Kotra WTP

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Process Monitoring and Performance Evaluation of 10 MLD Sewage

Treatment Plant at Kotra
Harish Nema1, Charan Singh Thakur2
1Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Shri Ram Group of Institution, Jabalpur M.P, India
2Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Shri Ram Group of Institution, Jabalpur, M.P, India
Abstract – India faces a number of water and wastewater The main purpose of wastewater treatment plants
issues and water related health hazards. Sewage Treatment is to protect human health and the environment from
Plants (STPs) have been constructed in most places to reduce excessive overloading of various pollutants. Due to industrial
the degradation of water quality of the receiving water bodies development, domestic effluent and urban run-off contribute
by reducing the total pollution load on the same and to ensure the bulk of wastewater generated in Bhopal city. Domestic
a healthy environment both aesthetically along with wastewater usually contains grey water (sullage), which is
preserving the ecosystem involved. The increasing of wastewater generated from washrooms, bathrooms,
population Bhopal District capital of Madhya Pradesh, laundries, kitchens etc. It also contains black water made up
observed as a result of the development of the modern of urine, excreta and flush water generated from toilets.
societies is attended by concerns in the water sector, as a Physical, chemical and biochemical processes are applied to
result of the increasing requirements for water supply and remove physical, chemical and biochemical contaminants. Its
wastewater treatment. This situation justifies the evaluation objective is to produce a waste stream and a solid waste or
of the system performance that covers protection of water sludge also suitable for discharge or reuse back into the
resources & management. Poorly treated wastewater with environment In Bhopal city. According to Bhopal Municipal
high level of pollutants caused by poor design of treatment Corporation (BMC) city sanitation plan, the sewage
plants, treatment process or maintenance of treatment collection system is decentralized one in BMC area due to
systems produces major environmental problems, when such new town planning and topographic conditions. The
wastewater is discharged to surface water or on land. efficiency of wastewater treatment plants can be illustrated
Considering the above stated implications an attempt has been by a study on the evaluation of pollutant levels of the influent
to estimate the performance of wastewater treatment plant and the effluent at the treatment plant of sewage treatment
(WWTP) near Kotra area at Bhopal capacity of 10 MLD. Waste plants discharging into the environment.
water samples were collected from inlet and outlet of
treatment plant Kotra. Samples were analyzed using pollution 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
indicating parameters such as pH, turbidity, DO, BOD, COD and
using standard methods. The results of analysis of waste water The present waste water treatment plant (Kotra Waste
indicate that it is highly polluted therefore recommended to Water Treatment Plant) is situated in Bhopal, the capital of
treatment and management of the raw / waste water properly central Indian State, Madhya Pradesh, within the
for reuse. geographical coordinates of 23o 15’ 44’’ N, 77o 28’ 23’’ E. It
receives the waste water generated in Nehru Nagar, Kotra
Key Words: Waste water, Sewage Treatment Plant, DO, Sultanabad and adjoining areas. Kotra waste water treatment
BOD and COD. plant (WWTP) is designed to treat 10 MLD. The Kotra
(WWTP) is based on waste stabilization technique using
1. INTRODUCTION anaerobic and facultative ponds. Under present study waste
water samples were collected from raw sewage and treated
Water is a finite and essential source of life. Due to the water of waste water treatment plant (WWTP) during the
limited sources it is required to be properly manage and period June to December 2017. Samples were analyzed to
recycle. There are important efforts made for improving determine the efficiency of the treatment plant in reducing
water management, with main focus on distribution system, Biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand
storage and sanitation. Rapid population growth has led to from the raw sewage and final treated water samples.
an increase of water consumption. Wastewater treatment is Wastewater samples were collected in glass bottles, cleaned
a huge universe, and is produced in different conditions with by washing with non-ionic detergents, rinsed in tap water, in
different proportions. For treatment purposes there are 1:1 hydrochloric acid and lastly with demonized water before
available different techniques ; however, there is no usage. Before sampling, the bottles were rinsed two to three
treatment system capable of adjusting to all the existing times with sample water and then filled and conductivity,
conditions and also with the ability to meet all the demands total hardness and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were
associated with high quality, energy saving, economical analysis in the analytical laboratory according to the methods
attractive and environmentally non-invasive. prescribed in the APHA9

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2062
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Table No. 2: Variation of TSS Values
The waste water quality analysis of sewage treatment plant
locations, namely, influent of sewage treatment plant Bhopal %
Sr. No. Sample Inlet Outlet
has been carried out for physicochemical parameters like, Removal
pH, turbidity, DO, BOD and COD.
1 JUNE 720 124 83
2 JULY 764 132 83
The high pH values in the month of June may be due to
high photosynthesis of micro and macro vegetation resulting 3 AUGUST 710 122 83
in high production of free CO2, shifting the equilibrium
4 SEPTEMBER 690 118 83
towards alkaline side. The pH controls the chemical state of
many nutrient including dissolved oxygen, phosphate,
5 OCTOBER 658 107 84
nitrate etc. The results of the physicochemical qualities of
samples from the different points are as shown in Table 1. 6 NOVEMBER 640 109 83

Table No.1: Variation of pH Values 7 DECEMBER 644 110 83

Sr. No. Sample Inlet Outlet

1 JUNE 6.74 7.89 Total Alkalinity:-

2 JULY 6.75 8.02 Monthly variation in Total alkalinity at Kotra waste

water treatment plant during in the year 2017 is shown in
3 AUGUST 6.64 7.78 Table No. 3. During the period Total alkalinity varied from
216 mg/l to 296 mg/l in the raw sewage and 113 mg/l to
4 SEPTEMBER 6.62 7.58 167 mg/l in the final treated water.

5 OCTOBER 6.69 7.85

Table No. 3: Variation of Total Alkalinity
6 NOVEMBER 6.72 7.89
Sr. No. Sample Inlet Outlet % Removal
7 DECEMBER 6.64 7.54
1 JUNE 286 167 42

2 JULY 296 163 45

The pH ranged from 6.74 to 6.62 during investigation of
influent of STP and the treated final effluent water varies 3 AUGUST 290 151 48
from 8.02 to 7.54. These values fall within the World Health
4 SEPTEMBER 259 145 44
Organization limits.
5 OCTOBER 250 132 47
Total Suspended Solids (TSS):-

For a comparison between the mean values of the 6 NOVEMBER 223 120 46
measured T.S.S in the period from June 2017 to December
7 DECEMBER 216 113 48
2017 are plotted as shown in (Table No .2). The average T.S.S
values in raw wastewater recorded 690 mg/l in of influent,
of waste water treatment plant. While TSS average value
recorded in the effluent in last Cascade Aeration is 117 mg/l Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD):-
respectively. From the figure it is clear that T.S.S
concentration values increased in hot seasons and decreased During the study period the minimum value of
in cold seasons. The reason of these phenomena is that high biochemical oxygen demand was recorded as 220 mg/L in
wastewater in hot season accomplished with high the month of December, while the maximum value of
photosynthesis and evaporation rates. High rate of biochemical oxygen demand was recorded as 448 mg/L in
photosynthesis generates many new cells of algae which the month of June in inlet 2017 and the minimum value of
increases the values of the T.S.S in the ponds. biochemical oxygen demand was recorded as 50 mg/L in the
month of December , while the maximum value of
biochemical oxygen demand was recorded as 89 mg/L in the

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2063
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

month of June in the outlet of the sewage treatment plant

Kotra in 2017.

Table No. 4: Variation of BOD Values

Sr. No. Sample Inlet Outlet % Removal

1 JUNE 448 89 80

2 JULY 357 79 78

3 AUGUST 344 76 78

4 SEPTEMBER 279 66 76

5 OCTOBER 290 69 76
Fig.1: Variation of pH Values in Different Month
6 NOVEMBER 246 65 73

7 DECEMBER 220 50 81 1000

Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD):- 400

In the present study period the COD varied from 658 200
mg/l to 450 mg/l in the influent of sewage treatment plant 0
Kotra and 181 mg/l to 153 mg/l in the effluent of sewage
treatment plant Kotra. The minimum value was observed in
the month of December while the maximum value was
observed in the month of June in the influent of sewage
treatment plant.
Inlet Outlet
Table No. 5: Variation of COD Values
Fig. 2 Variation of TSS in Different Month
Sr. No. Sample Inlet Outlet

1 JUNE 658 174 74

2 JULY 591 181 69

3 AUGUST 548 162 70

4 SEPTEMBER 524 153 71

5 OCTOBER 491 156 68

6 NOVEMBER 472 180 62

7 DECEMBER 450 160 64

Fig. 3: Variation of Total Alkalinity in Different Month

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2064
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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Volume: 05 Issue: 06 | June-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2066

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