary Abilities. Like all Reltoan's Brianna
of your equipment and build points. started off with a Strength of 35, and Agility of 45, a
For example Julie is creating a new Identity she will be Heath of 40, an Intelligence of 40 and a Mind of 45.
named Brianna, is Reltoan, grew p with in the Imperium, Growing up in the Core gave Brianna advantages in
went to University and became a spiker. As she chooses education and health care so she received a +5 in Health
each stage she begins writing down the necessary and Intelligence. From that point on none of Brianna's
information and rolling on the required tables. further adventures significantly changes her Primary
Abilities. Adding across the rows in the Identity
The first part of the worksheet charts your progress Worksheet gives the totals listed in the figure above.
through life. For Julie's Identity it would look like the
figure below. The next part of the Identity Worksheet uses the totals
for the Primary
Abilities and
calculates the need
Secondary abilities.
The Secondary
Abilities are Speed,
Lift, Stamina and
Body Pool. An
explanation of
Secondary Abilities
and how to calculate
them is on page 98. The formula are also on the Identity
For her Identity's Childhood Julie rolled on the Core Worksheet.
World Table and rolled a 7. This indicates a normal life
Brianna's Secondary Abilities are below.
with a normal income for a Corey. Brianna's stay at the
university was also normal and because of her studies
she was granted the Quality Skillful at level 1 (roll of 7
on the School table). Brianna had a good run in her first
career as a spiker. She didn't get caught and managed to
find a loft debit wafer. She even returned the debit wafer
and was granted a very nice reward; Wealthy +5 (roll of
10 on Dangerous Job table). During Brianna's second
run as a spiker everything seemed to even out. As with
most illicit jobs you do end up losing a little money. A
roll of 6 on the Random Event Table showed nothing

© 2011 Aron Zell

Sea of Stars Page 179

had two careers as a spiker so she gained Computer

Hacking and Computer Programing twice. So Julie just
wrote the skills down once and added the bonuses. When
all of Brianna's skills had been written down Julie
totaled them in the right column.
Next Julie wrote down the Qualities Brianna gained
during her life. Some qualities have levels and some can
be gained multiple times but do not add together. More
information on Qualities can be found on page 124.

The second page of the Identity Worksheet is for

recording the skills gained during an Identity's march
through life. Some simple abbreviations can help keep
things neat and tidy.
Strength S LA Easy E
Agility A LC Intermediate In
Health H Childhood CH Advanced A
Intelligence I YA
Mind M
The last thing Julie needed to do for her identity Brianna
The separate columns for each life stage are there so that is to total her build points and the total level for her
each skill need only be listed once and when bonuses Wealthy Quality. For build points Brianna gained a -2
from Childhood, a -5 for
Career 1 and -5 for Career
2. Also since the highest
Life Stage Brianna
completed was Stage 4
she gets 20 extra Build
Points, regardless of how
many times the stage was
repeated. This gives
Brianna 13 extra build
For her childhood and her
two stints at being a
spiker, Brianna gained the
Wealthy Quality. As a
Reltoan Subject she
gained Wealthy 5, her first
round as a spiker she
from different Life Paths are gained you can just write gained Wealthy 5 and for
them in the appropriate column. Brianna for example her second stint as a spiker she gained Wealthy -1. This
gives her a total of Wealthy 9. Finding this level on the

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Wealthy table Julie rolled for Brianna.

Now Julie needs to decide how to spend Brianna's extra

build points, page 99, and what to spend Brianna's
money on. After that she can transfer Brianna's stats to
the Identity Record and she is ready to begin playing in

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Worksheet Page 1

Sea of Stars: Identity Worksheet


Life Stages

Stage Life Path Years Random Event Random Event Effect

Young Adulthood
Career 1
Career 2
Career 3

Primary Ability Adjustments from Life Stages

Young Age Height
Abilities Race Childhood Career 1 Career 2 Career 3 Total
Adulthood Bonus Bonus

Secondary Abilities
Totals from above

Speed = (Strength + Agility) / 16

Lift = (Strength x Health) / 25

Stamina = (Strength + Health) / 8

Body Pool = Health / 8

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Worksheet Page 2

Strength S Speed Sp Linked Ability L.A. Easy E
Agility A Lift L Learning Curve L.C. Intermediate In
Health H Stamina St Childhood C.H. Advanced A
Intelligence I Body Pool BP Young Adulthood Y.A.
Mind M

Skills from Life Stages

Skill Level Bonus from Life Stage

Name L. A L. C. Race C.H. Y.A. Career 1 Career 2 Career 3 Total

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Worksheet Page 3

Qualities Gained from Life Stages

Name Level Name Level

Build Points & Wealth from Life Stages

Stage Build Points Wealthy Level Wealthy
Race Level Starting Money Level Starting Money

Childhood 0 1d10 x ç50 6 1d10 x ç7,500

Young Adulthood 1 1d10 x ç200 7 1d10 x ç10,000

Career 1 2 1d10 x ç500 8 1d10 x ç20,000

Career 2 3 1d10 x ç1,000 9 1d10 x ç50,000

Career 3 4 1d10 x ç2,000 10 1d10 x ç100,000

Bonus Build Points 5 1d10 x ç5,00


Total Money
(roll on final Wealthy level)

Bonus Build Points

Highest Life stage completed Bonus Build Points
Stage 2 10 build points
Stage 3 15 build points
Stage 4 20 build points

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Worksheet Page 4

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Record Page 1

Sea of Stars: Identity Record
Name:___________________________ Race:____________________________
Sex:_____________________________ Age:_____________________________
Height:___________________________Last Stage / Life Path:_____________________


Strength (S): Speed (Sp): m/s

Agility (A): Lift (L): kg

Health (H): Stamina (St):

Intelligence (I): Max: Current:

Mind (M): Body Pool (BP):

Max: Current:

Armor Points:

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Attack TN Accuracy Range Rate Shots Ammo Damage

Attack TN = Accuracy + Base TN of weapon skill for ranged weapons

Melee Weapons
Weapon: Weapon: Weapon:

Attack TN: Attack TN: Attack TN:

Damage: Damage: Damage:

Reach: Reach: Reach:

and Attack TN = Base TN of weapon skill for melee weapons.

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Record Page 2


Skill L.A. Linked Learning

Name Base TN Level Level Ability Curve

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

= +

Name Level Name Level

On Hand Accounts
Type Amount (Syntuls) Institution Account Name Amount (Syntuls)
Debit Wafer

Hard Currency

© 2011 Aron Zell

Identity Record Page 3

Item Weight (kg) Cost (syntuls) Item Weight (kg) Cost (syntuls)


© 2011 Aron Zell

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