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Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

Iraqi Geological Journal

Journal homepage: https://www.igj-iraq.org

Isotopic and Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater in an Area Between the

Lesser Zab and Tigris River, Northern Iraq

Qusai Y. Al-Kubaisi1 and Abdullah S. Hassan1,*

1 Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq
* Correspondence: abdallah.salih36@gmail.com

Received: 20 February 2021; Accepted: 12 April 2021; Published: 30 June 2021


Stable isotopes (2H, 18O) in the water cycle can carry all the information about the movement of water molecules,
their ratio different from one place to another in rainfall. Stable isotopes are the function of evaporation, relative
humidity, temperature and different longitude, latitude and altitude. On this base. A total of 28 water sample (20
samples were analyzed for major ions and 8 samples for stable isotopes) were collected for two periods to study
the origin and the type of groundwater in the area between Lesser Zab and the Tigris river The Results indicated
that groundwater samples in the study area are brackish saline water and excessively mineralized water. The
average groundwater was classified as Mg-Na-Calcium: Cl-Sulfate for two periods. The groundwater samples
represent earth alkali with privilege sulfate and chloride according to the piper diagram. The mean values of 18H
and 2O in the groundwater sample are -27.7 and -4.9, respectively for the dry period, and -29.8 and -5.2,
respectively, for the wet period. The d-excess varies significantly depending on the humidity and temperature at
the vapor source. Isotopic analysis of 2H -18O for groundwater in the study area shows that the origin of
groundwater in the study area is of meteoric origin from global source and rain from a local source. The
downward shifting of the regression line on the 2H-18O diagram indicates that the samples have undergone
evaporation events.

Keywords: Groundwater, Lesser Zab, Hydrochemistry, Stable isotopes

1. Introduction

In the last decades, groundwater starts to play a vital role in arid and semi-arid regions to sustain
economic development and to ensure water security for rural communities(Liu et al., 2015). The main
reason for the large water demand is human growth population, increasing land used for agriculture and
industrial projects as well as the decreased amount of rainfall and water supply in the last years (Awadh
and Al-kilabi, 2014). Groundwater is affected by many ecological processes that might cause
groundwater disruption. Thus, a sustainable groundwater strategy plan and deep understanding of the
geochemical evolution of groundwater is needed in order to guarantee the sustainability of groundwater
(Fu et al., 2018). Groundwater characteristics can be utilized in addressing different geochemical
problems, where the groundwater contains many soluble minerals derived from several factors such as
the interaction between rocks and water (Awadh et al., 2016) and soluble product of rock weathering
DOI: 10.46717/igj.54.1F.5ms-2021-06-25

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

(Chenini et al., 2010). Hydrochemistry plays a key role to understand groundwater management (Ali et
al., 2021). Globally, physio-chemical parameter is of great important to assess the groundwater quality.
The physical parameter is represented by total dissolved solids (TDS), hydrogen ions concentration (pH)
and electrical conductivity (Ec), whereas the chemical parameters are defined by the major cations (Na+,
Mg2+, Ca2+, K+) and the major anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-) (Fetter, 2001). However, it is never enough to
determine the origin of water (Tweed et al., 2019). Therefore, isotopes composition has been used
commonly in hydrology as a tool to investigate and understand different hydrogeological process such
as rainfall, groundwater recharge and surface water-groundwater interactions(Al-paruany et al., 2017).
As well as, determine the origin and give answer about the change in the pathway, such as the interaction
between the groundwater and surface water, determine groundwater velocity and to determine the
residence time of groundwater (Ali et al., 2015). The use of stable isotopes (18O and 2H) has gained a
wide acceptance between hydrological professionals, especially when it comes to water investigation
(Mazor and Dekker, 1997). The ratio between 2H/1H and 18O/16O in stable isotopes is expressed by δ2H
and δ18O.where δ= (R sample/R SMOW - 1) 1000, R= 2H/1H or 18O/16O the last is taken from SMOW
or V-SMOW(Craig, 1961). In Iraq demand for water has increased dramatically due to human growth
population and newly established land for agriculture, therefore, the main objective of This study aims
to and investigate the groundwater source by using stable isotopes (2H and18O), assess the
hydrochemistry of groundwater by determining the dominant cations and anions groups, and its
suitability for drinking water.

2. Location and Geological Setting

The study area located in the north east of Salah Al-Din and west of Kirkuk between Longitude
(35⁰ 27' 00" – 35⁰ 15' 00′′ N) and latitude (43⁰ 14' 40"– 43⁰ 36' 00" E) (Fig. 1), it is bounded from the
east by the Tigris River and from the west by Lesser Zab river covering an area of about 600 km2
approximately. The climate in this area is arid-semi arid with an average annual temperature, relative
humidity, wind speed, rainfall and evaporation of about 22.29 ⁰C, 48.1 %, 1.7 m/s, 15.9 mm and 213.8
mm, respectively. The study area is located in the Himreen-Makhul Subzone (Jassim and Goff, 2006).
The outcropping geologic formations in the study area and surrounding from the oldest to the youngest
are Azkand (upper Oligocene), Euphrates (lower Miocene), Fatha (middle Miocene), Injana (Upper
Miocene), Mukdadyia (lower Pliocene), Bai Hassan(upper Pliocene), and Quaternary deposits
(Pleistocene-Holocene). The latter is almost fully cover the study area (Fig.1). The groundwater flow
direction trend in the study area runs from the north east part toward the south east part in the study area
following the topography of the area. Therefore, the north east part is representing the recharge zone.
while, south eastern part representing discharge zone (Jassim and Guff, 2006).

3. Materials and Methods

From different location a total of 28 groundwater samples (20 samples were analyzed for major
ions and 8 samples for stable isotopes) were collected for two periods, the first was carried out during
Oct, 2019 (dry season) and the second was carried out during Mar, 2020 (wet season). Some parameters
were measured in site (TDS, pH and Ec). 50 ml volume glass bottles were used for major ions and 500
ml volume polyethylene bottles were used for stable isotopes sample collection. All the samples were
sealed immediately, labeled and sent to analyzed at the laboratory of the ministry of science and
technology. The major ion were measured according to APHA (2012), while stable isotopes (18O and
H) were measured using liquid stable isotope analyzer (LWSIA) (Nada et al., 2020) Table 1.

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

Fig.1. Geological map shows the location of the study area and the location of studied wells

Table 1. Locations of groundwater sampling stations

Well Easting Northing depth(m) Elevation(m) S.W.L(m)

W1 345140 3926653 9 163 ----
W2 353446 3923085 60 193 11.5
W3 357427 3922121 14 190 10.5
W4 361158 3923851 40 201 15.5
W5 364795 3923452 37 193 ----
W6 368200 3922077 40 187 9.2
W7 346071 3916966 35 156 2.6
W8 349344 3913784 10 151 3.1
W9 351275 3914017 ---- 165 12.46
W10 353067 3914983 90 175 ----
W11 351678 3910375 14 152 ----
W12 352103 3909964 9 149 ----
W13 352195 3908553 13 151 ----
W14 354644 3906649 24 142 6.2
W15 359548 3904128 41 165 6.43
W16 360409 3904355 36 168 12.95
W17 363782 3906197 50 158 12.83
W18 366850 3908476 40 165 8.7
W19 359904 3905880 30 170 6.81
W20 353236 3918336 ---- 180 8

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Hydrochemistry
The results of the groundwater hydrochemistry are listed in Table 2. The TDS value can be used
to reflect the water quality, the last represents a comprehensive hydrochemical parameter (Zhang et al.,
2020). TDS values permissible limits in drinking water is 1000 mg/L (RS2, 2012). The TDS values in
the study area range between 1200 and 4650 mg/L with an average of 2650 mg/L in the dry period,
while it varies from1132 to 4561 with an average of 2336 mg/L in the wet period according to (RS2,
2012) the TDS values are exceeding the permissible limits, while groundwater in the study area are
classified as brackish-saline water (Altovisky, 1962). The Ec values ranges between 2055 and 8340 with
an average of 4262 in the dry period while it ranges between 2030-8290 with an average of 4219 in the
wet period, according to Detay (1997) the groundwater samples are excessively mineralized water for
two periods. The dominant cations and anion concentration in the groundwater samples follow the order
(Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+) cation (SO42-, Cl-, HCO3-) anion, the average groundwater type for two periods in
the study area are Mg-Na-Calcium: Cl-Sulfate. Piper diagram shows that the groundwater samples in
the study area evolved toward the SO4 and Ca + Mg pole which represent earth alkali with privileged
sulfate and chloride, as shown in Fig. 2.

Table 2. Results of groundwater hydrochemistry for the dry (Oct. 2019) and wet (Mar. 2020) periods

Variable Dry period Wet period

Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average
pH 6.9 7.9 7.67 6.8 7.8 7.56
TDS 1200 4650 2427 1132 4561 2336
EC 2055 8340 4262 2030 8290 4219
Ca 185 689 370 175 683 353
Mg 60 284 114 55 276 109
Na 123 511 281 112 499 269
K 6 10 7.7 5 9 6.9
HCO3 92 464 219 63 425 193
Cl 230 1168 581 220 1170 568
SO4 396 1670 896 381 1650 865

4.2. Isotope Composition of the Groundwater Samples

Stable isotopes composition of the groundwater samples are shows in Table 3. Isotopes and d-
excess values of the groundwater samples at the dry and wet period,s the δ ranges between -42.2 to -
20.14 with an average of -27.7, and it ranges between (-7.26 and -3.08) with an average of -4.9) for δ2H
and δ18O, respectively for the dry period. It ranges between 42.2 and -18.14) with an average of -29.8,
and it ranges between -7.26 and -3.08) with an average of -5.2 for δ2H and δ18O, respectively in
comparison the δ2H and δ18O in the groundwater for two periods, the isotopic composition of δ2H and
δ18O was more enriched in the dry period due to evaporation effect in arid regions (Boschetti et al.,
2018) . It appears that there is a low variation between the studied periods due to difference in the
groundwater conditions (water temperature, water level and climate effect).

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

Fig. 2. Piper classification of groundwater samples in the study area for two periods

2 18 2 18
Well d-excess d-excess
(permil) (permil) (permil) (permil)
dry period wet period
W2 -18 -4.34 16.72 -20.14 -4.79 18.18
W4 -16.2 -2.83 6.44 -18.14 -3.08 6.5
W6 -23 -4.32 11.56 -25.46 -4.59 11.26
W7 -39 -7 17 -42.2 -7.26 15.88
W10 -33.4 -5 6.6 -34.52 -5.23 7.32
W12 -39.4 -6.41 11.88 -41.5 -6.91 13.78
W15 -34.42 -6.31 16.28 -36.26 -6.38 14.78
W17 -18.4 -3.14 6.72 -20.48 -3.44 7.04

Fig. 3. Isotopes composition of the groundwater in the study area compared with GMWL and LMWL

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between δ2H - δ18O. It shows that most of the isotopes values in
the study area lie close to the global meteoric water line (GMWL) (Craig, 1961) and Local meteoric
water line (LMWL) (Ali and Ajeena, 2016) , this indicate that the groundwater source is of meteoric
origin from global source and rain from local source. Moreover, the downward shifting of the regression
line indicates evaporation event. That means groundwater effected by evaporation and/or the rain water
that recharge the groundwater effected by secondary evaporation (evaporation during event). The
deuterium excess is a typical character showing the origin of air. Dansgaard (1946) first proposed the
use of the value (d=2H -818O). to characterize deuterium excess in global precipitation. Deuterium
excess was used frequently as a powerful tool to investigate the origin of water vapor, such as humidity
and source of water vapor as well as secondary evaporation (evaporation during event) (Zhao et al.,
2018). Values of excess (‘d’) below 10 indicate an evaporation process. Fig. 4 show that most of the d-
excess value in the study area (w2, w6, w7, w12 and w15) are higher than the intercept of (GMWL)10‰.
this indicate that groundwater is affecting by moisture. Whereas, the rest of sample (w4, w10 and 17)
seems to be fall below the intercept of (GMWL) 10‰, which indicate that low-humidity conditions
controlling the evaporation at the vapor source region(Zhao et al., 2018).

Fig 4. The d-excess values in the groundwater samples in the study area during the dry (Oct. 2019) and wet
(Mar. 2020) periods

5. Conclusions
The groundwater flow direction trend is from the north eastern part to the south west in the study
area following the topography of the area. Concentrations of EC and TDS indicated that the groundwater
samples for two periods are brackish saline water excessively mineralized water. The average
groundwater type for two periods in the study area are (Mg-Na-Calcium: Cl-Sulfate). Piper diagram
shows that the groundwater samples in the study area which represent earth alkali with privilege sulfate
and chloride. Isotopic analysis of 2H -18O for groundwater in the study area shows that the origin of
groundwater in the study area is of meteoric origin from global source and rain from local source.
groundwater effected by evaporation and/or the rain water that recharge the groundwater and affected
by secondary evaporation (evaporation during event).

The authors thank the staff of isotopic laboratory in Ministry of Science and Technology for their
support during technical analysis. Our grateful thanks are also extended to Dr. Kamal Al-Paruany for
his help in doing the chemical analysis. The authors are very grateful to the Editor in Chief Prof. Dr.
Salih M. Awadh, the Secretary of Journal Mr. Samir R. Hijab. and the Technical Editors for their great
efforts and valuable comments.

Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Kubaisi and Hassan 2021, 54 (1F), 44-50

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