Agile For Instructional Designers by Megan Torrence
Agile For Instructional Designers by Megan Torrence
Agile For Instructional Designers by Megan Torrence
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ISBN-10: 1-949036-50-2
ISBN-13: 978-1-949036-50-3
e-ISBN: 978-1-94903-651-0
Acknowledgments.............................................................................. 183
Appendix A. The Agile Manifesto and
12 Principles for L&D Teams............................................................ 189
Appendix B. Job Aids......................................................................... 198
References.......................................................................................... 201
About the Author............................................................................... 203
Index................................................................................................... 205
The first time the term Agile was used to describe an iterative develop-
ment process specific to software was with the Agile Manifesto written
in February 2001. The Agile process aimed to make it easier for software
engineers, their teams, and their business sponsors to work together and
be adaptive, resulting in a better product for the end user.
But the concepts underlying Agile have much earlier roots. Some argue
that Agile traces all the way back to the 1620s with the development of the
scientific method by Francis Bacon. A more commonly thought of start-
ing point is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle developed by Walter
Shewhart in the 1930s. PDSA, like Agile, is an iterative and incremental
development methodology that was adapted and used to train hundreds of
managers at Toyota in the 1950s (Rigby, Sutherland, and Takeuchi 2016).
In the 1980s and 1990s, with the explosion of software development
as an industry, leaders continued their search for better processes. Studies
showed that teams who worked together and continued to refresh their
design and development processes created more successful innovations
much more quickly than their competitors. Two of the people at the fore-
front of this work were Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, who creat-
ed the Scrum method, named after a rugby move in which players pack
tightly together and move as one in an attempt to gain possession of the
ball. Scrum had the same goals that Agile ultimately would: finishing proj-
ects on time, under budget, and with fewer bugs. Sutherland and Schwaber
were then involved in the creation of the Manifesto for Agile Software
Development (the Agile Manifesto) in 2001.
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value
the items on the left more.
Hi! I just wanted to tell you I did my first Agile chart with
Post-its and tape on my wall. . . . It is enormous but I am
no longer drowning. I got my team on board and they can
visualize what is needed. Thank you, thank you!
In This Chapter
DDIE fall short?
• Where does A
oject managemen
• What is Agile pr
rk for instruction
ow can Agile wo
Chapter 1
The Case for Agile
In a model like this, if you go back to the drawing board it’s because
something went horribly wrong. Even more problematic, in a waterfall
model, evaluation occurs only at the end. This leaves the end users’ expe-
rience out of the design and development process. It also means that if
problems or flaws in the design or implementation are found, they cannot
easily be remedied. Problems wait to be fixed until the next product
update, which could be months (or years) away, or they entail extremely
costly changes, late delivery, and huge cost overruns.
One of my mentors used to say that the first day of a project is the worst
day to plan what the end product will be, how much it will cost, and how
long it will take to get there. ADDIE works fine . . . if nothing in your proj-
ect changes from the day you draft the project plan to the day you deliver
the training. But how often does that happen? Right: almost never.
For example, what if the technology changes during development?
What if the target audience of trainees is assigned new or different goals,
Chapter 1
and the learning objectives for the training change dramatically? As any
instructional designer or developer knows, change is:
• scary
• frustrating
• inevitable
• happening faster than ever.
It’s also:
• exciting
• an opportunity
• another word for improvement.
It’s quite likely your project needs to change over time because the proj-
ect requestor’s or sponsor’s needs evolve in tandem with the underlying
business needs, as clients learn more about the learning experience or as
ideas are tried and tested. To assume otherwise is to set yourself up for
failure. It’s folly to assume that the project sponsors know everything they
want at the beginning of a project.
Rather than avoiding and fearing change or, like the desperate woman at
the conference, attempting to prevent it, why not embrace change? Accept
that it is inevitable, expect it in all your projects, and welcome changes as
opportunities to make better products.
The truth of it is that everyone—the development team and the spon-
sors—is learning more about the project as it unfolds. And, quite frankly,
it’s often the instructional designers on the team who are coming up with
new ideas as the project grows. (If you’re not, you may not be fully engaged
in the work you’re doing!)
The Case for Agile
What Is Agile?
Agile is a team-based project management approach that emphasizes iter-
ation and openness to change. An Agile team experiments and observes—
and tests and gathers feedback on—a product as it is developed. Agile is
ideal for projects where business needs might change, where specifica-
tions are not well defined at the outset, and where decisions are complex
and require creativity. Agile builds in flexibility by:
Chapter 1
The Case for Agile
Rather than assuming that the initial analysis covered everything and
that no changes will be requested during design and development, Agile
continuously returns to the design and development phases after succes-
sive evaluations. Rather than creating a single final product, Agile teams
create multiple iterations. Projects are completed in small increments. In
each phase, a product is created that stakeholders and learners can see, test,
play with, and even break. This gives teams the chance to identify problems
they hadn’t anticipated or reevaluate features or functions that might not
work in practice as they had envisioned.
It’s also a way to accommodate changes that occur for reasons other than
design errors. Maybe the end users’ managers decided to buy tablets for all
their sales personnel, and now the performance support tool has to work
on mobile. Maybe a new product or a major upgrade demands additional
training. Newly discovered information could render training methods or
content obsolete.
The point is, the development team and the project management team
cannot prevent change. And it’s not possible to know everything about a
Chapter 1
The Case for Agile
Chapter 1
The Case for Agile
Key Takeaways
• A linear, waterfall-shaped approach to project management fails
to incorporate the inevitable changes a project will face and sets
up the project team for a struggle to manage those changes.
• An iterative, incremental approach like Agile accommodates
change and offers a framework for meeting project needs
while maintaining appropriate control of timeline and budget
• The Lot Like Agile Management Approach, or LLAMA, is
an Agile approach adapted specifically for instructional design
This book is a culmination of more than a decade of practice, learning,
and sharing.
The Agile Manifesto opens with the line, “We are uncovering better
ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.” This
could not be truer of my journey with LLAMA, beginning by “uncovering”
the secrets that my friends and colleagues in software development were
using (thank you, Rob Houck, Dianne Marsh, Helene Gidley, and Rich
Sheridan). It continued through years of “doing it” on projects with our
clients who, in the early days, were patient with our growing pains (includ-
ing Gary O’Neil, who at first declined to use our new “frou-frou” way of
managing projects but ultimately became the supportive catalyst for so
many of our ways of working), and who in recent years have seen Agile as
an advantage. It’s gratifying to now hear clients say, “We chose you because
we know we’re going to change our minds a lot and we knew that’d be OK
with you.”
The “helping others do it” is truly gratifying. A decade into our jour-
ney, thousands of people have attended a session, participated in a work-
shop, or read a book or article about our way of managing projects. (Had
I known back then that this crazy idea of ours would take off, I would
have started counting to have a more accurate number to capture the
movement.) “LLAMAlumni” come from many countries on at least four
continents, and I love getting photos and stories from people as they
implement this way of working.
I could not ask for a better team of collaborators than the Torrance-
Learning team, both current and past, who gamely give this a try, who
wrestle with the implications of it, and who work with me to deepen the
practice with their challenges and successes. Jen Vetter, Meg Fairchild,
Alison Hass, Leanne Gee, Matt Kliewer, Dave Kerschbaum, Sue Kaba,
Shannon Young, most recently Steve Wallag-Muno, and many others, have
each had their hand in shaping LLAMA since this first rough whiteboard
outline in the summer of 2012 when we gave it a name. We have built a
business together based on Agile principles of flexibility, communication,
sustainability, and transparency. Your spirit of generous collaboration (one
of TorranceLearning’s core values) is truly humbling and I appreciate your
willingness to join me on this crazy ride.
the people who’ve encouraged me in the last few years to “write the
damn book:” Marisa Smith, Catherine Juon, Cory Bouck, Michelle
Massey Barnes, Kevin Daum, and Carla Torgerson . . . I finally sat down
and did it!
Thank you to Zari Ozturk, Steve Wallag-Muno, and Matt Kliewer,
whose graphical additions to the book have been essential in bringing
the text to life.
Finally, I want to acknowledge the support from my family. Dad, your
talent for writing about serious topics with a healthy dose of humanity
and humor has been my inspiration throughout the writing of this book.
Mom, thank you for your frequent trips to Michigan so I could be out
on the road sharing LLAMA with others. And, Emily, yes, I’m doing the
Skittles thing again. I love you.
The 12 Principles
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early
and continuous delivery of valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.
Agile processes harness change for the customer’s
competitive advantage.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Job Aids
Appendix B
• What is his/her name?
• What is his/her age?
• What is his/her gender?
• What is his/her primary language?
• What is his/her educational background?
• What is his/her marital and family status?
• Where does he/she live?
Professional Demographics
• What company does he/she work for?
• What is his/her job title?
• How long has he/she been with the organization?
• How long has he/she been in his/her current position?
• What is his/her income?
• How long has he/she been in the field of work?
• What job responsibilities does he/she have?
• Who does he/she interact with daily?
• How many people does he/she oversee?
• How much training and experience does he/she have with
this topic?
• What end goals does he/she have related to the course?
• What experiences does he/she hope to have while taking
the course?
• What career aspirations does he/she have?
Appendix B
• How does he/she feel about his/her current role with the
• How often does he/she change jobs or employers?
Appendix B
Appendix B
(paragraph outlining the week’s status in a nutshell)
Issue 1 Description
(graph and paragraph discussion)
Appendix B
Proud Moments
Embarrassed Moments
To-Do Items
Beck, K., M. Beedle, A. van Bennekum, A. Cockburn, W. Cunningham,
M. Fowler, J. Grenning, J. Highsmith, A. Hunt, R. Jeffries, J. Kern,
B. Marick, R. Martin, S. Mellor, K. Schwaber, J. Sutherland, and D.
Thomas. 2001. “Manifesto for Agile Software Development.” http://
Chapman, B. 2010. How Long Does It Take to Create Learning? Chapman
Alliance LLC.
Cohn, M. (N.d.) “About Mountain Goat Software” www.mountaingoat-
Defelice, R., and K. Kapp. 2018. “How Long Does It Take to Develop One
Hour of Training? Updated for 2017.”, January 9.
Moore, C. 2017. Map It! The Hands-On Guide to Strategic Training Design.
Montesa Press.
Reinerstein, D., and S. Thomke. 2012. “Six Myths of Product Devel-
opment.” Harvard Business Review, May.
Rifkin, G. 1992. “Andersen Consulting’s Culture of ‘Clones.’” New York
Times, September 6.
About the Author
Megan Torrance is CEO and founder of Torrance-
Learning, which helps organizations connect
learning strategy to design, development, data, and
ultimately performance. Megan has more than 25
years of experience in learning design, deployment,
and consulting. Megan and the TorranceLearning
team are passionate about sharing what works in
learning, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing tech-
niques for Agile project management for instructional design and the
Experience API. TorranceLearning hosts the xAPI Learning Cohort, a
free, virtual 12-week learning-by-doing opportunity where teams form
on the fly and create proof-of-concept xAPI projects.
Megan is the author of The Quick Guide to LLAMA and two TD at
Work publications: “Agile and LLAMA for ISD Project Management” and
“Making Sense of xAPI.” She is a frequent speaker at conferences nation-
wide. TorranceLearning projects have won several Brandon Hall Group
awards, the 2014 xAPI Hyperdrive contest at DevLearn, and back-to-
back eLearning Guild DemoFest Best-In-Show awards in 2016 and 2017
with xAPI projects. TorranceLearning is a 2018 Michigan 50 Companies
to Watch.
A graduate of Cornell University with a degree in communication and
an MBA, Megan lives and works near Ann Arbor, Michigan.
A 1—introductions and approach,
Action Mapping 23
common issues with, 73 2—define the business problem
for the learning experience, 62 and business goals, 24
for learning objectives and perfor- 3—define the learner, 24
mance outcomes, 63 4—define the scope, 24–25
process 5—define key instructional pa-
Step 1—beginning with the rameters, 25–26
goal definition, 67 6—define key project parameters,
Step 2—identifying behaviors 26–27
that align with the goal, 7—overall project budget and
67–68 timeline, 27–29
Step 3—brainstorming practice 8—iterations and review responsi-
opportunities, 69–70 bilities, 29
Step 4—identifying content to job aid, 195
support practice activities, Agile
71 author’s experiences with, viii–x
as a scope-defining tool, 72–73 breaking down large projects into
for supporting excellent instruc- stories, 8–9
tional design, 56–57 color coding to denote task status,
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, 92
Implement, Evaluate) model culture, 173–174, 180–181
as a fairy tale, 4–5 defined, 5–6, 194
inadequacy of the, x, 3–4 embracing change, 177–179
LLAMA version of, 6–8, 115–116 estimates, 108
workflow as a linear progression, incremental project completions,
2–3, 120 7, 115–116
agenda for the kickoff session introducing the team to the Agile
approach, 17
contingencies for time and resources, weekly alignment with the origi-
87–88 nal estimates, 134–135
culture without padding, 105, 107–108,
Agile, 173–174 110
organizational, 174–177 work effort vs. delivery date,
of trust, 179–180 101–102, 110
D as an essential part of each itera-
Defelice, Robyn, 99 tion, 8
what to measure and when,
Dilbert example of padding a time
estimate, 105
Fairchild, Meg, 114
estimating tasks
fear, 105, 109
breaking things into small chunks,
103–104 Fibonacci sequence, 106–107
choosing a sequence to use,
106–107 G
common issues with, 110–111 Gidley, Helene, ix
five steps to take when an estimate goal, defining the
is wrong, 108–110 80 percent goal, 38
jelly bean example, 99–101 to avoid wasting time, 33–34
in LLAMA, 102 common issues with, 40–41
by the person doing the actual to manage scope, 34–36
work, 104–105 performance-based goals vs. train-
Planning Origami, 106–107 ing goals, 35–36
precision, 110–111 project cancellation, 40
Scrum for Trello Chrome exten- “Why aren’t they doing it now?”
sion, 107 question, 36–38
Storyline program-building exam-
ple, 97–98
task deadlines, 99
Houck, Rob, ix
the time required to create a
HubSpot, 10
course, 99
using only the available sequences,
107 I
vs. actual hours and costs, instructional design projects
Agile for Instructional Designers
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By Megan Torrance
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development professionals need project management methods that can keep up. Enter Agile.
Popular in the software development space as an approach to project management, when applied to
instructional design, Agile provides a framework for adapting to change as it happens and for
delivering the content most needed by learners. Agile for Instructional Designers proposes using Agile
methodology to manage training projects and highlights where traditional linear processes have failed
the business and the end users.
Recognizing that software development and instructional design have different needs and outcomes,
author Megan Torrance developed the LLAMA methodology. Her approach adapts the common phases
of ADDIE to incorporate the incremental, iterative nature of Agile projects. It allows learners to test
and evaluate which features or design functions work before they’re finalized. It also offers a way to
accommodate inevitable mid-project modifications pushed by stakeholders, subject matter experts, or
organizational leaders.
With templates for goal alignment, learner personas, scope definition, estimating, planning, and
iterative development, Agile for Instructional Designers is the resource you need to embrace change in
learning and development.
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Book Details
ISBN: 9781949036503
Pages: 208
Publication Date: August 2019
Formats: Paperback
Product Code: 111910
Megan Torrance
Megan Torrance is the chief energy officer of TorranceLearning, an e-learning design and
development firm outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan. She has spent over two decades knee-
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Kevin Siegel
Owner and Founder of IconLogic, Inc; CEO and Founder, International Council for Certified Online
Training Professionals
Megan Torrance is a rock star in this field. She tells it like it is, and in terms all of
us can understand. If you’re looking for proven project management methods that
help you keep your sanity, stay on time, and stay within budget, this book is a
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