Joint Hindu Family Business
Joint Hindu Family Business
Joint Hindu Family Business
Better Tomorrow
It is a specific form of business Organization found only in India . It
is one of the Oldest forms of Business organization in the country. It
refers a form of organization wherein the business is owned and
carried out by the members of the Hindu Undivided Family. It is
governed by the Hindu Law and it is regulated at Hindu Succession
Act 1956.
The control of the family business
lies with the karta. He takes all the The liability of Karta is unlimited
decisions and is authorized to manage because he is the only deciding
the business. His decisions are authority whereas the liability of co-
binding on the other members. parceners is limited up to their share
in the capital of the family.
Dominance of Karta Managerial Skills
The family members might sometimes oppose the Given that the Karta cannot be the specialist in all
decisions of the Karta . This may create conflicts areas of management , the business might suffer due
among the family members and may even lead to to his unwise decisions . His incapability in decision
loss of control and split in the family unit. making may lead to meager profits or sometimes even
losses for the organization .
Haldiram’s Food International Limited Haldiram's was founded in 1937 by
today is recognized as a Star Shivkisan Agrawal as a retail sweets
Export House, by the Directorate General and namkeen shop in Bikaner,
of Foreign Trade ,a department working Rajasthan. In 2008, the chairman of
under the Ministry of Commerce the company's Nagpur branch was
,Government of India. Shivkishan Agarwal.