TheEmpathsHandbookOfPeaceAndPower FINAL

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Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 – Why You Are a NOT A Victim, You Are NOT Overly
Sensitive or Too Emotional 3

Chapter 2 – The Story of Trauma and How it Impacts the

Highly Sensitive / Empath 7

Chapter 3 – The 10 Emotional Traps & False Beliefs That

Empaths Fall Into & How to Overcome Them 13

Chapter 4 – The Soul Power Formula 26

Chapter 5 – What’s Next – A Free Video Presentation with

Experiential Healing 34

About Author Jennifer McLean: 35

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1 – Why You Are a NOT A Victim, You Are NOT
Overly Sensitive or Too Emotional
Did you know that as a highly sensitive being, also known as an empath, you are among a
minority of between 10% – 20% of the human population?

As a minority it means that 80% - 90% of the population does not get you...

It means that 80% - 90% of the population simply does not see, understand, or fathom what you
are “getting.”

And the real truth is, that their opinions of you do not matter one iota.

“They” don’t have to understand you or get you in order for you to be powerfully you.

You are about to finally understand that fitting in or having “them” change, is completely the
opposite of why we are here.

We are here to model for others what is possible as powerful beings of magnificent light and
love. We bring superpowers of compassion, kindness, emotional intelligence and
self-empowerment. We are here to model that, love is the true force in this universe, NOT
greed, power-over and competition.

And when the majority don’t get us or disagree with us, IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!

When the highly sensitive empath finally stands in their “I AM Power,” it matters not what
anyone (including friends, family, co-workers, bosses etc.) thinks of us.

When you are in a conscious knowing of your great power, you are then in good shape no
matter what is happening in politics, in family dynamics, in world economies. And as a result
you are a new creative force establishing new paradigms of love.

When you as an Empath know who you really are, despite what others think of you, your health
improves, your prosperity increases, and relationships transform to meet you on your terms.

In other words, your life and circumstances shift to a new order of peace, love, light and power.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
We are 6th-sensory beings living in a 5-sensory world and that is a good thing. In fact. it is a
really needed gift to the world.

Greater Bandwidth for Soul Power for The Empath/Highly Sensitive

Your gifts as an empath come with a deeper highly sensitive version of connection to your soul.
That super soul power once activated, will profoundly enhance your life experience, and help
the planet that is in so much need… and we will unpack how to connect to your soul in this

The bandwidth of soul connection for the empath in their power opens much wider than the
average person.

These souls are on this planet to contribute profoundly to make THE difference, and have an
ability to receive clear, uninhibited guidance, impulses, inspirations, and next steps directly from
their soul wisdom. And that guidance delivers a solid pathway that not only serves their lives
but serves all.

You see, the Empath / Highly Sensitive Beings have brought with them to this planet extra
energy to accomplish some magic. The empath came here to contribute and to serve, and they
come with the energetic frequencies and fuel to do just that. These souls are here to serve, yet
NOT in sacrifice, but to serve AS they receive.

When an empath is in balance and alignment with their power and gifts, they feel filled up
when they serve. It gives them more energy and life, as their support expresses their gifts. This
allows them to be remarkably powerful, and incredible manifestors. This also means they have
extra energy that they bring to just about any situation including creating change in their own

Now the double edge sword for the highly sensitive is that they often have false beliefs about
themselves. They have doubts that have been planted in their unconscious from those that
simply don’t understand that the empath can see things quite differently than the average soul.

And the biggest challenge is, when the highly sensitive has false beliefs about themselves they
have so much extra power and energy in their field that they manifest the negative as fast as
they can manifest the positive.

Think of it like this, the highly sensitive have a superpower of extra energy available to fuel their
creative endeavors and their orientation toward service.
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
They are like alchemists turning hate and fear into love and compassion, to do that, they come
with that bigger vibrational footprint. It is part of their field.

It is there in part because they have had many, many soul evolutionary journeys. Some call
them “old souls.” The many transformational experiences they had in previous lives have
brought them to a higher frequency.

They now come to this planet at this very important tipping point in humanity’s evolution to
bring their magic to the situations present and help shift things.

The challenge is that these empaths, like everyone, forgot their gifts and believed the 80% - 90%
that said they were wrong in how they were seeing the world.

They now bring that powerful energy and magic to false and limiting beliefs. That HUGE
vibrational “old Soul” gift is now used to fuel these miscreations, focusing on what is wrong or
bad, and now creating more of that.

In an attempt to defend themselves, the empath unconsciously uses old harmful patterns and
limiting coping mechanisms. For some, they react with righteous indignation and lash out. At
the other end of the continuum, they are hibernating in anxious overwhelm, trying to escape
this too harsh world.

And when the empath brings these false beliefs about their lack of power, confidence, and
confusion to their daily life, they are using that huge soul power energy to create more lack,
limitation, ill health and conflict in their circumstances.

It is why so many empaths/highly sensitive souls are in ill health and worried about money and
even can attract narcissist partners.

The GREAT news is that, once the empath knows, that they know, that they know, that they are
powerful beings of GREAT light here to make THE difference (and are not in ego or superiority
about it), they quickly change into someone that really can transform this whole messy thing.

You see you are NOT a victim.

You are NOT overly sensitive.

You are NOT too emotional.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
These qualities are actually your soul superpowers, and once activated change just about
everything. And the empath now witnesses their lives shifting. False narratives quite rapidly and
in succinct order of succession deeply shift and your life and circumstances simply change.

In this Handbook you will uncover the 10 blind spots, emotional traps, false beliefs, and
patterns that are keeping the Empath in upsetting circumstances and anxiety.

And it will help unlock the conscious understanding or YOUR great power!

You ready? Let’s dive in…

[NOTE: If you want to experience this Handbook as a Live Video workshop and learn even more
about who you are as a highly sensitive being/ empath and why you’re here, go to the following
link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register for this special Soul Power Formula
Activation movie-length healing encoded video presentation:]

PLUS remember the POWERFUL Soul Connection Attunement you’ll receive in the video, as
well as the two healings and a more experiential understanding of the content from this
Handbook. You’ll be glad you checked it out.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Chapter 2 – The Story of Trauma and How it Impacts the
Highly Sensitive / Empath
Because the empath /highly sensitive has come to this planet to share their powerful gifts of
compassion, love, empowerment, and emulate how to live a life of power no matter what is
going on in the world or personally…

Their soul journeys often have a lot of contrast and contraction…

The compression of coal is what creates the diamond.

The friction in the oyster is what creates the pearl.

For the empath the challenges in childhood and in life are often the pathway for greater
strength, possibility thinking, and solution orientation (once their soul superpower has been

So here is a parable that reveals the mechanics of those upsetting, even traumatic events, that
happened in childhood and how these events established the patterns that we are continuing to
live with today.

And through the rest of this handbook, I will reveal how to overcome these.

[NOTE: This chapter is ALSO found in The Soul Power Formula Handbook that you may have also
downloaded… if you didn’t download that book all is well, but I wanted to make sure you had
this here as well, it is so important and relevant.]


There's a little boy, about 10 years old, and he's had the most amazing day. He's been
skateboarding in the park; he landed a bunch of tricks he's been trying to do for months. There
were pranks on friends and belly laughs. It was a perfect summer day with the summer breezes
rustling the trees overhead and changing the dappled sunlight on the skate park moment to

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
It felt like a moment of time where magic could happen, life could always be good, fun, and
lightness would continue.

The boy starts walking home with a skateboard under his arm. He finds this amazingly cool,
strong, gnarled stick. Just the right size and weight, he's excited that it's the perfect length to
use as a drumstick on the fences he is passing by.

So he starts bumping the stick against different fences. Every fence is a little bit different and
creates different sounds.  He's creating different unique beats with each fence, and he's
bopping around to his own personal "stick fence beat."

What he doesn't know is he's coming to a yard with a short picket fence and a large dog in the
yard, and there's a fault in the dog's collar. 

This shorter picket fence has these great indented parts of the fence, so the beat is even more
intricate... So he pauses there even longer with his stick along the fence and bops along.

Now it's really invading the dog's territory, and the dog is getting riled up, the dog lunges, the
collar breaks, the dog leaps over the fence and starts chasing the boy. 

The boy sees the dog just before it leaps over the fence. He drops his skateboard and starts
running for his life. The dog gets closer and manages to grab the boy's pant leg. The little boy
falls and scrapes his knees. However, the owner and a neighbor are right there and are able to
stop the dog. But the boy keeps running and doesn't stop until he gets home. So the boy is
ultimately fine. But he isn't fine, is he? That is a moment of trauma. 

When he walks in the door, his mom looks him up and down, and notices the scraped knees but
breathes a sigh of relief because, whatever happened, he's alive and seeming none the worse
for wear, which is good enough for her. She just doesn't have the space to give him any extra

His mom, at that exact moment, is dealing with his six brothers and sisters, who all seem to be
needing her attention. One of his older sisters had just created a ruckus with another child, and
his mom had just gotten off the phone with an angry parent. Her husband had promised he
would pick up the repaired lawnmower but didn't. The neighborhood housing association called
just before the angry parents asking for the fourth time about the overgrown lawn. The house
and the family seem as if they are falling apart. She's barely holding it together. 

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Then she notices that the boy doesn't have his skateboard... The skateboard that she saved for
months to get for his birthday. The skateboard that she got for him instead of a new

"Where's your skateboard?" she asks.

He says, "But Mom... the dog..."

She interrupts, "Do you know what I sacrificed to get you that skateboard?" 

This is the straw that breaks her, and she starts to yell at him, "Where is it? You don't respect me
or my generosity; you just leave it willy nilly without thinking how much I sacrificed..."

He runs up to his room crying, upset, and confused with his mom's voice scraping at his nerves.

This is the story of a traumatic event. More importantly, there is a sub-story of conclusions
made, beliefs formed, and unexpressed emotions repressed. In fact, there are many points of
trauma impact in that story (physically, emotionally, and mentally), not just one event.
Interestingly, during the different points of trauma, the little boy drew conclusions about who
he is and what life is. 

For example, one of the conclusions and subsequent beliefs he may have decided in that
moment of trauma is, if he's in bliss, then something horrible could happen. You see how he
could make that conclusion? This is just one brand new belief that is layering in down deep in
his subconscious. One of maybe hundreds of conclusions and beliefs that will start to run his life
and influence his behaviors, creating patterns of worry, stress, and action or non-action. These
will eventually, if gone unchecked, create dis-ease in the physical, decision making, and
commitment issues in the mental, as well as a foundation of irrational fear in the emotional.

Now let's see this through and fast forward 20 years with just that one belief, "If I'm in bliss, I
could die." He is now 30 years old, and he's falling in love, but he's terrified. He has no idea why
he's so afraid and doesn't understand why he can't commit to the love of his life. 

Why is he terrified? Because that love feeling is the same energy of bliss he felt on the day of
that perfect skateboard fence drumming moment, which led immediately to a moment of
trauma and fear of losing his life. 

This Bliss = Potential Death belief is now running things deep in his subconscious and in his
current behavior. Whenever things start to go well, it triggers this trauma and his system is

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
flooded with stress that is causing upset to his physical body. That belief causes stress reactions
again and again. Fast-forward a few more years, and he has the makings of an illness that is very
similar to yours.

Let's look at the other conclusions he might have made from this one incident.  Perhaps he
formed a belief in that moment that his mom loves his skateboard more than him. In other
words, material things are more important than he is. 

As he gets older, he might become extremely materialistic and have issues with collecting
"things" to try and fill the void. And in that pattern is continuing stress and continuing
unconscious behavior that puts stress on the body. These old beliefs put undue strain on the
hormonal system, which can dampen the immune system or cause cells to attack each other
and cause inflammation.

This is what many people with chronic disease and illness are experiencing. We have these
deep, subconscious beliefs and programs (almost like programming a computer) that create
strain and upset our biological infrastructures. We've created these warped conclusions from
past traumas (large and small) on what we are and what life is, based on something that
happened to us. 

But these traumas are not who we are. Instead, they are events that happened to us, but along
the way, we got confused. We said, "Oh, that's who I am," from false beliefs and programming
put there a long time ago.

Back to the story, as another defensive coping mechanism, that little boy now starts to point at
what's wrong in his life. He grows up pointing at the things that seem not safe from his new
perspective of the warped beliefs about who he is and what life is from this moment of trauma. 

This behavior makes him feel safer because, subconsciously, if he can see it before it harms him,
it can't "get him." So he becomes a man that points at what's wrong and says, "Well, that
woman's love for me is wrong." And he points at another and claims, "That need to control is
wrong." He looks at his life and points at his not having the latest gadget, designer tie, or
trending vodka as wrong. 

He is pointing out what he wants or doesn't want in his life to make him feel safe and what he
wants to avoid. He will create numerous defense and coping mechanisms so he won't miss
another "dog attack" coming for him. He's hyper-aware of the dangers lurking in moments of

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Many who have chronic illnesses, or financial lack, or regular emotional upset have lived their
lives from a place of metaphorically looking to see where the next attack dog is coming from.
And that bracing against life creates an enormous expenditure of energy that contributes to

We now know that the amount of expended energy in an unconscious defensive pattern creates
a neurological and biological system that is depleted. In short, it creates a system that is working
too hard. This creates an internal physical environment prone to illness, fatigue, immune
dysfunction, inflammation, and more.

AND it also creates a vibrational density that slows down prosperity and blocks healthy

The key to healing is accessing the deep core programming - that originated from multiple
moments of trauma - to unwind it. Putting this programming in its correct place in the
prefrontal cortex means no stress from the unconscious "memory" creating a constant fight or
flight reaction. It is equally important to stop the constant unconscious unleashing of the
trauma. Plus, it is also deeply important not to relive the trauma, which can establish a renewed
traumatized pattern.

I have recently channeled the Soul Power Formula to help access the original traumas and,
through the 4-steps, help to access and heal up what is contributing to reactions in the
moment. Any reaction is revealing the unresolved trauma from childhood. Any reaction to a
current trauma is also revealing the pattern of reactions that we created in childhood, just like
the little boy in this story.

And, what I've been doing for the last 30 plus years, is helping people unwind those moments. I
have many different Energy Medicine skills including; sound vibration, healing encoded
journeys, energy key activations called Attunements, divine Laser Light Treatments, and more.
Plus, my globally renowned gentle yet powerful Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT)
system of healing (with over 1000 practitioners). STT is designed to permanently release the
hold of that moment of trauma, without going into the trauma.

When we unwind, we have more space in our field. When we have more space, we have a
vibrancy of potency. When we have a potency, the borders of our universe, which are our
boundaries, get stronger to contain all the space, potency, and power. When we can release
some of this trauma from childhood, we have more energy so that our immune system gets to
tune up and turn on overcoming health issues, illness, and disease.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
I've seen many of my clients miraculously overcome chronic illness, move into prosperity, and
shift challenging relationships. The shift happened simply because they changed their belief
system. This old cycle of survival coping and limiting thoughts had them continually living in a
routine of bracing against life, a routine of dread.

And these coping mechanisms that they used long ago to feel safe, are no longer needed, but
they don't know that and stay stuck, in lack, in self-sabotage, or chronic illness cycles.

Now, soul energy enables your focus to be on your dreams in a trusting and connected way. It
opens you to see where the breadcrumbs are that your soul gives you every day to follow. The
soul is constantly giving you clues of where to go next and what's going to be optimal for you to
take actions that are way beyond where the mind thinks you need to go.

Yet we can't hear them when we have all of these repressed emotions, coping mechanisms, and
beliefs in our way, slowing us down. And so when we start releasing these things, then the
magic happens,

Then we start connecting to our very soul; everyone has a different kind of connection. Some
are more intuitive, and some are more, you know, the "Claire's" like clairaudient, clairvoyant,
clairsentience, and so on. But that's just part of it. That connection to our soul allows us to start
to hear the truest whispers of our divine nature showing us the way so we don't have to think it
through and be waylaid by old trauma events that are still running things in the subconscious.

The pathway to this is to transform these old events which is what the Soul Power Formula is
here to do, which I will share a little later.

For now, we will dive into the 10 most prominent blind spots, false beliefs and patterns that the
Highly Sensitive have created to feel safe in a seeming unsafe world.

Understanding this at the cognitive level is extremely important to the healing process. Again,
once the empaths see it, they get it… and it immediately starts a powerful healing unwinding.

Prepare for some “ah has” in the following…

[NOTE: If you want to experience this Handbook as a Live Video workshop and learn even more
about how these past events are still impacting you today (and how to overcome it), go to the
following link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register for this special Soul Power Formula
Activation movie-length healing encoded video presentation:]

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
PLUS remember the POWERFUL Soul Connection Attunement you’ll receive in the video, as
well as the two healings and a more experiential understanding of the content from this
Handbook. You’ll be glad you checked it out.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Chapter 3 – The 10 Emotional Traps & False Beliefs That
Empaths Fall Into & How to Overcome Them
We all have stories. Sometimes we dwell on those stories… A person, your parents, your
friends, your boss did something to you, and those stories now impact us each time we give
them our attention.

Sometimes we have incidents and challenging events that happened to us that we don’t
remember. We have repressed these traumas.

Yet both the stories we know and tell, and these repressed memories are still in our energy field
impacting every reaction.

We dwell on these negative incidents because they are often still stuck in our bodies. When old
negative thinking and debris is stuck in various energy blocks in our bodies, it acts like big rocks
in the river of our lives and slows down the energy flow. When the energy flow is blocked, we
get sick and feel physical pain. It might also show up as emotional pain and mental fatigue
(memory fog etc.).

The opportunity is to become conscious and get clear, to take each moment and look at what
we are feeling emotionally and how that is showing up in our bodies. Our bodies are perfect
diagnostic tools.

Every physical pain and disease has a thought behind it; a belief that has grown a hard skin of
protection, like a walnut, insulating the emotion that is not safe to be acknowledged. Emotional
healing and release allow access to that thought. That process of spiraling down into upset
re-affirms the trauma again, attracts more of the same.

From this day forward the moments of going backwards into the story, into the trauma into
automatic reaction are ending.

The answer is going deep to access the thought and repressed emotion that created the
traumatic moment. These former upsets then got stuck in the body and the is opportunity now
to create a spontaneous change.

Once transformed, the emotional, mental and physical body intelligence then sighs into a new
and reorganized pattern, opening the flow to all the good you would ever want.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Finding the thought/belief behind our old stories and repressed emotions and acknowledging
that false thought and conclusion, thanking it for its protection (it likely protected us in the
moment of trauma) and allowing it to release, opens the portals to abundance, flow and joy.

The key now is to understand the patterns of these thoughts, coping mechanisms, and
dysfunctional conclusions we made in the midst of an upsetting event AND the most common
of these for the Empath / Highly Sensitive

Here are the 10 emotional traps and false beliefs that empaths and highly sensitive souls fall

1) Falsely (although it feels real) feeling a victim of our lives and circumstances.

The feeling might be something like: “Things just don’t go my way.” And we shrug our shoulders
feel resigned to our “fate.”

Whenever you claim something by repeating it over and over, you give it power and make it so.
NOW add to it, the Highly Sensitive’s extra vibrational energy, and you have a recipe for
consistently attracting circumstances that “make you” a victim.

Consequently, when you regularly point out what is wrong or bad and how “they did that to
me,” you validate that you are victim, and are essentially claiming that you are not in command
of your life. You give your power to “them” and therefore stay in that victim state.

[Here it is important to note that it’s our reaction to circumstances that have us feel that we are
victims. Something not ok may have happened, but with every challenge comes solutions if you
are aligned with that.]

Perpetually being a victim happens because one believes they are a victim.

This perspective may seem to lack compassion, but it is a fact of vibration and frequency that,
what we pay the most attention to is what the universe is saying yes to and expanding for us.
So, when we point to what is wrong and what is happening to us, we negate our own natural
power. And we slow down our ability to shift our energy and therefore seemingly can’t change
our circumstances. Essentially, we stop solution energy from finding us.

Let’s look as World War 2 as an example of this cycle. The resistance fighters that helped to turn
the tide of war did not live their lives as victims. They acted each day from their power, knowing

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
their small efforts were important. They used the moment of German oppression to shift it and
claim a new way, and took action toward that new possibility.

You have that same possibility, to seek the next steps with courage and faith knowing this too
shall pass. You see, the soul’s journey is about forward momentum, and momentum often
accelerates when we have these soul “puzzles” or “experiments” to move through.

While you can create the sense of being a victim, you also have the power and profound
energetic gifts, to move past this victim state. I often change my angle of perceptions during
these moments of seeming injustice, to shift the energies, observing it as a puzzle my soul
created for me. Knowing this upset is simply another evolutionary momentum of expansion
here to help me to shift into solution energies, then, the solutions simply show up.

The Soul Power Formula was designed to help you tap into the solution possibilities of your soul
connection. The Formula is found in the next chapter, and you can experience it in the Video
Masterclass too.

2) Telling the same story of what’s wrong over and over.

When the empath/highly sensitive tells and retells their story of their past upsets, it
perpetuates the energy even more of attracting the same. Where we focus our attention is
where the energy expands. And that is doubly (maybe quadruple) true for the highly sensitive
because we bring all that extra energy to all beliefs bringing them firmly to manifestation.

The tendency is to keep sharing that traumatic event as a coping mechanism, the mind
somehow feels safe in that known event. And sometimes we share it as badge of honor to
validate why we are the way we are. Perhaps acknowledging, “this is why I’m not good enough.”

Let me explain that thought a little more… When I was in my thirties, I would tell anyone who
would listen, in the most inappropriate times (to people who I should not be telling), about my
story of abuse. Imagine being a coworker and, almost out of the blue, having someone tell the
details of childhood abuse.

I did that as a coping mechanism because I didn’t think I was good enough, so I had to explain to
everyone WHY I wasn’t good enough, it was BECAUSE I was abused. I was hoping they would
excuse my faulty behavior (that wasn’t that bad, but I thought it was bad) by having them
empathize and feel sorry for with me.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
What I have come to understand is that these events and the stories we tell about them are not
who we are, but are simply something that happened to us. They represent catalyst moments
nudging deep shifts and encouraging healing. And by going into the details of these events over
and over, we relive them and can even keep re-traumatizing ourselves.

Next time you go to tell that same story of trauma and upset, pause, notice it, and see if you can
move into a neutral state for a moment. You may notice that what is really happening is the
unresolved believes and repressed emptions that are at the surface, and it is simply revealing
that it’s time to heal that story.

And notice in those moments, does retelling this story make you feel alive, fulfilled, happy,
energetic content? If not, then that is a sign that it’s time to now tell the story of your future, as
a whole, vibrant possibility-thinking, being.

That story is LONG over, for some of us it’s been decades since that incident happened, it is time
to now move forward, and use that story as a point of healing.

You can do the Soul Power Formula (see next chapter) and watch that story fade into the

3) Finding allies to validate what is wrong and bad in our lives or in the world
also known as gossiping.

Why do we gossip?

Why do need to find allies that must agree with us?

These again are the blind spots that keep us in lack, limitation, and ill health.

Let’s unpack this…

Now there is a difference between sharing and gossip. My friend Alison Armstrong talks about a
feminine principle called “emptying your basket.” This is a lovely form of sharing that allows us
to release around the events of the day or charged energy.

It goes like this; in the more instinctive “cavewoman” times, the woman would gather berries,
herbs plants etc. Then when they got back to the cave, they would share with each other what
they found, and empty their baskets to release all the gatherings of the day.
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
So now you can you see yourself having gathered a basket of energies from the day or week,
and you can now consciously share, without animosity as you empty that basket.
The opposite of that is gossip. Talking about another person is called triangulating, and it helps
no one. It holds the person you are gossiping about in a cage of judgment. It keeps you in a
lower vibrational energy. And you KNOW the person you are gossiping with, is gossiping about
you with someone else, holding you in those same cords of judgment.

Instead seek to empty your basket, share and say, “I am emptying my basket and releasing the
energies of the day.” And have your partner agree to listening without commenting, agreeing, or
disagreeing. This strategy is much cleaner and uplifting.

In the context of this chapter, allies are those we seek out to feel safer with in a seemingly
unsafe world. In other words, we need them to agree with us to feel safe.

Friends on the other hand are those who we trust, inherently feel safe with, and tell us the
non-judgmental truth when we are veering off course.

We often seek allies to agree with our limiting and false point of view to feel safe. It is just the
nature of being human. It’s safer to have someone agree with us than risk conflict in a

And we seek allies that say, “yes you are right” so in our minds we “feel better.”

It often starts with opinion. Many times, in an effort to feel safe, we listen from our opinions
and move into, “do I agree or disagree.” So, someone starts to speak, or we read something,
and our default is, I don’t agree, or I agree. This is what I call a mind-orient state and does not
allow the full breadth of our soul nature to be present.

We have immediately put ourselves in a limited state where we are not in good shape unless
they agree with us. AND in turn that person you are interacting with is not seen because you
can’t fully “hear” them from your mind-oriented opinion perspective.

The seeking ally strategy doesn’t feel great either, there is a part of us that knows we are not
being authentic, we just don’t want to cause waves, OR we need them to cause waves with us.

So, how does one switch from gossip and seeking allies to “emptying your basket” and hearing
from the soul?

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
First simply notice it in the moment, does the interaction feel uplifting, empowering, authentic
or is the mind in calculation or manipulation?

Move if you can into that observer / neutral state and simply notice; “oh gosh I’m gossiping or
needing someone to agree with me.” That level of consciousness can then enable you to see the
dysfunctional patterns.

Simply seeing the patters in 80% of the healing. When you see the patterns, you now move into
choice, do I want to continue this pattern or make changes.

A great way to make changes is the Soul Power Formula found in the next chapter (and you can
experience it in the Video Masterclass).

Remember that old saying "Would I rather be love or be right?”

4) The Blame and judgement game. Righteous indignation and lashing out.

A big defense mechanism is blame, judgement and more recently “righteous indignation.”

These are big giveaways that you are out of your soul power and playing in the mind and ego.

As a trauma specialist that has created a trauma-resolution healing system, The Spontaneous
Transformation Technique and having studied trauma for over 3 decades. The conclusion is;
Every single moment of blame, judgment and reaction is a moment of unresolved trauma.

AND judgement, reaction, blame, righteous indignation are also moments of revelation,
showing you where your energy is really at, and what is ready to shift. These reactions are a
default from upset in childhood that are triggered in the moment.

The Will Smith and Chris Rock Incident at the Oscars is a case in point… Will’s triggered reaction
to defend Jada resulted in his uncontrolled reaction of violence’s toward Chris Rock was from
unresolved trauma. We subsequently found out that Will watched his father beat his mother
and had deep regret that he couldn’t protect her. When Chris insulted his wife’s medical
condition (alopecia) he went into that unresolved trauma and into an overreaction.

Chris Rock’s reaction was also unresolved trauma. We find out that Chris was bullied as a child
and in seeking retribution filled a bag with rocks, found the bully and hit him with the bag. The

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
bully was in the hospital and almost died, so Chris decided he would never react in violence, to
violence, thus took the slap and had a freeze response.

THEN this hit the public and I watched in social media all the reactions that came from
unresolved trauma, it was either fight, flight or freeze reactions of blame, judgement or not
being able to react, or even some saying it was a hoax.

My own reaction was from trauma. I watch it live and I went straight into my old patterns of
repression and denial. The great new is, I was able to use The Soul Power Formula in that
moment and clearly saw my trauma response and healed it in the moment.

ALL these reactions and lashing out come from unresolved trauma, and for the empath/highly
sensitive it can be more prominent because we are such powerhouses of energy that wherever
our attention is focused the thought energy expands for us and for all.

The opportunity is to notice the moment we are in judgement and change that trajectory
activating our natural movement to compassion (first for ourselves, then for them).

Another piece of this puzzle, is as an empath, our natural abilities and inclinations are also here
to support others in their healing and transformation. We naturally move toward compassion.
Judgement is the opposite of that.

In fact, energetically when you judge someone, you are holding them in the energy of their
greatest mistakes. So, notice the judgment and use it as a point of transformation for you and

Now it’s time to use this cognitive understandings from this blind spot to choose differently in
the moment and the Soul Power Formula found in the next chapter (and in the Masterclass
Video) is a great way to shift these patterns.

5) Someone else has to change in order to be happy/powerful/peaceful.

When we are in conflict, or have a boss that is upsetting us, or in a friendship that is one-sided
and unfair… the mind will see it as something out there that has to change in order for you to
be happy. Or “they” must change for you to be successful, etc.

The mind thinks; “THEY are holding me back”

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Them having to change, is a recipe for never being happy, because now you are beholden to
them changing. What a bummer!

I have a theory I developed a couple of decades ago called, “The Consistency Theory,” and it
says, “people are nothing if not consistent. If you were to say A-B-C to that consistent
personality, they would react with D-E-F virtually every time.”

So, at some point it becomes our responsibility to choose a different response to their
consistent behavior.

WE are the ones reacting to, and being upset by, something VERY predictable.

The other piece of this puzzle is our part in the dance.

We live in a vibrational universe, and we are constantly giving off ripples of energy that are
creative and are nudging the universe to be manifesting all the time.

When our vibration is happy for no reason, in other words we claim happiness without requiring
an outside influence that “makes” us happy, we are rippling that out to the universe as happy
vibes. AND we attract that happy vibe right into our lives, bodies, prosperity health and

And just the same if we are unhappy, and focus regularly on just how unhappy we are, we
magnify this energy and we are attracting that right back to us. That includes the challenging
personalities in our lives.

We are not wrong, or bad, or doing it incorrectly by the way, it’s just the nature of energy.

We as empaths have a secret gift though; we can change our energy. When we notice the
patterns and evidence, that is simply showing us where we are at. These challenging people or
circumstances are revealing where our energy is. And when we heal it up, we are no longer a
vibrational match to that person who upsets us or to that stressful circumstance.

One of two things then happens with the people side of the equation, the person either
changes to match our new field of happy, or they find someone else that matches their

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
So, start noticing those times when your mind thinks “if only they (or it) would change, THEN I
would be happy/safe/successful etc.” That vibrational resonance is setup to be unhappy and out
of control, it’s time to claim your power as a highly sensitive!

The Soul Power Formula is a great technique (found in the next chapter and in the Masterclass
Video) to use in those moments of noticing.

6) Superiority / better than (does it make you feel good).

I have seen over and over a strategy that the spiritual person uses that causes such confusion
for themselves and for those in their lives. This is another survival mechanism that makes it
somehow feel safer but often creates the opposite. It’s called spiritual superiority.

Once you discover your gifts as and empath / highly sensitive, it’s so easy to move into a sense
of “better than.” Yet, in the power and might of the highly sensitive, being superior can be quite
damaging. This is where gurus that put themselves on pedestals are made. This is where cults
are formed. The minute we think we are better than another is the minute we lost the point of
our gifts.

And remember the extra energetic power we bring to everything we take action on (including
our thoughts)? Well now look at someone who is being affected by this powerful energy we are
wielding from ego and better than, it bowls them over and blows them out.

A clue that we are being superior is:

● Defensiveness
● Envy
● Not being happy with another person’s success
● Watching someone in their gifts and immediately thinking “I could do that,” and not
being able to be in the moment of appreciation (making it about you instead)
● KNOWING the exact and only way to do XYZ, and not considering there is more than one
way, or someone may have different expertise and experience that could be right and

Remember this is simply a coping mechanism to feel safe, and yet it takes away your amazing
gifts. And no criticism here, there by the grace of God WENT I (and regularly). Yet it is now time
to notice this and shift this.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
A great way to do that is, you guessed it, The Soul Power Formula

7) Using spirituality as a crutch.

The conversation and solutions being offered in this book are also addressing what it’s like being
spiritually active human. Yet this attention to spirituality can also be a distraction and a crutch
by a mind that is seeking safety at all costs.

My spiritual journey has been the greatest dance of opening and healing in my life. My spiritual
practices and the spiritual tools I have personally created, as well as those that I have
experienced, have saved my life. I am so incredibly grateful for receiving these amazing
opportunities so I can see life in a holistic and holy way.

Yet there came a point in my life where spirituality was all of it, it was no longer the tool for
connection, it became THE connection. And I became an evangelist for the tool (and not the
results of those tools).

In my zeal, I could no longer participate in the world. I alienated my sister and some very dear
friends with my constant, woo woo jargon and need to show off my crystals, my alters, my sage,
my sound vibration, my tarot cards, my numerology, my astrology… you get the idea.

This brilliant and important part of my life was now causing separation. It was now a crutch that
was holding me back.

I was no longer trusting myself, my soul and my soul’s vision and guidance. Instead, I was
turning to the tarot reader, the astrologer, the Numerologist etc. for my answers. The apparatus
of spirituality now became the only source. And my friends and family could no longer relate to

These amazing tools are still things I turn to, but now I know that they are vehicles for my soul
to communicate with me, not the source of the answers and guidance I might be seeking.

I know that these tools don’t matter (when we make something matter it turns into density).
Instead, what is most important are the messages that are coming though these tools, AND how
this insight helps me and guides me.

The mind is fascinating in its ability to take something that works and warp into something that
is now a distraction from our soul connection. The Mind isn’t wrong or bad with this strategy
either, it is just traying to take control of a human experience when we have disconnected from

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
our soul. That disconnection happens however when we are not catching and shifting these 10
blind spots and emotional traps. Then we start to lean on the tools and tells stories about the
tools and forget that these spiritual paraphernalia are just the infrastructure giving us access to
our guidance.

How do you know if your spirituality is becoming your crutch or distraction? If you talk about
these spiritual items more than 10 times a day (versus talking about the benefits and insights
they are delivering), that is your sign.

8) Spiraling into overwhelm and anxiety.

The default of many empaths/highly sensitive beings is overwhelm and anxiety, and thinking
their gift of sensitivity and emotionality feels like a curse.

The tendency is to get into a downward spiral, the incident happens, the trigger shows up, and
the mind takes over moving us into the old patterns of false beliefs, unresolved trauma,
incorrect conclusions etc. Then we wallow in the upset for days, months even years.

The irony is that the powerful empath energy amplifies all of this… the negative limitations are
now wallowing in the upset, and that influences the field to attract more of the same.

This is why I created the Soul Power Formula, and there are no accidents it was channeled
through at this moment in history.

What is the source of this downward spiral?

These 10 blind spots and emotional traps, when not noticed and address, are what is creating
much of this overwhelm.

Consider that the souls reading this very handbook are THE Ones that are here to change the
dynamics of this planet into love. Yes, YOU are one of the ones who signed up this lifetime to
contribute your gifts to help the vibration of this planet and those who live on it at this turning
point in humanity.

And yet some of these amazing souls think that their gifts are what is causing the problems in
their lives. When it is simply not understanding and claiming their GREAT power. When really
your true power is to consciously identify the blind spots and emotional traps as a point of
access to now shift and heal these old patterns.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Use The Soul Power Formula to check that tendency to spiral into drama, overwhelm
victimhood, them needing to change, superiority, blame, and unresolved trauma. It is what is
contributing to mistakenly feeling stuck, or not enough, or too sensitive or overly emotional.

This planet needs you in GREAT shape, being in your power and claiming with confidence your
gifts of sensitivity and compassion. When you start to spiral down, use The Soul Power Formula.

9) Not trusting our Intuition.

Your intuition is right 100% of the time.

Let me say that again… the intuition of a highly sensitive being / empath is right 100% of the

It is part of your gift, it is your 6th sense that makes you and empath.

Most of you realize your power of intuition in hindsight, “if only I had listened to my gut.”

Take a look back at all those moments in your life when your intuition told you so and you didn’t
listen (and maybe those times you did).

It is time for you to trust your intuition now more than ever, it is part of the gift that the world
needs. Your intuition is a gift the world is waiting for. AND the gift your life, health, prosperity,
relationships need too.

In the Masterclass Video I teach you a healing protocol that can be used in Step 3 of the Soul
Power Formula called “what If.” Use that “what if” game to strengthen your trust and faith in
your intuition. And if you are called to the Soul Power Formula Course, we go into this in depth.

10) Thinking we need to protect ourselves.

One of the items I teach right away to the empath/highly sensitive souls is that their power is a
natural protection.

We know at this stage how powerful you are and that you bring extra energy to your beliefs. So
here is the challenge with needing to protect yourself, it creates a belief into the world that you
aren’t safe. And that lack of safety is what then attracts experiences of not being safe and
needing to protect.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Ugh, right?

As you will learn in the Masterclass Video, and eventually in the course, is that you, in a state of
authentic and divine soul oriented beingness (and connected to your soul), creates a level of
power that IS pure protection. It even has the very border of your universe shift into a strong
and flexible barrier that delivers real protection.

It’s time to be in your great power. Then together we get to watch what happens in in our lives,
and even to the planet, when enough of us are doing this.

I’m super excited for you to discover each day what intentionally and consciously moving into
your power does to all aspects of your life. AND I’m even more trilled to witness you move into
that natural protection that is so incredibly powerful and life affirming.


And those are your blind spots revealed, I have shared here that when an empath gets’ it, they
REALLY get it! Bringing these blind spots to your attention enables a new energy of possibility to
show up.

Get ready, because good things are coming your way!

Next is the most potent technique on the planet at this time to help the Highly Sensitive
overcome these obstacles and claim their true strength and powers…

The Soul Power Formula.

[NOTE: If you want to experience this Handbook as a Live Video workshop and actually
experience Jennifer walking you through the Soul Power Formula and the potent “what If,”
healing technique, go to the following link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register for
this special Soul Power Formula Activation movie-length healing encoded video presentation:]

PLUS remember the POWERFUL Soul Connection Attunement you’ll receive in the video, as
well as the two healings and a more experiential understanding of the content from this
Handbook. You’ll be glad you checked it out.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Chapter 4 – The Soul Power Formula

[NOTE, if you have the Soul Power Formula eBook, this has the same chapter, if you have already
read it you will have changed. Read it here with the new perspectives you’ve received from this
Handbook, AND from the healings your received in the eBook.]

This is your original never-before-available Soul Power Formula. I'm thrilled for you to
experience this. (If you want to experience this on a video be sure to GO HERE and register for
this healing encoded movie-length masterclass, you’ll have 5 full days to watch it once you

Here is a short cut, "notes" version so you can quickly go through the steps. Below these
shortened steps are the deeper explanations and examples:

1) FEEL YOUR FEELINGS: Access your emotions in the midst of a reaction; genuinely feel your
feelings. There is a really good reason you are feeling what you are feeling. Consciously
acknowledge your feelings, honor your feelings, feel your feelings, love the part of you that
is feeling these feelings. Sometimes "in-the-moment" isn’t possible, so when you leave the
situation and are still in the emotional upset, that is a good time to apply Step 1 of the

2) TUNE INTO THE FACTS: Once you feel the completion of the expressed emotions, you can
tune into “the facts.” In a healthy detached way, assess the situation that triggered you.
From the state of the observer, bring conscious understanding to what triggered you and
why. At this stage, you might even see a pattern of reaction and perhaps the story behind
that pattern of behavior. Now that it makes sense that you were triggered… it’s now
consciously understood. You no longer need to label yourself as “irrational,” or “too
sensitive,” or “too emotional.” Acknowledge the facts.

3) SHIFT THE ENERGY: Use something in your toolbox of healing and transformation to shift
your energy and heal up what’s been revealed through steps 1 and 2. And if you don’t have
some ready-at-hand tools, see below for some examples. So this step is where the
permanent healing and change happen. You use a healing tool or systems like EFT, or my
system of healing ‘The Spontaneous Transformation Technique,’ or healing touch or others
and move into a whole new energy. Each time you do this, it layers in permanent
transformation. So, to even further shorthand, it is A) Move into the center of your soul (see
the masterclass video presentation for the explanation on how to do that), B) play the
“What if…” game (found in the Video Masterclass) finding the opposite of the upsetting
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
emotion, or do an STT session (you’ll receive this in the course), or use another healing
technique that you know.

4) DECIDE NEXT ACTION FROM SOUL CONNECTION: Move above the upset now, feel a
connection with your soul and decide the next action from there from this soul power place.

The recommended protocol for the Soul Power Formula is to apply it in the midst of an upset.
Use it during a situation where you are triggered. Or Just after the event if you can’t do it

The potency comes from using any moment of triggered upset as a new opportunity for healing.
Now, instead of spiraling down into more upset (that attracts people and situations creating
more of the same upset), use it as a moment for deep, permanent transformation that builds
and layers in more space, peace, and calm in your field of being.

Each time you apply the formula, you are establishing a growing capacity for clarity that helps
you to continue to remain calm and in good shape no matter what shows up.

Let’s go into a deeper explanation of each step so you REALLY get this “in your bones” and can
use it and apply it daily from now on…


Step 1 of the Soul Power Formula is to access your emotions which means, in the midst of a reaction, to
take a moment to genuinely feel your feelings. Or do so shortly after the event has ended and you are
still upset, angry, etc. I want to give you another little story about feeling your feelings that might help.

Imagine there's a 2 - 3-year-old, and you're in the grocery store with them. Suddenly, they just have to
have a chocolate bar, and if they don’t, for them, it’s the end of the world. Of course, you're not going to
give them a chocolate bar just before dinner; you don't want them to have all that sugar either, right?

What happens next? Well, they now have a meltdown, a full-on temper tantrum. The opportunity, using
this step one, is to hold space for them, in a detached way, to let them feel what they are feeling. So, as
they are having their meltdown, let them feel their feelings.

What often happens is that the person who is the caretaker of that beautiful child becomes triggered.
The caretaker goes into their reaction. It may cause embarrassment, the child isn't going to be seen as
good enough, and the caretaker is going to be judged, etc.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Remember, those kinds of triggered reactions to the child’s behavior come from their childhood trauma.
So instead of holding space for the child to simply feel their emotions, the caretaker yells at the child.
They tell the child to calm down and go to the car or go to the corner etc...

We do this to ourselves, too; we don’t allow ourselves to simply feel and work it through.

As an aside, if they just gave that child two to three minutes, sometimes just 90 seconds, that is all that is
needed to hold space for the child to feel. If the caretaker got down on one knee, looked the upset child
in the eye, and validated their feelings. Perhaps saying something like, “of course you would feel this
way; I know that it's upsetting. And you're still not going to get that candy bar, but I get that you're
upset.” Then the child would be through it, having completed the feelings, and released the moment,
and can then easily move on.

This is what we can now do for ourselves as part of step 1, validate our own feelings in the midst of a
reaction (or shortly after). If we can give ourselves the 90 seconds to three minutes, that may just be all
the time we need to feel the feelings. This is quite important because most of the time we have not
really been allowed to take that short time to express our emotions in our society, in our families with
our partners, at work, etc.

In fact, some of you reading these very words may have never genuinely experienced your feelings. This
may even seem like it's challenging. To elaborate on this, feelings are not, “I feel hungry.” That's not a
feeling. Feelings are sadness, anger, fear, envy, and shame. The most common is sad and angry.

Another example is, “I’m upset,” which isn’t really a feeling; that's telling yourself that you have a feeling.
Instead, what's the feeling/emotion behind the upset? Are you seeing the difference? When you are at
step 1, notice if you're in a reaction, then move into “what am I feeling?” What emotions am I feeling?
Am I sad? Am I angry? Am I envious?

Then, when we bring our conscious attention to it, I call this “shining the light of consciousness on it,” it
expands. Expanding, in this case, means really feeling, being in the emotion. It might be as simple as
“boy, I really feel angry.” On a side note, that's different from “I am” angry because I am angry is a
full-body visceral claim. We don't need to do that anymore. Instead, “I feel,” so I feel angry, and you will
then experience the emotion almost instantly dissipate. It completes.

Also, remember that there's a good reason why you're feeling the way you're feeling. To illustrate this,
let's go back to the story of the boy; remember his “I can't commit, because I'll die,” fear and belief? That
belief shows up in those moments of bliss that trigger the fear from the original traumatic event. Well,
there’s a really good reason he is feeling that way even though he can’t consciously remember it.

So, when you have a feeling, and you can't really figure out why you’re reacting the way you are, just
know, there's a really good reason (and you don't have to know what it is). If you're in reaction or
overreaction, the emotion behind it has a good reason for being there. Something that happened a long,
long time ago that created beliefs and coping mechanisms that are still running us now. And now, in this
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
very moment, you have a conscious understanding you can now use in the moment of upset to shift. And
that brings us to step 2.


In Step 2, you are going to focus on the facts after releasing the emotions. Once you feel the completion
of the expressed emotions, you have the space to tune into the situation that “caused” the reaction.

You will notice that you have space like you can breathe better, which now allows you to tune into the
facts of the situation. The space allows a capacity to bring a conscious detached energy to noticing in a
healthy and untethered way, as an observer. From that place, access the situation that triggered you, and
notice what happened.

Conscious understanding in step 2 means we aren’t blaming, we are not pointing fingers, we are not
demanding that “they have to change.” Whenever someone else has to change in order for you to be ok,
happy, or balanced, then you are creating an impossible structure for life. You can’t change another, so if
you constantly need them to change to be in good shape… well, that simply won't happen. It’s up to us
to make the change, to shift.

In this instance, you, as the observer, are noticing the facts of the situation. It was you that was triggered
from within you, even though it may seem like THEY triggered you. You triggered you, and from this
place of observer, you might even see how it may make sense as to why you were triggered. You may
even see a pattern of times in the past where similar situations may have triggered you. This cognitive
understanding can also shift the energy quite a bit.

Conscious understanding, bringing conscious attention to it, “shining the light of consciousness” on it,
expands your awareness and understanding of the patterns and the beliefs underneath the reactions.
You don’t have to know where the pattern came from or what event created it; you simply notice that
there is a pattern. And that knowledge puts you in a position to choose, meaning you have it instead of
this unconscious reaction having you.

This understanding ultimately gives you freedom. Seeing it shifts the energy simply by understanding it.
And a huge plus is, when you see the pattern, you likely will no longer judge yourself or label that
reaction as irrational behavior. You're no longer this overly sensitive, overly emotional person. You’re
simply seeing what is.

Let me give you an example of this. One of my clients has celiac disease. Celiac is a serious allergic
reaction to wheat. The consequences of eating wheat could result in an acute health issue. She has to be
really careful where she eats. So, she only eats in places where she knows her food won’t get
cross-contamination. The smallest amount of wheat cross-contamination on a cutting board can result in
a reaction that's dangerous.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
There's this one place near her work where, because of past experiences, it is not good for her to eat
there. Yet when she was in an emotional reaction, she would tend to go get food at this particular cafe as
a coping mechanism to overcome a triggered upset.

We talked in our session about an incident at the office that triggered her into a reaction, and she went
into an unconscious mode of going straight to that cross-contamination café, eating the food, and
subsequently got ill from it.

If we were to rewind that moment and move to the moment when she was making the decision to go to
the cafe, this is where you would apply the soul power formula. This is where she could have felt her
feelings instead of taking in dangerous food to stuff the feelings. Instead, she would have moved into the
moment and paused and noticed, “I'm about to do something that's not good for me.” Then she would
go into having the feelings from step 1.

Next, for you, as you feel your feelings, you have more clarity to actually see what's really going on as
part of this step 2.

Back to my client regarding step 2, when we unpacked the situation, she got to see clearly that someone
said something that triggered a pattern. And by seeing the facts of the event that triggered her (through
step 2), she got to notice the false pattern and limiting beliefs.

And she was able to notice the simple facts of the situation. There wasn’t some huge story, or “he said
she said,” but she simply was triggered. As she evaluated the facts, she saw that she wasn’t crazy or
irrational; there was a good reason she reacted the way she did. It was an old pattern, an old set of
beliefs. Step 2 of seeing the facts then creates relief in the biofield, which creates a genuine shift and an

To recap step 2, notice the fact that someone triggered you. They said something, and you might see a
pattern of behavior (after feeling the emotions). They said this thing, and it triggered your reaction of
maybe, “I’m not good enough.” It may have triggered your reaction of trying to change yourself to please
another. And therefore, you might go into this unconscious reaction pattern of eating something that's
not good for you or doing something that’s not optimal. After step one of feeling the feelings, you can
move into the neutral facts of what is here in step 2. You now know you are no longer irrational, overly
emotional, or too sensitive. You're starting to sense there is more going on than just a simple reaction.


And we come to Step 3. Step three is “shift the energy.” Step three is to heal, transform, transmute,
transmogrify and move the energy into power and balance. Step 3 is where we heal and actually move
into our connection to our soul.

I can hear you asking how do I shift the energy? There's a lot of tools that I happen to have in my own
toolkit that I've developed over 30 years of healing and share in my courses. One of them is my
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Spontaneous Transformation Technique. I also use Sound Vibration to shift the energy. Plus, there are my
healing journeys that transform the energy, as well as unlock dormant energy keys from my
attunements. You may also know many different healing modalities that would work here.

You will learn a process that you can use for step 3 in the Video Masterclass, for now, step 3 is to reach
into the toolbox of transformation and pull something out that's going to shift the energy permanently.
This is to use in the moment, to bring conscious attention to the reaction, the feelings, the facts, and
then heal whatever is showing up.

As we know, the reaction is simply revealing the subconscious material. Remember the little boy? Well,
the moments that we are triggered into a reaction are revelatory. They show us what is ready to be seen
and shifted. And step 3 is to shift it.

Now each time you feel, then see the facts (and maybe the patterns and beliefs), then use that
revelation to apply a healing technique to permanently change that pattern, you are creating ongoing,
consistent, permanent transformation.

As we use the steps in the formula daily, with each reaction, we find a rhythm of transformation that
layers in healing over and over until we eventually don’t even move into the reaction. You see, the
reaction is simply information, and, as mentioned, it is revelation. It is showing you something. It’s not
there to cause stress; it's here to help you to heal these old subconscious beliefs, conclusions, coping
mechanisms, and repressed emotions.

One thing you can do in step 3 that takes just a minute or two is what I call the “what if” game. And you
can use that to also access your truest centered nature, yet another healing technique. See The
masterclass video presentation for these two powerful healing processes that you can use for step 3, or
if you have any other healing tricks and techniques, use them here.

[NOTE: during the Soul Formula Course you will experience many, many powerful healing sessions with
these various techniques and processes for shifting the energies at this stage 3. AND I’m also going to,
step by step, teach you how to do these self-healing techniques for yourself! You can learn more and
experience one of those techniques right now by watching the Masterclass Video Workshop HERE.

Now, on to step 4!


Step four is; what's the next action? So for my client mentioned above, the next action after healing up
the pattern in step 3 was not going to the café. Instead, in that moment after the healing, it’s now easy
to then just move into a new action like, “I'm going to get my own lunch, and take a walk and eat what is
good for me.”

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
The intention with step 4 is, “What's the next action now?” In other words, what’s the best right action
from the feeling, facts, and healing gained from steps 2 – 3. Remember; step 1, feel your feelings. Step 2,
understand the facts of the situation (and maybe notice the patterns and beliefs) and KNOW that you're
not irrational. Step 3, shift and heal up the limiting beliefs and false patterns revealed in step 2.

From there, you will start taking completely different actions from this point forward as you bring
conscious attention to what was revealed and released from steps 1 - 3 . These then become different
actions than where the mind-oriented triggered reaction would have taken you prior to the
implementation of the Soul Power Formula.

The mind action would come from our default emotional responses, like outrage, indignation, lashing
out, making them wrong, running away, or moving into old patterns of overeating, depression, and

The fight, flight, or freeze responses of the sympathetic nervous system come from the mind-oriented
subconscious default reactions. These default reactions create actions that have us move forward from
fear vs being able to act from our freed-up energy and soul power.

The soul power formula brings you this beautiful conscious understanding, connection, and
embodiment of your soul. So you now take an action that is a soul-powered action. The best part is that
the mechanics of soul-powered action serve all. Mind-oriented actions usually have a backward upset
attached to them. But a soul power action creates a beautiful mechanism so that all are served.

When you manifest from your mind, that's when 3-d physics comes in, meaning there's an equal and
opposite reaction. This results in a backward upset created when you push with power-over and
manipulation to manifest through the mind. Remember, the mind that is not clear is influenced and
fueled by the traumas of the past. In an effort to protect and feel safe, the mind manipulates and pushes
through; it’s the only strategy it knows.

However, when you are taking action from the soul, you are creating something that benefits everyone.
Everyone gets served to the highest level. All the souls around you get served exactly the right way when
it comes from the clarity of the connected soul.

Now, here's a little secret, when you manifest from the soul, it's real manifestation, and it's much, much
faster. Soul creation accelerates manifestation profoundly because the energy is now so clear. It’s not
mucked up with the subconsciously running old beliefs, repressed emotions, traumas, and the false
conclusions made from those traumas.

Step 4 is to take action from the clear, healed energy and from the soul connection to accelerate creation
that in turn serves all.

This is especially true for Highly Sensitive Beings…

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
[NOTE: If you want to experience this Handbook as a Live Video workshop, go to the following
link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register for this special Soul Power Formula
Activation movie-length healing encoded video presentation:]

PLUS remember the POWERFUL Soul Connection Attunement you’ll receive in the video, as
well as the two healings and a more experiential understanding of the content from this
Handbook. You’ll be glad you checked it out.

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Chapter 5 – What’s Next – A Free Video Presentation
with Experiential Healing
There is a powerful healing Masterclass Video Workshop that allows you to experience the
healings laid out in this Handbook.

There are even deep explanations for many of the ideas you just read here that can only be
elaborated through a video.

AND you’ll receive a remarkable Attunement at the end of the video presentation. My
attunements are internationally renowned to create the deepest and purest core vibrational
shifts, and in this video, you will receive yours. If you know about Reiki, Reiki practitioners are
"initiated," which is kind of like they are turned on and tuned into the Reiki energy, my
attunements initiate as well...

I have developed this powerful attunement technique to activate specific intended yet dormant
frequencies in your field. Think of it like an energetic key that will unlock your Soul Power
connection, establishing a permanent foundation that you can forever access.

Go to the following link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register for a very special healing
encoded video masterclass: Soul Power Formula Activation workshop. It fills out this
information masterfully:

The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
About Author Jennifer McLean:
Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed Healer, Author,
Speaker, Edge Pusher, and Transformational Change Agent. She is the
creator of the renowned healing accelerant: “The Spontaneous
Transformation Technique (STT),” that delivers instant
transformation and healing.

For more than two decades, this innovative healing modality has
helped tens of thousands of individuals shift held energy in the body.
Individuals have been able to liberate themselves from old hurts,
and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset, and create
new neural pathways and patterns of Quantum Wholeness. With
almost 1000 STT Practitioners in this unique system, it is quickly
becoming a “go to” for creating real change in extreme times.

She has also discovered the Soul Power Formula, the most powerful
and proven method for connecting in and receiving direct insights,
inspirations and impulses of the soul. Prepare to receive for life
changing renewal, ease, peace, calm and power.... for the health
wellness and prosperity.

Jennifer has co-taught programs offering the healing component to workshops and programs
with renowned thought leader Marianne Williamson, and multiple New York Time bestselling
author and near death survivor Anita Moorjani, as well as Conversations With God creator
Neale Donald Walsch, and was invited to teach on The Shift Network.

She came into this industry hosting the original, largest, and most renowned online summit;
Healing With The Masters, reaching over 1 million souls over 17 seasons. She now focuses her
full-time attention delivering her healing and psychic gifts.

Jennifer has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, and online summits and is covered in renowned media
publications. STT and other healing philosophies are covered in her 5 bestselling books and
dozens of online healing programs.

To experience Jennifer’s amazing gifts in a powerful original and one-of-a-kind Video

Masterclass Workshop, go to the following link (or copy and paste it into a browser) to register
for this special movie-length Soul Power Formula Activation Workshop:
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved
The Empaths Handbook of Peace & Power
©McLean Masterworks / Jennifer McLean 2022 - All Rights Reserved

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