Design and Verification of LTSSM in USB 3.0: Kamini Jha Ajit. B. Patil Deepti.S. Khurge
Design and Verification of LTSSM in USB 3.0: Kamini Jha Ajit. B. Patil Deepti.S. Khurge
Design and Verification of LTSSM in USB 3.0: Kamini Jha Ajit. B. Patil Deepti.S. Khurge
Kamini Jha Ajit. B. Patil Deepti.S. Khurge
Electronics and Telecommunication Electronics and Telecommunication Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Pimpri Chinchwad College Of
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Pune Pune Pune
Abstract— At present as technology is increasing rapidly , • USB 3.0: It was Released in November 2008 with
communication have become an important part of digital featured data transfer rate of 5 GBit/s. It is also called
world. The fact that exchange of data is increasing with a Superspeed Bus.
greater reliability of high performance and processing speed
the USB protocol engine have made an attempt to establish II. USB 3.0 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW
itself in the field of digital communications with all of the
necessary protocol layers with excellent features and USB 3.0, otherwise called Super Speed USB, is the following
specifications which enable the flow of data very smoothly. The developmental period of the Universal Serial Bus after 1.0
architecture for USB 3.0 provided will increase the USB and 2.0, the best and omnipresent interface standard at any
overall speed and performance with having layered protocol point made. It keeps on growing in limit, speed, and
architecture. USB 3.0, LTSSM includes the physical and link compactness giving information rate of 5 Gbit/s..Thus, this
layer which includes greater superspeed functionality than the Super Speed USB has much more improvements than Hi-
previous version. USB 3.0 protocol is used generally for Speed USB (USB2.0). The following improvement indicates
connecting PCs to peripheral devices, supporting data improvement in its features:
transferring rate of 5 Gbit/s . In this paper design of LTSSM
which consists of 12 link states has been explained. Also
Verification of LTTSM has been done using System Verilog. • Increased transfer speed
All simulations are done using Mentor Graphics Tool. • Advanced power consumption features
Functional verification for LTSSM has been done. • Improved bandwidth
• Increased maximum bus utilization
Keywords— USB 3.0, Physical Layer, PHY, MAC, LTSSM
• Backward USB 2.0 compatibility[1]
The use of many digital peripherals for exchange of data
between the computing devices is been increasing day to
day which leads to the design of USB protocol which have
many advantages over the other peripheral protocols. For
Several considerations like ease-of-use, Port expansion etc .
USB 3.0 came into existence and provided a data rate of 5
Gbits/s. User Application media like audio, video, voice
have full support to the protocol to most of PC’s
peripherals, etc and other computing devices. The USB is
still the answer to connectivity for consumer electronics,
PC and mobile architectures. It has features like
bidirectional, fast, dynamically attachable and low-cost
interface fulfilling the requirement of interconnection[2].
Earlier Versions of USB Specification:
It is a dual bus architecture which has backward and management and connectivity ,Consisting of 12 different
forward compatibility. Figure 1 represents USB 3.0 link states with various functionalities.
architecture which has USB 2.0 in parallel. USB 3.0 is also There are four operational link states such as U0, U1, U2,
called as superspeed bus due to data transferring rate of 5 and U3. Then the link states such as Polling, Rx. Detect,
Gbit/s. Hot Reset and Recovery are introduced for link training and
initialization. The next states are Compliance Mode and
USB 3.0 communication model consists of physical
Loopback which are introduced for transmitter compliance
layer, link layer and protocol layer. The physical layer
test and bit error test .More two states are there which are
handles low level PCI express and signalling. The link layer
includes successful link transfer between two link states. It
The LTSSM state diagram for 12 link states is shown in Fig. 3.
consists of 12 link states. The protocol layer function is to
define rules for communication between host and device.
Superspeed Disable is the state in which receiver
USB 3.0 communication model is shown in Figure 2. termination is removed and Superspeed connectivity is
All communication happens on the link, no interface is disabled.In this state SS connectivity is disabled and acts as
implied between each layer. Application and driver software USB 2.0[1].
communicate with device endpoints using end-to-end transfers. 2.SS_Inactive
1. Protocol Layer SS_Inactive states that link state has failed SS operation.
Software schedules transactions as sequences of token – During this state SS_Inactive.disconnect.detect performs far
data– handshake packets. End –to-end flow control allows end receiver termination detection..In this state a port shall
device endpoints to inform the host of buffer availability. exit to Rx_Detect upon detection of absence of a far end
2. Link Layer 3.Rx_Detect
Operates under control of Protocol layer and is responsible for Rx_Detect detects the presence of superspeed partner. From
reliability of link. Processes all inbound /outbound packets, this state a port shall transition to polling upon detection of
including packet framing and CRC generation and checking. a far end receiver.
Manages Link Training, link flow control, and error It has three substates.Rx_Detect_Reset is a state designed
recovery and other maintenance tasks. for two ports to synchronize their operation on warm reset.
Rx_Detect_Active detects the presence of a superspeed
3. Physical Layer link partner.Rx_Detect_Quiet in this state port has disabled
Handles byte scrambling, encoding and serialization receiver termination detection.
required for SS transmission.
Fig2. USB 3.0 Communication Layers Polling is the state designed for link training and
III. LTSSM OVERVIEW initialization. In Polling state LFPS handshake takes place
Link Training and Status State Machine (LTSSM) in link between two ports before SS training starts . Bit_Lock,
layer is a state machine defined for lower power Symbol_lock and Rx_Equilization are also achieved.
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
It consists of Five subsets, dumped and compared for equivalence once the execution is
over. The testbench environment includes different types of
1. Polling.LFPS environments to be developed for effectively verifying the
2. Polling.RxEq design under verification.
3. Polling.Active Figure 4 shows the LTSSM verification plan.It consists of
4. Polling.configuration Stimulus, Generator, scoreboard, Driver, monitor, DUT.
5. Polling.Idle 1. Sequencer
5.Compliance Mode Sequencer is an object that defines a set of transactions
This mode is used to test the transmitter for compliance to to be executed and controls the execution of other
voltage and timing specifications. In this state the port sequences.
shallwait until its Tx DC common mode voltage meets the
voltage specification. 2. Driver
It is the component responsible for executing or
6.U0 processing transactions and provides stimuli to the
In this state packets are transmitted and receive. Port can design-under-test (DUT).
move from U0 to lower power state such as U1 when it 3. Monitor
receives successful entry sequence command LG0_U1 for This block continuously monitors the DUT signals and
achieving more power consumption .Similarly is for U1 and bus functions.
U2. 4. Scoreboard
Driver requests are transferred to the scoreboard via
7.U1 monitor block.
In U1 state no packets are transferred so it achieves more
power consumtion. Port moves from U1 to appropriate state V.RESULTS
upon directed.The port directs from U1 to recovery upon The results shown below give the idea of Link Training and
successful completion of LFPS handshake. initialization and its working with waveform and transcript
8.U2 window.
In this state more power saving opurtunities are there. In this LTSSM is a state machine defined for lower power
state more power is saved compare to U1. management and connectivity consisting of 12 different link
states with various functionalities such as receiver detection,
9.U3 handshake ,power management.
In this state link is put into suspend state. In this state The Figure 5 waveform shows 12 different link states. First is
extreme power is saved in comparison to other states hot_reset state 4’h8 .After hot_reset state SS_Inactive state
10.Recovery 4’h1 is achieved.If Receiver is detected Rx_detect 4’h2 state is
Recovery state means to retain the link or to perform Hot_Reset achieved.After detection of the presence of superspeed link
or to switch back to Loopback mode. It should meet the partner , the link training process will be started superspeed
transmitter specifications.Port will move from Recovery state to transmitters and receivers between two link partners are
other state upon directed.It has three substates trained in polling state.
,active,configuration and idle.
In this state test and fault isolation are done . It includes
BitError Rate Test(BERT) state machine. Port moves from
LoopBack to other state upon directed.
Hot_Reset. State is initiated by downstream port. It resets
whole operation. After reset signal is asserted it transmits TS2
ordered sets.
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
VBUS and its results are shown on scoreboard. All the
Simulations are done using Mentor graphics tool.
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[4] “Universal Serial Bus 3.0 Specification”, Revision 1.0,
[5] “Universal Serial Bus 2.0 Specification”, Revision 1.0,
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Fig. 5. LTSSM Wavefor ",International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
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[8] Donovan (Don) Anderson, “Introduction to USB 3.0",Mindshare.
[9] KanikaSahni,KiranRawat,SujataPandey,Jyoti Rawat, “Design and
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As the technology is being improved with respect to the
field of application used for, USB 3.0 is an important
communication protocol used for application such as audio
and video streaming. The Link layer has been successfully
designed. All LTSSM states such as SS.Disabled,
SS.Inactive, Rx.Detect, Polling,Compliance Mode, U0, U1,
U2, U3, Recovery, Loopback and Hot Reset transitions
occur based on the inputs such as LGOU1, LGOU2,
LGOU3, LFPS Handshake, Warm Reset, Error, Low
Impedance Rx_Termination, Idle, Timeout, Loop Back and
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)