5.1.9 Packet Tracer - Investigate STP Loop Prevention
5.1.9 Packet Tracer - Investigate STP Loop Prevention
5.1.9 Packet Tracer - Investigate STP Loop Prevention
In this lab, you will observe spanning-tree port states and watch the spanning-tree convergence process.
Describe the operation of Spanning Tree Protocol.
Explain how Spanning Tree Protocol prevents switching loops while allowing redundancy in switched
Background / Scenario
In this activity you will use Packet Tracer to observe the operation of Spanning Tree Protocol in a simple
switched network that has redundant paths.
G0/1 FWD No
S1 G0/2 FWD No
G0/1 FWD No
S3 G0/2 BLK No
Packet Tracer uses a different link light on one of the connections between the switches.
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Packet Tracer - Investigate STP Loop Prevention
b. Select the delete tool from the menu bar and click the cable that connects S1 and S2.
You have observed the transition in port status that occurs as a spanning-tree port moves from blocking
to forwarding state.
c. Verify Connectivity by pinging from PC1 to PC2. Your ping should be successful.
Are any ports showing an orange link light that indicates that the port is in a spanning-tree state other
than forwarding? Why or why not?
Type your answers here.
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