Psychology Counseling
Psychology Counseling
Psychology Counseling
[Editors note: This is the second in the new series in the style of a panel discussion, bringing you the opinions of experts in the various fields of human sciences alongside with true Christian doctrine. The specific issue that will be discussed is on the differences between Biblical counseling and psychological or secular counseling. The same team of panelists will be engaging themselves in this battle of wits and wisdom, moderated by our Mr. Alex Fernandes.] Mr. Alex: Its a pleasure to have on the panel our friends once again, Dr. Johnson the reputed psychologist, Rev. Paul Powel the Anglican pastor and Rev. Fr. Samuel Barwin the Roman Catholic priest. I am sure you are very familiar with this topic, counseling. Today, there are many forms of counseling that are available to people going through mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Psychology claims to have the largest chunk of the global counseling requirements while a small portion goes to Christian counselors who follow generally Biblical counseling. The two camps do not see eye each other eye and believe only in their own systems effectiveness. However, there are a few who believe in integrating whatever is useful from both these systems. Our panel discussion is expected to produce some sparks and some useful insights at the same time on these two aspects of counseling. Let me begin by addressing a question to Dr. Johnson our professional counselor. Dr. Johnson, do you believe that every human, mental, emotional or spiritual problem can be effectively tackled through psychology? Dr. Johnson: Yes, of course, psychology does have an answer to any human problem that is not of physical origin. You can bring any problem anxiety, depression, stress, neurosis and host of countless problems that exist today, and we psychologists are there to help and help effectively. Mr. Alex: Dr. Johnson, what you have said cannot be easily refuted because today a great number of people approach psychologists and not pastors for remedies for their problems. But we would like to know whether psychology and the various schools of psychological counseling do achieve what they claim to achieve. There are indeed various schools of counseling and there is a lot of confusion generated due to each ones claim to be the only way. Besides all the schools of counseling there are numerous therapies and drugs that are applied to heal people from the inner problems that they experience. We have on our panel two pastors who would prefer spiritual remedies according to the Christian faith. I would like now to ask one of them, Rev. Paul Powel what kind of counseling he practices. Rev. Powel, what is the kind of counseling you would recommend to people today? Rev. Powel: According to my faith and my profession, I am firmly convinced of the effectiveness of Biblical counseling. I believe that it is the only genuine form of counseling. If you want to be a Biblical counselor, you must have full confidence in God's Word. There is no room for uncertainty or wavering if you hope to be of lasting help to others. With the psalmist, you must believe that "all [God's] precepts are trustworthy" (Psalm 111: 7). With Paul you must say, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work" (2Tim. 3: 16, 17). Mr. Alex: I wonder if the psychologist present here, Dr. Johnson would agree with Rev. Powel. Mr. Johnson: The Bible, I think is a religious literature and not one that knows human problems. Rev. Powel: But it is a book inspired by the Creator of the entire universe including man. Without his inspiration no one can find any clue to counseling in the Bible. Mr. Alex: Rev. Powel, is Biblical counseling sufficient? Can psychology help and even work with Biblical counseling? Rev. Powel: Psychology as a whole does not fit into Biblical counseling. This is not to say that some research that has been done within the realm of psychology is not useful - some can be. However, it should be viewed carefully, for even research and what psychologists and psychiatrists would call hard data can be skewed to make it say what they want it to say. Psychology is humanistic in nature. Humanism excludes God. Humanism at its core says that man is the centre, and there is nothing beyond him. Psychology is man's way of trying to understand and repair the spiritual side of man without being spiritual. Psychology removes God and spiritual things from the picture. Mr. Alex: Rev. Powel says that psychology removes God and spiritual things from the picture. Is this charge not rather unfair according to you, Dr. Johnson?
Dr. Johnson: In psychology we do not comment about God or the spiritual; we only help the person to come out of a problem. We do not distinguish between what is spiritual and what is not spiritual. What Rev. Powel has said, does not show a proper understanding of psychology. But I would leave him to think in his own way. Mr. Alex: Rev. Powel, could you give more reasons as to why you cannot accept psychology as a valid form of counseling? Rev. Powel: I would like you to go to the origins of psychology. One result from the teachings and philosophy of the well-known psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, has been what is known as a Freudian ethic. From this ethic, the term "mental illness" arose. Once a person's problems are deemed to be an illness, they are no longer responsible. Psychiatry has let mankind off the hook - he is no longer responsible. This is why some people commit murder and enter an insanity plea - so they are not held responsible. Another major contributor to humanism and psychiatry is Carl Rogers, the father of Rogerian counseling. Roger's basic presupposition was that mankind is basically good and the answer to a person's problems lies within himself. The psychiatrist who has adopted this form of counseling is little more than a good listener. He merely reflects back to the patient what the patient has been saying. Mr. Alex: What is the Biblical solution? Rev. Powel: The Bible paints a very different picture of man than Rogers or Freud or any other form of psychiatry or humanism. The Bible declares that mankind had a different beginning than any other created thing. Man was made in the image of God and God breathed into man (and only man) the breath of life, and man became a living soul (Gen. 1:26; 2:7). Man was created in innocence, but he was disobedient to God - he sinned against God - and this sin changed the first man, Adam, and all who came after him. Adam, and all who came after him are sinners, with the result being death both physical and spiritual (Gen. 2:17; 5:5; Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1). The answer to man's spiritual problems is to be born again - to be made alive spiritually (Jn. 3:3, 6-7; 1 Pet. 1:23). Man is born again by trusting in Jesus. To trust in Jesus means to understand that he is God's only Son, and God the Son (Jn. 3:16; Jn. 1:1-3). It means to understand and believe that Jesus paid for your sins when he died on the cross, and that God demonstrated that he accepted Christ as a sacrifice for you by raising Jesus from the dead (Rom. 4:24-25). Mr. Alex: What Rev. Powel says is very inspiring. But we do not know if all can take this. I would like to ask Fr. Samuel whether he agrees with what Rev. Powel says. Fr. Samuel: What Mr. Powel says is fundamentally the same as what the Catholic Church says. But our Church does not forbid the use of psychology though we may not accept all that it says. Here I would agree with Rev. Powel that many of the psychological theories are dangerous and cannot help anyone spiritually. We believe that everyone must be responsible for his or her actions except where there is evidence of some mental sickness or other factors like force or fear. We believe that confession of sin is the way to get back Gods grace. Jesus is merciful and everything is possible for the one who believes. There are also some mental or emotional problems of a psychological nature like trauma, for which psychological counseling could suffice. Mr. Alex: Psychology does claim a great deal of success, going by the reception the world gives it today. Would you agree with me Rev. Powel? Rev. Powel: My own experience tells a different story from what the psychologists claim. I have also asked the following question when presenting Biblical counseling to hostile audiences: "What has psychology discovered that is essential to the healing of the wounded heart that has not already been revealed in God's Word?" I have never had anyone offer an answer, because, in all honesty, there is none. While psychology may occasionally stumble across a nugget of truth, it has already been revealed in Scripture, if it is essential to the healing of the inner man. Untold billions of dollars have been spent in the arena of mental health in recent times. Can you think of one human malady that has been cured as a result? Though psychology has taken over the arena of mental and emotional counseling and has defined and categorised many problems (though no uniform theory of the cause of these problems has received a consensus acceptance), no cure has been or appears to be forth coming. Mr. Alex: Dr. Johnson, would you like to reply to the challenge thrown by Rev. Powel? Dr. Johnson: I see here no challenge at all. Psychology and the Bible are two different subjects. Ours is a scientific world. We do not rely on religion and myth and we do not go for inspirations that are vague and poetic. We are primarily concerned with health problems affecting the mind and emotions. The world of the spirit does not concern us. As for proofs of our success, the fact that people still come to us is good enough evidence.
Rev. Powel: A psychologist will never admit that he needs Gods help. A man needs humility to believe and faith to believe in the salvation that God has promised. If a psychologist does not believe in the next world, there is no point in telling him anything. Mr. Alex: Dr. Johnson, how do your feel about this taunt from a pastor? Dr. Johnson: I am not interested in any myth about the next world. I am dealing with problems in this world, not the next world. Mr. Alex: Now to deviate a little to another angle there is another world according to certain schools of psychology. Is it true that C. G. Jungs transpersonal psychology enters into the spiritual, though not in the same sense that Christians believe? Dr. Johnson: Mr. Jung has taken psychology to a kind of spirituality and mysticism. That is not necessary for our counseling sessions, though for therapies his theories are applicable. Mr. Alex: Is it true that Mr. Jungs school and others who have followed him have later gone into the world of cosmic consciousness and energy, the occult and the spirits? Is anyone of you able to corroborate this? Rev. Paul: In fact the mixing of the occult is already taken place in transpersonal psychology and parapsychology. Clearly these influences are major and many. They have been a part of psychology from its earliest years, as evidenced by Carl Jung's self professed interest in the occult and use of the "cosmic unconscious" notion that is now a central theme of the New Age. This is not to say that all social sciences are of the occult; but that their influence has been an integral part of their development. The line between parapsychology and psychology proper is not a clearly defined one. Are such notions as ESP, spiritual energy fields, hypnotically induced encounters with other personalities, visualization and guided imagery, inner children with personalities of their own and secret information to deliver, trances, etc. are of any benefit to the soul? And yet such things are promoted in many popular psychological books and seminars and deceiving millions of people round the world. There are serious problems here; going away from God the self-sufficient man takes to Satans teachings. Mr. Alex: What would be the Catholic position on this new trend in psychology? Fr. Samuel: Evidently, we cannot go into the occult and the New Age practices. We need to get our flock to return to Jesus their Good Shepherd through the Sacrament of reconciliation, the Holy Mass and a variety of devotions that we have in the Church. Psychological counseling should be limited to what is strictly of mental or emotional disorder. We do believe in spiritual or Biblical counseling and there are many Catholics who practise it well. Mr. Alex: This panel discussion has brought out mainly two uncompromising positions, namely, secular counseling and Biblical counseling. Secular counseling does not give any room to God while Biblical counseling bases itself on Gods help through his inspired Word, the Bible. However the position of the Catholic pastor is a moderate one - integration of psychology with Biblical counseling to the extent possible, without giving up all that the religion says. Am I correct, Fr. Samuel? Fr. Samuel: Thats right. The Catholic Church does accommodate some of the contributions of psychology alongside with our faith. But unfortunately, there are even Catholic psychologists who prefer to believe in transpersonal psychology, cosmic consciousness and the occult. They take people into world of imaginary and intuitive systems where the starting point can be just dream analysis. Even eastern beliefs like Karma are accepted. Whatever takes away Gods help is welcome for them and they want man to invent himself and achieve himself, but with no guilt and responsibility for any action. As result of such freethinking they call it left intuitive thinking there is a lot of confusion about what is the true way to salvation. Did not Jesus say, I am the way, the truth and the life? This they cannot accept and so they have many self-made paths leading towards self-destruction. I could go on like this. But it cannot convince those who have no faith. Mr. Alex: Thats quite a great homily and very inspiring too! I think we should sum up here at the end of this interesting session. I appreciate profoundly the contributions of all the three panelists and I think all what they said has been very enlightening. I would prefer to hold on to the view that problems most often are rooted in the spiritual depths of each one for which God alone is the answer. Jesus is the healer whom God has given us and it is through him that we can return to God and find true peace. Peace is the ultimate goal of counseling. The Word of God and the sacraments are the best means for healing us from any spiritual problem. Though psychological remedies are helpful, the problems affecting the soul need Gods help. It is only then that we get real peace. Courtesy: Streams of Living Water, A Calcutta Catholic Charismatic Renewal publication, issue of February/March 2007 Reproduced by Metamorphose Catholic Ministries with permission.