RandW Paper Compilation GUIDELINES
RandW Paper Compilation GUIDELINES
RandW Paper Compilation GUIDELINES
Final Requirement/Examination for
Reading and Writing (R and W)
1. Each student from STEM 11-C and STEM 11-D shall submit the following:
a. Research Report
b. Resume with cover letter
2. The research report shall have the following specifications:
a. Must be typed in the document template provided in the CEIS LMS
b. Font: Times New Roman - 12, 1.5 spacing, justified paragraphs
c. In-text and Reference citations should follow the Publication Manual of APA, 7th edition
d. Text must be checked using Grammarly
3. The resume shall have the following specifications:
a. Cover letter (employment application) must precede the resume
b. Template to be used must be appropriate to the contents
c. Contact details, character references, and names of institutions must be legitimate
d. Font size should be at least 12
4. Both documents should be submitted in PDF through the CEIS LMS and to this email address:
a. File name for the Research Report: Section_Surname, first name initial (if the class has two
or more students with the same surname)-RESEARCH
(Ex.: STEM 11-C_Mendoza, R.-RESEARCH)
b. File name for the Resume: Section_Surname, first name initial (if the class has two or more
students with the same surname)-RESUME
(Ex.: STEM 11-C_Mendoza, R.-RESUME)
c. When submitting your papers through email, it should have the subject ‘RandW Compilation’
d. A Dedicated page in the CEIS LMS will be made for file submissions.
5. Make sure that you have checked both Research report and Resume for possible errors in grammar,
spelling, and format before submission. Use Grammarly for both documents.
6. The papers will be evaluated using the Rubrics provided in Appendix A and B.
7. Submission of both papers will be until Friday, February 5, 2021.
Km. 44 McArthur Highway, Centro Escolar University-Malolos Campus Cmpd., Brgy. Longos, City of Malolos, Bulacan 3000 Philippines
URL: http://www.ceu.edu.ph/ http://www.ceis.edu.ph
Tel. No. (044) 760-32-04
E-mail address: ceismalolosadmin@ceis.edu.ph
Malolos Manila Makati
A Subsidiary of Centro Escolar University
3 2 1
5 4
INDICATORS Excellent Superior
Very Barely Needs RATING
Satisfactory Satisfactory Improvement
The resume’s
The resume’s
cover letter
cover letter The resume’s
somewhat There is a
clearly states cover letter The resume
states the cover letter but
Cover Letter the applicant’s only states the has no cover
applicant’s seems lacking
intention as applicant’s letter.
intention as in form.
well as his/her intention.
well as his/her
The career The career
The career
objective is objective The career No career
objective states
Career concise, clearly somewhat objective objective was
the applicant’s
Objective states the states the seems lacking included in the
goal, yet too
applicant’s applicant’s in form. resume.
goal. goal.
The applicant’s
The applicant’s
educational The applicant The applicant
attainment was provided provided
attainment was No educational
included, insufficient ambiguous
Educational included, attainment was
stating the information on information on
Attainment stating the included in the
name of his/her his/her
name of resume
institution, educational educational
institution and
location, and attainment. attainment.
years of stay.
Skills and Skills and
All skills and Skills and
talents included talents included
talents included talents included Skills/talents
in the resume in the resume
Skills/ in the resume in the resume were not
are mostly are somewhat
Talents are relevant to are irrelevant to included in the
relevant to the relevant to the
the career the career resume
career career
objective. objective.
objective. objective.
Activities and
All activities Activities and Activities and
and affiliations affiliations affiliations Activities or
included in the
included in the included in the included in the Affiliations
Activities/ resume are
resume are resume are resume are were not
Affiliations somewhat
relevant to the mostly relevant irrelevant to the included in the
relevant to the
career to the career career resume
objective. objective. objective.
references are Character Character
not in any way references references Character
No character
related to the were provided, were provided, references
Character references
applicant; with with provided
References were included
designation designation designation, seems
in the resume.
and contact and contact without contact questionable.
information is information. information.
All necessary Contact
Insufficient No contact
and legible Legible contact information
Contact contact information
contact information was was provided,
Information information was was included in
information provided. some are
provided. the resume.
was provided. unnecessary.
The resume
The resume
The resume The resume contains The resume
contains no contains noticeable contains many
Mechanics errors in minimal errors errors in errors in
errors in
grammar, in grammar, grammar, grammar,
and spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
Presentation spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
and neatly with good with noticeable and poor
formatted. formatting. corrections in formatting.
Km. 44 McArthur Highway, Centro Escolar University-Malolos Campus Cmpd., Brgy. Longos, City of Malolos, Bulacan 3000 Philippines
URL: http://www.ceu.edu.ph/ http://www.ceis.edu.ph
Tel. No. (044) 760-32-04
E-mail address: ceismalolosadmin@ceis.edu.ph
Malolos Manila Makati
A Subsidiary of Centro Escolar University
3 2 1
5 4
Excellent Superior
Satisfactory Satisfactory Improvement
There is a clear
There is a clear A research topic The research
research topic,
RESEARCH research topic, was given, yet topic given does The research
follows the given
TOPIC and is seems too not follow the topic is unclear.
instruction, and is
researchable. complex. given instruction.
The research The research
The research The research
question given is question is No research
RESEARCH question given question is
concise and lengthy, yet question was
QUESTION seems irrelevant to the
states the main states the main given.
ambiguous. main topic.
topic. topic.
The introduction
The introduction
The introduction somewhat states The introduction
lacks a clear
clearly states the The introduction the main focus of does not state
explanation of the
main focus of the states the main the paper, its the focus of the
paper’s focus and
INTRODUCTION paper, its focus of the purpose, although
its purpose,
paper and its
purpose, and paper, its some purpose, terms
defines purpose. terms/concepts and concepts
are yet to be
terms/concepts. are yet to be were not defined.
Km. 44 McArthur Highway, Centro Escolar University-Malolos Campus Cmpd., Brgy. Longos, City of Malolos, Bulacan 3000 Philippines
URL: http://www.ceu.edu.ph/ http://www.ceis.edu.ph
Tel. No. (044) 760-32-04
E-mail address: ceismalolosadmin@ceis.edu.ph
Malolos Manila Makati