PS250 Services Manual Page 1 of 11
PS250 Services Manual Page 1 of 11
PS250 Services Manual Page 1 of 11
Service Manual
O N -O F F
N et
2 5 0 k g x 0 . 1 k g / 5 5 0 l b x 0 . 2 lb PS250
Tare Key Used to tare off the weight of a animal cage / container that
is placed on the scale.
On / Zero / Off key Press once to turn on and Zero the scale.
Press once when scale is on to re-zero the scales display.
Press and Hold key will turn off scale
Units key Toggles between the units of measure that the scale has
been configured to.
Hold key when pressed the scale will average out the weight
Before holding this reading on the display.
If linked to a printer of PC the Held weight will be
automatically transmitted once the hold enunciator has been
Press a second time to release the hold function
Configuration settings
To get into the scales configuration menu first switches on the scale. Once the scale is on
press and hold the tare key until the display shows Set and then Unit.
To exit move through the Set up menu until you get to the End.
When the End is displayed press the Hold key to accept changes.
Scale will return back to weight mode
Press & Hold Tare Key
Fixed data transmission setting: Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1
End By pressing the Hold key when the end is displayed will save all change and
switch back to normal weigh mode.
In set up mode select TrAn and then select whether you want to data to be
transmitted continuously (n\d1) or on command (n\d2) and press hold to save.
Move to Tr and select the board rate you want the data to be transmitted at and then
press hold to save.
Move to End and press hold to save setting and exit back to weight mode.
Plug in the RS232 data lead (EDA908) to the side of the PS250 Head and the back of
the PC.
Board rate (as selected) Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1
Switch on scale, place a weight on the platform and press hold key, scale data should
now be displayed on the PC screen.
102.2 kg
105.0 kg
98.0 kg
99.0 kg
- 24.1 kg
- 28.0 kg
Fault finding
Scale not transmitting data.
• Check PS250 configuration settings to make sure that the RS232 is
switched on.
• Check PC and PS250 Board rate are the same.
• Check PC Port settings
• Check pin connections are correct.
• Test lead for brakes in cable
• Test scale data with HyperTerminal
• Check Ps250 RS232 wiring by removing left-hand end cap.
• If scale is still not transmitting data replace PS250 head unit and
Press and hold the ON-OFF key with one hand. You will see 8”s come up across
the display. Note: DO NOT release the on key at this time.
While still holding the ON-OFF key use your other hand and press the Units key 3
times, you must release the ON-Off key at the same time as you release the UNITS
key for the third time. Scale will display a 0 on the left hand side of the display
and will show a zero count value between 500 to 8000 on the right hand side of
the display.
Press the Tare key to save the zero count value. Scale will now display 0 kg.
Press the Units key to select the unit of measure the scale is to be calibrated in.
Place the required calibration weight on the platform and press Tare. The scale will
Display Cal for a few seconds before displaying the correct weight.
With 200kg on the platform the spanned counts should be between 8000 to 20000
counts. Note: If the counts are outside this tolerance range the Resistance over R1,
R2 on display PCB will have to change. Contact Service for further assistance.
Press and hold the ON-OFF key to shut off the scale, this completes the calibration of
the scale.
To activate this function enter the set up mode select GrAv, and then select on.
Press and hold the on key, at the same time press the Units key 3 times before
releasing the on key. Scale will now display the gravity the scale was last calibrated in
Scale will now switch on and operate to the newly entered gravity.
Normally indicates that the scale is over capacity or the load cell data is not getting to
the Indicator head.
• Check that the indicator is correctly attached to the platform.
• Check for lose wires in the indicator plug.
• Check for lose wires the platform socket.
• Measure mV reading across load cell signal wires to determine if one of the load
cell is faulty. If a big discrepancy is registered replace complete loadcell base
and recalibrate.
• Display Head unit must be faulty, Replace with new Head unit and recalibrate
Normally indicates that the zero counts have moved due to a faulty loadcell on the
• Attempt to re-calibration
• Measure mV reading across load cell signal wires to determine if one of the load
cell is faulty. If a big discrepancy is registered replace complete loadcell base
and recalibrate.
Standard Repairs
Replacing Display head
Unplug faulty display head from base and
Reconnect with new one.
Battery replacement
Undo the two screws on the right hand side end cap
of the display head.
Screw slots
Slide display PCB back into the display housing
insuring that the PCB is located within the two screw slots.
Replace the PCB location rod back into one of the screw
slots and push PCB back in to position.
Display Wire
Head Plug colours
PIN 1 + 5V RED
PIN 4 Ground BLUE
With the scale turned on measure Excitation mV reading across black and red wires,
which come from the plug socket. This should read 5V
Then check the signal reading by measuring the mV reading across the LW2 ( -Sig)
and ground , The mV reading should increase evenly when weight applied
Then check the other signal reading by measuring the mV reading across the LW3
( +Sig) and ground , This mV reading should also increase evenly when weight
LW2 ( -Sig) LW3 (+ Sig)
52739-0512 – PS250-22S
52739-0520 - PS250-36 Loadcell & Base frame
52739-0538 - PS250-36S
52739-0546 - PS250-42
52739-0553 - PS250-42S
816965000890 Battery