A Post-Byzantine Mansion in Athens
A Post-Byzantine Mansion in Athens
A Post-Byzantine Mansion in Athens
ABSTRACT: This paper presents briefly the structural system, the pathology, the numerical analysis and the
restoration project of a post-Byzantine mansion in Athens, with timber floors and roof that rest on timber frame walls
and timber reinforced rubble masonry walls.
KEYWORDS: restoration, timber masonry reinforcements (ties, lacings), timber frame walls, fiber carbon bar, FCU.
Figures 1a, 1b. The North facade of the building before Figures 2a, 2b. The South facade of the building before
and after restoration works. and after restoration works.
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING The timber projection, the so-called “sahnisi”, that
existed at the center of the South facade was demolished
2.1 GENERAL INDORMATION and the gap was closed with rubble masonry. Almost all
It is a rectangular building, of general dimensions nearly the original openings (windows and upper course
23.0×9.40m. The South longitudinal rubble wall and the windows) were closed and new ones were opened in
three internal transversal walls of the ground floor different positions (Figures 2a, 2b).
belong to an older building or buildings (Figure 3,
phase1). During 17th or 18th century these walls were 2.2 THE LOAD BEARING STRUCTURE OF THE
demolished till the level of the existing floor in order to MANSION
The masonry walls of the ground floor (55-60cm wide),
Eleftheria Tsakanika - Theohari, School of Architecture,
and the arcades (35-40cm wide), were made of a three-
National Technical University of Athens, Patision Street 42, leaf rubble masonry with clay mortar.
10682 Athens, Greece. Email: eletsaka@central.ntua.gr. On the contrary, only two walls of the upper floor were
Harris Mouzakis, School of Civil Engineering, National made of rubble masonry. They had a lot of openings
Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechneiou 9 quite close to each other, reinforced with horizontal
15700, Athens, Greece. Email: harrismo@central.ntua.gr.
phase 1
phase 2
phase 3
Figure 3. Ground floor plan (before restoration works), Figure 4. Plan of the architectural proposal for the 1st
showing the different phases of the building. (G.Kizis, K. floor, (G.Kizis, K. Aslanidis, Ch. Pinatsi).
Aslanidis, Ch. Pinatsi).
Figure 10. Transverse and longitudinal section of the Figures 13a,b,c,d,e. The South masonry wall before
roof [1]. restoration works (deformed out of plain and collapsed).
[4], Vintzileou 2008, 970. “The experimental work presented
in this paper has proven that timber ties act as confining
reinforcement for masonry in compression, thus, enhancing its Figure 17. Relative displacements of the structure along
compressive strength and, much more important, enhancing its X direction for triaxial earthquake.
deformation at failure. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that
timber reinforced masonry may sustain substantially higher Taking into account the beneficial effect of the timber
shear load than plain masonry; it can also undergo large shear reinforcements, and that the maximum tensile strength of
cracks without disintegration. These results seem to be in
the masonry walls several months after the application of
accordance with the observations made on historic buildings”.
the pozzolan-lime injections, will reach 300kPa (see
6.5), it is evident that the value of the tensile principle elements (materials and systems in most cases reversible
stresses are over the above limit at few and small areas and compatible with the existing ones), avoiding cement
and consequently there is no danger for the integrity of or reinforced concrete.
the structure. The minimum compression principle stress • Preservation as much as possible of the authentic
(500kPa) is lower than the compression strength of the material (e.g. minimization of replacements of timbers)
masonry wall after the injections. using simple techniques in combination with more
The forces that were developed on the springs (Figure sophisticated ones [8]. In all cases, the new timber pieces
14), were used for the designing of the steel elements can be easily distinguished from the old ones.
that were used for the connection of the different wall A brief description of the most important structural
systems along their height (see 6.6.1). interventions is following :
The maximum developed acceleration at the level of the
roof was 1g, considering the roof as an appendix. This 6.1 ROOF
value was used for the design of the steel rods that were Concerning the reinforcement of the connections which
used to connect the roof through the timber ties to all most of them work in compression instead of tension, the
load bearing walls of the building (see 6.6.2) use of screws, bolts and timber wedges, can secure the
joints while the loads can be transferred through the
5 DIAGNOSTIC METHODS simple contact of the members without the need of
special cuttings. One of the most problematic joint of the
The diagnostic survey was made by a multi-disciplinary roofs is the connection of the rafters to the tie beams,
team (architects, engineers, conservators, technicians), in because of the decay problems that occur usually in that
order to be determined the condition of all the timber area. In “post and beam” roofs, the axial forces of the
elements, load and non load bearing ones [7]. Various closely set rafters (every 45cm), are quite small and their
methods were used : ultra-sound, resistograph, along joints to the tie-beams at the external walls, carry less
with the visual examination by the engineers and mainly loads compared to the loads that usually have the king-
the craftsmen and the conservators that had the post trusses at the same joint [7]. In some cases, as
opportunity to work on the material. All the above numerical analysis verified, these forces can be
diagnostic procedure provided the necessary transferred by 2 screws (6-10mm in diameter) without
documentation for saving timber elements that otherwise taking into account the contribution of the cuttings. In
could have been replaced with new ones. the cases though that new timbers have to substitute the
The examination of timber samples taken from different decayed parts, the formation of the connections can be
structural elements, proved that the wood species of the made using simple methods and not necessarily
existing timbers was pine7. specialized personnel (Figures 18a,b,c,d).
The systematic measurements of the moisture content of
the existing timbers, was about 9-11%. The knowledge
of wood moisture content was important because it is a
limiting factor for the development of fungi and wood
boring insects. Besides that, the new members and parts
of members that were going to be used should be of the
same species of wood and have almost the same
moisture content with the existing ones in order to have a b
similar structural and hygroscopic behavior. This was
extremely important for new timbers that substituted c d
decayed parts (wooden prosthesis) especially in areas, as
the timber colonnade at the main façade, where the
moisture content of the environment and consequently of
the timbers has many and often fluctuations.
The main principles concerning the restoration of the load
bearing elements of the building were the following :
• Preservation of the original and authentic structural
system, even if it is not visible after the restoration
works. Figures 18a,b,c,d. Intervention proposal (18a) and
• Reinforcement of the original structural system due different ways that the decayed part of the rafters and the
to the fact that the building is located in a seismic area tie-beams was substituted.
and its use will change (an old mansion will become a
museum, which means high level of safety for the As mentioned in pathology, the numerical analysis of the
building and visitors), using mainly timber and steel 3d model of the roof showed that the section of the
longitudinal beam at the middle span of the rafters was
Anastasia Pournou, Department of Conservation of
inadequate. The proposed solution was the addition of
Antiquities and Works of Art, Technological Educational new struts (more dense supporting) (Figures 19a, 19b), an
Institute of Athens, Greece.
easy to apply and reversible intervention in order to
maintain the original beam at its position.
The main timber beam at the central part of the roof was
reinforced with carbon fibres tissues (FCU500/200) due
to bending failure (see also pathology), (Figures 20a,b). a c
e d
Figure 29. Authors wish to thank the Archdiosece of Athens for
The connection of the supporting the study and the restoration project, the
original timber tie with Hellenic Ministry of Culture, the construction company,
the wall at the level of and mainly the conservators and the craftsmen that made
the roof was not this restoration work possible.
adequate. Architectural design: G. Kizis, K. Aslanidis, Chr.
Pinatsi. Structural design: E. Tsakanika, H. Mouzakis,
E. Zarogianni. Supervision of restoration works: E.
Tsakanika, V. Tsouras.
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