Jairam Arts& Science College, Salem - 8 Staff Code: Sbua16 Class: Iii Bba Subject: Training and Development DATE: 13.06.17
Jairam Arts& Science College, Salem - 8 Staff Code: Sbua16 Class: Iii Bba Subject: Training and Development DATE: 13.06.17
Jairam Arts& Science College, Salem - 8 Staff Code: Sbua16 Class: Iii Bba Subject: Training and Development DATE: 13.06.17
Training is the art of increasing knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a particular job. (By
DEVELOPMENT is related to enhancing the conceptual skills of the employee, which helps individual
towards achieving maturity and self actualization. In the words of Michael Armstrong19 ― Employee
development, often referred to as human resource development (HRD) is about the provision of learning,
development and training opportunities in order to improve individual, team and organizational performance.
According to Bernard M Bass & James A. Vaughan, “Development implies the nature and change
induced among employees through process of education and training”.
In the words of Harold Koontz and Cyril O. Donnel Managerial development concerns the means
by which a person cultivates those skills whose application will improve the efficiency and effectiveness
with which the anticipated results of a particular organizational segment are achieved.
The objectives of training can vary, depending upon a large number of factors. The objectives depend on the
nature of the organization where training has to be provided, the skills desired and the current skill levels. It is
difficult to draw generalizations of the objectives of training; still they can be stated as under:
To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers, supervisor and the
To improve the overall performance of the organization.
To make the employees handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently and thus to check wastage
of time and resources.
To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to employees.
To prepare employees for higher jobs by developing advanced skills in them.
To prepare the employee both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing requirements of
the job and the organization.
To prevent obsolescence.
To impart the new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an intelligent performance of
definite job.
To prepare employees for higher level tasks.
To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing them to the latest
concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.
To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more responsible
To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them with opportunities for an interchange of
experiences within and outside with a view to correcting the narrowness of outlook that may arise
from .over specialization.
To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.
To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.
To ensure economical output of required quality.
To promote individual and collective morale, a sense of responsibility, co-operative attitudes and good
Organization provides training to their employees in the following areas:
Company Policies and Procedures: This area of training is to be provided with a view to acquainting
the new employee with the Company Rules, Practices, Procedures, Tradition, Management,
Organization Structure, and Environment Product! Services offered by the company etc. This
acquaintance enables the new employee to adjust himself with the changing situations. Information
regarding company rules and policies creates favorable attitudes of confidence in the minds of new
employee about the company and its products/services, as well as it develops in him a sense of respect
for the existing employees of the company and the like. The company also provides first hand
information to the employee about the skills needed by the company, its development programmes,
quality of products/services and the like. This enables the new employees. To know his share of
contribution to the organization’s growth and development.
Training in Specific Skills: This area of training is to enable the employee more effective on the job.
The trainer trains the employee regarding. Various skills necessary to do the actual job. For example, the
clerk in the bank should be trained in the skills of making entries correctly in the edge, skills and
arithmetical calculations, quick comparison of figures, entries and the like. Similarly, the technical
officers are to be trained in the skills of project appraisal, supervision, follow-up and the like.
Human Relations Training: Human relations training assume greater significance in organizations as
employees have to maintain human relations not only with other employees but also. With their
customers. Employees are to be trained in the areas of self-learning, interpersonal competence, group
dynamics, perception, leadership styles, motivation, grievance redress, disciplinary procedure, and the
like. This training enables the employees for better team work, which leads to improved efficiency and
productivity of the organization.
Problem Solving Training: Most of the organizational problems are common to the employees dealing
the same activity at different levels of the organization. Further some of the problems of different
managers may have the same root cause. Hence, management may call together all managerial
personnel to discuss common problems so as to arrive at effective solutions across the table. This not
only helps in solving the problems but also serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information
that could be utilized. The trainer has to organize such meetings, train and encourage the trainees to
participate actively in such meetings.
Managerial and Supervisory Training: Even the non-managers sometimes perform managerial and
supervisory functions like planning, decision-making, organizing, maintaining inter-personal relations,
directing and controlling. Hence, management has to train the employee in managerial and supervisory
skills also.
Apprentice Training: The Apprentice Act, 1961 requires industrial units of specified industries to
provide training in basic skills and knowledge in specified trades to educated unemployed /apprentices
with a view to improving their employment opportunities or to enable them to start their own industry.
This type of training generally ranges between one year to four years. This training is generally used for
providing technical Knowledge in the areas like trades, crafts
Training means learning skills and knowledge for doing a particular job and increases skills required for a
Training generally imparts specific skills to the employees.
Training is concerned with maintaining and improving current job performance. Thus, it has a short-term
Training is job centered in nature.
The role of trainer or supervisor is very important in training.
Development refers to the growth of an employee in all respects. It is more concerned with shaping the
Development is more general in nature and aims at overall growth of the executives.
Development builds up competences for future performance and has a long-term perspective
Development is career-centered in nature.
All development is ‘self-development’ and the executive has to be internally motivated for the same.
Who Non managerial Personnel Managerial Personnel
What Technical & Mechanical Conceptual ideas
Why For Specific jobs For a variety of jobs
When Short term Long term
Education generally refers to the formal learning in a school or a college, whereas training is vocation
oriented and is generally imparted at the work place.
At times, both training and education occur at the same time. Some schools run formal vocational courses,
which can be job-oriented whereas some employee development programmes in industry have quite a wide
scope and may be viewed education.
Faster learning of new skills: Training helps the employers to reduce the learning time of their employees
and achieve higher standards of performance. The employees need not waste time in learning by observing
others. If a formal training programme exists in the organization, the qualified instructors will help the new
employees to acquire the skills and knowledge to do particular jobs quickly.
Increased productivity: Training increases the skill of the new employee in while performing a particular
job. An increased skill level usually helps in increasing both quantity and quality of output. Training can be
of great help even to the existing employees. It helps them to increase their level of performance on their
present job assignments and prepares them for future assignments.
Standardization of procedures: Training can help the standardization of operating procedures, which can
be learn by the employees. Standardization of work procedures makes high levels of performance rule
rather than exception. Employees work intelligently and make fewer mistakes when they possess the
required knowledge and skills.
Lesser need for supervision: As a generalization, it can be stated safely that trained employees need lesser
supervision. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for detailed and
constant supervision. A well-trained employee can be self-reliant in his/her work because s/he knows what
to do and how to do. Under such situations, close supervision might not be required.
Economy of operations: Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of the materials
and the equipment and reduce wastage. In addition, the trained employees reduce the rate of accidents and
damage to machinery and equipment. Such reductions can contribute to increased cost savings and overall
economy of operations.
Higher morale: The morale of employees is increase if they are giving proper training. A good training
programme moulds employees’ attitudes towards organizational activities and generates better cooperation
and greater loyalty. With the help of training, dissatisfactions, complaints, absenteeism and turnover can
also be reduced among the employees. Thus, training helps in building an efficient and co-operative work
Managerial Development: The top management can identify the talent, who can be groomed for handling
positions of responsibility in the organizations. Newer talent increases the productivity of the organizations.
By providing opportunity for self-development, employees put in their best effort to contribute to the
growth of the organization.
Increasing Confidence: Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of employees, who feel
comfortable while handling newer challenges. It gives a feeling of safety and security to them at the
work place.
New Skills: Training develops skills, which serves as a valuable personal asset of a worker. It remains
permanently with the worker himself.
Career advancement: The managers can develop their skills to take up higher challenges and work in
newer job dimensions. Such an exercise leads to the career development of the employees, who can
move up the corporate hierarchy faster.
Higher Earnings: Higher earnings are a consequence of career development. A highly trained
employee can command high salary in the job market and feel more contended.
Resilience to change: In the fast changing times of today, training develops adaptability among
workers. The employees feel motivated to work under newer circumstances and they do not feel
threatened or resist any change. Such adaptability is essential for survival and growth of an organization
in the present times.
Increased Safety: Trained workers handle the machines safely. They also know the use of various
safely devices in the factory, thus, they are less prone to accidents.
Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization may pinpoint the areas of weaknesses, which
need to be handled seriously.
Analysis of Objectives: The long-term and short-term objectives and their relative priorities should be
properly analyzed. Specific goals for various departments should be stated which will serve as means
for achieving the overall organizational objectives. The management would have to examine what are
the specific training inputs that would contribute towards the achievements of these objectives.
Resource Utilization Analysis: The allocation of human and physical resources and their efficient
utilization in meeting the operational targets should be analyzed. In order to examine the need for
training, it should be found out whether adequate numbers of personnel are available to ensure the
fulfillment of the goals or not. Also, it is important to know whether the personnel performance is up to
the required standards.
Climate Analysis. : An organization’s climate reflects the attitudes of its members with regards to trust,
loyalty, openness, commitment to organizational goals. Analysis of an organization’s climate
determines whether the environment, when analyzed in different departments is conducive to the
fulfillment of their goals. This will help in knowing areas where training is needed to improve the
climate of the organization.
Task Analysis. It is a systematic analysis of jobs to identify job contents, knowledge, skills and aptitudes
required to perform the job. Particular attention should be paid to the tasks to be performed, the methods to
be used, the way employees learn these methods and the performance standards required of employees.
Questionnaires, interviews, personnel records, observation and other methods can be used to collect
information about jobs in the organization.
In task analysis, the main focus is on the job or task. Task analysis requires the study of various types of
skills and training required to perform to the job effectively.
Manpower Analysis. The quality of manpower required by the organization has to be carefully analyzed. It
has to be done in the light of both internal and external environment of the organization. The economic,
social, technological and political environment of the organization should be properly scanned to determine
the quality of human resources desired. To achieve these quality standards, specific training needs should be
determined on the following lines :
Specific areas where individuals need training,
The capability of present workforce to learn new skills and behaviors,
The time frame within which training must be imparted, and
Job designing and redesigning, introduction of new work methods and technology.
Training can be classified into many types, depending upon several bases. On the basis of purpose, several
types of training programmes, which are not mutually exclusive, are offered to the employees. They invariably
overlap and employ many common techniques. Some of the important types of training programmes are as
Orientation or Induction Training: Induction relates to introducing or orienting a new employee to the
organization. When a new employee joins any organization, he needs to be acquainted with its procedures,
rules and regulations. He must be helped to familiarize himself with the work environment and with his
fellow employees. It is better to give him a friendly welcome when he joins the organization, get him
introduced to the organization and help him to get a general idea about the rules and regulations, working
conditions, etc. of the organization.
Employee orientation or induction training basically deals with the introduction of the organization to
the newly employed person. The purpose is to give a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the organization where he has to
work. It is a very short and informative type of training given immediately after recruitment. It creates a
feeling of involvement in the minds of newly appointed employees.
Job Training: When an employee joins an organization, he undergoes job training, which relates to the
specific job, which the worker has to perform. It gives information about machines, process of production,
instructions to be followed, and methods to be used and so on. It develops skills and confidence among the
workers and enables them to perform the job efficiently. Job training is the most common form of the
formal in-plant training programmes. It is necessary for the new employees to acquaint them with the jobs
they are expected to perform. It helps in creating interest of the employees in their jobs.
Apprenticeship Training: Apprenticeship training programmes are more inclined towards education than
merely on the vocational training. Under this, both knowledge and skills in doing a job or a series of related
jobs are involved. The governments of various countries, including India, have passed laws which make it
obligatory for certain classes of employers to provide apprenticeship training to the young people. The usual
apprenticeship programmes combine on the job training and experience with classroom instructions in
particular subjects. The trainees receive wages while learning and they acquire valuable skills, which
command a high wage in the labor market. In India, there are several ‘earn while you learn’ schemes both in
the private as well as public sector undertakings. Such schemes are also advantageous to the trainees.
Internship Training: Under this method of training, the educational or vocational institute enters into an
arrangement with an industrial enterprise, or any organization which can utilize their knowledge, for
providing practical knowledge to its students. Internship training is usually meant for such vocations where
advanced theoretical knowledge has to be backed up by practical experience on the job. For instance,
engineering students are sent to big industrial enterprises for getting practical work experience and medical
students are sent to big hospitals to get practical knowledge. The period of such training varies from six
months to two years. The trainees do not belong to the business enterprises, but they come from the
vocational or professional institutions. It is quite usual that the enterprises giving them training absorb them
by offering suitable jobs after completion of their trainings.
Refresher Training: As the name implies, the refresher training is meant for the old employees of the
enterprise. It is also called retraining. The basic purpose of refresher training is to acquaint the existing
workforce with the latest methods of performing their jobs and to improve their efficiency further. While
explaining this, Dale Yoder has rightly remarked, “Retraining programmes are designed to avoid personnel
obsolescence”. The skills with the existing employees become obsolete because of technological changes
and because of the tendency of human beings to forget. Thus, refresher training is essential because of the
following factors:
The workers require training to bring them up-to-date with the knowledge and skills and to relearn what
they have forgotten.
Rapid technological changes make even the qualified workers obsolete in course of time because new
technology is associated with new work-methods and job requirements. The workers need to learn new
work methods to use new techniques in doing their jobs.
Refresher training becomes necessary because many new jobs that are created due to changes in the
demand for goods and services are to be handled by the existing employees.
Training for Promotion: The talented employees may be given adequate training to make them eligible for
promotion to higher jobs in the organization. Promotion of an employee means a significant change in his
responsibilities and duties. Therefore, it is essential that he be provided sufficient training to learn new skills
to perform his new duties efficiently. The purpose of training for promotion is to develop the existing
employees to make them fit for undertaking higher job responsibilities. This serves as a motivating force to
the employees.
9. Provide + Reinforcement 7. Questioning Skills
& Incentives Objectives
13. Evaluate Delivery
8. Provide
14. Report Evaluation Clarification &
Information Feedback
To be a competent trainer, you should be able to demonstrate the fourteen training delivery competencies found
in the IBSTPI Standards. They are:
1. Analyze course material and learner information.} Before training.
2. Assure preparation of the training site.
3. Establish and maintain instructor credibility.
4. Manage the learning environment.
5. Demonstrate effective communication skills.
6. Demonstrate effective presentation skills.
7. Demonstrate effective questioning skills and techniques.
8. Respond appropriately to learners’ needs for clarification or feedback.
9. Provide positive reinforcement and motivational incentives.
10. Use training methods appropriately.
11. Use media effectively.
12. Evaluate learner performance.
13. Evaluate the delivery of training.} After Training.
14. Report evaluation information.
Logistical Arrangements: Logistics refer to the movement of people, materials, and |equipment. Logistical
arrangements involve preparing the training site and ensuring that people are notified about it, that
equipment is in place when and where it is needed, that food, other refreshments arrive as ordered, and that
handout and other materials arrive on schedule. You must make all logistical arrangements well in advance,
then double- check them to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Physical arrangements: The term ‘physical arrangements’ refers to the furniture, room configuration,
supplies, materials, and equipment that will be used during training delivery. Some organizations employ a
cadre of people specifically for handling these accommodations. But it still remains your responsibility as a
trainer to ensure that the physical arrangements are organized for a training experience.
Room Layout: Many people associate the layout of a training room with the layout of classrooms they
attended while in school. Desks and chairs are arranged in neat rows and columns, all pointed toward the
front of the room. But training situations are different. Many room configurations are possible, and the
choice of what configuration to select depends on such issues as the type of training, the activities that will
be used, the level of formality desired, and the number of people attending.
Room configurations should be deliberately chosen based on programme objectives, available resources,
and facility limitations. The following Figure suggests design based upon different situations that you might
Equipment and Supplies: When planning the physical environment, check the equipment and supplies
before you begin delivering training. Equipment refers to overhead projects, computers, and projection units
(LCD). Supplies include items such as markers, masking tape, paper, or chalk. Training events can be
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unsuccessful if necessary equipment is not available (or does not work) and if necessary supplies are not
available when needed.
Backup Plans: Remember that, no matter what you do and no matter how carefully you plan, technology
can still fail, materials can get lost during transportation, and equipment can break. For that reason, develop
backup plans that will allow the training to proceed even without the planned equipment and materials. For
example, if you plan to use presentation software, make backup transparencies in case the computer-based
presentation fails. Further, print a paper copy of the slides for handouts so that you have something to use in
case the overhead transparency unit does not work. Make decisions about, when and how far to go with
contingency planning based on the situation, the level of risk, the resources available, and the time required.
Dealing with Unexpected Events: Unexpected events will occur during training delivery no matter what
preventive steps you take. While it is difficult to say whether these problems could have been prevented
through better planning, you have to be flexible and inventive to deal with unexpected problems. However,
when distractions do arise during delivery you must manage the situation as it happens. Competency four,
managing the learning environment, is very important for managing distractions during delivery.
The training manager will be looking after the training functions of the organization, reporting to the chief of
the personnel department or HRD. He may be also having sufficient experience and background to look after
the training functions of the organization. The role of the training department in an organization is detailed
Management of Training Data: The training department keeps the training record of the employees. The
data is stored according to experience, educational qualifications, the number of training programmes
attended by the employees, the duration and the venue of the training programme, the fee paid and other
relevant details.
Assessment of training needs of employees: The training department assesses the training needs of the
employees at frequent intervals and on an ongoing basis. The T&D keeps relations with the different
departmental heads and collects information by questionnaires, interviews and discussions about the
employees need for a proper training.
Preparation of Training Budgets: It also prepares the training budget for the organization after taking into
consideration the manpower and expenditure involved in training process during a particular calendar year.
Planning for training: The training department’s plans about the exact type of training required by the
employees for the approval of respective executives. It determines whether the training programees are
internal or external one, the duration, the course content, infrastructure facilities and venues. If the training
is external in nature, it maintains contacts with external agencies which conduct such training programmes.
Assessment of Usefulness of Training: The training and department also prepare the methods and
procedures to evaluate the impact of training in the actual working field after the employees report from the
training. It is an accepted fact that the training leads to changes towards improvement in the areas of job
knowledge or skills or attitudes, individually or in all the areas simultaneously. The data elicited during
evaluation is further processed and put into use to bring effective changes in the future training.
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Monitoring Nominations: This is also one of the important functions of the training department. Having
finalized the nominations, the training department informs the respective employees about their nomination
through a letter stating the type of programmes, duration, and venue, details regarding TA and DA,
residential or non-residential, the date on which he has to report.
Guest Faculty Arrangement: The training department sometimes engages the guest faculty for their
internal programees. They keep a list of such valuable and competent guest faculty to facilitate this
function. This list is also updated then and there to have effective guest faculty. It fixes the amount of
honorarium and other perks to be paid to the guest faculty.
In the form of a matrix organization: The training manager might not be a specialist in all functional areas.
While imparting sophisticated training, the common practice is to take a manager from the functional
department. The representatives, the sales manager might be asked to plan the same. In such a situation, he
shall design the training programme and identify the faculty who shall provide the training. He might even
identify the trainees who need to be trained. The training manager, who shall be under the HRD manager,
shall organize the training according to the plan suggested by the sales manager. He might arrange for the
hotel, training facilities and other necessary paraphernalia required for the training. In such a situation, the
training activity is conducted in the form of a matrix organization, where the training manager merely
becomes a facilitator of a training programme.
Training by functional heads: When training is not a very regular exercise, even the functional heads, such
as marketing manager/production manager etc. might undertake the task of organizing the training
programmes. They plan and organize the entire programme themselves.
TRAINING OPERATIONS: From the operational angle, the following activities have to be undertaken to
conduct a training programme.
Selection of the Trainees: The proper selection of trainees is very important factor that determines
permanent and gainful results. A trainee must be provided the training which he really needs.
Sometimes, the employees perceive training as a paid vacation. This might lead to wastage of the entire
effort. The trainee might receive the training in a subject, which he is not very likely to use. Again, the
effort would be of no use. Sometimes, training is also seen as a sign of incompetence. The employees
might resist the same. So, proper screening of the candidates for training improves the effectiveness of
the training a programme.
Training the trainer: The trainer is a key figure of any training programme. Before he is entrusted upon
with the task of undertaking the training, he must be judged whether s/he him/herself is competent
enough to do the same or not. The firms might engage a qualified instructor from inside or outside the
organization. However, many insiders are not good instructors because they might not possess the
ability to teach the skill. Trainer needs many qualities besides theoretical competence. He must be able
to divide the job into logical parts so that he may take up one part at a time without losing his
perspective of the whole. The trainer has to have professional expertise to fulfill his responsibility.
Therefore, it is desirable that the trainer must have knowledge about the job for which he is going to
instruct the trainees. He must be able to suggest solutions to the practical problems faced by the trainees.
Training Period: The duration of a training programme depends upon the skill to be acquired, the
trainee's learning capacity and the training methodology used, For example, a simple orientation
programme for clerks may require an hour a day over a period of one week, while a course in computer
programming may be require two hours a week for 10 weeks. The use of training aids usually helps to
reduce the training time.
Training Methods and Material: To increase the effectiveness of training, some written material is
usually desirable as a basis for instruction, review and reference. The training section may prepare the
training material with the help of line supervisors to be used for different jobs. A complete outline of the
whole course should be made with the main topics included under each heading. The training material
should be distributed among the trainees well in advance so that they may come prepared in the lecture
class and may be able to understand the subject quickly and may remove their doubts by asking
questions from the instructor.
Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is implemented. Completing
training design does not mean that the work is done because implementation phase requires continual adjusting,
redesigning, and refining. Preparation is the most important factor to taste the success.
Cost Benefit Returns from Training Investment: Even though training budgets have continued to grow,
resources for training are always under scrutiny and the training manager
is always under pressure to demonstrate its benefits. Specifically, there are major stakeholders who look
forward to tangible returns from training investment.
Training Department/Training Institutions/Training Practitioners
Senior Manager/Sponsors/Clients
The challenge thus for the effectiveness is to develop acceptable cost-benefit analysis that will satisfy all the
Enable Improvements in the Assessment of Training Needs: While determining the effectiveness of
training in achieving the training objectives, the trainer could inter alia check the suitability and feasibility
of the objectives set for training.
Self - Correcting Feedback: Training function operates on the basic premise that there is always room for
improvement and evaluation will help decide areas improvement can occur.
Feedback on the Performance of the Trainers: Actual training activity revolves around two major players
—the trainer and the trainees. The training inputs, methods, tools- techniques and aids could prove
effective/ineffective depending on the skill and ability of the trainer, his creativity, the strengths-weaknesses
of the trainer vis a vis the tools and methods of training. Without evaluation, the trainer will not be able to
measure his own performance.
Feedback on the Performance of the Trainees: Training aims at improving knowledge, skills and
attitude/behavior of the trainees. A good evaluation design would highlight the impact of training on the
knowledge, performance and behavior of the trainees, evaluation provides the added advantages of adding
process of the trainees by providing them knowledge of results.
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Reasons why training should be evaluated:
To find out where the desired expectations (goal) are and are not being met.
To make the training environment more supportive of learning.
To revise and redefine the course to make it more effective.
To identify and reduce workplace constraints that inhibits transfer of training.
To prove that training is investment and not cost.
To get commitment and support of training by management.
To give instructors and course developers feed back to help them improve.
To justify and perhaps increase the training budget.
To influence future decisions like on what kind of programmes to be included.
To manage the training function more professionally
Various factors and conditions act together and determine the effectiveness of the training programme.
The various sub-areas which contribute to the totality of the training process are as follows:
Contents: The evaluation should concentrate to assess about the contents of the programme in fulfilling
the training objectives. Evaluation also should state whether the contents covered are adequate,
inadequate or surplus. It should also state about the correctness of sequencing the contents and also to
point out the overlapping and duplications if any. The evaluation may also suggest additional specific
topics which can be introduced in the future training programmes.
Methodology: The methodology should be interesting, simple, participation oriented and very much
effective to make the learning process spontaneous. The evaluation should state about the effectiveness
of the methodology used in the training programme, in specific terms.
Infra-Structure Facilities: The evaluation should analyze about the infra-structure facilities extended to
the participants during the training programmes. The report should express whether those facilities were
adequate and inefficient which hampered the learning process of the trainees.
Faculty, Course-Coordinators or Directors and Resource persons: The skills and abilities of faculties
to coordinate, present, communicate and maintain good interpersonal relations with the trainees are also
evaluated at various stages. The presentation and communications skills along with the effectiveness of
methodology are evaluated even from session to session every day. The trainees also do not hesitate to
evaluate the sessions given by external and internal guest faculty and it should find a place in the
evaluation report.
Personality Development: The trainees learn routine job knowledge, skills and also undergo attitudinal
changes from the training programmes but this is not sufficient. There should also be some avenues and
subjects related to self development of the employees.
The most common question asked to a trainer at the end of the training cycle is “How effective was the
training programme/course”? How does the trainer conclude whether those trained?
1. Are better informed and equipped for their jobs?
2. Are able to perform better after training?
3. Are able to utilize that training for improving their performance?
Especially when the results of training do not accrue immediately after training and take longer to manifest
themselves. To enable the trainer to answer these questions, the evaluator should know 'when’ and to evaluate.
Based on the criteria and approach to evaluation, many authors have suggested evaluation interventions at
different stages of the training cycle. Some of them have been presented in following table:
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Immediate Behavior
5. Job Behavior Behavior Improvement
Intermediate Effectiveness
6. Functioning Results On the Job
LEVEL1- REACTION: How well did the trainees like the programme?/ In what ways participants liked a
particular program / training? How participants feel?
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The objective for this level is straightforward; it evaluates how individuals react to the training model by
asking questions that establishes the trainees’ thoughts. Questions will figure out if the participant enjoyed
their experience and if they found the material in the program useful for their work.
LEVEL 2- LEARNING: What principles, facts, techniques were learnt?/ New skills / knowledge /
attitudes? What was learned? and What was not learned?
Evaluating at this level is meant to gauge the level participants have developed in expertise, knowledge,
or mindset. Exploration at this level is far more challenging and time-consuming compared to level one.
LEVEL 4-RESULTS: What were the tangible results of the programme in terms of reduced cost, improved
quality, etc.?/ What are the final results of the training?
Commonly regarded as the primary goal of the program, level four determines the overall success of the
training model by measuring factors such as lowered spending, higher returns on investments, improved
quality of products, less accidents in the workplace, more efficient production times, and a higher quantity
of sales.
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Since there are many factors like the groups, the conference leader, and the approach to the subject, the
evaluators should recognize the limited interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn from their
Pre-training evaluation: at this stage the training objectives should be evaluated in the context of
expectations of trainees and the organizational objectives in order to ensure optimum impact of training.
The organization, trainer and trainee should match their objectives and goals with each other in order to
enhance the worth and effectiveness of training at the workplace.
During Training evaluation: This state is also called the context and input evaluation. At this stage the
evaluation of inputs and context in which the trainee is placed and the training programme is organized are
evaluated based on the pre-training profile of the trainee. The evaluation of the context and input process
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helps in establishing the validity of the content and curriculum to be transacted during the training
Post Training evaluation: this stage has been divided by the authors in different parts as under:
Reaction Evaluation: It is important that the participants are comfortable with the environment of
training and the methods and ways of conducting the programmes. The satisfaction level of trainees at
this stage plays an important role in enhancing the effectiveness of the training programme. This type
of evaluation is undertaken during conduct of the training as well as immediately after the training is
Learning: it is important to know as to how much learning has taken place on the part of the trainee.
The authors propose to arrive at measurement of the degree of learning following the learning index
prepared with the help of pre and post training scores of the trainees.
Job Improvement Plan: the authors have devised a mechanism to measure the extent of learning that
has taken place with the trainee. The trainee may not be able to transfer whole of his learning to the job
place due to various discouraging factors. However, preparation of JIP will help in evaluation of the
extent of learning by the trainee.
On the job evaluation: this type of evaluation would help in assessing the quantum of learning which
the trainee is able to transfer to the job place. The actual difference that might have taken place due to
raining can be measured at this stage in order to establish whether there is a tangible impact of the
training programme on the job performance of the employee.
Follow up evaluation: the authors are of the view that it is necessary to follow up and monitor the job
performance of the trainee after some interval. The trainee may not be able to show the impact of
training through his performance immediately after he has come back on the floor from training. It may
take even up to 6 months before any observable change in performance is noticed.
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Evaluate Performance Standards: Performance standards identified as KRAs (Key Result Areas)
finalized between the individual and his boss, depending on the job and the hierarchical level may focus on:
Productivity, Rejections, Profit, coping with external pressures, achieving deadlines, work stoppages,
and amount spent on overtime, accident rate, and machine down time.
Evaluate Training Objectives: This is to assess whether there is goal congruence between the trainee’s
needs and training objectives.
Evaluate Trainee's Profile: Trainee’s level of knowledge, skills and attitude prior to training need and for
post training evaluation. Measuring each learner’s starting level in absolute and objective terms may not be
possible, but some measure of pre-training knowledge, skills and attitude is desirable to compare them with
post-training performance.
Input Evaluation: Input evaluation varies depending on the team versus individual approach for designing
the Curriculum. Committee approach has been found to be fairly successful for input evaluation
Brainstorming session would also help in situations where feedback on the subject is already available.
Input evaluation gives an opportunity to the trainer to put things right before the package becomes
fully operational. It helps sift out any weaknesses, incongruities, inconsistencies, or missing links in the
total training. It thus helps to establish the validity of the training design.
STAGE-II Evaluation during Training
Both evaluation and subsequent modification need careful handling. Some methods are examined
Behavior Analysis: Usually assessment during training through behavior analysis is relevant for imbibing
of certain skills and attitudes, for example, leadership skills, team orientation and attitude towards learners.
These can be grasped best through behavior analysis.
Course Audits: Mid - way training should give feedback for immediate course correction. Audits can be
At the end of each day (more suited for short duration training)
Midway through the course (long duration i.e. more than a week’s programme).
The data thus obtained should be analyzed and wherever possible corrective action can be taken.
Session Assessment: Assessing each session at the end or assessing each session at the end of the day is
possible. Normally this is done by using semantic differential scale, three points or five point and the trainee
is supposed to only tick mark.
In addition, trainers’ dairy, in which trainers record their day-to-day perceptions and experiences
should be an inexpensive method of providing information on what pleased, stimulated, or alienated the
Learning Evaluation: The purpose of evaluation at this stage is to obtain information on the amount of
learning acquired during the training programme, irrespective of whether they go on to apply the learning
on the job. Learning has been divided into knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Knowledge Learning: In order to measure the amount of change caused by the training, the test must
also be administered at the start of the training programme. Virmani and Premila’s design has
suggested a new measure of learning index in which the unlearnt portion of the pre- raining score
determined how much the trainee could gain from training, and is calculated by using the formula:
Post-training score - Pre training score x 100
Learning Index= ------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Pre-training score-100
Skill Learning: In most forms of industrial training, skill objectives are more important than
knowledge objective (knowledge is important mainly as a prerequisite to skill), Therefore, in evaluating
22 | P a g e
the skill, we are also evaluating knowledge, but in evaluating, knowledge, we do not discover whether
the skill has also been acquired.''
Attitude Learning: In order to change attitude in the required direction, the attitude objectives should
be clearly defined. A common way of evaluating attitudes and opinions is to hand out a questionnaire at
the start and at the end of the programme, Semantic Differential Scales are a simple, but accurate
method of obtaining open-ended feedback on trainee’s attitudes under consideration.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-END OF THE UNIT -I=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Publishing House
Once the trainer has decided upon the training method that the wants to use for transferring the
knowledge and skills to his trainees, he can draw from various training methods, one that will be most suitable
for the particular topic, approach and the group of trainees. Even though there are a number of methods, only a
few are used normally. In a corporate, even less number of methods are in operation. In this training methods
are grouped into
1. On-the-job training method
2. Off-job-training method
When an employee learns the job in actual working site in real life situation, and not simulated
environment, it is called OJT. Employee learns while working. Take the instance of roadside mechanics. Small
boys working there as helpers learn while helping the head mechanic. They do not learn the defect analysis and
engine repairing skills in any classroom on engine models.
This type of training, also known as job instruction training, is the most commonly used method.
Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform that job.
The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or instructor. On-the-job training
has the advantage of giving firsthand knowledge and experience under actual working conditions. While the
trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker rendering the services for which he is paid. The
problem of transfer of trainee is also minimized as the person learns on-the-job. The emphasis is placed on
rendering services in the most effective manner rather than learning how to perform the job. On-the-job training
methods include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training through step-by-step and committee
As the name suggests, “on the job” training (OJT) is a method of imparting training to the
employees when they are on the job at the workplace. The aim of training is to make the employees familiar
with the normal working situation, i.e. during the training period, the employees will get the first-hand
experience of using machinery, equipment, tools, materials, etc. It also helps the employees to learn how to face
the challenges that occur during the performance of the job.
The main theme of this training method is learning by doing where the supervisor or the experienced employees
demonstrate the trainees how to perform a particular task. The trainees follow the instructions of the supervisor
and perform the task.
Orientation training is vital in ensuring the success of new employees. Whether the training is
conducted through an employee handbook, a lecture, or a one-on-one meeting with a supervisor, newcomers
should receive information on the company's history and strategic position, the key people in authority at the
company, the structure of their department and how it contributes to the mission of the company, and the
company's employment policies, rules, and regulations.
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The trainees under coaching are done by the superiors. Coaching involves an ongoing
demonstration, guidance, instructions and teaching in Job situation by the superiors. The performance and
learning of the trainees are continuously monitored and necessary appreciations and corrective measures are
introduced. Thus coaching is providing necessary motivations to the trainees and the transfer of learning to
actual work situation is made certain and it is quicker and easier without any problems. Often the trainee shares
some of the duties and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden.
The trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.
Untrained and inefficient superiors may distort this method of training.
The superiors may not have favorable attitude towards the trainees and view them as a source of trouble
in the actual working situation.
”Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde.
Apprenticeship is a formalized method of training curriculum program that combines classroom
education with on-the-job work under close supervision. The training curriculum is planned in advance and
conducted in careful steps from day to day. Most trade apprenticeship programs have a duration of three to four
years before an apprentice is considered completely accomplished in that trade or profession. This method is
appropriate for training in crafts, trades and technical areas, especially when proficiency in a job is the result of
a relatively long training or apprenticeship period, e.g., job of a craftsman, a machinist, a printer, a tool maker, a
pattern designer, a mechanic, etc.
This method is mainly used in industries and can go on for a long time at times for duration of about
4-5 years. After the training is over the worker obtains all the necessary information and then carries on their
work. Knowledge both in the form of practical knowledge while they do their job and theoretical knowledge
from the lectures is obtained by them. It is one of the oldest and most traditional methods when it comes to
training the people of the organization.
Stipend which is also known as a fixed amount of salary is received by the trainees to some extent
during this training.
Trainees acquire valuable skills which is highly regarded and valuable and demanding in the market.
When talking about the employer, it is a way of obtaining cheap labor with a needed skilled work force
still being maintained.
This method helps in reducing cost for labor and production cost.
There is ensured loyalty of the employees of the company.
The length or the period of the training is very long and at all times the trainees need regular supervision
which can be difficult as the company is at a large scale.
This method is unsatisfactory if the standards are rigid.
At times if the person or the worker getting this training fails to learn it completely after a long duration,
then they may not be considered for working in the company which may lead to labor problems.
This method is very expensive in nature.
Internship is one of the on-the-job training methods. Individuals entering industry in skilled trades
like machinist, electrician and laboratory technician are provided with thorough instruction though theoretical
and practical aspects.
There is a lot of advantage of getting trained in internship. Internship practically is like working but not for full
term purpose and salary basically is low and they are called stipend. So training will actually inculcate the skill
of time management and will balance between the theory part of the studies and also the practical part of the
For example, TISCO, TELCO and BHEL select the candidates from polytechnics, engineering
colleges and management institutions and provide apprenticeship training. Apprenticeship training
24 | P a g e
Unit-II contd..,
programmes are jointly sponsored by colleges, universities and industrial organizations to provide the
opportunity to the students to gain real-life experience as well as employment. Exhibit presents the benefits of
apprenticeship training.
The drawbacks behind this idea are that, it can only be used for skilled and works more of practically oriented
goal instead of just sitting and studying. The time usually depends on people. Some wants to keep the contract
for 6 months or some wants to keep it for 2 months only. Therefore, the timing also is not frigid, they are
Most of the Universities and Colleges encourage students for internship as part of the curriculum as it is
beneficial to all concerned.
It refers to the transfer or movement of executive from one job to another and from one plan to
another on some planned basis for educational learning purposes. Such rotation may continue for a period
ranging from 6 months to 24 months.
Under this method, the trainees are rotated over various routine jobs in a department, division or
unit before they are due for promotion as managers. The idea behind this is to give them the required diversified
skills and a broader outlook, which are very important at the upper management levels. It also increases the
inter-departmental cooperation and helps in reducing the monotony of the work. This also helps in turning the
specialist into generalists.
Under this job rotation can be either horizontally or vertically. Vertical rotation is nothing more than
promoting a worker into a new position. Horizontal job transfer can be made on a planned basis or on a
situational basis. The main advantage of job rotation is that it permits a greater understanding of other activities
within the company. People are prepared more rapidly to accept greater responsibility, especially at upper
levels. Further ability and talent of each manager are best tested, so the enterprise can secure his best utilization
in the emergency period.
But this is not free of drawbacks. Due to this developmental costs increase. It upsets the routine
system of the concern itself. An extensive rotation programme can result in having a vast number of employees
shifted in a position where their job knowledge is very limited. And even though there may be significant long-
term benefits from the programme.
Benefits of Job Rotation
COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given and asked to
solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops team work.
B) Limitations:
This kind of training is mainly disorganized in a big way and things are at times done in a very
haphazard way.
At times the person supervising the training may not be ready to willingly give their time and this may
lead to training not taking place in the appropriate way it needs to be carried out in.
Sometimes certain experienced trainers may not be available at all times.
At times when things are not happening in the appropriate way it leads to the trainee getting a lack
motivation when they are receiving the training.
Case Studies try to simulate decision-making situation that trainees may find at their work place. It
reflects the situations and complex problems faced by managers, staff, HR, CEO, etc. The objective of the case
study method is to get trainees to apply known concepts and ideologies and ascertain new ones. The case study
method emphasize on approach to see a particular problem rather than a solution. Their solutions are not as
important as the understanding of advantages and disadvantages.
It aims to develop the trainee in the areas of intellectual ability, practical judgment and social
awareness. Under this method each employee is developed in a group process. Incidents are prepared on the
basis of actual situations which happened in different organizations. Each trainee is told about the incident and
to make short-term decisions in the role of a person who has to cope with the incident in the actual situation.
MEANING: A form of training which attempts to simulate the working situation by setting the trainee realistic
tasks. The trainees are presented with papers such as letters and memos, placed in the ‘in’ basket or ‘in’ tray to
which they respond individually. The results of the exercise are then analyzed, discussed and assessed on the
basis of the decision made
It is a methodology to portray the manager’s workload on a typical day under the simulated
environment. The Govt, public sector and even the other managers use IN and OUT trays on their table to send
the files, circulars, mails etc. to receive and to dispose. The popular methodology has derived its name from the
process. The participant acts as a manager or executive in at hypothetical organization. He is given an
assortment of managerial problems in the form of letters, memos, telex, telegrams, summary of unexpected
happenings and memoranda. The problems may be related to any department and even it may be also a Govt.
policy which affects his workings and the Co. All those problems are placed in the IN-TRAY of the trainee.
The trainees are required to read the papers and to take appropriate actions within a limited time. The time limit
is the crux of the whole exercise as it usually happens in real life. .The executive or the manager is expected to
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take timely actions to solve the problem. The time pressure also produces a plenty of stress and strain in
Managers. In order to solve the problems and to run the office, the manager has to take timely decisions, may
be following the strategies namely.
1. Set priorities.
2. Delegate some of the work to his subordinates.
3. Just overlook some of the memos, inter office communication etc.
The trainee is given chance to explain his stand to other trainees. The whole exercise also may be reviewed by
the trainer and by the participants to analyze and learn from situation and actions. In Basket exercise contains
usually four parts viz.
1. Instruction to the participants which tells the participant the details about the situation, designation,
organization structure, the structure of different departments, No. of staff etc.
2. The IN TRAY contents like letter, inter office memos, notes, telegrams, mails, leave letter. Disciplinary
proceedings notes and others,
3. Faculty Notes to the trainers to conduct the programme.
4. The conclusions to be drawn in structured handwritten or printed notes.
Problem solving development of analytical skills.
For gaining confidence in decision making
Transfer of theory learned to practical applications
Since it stems out from the real life situation it has immense practical use ,in class room as well as outside post
training level.
It develops various skills of the trainers problem solving, presence of mind, quick decisions stress
managing, conflict resolving, communication , interpersonal relations, risk taking, planning and
organizing, delegation , setting up of priorities, time management and it is, in short, multi-skills oriented
The method has been widely used by assessment centers, ITT, IBM, General Electric, Ford
Motors, Bell Telephones and found to be a highly resourceful methodology in Training.
The in basket exercises can be altered to suit the level of participants, focusing importance upon the
skills which the trainer wants to develop.
Like any other method it is also not a full proof method. The preparation of in basket exercise is very
much tedious and time consuming.
It is not suitable for shorter duration programmes. The conduct of the programme may stretch to a few
too many hours and days in spite of the allocated time limits.
The trainer shou1d have the necessary skills, knowledge and patience to conduct the exercise so that the
methodology will be effectively used. Trained and experienced faculties are needed.
It is an individual oriented exercise and the present day management is a team work only a limited
number of participants can take part in the exercise.
A management game is a training method that deals with certain specific aspects of business or
administration. It is a simulated exercise representing, as closely as possible, the constraints and pressures of the
day-to-day work environment of the participants. The participants are presented with information about
operations of an organization-marketing, financial, management of human resource, etc. They are grouped in
Unit-II contd..,
Functional teams to consider the sequence of events and problems and manage the operations.
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The task includes finding solutions to the problems, taking decisions, and dealing with people.
Each team takes a decision considering the data and information available to it, within the broad
parameters and objectives of the game.
The consequences of this decision are fed back to the team by the trainer.
The team analyses the outcome of this decision in the light of its effect on the situation and other events in
the operation. And the team then proceeds to take further decisions addressing development in the game.
Thus, a business game attempts to bring together various elements of practical decision-making. It’s
most crucial aspect is the effort to create an environment representing the social, psychological and economic
dynamics of organizational behavior in an artificial setting. The decisions taken and actions initiated are
processed and appropriate reports and documents are produced to lend a degree of authenticity to the exercise.
Major Objectives
Business games can be incorporated in training programmes in many ways. They can be used for
orienting the participants and familiarizing them with the functional dynamics of an organization or for
reinforcing the learning accruing from an earlier discussion on various aspects of management.
A management game also helps the participants relate the management principles, concepts, and
methods of working that are being discussed in the training, to the real life environment.
It emphasizes a functional linkage between theory and practice though through a simulated
environment. The games can be used in conjunction with other training techniques, including structured
experiences, instruments, lectures and audio-visuals.
Building on the work of the researchers at these Universities, Robert Blake and Jane Mouton (1960s)
proposed a graphic portrayal of leadership styles through a managerial grid (sometimes-called leadership
grid). The grid depicted two dimensions of leader behavior, concern for people (accommodating people’s
needs and giving them priority) on y-axis and concern for production (keeping tight schedules) on x-axis, with
each dimension ranging from low (1) to high (9), thus creating 81 different positions in which the leader’s style
may fall. (See figure 1).
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Advantages of Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid: The Managerial or Leadership Grid is used to help
managers analyze their own leadership styles through a technique known as grid training. This is done by
administering a questionnaire that helps managers identify how they stand with respect to their concern for
production and people. The training is aimed at basically helping leaders reach to the ideal state of 9, 9.
Limitations of Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid : The model ignores the importance of internal and
external limits, matter and scenario. Also, there are some more aspects of leadership that can be covered but are
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Learning is facilitated by active participation rather than passive reception and this is achieved, in
role play technique. In the “Crone of Experience” that highlights instructional1 alternatives. Contrived
Experience are categorized as the closest to Direct Purposeful Experience. Thus, in the absence of real
situations, certain artificial situations may have to be created to suit the instructional needs so that the trainees
would be feeling that they are experiencing life-like situations. This contrived artificial situation in education
parlance is called “Simulation." A simulation is a product that results when the appearance or effect of
something else has been created by controlling the task-irrelevant items and by adding the replaced or
represented items.
Being very near to reality and having a high degree of participation, simulation calls for an active
role on the part of the learner. One of the methods of simulation is Role Play technique. Role Play is a
technique in which some problem, involving human interaction, small or imaginary, is presented then
spontaneously acted out.
Design Considerations
It is important that within the situation it and the descriptions of the roles of individual players, there be a
broad range of human problems. Unless role play is intended to demonstrate ineffective behavior,
participants should be given an opportunity to behave effectively.
In the role play situation it is ideal to have conflict and variety. It is desirable to avoid getting too close to
actual current organizational situations. Using actual problem situations as the content of role play
activities can have a number of negative consequences, because:
1. Defensive behavior on the part of participants may be evoked.
2. Participants may concentrate or solutions rather than focus on aspects of the problem.
3. Basic disagreements on issues may be generated, leading to polarization within the participant group.
In setting up role play situations it is, therefore, best to use simulated problems before attempting to use real
organizational problems, if however, real problems are used, it is better to focus on existing problems rather
than ones that have been “solved.”
Planning for Role Play: Role play must be planned carefully to ensure that the activity is relevant to the goals
of the session, and it serves as on effective learning instrument. The following guidelines would be useful while
planning a role play.
1. Pick a situation that is realistic to the participants, and consistent with the learning objectives.
2. Define the problem or issue in the situation that the players will have to deal with.
3. Determine the number of role players needed.
4. Develop specific roles of each person by answering the following questions:
5. What is the person like? - What is important about their background?
6. How do they feel about the other people?
7. How do they feel about the situation?
8. What do they think about the situation?
These role questions can be written down or given verbally to the players.
Writing Role Plays:
The role play material should be clear, concise, and highly focused. It should be readable, not too
lengthy or too complicated for the participants to remember
Normally a role play requires some case background data to set the scene for the participants.
Occasionally, further information is used to affect the role play as it progresses.
The role descriptions should be written in a simple language and should include some hints on how to
play the role.
Observer background data sheets need to be provided for persons in the audience. Observers should be
provided with paper and pencil to focus their reactions, as otherwise there may be a tendency to over
personalize the observation and fail to focus on the specific learning intended.
Instead of using prepared written role materials, participants can create their own roles. This approach
minimizes the need for printed material, but in such situations it becomes difficult for the facilitator to
manage the outcome, as it gets less predictable and may not be consistent with the expressed learning
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Setting up Role Plays: If the role play is set up effectively, both the actors and the audience become involved.
This involvement often carries over into the post role play discussion, thereby enriching and enlightening it.
Members of the audience can be asked to carry out definite tasks such as noting the gestures and mannerisms of
the actors, listening for significant remarks, spotting out focal points etc., thereby making them get involved
The following steps may be followed while setting up the role play:
Describe the purpose of the role play.
Describe the situation briefly and clearly, even if prepared written roles are used.
Select the role players and assign the roles.
Brief the role players. Allow enough time to read and understand the roles.
Assign tasks to audience. In briefing observers, it is important to clarify their tasks; are they simply
observers or are they permitted to talk with one another?
Set the scene-Label the chairs, and strategically place role players to define the smiling, making physical
contact, and checking for readiness. Most of the common problems in managing role plays can be
avoided by a carefully prepared and delivered introduction.
Implementing Role Plays: Once the stage is set and everyone knows their role / task, the role play is ready to
get started. The following are the steps to implement the role play:
1. Start the action.
2. Stay out of the vision of the role players. Observe quietly.
3. Coach only if absolutely necessary-for example, if a role player has difficulty in getting started or breaks
out of the role, etc., intervention while the exercise is in progress should be avoided as far as possible.
4. Normally the role play will arrive at a natural end point. If not, try to cut the role play after about five
minutes, or so. Do not be too abrupt in cutting short the role play.
5. Thank the role players using their real names. This helps in de-rolling the role players. Getting
participants out of the content of the roles is crucial for effective processing.
Processing Role Plays: Processing after a simulation is a very vital part of the exercise. In this phase the
participants analyze and reflect on what happened during the role play. The processing phase helps in analyzing
what worked and what did not, and reflects on what skills or strategies are needed to successfully handle the
situation. Normally participants are willing to share their opinions. The facilitator needs to handle this phase
carefully, orienting the discussion towards the desired learning. Poorly conducted processing phase leads to
confusion and results in ineffective input for the generalization and application phases. The following
processing plan should be of use in conducting this phase effectively:
The facilitator asks the group: What was the strategy? How was it working?
Two or three opinions should be good enough.
The facilitator then repeats the same question for the second role player.
The facilitator should then ask the role players: “What was your strategy? How did you feel it worked?
Allow some time for the role players to discuss it.
The facilitator then asks the group: “What strategies would you have used? What difficulties might you
expect?” Allow time for this discussion to take place and then move to the generalization phase.
Problem Areas in Conducting Role Play
Trainer-based Problems
The trainer might be unclear about the objective of the training and hence may fail to set clear cut target.
Failure to establish supportive climate while moving into post-enactment discussion focusing on the attitude
and behavior of role players.
Trainer should be careful in selecting role playing case.
Trainee-Based Problems
Trainees may sometimes make up facts that are not there in the role and not needed for the role play.
Despite instruction, the player might step out of the role or “open up.”
The very objective of training is to help people learn, i.e. assimilate new knowledge or modifying
existing knowledge. If the process of dissemination of knowledge is supported with the help of training aids,
then the training can become very effective. Well-chosen training aids, or instructional materials, can enhance
the effectiveness of the training/learning process.
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Video is a powerful training aid increasing in-popularity in all types of instruction. The production of
video material is beyond the scope of this chapter; some of the texts noted in the bibliography give further
details. However, the services of a knowledgeable person, or attendance on a course, are recommended to
anyone planning to produce video materials for the first time. Here, only the use of pre-prepared video is
The full benefit of video will only be realized if adequate attention is given to how its use will be integrated
within the training session; and the ways in which the video is actually used. Some uses for video
To bring a wide range of concrete examples to the learners; particularly useful to stimulate interest; provide
an overview, present material for discussion, etc.
Can be used to display almost any visual messages (for example, computer-generated graphics in place of
the overhead projector).
To record, and later play back for analysis and discussion, a wide range of training activities; for example,
role-play, simulations, micro-teaching.
As a magnification medium to display small objects, processes, etc., to a large group; for example,
microscope work, chemical reactions, machinery.
Combined with a computer, interactive video opens a wide range of interactive training possibilities.
Versatile (within the obvious limits of the medium).
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Excellent for displaying movement.
A wide variety of commercially available materials (if recording off air, consider copyright).
Used appropriately, can provide an excellent stimulus to learning.
Watching uninterrupted video generally becomes a passive activity with little learning takes place.
Equipment can be expensive, particularly video projectors for use in mass instruction.
Video projectors require blackout.
This method enables the trainees to learn at his own speed according to his convenience. He can sit in
his home or in any place to work out programmes and learn. it is a self-teaching methodology.
Large number of people can learn through programmed learning method, without any geographical or
distance barriers. Large amount of information’s can be given as input in this method.
The infrastructural facilities like well developed faculty, class rooms, audio visual aids are not needed.
This method is highly elastic and flexible. The same programme can be used for so many batches of
trainees, year after year and it is easier to introduce modifications in the programmes.
The trainees get the psychological satisfaction due to immediate feedback, self pacing and
individualized learning.
The programme writing is tedious, time consuming and needs greater care, concern and analysis.
This is a methodology suited for giving knowledge and information to the trainees.
Learning through this method requires a strong motivation on the part of the trainees to learn. But many
of the trainees especially workers and office goers may not have enough time and motivation for self
It is a highly structured routine methodology. People with creativity and innovative mind resent such
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An unstructured group of 10-15 people is formed.
Unstructured group without any objective looks to the trainer for its guidance
But the trainer refuses to provide guidance and assume leadership
Soon, the trainees are motivated to resolve the uncertainty
Then, they try to form some hierarchy. Some try assume leadership role which may not be liked by
other trainees
Then, they started realizing that what they desire to do and realize the alternative ways of dealing with
the situation
2. Development of new values – With the trainer’s support, trainees begin to examine their interpersonal
behavior and giving each other feedback. The reasoning of the feedbacks are discussed which motivates
trainees to experiment with range of new behaviors and values. This process constitutes the second step in the
change process of the development of these values.
3. Refreezing the new ones – This step depends upon how much opportunity the trainees get to practice their
new behaviors and values at their work place.
In this technique the situation is duplicated in such a way that it carries a closer resemblance to the
actual job situation. The trainee experiences a feeling that he is actually encountering all those conditions. The
trainee is asked to assume a particular role in the circumstances and solve the problems by making a decision.
Feedback is given immediately on the performance of the trainee.
Outside The Work Station: Off-the-job training program takes place outside the work station, so that it
may not yield the desired result to employees as they are unknown with actual machines and
Not Effective: Off-the-job training will not be effective as the employees are trained in an artificial
classroom. They are unfamiliar with actual work environment. As a result of which, it requires long time
for them to learn.
No Production: During training period, any production takes place because employees are kept away
from the actual work place. The organization bears only training cost without any physical output.
Expensive: Off-the-job training is expensive in the sense that the organization has to prepare extra place
for training outside the actual work environment.
Lack Of Feedback: The employees are trained away from the organizational work environment; hence,
it lacks feedback to employees.
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Management Development is described as the process from which the managers learn and improve their
skills & knowledge not only to benefit themselves but also their employing organizations.
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To help the top management to understand the economic, technical and institutional forces in order to
solve business problems.
To increase the versatility of the managers
To stimulate creativity in the thoughts of the managers.
To create a sense of inter-departmental coordination among managers.
To indicate how to apply to practical problems the knowledge of the physical and social aspects of
business problems and management.
So we can say that management development is an educational process utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which management personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose.
These purposes are (i) Productivity (ii) Quality (iii) Human Resource Planning (iv) Morale (v) Obsolescence
prevention, and (vi) Personnel growth.
Job Rotation is a management approach where employees are shifted between two or more assignments
or jobs at regular intervals of time in order to expose them to all verticals of an organization. It is a pre-planned
approach with an objective to test the employee skills and competencies in order to place him or her at the right
place. In addition to it, it reduces the monotony of the job and gives them a wider experience and helps them
gain more insights.
Job rotation is a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of job everyday and explore
the hidden potential of an employee. The process serves the purpose of both the management and the
employees. It helps management in discovering the talent of employees and determining what he or she is best
at. On the other hand, it gives an individual a chance to explore his or her own interests and gain experience in
different fields or operations.
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someone gets retired or leaves the organization. The idea is to create an immediate replacement of a
high-worth employee from within the organization.
Creating Right-Employee Job Fit: The success of an organization depends on the on-job productivity
of its employees. If they’re rightly placed, they will be able to give the maximum output. In case, they
are not assigned the job that they are good at, it creates a real big problem for both employee as well as
organization. Therefore, fitting a right person in right vacancy is one of the main objectives of job
Exposing Workers to All Verticals of the Company: Another main function of job rotation process is
to exposing workers to all verticals or operations of the organization in order to make them aware how
company operates and how tasks are performed. It gives them a chance to understand the working of the
organization and different issues that crop up while working.
Testing Employee Skills and Competencies: Testing and analyzing employee skills and competencies
and then assigning them the work that they excel at is one of the major functions of job rotation process.
It is done by moving them to different jobs and assignments and determining their proficiency and
aptitude. Placing them what they are best at increases their on-job productivity.
Developing a Wider Range of Work Experience: Employees, usually don’t want to change their area
of operations. Once they start performing a specific task, they don’t want to shift from their comfort
zone. Through job rotation, managers prepare them in advance to have a wider range of work
experience and develop different skills and competencies. It is necessary for an overall development of
an individual. Along with this, they understand the problems of various departments and try to adjust or
adapt accordingly.
Job rotation is a well planned management approach that is beneficial both for employees and management.
Mentoring is a relationship in which a senior manager in an organization assumes the responsibility for
grooming a junior person. Technical, interpersonal and political skills are generally conveyed in such a relationship
from the more experienced person.
A mentor is a teacher, spouse, counselor, developer of skills and intellect, host, guide, exemplar, and most
importantly, supporter and facilitator in the realization of the vision the young person has about the kind of life he
wants as an adult.
The main objective of mentoring is to help an employee attain psychological maturity and effectiveness and
get integrated with the organization.
In a work situation, such mentoring can take place at both formal and informal levels, depending on the
prevailing work culture and the commitment from the top management.
Formal mentoring can be very fruitful, if management invests time and money in such relationship building
It is a Step by step (structured) on the job training method in which a suitable trainer:
a) Prepares a trainee with an overview of the job, its purpose, and the results desired,
b) Demonstrates the task or the skill to the trainee,
c) Allows the trainee to show the demonstration on his or her own, and
d) Follows up to provide feedback and help. The trainees are presented the learning material in written or
by learning machines through a series called ‘frames’. This method is a valuable tool for all educators
(teachers and trainers). It helps us:
To deliver step-by-step instruction
To know when the learner has learned
To be due diligent (in many work-place environments)
Lecturing method is one of the old and basic employee training methods used by many of the
organizations. More and more training institutions are applying the lecture method for training. In this method
the trainer is active whereas the trainees are passive. Though lecture method is not very much effective, some
extent of informal lecture is inherent in the conduct of any training program to motivate trainees, provide
explanation & analyze relevant exercises.
Considerations: The background, age, cultural difference, knowledge of subject, level of education, likes &
dislikes of the audience should be considered for this method of training. More over the purpose of training &
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basic understanding of the trainees can make lecture method of training effective. Under this method the time
available is an important consideration. It is necessary for the trainer to speak from his own experience and
knowledge as per the requirement of trainees. The contents of lecture should be simple, brief and to the point.
The main theme of the lecture has to be developed in logical sequence. It is necessary to start with simple
concepts and progress towards difficult topics.
Role of Trainer: The trainer should arrive at the specified place in time to check the arrangements for training.
There should be proper standing posture for the trainer to maintain eye contact with different segments of the
audience. A Lecture who gives attention to all parts of the audience uniformly is more successful. The speaker
should be sincere, courteous and enthusiastic for the lecture. Making optimum use of time should be important
consideration for the resource person to deliver lecture. The trainer must have proper planning of the lecture to
create interest among the trainees by including examples, questions and humor according to requirement in the
lecture to be delivered.
Merits: The lecture method of training has the following important merits to be consideration for adoption of
the training method.
This method is effective to train large number of trainees within limited time available
Delivery of lecture is useful for communication of basic theoretical knowledge to the learners
Lecture method is convenient to have one-way transfer of information without any interaction
Lecture method is less expensive for an organization
Demerits: The lecture method of training has the following important demerits.
There may not be any scope for clarification of difficult parts of the lecture for the participants
Repeated lectures may produce staleness and monotony resulting in less absorption of
knowledge by trainees
It becomes difficult to have proper feedback from the learners by following lecture method of training
In coaching the trainee is placed under a senior manager who acts as an guide or coach and teaches job
knowledge and skill to the trainee. He instructs him what he wants him to do, how it can be done etc., and helps
him to correct errors and perform effectively. It is just as track coaches who observe, analyze and attempt to
improve the performance of their athletes. This technique of development is quite rewarding. As the managers
learn by doing. It also creates the opportunities for high level interaction and rapid feedback on performance.
But this has a limitation also as we cannot expect that alt excellent managers will be effective coaches. Thus,
the effectiveness of this technique relies on the ability of the concerned 'coach'.
According to a survey conducted by International Coach Federation (ICF), more than 4,000 companies
are using coach for their executives. These coaches are experts most of the time outside consultants.
A coach is the best training plan for the CEO’s because
It is one-to-one interaction
It can be done at the convenience of CEO
It can be done on phone, meetings, through e-mails, chat
It provides an opportunity to receive feedback from an expert
It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement This method best suits
for the people at the top because if we see on emotional front, when a person reaches the top, he gets
lonely and it becomes difficult to find someone to talk to. It helps in finding out the executive’s specific
developmental needs. The needs can be identified through 360 degree performance reviews.
It is one of the intensive participation oriented methodology. The learning through this methodology is by
discussions on the subject matter or any other related themes.
The Discussion method consists a two-way flow of communication i.e. knowledge in the form of lecture
is communicated to trainees, and then understanding is conveyed back by trainees to trainer.
Understanding is conveyed in the form of verbal and non-verbal feedback that enables the trainer to
determine whether the material is understood. If yes, then definitely it would help out the trainees to implement
it at their workplaces and if not, the trainer may need to spend more time on that particular area by presenting
the information again in a different manner.
Questioning can be done by both ways i.e. the trainees and the trainer. When the trainees ask questions,
they explain their thinking about the content of the lecture. A trainer who asks questions stimulates thinking
about the content of the lecture. Asking and responding questions are beneficial to trainees because it enhance
understanding and keep the trainees focused on the content. Besides that, discussions, and interactions allow the
trainee to be actively engaged in the material of the trainer. This activity helps in improving recall.
Advantages of discussion method:
(a) It is a participation oriented method and goes very well with the trainees irrespective of age and
(b) Because of discussions there is exchange of ideas and experiences. The effect of synergy takes place and
powerful ideas and solutions emerge out.
(c) It is a self-learning methodology and participants need not solely depend upon the trainers for learning.
The learning is spontaneous and almost automatic.
(d) The trainees get immediate on the spot feedback from the co-trainees about the opinions and experiences.
Disadvantages of discussion method:
It is time-consuming because sometimes everyone wants to add to the discussion.
Many times the discussions are side tracked from the main objective.
Some trainees may dominate the discussion.
There are some trainees who keep silent throughout the discussions. The outcome and decisions of discussions
may be too much controversial in nature and as such no solutions are arrived at even after the prolonged
individual or group discussions.
known and popular method applicable to all groups of trainees, especially in giving training to supervisors,
managers and executives.
There are many management development techniques that an employee can take in off the job. The few
popular methods are:
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It is a written description of an actual situation in the past in same organisation or somewhere else and
trainees are supposed to analyze and give their conclusions in writing. This is another excellent method to
ensure full and whole hearted participation of employees and generates good interest among them. Case is later
discussed by instructor with all the pros and cons of each option. It is an ideal method to promote decision-
making abilities within the constraints of limited data.
Case studies are complex examples which give an insight into the context of a problem as well as
illustrating the main point. Case Studies are trainee centered activities based on topics that demonstrate
theoretical concepts in an applied setting.
A case study allows the application of theoretical concepts to be demonstrated, thus bridging the gap
between theory and practice, encourage active learning, provides an opportunity for the development of key
skills such as communication, group working and problem solving, and increases the trainees” enjoyment of the
topic and hence their desire to learn.
At present universities and management institutes gives great emphasis on management education. For e.g.,
Mumbai University has started bachelors and postgraduate degree in Management. Many management
Institutes provide not only degrees but also hands on experience having collaboration with business concerns.
Seminars are short term training programmes arranged for a few days - a day or two or maximum three
days. Seminars are convened to have in depth discussion on a subject from the view of various view points. In
seminars there are presentation of papers by various authors related to the theme followed by discussions
questions and answers. Participants are participating in discussions and as whole seminars help the trainees to
broaden their knowledge and outlook. At the end of the session the participants can come out with
(a) This method is helping participants to listen the views, opinions, Research findings etc. through the
papers presented by the experts. Otherwise it might have taken considerable time of trainees to gather
such knowledge by reading books and discussing.
(b) Some seminars are forceful and thought provoking. It facilitates participants to change their attitudes
and opinions.
(c) In seminars, the trainees are given the opportunity of listening to the experts from different fields, but
related to the issues in discussion.
Generally the audience for the seminar is is too big. The individual attention in training situation is not
possible. Many seminars have are just become rituals without giving much thought to the issues. As a result no
purpose is achieved by convening seminars. Interactions between participants are very much 1imi ted.
It is a methodology suited to executives and senior officers in dealing with a complex problem which
requires the contributions from senior officers to solve the same. The issues and the subject matters of the
conference have been intimated to the delegates and participants, well in advance and they prepare the papers
and related materials for the conference. The delegates present and explain on the various aspects of the
problem. The participants also are given chances to put forth their views during the discussion hours. At the end
of the conference solutions and recommendations are made based On the deliberations and discussions.
The main advantage of this method is that it suits to bigger groups and participants are benefited by
listening to various senior level speakers. They are induced to think over the problems, issues and solutions.
The disadvantage of this method is that it is not participation oriented and the trainees are inactive
during the programmes. It is difficult to find out whether the trainees learn anything or not.
Workshop is defined as assembled group of ten to twenty five persons who share a common interest or
problem. They meet together to improve their individual skill of a subject through intensive study, research,
practice and discussion.
The term workshop has been borrowed from engineering… In these workshops persons have to do some
task with their hand to produce something. Question Bank Workshops are organized in education to prepare
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questions on the subject. The designers are given knowledge and training for preparing questions in the
Objectives of Workshop
Cognitive Objectives: The workshop is organized to achieve the following cognitive objectives:
To solve the problem in teaching profession.
To provide the philosophical and sociological background for instructional and teaching situation.
To identify the educational objectives in the present context.
To develop an understanding regarding the use of a theme and problem.
Psychomotor Objectives: The following objectives are achieved by this method under psychomotor
To develop the proficiency for planning and organizing teaching and instructional activities.
To develop the skills to perform a task independently.
To determine and use of teaching strategies effectively.
To train the persons for using different approaches of teaching.
Advantages of Workshop Method
It can be use to realize the higher cognitive and psychomotor objectives. The workshop method enables
the learner to explore or master relatively abstract ideas by first encountering them in concrete, physical
embodiments, then as pictorial representations, and finally in symbolic (letter, number, sentence) form.
It can be effectively used for developing understanding and proficiency for the approaches and practices
in education. It is used for developing and improving professional efficiency. The teaching proficiency
can be developed by using it.
It develops the feeling cooperation and group work or team work. . The workshop method helps the
instructor create an environment in which the learner is more likely to be involved and motivated. The
workshop method focuses on participatory, hands-on learning; small-group activity and problem
solving; pair and small-group discussions; etc. As a result, because of the “active” rather than “passive”
nature of the experience, larger numbers of learners are motivated to participate and learn.
It provides the situation to study the vocational problems.
It introduces new practices and innovations in Education.
Limitations of Workshop Method
Workshops in education are usually seminar cum workshop on any theme of problem.
The teachers do not take interest to understand and use the new practices in their classrooms.
The workshop cannot be organized for large group so that large number of persons is not trained.
Participants do not take interest in practical work or to do something in productive form.
Generally follow up are not organized in workshop technique.
It requires a lot of time for participant and staff.
A large number of staff members are needed to handle participation.
It demands special facilities or materials.
The administrative Staff College at Henley-on-Thames and at Hyderabad have contributed to this method. The
Staff Colleges in India and abroad follow syndicate method in their training and allied programmes. It is a
widely known and popular method applicable to all groups of trainees, especially in giving training to
supervisor’s managers and executives.
In this method, the trainees have been divided into sub groups, called as syndicates and each syndicate
has to work on various subjects. The syndicates discuss the issues related to the subject and prepare a paper.
The issues may be an integrated one involving all the departments in an organization and the members of
syndicate will be selected from a cross section of organizations. The syndicate has to complete the task assigned
with specified limited date and time. Additional problems may be announced here and there to bring pressure
on syndicates.
The nomination of office bearers of syndicates like chairman, secretary etc are by rotation and so
everyone gets a chance. In some cases Resource persons and facilitators are appointed to keep in touch with the
group and to motivate them to achieve the assigned task. Even experts lectures and guidance are arranged from
outside wherever necessary.
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Trainer provides each syndicate a carefully prepared document stating the issues and problems to be discussed
by the syndicate.
This is the base paper for the discussion. The paper prepared by the syndicates is circulated among all the
syndicates for evaluation and to give critical remarks and suggestions.
Towards the end of the session each syndicate presents the paper in the final form and followed by elaborate
discussions with the groups. The Chairman of the syndicate presents the paper and he with his syndicate
members answers and clarifies to the questions and doubts of the other trainees in the group.
Advantages of Syndicate Method
All the participants are getting involved in the syndicate sessions actively.
It cultivates leadership qualities since the filing up of president and secretary posts are by rotation. It is a
self learning and development process
because each of the syndicate member comes out with his knowledge, experiences and skills.
Generally, the whole issue is discussed in an interested fashion and the trainees look at the problem
from many angles - production, marketing, finance, personnel etc.
The syndicates formed for certain definite purpose and the group cohesiveness is enhanced along with
competitiveness and conflicting interests. The existence of the syndicate is for some fixed duration and
there is consistent interactions and understanding between trainees.
Disadvantages of the method
If the syndicates consist of members with wider interests and views, there may be presence of
disagreement on issues till the end.
The syndicates should be carefully structured by trailers. The wrongly or hurriedly structured
syndicates do not contribute anything.
There is no guarantee that every member of syndicate will participate in the process of learning. The
participation of members may be lop sided.
Brainstorming is the name given to a situation when a group of people meet to generate new ideas around a
specific area of interest. Using rules which remove inhibitions, people are able to think more freely and move
into new areas of thought and so create numerous new ideas and solutions. The participants shout out ideas as
they occur to them and then build on the ideas raised by others. All the ideas are noted down and are not
criticized. Only when the brainstorming session is over are the ideas evaluated.
This is the traditional way brainstorming is done. The aim of this website is to train you in the methods of
traditional brainstorming and then to move on and discover a series of advanced techniques available to you.
These are more elaborate simulation exercises in which a complex organization is created in the form of an
office environment. The trainees work in an office setting with their in-basket full of interdepartmental memos,
letters, reports, forecasts and other data on their desks, as one receives in an office.
The normal phone calls, emails and face to face meetings also keep on happening to give a real office-like
environment. Such a simulation of the office in-basket familiarizes the trainees with the role that they are
expected to play. They also get acquainted with the nature of communication that they have to perform in the
Critical incidents are also included in the in-basket to familiarize to the trainees.
While this is one of the most real-life experiences, the trainees might get carried away with the enactment of the
scene and might not achieve the desired goal, i.e. learning.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-END OF THE UNIT -III=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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Publishing House
Sensitivity training involves such groupings as --T groups (T for training), encounter groups, laboratory
training groups, and human awareness groups are all names usually associated with what is known as sensitivity
training. Sensitivity training is about making people understand about themselves and others reasonably, which
is done by developing in them social sensitivity and behavioural flexibility.
Social sensitivity in one word is empathy. It is ability of an individual to sense what others feel and
think from their own point of view.
Behavioural flexibility is ability to behave suitably in light of understanding.
1. Unfreezing the old values –It requires that the trainees become aware of the inadequacy of the old values.
This can be done when the trainee faces dilemma in which his old values is not able to provide proper guidance.
The first step consists of a small procedure:
An unstructured group of 10-15 people is formed.
Unstructured group without any objective looks to the trainer for its guidance
But the trainer refuses to provide guidance and assume leadership
Soon, the trainees are motivated to resolve the uncertainty
Then, they try to form some hierarchy. Some try assume leadership role which may not be liked by
other trainees
Then, they started realizing that what they desire to do and realize the alternative ways of dealing with
the situation
2. Development of new values – With the trainer’s support, trainees begin to examine their interpersonal
behavior and giving each other feedback. The reasoning of the feedbacks are discussed which motivates
trainees to experiment with range of new behaviors and values. This process constitutes the second step in the
change process of the development of these values.
3. Refreezing the new ones – This step depends upon how much opportunity the trainees get to practice their
new behaviors and values at their work place.
While the emphases, styles and specific goals of the multitude of sensitivity training programs vary,
there does seem to be some consensus as to general goals. These include:
Increased understanding, insight, and self awareness about one's own behavior and its impact on others,
including the ways in which others interpret one's behavior.
Increased understanding and sensitivity about the behavior of others, including better interpretation of both
verbal and nonverbal clues, which increases awareness and understanding of what the other person is
thinking and feeling.
Better understanding and awareness of group and intergroup processes, both those that facilitate and those
that inhibit group functioning.
Increased diagnostic skills in interpersonal and intergroup situations. For the authors, the accomplishments
of the first three objectives provide the basic tools for accomplishing the fourth objective.
Increased ability to transform learning into action, so that real life interventions will be more successful in
increasing member effectiveness, satisfaction, output, or effectiveness.
Improvement in individuals' ability to analyze their own interpersonal behavior, as well as to learn how to
help themselves and others with whom they come in contact to achieve more satisfying, rewarding, and
effective interpersonal relationships.
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The outcomes they depict (self and organization) are only possibilities, and cannot be guaranteed for
everyone attending a sensitivity training program. This is because some participants do not learn or learn very
little from a T group experience, others learn some things, and others learn a considerable amount and variety
of things and because programs vary so much in terms of their nature and goals. Possible outcomes are as
Increased awareness of own feelings and reactions, and own impact on others.
Increased awareness of feelings and reactions of others, and their impact on self.
Increased awareness of dynamics of group action.
Changed attitudes toward self, others, and groups; i.e., more respect for, tolerance for, and faith in self,
others, and groups.
Increased interpersonal competence; i.e., skill in handling interpersonal and group relationships toward
more productive and satisfying relationships.
Increased awareness of, changed attitudes toward, and increased interpersonal competence about
organizational problems of interdependent groups or units.
Organizational improvement through the training of relationships or groups rather than isolated
Communication of learning goals between a student and the advising faculty member is critical. Learning
contracts are highly recommended tools for successful self-directed learning. Learning contracts generally
Goals for the unit of study
Structure and sequence of activities
A timeline for completion of activities
Details about resource materials for each goal
Details about grading procedures
A section for advising faculty member feedback and evaluation as each goal is completed
A plan for regular meetings with the advising faculty member and other unit policies, such as work
turned in late
Students also need to understand their approach to studying:
Deep approach involves transforming – to understand ideas for yourself; be able to apply knowledge to
new situations and use novel examples to explain a concept; learn more than is required for unit
completion – most ideal for self-directed learning.
Surface approach involves reproducing – to cope with unit requirements; learn only what is required to
complete unit in good standing; tend to regurgitate examples and explanations used in readings.
Strategic approach involves organizing – to achieve the highest possible grades; learn what is required
to pass exams; memorize facts as given in lecture; spend much time practicing from past exams; most
concerned with whether material will appear on exam.
In reading assignments the participants are made to read books, periodicals, articles, magazines related
to the subject matter of the training programme. They are also asked to make notes or prepare papers which can
be shared with other co trainees in the class room. This method helps the participants to have wider knowledge
in the area of training. Particular topics are also given to the trainees for reading and they have to perform the
task within a given time limit.
The Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD), established in April 1970, is a national level
professional & non-profit society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It has a large
membership of individuals and institutions involved in the area of training and development of Human
Resource from Government, Public and Private Sector Organization & Enterprises; Educational and Training
Institutions and other Professional Bodies.
The Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations
(IFTDO), USA and Asian Regional Training and Development Organizations (ARTDO), Manila.
ISTD Organizes Training Programs, all over the country both at Chapter and National Levels. The Programs
cover selected areas of HRD with special emphasis on Training of Trainers, Training Goals & Objectives and
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Training Tools & Technologies. A very large number of Public and Private Sector Organizations, Training
Institutions Central And State Government participate in these programs, some of which have been held in
collaboration with Planning Commission, Bureau of Public Enterprises and the Training Division of
Department of Personnel , Government of India.
The Society publishes a Quarterly Journal, "Indian Journal of Training and Development".
The ISTD Diploma in Training & Development, conducts a Distance Learning Programme of 18
month's duration for the purposes of recruitment to superior posts under the Central Government and PSUs is
also recognized by the Department of Personnel and Training DoPT), Govt. of India under its Faculty
Development Scheme and by many of the corporates for appointments in their organizations.
ISTD has been designated as the National Nodal Agency to `Testing and Certification' of Skilled
Workers in the organized and unorganized sectors.
ISTD is managed by a National Council, headed by a President at the apex level and Managing
Committees headed by a Chairman at the Chapter level. They are assisted by other office bearers and functional
committees in a wide spectrum of activities.
Its main focus is to bring desirable change in the cognitive domain of the learner’s behavior. The
structure of teaching method is that the selected content is analyzed and broken into smaller elements. Each
element is independent and complete in itself. The programmer develops frames based on each element.
Responses are also provided to the learner in the program on some different leaflets. The correct response of the
learner is the new knowledge or new behavior. Immediate confirmation of correct response provides
reinforcement to the learner and he proceeds to the next frame. Wrong responses required feedback. Physical
presence of the teacher is not necessary. He may come to give instructions regarding the program. Students are
left for learning at their own pace.
Types of Programmed Instruction
There are three types of this teaching strategy
1. Linear Programming. It is being used for teaching all subjects. In programmed teaching strategy
progressive chain elements are presented. Last step is at the mastery level. It is based on five fundamental
Small steps
Active responding
Immediate confirmation
Student testing
2. Branched Programming. It is generally used in mechanical fields.
3. Mathematics. Retrogressive chain of elements is presented. First step is the master level while the last step
is the simplest element.
Advantages of Programmed Instruction
Following are the advantages of this teaching strategy
The main emphasis is on individual differences and students’ involvement.
There is not fixed time interval for learning. Students may learn at their own pace.
Learning by doing maxim of teaching is followed to involve learners in the learning process.
Students are exposed only to correct responses, therefore, possibility to commit errors in reduced.
Immediate confirmation of the results provides reinforcement to the learners and encourages the learners to
proceed further. Feedback is provided to wrong answers, so that learner is able to develop mastery over the
Disadvantages of Programmed Instruction
It is very difficult to develop an instructional programme
Only cognitive objectives can be achieved
Due to tight schedule of time table, students cannot be left to learn at their own pace. It would be very
difficult to learn the content the subject matter in a limited period of time.
There is no chance for students’ creativity, their responses are highly structured.
Development of programme is not economical in terms of cost and time
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Unit – IV contd..,
Audio Visual Aids are also called instructional material. Audio literally means “hearing” and “visual”
means that which is found by seeing. So all such aids, which endeavor to make the knowledge clear to us
through our sense are called “Audio Visual Aids” or Instructional Material. All these learning material make
the learning situations as real as possible and give us firsthand knowledge through the organs of hearing and
seeing. Therefore, any device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete and effective,
more realistic and dynamic can be considered audio visual material.
We learn through our sense organs. Senses are the ways of knowledge. All the sense organs help us in
understanding the environment. Most of the knowledge, which we acquire from the school, comes through our
ears and eyes.
Audio Visual Aids Definition
According to Burton, These are sensory objectives and images which stimulate and emphasis on
learning process. Carter V. Good. It is a trainable (motivation, classification and stimulation) process of
Objectives of Teaching Aids
1. To enhance teachers skills which help to make teaching-learning process effective
2. Make learners active in the classroom
3. Communicate them according to their capabilities
4. Develop lesson plan and build interest
5. To make students good observer
6. Develop easy and understandable learning material
7. Follow child cornered learning process
8. Involve intimation in objectives
9. To create interest in different groups
10. To make teaching process more effective
1. Age: Age would be a definite deciding factor in the choice of material, as children have a shorter attention
span than adults, you need to vary your materials to keep them interested and motivated. Adults on the other
hand can do with much less visual stimulation and your lessons are much longer in comparison to a lesson
with a group of young children.
2. Number of students: This also plays an important part in choosing Teaching Aids. The size of your class
could vary; you could be giving an individual one-one lesson or addressing a class of say perhaps 25
students. You would use The OHP, interactive board, audio and visuals Teaching Aids for instructions to
groups. Individuals would most likely benefit more from a personal approach and individualized aids.
3. Student level: An important aspect of teaching groups of students learning English as a second language is
the fact that all your students are at different levels in their acquisition of the language. You have to vary
your Teaching Aids so that all students gain maximum benefit, regardless of the level makes sure the
material is appropriate and grabs the student’s attention.
4. Different kinds of learning styles: After spending some time with your students you will soon understand
each student’s unique learning style. Students can be visual/spatial, kinaesthetic, auditory, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, linguistic or mathematical. The materials used for teaching should be a mix of media and
multimedia to appeal to all learners. It may sound overwhelming as to how to choose material suitable to
reach the needs of all these different kinds of learners.
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Do Don't
use a big enough font (minimum 20pt) make it so small you can't read it
keep the background simple use a fussy background image
but don't over-do the animation - it gets
use animations when appropriate
use endless slides of bulleted lists that all
make things visual
look the same
White or black board: White or black boards can be very useful to help explain the sequence of ideas or
routines, particularly in the sciences. Use them to clarify your title or to record your key points as you
introduce your presentation (this will give you a fixed list to help you recap as you go along). Rather than
expecting the audience to follow your spoken description of an experiment or process, write each stage on
the board, including any complex terminology or precise references to help your audience take accurate
Paper handouts: Handouts are incredibly useful. Use a handout if your information is too detailed to fit on
a slide or if you want your audience to have a full record of your findings. Consider the merits of passing
round your handouts at the beginning, middle and end of a presentation. Given too early and they may
prove a distraction. Given too late and your audience may have taken too many unnecessary notes. Given
out in the middle and your audience will inevitably read rather than listen. One powerful way of avoiding
these pitfalls is to give out incomplete handouts at key stages during your presentation. You can then
highlight the missing details vocally, encouraging your audience to fill in the gaps.
Flip chart: A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand. It is a very useful and flexible way of recording
information during your presentation - you can even use pre-prepared sheets for key points. Record
information as you go along, keeping one main idea to each sheet. Flip back through the pad to help you
recap your main points. Use the turning of a page to show progression from point to point. Remember to
make your writing clear and readable and your diagrams as simple as possible.
Video (DVD or VHS): Video gives you a chance to show stimulating visual information. Use video to
bring movement, pictures and sound into your presentation. Always make sure that the clip is directly
relevant to your content. Tell your audience what to look for. Avoid showing any more film than you need.
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Remember that your audience needs to be able to see you as well as your visual aids. Try to involve every
member of your audience by changing the layout of your room. Below are some suggested layouts to help
maximise contact between you, your audience and your visual aids.
a king
MEANING: In this case, the superior plays a passive role in training the subordinate. The superior may
assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training. The superior may provide advice to the
subordinate in the completion of task, if so required. In this case, the superior acts as a guide rather than a coach
n training the subordinate.
Directive counseling:
It involves listening to an employee’s problems, deciding with the employee what should be done, and
telling him how to do it. Directive counseling is in the form of giving advice. This counseling is followed
mostly in superior-subordinate relationships and is useful in overcoming major problems.
Participative counseling:
It is also known as co-operative counseling, is a mutual counselor-counselee relationship that establishes
a cooperative exchange of ideas to help solve a counselee’s problems. In this counseling, the counselor and
counselee mutually apply their knowledge, perspectives, and values to problems. Participative counseling
starts with the listening of counselee’s problems and as the discussion proceeds, the role of counselor
increases in diagnosing the problems.
Non – Directive Counseling: Non-directive counseling or client-centered, counseling is the extreme end of
counseling continuum. It is the process of skillfully listening to and encouraging a counselee to explain
troublesome problems, understanding them, and determine appropriate solutions. Its focus is on counselee
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rather than on counselor. For a non-directive counseling, the counselor has to develop rapport with
counselee to get maximum possible information. Sometimes, the counselee may perceive some information
as unimportant having no relation with his problem though such information may be relevant to understand
the problem correctly. Therefore, the counselor should have skills to bring such information from the
In western countries, junior boards are formed. It permits promising young middle-level managers to
experience problems and responsibilities faced by top-level executives in their company. About 10 to 12
executives from diverse functions within the organization serve on the board for a term of say 6 months or
The board is allowed to study any problem faced by the organization, in respect of personnel policies,
organizational design, interdepartmental conflicts, etc, and to make recommendations to the senior board of
In this method trainees are asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees have to work
together and offer solution to the problems. Assigning talented employees to important committees can give
these employees a broadening experience and can help them to understand the personality issues and processes
governing the organization. It helps them to develop team spirit and work in a united way towards common
goals. However, managers should very well understand that committee assignments could become notorious
time wasting activities.
The above on the job methods are cost effective. Workers actually produce while they learn. Since
immediate feedback is available they motivate trainees to observe and learn the right way of doing things. Very
few problems arise in the case of transfer of training because the employees learn in the actual work
environment where the skills that are learnt are actually used. On the job methods may cause disruptions in
production schedules. Experienced workers cannot use the facilities that are used in training. Poor learners may
damage machinery and equipment. Finally, if the trainer does not possess teaching skills there are very little
benefits to the trainee.
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No delay in operation: This method allows to work during the development period as well. There will be no
shortage of managers to conduct regular activities. So, because of on the job management development
programs, there is no chance of delay in operation.
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